Yong 2021
Yong 2021
Yong 2021
Biotechnology Advances
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biotechadv
Keywords: The coexistence of algae and bacteria in nature dates back to the very early stages when life came into existence.
Algae The interaction between algae and bacteria plays an important role in the planet ecology, cycling nutrients, and
Bacteria feeding higher trophic levels, and have been evolving ever since. The emerging concept of algal-bacterial con
sortia is gaining attention, much towards environmental management and protection. Studies have shown that
algal-bacterial synergy does not only promote carbon capture in wastewater bioremediation but also conse
Industry 4.0 quently produces biofuels from algal-bacterial biomass. This review has evaluated the optimistic prospects of
Sustainability algal-bacterial consortia in environmental remediation, biorefinery, carbon sequestration as well as its contri
bution to the production of high-value compounds. In addition, algal-bacterial consortia offer great potential in
bloom control, dye removal, agricultural biofertilizers, and bioplastics production. This work also emphasizes the
advancement of algal-bacterial biotechnology in environmental management through the incorporation of In
dustry Revolution 4.0 technologies. The challenges include its pathway to greener industry, competition with
other food additive sources, societal acceptance, cost feasibility, environmental trade-off, safety and compati
bility. Thus, there is a need for further in-depth research to ensure the environmental sustainability and feasi
bility of algal-bacterial consortia to meet numerous current and future needs of society in the long run.
* Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tunghai University, Taichung 407, Taiwan.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: PauLoke.Show@nottingham.edu.my (P.L. Show), changjs@thu.edu.tw (J.-S. Chang).
Co-first author
Received 13 September 2020; Received in revised form 24 November 2020; Accepted 22 December 2020
Available online 30 December 2020
0734-9750/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
et al., 2005). One of the earliest and conventional algal-bacterial consortia was in
Exchange of micro- and macronutrients takes place to enhance the open ponds. The affordable consortia were proven to enhance the
growth of both algae and bacteria. Even though the presence of bacteria removal of organic nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, and
in algal cultures was often seen as contamination, the perception has contamination from wastewater. However, the conventional systems
changed in the past few years and the interactions between algae and were neither mixed nor aerated, hence the lower efficiency than what
bacteria are considered promising for biotechnological applications could be achieved using systems or reactors developed later (Ludwig
(Yao et al., 2019). Many recent studies have identified that algal- et al., 1951). In the later stages of development, enclosed reactor sys
bacterial symbiosis exhibited a positive effect on algal growth, floccu tems known as photobioreactors containing algal-bacterial consortia
lation processes, spore germination, pathogen resistance, and morpho have evolved from conventional ponds and are gaining focus in treating
genesis, which are the integral steps towards sustainable algal wastewater. Modernized reactors utilizing algal-bacterial symbiosis
biotechnology (Fuentes et al., 2016) (Lian et al., 2018). result in efficient water treatments with the exchange of inorganic and
The symbiotic relationship of algae and bacteria have been receiving organic nutrients (Ramanan et al., 2016; Amini et al., 2020). Aerobic
tremendous emerging attention and are rapidly developing owing to its bacteria oxidize organic carbon in sewage and convert it into CO2. The
benefits and applications in the biotechnology industry. Research re produced CO2 was then utilized by algae for photosynthesis and con
ports revealed that the algal-bacterial consortia possess much signifi version of CO2 to algal biomass occurs. On the other hand, the appli
cance in environmental management to improve wastewater cation of algal-bacterial biotechnology in the lysis of algal cells which is
remediation, greenhouse gas mitigation, biomass and biofuel production important for biofuel production and algal bloom control was analyzed
(Leong et al., 2019a). An algae-bacteria study using a co-culture of and reported (Wang et al., 2020). Research interests spiked on bacterial
Chlorella sorokiniana and Azospirillum brasilense showed high removal action in algal cell lysis and found algicidal bacteria in Cytophaga/Fla
rates of ammonium, phosphorus, and contaminants from wastewater vobacterium/ Bacteroidetes (CFB) group or the γ-proteobacteria group.
(De-Bashan et al., 2002). Algal-bacterial synergy also possesses the po Gram-positive genera employ direct and indirect modes of algicidal
tential for a high tolerance under unfavorable conditions, such as methods that can kill harmful blooms (Roth et al., 2008). Accordingly,
nutrient limitation, high concentration of dissolved inorganic sub algal-bacterial interaction has the potential to confront the challenges of
stances, extreme pH, and intrinsic temperature (Padmaperuma et al., algal lysis through proper management and appropriate experimental
2018) (Lian et al., 2018). Algae are also capable of increasing dissolved design. It can be an inexpensive, non-toxic, and scalable solution (Wang
O2 to approximately five times the saturation concentration to be used in et al., 2020). The evolution and versatility of the algal-bacterial mutual
heterotrophic bacterial respiration and metabolism of dissolved organic relationship can be seen from the development of numerous conven
compounds in algal-bacterial consortia (Shah and Rodriguez-Couto, tional methods to contemporary biotechnology. Today, it is apparent
2019). that algal-bacterial biotechnology is constantly evolving and is well-
There have been recent advancements in the use of microalgae for adapted, bringing boons and solutions to persistent environmental
biofuel production, wastewater treatment, and CO2 removal. However, problems. Various algal and bacterial-based biotechnology have
there is still a limited number of articles addressing the utilization of received abundant interest as environment-friendly methods for envi
algal-bacterial co-culture in the mitigation of environmental issues. The ronmental protection and management applications. Table 1 evaluates
major focus is placed on microalgal biofuel production and the removal the various biotechnological applications of algal-bacterial consortia,
of nutrients and pollutants from wastewater using microalgal/bacterial with their advantages and disadvantages.
biomasses. Furthermore, there are inadequate descriptions of the chal
lenges of algal-bacterial biotechnology as an ecosystem approach, as 2.1. The importance of environmental management contributed by algal-
well as its future development in environmental management. This re bacterial biotechnology
view explores the significance of algal-bacterial biotechnology in envi
ronmental applications, including phycoremediation, carbon The mutualistic relationship and interaction between algae and
sequestration, biorefinery, dye removal, bloom control, production of bacteria play a substantial role in ecosystems and environmental miti
high-value compounds, agricultural biofertilizers, and bioplastics. The gation. Algae and bacteria acclimatize their metabolism to suit each
aim of this review is to open new perspectives to future developments of other’s needs, which can impact their physiology, change the chemistry
algal-bacterial consortia by integrating Industry 4.0 technologies that of their environment, and shape ecosystem diversity (Amin et al., 2015).
can greatly optimize cultivation productivity and sustainability. Asso Algal-bacterial interactions offer several important solutions for envi
ciated challenges and limitations faced in algal-bacterial based tech ronmental impacts including wastewater management, aquaculture,
nologies are also discussed. Algal-bacterial consortia are of great emissions control, and yield of biofuel. The ever-expanding scientific
prospects in environmental protection, hence needing a deeper under and technical prospects make algal-bacterial biotechnology applicable
standing of their ecology to promote sustainable patterns of production in various practical fields. Table 2 describes the contribution of the
in the green industry. algal-bacterial consortium in environmental management.
Over the past decades, endeavors have been undertaken to 2.2.1. Wastewater treatment
comprehend the potential and usefulness of algae and bacteria in The extensive application of algal-bacterial biotechnology is in
various industries. Their value has been recognized, particularly in wastewater treatment, as a biological tool for environmental pollutant
biotechnology for making extraordinary advancements in impacting the control. Algal-bacterial consortium has been utilized in water remedia
life science sector. All through the history of mankind, there has been a tion for treating municipal wastewaters, industrial wastewater, rubber
persistent improvement and development in the field of biotechnology effluent, and palm oil effluent. It has also been used in the bioremedi
in line with human advancement. With our rapidly growing scientific ation of contaminants, removal of nutrients, reduction of COD and BOD
progress, biotechnology has evolved to tackle the practical impediments since the 1950s (Molinuevo-Salces et al., 2019). Nutrients such as ni
and grave ecological concerns correlated with current anthropological trogen and phosphorus necessitate the natural growth of non-
practices. Algal-bacterial symbiosis has been shown to have notable diazotrophic algae. Under nutrient-deprived conditions, algae might
impacts on the environmental treatment of various contaminants face growth stagnation and eventual death because insufficient macro-
(Subashchandrabose et al., 2011). and micro-nutrients are incapable of sustaining their development
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
Table 1
The modern biotechnology of algal-bacterial consortia.
Technology Application Description Advantage Disadvantage Reference
Phycoremediation Used in wastewater Algal-bacterial symbiosis in open - Reduces mechanical - Large carbon footprint (Rawat et al., 2016), (
bioremediation: or closed systems is used to treat aeration costs. compared to CAS-BNR Fito and Alemu, 2019)
wastewater. Algae carry out - Low operational energy systems.
- Removal of organic and photosynthesis using CO2 from requirements.
nutrients pollutants. bacterial respiration; the oxygen - High nutrient removal
requirement of organic carbon percentage.
degradation by bacteria is - Reduces sludge
fulfilled by O2 produced by formation.
cellular respiration of algae,
without the need for additional
- Removal of toxic Sequestration and sedimentation - Economically viable. - Production of toxic (Igiri et al., 2018), (
pollutants and heavy occur via biosorption of up to - Eco-friendly. metabolites by microbes. Show et al., 2017), (
metals such as uranium. 300 mg of uranium per kg dry - Reduce secondary - Non-biodegradability of Kalin et al., 2005)
mass by algae and bacteria. The pollution. heavy metals.
uranyl ions are released by H+
after the algal cell wall material
sequesters them and is then
reduced from U(VI) to U(IV) by
heterotrophic bacteria using
carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus
from dead algal cells.
- Biological CO2 CO2 is an essential inorganic - Mitigation of greenhouse - Stable production of (Cheah et al., 2015), (
sequestration carbon source for algae growth gases algae is required. Subashchandrabose
and CO2 fixation. On a mass basis, - High CO2 fixation rates et al., 2011)
the production of 1 kg of algal that are 10–50 times
biomass fixes 1.83 kg of CO2. faster than terrestrial
High biodiesel oil productivities plants
of microalgae/bacteria using CO2 - Cost-effective
captured enables conversion of
biomass to biofuel.
Hydrothermal - Production of various A biomass-to-liquid conversion of - No algal biomass drying is - High NOx emissions, due (Goswami et al., 2019), (
liquefaction alternatives of biofuels symbiotically grown biomass of needed to high amounts of Sankaran et al., 2018)
(HTL) such as bioethanol, algae and bacteria at medium - Biocrude oil produced via nitrogen in chlorophyll
biohydrogen, and temperatures (300 ◦ C-350 ◦ C) HTL has low sulfur and and proteins in algal cells.
biodiesel. and high pressures (5–20 MPa) ash emissions
via optimization in biomass - Economically viable
loading, residence time, and compared to traditional
reaction temperature. Through thermochemical
HTL, microalgal lipids in the form processes like pyrolysis
of glycerol are converted into and gasification
methanol, aldehydes, allyl
alcohol, and gas products.
Use of transgenic Used as bioinsecticides: Transgenic cyanobacteria - Eco-friendly - High industrial scaling (Ram Prasad and N.T,
cyanobacterium technology can be used to control - Reduce side effects of cost for the production of 2018), (Becher et al.,
- Bacillus thuringiensis pests. Proteins such as lectins, agrochemicals microalgae and 2007)
controls mosquitoes and α-amylase, and Bacillus species - No synthetic residues cyanobacteria
black flies. manifest a broad spectrum of
- 12-epi-hapalindole C insecticidal activities. Cloning of
isonitrile and hapa-lindole δ-endotoxin genes into
L eradicated 100% of the cyanobacteria in the breeding
larvae from Chironomus zone will increase toxin
riparius in 48 h. persistence, which results in the
mortality of pests.
(Ramanan et al., 2016). Conversely, the plethoric surge of nutrient flow indicating a high removal ratio of 86.55%. The efficiency of TDP
from industrial, municipal, and agricultural wastewater when released removal was recorded at a rate of 80.28%, in which its concentration
to water bodies might accelerate extreme blooms of algae and cyano decreased from 4.97 mg/L to 0.98 mg/L. Under similar conditions, the
bacteria, promoting the persistent growth of harmful algae blooms decrease in TDN concentration was measured from 31.23 mg/L to 3.45
(HABs) (Heisler et al., 2008). In this context, the exchange of O2, CO2, mg/L, with an 88.95% removal rate. In another study, C. vulgaris was
and NH+ 4 ions in algal-bacterial symbiosis is utilized in wastewater used to reduce 71.6% ammonium ion, 28% phosphorus (P), and 61%
treatment. The rapid bacterial oxidization of organic matter that re COD from industrial wastewater, whereas phototropic bacteria attained
leases CO2 and NH+ 4 ions matches the rate of algal photosynthesis for O2 88.2%, 99.6%, and 62.5% removal efficiency for P, NH4-N, and sCOD,
generation (Oswald et al., 1957). respectively after 24 h (Valderrama et al., 2002; Hülsen et al., 2014).
A recent study showed that the consortium of a microalga Table 3 shows the algal-bacterial symbiotic interactions used for nutri
(C. vulgaris) and a bacterium (Bacillus licheniformis) was capable of ents removal in wastewater treatment.
eliminating soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD), total dissolved
nitrogen (TDN), and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) from wastewater 2.2.2. Phycoremediation of heavy metals
(Ji et al., 2018). At an algal-bacterial ratio of 1:3, the C. vulgaris-B. Algal-bacterial consortia have been advocated as a promising and
licheniformis consortium exhibited the best performance with a decrease eco-friendly approach for detoxification of recalcitrant industrial
in the concentration of sCOD from 175.78 mg/L to 23.64 mg/L, wastewater that is rich in toxic heavy metals. The discharge of large
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
Table 2
The importance of algal-bacterial biotechnology in environmental management.
Aspect/Field Contribution Reference
Wastewater - To remove nutrients from wastewater to prevent eutrophication that can pose a (Qi et al., 2019), (Nguyen et al., 2019)
treatment considerable impact on water quality.
- Enable minimum sludge formation in the effluent.
- Contribution of algal-bacterial symbiosis in bio flocculation for microalgae
Aquaculture - Algal-bacterial consortium acts as an oxygen supply and reduces the amount of (Fang et al., 2017), (Natrah et al., 2014), (Toi et al., 2013)
toxic gases including hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrite, and ammonia.
- Acts as natural food base/feed and dietary requirements, sustaining production
of aquaculture, hence contribute to increased food production.
- To improve nitrogen assimilation via co-ingestion of algae and bacteria by
shrimp Artemia franciscana as a feed source.
Greenhouse gas - Reduce the emission of fuel gases due to the fast consumption of CO2 by the (Anbalagan et al., 2017)
mitigation algal-bacterial consortia.
- Photosynthetic microalgae release O2 during the production of biomass, which
helps in CO2 bio-mitigation.
Agriculture - Algal-bacterial interactions help in metal bioremediation to detoxify heavy (Hassan et al., 2017), (Secundo et al., 2016)
metals and chemicals in polluted soil.
- Vital to enhancing and stabilizing agricultural soil health/ properties.
- Remediate contaminated soils and sustain plant growth.
Marine - Algicidal bacteria against eukaryotic microalgae are used to control (Mayali and Azam, 2004)
environment phytoplankton that forms harmful algal blooms (HAB)/ red tides in marine
- Able to decline/control red tides via decomposition of red tide organisms by
Energy source - Algal-bacterial based consortium can help improve the production of biomass (Beer et al., 2009), (Yao et al., 2019), (Olivares et al., 2019)
and biofuel owing to its higher conversion rate of solar energy into biomass
relative to terrestrial crops.
- Anaerobic digestion of microalgal biomass generates biogas:
Organic Matter + H2 0
amounts of these trace metals into natural waterways jeopardizes the treatment of heavy metal polluted effluent.
environment and human health. The most common heavy metals such as Safonova et al. (2004) found that the consortium of Chlorella sp. ES-
lead, cadmium, mercury, selenium, arsenic, chromium, copper, nickel, 13, Chlorella sp. ES-30, Scenedesmus obliquus ES-55, Phormidium sp. ES-
zinc, and silver hail from chemical industries. These pollutants that are 90 and Rhodococcus sp. Ac-1267, Kibdelosporangium aridum 754 resul
derived from agricultural and economic activities are carcinogenic to ted in efficient degradation of pollutants. The consortium exhibited a
human and aquatic life. Heavy metals are easily absorbed by living considerable decline in metal pollutants in industrial wastewater with
creatures due to their high solubility in the aquatic environment and efficient removal of zinc up to 90%, phenol up to 85%, copper up to
eventually leads to the death of aquatic life and even prolonged toxicity 62%, nickel up to 62%, manganese up to 70%, and iron up to 64%
of the environment from chemical contaminants (Hong et al., 2020; Bar (Safonova et al., 2004). The algal-bacterial consortium in another study
akat, 2011). To alleviate the negative impacts of the metal-contaminated found that complete degradation of cadmium and 80% removal of
wastewaters on the environment, a green bioremediation technology copper were attained within 5 min at an initial pH of 4.0 using a mixture
known as phycoremediation is introduced to treat wastewater prior to of cyanobacteria (i.e., Chroococcus sp., Pseudoanabaena sp., Leptolyngbya
its release to other water bodies. sp.), chlorophycae (i.e., Scenedesmus sp., Tetraerdon sp., Chlorella sp.,
Phycoremediation is microbial remediation where algae and bacteria and Chlorococcus sp.) diatoms (i.e. Navicula sp., Nitzschia sp., Cyclotella
are deployed for the removal of toxic and non-toxic substances in sp.) and bacteria (Loutseti et al., 2009). Table 4 summarizes the per
wastewater via biotransformation processes or metabolic uptake (Rao formance of algal-bacterial consortia for the removal of heavy metals in
et al., 2019). Algae possess large surface to volume ratios and high wastewater treatment.
metal-binding affinity which increase the adsorption ability of heavy
metals on their cell surface. The efficient metal uptake and storage 2.2.3. CO2 sequestration
systems also boost the adsorption and removal of metal pollutants from Global warming arising from the emission of greenhouse gases has
wastewater (Ahmad et al., 2020). Algal cell walls are made up of been the biggest environmental concern in the past decade. In Earth’s
extensive matrix polysaccharides, proteoglycans, and cellulose that atmosphere, the key greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane,
contain negatively-charged (amino, carboxyl, hydroxyl, and sulfide) nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons (Maccarthy
groups that can act as binding sites for metals (Domozych, 2019; Sha et al., 2018). CO2, one of the main contributors to the greenhouse effect,
mim, 2018). The biosorption of heavy metals is carried out by algae accounts for serious global warming due to its annual emission of over
through metal adsorption onto the cell surface, entrapment by cellular 36 billion tonnes. The atmospheric CO2 concentration is now over 400
components, cation exchange or complexation, and active transport ppm, which is at the highest levels in over 800,000 years (Ritchie and
across the cell membrane (Kanamarlapudi et al., 2018; Derco and Vrana, Roser, 2017) (Show et al., 2017). The high level of CO2 emission is
2018). Similarly, bacteria can exhibit metal adsorption behaviors and primarily driven by anthropogenic activities such as increasing fossil
bind aqueous cations of heavy metals to their acidic functional groups fuel consumption, deforestation, agriculture, and industrial processes. In
on the cell wall (Ali Redha, 2020). Thus, the cultivation of an algal- 2012, International Energy Agency (IEA) stated that to attain the ±2 ◦ C
bacteria consortium in wastewater serves as a strategy for the goal parallel to a stable CO2 concentration at 450 ppm, the current
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
Table 3
Algal-bacterial symbiosis used in wastewater nutrient treatment.
Algae Bacteria Source of Wastewater Nutrients & Removal Efficiency Reference
− l
C. vulgaris B. licheniformis Synthetic wastewater sCOD 86.55% (175.78 mg L ) (Ji et al., 2018)
TDP 80.28% (4.97 mg L− l)
TDN 88.95% (31.23 mg L− l)
− l
C. vulgaris Pseudomonas putida Synthetic municipal NH+4 -N 85% (190 mg L ) (Mujtaba et al., 2017), (Shen et al.,
wastewater PO34-P 66% (40 mg L− l) 2017)
COD 86% (490 mg L− l)
C. vulgaris Activated sludge bacteria Municipal and industrial COD 79.7–83.8% (1130 mg L− l) (Zhu et al., 2019), (Ye et al., 2018),
wastewater NH3-N 75.5% (260 mg L− l) (Sepehri et al., 2020)
4 -P 87.5% (1.50 mg L )
− l
emissions of 43 Gt CO2 should be reduced to 14 billion tons (Ul-Islam are symbiotic, in which the exchange of substrates CO2 and O2 are
and Wiley, 2019). Therefore, several key implementations are required, required for both algae growth and CO2 fixation. A study has shown an
including the improvement of energy efficiency (43%), renewable en increase in carbon fixation rate by 20.3% in Thalassiosira pseudonana and
ergy (28%), and CO2 capture and storage (CCS) technology (22%) (IEA, heterotrophic bacteria Pelagibacter sp. HTCC1062 (SAR11) co-cultures
2012). compared to T. pseudonana monocultures. The high carbon capture is
Nowadays, various technologies have been proposed in light of the used for the algal photosynthetic activity and growth, which subse
rapidly increasing energy demand and the trend towards renewable quently resulted in enhanced biogas production (Moore et al., 2020).
energy. Among the CO2 capture technologies suggested, the direct use of Gao et al. (2018) also reported that an algal-bacterial consortium of
CO2 in photosynthetic algal or bacterial cultivation is found to be pro C. vulgaris and activated sludge bacteria exhibited an optimal CO2
spective because algae can consume atmospheric CO2, CO2 released removal efficiency of 63.48% (Gao et al., 2018). In view of current de
from power plants, CO2 from soluble carbonate. At the same time, the velopments in algal-bacterial consortia and understanding their envi
derived biomass can act as feedstock to produce biofuel. The CO2-con ronmental, commercial, and economic benefits, it would become a
verted chemicals and energy products are promising for they have high practicable technology in the near future in CO2 removal and green
market potential. They are also beneficial because microalgae/cyano house gas mitigation. The application of algae and bacteria in the
bacteria have about 10 to 50-folds higher CO2 fixation rates when sequestration of CO2 can be an ultimate potential alternative in miti
compared to terrestrial plants. The rapid evolution of algae strains can gating energy and environmental issues. Table 5 shows the CO2 removal
be achieved by high-throughput technologies because algae are unicel efficiency by algal-bacterial consortia.
lular organisms that duplicate by division (Show et al., 2017) (Sub
ashchandrabose et al., 2011). Algal-bacterial consortia with high biofuel 2.2.4. Biofuel production
productivities are capable of CO2 capture and sequestration, ultimately In this world where fuel energy demand is soaring along with the
converting them from algal biomass to biofuel. On a mass basis, 1 kg of increasing population, depletion of fossil fuels is imminent due to its
algal biomass production consumes 1.83 kg of CO2 (Cheah et al., 2015). profound and prevalent usage for anthropogenic activities and economic
Additionally, bacteria also play an essential role in the carbon cycle. development. Every year, the burning of fossil fuels is responsible for an
Acetogenic bacteria, Clostridium autoethanogenum, fixes CO2 (in the average emission of 29 gigatonnes of CO2 and is hitting a total of 55.3
presence of H2) and CO via the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway, the linear gigatonnes until now (Andersen et al., 2019). The greenhouse gas
pathway for CO2 fixation (Liew et al., 2016). The β-proteobacteria Ral emission from fossil fuels is the source of global warming and climate
stonia eutropha could capture and convert CO2 into useful products by change. Thus, carbon-neutral bioenergy is required to meet the eco
fixing carbon in the form of polyhydroxyalkanoate (bioplastics) nomic and environmental sustainability to curb climate damage issues
(Bringham et al., 2011). In algal-bacterial consortia, their interactions (Lee et al., 2019).
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
Table 4
Algal-bacterial consortia in the removal of heavy metals in wastewater.
Algae Bacteria Source of Wastewater Heavy Metals & Reference
Removal Efficiency
C. sorokiniana DBWC2, Chlorella sp. DBWC7 Klebsiella pneumoniae ORWB1, Acinetobacter Artificial wastewater Copper 78.1% (6.79 mg (Makut et al.,
calcoaceticus ORWB3 L− l) 2019)
Chromium 76.3% (24.7
mg L− l)
Cadmium 55.2% (1.3
mg L− l)
Nickel 70% (18.6 mg
L− l)
Lead 65.1% (12.4 mg
L− l)
C. vulgaris Phototrophic bacteria (PBB) Piggery wastewater Zinc 98% (0.78 mg. L− l) (García et al.,
Chlorella sp., Nannochloropsis sp., Scenedesmus bijugatus, Bacteria from activated sludge in a municipal Municipal wastewater Copper 85.1% (0.02 mg. (Sharma et al.,
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Oscillatoria wastewater treatment plant L− l) 2020)
Chromium 75.2% (0.31
mg. L− l)
Lead 98.2% (0.47 mg.
L− l)
Cadmium 99.6% (0.004
mg. L− l)
Zinc 57.7% (0.40 mg.
L− l)
Nickel 99.4% (0.20 mg.
L− l)
Chlorella sp., Phormidium sp. Wastewater bacteria Tannery wastewater Nickel 74.54% (Sahoo et al.,
Chromium 80% 2019)
Ulva lactuca Gram-negative bacteria Industrial wastewater Lead 100% (1000 mg. (Aly and Amasha,
L− l) 2019)
C. vulgaris-BH1 Exiguobacterium profundum-BH2 Artificial metal-rich Copper 78.67% (729 (Batool et al.,
wastewater mg. L− l) 2019)
Chromium 56.4% (913
mg. L− l)
Nickel 80% (331 mg.
L− l)
Spirulina sp. LEB 18 Aquaculture effluent bacteria Aquaculture Bromine 19.35% (250 (Cardoso et al.,
wastewater μg L− l) 2020)
C. vulgaris, Scenedesmus quadricuda, Spirulina platensis Wastewater bacteria Urban wastewater Cadmium 86% (0.7 ± (Abdel-Razek
0.015 mg. L− l) et al., 2019)
Nickel 95% (0.5 ± 0.07
mg. L− l)
Lead 87% (1.3 ± 0.04
mg. L− l)
C. vulgaris Proteobacteria Piggery wastewater Zinc 83% (0.16 ± 0.02 (García et al.,
mg. L− l) 2017)
Scenedesmus sp. Activated sludge bacteria Sewage wastewater Chromium 100% (1500 (Lei et al., 2018)
mg. L− l)
Copper 59% (1500 mg.
L− l)
Nickel 65% (1500 mg.
L− l)
Lead 83% (1500 mg.
L− l)
Zinc 95% (1500 mg.
L− l)
Table 5
Algal-bacterial consortia in the sequestration of CO2.
Algae Bacteria CO2 Removal Efficiency Reference
Tetraselmis chui, Nannochloropsis gaditana Algal pond bacteria 89–97% (Anbalagan et al., 2017)
C. vulgaris Activated sludge bacteria 69.93–88.27% (Zhang et al., 2017)
C. vulgaris Anaerobic bacteria 190.9 ± 8.6 mg/Ld− 1 (Yadav et al., 2020)
C. vulgaris Activated sludge bacteria 53.24–63.48% (Gao et al., 2018)
Scenedesmus obliquus Activated sludge bacteria 51.46–62.29% (Gao et al., 2018)
Spongiochloris sp. Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria 2.9205 g L− 1d− 1 (Abid et al., 2017)
1 1
Thalassiosira pseudonana Pelagibacter sp. HTCC1062 (SAR11) 0.0249–0.0939 pmol C cell− h− (Moore et al., 2020)
Chlorella sp. Cupriavidus necator ~20% (Yi et al., 2020)
Acutodesmus obliquus Photobioreactor bacteria 61.6–90.8% (Toledo-Cervantes et al., 2018)
C. sorokiniana Sulfurihydrogenibium yellowstonense, Escherichia coli 20 ± 0.7 WAUa/mg (Salbitani et al., 2020)
C. vulgaris Nitrifying bacteria 90% (156 mg) (Sepehri et al., 2020)
Wilbur-Anderson Unit.
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
Fig. 1. Transesterification of triacylglycerol with alcohol into glycerol fatty acid methyl esters in the presence of a catalyst.
Biofuels including algal fuels are now a sought-after preference as a trophic chain levels (Medlin and Cembella, 2013). A huge amount of
renewable and sustainable replacement for fossil fuels. Biofuels gener HABs affects the coastal ecosystems as the degradation of high biomass
ated from algal biomasses contribute a considerably lower emission of blooms causes anoxic events, depleting oxygen levels, and leading to
greenhouse gases, are non-polluting, accessible, sustainable, and reli toxic impacts on fisheries (Burkholder, 2002). Mass mortalities of fish
able as they can be obtained from renewable sources (Liu et al., 2013). and other marine invertebrates occur when mucilage-producing or
The high carbohydrate and lipid content of algae, particularly micro toxin-producing algae invade their gills (Zingone and Oksfeldt Ene
algae possess great capabilities in renewable energy production as a voldsen, 2000). Bacteria play an important role in controlling the
higher amount of energy can be obtained from algae compared to other blooms and dying out of HABs. Biological control of HABs using bac
biomasses. High photosynthetic conversion of solar energy into chemi terial strains was reported to be an eco-friendly solution without causing
cal energy comparative to terrestrial biofuel feedstock makes algae the secondary pollution. Bacteria were found to use specific mechanisms for
prospective candidate for the synthesis of biofuel. Algal remnants after
extraction of biofuel can be utilized to yield biodegradable methane,
ethanol, biodiesel, and biogas (Yao et al., 2019) (Chia et al., 2018). The Table 6
Symbiotic algae and bacteria involved in microalgal-based biofuel production.
oxygen elimination during respiration of bacteria symbionts is necessary
for the activation of a Fe-dependent hydrogenase in algae which acts as Microalgae Bacteria Biofuels Conversion Reference
an efficient catalyst to enhance the production of molecular hydrogen Chlorophyta Rhodocyclaceae Lipid contents: 31.2 (Meng et al.,
(Lakatos et al., 2014) (Stripp and Happe, 2009). Photosynthetic algae to 59.6 mg g− 1 SS 2019)
can capture and convert solar energy into electricity with nil external Chlorella sp., Xanthomonadaceae, Biodiesel yield of (Liu et al.,
Scenedesmus sp. Rhodobacteraceae 66.21 ± 1.08 mg g− 1 2018a)
input of organics via the synergistic relationship between algae and
SS with large
bacteria in the form of microalgal fuel cells (Gajda et al., 2015). quantities of poly-
Transesterification of algae-produced triacylglycerol and other lipids unsaturated FAMEs
into fatty acid and methyl esters can yield biodiesel (Chew et al., 2017). Chlamydomonas Pseudomonas sp. Hydrogen 154 mL (Ban et al.,
reinhardtii strain D L− 1 2018)
Fig. 1 shows the transesterification of algal lipid (triacylglycerols) into
biodiesel. The symbiotic association between Auxenochlorella proto Chlamydomonas Escherichia coli, Hydrogen 125 mL (Ban et al.,
thecoides and Escherichia coli led to an increase in algal growth and reinhardtii Pseudomonas sp. L− 1 2018)
double neutral lipid content yield compared to axenic growth (Higgins FACHB-265 strain D
and VanderGheynst, 2014). Biogas can also be produced from algal Chlamydomonas Pseudomonas putida Hydrogen 23.1 mL (Fakhimi
reinhardtii 704 291 L− 1 et al., 2019)
residue biomass through anaerobic digestion as the biochemical
Chlorella sp., Xanthomonadaceae FAMEs: (Liu et al.,
composition of microalgae (e.g., iron, cobalt, zinc) meets the nutrient Scenedesmus sp. Methyl palmitate 2018b)
requirement of anaerobic microbiota (Richmond, 2008). Moreover, 24.06%
microorganisms, such as Cellulomonas uda and Clostridium thermocellum, Methyl palmitoleate
are known for their cellulolytic properties that can enhance biofuels and 22.44%
Tetraselmis striata Pelagibaca Triacylglycerol: (Park et al.,
biohydrogen production (Rambabu et al., 2020; Swathy et al., 2020). bermudensis Palmitic acid 35% 2017)
Table 6 shows the symbiotic algae and bacteria involved in microalgal- Linolenic acid 20%
based biofuel production. Stearic acid 10%
C. vulgaris Brevundimonas Lipid content: 272 (Xie et al.,
mg/L SCOD ADE 2018)
2.3. Minor applications or by-products of algal-bacterial biotechnology
Desmodesmus spp. Nitrifying bacteria FAME: (Hernández-
Saturated 38.78% García et al.,
Algal-bacterial biotechnology is vastly applicable in a plethora of Monounsaturated 2019)
industries from commercial to environmental, owing to its extensive 11.90%
biological diversity. Additionally, it possesses intrinsic advantages such Polyunsaturated
as low production cost, enormous growing capacity, and environmental- Leptolyngbya sp. Wastewater-borne Lipid content: 13% (Tsolcha
friendly nature. Algal-bacterial interactions also contribute to certain bacteria (w/w) et al., 2017)
environmental events which are discussed in the further sections. Fig. 2 Saturated FA: 85.4%
shows the applications of symbiotic algal-bacterial consortia. Chlorella sp., Rhodobacter sp., Lipid content: 17% (Cho et al.,
Acutodesmus Rhodococcus sp. (17.2 mg/L d− 1) 2017)
2.3.1. Bloom control Scenedesmus sp.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have become a global environmental Scenedesmus sp. A. brasilense Unsaturated FA: (Contreras-
problem, affecting aquatic life and the quality of potable water, and 89.1% Angulo et al.,
human health. Harmful algae are of high taxonomic diversity and can Saturated FA: 10/9% 2019)
Total FA: 56.8%
result in various toxins levels and relative mechanisms at different
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
the termination and decomposition of HABs, such as direct attack using industries including textile, plastics printing, paint, pharmaceuticals,
cell-to-cell contact by the production of N-acyl-homoserine lactone food, and cosmetics. Despite the infinite applications, the improper
signals or indirect attack by producing extracellular algicidal sub management and disposal of dyes can pose detrimental environmental
stances. These extracellular compounds can be proteins, amino acids, threats due to its harmful chemical properties and toxic nature (de
peptides, hydroxylamine, lipid peroxidation, and biosurfactants (Shu Bashan and Bashan, 2010). These dyes retain xenobiotic attributes,
nyu et al., 2006) (Zheng et al., 2015). In the removal of HABs, bacteria hence the resistance to biodegradation. Immediate approaches are
are capable of accelerating algal cell aggregation through the induction needed to tackle the environmental impacts as incessant production and
of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by algal cells and the pro industrial usage of dyes are increasing. After several biological measures
duction of bioflocculants that can cause direct accumulation and settling of wastewater dye removal including enzymatic decomposition and
of algal cells (Sun et al., 2018). An article has documented that het aerobic-anaerobic biodegradation, it was found that the biotechnolog
erotrophic bacterial communities such as Porphyrobacter and Fla ical approach using microalgae can be more beneficial compared to the
vobacteriaceae are responsible for the algal aggregation in the other biological methods. Many algae are capable of effective decolor
development of Microcystis aeruginosa bloom in natural waters (Shen ization and microbial degradation of dyes in effluents (El-Sheekh et al.,
et al., 2011). Roseobacter species is a key ecological player in open wa 2009). Studies have shown that immobilized thermophilic cyanobac
ters rich in dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)-producing algal teria Phormidium sp. could decolorize dyes by adsorbing the dye on the
blooms, in which they can degrade DMSP (Gonzalez et al., 2000). A algal cell surface, showing a relatively high dye removal rate at 45 ◦ C
study has shown that 17 strains out of 20 algae-lysing bacteria were able and 50 ◦ C incubation temperatures (Ertuǧrul et al., 2008). The ability of
to reduce water blooms via the production of algicides in aquatic envi different algae, namely C. vulgaris, Lyngbya lagerlerimi, Nostoc lincki,
ronments. The algae-lysing bacteria manifested anti-Microcystis activ Oscillatoria rubescens, Elkatothrix viridis, and Volvox aureus for dye
ity, which is an efficient anti-cyanobacterial/algae compound that can decolorization is in the range of approximately 4 to 95% for methyl red-
depress algal bloom (Imamura et al., 2001). The engagement of algae orange II, G-Red (FN-3G), basic cationic, and basic fuchsin dyes (El-
and bacteria in dynamic symbiosis also manifested that roseobacticides Sheekh et al., 2009). Carbajo Arteaga et al. (2018) revealed that the
Phaeobacter gallaeciensis can produce algicidal compounds against Emi microalgae C. vulgaris also portrayed a high removal efficiency for ani
liania huxleyi and may help to terminate algal bloom (Seyedsayamdost line blue dye at a concentration of 25 ppm (Carbajo Arteaga et al.,
et al., 2011). Furthermore, the distribution of Flavobacterium sp. on the 2018). Furthermore, for microalgae-based textile wastewater bioreme
Gymnodinium nagasakiense red tide showed strong inhibitory effects on diation, five microalgae strains namely, Anabaena flos aquae, Anabaena
the dinoflagellate during its algorithmic growth phase by producing a variabilis, Nostoc elepsosporum, Nostoc linkia, and C. vulgaris were eval
basic compound with a molar mass of less than 500 Da. The results of uated for red color removal of the effluent. The rapid dye absorbance
this study asserted that certain bacteria are effective against bloom algae percentage by the microalgae were recorded as 50.81%, 100%, 79.03%,
and may eventually be used for the elimination of algal blooms (Fukami 88.71%, 96.16%, respectively proving their high removal rates of syn
et al., 1991). Similarly, strains of isolated algicidal Saprospira spp. were thetic colouring in wastewater (Ghazal et al., 2018). Another study
found to attack the cells of diatoms Chaetoceros calcitrans and other showed that the biodegradation and biosorption of tributyltin (TBT), an
unicellular algae such as Isochrysis sp. and Chaetoceros sp. (Sakata, antifouling agent used in paints that exceed acute toxicity levels, by
1990). The author suggested that the findings of marine algicidal bac C. vulgaris in six consecutive treatment cycles would result in over 90%
teria provide insightful comprehension in the studies related to algal of TBT removal at different contamination levels (Luan et al., 2006).
bloom regulation in marine ecosystems.
2.3.3. Biopolymers and bioplastics
2.3.2. Dye removal The demand for plastics and plastic-based products has increased
Synthetic dyes are commonly and widely used in various commercial largely, exerting strain on the ecosystems and generating major plastic
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
pollution worldwide. These petrochemical-based products that accu Algal-bacterial biomass obtained from wastewater treatment processes
mulate in the environment can destroy most marine wildlife by suffo can potentially be used as agricultural fertilizers due to the presence of
cation and also their habitats due to their non-biodegradable nature. nitrogen and phosphorus accumulated in the biomass. The biofertilizers
Therefore, green and sustainable alternatives to conventional plastics were used in as many as two million hectares for the cultivation of rice in
are of grave attention, as they would mitigate plastic accumulation and India (Su et al., 2011; Muñoz and Guieysse, 2006). The use of algal-
reduce environmental pollution. Microbial biomass metabolites such as bacterial biofertilizer can enhance and strengthen on-farm sustainabil
lipids, polysaccharides, and starch can be converted into plastics. It was ity, productivity, and profitability owing to their elemental abilities of
found that algae-based biomass is a potential source for biopolymer nitrogen fixation, high yield, and alteration in physicochemical prop
synthesis due to their high photosynthetic efficiency and growth rate, erties of soil (Bansal et al., 2018).
high amount of carbohydrates, and high carbon fixation to produce
bioplastics (Chia et al., 2020). Bioplastics, such as Poly 2.3.5. High-value compounds
hydroxyalkanoate (PHA), are known for their thermoplasticity, enan In recent years, due to initiatives aimed at renewable sources of
tiopurity, rapid biodegradability, and biocompatibility (Leong et al., energy, and the technological and economic advantages algae have over
2019a, 2019b; Zhang et al., 2019; Leong et al., 2014). Exploitation in the oleaginous plants, they are being tested as producers of biofuels exper
production of bio-based polymers is mainly due to the valuable and imentally (Brennan and Owende, 2010). The interaction between algae
atypical sulfated polysaccharide metabolites in algae which are not and bacteria can foster the development of algae and also the production
present in any other organism, namely, alginate, ulvan, and laminarin. of high-value molecules. Studies have demonstrated the roles played by
Algae or cyanobacteria are an excellent feedstock for plastics and bacterial communities in the enhancement of carbon storage in micro
polymers synthesis as they have a strong ability to grow in diverse en algae, which is obtained in algal growth specifically under heterotrophic
vironments as well as promote carbon mitigation (Noreen et al., 2016). conditions (Fuentes et al., 2016). C. vulgaris was co-immobilized with
Among PHA, Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is also a 100% biode plant growth-promoting bacterium A. brasilense and the alga showed an
gradable bioplastic produced by several bacteria as an intracellular increase in the accumulation of fatty acids, lipids, and activity of acetyl-
carbon storage material. The properties of pure PHB such as hydro CoA carboxylase (ACC) (Leyva et al., 2014). The bacterium can augment
phobicity, thermoplastic processability, biodegradability, and biocom the growth of algal cells, with an increase in the size of algal cells and its
patibility are seen as excellent raw materials for biodegradable plastics metabolic compounds such as lipids, fatty acids, and photosynthetic
(Balaji et al., 2013). A research study focusing on Chlorella and Spirulina pigments (De-Bashan et al., 2002). The joint immobilization of
in the development of algal-based bioplastics observed that the effective A. brasilense with C. vulgaris and C. sorokiniana in alginate beads were
glycerol plasticization was accomplished at a ratio of 4:1 of biomass to also found to improve the total carbohydrates and starch content after
glycerol (Zeller et al., 2013). The potential conversion of algae biomass an incubation period of 96 h. The study concluded that the bacteria
into bioplastics by blending algae populace such as Nannochloropsis and A. brasilense is an important biological factor in altering the composition
catfish algae was described in a study, showing that the prospects of of algae, enhancing algal growth, producing high volumetric produc
biopolymers production from algal biomass can be exploited to create a tivity, and carbohydrate yield, mainly under dark and heterotrophic
plastic-free future in all industries (Wang et al., 2016). conditions (Choix, 2012). The effect of A. brasilense on the enzymatic
activity of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) using D-glucose or
2.3.4. Soil biocontrollers and biofertilizers in agriculture Na-acetate as the carbon source was studied and it was observed that
Nowadays, modern agriculture is heavily dependent on synthetic this microalgal-bacterial interaction enhanced AGPase activity and
inputs, resulting in negative effects on vegetation, soil structure, and resulted in higher starch accumulation in C. vulgaris (Choix et al., 2014).
even water quality. Biofertilizers or biocontrol agents are natural fer Moreover, a Rhizobium sp. isolated from a bacterial biofilm was
tilizers containing live microorganisms that colonize the rhizosphere of capable of producing acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) and stimulating
plants and promote growth via enhancement of nutrient uptake besides the growth of Botryococcus braunii which is competent in the synthesis of
improving soil fertility. They are significant in replacing chemical fer compounds such as polysaccharides and carotenoids (Rivas et al., 2010).
tilizers in intensive crop production. Microbiological fertilizers are now The cyanobacterium S. platensis also has great potential in the produc
seen as a promising approach for environmental-friendly organic agri tion of high-value natural components. C-phycocyanin (C-PC) extracted
cultural practice (Mącik et al., 2020). Studies have identified that from S. platensis is a widely used pigment in the food and cosmetics
microalgae (Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp.) and purple phototrophic industries (Chew et al., 2019). Therefore, the control of algae and bac
bacteria (PPB) are capable of removing and recovering nutrients from teria interactions is fundamental in promoting algal growth and the
anaerobic digestion effluent which can be used as biofertilizers in ni accumulation of useful, high-valuable compounds.
trogen and carbon cycling (Huy et al., 2020). The rhizosphere bacterial
community in the soil act as biostimulants which contribute to plant 3. Future developments of algal-bacterial biotechnology in
growth, proving that biofertilizers execute similar effect as chemical environmental protection
fertilizers but in an eco-friendly manner. The effectiveness of microalgae
and PPB as organic fertilizers can be seen from their profound effect on Algal-bacterial technology is gaining prominence as the current
C- and N-cycling capacities and also the improvement in crop and soil fragmentary comprehension of ecology and evolution of algal-bacterial
performances (Zarezadeh et al., 2019). The effect of microalgae and relationships are slowly and surely being exploited in algal-based
bacterial community as fertilizers are investigated and have been re biotechnology. This includes the cultivation of algal-bacterial feed
ported to show higher mass and nutrient contents (phosphorus and ni stock, biorefineries, and environmental technologies. In the bio-
trogen) followed by an increased plant yield (Mulbry et al., 2005). industry, controlled algal-bacterial co-cultures that are becoming prev
Moreover, the ability of PPB-based fertilizers was demonstrated through alent are harnessed to increase productivity, product diversity, and
the enhanced growth of Stevia rebaudiana plants, showing an increased mitigate contamination issues (Padmaperuma et al., 2018). Tradition
yield of 69.2% with a combination of foliar spray method. The irrigation ally, the growth of algae was initiated in simpler open ponds or raceway
of the rhizosphere with PPB promoted the soil dehydrogenase activity ponds. Over the years, larger-scale cultivation of microalgae and even
and induced plant shoot biomass (Wu et al., 2013). In another study, the co-cultivation of algae and bacteria are done in either open or closed
inoculation of purple phototrophic dinitrogen-fixing bacteria, Rhodop systems, the two most common methods. Open co-cultivation systems
seudomonas palustris strains in paddy soils were found to increase the rice include open ponds and tanks whereas controlled closed systems use
grain yields by 29%, as the bacterial community strongly promoted different types of bioreactors. Generally, open pond cultivation systems
nitrogenase activity and growth of rice straw (Harada et al., 2005). have been associated with contamination issues by unwanted species,
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
light deficiency, temperature fluctuation, and scale-up space re such a system, including being cost-effective, low energy requirement,
quirements despite being an energy-saving alternative. However, it can low environmental footprint, the high endurance of flow rate variability,
be a more suitable measure for the treatment of aquaculture wastewater noiseless and odorless systems in the treatment of domestic or com
compared to closed glass bioreactors (Han et al., 2019). The develop mercial wastewater (Bansal et al., 2018) (OneWater Inc., 2019).
ment of photobioreactor (PBR) technology has made algal cultivation In the upcoming development of algal-bacterial biotechnology, the
and production of high-value metabolites commercially viable. Olaizola concept of “Industrial Revolution 4.0” plays a critical and epoch-making
(2000) reported the use of proprietary computer-driven technology to role in flourishing the industry with smart technologies. Industry 4.0 is a
control outdoor photobioreactor for the exploitation of microalgae and new manufacturing approach that focuses heavily on intelligent ma
it has been proven to improve the productivity of biomass processing chine learning, real-time data exchange, interconnectivity, and auto
and drying as well as pond management (Olaizola, 2000). Closed mation, including Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things (IoT),
cultivation systems, PBRs, are found to be more efficient with respect to Smart Factory, and Internet of Services (Frank et al., 2019). Recent
overall conditions and growth parameters such as light availability, advances in technologies coupled with smart machines and remote
culture mixing, pH, temperature, and mass transfer in a rather monitoring have created new possibilities to further enhance the
economically viable way (Panahi et al., 2019; Chang et al., 2017). On applicability and adaptability of algal-bacterial consortia. This creates
top of that, PBRs appear to be a highly attractive approach for waste leaps in environmental-friendly algal-based biotechnology. The inte
water treatment and heavy metals removal compared to open systems gration of Industry 4.0 technologies like automation using sensors and
owing to their favorable advantages, including high areal productivity, actuators can assist not only in the smooth process flow in the cultiva
low contamination, less CO2 losses, higher photosynthetic efficiency, tion, harvesting, and extraction of microbial biomasses, but also help in
and high bio-oil yield efficiency in a controlled environment. However, energy saving and reduction in environmental impact. The construction
the limiting issue is the high capital expense, however productive of optical density sensors using near-infrared (NIR) light transmittance
cultivation in large volumes can be easily achieved (Show et al., 2017) sensors can be utilized to sustain a high biomass yield rate, where data
(Pal et al., 2019). Intensive research efforts are highly in demand to recorded are continuously transferred to, interpreted, displayed, and
make the most of algal-bacterial consortia in closed systems and develop filed using the LabView software, an online monitoring system that
a cost-competitive growth model that can be used in the sustainable provides the data of biomass density and algal growth rate. This algal
trend of environmental protection (Kumar and Singh, 2019; Hannon density control system employs the continuously-measured optical
et al., 2010). density values and allows real-time control of the biomass density in the
In addition, the algal wheel is also a new upcoming technology that algal culture (Sandnes et al., 2006). In this context, a network of plug-
applies symbiotic algal-bacterial consortium in fully engineered waste and-play sensors not only provides real-time monitoring of algal-
water treatment systems. Pre-screened wastewater is channeled into bacterial co-culture productivity and tracking of algal growth, but the
secondary treatment tanks where algal-bacterial growth systems under cultivation and harvesting systems can be automated to reduce oper
appropriate nutrient-laden conditions exchange respiratory gases and ating energy and expenses (ElFar et al., 2020). The technologies of In
organic nutrients. The rotating wheel of this system, driven by air dustry 4.0 can be coalesced a step further in this algal-bacterial
bubbles, provides intentional exposure to solar energy for algal photo biotechnology by implementing a simulation, or known as Digital Twin,
synthetic uptake of nutrients. The algae biofilm formed on the surface of of the algal-bacterial culture in the plants using real-time sensor data
the rotating wheel undergoes biological aeration during photosynthesis. acquisition. This simulation-based virtual replica technology can be
Conversion of biomass then happens when heterotrophic bacteria used to optimize algal-bacterial consortia operation, allow concurrent
perform various biological processes. Fig. 3 illustrates the algal wheel prediction of future cellular yield, and centralized analysis of biomass
used for wastewater treatment. This inventive system capitalizes on the production to address the product requirements and minimize wastes.
symbiosis between algae and bacteria where the by-products of one For instance, a fully-realized algal biorefinery would integrate an
group are the inputs for the other. Several advantages are achieved in automated serial downstream extraction of algal-bacterial biomasses for
Fig. 3. The algal wheel utilizes the symbiosis of algae-bacteria in the application of wastewater treatment.
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
a controlled cellular yield of specific compounds or by-products driven 4.2. Competition with other sources of food additives
by current demand in lieu of the conventional linear production stock
piling that awaits demand (Uhlemann et al., 2017). A smart meter, in the Algal biomass can be a sustainable source for additives in the food
context of a Smart Grid connected to a network operator, can also be industry as the extraction of biomolecules and compounds such as fatty
incorporated to measure the energy consumption of affected algal pro acids, pigments and antioxidants serve as an alternative for chemical
cesses or facilities, enhancing intelligent energy and cost management additives and supplements (Chacón-Lee and González-Mariño, 2010).
which further diminishes the ecological footprint and impact. Such en The open-pond cultivation system is a cost-effective way of producing
ergy management systems can reduce waste through algal waste opti such biomass of photosynthetic organisms (Tang et al., 2020). The po
mization and increase sustainable performance in large-scale algal tential nutritional or bioactive content of different algae can be used for
production facilities (Gabriel and Pessl, 2016). the production of food additives, colorants, and thickening agents like
With the rapid development and adoption of Industry 4.0 technolo hydrocolloids (e.g., alginates, agars, carrageenans) in various food
gies in algal-based biotechnology, new levels of consistent optimization products namely pasta, bread, yogurt, cheese, and in beverages (Wells
and productivity can be achieved, leading to almost zero downtime in et al., 2017). It was found that the optimization of algal culture medium
production such as harvesting and biomass production which facilitate results in the efficient production of β-carotene, an important carotenoid
the generation of biofuels, remediation processes, and eco-friendly pigment due to the presence of provitamin-A, which can be applied as a
biofuels production. This will help meet the world demand for renew food colorant in cheese, pastry, and ice cream (Koyande et al., 2019).
able sources fast and smoothly. Holistically, it is important to analyze Haematococcus pluvialis and Chlorella zofingiensis are also algal sources
Industry 4.0 as a great approach in algal-bacterial biotechnology for a for astaxanthin which possesses strong antioxidant capacities compared
clean and sustainable environment to open up new horizons and po to Vitamin C, E, or other carotenoids (Ambati et al., 2014). The appli
tential benefits, continue to revolutionize fields of biotechnology over cability of additives in food products is determined by techno-functional
the next few years. properties such as emulsification, antioxidant activity, gelation, foam
ing, water, and fat absorption capacities. These properties were reported
4. Challenges of algal/bacterial-based biotechnology for some algae proteins and hydrolysates but many of them still remain
unclear (Caporgno and Mathys, 2018). However, despite all the poten
4.1. Potential of algal-bacterial biotechnology in the current green tials, algal-based usage in the food industry faces challenges regarding
industry food safety hazards that may include allergens, toxins, pathogens, and
even heavy metal contaminants. Extracts from products consisting of
The prospect of algal-bacterial symbiosis was tested for the green Spirulina sp., Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Chlorella sp. appear to be
industry, including the removal of nutrients and heavy metals in contaminated with microcystins and noludarin toxins (Heussner et al.,
wastewater treatment, CO2 mitigation, and biofuel generation. The 2012). Moreover, another safety aspect is the exposure to biological and
algal-bacterial consortia reduce land footprints and the demand for fresh non-biological contamination when algae such as Spirulina and Chlorella
water, hence low competition with agricultural lands and water for feed are cultivated in open systems. Since algae are primary producers at the
production (Morello and Pate, 2010). However, sparse knowledge of base of the food chain, they may transfer any accumulated heavy metals
algae and bacteria interactions lead to several challenges. The harvest of to higher levels of the trophic chain, imposing adverse effects on higher
algae biomass from liquid cultures for biofuel production is a costly trophic level organisms and subsequently the environment (van der
process that requires high energy consumption; solely the dewatering Spiegel et al., 2013). Unfortunately, the utilization of algal or algae-
step takes up nearly 30% of the total production cost of biomass (Yew derived products as food substitutes remains uncompetitive in the
et al., 2019). Efforts and investment in biotechnological development market due to the lack of economic scaling for microalgae cultivation
are needed for algae growth and harvesting strategies to be economi and processing, immature technology and understudied algal-based
cally feasible, in an energy-efficient manner and at high scalability. biotechnology (Caporgno and Mathys, 2018).
Another challenge faced in microbial biomass applications is that the
integration of specific bacteria has to be well-controlled in certain 4.3. Societal acceptance of algal biotechnology for environmental
microalgal production processes (Yao et al., 2019). Algal and bacterial protection
strain selection requirements must consider cultivation, harvesting,
processing, and conversion into renewable biofuels. Additionally, in the The question of social acceptance of algal biotechnology in envi
biological treatment of wastewater, algae, and bacteria symbiotic rela ronmental protection is a lot harder to address. A number of attributes
tionship has shown potential in the high removal efficiency of pollutants that are to be engineered into algae, such as high lipid content, appear
and oxidize them into CO2 and water. However, on the downside, the implausible to increase their competitive capacities in the natural
algal-bacterial consortia frequently lead to a high concentration of algae environment; but this reference requires further experimental exami
in the water, resulting in secondary pollution to the receiving water nation and validation. Environmental concerns arise as there may be a
bodies (van Wyk et al., 2009). Other limitations observed in algal- loss of algal diversity or potential dominance by a single algal species
bacterial wastewater treatment include the reduction of bacterial (Shurin et al., 2016). In recent years, research groups are developing
growth due to high pH and O2 concentration from algal photosynthesis. new techniques in algal biofuel production to boost algal growth rates
This is because the antibacterial substances released by algae tend to and oil-extraction rates genetically and metabolically (Chen et al.,
hinder the growth of bacteria. Pathogenic bacteria can weaken the algal 2019). However, genetically altered algae generate dispute within sci
cell walls, resulting in cell disruption and death (Sukla et al., 2018). If ence and society over worries about the environment. A study had found
filamentous bacteria grow rapidly at excessive concentrations, algal- that respondents are unconvinced about the need for alteration of nat
bacterial wastewater systems will face challenges like loss of nitrifica ural algae strains to increase productivity, with the argument that there
tion, bulking and foaming, eventually creating solid separation prob are unknown consequences of using genome editing (Villarreal et al.,
lems and pose major risks to the operation and environment (D’Antoni 2020). The general public perception of algal biotechnology, especially
et al., 2017). The poor removal efficiency of microalgae’s cells from in Western nations, is often negative. The impression of algae can con
effluent and sludge disposal are also issues faced in algal-bacterial jure images of green tides or harmful algae blooms (HABs) which can be
consortia that entail appropriate measures. Thus, attention has to be displeasing (Jacquin et al., 2014). Social perception can be seen as a
focused on space requirement, nutrients requirement, algal-bacterial hurdle for algal development, especially in environmental protection.
strain selection and contamination from unwanted species (Tiron Consistent explorations are essential in overcoming the challenges of
et al., 2014). algae-based biotechnology to receive reassurance and acceptance from
J.J.J.Y. Yong et al. Biotechnology Advances 47 (2021) 107684
the general public. consumption of coal and fossil fuels for electricity generation will
skyrocket inexorably. Algal-based technology can outstretch the useful
4.4. Cost feasibility and environmental impact trade-off energy from fossil fuel combustion and at the same time minimize car
bon emissions by recycling waste CO2 from power plants into clean-
A trade-off must be met between cost-effectiveness and environ burning and sustainable biofuels. Algae are competent in converting
mental impact, as environmental problems would affect the cost and the waste form of carbon (CO2) into energy-dense lipids, which are
industrial scale-up feasibility. Reduction of production costs depends on natural oil (Sheehan et al., 1978). Theoretically, algae can utilize up to
the algal growth rate and its harvest efficiency for biofuel generation. 9% of the incoming solar energy to sequester approximately 513 tons of
The control of contamination also affects the cost of production and CO2 and produce 280 tons of dry biomass per ha− 1 yr− 1 (Bilanovic et al.,
operational efficiency as algal culture renewal is needed (Ang, 2004). 2009). Production of alternative biofuels from algae and bacteria is
The major challenge for algal-bacterial biotechnology in industrial likely to lead to a more neutral CO2 emission compared to fossil fuel
biofuel and biogas production is the high cost but low yield. For sources due to the uptake of CO2 during algal growth (Usher et al.,
instance, algal-bacterial based production of biofuel has a comparably 2014). However, cost-competitive production to an economic level re
higher potential than terrestrial crops due to the difference in land re mains an obstacle. The European Algae Biomass Association (EABA) has
quirements, but the inability of algal technology to reach a commercial deduced that the production of algae-based biofuels and bioenergy from
scale remains a huge challenge. It becomes cost-intensive for large scale laboratory level to an industrial scale could take another 10 to 15 years.
operations because of the enormous investments in operating expenses, (Kovalyova, 2009).
which could lead to a four-fold increase in total wastewater treatment Several studies were conducted to understand the practicability and
costs (Lavrinovičs and Juhna, 2018). Moreover, the environmental applicability of algal-bacterial symbiosis for the treatment of various
sustainability of algal-bacterial-based wastewater treatment technolo types of wastewaters. The symbiotic relationship between photosyn
gies was questioned since it was found that algae and bacteria could thetic algae and heterotrophic bacteria regarding the exchange of nu
synthesize N2O, a greenhouse gas that possesses a global warming po trients and substrates facilitates both bacterial growth and algal
tential that is 298 times higher than CO2 (Olivares et al., 2019). Algal- photosynthesis (Choudhary et al., 2015). Algae also protect bacteria
bacterial consortia could increase water footprint in water-stressed against a harsh environment, for instance, it is found that Cladophora in
areas owing to the high evaporation rates in photobioreactors. A Lake Michigan serves as an environmental reservoir for Salmonella
calculation of an evaporation rate of up to 2.275 m3 m− 2 yr− 1 in an algae (Byappanahalli et al., 2009). As a result, algae and bacteria consortia are
raceway pond with a depth of 0.25 m was demonstrated in Arizona, proven to enhance nutrients removal and subsequently increase biomass
showing a water footprint of 33.1 m3 GJ− 1, which represents more than productivity. The removal of nitrogen, phosphorus, and COD in syn
600 years of rainfall for the particular geographical area to enable thetic wastewater in a photobioreactor with algal-bacterial mixed cul
production of 1 GJ m− 2 of biomass energy (Guieysse et al., 2013). tures was studied. It was observed that more than 90% N and P and 80%
of COD could be removed from the wastewater (Ashok et al., 2014). The
4.5. Safety and compatibility of algal-bacterial biotechnology for a safe capability of amalgamation and incorporation of an algal-bacterial
environment symbiotic relationship into conventional activated sludge systems
makes algae-based technologies attractive, as this leads to the reduction
Algae can accumulate toxins, pesticides and heavy metals, and there of aeration costs, which accounts for more than 50% of the overall en
could be potential contamination by pathogens especially for cultivation ergy of wastewater treatment plants (Arashiro, 2016). The feasibility of
in open ponds. An open-culture environment is prone to uncontrolled algal-bacterial cultures in wastewater treatment and simultaneous pro
growth conditions and is less protected and unsafe due to unwanted duction of biomass was found to be comparable with the existing
invasion by competing bacteria, protozoa, molds, and other algae spe microalgae cultivation (Leong et al., 2019a, 2019b). It was verified that
cies (Hamed, 2016). Toxic chemicals used in the harvesting process of algal-bacterial synergy makes a significant contribution to environ
algae could pose serious safety problems if aluminum ions and poly mental management such as metal phycoremediation. In this context,
acrylamide are accumulated in the water or food chain in aquaculture mutualistic algae and bacteria species can degrade and assimilate metals
(Han et al., 2019). Another challenge in the mutualistic relationship of from metal-rich wastewater. The detoxification of hazardous organic
bacteria and algae is the great control of integration of bacterial com pollutants including acetonitrile, salicylate, phenol, black oil, phenan
munity in terms of the desired composition, ways to maintain the bal threne by algal-bacterial consortia has been documented with high
ance in various operation modes, types of reactors, and fluctuations in removal rates (Muñoz and Guieysse, 2006). Algae- and bacteria-driven
outdoor conditions (Lian et al., 2018). Nevertheless, limited information technologies portray viable and sustainable ecological approach for
is available regarding the uncertainties of algal-bacterial consortia in the environmental protection. Algal-bacterial co-culture is, however, an
management of a safe environment. Further research is needed to underexplored section for sustainable biotechnological application.
deepen our understanding of the complex interactions that can Careful optimization and assessment are required to elucidate the effi
contribute largely to biotechnological outcomes. ciency of algal-bacterial consortia in environmental management in the
quest for economic feasibility and scalability to enable wider industrial
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