Christy Batulan
Alchely Ceniza
Erlyn Durano
Rabbirose Doroy
Jay Tomaquin
Kent Yaun
JULY 2022
prepared and submitted by the researchers in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
TECHNOLOGY, in reference to the subject IM 328 – Research 2 has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.
External Expert Member
ACCEPTED and APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
OIC Dean, College of Technology
Above all, we would like to thank our Almighty father, for being our strength all
throughout this amazing journey, our source of inspiration and wisdom, and for keeping our days
more secure while conducting this study as we have faced the fair share of difficulties in this new
We, the researchers, are also extremely grateful to the research panelists,
Mr. Marsan P. Dua, Mrs. Nelly Ann Gepilano, Ms. Annalyn P. Rosell, and Mr. Romelito Nalasa
Bayno Jr. Their opinions, suggestions, and recommendations propelled us to this point. For
making things easier for us by identifying what has to be altered or fixed, as well as for their
We would also like to thank our adviser, Mr. Frashel Clark Pepito, for sharing his
knowledge and suggesting important points in our output. We would also like to thank him for
sharing his valuable insights and for providing us with resources on the study's relevance.
Last but not the least, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our beloved
research mentor, Mr. Mark Paul Lim. Despite his hectic schedule and distance between us, he
undoubtedly guided and supervised us with all of his knowledge, skills, and expertise. The
transition from the previous semester was abrupt, hazy, and unknown. But his unwavering
contributions continued behind the scenes until late at night. He went above and beyond. He has
faced a unique set of challenges as an educator, but still have reimagined what learning is and
looks like, and his journey hasn't been without challenges and frustration. He balances his
personal life while standing up for his students. His vision, sincerity, dedication, and zeal have
left us in awe. Working and studying under his supervision was a great privilege and honor. Your
assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you for standing by your students during this trying
For answering our prayers and giving us the strength and wisdom.
The researchers
TITLE PAGE...........................................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................vi
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................ix
Definition of Terms...............................................................................11
Related Literature.................................................................................14
Related Studies.....................................................................................18
Chapter 3. METHOD...........................................................................................22
Research Procedure..............................................................................29
Summary of Findings...........................................................................58
Appendix F. Documentation......................................................................78
Chapter I
causing tens of thousands of deaths per annum from shifting patterns of disease, to
extreme weather events, like heat-waves and floods. Prolonged exposure to extreme
heat can cause prostration, heat cramps, heat stroke, and death, still as exacerbate pre-
related to increased mortality and morbidity, particularly among older adults," citing the
studies of Semenza et al. (1999), Matthies and Menne (2009), Huang et al. (2011), Ye
et al. (2012) and Bobb et al. (2014); and that they persist from there to explain how they
are in confined spaces for long periods of time. Indoor environments, particularly those
with insufficient ventilation, are more dangerous than outdoor settings. The "Three C's"
are a good approach to evaluate this. They describe parameters in which the COVID-19
where individuals are conversing very close to one another; and Confined and enclosed
spaces with poor ventilation in areas where these "3Cs" intersect, the probability of
potential hazards. Know your risks to lower risks. Follow these three basic precautions;
Avoid crowded places, poorly ventilated, indoor locations and avoid lengthy contact with
others. Spend more time outside than inside. Ventilation is essential; open windows
be commonly made by manual switches. Hence, people have become so busy that they
forgot to turn off the switches after leaving the area. The global temperature is
temperature. Simplifying our lives with temperature automation has been a priority since
the 1600s. The temperature-based fan speed controller that controls the speed of an
electric fan consistent with our requirement, Use of embedded technology makes this
closed loop feedback control system efficient and reliable. Microcontroller (ATMega8 /
168 / 328) allows dynamic and faster control. The sensed temperature and fan speed
level values are simultaneously displayed on the LCD panel. ARDUINO, micro-
controller is the heart of the circuit because it controls all the functions. The temperature
sensor LM35 senses the temperature and converts it into an electrical (analog) signal,
daily basis. Everything is getting more sophisticated and intelligible. there's a rise within
play a vital role within the development of the smart systems as brain is given to the
system. Microcontrollers have become the heart of the new technologies that are being
introduced daily.
The researchers discovered the significance of carrying out this study after
conducting a thorough literature review. We have harnessed the power of the fan
automation to not only simplify our life, but also make us more comfortable, increase
efficiency, and save on electricity costs. It is evident that this study shows the benefits of
automating your fan control; With automated fan control, you no longer need to disrupt
your workflow to adjust the speed and direction of your fans. Automating the fan speed
saves time and maintains a consistently comfortable environment. Identifying the best
speed and direction to operate your fans can be difficult, especially during the dry
calculates all of this for you and perfectly optimizes your fans’ performance for the
current climate. Fans with temperature sensor control give the best of both worlds with
Theoretical Background
The following theories support the concept of the product, the demographic, and
The dimensions and relevance of quality will be the starting point for this section
of my entire company study. "Quality is more essential than quantity" said the late Steve
Jobs, and I'm sure most people would agree that Apple prioritizes quality and aesthetics
over all other factors, and there's a strong case to be made for their dominance in
quality that Garvin presents as a framework for strategic analysis. The first is
Performance, which relates to the basic functioning features of a product. The second
traits that augment their core functionality. The third factor is Reliability, which indicates
the likelihood of a product malfunctioning or failing within a given time frame. Fourth is
the Conformance, it refers to how closely a product's design and functioning features
adhere to set guidelines. Durability is the fifth factor, it is a measure of product life that
includes both economic and technical aspects. Sixth is the serviceability, it refers to the
speed, civility, skill, and ease with which a product can be repaired. Aesthetics, the
seventh degree of quality or the appearance, is a subjective one that depends on how
the people respond. Finally, is the Perceived Quality, it refers to the situation in which
consumers may not have complete information about a product's or service's features,
Project smart fan is a prototype that can detect humidity and it will automatically
switch on when it reaches the specific temperature. The microcontroller controls the of
an electric fan according to the requirement and allows dynamic faster control and the
LCD makes the system user- friendly. Sensed temperature in Celsius scale and fan
speed in percentage are simultaneously displayed on the LCD panel. Which it relates to
sensor. In order for the Arduino to function, the increase of the humidity is needed. The
greater the room temperature the higher the (RPM) revolutions per minute. When there
is no significant change in the temperature, the fan will stay neutral. The temperature
sensor LM35 senses the temperature and converts it into an electrical (analog) signal,
which is applied to the ATmega328 microcontroller of the Arduino UNO Board. The
analog value is converted into a digital value. Thus, the sensed values of the
temperature and speed of the fan are displayed in the LCD. When the temperature
exceeds 36°C the fan starts to rotate. A low frequency pulse width modulation (PMW)
signal, whose duty cycle is varied to adjust the fan speed is used. An inexpensive,
sensor whose output voltage varies linearly with change in temperature. LM35 is three
temperature between 55 degrees Celsius to 150 degrees Celsius. The voltage output of
the LM35 increases 10mv per degree Celsius rise in temperature. LM35 can be
operated from a 5v supply and the standby current is less than 60uA. LM35 sensor uses
the basic principle of diode, whereas the temperature increases, the voltage across a
diode increases at a known rate. By precisely amplifying the voltage change, it is easy
The study also applies diffusion of innovation. This is a theory that describes how
adopters- who are comfortable with change and new ideas; Early majority- adopts to
new innovations before the average person; late majority- Those who are resistant to
change and will only adopt an innovation after it has been widely accepted and adopted
by the majority of the population; Laggards- Those who are very old school and they are
the last to adopt new technologies. This theory definitely explores the stages on how the
innovations, and hence the proportion of the population adopting an invention is often
comprising both advocates and opponents of the new idea, all of whom have a say in
These theories aid the study's background in guiding how to produce a higher-
quality product and the innovation process is to gather all of the diffusion’s categories.
Theoretical Framework
The study is based on theories of the Arduino Based Humidity Fan Speed Control
1. What are the current conditions and problems experienced among fan users in
regular/manual fan?
2. In developing a Smart Humidity and Fan Speed Control System, what design
can be proposed in terms of:
2.1 Features
2.2 Functions
2.3 Performance
2.4 Durability
2.5 Cost Savings
3. What are the perception of the fan users towards the development of the
4. What are the creation acceptability of the Arduino Based Humidity and Fan
speed control system as to:
4.1 Perceived comfort of use;
4.2 Perceived usefulness;
4.4 Behavioral intention of use;
4.4 Actual usage?
5. Based on findings, what techno-guide can be design as an output of the study?
Proposed Prototype Design
Statement of the Problem
Figure 1.0 Theoretical Framework
This project intends to expand and innovate Humidity and Fan Speed Control
System using Arduino for fan users at CTU Danao Campus for the academic year 2021
- 2022.
1. What are the current conditions and problems experienced among fan users in
2. In developing a Smart Humidity and Fan Speed Control System, what design can be
2.1 Features
2.2 Functions
2.3 Performance
2.4 Durability
3. What are the perception of the fan users towards the development of the prototype?
4. What are the creation acceptability of the Arduino Based Humidity and Fan speed
This study focused on using Arduino Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control
System to launch electronic fan automation in different schools and workplace. This
device will automatically turn on and off the electronic fan devices. Moreover, it is also
responsible for controlling the speed and direction of electronic fan devices. This fan
automation simplifies our life, makes us comfortable, increases efficiency, save time
and saves energy. Furthermore, the result of the study will be beneficial to the following:
This study will be beneficial to the students, who are the direct recipients
of this research, they will gain awareness and information regarding the nature and
importance of using this device to make their life and daily activities efficient.
This study will present opportunities to the department and would give them the
idea that this device is beneficial to use in the university. This study may serve as to
enlighten them about the edge of the prototype, and utilize this knowledge for the
Future Researchers
This study will serve as a reference for researchers on the subject of research in the
field of Industrial Technology. This will serve as a guide to further develop the
This study will focus on developing a smart fan using an Arduino UNO. The
scope of the study includes the acceptability of the product as well as the functionality of
the Arduino. The study will also determine the efficiency of the Arduino-based Humidity
and Fan Speed Control System in an enclosed area. The program of the prototype is
dependent in the given set-up; its program is based in real situation wherein if there is
heat in the area and when the sensor detects it, the fan will automatically start. The
from the perimeter because LM35 sensor was used in detecting the heat emitted from
the blower.
However, this research will not extend to the advanced factors that affect
Arduino-based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System, such as, system interruptions
or bugs. The Arduino uno which is the microcontroller that we have been using is not
capable of using a great deal of components but still it serves as the circuit's brain. If the
To enhance understanding of the discussion in this study, the following terms are
Arduino- Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. Is a prototype with
artificial intelligence that can detect heat and environmental humidity and has a program
that allows the fan to automatically turn on or otherwise shutdown if it reaches the
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset
Behavioral Intention Of Use. which is defined as the degree to which a person has
formulated conscious plans to perform or not perform some specified future behavior.
Cost Savings. it refers to the product's quality that is less expensive than competing
Durability. one of the aspects is that the product is not easy to break and will last a long
LCD Panel. it allows to display the temperature in degree Celsius and the fan speed in
circuit chip.
Perceived Comfort of Use. Refers to the product that is capable of reducing the
Perceived Usefulness. Refers to the product to know the importance of its usage, and
PWM Output. the fan's speed is controlled via a low-frequency pulse-width modulation
Chapter 2
The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concepts,
ideas, finished thesis, generalizations, techniques, and any other relevant information
related to the study of Arduino Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. Those
provided in this chapter aid in familiarizing the reader with knowledge that is pertinent
Related Literature
system for the faculty of arts and letters The Web-Based Temperature Monitoring
System for the College of Arts and Letters helps customers hold track of the College of
Arts & Letters’ server room temperature from a remote location. The project’s mission is
reached inside the server room, in addition to providing a technique for displaying the
using temperature sensors, the heater management unit using PWM output, and the
resistance change reading part using the Wheatstone bridge principle. The design
standards were happy to keep the fuel sensing material at a predetermined temperature
of 200°C and efficiently skim the resistance change of gas 39 sensors, according to the
results. However, there are a few limitations in terms of accuracy and heater contact
space with a temperature sensor that will need to be addressed in future work by
employing more tuning methods and efficient design. This is an excellent piece of work.
et.al (2014). We must conserve energy in order to defend and safeguard our future.
"One unit saved is one unit generated," as the phrase suggests. The project is a self-
contained automatic fan speed controller that regulates the speed of an electric fan to
our specifications. This closed loop feedback control system is efficient and reliable
thanks to the use of embedded technology. The Arduino microcontroller enables for
more dynamic and responsive control. The system is user-friendly because of the liquid
crystal display (LCD). On the LCD panel, the measured temperature and fan speed
entirely in-house. When the humidity or temperature falls outside of the range specified
by the user, the device sends an SMS to the user's specific phone number. This SMS
includes information on the current temperature and humidity. The developed system is
also in place to send data to the monitoring station for recording and graph plotting for
later analysis functions achieve its final goal and high-level performance.
Related Studies
There are many sensor-based projects for engineering students, according to Tiger
Sensors detect temperature, humidity, and light, while two thin metal rods or metal
wires detect soil moisture. Temperature sensor output is amplified and sent to Analog to
Digital Converter ADC along with three other sensors; the microcontroller controls these
parameters and keeps them below predefined levels using relay interface and motor
drivers. These relays can be connected to fans and heaters, and DC motors can be
According to Kunla Singh (2015), one of the hottest topics is an Automatic Fan
Speed Control 1 system with Arduino. In this project, the fan speed will be controlled in
relation to the temperature. The temperature will be obtained using the temperature
sensor, and the system will control the speed based on the temperature specified by the
individual. In this project, the microcontroller sorts the processing parts, which first
senses the temperature and the controller then compares the information with the set
temperature. If the current temperature is larger than the set temperature, the controller
turns ON the fan and the set pace shall be proportional to the difference between the
set temperature and the current temperature. If the present temperature is less than the
based on digital technology, using the DHT11 and computers, technology and computer
technology. Sensirion, a Swiss company, created the DHT22 sensor. The system
overcomes the drawbacks of poor linearity, low accuracy transmission, complex use of
traditional systems with the analog humidity sensor and makes measurements for
sensors are based on CMOSens technology, which combines a CMOS chip with a
Chapter 3
The approach and processes used to attain the research's goals are described in
Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure, Data Collection, Data Treatment and Scoring
Research Method
The key objectives of this study are to discuss the significance of Arduino-based
Humidity and Fan Speed Control System on how can be developed for a certain
based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System to aid reader's visualization; and third,
Research Design
This study used a survey method to examine the effectiveness and acceptance
of the proposed Arduino-based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. The
researchers used a survey questionnaire as the major method for collecting data in this
study, with the goal of determining the efficacy and acceptability of the proposed
Arduino-based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. Simultaneously, while this
study conceived and created a product, the experimental approach was applied.
12V DC Fan
12V/9V Battery
Jumper Wires
Step 2: Connect all the electronics parts using the schematic diagram presented.
Step 3: Prepare your Arduino IDE in your computer, and then plug the USB port
The program for our prototype is provided below.
Step 4: The next step is to put all the electronic parts inside a small box that is it`s
12v fan speed was tested. We programmed, compiled, and uploaded the code into our
Arduino UNO. Then connect all the circuit and put everything in the black box. The box
made out of an old packaging of a mobile phone. The Arduino UNO, breadboard, and
LCD were put together inside of it. After putting everything inside the box we punch a
hole on the top, for us to achieve the proper housekeeping of the wires.
Research Environment
The locale of this study will be Cebu Technological University - Danao City
Research Respondents
The proponent selected the Cebu Technological University Danao City, Campus
to be the respondents of the study. Preferably third year students of the Indus-
trial technology departments and instructors. The proponents have come up with
ten (10) department instructors and thirty (30) of the third-year students.
Research Instrument
modified from previous studies. It was also subjected to peer validation by the
researcher's instructor and groupmates, whose suggestions and feedback were used to
improve and refine the questionnaire. The requirements for designing a good data
instance, statements describing the issues or pertaining to the issues were toned down
instrument is authorized to collect valid responses from respondents. There are four
second part to learn about the design options for creating a Smart Humidity and Fan
Speed Control System; third part is to understand about the community's attitudes
toward the prototype's development and the last part in using non-Arduino Based
Humidity and Fan Speed Control System; fourth part is to know the level of acceptability
in using the prototype and last the part is to request a recommendations or suggestion
from the respondents. The fourth part is to determine the level of acceptability in using
the prototype, and the final part is to solicit recommendations or suggestions from
Research Procedure
survey and sent it to the campus director for approval. After approval, the researchers
made questionnaires. The questionnaires are composed of relevant questions about the
research topic that are tailored to a specific demographic or set of respondents. The
The respondents were encouraged and invited to participate in the survey and
informed about the purpose of the study. The procedure of conducting a survey
undergoes a background check, given sufficient time to respond, and the respondent's
The way of answers is through forms using social media and the internet. The
findings are gathered, analyzed, evaluated, and interpreted as the foundation for the
study's conclusion.
Data Collection
The school that underwent the design of the study was the Cebu Technological
Technology major in Computer. The conduct of study was permitted by the School
Campus Director. This study used a survey method to examine the effectiveness and
acceptance of the proposed Arduino-based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System.
The researchers used a survey questionnaire as the major method for collecting data in
this study, with the goal of determining the efficacy and acceptability of the proposed
Arduino-based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. Simultaneously, while this
study conceived and created a product, the experimental approach was applied. Survey
questionnaires were given to the respective respondents and asked them to answer the
questions honestly. The survey questionnaire was composed of four parts. The
product acceptability and the last part it includes the suggestions /recommendation. The
respondents of our study are from juniors (third year) from the College of Technology.
All respondents were taken through the required informed consent procedures. This
was done at the point of survey and at the start of each online question. Since we used
occurring situations. They look at relationships between variables as part of the overall
descriptions but they do not examine the type or degrees of relationships. It gains more
As for as data collection tools were concerned, the conduction of the research
involved the use of survey questions, which was used as an online survey guide for the
researcher. This research followed this systematic way of data collection to achieve the
desired results and examine the effectiveness and acceptance of the proposed Arduino
Based-Humidity and Fan Speed Control system. Moreover, this research utilized the
mentioned data collection method because it best fits the research questions and
Statistical Treatment
1. Weighted mean
This is being used to determine the product development and performance.
Scoring Procedure
Scoring Procedure
This is to analyze and interprets a scoring procedure which presented below
Rating Scale:
Parametric Weighted Interpretation Description/
Scale Mean Interpretation
3.25-4.00 4 Strongly Agree The quality of the prototype
is obtained
2.51-3.25 3 Agree The quality of the prototype
is merely obtained
1.76-2.50 2 Disagree The quality of the prototype
is poorly obtained
1.00-1.75 1 Strongly The quality of the prototype
Disagree is not obtained
Rating Scale:
Parametric Scoring Description/Interpretation
Scale Weight Interpretation
3.26-4.00 4 Strongly Agree The quality of the prototype
is obtained
2.51-3.25 3 Agree The quality of the prototype
is merely obtained
1.76-2.50 2 Disagree The quality of the prototype
is poorly obtained.
1.00-1.75 1 Strongly The quality of the prototype
Disagree is not obtained.
Table 2-B Shows the Scoring procedure of the level of Product Acceptability and its
Chapter 4
The presentation of the data obtained on perception is covered in this chapter. Given
the survey participants' views about the Innovative Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan
Speed Control System and the viability of its product. This information was then
In our country, manual switches are still frequently used to turn on or off electrical
fans, particularly in rooms. As a result, individuals get so occupied that they neglect to
turn off the switches when they leave a space. A completely new technology is
In this innovative Arduino based project, the proposed product employs the same
that by using the prototype, it able to adjust the fan speed in our home or office
according to the room temperature and also show the temperature and fan speed
changes on a 16x2 LCD display. Second, this sensor was highly sensitive and had a
rapid reaction time. Third, the device was friendly to use, portable and lightweight.
Fourth, the device was able to use battery and also rechargeable battery. Fifth, this
product reduces cost because it was intent to design by aiming to saves more electricity
Showing that the researchers innovated more, the proposed product featured
additional characteristics that could be used in multiple ways in which that the product
can control itself. By detecting the temperature of the environment with its specific level
of humidity, the product can visualize the temperature through the lcd display. In
Below are the four aspects of Innovative Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed
Control System.
The first aspects of humidity and fan speed control system was the product
features/functions. In the design it had four indicators. The first one it can detect
temperature. Second, the product automatically controls itself. Third, the product can
visualize the temperature of the surroundings. And lastly, the product changes its
Fan Speed
(Level of percentage)
Area’s temperature
(Real time)
LM35 DZ Sensor
performance had five indicators. The first one was that the product was effective in
detecting humidity.
Second, if the item is broken, it can be readily fixed. Third, When the product recognizes
the local humidity, it starts working automatically. And lastly, the product can decode
Arduino Uno R3
The third aspects of humidity and fan speed control was the product durability. It
is carried out to evaluate and present the durability of concrete. It has five indicators.
The first one was that the product was sturdy. Secondly, the product was long lasting.
Thirdly, the product requires less maintenance. Fourthly, the product can be easily
repaired if damaged and lastly, the product cannot be easily broken or damaged for the
Durability Design
The last aspect of the humidity and fan speed control was its product cost
savings. In this aspect, it has four indicators. The first was that the product saves more
cost than current products. Second, the product saves more electricity than current.
Lastly, the product was able to use battery and also rechargeable battery.
240V AC Adapter
Proposed Prototype
Table 3.0 presents the perception of the instructors and students as to Arduino-Based
Humidity and Fan Speed Control System in terms of features & functions.
The table indicates that 3 out 4 items on the features and functions reached more
than of 4.0 which is verbally described as an agree. The lowest item got 3.96 or labeled
as neutral. Furthermore, the first and second item acquired the highest composite mean
of 4.03. In total of the system’s functions and feature gained 4.0 or agree in composite
Table 3.0
Mean Description
of the surroundings.
the surroundings.
Legend: 5.00 (Strongly Agree); 4.99 – 4.00 (Agree); 3.99 -3.00(Neutral); 2.99- 2.00(Disagree); 1.99 –
1.00(Strongly Disagree)
Humidity and Fan Speed Control System is functional, and researchers were able to
demonstrate the essential features and functions that the user desired as a result of
the product. Based on the study (Galli, 2020), the 8 Dimensions of Quality is a theory
that examines the significance of quality and one of it is in terms of feature. That the
data shows that the product is competitive because of the features and functions
which is the greater the room temperature the higher the (RPM) revolutions per
minute. A low frequency pulse width modulation (PMW) signal, whose duty cycle is
varied to adjust the fan speed is used. Moreover, this study implies that the
itself, can visualize the temperature of the surrounding, and changes its speed based
on the humidity, which is very evident in the result provided on the data above.
Table 4.2 introduces the intuition of the instructors and students as to Arduino-Based
The table shows that four out of five performance-related items scored higher
than 3.50, which is considered to be neutral. The second item had the highest
composite mean of 4.03 which is regarded as an agree. The performance of the system
Table 3.1
Performance n=30
Mean Description
B. Performance
without errors.
decoded incorrectly.
Legend: 5.00 (Strongly Agree); 4.99 – 4.00 (Agree); 3.99 -3.00(Neutral); 2.99- 2.00(Disagree); 1.99 –
1.00(Strongly Disagree)
The data above suggests that the product managed to capture the respondents'
interest and attention in terms of performance in some way. The information above
showed that the respondents were kind of satisfied with practically every area.
Additionally, they imply that respondents accepted the method and that it was fairly
effective. The 8 Dimensions of Quality, a theory that explores the importance of quality
and one of its dimensions is performance, is another source of support for the data
(Galli, 2020). The answers demonstrate that the product operates continuously without
automatically when it detects the area's humidity, and can be easily decoded if it is
decoded incorrectly, as is very clear from the result given based on the data above. This
simply demonstrates that the product fairly achieved one of the of 8 dimensions of
Table 4.3 presents the perception of the instructors and students as to Arduino-
The table reveals that every item pertaining to durability received a score more
than 3.46, which is regarded as neutral. The greatest composite mean, 3.63, was found
in the first item. Overall, the system's performance increased by 3.52, or neutral in
composite mean.
Table 3.2
Durability n=30
Mean Description
C. Durability
or damaged.
1.00(Strongly Disagree);
Legend: 5.00 (Strongly Agree); 4.99 – 4.00 (Agree); 3.99 -3.00(Neutral); 2.99- 2.00(Disagree); 1.99 –
1.00(Strongly Disagree)
The aforementioned data suggests that the system managed to capture the
respondents' attention and interest in some way regarding durability, which further
suggests that the system became neutral in these areas. Another source of support for
the data is the 8 Dimensions of Quality, a theory that examines the significance of
quality and includes durability as one of its dimensions (Galli, 2020). According to the
conclusion drawn from the aforementioned data, the answers clearly show that the
product is robust, long lasting, requires little maintenance, can be quickly repaired if
damaged, and cannot be easily destroyed or damaged. This only shows that the
product fairly met the study's one of the eight dimensions of quality.
Table 4.4 introduces the insights of the instructors and students as to Arduino-Based
According to the table, 2 out of 3 cost-saving questions had scores more than
3.66, which is considered neutral. The third item, which is regarded as an agree, had
the highest composite mean (4.03). Performance of the system improved overall by
Table 3.3
Mean Description
D. Cost Savings
current products.
Legend: 5.00 (Strongly Agree); 4.99 – 4.00 (Agree); 3.99 -3.00(Neutral); 2.99- 2.00(Disagree); 1.99 –
1.00(Strongly Disagree)
The information above implies that the product was successful in drawing the
respondents' interest and attention in some way by presenting cost savings. According
to the data above, the respondents were somewhat satisfied in almost every category.
They also imply that respondents approved of the approach and thought it worked fairly
well. Automated fans make us more comfortable, increase efficiency, and save on
electricity costs. Based on Meralco Power Lab tests that fan consuming electricity
depending on the speed level setting, a 16" fan at #1 (low) vs #3 (high) speed setting for
9hrs/day use, it can save P32.40 a month when it is in a low setting (Meralco, 2017).
The data clearly somehow shows that the product can compete to the other products in
Table 4.0
Legend : 5.00 (Strongly Agree); 4.99 – 4.00 (c); 3.99 -3.00(Neutral); 2.99- 2.00(Disagree); 1.99 – 1.00(Strongly
The data above shows the summary of product effectiveness for the Arduino-
Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. It can be observed that six (6) items in
these aspects of effectiveness were rated with composite mean of more than 3.00,
which verbally described as neutral. In fact, it is indicated that the first aspect “Features
& Functions” obtained the highest rating from the respondents with a composite mean
of 4.00, while the (3) were rated the lowest with a composite mean of 3.52.
Table 5.0
Mean Description
B. Perceived usefulness
temperature’s humidity.
D. Actual usage
Legend : 5.00 (Strongly Agree); 4.99 – 4.00 (Agree); 3.99 -3.00(Neutral); 2.99- 2.00(Disagree); 1.99 –
1.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table shows the perception of the respondents in terms of the perceived
observed that (2) items in these dimensions of acceptability were rated 4.00 which is
verbally described as agreeable. In fact, it is indicated that the first item of design
obtained the higher rating from the respondents with a composite mean of 4.10 while
item (2) was rated the lowest with a composite mean of 4.06.
The findings revealed that the proposed Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed
Control System for automatic humidity sensor perceived comfort of use has the highest
composite mean. Researchers found that this product is user friendly that is easy and
towards fan users of CTU Danao Campus, the protocol of this prototype is to recognize
the specified temperature in the classrooms. The core reason why research wants to
Perceived Usefulness
The table shows that perception of the respondents in terms of Usefulness to use
of Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. It was indicated in the table
that (5) were rated and the usefulness obtained a composite mean of 4.09. Which is
described as strongly agreeable. Nonetheless, it is indicated that the (4) item obtained
the highest rating from the respondents with the composite mean of 4.16 while the item
that was rated lowest are the (1) and (5) item with the composite mean of 4.03.
The data implies that the responders were very satisfied the usefulness of the
product towards daily lives, which performed satisfactory in the usefulness of the
prototype. The study was supported by Pal & Gosh et.al (2017) the prototype they made
entitled Temperature Based Fan Speed Controller is a fan speed controller that
operates independently according to which regulates the speed of an electric fan speed
easy to use at classrooms, office, and in homes. The clever product is time saving
because, instead of manually turning on and off the fan, this prototype will be the one to
The table shows the perception of the respondents in terms of the behavioral
intention of use of Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. It was
insinuated on the table that there were (3) items rated with a composite mean more
indicated that the (2) obtained a highest rating among (3) items with a composite mean
of 4.06 while the (1) and (3) were rated lowest with a composite mean of (4.00)
The data indicates that the respondents were satisfied and enticed by the
which shows that the prototype detects humidity effectively. Conferring to Parajuli
that we need to modify the speed of the fan in our home or anywhere else based on the
temperature of the room. This innovative prototype from the researchers were also able
to provide cost-effective product that were more interesting and comfortable to use,
which is evident from the data above. It was useful for detecting humidity, so users are
Actual Usage
It is shown on the table above that the (2) items in the dimensions of actual
usage were rated above the composite mean of 4.00 which is described as agreeable.
Moreover, it is indicated in the (2) item of actual usage obtained the highest rating from
the respondents with a composite mean of 4.16 while item (1) was rated the lowest with
This data implies that the product acceptability, in terms of actual usage, was
able to get the respondents attention and interest, implying that the respondents were
very satisfied with actual usage. Conferring to Ripunjay Chachan (2015), depicts
prototype is designed entirely in house. The overall outcome will make the system safer
for the users. It is implied that the product’s overall outcome will make the prototype
safer for the users and gives convenience to the users. It is implied that the product’s
overall use is simple, reliable, and very effective; which researchers also agreed with.
Celsius, the fan will rotate. As the temperature rises, the fan will also increase in speed.
When the temperature exceeds 60° Celsius, the prototype will fully maximize the fan
speed to 100% and it will emit red light on the LCD panel.
It is concluded that the Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System
that this fan is highly successful in humid areas and is a huge help to fans users when
the temperature is too high, which leads to good user behavior/perception and
Table 6.0 presents the perceived perceptions of the respondents toward the
Innovative Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System.
Table 6.0
Product Acceptability n=30
B. Perceived usefulness
The product is useful in household. 4.03 Agree
The product is useful in detecting humidity. 4.13 Agree
The product is useful in monitoring the 4.10 Agree
temperature of the area.
The product is useful in knowing the level of 4.16 Agree
temperature’s humidity.
The product is easy to use. 4.03 Agree
Average Composite Mean 4.09 Agree
D. Actual usage
The product is intended to design to freely let the 4.00 Agree
prototype decide for itself.
The product is intended to design to make the life 4.16 Agree
of the user’s easy.
Average Composite Mean 4.08 Agree
Overall Composite Mean 4.06 Agree
Legend : 5.00 (Strongly Agree); 4.99 – 4.00 (Agree); 3.99 -3.00(Neutral); 2.99- 2.00(Disagree); 1.99 –
1.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table displays the respondents' views regarding the innovative Arduino-
Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System for perceived usefulness. As can be
seen, the two (2) items in these acceptability categories earned ratings with a composite
mean of more than 3.99. The average composite mean of this dimension is 4.03 or
Study shows that the product is secure to use in every individual and is friendly to
use. This dimension was verbally agreed by the respondents. According to a study by
Anusha (2019), it stated that the DHT11 and DHT22 humidity and temperature sensors
microcontrollers. For this reason, researchers improved the current product to make it
Perceived usefulness
The table indicates the respondents' perception regarding the innovative Arduino-
Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System for perceived usefulness. It can be
observed that the composite means for the (5) items were higher than 3.99, which is
referred to as “agree”. As shown in the data given, the item (4) received the highest
composite mean of 4.16 and followed by item (2) with a total 4.13 composite mean.
The finding shows that the innovative Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed
Control System with the dimension of perceived usefulness has the highest average
composite mean among the four aspects of dimensions under the product acceptability
Researchers found that the product is useful by detecting humidity and useful in
knowing the level of temperature’s humidity. This dimension was verbally agreed by the
respondents. A study by Das (2019), stated that the Temperature Based Fan Speed
Control and Monitoring Using Arduino is useful and can be implemented in every aspect
The table shows the perception of the respondents in terms of the behavioral
intention to use of innovative Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System.
It is indicated on the table that item (2) received the highest composite mean with a total
of 4.06 while item (1) and item (3) garnered a composite mean of 4.0. In addition, the
The findings reveal that the innovative product was satisfied and captivated the
Parajuli (2021), It is a great initiative project with many potential uses. A temperature
workplaces, homes, and more. This implies that innovative product from the
researchers were also able to provide cost-effective products that were more interesting
and comfortable to use, which is evident from the data above. It was useful for
regulating the temperature in a space at the house, room and more. This can be used
also in a variety of ways as a do-it-yourself project. Considering that this fan speed
Actual Usage
The table above shows that the item (2) acquired the highest composite mean of
4.16 among the two items. Item (2) acquired composite mean of 4.00. The average
The data indicates that the product's acceptability, as evidenced by actual usage,
was able to capture respondents' interest and attention, indicating that the respondents
were satisfied with consumption of actual usage. Based on the study by Rani, et. al
(2021), the usage of electricity has reached high due to the increase in usage of
electrical devices in domestic and industrial appliances which researchers agreed with.
It can be concluded that the innovative Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control
requirements and allows dynamic and speedier operation. Therefore, this project is
Chapter 5
This chapter provides a summary of the conclusions drawn from the related issues
posed in the preceding chapter, as well as a conclusion and some suggestions.
Summary of Findings
This research aims to design and create an Innovative Arduino - Based Humidity
and Fan Speed Control System to focus on developing a smart fan using an Arduino
UNO. This research used survey questionnaires as the major method for collecting data
in this study, with the goal of determining the efficacy and acceptability of the proposed
product at Cebu Technological University - Danao Campus for the school year 2021-
1. The research focused on using Arduino-based humidity and fan speed control
systems to introduce electronic fan automation in various schools and workplaces.
This was determined based on the sub-problems raised. The electronic fan devices
will be turned on and off automatically by this gadget.
2. The Innovate Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System was
developed in terms of performance, features, reliability, conformance, durability,
serviceability, aesthetics, and perceived Quality.
3. In this product, the fan speed will be controlled in relation to the temperature. The
temperature will be obtained using the temperature sensor, and the system will
control the speed based on the temperature specified by the individual. In this
product, the microcontroller sorts the processing parts, which first senses the
temperature and the controller then compares the information with the set
4. This study in terms of performance needs to be enhanced and enriched in terms
the procedure of conducting a survey undergoes a background check, given
sufficient time to respond, and the respondent's privacy is kept private for
comfortability purposes. The way of answers is through forms using social media
and the internet. The findings are gathered, analyzed, evaluated, and interpreted as
the foundation for the study's conclusion. Thus, the researchers proposed an
improvement program as an output of the study.
5. This study is to discuss the significance of Arduino-based Humidity and Fan Speed
Control System on how can be developed for a certain innovative product; second,
develop an e-concept design model of proposed Arduino- based Humidity and Fan
Speed Control System to aid reader's visualization; and third, provide procedural
framework based on design principles.
It can be concluded that the Arduino Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control
System is very effective in cooling down the environment or a certain room by detecting
the humidity in the room and the fan will automatically turn on and off to keep the
preferred habitual temperature in the room, which leads to energy electricity
conservation and human energy conservation.
Primary Recommendations
1. The proponent can innovate the product by, instead of just using a battery as a
source of energy, the proponent can also use 240v ac adaptor and solar panel.
2. The proponent can innovate products by sending notifications to the phone about the
fan speed and temperature.
3. The proponent can innovate the product by adding an on and off switch.
4 The proponent can innovate the product with the use of Wi-Fi connectivity.
5. The proponent can innovate products by improving the cover of the product by using
a wood and metal to insure sturdiness.
Secondary Recommendations
Secondary recommendation was the suggested research title that was related to
the study.
1. "Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System with Phone Notification
Alert System"
3. "Temperature Based Fan Speed Control & Monitoring System with Arduino"
4. "Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System with On and Off Features "
Chapter 6
Proposal for Improvement
This chapter presents an innovative approach for Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan
Speed Control System to be installed at Cebu Technological University – Danao, City,
Campus. The content of this plan is to enhanced the quality and product acceptability
based on the outcomes of the study.
The techniques used to manage and the implementation of the continuous innovative
Arduino-Base Humidity and Fan Speed Control System are discussed in this section
which includes the rationale, objectives, and the output for the said improvement
daily basis. Everything is getting more sophisticated and intelligible. There is a rise
Microcontrollers play a vital role within the development of the smart systems as brain is
given to the system. Microcontrollers have become the heart of the new technologies
that are being introduced daily. We have harnessed the power of the fan automation to
not only simplify our life, but also make us more comfortable, increase efficiency, and
The innovative Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System can be
improved by, instead of just being battery dependent, the product can be improved by
converting it into direct current product with the help of 240 volts alternating current
adapter, it could also be improved with the use of smart phone by notifying the user
It is evident that humidity plays a vital role to human health because it affects us
thermal comfort or in other words, whether we feel hot or too cold, whether the weather
is warm and the humidity is high the human body finds it hard to keep it cool. Arduino
Based Humidity and Fan speed control system comes in handy because it is way easier
and more convenient. Because we are living in the 21 st century, it is more appealing if
Program Objectives
At the end of several months of continuous design of the humidity and fan speed control,
implementation, and evaluation, the innovative Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control
1. The innovative can do both, sending SMS (Short Message Services) and calling the
registered number.
2. Improved the product by converting it into a direct current product by using 240volts
alternating current.
Scheme of Implementation
The implementation of the improvement of the Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed
Control System will start on September 2022 until March 2023. The implementation of the
program will start by establishing a baseline or starting point in planning. Then you start:
Improvement Plan
can send
message to
the user.
1.2 Improve the Convert the 5 days 1000.00 Validated
product by battery through survey
converting it into dependent questionnaire
a direct current product by
by using using an AC
240volts power
alternating Adapter to DC
current voltages.
1. Improve the Putting a 3 days 100 Validated
product by switch into the through survey
adding on and prototype then questionnaire
off switch. program and
compile it.
1. Improve the Using a ply 3 days 300 Validated
cover of the wood/metal through survey
product by using and form it questionnaire
a wood and into a Box.
metal to insure
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Sample Survey Questionnaire
Dear Participants,
The researchers of this study are the third year from the College of Technology
department taking up Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Computer. We are inviting you
to participate in this research by completing the following survey. This is the questionnaire for
the research project entitled Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. The
following questionnaire will require approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Your time and
effort in answering this questionnaire will be greatly appreciated and we will be eternally
grateful as it will serve as the catalyst to complete our research. The data collected will remain
confidential and used solely for academic purposes only.
Part I. Current conditions and problems encountered among the users of using
regular/manual fans
Instruction: Below are the statements of common conditions and problems encountered of
non-using Arduino-Based Humidity and Fan Speed Control System. Rank the following given
statements from 5 being the most usually conditions and problems encountered to 1 being the
fewest conditions and problems encountered.
Instruction: You are required to rate the following level of agreement of the following
statements. There are 5 levels of agreement:
Please check the numerical box that corresponds to your answer to each item. Each item is
represented by a numeric scale, which has qualitative counterparts in the following verbal
Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
B. Performance
C. Durability
The product is sturdy.
The product is long lasting.
The product requires less maintenance.
The product can be easily repaired if damaged.
The product cannot be easily broken or damaged.
Others (please specify):
D. Cost Savings
The product saves more cost than current products
The product saves more electricity than current.
The product is able to use battery and also rechargeable
Others (please specify):
Part III. The perception of the fan users towards the development of the prototype
Instruction: You are required to rate the following level of agreement of the following
statements. There are 5 levels of agreement:
Please check the numerical box that corresponds to your answer to each item. Each item is
represented by a numeric scale, which has qualitative counterparts in the following verbal
Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
The product is presentable.
The product is aesthetically pleasing.
The product is impressive and efficient.
The product meets our standards.
The product instantly appealing to users because of the
prototype design.
Others (please specify):
Instruction: You are required to rate the following level of acceptability of the following
statements. There are 5 levels of acceptability:
Please check the numerical box that corresponds to your answer to each item. Each item is
represented by a numeric scale, which has qualitative counterparts in the following verbal
Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
B. Perceived usefulness
The product is useful in household.
The product is useful in detecting humidity.
The product is useful in monitoring the temperature of
the area.
The product is useful in knowing the level of
temperature’s humidity.
The product is easy to use.
Others (please specify):
D. Actual usage
Part V. Suggestions/Recommendations
Respondent’s Signature
over printed name
This project intends to expand and innovate Humidity and Fan Speed Control System
using Arduino for fan users at CTU Danao Campus for the academic year 2021 - 2022.
1. What are the current conditions and problems experienced among fan users in
regular/manual fan?
2. In developing a Smart Humidity and Fan Speed Control System, what design can be proposed
in terms of:
2.1 Features
2.2 Functions
2.3 Performance
2.4 Durability
3. What are the perception of the fan users towards the development of the prototype?
4. What are the creation acceptability of the Arduino Based Humidity and Fan speed control
system as to:
1k resistor
16X2 LCD
LM35 Sensor
If Temp = >
Temp = > 60° FAN SPEED 30 %
On May 17 th, 2022, the Design Hearing Defense was conducted via Google
Panas Cambanay, Danao City, Cebu
I. Personal Data:
Alchely R. Ceniza,
Taboc Camalig Bato, Danao City, Cebu
I. Personal Data:
I. Personal Data:
Mangit-ngit Sandayong Norte, Danao City, Cebu
I. Personal Data:
I. Personal Data:
I. Personal Data:
Father’s Name
Mother’s Maiden Name Sarah Euldan Zoumis
I. Personal Data:
I. Personal Data:
I. Personal Data:
Jay H. Tomaquin
Lower Bali Bali, Compostela, Cebu
I. Personal Data:
Name Jay H. Tomaquin
Sex Male
Civil Status Single
Citizenship Filipino
Place of Birth Vicente Sotto Memorial Hospital
Date of Birth July 5, 2000
Address Lower Bali Bali, Compostela, Cebu
Panas, Barangay Sabang Danao City Cebu
I. Personal Data: