An Introduction To Chaotic Dynamical Systems: October 2021
An Introduction To Chaotic Dynamical Systems: October 2021
An Introduction To Chaotic Dynamical Systems: October 2021
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1 author:
Robert L. Devaney
Boston University
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Robert L. Devaney
Third edition published 2022
by CRC Press
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DOI: 10.1201/9780429280801
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Author xiii
3 Elementary Definitions 25
3.1 Orbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Geometric Views of Orbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4 Hyperbolicity 33
4.1 Types of Periodic Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2 A Glimpse of Bifurcations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6 Symbolic Dynamics 49
6.1 The Sequence Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.2 The Shift Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
7 Topological Conjugacy 53
7.1 The Itinerary Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.2 Conjugacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8 Chaos 61
9 Structural Stability 67
vi Contents
10 Sharkovsky’s Theorem 75
12 Bifurcations 97
12.1 Examples of Bifurcations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
12.2 General Bifurcation Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
30 Attractors 325
30.1 The Solenoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
30.2 The Plykin Attractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Bibliography 413
Index 417
Preface to the Third Edition
In the thirty years since the previous edition of this text appeared, many
amazing things have occurred in the field of mathematics known as dynami-
cal systems. Indeed, there has been an explosion of interest in this field in the
mathematical community as well as in many areas of science. Scientists and
engineers have come to realize the power and the beauty of the geometric and
qualitative techniques developed during this period. More importantly, they
have been able to apply these techniques to a number of important nonlin-
ear problems ranging from physics and chemistry to ecology and economics.
The results have been truly exciting: systems that once seemed completely
intractable from an analytic point of view can now be understood in a ge-
ometric or qualitative sense rather easily. Chaotic and random behavior of
solutions of deterministic systems is now understood to be an inherent fea-
ture of many nonlinear systems, and the geometric theory developed over the
past few decades handles this situation quite nicely.
Perhaps the most important development in the past thirty years has been
the widespread availability of computers for use in the study of dynamical
systems. Computer graphics have played an extremely important role here.
Now, rather than finding specific solutions to dynamical systems (which is
almost always impossible), computer graphics have allowed us to view the
dynamical behavior geometrically. This has led to a major new approach to
the study of dynamical systems. In addition, the appearance of incredibly
beautiful and intricate objects such as the Mandelbrot set, the Julia set, and
other fractals have really piqued interest in the field.
There are many different types of mathematical dynamical systems, in-
cluding ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, ergodic
systems, and discrete dynamical systems. In this book, we will concentrate
only on discrete dynamical systems (basically, iteration of mathematical func-
tions). This approach has the advantage of making many of the ideas from
other types of dynamical systems much more accessible. Indeed, the aim of
this text is to make the techniques in dynamical systems available to ad-
vanced mathematics majors as well as to graduate students and scientists in
other disciplines.
The field of dynamical systems and especially the study of chaotic systems
has been hailed as one of the important breakthroughs in science in this cen-
tury. While the field is still relatively young, there is no question that the field
is becoming more and more important in a variety of scientific disciplines.
x Preface to the Third Edition
We hope that this text serves to excite and to lure many others into this
“dynamic” field.
This is, first of all, a Mathematics text that is aimed primarily at advanced
undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics. Throughout,
we emphasize the mathematical aspects of the theory of discrete dynamical
systems, not the many and diverse applications of this theory. The text be-
gins at a relatively unsophisticated level in Chapter 1, where we deal with
one-dimensional dynamics (primarily iteration of quadratic functions on the
real line). This part of the text is accessible to students with only a solid
background in freshman calculus. As we proceed, more advanced topics such
as topology, complex analysis, and linear algebra become important. Many of
these prerequisites are presented in the appendix.
The first chapter, one-dimensional dynamics, is by far the longest. It is
the author’s belief that virtually all of the important ideas and techniques of
nonlinear dynamics can be introduced in the setting of the real line or the
circle. This has the obvious advantage of minimizing the topological compli-
cations of the system and the algebraic machinery necessary to handle them.
In particular, the only real prerequisite for this chapter is a good calculus
course. (Oh well, we do multiply a 2 x 2 matrix once or twice in Section 13,
and we use the Implicit Function Theorem in two variables in Section 12, but
these are exceptions.) With only these tools, we manage to introduce such
important topics as chaos, structural stability, topological conjugacy, the shift
map, homoclinic points, and bifurcation theory. To emphasize the point that
chaotic dynamics occur in the simplest of systems, we carry out most of our
analysis in this section on two basic models, the quadratic mappings given
by F µ(x) = µx(l − x) or Qc (x) = x2 + c. These maps have the advantage of
being perhaps the simplest nonlinear maps, yet they illustrate virtually every
concept we wish to introduce. A few topological ideas, such as the notion of
a dense set or a Cantor set, are introduced in detail when needed.
Just to emphasize the contemporary nature of the field of discrete dy-
namical systems, because of the chaotic behavior of these quadratic maps, we
finally understood the total behavior of these maps in the 1990s. Think about
this: mathematicians finally understood x2 + c around thirty years ago! And,
to this day, we still don’t completely understand complex z 2 + c !
In previous editions of this book, the topic of complex dynamics was cov-
ered in the third and final chapters. Given the amazing resurgence of inter-
est in this field due to the spectacular computer graphics images, we have
greatly expanded coverage of this topic and moved it to Chapter 2. We again
Preface to the Third Edition xi
dynamics appears quite early in Chapter 1 when we first describe the chaotic
behavior of the quadratic map. It is clear that the most elementary setting
for the phenomena associated with the Smale horseshoe mapping occurs in
one dimension, and we fully exploit this idea. Later, symbolic dynamics is
extended to the case of subshifts of finite type via another quadratic example.
And finally, the related concepts of Markov partitions and inverse limits are
introduced in the third chapter.
Examples abound in this text. We often motivate new concepts by working
through them in the setting of a specific dynamical system. In fact, we have
often sacrificed generality in order to concentrate on a specific system or class
of systems. Many of the results throughout the text are stated in a form that
is nowhere near full generality. We feel that the general theory is best left to
more advanced texts, which presuppose much more advanced mathematics.
Much of what many researchers consider dynamical systems has been de-
liberately left out of this text. For example, we do not treat continuous systems
such as differential equations at all. There are several reasons for this. First,
as is well known, computations with specific nonlinear ordinary differential
equations are next to impossible. Secondly, the study of differential equations
necessitates a much higher level of sophistication on the part of the student,
certainly more than that necessary for Chapter 1 of this text. We adopt in-
stead the attitude that any dynamical phenomena that occur in a continuous
system also occurs in a discrete system, and so we might as well make life easy
and study iterated maps first. There are many texts currently available that
treat continuous systems almost exclusively. We hope that this book presents
a solid introduction to the topics treated in these more advanced texts.
Another topic that has been excluded is ergodic theory. It is our feeling
that measure theory would take us too far afield in this book. Of course, it can
be argued that measure theory is no more advanced than the complex anal-
ysis necessary for Chapter 2. However, we feel that the topological approach
adopted throughout this text is inherently easier to understand, at least for
undergraduates in Mathematics. There is no question, however, that ergodic
theory would provide an ideal sequel to the material presented here, as would
a course in nonlinear differential equations.
Finally, I am indebted to Bob Ross at CRC Press for arranging the pub-
lication of the long-overdue third edition of this text.
Robert L. Devaney
Boston University
Boston, MA
April, 2021
Part I
DOI: 10.1201/9780429280801-1 3
4 A Visual and Historical Tour
This image is called Douady’s rabbit, after the French mathematician Adrien
Douady whose work we will discuss in Chapter 2. The black region in this
image resembles a “fractal rabbit.” Everywhere you look, you see a pair of
ears. In the accompanying figures, we have magnified portions of the rabbit,
revealing more and more pairs of ears.
As we will describe later, the black points you see in these pictures are
the “non-chaotic” points. They are points representing values of z that, under
iteration of this quadratic function, eventually tend to cycle between three
different points in the plane. As a consequence, the dynamical behavior in the
black regions is quite predictable. All of this is by no means apparent right
now, but by the time you have read Chapter 2, you will consider this example
a good friend. Points that are colored in this picture also behave predictably:
they are points that “escape”; that is, they tend to infinity under iteration.
The colors here simply tell us how quickly a point escapes, i.e., how many
iterations it takes to go beyond a pre-determined bound. Red points escape
fastest, followed in order by orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet points.
The boundary between these two types of behavior—the interface between
the escaping and the cycling points—is the Julia set. This is where we will
encounter all of the chaotic behavior for this dynamical system.
In Plates 2–5, we have displayed Julia sets for other quadratic functions
of the form z 2 + c. Each picture corresponds to a different value of c. For
example, Plate 5a is a picture of the Julia set for z 2 + i. As we see, these
Julia sets may assume a remarkable variety of shapes. Sometimes the images
contain large black regions as in the case of Douady’s rabbit. Other times the
Julia set looks like an isolated scatter of points, as in Plate 5b. Many of these
Julia sets are Cantor sets. These are very complicated sets that arise often in
the study of dynamics. We will begin our study of Cantor sets in Section 5
when we introduce the most basic fractal of all, the Cantor middle-thirds set.
All of the Julia sets in Plates 1–5 correspond to mathematical expressions
that are of the form z 2 + c. As we see, when c varies, these Julia sets change
considerably in shape. How do we understand the totality of all of these shapes,
the collection of all possible Julia sets for quadratic functions? The answer is
called the Mandelbrot set. The Mandelbrot set, as we will see in Section 24, is
a dictionary, or picture book, of all possible quadratic Julia sets. It is a picture
in the c-plane that provides us with a road map of the quadratic Julia sets.
This image, first viewed in 1980 by Benoit Mandelbrot, is quite important in
dynamics. It completely characterizes the Julia sets of quadratic functions.
It has been called one of the most intricate and beautiful objects in all of
mathematics. Amazingly, we still do not completely understand the structure
of this set. That is, we still do not fully understand the dynamics of the simple
quadratic function z 2 + c !
Plate 6 shows the full Mandelbrot set. Note that it consists of a basic
central cardioid shape, with smaller bulbs or decorations attached. Plates 7–
11 are magnifications of some of these decorations. Note how each decoration
differs from the others. Buried deep in various regions of the Mandelbrot set,
6 A Visual and Historical Tour
we also see small black regions which are actually small copies of the entire
set. Look at the “tail” of the Mandelbrot set in Plate 7. The Mandelbrot
set possesses an amazing amount of complexity, as illustrated in Plate 11
and its magnifications. Nonetheless, each of these small regions has a distinct
dynamical meaning, as we will discuss in Section 24.
In this book we will also investigate the chaotic behavior of many other
functions. For example, in Plates 12 and 13 we have displayed the Julia set for
several functions of the form c sin(z) and c cos(z). Plate 15 displays the Julia
sets for certain rational functions of the form z n +c/z n . These sets are what are
known as “Sierpinski curves,” probably the most interesting planar fractals,
as we shall discuss in Section 25. If we investigate exponential functions of
the form c exp(z), we find Julia sets that look quite different, for example,
in Plate 16. And we can also look at the parameter planes (the c-planes) for
these maps, a portion of which is shown in Plate 17.
In addition, we have referenced a number of online videos that are
posted on my website that will allow you to see the dramatic changes these
systems undergo as parameters vary. All of these videos are available at
The images in this mathematical tour show quite clearly the great beauty
of mathematical dynamical systems theory. But what do these pictures mean
and why are they important? These are questions that we will address in the
remainder of this book.
computer. This tool has opened up whole new vistas for dynamicists, some of
which we will sample in this book.
Finally, as mentioned earlier, even the iteration of simple functions on the
real line can behave quite chaotically. Indeed, for years the behavior of simple
quadratic functions such as x2 + c or kx(1 − x) when iterated was not com-
pletely understood. It was only with the appearance of the Mandelbrot set as
well as with techniques from complex analysis that we finally understood this
behavior in the 1990s. Think about it: We finally understood the iteration of
quadratic functions on the real line in the 1990s! That being said, the behav-
ior of cubic functions (and higher degree polynomials) is still not understood!
Clearly, there are lots of open problems in the area of dynamical systems,
many of which you will begin to see in this book. Please do solve several of
these major open problems, and enjoy your Fields Medal!
A Brief History of Dynamics 11
(a) (b)
Plate 5: A dendrite and a Cantor set Julia set.
A Brief History of Dynamics 13
Plate 12: Julia sets of (1 + 0.2i) sin(z) and (.61 + .81i) sin(z).
Plate 15: Sierpinski curve Julia sets for z 3 + (−0.25 + .03i)/z 3 and z 2 − .004/z 2.
18 A Visual and Historical Tour
Plate 16: The Julia sets of 0.36 exp(z) and 0.38 exp(z) exhibiting a
major “bifurcation.”