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Witcher Homebrew Skill Trees EN

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for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games

By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)

Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................. 2
House rules for fumbles ............................................................................................................. 2
Preventing fumbles ................................................................................................................ 3
Effects of and rationale for this change ................................................................................. 4
House rules for spell casting ...................................................................................................... 5
Effects of and rationale for this change ................................................................................. 6
House rules for learning new skills ............................................................................................ 6
Effects of and rationale for this change ................................................................................. 6
Burning permanent Luck points against deadly critical wounds and death ............................... 7
Effects of and rationale for this change ................................................................................. 7
Repositioning tweak: ................................................................................................................. 7
Effects of and rationale for this change ................................................................................. 8
New special perks for specific Witcher schools: ....................................................................... 8
Effects of and rationale for this change ................................................................................. 8
Defence bonus for shields and some weapons:.......................................................................... 9
Effects of and rationale for this change ............................................................................... 10
Defend other action .................................................................................................................. 11
Effects of and rationale for this change ............................................................................... 11
Verbal combat clarifications .................................................................................................... 12
Effects of and rationale for this change ............................................................................... 13
House rule for Fire ................................................................................................................... 14
Effects of and rationale for this change ............................................................................... 14
Reputation ................................................................................................................................ 14
Effects of and rationale for this change ............................................................................... 15
Diagram/Formula memorization .............................................................................................. 15
Effects of and rationale for this change ............................................................................... 15
Exhaustion rules and STA regeneration: ................................................................................. 15
Effects of and rationale for this change ............................................................................... 16
Homebrew skill trees ............................................................................................................... 20
Skill Tree Bard ......................................................................................................................... 21
Skill Tree Craftsman ................................................................................................................ 24
Skill Tree Criminal .................................................................................................................. 27
Skill Tree Doctor...................................................................................................................... 30
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Skill Tree Mage........................................................................................................................ 33
Skill Tree Man-at-Arms ........................................................................................................... 37
Skill Tree Merchant ................................................................................................................. 40
Skill Tree Priest........................................................................................................................ 45
Skill Tree Witcher .................................................................................................................... 53

As Talsorian is for some reason extremely strict about allowing people to share content that
would get more people interested in their game, I have to include this here. This homebrew
content for The Witcher TRPG is freely available – if you were charged for it, somebody
shafted you. Any rules text reproduced here is accidental. I am not using anything that even
looks close to Talsorian’s formatting because I don’t even want to start thinking about what’s
allowed and what isn’t. In accordance with Talsorian’s policy, I also note:
“This document containing homebrew rules patches and skill trees for The Witcher TRPG by
Talsorian Games is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R.
Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials
that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.”

This has become quite a long document. It collects most of the various tweaks and houserules
that our group has accrued over the years we’ve played, as well as some systems and changes
I made along the way as thought exercises, but that we don’t use ourselves. Thus, be warned
that not all of this is playtested.
Please note that the rules in this document are written to be as clear as possible to gamers
who value precise rulings in their games. That doesn’t mean that they are only meant for a
mechanics-heavy style of play. I personally use these rules loosely and mostly as an
inspiration for possibilities when I GM, because both my players and I enjoy flexibility and
prioritizing roleplay over mechanics. If the level of detail is too high, you are explicitly
encouraged to throw away the details, step back and see whether the concept appeals. If so,
use it as you see fit; if not, don’t! The details are there for tables that care about balance and
value consistency in arbitration of actions highly.
The rationale sections are there for readers to get some idea of what ‘feel’ will be affected by
the rules changes and to give some idea of how different changes may interact if
implemented together.

If a 1 is rolled on the first rolled of a check, roll again straight away. The second roll may
explode upwards on a 10 as usual. The final value of the second roll is the fumble value.
Subtract the skill rank you have in the skill you were rolling on from the fumble value and
apply any situational modifier that would have applied to the check (e.g., weather, penalty for
strong strike or aiming at a body part, defence modifiers for multiple opponents). If the final
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
fumble value is 0 or less, the roll simply counts as a 1. If the final fumble value is greater than
0, the roll counts as a 1 and as a fumble. A fumble may have one of two consequences:
• The final fumble value is subtracted from your check result (base +1), after which
situational modifiers are applied as normal.
• Your check result is base +1. Situational modifiers apply as normal. An unpleasant
side effect occurs depending on the size of the fumble value (e.g., the tables in the
core book for fumbles in combat or when casting spells; skills like Cover Identity
backfiring to a certain degree). The side effect may include an automatic failure of the
check, but doesn’t have to.
Note that this means that the situational modifier is generally applied twice, once to the check
itself and once to the fumble value.
Example of the first option: Caedan rolls a 1 on Awareness, followed by an 8. He subtracts
his 6 skill ranks in Awareness from 8, resulting in a fumble value of 2. The GM had applied a
penalty of -3 due to heavy rain, resulting in a (final) fumble value of 5. Caedan’s base
Awareness is 15. He has rolled a 1, subtracts 5 for the fumble and -3 (again) for the
situational modifier, ending at 8. This is not enough to notice the hidden Nekkers (DC 13),
but would be enough to notice the distracted bear before it notices him (DC 7). Without the
situational penalty, Caedan would have ended up at 14 even after this comparatively bad
fumble roll, which would have noticed the Nekkers at least.
Examples for the second option: Roderick rolls a 1 followed by a 10 and a 5 when treating a
simple critical wound. He subtracts his skill rank of 6 in Healing Hands from the fumble
value, ending at a final fumble value of 9. The GM decides that the treatment causes side
effects. Roderick’s check result on Healing Hands is equal to his skill base + 1 (17), which
would normally be enough to treat the wound (DC 12). Due to the high fumble value, the GM
decides the check fails. In addition, the patient takes damage equal to the fumble value (9
HP) and the critical wound worsens by a category. If the fumble had not been so severe, the
GM might have allowed the treatment to succeed as normal with Roderick’s result of 17, but
still added extra HP damage as a side effect.
Draig fumbles a Dodge check with a final value of 7. The rulebook’s defence fumble table
states that he slips and is now Prone. Because there is a side effect, the actual result of the
check ends up at his base value + 1 + situational modifiers. In the vanilla rules, his Dodge
check would have caused the side effect and been a very low result, which probably would
have meant he would have eaten a severe critical wound on top of the side effect – effectively
punishing him twice for the fumble.
Thus, you are punished for a fumble either with a particularly low result on the check or with
a bad side effect, not with both.
Preventing fumbles
Fumbles can be prevented in two ways:
• Spending Luck points before the roll – this causes the initially rolled number to count
as though it were as many points higher as the Luck spent (max. 10). Thus, spending
any amount of Luck prevents a fumble, as you can’t roll a 1 anymore. Upward dice
explosions also become more likely.
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
• Preparing the action for a longer period (at least about five times the normal time
spent at the GM’s discretion) – if sufficient time is spent in preparation, a rolled 1
simply counts as a 1 and does not cause a fumble roll. The GM is advised to disallow
this rule for checks made under particularly bad circumstances or for certain types of
checks (e.g., magical healing of critical wounds, in order to prevent the Doctor from
becoming obsolete). This should be communicated to the player before they declare
Example: In Ban Ard, spells are learned under circumstances that are as safe as possible,
which leads to a low number of accidents. Casting a spell generally takes 15-20 seconds,
even if 3 would be enough in a pinch. The spells may not always work, but at least novices
don’t literally explode every ten seconds (RAW, the chance of a fumble with an explosive
effect is 1%, so presumably mages would explode multiple times during their training on
average). Casting fast or under stress is much more dangerous and is practiced less often
and with more (medical) precautions. Thus, most mages have some memories of hurting
themselves with a fumble in their school days, but not of being one of the few remaining
survivors after six weeks of fire magic classes.
The group prepares an ambush and takes a few minutes to select good hiding spots. Hendrik
rolls a 1, but this does not cause a fumble. It would have been different if the group had only
just heard the enemies approaching in time and scrambled to set up an ambush – the 1 might
be more dangerous then.
When ambushing, the first strike you line up against an unwitting opponent is not going to
end up stabbing yourself or smashing your weapon to bits. During an active combat, though,
something like this is far more likely to happen, especially to a novice compared to an
experienced weapons master.
Effects of and rationale for this change
Fumbles in general are a lot rarer, especially so for individuals with training. This favours the
players on average. Planning in general provides more security and a carefully-laid plan is
less likely to be shattered by a bad roll. An unlucky defence roll will not inevitably doom PCs
within ten combats with moderately threatening enemies.
The danger of combat and spell casting in particular is reduced, but opponents getting the
drop on PCs are still very dangerous due to the large flat modifiers involved. The hope is that
the danger of the game comes more from bad planning (or cunning opponents) rather than
swingy rolls.
Situational penalties (including from armour!) are more dangerous because they can make
fumbles worse, especially when casting spells (where fumbles can be particularly dangerous).
Skill ranks in general are more valuable because they reduce fumble values, as are skills like
Witcher Training or Immutable, which may eliminate situational penalties.
Aimed strikes at body parts and strong strikes are slightly riskier than before, as penalties
worsen fumbles. This is so that even very skilled fighters (rank 7+) occasionally have to deal
with noticeable fumbles if they are attempting riskier manoeuvres like targeting the head, for
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
As extra actions are always performed at -3, they also risk worse fumbles. This may be more
realistic and also provides at least some disincentive to take them every turn (which is
otherwise likely for many non-caster characters unless the encounter is designed to be a long
slog, as STA is seldom a problem otherwise).

Spells may be cast without using any gestures at -5 and without any words at -5, regardless of
the skill rank in Spell Casting. Casting a spell without moving or saying anything has a total
modifier of -10. Any situational penalties that come from curtailed movement (e.g., being
grappled, armour encumbrance) are doubled with regard to casting spells, up to a maximum
of -5. The GM should also consider applying speech-based penalties up to a maximum of -5
if a caster is suffocating or similar.
Spells cast against characters which don’t normally allow a defence roll are instead rolled
against a DC equal to the base Resist Magic score of the target, minimum DC 10. As the
average NPC has Resist Magic below 10 and the average spellcaster has a base Spell Casting
of 10 or more, this means that the caster will often automatically succeed if fumbles are
eliminated (e.g., by spending sufficient extra casting time). This saves time in play when
targeting less significant NPCs. However, a caster operating under sufficient situational
penalties (e.g., casting without gestures or words) may still fail such a check, allowing for
bad circumstances to make even simple spellcasting tense when appropriate.
The GM may also allow NPCs to roll a defence check (generally Resist Magic) against such
spells if it is appropriate to the scene, for example for actively resisting or wary NPCs, but
they should be careful to be consistent so that caster PCs don’t get the feeling that their spells
are sometimes arbitrarily less likely to work.
Spells that have no DC and do not target other characters are cast against DC 10 (as above,
generally an automatic success without fumbling, but not necessarily if situational penalties
The GM is reminded that they may determine that hazardous situations prevent the
elimination of fumbles by slow casting.
If the caster fails an attempt to cast a spell against another character’s Resist Magic DC, a
new attempt may be possible in the same scene at the GM’s discretion, but generally at a
penalty – after sufficient attempts, the DC becomes essentially impossible and the GM should
disallow further tries. If the GM is inclined to allow infinite retries without penalties beyond
the (presumably low) chance of a fumble and STA cost, it may be better to simply let the
spell succeed without a roll.
Dimeritium charms or similar provide a bonus of +6 to the DC for this purpose. A caster will
often be able to defeat such a protection on a weak-willed peasant (base DC 10 + 6 = 16), but
it may prove insurmountable for a stronger-willed target. Multiple dimeritium charms should
grant increased bonuses, but with diminishing returns (e.g., two charms +9, three charms
See also my tweaks for spells and rituals here.
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Effects of and rationale for this change
The new rules for fumbles generally reduce the risk of casting spells outside of combat
because it is almost always possible to take time to prevent a fumble. Some spells are
balanced primarily by the risk of a fumble (e.g., Telepathy). Requiring a DC means that these
spells may fail sometimes even without fumbles, although likely only when situational
penalties apply or against particularly strong-willed individuals. This seems to fit the setting
better, as casters may sometimes fail at simple spells under bad circumstances without
necessarily potentially exploding or hurting themselves.

Learning new skills from teachers

Defining skills
Defining skills and skill trees of other classes may be learned at the GM’s discretion if the
following conditions are met:
• The character has a teacher who is willing and able to teach the ability
• The character spends sufficient time learning the ability (this should be a lot longer than
normal skills take)
Defining skills and skill trees of other classes cost four times the normal price to improve
with IP. Reaching rank 5 in another classes’ skill does not automatically unlock the next skill
tree abilities at zero. The character must learn these in the same way as the Defining skill and
may only use them when they have reached at least rank 1.
Defining skills and skills from the skill trees in general comprise quite a lot of knowledge.
Some may be used in place of other skills (e.g., Busking instead of Performance, Healing
Hands instead of First Aid) and generally achieve more than the non-class skills can (e.g.,
Busking can also tell you a crowd’s mood, Performance is only about the technical side of
performing; First Aid can stabilize, but not treat critical wounds, unlike Healing Hands). If a
class skill seems fully applicable to a situation, a successful use should almost always give a
better result than using a non-class skill.
Effects of and rationale for this change
At our table, several characters started organically learning the basics of others’ professions.
After our Bard had assisted our Doctor with a lengthy and complex operation, it seemed
appropriate to allow them to maybe start working on developing Healing Hands. It’s
prohibitively expensive to learn much from another class, but flavourful combinations such
as an experienced Mage getting the Criminal’s Weak Spot skill or a Bonhart-style Man-at-
Arms learning Superior Parry after a lot of work make thematic sense without breaking the
game too hard.
The Teaching skill
If a character wants to teach another character a skill, they must roll Teaching. A teacher may
only teach students whose current rank in the target skill is less than twice the teacher’s own
rank. Each check takes one week of concentrated work. Part-time Teaching may be possible
over a longer period and with penalties at the GM’s discretion.
The DC is 5 + students’ current rank in the skill x3 (e.g., 8 at skill rank 1; 20 at skill rank 5).
The skill roll takes a penalty equal to (10 - teacher’s current rank in target skill). On a
success, the student gains 1 IP for the skill + 1 per 5 points by which the DC was beaten. A
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
fumble removes IP on the skill equal to the fumble value. If the student would lose more IP
than they have from a fumble, they take a penalty of 1 per point they would otherwise lose on
skill rolls with that skill for a week. A teacher may teach multiple students at once at the
GM’s discretion (possibly with penalties), but they must all be at the same skill rank to
benefit from the lessons.
Effects of and rationale for this change
Teaching, RAW, works extremely fast (if compared to training times) and without any
checks. This is good if teaching is meant to be basically a reward activity for downtime, but
actually spending time and rolling checks is more likely to facilitate roleplay between teacher
and student (e.g., after a particularly good or bad teaching session) if that is desired.
Personally, a character learning a skill up to 2-3 points within a few days (using the training
rules) always sat badly with me, so I set up a longer-term system. I also like the idea of a
good teacher not needing to be able to do something themselves in order to teach it; a great
coach doesn’t need the same level of skill as their student to be useful. That said, this is
probably less appropriate for INT-based skills, so you might want to force teachers to have
higher ranks than their students there.
As a rough idea of the effects, a teacher of moderate competence in a skill and low
competence in teaching (e.g., a retired soldier raising a militia) should be able to get students
up to rank 3 in about 4-6 weeks. A good teacher of moderate competence in a skill (e.g., an
experienced drill sergeant) should be able to get students up to rank 5 in a few months, or
rank 3 in a few weeks. A superb teacher with mastery of their skill can get a novice to rank 3
in a week, but still takes years to teach a near-master complete mastery.

Burning permanent Luck points against deadly critical wounds and death
If a character would receive a deadly critical wound or fail a death save, the player may
choose to burn a permanent point of Luck to prevent this specific effect: a deadly critical
wound is reduced to a difficult critical wound targeted at the same body part, while a failed
death save counts as a success. Burned Luck points may be bought back with IP as normal at
the GM’s discretion.
Effects of and rationale for this change
Note that implementing this rule along with the new fumble rules above means that PCs will
very seldom die. This may not be right for your table, so consider carefully whether you want
to implement both rules together. The feeling at our table is that the vanilla rules provide lots
of tools to make unique and interesting characters, yet have an extremely high likelihood of
killing these characters before they can be developed in play. This is why we prefer a less
lethal game.

Repositioning tweak
When a player takes the Reposition defence, they must move at least 1m. If there is no free
space to move this distance, the action is disallowed. In addition, a character may not move
more than half their SPD in one round from repositioning in total. Thus, a character with SPD
6 may reposition up to 3 times in a round, moving 1m each time, or they may reposition once,
moving 3m in a go, as they choose.
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Effects of and rationale for this change
Reposition is an extremely strong defence due to its potential to prevent follow-up strikes and
improvement to manoeuvrability, being mainly balanced for melee characters due to its
reliance on DEX instead of REF. However, a character specializing in Reposition can make
some fairly stupid things happen (for example, take a high Athletics character, allow them to
take a full defence action in front of a line of hostile soldiers, and watch them fly across the
entire line within a single round; alternatively, imagine a character being fired upon by three
archers leaping and bounding forward as they sprint). Reposition can also completely replace
Dodge in every circumstance except grappling and some specialized spells, which seems a
little too bad for Dodge.

New special perks for specific Witcher schools

The different Witcher schools offer different perks. Unfortunately, some (Bear, Wolf, Griffin,
Manticore) are clearly better than others (Cat, Snake). The design seems to be aimed at
giving the different schools a different feel in play: Wolf school Witchers should be able to
do a lot of offensive damage, Griffin school should have expanded magic options, Bear
school should have a great defence. These goals are largely achieved by the special abilities
for these schools, although Bear school Witchers generally have no advantage early in their
careers when they can’t afford good armour. However, the Cat school is supposed to be agile
and precise, while the Viper school should be quick and painful on the offensive. Therefore,
they are replaced as follows:
Cat school: When a Cat school Witcher defends using the Reposition action, they may move
up to their entire SPD within one round instead of only half their SPD.
Viper school: When a Viper school Witcher uses a Fast attack to strike with two different
weapons or a Joint strike, they may treat both weapons as though they had Improved Armor
Effects of and rationale for this change
The reasoning behind these changes was simple: the Cat and Viper school perks were useless.
What exactly constitutes a “charm attempt” for Cat school Witchers isn’t made clear. If it
applied to magic attempts at charming the Witcher, that would be a rare usage, but at least
one where you’d be damn glad to have it. But the Sage’s Answers (#17) actually explicitly
say that it applies only to non-magical charm attempts. So what are we looking at here?
Immunity to the Seduction skill? Poor Cats can’t even have any fun… The new rules give
them a lot of flexibility in not getting surrounded by hordes and potentially preventing a lot of
attacks from a group of slower-moving opponents.
As for the Vipers, dual-wielding is generally useless RAW except against the specific case of
an enemy with a single weapon who has weak Dodge and Athletics. In the main book, there’s
a grand total of about five enemies (not counting animals) who might have to use a defensive
skill they’re one or two points weaker at against one of your Viper’s attacks. Most of these
are monsters, too, so you’ll need an extra silver weapon to really take advantage. The journal
does introduce several more monsters that would also be affected, but all in all, compared to
something like being able to concentrate your attack damage to penetrate armour at no
penalty or being able to wear 30 points of armour on most of your body with 16 on your legs
at no penalty, it’s ridiculous. The new rules give the Viper something roughly on par with the
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Wolf (essentially damage concentration against heavy armour, a little better perhaps), but
balanced by needing two attack rolls (meaning Reposition ruins both at once) and two
weapons (so you aren’t always striking with your optimal weapon).

Defence bonus for shields and some weapons

• Shields and some weapons give a defensive bonus (DB) that is added on attempts to
block or parry with this shield/weapon.
• Most shields have reduced Reliability and heavier shields have an encumbrance value.
• Shields do not lose Reliability from arrows/bolts or other small ranged weapons (but
do from throwing axes, javelins, or similar).
• Shields are about twice as expensive as before (and their diagrams should increase in
material requirements).
These changes should allow an inferior fighter equipped with a shield to survive for longer in
a duel, but still likely lose (because their low offensive bonus will likely be unable to defeat a
superior opponent’s defence). In a duel between equals, a shield grants a significant defensive
advantage, but the user must either settle for a weaker one-handed weapon, pay around twice
as much as a two-handed fighter for their armament, or must invest in a better weapon class
than Melee along with Melee to use the shield effectively. Shields are also vulnerable to
being disarmed or broken, which would put a fighter focusing on shield defence at a
significant disadvantage.
Shields also reduce the likelihood of defensive fumbles, as the DB is a positive situational
modifier. This is particularly noticeable in combat against groups, where the defensive
ganging up penalties will worsen fumbles quite significantly for a fighter without a shield. In
general, a shield user will last longer and is a more reliable bulwark, but only as long as the
shield remains usable.
Finally, some otherwise less attractive weapon options might become more interesting by
giving them a DB, especially for more specialized use (e.g. Witchers who invest in Superior
Parry, holding actions, bodyguards). Using successful parries to weaken an opponent’s
defence (-2 from Staggered) and then going for critical hits also becomes more viable.
Shields that have slots for enhancements may take either armour enhancements (only the SP
bonus, which becomes extra Reliability, and any skill bonuses such as +1 Stealth for an elven
enhancement count), glyphs, or weapon runes.
Changes to items:
Gleddyf: +2 DB
Vicovarian Blade: +2 DB, price 1050 crowns
Spear: +1 DB
Iron Staff: +1 DB
Leather Shield: +2 DB, 4 Reliability, price 150 crowns
Steel Buckler: +2 DB, 6 Reliability, price 300 crowns
Temerian Shield: counts as medium shield, +4 DB, 6 Reliability, price 400 crowns
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Skellige Raider Shield: counts as medium shield, +4 DB, 8 Reliability, price 600 crowns
Kaedweni Shield: counts as heavy shield, +6 DB, 8 Reliability, EV 1, price 750 crowns
Steel Kite Shield: counts as heavy shield, +6 DB, 10 Reliability, EV 1, price 900 crowns
Pavise: 0 DB, 20 SP, EV 2
Nilfgaardian Pavise: 0 DB, 25 SP, EV 2
Elven Messer: +2 DB, price 700 crowns
Tir Torchair Blade: +2 DB
Halfling Rondel: +2 DB
Gnomish Staff: +1 DB
Elven Walking Staff: +1 DB
Gnomish Buckler: +3 DB, 8 Reliability, price 550 crowns
Elven Shield: +5 DB, 10 Reliability, price 950 crowns
Mahakaman Pavise: 0 DB, 35 SP, EV 2
Manticore’s Shield: +2 DB, 10 Reliability, price 1800 crowns
Effects of and rationale for this change
The reasoning behind this is a little more involved. RAW, Dodge and Reposition are heavily
overvalued in combat. Either of these two defences may be used against almost any attacks
(except for a very few special abilities that require a shield to block) and they are difficult to
counter (Reposition may be stopped by preventing movement, but also has the great
advantage of foiling multiple attacks by getting out of range, as well as getting closer to a
ranged attacker during their turn). Blocking and parrying, on the other hand, are
underutilized: you might be using the same skill you use to attack, but blocking damages your
weapon and parrying incurs a noticeable penalty. The main disadvantage of Dodge and
Reposition is that they require extra IP next to one’s primary weapon skill, but this is hardly
an issue for most combat focused characters, who, aside from Witchers, generally do not
need to spread their IP. Instead, it affects skill monkey types – they have to choose between
offence and defence. This only gets worse as equipment gets better and Weapon Accuracy
enters play, which modifies offence, but not defence.
The changes allow characters to focus on the Melee skill to a lesser degree, but still have a
chance of defending successfully in combat – often exactly what a support character wants.
The Melee skill doesn’t offer such great one-handed weapons (apart from the excellent – and
expensive – Dwarven Axe) and is mostly outperformed by swords in the one-handed
category. Two-handed weapons offer somewhat better damage and better critical effects
(Bleed, Stunning). Thus, a shield user is likely to be less dangerous offensively unless they
are investing in Sword as well, at which point they are paying the same IP as somebody
taking Dodge/Athletics. The shield offers great utility thanks to the large bonus, so characters
can parry more, but the lower SP of the shield also means that each block you have to take
brings you noticeably closer to losing that bonus and being at a disadvantage.
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Defend other action
A character may take an action in order to defend another character within melee range. Until
the start of the defending character’s next turn, they may choose to block or parry any attack
directed at their protected target as though the attack had been directed against themselves. If
the attack is coming from the other side of the protected target, the defender may spend some
of their reposition movement for that round if they have any left (see reposition tweak) to get
close enough to defend at the GM’s discretion. The defending character may instead roll
Athletics at +3 as a defence to interpose their body between the attack and the protected
target, resulting in them being hit by the attack instead of the target as though the attack had
beaten their defence by 1 (always targeting their torso).
If an opponent attempts to move past the defending character within a range that is less than
their remaining reposition movement for that round, the defending character may spend
reposition movement to interpose themselves in the opponent’s path. The opponent may
choose to stop moving or continue forward. If the opponent continues forward, the defending
character and the opponent roll opposed Physique checks. The loser falls Prone. If the
opponent beats the defending character, they may continue their movement. This use of the
defend other action may be declared without specifying another character to protect – the
defending character is defending their ground rather than a specific ally.
Any such defence check undertaken for the protected target (block, parry, Athletics) counts
as a defence action for the defending character and may thus cost 1 STA if the defending
character has already taken a defensive action. If the defend other action is taken as a bonus
action for 3 STA, the penalty of -3 applies to all defences made for the protected character by
the defending character.
Effects of and rationale for this change
As the Witcher lacks mechanics such as “attacks of opportunity” that may be familiar from
D&D, it can feel like an opponent can move around your character with impunity. This new
action allows you to change that if you take an action to do so.

Stunning weapon property change

The normal effect of weapons with the Stunning property is replaced as follows: when a
weapon with the Stunning property hits a target on the torso or head, the target is
immediately Staggered. If such a weapon inflicts a critical wound, the Stun save rolled by the
target is modified by twice the weapon’s Stunning property (e.g., if a weapon has Stunning -
2, the save would be modified by -4), minimum -1.
Effects of and rationale for this change
Stunning weapons are ridiculously good, to the point that it’s hard to justify alternate actions
than striking at torso with them. A 10% (normally more like 30-50% due to the modifier)
chance to stun an opponent on every hit is well worth the -1 penalty for always aiming at the
torso, as Stun means an almost guaranteed crit for any competent fighter on the follow-up or
at the very least costs the opponent their turn. Staggering is more manageable without
breaking verisimilitude.
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Verbal combat clarifications
A Verbal Combat outside of combat can involve any number of participants. A participant
may attack an individual or multiple targets at once using any of the options outlined in the
rulebook. Each targeted character defends separately. However, each additional target beyond
the first applies a cumulative penalty of -3 to the attack.
A round of Verbal Combat lasts a variable amount of time, depending on how many
individuals are arguing. If you use an attack or tool in a Verbal Combat (either as an attacker
or by using the Counterargue defence), you may not take any other (non-Verbal Combat)
actions during that round of Verbal Combat. If you haven’t used an attack or tool during a
round, but were targeted by one, you may only take other (non-Verbal Combat) actions if you
successfully defended against the verbal attack or tool and they are performed at -3. If you
didn’t attack or use a tool and also didn’t need to defend during a round of Verbal Combat,
you may take other actions normally.
Any physical attack instantly ends the Verbal Combat for the attacker and defender; any other
characters who wish to exit the Verbal Combat may do so. If a character wishes to prevent
another character from exiting the Verbal Combat in this way, they may immediately roll any
Verbal attack against the target’s Resist Coercion. This attack does no damage if it succeeds,
but forces the target to remain in the Verbal Combat. If multiple characters wish to prevent
another character from exiting the Verbal Combat, the character with the highest Leadership
makes the attempt unless they voluntarily relinquish.
Defeating a character’s Resolve with a Verbal Combat outside of combat leads to the
consequences listed in the rulebook (e.g. ending with Persuade convinces the target, ending
with Befriend improves the relationship).
Example: Cassia is trying to convince Caedan, Acadia, and Roderick to come to her show.
Roderick is trying to concentrate on brewing a potion. Cassia attempts to Appeal to all of her
opponents at once (taking -6 to the attack) and rolls a 15. Caedan Disengages successfully
with a 22 and is out of the combat – he leaves the room before he can be dragged back in.
Acadia counterargues, trying to Persuade Cassia, and rolls a 20. Cassia takes Resolve
damage from Acadia. Meanwhile, Roderick knows he can’t escape Cassia while his potion is
simmering, so he rolls to pointedly Ignore her and succeeds (21). Cassia takes further
Resolve damage from Roderick. Acadia may not take any further actions this round, since she
attacked using her counterargument. Roderick rolls Alchemy at -3 to save his potion. Next
round, Cassia focuses on Roderick and tries to play on their friendship, rolling Befriend.
Roderick rolls to Ignore and succeeds, damaging Cassia’s Resolve further. Acadia tries to
persuade Cassia again. Cassia can’t counterargue, since she is attacking Roderick this
round, so she tries to deflect Acadia with a Change of Topic and succeeds. Acadia takes
Resolve damage. Roderick again chooses to focus on his potion rather than take a Verbal
Combat action, rolling Alchemy at -3.
Example of physical combat interrupting a Verbal Combat: Cassia, Myrlo, and Lara are
trying to negotiate with a group of five thugs. Myrlo uses Needling to insult one of the thugs,
who loses his composure and attacks. Myrlo and the thug drop out of the Verbal Combat
automatically. All four of the other thugs want to exit the Verbal Combat to help their friend.
Cassia and Lara want to keep all the other thugs talking. Lara has high Leadership, so she
goes first. She uses her Raise a Crowd skill (which is 4) and targets three of the thugs at no
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penalty with an Appeal. Two thugs fail their Resist Coercion and remain in the Verbal
Combat, being distracted by Lara. The third succeeds and joins the physical fight. Cassia
attacks the fourth thug with a Ridicule attempt, which he fails to resist. Thus, all but one of
the thugs remain distracted by Cassia and Lara while Myrlo only has to fight two.
In combat, a Verbal Combat works slightly differently. Each round of Verbal Combat is
equivalent to a round of combat. All normal actions are available except Romance. A
character may only engage one target in Verbal Combat at a time and must roll a successful
Verbal Combat attack against the target’s Resist Coercion in order to do so (Bards can be an
exception to this limit with their Raise a Crowd skill). Any character who performs an attack
in a Verbal Combat (either as an attacker or by using the Counterargue defence) may not take
other actions and suffers a -3 penalty to their physical defences until the start of their next
turn. A character who must defend against a Verbal Combat attack and wishes to act
physically may either give up their verbal defence (and take Resolve damage if the attacker
beats DC 10) to act normally or use the Ignore, Change the Subject, or Disengage defence
successfully to act at -3 – a failure to defend means the character forfeits their action. A
character whose Resolve is reduced to 0 in a Verbal Combat during physical combat is
unable to act due to uncertainty for 1D6+1 rounds or until attacked directly. If hostilities
cease during this time, the character may be amenable to a truce. If a character in a Verbal
Combat observes allies of their opponent physically attacking their allies or themselves, they
gain a +5 bonus on any Ignore, Change the Subject, or Disengage defence (+10 against
empathetic attacks).
Example: In pitched battle against a squad of Nilfgaardians, Cassia tries to convince one of
them their commander is not to be trusted. She rolls Intimidate as her attack to initiate the
Verbal Combat, but the Nilfgaardian succeeds in his defence and can act freely, as no Verbal
Combat is established. Next round, Cassia tries again and beats the Nilfgaardian’s defence,
initiating a Verbal Combat. The Nilfgaardian, who is now in a Verbal Combat, but hasn’t yet
been attacked, elects to continue firing arrows in this round. Next round, Cassia’s friend
Caedan breaks out of cover and attacks the Nilfgaardian’s squadmates while Cassia
continues the verbal assault with Intimidation. The Nilfgaardian wants to fight and tries to
Ignore Cassia. He gains a +5 bonus on his attempt to Ignore Cassia due to Caedan’s
physical attack, but fails, takes Resolve damage, and may not act this round. Next round,
Cassia attacks again using Intimidation. The Nilfgaardian focuses wholly on attacking,
taking no penalty, so Cassia’s attack is opposed by DC 10 and succeeds. Finally, Cassia
continues once more in the next round. The Nilfgaardian elects to counterargue and cannot
take any physical action. Cassia defeats his counterargument, shattering his final points of
Resolve, and the Nilfgaardian is unable to take part in the combat for 1D6+1 rounds…or
until Caedan gets around to attacking him directly.
Effects of and rationale for this change
This rule change gives support characters something viable to do in combat. Applying a
penalty to a single opponent is useful; taking an opponent out of a fight for several rounds is
very useful. The Verbal Combat idea in the book was fun and a good start, but integrated
poorly (i.e., not at all) with combat. GMs should note that Verbal Combat may be quite
effective on some major antagonists if they have no relevant skills to defend. This is easiest
addressed by giving them good Resist Coercion and/or Intimidate, as these are generally
effective in Verbal Combat. However, well-skilled Bards, Merchants, and in some cases
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Mages and Priests will still eventually wear most opponents down. A lone antagonist will not
be stopped for long if the group keeps attacking, though, and groups of antagonists will likely
profit from bonuses to their Verbal Defences as their comrades are continually attacked.
Something to remember: NPCs can use this, too. Witchers in particular are often weak to
Verbal Combat unless they have invested in Resist Coercion, especially if their opponent
isn’t particularly scared of Witchers. It can be very frustrating for players to be knocked out
of combat for 1D6+1 rounds, though, so consider instead applying noticeable penalties if the
PC loses all their Resolve.

Fire condition affecting body parts

Fire can affect individual body parts rather than always affecting the entire body as described
in the rulebook. Any armour on an affected body part takes 1 SP damage. In addition, an
affected body part takes 5 damage that is soaked by armour if present (this damage is treated
like attack damage, so any penetration of armour damages the armour further and remaining
damage is multiplied according to the body area). Any effect that would cause a percentage
chance to inflict Fire is rolled separately for each affected body part, at the GM’s discretion.
Effects of and rationale for this change
Look at what Fire does to a Katakan rules as written. Why yes, it does mean almost instant
death (5 damage to each body part = 5x3 head + 5x1 torso + 5/2 for two arms and legs with
nor armour: 28 damage, doubled because it’s Susceptible – that’s 56 unavoidable damage at
the start of its round from its 80 HP). Now look at the Priest Invocation Cleansing Fire, or
Igni, or Aenye, or any of quite a few relatively low-level spells that do damage (that would be
doubled) and can apply Fire. So that’s the most powerful monster in the core book dead in
two rounds tops, if it fails a defence roll (particularly fun against Cleansing Fire, where it’s
rolling with +16 against a starting character’s likely +12 or +13). When the book even says
that Igni generally targets the torso, but the Fire condition it inflicts always targets
everything… well, you have to ask why. I imagine the design idea was that conditions like
Staggered, Fire, etc. shouldn’t target specific body zones – but I don’t see why not.
Especially since Fire will otherwise just kill the fuck out of most unarmoured humans in
literally three seconds.

Reputation is a stat that typically ranges from 1 to 5, but can go up to 10 in extreme cases. A
Reputation is always linked to a certain deed or type of deed (e.g. “Cursebreaker of Mattgart
3”, “Artist 2”) and is generally limited to a certain area. The GM determines whether a given
Reputation may be applicable to a social interaction based on whether the interaction partner
is likely to know of the reputation and whether they are likely to consider this especially
positive or especially negative. If a person is positively affected by a reputation, the
reputation holder gains their reputation value as a bonus on social checks (e.g. a resident of
Mattgart meeting a “Cursebreaker of Mattgart”). If a person is negatively affected by a
reputation, the reputation holder takes their reputation as a penalty on social checks (e.g. a
Skelliger roughneck who hates artistic types meeting an “Artist”). At the GM’s discretion,
partially applicable reputations may apply half of their bonus/penalty.
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Effects of and rationale for this change
Why do we need two rolls to use this relatively common mechanic, one opposed roll to see
whether Rep applies and one to actually do what you want to do? I realize that some of the
skill trees below use two rolls for one action as well, but those are for some pretty specialized
shit. This, on the other hand, could be solved so much more simply. This game requires so
many dice that I’ve poured several hundred hours into programming a macro sheet that
manages combat for you – cutting one feels good.
This shouldn’t have much impact on most games, unless PCs are getting Reputations of 6 and
higher. If this is likely to happen in your game, consider shortening the Rep scale so that it
hits its maximum at 5 or 6. That way, the mechanic stays simple and the bonuses (or
penalties) don’t get out of hand.

Diagram/Formula memorization
A character with one rank in Alchemy may memorize up to 3 formulae with an Alchemy DC
of 12 or lower. Each additional rank in Alchemy increases the number of memorizable
formulae by 3 and the maximum DC by 1.
A character with one rank in Crafting may select three novice component diagrams that they
automatically have memorized. At Crafting rank two, the character knows all novice
component diagrams. In addition, a character may memorize 4 further diagrams per rank in
Effects of and rationale for this change
This is pure verisimilitude. An average person has INT 6. That means, RAW, that a Mage or
Doctor with years of training can’t remember more than 6 alchemy recipes, and if they can
remember that many, they can’t know how to make thread or hardened wood at the same
time. Take this a step further – say the Doctor’s family was pressuring them to learn
smithing, so they have 2 points in Crafting (which is 20% of the way to absolute mastery, by
the way). This Doctor, who has a Crafting base value of somewhere between +8 and +12,
literally cannot remember how to make thread, leather, linen, double-weave linen, and a full
suit of padded armour with a simple shield at the same time unless they are of significantly
above average intelligence.
Also, the vanilla Craftsman skills were made to address this deficit by devoting two whole
skills to increasing mental capacity for recipes. Sure, that makes sense if you accept the
premise, but it’s still two very boring skills for a class that was more of a niche for
adventuring already. I’d rather fix the problem.
This shouldn’t have much balance effect. Diagrams and recipes are still useful because of the
+2 bonus they confer as reference sheets and it’s not as though a dabbler with 1 or 2 skill
ranks is going to be able to memorize every diagram they ever see.

Exhaustion rules and STA regeneration

STA regenerates at a rate of your REC per hour. In combat or other life-threatening
situations, characters may take the Recovery action to regenerate their REC within the space
of one round (consider this the effect of adrenaline on the body). They may not take the
Recovery action more than once during a typical combat, as having time for this would likely
imply that their adrenaline level drops. At the GM’s discretion, it may be possible to Recover
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multiple times during longer combat or extreme action sequences. At the end of such a
sequence, characters automatically recover their REC in STA once as the adrenaline leaves
their system.
Whenever a character drops below 50% of their maximum STA, they gain a level of
exhaustion if they don’t already have one. Whenever a character drops below 25% of their
maximum STA, they gain a level of exhaustion if they don’t already have two. Whenever a
character drops to 0 STA, they always gain a level of exhaustion. Each level of exhaustion
halves the character’s REC (cumulatively; two levels reduce it to 25%, three levels to 12.5%
and so on). This can reduce REC to 0, as fractions are always rounded down. At the GM’s
discretion, levels of exhaustion may be applied automatically or after a failed Endurance
check when characters engage in prolonged strenuous activity. Not sleeping for a 24-hour
period applies a level of exhaustion.
Characters may roll Endurance to remove a level of exhaustion each time they spend a
significant period of time resting (e.g., a full night’s sleep, half a day relaxing in a tavern),
with the DC depending on the quality of rest (e.g., DC 10 for a night’s sleep in a bed; DC 15
for sleeping in a tree; DC 20 for carousing in the tavern).
The GM is encouraged to consider other physical activities or states that may be modelled by
levels of exhaustion, such as hunger or thirst. In addition, the GM is encouraged to have long-
term physical activity associated with a flat STA cost (e.g., walking on a road: 7 STA per
hour; walking through a dense forest: 9 STA per hour; climbing a mountain: 15 STA per
hour). Natural STA regeneration per hour will offset this for well-rested characters, but those
with weak constitutions or suffering from exhaustion will lose STA fast over time.
Effects of and rationale for this change
This is a very granular system that is probably overkill for many tables. I developed it
because my group is spending a prolonged period in the mountains in winter, where being
exhausted and dealing with privation is a major part of the challenge and feeling. If you like
this kind of intensive resource management, however, feel free.
In general, the game needs some adjustment to how STA works. RAW in the main book, one
would assume that STA is never an issue outside of combat, as people just regenerate it
within 30 seconds by spamming the Recover action. This is obviously stupid from a realism
perspective, but could be a valid mechanical decision for the system if, for example, the
classes were balanced around always having STA available at the start of combat. This does
not appear to be the case, however. Non-magical classes hardly use STA (except for the Man
at Arms, who has a few situational skills that cost LOADS of STA for some reason) except to
take extra actions and defences. On the other hand, magical classes can use lots of STA if
they have powerful spells, but their spells are actually so useful that STA is often not enough
of a limiting factor (e.g., Telepathy, which can break social encounters in half and leave
social classes like the Bard or Merchant feeling useless). Thus, I feel resource management is
needed to manage this a bit better.
The Sage has in fact indicated that the Easy Mode STA rules, which stipulate STA
regeneration out of combat occurring only per hour of rest, were supposed to be used in the
main system as well, so it would appear the designers agree with me for once. This might be
a simpler and better fix for your table if you want resource management without too much
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bookkeeping (no exhaustion levels, Endurance checks, thresholds for STA etc.). If you like
lots of granular choice, though, go nuts using my rules.

Aiding another action

If multiple characters wish to cooperate on a task and a system that is more involved than just
a flat bonus to the lead character is desired, other characters may use their skills to assist at
the GM’s discretion. First, one character is determined who is the lead on the task (generally
due to RP reasons or because they have the highest applicable skill ranks or base). All other
characters are assistants. The lead rolls on the skill most appropriate for the task. Assistants
may support using the same skill or related skills at the GM’s discretion (e.g., rolling
Grooming and Style to improve a lead’s Seduction check or Deduction to improve a lead’s
Education check).
The lead gains a bonus to their skill check equal to half the assistants’ skill ranks. The
contribution of an assistant using a skill that is only partially relevant may be halved again at
the GM’s discretion.
For tasks which require the lead to use their know-how to direct assistants’ efforts (e.g., a
research team or an engineering project), the GM may rule that the maximum bonus from
assistants is limited to the lead’s ranks in the relevant skill. Finally, for tasks performed under
stress or particularly dramatically relevant tasks, the GM may require a simple skill check
from each assistant to check for fumbles. An assistant who fumbles inflicts a penalty to the
lead equal to half the assistants’ skill ranks instead of granting a bonus.
The GM is advised that these bonuses may allow groups to reliably defeat much higher DCs
that individuals could and adjust their task DCs in encounters appropriately.
Effects of and rationale for this change
Most clearly, groups with complementary skills can now reliably reach higher DCs, generally
with less fumble chance. This rule increases maths and dice-rolling somewhat and so is likely
inappropriate for simple checks without much dramatic impact. However, for a central
investigative check or social encounter, this allows the non-specialist characters to contribute
mechanically in a way they otherwise maybe couldn’t. However, it’s very important to make
free use of the limitations on aiding others; you may not want the whole party taking 2 points
in Seduction or Grooming and then basically perma-boosting the Bard’s attempts to seduce
NPCs. In such cases, enforcing a limit of one wingperson/make-up artist may be necessary.
Alternatively, a more incrementalist approach to skill checks may be useful, with a success
indicating only progress towards a goal, not its instant achievement – for example, requiring
successful Seduction checks over multiple parties to represent flirting before any substantial
progress is made. In this case, beating a very high DC may simply speed the process up
compared to beating a moderate DC, allowing the characters to skip a few increments. A
balance between rewarding coordination and not straining credibility with what high rolls can
achieve is required.

Aiding another spellcaster

Spellcasters may pool their strength to work magic together. All participants must roll on the
same skill. One caster is declared the lead, the others are assistants. At the GM’s discretion,
the number of assistants may be limited, for example by the lead’s ranks in the appropriate
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magical skill. The caster may select any spell, invocation, hex, or ritual they know to cast; the
assistants need not know it. First, each assistant declares how much STA they wish to provide
to the lead. Then, they each make a roll on the appropriate skill against DC 14. If an
assistant’s magical tradition (e.g., Mage, Druid, Priest) is different to the lead, they take a -3
penalty. Witchers always take a -6 penalty on this check. If the check succeeds, the assistant
provides the declared amount of STA to the lead, but spends twice that amount, reduced by 1
per point by which they beat the DC to a minimum of the STA they actually provided. This
expenditure of STA counts against their Vigour threshold. If this causes them to overdraw, it
is treated as though they were working the magic themselves for the purposes of elemental
effects. If the check fails, the assistant spends twice the STA they had declared, but the lead
receives no benefit. Fumbles on this check are treated as though the assistant had fumbled
while trying to work the magic themselves.
Once all assistants have resolved their checks, the lead rolls to work the magic effect as
normal. All STA provided by successful checks is spent on the magic effect and does not
count towards the lead’s Vigour threshold. If the lead fumbles the check, the fumble result
applies to them and all assistants.
Neither the lead nor any assistants may use Foci when casting together.
Example: Keira (Mage), Triss (Mage), Nenneke (Priest), and Geralt (Witcher) are trying to
support Yennefer (Mage) as she opens a standing portal. Keira declares she will send 4 STA,
Triss declares 5 STA, Nenneke declares 2 STA, and Geralt declares 6 STA (the poor, lovesick
idiot). Keira rolls Spell Casting against DC 14 and gets a 16. Yennefer gets 4 STA from
Keira. Keira would spend 8 STA, but can reduce this by 2 due to her Spell Casting roll,
ending up at 6 STA spent, which is below her Vigour threshold. Triss rolls Spell Casting 20
against DC 14, sends Yennefer 5 STA as planned, and only spends exactly those 5 STA thanks
to her rolling 6 above the DC, remaining below her Vigour. Nenneke, a priestess of Melitele,
rolls at -3 because of her differing tradition, but still gets an 18, paying and sending 2 STA
(also below her Vigour). Geralt rolls at -6 as a Witcher and fumbles with a fumble value of 4,
ending with a check result of 11. He not only fails to provide Yen with any STA, he suffers a
random elemental effect from the fumble (Standing Portal is a mixed-element spell), takes 4
HP damage from the fumble, spends 12 STA (overdrawing his Vigour of 7 by 5) and then
takes another 25 HP damage from overdrawing (plus yet another elemental effect)! Love
hurts. Yennefer now casts the Standing Portal without fumbling, spending a total of 22 STA
(11 from her assistants and 11 personally).
Effects of and rationale for this change
High STA costs may become prohibitive for spellcasters over time, especially given the STA
recovery rules outside combat. A single Master-level or two Journeyman-Level spells may
require two or three hours of rest to recover the STA spent, even using foci. This rule allows
a specific magical effect to be carried partially by other casters, with the potential cost and
risk for doing so going down as the casters become more experienced.
It's particularly useful for a last-ditch effort or a dramatic scene where a vital magical effect is
needed multiple times, too often for the caster who knows it to manage alone. It also allows
relatively weak (i.e., low-Vigour) casters to achieve strong magical effects together if they
know the spells, albeit at significant risk to their own health (if they overdraw).
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for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Homebrew skill trees

At our table, we have found the vanilla skill trees to be somewhat badly designed for our
purposes. We felt that skill trees should allow for different and unique approaches to playing
the game, so that unlocking skills is always exciting, but this was not the case with lots of the
default skill trees. As an example, one needs look no farther than the Craftsman - no less than
TWO skills allow memorization of more crafting formulae, which is both unexciting and
reflective of some weird design choices (see above).

This is why I've written redesigns of the skill trees for all of the base classes. The goal of
these redesigns is:

- a skill tree skill should be iconic to the class

- a skill tree skill should be worth investing in beyond just unlocking the next one

- a skill tree skill should provide new options and tactics for an appreciable proportion of
encounters, or at least have an ongoing influence on the game

- no skill should roll against a target's stat x3 because I hate that :-P

In some cases, the defining skill has been redesigned or specified a bit more as well. Some of
these changes will require the adoption of some of the house rules above. In general, the
modifiers and specific numbers here have been calibrated for our table, but they are as always
only guidelines that your table should adapt to your own use.
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Skill Tree Bard
Busking (EMP). A Bard may roll Busking to earn money in settlements equal to the skill
check result, spending between 1 and 3 hours per roll. This skill may be rolled at a limited
frequency depending on the size of the settlement:

Hamlet: 1/week
Village: 1/two days
Town: 1/Day
City: 4/Day

In addition, a Bard may use Busking to secure room and board in an inn or with a relatively
wealthy temporary patron (relative to the environment). In this case, a Bard must spend
between one and two hours every day entertaining their patron and/or their patron's guests
and receives their Busking base x2 in Crowns' worth of room and board, which may be
enough to support other characters beyond themselves. A GM may consider demanding rolls
on Busking to gain access to a patron in the first place, which can also serve as a way to make
contact with the more affluent members of a community. Note that a settlement must be able
to support sufficiently wealthy individuals or inns for the skill to be used in this way.

In addition to this usage, Busking may be rolled instead of Performance for a specified style
of Performance. For every three ranks in Busking, the Bard may choose an additional style of
Performance that is covered by their Busking skill.

A Bard may also roll Busking to "read" a crowd, gaining information about what kind of
entertainment the crowd would like to see, whether there are any obvious troublemakers,
whether people seem unusually distracted etc. If Human Perception checks are allowed by the
GM in the same situation, it is recommended that Busking provide extra or more precise

The Charmer The Informant The Manipulator

Encore (EMP). The Bard may roll Encore Fade (INT): May be rolled against Poison the Well (EMP): The Bard
against a DC determined by the settlement
Awareness in a social setting to may attack the standing of the
type when using Busking to earn money or
secure room and board. Any applicable disappear into the background, target. They roll Poison the Well
Reputation the bard has is applied as a even if hiding would otherwise be against the target's Charisma. If
modifier to this roll. If the roll succeeds, impossible. This may also be used they succeed, they impose a
the Bard doubles their (effective) earnings
when shadowing a target. penalty of -1 to the target's rolls
and gains a Reputation of 2 as an
artist/performer in the local area (to their on Seduction, Persuasion,
current cover identity if they are using one) In Verbal Combat, this skill may Leadership, and Charisma for the
if they did not already have a higher one. If also be rolled as a defence instead remainder of the interaction per
the Bard beats the DC by 5 or more, they
of Resist Coercion to quit the point by which they beat the
may choose not to increase their reputation
(if they want to keep a low profile, for combat. A successful roll target's roll. If the target rolls any
example). (temporarily) convinces the target of these skills against the Bard
that the Bard is not currently the themselves, the penalty is halved,
Hamlet: DC 22
highest priority. If the Bard beats as the Bard knows their own
Village: DC 18
Town: DC 16 the target's roll by 5 or more, the slander of the target is false.
City: DC 14 target may forget or rationalize
smaller insults or provocations. If At the GM’s discretion, this skill
Alternatively, a Bard may roll Encore
the Bard beats the target's roll by might also be used over a longer
when performing for a crowd to subtly
shift the crowd's mood. In general, fine- 10 or more, the target may be period of time to reduce a target’s
grained manipulation is impossible to inclined to forgive moderate Reputation or inflict them with a
achieve though this use of the skill; insults or provocations (e.g. uses negative Reputation. The target
however, a Bard might for example rally
of Needling) or label them as will be able to discern roughly
support for a noble over multiple
performances. If the circumstances are misunderstandings. who is trash-talking them if they
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particularly serendipitous (e.g. people are spend some time investigating and
already unhappy due to a major
defeat the Bard’s check-10 on a
occurrence), this skill might also be used to
whip a mob into a frenzy, with all the Human Perception or Social
attendant risks. If a Bard fumbles on this Etiquette roll, or precisely if they
roll, the crowd is likely to notice the beat the Bard’s check-5.
attempt to manipulate them and react
accordingly. Base DCs are given below;
depending on circumstance, it may be
appropriate for the Bard to roll against the
highest Human Perception in the crowd (or
that of a particularly important NPC, such
as a local leader).

Hamlet: DC 14
Village: DC 16
Town: DC 18
City: DC 22

Modifiers (apply to both uses of the skill):

+1 to roll per "plant" in the crowd who
claps at the right times etc. (max. +5)
+2 to roll if Bard is masked or otherwise
dramatically anonymous (any Reputation
gained applies to the masked identity
unless the Bard reveals themselves at the

See Reputation house rules

Raise a Crowd (EMP). When a Bard has Spread the Word (INT): The Bard may Needling (EMP): The Bard may
been performing for at least several spread rumours of their own creation about
roll Needling against the Resist
minutes, they may roll on Raise a Crowd people with some degree of control over
to distract any spectators who fail an the spread. They determine a specific Coercion of the target to provoke
opposed Resist Coercion roll (it may be "seed" target individual who they wish to them to attack. The target is
appropriate to have only the highest have spread the rumour and roll Spread the highly motivated to attack the
Word with the following modifiers:
score and/or any important NPCs roll, or Bard physically (with fists or
to set a fixed DC instead, to speed up weapons depending on the
Settlement size:
play). Spectators who are actively Hamlet: +10 situation and target), but will not
planning violence or subterfuge gain a Village: +5
+5 bonus to resist, as do spectators who
charge into an obviously hopeless
Town: -5
have good reason to suspect the Bard of situation or trap to do so (although
City: -10
hostile or duplicitous intentions. Cronies they may adjust their tactics to
of the Bard who know what to expect Individuals of import the Bard has make it more feasible). If violence
gain +10 to resist. Any affected previously convinced of the rumour: +1 to is extremely inappropriate for the
spectator suffers a penalty of -15 to +3 per individual depending on the
situation (e.g. a courtly party, a
Awareness and is strongly inclined to individual's reach
stay and watch the show, although this silent vigil at a temple), the target
will not prevent NPCs with pressing Subject of rumour's Reputation: +1 per 2 gains a bonus of +10 to resist. If
plans from completing them. Any points of Reputation there is no pre-existing tension or
apparent danger or extreme distraction threat of violence, the target gains
(alarms etc.) ends the effect Possible consequences of rumour for
gossipmongers: a bonus of +5 to resist (these
automatically, although affected targets
take a -5 penalty to any Initiative roll
dangerous: -10 bonuses can stack; the second
negative, but not actively dangerous: -5 bonus does not apply to repeat
required directly afterward. Sudden neutral: +0
attacks against affected targets count as uses of Needling). While under
positive (e.g. vested interest): +5
an ambush and gain the normal bonus of the effect of Needling, the target
+5. "Spiciness" of rumour: -4 (boring) to +4 takes a penalty of -1 per two ranks
(unique and interesting) of the Bard in Needling (minimum
In addition, a Bard may use Raise a
Crowd to engage multiple targets in a
-1) to all attacks and defences
The Bard may decide before rolling what
Verbal Combat simultaneously, even amount of their Spread the Word base they against everybody EXCEPT the
during combat. The Bard rolls Raise a wish to apply to the roll. In addition, they Bard. The effect lasts for a
Crowd against the highest Leadership may decide to reduce the result by up to number of rounds equal to the
value in the target group, with defenders their ranks in Spread the Word after
rank of the Bard in Needling, until
gaining a bonus of +5 to resist in a tense rolling. If the Bard chooses to use Luck on
this roll, they may choose to reduce the another character calms the target
situation with potential to escalate and
+10 during active combat. On a success, result instead of increasing it. The rumours with a successful Charisma,
the Bard engages one target + 1 per 2 spread as follows depending on the final Leadership or Persuasion roll
points over the defender's result (at least against the Bard's original result,
1) in Verbal Combat. If the Bard is not <10: no spread or until the target has attacked the
targeting specific individuals in the Bard at least once and
group, the targets are affected in order of
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lowest to highest WILL stat. This skill 10-14: in the closest circle of the "seed" subsequently succeeded at a Resist
may be retried if failed, but each target
Coercion roll that beats the Bard's
previous failure imposes a cumulative 15-19: most of the acquaintances of the
penalty of -3. "seed" target original result.
20-24: throughout hamlets in the area/the
During a running Verbal Combat, a whole village/the whole quarter of the The Bard may only use this skill
Bard may attack additional opponents on targets with whom they can
25-29: [only if settlement the Bard is in is
up to half their rank in Raise a Crowd at communicate.
at least village-sized] throughout nearby
the same time at no penalty. Opponents villages/the whole town
beyond this number apply cumulative 30+: [only if settlement the Bard is in is at
penalties to the Bard’s attack as normal. least town-sized] regional spread
throughout nearby towns
See Verbal Combat house rules below.
As a guideline, the rumour takes 1D6 days
to spread in the local area and a further
3D6 days to spread to other settlements if
the roll was sufficiently high.
Good Friend (EMP). The Bard may Cover Identity (INT): The Bard may roll Et Tu Brute (EMP): The Bard may
roll Good Friend in order to remember Cover Identity to appear local to the area attempt to turn a target against one
(e.g. "from the next village over"). This
an old friend in the area who is
means the Bard will not be treated as an
of the target’s allies. The Bard rolls
willing to do them a favour. The base against one of the ALLY'S skills
outsider, nor will they attract much
DC is 10, modified as follows: attention. (NOT the target's) appropriate to the
relationship (examples in
Settlement size: Hamlet: DC 25 parentheses):
Hamlet: DC +10 Village/specific town quarter: DC 20
Village: DC +5 Town: DC 15
City: DC 10 Charisma (friendship)
Town: DC +0
City: DC -5
Leadership (commander)
The Bard may also decide to assume an Deceit (fooled into helping them)
identity with special privileges. This Persuasion (doing them a favour)
Influence of the friend in their field: requires them to roll Cover Identity against
Locally despised -5 DC Seduction (in love/lust with them)
base DC 10 modified as follows in addition
No special influence +0 DC to a roll on a secondary skill appropriate to Intimidate (subjugated, e.g. by a
Some local influence +5 DC the identity at base DC 15. The GM is bandit leader)
Much local/some regional influence encouraged to grant bonuses to the Cover
+10 DC Identity roll if the Bard has researched the The Bard's roll is modified as
Much regional influence +15 DC area and/or the role, or if the Bard has follows:
successfully used this specific identity
Ally in question is present: -6
The friend may have special status or Hostile meeting with target (no
skills (unless the GM deems it Underworld connected: +8 DC, Streetwise threat of violence): -3; hostile
completely inappropriate), but this Scholar: +8 DC, Education meeting with target (threat of
increases the DC and requires an Trader: +8 DC, Business violence): -6
additional check on a secondary, Military: +10 DC, Tactics
fitting skill at the DC for the Good Nobility: +12 DC, Grooming and Style
Magistrate/Legal: +12 DC, Social Etiquette If the Bard succeeds on their roll
Friend roll -5 (representing whatever against the ally, the target rolls
shared experience the Bard has with
If the Bard is missing the appropriate Resist Coercion against the Bard's
the friend). "props" for the identity, the DC of Cover result. If the target succeeds, they
Identity is increased by +5 and the DC of doubt their allegiance to the ally,
Special status/skills with suggested the secondary skill roll increases to 18.
secondary skills: but are not hostile towards the ally.
Failure on either roll leads to an If the target fails, they are hostile
Doctor: +8 DC, Education or First Aid embarrassing flub which could be played towards their ally as appropriate to
Underworld contact: +8 DC, off by successful roleplay or Verbal the relationship (e.g. friends argue,
Combat. Failure on both rolls leads to the subjugated minions betray).
Bard's con being discovered. Fumbles may
Scholar (of some relevant lead to attacks or regional notoriety, with
specialization): +8 DC, Education the identity risking being "burned". If the Bard wishes to make the
Trader: +8 DC, Business target hostile to their ally beyond
Artist: +8 DC, Fine Arts If the Bard is required to show detailed what would be typical for their
Military: +10 DC, Tactics knowledge the cover would be expected to relationship, they may be able to do
Nobility: +12 DC, Grooming and have, further rolls on the appropriate skills
so using Verbal Combat at the
Style and/or Cover Identity may be required to
keep the deception going. GM’s discretion and ending the
Magistrate/Legal: +12 DC, Social combat with a use of Et Tu Brute
Etiquette (otherwise as Deceive).
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By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Skill Tree Craftsman

Clever Hands (CRA). A Craftsman gains a bonus equal to half their skill ranks in Clever
Hands on all rolls on Crafting, Alchemy, and Trap Crafting, as well as to rolls on INT-based
skills that involve understanding mechanisms, architecture or production processes. This
bonus counts as skill ranks in Trap Crafting for the purposes of determining potential trap

A Craftsman may also use Clever Hands to temporarily patch up any piece of equipment that
has a remaining Reliability or Stopping Power rating of at least 1. To do this, the Craftsman
rolls against the Crafting DC of the object -3. On a success, the object gains 1 point of
temporary Reliability/SP for every point by which the DC was beaten. These temporary
points last for one hour. After the hour has passed, the object loses any remaining temporary
points and also takes one additional point of Reliability/SP damage. Multiple uses of this skill
do not stack, but it may be reapplied to the same object after the last use has worn off. This
use of the skill takes several minutes of work.

Clever Hands may also be rolled to gain in-depth information about crafted objects, subject to
GM approval and within reason for the circumstances. For example, a Craftsman may be able
to identify the source of an explosion as a bomb by analysing the fragments and/or blast
pattern, or identify a specific weapon's likely point of origin. At the GM's discretion, the skill
may also be used to reverse-engineer an object over a long period, allowing the Craftsman to
identify specific exotic crafting materials used in its making or even create a diagram (that
provides no bonus to Crafting rolls).

See Diagram memorization house rule above.

The Forge Master The Alchemist The Improviser

Frugal Smith (CRA). When the Double Dose (CRA): A Craftsman Pinpoint (CRA): The Craftsman may roll
Craftsman successfully crafts or on Pinpoint against the Crafting DC of an
gains a bonus equal to half their
repairs an item, they may immediately item to identify weak points. If this roll
skill ranks in Double Dose on all succeeds, the Craftsman may choose to
roll Frugal Smith against the Crafting rolls on Alchemy, as well as to make a special attack action against the
DC of that item (-3 DC if repairing). item in subsequent rounds at -6. If this
For each point by which the
rolls on INT-based skills that
special attack succeeds, the Craftsman
Craftsman beats the DC, they may involve identifying alchemical
deals 1D6 points of Reliability/SP damage
choose to use one less unit of required substances or understanding to the item per 2 ranks in Pinpoint
materials. When crafting an item, this alchemical phenomena. (minimum 1D6). If a creature is holding
cannot be used to reduce a category of the item, they may defend as normal
required materials to zero (e.g., if a (including using the item to block, which
When a Craftsman successfully
reduces damage to the item to 1).
diagram requires 3 units of Thread, at creates an alchemical mixture Unattended objects have a DC of 10. A
least 1 must be used). When repairing using the Alchemy skill, they may Craftsman may reduce their special
an item, this restriction does not immediately roll Double Dose damage dice from this attack in order to
apply. Items repaired or crafted in this reduce the attack penalty - for each D6 less
manner must be maintained regularly.
against the Alchemy DC. If they
damage, the attack penalty is reduced by 2.
Once per week, a Craftsman must succeed, they create two doses of A Craftsman may not reduce their damage
succeed at a Frugal Smith roll with an the mixture instead of one. dice from this action below 1D6 in this
additional bonus of +3 against the way. This skill may also be used against
monster armour or natural weapons if the
original DC to maintain the item. The
Craftsman succeeds at a Monster Lore
Craftsman who made the original roll check at DC 15 (or is instructed by another
automatically succeeds at this roll. If character who does). The Pinpoint DC in
the item is not maintained in this way, such a case is equal to the normal Monster
it loses 10% of its Reliability/SP Lore DC for the opponent +3.
cumulatively per week. This loss of
Reliability/SP cannot be prevented or The Craftsman gains a bonus to Pick Lock
repaired until the object is maintained. and any skill checks that involve breaking
down barriers (e.g. Physique to smash
This maintenance requirement also
down a door) equal to half their ranks in
reduces the market value of the object Pinpoint.
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Master Crafting (CRA). When the Suspended Solution (INT): The Weapon Coating (CRA): The Craftsman
Craftsman successfully crafts an item, they may coat weapons with silver. They roll
Craftsman may roll on Suspended
may spend twice the resources normally Weapon Coating against the Crafting
required by the diagram instead of the Solution to combine the effects of DC of the weapon -6. For every 3 points
normal amount to immediately roll Master two existing alchemical by which the DC is beaten, the weapon
Crafting against the Crafting DC of that substances into one substance. To gains 1D6 silver damage (minimum
item (Frugal Smith may be applied to this
do so, they make a Suspended 1D6, maximum 5D6, maximum 2D6 for
roll as normal, but only once, NOT once
Solution roll against the higher bolts/arrows or other small ranged
for the Crafting roll and once for the
Master Crafting roll). If the Craftsman Alchemy DC of the two mixtures weapons). For each 2D6 of silver
succeeds, they generate a number of damage gained, the normal weapon
+3. On a failure, both substances damage is reduced by 1D6. For every 2
"improvement points" equal to the margin
are ruined; on a fumble, a points of Reliability damage the weapon
by which they beat the DC (max. 10)
which may be spent as follows: dangerous reaction takes place. takes, it loses 1D6 of silver damage
The GM decides whether the (which may lead to its base damage
1 point: item grants a +1 bonus to one mixture must be applied, drunk, increasing again). As long as the weapon
appropriate non-combat skill in addition to
inhaled etc.; if the Craftsman has any bonus silver damage, it counts
any bonuses it otherwise grants (e.g., as silver for the purposes of harming
Disguise, Performance or Social Etiquette wishes to determine this, the DC monsters.
for clothing; Crafting for tools etc.; may be increases by a further 3 points. If
bought multiple times and applies to a one of the substances is already a The Craftsman may also coat weapons
different skill each time) with meteorite steel. They roll Weapon
combination created by
2 points: +1 damage (weapons/shields Coating against the Crafting DC of the
only, may be bought a maximum of five Suspended Solution, the
weapon. If they succeed, the weapon
times) Craftsman takes a penalty of -3 to counts as meteorite steel for the
2 points: +1 Reliability/SP (may be bought the roll for each iteration of the
a maximum of five times)
purposes of penetrating damage
skill already applied in the resistance. It also receives a WA
3 points: item grants a +2 bonus to one
appropriate non-combat skill in addition to ingredients (note that penalties are modifier of -4. For every 2 points by
any bonuses it otherwise grants (e.g., different to DC increases; see which the DC is beaten, the Craftsman
Disguise, Performance or Social Etiquette fumble house rules below). The may reduce this penalty by 1 (to a
for clothing; Crafting for tools etc.; may be minimum of 0). The weapon counts as
Craftsman may also isolate meteorite steel until it loses 5 points of
bought multiple times and applies to a
different skill each time) individual qualities of a substance Reliability (or breaks, if that happens
3 points: WA +1 (weapons/shields only, with multiple effects and apply first). The weapon may not be repaired
may be bought twice) only these to the new mixture (e.g. in any way until this has occurred.
3 points: DB +1 (weapons/shields only,
apply only the addictive quality of
may be bought twice) Finally, the Craftsman may coat
3 points: +1D6 Brawl damage (armour Fisstech without its Stun effects),
weapons with Quick Fire. They roll
only, applies to punches for torso armour subject to GM approval; this Weapon Coating against the Crafting
and to kicks for leg armour) increases the DC by 3. DC of the weapon. If they succeed, the
3 points: Brawl damage counts as lethal
weapon is coated and may be lit on fire
instead of nonlethal (armour only, applies
to punches for torso armour and to kicks The Craftsman may also use this as an action. While the weapon burns, it
for leg armour) skill to analyse an alchemical takes 1 Reliability damage per turn and
3 points: increase chance to cause Bleeding has a 50% chance to set a targeted body
substance in depth. To do so, they part on fire with every hit (75% for 2-
by 25% (bladed weapons only, may be
must roll Suspended Solution handed weapons; see fire house rule
bought up to three times)
3 points: add Stunning (+1) property or against the Alchemy DC for the below). The fire goes out if the weapon
improve Stunning stat by 1 (blunt weapons target substance -5. The results breaks or is doused in water. For every
only, may be bought multiple times, final depend on the degree of success: full 3 points by which the Craftsman
value can't be better than -2) beats the DC, damage to the weapon is
3 points: add Armour Piercing property delayed by one turn once it is lit.
(weapons only) Beats DC by less than 3:
3 points: add Ablating property (weapons Craftsman identifies alchemical Silver coatings require silver, meteorite
only) base recipe (but not how to make coatings require meteorite ore and Quick
3 points: add Balanced property (weapons
the substance) and basic effects Fire coatings require doses of Quick
only) Fire. A two-handed weapon requires 2
3 points: add Resistance (armour only, may Beats DC by less than 6:
Craftsman identifies alchemical units of the relevant resource, a one-
be bought multiple times, adding a
different Resistance each time)
handed weapon requires 1 unit. 1 unit is
base recipe, knows how to make enough to affect two Small Blades or 10
4 points: add Improved Armour Piercing
the substance and knows its arrowheads.
quality (requires existing Armour Piercing
quality) detailed effects
5 points: item grants a +3 bonus to one Beats DC by less than 9: Finally, a Craftsman may roll Weapon
appropriate non-combat skill in addition to Craftsman identifies alchemical Coating against DC 15 when applying
any bonuses it otherwise grants (e.g. any blade oil. On a success, creatures
base recipe, knows how to make vulnerable to the oil who are struck by
Disguise, Performance or Social Etiquette
for clothing; Crafting for tools etc.; may be the substance and its effects and the weapon and take damage also have a
bought multiple times and applies to a can identify specific ingredients 50% chance to be poisoned, start
different skill each time) used (e.g. determine whether bleeding or (if the Craftsman beat DC
18) start suffocating (Endurance DC 16
removes the effect). The Craftsman
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The base market value of the item Vitriol in the substance comes chooses the bonus effect when applying
increases by 30 crowns for each the oil.
from ghoul claws or balisse fruit)
"improvement point" spent on it.
Beats DC by 9 or more: Craftsman In general, Weapon Coating rolls should
Note that any one skill may only be given identifies all of the above and who be allowed to treat a weapon (or armour)
ONE bonus from Master Crafting an item; made the substance (if they have with an alchemical substance for
for example, it is impossible to improve
encountered this individual's work specialized uses (e.g. a coating of
Disguise by +3 for five points and then
before) or at least which Talgar’s Tears to resist the attacks of a
improve it further by +2 for another three
points on the same item. The GM should alchemical tradition they come fire elemental). The DC is at the GM’s
also consider carefully whether multiple discretion.
from (e.g. Ban Ard, medical
skill bonuses from different items should
student from Oxenfurt etc.)
be allowed to stack; Craftsman players
planning something like this should speak
to their GM beforehand.

See Defensive bonus house rules below.

Superb Crafting (CRA). A Craftsman Adaptation (CRA): When creating Witcher Flexible Crafter (CRA): The
gains a bonus equal to half their skill potions, the Craftsman may roll Adaptation Craftsman may roll Flexible Crafter
ranks in Superb Crafting on all rolls against the Alchemy DC in order to apply
effects from secondary alchemical
against the Crafting DC of a weapon
on Crafting, Frugal Smith, Master in order to change one of its damage
influences (see below). If the alchemist is
Crafting, and Trap Crafting, as well as using Double Dose, the Adaptation roll is types (from
to rolls on INT-based skills that modified by -3. If the Witcher potion has slashing/piercing/bludgeoning to
involve understanding mechanisms, been combined with something else using another of those three) temporarily.
architecture or production processes. Suspended Solution, use the Suspended
This use of the skill takes one action
This bonus counts as skill ranks in Solution DC as a base instead. The potion
gains additional effects depending on the and lasts one hour. When the effect
Trap Crafting for the purposes of
determining potential trap damage. A dominant secondary substance chosen: wears off, the weapon takes 1
Craftsman with at least one rank in Reliability damage.
Albedo: The Toxicity of the potion is
Superb Crafting gains access to the reduced by 5% per 2 points rolled over the
additional traps available to the Man- The Craftsman may also roll
DC (minimum 1). If this lowers the
at-Arms under Booby Trap, but must Toxicity of the potion below 25%, each Flexible Crafter against a DC of 14
spend more materials to build them 5% step below 25% also reduces the to remove an enhancement, a rune
(GM’s discretion). Endurance check DC required to benefit or a glyph from an item (without
and avoid Poisoning if non-Witchers drink ruining it). This use of the skill
The Craftsman may roll Superb the potion by 2 (base value 16). takes a full-round action. The
Rubedo: In addition to its normal effect,
Crafting in order to attempt to repair Craftsman may also apply runes,
the potion heals 1 HP for every 3 points
relics. The base DC is 15. The GM rolled over the DC (minimum 1) per round enhancements or glyphs to empty
should determine a list of rare and while it is in effect. slots as a full-round action at DC
costly materials that are appropriate Nigredo: In addition to its normal effect, 12, or do both in one round at DC
for the relic required for each attempt the potion adds +1 to all melee attack and 18. Failing such a roll ruins any
(Frugal Smith cannot be applied to damage rolls per 3 points rolled over the
enhancements, glyphs or runes
this roll). For every 2 points by which DC (minimum 1) while it is in effect.
involved. If the item is currently in
the Craftsman beats the DC, they may active use (e.g. armour being worn
A Craftsman gains a bonus equal to half
restore 1 point of SP/Reliability to the
their ranks in Adaptation to resist any in combat), the roll is made at -4.
relic. negative effects from alchemical The Craftsman cannot use this skill
substances. on an unwilling target.
The Craftsman becomes intuitively
attuned to the emotions and A Craftsman may roll on Adaptation to
supernatural auras of items. Whenever attempt to extract a sample of an active The Craftsman may spend an hour
the Craftsman encounters an alchemical compound from something it is working on a weapon, shield or
inanimate object that has been affecting (e.g. a poison from a poisoned piece of armour and roll Flexible
individual; an acid slowly eating its way Crafter against the Crafting DC of
subjected to magic, a curse or a
through a wall). The base DC is 15,
monstrous influence, the Craftsman modified by GM's discretion according to
the item in order to increase the
may roll Superb Crafting to receive at circumstances. This weakens any offensive number of slots it has for
least some information that could rolls that may be necessary for the improvements by 1 + 1 for every 3
otherwise be derived from the skills substance to take effect by 2 (e.g. damage) full points by which the DC was
Magical Training or Witcher Training. or grants a bonus of +2 to resistance rolls beaten. Whenever the “bonus” slots
The DC is set by the GM. against it as appropriate for the next hour.
are filled, the item loses 1 point of
In addition, the Craftsman gains a sample,
which may be analysed using Suspended Reliability/SP every hour. If the
When the Craftsman sets a trap (or Craftsman removes an
Solution. This application of the skill may
creates one from a diagram), they may also be used on inert substances left over enhancement, rune, or glyph from a
roll Superb Crafting exactly as though after an alchemical reaction at the GM's “bonus” slot and fails to beat the
they were rolling Master Crafting. discretion; the recommended base DC DC by at least 3, the item instantly
They may spend "improvement increases to 20.
points" generated in this way to add
takes 1D6/2 Reliability/SP damage.
qualities and damage to traps as
though they were weapons.
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By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Skill Tree Criminal
Practiced Paranoia (INT): If there is a significant hidden threat in a situation, a Criminal may
roll Practiced Paranoia against a DC set by the GM. In addition, the Criminal must also roll a
secondary skill appropriate to the situation against the same DC (e.g. Business if being
conned, Wilderness Survival for an ambush on the road, Social Etiquette for potentially
disastrous social faux pas). If the Criminal succeeds at both checks, they discern the nature of
the potential threat. If they succeed at only one, they know that something is wrong, but
cannot discern exactly what. If they fail both, they are unaware of the potential threat.
The Thief The Gang Boss The Assassin
Case the Area (INT): After observing an Weak Spot (EMP): The Criminal Careful Aim (DEX): A Criminal
area for an hour, the Criminal may roll
may roll Weak Spot against that is not perceived as an active
Case the Area to find potential hiding
spots, understand the ebb and flow of Deceit of a target to identify the threat by a target may spend an
traffic and memorize any regular guard basic nature of their greatest action and roll Careful Aim
patrols. This affects an area of roughly psychological weakness as either a against Dodge/Escape of the target
500x500m. The DC depends on the
person (e.g. a loved one or rival), -5 (this is not an active action and
an item (e.g. a cherished heirloom, the target doesn't actually move).
Hamlet: DC 14 wealth, drugs), or an ambition. For If the roll succeeds, the Criminal
Village: DC 16 every 2 points by which the DC is gains a bonus to their next attack
Town: DC 18
beaten, the Criminal gains a against this target equal to their
City: DC 20
permanent +1 bonus to ranks in Careful Aim as long as
The GM may modify the DC if the area is Intimidation and Deceit (max +5) their next attack occurs within a
particularly busy or on high alert. against the target and learns one number of rounds equal to their
additional substantive piece of rank in Careful Aim. If the target
If the Criminal succeeds, they gain a +2
bonus to any check made to hide in the information about the weakness identifies the Criminal as a threat
area (including on Shadow rolls) or to (e.g. how far away does the target before the attack can take place,
predict movements or plan routes within it. believe the person/item is, why is the bonus is halved.
The GM should also provide relevant
the person/ambition/item so
information the Criminal may be expected
to know. important to the character). If the If the target can see the Criminal
Criminal defeats the target's roll but doesn’t realize they are a
The Criminal may also roll Case the Area by 10 or more, they learn the threat, the GM may allow an
to identify potential hiding places where a
precise nature of the weakness opposed Human Perception roll to
given target would go to ground. A
successful roll (DC determined by (e.g. knowing which person or allow the target to recognize the
environment as above) identifies six what item is the weakness and threat (halving the bonus) in the
potential hiding spots. For every 2 points why it is a weakness). If the nick of time.
by which the Criminal beats the DC, they
target’s greatest weakness later
may eliminate one potential spot (down to
a minimum of three potential spots). changes (which should require
significant character
If the Criminal has personal knowledge of development), the target is
the target and succeeds in a Human
immune to further uses of this
Perception check against the target's
Streetwise (or Case the Area +3 or Go to skill, but the Criminal retains half
Ground +6), they may eliminate a further of the bonuses to
potential spot at the GM's discretion. If the Intimidate/Deceit (rounded up).
target is no longer in the area, the Criminal
should be able to deduce this after finding
all the spots empty.
Shadow (DEX): As part of an attack on an Marked Man (EMP): The Criminal may Eye Gouge (DEX): As a special melee
aware target that knows the Criminal is a mark a target individual publicly (e.g. attack action, a Criminal may strike at
threat, a Criminal may roll Shadow against drawing a symbol on their door or similar) a target's eyes. They roll Eye Gouge
Human Perception of the target to gain a and roll Marked Man (reputation bonuses
as an attack (with a penalty of -3 if the
bonus of +3 on the attack. This use of may apply) against a DC determined by the
Shadow may be attempted once per environment: target perceives them as an active
encounter per target. Targets with the threat). If the attack hits, it deals 2D6
"Feral" quality roll Awareness instead of Hamlet: DC 14 damage with no protection from
Human Perception to defend. Village: DC 16 armour and the target is Blinded for a
Town: DC 18 number of rounds equal to the
In any situation in which the Criminal is City: DC 20 Criminal's ranks in Eye Gouge. If the
aware of being perceived by others, they Criminal rolls a critical hit using this
may roll Shadow against the highest If the roll succeeds, the target suffers a
skill, instead of rolling on the critical
Awareness stat amongst the observers, penalty to all social rolls with all characters
with a penalty of -1 per additional in the area as follows: hit table, the effects (in addition to the
observer. If they succeed, they use a
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monetary distraction to hide, crossing their Target interacting with a character who normal stun save and extra damage)
SPD in meters to move out of sight feels completely safe from the Criminal or are as follows:
(additional checks on Athletics may be is actively fighting them OR feels
necessary to cross impediments; this may somewhat safe from the Criminal and has
Simple: the wound Bleeds until
cost STA at the GM’s discretion). If they good relations with the target: no penalty
can reach a spot out of sight, they may stabilized
immediately roll Stealth against the same Target interacting with a character who Complex: the wound Bleeds until
DC. If they succeed, observers have the feels somewhat safe from the Criminal OR stabilized; once the Blindness effect
impression that the Criminal simply has good relations with the target: -1 per ends, the target must roll Endurance
vanished. They are momentarily confused two ranks in Marked Man (minimum -1) against DC 15 every two rounds or be
for at least one round, but may draw blinded again until stabilized
conclusions about where the Criminal must Target interacting with a character who Difficult: the wound Bleeds until
have disappeared to. If the Criminal feels vulnerable to the Criminal and has no
stabilized; the Blindness effect lasts
succeeds at the Shadow roll, but not the special relationship with the target: -1 per
Stealth roll, they move out of sight, but rank in Marked Man until stabilized
observers know where they have gone. If Deadly: the wound Bleeds and causes
there is no spot out of line of sight within Nausea; the target loses an eye and is
range, the Criminal cannot roll Shadow. Blinded; Bleed can be removed by
stabilizing the wound; Blinded and
Nausea can be removed by treating
the wound
Go to Ground (INT): Once per story Rally (WIL): Once per day, a Assassin's Strike (DEX): After
segment (determined by the GM), the
Criminal may invest one hour's attacking from ambush or a hiding
Criminal may roll Go to Ground to find a
bolthole they can use. This bolthole time and roll Rally (reputation place, the Criminal may
remains usable indefinitely unless it is bonuses may apply) to gather immediately roll Assassin's Strike
found and destroyed. The roll is modified Bandits for a specific job. The to hide again. The roll is modified
as follows:
base DC is 15, modified as as follows:
Settlement size: follows:
Hamlet: -3 Visibility: -5 (full sunlight on a
Village: +0 Potential gain for Bandits: clear day) to +5 (complete
Town: +3
No share in spoils or job has no darkness or fog)
City: +6
apparent spoils: +3 DC Distance: -3 (melee range) to +3
Reputation of Criminal (if applicable): Small expected share in spoils: +0 (more than 20m distant)
+Reputation DC Opportunities to hide in
Large expected share in spoils: -3 proximity: -6 (flat plain) to +3
Per NPC friend within an hour's travel who
has resources available to help: +2 DC (thicket or crowd)

Per 20 crowns invested: +1 Guaranteed payment: Low (15 The target of the attack may roll
crowns/person): +0 DC Awareness to keep the Criminal in
If the roll beats DC 5, the Criminal finds
an easily accessible bolthole without any Medium (25 crowns/person): -3 sight. If other witnesses are
notable guards and with an openly visible DC around, they may also roll
access one hour away from the centre of High (50 crowns/person): -6 DC Awareness at -3. If they fail the
the story with space for them personally.
roll, they may not realize who was
Points by which the Criminal beats the DC
may be spent to improve the bolthole: If the Criminal offers neither a responsible for the attack or even
share of spoils nor any guaranteed that an attack took place if it is not
Extra space: 2 points per additional person payment, the total DC modifier is obvious for other reasons (e.g.
who can stay; 3 points space for horses for
+5 and they must make an bloody wounds).
all users
Accessibility: 3 points for moderately additional check on Intimidation
inaccessible (e.g. having to cross difficult at the same DC. They may also lie Note that hiding for the purposes
terrain); 6 points for extremely inaccessible about payment using Deceit of this skill also includes fading
(e.g. requires climbing gear or entrance
instead of actually offering into a crowd (for example by
Visibility of access: 3 points for hard to guaranteed payment (DC 14/16/18 using Deceit and/or Stealth).
find (DC 15 to find, DC 10 with Deceit leads to DC modifiers of
instructions); 6 points for very hard to find 0/-3/-6 for the Rally roll).
(DC 20, DC 15 with instructions)
Guards: 3 points for weak guards (e.g. 2-4
bandits/Nekkers); 6 points for moderate For every two points by which the
guards (e.g. 2-4 Scoia'tel or a spectre); 9 Criminal beats the DC, they
points for strong guards (e.g. 2-4 knights or recruit 1 Bandit (stats as in book).
1 arachas); 6 points to make guards non-
If the Criminal recruits more
hostile to Criminal (e.g. allied gang,
somewhat trained monster) Bandits than they wish to pay,
Equipment: 2 points for equipped for first they may send them away or use
aid and medical care; 3 points for basic Deceit as described above. This
alchemical equipment; 1 point for simple
roll is not necessary if the
food and water; 3 points for smithy or
craftman's tools
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By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Distance: 3 points for half an hour away Criminal used Intimidate to avoid
from the center of the story; 6 points for a
offering payment.
few minutes away from the center of the
The Criminal may elect to keep
To clarify the point "Guards", the base the Bandits "on standby" rather
assumption is that the Criminal has figured
than using them for a specific job.
out a reliable way to sneak into an area that
the guards consider their own and stay In this case, the job is considered
there without being noticed (e.g. a disused to have no spoils (+3 DC) and any
cellar on a noble's estate would be guarded guaranteed payment must be paid
by house guards). Thus, the guards are
assumed to be unaware of the bolthole and
would likely respond negatively if they
found it. The Criminal can spend 6 points Bandits are not particularly brave
as noted above to make the guards tolerant and will likely flee if they are
of the Criminal's usage.
badly wounded or from noticeably
Use of this skill requires careful dangerous situations. Some degree
coordination with the GM. However, the of loss is expected, but a Criminal
GM is encouraged to allow it where who sends Bandits to their deaths
possible and use it to generate plot hooks
too often should acquire negative
rather than forbidding its use outright (e.g.
establishing a bolthole in gang territory reputation over time.
may lead to dealings with the gang later
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By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Skill Tree Doctor
Healing Hands (CRA): may be used instead of First Aid. Can stabilize or treat critical
wounds (duration: DC-10 rounds)
Simple: DC 12, Complex: DC 14, Difficult: DC 16, Deadly: DC 18
The Surgeon The Herbalist The Anatomist
Diagnosis (INT): The Doctor may use this Healing Tent (CRA): The Doctor Bleeding Wound (INT): When a
skill as an action to quickly diagnose a
may spend an hour in preparation Doctor attacks with a bladed
target's condition. The base DC is 10,
modified as follows: to roll this skill in order to create weapon of any kind in a way that
an optimal working environment. could cause HP damage (i.e., part
+2 DC per simple critical wound on the A success grants +3 to all uses of of a fast attack, a strong attack, a
Healing Hands, First Aid, and any charge etc., but not a disarm
+1 DC per complex critical wound on the
target skills from the Surgeon or attempt), they may elect to try to
+2 DC if target is below Wound threshold Herbalist skill tree. For long-term strike a bleeding wound once per
+2 DC if target is poisoned, diseased or has applications of the Diagnosis and round. The attack is calculated
any other natural complication
Analysis skills (e.g. autopsies), with the lower of the two skill
+4 DC if target is suffering from magical
or supernatural complication this bonus increases to the number bases for Bleeding Wound and the
of ranks the Doctor has in Healing relevant weapon skill, modified as
On a failure, the Doctor learns how many Tent (if more than 3). Even on a it would be normally. If the attack
untreated, unstabilized critical wounds the
failure of the roll, working in a hits and does at least 1 point of HP
target has and how and where to treat
them. On a success, the Doctor learns the Healing Tent area removes any damage (regardless of whether
exact nature of each wound (including penalty for working in the field. this is from penetrating armour or
their mechanical effects), as well as the The base DC is based on the from a critical hit that otherwise
target's current HP. If there are any
surroundings: didn't penetrate), the target begins
complications that would cause the Doctor
penalties in treating the target, the Doctor to Bleed. This form of Bleeding
may reduce these penalties by up to their Town: DC 12 inflicts 1 HP damage per round for
ranks in Diagnosis. If there are no Village: DC 14 every 2 points by which the
complications, the Doctor gets +2 on rolls
Encampment/isolated hut: DC 16 Doctor beat the target's defence
made to treat the target.
Wilderness: DC 18 and requires a First Aid check that
The Doctor may also use this skill on a beats the Doctor's attack roll
living target over a longer period for more The DC is modified as follows: (maximum 20) to remove. Any
precise information. The base DC is 8,
weapon that already has a chance
modified as follows (the GM should not
tell the player the precise DC): Hospitability of the environment: to inflict Bleed retains its base
-2 DC (very ordered and clean) to Bleed chance without
+1 DC per critical wound +4 DC (messy, cramped, and modification, but additionally
+4 DC if the target is diseased
dirty) counts as Armour Piercing for this
+4 DC if the target is poisoned or sedated
+4 DC if the target is under a magical attack. If the weapon’s base
influence that affects their body Familiarity of the Doctor with the chance to inflict Bleed is greater
+4 DC if the target is mutated environment: -2 DC (Doctor's than 50%, the weapon additionally
+4 DC if the target is a humanoid of a race
home or place of work; counts as both Armor Piercing and
the Doctor is not used to
+6 DC if the target is an animal standardized military tent to a Improved Armour Piercing for
+8 DC if the target is a monster veteran) to +2 DC (completely this attack.
+8 DC if the target is actively hostile and unfamiliar environment)
awake (assuming they are restrained)

On a failure, the Doctor learns how many Dangerous environment: +4 DC

critical wounds the target has to which
body parts and whether they have been Per 25 crowns' worth of medical
treated, as well as whether the target is
paraphernalia invested (e.g.
suffering from a poison or disease (but not
which of the two). On a success, the bandages, creams): -2 DC
Doctor gains all the benefits they would
have from a fast diagnosis. In addition,
they may choose to get information on one
of the following topics +1 per three full
points by which they beat the DC:

• Current physical conditions affecting the

target (e.g. diagnose diseases, poisons,
learn about their past development and
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By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
• Special steps needed to treat the target
or to improve the likelihood of successful
treatment (e.g. specific antitoxins) - the
GM may refuse this option or require the
Doctor to "spend" multiple pieces of
information if the malady is particularly
rare or magical
• Detailed knowledge of the medical past
of the target, including chronic diseases
and old wounds
• Detailed knowledge of the target's
anatomy, including any abnormalities
(e.g. mutations either natural or magical,
• Detailed knowledge of the target's
natural weapons, immunities and
resistances (e.g. knowledge of ghoul
toxins) - the GM may grant permanent
bonuses (suggested: +2) on
Education/Monster Lore roles concerning
beings similar to the target at their
• Presence of supernatural influences on
bodily functions as well as basic
information about what they are doing

Conclusions drawn by the Doctor may

enable the Doctor or other characters to
roll on other skills to draw further
conclusions. The results of such additional
rolls cannot be higher than the Doctor's
result on diagnosis. For example, a Doctor
might be able to provide sufficiently
detailed descriptions of wounds to allow
them to be identified as Nekker claws
(Monster Lore), as ritual wounds
associated with a street gang (Streetwise),
or as being caused by an axe of Skelliger
design (Crafting).

Analysis (INT): The Doctor may use this General Practitioner (INT): A Practical Carnage (INT): When a
skill as an action to improve their
Doctor can use this skill to Doctor attacks in a way that could
efficiency in treating a target. The base DC
is equal to the Healing Hands DC of the simulate the effect of any healing cause HP damage (i.e., part of a
worst critical wound the target is suffering item (e.g. bandages, base powder) fast attack, a strong attack, a
from, +2 for each additional critical by rolling against the crafting DC charge etc.), they may elect to
wound. On a success, the Doctor may treat
of the item. The Doctor need not strike a vulnerable spot. The
all critical wounds the target is suffering
from faster; they take one round less to actually create the item; they attack is calculated with the lower
treat per 2 points by which the DC was simply apply an effective of the two skill values for
beaten (minimum 1). treatment that has the same effect. Practical Carnage and the relevant
weapon skill, modified as it would
In addition, the Doctor may roll Analysis
to perform an autopsy on a corpse and The Doctor may also roll General be normally. If the attack hits, it
draw forensic conclusions. The base DC Practitioner to remove the causes the target to suffer Nausea,
for corpses in good condition is 10, conditions Poisoned, Bleed, regardless of whether it does any
modified as follows (the GM should not
Intoxication, Hallucination, damage that penetrates. The
tell the player the precise DC):
Nausea, Suffocation or Blinded, as Doctor may elect to cause
+4/6/8 DC for corpses in well as the effects of alchemical Suffocation instead, but this
moderate/bad/terrible condition mixtures and drugs such as applies a -3 penalty to the attack
+2 DC per critical wound or major instance
Fisstech or Pantagran's elixir, as roll and must be declared before
of damage done to the corpse
+2 DC per disease the corpse was suffering long as this seems plausibly the attack is rolled. The conditions
from treatable (e.g. a Doctor couldn't may be removed with a successful
+2 DC per poison the corpse was suffering remove Blinding caused by a lack check on Endurance or First Aid
of eyes, but could treat it if it against a DC equal to the Doctor's
+4 DC if the corpse was subjected to
supernatural influences came from a surprising flash; a attack roll (maximum 20).
+4 DC if the corpse is a humanoid monster Doctor might not be able to
+8 DC if the body is nonhumanoid (e.g. completely treat Fisstech if the In addition, whenever the Doctor
cats, wolves)
target literally just took a large applies a blade oil to a weapon,
+12 DC if the corpse is a nonhumanoid
monster dose). The base DC is 15, the the blade oil's damage bonus
crafting DC of the alchemical against vulnerable enemies is
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By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
+2 DC if circumstances might actively mixture, or the DC of the spell or increased by 1 per two ranks of
mislead conclusions (e.g. a corpse thrown
effect that originally caused the the Doctor in Practical Carnage.
into a river after being strangled)
+4 DC if working in the field condition, as appropriate. Note
that particularly virulent or
On a success, the Doctor can establish the insidious afflictions (such as
cause and time of death (generally to
addiction) may only be removed
within around six hours, depending on the
age of the corpse and the Doctor's result). temporarily by this skill - a Doctor
They can isolate any foreign substances might be able to prevent the
(without necessarily knowing what they victim of an insidious poison from
are) and differentiate between effects that
dying by constant treatment, but it
occurred pre- and post-mortem. They can
name the basic type of weapon responsible may take more specific measures
for any wounds (e.g. large blade, heavy to actually purge the poison from
blunt object, claws, teeth), which may lead the patient at the GM's discretion.
to more precise information with additional
This skill may either be used as an
rolls from the Doctor or other characters
(e.g. on Crafting or Monster Lore). The action (e.g., in combat), in which
Doctor may also be able to draw rough case the condition returns after a
conclusions about the corpse's pre-mortem number of rounds equal to the
behaviours (such as what they ate, whether
Doctor's ranks in General
they engaged in strenuous activity,
defensive wounds etc.) subject to GM Practitioner and lasts the rest of its
approval. The Doctor can also establish the duration (discounting the rounds it
presence of any physical supernatural was removed, as if it had been
influence exerted on the corpse, but may
“paused”), or as a longer
not be able to interpret what it did. In
general, the Doctor or other characters with consultation (duration set by the
whom they share their results may be able GM), in which case simple
to roll additional skill checks to draw conditions are removed
conclusions (as described under
completely and palliative
measures against more virulent
Finally, the Doctor may examine the scene conditions last for a full day.
of a murder or fight to draw conclusions
about what happened. The DC is 16 for an
untouched scene, modified by the age of
the scene and any contamination. On a
success, the Doctor can at least partially
reconstruct the movements of the
individuals involved and establish whether
there was violence and if so, whether it
was one-sided.
Effective Surgery (CRA): Before treating a Herbal Remedy (CRA): As described in Crippling Wound (INT): When a
critical wound, the Doctor may roll this the book (p.65), with the following Doctor attacks in a way that could
skill against the treatment DC. The wound additions: If a character ingests a Herbal cause HP damage (i.e., part of a fast
heals 1 day faster per 2 points by which the Remedy while another one is still active, attack, a strong attack, a charge etc.),
DC is beaten (minimum 1). The healing they must roll an Endurance check at
time can go no lower than half its usual they may elect to strike a critical spot.
DC 10 + 3 per already active remedy. The attack is calculated with the lower
rate due to this. On a failure, the newly ingested remedy of the two skill values for Crippling
has no effect and the character is
If the Doctor is treating a patient over a Wound and the relevant weapon skill,
longer period, they may roll Effective
afflicted with Nausea for a full minute
modified as it would be normally. If
Surgery against a DC of 15 to double the (20 rounds), with a new Endurance
check allowed every five rounds to the attack hits and does at least 1 point
effective HP recovery of the patient. This of HP damage (regardless of whether
is calculated before the effect of using remove the condition early. If the
character fumbles on this roll, they are this is from penetrating armour or
Healing Hands to increase HP recovery by
3. Poisoned instead of Nauseous. from a critical hit that otherwise didn't
penetrate), the target takes a penalty to
At the GM's discretion, Effective Surgery If a character ingests the same remedy REF, BOD or SPD (Doctor's choice)
may be rolled to attempt near-impossible twice within a period of 48 hours, each of -1 per 3 points by which the Doctor
treatments (e.g. reattaching severed limbs repetition counts as an active remedy as beat the target's defence (minimum -
that have been kept preserved, reverting described above and resets the "clock" 1). For the purposes of healing, this is
mutations over a long period) or to for that particular remedy. For example, treated as a difficult critical wound for
diagnose extremely rare conditions (e.g. if a character takes the +3 REF remedy which the penalty is halved if the
unique curses, rare or particularly virulent once and then once again 24 hours later,
diseases) and provide at least some hint of wound is stabilized and quartered if it
they must roll against DC 13. If they is treated (minimum penalty always -
how to treat them. The DC for these uses
take the same remedy again 32 hours 1). The DC to stabilize/treat the
of the skill should be calculated
individually. The GM is advised to err on
later, they must roll against DC 16 - wound is equal to the Doctor's attack
the side of higher DCs due to the existence even though the first ingestion was over
roll (maximum 20).
of the Healing Tent skill and potential 48 hours before, it still counts because
bonuses from the diagnosis skill. of the "relapse" in between.
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Skill Tree Mage
Magical Training (INT): May be rolled to identify active spells or magical phenomena, or
answer questions of magical theory. May be rolled instead of Awareness to notice such things
in the environment (including monsters with active magical abilities).
The Politician The Scientist The Arch Mage
Scheming (INT): The Mage may Reverse Engineer (INT): A Mage may roll In Touch: The Vigour of the Mage
Reverse Engineer to identify alchemical
roll Scheming against Social increases by 2 per rank in In
substances or understand alchemical
Etiquette of the target after phenomena. Touch.
spending at least one hour
observing them in a social In addition, a Mage may analyse potions,
spells they observe being cast (requires
environment. On a success, the
being able to see and hear the caster), or
Mage gains +3 on Deceit, unique magical effects with this skill. To
Seduction, and further Scheming do so, they roll Reverse Engineer against
rolls against the target for a the Alchemy DC (for potions, additional
+3 modifier if a Craftsman has applied
number of days equal to their
Adaptation), 10 + half of the STA cost (for
ranks in Scheming. spells), or a DC set by the GM (for other
magical effects). If they attempt to use this
Alternatively, the Mage may use skill to observe spells or magical effects
while under extreme stress (such as during
this skill to trick two targets into
combat), they suffer a penalty of -5 to the
an altercation in a social setting. roll (reverse engineering potions during
To do this, the Mage must roll combat is impossible). The results depend
Scheming against both targets’ on the degree of success:
Social Etiquette or Human
Perception (defender’s choice) Any attempt destroys the potion regardless
within one hour of one another. If of success or failure.
the Mage succeeds at both rolls, Beats DC by less than 3: Mage identifies
alchemical base recipe (but not how to
the altercation takes place in a
make the substance) and basic effects
manner appropriate to the targets Beats DC by less than 6: Mage identifies
without any suspicion falling on alchemical base recipe, knows how to
the Mage. If the Mage succeeds at make the substance in its basic form and
knows its detailed effects
only one roll, the altercation
Beats DC by 6 or more: Mage identifies
doesn’t take place, but no alchemical base recipe, knows how to
suspicion falls on the Mage. If the make the substance and its effects, and
Mage fails both rolls, one or both may copy special attributes (e.g. from
Adaptation, Distillation, or Suspended
targets may be suspicious of them.
Solution) if desired (only the specific
If the targets have a pre-existing effect in the sample potion). At this level, a
non-hostile relationship, they gain Mage may also copy Herbal Remedies or
+5 on their defence rolls. If they other unique class abilities at the GM’s
are friends or otherwise close, this
bonus increases to +10. Spells:
Beats DC by less than 3: Mage identifies
Finally, the Mage may roll element of spell and detailed effects
Beats DC by less than 6: All prior effects
Scheming as a defence in Verbal
and Mage identifies whether it was cast
Combat if at least one other using a Focus, and what magical tradition
character beyond the attacker is the caster adhered to (e.g. Ban Ard,
involved in the Verbal Combat. Nilfgaardian mage school, priest)
Beats DC by less than 9: All prior effects
On a success, the verbal attack
and Mage may choose to learn the spell
targets another character instead, using IP when they have time
who must defend as normal. If the Beats DC by 9 or more: All prior effects
new target is an ally of the and Mage gains 1D6/2 free IP towards
learning the spell (minimum 1); this effect
attacker, the Mage takes a -3
can only occur once per spell
penalty to the roll.
Magical effects:
GM provides detailed information. This
skill may analyse magical effects outside
of the Mage’s normal expertise, as well as
unique monster abilities. The GM should
flexibly adapt the amount of information
this skill can give on curses,
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religious/spiritual phenomena, and
monsters if there are Priests or Witchers in
the group; specialized characters should be
allowed to shine.
Find Breach (INT): After investing an Distillation (CRA): Distillation Immutable (WIL): When a Mage
appropriate amount of time (usually
may be rolled instead of Alchemy would be affected by dimeritium,
between a day and week at the GM’s
discretion) observing a target organisation, to create alchemical substances they may roll Immutable (DC 12
a Mage may roll Find Breach along with [and costs less to learn]. A Mage for proximity, DC 16 if in
an appropriate secondary skill (see below) may choose to increase any one physical contact through clothing,
to discover a human weak spot in the
numeric parameter of the resulting DC 20 if in physical contact on
organisation, for example a person
vulnerable to blackmail or bribery. The substance by 50% (except bonuses bare skin). If they succeed, the
Mage must have access to information to base statistics such as REF or penalties from dimeritium are
about the organisation or be able to interact WIL). For example, a Mage may halved. If they are in physical
with members. The Mage does not learn
increase the duration, DC to resist, contact, they need not roll
the exact vulnerability of the human weak
spot unless they beat the DC by 5 or more. or damage of a substance. Base Endurance to resist its effects.
The base DC is 10, modified as follows: statistics bonuses may instead be However, new Immutable rolls are
increased by a maximum of +1. required every half-hour if contact
Size of the organisation:
To increase a numeric parameter is sustained, with a failure calling
Local (5-20 members): -5 DC
Small (20-50 members): +0 DC in this way, the Mage must roll for an immediate Endurance roll.
Medium (50-300 members): +5 DC with a -3 modifier. If the resulting At the GM’s discretion, large
Larger: +10 DC substance is a potion with a amounts or unusually pure
Toxicity value, the Toxicity is dimeritium may modify or
Public nature of the organisation:
Completely secret, anonymous members: increased by 25%. If it is a potion disallow this roll, or shorten the
+15 DC with beneficial effects, the interval before a new check is
Completely secret: +10 DC imbiber must roll Endurance required.
Mostly secret (e.g. mystery cult): +6 DC
against the potion’s crafting DC -3
Only partially publicly accessible: +3 DC
Publicly accessible: +0 DC when the effect wears off or be A Mage may also reduce
Nauseated for one hour (or situational penalties on Spell
Cohesion of the organisation: Poisoned on a fumble). If it is a Casting and Hex Weaving by up
Very loyal: +5 DC
poison or other substance with to half their ranks in Immutable
Familiar: +0 DC
Impersonal: -5 DC offensive use, the user must roll (minimum 1).
Large numbers of members never interact below their DEX when using it or
with each other: -10 DC suffer the effect of the substance If a Mage attempts to cast a spell
at half strength (half strength without using gestures or words,
Mage has no (knowing) direct interaction
with members: +5 DC applies only to the parameter the the penalties are reduced by their
Mage increased). rank in Immutable.
The human weak spot will generally be on
the lowest level of the organization, or
See house rules for Spell Casting
possibly an outsider with some access (e.g.
a servant). If the Mage wishes to target a without gestures or words below.
higher level of the organisation, they can
take a penalty of -4 to target a moderately
influential member or -8 to target a highly
influential member.

The secondary skill rolled should reflect

the nature of the organisation and is rolled
against the DC of Find Breach-5.
Education (University, circle of scholars)
Business (merchant league)
Deduction (mystery cult, secret
Streetwise (criminal gang)
Social Etiquette (circle of nobles)
Wilderness Survival (band of hunters)
Performance (theatre troupe)
Crafting (guild)

The GM is advised to use difficult skills

like Crafting as secondary skills sparingly,
as the investment for beating a DC is much
Assets (INT): Once per story Mutate (INT): After investing a full day of Expanded Magic (WIL): The
experiments, the Mage may spend their
section (GM’s discretion), the Mage may attempt to use multiple
entire STA pool to roll Mutate (DC = 28 –
Mage may roll Assets to find an [BOD + WIL of target]/2) in order to Foci at once when casting a spell
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asset in the area who will help mutate the target with a specific mutagen. or ritual. To do so, they must roll
On a success, the target gains the effect of
them out. The base DC is 5, Expanded Magic against a DC of
the mutagen and the appropriate minor
modified as follows: mutation. On a failure, the subject 12 + the total Focus value of the
immediately falls to -15 HP. They also Foci. If one of the Foci is a Great
Settlement size: gain the appropriate greater mutation Focus, it provides its bonus, but
Hamlet: DC +10 increases the DC by a further 3. If
Village: DC +5 The Mage may also sacrifice monster body the roll fails, the Spell is cast
Town: DC +0 parts or mutagens to improve their spells without any Focus applying.
City: DC -5 and hexes. To do so, they must roll Mutate
when casting a spell (DC = STA cost of the
Alternatively, a Mage may
spell). On a success, the Mage may elect to
Influence of the asset: either: attempt to cast multiple spells at
No influence: +0 DC the same time with this skill. To
Some local influence: +5 DC • Cast the spell as though its STA cost do so, the Mage must roll
Much local/some regional were reduced by 3 (5 if a mutagen was Expanded Magic against a DC of
used); this usage stacks with any Focus
influence: +10 DC • Cast the spell with an effective bonus of the total STA cost of the spells
Much regional influence: +15 DC +2 to the final roll (+5 if a mutagen was they wish to cast +3 (minimum
used) DC 15). Each additional spell after
Loyalty: the second applies a -3 modifier to
The Mage may also use monster body parts
Blackmailed: +0 DC or mutagens in place of ritual components. this check. If they succeed, they
Indebted: +3 DC Body parts may substitute for any roll one Spell Casting roll which
Friendly: +6 DC component up to their equivalent value in counts for all the spells cast and
Infatuated: +9 DC crowns; mutagens may substitute for any pay STA equal to the total of the
component. To do so, they make a Mutate
Enspelled: +12 DC roll when casting the ritual (DC = Ritual spells’ cost +3 (if the Mage is
DC +3 for every component being using a Focus, it applies only
Combat skills (in line with any substituted after the first and +3 if a once). If the Mage rolls a 1 on
special status; an asset with no mutagen is being used). either check, the roll counts as a
status is a thug, a courtesan might The Mage may also sacrifice monster body magical fumble and the
be skilled with knives and poison, parts or mutagens to improve their subsequent roll to determine the
a mage has spells): resistance to magical attacks. If the Mage fumble value is treated as 5 higher
None: +0 DC is aware of an incoming magical attack and (i.e., the fumble gets worse than it
chooses to defend using either a Resist
Weak (+10 Attack/ Defence, Magic roll or a counterspell or similar otherwise would).
cheap equipment): +5 DC countermagic, they may use this option to
Medium (+13 Attack/ Defence, gain a +3 bonus on the relevant check (+5 A Mage may not use Expanded
moderate equipment): +10 DC if they sacrificed a mutagen). Magic on Hexes, nor may they use
Strong (+16 Attack/ Defence, If the Mage rolls a 1 on any check during Expanded Magic to use multiple
good equipment): +15 DC an action in which they are using Mutate to Foci and combine spells at the
improve their skills, the roll counts as a same time.
The asset may have special status, magical fumble and the subsequent roll to
determine the fumble value is treated as 4
which increases the DC and higher (i.e., the fumble gets worse than it
requires a second roll on an otherwise would).
appropriate secondary skill (DC as
asset -10): The Mage may roll Mutate against the
Alchemy DC of a potion they are brewing
to add the effect of a decoction to it as long
Asset’s special status: as there is at least one monster body part
Artist: +8 DC, Fine Arts included in the potion as a component. The
Bar- or innkeep: +8 DC, Human duration of the potion’s effect does not
change. If they do this, the Toxicity of the
Perception potion increases by 25%. If it had no
Scholar: +8 DC, Education Toxicity value beforehand, it now has one
Courtesan: +10 DC, Seduction of 25% and counts as a Witcher potion.
Alchemist: +10 DC, Alchemy
Finally, when ingesting Witcher potions,
Banker: +10 DC, Business the Mage may roll Mutate instead of
Military: +10 DC, Tactics Endurance to avoid being Poisoned.
Mage: +12 DC, Magical Training
The GM is advised to remove or weaken
some of the options for using monster parts
If the Mage fails their roll, a if their campaign is very monster-heavy or
repeat may be allowed within the if monster parts are easy to come by.
same story section at the GM’s Alternatively (or in addition), the GM may
discretion. The GM is advised not require that monster parts used for magical
purposes must fit the element of the spell
to allow rerolls for assets that are (e.g. drowners or sirens for water spells,
griffins for air spells, vampires for mixed
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too similar to that sought in the element spells etc.). If the GM plans to
weaken this skill, it is important to discuss
failed roll.
this with Mage players beforehand. If the
players show a lot of interest in this
system, the GM is advised to assign unique
magical uses to specific rare body parts in
order to motivate adventures in which the
players hunt monsters (for example,
allowing the use of a Bullvore horn in a
healing spell to restore a lost limb).
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By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Skill Tree Man-at-Arms
Tough as Nails (BOD): A Man-at-Arms who takes a critical wound may roll Tough as Nails
to treat the wound as though it were stabilized for 5 rounds (this does not negate the need for
a First Aid check to permanently stabilize the wound). After 5 rounds have passed, the Man-
at-Arms may roll again to continue treating the wound as stabilized until they either fail any
Tough as Nails check to avoid penalties from damage, the combat ends, or the wound is
stabilized by a First Aid check. The DC depends on the severity of the wound:
Simple: DC 12, Complex: DC 14, Difficult: DC 16, Deadly: DC 18
If the Man-at-Arms falls below their Wound threshold, they may roll Tough as Nails against
DC 10 in order to take no penalties from the Wound Threshold. Every time the Man-at-Arms
takes HP damage while below their Wound threshold, they must repeat the roll to avoid
taking the penalties until they either fail or their HP rise above the Wound threshold. Failing
this check also forces the Man-at-Arms to stop treating critical wounds as stabilized if they
were using Tough as Nails to do so.
In addition, if the Man-at-Arms falls below 0 HP, they may roll Tough as Nails in order to
continue fighting without penalties from the Dying state and not have to roll death saves (DC
= amount of negative HP, minimum 10). If they are suffering from Wound threshold
penalties, this roll removes them on a success. While the Man-at-Arms remains below 0 HP,
further damage forces additional Tough as Nails checks to avoid taking all the accumulated
penalties at once.
Finally, if the Man-at-Arms begins their round Stunned for any reason, they may roll Tough
as Nails against DC 20 at the start of their turn. If this roll succeeds, the Man-at-Arms is no
longer Stunned and may act normally on their turn. If it fails, the Man-at-Arms may roll a
Stun Save to remove Stunned during their turn as normal. Any modifier that would apply to
the Stun save to remove Stunned is tripled for the Tough as Nails check.
The Marksman The Bounty Hunter The Reaver
Extreme Range: When making a ranged Bloodhound: When tracking, a Man-at- Fury (WIL): The Man-at-Arms may roll
attack, the Man-at-Arms may reduce Arms adds their ranks in Bloodhound to Fury against the highest Intimidate value
penalties for range by half their number of their roll as a bonus. present among hostile characters in an
ranks in Extreme Range. The Man-at-Arms encounter to enter a berserk state. They
may also fire at targets up to twice normal If a Man-at-Arms knows a target well must decide to do this at the beginning of
range (base penalty for up to 150% range: - enough to “get into their mindset” (e.g. their turn, but require no action to do so. If
12, base penalty for up to double range: - from past personal meetings, multiple they fail, they may retry next round. If they
15; these penalties are reduced by skill detailed witness statements and/or deep fumble, they may not retry this check for
ranks in Extreme Range as normal). knowledge of the target’s background) and the remainder of the encounter. If they
has spent at least one full day hunting the succeed, they are immune to fear,
When a Man-at-Arms with at least one target, they may add their ranks in intimidation, Verbal Combat and magic
rank in Extreme Range uses a round to Bloodhound to Human Perception, affecting their thoughts or emotions for a
Aim, they may reduce any applicable range Deduction, Deceit, Intimidate and (halved) number of rounds equal to their skill ranks
penalties by 1 in addition to the normal Tactics when rolling these skills against in Fury times two. They gain a bonus of
bonus of +1 from aiming. This effect can the target or to predict the target’s actions 1D6 damage to their melee attacks
stack up to three times as normal for while they continue hunting them. They (minimum 1D6) and 1 point of natural SP
Aiming. If the Man-at-Arms has at least 6 may also add their ranks in Bloodhound to on all bodily zones which cannot be
ranks in Extreme Range, they may reduce Endurance rolls made to resist exhaustion ablated (minimum 1) per 2 ranks in fury.
range penalties by 2 instead of 1 for every while following the target. If the Man-at-
round spent aiming. Arms has only partial knowledge of the If the Man-at-Arms is in the Fury state at
target (e.g. only one personal meeting, only the beginning of their turn and only has
Example: A Man-at-Arms with Extreme few witness statements and/or superficial characters they do not wish to attack in
Range 4 shoots at a target at 150% knowledge of the target’s background), melee range, they must succeed at a Resist
maximum range. The base penalty is these bonuses are halved. Monsters may Coercion roll at DC 15 or spend their
reduced from -12 to -10. If the Man-at- also be treated as targets for the purposes action making a single attack against a
Arms Aims for one round, they reduce of Bloodhound if the Man-at-Arms (or randomly determined character in range
range penalties by 1 and gain +1, leading another character who can brief the Man- (after which they may move normally).
to a net modifier of -8. After three rounds at-Arms in detail) succeeds at a Monster
Lore roll to identify the monster. In this
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Aiming, the penalty is thus reduced to its case, the Man-at-Arms is never considered A Man-at-Arms in Fury may roll Fury
minimum of -4. to have more than partial knowledge against DC 15 at the end of their turn to
If the Man-at-Arms had Extreme Range 6 (bonuses are halved). end the Fury early. This does not cost an
for the same shot, the base penalty would action.
be -9, reduced to a net -6 after one round
Aiming and to -1 after three rounds Once a Man-at-Arms has successfully
Aiming. entered Fury during an encounter, they
may not try to enter Fury again until that
encounter is finished.
Twin Shot (DEX): When making Booby Trap (DEX): As core with the Zweihand (BOD): A Man-at-
following changes: Disarming, tripping,
a ranged fast attack, the Man-at- Arms may spend 5 STA to make a
wounding, and stunning traps attack
Arms may make an additional anyone who trips them with a base bonus single melee attack using
attack. If they do this, both attacks equal to the Man-at-Arms’ Booby Trap Zweihand at -3 as an action.
are rolled at the lower of the two score (generally with the +5 bonus for Before rolling the attack, the Man-
ambush if they were not noticed
bonuses for the relevant weapon at-Arms must choose one of the
beforehand). If they beat the target’s
skill and Twin Shot. Only one of defence, they trigger their effect and cause following effects in case they hit:
the two attacks may be aimed at a damage as follows:
body part and only this attack is Damage is tripled before
Disarming: 1D6 STA to an arm
subject to the penalty for aimed subtracting SP
Tripping: 1D6 HP to torso
strike, as well as to any bonuses Wounding: 1D6 HP to random body part Damage is doubled before
from Aiming as an action prior to Stunning: 1D6 STA to torso subtracting SP and the attack
shooting. The defender defends counts as Armor Piercing and
Booby traps can cause critical wounds.
against each attack separately. If Improved Armor Piercing
Building booby traps generally requires
the Man-at-Arms rolls a 1 on only a small amount of materials, such as a Attack forces a Stun save at -2
either attack, this is treated as a unit of thread or similarly basic materials.
ranged fumble and the subsequent
A Man-at-Arms may also roll Booby Trap
roll to determine the fumble value
instead of Trap Crafting for any use (e.g.
is treated as 4 higher. building “normal” traps) at a penalty of -3.

Finally, with regard to any target for which

the criteria outlined under Bloodhound are
fulfilled, a Man-at-Arms may add their
skill rank in Booby Trap to Awareness and
Resist Coercion checks. The same criteria
as Bloodhound apply for applying the full
bonus vs. half of the bonus.

Pin Point Aim (DEX): If the Man- Tactical Awareness (INT): If a Man-at- Shrug It Off (BOD): When the
Arms spends their movement during their
at-Arms causes a critical wound Man-at-Arms suffers a critical
turn analysing the situation instead of
with a ranged attack, they may moving, they may roll Tactical Awareness wound from an opponent, they
immediately roll Pin Point Aim opposed against the highest Tactics value may spend 5 STA immediately to
opposed against Dodge/Escape of among the enemy combatants. If they beat roll Shrug It Off against the
the defender, the Man-at-Arms receives a
the target. If the Man-at-Arms opponent’s attack roll -10. If they
bonus of +3 to attacks and defences against
beats the defender by 7 or more, all enemies in their field of vision of whom succeed, for every 3 points by
they may adjust the severity of the they are aware. The GM is advised to give which they beat the DC, they may
critical wound by one step in the player some idea of what the reduce the severity of the critical
opponents’ goals in the conflict and
either direction (e.g. from Simple wound by one level (minimum
immediate tactics are likely to be. The
to Complex or from Simple to no bonus lasts for one round per 2 ranks in one). If the critical wound is
critical wound). If the Man-at- Tactical Awareness. reduced below Simple, it is
Arms completely negates the negated entirely and the opponent
If multiple unallied enemy groups are on
critical wound in this way, the causes damage as though they had
the field, each group rolls its defence
target must roll a Stun save at -3. separately. The Man-at-Arms gains the beaten the Man-at-Arms defence
If the Man-at-Arms fumbles on bonus only against groups whose defence by less than 7. For clarity, this
this roll, the critical hit is negated they beat. also prevents the Man-at-Arms
without requiring the target to roll from having to roll a Stun save.
Alternatively, a Man-at-Arms may spend
a Stun save. an action to make a Tactical Awareness
roll opposed against an individual enemy
combatant’s Deceit or Tactics (defender’s
choice; targets with the Feral quality may
use Stealth instead). If they beat the
target’s defence, they may grant one ally in
communication range a bonus of +3 to any
one attack or defence roll against the target
at any time within a number of rounds
equal to their ranks in Tactical Awareness.
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The Man-at-Arms may “store” only one
such bonus at a time.

The Man-at-Arms may roll Tactical

Awareness instead of Tactics.
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Skill Tree Merchant
Well-Travelled (INT): The Merchant may roll to learn/recall information about regions,
cultures, or items. The base DC is 10, modified as follows:
Ease of access to information about target:
Information is available to everyone: -5 DC
Information is available to people who pay attention: +0 DC
Information is available in principle, but needs specialized knowledge of the subject: +5 DC
Information is being suppressed or otherwise limited in availability: +10 DC
Relevance of information for Merchant:
Information is important to prevent extremely negative consequences for Merchant in day-to-
day life (e.g. important laws, absolute cultural taboos): -5 DC
Information is often relevant for Merchant in day-to-day life (e.g. specialized laws governing
trade, details on wares the merchant often trades in): +0 DC
Information is irrelevant for Merchant in day-to-day life (e.g. specialized military law, details
on wares the Merchant has never dealt in): +5 DC
Breadth of application of information:
Information is of regional importance (e.g. Coat-of-arms of important nobles): -5 DC
Information is of local relevance (e.g. Mayor’s name in small towns): +0 DC
Information is relevant only to a village community or specific town quarter (e.g. best local
pig farmer): +5 DC
Information is relevant only to a highly specialized group (e.g. name of a small hamlet,
insignia of a craftsman of no real name): +10 DC
The Broker The Contact The Havekar
Options (INT): The Merchant may Rookery (EMP): The Merchant can find Good Relations (EMP): When the
street children, beggars or transients and
roll Options to find an item that is Merchant first meets characters
ask them about local conditions. Each
legally tradeable and not unique at check takes half an hour. The base DC is who would otherwise hold a
below market price. The 10, modified as follows: negative opinion of them due to
Merchant’s Reputation may apply their Reputation or societal status
Size of the settlement:
as a modifier to this roll if (e.g. tolerated nonhumans), they
Hamlet: +10 DC
relevant. The base DC is 10, Village: +5 DC may roll Good Relations against
modified as follows: Town: +0 DC the Human Perception of the
City: -5 DC target. If they succeed, they may
Availability of the item: ignore the negative effects of their
For each point by which the Merchant
Everywhere: +0 DC beats the DC, one informant may be found. reputation or societal status until
Common: +5 DC Informants may be used for 1 crown per they do something in the presence
Poor: +10 DC informant in one of the following ways: of the target that would confirm
Rare: +15 DC this negative reputation or
Squeeze for information: each informant
used for this adds +1 to a roll on Streetwise stereotype. The Merchant may
Size of the settlement: (or another appropriate knowledge skill at also attempt to remove penalties
Hamlet: +10 DC the GM’s discretion) of this kind for other characters
Messenger: the informants carry messages
Village: +5 DC who they are travelling with (at a
between individuals or specified locations
Town: +0 DC for the next hour. Each informant spent can penalty of -3). Fumbles on this
City: -5 DC carry one message. Two informants with check may lead to very unpleasant
the same message can focus on speed social situations, as the target is
(twice as fast) or remaining unnoticed
Local savvy of the Merchant: likely to feel betrayed.
(Stealth +10). Four informants can carry a
Familiar environment (has traded single message fast and stealthily. At the
here often): -4 DC GM’s discretion, an active criminal scene The Merchant may also roll Good
Known environment (has traded in the settlement may increase the base Relations instead of Deceit,
Stealth value.
here sometimes): +0 DC Persuasion, or Charisma in
Lookout: Informants observe a specified
location (Awareness +10, +2 per additional situations in which they are trying
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Unknown environment (has never informant) and give an obvious signal if to counter bad opinions of
they see something they’re supposed to
traded here before): +4 DC themselves (e.g. justifying past
look out for (e.g. guards). Spending two
additional informants (without increasing bad deeds, as a defence against a
Language barrier or strong Awareness) allows the signal to be more Bard’s Poison the Well).
cultural differences: +4 DC subtle, usually noticeable only to the
Merchant. Informants will watch an area
for up to 15 minutes for one crown each
For each point by which the and can be paid for longer. If the situation
Merchant beats the DC, the price is likely to be mundanely dangerous (e.g.
of the item is reduced by 10% guards getting involved), the price is 3
crowns each per 15 minutes. If the
(maximum 50%).
situation is likely to be unusually
dangerous (e.g. monsters), the price is 5
At the GM’s discretion, the crowns each per 15 minutes. Some
Merchant may also use this skill to situations may be more expensive or
outright impossible at the GM’s discretion.
find unusual versions of items
If a situation turns hairy in a way the
(e.g. armour with enhancements, informants were not told to expect, they
items with bonuses from Master may flee without giving any signal.
Crafting or Superb Crafting, etc.).
Other uses of informants may be possible
depending on the situation. Informants
If the players are searching for a found using Rookery never have any
particularly rare item (for plot special skills and are normally not
reasons or because a player wants prepared to work for the Merchant in any
long-term capacity.
to buy a rare enhanced item), the
GM is encouraged to use Options The GM is encouraged to play up the
to set up encounters that can drop potential for getting additional information
hints as to where such an item from individual informants in roleplaying
encounters that involve the whole group’s
might be found in service of an
skills or to use them to nudge players stuck
adventure. in an adventure if there is a Merchant they
have established some rapport with.
Hard Bargain (EMP): The Merchant Insider (INT): The Merchant may recruit Fence (INT): The Merchant can
may sell cheap tat for inflated prices. an appropriate NPC for a specific,
find a buyer for stolen or dubious
This skill can be used in the same way narrowly defined (noncombat) task. The
as Options, except that instead of a Merchant spends 10 crowns and makes an wares. A Fence roll takes a certain
reduction in buying price, the selling Insider roll modified as follows: amount of time at the GM’s
price can be increased from the base discretion, generally between one
Size of the settlement:
50% market value to up to 150% market and four hours. The base DC is
Hamlet: -10
value. Unlike normal selling, the 10, modified as follows:
Village: -5
Merchant need not find a specific buyer. Town: +0
Instead, for any item(s) whose market City: +5 Size of the settlement:
value is 100 crowns or less, the Hamlet: +10 DC
Merchant rolls Hard Bargain against a If the Merchant beats DC 15, they find an Village: +5 DC
base DC of 15, modified as follows: individual willing and able to help. This Town: +0 DC
person has +10 on two skills of the City: -5 DC
Size of the settlement: Merchant’s choice (+7 for difficult skills;
Hamlet: -5 DC no Defining skills or skill tree skills) and
Availability of the item:
Village: +0 DC +7 (+4 for difficult skills) on most other
Town: +5 DC skills. This individual is not willing to Everywhere: +0 DC
City: +10 DC brave any danger by default (e.g. will not Common: +5 DC
risk getting beaten up), will help for a Poor: +10 DC
Local savvy of the Merchant, maximum of one day and will freely tell
Rare: +15 DC
Reputation, and modifiers for other people about what they did for the
cultural/language barriers apply as with Merchant. The Merchant may spend points
by which they beat the DC to improve the Item modifiers:
individual: Item is unique and easily
The Merchant may also use Hard recognizable: +6 DC
Bargain to appear generous or present Generalist (9 points): individual has 4 Item is of esoteric or nonobvious
somebody else in a generous light. additional skills at +10 (+7 for difficult value: +3 DC
Applied to a community, the Merchant skills) Item is useful in daily life or made
rolls Hard Bargain as above and invests Specialist (3 points, can be bought multiple
100 crowns (extra investment adds +2 to
of valuable materials: -3 DC
times): individual improves one skill by +3
the roll per 50 crowns invested). A (+2 for difficult skills), may not go above Owning item is particularly risky
success grants the Merchant a positive +16 (+13) in any one skill (e.g. death penalty): +5 DC
Reputation as an honest trader at a level Item has a reputation of
of 1 point per 2 points by which they Risk-taking:
supernatural danger (e.g. cursed):
beat the DC, minimum 1, maximum 5. Low (3 points): individual is prepared to
risk own reputation somewhat (e.g. for +5 DC
This Reputation lasts for 1D6+1 weeks
trivial offences)
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unless the Merchant does something that Medium (6 points): individual is prepared If the Merchant succeeds, they
would damage it. to risk minor crimes or getting beaten up
find a buyer who is willing to pay
High (12 points): individual is prepared to
In an individual interaction where some risk major crimes or (unlikely, but 50% market value + 5% per point
degree of trading or gift-giving is possible) death or serious injury by which the Merchant beat the
appropriate, the Merchant can roll Hard Extreme (18 points): individual is prepared DC with no questions asked and
Bargain against the target’s Human to take a significant risk of death or torture
no guards called. A failure means
Perception and invest 15 crowns to the Merchant wastes their time. A
make a target positively disposed Low (3 points): individual will not gossip fumble may indicate a dangerous
towards them. The target takes a penalty about deal with Merchant and will try to
of -3 to all defences against Empathetic
meeting with the guard or the
resist questioning, but will likely fold
attacks and Deceive attempts in Verbal original owner.
under threat
Combat against the Merchant for the Medium (6 points): individual takes active
duration of the encounter. measures to remain unrecognized while A Merchant may also roll Fence to
engaged in task, will only fold to threats try to find illegally sold items.
If the Merchant attempts to Bribe a from authority or particularly dangerous
This works exactly as Options
target in Verbal Combat, they subtract 4 individuals
crowns per rank in Hard Bargain from High (9 points): individual takes active does for legal items except that the
the base 50 required for each +1 bonus. measures to remain unrecognized while base price for an illegal item is
engaged in task, attempts to avoid learning 150% market value.
A Merchant may earn money using a more about task than they need to know,
combination of this skill and Options only breaks under torture or threat of long-
over a period of time. As a guideline, a term imprisonment and tries to warn
Merchant if possible
Merchant always needs some degree of
Extreme (12 points): individual takes
starting capital (in crowns or wares) and active measures to remain unrecognized
may never more than double their while engaged in task, attempts to avoid
starting capital on one day. In addition, learning more about task than they need to
different settlement types also impose know, takes measures against magical
limits on the maximum amount a interrogation (e.g. dimeritium charms),
Merchant can earn regardless of their resists torture for a long period, doesn’t
starting capital: break even in long-term imprisonment

Hamlet: 50 crowns/day Special abilities:

Village: 150 crowns/day Hedge Mage (6 points): Knows a novice
Town: 500 crowns/day spell, invocation, curse, or ritual, at GM’s
City: 850 crowns/day discretion. The use of this magic generally
constitutes the task for which the
The DC is determined as normal for individual is hired.
selling via Hard Bargain and modified Professional training (6 points): knows a
Defining Skill (either Healing Hands
by a further +3 DC for every day the
[Doctor], Busking [Bard], Clever Hands
Merchant has already spent trading in [Craftsman], Well-Travelled [Merchant],
this settlement. On a success, the or Practiced Paranoia [Criminal]) at +10
Merchant increases their starting capital and the first three skills in the skill tree at
by 10% per point by which they beat the +5. Buying ‘Specialist’ can increase skill
DC in wares or by 5% per point by tree skills to a maximum of +10. Further
which they beat the DC in crowns skill tree skills cannot be unlocked in this
(Merchant’s choice). They cannot earn way.
more than 100% of their starting capital
or more than the limit imposed by the Long-term working relationship:
settlement size. 6 points per day or extra task

Note that these rules assume an itinerant After the Merchant has rolled the check,
Merchant who does not stay in one place they may spend money to increase the
for long. A local Merchant who keeps a result. Per 20 crowns they spend, the result
fixed shop likely suffers no penalty from increases by 3 to a maximum appropriate
to the environment (GM’s discretion). In
staying the same place, but also likely
poor environments, smaller amounts of
earns much less as their inventory is money may be enough to increase the
well-known locally. result (e.g. in hamlets; GM’s discretion).
Promise (EMP): The Merchant Negotiator (INT): After several Warrior’s Debt (EMP): A Merchant may
roll Warrior’s Debt in order to recruit a
may roll Promise when buying an days spent in a settlement or as a
warrior who owes them or a trading partner
item against Business of the seller wealthy individual or institution’s a favour. The warrior will help in three
to avoid paying straight away. The guest, the Merchant may roll combats (or one particularly high-risk
roll is modified as follows: Negotiator to broker a large deal one). The Merchant’s roll is modified as
as a middleman. The base DC
Applicable Reputation of the depends on the target: Size of the settlement:
Merchant Hamlet: -10
Village elder / small institution Village: -5
Town: +0
Past relationship: (up to ca. 50 members): DC 25
City: +5
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Merchant has broken a promise to Mayor of small town / moderate
If the Merchant beats DC 10, they find a
the seller before: -6 institution (up to ca. 300
warrior. The warrior has attack and
Merchant has broken a promise to members): DC 32 defence of +13 with their primary weapon,
an acquaintance of the seller City council member / higher Dodge +10, Courage +10, Resist Coercion
before: -3 nobility / powerful institution: DC +7 and Resist Magic +7. They are of
below-average intelligence (INT 3) and
Normal trading relationship: +0 40
armed with either a one-handed weapon
Trusted trading relationship, (e.g. a Hand Axe, 2D6+1 damage) and a
Merchant has paid all outstanding The Merchant may attempt to shield or with a two-handed weapon (e.g. a
bills promptly up to now: +3 broker a one-time deal or a long- spear). All equipment must be available
everywhere (i.e., lowest rarity tier). They
Trusted trading relationship, term partnership (DC +5). Before
have armour 3 and 25 HP. They follow
Merchant has never asked for rolling the check, the Merchant orders without asking questions, but may
credit before: +6 may invest money to increase the lose courage in the face of unusual threats
chance of success (+1 to the check (monsters, obviously superior foes). They
will not gossip about what they do for the
First trade with seller: -3 per 50 crowns). The Merchant’s
Merchant, but will fold under pressure.
relationship with the negotiation The Merchant may spend points by which
Circumstances: partner also modifies the check they beat the DC to improve the warrior:
Merchant has obvious reason to (acquaintance: +2, friend: +4,
need credit (e.g. was clearly close friend: +6, Inseparable +8,
Generalist (6 points): warrior has 4
robbed): +3 bound by fate +10), as does any additional skills at +10 (+7 for difficult
Seller in need of cash: -3 applicable Reputation of the skills)
Merchant offers deposit of at least Merchant. If the Merchant Specialist (3 points, may be bought
multiple times): warrior increases one
10%: +3 recently solved a problem for the
weapon skill, Dodge, Courage, Resist
negotiation partner (e.g. Coercion or Resist Magic by +3
If the Merchant beats the seller, completed a relevant adventure), (maximum +16 per skill)
they receive the item on credit, the GM is advised to give Ranged combat training (3 points): warrior
owns crossbow or shortbow and has the
based on their promise. After a situational modifiers of up to +10
relevant skill at +10 (can be increased by
number of weeks equal to the to reflect the serendipitous timing. Specialist)
Merchant’s ranks in Promise, the A success on this check allows the
seller will become uncomfortable Merchant to either improve their Attributes:
Tough bastard (3 points, may be bought
and the trading relationship is no relationship to the negotiation
twice): +10 HP
longer trusted (if it was before). partner by one step (maximum Elder folk (3 points): may be a dwarf, elf,
Sellers may begin to actively seek friend) or gain a significant boon halfling, or gnome; knows the relevant
repayment. from them. If the deal was a long- language and culture
Big and strong (3 points): BOD 9, +4
term partnership, the Merchant
damage in melee, can carry lots of stuff
Returning the undamaged item also gains a bonus to regional or Smart (3 points, may be bought twice): +3
along with a small payment of institution-specific Reputation of INT
around 10% of the item’s value 2 and gains a permanent
can also absolve the promise additional bonus of +2 on checks
Well-armed (3 points): gets an additional
unless there are specific reasons involving trading in the region or weapon (availability E or C), maximum
why this should not be the case with the institution. value 500 crowns
(GM’s discretion). Extremely well-armed (6 points): gets an
additional weapon (availability E, C, or P),
At the GM’s discretion, a
maximum value 900 crowns
A Merchant may also use Promise monetary commission for the Excellently armed (9 points): gets an
in a circumstance in which they Merchant may be paid out in additional weapon (any availability) or an
have something a target needs (or addition to or instead of the above Elder folk weapon, maximum value 1200
thinks they need). A Merchant benefits. For a one-time deal, this
Well-armoured (3 points): Armour
may identify a target’s need using may be between 500 and 1500 increases to 7
Human Perception against the crowns; a long-term deal might Extremely well-armoured (6 points):
target’s Deceit (for targets who bring a weekly income of between Armour increases to 12
Excellently armoured: (9 points): Armour
actually do need something, e.g. 20 and 150 crowns. The skill
increases to 18
peasants whose tools have broken) cannot be used this way more than
or try to induce a “need” in once every few months at best Discretion:
somebody using a Deceit or within the same region. Medium (3 points): individual takes active
measures to remain unrecognized while
Persuasion check against their
engaged in task, will only fold to threats
Resist Coercion. If the appropriate In addition, a Merchant may roll from authority or particularly dangerous
check succeeds and the Merchant Negotiator as a defence in order to individuals
has what the target wants, they quit a Verbal Combat. They may High (6 points): individual takes active
measures to remain unrecognized while
may offer the item at a significant also use it as an attack to force all
engaged in task, attempts to avoid learning
discount (at least 50% below other participants to quit the more about task than they need to know,
normal selling value, equivalent to Verbal Combat (defenders who only breaks under torture or threat of long-
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25% of market value) in order to succeed at the defence remain in term imprisonment and tries to warn
Merchant if possible
gain a bonus equal to their skill Verbal Combat, others quit). This
Extreme (9 points): individual takes active
ranks in Promise on all social use of the skill always targets measures to remain unrecognized while
checks in interactions with the every other participant and does engaged in task, attempts to avoid learning
target until the transaction is not mitigate penalties for targeting more about task than they need to know,
takes measures against magical
complete. The Merchant may multiple participants with a single
interrogation (e.g. dimeritium charms),
string out the transaction by up to attack. resists torture for a long period, doesn’t
their rank in Promise in days by break even in long-term imprisonment
making an appropriate social
Long-term work:
check once per day (e.g.
3 points per extra fight
Persuasion to appeal to rationality,
Charisma to appeal to warm After the Merchant has rolled the check,
feelings, Intimidate to coerce) at they may spend money to increase the
result. Per 20 crowns they spend, the result
DC 20 (the bonus on social checks
increases by 3 to a maximum appropriate
from Promise applies to this roll to the environment (GM’s discretion).
as well); if this roll fails, the target
demands a sale and the bonuses If the Merchant gains the reputation of
sending warriors to their deaths over time,
end, regardless of whether the
the GM is encouraged to penalize this skill
transaction is completed or not. until the Merchant has worked to repair
this reputation.
Note that truly desperate or
If the warrior is not needed in such detail,
frustrated targets may choose to
roll for a simpler resolution:
take matters into their own hands
if the Merchant waits too long. Check result 10-14: cheap thug
The Merchant may also gain Check result 15-19: experienced thug
Check result 20-24: mercenary
positive Reputation if they help
Check result 25-29: veteran mercenary
out desperate individuals promptly Check result 30+: veteran solo warrior
or gain negative Reputation if they
are seen as extorting people.
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Skill Tree Noble Kommentiert [M1]: Work in progress

The Dilettante The Leader The Knight

Dabble: Command: Resolute:
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Skill Tree Priest Kommentiert [M2]: Pre-book of chaos
Initiate of the Gods (EMP): May roll to get minor succour from believers (relative to the
wealth of the faithful community). Generally can get room and board for themselves plus one
person per point in Initiate of the Gods for free for at least one night (if the community can
support it). To lengthen the stay, the Priest must roll regular checks (DC set by the GM
depending on the community’s wealth, checks should get harder over time). At the GM’s
discretion, a check may be rolled to get one-time material aid equal to double the check result
May roll to understand curses or religious/spiritual phenomena. Note that the GM should be
careful about how curses are handled if multiple characters with specialist knowledge are in
play so that each can contribute useful information.
The Pastor The Mystic The Fanatic
Religious Education: Add the ranks in this Divine Power: The Vigour of the Audacious Attack (WIL): The Priest
skill to four other skills chosen by the may make an Audacious Attack roll
Priest increases by 1 for every
Priest in consultation with the GM. These opposed by a selected opponent’s
skills must be based on INT, CRA, or rank in Divine Power. At every
uneven rank, it increases by a Intimidate roll (monsters gain +4 on
WIL. Spell Casting may not be chosen as
one of these skills. Difficult skills receive this check) at the beginning of their
further 1 point, to a maximum of turn (this does not require an action).
only half the bonus. The chosen skills
16 (assuming no other If they succeed, all of their melee
should reflect the religion of the Priest.
Examples: modifications, e.g., from attacks and thrown weapons inflict
mutation). double damage against this opponent
Melitele – Education, First Aid, Alchemy, until either the beginning of their next
etc. turn, until they move (excepting a
The Eternal Flame – Awareness, Resist
charge), or until they take a defensive
Magic, Courage, etc.
Freyja – Courage, Resist Coercion, action. If the Priest chooses to take a
Wilderness Survival, etc. defensive action while Audacious
The Great Sun – Languages, Business, Attack is active, they take a -3 penalty
Social Etiquette, etc. on that defensive action. Thereafter,
The Lionhead Spider – Streetwise, Audacious Attack is deactivated.
Business, Social Etiquette, etc. Strong strikes and charging attacks are
Druids – Wilderness Survival, Awareness, an exception: instead of doubling
Monster Lore, etc.
damage twice, instead multiply it by
three once.
Tend Flock: Add the ranks in this Blood Rituals (WIL): The Priest may Fervour (EMP): The Priest may
compensate for missing alchemical ritual
skill to Persuasion, Leadership, roll Fervour once per day and
components by spilling blood (5 HP per
and Charisma checks when missing substance). The blood need not be target to either inspire them to
dealing with the faithful. For the Priest’s own, but must be freshly their physical heights or steel their
individuals who are currently in a spilled. To do so, the Priest must roll minds before a conflict. The base
Blood Rituals against the Rituals DC for
crisis of faith (regardless of their DC is 20, modified as follows:
the ritual.
religion) or for those who are
culturally inclined towards the A Priest may also use this skill to augur for Religion of target:
religion, but are not believers, half meaning in magical or otherwise Target is a faithful of the Priest’s
supernaturally charged phenomena. In the
of the bonus may apply at the religion: -3 DC
presence of an active curse, spell, or other
GM’s discretion. mystical phenomenon, the Priest must Target believes in any other god:
sacrifice at least 5 HP of their own blood to +0 DC
Druids instead learn Animal roll Blood Rituals against a DC determined Target is agnostic or atheist: +3
by the GM (should be comparable to that
Compact (WIL). The ranks in the DC
required for Witcher Training or Magical
skill are added to any check made Training for the phenomenon). The roll is
to interact nonviolently with an modified by -3 for each of the following Inspiring circumstances:
animal. The Druid may also roll possible conditions (the GM need not Priest’s side is outnumbered: -3
reveal this information, but should note it
Animal Compact against a DC DC
makes potential fumbles worse):
depending on the target animal to • The phenomenon is caused by a curse Priest’s side is clearly numerically
befriend and ally with an animal • The phenomenon has caused death superior: +3 DC
for a number of hours equal to within the last seven days
their ranks in Animal Compact. • The phenomenon is connected to a Enemies:
particularly terrifying creature (e.g. higher
This ability may only be used on forms of vampires, pestas, penitents,
Enemies are traditional enemies of
animals not currently engaged in a forgotten gods) the Priest’s religion: -6 DC
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subjectively important task (e.g., • Local legends have existed about the Enemies are currently opposed to
searching for food, tending their phenomenon for a generation or more Priest’s religion: -3 DC
The roll is modified by +3 for every 5 HP
young, serving another Animal the Priest spends beyond the first 5 and by Enemies have no special
Compact). Animals act according a further +3 if the Priest has been within a relationship to Priest’s religion:
to their basic nature (e.g., hares do holy environment (e.g. church, sacred +0 DC
not attack wolves), but will follow grove) for their religion within the last 24 Enemies are faithful to the Priest’s
hours. If the Priest succeeds, they learn
basic commands. They cannot details about the phenomenon (basic religion: +3 DC
communicate verbally with the understanding for Mage magic, in-depth
Druid, but general emotions and analysis for curses or religious/spiritual If the Priest succeeds, the target
concepts close to the animal’s phenomena) at the GM’s discretion. They gains 1D6 temporary hit points
also gain an innate connection to the
nature (e.g., hares: flight, hiding, phenomenon that lasts as long as at least per point by which the Priest beat
grass, the sky; wolves: family, half the HP they spent remain missing. the DC (if the Priest was inspiring
prey, hunt to exhaustion) can be While the connection lasts, the Priest is physical prowess, max. 5D6) or
conveyed. The base DC is 16, able to feel major disturbances of the +1 on Resist Coercion and
phenomenon at any distance and may roll
modified as follows: Blood Rituals at the GM’s discretion to Courage checks per point as well
learn something about the nature of any as +1 on Resist Magic checks per
Wild nature: disturbance they feel. They also gain a two points by which the Priest
+0 DC (completely wild) to +5 bonus of +3 to Spell Casting and Resist beat the DC (min 1, max 5). These
Magic while in the vicinity of the
DC (completely domesticated) phenomenon. Successful use of this skill bonuses remain until the
Size: has a moderate chance (guideline: 25%) to beginning of the next combat with
+0 DC (small animals such as attract at least some of any monsters that the respective enemies (maximum
cats, hares) to +3 DC (large might be nearby. If the Priest fumbles the 1 day) and then remain one minute
roll, they learn nothing, but the connection
animals such as horses, bears) is established anyway (with all the effects per rank in Fervour. Once the
+3 DC for predators as if the roll had succeeded). However, effect ends, any temporary HP are
+3 DC for solitary animals once per hour while the connection lasts, lost, but the target retains all
+0 DC (is generally familiar with the GM may force the Priest to take one damage – thus, they may be
action or cast one spell at any time. If the
Druid) to +5 DC (latently hostile forced action/spell would contradict the reduced to the Dying state if they
to humans, doesn’t know Druid) Priest’s deepest beliefs, they may roll have taken too much damage.
Resist Coercion (with the bonus from
Fanaticism if available) to subvert the
action somehow (but not stop it
completely) against a DC set by the GM.
In addition, while the connection lasts, the
Priest’s sleep is invaded by nightmares that
disturb their rest; each night without proper
sleep reduces the Vigour of the Priest by 1
and applies a penalty of -3 to their Resist
Coercion rolls until the connection ends.
Attempts to heal the Priest magically after
a fumble are automatically opposed by the
Priest’s Resist Magic and are always rolled
at risk of fumbling, regardless of how long
the caster prepares. A fumble on an
attempt to magically heal the Priest afflicts
the caster of the healing spell with the
same connection to the phenomenon that
the Priest is suffering, exactly as though
the caster had fumbled Blood Rituals
themselves. The Priest may not attempt to
magically heal themselves. Finally, a
fumble has a large chance to attract any
nearby monsters.

Finally, a Priest may use Blood Rituals to

empower an oath sworn between two
willing targets with the power of a hex that
punishes any oathbreaker. To do so, both
participants in the oath must spill their
blood and allow it to mingle. The Priest
rolls Blood Rituals and blesses the oath. If
either participant in the oath subsequently
breaches it (acts or thinks in a way that
contradicts the oath as the Priest honestly
understood it), that participant is instantly
affected by a Hex. The Hex is generally
one selected by the Priest from their known
Hexes at the time the oath is sworn, but
particularly egregious breaches may
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spontaneously call down a greater Hex,
even one that wasn’t known to the Priest.
The Hex costs the Priest STA as normal in
the moment it occurs; as the Priest
generally does not know this is about to
happen, they cannot normally apply a
Focus to this loss. The Priest also instantly
knows who broke which oath and has a
vague idea of how (Human Perception
rolls may be allowed to glean more details
from the flash of insight). They also know
the location of the oathbreaker in the
moment the oath was broken. The Priest
may themselves be one of the participants
in the oath.
Word of God (EMP): The Priest Portents (WIL): Portents may be rolled in Fanaticism (WIL): Add the ranks
any area where the spirits of the dead are
may roll Word of God in order to in this skill as a bonus to any
active (e.g. in a haunted place or cursed
influence listeners with their area) to invite the spirits into the vessel of Resist Coercion or Courage rolls,
divine authority. All listeners who the Priest. The Priest rolls against a DC set as well as to Resist Magic rolls
have never been affected by Word by the GM (areas of greater activity should against effects that would
have lower DCs; a quiet graveyard might
of God before must defend with a influence the thoughts or emotions
have DC 22, while an active curse site with
Resist Coercion roll at +5 (+10 for roaming Spectres should have around DC of the priest or eavesdrop on their
unbelievers; an additional bonus 0). The GM should not reveal the DC to thoughts.
of +5 applies to individuals hostile the Priest beforehand, but may give hints if
the Priest has investigated the
to the priest, increased to +10 if If the Priest is affected by any
environment. After rolling the check, the
they have physically fought in the Priest may choose to reduce the outcome effect that would change or spy on
past). The effect depends on the by up to their skill rank in Portents. After their thoughts or feelings or that
social status of the target: they have determined their final result, the causes fear, they may roll
GM describes the result:
Fanaticism to break the effect
Beggar or comparable: Failed roll: no effect every round at the original DC,
DC beaten by 1 or more: Joins the Beats DC by less than 3: The Priest even if the effect would otherwise
Priest as a true apostle and receives a vague impression of the major not allow any chance to break it.
emotions that dominate the spirits in the
area and knows whether any major
phenomena (Spectre manifestations etc.) Fanaticism applies against forcible
Peasant, minor earner, or are likely to occur of their own accord possession after a fumble on
comparable: within the next hour. Portent, but it does not apply to
Beats DC by less than 6: The Priest
DC beaten by 1-4: Treats the resisting the effects of temporary
receives an impression of the major
Priest as a Friend and remains emotions in the area and a hint as to why possession, as the Priest invited
willing to help as long as the they are the way they are. They know the spirit in of their own free will.
Priest is in the area whether any major phenomena will likely
occur of their own accord in the next three
DC beaten by 5 or more: Joins the
hours and may discern the kind of
Priest as a true apostle and behaviour or event most likely to trigger a
believer supernatural response if any exist.
Beats DC by less than 9: The Priest makes
contact with a random (minor) spirit in the
Minor artisan, artist, travelling
area, gaining a sense of who they were and
merchant, servant in a higher their view of the current situation (e.g. why
position or comparable: a spirit might be angry). They know
DC beaten by 1-4: Willing to help whether any major phenomena will likely
occur of their own accord in the next
out with three large favours
twelve hours and may discern any kinds of
DC beaten by 5-9: Treats the behaviour or events that could trigger a
Priest as a Friend and remains supernatural response if any exist.
willing to help as long as the Beats DC by less than 13: The Priest is
temporarily possessed by a minor spirit.
Priest is in the area
They learn all they would have learned
DC beaten by 10 or more: Joins with the last result and may ask questions
the Priest as a true apostle and of the spirit, which it is likely to answer
believer (reluctant or hostile spirits may roll Resist
Coercion against an appropriate skill of the
Priest). However, for each question they
Successful specialist artisan, ask, the spirit retains control of their body
scholar, landowner, merchant for an action and may force them to do
league member or comparable: things they otherwise would not. If the
Priest wishes to resist the will of the spirit,
DC beaten by 1-4: Willing to help
they must roll Resist Coercion against the
out with one large favour spirit’s Charisma, Intimidation, Persuasion,
or Spell Casting, depending on the
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DC beaten by 5-9: Willing to help approach taken by the spirit. If the Priest
successfully resists, the spirit gains a
out with three large favours
cumulative +3 on further checks to force
DC beaten by 10-14: Treats the the Priest to act until the Possession is
Priest as a Friend and remains ended. The Priest may declare an end to
willing to help as long as the the Possession at any time. The spirit is
ejected one round later. If the spirit wishes
Priest is in the area
to remain, it rolls Resist Coercion against
DC beaten by 15 or more: Joins Portents of the Priest. If the spirit wins, it
the Priest as a true apostle and may stay for one extra round per two
believer points by which it beat the Priest
(minimum 1). The Priest may ask no more
questions during this time, but the spirit
Higher social standing: may still talk and attempt to force the
DC beaten by 1-4: Open to direct Priest to act.
dialogue with the Priest, will Beats DC by 16+: The Priest is temporarily
possessed by a major spirit, potentially
allow access and at least listen to
even the spirit behind any activity in the
what they have to say area. They gain some knowledge of the
DC beaten by 5-9: Willing to help spirit as well as all they would have
out with one large favour learned on a check that beat the DC by less
than 9. However, the spirit certainly has its
DC beaten by 10-14: Willing to
own agenda. It may force the Priest to act
help out with three large favours (as described above) or attempt to end the
DC beaten by 15 or more: Treats Possession early with an opposed Resist
the Priest as a Friend and remains Coercion check against Portents of the
Priest if it no longer wants to be subjected
willing to help as long as the
to questions. It gains +3 on all checks
Priest is in the area against the Priest while possessing them.

All effects are cancelled if the On a fumble, the Priest is forcibly

possessed by a mad Spectre or something
Priest allows those affected to
worse. This form of possession will not
observe them violating the tenets generally end until after the Priest
of their religion often or in a performs a service for the being that is
grievous way. Such episodes may possessing them (or promises one using
Blood Oath) or until the Priest enters the
be rationalised if the Priest
Dying state (as long as the Priest is Dying,
succeeds at a further Word of God the entity has a 20% cumulative chance per
roll at the GM’s discretion. If the round of leaving their body). Forcibly
Priest fumbles this roll, the possessed Priests do not allow themselves
to be struck down freely.
followers are likely to turn violent.
In addition, once per game session, the
Priest may enter a trance in which they are
open for portents. This generally takes at
least 15 minutes of undisturbed meditation.
After this time has passed, the Priest asks a
question of the GM and rolls Portents.
Before rolling, the Priest may decide to
reduce their base bonus on the roll as much
as they like, down to a minimum of zero.
The GM determines the roll result based on
the secret modifiers listed below and
describes the outcome to the Priest. The
modifiers apply regardless of whether the
Priest knows about their relevance; for
example, a question focusing on an
unassuming bank clerk who is actually a
disguised Higher Vampire will be modified
by the fear and horror attached to the
being, even if the Priest is unaware of its
true identity.

GMs are advised that the information

granted by this skill may occasionally
threaten to end stories early or circumvent
lots of interesting adventure and roleplay.
Thus, not all the information the Priest
gains needs to be available to them straight
away. At the GM’s discretion, some
information may occur to the Priest over
time, for example as gaps in their memory
of their dreams close or they are
momentarily overcome by visions later in
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By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
the game. It is, however, important that the
Priest’s player gain at least some useful
information in time to use it, so that the
skill achieves its desired effect.

The base DC is 10, modified as follows:

Specificity of the question:

Question can be answered meaningfully
with yes or no without misleading the
questioner: -3 DC
Question can be answered meaningfully
with a simple sentence without misleading
the questioner: +0 DC
Question requires a few sentences’ worth
of explanation to not be misleading: +3 DC
Question requires a lot of explanation to
not be misleading: +6 DC

Question is very broad or vague (e.g.,

“What dangers will I face?”): +6 DC

Subject of question is magically active or
cursed (e.g., Witcher, Mage, place, cause,
or victim of a curse): +6 DC
Subject of question was affected by magic
within the last 24 hours, or by strong magic
within the last seven days: +3 DC

Contact with death:

Subject of question is responsible for the
death of a human, nonhuman, or intelligent
monster within the last week: +6 DC
Subject of question witnessed the death of
a human, nonhuman, or intelligent monster
within the last week without being
responsible: +3 DC

Emotional significance:
Subject of the question is currently or was
recently affected by or connected to strong
emotions: +3 DC
Subject of the question hasn’t been
affected by or connected to particularly
strong emotions in the last month: -3 DC

Cultural significance:
Subject of the question has been the
subject of widespread legends for
generations (e.g., Falka): +9 DC
Subject of the question is the subject of
widespread legends (e.g., Geralt): +6 DC
Subject of the question is the subject of
local legends: +3 DC

Fear and horror:

Subject of the question is widely known to
be terrifying (e.g., fiend, Higher Vampire,
Pesta): +6 DC
Subject of the question is widely known to
be frightening (e.g., Alghoul, Golem,
Griffon): +3 DC
Subject of the question is somewhat scary
(e.g., Ghouls, Drowners, Witchers): +0 DC

Subject of the question is entwined with
the Priest’s fate (e.g., relationship level
bound by fate): +6 DC
Subject of the question is otherwise
strongly affected by fate (e.g., subject to
the Law of Surprise): +3 DC
Subject of the question has no particular
fate: +0 DC
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Subject of the question once had a specific
fate, but this is now over: -3 DC

Physical condition of Priest:

Priest is below half HP: -3 DC
Priest is below Wound threshold: -6 DC

Priest is in an environment holy to their

religion: -3 DC

This roll always risks a fumble, regardless

of preparation time.

On a fumble, the Priest is possessed by a

Spectre or something worse (see above), or
cursed at the GM’s discretion.

If the Priest avoids a fumble, the results

depend on the difference to the target DC:

Result < DC-15: The Priest meets the

source of the dark emotions, curse, or
magic (or a voice of Fate). They get a
correct and non-misleading answer to their
question, although the GM is at liberty to
add one important misleading error to a
more elaborate answer as long as all the
remaining information is correct. The
Priest is, however, touched by the dark
power. Their WIL is reduced by 2D6, with
one point regenerating per hour. If their
WIL drops to 0 or lower due to this, the
Priest loses consciousness and is plagued
with terrible nightmares for 3D10 minutes
before awakening with WIL 1. As long as
the Priest has not restored their WIL
completely, they are particularly
vulnerable to emotions, influences, and
impulses that are appropriate to the source
of the darkness (e.g., wrath if the subject of
the question was a vengeful curse;
hedonism and cravings if the subject was a
Higher Vampire, etc.) and takes a penalty
of -3 when resisting these. In addition, the
source of the evil takes some limited notice
of the Priest. If the source is a person, they
become mistrustful and more hostile
towards the Priest without quite knowing
why. If the source of the evil is a place,
monsters may be attracted there or people
living there might be cold towards the

Result < DC-10: The Priest is touched

indirectly by the source of the evil. They
receive a complete and correct answer to a
simple question or three important pieces
of information about a more complex
question, one of which may be false at the
GM’s discretion. Their WIL is reduced by
1D6 as above and they are vulnerable to
impulses and emotions, but the source of
the evil does not take notice of them.

Result < DC-5: The Priest is stalked by

dark forces in their vision that keep them
away from what they wanted to know.
They receive a correct answer to any
simple yes/no question, but without any
context (which may mislead them). Their
WIL is reduced by 2 as described above,
but they are not noticed by the source of
the evil and are not vulnerable to impulses
or emotions, nor touched indirectly by the
source of the evil.
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)

Result <= DC: The Priest has bad dreams,

but these do not hinder them in any way.
No further effects. The GM is advised to
use this opportunity to remind the Priest’s
player of relevant information the group
already knew, but may have forgotten.

Result > DC: The Priest receives a correct

answer to any simple yes/no question, but
without any context (which may mislead

Result > DC+5: The Priest receives a

correct and complete answer to any simple
question or three important pieces of
information about a more complex

Result > DC+10: The Priest receives a

correct, exhaustive and complete answer to
their question. If the question is too central
to the plot, it may be answered
incompletely at the GM’s discretion. In
this case, the GM is advised to be very
careful not to mislead the Priest and
inadvertently punish them for successful
use of this skill.
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
Skill Tree Witcher
Witcher Training (INT): May roll Witcher Training to see if they know anything about curses
or instead of Monster Lore. May ignore penalties from terrain and surroundings up to half of
the rank in the skill (minimum 1).
The Spellsword The Mutant The Slayer
Meditation: A sleeping Witcher Iron Stomach: The Witcher’s Superior Parry (DEX): The Witcher may
parry bolts and arrows using Superior
may roll Awareness as though maximum Toxicity tolerance
Parry. If they take a penalty of -3 before
awake at a penalty of -10. This increases by 5% per point in Iron rolling, they may redirect the projectile at a
penalty is reduced by 1 for each Stomach, up to a maximum of target within 10m. The target takes no
rank in Meditation. 150% at Iron Stomach 10. damage and needs not defend, but is
Staggered. This ability may also be used
against bombs and thrown weapons.
In addition, whenever the Witcher
rolls Endurance to resist being In melee combat, a Witcher may redirect
Poisoned or Nauseated, they may attacks using Superior Parry as a defence.
To do so, the Witcher spends 3 STA when
add their ranks in Iron Stomach to
defending (in addition to any STA cost
the roll as a bonus. from repeated defending that round) and
rolls Superior Parry against the opponent’s
attack. If the roll succeeds, the Witcher
first switches position with the attacker.
The Witcher may then designate a new
target for the attacker within the attacker’s
melee range from their new position. The
target must defend as though the attacker
had targeted it instead of the Witcher. This
ability may not be used against attacks that
cannot normally be parried, nor against
attacks that target multiple individuals at
once or have an area of effect. Note that
this use of Superior Parry does not Stagger
an opponent like a normal parry would.

Magical Source: For every 2 ranks Frenzy: Whenever the Toxicity of the Quick Strike (REF): After every
Witcher is above 100%, they gain a bonus
in Magical Source, the Witcher’s attack action (fast attack, strong
of +1 melee damage per rank in Frenzy
Vigour increases by 1. and +1 on melee attacks per two ranks in attack, charge, trip, disarm, etc.), a
Frenzy. Witcher may spend 2 STA to
make an additional single strike.
If the Witcher is Poisoned while their
This strike is modified by the
Toxicity is above 100% (either through an
overdose or through any other source), same situational modifiers that
these bonuses no longer apply. Instead, the applied to the initial attack action
Witcher gains a bonus of +2 melee damage and does normal damage. The
per rank in Frenzy. They are wild and
strike is performed with the lower
uncontrolled and will attack any target in
melee range, not moving away until all of the bonuses for the appropriate
targets are dead. If multiple targets are in weapon skill or Quick Strike. For
range, the Witcher may decide which example, if a Witcher with Sword
target to attack. If no target is in range, the
+18 and Quick Strike +16 used
Witcher must attack the nearest target with
a charge (or run towards it if the distance is Quick Strike to make an
too great). If a Witcher does not want to additional attack with their sword,
attack a target, they must make a Resist they would strike at +16.
Coercion check against DC 10 + their
ranks in Frenzy. If they succeed, they may
still not undertake any actions apart from
moving and attacking, but may move away
towards another, more distant target. If the
Witcher cannot see any targets, they
remain stationary and do their best to
detect any living creatures (i.e., new
targets) around them with all of their
senses. This state ends when the Witcher is
no longer Poisoned. If their Toxicity is still
above 100% when that occurs, the normal
bonuses from Frenzy return.
Heliotrope (WIL): When a Witcher is Transmutation (BOD): As in core. Riposte (REF): Whenever a Witcher
targeted by a spell, hex, or invocation, successfully parries a melee attack or uses
Superior Parry against a melee attack, they
for The Witcher TRPG by Talsorian Games
By u/Spirited-Dark-9992 – permission to share granted (CC-BY)
they may roll Heliotrope as a special may spend 5 STA once a round to
defence. The Heliotrope check must at immediately make an attack against the
least equal the attacking caster’s opponent they just parried. This attack’s
damage is doubled before SP is subtracted,
check and the Witcher must spend
similarly to a strong strike. The attack is
STA equal to half the STA cost of the performed with the lower of the bonuses
spell. This expenditure of STA counts for the appropriate weapon skill or Riposte,
against the Witcher’s vigour threshold similarly to Quick Strike.
for that round. At the GM’s
discretion, Heliotrope may be used to If Riposte is used after a Superior Parry,
defend against certain supernatural the Riposte attack occurs after positions
attacks from monsters as well. The have been switched and the Witcher is
likely to profit from attacking from behind.
GM decides the STA cost in this case.

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