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Jerusalem Post: Shabtai: My Decision To Remove TA Chief Eshed Was Wrong

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Volume XCI, Number 27568

Volum NIS 13.00 (EILAT NIS 11.00)

sunday, march 12, 2023  19 adar, 5783

errving history
y IIsrael
srael at
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A visit to Acre – the most The changing relations The iconic world of Keith
inviting city in Israel with American Jewry Haring comes to Herzliya
Page 6 Page 9 Page 16

Shabtai: My decision
to remove TA chief
Eshed was wrong
Police commissioner’s apology comes
day after A-G orders move to be frozen

police commissioner Kobi

shabtai admitted he made a
mistake in the way he decid-
ed to dismiss ami Eshed from
his post as tel aviv district
commander, in a statement
delivered to the press on sat-
urday evening.
shabtai’s announcement
followed a stormy weekend
for Israel police after national
security minister Itamar Ben-
Gvir made the decision to dis-
AN AERIAL view of last night’s demonstration in Tel Aviv shows women dressed as handmaidens from ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ TV miss Eshed, according to the POLICE COMMISSIONER Kobi Shabtai expresses regret at a
series performing a lights presentation among tens of thousands of protesters against the government’s judicial overhaul recommendation of shabtai. press conference in Tel Aviv yesterday for the way in which he
proposals. (Ilan Rosenberg/Reuters) announced the removal of Tel Aviv police chief Ami Eshed.
“For the past 48 hours, I
(Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)
have been taking stock of

Overhaul bills to barrel ahead despite

myself,” shabtai said. “today
we enter the 10th week of he reiterated the impor- transfer Eshed to a different
protests; for 10 weeks the tance and difficulty of the role had been in the works for
commanders and police offi- roles played by police offi- some time, and was always

Herzog’s call, continued huge demos cers of the Israel police have
stood guard, protecting the
freedom of democracy in the
state of Israel with their bod-
cers throughout the last two
months of protests, which, in
tel aviv, have been overseen
by Eshed.
supposed to take place after
ramadan, which begins in
less than two weeks.

• By ELIAV BREUER cities like haifa saw record- to resume shortly after. appointments. ies.” shabtai said the decision to See WRONG, Page 7
and JOANIE MARGULIES high numbers of protesters shortly before the evening’s “If [justice minister yariv]
at some 50,000. protest orga- proceedings began, the orga- Levin, [mK simcha] rothman

Protests could continue

the legislative process over nizers said ra’anana reported nizers of the judicial reform and [prime minister Benjamin]
the government’s controversial about 9,000 protesters, 3,500 protests put out a statement, netanyahu do not announce
judicial reform is scheduled in Kiryat ono and upwards of reiterating their conditions. the freeze on the legislation,
to continue this week at full 3,000 in rehovot. “we will not agree to the protests will intensify in the
speed, despite president Isaac
herzog’s call on thursday night
for it to be thrown out in favor Lapid: Constitution
subordination of the legal
system to the government –
not in the committee for the
coming days.”
the Knesset’s constitution,
Law and justice committee,
even if compromise reached
of a more balanced proposal urgently needed, appointment of judges, not in headed by rothman, will
and despite continued massive Page 7 the appointment of the chief begin on sunday preparing ANALYSIS yet, saying that they were “wrong, predato-
demonstrations against the justice in the high court, and the first part of the reform for • By ELIAV BREUER ry and dismantle our democratic founda-
plan on saturday night. not in any other way,” read the its second and third readings. tions,” and should be “removed from the
according to organizers, protesters had blocked statement. this part gives the government three different seminal events occurred world”; national security minister Itamar
some 250,000 protesters took the entrances to the ayalon “we will not agree to the and coalition a majority in the within one hour on thursday night. Ben-Gvir announced that the tel aviv
to the streets on saturday eve- highway, temporarily pre- training of criminals to serve as judicial appointments com- In his second “speech to the nation” police chief, ami Eshed, will be removed
ning, as anti-judicial reform venting traffic from pass- ministers while trampling the mittee, thus giving it control regarding the judicial reforms, president
protests entered their 10th ing. however, the road was supreme court and restricting Isaac herzog used his harshest language See CONTINUE, Page 7
consecutive week. nationwide, cleared and traffic was able it from interfering in corrupt See CALL, Page 7

Father of cannabis research Israeli official: Strong anti-Iran stance

Raphael Mechoulam dies at 92 will weaken Tehran-Riyadh ties
• By TOVAH LAZAROFF one deals with legal insanity
when hebrew university all day instead of doing one’s
of jerusalem organic chem- a credible military threat job against Iran and strength-
ist prof. raphael mechoulam against Iran coupled with a ening relations with the unit-
was investigating cannabis in tough western diplomatic ed states,” Lapid said.
the 1960s, it was regarded as a stance is the best way to weak- the senior Israeli official,
psychoactive drug for getting en the impact of the resump- however, blamed the gov-
high devoid of any medical tion of diplomatic relations ernments of Lapid and Ben-
benefits. between tehran and riyadh, nett for the Iranian-saudi
yet it so intrigued the a senior Israeli official told rapprochement, noting that
Bulgarian-born researcher reporters over the weekend. talks toward the agreement
that he spent his academic “the stronger the western had begun already last year
life studying it and became position will be, the more when they were in power.
a leading expert on medical clarity there is that action will negotiations for this deal
cannabis. occur or that there is a credi- “started about a year ago,
working in his lab for many ble military threat to Iran... with a round of at least five
years after his official retire- the less significant I think meetings, including the
ment, mechoulam has died at PROF. RAPHAEL MECHOULAM in his Hebrew University this relationship or these arrival of senior saudi offi-
the age of 92. laboratory at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem in 2014. relations will be, to say the ALI SHAMKHANI (right), Iran’s Supreme National Security cials in Iran” and Iranian vis-
hu president asher cohen (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)
least,” the official explained Council secretary, talks with Saudi National Security Adviser
its to saudi arabia in return,
Musaad bin Mohammed Al Aiban in Beijing, Friday. (Reuters)
said that most of the human on Friday. the official said.
and scientific knowledge tive chemical found in mar- is available in the form of the official spoke in It’s possible that at the time
about cannabis was accumu- ijuana, an active ingredient oil, powder, dried leaves and response to the Iranian-saudi netanyahu’s new govern- diplomatic ties between Israel the saudis felt that the Israeli
lated thanks to prof. mechou- that offers a variety of medic- more. the drug is given to arabian deal reached earlier ment’s chief policy initiatives and saudi arabia. stand on Iran was not strong
lam. inal benefits including pain relieve not only severe and that day to reestablish rela- – to normalize ties with saudi Former prime ministers yair enough, the official speculat-
“he paved the way for relief. chronic pain, but also alz- tions after years of hostility arabia. Lapid and naftali Bennett ed.
groundbreaking studies and today, medical cannabis heimer’s disease, multiple that had threatened stability immediately warned of its the saudis felt that “the
initiated scientific coop- grown and processed without sclerosis and muscle spasms, and security in the Gulf and Palestinians happy implications for Israel’s strat- west’s position towards Iran
eration between research- the psychoactive effects has amyotrophic lateral sclero- helped fuel conflicts in the egy against Iran as they used was weak,” particularly in the
ers around the world,” he been formulated to provide sis (aLs), hIV/aIds, crohn’s middle East from yemen to with pact, Page 2 the moment to attack prime aftermath of tehran’s armed
said. “mechoulam was a symptom relief without the disease, epilepsy and seizures, syria. minister Benjamin netanya- drone attack against saudi oil
sharp-minded and charis- intoxicating, mood-altering glaucoma, severe nausea or the deal, brokered by Ramifications hu, who was in Italy when fields coupled with talks to
matic pioneer.” effects connected to recre- vomiting caused by cancer china, was announced of thaw still news of the deal broke. revive the 2015 joint com-
he and his research team ational use of marijuana. It treatment. after four days of previously the rapprochement signals prehensive plan of action,
isolated Δ 9-tetrahydrocan- is sold in pharmacies around It has been prescribed even undisclosed talks in Beijing to be seen, Page 3 the “collapse of the regional the Israeli official explained.
nabinol (thc), the psychoac- the country, with more in a cocktail of low-dose-thc between top security officials defense wall that we started western countries have
than 110,000 license holders and a high-dose of cannabidi- from the two rival middle Israel has presumed that the building against Iran,” Lapid toughened their positions
according to the Israeli medi- ol (cBd) as an effective treat- East powers. imperative to create a Gulf said, adding that it “reflects against Iran, but it’s still not
cal cannabis agency (Imca), ment option for managing Israeli politicians immedi- alliance between Israel and the complete and dangerous strong enough, the official
operating under the auspices symptoms associated with ately expressed concern as its arab partners against Iran failure of the Israeli govern- said.
of the health ministry. the move appeared to throw would help provide an incen- ment’s foreign policy.”
It is not only smoked but See CANNABIS, Page 7 a monkey wrench in one of tive for the establishment of “this is what happens when See WEAKEN, Page 7
2 NEWS S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Iran, Saudi Arabia agree to resume Saudi-Iran thaw

gets welcome
ties after talks brokered by China from Palestinians
DUBAI/RIYADH (Reuters) – direction and the diplomatic
Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed apparatus is actively behind the
on Friday to reestablish rela- preparation of more regional • By KHALED ABU TOAMEH the Palestinian leadership to
tions after years of hostility that steps,” Amirabdollahian wrote stop relying on the US as an
had threatened stability and on Twitter. The Palestinian Authority honest broker in the Israe-
security in the Gulf and helped A senior Iranian official said has welcomed the decision by li-Palestinian conflict.
fuel conflicts in the Middle East addressing tensions with Saudi Iran and Saudi Arabia to re-es- The Iranian-backed Hamas
from Yemen to Syria. Arabia had become a top prior- tablish diplomatic relations and Palestinian Islamic Jihad
The deal, brokered by China, ity for Tehran and would help and reopen their embassies. (PIJ) organization also praised
was announced after four days resolve long-running talks on “The Palestinian Presidency the agreement.
of previously undisclosed talks Iran’s nuclear program. appreciates the Chinese role Khalil al-Haya, member of
in Beijing between top security “It will encourage the West to that contributed to reaching the Hamas political bureau,
officials from the two rival Mid- reach a nuclear agreement with the agreement,” the state- said the Saudi-Iranian agree-
dle East powers. Iran,” the official told Reuters. ment read. “We hope that the ment was an “important step
Tehran and Riyadh agreed Saudi Arabia and its allies agreement will lead to stabil- towards uniting the ranks of
to resume diplomatic relations have long pressed global pow- ity and enhance the positive the Muslim community.”
and reopen embassies with- ers to address their fears about atmosphere in the region.” According to the Hamas
in two months, according to WANG YI of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (center) Iran’s missile and drone pro- Tayseer Khaled, a senior official, the agreement will
a statement issued by Iran, attends a meeting with Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani official with the PLO’s Dem-
grams in their efforts to revive “strengthen security and
(right) and Minister of State and national security adviser of Saudi Arabia Musaad bin
Saudi Arabia and China. “The a 2015 nuclear agreement with ocratic Front for the Liber- understanding between Arab
Mohammed Al Aiban in Beijing on Friday. (China Daily via Reuters)
agreement includes their affir- Tehran. ation of Palestine (DFLP), and Islamic countries and
mation of the respect for the Cinzia Bianco, research fel- welcomed the agreement and help achieve stability in the
sovereignty of states and the a 2001 security cooperation said. cut US efforts to isolate it in low at the European Council on expressed hope that it would region.”
non-interference in internal accord, as well as another earli- Long-standing strategic ties the region and Saudi Arabia Foreign Relations, said Riyadh constitute “a major step “This important step is in
affairs,” it said. er pact on trade, economy and between Riyadh and Washing- tries to focus on economic had been seeking security guar- towards addressing the eco- the interest of the Palestinian
Saudi Arabia cut ties with investment. ton have been strained during development. antees from the Iranians. Iran nomic, political and security cause and supports the stead-
Iran in 2016 after its embassy in China’s top diplomat, Wang President Joe Biden’s admin- Fellow Gulf states the United may also have responded posi- challenges facing the Middle fastness of our people in the
Tehran was stormed during a Yi, described the deal as a vic- istration over the kingdom’s Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, tively to Riyadh’s calls for it to East.” face of the occupation and its
dispute between the two coun- tory for dialogue and peace, human rights record, the Bahrain and Kuwait welcomed “actively push the Houthis to Khaled praised China for ongoing aggression against
tries over Riyadh’s execution of adding that Beijing would Yemen war and more recently restored Saudi-Iranian ties, as sign a peace agreement with the “great achievement,” say- our land, people and holy
a Shi’ite Muslim cleric. continue to play a construc- ties with Russia and OPEC oil did Iraq, Egypt and Turkey. Saudi Arabia that frees the Sau- ing the agreement “deals a sites,” Haya said in a state-
The kingdom also has tive role in addressing tough production. “Further regional instability dis from the Yemen war which severe blow to the policy of ment.
blamed Iran for missile and global issues. In contrast, Saudi Arabia’s is not in Saudi or Iranian inter- has become a quagmire,” Bian- hegemony pursued by suc- PIJ, for its part, hailed the
drone attacks on its oil facili- White House national secu- growing ties with China were est at the moment,” said Kris- co said. cessive US administrations Saudi-Iranian agreement as
ties in 2019 as well as attacks rity spokesperson John Kirby highlighted by the high-pro- tian Coates Ulrichsen, a politi- Prince Faisal said in Janu- and to the policy of the right- “an important and big step in
on tankers in Gulf waters. Iran said Saudi Arabia had kept the file visit of President Xi Jinping cal scientist at Rice University’s ary progress was being made wing Israeli government.” the right direction.”
denied the charges. United States informed about three months ago. Friday’s Baker Institute in the United towards ending the Yemen Bassam al-Salhi, secre- In a statement, PIJ said that
Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi the talks in Beijing but Wash- announcement came on the States. conflict, and on Friday Houthis tary-general of the Palestin- “de-escalating tensions in the
movement has also carried ington had not been directly day Xi clinched a third term as Saudi Foreign Minister Prince in Yemen and Iran-allied Hez- ian People’s Party (formerly region is in the interest of our
out cross-border missile and involved. He said Washington China’s president amid a host Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, in bollah in Lebanon welcomed the Palestinian Communist region and serves the inter-
drone attacks into Saudi Ara- had supported the process as of challenges. remarks carried by state tele- the agreement. Party) and member of the ests of the Arabs and Mus-
bia, which leads a coalition promoting an end to the war Long at odds, Iran and Saudi vision, said Riyadh “favored Hezbollah chief Hassan PLO Executive Committee, lims.”
fighting the Houthis, and in in Yemen. Arabia, respectively the two political solutions and dia- Nasrallah chimed in, saying welcomed the agreement and PIJ expressed hope that
2022 extended the strikes to “This is not about China. leading Shi’ite and Sunni Mus- logue.” “This is a good development. said it was a sign of “changes” the agreement would have a
the United Arab Emirates. We support any effort to de-es- lim powers in the Middle East, Iranian Foreign Minister Hos- We have complete confidence in the Middle East and the “positive impact on the Pal-
Friday’s agreement, signed calate tensions in the region. have backed opposite sides sein Amirabdollahian hinted at that this will not come at our rest of the world. estinian cause and support
by Iran’s top security official, We think that’s in our inter- in proxy wars from Yemen to more to come. expense.” Salhi called on the Pales- the right of our people in
Ali Shamkhani, and Saudi Ara- ests, and it’s something that we Syria and elsewhere. “The neighborhood policy, Nasrallah cautioned that the tinian leadership to “devise a their struggle and resistance
bian national security advis- worked on through our own Analysts say both sides as the key axis of the Iranian full implications of the step joint strategy with China and to achieve their inalienable
er Musaed bin Mohammed effective combination of deter- stand to benefit from de-esca- government’s foreign policy, is were not yet know but said Hez- Russia to face these tremen- and historical and legitimate
Al-Aiban, agreed to re-activate rence and diplomacy,” Kirby lation, as Iran seeks to under- strongly moving in the right bollah was “happy.” dous changes.” He also urged rights.”

Iran to buy Su-35 jets from Israel, Italy agree to boost cooperation
• BY ANNA BARSKY/MAARIV Concluding, he invited Mel-
and Jerusalem Post Staff oni to visit Israel, and thanked

Russia – Iranian broadcaster Italy and Israel plan to

increase cooperation in eco-
her for “the friendship and
hospitality which we have
DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran has reached Khamenei in Tehran last July, stressing nomics, cyber technology, Earlier in the day Italian
a deal to buy advanced Su-35 fight- closer ties in the face of Western pres- security, defense and the envi- Industry Minister Adolfo Urso
er planes from Russia, Iranian state sure over the war in Ukraine. ronment, Prime Minister Ben- told Netanyahu that Italy
media said on Saturday, expanding Iran has acknowledged sending jamin Netanyahu and Italian needs to become Europe’s gas
a relationship that has seen Irani- drones to Russia but says they were Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni leader, during a discussion on
an-built drones used in Russia’s war on sent before Moscow’s invasion of stressed in a joint statement at a Israeli-Italian energy coopera-
Ukraine. Ukraine last year. press on Friday afternoon. tion.
“The Sukhoi-35 fighter planes are Moscow denies that its forces use Ira- “We have known each Urso noted that Italy is a
technically acceptable to Iran and Iran nian-built drones in Ukraine, although other a long time, we have major industrial power, the
has finalized a contract for their pur- many have been shot down and recov- exchanged opinions on a largest in the Mediterranean
chase,” broadcaster IRIB quoted Iran’s ered there. number of issues,” said the two region and second only to Ger-
mission to the United Nations as say- Iran’s air force has only a few dozen leaders. “Our countries have an many in all of Europe.
ing in New York. strike aircraft: Russian jets as well as excellent relationship.” Now, faced with a growing
The report did not carry any Russian aging US models acquired before the Meloni continued, adding: PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu and Italian Prime energy challenge, Italy can step
confirmation of the deal, details of “We want to increase cooper- Minister Giorgia Meloni shake hands after their meeting at
Iranian Revolution of 1979. up and become the gas leader
Palazzo Chigi, in Rome on Friday. (Guglielmo Mangiapane/Reuters)
which were not disclosed. In 2018, Iran said it had started pro- ation between our countries. in Europe.
The mission said Iran had also duction of the locally designed Kowsar The economy, cyber technol- Urso further noted energy
inquired about buying militar y air- fighter for use in its air force. ogy, security, defense, culture, weeks, with Meloni saying that Netanyahu also addressed cooperation with Italy, explain-
craf t from several other, unnamed Some militar y experts believe the the water crisis – all of this “Italy will make every effort the relations shared by the ing that it could be built on the
countries, IRIB reported. jet is a carbon copy of an F-5 first came up in our conversation. to restore security and calm to two countries, saying that common values between the
Russian President Vladimir Putin met produced in the United States in the “We discussed the situation Israel and the region.” “the friendly relationships are two countries.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali 1960s. in the region, the normaliza- She also addressed the issue longstanding and I was very “Today, we are aware that we
tion of relations between Isra- of antisemitism, saying: “Our impressed by the opportunity must work together to respond
el and other countries in the government does not accept to have an open and in-depth to global challenges,” the min-
region. Prime Minister Net- antisemitism and fights against conversation. ister said.
anyahu is doing a good and this phenomenon. There is a “We talked about promoting “We can do more together
important job.” friendship between Israel and the relationship between our – in cyber, space, artificial intel-
Tel Aviv Delight The two leaders discussed the
increased terrorism that Isra-
Italy, as well as a pragmatic rela-
tionship, which we will contin-
countries and we have won-
derful options with which to
ligence and also water manage-
ment. Israel’s experience can
el has experienced in recent ue to promote.” do so.” help us fight climate change.”
Photographs by Ziv Koren

“[This book] serves as a

fascinating historical
document that
Beitar Illit bus bomb suspect arrested;
illustrates the precious
historical and cultural
beauty of the city of
two Palestinians killed over weekend

Tel Aviv-Jaffa.”
Security forces map out home of Dizengoff terrorist for demolition
• By TZVI JOFFRE responded with crowd disper- conducted the shooting attack released by Israeli authorities.
sal measures. There were no on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv As of press time, Rotem Man-
Beer Hofmann
—Ron Huldai and Jerusalem Post Staff
casualties to Israeli forces, and on Thursday night, in prepara- sano and Or Ashkar, two of the
Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Security forces arrested the the suspects were transferred tion for its possible demolition. Israelis injured in the terrorist
suspect who on Thursday for further investigation. Two members of al-Khawaja’s attack in Tel Aviv, were still hos-
placed an explosive device on One of the suspects arrest- family were arrested during the pitalized in serious condition,
a bus in Beitar Illit, as well as ed was Muhammad Zubeidi, operation. but improving.
al for Augu
ec i st four suspects who might have who was arrested in an over- Palestinians in the town Early Friday morning, a Pal-
assisted him overnight, in the night raid in Jenin. He is the threw stones, explosives and estinian named Abd al-Karim

Only 150 NIS! West Bank village of Battir on son of Zakaria Zubeidi, one of Molotov cocktails at the Israeli Badie al-Sheikh was shot and
Your Order Will Saturday. the six Palestinian inmates who forces mapping the house. The killed by an Israeli citizen near
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Soldiers also confiscated a escaped from Gilboa Prison in forces responded with live fire, Ma’aleh Shomron near Kalki-
Hotel or Home vehicle suspected of being used 2021. hitting one of the Palestinians, lya, according to the Palestin-
Address in Tel Aviv in the placing of the device, Zakaria Zubeidi’s brother according to the IDF Spokesper- ian Health Ministry.
or Jerusalem according to a joint statement Jibril was also arrested in a raid son’s Unit. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit
by the IDF, Shin Bet and Israel in Jenin in February of this year. Additionally on Friday, a res- stated that al-Sheikh was armed
Police spokespersons. Jibril Zubeidi was arrested for ident of Ramle and a resident with knives and explosive
Overall, Israeli security forc- conducting terrorist activity of Kuseifa suspected of help- devices entered the Dorot Illit
es arrested 11 Palestinians sus- and is also suspected of taking ing Palestinians without entry farm and was shot by the owner
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T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS 3

Ramifications of Saudi-Iran thaw still to be seen

ANALYSIS These are the major ques- The US has a powerful lega- social media just as well as
• By SETH J. FRANTZMAN tions about how Iran’s cy in the Middle East. Russia anyone else. It understands
behavior may need to shift also does. While the US has that there are many voices
Iran and Saudi Arabia following the agreement. If signaled some form of retreat who want to distance Wash-
appear to be headed to a new Iran doesn’t shift its behav- from the region and it repo- ington from Riyadh. There-
era of relations after rounds ior and if there is no deal in sitions itself from the global fore, it has made its choices
of talks in Baghdad and sup- Yemen or Lebanon to reduce war on terror to confronting toward a more independent
port for reconciliation com- tensions then the agreement near-peer adversaries like policy. It has made this judg-
ing from Oman and China. will appear hollow, or it will China and Russia, it would ment by watching Turkey
Reports that the two coun- appear that it is only focusing be a mistake to portray the and others carve their own
tries have now reconciled on one “file” and not looking Saudi-Iran ties as a loss for path.
and agreed to normalize rela- at the broader region. the US. It remains to be seen if the
tions after years of hostility is Historically the region has Saudi Arabia must make the new ties with Iran will actu-
important for the region. The always had its own internal right choices for itself and ally bring change. In the past
news is being greeted posi- relations and also in its rela- this doesn’t preclude hav- many countries tried a new
tively in Iranian state media tions with the great powers. ing good ties with the West. tack with Tehran, such as the
and the Gulf. For instance, while Saudi Rather, it is voices in the Iran deal of 2015, and Tehran
A big elephant in the room Arabia or Pakistan were close West that have often tried didn’t change its behavior.
is Saudi Arabia’s potential to the US, Pakistan also his- to distance themselves from This is because Iran’s regime
ties with Israel. Reports at torically worked with China. Riyadh. Whereas the US was is addicted to arming mili-
The Wall Street Journal and Some countries in the region close to Saudi Arabia in the tias and hollowing out Iraq,
New York Times both indicat- historically worked closely 1980s and 1990s, there has Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.
ed this past week that Riyadh with Russia, such as Egypt been a rising chorus in the How will Iran change its pol-
has floated the prospect of into the 1970s and Iraq into US against a close partner- icy after decades of doing
ties with Israel in exchange the 1980s. This means that ship with Riyadh. one thing? That is a key ques- WANG YI, director of China’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission, Ali Shamkhani, secretary of
for more US support for it’s never either/or in terms Saudi Arabia can read those tion after the new ties were Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, and Saudi national security adviser Musaad bin
Riyadh. of relations. comments in the media and announced. Mohammed Al Aiban during a meeting in Beijing on Friday. (China Daily via Reuters)
What might happen now
in relation to this potential
game changer for the region?
It’s not likely that Saudi Ara-
bia was seeking to normalize
ties with either Iran or Israel,
instead it had pursued both
Iranian media has said that
“the Zionists” are not pleased
with the new Iran-Saudi
ties. However, it’s not clear if
these issues are linked. What
is clear is that Saudi Arabia
is seeking a new path in the
region and globally.
Turkey is doing the same.
Ankara has been reconciling
with countries it was hostile
towards in the past, such
as Israel and the Gulf. This
means that in general the
Middle East is now an arena
of diplomacy, and not con-
flict. The Abraham Accords,
Negev Forum, I2U2 (India,
Israel UAE, US) and other
groupings have made this
That means that critics of
the Iran-Saudi ties may not
be seeing the forest for the
trees. The forest is diplomacy.
The trees are all the separate
conflicts in the region. There
are some critics who tend to
be against the Saudi recon-
ciliation but who have not
been against Iran-Turkey ties.
This makes no sense. Tehran
and Ankara enjoy warm ties
even though ostensibly they
disagree on some issues. Mos-
cow is now seeking to bring
Turkey, Iran and the Syrian
regime together.
There are also critics who
see this agreement as evi-
dence of the weakening US
role in the region. These voic-
es portray China as the rising
regional leader.
This is a mistake. The US
Defense Secretary and top
US general Mark Milley were
recently in the region. This
shows that countries close
to the US are seeing increas-
ing attention from Wash-
China played a key role in
hosting the talks and mak-
ing this agreement happen.
This comes after Beijing has
sought to play a larger role in
the Gulf. Beijing enjoys warm
ties with Iran and also Saudi
Arabia. Iran believes this will
strengthen “stability” in the
region. Iran, though, is one
of the leaders of destabilizing
countries in the region.

THE KEY ISSUE now will be to

see if Iran shifts its behavior.
Iran has sought to increase
the power of Shi’ite militias
in Iraq, and it has backed
the Houthis in Yemen and
it backs Hezbollah in Saudi
Arabia. The key story now is
to examine whether the new
deal between Riyadh and
Tehran will lead to a deal for
Lebanon’s presidency, which
has been vacant.
It also may lead to reconcil-
iation between Saudi Arabia
and the Syrian regime. Syrian
regime leader Bashar al-Assad
was recently in Oman, and
Damascus has warmed its ties
with the UAE recently.
In addition, Iran has been
sending weapons shipments
to the Houthis, some of
which were interdicted by
US and UK naval ships. Will
Iran now reduce support
for the Houthis? Will Saudi
Arabia end its intervention
in Yemen, which began in
2015? Will Iran stop attack-
ing commercial ships in the
Gulf of Oman?
4 NEWS S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Orthodox Union to meet Smotrich, but Reform,

Conservative movements join call to snub him
• By RON KAMPEAS It was organized by the Pro- gregations, organizations, ity with the American Jewish told JTA. attack, burning buildings and contribute more insecurity,
gressive Israel Network, a coa- and communal institutions community and its institu- Smotrich arrives Sunday to cars, and injuring residents. A including settlement expan-
WASHINGTON (JTA) – The lition of groups that support during his visit and to speak tions.” speak to Israel Bonds, which Palestinian died amid the riots. sion, and inflammatory rhet-
leading institutions of the progressive policies in Israel, out against his participation in “We look forward to welcom- sells Israeli government bonds In the wake of Smotrich’s oric,” Austin said. “And we’re
Conservative, Reform and after Smotrich said earlier this other fora across our commu- ing Israeli Finance Minister to investors abroad and is statement, the Biden adminis- especially concerned by vio-
Reconstructionist movements month that the Palestinian vil- nities,” the letter says. “We call Bezalel Smotrich to our offices closely tied to the Finance Min- tration said it would not meet lence by settlers against Pales-
are among a coalition of liberal lage Huwara should be “wiped on all other Jewish communal as part of his forthcoming visit istry. Smotrich is also responsi- with him. In recent days, Smo- tinians.
Jewish groups calling on Amer- out.” He has since repeatedly organizations to join us in this to the United States,” Hauer ble for civilian affairs in parts trich has repeatedly walked A number of other groups
ican Jews to snub Finance Min- walked back the statement. protest as a demonstration of said in a statement. “We appre- of the West Bank, which he back the “wipe out” remark,.”  are not planning to meet with
ister Bezalel Smotrich when he The Conservative, Reform our commitment to our Jew- ciate every opportunity to wel- has called to annex to Israel. His apologies have done little Smotrich, but would not elab-
visits the United States this and Reconstructionist umbrel- ish and democratic values. Our come and interact with Israe- He also supports the judicial to assuage concerns. Secretary orate further. Most prominent
week. la groups represent the vast communities must reject Beza- li elected officials as it is our reform being advanced by the of Defense Lloyd Austin, meet- among them is the American
But the Orthodox Union, majority of synagogue-attend- lel Smotrich and his party of responsibility to build mutual government, which would sap ing Thursday with Defense Israel Public Affairs Commit-
an umbrella organization for ing US Jews and, in previous hate.” familiarity and understand- the Supreme Court of much of Minister Yoav Galant, allud- tee. Haaretz reported Thurs-
Orthodox Jews, has confirmed years, have welcomed senior The boycott by the Conser- ing that will contribute to the its power.  ed to the Smotrich dilemma day that two rabbis known for
to JTA that it will meet with Israeli officials to their events. vative, Reform and Recon- deepening and strengthening Smotrich has a history of when he decried inflammato- their closeness to AIPAC the
Smotrich. Their presence on the open structionist groups stands in of the relationship between remarks denigrating minori- ry rhetoric, as well as violence pro-Israel lobby, have joined
The non-Orthodox groups letter underscores the extent contrast to the OU, whose the State of Israel and Ameri- ties. But he has drawn especial- by settlers and Palestinian ter- protests against Prime Minis-
were among more than 70 to which Smotrich and his far- executive vice president, Rabbi can Jewry.” ly harsh criticism over the 10 rorists. ter Benjamin Netanyahu’s new
organizations to sign an open right allies have alarmed parts Moshe Hauer, told the Jewish Another Orthodox group, days after saying that the IDF “I am here as a friend who government, and Smotrich’s
letter denouncing Smotrich. of the organized American Telegraphic Agency that he Agudat Israel of America, has should “wipe out” Huwara, is deeply committed to the Religious Zionism Party in par-
About half the signatories on Jewish community. believes Smotrich “will use the no plans at this time to meet where a terrorist killed two security of the State of Israel. ticular. An array of left-leaning
the letter, which was published “We pledge to not invite opportunity to build greater with Smotrich, its Washington Israeli brothers. Settlers riot- The United States also remains Jewish groups is planning to
Thursday, are synagogues. Smotrich to speak at our con- understanding of and familiar- director, Rabbi Abba Cohen, ed in Huwara following the firmly opposed to any acts that picket Smotrich’s speech.

Hundreds pay respects to Chaim Topol Yesh Atid MK’s barn burns
in ceremony at Cameri Theater down in suspected arson
• Jerusalem Post Staff Moshav Nahalal and four authorities to investigate the
Beloved actor Chaim fire teams were rushed to the incident, and I thank the fire
Topol’s coffin was placed in A hay barn belonging to scene. and rescue forces who are still
the Cameri Theater in Tel Yesh Atid MK Ram Ben Barak’s The teams immediately working now with the aim of
Aviv where a memorial cere- Moshav Nahalal farm in the attempted to protect animals extinguishing the fire in the
mony was held on Friday. Jezreel Valley burned down living around the shelter. Full barn,” Ben Barak said.
Hundreds of people came overnight. control of the fire was only He added that “there is no
to pay their respects in the The central unit of the Israel achieved around 11 a.m. Trac- rush to determine whether it is
ceremony in which Culture Border Police opened an inves- tors and mechanical equip- arson or an accident. I estimate
and Sports Minister Miki tigation into the incident, sus- ment separated the hay bales the damage at two and a half
Zohar, actors Rivka Michaeli pecting possible arson. to prevent regeneration of the million shekels. This is in a calf
and Gabi Amrani, as well as At about 2 a.m., the fire fire. barn that was empty and luck-
theater director Oded Kot- department was alerted in “I trust the professional ily no one was hurt.”
tler and Topol’s daughter Adi
gave speeches.
Topol’s funeral was later in
the day at the Shiller Cem-
“Dad did truly wonder-
New experiences await at
J’lem Archaeological Park
ful things,” said Topol’s son
Omer to Walla. “The end real-
ly limited him, this sickness
was sad to see. He was sur-
rounded by love and family at • By ZVIKA KLEIN this wall contained the main entry point for
home, and all his grandchil- ACTRESS RIVKA Michaeli speaks at the memorial ceremony for Chaim Topol at Tel Aviv’s Cameri pilgrims ascending the Temple courtyards (via
dren came from around the Theater on Friday. Hundreds of family members and friends attended the event. The newly renovated Davidson Center the Hulda Gates) to fulfill the commandment
(Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)
world to gather around him. re-opens with updated exhibits featuring first of bringing offerings on festivals and other
We sang him all the songs ever publicly displayed archaeological finds, occasions.
he liked. He left us in peace. River Village program be Reuveni of the song “I Had acted, he portrayed with innovative technology, and interactive galler- Darin McKeever, president and CEO of
I’m happy for him. Dad was continued. The program is a a Friend, I Had a Brother.” honor and grace the difficult ies. the William Davidson Foundation said this
released.” vacation village for children Later in the ceremony, she debates in the varied Israeli The Davidson Center in Jerusalem Archae- past week that the foundation is “excited to
Adi also spoke to Walla suffering from chronic ill- also sang “Elad Went Down society of the young nation. ological Park reopens to the public today after announce the reopening of the Davidson Cen-
about her father. nesses. to The Jordan River” as a nod Chaim also did that through a three-year closure for renovations. Located ter, which will offer visitors a unique expe-
“Dad was unintentionally “It was his legacy and to the Jordan River Village. Tevye the Milkman in Fiddler in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the rience exploring Jerusalem’s rich and varied
excellent,” she said. “He just maybe his biggest and most Zohar said in the ceremony on the Roof and other many Temple Mount, visitors to the newly renovated history through its archaeological treasures.”
acted. He didn’t think about important gift,” said Zohar. that Topol was “one of the roles which he took on with Davidson Center will explore the theme of the McKeever added that he believes the museum
what other people would say. “It will continue for years to cultural giants who nurtured great and unique talent. Temple City of Jerusalem through a unique will “be an important cultural destination for
He moved fast and didn’t stop come with sick children com- Israeli culture.” Beyond being an actor, sing- combination of ancient archaeological finds, both foreign and Israeli visitors,” and looks
for a second. He did it because ing to the village. It’s a really “Chaim was an actor who er, songwriter and illustra- innovative technology, artistic depictions, and forward to “sharing the stories and discover-
he needed to bring money blessed legacy. We only hope left a great stamp on us, and tor, Chaim really cared about interactive galleries. ies from Jerusalem’s past with this large and
home. Otherwise, he was that thanks to this, people his works will be remem- what was happening with The Davidson Center renovation project, diverse audience. ”
very good at it and loved it.” will remember his legacy.” bered forever, etched into the Israeli people which he which included a building expansion and full The Jerusalem Archaeological Park is one of
Zohar added that Topol’s The ceremony opened with Israeli culture,” he said. “In expressed through involve- content refresh, was led by the Israel Antiqui- the most important archaeological sites in Isra-
family asked that his Jordan a performance by singer Dorit Salah Shabati, in which he ment in social activities and ties Authority with funding provided by the el. Due to its archaeological, historical, and
volunteering.” William Davidson Foundation. cultural importance, hundreds of thousands of
Zohar added that “Chaim The center will feature several ancient arti- people visit the park each year. The Society for
Topol was no doubt the good facts, dating back to the First Temple Period the Development of the Jewish Quarter leads
Israeli. These days, when 2,700 years ago, with some of the oldest known the visitor experiences in the Old City, includ-
Israeli society is so divided, inscriptions bearing Jerusalem’s ancient ing the area of the Southern Wall, Davidson
I have no doubt that Chaim Hebrew name, “yršlm”. Visitors will experience Center, and Jerusalem Archaeological Park.
wanted to see us united and an entire gallery dedicated to the story of the Herzl Ben Ari, CEO of the Company for the
succeeding in talking, lis- origin of the Temple Menorah. Among the Reconstruction and Development of the Jew-
tening and coming to agree- artifacts on display is an extremely rare coin ish Quarter, added that “after years of work,
ments. It’s possible and it’s minted by the last Hasmonean king, Antigo- we are proud to reopen the Davidson Center
necessary to maintain our nus II Mattathias, which depicts the Temple in the Jerusalem Archaeological Park. Thanks
home, which we all love. Menorah and is the oldest known artistic rep- to all the partners in this endeavor, the Center
We cannot forget for one resentation created 107 years before the Second tells the moving story of Jerusalem, the Tem-
moment that we are all broth- Temple’s destruction. ple Mount, and remembrance of the Temple,
ers and sisters, and we all love “This is the oldest known artistic depiction using first-rate and innovative techniques and
this wonderful country.” of the menorah, created 107 years before the technologies. It is a testament to the vision of
“This is a sad morning for destruction of the Second Temple,” said Dr. Mr. Davidson, and an exciting new chapter for
everyone,” said Michaeli. Yuval Baruch, head of archaeology and admin- a site where Jews have come to and longed for,
“It’s weird, I’m standing here, istration at the Israel Antiquities Authority, who for generations.”
and I want to say to Chaim, was one of the excavators of the site and led the The park was established in 1995 through the
who was only two years older archaeological curation of the Davidson Cen- support of Detroit businessman and philan-
than me: ‘Chaim, I grew up ter. The other archaeological find on display thropist, William Davidson (1922-2009), who
on your work.’ Topol was a for the first time since it was excavated in the believed deeply in preserving the history of the
star in the Nahal band, com- 1950’s is a fragment of plasterwork from a Sec- Jewish people. Building on his transformation-
mander of the band, who ond Temple era burial cave, known as Jason’s al contribution to the park, Davidson estab-
knew how to be silly mainly Tomb, bearing five carvings of menorahs. lished the Davidson Center, which first opened
in the company of Uri Zohar. The Southern Wall, adjacent to the Jerusalem in 2001, and quickly became one of Jerusalem’s
The director of Fiddler on the Archaeological Park and the Davidson Cen- most innovative and technologically advanced
Roof said that he chose Topol ter, is also strongly featured. In Temple times, tourist attractions.
when he was young because
he saw in him “an actor who
was proud to be Jewish. Topol
was at the top, always on
the roof of the world. Rest in
peace. Goodbye.”
“Chaim brought gifts and
respect to this country,” said
Gabi Armani, who was with
Topol in the army’s Nahal
band and their Green Onion
band later on. “Chaim, you
are leaving us, but you are
leaving us with so much.
Thank you, Chaim.”
Topol’s friends Uri Levi and
Ori Slomin also made speech-
es, and hundreds of people
stood on their feet and gave a DAVIDSON ARCHAEOLOGICAL CENTER, newly renovated, at the foot of the Temple Mount,
long ovation as a last show of re-opens today with new visual displays and ancient artifacts. (Emil Aljam/Israel Antiquities Authority)
respect for Topol. (WALLA!)

SVB collapse is largest bank failure since 2008

Netanyahu says he’s following events closely and will discuss situation with ministers, officials
• Jerusalem Post Staff Since then, regulators have 10% in extended trading. next week as... short sellers are
and Reuters imposed more stringent capi- Technology workers whose out there and they are going
tal requirements for US banks paychecks relied on the bank to attack every single bank,
Start-up lender Silicon aimed at ensuring individual were also worried about get- especially the smaller ones,”
Valley Bank Financial Group bank collapses won’t harm the ting their wages on Friday. An said Christopher Whalen,
(SVB) became the largest bank wider financial system and SVB branch in San Francisco chairman of Whalen Global
to fail since the 2008 financial economy. showed a note taped to the Advisors.
crisis on Friday in a sudden The main office and all door telling clients to call a US Treasury Secretary Janet
collapse that roiled global mar- branches of SVB will reopen toll-free telephone number. Yellen met banking regulators
kets, leaving billions of dollars on March 13 and all insured SVB Financial CEO Greg on Friday and expressed “full
belonging to companies and depositors will have full access Becker sent a video message to confidence” in their abilities to
investors stranded. to their insured deposits no employees on Friday acknowl- respond to the situation, Trea-
California banking regula- later than Monday morning, edging the “incredibly diffi- sury said.
tors closed the bank on Fri- the FDIC said. cult” 48 hours leading up to The White House said on
day and appointed the Federal But 89% of the bank’s $175 the collapse of the bank. Friday it had faith and con-
Deposit Insurance Corpora- billion in deposits were unin- The problems at SVB under- fidence in US financial regu-
tion (FDIC) as receiver for later sured as the end of 2022, score how a campaign by the lators, when asked about the
disposition of its assets. according to the FDIC, and US Federal Reserve and other failure of SVB.
Based in Santa Clara, the their fate remains to be deter- central banks to fight inflation The genesis of SVB’s collapse
lender was ranked as the 16th mined. by ending the era of cheap lies in a rising interest rate
biggest in the US at the end The FDIC is racing to find money is exposing vulnerabil- environment. As higher inter-
of last year, with about $209 another bank over the week- ities in the market. The worries est rates caused the market for
billion in assets. Specifics of end that is willing to merge walloped the banking sector. initial public offerings to shut
the tech-focused bank’s abrupt with SVB, according to peo- US banks have lost over $100 down for many start-ups and
collapse were a jumble, but ple familiar with the matter billion in stock market value made private fundraising more
the Federal Reserve’s aggres- who requested anonymity over the past two days, with costly, some SVB clients started
sive interest rate hikes in the because the details are confi- European banks losing around pulling money out.
last year, which had crimped dential. While the FDIC hopes another $50 billion in value, To fund the redemptions,
financial conditions in the to put together such a merger A NOTICE hangs on the door of Silicon Valley Bank in San Francisco. The bank was taken over according to a Reuters calcu- SVB sold a $21 billion bond
start-up space in which it was by US regulators on Friday. (Krystal Hu/Reuters)
by Monday to safeguard unse- lation. portfolio consisting mostly of
a notable player, seemed front cured deposits, no deal is cer- US lenders First Republic US Treasuries on Wednesday,
and center. tain, the sources added. He continued, if necessary, Valley Bank, is working with without SVB Financial hav- Bank and Western Alliance and said it would sell $2.25
As it tried to raise capi- Prime Minister Benjamin out of responsibility for the investment bank Centerview ing filed for bankruptcy first. said on Friday their liquidity billion in common equity and
tal to offset fleeing deposits, Netanyahu responded to the companies and employees of Partners and law firm Sullivan Credit ratings agency S&P and deposits remained strong, preferred convertible stock to
the bank lost $1.8 billion on SVB crash, saying, “I am close- hi-tech in Israel, we will take & Cromwell to find buyers for Global Ratings said on Friday aiming to calm investors as fill its funding hole.
Treasury bonds whose values ly following the collapse of the steps that will help Israeli com- its other assets, which include it expected SVB Financial to their shares fell. Others such By Friday, the collapsing
were torpedoed by the Fed rate American investment bank panies, whose operations are investment bank SVB Securi- enter bankruptcy because of its as Germany’s Commerzbank stock price had made its capi-
hikes. SVB, which is creating a deep centered in Israel, to overcome ties, wealth manager Boston liabilities. issued unusual statements to tal raise untenable and sources
SVB’s failure is the largest crisis in the hi-tech world. I the cash flow crisis that has Private and equity research Companies such as video reassure investors. said the bank tried to look at
since Washington Mutual held talks from Rome with arisen for them due to the firm MoffettNathanson, the game maker Roblox Corp and Some analysts forecast more other options, including a sale,
went bust in 2008, a hallmark hi-tech officials in Israel, and upheaval. Israel’s economy is sources said. These assets could streaming device maker Roku pain for the sector as the epi- until regulators stepped in and
event that triggered a financial upon my return to Israel I will strong and stable, and this is attract competitors and pri- said they had hundreds of mil- sode spread concern about shut the bank down.
crisis that hobbled the econ- discuss the extent of the crisis again reflected in this crisis as vate equity firms, the sources lions of dollars in deposits at hidden risks in the banking The last FDIC-insured insti-
omy for years. The 2008 crash with the ministers of finance well.” added. the bank. Roku said its deposits sector and its vulnerability to tution to close was Almena
prompted tougher rules in the and economy and the gover- Separately, SVB Financial, It’s unclear if any buyer will with SVB were largely unin- the rising cost of money. State Bank in Kansas, on Octo-
United States and beyond. nor of the Bank of Israel.” the parent company of Silicon step up to buy these assets sured, sending its shares down “There could be a bloodbath ber 23, 2020.

New Chinese premier Li Qiang tasked with

reviving world’s second-largest economy
• By LAURIE CHEN potential setbacks such as a
and TONY MUNROE collapse in exports or per-
sistent weakness in the prop-
BEIJING (Reuters) – Li Qiang, erty sector could force Li’s
the former Communist Party hand, Beddor said.
chief of Shanghai, took office “The leadership has already
on Saturday as China’s pre- accepted two years of excep-
mier, the country’s No. 2 post, tionally weak economic
putting the close ally of Pres- growth in the name of COVID
POLICE OFFICERS detain a demonstrator during a march ident Xi Jinping in charge of containment. Now that con-
against the government’s pension reform plan in Paris reviving an economy battered tainment is gone, they won’t
yesterday. (Benoit Tessier/Reuters) by three years of COVID-19 accept another,” he said.
curbs. China’s post-pandemic

Protests against
Widely perceived to be prag- recovery has been uneven,
matic and business-friendly, with February inflation unex-
the 63-year-old Li faces the pectedly soft, while Chinese
daunting task of shoring up e-commerce giant JD.com

Macron’s pension China’s uneven recovery

amid global headwinds and
weak confidence among con-
warned on Thursday that
rebuilding consumer confi-
dence would take time.

plans continue sumers and the private sector.

Li takes office as tensions
rise with the West over a host
of issues including US moves
Some of Beijing’s most suc-
cessful private firms such as
Alibaba have been battered by
abrupt crackdowns and regu-
PARIS (Reuters) – France person told Reuters that to block China’s access to key latory hurdles in recent years,
faced a seventh day of the strikes continue in technologies and as many and Li will have to work hard
demonstrations on Sat- the oil company’s French global companies diversify to restore confidence in the
urday against President refineries and depots, supply chains to hedge their private sector.
Emmanuel Macron’s while public railway opera- China exposure due to polit- Global business is also wary.
unpopular pension reform tor SNCF said national and ical risks and the disruptions CHINA’S NEWLY-installed Prime Minister Li Qiang (right) is congratulated by Chinese People’s For the first time in 25 years
plans amid ongoing roll- of the COVID era. Political Consultative Conference Chairman Wang Huning at the Great Hall of the People in
regional services would of its survey, the American
Beijing yesterday. (Greg Baker/Pool via Reuters)
ing strikes which have remain heavily disrupted The career bureaucrat Chamber of Commerce in
affected refineries, public over the week-end. replaces Li Keqiang, who is China said early this month
transport and garbage col- In Paris, garbage con- retiring after two five-year him to get things done, lead- against and eight abstentions, proved officials are due to be that a majority of responding
lections. tinues to pile up in the terms during which his role ership-watchers said. according to totals projected confirmed on Sunday includ- companies said China is no
A coalition of French streets, with residents was seen to be steadily dimin- “My reading of the situation on a screen inside the Great ing vice premiers, a central longer seen as a “top three
unions, maintaining a mentioning a growing ished as Xi tightened his grip is that Li Qiang will have a Hall of the People in central bank governor and other min- investment priority.”
rare show of unity since presence of rats, according on power and steered the lot more leeway and authority Beijing. isters and department heads. China is trying to present a
the protest movement was to local media. world’s second-largest econo- within the system,” said Trey He will make his close- China’s economy grew just business-friendly face.
launched at the end of The right-leaning Senate, my in a more statist direction. McArver, co-founder of con- ly watched debut on the 3% last year, and on the open- On Friday, the Xinhua news
January, hopes to keep up aligning with Macron’s Li Qiang is the first premier sultancy Trivium China. international stage on Mon- ing day of parliament Beijing agency reported that an offi-
the pressure on the gov- centrist Renaissance party, since the founding of the Peo- Xi, 69, is installing a slate day during the premier’s set a modest 2023 growth tar- cial with China’s state plan-
ernment to withdraw the should vote in favor of ple’s Republic never to have of loyalists in key posts in the traditional media ques- get of around 5%, its lowest ning agency had met with a
reform, whose key measure the pension reform but, served previously in the cen- biggest government reshuffle tion-and-answer session after goal in nearly three decades. vice president from US chip
is a two-year extension of in that case, the bill will tral government, meaning in a decade as a generation of the parliamentary session Li’s top task this year will giant Qualcomm and con-
the retirement age to 64. then be reviewed by a joint he may face a steep learning more reform-minded officials ends. be beating that target without veyed that it will provide a
According to interior committee of lower and curve in the initial months on retires and he further consoli- Li was put on track to triggering serious inflation or good business environment
ministry figures, up to one upper house lawmakers, the job, analysts said. dates power after being unan- become premier in October, piling on debt, said Christo- for multinationals.
million people are expect- probably next week. Still, Li’s close ties with imously elected president, a when he was appointed to the pher Beddor, deputy China Also on Sunday, the
ed to take part in over 200 If the committee agrees Xi – Li was Xi’s chief of staff largely ceremonial role, for an No. 2 role on the Politburo research director at Gavekal NPC-elected Liu Jinguo as
marches throughout the on a text, a final vote on between 2004 and 2007, unprecedented third term on Standing Committee during Dragonomics. director of the National
country while the Senate both chambers would like- when the latter was provin- Friday. the twice-a-decade Commu- While China has not sig- Supervisory Commission,
continues to review the ly occur but, in the lower cial party secretary of Zheji- On Saturday, Li received nist Party Congress. naled plans to unleash stim- which oversees the country’s
reform, with a possible house of the Parliament, ang province – will empower 2,936 votes, with three votes Numerous other Xi-ap- ulus to jump-start growth, anti-corruption work.
vote on the text from the where Macron’s majority
upper house of the Parlia- is relative, the outcome of
ment expected by Sunday
On Tuesday, 1.28m. peo-
such a vote still appears
“A lot of things can
German police storm pharmacy, arrest hostage-taker
ple took to the streets in still happen next week,” • By TOM SIMS and RIHAM ALAKOUSAA
demonstrations, the high- Marylise Leon, deputy sec- “A special unit entered the phar- nesses hall in Hamburg, putting the for a ransom of a single-digit mil-
est turnout since the start retary general of the CFDT KARLSRUHE, Germany (Reuters) – macy at 21:10; a male suspect was country on edge. Gun violence is lion euro sum.
of the protest movement, union, the country’s larg- German police said on Friday it arrested,” Karlsruhe police said on rare in Germany. The police spokesperson declined
according to government est, told Franceinfo radio. had arrested a male suspect after a Twitter. Earlier police said in a joint state- to comment on the report.
figures. Unions estimated “Will the text be voted in special unit stormed a pharmacy in Officers restrained a man they ment with prosecutors that there Earlier Germany’s Bild newspaper
the total at 3.5m. people. the National Assembly? the southwestern city of Karlsruhe had brought out of the pharmacy, were “multiple” hostages involved. had reported that the police were
Opinion polls show a We have to rally. It’s now where multiple people had been covered his head in a blanket and Police had cordoned off Karlsruhe in contact with the alleged hos-
majority of voters oppose or never.” held hostage for hours. bundled him into a car. city center where multiple blue and tage-taker.
Macron’s plan, while a An additional day of A number of explosions were The building was being searched grey police vehicles with flashing Karlsruhe, not far from the French
slim majority supports the nationwide strikes and heard when officers in tactical gear and there appeared to be no inju- lights lined the streets. border, is a city of some 300,000
strike actions. protests is planned for entered the pharmacy in the city ries, they said. The Stuttgarter Zeitung reported people and home to the Federal
A TotalEnergies spokes- March 15. center after first arriving on the The incident follows Thursday’s that two people had been taken hos- Court of Justice, Germany’s highest
scene at around 4:30 p.m. deadly rampage at a Jehovah’s Wit- tage and that there was a demand court.
6 travel trends S u n d ay, m a r c h 1 2 , 2 0 2 3  t h e j e r u S a l e m p o S t

acre – the most inviting city in Israel

From left:
Acre. (Taly Sharon)

cre was named the most
inviting city in Israel in famous Acre
Booking.com’s traveller landmark. (Taly
review awards – it isn’t Sharon)
acre has developed a lot in recent THE AKOTIKA has
years and has become a leading expanded to 20
travel location with many muse- rooms and suites.
ums and attractions. acre has it (Acre Municipality)
all – an ancient port city with a
wall, magical narrow alleys, gal-
leries, museums and more. In the
Knights’ halls, one of the main
attractions in the city, an exhibi-
tion on leonardo da Vinci is per-
manently open to the public. the
culinary scene has also developed
with a food market, chef restau-
rants and lively bars. and beyond
the old city – there is the beach,
the ornate tunisian synagogue,
the holy Gems visitor center and
more. AN ART gallery in
Wandering through the alleys of Acre. (Acre Municipality)
acre is a different experience than
what I remembered from many ing copies of his books (translated
years ago – the alleys are pleasant into english and German), giving
and clean and there are many new and receiving attention from din-
shops and art galleries. the port ers to whom he hands out treats
is undergoing renovations with such as black pepper or cardamom
a total investment of about nIS ice cream balls. the ice cream is
30 million. this includes renovat- neither sweet nor spicy and goes
ing the Fishermen’s Square, Khan great with hot fish dishes – like ice
al-umdan, the lighthouse Square, atmosphere. around the courtyard serving its core quality. the prices cream on a hot cake. his ice cream
the promenade surrounding the full of light, four magical units have are reasonable – even cheaper than parlor is not far away, and is worth
port, the breakwater, the fisher- been renovated in buildings pre- some of the other restaurants – and a separate visit!
men’s storage area and the vendor served from the ottoman times, the value for money is excellent!
stands . the renovated port will with high ceilings with wooden the design is clean and relax- Roots
make it possible to combine fish- beams. one room has vaults from ing, the walls are mainly white, roots is a kosher restaurant with
ing and commercial activities side the crusader era. there is an out- the large windows directly over- levantine-acre cuisine situated in
by side. door kitchen in the courtyard and look the blue sea, there is no back- the garden of the Knights’ halls
the ancient khans are also you can also hold events there. the ground music, the tablecloths are complex. the restaurant is built
undergoing accelerated develop- complex is on the ground floor and white and the plates are simple, of exposed stone walls decorated
ment processes. Khan al-umdan is has an accessible suite. and all this induces calmness. uri with large arches and chandeliers
already in the process of becoming uses fresh quality ingredients – up inspired by the location. It is a
a luxury hotel with 80 rooms. the Melisende to eight ingredients in a dish, he partnership between arabs and
construction will preserve its his- another boutique hotel in the explains. the spices are added spar- Israelis and thus offers a selection
tory and the new designs will be old city that was designed as a riad ingly so that they do not take over. of local dishes such as mashan, and special in acre and perhaps open to the public, where you can
integrated into the local landscape. is melisende. the place is named Innovative culinary techniques are ottoman kebab, shishbarak and in Israel. It was established about learn about the process of mining,
the opening is expected in two after melisende, one of the promi- used without giving up the classic whole meat portions. For a first 60 years ago, and over the years it screening and producing jewelry.
and a half years. nent queens in the crusader King- dishes that the guests come back course, it is recommended to take has been decorated with dozens of you can also purchase here jewelry
there is also a proliferation of dom of jerusalem. at the time, the for. the meze platter, which includes spectacular mosaic works on juda- designed from the traceable gems
small boutique hotels such as ara- kingdom also ruled over acre. In the best way to experience uri hummus, eggplant cream, pesto ism and the land of Israel. these of the holy land.
besque, akotika, daya and others. its center is an oasis with a jacuzzi. Buri is by taking a personalized tahini and more. are combined with impressive vit- you should know: acre is an
there are also vacation rentals, an the owner says, “I wanted to cre- tasting meal. the waiter learns the Sama Rooftop rage windows and beautiful art and ancient city. many of its buildings
example being daya by housesto- ate a place with the feeling of a preferences of the diners so as to Sama, “sky” in arabic, is a restau- judaica items. the synagogue is a were built in the ottoman period,
ry, a beautiful romantic suite with retreat.” the rooms are decorated prepare a suitable series of dishes. rant-bar located on the roof of a short walk from the old city. It can and it has structural accessibility
a balcony overlooking acre’s alleys. in a style that blends old and new. First there is a selection of start- central building in the old city be visited during weekdays, rSVp challenges. most of the buildings
here are some of the developments: the ancient and impressive stone ers, and then there is the option and has a magical panoramic view recommended. are old and are set for preserva-
arches create a connection with to order half-sized portions of the of the rooftops of acre and the tion, therefore there are no eleva-
Akotika the place and history while the main dishes. sea. Sama has chef’s dishes boast- Holy Gems tors or ramps and there are many
akotika has expanded to 20 cleanliness of the modern design among the dishes we received ing acre fusion cuisine, under Back in 1988, the lubavitcher stairs, some of which are not up
rooms and suites. owner meir creates an interesting contrast to were mushroom soup with truffle chef hmodi okala. the bar has a rebbe claimed that Israel had good to today’s construction standards.
davidson purchased apartments the ancient stone. oil in an espresso cup, bruschetta modern décor, and at night turns stones and even indicated where – though many efforts are being
and houses in the nearby alley with eggplant cream and smoked into a lively place with a dj and in the haifa Valley. only at the end made to make them as accessible
and converted them into luxuri- In the acre culinary scene, lively sea fish. the appetizers were “gar- first-class cocktails such as “Won- of the 1990s did the late avraham as possible, consult the local hosts
ous rooms of various types. akotika new restaurants and bars are flour- gir” salad and baby St. peters fish der Woman,” based on white wine, taub establish a company to search or the city’s tourism office, where
has a gorgeous view of the sea, and ishing and the old ones are being in caramel on beets. In each of the and “putin,” based on vodka. the for precious stones, and after about needed. regarding kosher food,
on the rooftop they serve a rich renewed. dishes, even the butter has a subtle menu combines a lot of fish and 20 years of research and develop- there is the kosher roots restaurant
acre-Galilee style breakfast with seasoning that takes the taste buds seafood, but also offers salads and ment this happened, the company and some other places have private
authentic pastries. this meal is also Uri Buri to new heights. So are the main meat in a selection of meticulous received a discovery certificate and kosher certificates.
open to the general public. It seems that the well-known dishes such as the barramundi in dishes with an acre-mediterranean the dream became a reality. today For more information, visit: https://
Jozefin restaurant of uri jeremias is already lemon-sage butter and the trout in fusion. the company mines gems in the www.akko.org.il/en/
jozefin is an accommodation part of the city’s landscape. and it’s a cauldron with cream sauce. Kishon Valley, and the stones are The author was a guest of the Old
complex in an ancient building that only getting better with time. the the atmosphere in the restaurant Or Torah Synagogue used for jewelry that is designed Acre & Nazareth Development Com-
has been carefully renovated and restaurant underwent a renovation is unique. uri is often present at the the tunisian or torah Syna- here. the visitors center at the fac- pany and the sites mentioned in the
preserved, providing an authentic after the may 2021 riots while pre- restaurant. he walks around sign- gogue is one of the most beautiful tory in the acre industrial area is article.

EDMOND HOTEL in Rosh Pina.

NAHAL ROSH Pina. THE MESHUSHIM stream in the Golan.

Exploring from Galil to Golan

• Photos and text by ITSIK MAROM you along a tranquil stream the meshushim stream, which
known as nahal rosh pina. the is part of the reserve. lace up

pring is already here; a great trail climbs between old olive tree your hiking shoes and descend
time to go out and enjoy the orchards and plenty of blossom- along a well-marked trail to one
outdoors. choose a starting ing almond trees. once you’ve of the most amazing natural
point with a radius of 20 completed your relaxing walk, pools. the treasure of this trail
kilometers and plan your two to you can spend some time in the lies at the bottom of the wadi
three itinerary. We set the lovely historic quarter of rosh pina, with the picturesque meshushim
town of rosh pina as a base. where the pioneering founders pond, with its hexagonal rock
For our temporary two-night built their stone houses and local formations, formed by volcanic
accommodation, we chose the vendors dot the streets. activity, which create the walls of
relatively new edmond hotel We then drove eastwards the pond. It is the perfect place to
which proved to be comfortable, toward the Golan. While cross- dip your feet in the cool water, or ROSH PINA’s historic quarter.
professional and perfect for our ing the jordan river near Gadot, enjoy the shade of the large trees,
short road trip, leaving us ready we enjoyed the majestic view of before gathering your strength that embodies masterful wine- taste a wide selection of wines, or
to explore the walking trails, sites mount hermon. the landscape to climb back up to the car and making by utilizing the unique even purchase a bottle or two to
and landscapes nearby. amazes as, within just a few kilo- continue on your journey. volcanic basalt soil of the Golan. take home with you.
close to our hotel, on the upper meters, it morphs from the Gali- near Katzrin, known as the learn about the history of the two to three days and 20 kilo-
edge of rosh pina, there is a slope lee into the Golan. “capital of the Golan heights” the winery in their new visitor center meters is just right for a spring
that leads to the mountains of the first stop in the Golan is Bazelet haGolan winery in Kid- which boasts beautiful views over break in the Galilee and Golan
BATZELET HAGOLAN winery. Safed. this short hike will take yehudiya nature reserve and mat Zvi is an intriguing vineyard the Sea of Galilee. you can also regions.
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS 7

Lapid: Constitution a vital PA offers condolences

to family of
response to judicial reform Hawara terrorist
• By MICHAEL STARR ly re-signed the Declaration in a to protect other rights. must stop the current destructive
Black Robes Movement event to Lapid also called for the Basic process and see the crisis as an • By KHALED ABU TOAMEH rity officers fired tear gas canisters
Israel needs to introduce a con- signify recommitment to its val- Law: Legislation to be introduced opportunity to sit down togeth- toward a group of men who were
stitution based on the Declaration ues. in the constitution. Most of Israel’s er to write our constitution,” said Palestinian Authority Nablus Gov- carrying the body of Kharousheh
of Independence in response to The Declaration of Indepen- Basic Laws do not have constitutive Lapid. ernor Ibrahim Ramadan and com- outside a local hospital. As a result,
problems in the system revealed dence has no formal legal status supremacy over normal legislation Movement for Quality Govern- manders of the Palestinian security the body, draped in a Hamas flag,
by the judicial reform push, oppo- in the Israeli government system, and do not have a special method ment in Israel chairman Dr. Eliad forces on Friday visited the home fell to the ground, drawing strong
sition leader Yair Lapid said in a which Lapid proposed should be for their enacting. Lapid’s proposal Shraga also said that the crisis of Abdel Fattah Kharousheh, the condemnations from many Pales-
Facebook post on Friday morning. changed by making the document would introduce both, and also should be seized as an opportunity Hamas terrorist responsible for the tinians.
“We must write a constitution,” the first chapter of a new constitu- establish the boundaries and lim- when he introduced a proposal for shooting attack in which brothers A PA security official said the offi-
wrote Lapid. “A constitution is the tion. Lapid had submitted a bill on its of the legislature and judiciary. a constitution on Thursday. Prof. Hillel and Yagel Yaniv were killed. cers fired the tear gas in an attempt
only thing that will give us a unify- February 19 to enshrine the Israeli Often described as a missing step Barak Medina also expressed this Kharousheh, 49, a resident of to prevent a group of men from
ing ethos, clearly, that we all have founding document in one of the in Israel’s constitutional process, idea of taking the opportunity to Askar Refugee Camp near Nablus, removing the body from an ambu-
in common. A constitution is a quasi-constitutional Basic Laws, Basic Law: Legislation was also introduce a constitution when dis- was killed by the Israeli security lance against the wishes of the fam-
contract between the citizen and which would have also required included as part of President Isaac cussing with The Jerusalem Post the forces during a raid last week on ily.
the government. It is the written future Basic Laws to be in line with Herzog’s mid-February five-point Independence Initiative, which Jenin Refugee Camp, where he had Since the incident, PA security
commitment of the state to protect the values expressed in the article. plan for negotiation. is another constitution proposal been hiding since the attack in the forces have arrested at least 20 Pal-
the rights of its citizens.” “We must enshrine in law the An amendment of Basic Law: based on the Deceleration of Inde- town of Huwara south of Nablus. estinians who attended the funeral,
Lapid said that while the cur- fact that the State of Israel ‘will Judiciary, which is also the subject pendence drafted by several legal Kharousheh was released from sparking further outrage, according
rent government was right about ensure complete equality of social of the changes in the current judi- experts. The Israel Democracy Israeli prisons four months ago. He to Palestinian sources.
one thing – the previous Israeli and political rights to all its inhab- cial reform bills, should also codify Institute proposed its own plan to had previously also been arrested The Palestinian group Lawyers for
social contract was no longer valid itants irrespective of religion, race the power of judicial review and renew Israel’s constitutional pro- by the PA security forces as part of Justice, which monitors and doc-
– which was made evident in the or sex; it will guarantee freedom redevelop the composition of the cess on February 13. a crackdown on Hamas members in uments human rights violations
protests and clashes of values over of religion, conscience, language, Justice Selection Committee. At Israel’s founding, no consti- the West Bank. by the PA, denounced the Palestin-
the judicial reform. The Yesh Atid education and culture,’” said In the 1990s, during the so-called tution was written due a variety of A statement by the Nablus Gov- ian security forces’ assault on the
leader said that the liberal camp Lapid, quoting the Declaration constitutional revolution, the factors, including political self-in- ernorate said Ramadan, accompa- funeral of Kharousheh, dubbing it a
had strengthened in its values, on Friday. “In the conflicted tribal High Court of Justice determined terest, potential for division and nied by commanders of the securi- “dangerous behavior aimed at com-
wanted to protect Israel as a Jewish society we have become, the Dec- from legally supreme provisions the dangerous times surrounded ty forces and the secretary-general bating, criminalizing and demoniz-
democracy and to prevent the state laration is needed to define a com- in Basic Laws: Human Dignity and by enemies. Instead, a compromise of the ruling Fatah faction, visited ing the Palestinians’ right to self-de-
from becoming disunited, “mes- mon ethos and a common good. Liberty and Freedom of Occupa- was adopted in which the Basic the family to offer condolences over termination.”
sianic, nationalist, violent and We must confirm its status as the tion that the court had the ability Laws would slowly be introduced “the martyrdom of Abdel Fattah The Palestinian National Initia-
undemocratic.” To accomplish fundamental values document of to engage in judicial review – the and then at an undetermined Kharousheh.” tive, a political party led by Mustafa
this a new and unifying social con- the State of Israel.” power to strike down laws in con- point in time would be assembled Appointed by the PA president, Barghouti, condemned the attack
tract had to be created. Consequently, Lapid said that tradiction to the laws. into a constitution. the governors are responsible for on the funeral, saying it “consti-
The new constitution, Lapid a bill of human rights should be The Justice Selection Committee “In order to be free people who the security forces and the supervi- tutes a serious violation of the
contended, should be based on included to contain Basic Rights has been subject to debate, with choose of their own will to live sion of all government agencies in national dignity of the Palestinian
the Declaration of Independence, currently not protected in the reformists contending that judges together, we must write a consti- their governorates. people.”
which the Knesset member said legal system, such as “freedom of are selecting themselves, and want tution for Israel. So that the dif- The rare visit by senior PA offi- Hussein Abu Kweik, a senior
expressed the moral heart of the expression, prohibition of discrim- to install more elected officials. ferences of opinion between us do cials to the home of a Hamas mil- Hamas official in the West Bank,
nation. This sentiment has been ination, freedom of religion and Anti-reformists argue that the cur- not bury us under them, we must itant came in the aftermath of a also condemned the incident as a
expressed by many protesters conscience [and] the right to edu- rent proposal would give the coali- design a mechanism of coopera- clash between Palestinian security “dangerous assault on the dignity
during demonstrations against the cation.” Currently, Israel’s Basic tion an automatic majority. Lapid tion,” said Lapid. “A constitution officers and mourners during the of the Palestinians.”
ongoing judicial reform. Demon- Law: Human Dignity and Liberty wished the constitution to have a for Israel based on the Declaration funeral of Kharousheh, which took Abu Kweik called on the PA to end
strators have displayed banners and Basic Law: Freedom of Occupa- mechanism that would give any of Independence is not only ethi- place in Nablus. The visit is seen as its crackdown on political activists.
and signs depicting the document tion are the basis of Israel’s human political camp control over judicial cally and morally justified, it is also an attempt to placate the Palestin- He also called for an immediate
or excerpts during the events. On rights legal regime, with the court appointments, but that would also the only thing that will get us out ian public after the incident during cessation of security coordination
Thursday, National Unity lead- taking the controversial liberty to create diversity in the court. of the terrible crisis we have fallen the funeral. between the PA security forces and
er MK Benny Gantz symbolical- derive rights from Human Dignity “Towards Israel’s 75th year, we into.” Palestinians said several PA secu- the IDF.

as well as his performance on son Professor of Medicinal will work to repair the dam-
WRONG national security since taking Chemistry three years later. age,” Bennett added.
Continued from Page 1 office. He was named by HU as rec- Former defense minister
The quick barrage of events tor and then pro-rector, posts Benny Gantz said Netanyahu
However, he admitted to and the fact that Herzog’s he filled for a total of six years. had abandoned the security of
having made a mistake in this speech was quickly forgotten In 1994, he was elected a Israel and its citizens.
decision, saying: “I was wrong, symbolized a point that is slow- member of the Israel Academy “The enormous security chal-
I made a mistake in my judg- ly coming into focus: The pro- of Sciences and Humanities, lenges facing the country are
ment, I made a mistake with tests are about a lot more than and was one of the founding increasing, and the prime min-
the timing, and with the way the judicial reform, and if and members of the  International ister and his cabinet are busy
in which I made it, and I do not when the conflict surrounding Cannabinoid Research Society with a coup d’état.”
take this lightly.” the reform comes to an end – and the  International Associ- Knesset Foreign Affairs and
He added that he would the protests may continue. ation for Cannabinoid Medi- Defense Committee Chairman
respect the request of Attor- The protests first erupted after cines. Yuli Edelstein said the alliance
ney-General Gali Baharav-Mi- Justice Minister Yariv Levin His 90th birthday was marked was “bad for Israel and the
ara, who strongly suggested announced the reform in Janu- at a four-day symposium during entire free world.”
that the government freeze ary, but much has happened in the 31st International Canna- Iranian expert Danny (Den-
the process of removing Eshed the ensuing 10 weeks that have binoid Research Symposium, nis) Citrinowicz from the Insti-
from his position, saying its fueled the fury of protesters. which Mechoulam helped to tute of National Security Stud-
legality is not certain. There is the list of controver- establish. It was held in Jerusa- ies at Tel Aviv University tweet-
Responding to Shabtai’s state- sial laws that the coalition is lem for the first time. ed that the new alliance was a
ment, Ben-Gvir accused Baha- advancing. These include per- PROTESTERS IN Jerusalem demonstrate as the coalition presses on with its contentious judicial Mechoulam received a large message to Israel that its dream
rav-Miara of controlling the sonal laws designed to evade overhaul, last night. (Ronen Zvulun/Reuters) number of significant honors of a regional alliance was not
commissioner. judicial decisions – Deri Law I, and awards. Twenty-three years feasible and never had been.
Former justice minister which enabled Shas chairman recent spat with Commissioner ment to Basic Law: The Gov- sions that he has been hold- ago, he was awarded the Isra- It underscored the point that
Gideon Sa’ar said “Shabtai did MK Arye Deri to avoid a rul- Yaakov (Kobi) Shabtai over the ernment, and will bar the High ing behind the scenes over the el Prize  in Exact Sciences – most of the countries in the
the right thing tonight. The ing over whether or not he was decision to remove Eshed. Court from intervening in the past two months, supporters Chemistry, and, more recently, region view dialogue as the best
response from Minister Ben- barred from serving as a minis- The judicial reforms were appointment of ministers, thus and detractors of the reform the Harvey Prize of the Tech- way to deal with Iran, leaving
Gvir to his statement illustrates ter due to a plea-bargain convic- announced barely a week into paving the way for Shas chair- were close to arriving at an nion-Israel Institute of Technol- Israel as the sole country that
why he is not qualified in the tion in 2022; Deri Law II, aimed the government’s tenure, and man MK Arye Deri to return agreed-upon compromise. ogy in Haifa. • is focused on a military option.
first place for a position that at barring the High Court from continue to be the focus of the as health minister and interior Herzog is likely to present this Analyst and former MK Kse-
includes ministerial respon- intervening in ministerial government and protesters. minister. compromise in the near future, nia Svetlova of Mitvim – The
sibility over the Israel Police. appointments, and designed But in normal times, a large Netanyahu fired Deri from perhaps even this week. • WEAKEN Israeli Regional Institute for
Thursday’s brutal move was to enable Netanyahu to reap- number of the laws, comments these positions in January after Continued from Page 1 Regional Foreign Policies noted
a foretaste of the coup d’etat’s point Deri after the High Court and events listed above could the High Court ruled that his on Twitter that “Saudi Arabia
menu. Maintaining the integ- struck down the appointment; themselves have led to wide appointment was “extremely CANNABIS The official didn’t want to is normalizing relations. No,
rity of state institutions is more the “Gifts Law,” which would protests. The government has unreasonable.” Continued from Page 1 talk about contacts that were not with Israel but rather with
critical than ever.” enable the prime minister to succeeded in conjuring up The second law is one that happening behind closed doors Iran” while it has rebuked Israel
Former defense minister receive funding for medical and numerous other reasons for will block the attorney-gener- autism, leading to a better qual- but noted that Israel’s basic pol- publicly for its treatment of the
Benny Gantz said he gives his legal purposes, including the resentment, which may soon al from announcing a prime ity of life for both the patient icy positions have not changed. Palestinians.
full support “to the police com- approximately NIS 4 million become a critical mass that will minister “incapacitated” in and the caregivers. An Israeli official told Iran “Only two months ago,
missioner and all Israel police that was raised via crowdfund- eclipse even the resentment their position. The law count- When Mechoulam sought International that Tehran’s Netanyahu promised to bring
officers who operate in a variety ing to pay his legal fees; and a towards the judicial reform ers an appeal to the High Court to obtain samples in the ’60s, agreement with Riyadh was peace with Saudi Arabia. We
of arenas and under significant provision to double the budget itself. demanding that Netanyahu be he carried five kilos of “superb, not a surprise and that Israel seem to be moving in the oppo-
professional challenges. for the prime minister and his The Balfour protests during declared incapacitated due to smuggled Lebanese hash- did not believe the deal impact- site direction,” she wrote.
“It is good to have a commis- wife’s “attire,” as well as to pay Netanyahu’s previous tenure as the alleged violation of his con- ish” on a bus from Tel Aviv to ed its pursuit of normalizing The Wall Street Journal in an
sioner who acts according to for his wife’s expenses on con- prime minister continued for flict-of-interest agreement. Rehovot in the hope that he ties with Riyadh. editorial published Friday
the law. Kobi is a brave fighter ferences abroad. 11 months. The current wave Netanyahu is undergoing a would not be apprehended. Bennett, however, called the blamed the Biden administra-
who has served the State of Isra- There are also laws that irked could too. • criminal trial for bribery, fraud Still, cannabis research was eas- news of the renewed Iran-Sau- tion for the Iranian-Saudi deal
el all his adult life. At this crucial many secular citizens: The and breach of trust, and is ier to conduct in Israel than the di alliance a “serious and dan- and the fact that Saudi Arabia
hour, I would like to strengthen Hametz Law, which allows prohibited from dealing with more restrictive US. gerous development for Isra- has yet to join the Abraham
him and tell him – the people hospital heads to bar leavened CALL any matter that would affect He was born in Sofia, Bulgar- el” and a “political victory for Accords, which is the vehicle
of Israel are with you. bread from entering hospitals Continued from Page 1 his trial, including the govern- ia, in November 1930, the son Iran.” by which Israel has already
“You are operating at a most during Passover; a law to broad- ment’s judicial reforms. of a doctor and hospital director “This delivers a fatal blow to normalized ties with four Arab
significant time, tasked with en the jurisdiction of rabbinical over the appointment of all In a harsh speech delivered and a mother from a wealthy efforts to build a regional coali- countries.
maintaining the independence courts; and others. of the country’s judges. It also on Thursday night, Herzog Jewish family. His father was tion against Iran,” said Bennett. “The Journal reports that
of the Israel Police, the securi- There are also comments by blocks the High Court from said the judicial reform, as taken by the Nazis to a con- He charged that it was a mark Riyadh’s conditions for join-
ty of the citizens of Israel and coalition politicians: Support hearing appeals against Basic it was presented, is unac- centration camp, and after the of the “resounding failure of ing the accords might include
Israeli democracy.” • or hinted support for the set- Laws. ceptable and needed to be Communists took over parts the Netanyahu government US security guarantees and
tlers who rampaged in Huwara; The committee will hold replaced, and that coalition of Bulgaria, he and his family and stems from a combination support for a civilian nuclear
statements such as Communi- sessions on Monday, Tuesday and opposition factions emigrated to Israel in 1949, by of political neglect with the program. The former is worth
CONTINUE cation Minister Shlomo Karhi’s and Wednesday, according to a would be responsible for any which time Mechoulam had country’s general weakness and considering since the US would
Continued from Page 1 “go to hell” to Israeli pilots who schedule it published last week. ensuing chaos if they fail earned a degree in chemical internal conflict. probably defend the Kingdom
threatened not to continue In the legislative process, a to reach a broad agreement engineering. “Countries in the world if it were attacked without for-
from his position in an upcom- voluntary reserve duty if the bill becomes law after it passes through negotiation. After his aliyah, he earned a and the region are watching mal guarantees. Assurances
ing round of appointments, reform passes; the prime min- its second and third readings The president warned that master’s degree from HU in bio- Israel in turmoil over the dys- that the Iran nuclear deal is
after expressing his discontent ister, national security minister on the Knesset floor. If the com- the legislation being prepared chemistry, followed by a thesis functional government that is dead and that the US won’t let
with the “containment” of the and others calling the protest- mittee finishes its preparations for readings in the Knesset’s on steroid chemistry to earn engaged in systematic self-de- Tehran acquire a nuclear weap-
blockage of the Ayalon High- ers anarchists; and much more. this week, the first provisions Constitution, Law and Justice a doctorate at the Weizmann struction,” Bennett said, add- on would also help,” the Journal
way by protesters earlier in the And then there is Ben-Gvir’s could pass into law as soon as Committee “is wrong, preda- Institute of Science in Rehovot. ing in this case one of those wrote in its editorial.
day; and then the shooting ter- conduct: Repeatedly calling next week. tory and dismantles our dem- After two years of postdoctoral countries chose a side. “Mr. Biden prides himself on
ror attack in Tel Aviv. for a harsher police response In addition, a special com- ocratic foundations, and there- studies at the Rockefeller Insti- Every day of this govern- his ability to build alliances, but
Herzog’s speech quickly to the protests; the proposal mittee led by Likud MK Ofir fore it must be replaced with tute in Manhattan, he returned ment’s “existence endangers he muffed it with the Saudis
became background noise, as and advancement of the Police Katz will continue on Sunday another [set of legislation], to the Weizmann Institute for the State of Israel,” Bennett and our adversaries are taking
news outlets and politicians Law, which would make the to prepare two other controver- an agreed upon outline – and five years and then returned to stated. advantage,” it stated.
focused on the attack and on police commissioner subordi- sial laws for their first reading. immediately.” HU, where, in 1972, he became “We need a broad national Reuters contributed to this
Ben-Gvir’s announcement, nate to him; and now the most The first law is an amend- He added that in discus- professor and the Lionel Jacob- emergency government, which report. •
8 HEALTH & SCIENCE S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Viruses hiding out in patients Blood pressure drug

helps pancreas function
hold answers to long COVID in type 1 diabetes
• By JASON GALE HEALTH ROUNDS The researchers used Medicare
• By NANCY LAPID data from 2016-2018 on more

racking microbes through a malodorous than 1.8 million patients age 65

network of sewer lines led virologist Marc heap drug preserves and older who underwent one
Johnson to the source of unusual corona- pancreas function in of eight operations: abdominal
virus mutants. kids with diabetes aortic aneurysm repair, appen-
After months of sampling effluent, the Univer- The inexpensive, dectomy, gallbladder removal,
sity of Missouri School of Medicine microbiolo- commonly used blood pressure colon surgery, coronary artery
gist found exactly where the mutants originated: drug verapamil can keep the bypass, hip or knee replacement,
from a regular user of restrooms at a specific pancreas partially functioning or lung surgery.
Wisconsin business. Although unable to identi- in children with newly diag- Overall, 40.7% were white
fy that individual, Johnson could still see from nosed type 1 diabetes, a small men, 53.4% were white women,
genetic data that viral particles were being freshly trial suggests. 2.2% were Black men, and 3.7%
made and expelled for more than a year – many “Not only is verapamil afford- were Black women. Roughly
times longer than a typical two-week COVID-19 able, it’s also a familiar medica- 70% of surgeries were scheduled
infection. tion that is well-tolerated with in advance.
And during that time, the mutations showed the a favorable safety profile,” Dr. After accounting for factors
virus was “running like hell,” trying to evade the Anna Neyman of the University that might affect postopera-
person’s immune system, Johnson said. Laborato- of Indiana said in a statement. “I tive death risks, such as other
ry analysis of his sewer samples exposed the battle- believe many families and chil- health conditions, the research-
ground inside the patient’s body, where the virus dren newly diagnosed with type ers found that 30-day post-op-
was quickly evolving to maintain a stronghold. 1 diabetes will benefit from what erative mortality was 3.05% in
“You can find lots of chronic infections – people A LAB TECHNICIAN sorts blood samples inside a lab for a COVID-19 vaccine study at the Research Centers we discovered.” Black men, 2.69% in white men,
that are probably infected for over a year – where of America (RCA) in Hollywood, Florida, in 2020. (Chandan Khanna/AFP/Getty Images/TNS) In type 1 diabetes, the pancre- 2.38% in white women, and
the virus hasn’t changed at all,” he said. “And I as progressively reduces its pro- 2.18% in Black women.
don’t understand why in some patients it just goes It’s “the most logical explanation because it upsets and causing patients to shed traces of the duction of insulin until it stops After pre-planned surgery,
crazy.” accounts for pretty much everything else,” she virus in their feces. Johnson routinely scouts across completely. The longer the pan- 30-day death rates were 1.3% in
As the COVID-19 scourge enters a fourth year, said. some 100 Midwest sewer networks for unusual creas cells keep functioning to Black men, 0.85% in white men,
patients like the one Johnson uncovered by tracing SARS-CoV-2 strains, called cryptic lineages because at least some degree, the lower 0.82% in white women, and
back through miles of waste pipes and drains are Scanning hideouts their source is unknown. the patients’ risks for complica- 0.79% in Black women.
nudging researchers closer to answers for key ques- Henrich, who helped develop sophisticated “They’re rare, but they’re out there,” he says. tions such as kidney and vision After emergency surgery,
tions: Namely, where do worrisome new mutants imaging techniques that can pinpoint HIV with- When Johnson began the work in March 2021, problems. Black and white men had sim-
come from? And what’s their role in long COVID, in tissues, plans to use the same approach to he had no idea where it was going. Then, after omi- To assess pancreas cell func- ilar death rates, at roughly 7%,
the mysterious post-infection ailment that afflicts find COVID-19’s hideouts. Dozens of patients will cron drove COVID-19 cases in the U.S. to a record tion, doctors measure a marker while rates were lower in Black
more than 140 million people globally? undergo a series of whole-body scans that will look more than a year ago, he started actively looking called C-peptide secretion. In 47 and white women, at 5.29% and
Scientists are exploring the possibility that some for signals of production or persistence of viral for strains with distinct genetic changes. children in the study who took 6.12%, respectively.
of the most infectious versions of the coronavirus protein. Those will be compared with symptoms to He spotted one collected from a Wisconsin drain one verapamil pill daily, C-pep- The researchers only had data
– omicron and its descendants – came from chron- see how the lingering presence of the coronavirus servicing 100,000 people. Its genetic signature was tide levels were 30% higher a on Black and white seniors.
ically infected individuals whose immune systems correlates to long COVID. far more different than early versions of omicron, year after diagnosis than in the Outcomes might be different in
were weakened by disease, drugs or both. Research The group has started scanning patients to look yet it hadn’t been reported in any patient. Impor- 41 participants who got a place- other racial and ethnic groups.
released in December shows the virus can persist for protective T-cells that could indicate an aber- tantly, its mutations began turning up in newer bo, researchers reported in JAMA The study was not designed
throughout the body and brain for months. That rant immune response to SARS-CoV-2. They’re versions of omicron. It was almost as if Johnson and at the International Confer- to identify causes for disparities,
suggests it may be able to hide out in human cells examining biopsies of participants’ digestive tracts had seen where the virus was going – evolutionari- ence on Advanced Technologies but the researchers speculate
and tissues, not unlike the way HIV and the shin- for viral vestiges, Henrich said. ly speaking – before it arrived. and Treatments of Diabetes. that structural racial inequities
gles-causing chickenpox virus do. A particular focus is lymphoid tissues that pro- “So we started saying, let’s figure out where it’s There were no significant dif- in the healthcare system could
duce, store and carry T-cells that fight infection, coming from,” he said. ferences between the groups at explain their findings.
Intriguing autopsies and antibody-making B cells. The coronavirus may one year in levels of hemoglobin One-in-five colorectal cancers
Traces in the blood and stool of patients expe- also be hiding out in long-lived nerve cells and Black swan A1c, a commonly used measure are in younger adults
riencing protracted symptoms suggest that SARS- heart muscle, where it may drive chest pain, brain For four months, he and his colleagues went of blood sugar levels, or in time The proportion of colorectal
CoV-2 might be holed up in the gut, fat or other fog, fatigue and other long COVID symptoms, said from one manhole to the next in an undisclosed spent with blood sugar levels in cancer (CRC) diagnoses in US
tissues that give shelter from the body’s immune Diane Griffin, a virologist at the Johns Hopkins metropolitan area. Then they found the samples a target range. adults age 55 and under has dou-
defenses. Researchers at the US National Institutes Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore came from one building. Then one side of build- The researchers could only bled since the mid-’90s, despite
of Health who conducted meticulous autopsies who has studied the body’s response to viral infec- ing. Then, half a dozen restrooms used regularly by test verapamil in children who an overall decline in new cases,
on the bodies of 44 COVID-19 victims found viral tions for more than 50 years. about 30 people. weighed at least 66 pounds (30 the American Cancer Society
genetic material throughout patients’ bodies and “We have pretty good information from acute That’s where the investigation has stalled, John- kg), because dosages for smaller (ACS) said.
brains for as long as 7 1/2 months after symptoms RNA virus infections that RNA does persist and son said. Even so, he’s been able to deduce that children are not commercially In 2019, the last year with
began. In one case, virus particles isolated from the that it does have consequences,” said Griffin, who the cryptic lineage is from an individual who was available. available data, 20% of new CRC
brain were grown in a lab dish, proving they were is vice president of the U.S. National Academy of infected almost two years ago, since it evolved from Even the modest results diagnoses were in those 55 and
fully functional and capable of replicating. Sciences. “Basically, it’s hard to get rid of viruses.” a strain last detected in Wisconsin in April 2021. demonstrated in this trial “are younger, up from 11% in 1995,
“The predominant damage continues to appear Proving that persistent viral infection causes long In August, the variant’s concentration was 1.5 associated with a substantial ACS researchers reported in CA-A
to be in the lungs,” said Daniel Chertow, who led COVID will be difficult, Griffin said. Viruses in billion copies per liter of wastewater. By compar- reduction in the risk” of com- Cancer Journal for Clinicians.
the research at the NIH’s emerging pathogens sec- stealth mode suppress replication to avoid harm- ison, at the height of an enormous COVID-19 plications, Dr. Jennifer Couper The proportion of cases diag-
tion, “but, oh boy, we really need to better under- ing their host cells. Despite extensive distribution outbreak in a Missouri prison, a liter of wastewater of University of Adelaide, Aus- nosed in Native Americans under
stand what type of damage is done in all these of coronavirus RNA throughout patients’ bodies, contained only 100 million copies of the corona- tralia, said in an accompanying age 65 has also been increasing,
other places.” Chertow’s team saw little evidence of inflamma- virus. editorial. the researchers noted.
Most of those autopsied were older and ill even tion or that the immune system had tried to “It’s crazy how much virus this person is shed- Everyone in the trial was While CRC death rates
before catching COVID-19, and all died before destroy infected cells outside the respiratory tract. ding,” Johnson said. already using insulin to control declined by 2% annually from
vaccines became available. And while none were In December, the same variant occurred in the blood sugar, but the data sup- 2011–2020 overall, mortali-
known to have had long COVID, the findings Viral evolution Wisconsin restroom plumbing for the 13th straight port study of the drug in patients ty from the disease rose by 3%
published in the journal Nature still demand fol- Intriguingly, when they analyzed the genet- month. with presymptomatic type 1 dia- annually in individuals younger
low-up. ic makeup of virus specimens collected from six “Whoever this person is, they are apparently betes before insulin dependence than age 50.
“We absolutely need to, in great detail, try to patients, the NIH scientists found versions in the still going to work every day and have been for develops, Couper added Earlier detection with more
understand what, if any, role persistence of viral lung that were different from those collected in some time,” Johnson said. “It appears that they Late last year, the US Food and widespread screening does not
RNA and other viral components might play in other tissues. In one patient, viruses found in two don’t know they’re infected. This can’t be good for Drug Administration approved explain the increasing propor-
long COVID,” Chertow said. brain regions – the thalamus and hypothalamus – them.” teplizumab to delay the need tion of diagnoses in younger
No one knows whether the coronavirus or its were significantly different, suggesting that certain The lineage hasn’t turned up anywhere else, for insulin in patients age 8 and people, the researchers said.
remnants remain in everyone who’s had COVID- mutations favored the pathogen’s persistence there. which suggests it isn’t spreading, Johnson said. older with presymptomatic type Risk factors such as obesity, diet,
19, or if it’s just a group of patients, said Timothy “We know that these RNA viruses have the poten- But there’s no question that it can grow, as shown 1 diabetes. The drug, sold by smoking, alcohol consumption,
Henrich, an associate professor of medicine at the tial to evolve within a host,” Chertow said. “The by the longtime high concentrations in the toilet Provention Bio Inc PRVB.O as and physical inactivity could be
University of California, San Francisco. more they’re able to replicate and the longer the drain. Tzield, is priced at $193,900 for a contributing, they suggested.
“We’re all making the hypothesis that it is a driv- time that they have to do that, and the higher the “The question is why?” he said. “We kind of 14-day course of treatment. This year, roughly 153,000 indi-
er of long COVID, but we really haven’t definitively level of replication that’s taking place, the more assume that something like this is what happened viduals will be diagnosed with
shown that,” Henrich said. “That is still something these viruses have the opportunity to evolve.” with omicron and that there was some kind of Surgery death risk highest for colon cancer in the US, 52,550
that needs to be done.” That raises an interesting possibility: that as the black swan event that allowed the virus to get out.” older Black men of whom will die. About 19,550
Still, Chertow’s research has already encouraged virus evolves to inhabit different organs and tis- Johnson says studying cryptic lineages has chal- Older Black men in the U.S. cases and 3,750 deaths will occur
experimental use of antiviral medications such sues, the process may produce ever-more infectious lenged his thinking about the coronavirus’s ability have a higher death rate in the in those aged 50 and younger,
as Pfizer Inc.’s Paxlovid to see if it can root out and immune-evasive variants. No one knows yet if to hang on in human tissues, especially those out- month after surgery than simi- the researchers estimate.
viral reservoirs and alleviate long haul symptoms. that’s the case, but Johnson’s analysis of wastewa- side the respiratory system, and its potential to larly aged peers of any other sub- As of 2021, more than 40%
Even a relatively small number of infected cells ter at the University of Missouri is starting to yield cause prolonged illness. group of race and sex, researchers of those 45 and older were not
could provoke the immune system to produce clues. “I am now particularly open to the idea that reported last week in The BMJ. up-to-date on CRC screenings,
inflammation, blood clots and other problems there are secondary infections that we just don’t The largest inequality was seen with rates particularly low in
associated with long COVID, according to Amy Runaway pathogens know about,” he said. “And maybe that helps after non-emergency surgeries, younger people and in those
Proal, co-founder of PolyBio Research Foundation, Since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, explain some of these very odd long COVID where the death rate for older without health insurance,
a nonprofit in Boston that facilitates research into researchers have known the disease is capable of symptoms.” Black men was 50% higher than according to the report.
chronic, infection-associated conditions. infecting the digestive tract, resulting in gastric (Bloomberg/TNS) in white men. (Reuters)

How much money do you need to be happy?

Study finds steady association between larger incomes and greater happiness for most; rise and plateau for unhappy minority
• By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH In contrast, in work published in 2021 Killingsworth. “The exception is people who suggested there’s no better way than
from the Wharton School of Business at who are financially well-off but unhappy. adversarial collaborations to resolve scien-

ow much money would you need the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Mat- For instance, if you’re rich and miserable, tific conflict.
to be happy in your daily life? Is too thew Killingsworth found that happiness more money won’t help. For everyone “This kind of collaboration requires far
much bad for you? rose steadily with income well beyond else, more money was associated with greater self-discipline and precision in
Researchers from Princeton University, $75,000 – without evidence of a plateau. higher happiness to somewhat varying thought than the standard procedure,”
led by Israeli-American psychologist and To reconcile the differences, the two degrees.” she explained. “Collaborating with an
economist and 2002 Nobel Prize laureate paired up in what’s known as an “adver- Mellers dug into this last notion, not- adversary – or even a non-adversary – is
Prof. Daniel Kahneman, found one result sarial collaboration,” joining forces with ing that emotional well-being and income not easy, but both parties are likelier to rec-
while a team from the University of Penn- Penn Integrates Knowledge University aren’t connected by a single relationship. ognize the limits of their claims.” Indeed,
sylvania found the opposite. Prof. Barbara Mellers as arbiter. In a new “The function differs for people with dif- that’s what happened, leading to a better
However, the two teams worked together Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- ferent levels of emotional well-being,” understanding of the relationship between
to reconcile their contradictory results and ences paper titled “Income and emotional she said. Specifically, for the least happy money and happiness.
found a steady association between larger well-being: A conflict resolved,” the trio group, happiness rises with income until The findings have real-world implica-
incomes and greater happiness for most show that, on average, larger incomes are $100,000, then shows no further increase tions, Killingsworth concluded.
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
people but a rise and plateau for an unhap- associated with ever-increasing levels of as income grows. For those in the middle “They could inform thinking about tax
py minority. happiness. Taking a closer look, however, range of emotional well-being, happiness rates or how to compensate employees,
Foundational work published in 2010 the relationship becomes more complex, increases linearly with income, and for the unhappy. For instance, if you’re rich and and they matter to individuals as they
by Kahneman and British economist revealing that within that overall trend, happiest group the association actually miserable, more money won’t help. For navigate career choices or weigh a larger
Sir Angus Deaton had found that day- an unhappy cohort within each income accelerates above $100,000. everyone else, more money was associated income against other priorities in life.
to-day happiness rose as annual income group shows a sharp rise in happiness up “In the simplest terms, this suggests that with higher happiness to somewhat vary- “However, for emotional well-being,
increased, but above $75,000 it leveled off to $100,000 annually and then plateaus. for most people larger incomes are associ- ing degrees.” money isn’t the be-all end-all. Money is
and happiness plateaued but then flat- “In the simplest terms, this suggests ated with greater happiness,” said Killing- Drawing these conclusions would have just one of the many determinants of hap-
tened somewhere between $60,000 and that for most people, larger incomes are sworth, lead paper author. “The exception been challenging had the two research piness. Money is not the secret to happi-
$90,000. associated with greater happiness,” said is people who are financially well-off but teams not come together, declared Mellers, ness, but it can probably help a bit.”

T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3

Founded in 1932 by GERSHON AGRON
Israel at 75: The changing

DAVID BRINN, Managing Editor

TAMAR URIEL-BEERI, Editor, Jpost.com SARAH BEN-NUN, Night Editor
relations with American Jewry
TOVAH LAZAROFF & BENJAMIN GLATT, Deputy Managing Editors • By UZI REBHUN Israel more and more critically.
For better or worse, despite some

LIAT COLLINS, International Edition Editor
srael’s development is strongly reservations, Israel is a visible compo-
MARC ISRAEL SELLEM, Chief Photographer ELAINE MOSHE, Archivist tethered to Diaspora Jewry – espe- nent of American Jews’ group identi-
cially that of the US. Relations ty and political and cultural interest.
between these Jewish communities, This strong connection rests, histor-

Shabtai, resign the world’s two largest, have been

changing over time, partly affected by
Israel’s growing security and econom-
ically and contemporarily, on three
main foundations that do not nec-
essarily stand alone but are, in fact,

ational Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir con- ic resilience and regime changes and interconnected.
tinues to try to cause a state of mayhem and by intergenerational replacement and
chaos in the country. group-identity trends among Amer- THE FIRST is the Holocaust and the
On Thursday, the same day that protesters against ican Jews. Despite these and other limited ability of American Jews to
the government’s judicial overhaul plans demonstrated fluctuations, these relations have help Jews in danger, demonstrating
in Tel Aviv and at Ben-Gurion Airport, forcing Prime been positive and stable overall. the importance of an independent
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take a helicopter to the The establishment of the State of Jewish state that has military power
airport to board his flight to Italy, Ben-Gvir announced Israel in 1948 was received enthusias- and is open to unrestricted Jewish
in a joint statement with the police that Tel Aviv District tically by many American Jews, not- immigration.
Police chief Ami Eshed will be removed from his position withstanding some concerns. Amer- The second foundation is Israel’s cen-
and demoted. ican Zionist Jews largely favored the trality as a symbol of ethnic and reli-
The decision was taken by Ben-Gvir, according to idea of an independent Jewish state, gious belonging. Israel is an inspiration
the recommendation of police chief Kobi Shabtai and which had been gaining momentum for a full Jewish life, be it religious or
came as part of a round of new appointments in the law for several decades, while other Jews secular, and for the flourishing of Jew-
enforcement agency, according to the statement. feared that the existence of a Jewish ish culture and creation – a place where
Shabtai later claimed that the timing was entirely Ben- state would expose them to accusa- Jewish exiles gather and merge and a
Gvir’s decision and said that Eshed would remain in his tions of dual loyalty. source of Jewish pride for its scientific
post for now after Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara This ambivalence intensified when and technological achievements.
intervened and said that the demotion was not exactly leaders of the new state expressed The third foundation is antisem-
legal and that it needed to be examined. the expectation that all Jews in the itism. Although American Jews are
Shabtai and Ben-Gvir had reportedly designated Eshed world would come and live in Israel. firmly planted in the US, American
as someone who was getting in the way of their efforts Much of this tension among Ameri- society in general exhibits prejudice
to take a more forceful and aggressive approach to the can Jews, however, was alleviated by against Jews. Nine in 10 American
tens of thousands of people who protest weekly at the president Truman’s immediate rec- Jews think there is “a lot” or “some”
entrance to the city. ognition of Israel, allowing them to antisemitism in their country today,
Ben-Gvir, for example, ordered the police two weeks support both Israeli and US policies, and three in four believe the scope
ago to use stun grenades against the protesters when and the 1950 Ben-Gurion–Blaustein of antisemitism has grown in recent
they blocked the Ayalon Highway, an order that Eshed Agreement, which set limits to Israeli years. Under such circumstances,
reportedly opposed. intervention in the internal affairs of some may view Israel as a shelter.
Ben-Gvir had said that he was unhappy with what he American Jews as individuals and as At the other end, many Israelis
claimed was a soft response to last Thursday’s protests members of a community. (nearly three-quarters according to
and that he “intended to do something about it,” indi- Identification with and political a recent study by the Jewish People
cating that the move was very likely a reaction to Eshed’s and economic support for Israel took Policy Institute) feel close to other
conduct. a leap forward amid the threat to Jews, American Jews included. Inter-
Leaders of the opposition naturally condemned what Israel in May 1967 and the country’s estingly, the stronger these Israelis’ IDENTIFICATION WITH and political and economic support for Israel took a
leap forward amid the threat to Israel in May 1967 and the country’s dazzling
they viewed as the politicization of the police, and on dazzling victory and reunification of Jewish orientation is – religious or
victory and reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War a month later. (Reuters)
Friday, the Police Chief Forum condemned Shabtai’s Jerusalem in the Six Day War a month ultra-Orthodox – the more powerful
involvement in the removal of Eshed and called on him later. Since then, Israel has been piv- is their attachment to Diaspora Jewry.
to resign. otal in American Jewish communitar- Concurrently, however, I wish to Taglit-Birthright because it accepts Jews’ that it is trying to pass in the Knesset.
“We, a group of former commissioners and superin- ian life and central in American-Jew- argue that they take a narrow view of non-Jewish grandchildren, or tough- I would like to believe that it will be
tendents, were hit with amazement at the decision of ish religious and ethnic identification American Jewry, often through the ens the restrictions on the pluralistic more careful than it has been thus far
the minister to remove Tel Aviv District Commander – so much so as to attract relatively prism of rigid religious law, denying denominations in Israel, it will open and will hesitate to take any steps that
Ami Eshed considering his success at managing nine large numbers of olim (immigrants) a place to Jews who are not Orthodox another front against American Jewry. could undermine relations between
weeks of many large-scale protests with wisdom and from the US for a brief time. or fail to meet the halachic criteria of Israel will then find itself facing mil- Israel and American Jewry.
consideration while allowing the right to protest,” they As nationwide surveys attest, Amer- Jewishness: Conservative and Reform lions of Jews who feel that it does not In different ways than in the past
wrote in a joint statement. “Our surprise went and ican Jews’ attachment to Israel has Jews, those whose Jewish descent recognize their Jewishness, does not – and in many new ways – Israel and
became stronger when we discovered that this move remained fairly stable to this day, is patrilineal only, and non-Jewish embrace young people from mixed American Jewry need each other, espe-
was being sponsored by a ridiculous cover of a round of with the percentage of American grandchildren of Jews. backgrounds who wish to visit the cially given the uncertainty and insta-
appointments.” Jews who have visited Israel growing It is difficult to project the outcome country and strengthen their Jewish bility of the times in which we live.
Shabtai, they said, had “cooperated with a convicted significantly. Still, the shift in Isra- of the current judicial reform in Isra- identification, and, most significant- This is the sixth in a series of eight
criminal to turn the police into a private militia in order el’s political orientation from Left to el. This is largely a domestic matter ly, can no longer be regarded as a shel- op-ed articles appearing once a month
to satisfy the whims of the appointed minister and was Right since the late 1970s, continued that will primarily affect the residents ter for Jews if they will not be allowed during Israel’s 75th anniversary year.
involved in the removal of a commander with a spine.” Israeli control over the West Bank, of Israel, although it will harm the to move there with their non-halach- The writer is professor and head of the
Shabtai has already proven to be weak in the two and non-recognition of the non-Or- country’s image in the eyes of Ameri- ic children or grandchildren. Division of Jewish Demography at the
months since Ben-Gvir took up his role as the minister in thodox streams, which occasionally can Jews and the world at large. There is no doubt that the Israe- Institute of Contemporary Jewry at The
charge of the police. In the weeks leading up to the estab- boils into real conflicts over the use of However, if the government amends li government was surprised by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where
lishment of the government, Shabtai began a campaign sacred public space (read: the Western the Law of Return so as to delete the wide public protest and the reaction he also holds the Shlomo Argov Chair in
to retain his job and has held onto it despite reports that Wall) have made American Jews view grandchild clause, stops supporting of liberal countries against the reform Israel–Diaspora Relations.
Ben-Gvir had initially planned to replace him, as well as
a damning state commission report that put some of the

Protests or anarchy?
blame for the 2021 Meron disaster on his shoulders.
It is time for Shabtai to realize that he is being played by
Ben-Gvir and that his legacy as Israel’s top cop is going to
be that of an officer who caved to political pressure and
allowed for the politicization of the nation’s crime-fight- • By MOSHE DANN
ing force.
s The Jerusalem Post’s Seth Frantzman recent-

According to media reports, the top police brass has
lost faith in Shabtai and no longer believes that he is ly observed, chaos and confusion often pre-
capable of commanding the Israeli police. Eshed told cede healing and understanding. We are fac-
Shabtai on Thursday night that he is “weak and is ing a crisis in our society fueled by long-standing
destroying the police,” according to Channel 13. disputes about our direction as the nation-state of
We have argued in the past that Shabtai needs to draw the Jewish people. Our fundamental values, how-
personal conclusions and step down from his role. The ever, should never be forgotten, or taken for grant-
fact that under his watch 45 people were killed on Lag ed. Both sides essentially claim to represent those
Ba’omer at Meron and he has not drawn those conclu- values, and our raison d’etre. That’s why judicial
sions should be enough for Israelis to understand that he reform is the focus and the symbol of this struggle.
is not the police commissioner that this country needs. My assumption, based on public declarations, is
The State of Israel is in a dire situation. The country’s that both sides are concerned about having a Jewish
democratic character is under assault and now the police and democratic state. That is what Yoram Hazony
are no longer an organization that is clean of political wrote about in his book, The Jewish State: The Strug-
considerations and interference. gle for Israel’s Soul. We need to pay attention to what
This needs to change. Shabtai must remember that that means.
beyond his job, there is a nation that needs to be pro- Those who call for civil war, insurrection and
tected. overthrowing the elected government by force and
The editorial was written before police chief Kobi Shabtai intimidation, threaten our essential values and the
made his statement on Saturday night. bonds that unite us as a society and our nation-
INBAR ASHKENAZI, CEO Jerusalem Post Group
state. Disrupting transportation, closing roads and
MAAYAN HOFFMAN, Deputy CEO - Strategy & Innovation attacking others is nihilistic and chaotic. Their goal
DROR RONEN, Director of Circulation
GALIT EREZ, VP Commercial Partnerships
is, “my way, or the highway.” That does not pro-
mote values, or creativity; it is incoherent. Protests
EDITORIAL OFFICES AND ADMINISTRATION must be responsible, not wild rampages. PROTESTERS BLOCK the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv, earlier this month. Disrupting transportation, closing
The Jerusalem Post Building, PO Box 81, Jerusalem 9100002.
Protests are important, but many ask, what is the roads and attacking others is nihilistic and chaotic; their goal is, ‘my way, or the highway,’ says the writer.
Telephone 02-531-5666, Fax 02-537-6553. (Gili Yaari/Flash90)
• CUSTOMER SERVICE *2421, 03-761-9056, 1800-574574, goal? What are you willing to compromise? What
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PO Box 57598, Tel Aviv 61575
• ADVERTISING 15 Ha’achim Mislavita, Tel Aviv 6701027. respect? Where is the dialogue? What are your pri- and Israeli democracy. It’s about the other agenda confidence and reform the system. Opposing
Telephone 03-761-9000, Fax 03-561-0777. orities? How do we protect and preserve our Jewish of our government: extending Israeli sovereignty in all judicial reforms and turning Israelis and the
• ADVERTISING E-MAIL TRAFFIC@JPOST.COM and democratic state? Judea and Samaria, expanding Israeli settlements, international community against the govern-
• READERS LETTERS LETTERSJPOST@GMAIL.COM We want a government “of the people, by the and establishing civilian law there. It’s about “bel- ment harms us all.
people and for the people.” That is what makes a ligerent occupation” – as the Supreme Court calls We need to think about what makes life mean-
• COMMERCIAL GALITE@JPOST.COM government legitimate and worthwhile. That is our it – in the heartland of the Jewish People, and a ingful and fulfill the purpose for which we were cre-
Published daily except Saturday, in Jerusalem, Israel by The Jerusalem Post Ltd.
struggle; how do we achieve it? We have a Knesset Palestinian state led by terrorist organizations. ated. We need to appreciate our accomplishments
Registered at the GPO. © All rights reserved to The Jerusalem Post Group Ltd. Do that is responsible for passing laws and upholding As highly respected social scientist Ori Wert- in rebuilding our homeland in Eretz Yisrael. We are
not copy, distribute, replicate, photograph, translate, store on a database, our freedom and ministries and institutions that man wrote on these pages (“Netanyahu is not the “People of the Book,” Torah. We need to remember
transmit in any way (writing, printing or other media) or by any electronic enable our democratic system. Is something miss- reason,” March 7), most Israelis have lost trust in the words of the Prophet Isaiah: “Justice, justice
means, optical, mechanical or otherwise, any part of this newspaper (including:
text, drawings, photographs, pictures, maps and graphics) in textual form or on ing? state institutions, especially the Supreme Court, shall you pursue.” May we live up to the vision of
designed pages, including voice recording and typing, without the express It’s good to fight for what you think is right. It’s the police and the political system. Nearly all our Prophets and the historic tasks before us.
permission, in writing, from the publisher The Jerusalem Post Group Ltd. good to be passionate, and to protest, but then Israelis support judicial reform, in one form or Protests must be constructive, not destructive.
what? The real struggle is not over judicial reforms another. The struggle is how to restore public The writer is a PhD historian.
10 COMMENT & FEATURES S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Pogrom in Huwara was anti-Zionist

• By DANIEL GOLDMAN Defense Ministry Bezalel Smotrich that the state itself
should wipe Huwara off the map, only opens the door

ionism is at its heart a political ideology. It’s to more violence in the future. The encouragement
not a religion or some transcendental idea but a or tacit acceptance of the outsourcing of state power
very real-world political solution to the ancient to private militias driven by messianic and often
and modern desire for a Jewish homeland in Israel. apocalyptic ideologists could develop into no less of
There have always been Jewish groups associated with a threat to the Zionist dream than the terror to which
anti-Zionism or post-Zionism. Some of those can be it purports to respond. I have always been concerned
found on the far Left. Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Juda- that the threat from within is ultimately greater than
ism also has anti-Zionist roots. However, there is a that from without.
new threat, that appears to be ultra-Zionist, but may
actually be anti- or – at the very least – post-Zionist. ‘Zionism must be freed from its shell’
One of the key ideologues is Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg
70 faces of Zionism become a state who, while recognizing the importance of secular Zion-
Zionism is not a single monolithic idea but an amal- ism as having created the state, believes that the time
gam of often competing ideas. Its founding fathers has come for a new Israel to emerge based wholly on
developed Zionist streams based on competing ideol- Jewish law and without any democratic framework. In
ogies. Zionism has had ”70 faces,” the combination of order for this to happen, Ginsburg uses the metaphor of
which through political discourse and struggle have a “nutcracker” which will break the outer shell releas-
been with us from the days of Theodor Herzl, David ing the soft fruit from the shackles of the secular state
Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin and up to the present allowing the formation of a new Torah-based mon-
day. Part of the vitality of Israel is the constant debate archy. This is not about changing the makeup of the
about its Jewish and democratic character. Israeli government, but “to uproot the Zionist spirit...
With this history, we ought to remember that these and defeat governments whether Left or Right” until a
tensions never lie far from the surface and continue system based on the Torah itself is established.
to drive political discourse. Moreover, different ideo- Ginsburg has a number of students who have
logical, political and religious groupings have deep emerged as players. Some have chosen the route of
social scar tissue that has developed over the short life mainstream politics, others work in education and the
of the state between. The Altalena, the assassination most extreme act out the metaphor of the nutcracker
of former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, Gush Katif, CARS GUTTED by fire are piled up in a scrap heap following a rampage by settlers in the Palestinian village of with what is, in effect, a plan for a violent overthrow
October riots, are just some examples of when this Huwara, after terrorists killed two Israeli brothers, last month. (Ammar Awad/Reuters)
of the government. It is very hard to tell just what sort
scarring has taken place and, at times of political ten- of broad support these ideologies have, if any, but we
sion it’s not unusual to hear these events brought up and I will limit myself to saying that I am in the camp actually called for the type of vigilante violence and ought to be concerned that just as the extreme ideolo-
and analyzed anew. deeply concerned about the undermining aggregating collective punishments meted out by this mob. gy of Rabbi Meir Kahane found its way into the heart
However, in spite of this history and tension, leaders effect this will have on our democratic infrastructure The video of a group of violent Jewish radicals pray- of Israeli politics, no one can say whether or not the
of Israel have managed to build Israel without break- and foundations. The other major front is the anti-re- ing with the flames of burning cars and buildings of same could happen with other extreme religious and
ing the bonds that tie these ideologies together. It is form camp that has concerns about the religious camp Huwara in the background should be an anathema. political manifestos.
this basic understanding that allows for Israel’s surviv- – that monopolizes the Jewish identity of the state – is It is a religious outrage to use God’s name to carry out Many, including myself, considered the basic politi-
al as a unified country. In the early years, the existen- now undermining its democratic underpinning, leav- mob rule and violence but it is ultimately an expres- cal contract of Zionism strong enough to defend itself
tial threat from without played its part in keeping all ing very little remaining of the Jewish and democratic sion of political anti-Zionism as it undermines the from the extremities of post- and anti-Zionist ideolo-
the disparate jigsaw pieces together. state with which they identity. very basic fabric that keeps us together as a country. gies. Our current predicament should give us all pause
There is a second aspect, but no less troubling. They are not interested in maintaining and strength- for thought and it is time that we recognize that one
Dual threat The violence carried out in Huwara is just the worst ening the State of Israel, but in separating from it to can wear a crocheted kippah and still be an anti-Zi-
I am concerned that this has been a more delicate occurrence of law having been taken into private Jew- form their own “Jewish state” based on a radical polit- onist. It should be in all of our interests to defeat this
and fragile existence that perhaps we have taken for ish hands in Samaria. Extremists, inspired by radical ical theology. extremism.
granted. And this fragility is currently under unprece- ideologues, are now emboldened by the rhetoric of The police and the army have thus far been com- The writer is founding partner of Goldrock Capital and
dented attack from two fronts. politicians like National Security Minister Itamar Ben- pletely unsuccessful in bringing the perpetrators to founder of The Institute for Jewish and Zionist Research.
One front is by the current government and the Gvir, MK Zvika Fogel, chairman of Knesset National justice and with either soft condemnation, or worse, He was a founding chair of the Coalition for Haredi
radical changes being pushed forward. The details Security Committee, and others including the deputy including the dangerous initial call – before backing Employment and is a former chair of Gesher and World
have been written about in this paper and elsewhere leader of the Samaria Regional Council. Some have down – by Minister of Finance and Minister in the Bnei Akiva.

Society and judicial reform struggles


srael’s Declaration of Independence contains 650 words
in its original Hebrew text. The anti-judicial reform
activists demand that its principles should be at the
center of the current crisis as regards the makeup and direc-
tion of our legal institutions.
On the recent “Day of Disruption,” an almost cute
clip was uploaded to social media platforms of nursery
school toddlers being marched out to the sidewalk by
their supervisors chanting “de-mo-cra-ti-ya.” I am not
sure that at that tender age the more intrinsic details of
how democracy works are in their grasp. Truth be told,
unless our liberal/progressive class all of a sudden has
adopted the pedagogic methodology of Mea She’arim,
that procession appeared as if it happened in Pyongyang.
It is quite possible, though, that Yair Lapid of the Yesh
Atid party, graduated from such a preschool class. Worse,
A SESSION of the iCenter’s Master’s Concentration in Israel Education program takes place in Chicago, he may not have read carefully our Declaration of Inde-
earlier this year. (The iCenter) pendence with the required scrutiny.
In his interview with Ben Caspit and Amit Segal on

Moment of great opportunity

Channel 12, on March 4, when challenged by Segal – to
respond to a 2005 column which he’d penned, in which OPPOSITION LEADER Yair Lapid speaks against
he demanded that protesters blocking main thorough- government policy at a rally in Herzliya, earlier this month.
He may not have read our Declaration of Independence
fares be removed by the police within minutes, by force
with the required scrutiny, says the writer.
• By DORON GERTZOVSKI historical review, to practical tools and ideas for if necessary – as to why he does not make the same
(Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)
working as an Israel educator. demand today when highways are blocked, Lapid was

mid current tensions in Israel, both domes- unfazed.
tically and with neighbors, the job of an OUR SESSION on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem explored He adamantly retorted to Segal, “I am sick and tired but rather who will control the institutions of power. The
Israel educator has never been more diffi- in depth the questions of the stigmas about them, of comparisons to what was then... it’s different… years issues were who will supervise the defense policy, who
cult. How do we engage students in all aspects of what is special about them and what is complex have passed, the circumstances are different, the people will be allowed to immigrate, who will be employed, who
Israel, while being true to ourselves? about them. We juxtaposed similarities and dif- are different… it’s a whole different world.” Different? will receive land for settlement and who will represent
While studying for my master’s degree in Jewish ferences between a holy city, a capital city, a non- That smacks of a class conflict over national and cultural the values of the Yishuv, and then the state.
American studies at Haifa University, I wanted stop city, a mixed city, a Jewish and democratic identity. Karl Marx wrote in his Manifesto of a Klassenkampfen,
to grow my skills as an educator as well. I needed city. We also read different maps to understand One core element of democracy is equal protection about “class struggles.” I would suggest we are witness-
more practical tools that enabled me to connect their use as a learning resource, discussed the before the law. That is what the secular, liberal-to-pro- ing in Israel, not so much clashes over economic issues,
with students in deeper ways. Haifa University tension between a Jewish and democratic state, gressive camp demands of the haredim as regards mili- although those exist, but rather there is a cultural class
is one of 14 universities in The iCenter’s Master’s dove deep into the Declaration of Independence, tary service, payment of taxes, being employed gainfully hegemonic conflict over issues of tradition, identity
Concentration in Israel Education, a program and much more. as well as egalitarian prayer gatherings at the Western norms and values – all based on the restoration of social
that helps educators become more knowledge- Importantly, as all effective professional devel- Wall Plaza, for example. order. The definition of “order” is at the core of the pro-
able and more skillful in their work. opment programs do, the Master’s Concentration All of that, and more, ever since Shulamit Aloni’s days tests.
Known as “iFellows,” program participants gave me the space to ask difficult and challeng- of litigation and legislation beginning in 1965, are essen- Sociologists, such as Peter Henry Jacob Achterberg,
come from a range of workplace settings, and we ing questions. In this case, the questions my tial goals of our liberal camp that are predicated in our suggest that “a rise in wealth causes political cultures to
engage students of all ages. Our common link is peers asked were about Israel. We were allowed Declaration of Independence. There is a problem, howev- become less class-centered and more culture-centered.”
that we all view Israel education as a core compo- – encouraged even – to cast doubt about assump- er. The word “democracy” simply does not appear in the To follow a recent Batya Ungar-Sargon comment on the
nent of our role as Jewish educators. tions, to explore criticisms and other narratives, document. America’s Declaration of Independence also phenomenon of progressive politics, what is roiling in
For me, ever since I can remember, Israel edu- and we met people with similar experiences to does not include the term. But, then again, since 1641, our streets are angry people who have abandoned eco-
cation has been a part of my life. As a child, I ours, as well as people whose experiences were various enacted laws authorized slavery in that country nomic interests, so as to fight a culture war pushing their
traveled the world, representing Israel abroad completely different. until 1865. own values.
through my dance group. In the army, I was My mentor in the program imparted to me the The drafters of our May 14, 1948 document did declare These values include a marked process of seculariza-
involved in education and worked a lot with lone wisdom that every detail in an education experi- that Israel “will foster the development of the country for tion, the mimicking of Western progressivism behavior,
soldiers from the Diaspora. On my first mission to ence matters. As educators, we engage the whole the benefit of all its inhabitants”; that it will be “based on success as signified by one’s wealth deriving from global
Texas with the Jewish Agency, on my second mis- person, and we also bring our whole selves as freedom, justice and peace”; that it will “ensure complete markets and preferring to have their political culture to
sion to Canada with the Diaspora Ministry, in my educators to the experience. equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants be a culture-centered one.
work at NFTY (Reform Jewish Youth Movement) Now, with Cafe Ivrit at Duke (conversational irrespective of religion, race or sex”, among other lofty Prosperity and secularization affect the degree to which
with Reform American youth, and with a job at Hebrew classes for beginners at Duke University, goals. The Arab inhabitants would benefit from “full the political culture of a country is determined. This
the Israeli association that tries to educate the Durham, NC), the speakers who come to campus, and equal citizenship and due representation.” Those determination seems to be now less by classic economic
world about the country, I’ve come to understand the classes I teach and my visits to Israel, I’m are what make up a democracy, but there is more. Are class issues and more by cultural and wealth issues.
the successes and pitfalls of Israel education. building a community of young people who care the bodies of government balanced and checked? Most This is due to the fact that the more central to the
The basic premise is that the student, not Isra- about Israel and want to learn more. With all of importantly, is there a culture of democracy? political culture prosperity and secularization these
el, should be centered on the education expe- the students I engage, I share the Israeli narrative issues become, the more the country’s institutional
rience. Once I, as an educator, understand who through stories of inspiration, human diversity, AT THE root of the judicial reform initiated by Yariv order (elections, political representation, the character
the student is, what their interests are and what and of course, present-day challenges. Levin and Simcha Rothman are four main issues: an over- of judicial decisions and, of course, religion in the pub-
their perspective is, then I can engage them in a Beyond any specific tool and resource, I came ride clause; appointment of justices; the “reasonable- lic square) is influenced by a growth of alienation and
personally meaningful Israel experience. This is to understand – and have had this reinforced by ness” qualifier; and the role of the attorney-general and anomie.
especially true in my job today as an Israel Fellow my job – the power that an effective educator has. the ministerial legal advisers. But those are just external These twin maladies of modernity, anomie and alien-
at Duke University. When we’re connected with our students, we facil- representations to the deeper, internal conflict that is ation, are reflected in rising levels of problems with
Being an iFellow completed what I think of as itate personal, “ah-ha” moments of curiosity. Isra- pitting citizen against citizen. meaning and identity and institutional distrust in mod-
the “educator puzzle.” These are the many pieces el education is embarking on challenging times. The struggle isn’t over those concerns. It is over ernized countries. The intention of Israel’s Riskified
I put together to craft a meaningful education But Israel educators are also embarking on a great regime hegemony I maintain. For over 100 years, the fraud management platform heads to move to Portugal,
experience. In the program I sharpened my sens- moment of opportunity to hone their skills and Zionist Left has been opposing the Zionist Right and and the withdrawal of the deposits of Papaya Global is
es, developed a language as an educator – which I further develop the field so that meaningful Israel struggling to assure it cannot effectively influence the just a reflection of this trend.
now share with my fellow educators – and learned experiences are a larger part of Jewish education. pre-state and post-1948 state’s political, social and cul- The struggles of Israel’s society are not over political
the tools that helped me to develop professional- The writer is the Jewish Agency Israel Fellow at tural makeup. democracy but cultural dominance.
ly and personally. Content and speakers covered Duke University, and an iFellow in The iCenter’s That struggle was in pre-state days, and continues to The writer is an analyst and an opinion commentator on
everything from a comprehensive and interesting Master’s Concentration in Israel Education program. be, not as much over values, goals, methods and beliefs political, cultural and media issues.
t h e j e r u s a l e m p o s t  s u n d ay, m a r c h 1 2 , 2 0 2 3 Comment & Features 11

the adoption of the us Constitution

• By YEHUDA WEINRAUB of factionalism or, as madison described it,
“a number of citizens, whether amount-

he debate surrounding the adoption ing to a majority or a minority of the
of the us constitution can offer valu- whole, who are united and actuated by
able insights for Israel today, since we some common impulse of passion, or of
in Israel are grappling with many of the interest, adversed to the rights of other cit-
same issues that the founding fathers of izens, or to the permanent and aggregate
the us had to confront. In particular: the interests of the community” (“extrem-
need to protect the people from the dan- ism” in modern-day parlance).
gers of big government and factionalism, though factionalism in the ranks of
the need to defend civil rights, the need for the minority was worrisome, madison
checks and balances and to define the role believed it is all the more dangerous
of the judiciary and the need for obtaining should it be found within the ranks of the
a broad consensus. majority,
“When a majority is included in a fac-
The need tion, the form of popular government, on
not unlike Israel, the us emerged from the other hand, enables it to sacrifice to its
the War of Independence in a precari- ruling passion or interest both the public
ous political and security situation. British good and the rights of other citizens.”
troops still remained on american soil; the (ibid.)
spanish in the south and tories in cana-
da constituted potential security threats. The need for a consensus
the socioeconomic divides and diversity the ratification process which required
within the population (which came from three-quarters of the states (nine out of 13)
different european nations, believing in to approve the constitution was difficult.
different religions and occupying different though the approval of three quarters of
social stations) as well as the divergent the states was obtained in june 1788 the
economic interests of the states presented founding fathers realized that there must
formidable challenges to overcome. be a consensus among all the states, and
moreover, the fledgling republic was held without the approval of the influential
together by a loose governmental frame- states such as new york and pennsylvania,
work (the articles of confederation), which the constitution would be transient.
did not enable it to enforce policies. howev- In order to convince the citizens of
er, despite their differences, the people were new york, john jay, hamilton and mad-
united by the common goal of preserving THE US Supreme Court building in Washington: As many in Israel believe today, the Anti-Federalists, who opposed the constitution, ison wrote a series of brilliant essays
objected to governorship by the court and feared such power granted to the court could render it an absolute ruler.
their hard-won liberty and creating a “more titled The Federalist Papers which were
(Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
perfect union.” to do so it was obvious that published in the press. these presented
the weak articles of confederation would arguments against the anti-Federalists
have to be drastically changed. Separation of power, checks and body who would determine if a law con- courts of justice is peculiarly essential… If it who opposed the adoption of a constitu-
balances and status of the judiciary travened the constitution, through a pro- be said that the legislative body are them- tion. many of the issues presented in the
A revolutionary conception “In a free government the security for cess known as judicial review. though its selves the constitutional judges of their those pages are currently being debated
of government civil rights must be the same as that for decision on constitutional matters is qua- own powers… it may be answered that this in Israel today.
to this effect, a constitutional conven- religious rights,” wrote james madison “If si-final, there exists the possibility of con- cannot be the natural presumption, where the Federalist articles resulted in new
tion was convened in may 1787. While men were angels, no government would gress to override a supreme court decision it is not to be collected from any particular york’s accepting the constitution and
its mandate was to revise the articles of be necessary… In framing a government… by either amending the constitution (a provisions in the constitution. It is not within the next year the remaining states
confederation, the delegates decided to you must first enable the government to most difficult process which requires two- otherwise to be supposed, that the consti- adopted it with the last state to adopt it
scrap the articles entirely and to begin control the governed; and in the next place thirds of the legislators or state legisla- tution could intend to enable the represen- in 1790. the Bill of rights – the first 10
from scratch to draft a new constitution. oblige it to control itself... by so contriving tures to propose such an amendment and tatives of the people to substitute their will amendments to the constitution – was
Work began in july and by september the interior structure of the government three-quarters to ratify it) or by drafting to that of their constituents. added in september 1789 and approved
committees of delegates had completed as that its several constituent parts may, a new one. the supreme court can itself “It is far more rational to suppose, that in 1791.
the document. by their mutual relations, be the means of rescind a decision on a future date should the courts were designed to be an interme- the constitution is the guiding force
this unique document drawn up in a rel- keeping each other in their proper places… circumstances warrant. diate body between the people and the leg- behind the us. the president, federal offi-
atively short period of time was successful It is equally evident, that the members of islature, in order, among other things, to cers and all members of the military swear
due to the exceptional quality of the dele- each department should be as little depen- Judicial review keep the latter within the limits assigned to defend it.
gates who were guided by the philosophers dent as possible on those of the others, for “Federalist no. 78,” written by alexander to their authority. the interpretation of though written at the end of the 18th
of the enlightenment. they incorporated the emoluments annexed to their offices.” hamilton, described the power of judicial the laws is the proper and peculiar prov- century, many of the lessons from the
lessons learned from existing models of – (The Federalist Papers, no. 51) review in which the court had the power of ince of the courts. debate over its adoption are of interest to
government, shortcomings of the articles the status of the supreme court was overseeing the workings of government and “a constitution is, in fact, and must be us in modern-day Israel: namely the main-
of confederation and who were willing to both important and worrisome to the to protect the people against the possible regarded by the judges, as a fundamental tenance of equality between the three
accept compromise. founding fathers, since unlike the execu- tyranny of the legislator (whom the found- law. It therefore belongs to them to ascer- branches of government, the preservation
the product was revolutionary in con- tive branch that wielded the power of the ing fathers believed would be the strongest tain its meaning, as well as the meaning of checks and balances, the need to main-
ception: a government by and for the peo- military and the legislative branch which branch of government). though this power of any particular act proceeding from the tain a strong judiciary but also the need to
ple possessing a unique, egalitarian divi- controlled the purse-strings, the judiciary was not explicitly granted in the constitu- legislative body. If there should happen to retain a path to override supreme court
sion of power among the three branches had no such inherent power. It was there- tion and would not become canonized until be an irreconcilable variance between the decisions, the importance of harnessing
of government and a system of checks and fore deemed incumbent to strengthen the marbury v. madison in 1803, it was recog- two... the constitution ought to be pre- the talents of high-level visionaries and
balances between each of the branches power of the courts by appointing judges nized and debated among the delegates. ferred to the statute, the intention of the the need to maintain a broad consensus
(and in the case of the bicameral legislature for lifetime positions (contingent upon as many in Israel believe today, the people to the intention of their agents.” before initiating reform.
within itself). the document contained good behavior) as a guarantee that they anti-Federalists, who opposed the con- – (Federalist, no. 78) The author is a lecturer at the School of
provisions for amendment to maintain its would be independent, loyal to the consti- stitution, objected to the governorship Media Studies at the College of Management,
relevance for future generations. the first tution (rather than to a given regime) and by the court and feared that such power The dangers of factions in Rishon Lezion, where he gives seminars
ten, the Bill of rights, passed soon after the maintain high standards of justice, honed granted the court could render it an abso- to a democracy on American political campaigns. A former
redaction of the constitution as a compro- through their life-long expertise. lute ruler. hamilton answered: one of the issues that particularly wor- senior military officer, he has written on US
mise to delegates from massachusetts. the supreme court would be the sole “the complete independence of the ried the Founding Fathers was the danger affairs and security issues.

Powerful regional front against Iran

• By ZVIKA HAIMOVICH reduce the range needed to be covered to reach targets,
and fosters operational creativity.

hree strategic factors are driving the state of
Israel and sunni arab Gulf countries to closer the end result is ultimately a kind of playground
cooperation with one another – and Iran is the where regional cooperation through centcom, as
common denominator behind them all. the central operator, connects all of the regional play-
the first is the conflict raging over regional hegemo- ers. jordan, saudi arabia, the uae, Israel, and others
ny in the middle east between the two muslim blocs – can build a flexible system, into which further players
the Iranian-shi’ite axis and the sunni moderate camp. and resources with common interests can plug and
the shi’ite-Iran axis is growing in dominance and it play, making this tool even more precise and signifi-
has hegemonic ambitions. Facing it is a sunni world cant.
often described as moderate, pro-Western, and mod- the possibility for bilateral as well as multilateral
ernist. saudi arabia, egypt, jordan, and the Gulf states cooperation is a part of this flexibility. strategic deter-
are all central players in the sunni camp. rence would flow from this setup against the Irani-
the second driver is the abraham accord framework an-led axis, and the security cooperation would have a
of normalization agreements between Gulf states and positive knock-on effect on regional economies.
Israel. since 2020, jordan and egypt have been joined saudi arabia is a pivotal figure in this story. together
by the uae, Bahrain, morocco, and sudan in establish- with egypt, it currently plays a significant role in lead-
ing ties with Israel. saudi arabia, while not yet having ing the sunni arab world.
broken the ice by normalizing ties with Israel is nev- there are diplomatic tensions between the us and
ertheless quietly involved in enabling the abraham saudi arabia, which is one of the factors delaying
accords. shared interests are driving this process. Israeli – saudi normalization.
the saudis have not become “lovers of Zion.” rather, the Biden administration deemed the saudi regime
they and the other Gulf states understand that there is problematic regarding human rights and imposed
an urgent need to deal with a common security threat. sanctions on it. now that the pieces of a new regional
the 2019 Iranian uaV (unmanned aerial vehicle or platform are coming together, however, future sau-
drone) attack on the aramco oil facility taught the di-Israeli normalization is within grasp. It is these
saudis that they could no longer sit on the fence; they three key players – the us, saudi arabia, and Israel
had to take action and defend their national interests, – that are best positioned to lead to a reshuffling of
immediately. the middle east, consolidating the region against the
this leads to the third and interlinked factor – the Iranian threat.
direct threats posed to sunni states and Israel by Iran’s the palestinian issue, meanwhile, is growing less
proxies and allies. hezbollah, hamas, the houthis in US PRESIDENT Joe Biden is flanked by Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa and Saudi Crown important to the middle east.
yemen, and shi’ite militias in Iraq collectively form a Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud at the Jeddah Security and Development Summit (GCC+3), last July.
While arab sunni states still pay lip service to the
(Mandel Ngan/Reuters)
clear and present threat to Gulf states and Israel. the palestinian cause, it is clear to them that even within
uae has sustained deadly uaV attacks, saudi cities the palestinian arena, the conflict between hamas and
have come under houthi missile attacks, and Israel saudi arabia and Israel, two key us allies – albeit powerful whole, even as each state in the area threat- Fatah is very far from resolution, and that there is no
has been repeatedly assaulted by hamas and hezbol- engaged in different forms of alliances with Washing- ened by Iran continues to defend its own particular single palestinian voice.
lah rocket barrages. ton – are the subjects of an american attempt to group national interests. Iran is not only a challenge to Israel. middle eastern
Iran is the mother ship when it comes to all three of them with additional sunni states. If, for example, Israel connects its early warning states are aware of this, but the West, generally, less
these factors, creating the common regional interest – the american goal is to create areas of cooperation, systems with sensors in the Gulf region that provide so. Building a regional coalition under an american
the glue – for new levels of cooperation. In 2023, Israel in which capabilities, assets, and interests are shared alerts of incoming Iranian missile attacks before they umbrella provides significant and strategic validity to
does not stand alone in the middle east. against the Iranian threat. centcom forms a natural enter Israel’s radar sphere, this would provide a signif- the goal of rolling Iran back. It is therefore worthwhile
contractor to translate this into practice. With Israel’s icant advantage compared to relying solely on its own to build, expand, and improve this front through
meanWhIle, the united states remains extremely move into centcom’s area of responsibility in sep- sensors. training, and to bring this regional readiness to actual
relevant in the middle east, where its superpower tember 2021 (from eucom, the european command, on top of this, a platform can be built to connect military capabilities. Israel is not alone, but it still
capabilities remain present in the form of centcom where it was located under an older, cold War logic), all the relevant states’ sensors, data, and protocols, so must be prepared to deal by itself with the Iranian
(united states central command), the us military’s the opportunity now exists for creating this zone of that all see the same picture, in real-time, and with challenge.
middle eastern framework and coordinator. the us, joint capabilities. precision. The writer, a brigadier general (res.), is a publishing
despite its focus on china and russia, continues to the potential exists for creating a synergy of Israeli, In addition, each member state can contribute its expert with The MirYam Institute. He served as the com-
have economic and trade interests in the middle east sunni arab, and american capabilities, in which the intelligence sources to this common picture. this mander of the Air Defense Forces from 2015-2018, during
and seeks to stabilize the area against radical Irani- sum is greater than the parts. the sharing of big data, cooperation has the potential to also create oppor- which time the David’s Sling and Arrow 3 systems became
an-led influences. threat intelligence and resources can contribute to a tunities for joint action, common flight zones that operational.
12 COMMENT & FEATURES S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Being Heumann
Judy Heumann, Jewish disability advocate who spurred a movement, dies at 75
• By PHILISSA CRAMER as Time Magazine’s 1977 Woman of the
Year in a 2020 retrospective.

n Judith Heumann’s 2020 memoir, Heumann was a cofounder of the Center
the lifelong advocate for people with for Independent Living in Berkeley before
disabilities describes feeling shocked returning to the East Coast and the govern-
upon being invited to read from the ment advisory roles. Through it all, Heu-
Torah at her synagogue in Berkeley, Cal- mann remained involved with the Jewish
ifornia. Not only were women permitted communities where she lived, including
to carry out the sacred task, unlike in by having a bat mitzvah ceremony as an
the Orthodox synagogue of her Brook- adult. In Washington, she was a member
lyn childhood, but the bimah, or prayer of Adas Israel Congregation.
platform, had been made accessible just In 2016, she cited tikkun olam, the
for her. ancient rabbinical imperative to repair the
“Oh my God, I thought, I’ve never been world, during a 2016 White House event
asked to do an aliyah,” Heumann wrote, during Jewish Disability Awareness and
using the Hebrew word for the ritual. “I Inclusion Month.
learned how to do it.” “The Jewish community has an obli-
The moment was just one of many gation, I believe, to be leaders,” said Heu-
when Heumann, who died last week at mann, then special adviser for interna-
75, charted ground that had previously tional disability rights in the State Depart-
been off-limits to wheelchair users like ment.
her. Since contracting polio as a toddler, She also traveled as an adult to her
Heumann broke down barriers for disabled father’s hometown in Germany, Hoffen-
children and educators in New York City heim, where she was taken to the site of
schools, protested until federal legislation the synagogue that the Nazis destroyed
protecting people with disabilities was but noted that no one there spoke openly
passed and advised multiple presidential about what had happened to the local
administrations on disability issues. Jews.
A cause of death was not immediate- In Being Heumann, she connected the
ly given for Heumann, whose website JUDITH HEUMANN – she broke down barriers for disabled children and educators in New York City schools. (Wikimedia Commons) experience to her own efforts to bring peo-
announced her death in Washington, DC. ple with disabilities into the mainstream.
Heumann had lived there for 30 years, “Their daughter, disabled or not, wasn’t believing or acting differently.” She would mately got a job at her old elementary “What a pervasive influence silence and
since being tapped by the Clinton admin- going anywhere.” experience and then help craft this culture school. avoidance have had on my life,” she wrote.
istration to serve as assistant secretary of Instead her parents, and in particular during a decade at summer camp, in a The public fight propelled Heumann “Why wasn’t I in school? Silence. Why
the Office of Special Education and Reha- her mother, Ilse, set about to advocate movement captured in the 2020 docu- into the leadership of an inchoate disabil- aren’t we allowed on buses? Silence. Why
bilitation Services. for her. When the city school system said mentary Crip Camp, and then throughout ity rights movement. Two years later, she can’t disabled people teach? Silence.
Heumann was born in 1947 to two par- Judith could not attend her neighborhood a lifetime of advocacy that earned her the participated in New York City protests in Where are all the Jews going? Piercing
ents who had separately fled Nazi Ger- school, Ilse got a rabbi to agree that she moniker “mother of the disability rights favor of federal anti-discrimination laws silence.
many as children in the 1930s; all of her could attend his yeshiva if her daughter movement.” that President Richard Nixon ultimately “I refuse to give in to the pressure of the
grandparents and countless other family learned Hebrew. Judith did, but the rabbi One notable win came in 1970, after signed. In 1977, she was one of dozens of silence,” she concluded.
members were murdered in the Holocaust. did not keep his word. Instead, Ilse lined Heumann graduated from college with a disability advocates to occupy a federal Heumann’s allies in the Jewish disability
She said she believed it was her parents’ up an array of activities for Judith, includ- degree in speech therapy. Told that she building in San Francisco in a demonstra- advocacy community mourned her death.
experience that led them to reject doc- ing thrice-weekly Hebrew school classes could not teach in New York City schools tion calling for enforcement mechanisms. “So sad to learn of Judy Heumann’s pass-
tors’ advice to have their daughter institu- accessible only if her father carried her because she could not help children leave Their advocacy led to Section 504, a federal ing,” tweeted Jay Ruderman, whose family
tionalized after she contracted polio and in her chair up a flight of stairs, until the in case of fire, Heumann sued. She was statute that requires entities receiving gov- foundation has been a leader in support-
lost the use of her legs. “They came from city opened a program for children with represented in part by an attorney who ernment funds to show that they do not ing Jewish disability inclusion. “She was
a country where families got separated, disabilities. would argue Roe v. Wade in front of the discriminate on the basis of disability. one of the preeminent disability rights
some children sent away, others taken There, Heumann wrote, she first encoun- Supreme Court, and the case came before The episode was dramatized on Come- leaders in our country’s history and her
from their families by the authorities and tered “disability culture” – what she Judge Constance Baker Motley, the only dy Central’s Drunk History. Heumann was accomplishments made our world a bet-
never returned – all part of a campaign of described as “a culture that has learned to woman on the NAACP legal team that played by Ali Stroker, a Jewish actress who ter place. I’ll miss you Judy and may your
systematic dehumanization and murder,” value the humanity in all people, without argued Brown v. Board of Education. The was the first wheelchair user to perform on memory be a blessing.”
she wrote in her memoir, Being Heumann. dismissing anyone for looking, thinking, city quickly settled and Heumann ulti- Broadway. Heumann was also recognized (JTA)

Coping with construction


ot all real estate entrepre-
neurs care about how their
project will affect people
in the neighborhood. This often
makes for bad blood during the
construction process and even
more so after the project is com-
pleted. But unlike the previous
owner Lev Leviev when he headed
Africa Israel, the people engaged in
building a new hotel, a commer-
cial center, and public facilities on
the site of the old President Hotel,
which has been a Jerusalem eye- ADI AND Jewish Agency Chairman Doron Almog. (Shlomi Cohen)
sore for more than quarter of a cen-
tury, are trying to be cooperative lem team. She now begins yet another new
though there are issues on which Without appropriately treating chapter in her life.
to date they have been unwilling to PRESIDENT ISAAC HERZOG with the Intel-Ignite-Dos Ventures group. (Intel Ignite) the weakest links in any Israeli
compromise. Members of the plan- society, he said, Israel cannot be ■ BLOOMFIELD STADIUM in Tel
ning and construction team of the ■ WHEN AN individual, an orga- Ignite Vice-President and CEO of senior representatives of the Health defined as a society which does not Aviv, which is among the largest
project, will on Monday, March nization, an institution or a partic- Intel Ignite Global, Tzachi Weis- Ministry, the Ministry for Welfare abandon its wounded in the field. soccer stadiums in the country and
13 at 8.30 p.m. hold a Zoom con- ular community gets a bad name, feld who outlined that Alon Lei- Services, the Education Ministry, “We have a responsibility to all home to Maccabi Tel Aviv and the
ference in which the project will no matter how undeserved that bovitch, CEO of Intel Ignite Tel Health clinics, the Adi Executive, those who need us.” National Team, was one of many
be explained and residents in the may be, it’s something that’s very Aviv, will provide Rami Lieber and and other public figures, attended Relating to the difficult period gifts which the Bloomfield family
area will have the opportunity to difficult to erase. Ever since the Ariel Luzon, program managers of the official opening of the new Adi which Israel is currently experienc- of Montreal, Canada have given to
express their views. To receive the establishment of the State, the Dos Ventures, with tools for man- Jerusalem Center, which in addi- ing, Bar Simon Tov said that he was Israel. Opened in October, 1962, by
Zoom link go to https://us02web. ultra-Orthodox Jewish community aging the acceleration program to tion to all the above mentioned happy that the current political brothers Bernard and Louis Bloom-
zoom.us/j/506844403 has been portrayed in mainstream maintain and cultivate the con- services, will also provide therapy divisiveness had not penetrated to field and now owned by the Tel
media as leeches who refuse to nection between the Orthodox sec- to aid the development of motor health services which are admin- Aviv Municipality, it has under-
■ WHEN HE was in Israel this past serve in the army, who are largely tor and the hi-tech industry that abilities. istered with grace and love, and gone several renovations over the
January , Rabbi James Kennard, unemployed and live off welfare drives Israel’s economy. The new facility will support the sense of responsibility by one years, most recently in 2019.
the principal of Mount Scopus Col- services provided by the Zionist Topics raised during the meet- not only adults, but children from human being for another. The Montreal-based lawyer Harry
lege in Melbourne Australia, told state to which they are not loyal ing included marketing and sales babyhood onwards, and will do healing from this place will hope- Bloomfield is very proud of the
a large gathering of Israel-based because they do not believe in or workshops, product adaptation, everything possible to enable them fully extend to the nation, he said. soccer stadium that bears his fam-
alumni as well as teachers and identify with the Zionist move- raising capital, connecting and cre- to live as normal a life as their cir- ily name, and was prouder still to
students whom he had accompa- ment. While this has some truth in ating a community between entre- cumstances will permit. ■ THERE IS always life after the learn that an upcoming under-
nied to Israel, that he wanted to some sectors of the ultra-Orthodox preneurs and the ecosystem, and Immediately after the ribbon-cut- Knesset. For some it comes quickly. ground station will be named
establish closer ties between alum- community, it does not apply to mentoring sessions. ting ceremony, guests turned their For others it takes time. Former Bloomfield. But what literally got
ni living in Israel in Israel, their all. There are ultra-Orthodox sol- So far, the program in Tel Aviv has attention to children who were MK Ruth Wasserman-Lande, who to his gut was entering a bar in Tel
former classmates in Australia and diers in the IDF and thousands registered seven successful cohorts already receiving therapy and edu- has just been appointed chair of Aviv, called 7 to 1, and sampling
the College per se. True to his word of ultra-Orthodox are employed in in which more than 150 entrepre- cation in the new Adi center. Eli- the Women’s Impact Forum of the one of its supreme cocktails.
Kennard is back in Israel and will industry, serve as doctors, teachers, neurs from 68 different companies sheva, the mother of one of the World Jewish Congress, is in the When he asked what it is called,
meet with alumni in Jerusalem on lawyers, journalists and more, and raised more than a billion dollars. children, said tearfully, that Adi category of those who quickly take the answer was “Bloomfield.”
Wednesday March 15 to discuss even as hi-tech entrepreneurs. A In addition, more than 20 of the was not only helping her daughter, on something new. Now he knows that the name has
Israel-Diaspora Relations and to delegation from Intel Ignite and companies that matured from the but had embraced her whole fami- She was the co-founder and chair enduring substance.
assess what the future holds with Dos Ventures, met recently with program held a feasibility project ly. “Even though this is in a sense of the Knesset’s Abraham Accords Bloomfield, who owns a home
regard to this relationship. President Isaac Herzog to present with Intel. a hospital, it is also a home,” she Caucus, previously served with the in Jerusalem, where he stays for
their program aimed at promoting said, adding that Adi gives families Federation of Local Authorities, as approximately a month at least
■ MOUNT SCOPUS alumni will additional hi-tech Orthodox entre- ■ WHILE IT is sad to see the grow- a sense of meaningful optimism. an adviser to the late President Shi- twice a year, is pleased to carry on
have a tough choice to make that preneurs ing number of Israelis with men- The Adi Jerusalem Center is head- mon Peres and as the de facto dep- the legacy of his father, his uncle
day between attending a Women Herzog told them that he is a big tal and/or physical disabilities, it ed by Dr. Leon Josef of Shaare uty chief of mission at the Israel and his mother Neri Bloomfield
in Leadership reception hosted by believer in the integration of the is heartwarming that much more Zedek Medical Center, who has embassy in Cairo. who was a great Zionist activist
Australian ambassador Ralph King Orthodox public into the world of attention is being paid to their an excellent team of professionals Throughout her varied career, and the leader or member of the
in Herzliya and the discussion by employment and in general into needs and to whatever abilities working with him. Wasserman-Landes has sought to executive of various Zionist orga-
Kennard in Jerusalem – both at the various circles of Israeli society. they do have. More facilities are Adi Jerusalem CEO Shlomit promote mutual understanding nizations.
the same time. To complicate mat- During the meeting, representatives being made available for their care, Grievsky is very appreciative of the and social cohesion among differ- Harry Bloomfield, who has many
ters further, Irish Ambassador Kyle of the two organizations discussed their accommodation and their joint efforts to bring more quality ent groups within Israeli society friends in Israel will be back in
O’Sullivan will be hosting a St Herzog’s initiative in which he education. into the lives of the people who and has advocated a more unit- May.
Patrick’s Day reception in Tel Aviv, called for a fruitful dialogue among Last week, a large number of come under the Adi umbrella. ed Israel based on mutual respect He is happy that his sons will be
and the guest list includes people the different sectors of the nation. people including Health Min- Almog, whose late son suffered among all sectors. able to carry on the family com-
who were invited to one or both The partnership between Intel istry Director-General Moshe severe disabilities, spoke of the Though born in Israel Wasser- mitment to Israel, and its involve-
of the Australian events. These Ignite start-up accelerator is Bar Siman Tov, chairman of Adi obligation of every community to man-Lande grew up in Cape Town, ment in Israel’s development in
should only be the worst problems intended to develop a special accel- Negev-Nahlat, Eran and the Jewish its weakest members, and praised South Africa, and returned as a different fields.
that anyone has to contend with. erator for Dos Ventures, said Intel Agency Doron Almog as well as the dedication of the Adi Jerusa- Lone Soldier at age 17. greerfc@gmail.com
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3 COMMENT & FEATURES 13

Lots of Russian soldiers want to surrender

Ukraine makes it easier for them with a hi-tech hotline
• By LAURA KING Russian soldiers who took part

in the initial multi-pronged
KYIV (Los Angeles Times/ invasion that began in Feb-
TNS) – Bound for the battle- ruary 2022, Russian Presi- Kiryat
field, sounding harried and dent Vladimir Putin last year 26/13
anxious, the Russian soldier ordered the mobilization of
Today Haifa Tiberias
placed a hasty phone call – to 300,000 more, many of whom 29/13
a Ukrainian military hotline. are now in Ukraine. And Mostly Sunny 22/12
“They say you can help me another major mobilization
surrender voluntarily, is that is expected as Russia seeks to Netanya
right?” asked the service- mount a spring offensive. 24/14
man, explaining that he was But despite a more than Monday Ariel
Mostly Sunny
soon to be deployed near the 2-to-1 Russian advantage in its Tel Aviv 23/10
southern Ukrainian city of standing military, Moscow’s 25/14
Kherson. faltering performance has
“When Ukrainian soldiers been blamed on troop quali-
come, do I just kneel down, ty, which has deteriorated as Rain
or what? Do you promise not the war goes on. Western mil- 23/9
to film me while this is hap- itary observers consistently Ashkelon
pening?” cite poor morale, substandard 28/19
Dead Sea
In fluent Russian, the training and shambolic sup- 28/19
hotline operator calmly ply practices as key factors in
assured him he’d be given a string of Russian battlefield Beersheba
detailed instructions on how routs last autumn.
to safely lay down his weapon “In order to snatch a victo-
and turn himself in. ry of sorts from the jaws of
“When you get to the front UKRAINIAN SERVICEMEN inspect a destroyed Russian tank near Kivsharivka village in a suburb Mitzpe Ramon
defeat, Putin must now rely Monday
lines, just call us right away,” of Kupiansk, Kharkiv region, last year. (Sergey Bobok/AFP/Getty Images/TNS) 24/8
on the overwhelming num- Kiryat Shmona 23/14
she said. bers provided by mass mobi- Tiberias 26/15
At a crucial juncture in an emotional – sometimes all of lization,” analyst Peter Dick- Haifa 19/12
extraordinarily bloody war, those in a single conversation. inson wrote in a report last Netanya 21/15
Ukraine’s military is focused “So, this is not fake?” one month for the Atlantic Coun- Ariel 21/11
on one task: removing Russian Russian soldier asked. cil. “This is a tried and tested Tel Aviv 22/14
soldiers from the battlefield. “It is not fake,” the Ukrainian Russian tactic, but it also car- Jerusalem 22/11
But faced with a foe whose operator replied. ries considerable risks.” Ashkelon 27/18
ranks are known to be rid- The 10-member hotline Deploying thousands of Dead Sea 27/18
dled with unwilling fighters, team, all active-duty service untrained soldiers “to fight Beersheba 26/14
Ukrainian military strategists personnel with backgrounds against battle-hardened and Mitzpe Ramon 23/9
realized there might be more in psychology, is tasked with highly motivated Ukrainian Eilat 29/17
than one means to that end. providing callers with clear, troops could result in the
With that, the “I Want to concise instructions, while kind of carnage that breaks Eilat
Live” outreach was born, being alert to signs that the armies,” he wrote. 31/17
aimed at providing invading outreach might be a “probe” At the start of the invasion,
forces with step-by-step infor- by Russian intelligence, some Russian troops appar- North America Weather Today
mation on how to abandon meant to elicit information ently believed they would
the ranks. Initially run by about Ukrainian methods and be welcomed by Ukrainians
Ukrainian police, the program intentions. A UKRAINIAN SOLDIER displays military items collected from as liberators. But fierce mili-
has had a ramped-up, mili- However tense the back- Russian forces in Sytnyaky, last week. (Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times/TNS) tary resistance, coupled with
Vancouver Montreal
tary-operated version in place drop, those dealing directly widespread shows of disdain 10/6 Toronto 1/-3
since mid-September. with would-be surrenderers gerous process,” said Matvien- you safe and sound,” one and defiance from civilians, 2/1
On Russian-language social try to “calm them down,” said ko. But strict protocols, clearly operator told a worried caller. soon disabused them of that Chicago Boston
2/-2 6/1
media, Ukrainians have spread Vitaly Matvienko, a junior laid out in advance, improve notion. Denver
New York
the word about the program’s lieutenant who serves as the odds of everyone staying LIKE SO much in this conflict, Last autumn’s mobilization San Francisco 9/-1 Washington DC 8/4
website, intended as a portal spokesman for the program, alive. the I Want to Live program by Putin prompted a huge 16/11
for the surrender-curious or which is run by the Depart- Russians who want to turn employs both hi-tech meth- exodus of fighting-age men Los Angeles Dallas Atlanta
18/12 16/8
their loved ones. It has attract- ment for Prisoners of War. themselves in are told to wave ods and simple communica- from Russia, with hundreds 18/7
ed more than 13.3 million vis- “Hi, I’m listening,” goes a a white cloth, remove the mag- tion tools. of thousands settling in Tur- 31/20
its – 7.6 million of those from typically low-key operator azines from their guns, point Russians facing deploy- key, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Miami
Russian territory, organizers salutation in an audio sam- the barrels to the ground and ment can communicate with other nearby countries to 27/22
said. pling of recent calls provided eschew body armor and hel- the Ukrainian side using the avoid being conscripted.
Russian soldiers also provide by the Ukrainian military. In mets. They are assured that Telegram chatbot, and before Western analysts say it has
personal data through a chat- the recordings made public, in the event they want to be leaving for the front, they’re become more widely known suffered heavy attrition as than cannon fodder,” Matvi-
bot on the encrypted messag- callers’ voices are distorted to sent home in a prisoner swap, urged to procure and hide a within Russia that Moscow’s well, Russia lost exceptionally enko said. “They see one of
ing app Telegram – informa- shield their identities. their paperwork will reflect basic flip phone – not a smart- commanders have scant large numbers of troops and their comrades being ordered
tion Ukrainian authorities Hotline operators initially that they were captured, not phone – and use that to call regard for the lives and welfare armored vehicles in a failed to walk into a minefield to
use to winnow down those worked out of military head- that they gave up voluntarily. the hotline. of their own troops. attempt last month to storm find a path, and he gets blown
who are serious about turning quarters in the Ukrainian If it’s a bring-your-own-tank Ukrainians say they’ve heard January and February saw the Ukrainian-held eastern up, and another is told to go
themselves in. The chatbot, capital, Kyiv, but were later surrender, which happens not from Russian soldiers already an uptick in Russian-lan- town of Vuhledar – an appar- next, and he’s blown up too,
together with the hotline, has moved to a secret location infrequently, the turret is to be on the battlefield who learned guage social media postings ently bungled opening volley and on it goes.”
drawn nearly 10,000 contacts, because they are now seen as turned in the opposite direc- of the hotline by word-of- about harrowing field condi- in a much-vaunted Russian Episodes like this, he said,
according to organizers. a high-profile potential target, tion. If it’s a group surrender mouth or from a scrawled-on tions and chaotic leadership spring offensive. can galvanize a desperate
Citing security reasons, Matvienko said. The military – also a fairly common occur- slip of paper passed from hand – accounts widely echoed in Ukrainian officials hope sense of self-preservation.
Ukrainian officials declined to refused to make any operators rence, with a Russian squad to hand. months of intercepted calls that such setbacks will serve “They realize this is real
disclose how many surrenders available for interviews but often fearing retribution from In Russia’s battle to subdue home from deployed Russian a dual purpose: inflicting a and not some war movie,” he
have been brokered via the said they are male and female, commanders but agreeing to Ukraine, now in its second troops. costly defeat, and prompting said. “And the thought has to
program. But hotline oper- a range of ages and all able to act jointly and surreptitiously year, one of Moscow’s great- In mid-February, a British Russian soldiers to recognize occur to them: ‘How do I save
ators field calls around the chat easily in colloquial Rus- – the highest-ranking soldier est advantages is the sheer military intelligence assess- the sometimes suicidal role myself?’”
clock from Russians who are sian. must identify himself. number of troops it can throw ment said Russian forces were they are expected to play in One caller, sounding angry
soon to be mobilized, are in When it comes to surren- If a surrendering soldier into the fight, Western mil- suffering what appeared to human-wave attacks on for- and despairing, used an exple-
the midst of being deployed or ders in the field, both sides runs out of options for sepa- itary analysts say – which is be the highest casualty rates tified Ukrainian positions, tive to describe the prospect of
are already on the battlefield. are aware that the moment rating himself from his unit, why Ukraine is willing to try since the early weeks of the which have been a recurring sudden death in battle.
Callers might be jittery or carries enormous risk for all the hotline offers help. novel tactics to reduce those war – many occurring near feature of recent fighting. “A single mortar shell, and
stoic, defensive or remorseful, involved, he said. “We can coordinate with numbers. the hotly contested town of “With their own eyes, they it’s done,” he said. “Who
coolly businesslike or floridly “In general, it’s a very dan- special units that will extract In addition to the 190,000 Bakhmut. While Ukraine has see they are nothing more needs this war?”

Britain’s early retired resist calls to return to work, despite higher living costs
• By DAVID MILLIKEN The exodus of older workers has no that acting on childcare would do more to a year, and only received one job interview
equivalent in other advanced economies. unlock greater economic growth. since September.
LONDON (Reuters) – In their fifties and The employment rate for workers aged Wealth plays a big factor in decisions to “You can’t prove that the difficulty is
deciding there was more to life than work, 55-64 has fallen more than in any other retire early. Based on data from before the because of your age, but that’s certainly
Liz and Ian Woodbridge quit stressful jobs advanced economy, according to figures pandemic, Britain’s Resolution Founda- how it feels,” she said.
during the pandemic – part of a cohort from the Organisation for Economic tion found the richest fifth of 50-59 year Other companies say they value older
of British early retirees now resisting a Co-operation and Development. olds were 10 times likelier to retire early workers for their experience. For Jenny
government call to return, despite rising The Bank of England forecast last month than the bottom fifth. Holloway, the 60-year-old chief executive
living costs. that Britain’s overall labor force participa- Britons with private pensions can with- of Fashion-Enter Ltd, keeping hold of such
For an array of reasons, including ill tion rate would remain below its pre-pan- draw assets without tax penalties from the workers is a priority, especially with fewer
health, hundreds of thousands of older demic level for the foreseeable future. age of 55 – a lower age than elsewhere. European workers available after Brexit.
workers left their jobs during and after Hunt’s options are limited. Although But the well-off are not the only ones to She has increased pay a bit and offered
the societal disruptions of COVID-19, con- Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said at the leave the work force early. flexible job roles and shifts to make the
tributing to a chronic labor shortage that start of the year that he wanted to use the Deborah Feighan, 62, retired from her apparel company more appealing.
forecasters predict will drag on Britain’s welfare system better to get people back job as a ward administrator for Britain’s A skilled stitcher can earn 20 pounds
economic performance for years. to work, around 90% of people aged 55 National Health Service in April 2020 and ($24) an hour, Holloway said – well above
The relative wealth of many of the early to 59 who have retired early or are out lives on a modest pension along with her the British average – but it takes years for a
retirees poses a challenge for finance of work do not depend on state benefits, husband, Malachy, who had to stop work new worker to reach that standard.
minister Jeremy Hunt, who has said according to an Office for National Statis- due to knee problems. Yasemin Mehmet, 68, returned to Fash-
Britain needs them to leave “the golf tics survey. Former colleagues have suggested she ion-Enter last year after briefly retiring
course.” Hunt is considering policies to RETIRED COUPLE Ian and Liz Woodbridge “It’s quite a hard sell,” said Tony Wilson, return to work, but she does not want to in late 2021 to care for her daughter and
encourage them back in the UK’s March pose for a photograph in the garden of director of Britain’s Institute for Employ- go back to her previous rigid shift pattern. grandson, who were in poor health.
15 budget. their home in Ellesmere, West Midlands, ment Studies. “The best part of 90% of Research by the Trades Union Congress As she machine-sewed a wedding dress,
But with no mortgage to pay, and enjoy- last week. (Phil Noble/Reuters) people who say they are early retired... say suggests that for lower-paid Britons aged Mehmet said money was part of the rea-
ing a new lifestyle in the English country- that they will probably or definitely never 50-64, ill health is a more common reason son she returned, but that she still enjoyed
side, both Liz, a 58-year-old former tech growth is also held back by Brexit-related work again.” to leave work than early retirement. creating clothes, more than half a century
marketing executive, and Ian, a 57-year-old trade and investment disruption. Compared with late 2019, 390,000 more after starting work as a 14-year-old girl.
ex-fund manager, have spurned consul- Britain is the only one of the world’s FOR THE Woodbridges, the government people across Britain’s working-age popu- “I made it up. I created it. That’s always
tancy offers from their old employers. seven largest advanced economies to still should focus its limited resources on lation say long-term ill-health is the rea- given me pleasure,” she said.
“Nothing would ever entice me to go be smaller than it was before the pandem- helping the young rather than pushing son for their economic inactivity. Fashion-Enter, which makes up to
back to any kind of work,” said Liz, who ic, and economists see a link to the smaller comfortable older people into work with For 50- to 64-year-olds specifically, there 25,000 garments a week for clients such
tried a temporary job invigilating exams at workforce. tax breaks, saying their “golden gener- is less official data available, but in the year as ASOS and Amazon as well as smaller
a local school but soon resented the intru- Since the final quarter of 2019, Britain ation” has already enjoyed final salary to the end of September 2022 there was runs for high-end designers, lost dozens of
sion into her time. has lost 408,000 people aged 16 to 64 from pensions, free university education and a roughly even split between early retire- staff during the pandemic and afterwards,
Double-digit inflation has increased the workforce, according to the Office of cheaper housing that the young can only ment and ill health among people who as many found they could get by on lower
their day-to-day costs, but not enough to National Statistics. Of those, 313,000 were dream of. had stopped work since the pandemic. incomes. Some returned to home coun-
change their minds, Ian said. over 50. “Kids are saddled with student loans In some cases, older people who do want tries in Eastern Europe.
For the government, the shrinking labor Even with the surge in the cost of living, and they’re basically picking up the tab to work find it difficult to get hired. “Older workers are the ones that have
force is a headache that reduces econom- the number of people aged 50-64 in the for the 40-year party that we’ve enjoyed,” Maya Bhose, 61, is looking for a position got the skills – we don’t find young people
ic capacity and fans wage demands and labor force has risen by just 68,000 since its Ian said. as a marketing director, preferably at a with the skills that we need. So it’s very
inflation. It comes at a time when Britain’s low point in mid-2022. Business groups and researchers agree charity, but has struggled to find work for important to retain them,” Holloway said.
14 PUZZLE POST S U N D AY, M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

A full pAge of exercise for the brAin

e v e ry s u n dAy A n d W e d n e s dAy

ACROSS 45 Evil computer who says,
very eAsy
1 Stress-relieving gifts “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I
12 Title in an order can’t do that”
15 Feature of the Bush and 48 Bulls and bucks
Johnson White Houses 49 Tailor’s device
16 Court call 52 “Dig in!”
17 Fox on TV 53 Actor who played Tony
18 Prelude to a kiss? Rodriguez on “NYPD Blue”
19 Podcast feed letters 54 Some corporate IP
20 Zelle and Venmo 55 Display that may have
21 Editor’s tool rotating shelves
23 Any of 12 popes DOWN
24 Run 1 Nicola Yoon’s “The Sun Is
25 Some highlands musicians Also a __”
28 Salt Lake Bees and Jackson- 2 Cribbage pieces
ville Jumbo Shrimp 3 x, y and z, in math
29 “Who’s better than me?!” 4 All-Clad product
30 Drops in the air 5 “Steps in Time” memoirist
31 Red choice 6 Intellectual property?
32 Tips for a writer 7 Keurig pods
33 2020 Isabel Wilkerson best- 8 Concerns for some orthope- eAsy
seller subtitled “The Origins of dic surgeons, initially
Our Discontents” 9 HS proficiency test
34 Stud locale 10 Sap
35 Night sch. class 11 Doja Cat hit with the lyric
36 Gals, in dated slang “Send your location, come
37 Winds through”
38 Member of a Rock and Roll 12 Ensures that change is in 25 Pouch with a 34 Letterhead feature, Van __
Hall of Fame girl group the air? woodsy scent often 44 Fragrant neckwear
40 Polarizing figure? 13 Scrooge, ultimately 26 Mudslide element 36 Just 45 Dance with a kahiko
41 Agreements 14 In top form 27 Attention getters 37 The Lascaux bulls, style
42 “Q: Are We Not Men? A: 22 One of the “Black-ish” par- 28 Target section e.g. 46 Trojan War god
We Are __!”: 1978 album ents 30 Shop keepers? 39 Rubbish 47 __-majesté
43 Opening night invitee 23 NOLA cagers 33 Focus of many a true 40 Shower element 50 Pops
44 Untimely? 24 Brewery equipment crime podcast 42 Actor Jean-Claude 51 Pollen holder


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 9

10 11 12


14 15 16 17 18


20 21 22

23 24

25 26

27 28

Across Down
1 Monkee Davy ___ (5) 1 “___ Day: (1998 film) (8)
2 ___ Comaneci: Olga’s successor as
4 Sounds from a parrot’s cage (7) a balance beam gold medalist (5)
8 Charles Lutwidge ___ (aka Lewis Carroll) (7) 3 Boy Scout uniform part that bears merit badges (4)
9 Makes sharper (5) 4 Nobelist Isaac Bashevis ___ (6)
5 Like the proverbial tree that falls in the forest (7)
10 ___ and groan (4) 6 “The Long and ___ Road” (McCartney song) (7)
12 ___ Trump (former first lady) (7) 7 Mediocre (2-2)
14 Drink of the gods (6) 11 Macadamia or cashew, e.g. (3)
13 Approves of, excuses or overlooks (8)
17 Slowly, to a musician (6) 15 Constant, as a disease or liar
20 What to do after saying “Skoal!” (5,2) (RICH CON anagram) (7)
21 Abbey ___: Beatle album (4) 16 Memory loss (7)
18 The “A” of USAF (3)
25 Edible ice cream holders (5) 19 Dr. Bunsen Honeydew or
26 What live radio talk shows often Kermit, e.g. (6)
want listeners to do (5-2) 22 The Pacific, for one (5)
23 Israeli coastal city with Knights’ Halls and Tem-
27 Cast a spell over (7) plar Tunnel (4)
28 Dry ___: Jpost cartoonist (5) 24 “The Curse of the Mummy’s ___” (1964) (4)


5x5 R E
nsert the Pissing Oetters
to coPSOete ten words B R R
five across the grid and
five down.
51 1
(other combinations
may be possible) O E
© THE PUZZLE COMPANY Reference: Concise Oxford 10th Edition

PROGRAMS 17:44 Station 19 S. 3
18:27 Magnum PI 4
01:23 The Curse Of Oak Island S9 - 7
02:05 The Curse Of Oak Island S9 - 8
est Hotels
19:15 Shissel
ber, Mahler Berliner Philharmoni-
ker, Kirill Petrenko (Conductor)
drum. Cast: Anna Faris. Dir.:
Gareth Carrivick (USA 2010).
16:03 Belfast A young boy and
his working-class Belfast family
19:10 NCIS 19 02:47 The Curse Of Oak Island S9 - 9 20:25 Outrageous Weddings Christiane Karg (soprano) 08:34 Billy Madison An imma- experience the tumultuous late
KAN HD (Y/H11) 19:53 Chicago Fire 9 03:29 The Curse Of Oak Island 10 - 6 21:15 Julie Andrews Forever Recorded at the Berlin Philharmo- ture and lazy 27-year-old finds 1960s. With: Caitriona Balfe, Judi
06:00 Democracy. The End - 20:35 The Rookie 2 04:11 Beyond Oak Island 3 - 5 22:10 The Unit: Matkal nie, 1 May 2020 out that his wealthy father is Dench, Jamie Dornan. Dir: Ken-
Part 2 21:18 S.W.A.T 6 04:53 American Pickers 19 - 4 23:10 Hitler’s Secret Sex Life 01:05 Rameau: Les Boreades thinking of leaving his empire to neth Branagh. UK, 2021.
06:22 Kan Fit - Kan Fit 22:00 Station 19 S. 3 00:00 Julie Andrews Forever Opera. Music tradegy in five acts his assistant. With Adam Sandler, 17:43 There Will Be Blood
22:43 S.W.A.T 6 CLASSICA HD 00:55 The Unit: Matkal by Jean-Prancois Rameau. Con- Bridgette Wilson (1995). Drama. A story about family,
06:30 This Morning - with Arieh 23:25 NCIS LA 13 01:55 Hitler’s Secret Sex Life ductor: Emmanuelle Haim. 10:03 The Second Civil War greed, religion and oil, centered
Golan 06:07 Barenboim: Beethoven”s 02:45 Julie Andrews Forever (Opera de Dijon, 2019) Comic Drama. The racist gover- around a turn-of-the-century
08:00 Kalman Liberman YES TV DRAMA 32 Piano Sonatas 03:40 Royals: Keeping the 03:39 Airelle Besson Quartet, nor of Idaho closes state borders prospector and his son. With Dan-
10:00 Daily Agenda - with Keren 06:33 Classica Spotlight Crown Radio One - Jazz Jazz. Airelle Besson to a plane of Pakistani refugees, iel Day Lewis, Paul Dano (2007)
Neubach 06:00 Charmed 2018 3 07:00 Mozart: Symphony No. (trumpet) quartet - ‘Radio One’. thus creating a severe civil crisis. 20:20 King Richard (2021) A
12:00 Away Match 06:45 The Resident 5 40, K. 550 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC With: Isabel Sorling (lyric), Benja- Cast: Beau Bridges, Joanna Cassi- look at how tennis superstars
12:35 Galileo 10 - 32. A Musi- 07:35 New Amsterdam 5 07:31 Haydn, Schumann and Bach (Y41/H46) min Moussay (piano, Fender dy. Dir: Joe Dante (USA, 1997). Venus and Serena Williams
cian”s Brain 08:24 This Is Us 5 08:40 Semi-final: Kevin Ahfat Rhodes) & Fabien Moreau (drums). 11:39 Fighting with My Family A became who they are after the
13:03 Culture Agent - Episode 09:14 The Bachelorette New 09:31 The Boy with the Wig: 06:00 Mars - 4. Power Philharmonie de Paris, 2019. former wrestler and his family coaching from their father Rich-
240 Zealand Kids on Mozart 06:49 Mars - 5. Darkest Days 04:23 Rokia Traore - Mandeka make a living performing at small ard Williams. With: Will Smith,
14:00 Pass the Napkins 3 - Alaa 10:07 Charmed 2018 3 09:59 Martinu: Concerto for 07:40 Mars - 6. Crossroads Classics World music. Rokia venues around the country while Aunjanue Ellis. Director: Reinaldo
Musa 10:52 The Resident 5 Two Pianos 08:29 Drain The Oceans 1 - 7. Traore (vocal) performance of his kids dream of joining WWE. Marcus Green. USA, 2021.
14:27 1-on-1 with Roni Kuban 2 11:41 New Amsterdam 5 10:24 Classica Spotlight Mysteries of the traditional African music. With: Cast:Florence Pugh, Dwayne 22:44 The Iron Lady Margaret
- Gal Gabay 12:26 The Bachelorette New 11:00 Giovanni de Macque: 09:20 Drain The Oceans 1 - 5. Samba Diabate (guitar), Mamah Johnson. Dir.:Stephen Merchant Thatcher, Britain’s first female PM,
14:58 Sharon and Uri Zealand Madrigals Legends of Atlan Diabate (ngoni), Habib Sangare (UK, 2019). looks back on her life and the
16:00 Game of Pockets - with 13:16 Station 19 5 11:51 Documentary: Soulscapes 10:09 Hostile Planet - 6. Moun- (bolon), Joel Massa Diarra (bala- 13:26 Christmas Is Canceled many struggles, successes and
Liel Kyzer 14:01 Charmed 2018 3 13:23 Elgar: Concerto for Cello, tains fon). UNESCO, 2020. Comedy. Emma’s father and her failures she’s had. With Meryl
16:45 The Five O”Clock Edition - 14:46 The Resident 5 Op. 85 10:58 Hostile Planet - 5. Oceans 05:12 Roberto Fonseca - Nancy high school frenemy start dating Streep, Jim Broadbent. (2011)
with Maya Rac 15:35 New Amsterdam 5 13:54 Hummel: Piano Concerto 11:49 Science of Stupid 2 - 14. Jazz Pulsations Roberto Fonseca so she embarks on a mission to
17:30 The World Today - with 16:20 The Bold And The Beauti- No. 2 Bottle Rockets performs at the 2021 Nancy Jazz break up the happy couple. Cast: YES MOVIES ACTION (2)
Moav Vardi ful 2020-2021 14:27 Telemann: Jesus liegt in 12:13 Science of Stupid 2 - 13. Pulsations music festival. Hayley Orrantia, Janel Parrish. Dir.:
17:58 Matter of Fact - with Kal- 16:45 The Young And The Rest- letzten Zugen Ski Tricks and Prarthana Mohan (USA, 2021) 08:45 Star Trek A chronicle of
man Liebskind less 48 14:42 Classica Spotlight 12:38 Gordon Ramsay: Unchart- the early days of James T. Kirk
18:45 Through the Looking 17:29 The Bachelorette New 15:01 Glass: Einstein on the ed 3 - 1. Croatia” MOVIES 14:59 Fist Fight When one
school teacher unwittingly causes and his fellow USS Enterprise
Glass with Guy Zohar Zealand Beach 13:24 Gordon Ramsay: Unchart- another teacher’s dismissal, he is crew members. With Chris Pine,
18:58 Seven - with Ayala Hasson 18:21 Station 19 5 17:00 Glass: Einstein on the ed 3 - 9. Lush And HOT CINEMA 1 (H16) challenged to an after-school Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy,
19:52 The Evening News - with 19:48 The Bold And The Beauti- Beach 14:10 Gordon Ramsay: Unchart- fight. With Ice Cube, Charlie Day, Eric Bana, Anton Yelchin. Dir. J.J.
Michal Rabinovic ful 2020-2021 19:27 Works for Flute and Piano ed 3 - 7. The Grea 07:35 The Batman Batman is Abrams. (2009).
21:17 East Side - Episode 7 20:16 The Young And The Rest- 20:01 Mussorgsky-Ravel: Pic- 14:54 Car S.O.S. 4 - 2. Datsun called to intervene when the Tracy Morgan (2017) 10:52 Hobbit: The Battle of the
22:05 Excuse Me For Asking 2 - less 48 tures at Exhibition 240z mayor of Gotham City is mur- 16:30 Casino Royale (1967) Five Armies Bilbo and the
Parents to Spec 21:00 So Help Me Todd 20:37 Barenboim: Beethoven”s 15:42 Car S.O.S. 4 - 7. BMW dered. His investigation leads him Comedy. Parody on Bond films. dwarves are forced to engage in
22:33 Through the Looking 21:45 Riches 32 Piano Sonatas 2002 Turbo to uncover a web of corruption. 007 returns from retirement for a war against an array of combat-
Glass with Guy Zohar 22:35 Rikud Haesh 21:00 Napoli - Music”s Forgot- 16:28 Car S.O.S. 4 - 6. Range Cast: Pattinson Robert, Zoe Krav- another mission alongside young ants and keep the Lonely Moun-
22:46 Night News - with Akiva 23:28 So Help Me Todd ten Capital Rover Vogue SE itz. Dir.: Matt Reeves (USA, 2022). agents all named James Bond. tain from falling into the hands of
Novick 00:20 Becoming Elizabeth 21:22 Classica Spotlight 17:14 Car S.O.S. 4 - 5. Mazda 10:28 Belfast Drama. A young Cast: Peter Sellers, Woody Allen. the darkness. With Martin Free-
23:11 Zero Hour - 3. The Deci- 01:15 Conversations With 22:00 Saint-Saens: Samson and MX5 boy and his working-class Belfast Dir.: John Huston (UK, 1967). man, Ian McKellen (2014)
sion Friends Delilah 18:01 Big Fix Alaska - 3. Muddy- family experience the tumultuous Sub:Ar. 13:16 Spider-Man 2 Peter Parker
23:55 The Killing 3 - Episode 4 01:53 The Good Fight 6 00:14 Segatta: Suite Necroman- ing The Waters late 1960s. Cast: Jude Hill, Jamie 18:38 Walk of Shame A report- is beset with troubles in his fail-
02:45 Cheaters tica 18:48 Big Fix Alaska - 4. Kill Drill Dornan. Dir.: Kenneth Branagh er’s dream of becoming a news ing personal life as he battles a
RESHET HD (Y/H13) 00:26 Wagner: Wesendonck Lie- 19:33 Lost Treasures of Egypt (UK, 2021). anchor is compromised after a brilliant scientist named Doctor
YES TV ACTION der, WWV 91 (Compilations) - 12:06 Schindler’s List - Liam one-night stand leaves her Otto Octavius, who becomes
06:00 Flash News 00:47 Classica Spotlight 20:19 Lost Cities With Albert Lin Neeson Award Winning Drama. stranded in downtown L.A. with- Doctor Octopus... WithTobey
06:10 The world this morning 06:32 Ncis: La 7 01:00 Purcell: King Arthur Compilations The story of Oscar Schindler, out a phone, car, ID or money. Maguire, Kirsten Dunst (2004)
07:00 The world this morning 07:13 Ncis: La 7 02:42 Waldbuhne 2003: A Ger- 21:05 Lost Cities With Albert Lin who employed Jews in his facto- With Elizabeth Banks, James 15:24 The Fast and the Furious
09:30 Flash News 07:58 9-1-1 5 shwin Night Compilations ries during WWII, to save them Marsden (2014) Rival Los Angeles street teams use
09:35 Starting the Day 08:43 Rookie Blue 4 04:33 Documentary: Heitor Vil- 21:51 Lost Treasures of Egypt 2 - from the Nazis. Cast: Liam Nee- 20:12 Colossal A young woman street racing as a means of estab-
10:00 Flash News 09:28 Rookie Blue 4 la-Lobos 2. Hunt For son, Ben Kingsley. Dir.: Steven comes to the realization that she is lishing power. With Paul Walker,
10:05 Starting the Day 10:58 Ncis: La 7 04:59 Brahms: Symphony No. 4 22:38 Lost Treasures of Egypt 2 - Spielberg (USA, 1993). somehow connected to a giant Vin Diesel, Jordana Brewster (2001)
11:00 Flash News 11:43 9-1-1 5 (2007) Ramses The G 15:17 Parallel Mothers Drama. creature destroying Seoul. Cast: 17:12 Jurassic World Dominion
11:05 Starting the Day 12:28 Ncis: La 7 23:24 Trafficked With Mariana The story of two mothers who Anne Hathaway, Jason Sudeikis. Four years after the destruction
12:00 Flash News 13:13 Rookie Blue 4 YES DOCU (Y8) Van Zeller 3 - 3 bond in unexpected way after Dir.: Nacho Vigalondo (USA, 2017) of Isla Nublar, Biosyn operatives
12:05 Stethoscope 13:58 Rookie Blue 4 00:05 7 Toughest Days - 2. giving birth the same day. Cast: 22:00 The Brothers Grimsby A attempt to track down Maisie
12:50 Survivor Israel 14:39 American Ninja Warrior 13 09:25 For His Eyes Only - 1 How Gabon Penelope Cruz, Milena Smit. Dir.: super agent in Her Majesty’s Ser- Lockwood, while Dr Ellie Sattler
14:00 The Daily Report 15:24 American Ninja Warrior 13 has Israel’s policy over the years 00:50 Hostile Planet - 6. Moun- Pedro Almodovar (Spain, 2021). vice joins his hooligan brother in investigates a genetically engi-
14:59 Day News Edition 16:08 Ncis: La 7 been influenced by the relation- tains 17:19 Cold Mountain - Nicole an attempt to thwart a plot to neered swarm of giant insects.
15:58 All Included 16:53 Ncis: La 7 ship between the prime minis- 01:39 Hostile Planet - 5. Oceans Kidman Civil War Drama. A harm the lower social class. With 2022.
16:49 News at 5PM 17:38 I Killed My Bff 3 ters, from Ben-Gurion to Net- wounded soldier tries to return Sacha Baron Cohen, Mark Strong 19:38 F9 The Fast Saga Action
17:55 At 6 P.M. with Amnon 18:19 I Killed My Bff 3 anyahu, and the heads of intelli- MEZZO FULL (H195) to his lover who is struggling to (2016) Dom and the crew must take on
Levy 19:00 9-1-1 5 gence and special operations? keep her farm. Cast: Nicole Kid- 23:23 Ted John’s teddy bear, Ted, an international terrorist who
18:58 The electoral area 19:45 Rookie Blue 4 Israel, 2019. 10:00 Pollini: Beethoven’s Piano man, Renee Zellweger. Dir.: came to life and has been by turns out to be Dom and Mia’s
19:55 The News 20:30 Rookie Blue 5a 10:25 For His Eyes Only - 2 How Concerto No.5 Classical. Wiener Anthony Minghella (USA 2003). John’s side ever since. But John’s estranged brother. With: Vin Die-
21:15 Survivor Israel 21:15 Ncis 20 has Israel’s policy over the years Philharmoniker orchestra, Karl 19:51 Top Gun: Maverick Action. girlfriend wants him out. With sel. Dir: Justin Lin. 2021.
22:45 The tube 22:00 Ncis: La 9 been influenced by the relation- Bohm (conductor) and Maurizio Thirty years of service leads Mav- Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis (2012) 22:00 Greenland (2020) Thriller.
23:15 Today”s top news 22:45 S.W.A.T 6 ship between the prime minis- Pollini (piano) performing Bee- erick to train a group of elite 01:09 Friends with Kids Two best A family struggles for survival in
23:50 Invisible 23:30 Perry Mason ters, from Ben-Gurion to Net- thoven’s piano concerto no. 5 in TOPGUN graduates to prepare friends decide to have a child the face of a cataclysmic natural
00:00 Flash News 00:25 The Outsider 1 anyahu, and the heads of intelli- E flat major, Op. 73 (Emperor). for a high-profile mission. Cast: while keeping their relationship disaster. With: Gerard Butler.
01:25 Poker Face gence and special operations? Musikverein, Vienna, 1977. Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly. platonic, so they can avoid the 2020.
HOT CHANNEL 3 (H3) 02:27 Snowfall 5 Israel, 2019. 10:41 Stephane Belmondo Quin- damage kids can do to a romantic
11:20 For His Eyes Only - 3 How tet- Jazz a Vienne Lionel Belmon-
Dir.: Joseph Kosinski (USA, 2022).
relationships. With Jennifer West- 00:26 Deep Blue Sea 3 Horror. A
08:10 Riches YES TV COMEDY 22:00 Munich Based on the true study by a group of students on
08:58 Connected 10 has Israel’s policy over the years do (tenor sax, saxsophone ,flute), story of Black September, the film feldt, Adam Scott. (2011) the impact of climate change on
09:23 Connected 10 been influenced by the relation- Stephane Belmondo (trumpet, 02:56 Bill & Ted Face the Music
06:15 Baby Daddy 4 ship between the prime minis- french horn), Eric Legnini (piano),
focuses on the five men chosen
Adventure. Two would-be rockers sharks turns into a war on their
09:50 The Singapore Grip 06:40 Girls5eva 2 ters, from Ben-Gurion to Net- Sylvain Romano (contrebasse),
to eliminate the ones responsible
find themselves as middle-aged lives after sharks discover unusual
10:42 House M.D. 07:13 Girls5eva 2 anyahu, and the heads of intelli- Tony Rabeson (drums) perform
for murderding the Israeli athletes
dads still trying to crank out a hit aggression. 2020.
11:29 Riches 08:00 Grown-Ish 5 gence and special operations? at Jazz a Vienne, 2021.
at the Munich Olympics. With
song and fulfill their destiny.
12:19 Connected 10 08:25 Young Sheldon 6 Eric Bana, Daniel Craig. Dir. Ste- YES MOVIES COMEDY (3)
12:44 Connected 10 08:50 The Simpsons 34 Israel, 2019. 11:41 Airelle Besson Quartet - ven Spielberg (2005) Cast: Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter.
13:11 The Singapore Grip 09:15 The Goldbergs 10 12:20 Liam Gallagher: As It Was Arsenal de Metz Jazz. A jazz per- 00:41 Everything Everywhere All Dir.: Dean Parisot (USA, 2020). 08:02 Bring It On The captain of
13:57 House M.D. 09:40 Family Guy 21 Rockumentary tells the story of formance of joyful vitality and at Once Drama. An aging Chi- the champion cheerleading
how Oasis’ singer Liam Gallagh- depth. With: Airelle Besson HOT CINEMA 4 (H19) squad (Kirsten Dunst) discovers
14:45 The Good Wife 4 10:05 Kid Sister er, the most electrifying (trumpet), Isabel Sorling (lyric),
nese immigrant is swept up in an
that the previous captain stole
15:32 The Young and the Rest- 10:30 Colin From Accounts rock’n’roll frontmen, went from Benjamin Moussay (keyboard),
insane adventure, in which she 07:16 The Immigrant In 1921, their best routines and must
less, Yr. 46 11:00 Dana Kama the dizzying heights to living on Fabien Moreau (drums). Arsenal
alone can save the world. Cast: unfortunate circumstances drive scramble to compete at this
16:10 The Bold and The Beauti- 11:30 The Goldbergs 9 the edge, and how he attempts of Metz, 2021.
Michelle Yeoh, Jamie Lee Curtis. newly arrived immigrant Ewa into year’s championships.,(2000)
ful (2 eps) 11:55 The Goldbergs 9 to make a solo comeback. 2019. 13:00 Rameau: Les Boreades
Dir.: Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert a life of prostitution and a com- 09:42 Fired Up! Shawn (Nicholas
16:55 The Young and the Rest- 12:20 The Goldbergs 9 13:45 History Of The Sitcom Opera. Music tradegy in five acts
(USA, 2022). plex relationship with two men. D’Agosto) and Nick (Eric Chris-
less, Yr. 46 12:45 Baby Daddy 4 02:58 Tenet Action. Armed with With Marion Cotillard, Joaquin
17:37 Riches 13:10 Baby Daddy 4 Ep.6 An eight-part CNN series by Jean-Prancois Rameau. Con- only one word, a CIA agent jour- Phoenix, Jeremy Renner (2013) tian Olsen) are dreading the
18:29 The Good Wife 4 13:35 Baby Daddy 4 that traces the development of ductor: Emmanuelle Haim. neys through a twilight world of 09:12 Seagull In the early 20th prospect of another summer at
19:14 The Singapore Grip 14:00 Girls5eva 2 the American situation comedy (Opera de Dijon, 2019) international espionage. Cast: century, an aging actress and her football camp, so they join their
20:01 Connected 10 14:30 Girls5eva 2 show from the 1950s to the 21st 15:45 Bychkov: Berio and Dvor- John David Washington. Dir.: lover visit the estate of her elderly school’s cheerleaders at cheer
20:30 Crossfire 15:05 How I Met Your Mother 1 century and examines how sit- ak The Czech Philharmonic and Christopher Nolan (UK, 2020). brother. Cast: Annette Bening, camp instead. ( 2009)
21:15 The Good Wife 5 15:30 How I Met Your Mother 1 coms reflect the changing face London Voices led by Semyon Saoirse Ronan. Dir.: Michael 11:14 Willy Wonka &.the Choco-
22:00 Connected 10 15:55 How I Met Your Mother 1 of American families. 2021. Bychkov perform Berio’s Sinfonia HOT CINEMA 2 (H17) Mayer (USA, 2018). late Factory A poor boy wins the
22:30 Connected 10 16:20 Snl 48 14:30 Last Train Home Annually, for 8 voices and orchestra, and 10:51 Joe Drama. An ex-criminal opportunity to tour the most
an estimated 130 million factories Dvorak’s Symphony No. 7 in D 06:24 Broadcasts will Resume eccentric and wonderful candy
22:55 Connected 10 17:30 Grown-Ish 5 workers in China migrate from Minor, Op. 70. Rudolfinum, Shortly Broadcasts will Resume encounters a 15 year old boy factory of all. With Gene Wilder,
23:23 Younger 2 17:55 Young Sheldon 6 their city of employment back to Prague, 2018. Shortly. who releases his paternal Jack Albertson (1971)
23:44 Crossfire 18:20 The Simpsons 34 the village they grew up in. This 17:27 Sokolov: A Conversation 06:48 The Last Witch Hunter The instincts and changes his life. 12:55 The Sting In 1930s Chica-
00:32 The Good Wife 5 18:45 The Goldbergs 10 documentary spotlights married That Never Was This documenta- last witch hunter is all that stands Cast: Nicolas Cage. Dir.: David go, a young con man seeking
19:10 Family Guy 21 couple as they make their own ry tells us about Grigory between humanity and the com- Gordon Green. (USA, 2013). revenge for his murdered partner
HOT ISRAELI ENTERTAINMENT 19:35 Kid Sister 12:47 Woodshock Horror. A
journey. 2009. Sokolov’s past and present - from bined forces of the most horrify- teams up with a master of the
06:00 Renewal of Broadcasts at 20:00 Colin From Accounts 16:00 Painting With John 2 Ep.1 boyhood to manhood, from nov- ing witches in history. With Vin haunted young woman spirals big con to win a fortune... Cast:
08:00 20:30 2 Broke Girls 5 The second season of HBO series ice to maestro, with interviews Diesel, Rose Leslie, Elijah Wood, into confusion and chaos after Paul Newman, Robert Redford.
08:00 Songs for a Good Morning 20:55 2 Broke Girls 5 that will feature John Lurie (also and little-known facts of his biog- Michael Caine (2015) she falls under the spell of a Dir. George Roy Hill. USA, 1973.
08:22 Full Moon 2 21:20 Home Economics 3 director), the artist, musician and raphy (2015). 08:35 Close Range A rogue sol- potent, reality-altering drug. 15:04 For Your Own Good Com-
08:45 My Sister Jackie 2 21:45 Home Economics 3 actor painting watercolors and 18:34 Beethoven: Piano Sonata dier turned outlaw is thrust into a Cast: Kirsten Dunst. Dir.: Kate edy. Three brothers-in-law try to
09:14 The Game of Life 22:10 Schitt”s Creek 4 reflecting on life. 2022. No. 25 Daniel Barenboim (piano) relentless fight with a corrupt Mulleavy, Laura Mulleavy (USA, get their three teenage daughters
09:59 Michaela 22:35 Schitt”s Creek 4 16:25 Black and Missing Ep.1 performs Ludwig van Beetho- sheriff and a dangerous drug car- 2017). to break up with their undesir-
10:44 Wine and Roses 23:00 Friends 4 Former police officer Derika Wil- ven’s Piano Sonata No. 25 in G tel in order to protect his sister 14:28 Bel Canto - Julianne able boyfriends. With: Javier
11:32 Desert Rose 23:25 Friends 4 son and her sister-in-law Natalie major, Op. 79. Boulez Saal, Ber- and her daughter. With Scott Moore A famous American sopra- Camara. Spain, 2017.
11:57 The Game of Life 23:50 Entourage 6 Wilson, in collaboration with a lin, 2020. Adkins (2015) no becomes trapped in a hostage 16:38 Mr. Deeds A naive pizza
12:44 Michaela 00:10 Kid Sister team of volunteers and private 18:44 Beethoven: Piano Sonata 10:00 The Spy Who Loved Me situation when she’s invited to parlor owner who inherits a
13:31 Wine and Roses 00:35 Colin From Accounts investigators, work around the No. 20 Daniel Barenboim (piano) James Bond investigates the perform for a wealthy industrial- media mogul’s fortune has to
14:17 My Sister Jackie 2 01:05 Snl 48 clock to help find missing black performs Ludwig van Beetho- hijacking of British and Russian ist in South America (USA, 2017). deal with his devious assistants.
14:43 The Sade Family families’ members. 2021. ven’s Piano Sonata No. 20 in G submarines carrying nuclear war- 16:09 Reach Me The success of a With Adam Sandler, Winona
MIDDLE EAST TV (Y109/H150) motivational book inspires a
15:08 Desert Rose 17:20 Warning: This Drug May major, Op. 49 No. 2. Boulez Saal, heads with the help of a KGB
group of people to confront their Ryder (2002)
15:33 Full Moon 2 11:00 Kingdom Life Church Kill You Film tells devastating sto- Berlin, 2020. agent whose lover he had killed.
fears and take a positive attitude 18:16 My Favorite Wedding Tess
15:57 The Game of Life 12:00 Today”s Walk ries of families who have lost a 18:53 Beethoven: Piano Sonata With Roger Moore, Barbara Bach
about their lives. With Kyra Sedg- is paired with the best man in her
16:46 Michaela 12:30 Joel Osteen loved one to an opioid overdose, No. 10 Daniel Barenboim (piano) (1977)
wick, Kevin Connolly, Sylvester best friend’s wedding. But then
17:32 Wine and Roses 13:00 Real Life with Jack Hibbs all of them the result of addic- performs Ludwig van Beetho- 12:05 Blade Runner 2049 A she realizes that her own long-
18:18 The Sade Family Stallone (2014)
13:30 Life More Abundantly tions that started with doctors’ ven’s Piano Sonata No. 10 in G young blade runner’s discovery
17:41 Out of Africa Drama. The time boyfriend may not be the
18:43 Desert Rose 14:00 Touched by an Angel prescriptions of dangerous pain- major, Op. 14 No. 2. Boulez Saal, of a long-buried secret leads him
story of Karen Blixen who arrived one. With: Maggie Lawson, Paul
19:08 Full Moon 2 15:00 The Rifleman killers... Dir. Perri Peltz. 2017. Berlin, 2020. to track down former blade run-
in Africa with her husband in the Greene. Director: Mel Damski.
19:35 My Sister Jackie 2 15:30 The Rifleman 18:20 Nuclear Family Ep. 1 A 19:11 Beethoven: Piano Sonata ner. Cast: Ryan Gosling, Harrison
1920s and fell in love with a Usa, 2017.
19:59 The Game of Life 16:00 Gunsmoke touching mini-series about an No. 22 Daniel Barenboim (piano) Ford. Dir.: Denis Villeneuve (USA,
hunter. Cast: Robert Redford, 19:46 Just My Luck After a
20:45 Michaela 17:00 Duck Dynasty all-women 4-person family, that performs Ludwig van Beetho- 2017).
Meryl Streep. Dir.: Sydney Pollack chance encounter with a down
21:31 Wine and Roses 18:00 Wonders Without Num- found itself in a historic legal bat- ven’s Piano Sonata No. 22 in F 14:46 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Ven- and out young man, an usually
22:18 Desert Rose tle in the mid-1980s. Dir. Ry Rus- major, Op. 54. Boulez Saal, Ber- geance As Johnny Blaze hides out (USA, 1985). lucky woman realizes she’s
bers with David Rives 20:19 The Wife A wife questions
22:47 The Game of Life 18:30 It”s Supernatural so-Young. 2021. lin, 2020. in a hut in Eastern Europe, a mys-
her life choices as she travels to swapped her fortune for his. With
23:32 Michaela 19:00 Show Me Your Glory 19:20 Hillary Ep.1 A look at the 19:24 Beethoven: Piano Sonata terious monk offers his help in
Stockholm to see her husband Lindsay Lohan, Chris Paine (2006)
00:17 Wine and Roses 19:30 David Jeremiah life and work of Hillary Rodham No. 9 Daniel Barenboim (piano) getting rid of his dual personality.
receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. 21:30 Locked Down (2021)
01:03 Desert Rose 20:00 Cruising Israel Clinton, interweaving biographi- performs Ludwig van Beetho- Cast: Nicolas Cage. Dir: Brian
Cast: Glenn Close, Jonathan Pryce. Romantic comedy. A couple
01:33 My Sister Jackie 2 20:30 Flavors Of Israel cal chapters of her life with ven’s Piano Sonata No. 9 in E Taylor, Mark Neveldine. (USA,
Dir.: Bjorn Runge (USA, 2018) attempts a high-risk, high-stakes
02:00 Full Moon 2 21:00 One America News Network behind-the-scenes footage from major, Op. 14 No. 1. Boulez Saal, 2011).
22:00 Penguin Bloom Drama. A jewelry heist at a department
02:27 Deadly Money 22:00 It”s Supernatural her 2016 U.S. presidential cam- Berlin, 2020. 16:21 88 Minutes A forensic psy- store. With: Chiwetel Ejiofor,
03:11 Deadly Money 19:41 Beethoven: Piano Sonata family takes in an injured Magpie
22:30 Israel Daily paign. Dir. Nanette Burstein. 2020 chiatrist’s life is threatened
that makes a profound difference Anne Hathaway. Dir: Doug
03:56 Renewal of Broadcasts at 23:00 Redemption for His People 20:25 All That Breathes Amidst No. 27 Daniel Barenboim (piano) because he was responsible for
in their lives. Cast: Naomi Watts, Liman. 2021.
08:00 23:30 The Chosen the darkening backdrop of Delhi’s performs Ludwig van Beetho- the condemnation of a serial kill-
Andrew Lincoln. Dir.: Glendyn 23:29 Friends with Benefits A
00:00 ILTV Weekly Review apocalyptic air and escalating ven’s Piano Sonata No. 27 in E er. With Al Pacino, Leelee Sobies-
Ivin (Australia, 2020). New York headhunter who enters
HOT HBO (H4) 00:30 The Rifleman violence, two brothers devote minor, Op. 90. Boulez Saal, Ber- ki.( 2007). into a no-strings-attached rela-
18:07 Empire State Two child- 23:34 Powder Blue Four Los
09:00 Renewal of Broadcast at 01:00 The Rifleman their lives to protect one casualty lin, 2020. Angeles residents --a mortician, tionship with a client finds things
11:10 of the turbulent times: the bird 19:56 Beethoven: Piano Sonata hood friends plan to rob an
an ex-con, a suicidal ex-priest getting complicated when emo-
HISTORY (Y37/H43) known as the Black Kite. Dir. No. 2 Daniel Barenboim (piano) armored car depot, but an NYPD tions get in the way. With Justin
11:10 Tokyo Vice Shaunak Sen. 2022. performs Ludwig van Beetho- officer stands in their way. With and a stripper -- are brought Timberlake, Mila Kunis (2011)
12:18 His Dark Materials 3 06:00 Pawn Stars 24 - 14 22:00 Hidden Letters For thou- ven’s Piano Sonata No. 2 in A Liam Hemsworth, Dwayne John- together on Christmas Eve by a 00:41 Permitidos A man and a
13:16 In Treatment 06:42 American Pickers 18 - 11 sands of years, women in China, major, Op. 2 No. 2. Boulez Saal, son, Emma Roberts (2013) combination of circumstances. woman who have been together
13:41 Curb Your Enthusiasm 6 07:27 Colosseum - 1 who were often forced into Berlin, 2020. 19:41 Public Enemies Drama. With Patrick Swayze, Jessica Biel for eight years choose their “free
14:13 Dough 08:14 The Bermuda Triangle: oppressive marriages and forbid- 20:23 Beethoven: Piano Sonata The Feds try to take down notori- (2009) pass” celebrity hook-ups, not
14:59 In Treatment Into Cursed Waters den to read or write, shared a No. 11 Daniel Barenboim (piano) ous American gangster John Dil- 01:20 The Institute Isabel must realizing that soon they’d be
15:28 Tokyo Vice 08:56 American Pickers 19 - 3 secret language among them- performs Ludwig van Beetho- linger during a crime wave in the escape the clutches of the Rose- meeting them in real life. With
16:36 Dough 09:41 When Big Things Go selves called Nushu... Dir.: Violet ven’s Piano Sonata No. 11 in 1930s. With Christian Bale, John- wood Institute and exact her Lali Esposito (Argentina, 2016)
17:24 His Dark Materials 3 Wrong - 4 Du Fen, Qing Zhao. China. 2022 B-flat major, Op. 22. Boulez Saal, ny Depp (2009). revenge, or else be forever lost.
18:21 Curb Your Enthusiasm 6 10:24 The Proof Is Out There 3 - 8 23:30 Navalny During months- Berlin, 2020. 22:00 Viral Following a virus, a Cast: James Franco, Allie Gallera- EUROSPORT
18:53 Dough 11:06 The Bermuda Triangle: long recovery Alexey Navalny 20:52 Beethoven: Piano Sonata young woman documents her ni. Dir.: James Franco (USA, 2017)
19:40 In Treatment Into Cursed Waters makes shocking discoveries about No. 15 Daniel Barenboim (piano) family’s new life in quarantine 02:58 Seeking a Friend for the 07:00 Ski (Freestyle) World
20:08 Tokyo Vice 11:48 Cities Of The Under- the attempt on his life in August performs Ludwig van Beetho- and tries to protect her infected End When an astroid is set to hit Championship
21:05 Perry Mason 2 world4 - 8 2020 and decides to return ven’s Piano Sonata No. 15 in D sister. Cast: Sofia Black-D’Elia, the earth and end humanity, a 07:50 Ski (Freestyle) World
22:00 Rain Dogs 12:30 Pawn Stars 24 - 14 home. Dir. Daniel Roher. 2022. major, Op. 28 (“Pastoral”). Michael Kelly. Dir.: Ariel Schul- man goes on a hunt with his Championship
22:30 Swimming with Sharks 13:12 Forged In Fire 9 - 5 Boulez Saal, Berlin, 2020. man (USA, 2016). neighbor to find his highschool 10:00 Marathon Tokyo Marathon
22:50 True Blood 3 13:54 Ancient Aliens 14 - 20 CHANNEL 8 (H8) 21:30 Daniel and Michael Baren- 23:25 X Horror. A group of film- sweetheart. With: Steve Carrell, 11:15 Alpine Skiing W. Cup in
23:50 Rain Dogs 14:36 American Pickers 19 - 2 boim: Mozart Daniel Barenboim makers set out to make an adult Dir.: Lorene Scafaria (USA 2012). Norway
00:18 Swimming with Sharks 15:21 The Machines That Built 06:00 Shadow Of Truth: The (piano) and Michael Barenboim film. When their hosts catch 13:00 Cross Country Skiing
00:41 True Blood 3 America - 7 verdict YES MOVIES DRAMA (1) World Championship
(violin) perform Mozart’s Violin them in the act, they are forced
16:05 The Proof Is Out There 3 - 8 07:10 Octogenarians Sonata in B-flat major, K. 454 and to fight for their lives. Cast: Mia 09:53 The Social Network The 15:00 Cross Country Skiing
HOT ZONE (H5) 16:47 The Bermuda Triangle: 08:05 Outrageous Weddings World Championship
Violin Sonata in E-flat major, K. 481. Goth, Brittany Snow. Dir.: Ti West story of how the social-network-
07:05 Blue Bloods 11 Into Cursed Waters 08:55 Royals: Keeping the Pierre Boulez Saal, Berlin, 2020 (USA, 2022). ing website Facebook was devel- 16:15 Biathlon W. Cup in Czech Rep.
07:48 Law & Order 22 17:29 Cities Of The Under- Crown 22:04 Daniel Barenboim: 01:11 The Hateful Eight Drama. oped. With Jesse Eisenberg 17:00 Biathlon W. Cup in Czech
08:30 Station 19 S. 3 world4 - 7 09:50 Inside the World’s Great- Schumann Daniel Barenboim In the dead of a Wyoming winter, (2010) Rep.
09:13 Chicago Fire 9 18:12 Forged In Fire 9 - 3 est Hotels (piano) and the Staatskapelle Ber- a bounty hunter and his prisoner 11:54 Minari A Korean family of 18:00 Ski (Freestyle) World
09:55 NCIS LA 13 18:54 The Machines That Built 10:35 Shissel lin String Quartet perform find shelter in a cabin inhabited 4 moving to rural Arkansas to ful- Championship
10:38 The Rookie 2 America - 5 11:45 Shadow Of Truth: The verdict Schumann’s Fantasiestucke Op. by some nefarious characters. fil the wish of the stubborn father 18:45 Alpine Skiing W. Cup in
11:21 Law & Order: Organized 19:38 The Bermuda Triangle: 12:50 Outrageous Weddings 12 and Piano Quintet Op. 44. With Samuel L. Jackson. Dir: to becoming a farmer during the USA
Crime 3 Into Cursed Waters 13:40 Royals: Keeping The Pierre Boulez Saal, Berlin, 2020. Quentin Tarantino (2015) 80’s. With: Steven Yeun, Yeri Han. 20:45 Cycling Paris-Nice, Stage 1
12:03 Magnum PI 4 20:20 American Pickers 19 - 5 Crown 22:45 Mozart: Violin Sonata and Director: Lee Isaac Chung. USA, 22:00 Teqball Asian Tour
12:46 Station 19 S. 3 21:05 Secret Restoration - 1 14:30 Inside The World’s Great- Variations Daniel Barenboim HOT CINEMA 3 (H18) 2020. 00:00 Sailing Volvo Ocean Race
13:29 NCIS 19 21:47 Assembly Required - 9 est Hotels (piano) and Michael Barenboim 13:50 Million Dollar Baby 00:30 Alpine Skiing W. Cup in
22:30 Secret Restoration - 9 15:15 Shissel 07:12 Frequently Asked Ques- Norway
14:12 Law & Order 22 23:12 The Toys That Built The 16:25 Shadow Of Truth: The (violin) perform Mozart’s Violin tions About... Frequently Asked Drama. A hardened boxing train- 01:30 Alpine Skiing W. Cup in
14:54 Chicago Fire 9 World - 3 Verdict Sonata in B-flat major, K.454, and Questions About Time Travel. er-cum-manager works with a USA
15:36 The Rookie 2 23:54 Forged In Fire 9 - 5 17:35 Royals: Keeping The Violin Sonata in E-flat major, While drinking at their local pub, young woman determined to 02:30 Cycling Paris-Nice, Stage 1
16:19 Law & Order: Organized 00:41 The Curse Of Oak Island Crown K.481. Pierre Boulez Saal, Berlin, three social outcasts attempt to establish herself as a boxer. Cast: 04:00 Ski Jumping World Cham-
Crime 3 18:30 Inside The World’s Great- 2020. navigate a time-travel conun- Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, pionship
17:01 NCIS LA 13 S9 - 6 23:34 Petrenko: Part, Ligeti, Bar- Morgan Freeman (2004) .
ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT S u n d ay, m a r c h 1 2 , 2 0 2 3  t h e j e r u S a l e m p o S t

Entering the world of Keith Haring


eith haring is iconic… for his icons. consider
the “radiant Baby” or the “Barking dog.”
you have probably seen the images, but not
known much about the simple, colorful fig-
ures which have become haring’s signature.
now, the arena mall in herzliya has unveiled a new
exhibit called “untitled by Keith haring.” the exhi-
bition, which has appeared in new york, Florida and
Italy, will present approximately 200 original works of
one of the world’s most prominent, cheeky, and suc-
cessful pop art artists. haring’s art emerged from the
new york city graffiti subculture of the 1980s. much
of his work includes sexual allusions that turned into
social activism by using the images to advocate for safe
sex and aIdS awareness.
haring died of aIdS-related complications at the age
of 31 in 1990, and since then, he’s been the subject of THE WORKS of Keith Haring. (Shooka Cohen)
several international retrospectives. today, his works
can be seen in the exhibitions and collections of major ‘RADIANT BABY’ by Haring (right). (Shanna Fuld)
museums around the world.
haring’s works show basic representations of peo-
ple and animals in everyday life, rejoicing with milo tells The Jerusalem Post that he and his team are
hands in the air, leaning into an embrace or even always trying to pinpoint what an Israeli audience
engaging in a sexual act. you might not see it right would like and then create the experience.
away, but haring’s pop art offers a glance into the “Keith haring is a very colorful exhibition, and
world as he saw it through the 1980s. the openly gay it’s not like claude monet, Van Gogh, Frida Khalo,
artist worked mostly using the streets and subway picasso,” he says. “In comparison to all of them,
stations of new york city as his canvas, but ulti- Keith is rather young. and he has a story. he started
mately executed his first solo show at the Stedelijk in the street; he started a movement. a lot of people
museum in amsterdam in 1986. While new york are familiar with his art without actually knowing his
city has always been progressive, amsterdam at name.”
the time served as a safer place for haring’s explicit, milo also spoke to the exhibit’s family appeal,
homosexual drawings. the exhibit in herzliya has a explaining the installations were built to be a 360
display of those works, too. experience with artful cubes for children to sit in and
other sections that offer videos to watch.
harInG FIlled up empty black posters that cov- “our part is to make sure that everyone in Israel has
ered past adverts in subway stations using chalk. his access to international art,” milo said.
drawings filled public spaces with art, persevering in While arthub is working to make international
his work even after being arrested by new york city shows available for Israelis locally, haring is known
authorities for illegal graffiti. the Black Box has an until today for having a similar spirit. he is consid-
installation that will make you feel as if you were walk- ered a fundamental part of postmodernism, making
ing through new york’s 51st Street station, equipped art available for the everyday new yorker. art and
with mimic mosaic tiles and nostalgic shiny orange culture expert alon Klebanoff says haring stands
seats. the dark exhibit space shows off a language that shoulder to shoulder with the men and women who
has remained a part of pop culture, even some forty turned French palaces into public museums during
years later. one gallery guest even chalked the icons the French revolution of the late 18th and early
up to a modern hieroglyphic. AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHER Allan Tannenbaum with an image of Keith Haring at the exhibit opening on 19th centuries.
Wednesday. (Shooka Cohen)
Famed new york-based photographer allan tannen- “turning subway stations into museums broke
baum was flown in as the show’s guest of honor. tan- the boundary line between street art and high art
nenbaum is responsible for many of the most popular “What an amazing artist Keith haring was. the vari- toward the end of the covid-19 pandemic caused the and [he] managed to marry them together,” said
photos of haring, which captured his essence and pas- ety of his work; the scope of it. there’s a lot of things haring exhibit to take a lot of time to secure. In com- Klebanoff. “In a place where market forces and
sion for paint and time and again have accompanied I’ve seen before and many things I have not. I really parison to other major cities around the world, choos- making a buck is almost a religion, he says ‘no – I
haring’s exhibits around the world. want to take it all in,” tannenbaum said. ing an artist to highlight takes a lot of courage. While will not wait for my first million, I will create art for
Before his untimely death, haring set up the Keith When asked what he hopes people would take away london, for example, has a population of just about everyone.’”
haring Foundation, which used art as a tool for safe from his contribution to the exhibit, tannenbaum nine million, Israel has that many for its entire nation. Keith haring’s show runs from march 9 through
sex awareness and also supported education, pre- said it was his photos, which have themselves become When trying to make the money back on an exhibit, june 30, from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. with a last entry
vention and care for those suffering from aIdS. the fine art prints all these decades later. it is, as milo says, ‘a gamble.’ arthub spends between of at 5:30 p.m., with a shorter day on Fridays and
efforts of his foundation continue today. arthub ceo roy milo says so much uncertainty nIS four and eight million on most any given exhibit. holidays. tickets cost nIS 119.

Jacob’s Ladder Festival rolls on What could go wrong?

Clockwise from left:
Oscars team prepares for anything
after Will Smith slap
(Neta Greenblat)
By LISA RICHWINE hope to keep the spotlight this
time on the year’s nominated
SHIRAN SHAHAR BOREK loS anGeleS (reuters) – movies and the people who
(Yoel Sitruk) organizers of Sunday’s 95th brought them to life.
academy awards are prepar- “I don’t think anybody is
ing for the unexpected after particularly looking to harp
Will Smith’s infamous slap of too much on what’s happened
World music offerings will also chris rock convulsed holly- in the past,” Weiss said.
include a musical odyssey by trio wood’s biggest awards cere- In a departure from recent
Scandalli that brings the female mony last year. years when the academy
voice of the folk music of the Gyp- For the first time, the acade- nominated many little-seen
sies of romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, my of motion picture arts and films, the field of best picture
macedonia, turkey and Greece. Sciences has created a crisis contenders features many of
the main acts will perform on the team to respond to any mis- the biggest box-office hits of
opera hall stage, but if the weather haps. 2022. they include Avatar: The
is fine on Saturday, as it often is at “It is our hope that we will Way of Water, Top Gun: Maver-
the end of march, some of those be prepared for anything,” ick, Elvis and Everything Every-
acts will relocate to the large opera academy chief executive Bill where All at Once.
hall outdoor stage. Kramer told Time magazine in “We’re there to enter-
alongside of the performances a recent interview. “Because tain, and to highlight the
there will also be a crafts fair on of last year, we’ve opened our great movies this year, many
• Jerusalem Post Staff Shabbat and a variety of events and minds to the many things that of which people have seen,
activities for children, including can happen at the oscars.” which is great for us,” Kirsh-

acob’s ladder Festival, Israel’s a magic show, a creative arts and the film academy was ner said.
veteran anglo-style music fes- games workshop and musical fun heavily criticized for allowing like other awards shows,
tival, is still alive and kicking. for kiddies. Smith to remain in the audi- the oscars have lost viewers
the festival, dubbed “Isra- the festival’s founders and orga- ence, and accept the best actor in recent years, particularly
el’s Friendliest music Festival,” nizers have been at it for 46 years. trophy, after attacking rock among younger people who
will take place march 24-25 at Kfar they were among a group of anglo on stage over a joke about are glued to social media.
Blum’s pastoral hotel in the upper Smith’s wife, jada pinkett Weiss said the team was plan-
Galilee, a stunning new venue amid olim, kibbutz members and volun- Smith. ning to pepper the show with
lush green lawns and groves. teers living at Kibbutz mahanayim the organization has not dis- moments that they hope
jacob’s ladder has indeed come in the north, who missed the folk closed details about the mem- would spread on twitter and
a long way since the days of the and protest music of their birth- bership of the crisis team or tiktok.
hippies rolling around on the dirt places and decided that the only how it may react to anything pop superstar rihanna will
amphitheater of Kibbutz mahan- thing to do was just to do it them- out of the ordinary. Smith will sing her nominated song “lift
ayim. the setting is now the grand selves. not be in attendance. he was me up” from “Wakanda For-
stage and seats of Kfar Blum’s opera “What differentiates between banned from attending the ever.” Stephanie hsu, david
house. But some things don’t jacob’s ladder and other festivals event for 10 years. Byrne and the band Son lux
change. as always, the music mix is the family atmosphere,” accord- at a February luncheon for will perform “this is a life”
ranges from folk to country, blue- ing to the Vinegrads. “the program nominees, academy pres- from “everything everywhere.”
grass and blues. headliner lazer a young group with sounds from ciated with Irish music, and this offers a unique milieu where seniors, ident janet yang said the “natuu natuu” singers
lloyd will make his jacob’s lad- the ’70s; nashville outlaws country time will be no exception, with the young adults, children and grand- group learned that it must rahul Sipligunj and Kaala
der debut with his fervent rocking music, with Guy dagan; and the Bloomers on the main stage and children can all enjoy themselves act “swiftly, compassionately Bhairava also will appear with
rhythm and blues and heartland red okra String Band, which will be with the jacob’s ladder traditional both together and separately.” and decisively” in times of cri- their song from Indian action
rock. representing the new generation of Irish Band in the lobby of the hotel. Since just before the coVId pan- sis, and “you should and can film RRR.
an immigrant’s story will be told bluegrass. this year, not only “anglo” music demic hit, the Vinegrads decided expect no less from us going comedian jimmy Kimmel,
in a workshop by the lead singer of jacob’s ladder staples, such as will be represented, but also Greek, to downsize the festival. there is forward.” who helped navigate the
the dr. jazz dixieland Band, elazar the ever popular Shay tochner and ladino and Balkan. these genres no more camping on the lawns of Security is tight at the dolby 2017 mix-up when the wrong
Brandt, a uS air Force helicopter Friends, with maya johanna and will be provided by Shiran Shahar the hotel, yet a few tickets are still theatre where the ceremony best-picture winner was
pilot who brought his new orleans Gabriella lewis, will be back by Borek, who takes the audience on a available for those with alternative is held. law enforcement clos- announced, will be back to
jazz to Israel. his band will be per- popular demand, as will larry & musical journey from the Sephardi accommodation in the area who es off several blocks around host this year’s ceremony.
forming on the main stage of the mindy, with their evergreen ’60s tradition to the folklore of Greece, wish to enjoy the event. the theater and the red carpet. a promo for the show
opera house, pastoral’s impressive and ’70s sing-along, bringing old presenting her family’s musical her- the program and all the details Show producers Glenn Weiss described Kimmel as “unflap-
theater and convention hall. favorites and new surprises. itage by singing beautiful songs in are available on the festival’s web- and ricky Kirshner said they pable and unslappable.”
new on the scene will be Griffin, jacob’s ladder has long been asso- Spanish, ladino and Greek.* site: www.jlfestival.com.

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