Chinese Linguistics
Guo Rui
List of figures vi
List of tables vii
Foreword to the Chinese Edition viii
1 Introduction 1
8 Conclusions 187
Bibliography 192
Index 203
These questions are occasionally discussed in academic circles but fall short
of in-depth investigation and exploration. Guo Rui has analyzed the causes
of this in his book: first, our understanding of parts of speech comes from
Western Indo-European linguistics. The words of Indo-European languages
have morphological markers and changes when used in a sentence, and the
bases for classifying the parts of speech in Indo-European languages are these
morphological markers and changes. On this basis, it is thought that parts of
speech are classified according to word forms, but Chinese words have neither
morphological markers nor changes. Therefore, Chinese words do not have
parts of speech.
Second, Indo- European languages essentially have a one- to-
one cor-
respondence between their parts of speech and syntactic constituents.
For example, a noun functions as a subject or object; a verb functions as a
predicate; an adjective as an attributive; an adverb as an adverbial and so
on. Accordingly, it is thought that parts of speech are classified according
to a word’s capability of functioning as sentence constituents. But Chinese
essentially has a one-to-many correspondence between its parts of speech
and sentence constituents; a word can often function as either subject,
10. 32% of adjectives can be modified by attributives; this also has two
cases. One is that adjectives modified by attributives retain their proper-
ties; at this time, the attributive takes “de (的)”, for example:
(19) a. 形势的稳定有利于经济发展 (The stability of situation favors
economic development)
b. 形势的不稳定不利于经济发展 (The instability of situ-
ation is adverse to economic development)
c. The rapid stability of situation favors economic develop-
ment (形势的迅速稳定有利于经济发展)
Another case is that the adjective reflects only the properties of a noun
(0.43%), for example: economic difficulty (经济困难), 生命危险 (life danger).
The adjectives in the second case are all nominal adjectives.
11. Many adjectives can function as attributives, but their number is far
fewer than imagined in the past, accounting for only 29% of the total.
12. 12% of adjectives can directly function as adverbials. Although some
adjectives cannot do so, they can do so after adding “di (地)” (40% of
adjectives). Because not a high proportion of adjectives can function
as adverbials, it works to treat those adjectives that can function as
adverbials as conversional words that function as adjectives and adverbs.
13. 2.73% of adjectives are separable phrasal characters, whose adjectives
have only one form of verb-object, for example, 吃惊 – 吃了一惊 (taken
aback –taken one aback), 称心 –称他的 心(satisfied –satisfy his heart).
14. 15% of adjectives have their corresponding reduplicated forms.
1. Does Chinese have parts of speech? The question was debated in the
1950s, and in the 1990s some scholars questioned the existence of Chinese
parts of speech.
2. What is the nature of a part of speech? Currently, it is universally accepted
that its nature is distribution, but we cannot identify the grammatical
function of any part of speech that is internally universal and externally
exclusive. Can we say that the essence of a part of speech belongs to some
other factors besides distribution?
3. What are the bases and criteria for classifying parts of speech?
4. How can parts of speech be determined at an operation level? With what
standards should we classify various Chinese parts of speech? In the past,
we relied on our language sense to identify the distribution norms for
the parts of speech existing in our mind and did not provide proof for
why we should identify these norms. We might even have skipped over
the distinctions between some parts of speech. Is there any method for
determining the distinctions between parts of speech according to the
distribution of words before they are classified into parts of speech?
5. How can we deal with conversional words? For example, is a word such as
研究 (study) a verb and concurrently noun? This book aims at answering
these questions. The author started to ponder these part- of-
questions in 1986. Zhu Dexi and Lu Jianming undertook the National
Seventh Five-year (1986–1990) Plan Key Social Science Research Project
named “Exploring Modern Chinese Parts of Speech”, in which the
author participated as a research team member. Later, he cooperated
2 Introduction
with the research team of the National Seventh Five-year Plan’s Key
Natural Science Project named “Modern Chinese Grammatical
Information Database”, undertaken by the Institute of Computational
Linguistics at Peking University. The team members include Professors
Yu Shiwen and Zhu Xuefeng, and they examined the functions of over
30,000 words. During the Eighth Five-year Plan, from 1991 to 1995, we
continued to collaborate with the Institute of Computational Linguistics
and increased the number of words and their functional examination
scope on the basis of the Seventh Five-year Plan Research Project. The
research team members included Zhang Yunyun and Wang Hui. The
present book is based on the corpus of over 40,000 words examined,
written, revised and proofread by many scholars, including Zhu Dexi
and Lu Jianming, for more than a decade.
To sum up, there is only one key cause for the difficulty of classifying
Chinese into parts of speech, namely Chinese has no morphological changes.
Fortunately, previous and current scholars’ work paves a solid foundation
for us. Based on past studies, the book will explore further in detail how to
classify parts of speech in Chinese that has no morphological change.
Introduction 3
4 Introduction
Chen Wangdao’s A Synopsis of Grammar (1978) classifies copula, copula-
tive and demonstrative.
Zhu Dexi’s Grammar Handouts (1982b) separated distinctive words
from adjective; place word, locative and time word from noun; and modal
particles from auxiliary words, totaling 17 parts of speech. Modern Chinese
(1993), produced by the Department of Chinese Language at Peking
University, classified state adjectives into state word, but returned place
word, locative and time word to the category of a noun, totaling 15 parts
of speech.
On the basis of the 17 parts of speech proposed by Zhu Dxi (1982b)
and the 15 parts of speech proposed by Modern Chinese, compiled by the
Department of Chinese Language at Peking University, the present book
adds numeral, measure word and demonstrative, for a total of 20 parts of
speech (see Section 1.5).
Introduction 5
occurs at the position of different characteristics, it may be deemed to have
changed its part of speech. Most of earlier works on Chinese grammar
adopted this method. For instance, Ma’s Grammar proposed the theory that
a part of speech functions in the guise of various syntactic constituents. If
a verb occurs at the position of subject or object, then it functions in the
guise of a noun; if it occurs at the position of attributive, then it functions
in the guise of an adjective (static word). Chen Chengze’s An Initial Start
of Chinese Grammar (1922) and Jin Zhaozi’s Studies of Chinese Grammar
(1922) proposed the flexible use of parts of speech. Li Jinxi’s A New Chinese
Grammar (1924) proposed distinguishing between parts of speech according
to sentences. All these works use the change in part of speech to resolve the
slot between part of speech and syntactic constituent. The Temporary Chinese
Teaching Grammar System (1956) proposed the “nominalization theory”. In
sentences such as 他的来使大家很高兴 (His coming makes everybody happy)
and 狐狸的狡猾是很出名的 (The slyness of a fox is famous), 来 (coming) and
狡猾 (slyness) do not contain the meaning of substantial action or properties
but regard them as “things”. They lose the properties, or some properties, of
their verb and adjective forms, while acquiring some properties of a noun.
We call this the nominalization of an adjective. “Nominalization” is a vague
expression and does not clearly say that there is a change in part of speech,
but in essence it is the same as the loaned part of speech and its flexible use.
Because most Chinese words can function as many syntactic constituents
without morphological change, although the method of changing parts of
speech assigns certain syntactic constituents to a part of speech, it makes
Chinese parts of speech changeable (Zhu Dexi, 1982c). As a result, words do
not have their definite parts of speech, and we may even reach] the conclusion
that “there is no part of speech without a sentence”.
The function addition method holds that there is a complicated cor-
respondence between part of speech and syntactic constituent. A part of
speech is multifunctional: so long as the meaning of a word does not change,
the word belongs to the same part of speech even if it occurs at different
positions. Although this method causes a word to have its definite part of
speech, it causes a part of speech to have no definite syntactic constituents.
In essence, it openly admits the slot between part of speech and syntactic
constituent instead of denying it. During the debate on grammar innovation
at the end of the 1930s and the early 1940s, Fang Guangdao proposed clas-
sifying parts of speech according to a generalized morphology, while Chen
Wangdao proposed classifying them based on integrated structural functions.
In doing so, they used the function addition method. Lv Shuxiang and Zhu
Dexi’s Talks on Grammar and Rhetoric (1951) proposed that if the meaning of
a word does not change, then its part of speech does not change. Later, what
was meant by Zhu Dexi’s saying that a part of speech is multifunctional, was
narrowed down slightly. 批评 (criticism) and 研究 (study) and so on, which
are directly modified by nouns and function as the quasi-objects of predi-
cate verbs such as 做 (do), 进行 (carry out), 加以 (conduct) and 有 (have) are
6 Introduction
considered nominal verbs. In this case, they are considered to be nominal. But
Zhu Dexi still thought that 出版 (publication) in 这本书的出版 (the publica-
tion of the book) and 去 (going) in 去是应该的 (Going is obliged) have the
properties of a verb.
The one-line system: This notion was put forward by Fu Donghua in
the 1930s. Because a Chinese word is multifunctional, the simple cor-
respondence between part of speech and syntactic constituent must use
loaned parts of speech. He held that it would be better just to presume that
it is impossible to classify words into parts of speech and said that “if a
word is not used in a sentence, there is no way to know its part of speech”.
Therefore, parts of speech should be combined with sentence constituents.
For example:
Introduction 7
however, it cannot solve Chinese syntactic problems and instead causes more
troubles, and few people accept this theory.
The three-layer system: This system comes into existence by combining the
change in part of speech with the addition of functions. It adds an inter-
mediate layer between part of speech and syntactic constituent so as to close
the slot between the two, assuming that there are some changes in the prop-
erties of a word at its intermediate layer at the syntactic position of different
characteristics. This thinking not only maintains the point of view that if the
meaning of a word does not change, then its part of speech does not change,
but also explains that the same part of speech can appear at different syntactic
positions. Scholars who use the three-level system have very different opinions
and therefore quite different effects.
Wang Li (1943, 1944) and Lv Shuxiang (1942, 1944) borrowed Otto
Jespersen’s three-level theory and set up the intermediate word level, as Lv
called it. A word level is classified into the first level (the words at the positions
of subject and object), the secondary level (the words at the positions of predi-
cate and attributive) and the last level (the words at the positions of adverbial
and complement). Parts of speech are classified according to the meaning of
a word and are unchangeable, and when a word is used at different syntactic
positions, its level changes. But word level is a vague concept and distinguished
according to the importance of a word in its combination. Therefore, it is more
correct to say that it classifies the syntactic constituents of a word. There is no
substantial distinction between saying that a word can function as different
word levels, and that it can function as different syntactic constituents. It is
not effective to use the three-level theory to connect a part of speech with a
syntactic constituent in order to close the slot between the two.
Chen Aiwen (1986) assumed that there are two types of part-of-speech con-
cept. The first type is equivalent to the classification between part of speech
and mental structure, and has the properties of noun, verb and adjective
respectively; the second type is equivalent to the classification between part
of speech and objective world, and has the properties of a basic noun, verb
and adjective respectively. The first type of part of speech is actually classified
according to grammatical properties; the second type is actually classified
according to the meaning of a word. The first type may change with different
usages; the second type does not. For example, the word 出版 (publish) has
the properties of a verb in 同意出版 (agree to publish), but has the properties
of a noun in 图书出版 (book publication). In both cases, they are basic verbs.
Chen Aiwen proposes the two types of part-of-speech concept for the purpose
of understanding the correspondence between part of speech and syntactic
constituent. He is aware that adherence to the concept that the meaning of
a word does not change and then its parts of speech do not change cannot
explain that its properties may change at different positions. Therefore, it is
necessary to establish the two types of part-of-speech concept and form the
three-layer system of “part of speech (X basic word) –properties of a word –
syntactic constituent”, taking word properties as the intermediate layer that
8 Introduction
connects a part of speech with a syntactic constituent. This approach actually
classifies parts of speech according to the meaning of a word and then decides
its properties, only making a clear-cut classification between the two types of
part-of-speech concept but making no substantial difference from the change
in parts of speech in the double-line system.
Xiao Guozheng (1991) and Xiang Mengbing (1991) thought that some
verbs and adjectives at the positions of subject and object have denotation,
namely using their expressional functions to denote the change in their prop-
erties at different positions.
This book proposes that the nature of a part of speech is the type of expres-
sional function in the large categories of substantive word, predicate word
and modification word. According to the two levels of expressional function,
we can classify parts of speech into the part of speech at the lexical level and
that at the syntactic level. The part of speech at the lexical level is the inherent
property of words and expressions that are labeled in a dictionary; the part
of speech at the syntactic level is generated by using words and expressions
and governed by syntactic rules. Most of the covert and flexible uses of a
part of speech pointed out by previous scholars belong to changes in parts
of speech at the syntactic level. The three-layer system of “part of speech at
the lexical level –part of speech at the syntactic level –syntactic constituent”
is thus formed. There are two situations in which a word appears at different
syntactic positions: (1) a word has its properties at multiple lexical levels, for
example, 出版 (publish) has the properties of a verb in 出版两本书 (publish
two books), but has the properties of a noun in 图书出版 (book publication);
(2) there are some changes in part of speech at the syntactic level, for example,
出版 (publish) still has the properties of a verb at lexical level in 这本书的出版
(the publication of the book) but has the properties of a noun at the syn-
tactic level. The changes in part of speech at the syntactic level essentially
have covert core constituents.
Although both the three-level theory and the viewpoints of this book on
the relationship between part of speech and syntactic constituent belong to
the three-layer system, they are different. The intermediate layer “word class”
established between part of speech and syntactic constituent by the three-
class theory is not identical with the intermediate layer “the properties of
a word at the syntactic level” established by this book. The word “class” is
classified into the first class (subject and object), the secondary class (predi-
cate and attributive) and the last class (adverbial and complement). The parts
of speech at the syntactic level refer to extrinsic expressional functions such
as reference, statement and modification. Subject and object generally belong
to reference; predicate belongs to statement. In this regard, the two are iden-
tical. But attributive corresponds to modification; complement corresponds
to statement. In this regard, the two are different. The root cause for the diffe-
rence between the two is their own different starting points. The three-class
theory emphasizes the importance of a syntactic constituent, but an expres-
sional function emphasizes a word’s method of meaning expression in use.
Introduction 9
The third question is to which syntactic constituent a part of speech cor-
responds. This is the most difficult question. If the question is answered, the
specific criteria for classifying parts of speech will be available. We shall dis-
cuss them in Chapter 6.
10 Introduction
attached relation: red flower (attachment + thing attached); (2) approxima-
tion relation: eat a meal (approximator + thing approximated). The two types
of structural relationship provide three kinds of basic parts of speech: a noun
that occupies the position of the thing attached or approximated, a verb
that occupies the position of approximator and an adjective that occupies
the position of attachment. This is equivalent to classifying parts of speech
according to sentence constituents. Because a word is multifunctional, if this
is strictly implemented, then certainly it will have no definite parts of speech.
For the first time, the discussion on grammar innovation explicitly proposed
classifying parts of speech according to the overall grammatical functions
of a word. Fang Guangdao proposed classifying parts of speech according
to generalized morphology, namely according to the combination capacity
of a word. Based on Ferdinand de Saussure’s syntagmatic and paradigmatic
relations, Chen Wangdao proposed classifying parts of speech of a word
according to its syntagmatic relation. But he just discussed this theoretically
and did not propose a set of operating criteria. In his Elementary Chinese
(1948), for the first time, Zhao Yuanren made a systematic use of grammatical
functions to classify parts of speech and proposed a set of operating criteria.
For example, a noun can be modified by a quantitative phrase; a verb can be
modified by “不 (not)” and followed by “le (了)”. In 1968, he performed a
systematic classification of Chinese parts of speech more entirely according
to grammatical functions. Zhu Dexi (1960, 1982b, 1985a) emphasized several
times that the essential basis for classifying parts of speech is the distribution
of a word, and that this is true not only to Chinese but also to other languages.
Due to the lack of morphological change, Chinese can only use the grammat-
ical functions of a word to classify its parts of speech. This came to be agreed
upon after discussions on Chinese parts of speech in the 1950s. However,
because of the complicated relationship between part of speech and gram-
matical function, how to identify the part of speech of a word according to its
grammatical functions becomes a prominent issue. The question, in essence,
is still the relationship between part of speech and syntactic constituent: Is
the correspondence between part of speech and syntactic constituent one-
to-one or complicated? If it is one-to-one, then nearly all the members of
noun, verb and adjective are conversional words. If it is complicated, then
how complicated? One point of view is that the same generalization word
that occurs at any position belongs to the same part of speech. In this way,
there is no conversional word whose meaning is the same. The two extreme
points of view are now scarcely acceptable. Most people think something in
between: there is no one-to-one correspondence between part of speech and
syntactic constituent; the same generalization word that occurs at any pos-
ition may have different parts of speech.
The subsequent question is how to determine the correspondence between
part of speech and grammatical function. Once the question is figured out,
the criteria for classifying parts of speech will be worked out, because the
question is the key to the current studies of Chinese parts of speech. However,
Introduction 11
in most of the studies of Chinese parts of speech since the 1980s, parts of
speech have been classified subjectively as a first step, and the criteria for clas-
sifying them have been found as a next step. Due to the lack of clear dem-
onstration, it is difficult to achieve agreement among various scholars on
classifying, grouping and annexing the parts of speech of a word.
To work out the relationship between part of speech and grammatical
function, the Chinese grammar circle has tried various approaches. One
approach is to regard a part of speech as a prototype category or a fuzzy cat-
egory. Mo Pengling and Wang Zhidong (1988) proposed the fuzzy clustering
analysis method. Shi Youwei (1994) proposed the flexible approach to Chinese
parts of speech and tried to calculate the membership degrees of words to
deal with the relationship between part of speech and grammatical function.
Yuan Yulin (1995, 1998) used the prototype theory to deal with the relation-
ship between distribution and part of speech. Lu Yingshun (1998) also tried
to calculate the approximation degrees of words to determine the attribu-
tion of the parts of speech he analyzed. The problem with these methods is
that there is no way to demonstrate the determination of a prototype, thereby
being difficult to classify parts of speech.
12 Introduction
The difficulty lies in determining the identity of a word. If different gener-
alization words have the properties of different parts of speech, they must
be regarded as different parts of speech. The same generalization word that
has the properties of several parts of speech need not necessarily be treated
as a conversional word. Whether a word is treated as a conversional word
has something to do with what strategy is used to classify parts of speech.
Because of the discrepancy in judging a word’s identity, there is a difference in
the range of heteromorphic conversional words. For example, if 研究 (study)
is not identical in 研究问题 (study a problem) and 社会研究 (social study),
then it should be treated as two parts of speech, namely a verb and concur-
rently a noun. Likewise, if 木头 (wood) is not identical in 木头断了 (the wood
is broken) and 木头桌子 (wooden desk), then it should be treated as a noun
and concurrently a distinctive word (see Yang Chengkai, 1991). There is not
much discussion on how to determine word identity. Currently, we mainly rely
on our language sense to do this and have no strict operational procedures.
Although in most cases we can reach agreement, rather big discrepancies on
some difficult questions still remain.
Another question is whether a word at different positions has the prop-
erties of several parts of speech or whether its part of speech is multifunc-
tional. The question is related to the correspondence between a part of speech
and a grammatical function. Zhu Dexi (1982b) thought that 调查 (investi-
gation) in 社会调查 (social investigation) and 进行调查 (conduct investiga-
tion) is different in property from 调查 (investigate) in 调查问题 (investigate
a problem). The latter can take an adverbial and a complement and so forth,
having the properties of a verb, whereas the former can only take an attribu-
tive, having the properties of a noun. Hu Mingyang (1996b) also performed
a detailed examination of similar issues. This book suggests that the com-
patibility of grammatical functions can be used to determine the relationship
between grammatical function and a part of speech, namely in what case a
word has the properties of several parts of speech and in what case a part of
speech is multifunctional.
Zhu Dexi (1982b, 1985a) and Lu Jianming (1984) discussed what strategy
should be used to classify parts of speech. We shall discuss this in detail in
Chapter 7.
Introduction 13
(1982), Lu Chuan (1991), Lu Jianming (1994) and Gao Gengsheng (1995)
also proposed operational procedures for classifying parts of speech layer by
layer. The layer-by-layer classification reveals the hierarchical nature of parts
of speech in more detail than the past major classification into only a notional
word and a functional word. The present book not only uses the hierarchical
classification method but also identifies the criteria for classifying each part
of speech layer by layer.
Xing Fuyi (1981) concentrated his discussion on the grouping of words and
proposed grouping methods such as direct decision, exclusion and analogy.
14 Introduction
it is one of the issues to be solved first in order to classify parts of speech.
To determine the word identity, we need to distinguish between constituent
meaning and structural meaning, lexical transfer reference and syntactic
transfer reference, lexical transfer reference and lexical self-reference, word-
formation, morphology and syntax.
Part 2 (Chapters 3 through 7) discusses the theoretical issues for classifying
parts of speech. Chapter 3 discusses the possibility and purpose of classifying
parts of speech and points out that words are combined not randomly but in a
certain order. The orderliness indicates that a grammatical position has selec-
tional restrictions on words, and that different grammatical positions allow
different words to enter. This shows that we can classify words into different
parts of speech according to their different properties. From the perspective of
natural taxonomy, parts of speech are generalized from syntactic structures,
not artificially postulated beforehand for the sake of grammar. The purpose
of classifying parts of speech is to reveal the properties of a word and estab-
lish its general reference system. In other words, we think that language is not
desultory but systematically organized, and has its natural order independent
of linguists. Words have their own positions in such a natural order.
Chapter 4 discusses the nature of parts of speech. Since US descriptive lin-
guistics came into being, it has been generally believed that a part of speech
is of the distribution type. Words that have the same distribution form a part
of speech. The “distribution” here has three possibilities: (1) individual dis-
tribution, (2) population distribution, (3) fractional distribution. No matter
in what sense the distribution is, the viewpoint that a part of speech is of
the distribution type is not justifiable. The prominent issue is that we cannot
use the distribution characteristics themselves to answer why we select these
distribution characteristics instead of others as the criteria for classifying
parts of speech. If factors other than distribution characteristics are not
considered, we cannot classify parts of speech purely according to distribu-
tion characteristics. In our opinion, the nature of a part of speech is not of the
distribution type. The nature of classifying parts of speech according to dis-
tribution is to classify them according to the selectional restriction of gram-
matical positions on words. There must be some bases used as conditions
for selectional restrictions. Then, what are the bases for such selectional
restrictions? We think that the expressional function and the semantic type
of a word are the intrinsic causes for constraining its distributions. Like mor-
phological change, distribution is only the extrinsic exhibition of the proper-
ties of a part of speech. The intrinsic basis for distinction among words, for
example, the large categories of parts of speech such as a substantive word,
a predicate word, a substantive modification word, a predicate modification
word, is actually the distinction between such expressional functions as ref-
erence, statement, substantive modification and predicate modification. The
distributional difference and morphological difference among parts of speech
are simply the external exhibitions of differences in expressional functions.
Expressional functions can be classified into intrinsic expressional function
Introduction 15
and external expressional function. We can also classify parts of speech into
the parts of speech at the lexical level and the syntactic level. Syntactic com-
bination is a series of expressional functions rather than a series of parts of
speech. The selectional restriction of a grammatical position on a word is
based on its expressional function, which is the nature of parts of speech such
as a substantive word, a predicate word and a modification word.
The essence of basic parts of speech such as nouns, adjectives, state words,
measure words, locatives, distinctive words, numerals and measure words is
the semantic type that combines with grammatical function. Only when the
semantic type of a word is in agreement with its difference in syntactic distri-
bution is it necessary to classify its parts of speech. Therefore, at the level of
basic parts of speech, the essence of a part of speech is the type that combines
the semantic type with the grammatical function.
The expressional function is a word’s pattern of meaning expression; the
semantic type is the categorized semantic meaning. The two belong to gram-
matical meaning; thus, we can say that grammatical meaning is the intrinsic
cause for restricting the distribution of a word.
Chapter 5 discusses criteria for classifying parts of speech, which must sat-
isfy the three conditions: reflecting the properties of a part of speech, being
observable and being comprehensive. Theoretically speaking, a word’s mor-
phological change, expressional function, grammatical meaning or intrinsic
expressional function all can be used as criteria for classifying parts of speech.
But in Chinese, only the grammatical function (a word’s distribution) can sat-
isfy these conditions and be used as criteria for classifying parts of speech.
The grammatical position occupied by a word is called its distribution. The
capability of a word to occupy a certain grammatical position is the word’s
grammatical function. Two factors define a constituent’s distribution: (1) the
grammatical relationship between the immediate constituent and its gram-
matical role; (2) the larger environment in which the structural whole made
up of the two immediate constituents can appear. The grammatical function
has different generalization levels. A word’s capability of occupying the gram-
matical position defined in the environment of evaluating it and its parts of
speech is a rather specific grammatical function; the capability of functioning
as a syntactic constituent is a rather abstract grammatical function. We can
use a word’s distribution characteristics to infer the properties of its parts of
speech. The grammatical meaning of a word is the main intrinsic cause for
restricting its distribution and basically determines its grammatical distribu-
tion. Although distribution is not the nature of a part of speech, the words
that belong to the same part of speech have a roughly similar distribution.
Like morphological change, distribution is only an extrinsic exhibition of
grammatical meaning. That is to say, there is a “reflection-exhibition” rela-
tionship between distribution of a word and its grammatical meaning: distri-
bution reflects the grammatical meaning, which in turn exhibits distribution.
We can use the properties of parts of speech reflected by a word’s distribution
to classify its parts of speech.
16 Introduction
However, the relationship between distribution and a part of speech is
complicated, as exhibited in the following: (1) what determines the properties
of a part of speech is not just the distribution of a word; its lexical and prag-
matic meanings, word-formation, prosodic characteristics, and other factors
may also influence distribution; (2) some grammatical positions reflect the
same properties, and then the above- mentioned distributional difference
cannot reflect the difference in properties; for example, 很 (very) ~ and 极
(extremely) ~ have the same requirements for words to enter into their gram-
matical positions, but the difference in the two functions of the two words
does not reflect different properties of their parts of speech; (3) it is possible
that some grammatical positions allow several parts of speech to enter. For
example, either a noun, a verb, an adjective or a distinctive word and so on
can appear at the position of a subject; either a verb, an adjective, a state
word or a noun and so on can appear at the position of a predicate. Therefore,
the properties of a part of speech cannot be inferred entirely according to
word distribution. We should not only rely on word distribution to infer the
properties of a part of speech but also use some other means to eliminate
the factors that influence the nongrammatical meanings of word distribu-
tion and the interference caused by an incomplete correspondence between
properties and grammatical position. The correspondence between a part of
speech and word distribution should be sought from the complicated rela-
tionship between the properties of a part of speech and word distribution,
thereby reasonably and justifiably classifying parts of speech according to
the distribution.
Chapter 6 discusses how to classify parts of speech according to distribu-
tion. Not all differences in distribution reflect the difference in the proper-
ties of a part of speech; different functions of different parts of speech have
different values for classifying them: some functions are distinctive; some are
not. Therefore, we cannot treat equally all the functions of a part of speech
and only select those distinctive functions to classify parts of speech. We can
use the compatibility of functions and the relevant rules to determine the
values of functions for classifying parts of speech, thereby identifying the
functions that distinguish between word properties and selecting among them
the criteria for classifying parts of speech. The compatibility of functions
refers to the property that the same group of words shares two or more
grammatical functions, for example, the word that can function as a subject
can also function as an object and vice versa. But the compatibility of some
other functions is extremely small, for instance, 不 (not) ~ and (numeral) ~.
Functions that have a rather big compatibility often reflect the same selec-
tional restriction of the two different grammatical positions on words and
also the common properties of a part of speech; thus, they are equivalent-
value functions. The functions that have a rather small or no compatibility
reflect different properties of a part of speech and are generally hetero-value
functions. An equivalent-value function is transferable. If the equivalent-
value functions of a language are gathered into clusters, then we come up with
Introduction 17
the correspondence between a part of speech and a grammatical function; an
equivalent-value function cluster represents a part of speech.
Chapter 7 discusses conversional words and nominalization. The same
generalization word that has the properties of several parts of speech is not
necessarily treated as a conversional word in its narrow sense. Whether it
is treated as a conversional word has something to do with the strategy for
classifying parts of speech. To classify Chinese parts of speech, we mainly
use the two strategies: (1) the homogeneous strategy; namely, starting from
the properties of a part of speech, all the properties of the part of speech
of a generalization word are treated equally to create the one-to-one cor-
respondence between a part of speech thus classified and its properties. If
a generalization word has the properties of several parts of speech, then
we treat it as conversional word. (2) The priority homomorphic strategy;
namely, starting from a generalization word, we give priority to the prop-
erties of certain parts of speech and do not treat as a conversional word
the word that has the properties of several parts of speech. Instead, we
treat it as having a priority part of speech, thus creating a correspondence
between a part of speech and the properties of a priority part of speech. In
fact, different strategies for classifying parts of speech cause a good many
controversies in Chinese parts of speech. Strategies are not right or wrong
but only good or bad. Which strategy for classifying parts of speech is the
best depends on specific circumstances. To select a strategy for classifying
parts of speech, the following two factors should be taken into consider-
ation: (1) the total numbers of parts of speech, and conversional words
in their narrow sense should be as few as possible; (2) the fewest possible
syntactic rules: there should be as few as possible grammatical functions
of different words in the same part of speech. The two factors are exactly
contradictory: the fewest number of parts of speech is in conflict with the
fewest number of syntactic rules and vice versa. Therefore, in selecting a
strategy for classifying parts of speech, we should consider both factors,
reducing the numbers of both parts of speech and syntactic rules to the
lowest degree as possible, specifically:
1. If there are large numbers of words that have two or more parts of speech
or can be controlled by rules, then we use the priority homomorphic
strategy; if not, we use the homogeneous strategy. If the homogeneous
strategy is used for the large number of words that have two or more parts
of speech, a massive number of conversional words may appear. Although
there are a few syntactic rules, there are too many parts of speech, and a
massive number of conversional words have to be identified before syn-
tactic processing. If something goes wrong with the conversional word
identification, something may also go wrong with syntactic processing.
2. If the priority homomorphic strategy is used for a few words that have
two or more parts of speech, there will be too many syntactic rules,
although there are not too many parts of speech. This is because more
18 Introduction
syntactic rules are needed to deal with the use of a conversional word.
The use of the homogeneous strategy may reduce the numbers of not
only syntactic rules but also parts of speech. Therefore, in general, we
should use the homogeneous strategy. However, if words that have two or
more parts of speech can be controlled by rules, then the priority homo-
morphic strategy is desirable.
Introduction 19
Chinese parts of speech are classified according to their hierarchies. There are
20 basic parts of speech, 19 of which are classified according to their gram-
matical functions. A pronoun is special and is not classified according to its
grammatical functions, which are equivalent to a verb, a noun, a time word,
a place word, a numeral, a measure word and an adverb. The part-of-speech
examples are given as follows:
20 Introduction
5. Measure words: 个 (piece), 张 (sheet), 斤 (jin), 次 (time), 天 (day), 年
(year), 分钟 (minute), 点 (point), 些 (some), 种 (type), 团 (regiment), 滴
(drop), 杯 (cup), 瓶 (bottle), 批 (batch), 套 (set) …
6. Locatives: 前 (front), 上 (above), 里 (inside), 左 (left-side), 南 (south),
下面 (below), 后头 (back-end), 以前 (before), 周围 (ambient), 旁边
(aside), 附近 (near), 对面 (opposite-side) …
7. Time words: 今天 (today), 去年 (yesteryear), 上午 (morning), 刚才 (just),
过去 (past), 春节 (Spring Festival), 正月 (first month of a lunar year),
最近 (recently), 拂晓 (daybreak), 星期天 (Sunday) …
8. Place words: 当地 (local), 街头 (street), 门口 (doorway), 野外 (field),
一旁 (on one side), 乡下 (countryside), 民间 (folk), 原处 (original place),
远处 (distant), 基层 (grass-root level), 头里 (front) …
9. Distinctive words: 高等 (high-class), 公共 (public), 亲爱 (dear), 民用
(civil), 日常 (routine), 随机 (random), 袖珍 (miniature), 现行 (current),
野生 (wild), 业余 (amateur), 男 (male) …
10. Numerals: 一 (one), 二 (two), 三 (three), 五 (five), 十 (ten), 百 (hundred),
千 (thousand), 万 (ten thousand), 亿 (hundred million), 半 (half), 几 (sev-
eral), 数 (several), 多 (multiple), 诸 (all) …
11. Measure words: 一切 (each and all), 大量 (bulk), 不少 (good many), 所有
(all), 大批 (large batch), 部分 (some), 个把 (one or two), 少许 (a little), 俩
(both), 片刻 (a while), 许久 (long time) …
12. Demonstratives: 这 (this), 那 (that), 每 (each), 其他 (other), 任何 (any),
另 (another), 唯一 (only), 上 (above), 下 (below), 前 (previous), 后 (rear),
头 (first) …
13. Adverbs: 很 (very), 都 (totally), 只 (only), 也 (also), 又 (again), 就 (just),
不 (not), 赶紧 (speedily), 常常 (often), 正在 (be doing), 亲自 (personally),
难道 (surely), 究竟 (on earth) …
14. Onomatopoeia: 啪 (bang), 叮当 (dingdong), 哗啦 (crash) …
15. Prepositions: 被 (by), 从 (from), 对 (versus), 在 (at), 按照 (according to),
比 (than), 跟 (with), 向 (to), 由 (via), 凭 (on) …
16. Conjunctions: 和 (and), 或者 (or), 而 (but), 不但 (not only), 而且
(but also), 虽然 (although), 但是 (however), 即使 (even though), 况且
(besides) …
17. Modal words: 吗 (ah), 呢 (well), 来着 (only), 罢了 (just) …
18. Auxiliaries: 了(le), 着 (zhuo), 过 (guo), 的 (de), 地 (di), 得 (de), 所 (suo),
等 (etc.), 似的 (like) …
19. Interjections: 啊 (ah), 唉 (alas), 喂 (hello), 哎哟 (oh), 哼 (hum), 哎呀
(gosh) …
20. Pronouns: 我 (I), 你 (you), 他们 (they), 谁 (who), 什么 (what), 哪里
(where), 几 (several), 多少 (how many), 怎样 (how), 怎么样 (what about),
这儿 (here) …
Basic issues concerning classification
of parts of speech
22 Basic issues
Expandable: 手疼 (hand pain) → 手很疼 (The hand is very painful); 手上
(on hand) → 我的手/上(on my hand)
Not expandable (word): 肉麻 (disgusting) →*肉很麻 (*The flesh tingles);
身上 (body) → 我的/身上 (on my body)
手很疼 (The hand is very painful) and 手上 (on hand) are expandable and
therefore are phrases; 肉麻 (disgusting) and 身上 (body) are not expandable
and therefore are words.
Basic issues 23
Not existing in a typical phrase: 纸张 (paper), 船只 (boat), 马匹 (horse),
人口 (population) (word).
Not in agreement with the structural relational type of a typical phrase: 枣红
(claret) (noun + adjective = attributive and headword construction consisting
of modifier and headword) (word).
The above two cases should be regarded as words.
24 Basic issues
The length of segments such as “3245” can be expanded infinitely, and the
number of constituents of their same kind is infinite; therefore, they should
be regarded as phrases.
1. The classical Chinese words that are mingled with the modern collo-
quial Chinese. For example, 国 (country), 时 (when, e.g., 来时 (when
coming)), 战 (war, e.g., 站前 (before war)), 该 (the, e.g., 该同志 (the com-
rade)), 本 (this, e.g., 本校 (this school)), 虽 (though, e.g., 虽难 (though
difficult)), etc.
2. The classical Chinese usage mingled with modern colloquial Chinese.
Although some words exist in modern colloquial Chinese, they can still
be used in classical Chinese, for example:
(31) 在一个“关于儿童对物体运动速度”的认知研究中,实验人员让儿
(《儿童的心理世界》,方富熹、方格主编,北京大学出版社) (To
study children’s cognition of an object’s motion speed, the experi-
mental personnel let them compare whether the motion speeds of
Basic issues 25
two vehicles are the same or not (in fact, their speeds are the same),
so as to understand how children solve formulae for speed. (The
Psychological World of Children, compiled by Fang Fuxi and Fang
Ge, Peking University Press)
我素,导致小团体主义和无政府主义滋长. (《人民日报》1995年6
月27日) (Some people have a weak discipline and weak global
awareness; the inferior have their own countermeasures when the
superior have their policies. They do not obey their superior and
act according to their own wishes, thus giving rise to the spread of
factionalism and anarchism.) (The People’s Daily, June 27, 1995)
,发给与会千余来宾每人288元的”红包“。 (《人民日报》1995年1
2月4日) (The second grand anniversary celebration ceremony for
the Xinxing Company foundation will be held on August 8, 1993;
the banquet consists of 137 tables; each of around thousands of
participants will receive their own “red envelope” of 288 yuan.)
(The People’s Daily, December 4, 1995)
26 Basic issues
(35) 十多年来,该校共培养了2.7万名干部,超过了同期该校普通高等
教育培养的人数. (《人民日报》1995年1月4日) (For more than
a decade, the school has trained a total of 27,000 cadres, which
exceeds the number of people who received higher education by the
school in the same period.) (The People’s Daily, January 4, 1995)
(36) 左手一只鸡,右手一只鸭. (歌词) (A chicken in the left hand; a duck
in the right hand.) (a song)
(37) 运 用 观 察 法 时 ,应 使 被 观 察 者 始 终 处 于 日 常
教 学 或 生 活 的 情 景 之 中 ,尽 量 避 免 外 来 干 扰 .
(《儿童的心理世界》,方富熹,方格主编,北京大学出版社) (In
applying the observation method, the observed should always
be in an everyday teaching or living context; every effort should
be made to avoid extraneous interference.) (The Psychological
World of Children, compiled by Fang Fuxi and Fang Ge, Peking
University Press)
(38) “抓两头”,就不能一头热,一头冷,更不能”嫌贫爱富“,置贫困村于
不顾. (《人民日报》1995年1月4日) (“To take charge of two ends”,
you cannot just emphasize one end but ignore another, not to
mention that “you like the rich but dislike the poor”, ignoring the
poor villages.) (The People’s Daily, January 4, 1995)
(39) 他先以一部兵力围攻徐水,伺机诱歼来援之敌. (《人民日报》1995
年4月28日) (He first uses part of his military force to lay siege to
Xushui County and then waits for his chance to seduce and annihi-
late the enemy reinforcements.) (The People’s Daily, April 28, 1995)
2. Grammatical functions: Namely the differences between the classical
Chinese usage and the general usage that are mingled in modern collo-
quial Chinese, as mentioned above.
3. Parts of speech: For example, the words like 杯 (cup), 盘 (plate), 拳 (fist)
and 口 (mouth) belong to measure words in the modern colloquial Chinese
hierarchy like 一杯酒 (a cup of wine), 一盘菜 (a plate of vegetable), 打一拳
(hit a fist) and 咬一口 (give a bite) but belong to nouns in the classical
Chinese hierarchy like 杯中 (in a cup), 盘中 (on a plate), 挥拳 (shake one’s
fist), and 口中 (inside a mouth). The word 依然 (still) belongs to an adverb
in modern colloquial Chinese, for example, 国际形势依然不稳定 (The
international situation is still unstable). But it belongs to state words in the
classical Chinese hierarchy, like 风采依然 (The charm is still the same).
Basic issues 27
an adjective or a verb in the everyday Chinese hierarchy, but can be a noun in
the scientific and technical Chinese hierarchy.
Some dictionaries only recognize the universal hierarchies of the
words that form words in different hierarchies and have different parts
of speech (modern colloquial Chinese and everyday Chinese hierarchies).
Those that do not form words in the universal hierarchy are treated as
morphemes and labeled into parts of speech according to the universal
hierarchy.4 Other dictionaries recognize both the universal hierarchy and
the specialized hierarchy, but do not divide their parts of speech.5 However,
the two types of dictionaries are too simple; it is better to recognize the
constituents in various hierarchies and label their hierarchies. For example,
the constituents in modern colloquial Chinese and everyday Chinese hier-
archies are not labeled, but the constituents in the classical Chinese and
specialized Chinese hierarchies are labeled as follows: 国 (country: [clas-
sical Chinese], noun; 口 (mouth): measure word, [classical Chinese], noun;
金 (gold): distinctive word; [chemistry], noun.
A language may have different grammatical systems at different histor-
ical and field hierarchies; the grammatical functions of its words may also
be different, and the criteria for classifying their parts of speech should be
different too. The classification of modern Chinese parts of speech should
consider these different historical hierarchies and treat the constituents in
different hierarchies differently. The ideal way of dealing with this is to sep-
arate the two hierarchies completely and establish a set of criteria for classi-
fying the parts of speech for them separately. However, there is no clear-cut
boundary between modern colloquial Chinese and classical Chinese hier-
archies, and it is difficult to completely divide the two hierarchies. Moreover,
there are more grammatical similarities between the two hierarchies than
differences. Since the purpose of our study is to parse all the words in written
and spoken modern Chinese, we consider the colloquial modern Chinese and
classical Chinese hierarchies jointly together and establish the same criteria
for classifying their parts of speech. For example, only a word that meets the
criterion of “numeral ~Λ* subject or object” is a measure word.
28 Basic issues
What we mean by classifying parts of speech is to take a generalization
word as the unit to divide its parts of speech. For this reason, if the individual
words that appear at different grammatical positions are identical, then all
their functions should be regarded as different functions of the same word;
however, if not, they should be regarded as different generalization words.
The determination of word identity involves whether a word has certain
grammatical functions and thereby may influence grouping results. Besides, it
may influence whether a word should be included in a dictionary. Therefore,
it is one of the issues to be solved first in order to divide parts of speech. For
example, if 木头 (wood) in 木头桌子 (wooden desk) is regarded as not iden-
tical with 木头 (wood) in 买木头 (buy wood), then it should be treated as a
noun and concurrently as an adjective (non-predicate).
2.3.2 Case studies
The principles for word identity determination are homophony and syn-
onymy, but how to use the principles is a tricky question. In the following, we
will explain in some detail several cases of word identity determination with
regard to the classification of parts of speech.
Basic issues 29
(5) a. 电线杆倒了 (The electric b. 倒
了一根电线杆 (fell an
pole falls). electric pole).
The verbs in the above five examples should be regarded as the identical
generalization words in Groups a and b respectively. Other examples are the
The above examples show that the “make-do” meaning in the type of word
in 丰富文化生活 (enrich cultural life) is systematic and analogical and should
be regarded as structural meaning. That is to say, this type of word has the
“make-do” meaning when it is used in the “~ (object)” environment. The
“make-do” meaning is grouped into the structural meaning brought about
by the “adjective + object” construction. But so long as we enlarge the scope
of examination, we may find three facts: (1) there is only a limited number
of adjectives that have the so-called “make-do” usage; (2) many adjectives
that are synonymous or near-synonymous with the type of words such as
丰富 (rich) and 统一 (unitary) have no “make-do” usage. For example, 丰盛
30 Basic issues
(rich), 一致 (consistent), 完备 (complete), 紧密 (close), 强大 (powerful) and
实在 (actual) are nearly synonymous or synonymous with 丰富 (rich), 统一
(unify), 完善 (complete), 密切 (close), 壮大 (strengthen) and 充实 (enrich) but
have no “make-do” usage. (3) The so-called “make-do” meaning appears not
only when adjectives have objects but also on other occasions, for example,
基础得到巩固 (the foundation is consolidated), 对制度加以完善 (perfect a
system), 使《纲要》提出的原则不断得到丰富和发展 (continuously enrich
and develop the principles raised in the program), 意见不能统一 (opinions
cannot be unified). In these examples, the “make-do” meanings of 巩固 (con-
solidate), 完善 (perfect) and 统一 (unify) can only be regarded as the meanings
possessed by these words themselves, not their structural meanings. Hence, we
have to admit that the “make-do” meaning of the type of words such as “rich”
is possessed by the words themselves.
We have another reason to regard the “make-do” meaning as the words’
own meanings instead of their structural meanings. Namely, if we regard the
“make-do” meaning as the structural meaning, then we have to admit that it
is a syntactic means in modern Chinese. As a result, we can only group the
type of words such as 丰富 (rich) and 完善 (perfect) into adjectives instead of
conversional words that function as adjective and verb, thus making syntax
unnecessarily complicated. In fact, on the whole, no one thinks that modern
Chinese has the “make-do” syntactic means. In dealing with word identity, we
should coordinate words with syntax. Since we think that there is no “make-
do” usage in Chinese syntax, we can only group the “make-do” meaning of
the type of word 丰富 (rich) into its own meaning. Therefore, words such as
丰富 (rich), 统一 (unitary), 完善 (perfect), 密切 (intimate), 壮大 (strong) and
巩固 (consolidated) should belong to identical generalization words.
Basic issues 31
Opposite to lexical transfer reference is syntactic transfer reference,
which refers to the temporary transfer reference when some words appear at
the position of subject or object. Because syntactic transfer reference has no
fixed meaning, we regard syntactic transfer reference and its corresponding
non-transfer reference as the same generalization word, for example:
The 大 (big) and 小 (small) in Example (16 b) refer to a big or small thing;
肥 (fat) and 瘦 (thin) in Example (17 b) refer to fat meat or thin meat respect-
ively. In both cases, there is a syntactic transfer reference. We group all of
them in both groups into the same generalization word respectively.
The syntactic transfer reference of a predicate is very rare in modern
Chinese but very common in classical Chinese, for example:
32 Basic issues
(23) a.
急性肠炎好治,慢性肠炎不好治 (Acute enteritis is easy to cure,
but chronic enteritis is not easy).
急性好治,慢性不好治 (The acute are easy to cure, but the
chronic are not easy).
(24) a. 打一个长途电话 (make a long-distance phone call)
b. 打一个长途 (call a long distance)
(25) a.
许多苹果都坏了 (Many apples get rotten). b. 许 多都坏了(Many
get rotten).
(26) a. 没收一切财产 (confiscate all property) b. 没收一切 (confis-
cate all)
1. The relationship between action and its doer, for example, 代表 (represen-
tative), 领导 (leader), 编辑 (editor), 导演 (director), 指挥 (commander).
Basic issues 33
2. The relationship between action and tool, for example, 锁 (lock), 锯
(saw), 铲 (shovel).
3. The relationship between action and its object, for example, 摆设 (fur-
nish), 储蓄 (save), 花费 (expenditure), 建筑 (building), 武装 (armament).
4. The relationship between action and content. The content means the
things existing in the form of substance or abstract things, for example,
通知 (information), 报告 (report), 补助 (subsidy), 练习 (exercise), 要求
(requirement), 计划 (plan), 忠告 (advice), 根据 (basis), 感觉 (perception),
命令 (order), 建议 (suggestion), 定义 (definition), 主张 (claim).
5. The relationship between action and source or credential, for example,
区别 (difference), 趋向 (tendency), 仇恨 (hatred), 依据 (basis), 病 (dis-
ease), 梦 (dream).
6. The use as a noun purely means the action itself, for example, 研究
(research), 调查 (investigation), 生产 (production), 解决 (solution), 改革
Among the above six cases, we regard the first five cases as transfer refer-
ence and treat them as verb and concurrently noun (see Chapter 7); the sixth
case is regarded as self-reference.
34 Basic issues
word-formation or morphology but belongs to a syntactic combination. If the
changes in form are syntactic, then the original form and the varied form belong
to the same generalization word. We will distinguish between word-formation,
morphology and syntax based on the following six criteria:
Morphology + + + + + − −/+
Word ? − ? ? ? − −/+
Syntax + − + + + + +
Note: + denotes the existence of the characteristic; -denotes the non-existence of the character-
istic; ? denotes no requirement for the characteristic, which is optional.
Basic issues 35
The AABB reduplication form: a. 比比划划 (gesticulate), 拉拉扯扯 (pull
and push): they are not systematic, have different grammatical functions
and belong to word-formation reduplication. b. 走走停停 (walk and stop),
说说笑笑 (josh): their order can be changed into 停停走走 (stop and walk),
denoting that the two actions alter in turn (or both actions happen). They
should be regarded as the reduplication of the two verbs 走 (walk) and 停
(stop). This is syntactic reduplication.
In the past, the reduplicated form of an adjective was called the vivid form
and regarded as identical.
The adjective reduplication is systematic (a good many adjectives can be
reduplicated). But the original form that is not a word has no functional
干净 (clean) 十 十 + +
干干净净 (very clean) - - - -
Thus we can see that the AABB form that has the properties of a state
word belongs to word-formation reduplication.
Furthermore, some adjective reduplications mean “either A or B”, for
example, 好好坏坏 (either good or bad), 大大小小 (either big or small). This
belongs to syntactic reduplication.
36 Basic issues
However, because the basic functions of a measure word are kept (being
able to be modified by numerals, and the functions of increased numerals
and measure words are incomplete, the reduplicated measure words are not
regarded as word-formation reduplication. Because there is no enforceability,
both reduplicating and reduplicated parts are words, and they should be
regarded as syntactic reduplication.
Basic issues 37
For example, 上上下下 (up and down), 前前后后 (front and rear), 里里外外
(inner and outer), 左左右右 (left and right). Their reduplication is system-
atic; their function does not change fundamentally but has no enforceability;
both reduplicating and reduplicated parts are words, belonging to syntactic
38 Basic issues
originally, but can function as adverbial after taking de1 (的). Moreover, they
can no longer be used as subject or object. 急躁 (irritable), 狡猾 (sly), 谦虚
(modest) cannot function as adverbial originally, but can do so as adverbial
after taking de1 (的). However, the addition of de3 (的) to 吃 (eat), 买 (buy),
做 (do) brings about changes in not only the grammatical function but also
meaning. Therefore, in our opinion, words that take de1 (的) and de3 (的) or
not, are not identical at all, and we cannot reckon that these words have the
grammatical function of de (的).
de2 (的) is rather special. Under usual circumstances, the functions of the
constituent before de2 (的) are basically the same, both having the properties
of a state word, for example, 干干净净 (very clean), 干干净净的 (very clean
plus de (的)). Only a constituent that is the reduplicated form of a monosyl-
lable adjective has different properties from de2 (的). There are two cases: (a)
the monosyllable adjectives such as 胖胖 (fat fat), 红红 (red red), 长长 (long
long) do not form words, but the constituent with de2 (的) thus formed has
the properties of a state word; (b) the reduplicated forms of monosyllable
adjectives such as 好好 (good good), 慢慢 (slow slow), 大大 (big big) have the
properties of an adverb, but the constituent with de2 (的) thus formed has the
properties of a state word. We regard “胖胖 (fat fat) plus de (的)” and “大大
(big big) plus de (的)” wholly as one word; the reduplicated forms of mono-
syllable adjectives such as 胖胖 (fat fat) are regarded as not being a word;
the reduplicated forms of monosyllable adjectives such as 大大 (big big) are
regarded as adverbs and different generalization words of “大大 (big big) plus
de (的)”. Other constituents with de2 (的) and the constituents before de2 (的)
are regarded as one generalization word.
1. All the functions of the same generalization word belong to its own and
cannot be classified into different units.
2. Different generalization words should be classified into different units,
their grammatical functions should be examined respectively, and they
should not be regarded as one combined unit.
Basic issues 39
For a few words that rarely occur in materials after the New China founda-
tion, we use the materials that appeared after 1919. The materials before 1919
are not used to investigate the functions of a word.
Language is constantly changing; new usages and coinages may arise at
any time. If new usages and coinages are extensively used, strongly acceptable
and rather stable, then we use the new usages and some coinages to investigate
their functions. Otherwise, new usages and coinages are not used to investigate
their functions. For example, 投入 (input) is fundamentally a verb and cannot
be modified by 很 (very), but recently there is the expression 很投入 (very
input), whose meaning is different from the verb 投入 (input). The expres-
sion is extensively used and stable. Therefore, we determine that 投入 (input)
should be a verb and adjective concurrently. 专业 (profession) can only be
used as attributive and take de (的), thus being a distinctive word. However,
recently the expression 很专业 (very profession) has arisen, but it is not exten-
sively used and is not stable. This is only a flexible use, and we do not use it to
investigate its function. 太业余了 (too amateur) is not a fixed expression and
cannot be used to investigate its function.
40 Basic issues
(6) A few exceptions. Some words are historical legacies; some have no clear
source. For example, 忽然之间 (suddenly), 短期内 (within a brief period)
and 很 (very) are used as complements.
1 In fact, it is difficult to divide the boundary line between the compound word
formed by combining root words and phrases not only in Chinese but also in other
languages such as English. For example, “airmail” and “air mail”. In the same
dictionary such as Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, the following pairs
are correct: full moon/half-moon, back stroke/breaststroke, morning coat/tailcoat,
water buffalo/watermelon.
2 Here, 国 (country) in classical Chinese collocates 与 (and) in classical Chinese; if 和
(and) in modern Chinese is used to replace 与 in classical Chinese, then the sentence
will be ungrammatical.
3 The technical language hierarchy often uses classical Chinese elements; 叶 (leaf),
鳄 (crocodile), 胸 (chest), 肩 (shoulder) are also words in the classical Chinese
hierarchy used in the everyday Chinese.
4 See The Modern Chinese Learning Dictionary.
5 See The Modern Chinese Usage Dictionary.
6 It means 支支吾吾 (hem and haw). For example, a line by Chen Jinfu: 枝枝节节,
meaning somewhat hesitant to say something (Hong Shen’s drama: Wukui Bridge).
It also means fragmentary, for example: What I love about Peking is not something
枝枝节节 (fragmentary) but a whole portion of history that unites my soul (Missing
Peking by Lao She).
7 A few combinations such as 为了 (for), 除了 (except), 人们 (people) and 他们 (they)
are words; except for these, others should be regarded as phrases.
Possibilities and purposes of
classifying parts of speech
1. Affixation: prefixes or suffixes: -zi (子), -er (儿), -tou (头), -jia (家), for
example, 资本家 (capitalist); di-(第-), wu- (无-), for example, 无条件地
(unconditionally); zong-(总), for example, 总领事 (councilor general);
fan- (反-), for example, 反革命 (counterrevolutionary).
Gao Mingkai summarized that for four reasons, Chinese has parts of
speech; however, none of them is valid.
First, if Chinese had no parts of speech, then Chinese would be regarded as
a kind of low-level language. However, whether there is classification of parts
of speech or not is not an adequate basis for judging the level of a language.
Though Chinese has no classification of parts of speech, its speakers have the
notions of “noun, verb, adjective”. The only thing is that these concepts are
expressed by words rather than by grammar. Language development facts
show that the morphology of Indo-European languages tends to be simpli-
fied, but we cannot say that they are low-level languages.
Second, the statement that Chinese has parts of speech is based on the
meaning of a word instead of its form. But Chinese has no special forms to
show its parts of speech, so the conclusion is that it surely has no parts of
Third, when somebody believes that Chinese has parts of speech, their
belief is based on the evidence that Chinese has a morphology. However, they
are not clear about what morphology is, thinking that whatever constituent
that follows or precedes a word root is morphology. As a matter of fact, zhe
(者), de (的), le (了) and so forth in Chinese are just grammatical means (syn-
tactic means); they are merely functional words rather than morphology.
Fourth, when somebody believes that Chinese has its parts of speech, their
belief is based on the fact that it has changes in tone. But the changes in tone
represent different meanings, and the reason why they think there is a diffe-
rence in parts of speech after changes in tone is still based on the meaning of
a word.
KoHpaд’s belief that Chinese has a morphology actually reveals that he
looked at Chinese from the perspective of Indo-European languages. For
A. They agreed that the basis for classifying parts of speech is morphology
(in other words, they agreed with the major premise), but they believed
that Chinese has a morphology. Therefore, it has parts of speech. Such
critics are represented by Lu Zongda (1955) and Yu Min (1955). Yu Min’s
Chinese morphology is shown in the following table:
B. They agree that the basis for classifying parts of speech is morphology in
its narrow and broad senses, and that it can be used to classify parts of
speech accordingly. Such critics are represented by Wen Lian and Hu Fu
(1954), Б. Г. Myдpob (1954).
Morphology in its narrow sense: affix. For example, -zi (子), -er (儿), -tou
(头) and reduplication.
Morphology in its broad sense: the capability of words to combine with
each other. For example, 人 (person), 一个人 (one person), 笔 (pen),
三只笔 (three pens), 笑 (smile), 不笑 (not smile), 会笑 (can smile), 快
(fast), 很快 (very fast).
C. The function of a word is the basis for classifying parts of speech, and its
meaning should be taken into account at the same time. This is represented
by Cao Bohan (1955), who pointed out that “we feel that the criteria for
classifying parts of speech must be decided by the function of a word in a
sentence, and that the classification must be based on its meaning”. Why
must it be done in this way? The main reason is that parts of speech and
the constituents of a sentence do not fit well with each other (namely, they
do not correspond well with each other). In such a case, word meaning is
needed to help classify parts of speech. For example, it is unnecessary to
classify words that function as subject and object into two parts of speech
because nouns functioning as subject and object all mean the names of
things, whose attributes are the same.
Moreover, some scholars like Wang Li (1955) held that meaning, morph-
ology and syntax should be jointly used to classify parts of speech.
Gao Mingkai (1954, 1955) refuted this as follows:
1. The function of a word and its capability to combine with other words
cannot be used to classify parts of speech. Grammar can be classified
into morphology and syntax, but parts of speech belong to morphology.
The so-called parts of speech are the classification of words functioning
as the building block of a language (in a word-bank, words are not
combined into sentences); they do not refer to the position or function of
a word in a sentence. If we classify parts of speech according to morph-
ology in its broad sense, then we may commit the following mistakes:
a. The borderline between morphology and syntax is not clear.
Morphology in its broad sense and the function of a word fall into
the category of syntax rather than morphology. The part of speech
of a word and its function in a sentence are two different concepts.
For instance, in the past, wood was often used as the beam of a
house, but now steel bars are used instead; thus, steel functions as
Gao Mingkai stressed that the statement that Chinese has no parts of
speech is based on grammar; however, Chinese speakers use concepts to tell
difference between things, actions and properties. The old Slavic language
has the category of even numbers, but Russian does not. However, Russian
speakers also have the concept of even numbers.
The apparent reason why Gao Mingkai held that Chinese has no parts of
speech is that he looked at the issue from the perspective of Indo-European
languages, believing that parts of speech can be classified only according to a
morphology. But the fundamental reason is that he failed to realize the nature
of parts of speech. Their nature is not the morphological type, just like male
and female are not distinguished by their physical features or their clothing.
The critics of Gao Mingkai also failed to realize the nature of parts of speech,
either continuing to regard morphology as their nature, insisting on finding
some examples of Chinese morphology (Lu Zongda, Yu Min), or regarding
˄˅ 䘉 а ᵜ Җ
The hierarchical analysis shows that the example has a total of six gram-
matical positions, the five positions of b, c, d, e, f can be substituted by the
following words:
(2) a. Mamu•k- ma qu•?as-?i
Work (present tense) man this
This man is working.
b. Qu•?as-
ma mamu•k-?i (mamu•k: statement→reference)
Man (present tense) work this
The one who is working is a man.
(3) a. Nagtatrabaho ang lalaki
is working (topic) man
Man is working.
b. Lalaki ang nagtatrabaho (nagtatrabaho: statement → reference)
Man (topic) is working
The one who is working is a man.
Actually, this is just the transfer reference of a verb. A noun serves as the
predicate of a judgment sentence. This is not enough to explain that there is
no classification of nouns and verbs, however. For example, when a verb has
a transfer reference and serves as a subject or object, the definite determiner
“?i” is required (similar to the transfer reference of an adjective in English).
Hence, Example (4) in the following is invalid. Furthermore, the meaning of
a transfer reference is produced only in a special context.
Essence and expressional functions
of a part of speech
The associative relation means that the constituents that share common
things cluster into classes through association in a human’s memory. For
example, the French word enseignement (education, noun) makes one asso-
ciate enseigner (educate, verb) because they are cognates. Changement
(change, noun, the suffix -ment is the same as -ment in enseignement), educa-
tion (education, noun, synonymous). Enseignement has associative relations
with these words.
Combination relation
p │ 我 读 书 (I read books)
a │ 他 看 报 (He reads newspaper)
r │王同志 写 文章 (Comrade Wang writes articles)
d a b c
c noun + verb + noun
There are three possible scenarios of distribution in the idea that words
having the same distribution form a part of speech:
Hence, the view that words having the same single-item distribution fall
into the same part of speech is not valid.
(1) Subjects, objects: Nearly all the parts of speech of notional words, except
adverbs, can function as subjects and objects; for example, nouns, verbs,
adjectives, locatives, time words, place words and numerals can do so.
(2) Attributives: Nearly all of the parts of speech of notional words except
adverbs and measure words can function as attributives; for example,
nouns, verbs, adjectives, distinctive words and numerals can do so.
(3) Attributives ~: Nearly all of the parts of speech except distinctive words,
adverbs and numerals can be modified by attributives; for example,
nouns, time words, measure words, verbs and adjectives can do so.
(4) Predicates: Nearly all of the parts of speech except distinctive words,
adverbs and numerals can function as predicates. Generally, verbs,
2. Some words have quite different distributions but belong to the same part
of speech. 年事 (person’s age) and 现年 (current year), as cited above, can
only function as subjects; 剧毒 (high toxicity) and 泡影 (zilch) can only
function as objects. They have quite different distributions, but all are
nouns. 活像 (look exactly like) and 企图 (attempt) can only appear at the
central position of a predicate and cannot be modified by 不 (not); zhu
(住) and zhuo (着) can only appear at the position of a complement but
belong to verbs.
3. Even if we can select some distribution characteristics to classify parts of
speech, we find that we cannot actually use the distribution characteristics
themselves to answer why we select these distribution characteristics
instead of others as the criteria for classifying parts of speech. Different
In the following, the distinctions between verb and adjective are taken as
examples to show that they cannot be determined only by distribution.
Table 4.1 gives the distinctions between verb and adjective proposed by
Zhu Dexi (1982b):
Theoretically speaking, there are, indeed, at least the following methods for
classifying parts of speech of the language facts reflected by these two gram-
matical functions:
1. Classifying the language facts into two types according to whether they
can take their real objects or not: Type A (transitive predicate words: 想
(think), 唱 (sing)) and Type B (intransitive predicate words: 醒 (wake), 大
2. Classifying the language facts into two types according to whether they
can be modified by 很 (very) or not: Type A (degree predicate words: 想
(think), 大 (big), Type B (non- degree predicate words: 唱 (sing), 醒
3. Give conjunctive relationship to words that can be modified by 很 (very)
and take objects, and they are classified into four types: Type A (+ very ~
∧ + ~ object: 想 (think)), Type B (-very ~ ∧ + ~ object: 唱 (sing)), Type
C (* very ~ ∧ –~ object: 醒 (wake), Type D (+ very ~ ∧ * ~ object: 大
4. Give conjunctive or disjunctive relationship to words that can be modi-
fied by 很 (very) and take objects, and classify them into two types: Type
Table 4.1 Zhu Dexi’s (1982b) criteria for distinguishing between verbs and adjectives
Table 4.2 The possible classifications obtained with the two criteria of “~ object” and
“很 (very) ~”
a b c d a b c d
All these words belong to verbs; if S ≥ 0.5 is followed, then we can only
exclude them from verbs; hence, this method still does not work. Yuan Yulin
(1995) thought that “because a part of speech is a prototype category, all the
members of a part of speech often do not share the distribution characteristics
that the members of another part of speech do not have. Therefore, there is
no way to use the conjunction/disjunction relations among several distribu-
tion characteristics to strictly determine the part of speech of a word. We can
only use the advantageous distribution probability of a certain class of words
to broadly determine their parts of speech. But the broad determination is
too fuzzy and not satisfactory”. “We can use the distribution characteristics
unique to typical members to determine their parts of speech comparatively
Let us look at whether or not we can use the prototype theory as the cri-
terion for classifying parts of speech.
The strict definition of noun: a noun is a class of words whose members
can be modified by numerals and measure words but not adverbs.
This definition is very strict indeed. Only 78% of nouns can be modi-
fied by numerals and measure words, and only a small number of nouns
4. The prototype theory does not give a method for determining the proto-
type of a part of speech. In fact, it is impossible to determine its proto-
type according to distribution itself.
5. The root problem is that the prototype theory argues in a logical circular
way. The determination of the prototype of a part of speech can only
be achieved under the condition that, first, categories are classified and
their typical distribution characteristics are known. In other words, when
you say that words such as 桌子 (desk), 石头 (stone), 人 (person) and 马
(horse) are typical members of nouns, you already know that a noun is
1. The prototype nature of lexical meaning. A part of speech has its proto-
type lexical meaning. For example, nouns denote things; verbs denote
action; typical nouns denote three- dimensional material objects (see
Taylor, 1989).
2. The interconnection among parts of speech, lexical meanings and syn-
tactic constituents has a prototype nature. For example, the interconnec-
tion among actions, verbs and predicates is prototypical and unmarked,
whereas the interconnection among actions, verbs and subjects is non-
prototypical and marked (see Croft, 1991).
3. Humans’ perception of parts of speech is prototypical. Namely, they rely
on a prototype to identify them.
4. A certain class of words has a prototypical nature in terms of distribution.
But these are not of the intrinsic prototypical nature of parts of speech.
What is similar to this phenomenon is sex. Sex is not a prototypical class. What
determines sex is the XY sex chromosome or the XX sex chromosome. Male
and female can be clearly classified according to whether there is a Y chromo-
some or not, but from the perspective of the apparent characteristics of sex,
it has its prototype. These apparent characteristics include (taking human
beings as an example) physiological characteristics, physical appearance
characteristics, clothing characteristics, behavior characteristics, disposition
characteristics, occupational characteristics and so on. Sometimes things of
the same type are so different in apparent characteristics that it is difficult to
establish the interconnection among them only according to these apparent
characteristics. Only through their intrinsic characteristics can we establish
their interconnection, for example, between coal and diamonds.
The prototype of a class expresses itself at different levels. We can neither
regard the prototypical nature of apparent characteristics as that of intrinsic
characteristics nor classify objects into a class solely according to the similarity
of apparent characteristics. We cannot think that a part of speech belongs
where I is the number of identical grammatical positions at which two words
appear, and P is the sum of the numbers of grammatical positions. For
example, there are 19 grammatical positions where 干净 (clean) may appear,
and there are nine grammatical positions where 附近 (nearby) may appear.
Five grammatical positions are shared by the two words, whose similarity
degrees are:
S = 100×5/(285)=22.
Table 4.1-2 (see appendices in Volume 2) gives the mutual distributional
similarity degrees of the 60 words calculated according to Table 4.1-1. The
sequencing of the mutual similarity degrees of the 60 words according to their
size produces Table 4.1-3 (see appendices in Volume 2).
The tables show an interesting fact: the word that is the most similar to
another word in terms of distribution does not necessarily belong to the same
part of speech. For example, the ten words that have the highest degree of
distributional similarity to the state word 花白 (grizzled) include 日常 (daily),
临时 (temporary), 野生 (wild), 慢性 (chronic, distinctive word), 私人 (pri-
vate, noun), 众多 (multitude, numeral), 相同 (same, adjective), 注定 (doom,
verb), 个别 (a few, numeral) and 钢笔 (fountain-pen, noun). However, the ten
A 8 B
10 9
a b d e c
a b C d
b 10
c 7 4
d 3 5 5
e 5 8 5 9
10 9
a b c d e
10 9
a b c d e
rest 61
build 80
like 81 67
clean 86
serious 82
extremely hot 75
years 100 88
barrel 100 89 80
phone 80 75
playground 90
China 82
afternoon 92
temporary 70
everyday 80
chronic 50
private 100 83
wild 67
before 78
lots of 80
gray 64
moment 45
recently 56
two 80
thousand 43-44
this 40
snow white
think about
every 33
hour 67
piece 26
torrential 20
on earth 100 17
build 72
like 81
wash 77
drunk 59
serious 86
clean 80 55
rest 61 34
destined 38
think about 45
extremely hot
act 100
year 85
person 100
barrel 89 68 61
sunny 90
playground 86 67
China 74 25
afternoon 92 55
today 69
phone 80
pen 46
field 69
nearby 78
before 43
many 55 15
ten 80
everyday 80
temporary 66 33
private 100 83
chronic 56
numerous 44 28
lots of 80 60
individual 74 50 39 12
this 43 11
standing 33
thousand 37 8
hour 67 25
extent 6
diachronic 33 4
ready 3
on earth 100
The words that can appear at the position in Example (4) include 书
(book), 桌子 (desk), 愿望 (desire), 感觉 (perception), 出版 (publication),
研究 (study), 到来 (arrival), 依赖 (dependence), 美丽 (beauty), 开明 (enlight-
enment) and 邪恶 (evil), and all having referential meanings. Words that
cannot appear at this position include 是 (be), 有 (have), 知道 (know), 觉得
(feel), 舍得 (willing to part with), 看见 (see) and 愿意 (willing), and all having
statement meanings. Words that can appear at the position in Example
(5) include 肠炎 (enteritis), 红眼病 (acute conjunctivitis), 感冒 (cold), 拉肚子
(diarrhea), 流鼻血 (nosebleed), 急性 (acute), 慢性 (chronic) and so on. What
do these words have in common? They are all referential words. The basis of
the two grammatical positions’ selectional restriction on words can also be
regarded as their expressional function.
In our opinion, the reason why words have different distributions is
that they have different properties, which are, therefore, their expressional
functions and semantic types.
a. 想打球 (want to play basketball) (object of statement) –want what
b. 看打球 (watch playing basketball) (object of reference) –watch
(7) a. 子贡贤于仲尼(《论语·子张》) (Zigong is more virtuous
than Zhongni) (Zizhang in Analects of Confucius)
b. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省焉(《论语·里仁》) (When we see
a man of virtue and talent, we should think of equaling him;
when we see a man of a contrary character, we should turn
inward and examine ourselves.) (Liren in Analects of Confucius)
(8) a. 失所长则国家无功,守所短则民不乐生. (With a lack of the meri-
torious, the state will be powerless; if keeping the unmeritorious,
the people will not enjoy their life.)
b. 以无功御不乐生,不可行于齐民. (《韩非子·安危》) (Without
power, it is not feasible for the Qi people to enjoy their life.)
(Chapter on Safety and Danger in the book Han Fei Zi)
(9) a. 急性肠炎好治,慢性肠炎不好治. (Acute enteritis is easy to treat,
but chronic enteritis is not easy to treat) (modification).
b. 急性好治,慢性不好治. (The acute are easy to treat, but the
chronic are not easy to treat.) (reference)
(10) a. 我们研究问题 (We study problems), (embodied as an assertion)
b. 研究很成功 (The study is highly successful), (embodied as an
(11) a. 这个苹果大 (The apple is large)
b. 有大有小 (Some are large; some are small)
(12) a. 一切财产 (all property)
b. 放弃一切 (abandon all)
(13) a. I walk every day (embodied as an assertion)
b. I take walk every day (embodied as an object)
公认他是好人 (It is generally recognized that he is a good person) –
*recognize what; *recognize in what manner
彩色电视 (color television) –what television (but 彩色 (color) is not
a reference)
悄悄对他说 (talk to him in whispers) –talk to him in what manner
(but 悄悄 (in whispers) is not a statement)
The opposition between a statement and a reference is the most fundamental
in language, but it still has not been completely settled how to use formal
characteristics to distinguish between the two. Modification
Some constituents are neither references nor statements. The following three
scenarios show that the constituent at a modifier position should be regarded
as the third type of expressional function –a modification.
1. When distinctive words, adverbs, numerals and measure words are used
as modifiers, they are neither subjects nor objects. Only at the position
of subject or object are they subjects or objects; only at the position of
predicate are they statements. Compare the following:
(17) a. 急性肠炎好治,慢性肠炎不好治 (Acute enteritis is easy to
treat, but chronic enteritis is not easy to treat).
b. 急性好治,慢性不好治 (The acute are easy to treat, but the
chronic are not easy to treat).
(18) a. 有男生,有女生 (There are schoolboys and schoolgirls).
b. 有男有女 (There are men and women).
(19) a. 许多题都不会 (I cannot answer many questions).
b. 许多都不会 (Many I cannot answer).
(20) a. 我不去 (I do not go).
b. 我不 (I do not).
2. An adjective has different properties at a predicate position or a modifier
(21) a. 衣服干净 (The clothes are clean). 衣服不/很干净 (The clothes
are not/very clean).
b. 干净衣服 (the clean clothes) *不/很干净衣服 (the not/very
clean clothes)
(22) a. 学习认真 (study seriously) 学习不/很认真 (The study is
not/very serious)
b. 认真学习 (serious study) *不/很认真学习 (study not/very
不/很干净的衣服 (not/very clean clothes)
不/很认真地学习 (study not/very seriously)
十根木头的房子 (a house of ten pieces of wood)
Therefore, the constituent at a modifier position should be regarded as the
third expressional function: a modification.
The characteristics of a modification are as follows: it modifies and restricts
a statement or reference; its meaning is outward oriented, dependent by itself
and dependent on a statement or a reference, and cannot be modified by
attributives and adverbials.
There are two types of modifications: substantive modifications and predi-
cate modifications. A substantive modification modifies a reference and
functions as an attributive; a predicate modification modifies a statement and
functions as an adverbial.
The direct use of 干净 (clean), 认真 (serious) and 木头 (wood) as
attributives or adverbials has different properties from the above words
followed by de (的)/di (地) to be used as attributives or adverbials. When they
are directly used as attributives or adverbials, their expressional function
is a modification, and thus they cannot be modified by other modifiers.
But when they are followed by de (的)/di (地) and used as attributives or
adverbials, they still function as statements or references, and still have the
characteristics of a statement or a reference. Namely, they can be modified
by other modifiers. Auxiliary
Auxiliaries refer to the expressional functions of functional words such as
prepositions, conjunctions, modal particles, auxiliary words and so on. They
can be regarded as neither statements nor references nor modifications, and
are added to functional words to play the following auxiliary roles:
│ │
In Example (27) a, 黄头发 (yellow hair) can be used to answer the question
“what is it like?” and can be added with an adverbial, thus being a statement.
However, it can also be added with an attributive, and in this regard, it should
be considered as reference. This is contradictory. But if an adverbial and an
attributive appear simultaneously, the adverbial is always preceded by the
attributive. Namely, the adverbial is in the outer layer; the attributive is in the
inner layer.
This indicates that the expressional function of 黄头发 (yellow hair) has
two layers: the inner layer is a reference; the outer layer is a statement. For
another example:
│ ╱╲
小王 I vP
AdP v’
│ ╱╲
Ad v NP
│ │ ╱╲
也 (是Ø) QP N’
一头 黄头发
╱╲ ╱╲
│ │ ╱╲
│ │
学习 很 重要
╱╲ ╱╲
│ │
这本书 的 Ø 出版
黄头发 (yellow hair) in Example (31) still has the properties of a noun
because it can take its attributive 一头 (a head of). Because the functioning
of a substantive phrase as a predicate denotes judgment and requires the
appearance of the overt 是 (is), for example, 小王不是黄头发 (Little Wang
is not of yellow hair.), it can be treated in the way that its syntax requires
that it should have a covert link verb. Because the link verb 是 (is) is silent,
it seems that the pronounced 一头黄头发 (a head of yellow hair) undertakes
the function of 是一头黄头发 (is of a head of yellow hair), thus having the
properties of a predicate word on the whole. In Example (32), the verb 学习
(study) does not turn into a noun because it can still take its object or adver-
bial, for example, 学习语法很重要 (studying grammar is very important);
认真学习很重要 (studying seriously is very important). We believe that the
verb 学习 (study) in the position of subject takes the covert marker (NMk)
of a substantive word, whose property of reference is created by the covert
marker. In Example (33), AP denotes a substantive modification phrase;
AMk denotes the substantive modification word de (的), namely the attribu-
tive marker de (的, meaning “of ”). The attributive 这本书的 (of this book)
modifies 出版 (publication), which has the covert marker of the properties of
a noun. Therefore, the nature of the distinction between the parts of speech at
Pattern 3: Need to classify parts of speech, and treat the overlapping part as a
conversional word
Pattern 4: Need to classify parts of speech, and treat the overlapping part as
conversional word or not as a conversional word
speech have different semantic bases, and we can use the lexical meaning to
help judge them. But definition and explanation do not mean criteria; expres-
sional functions or meanings can be used to give definitions and explain the
nature of parts of speech, but cannot be used as criteria for classifying parts
of speech simply because they cannot be directly observed. Therefore, we still
should find directly observable criteria for classifying parts of speech, such as
distribution and morphology.
In fact, it is not this book that originally created the view that distribution
is not the essence of a part of speech. Many other scholars hold a similar view-
point, which can even be regarded as returning to old ways. In the following,
we present other views that hold that distribution is not the essence of a part
of speech:
In English:
(34) The extremely old need a great deal of attention. (extremely old: a
modification transformed into a reference)
(35) The number of jobless is rising. (jobless: a modification transformed
into a reference)
(36) Mary’s was the prettiest dress. (Mary’s: a modification transformed
into a reference)
(37) We’ll meet at Bill’s. (Bill’s: a modification transformed into a
In Spanish:
(38) a. Saludemos a los valientes combatientes.
Salute first person to fixed reference.
b. Siempre muestra gran respeto a los valientes. (valientes: modi-
fication→ reference)
In Hungarian:
(39) a. szép ház b. A ház szép.
c. A szép kevés, a rossz sok. (szép, rossz: a modification or a
statement → a reference)
小王黄头发 (Little Wang has yellow hair). (from reference to
这本书的出版 (the publication of this book) (from statement to
急性好治 (The acute are easy to treat). (from a modification to a
夫 尚 贤 使 能 , 赏 有 功 , 罚 有 罪 , 非 独 一 人 为 之 也 ……
(《荀子·强国》(If the virtuous are esteemed and the able are
motivated, then the meritorious are rewarded and the guilty
The word zhi (之) in classical Chinese can be regarded as a marker for a
modification; zhe (者) is a marker for reference. The word “to”, a marker for
an English infinitive, can be regarded as a marker for reference; the possessive
case “-’s” attached to a noun is a marker for a modification. The marked syn-
tactic transformation can be analyzed as follows (in the diagram, Mk indicates
transformation marker; AMk indicates the marker for distinctive word;
AdMk indicates the marker for adverb; NMk indicates the marker for noun):
有计划地生产 (produce in a planned way)
│ │
有计划 地 生产
一箪食,一豆羹,得之则生,弗得则死,呼尔而与之,行道之人弗受. (If
you get a basket of rice or a bowl of thick soup, you can live on;
if not, you may die. If you are asked to give, do not give it to the
person who preaches.) (Volume 1 on Giving You Advice in Mencius)
│ │
行道 之 人
我不 (I do not). (51) 急性好治 (The acute is easy to treat).
ᡁ I VP
│ │
AdP V’ 急性 Ø 好治
н Ø
From this perspective, the no-marker syntactic transformation of expres-
sional functions is caused by two types of constituent vacancy: (1) the vacancy
of an expressional function transformation marker, for example, 学习很重要
(Study is very important); 这本书的出版 (the publication of this book); (2) the
vacancy of a core constituent, for example, 小王一头黄头发 (Little Wang has
a head of yellow hair); 我不 (I not). The expressional function transformation
marker is also a core constituent; therefore, the no-marker transformation is
actually caused by the core constituent vacancy.
Y (XØ)
学习很重要 (Study is very important). (学习 (study) is a verb)
急性好治 (The acute are easy to treat). (急性 (acute) is a
distinctive word)
有大有小 (Some are large; some are small). (大 (large) and 小
(small) are adjectives)
赏有功,罚有罪 (reward the meritorious; punish the guilty). (有功
(meritorious) and 有罪 (guilty) are verb phrases)
贤者以其昭昭使人昭昭 (The wise use their clarity to make others
clear). (With All Your Heart in Mencius). Here 昭昭 (clear) is a
state word.
(Type A) NP
(Type B) NP
᱕ཙ (spring)Ø ࡠᶕ(arrival)
(Type C) NP
不备不虞,不可以师. (《左传·隐公五年》) (If not prepared and
not dangerous, then no fighting) (The Fifth Year of the Yin Prince in
н༷ AP NP
͔͕ │
н㲎 Ø Ø
劝 AP N’
╱╲ │
│ │
Meritorious Ø Ø
他有两个哥哥,一个高,一个矮 (He has two brothers; one is tall, and
the other is short).
╱╲ ╱╲
一个 Ø 高
看书的比买书的多 (there are more book readers than buyers).
╱╲ │
│ │
看书 的 Ø
The extremely old need a great deal of attention.
Det NP
│ ╱╲
the AP N’
╱╲ │
Adv A N
│ │ │
extremely old Ø
╱╲ │
│ │
Mary ’s Ø
unmarked, but we add the marker to or -tion to indicate a reference and add
the marker -ing or -ed to indicate a modification.
According to Croft’s marker theory, the correlation among things,
references and nouns, and that among actions, statements and verbs are all
valid. But the correlation among attributives, modifications and adjectives is
not universal. In Chinese and most of the Sino-Tibetan languages, an attribu-
tive mainly corresponds to a statement.9 The correspondence between part
of speech and semantic type is actually a matter of word formation but not
a matter of syntax. Some markers such as “-ness” are also a matter of word
formation but not a syntactic one. If we only take into account the syntactic
matter, we can observe the correlation among part of speech, expressional
function and syntactic constituent. The correlation among the three is as
1 很 (very) represents an absolute degree adverb.
2 Because there are a great many grammatical functions, we discuss here only the
greatly universal grammatical functions. As mentioned before, nearly all of the
grammatical functions have no internal universality. For the convenience of the dis-
cussion, in the following, when we discuss the external exclusivity of a grammatical
function, the grammatical function of a certain part of speech means that at least
some of the words in the part of speech have a grammatical function.
3 A grammatical function has a distinction between general and concrete. For
example, “combined with other constituents” is more general than “functioning as
a syntactic constituent”. “Functioning as a syntactic constituent” is more general
than “functioning as a head word”. “Functioning as a head word” is more general
than “being modified by an adverbial”. “Being modified by an adverbial” is more
general than “being modified by 很 (very)”.
4 See Xiao Guozheng (1991) for the inner and outer distinctions between references
of predicate constituents at an object’s position.
5 Chinese adjectives such as 大 (large), 红 (red) and 重要 (important) are predicate
words and belong to VP syntactically, while English adjectives belong to AP (a
modifier) syntactically. Chinese distinctive words belong to AP syntactically and
are equivalent to English adjectives. Chinese adjectives that can directly function as
attributives can be regarded as adjectives and distinctive words concurrently.
6 Lu Jianming (1991) discussed in some detail the transfer reference of a modifier.
7 大 (big) and 小 (small) in 那商店卖的盆儿有大有小 (some basins on sale in that
store are big; others are small) are transfer references, but it seems that they should
be analyzed into “NP→AP + Pro”. Their constructions are the same as those for
the transfer reference of a distinctive word, but different from the construction “NP
→ Pro + VP” for the transfer reference of an adjective in classical Chinese.
8 The object of a transfer reference without adding suo (所) usually has conditions: the
predicate word takes a negative word or a modal verb 可 (can).
9 Shen Jiaxuan (1997) believed that the major function of a Chinese adjective is
attributive. In the opinion of the author of this book, it is predication, and an
adjective belongs to a predicate word; its direct function as an attributive is actually
because some of adjectives concurrently have the property of a distinctive word.
Criteria for classifying parts of speech
A. It can reflect the nature of a part of speech, namely the intrinsic expres-
sional function. Different parts of speech show different expressional
functions of a word. Therefore, only those factors that can reflect its
intrinsic expressional functions can be used as the criteria for classifying
parts of speech.
B. Observation. This means that the factor has an obvious extrinsic form or
is itself a certain extrinsic form, thereby being definitely comprehensible.
This is important because only through using observable things as the
criteria for classifying parts of speech can discrepant classifications be
avoided, thus making definite, reliable and operable classifications.
C. Comprehensiveness. This means that the factors used as the criteria for
classifying parts of speech are applicable to all or most of the words. Only
comprehensive factors can be used as the primary criteria for classifying
parts of speech, whereas incomprehensive factors can at most be used as
subsidiary criteria to supplement the primary criteria and can be used to
classify the parts of speech of some other words when the primary cri-
teria cannot be used to classify their parts of speech.
Second, a word has its systematic changes that reveal differences in parts
of speech. On Latin Language, written by W. T. Varro, a Roman who lived
from 116 to 27 BC, classified words into four classes according to changes in
word form:
Only when the difference or change in word form that shows differences
in parts of speech is systematic can it be sufficiently used to classify parts of
speech. Intrinsically speaking, a part of speech is the class of intrinsic expres-
sional functions, whereas a word form is not the nature of a part of speech
but only the most extrinsic manifestation of a word’s expressional function.
Therefore, we should not think that a language has no parts of speech just
because its words have no systematic differences or changes in word form.
But the word form of a formal language often has a rather strict corres-
pondence with the expressional function of a word. For example, in English,
a word that has changes in plural form can function as a subject or object,
and has a reference meaning. A word that has changes in tense and aspect
can function as a predicate and has a statement meaning. Therefore, we can
assume that the form of a word can indirectly reflect its expressional function
and meet the first condition of the criteria for classifying parts of speech.
The reason why we can use a word form to classify the parts of speech of
a language that is rich in form is that there is a rather strict correspondence
between its word form and the expressional function of its words. In other
words, the form of a word can be regarded as a symbol of its intrinsic expres-
sional function.
A word form, of course, is observable and also meets the second condition
for classifying parts of speech.
But Chinese lacks word form symbols and morphological changes in their
strict sense; its word form is incomprehensive. Only grammatical function can
5.2.2 Can word meaning be used as the criteria for classifying parts of speech?
Ma Jianzhong (1898) and Wang Li (China’s Modern Grammar, 1943, China’s
Grammatical Theory, 1944) both used meaning as the criteria for classifying
parts of speech.
There are two types of meanings: one is lexical meaning, and the other is
grammatical meaning or category meaning. These two aspects must be taken
into account when discussing whether meaning can be used as criteria for
classifying parts of speech.
We begin with the above-mentioned three conditions for classifying parts
of speech to examine whether the lexical meaning of a word can be used as
criteria for classifying its parts of speech. First, the lexical meaning cannot
reflect the expressional function of a word. For example, the following words
in their groups have the same or about the same lexical meanings, but their
expressional functions are quite different:
In Wang Li’s opinion, because Chinese has no word forms, its classifica-
tion into parts of speech is easier than Western languages. Although Western
languages have word forms, they are incomplete, so the classification into
parts of speech still relies on a grammatical function, which, however, does
not completely correspond to a part of speech, ultimately relying on concepts
to classify parts of speech. For example, in French, “Je suis fort (I am strong)”
and “Je suis roi (I am a king)”, “fort” and “roi” have no morphological diffe-
rence, and we can only make conceptual distinctions that “fort” is an adjective
and that “roi” is a noun. But Chinese has no part-of-speech label at all, and
this happens to let us classify parts of speech purely according to concept, not
being restricted by any form. As a result, it is easier to classify Chinese parts
of speech than those of Western languages (p. 28).
Harris (1946) said, every class of morphemes has its special sentence
positions and can be filled by any members of the class and only by those
members. For example:
N: Appearing before the plural form -s or its variant or after “the” or adjec-
tive: hotel, butter, two.
V: Appearing before the past tense “-ed” or its variant; before “-ing”, after an
N plus “should, will, might”: go, take, do.
Adjective: Appearing between “the” and N, but never appearing before “–
s”: young, pretty, happy.
Adverb: appearing between “the” and adjective, but not between “the” and a
noun: rather, very, now, not.
Fries (1952) said that in a single free mode of discourse, English words that
occupy the same positions must belong to the same part of speech.
What is distribution? Harris said that “the distribution of an element is the
total of all environments in which it occurs, i.e. the sum of all the (different)
positions (or occurrences) of an element relative to the occurrence of other
elements” (Harris, 1951: 15–16).
What is the environment or position? Harris said that the environment or
position of an element in a discourse is made up of its adjacent elements.
The so-called “adjacency” refers to the position before or after the element
or the position in which nonlinear elements such as intonation, stress and
The reason why we say that these four examples represent four pairs of
grammatical position is not that the parts of speech or specific words that
work as environmental constituents are different. The root cause is still that
their grammatical relations are different and rather specific: the relations
between number and measurement unit, between quantity and object, between
attributive and object and between demonstrative word and its object. When
(9) 这九个坏人 (these nine bad persons) 这一切坏人 (all these bad persons)
*这个九坏人 (*this piece nine bad persons) *这坏一切人 (*this bad all persons)
*人坏九这个 (*persons bad nine this piece) *人坏一切该 (*persons bad all these)
If these attributives have strict substitution relations, then they cannot co-
occur in the same noun phrase. But actually they can co-occur and hence
are not real substitutions. Different attributives do not necessarily occupy the
same grammatical position.
Because it is not easy or very trivial to express the grammatical relations
in a specific grammatical position, we just directly use the environment
consisting of specific words or parts of speech instead of using concrete syn-
tactic relations. Clearly, this actually contains specific grammatical relations.
If we generalize these grammatical positions and abandon the differences
in specific grammatical relations, only considering the more abstract gram-
matical relations such as subject-predicate, predicate-object and modifier-
modified, then these grammatical positions can be generalized as two more
abstract grammatical positions such as “attributive and headword”.
Thus, we call the grammatical position based on concrete syntactic
relations the specific grammatical position, and the grammatical position
based on abstract syntactic relations the abstract grammatical position.
The capability to occupy concrete syntactic positions is called specific dis-
tribution, and the capability to occupy abstract syntactic positions is called
generalized distribution. This is the difference between the distribution in its
narrow sense and the capability to occupy syntactic constituents: different
degrees of abstraction.
Now, we can sum up the conclusion that a grammatical function includes
two respects:
(1) The capability to combine one word or phrase with another (specific
(2) The capability to function as syntactic constituents (generalized
The two types of structural relationship stipulate the three kinds of basic
parts of speech:
In Lu Zhiwei’s mind, a part of speech does not change; therefore, once a word
is identified as an adjective, it will be an adjective at any position. The initial iden-
tification is based on the four positions of two types of relations. But if it can
occupy two positions, which position should be used? For example, we can well
say that because there is the phrase 风大 (wind big), 大 (big) in the phrase 大风
(big wind) is also a verb. Lu does not explain this, but as we can see, he reverts to
determining parts of speech according to meaning. In other words, although dis-
tribution is superficially used as the criteria, the classification is carried out not
strictly according to the uniform distribution criteria but as needed according to
the meaning of a word. The distribution criterion becomes only nominal.
Hence, Chinese parts of speech should not be classified according to
generalized distribution.
Can we classify parts of speech only according to specific distribution?
Hu Mingyang (1996a) thought that “it seems that the simple classification of
parts of speech with identification words or identification formats is objective
and scientific, but actually it tends to fall into a circular argument because the
initial criteria are subjectively selected and not proved”. But in fact the classi-
fication of parts of speech with identification words is reasonable, merely not
proved with a specific method. In the next chapter, we shall mention that the
classification of parts of speech according to specific grammatical functions
(including the specific functions stipulated by identification words) is demon-
strable. That is to say, the great compatibility of some grammatical functions
reflects the properties of the same part of speech and their equivalence. A series
of equivalent functions represents the distinctive functions of a part of speech,
and the criteria for classifying parts of speech (including the functions stipulated
by identification words) are selected from the equivalent functions.
In contrast with the views of Hu Mingyang (1996a), Chen Baoya (1999)
proposed that, due to the complicated correspondence between a part of
The first prominent example in this respect is that when the first root of a verb
or adjective is 不 (not), 无 (without) or 有 (have), the verb or adjective cannot
be modified by 不 (not), for instance:
Note: 1. Z refers to the standard score of normal distribution, see Chapter 2.2 in Volume 2 for
The second example is that a verb in the VO case usually cannot take
a real object. At the syntactic level, except for verbs that can take double
objects such as 给 (give), 送 (send) and 借 (lend), an ordinary verb that has
taken a real object cannot take another real object. This kind of restric-
tion still basically remains at the morphological level. The following verbs
in their VO case cannot take real objects: 办公 (work), 闭幕 (close), 毕业
(graduate), 打仗 (fight), 发言 (speak), 见面 (meet), 就业 (employ), 失效
(fail), 破产 (bankrupt), 缺席 (absent), 上班 (go to work), 照相 (take photo).
But this is just a tendency. Some verbs in their VO case can take real objects,
for example, 进口 (import), 出土 (unearth), 担心 (concern) and 加工 (pro-
cess). But statistical analysis shows that there is a significant difference in
the capability of verbs in their VO and non-VO cases to take real objects
(see Table 5.1).
as attributive 9 3147
proportion 1.0% 35.2%
not as attributive 872 5785
proportion 99.0% 64.8%
total 881 8932
Z1/prominent level –56.224 ++
1 The distribution as Harris meant it refers to the total number of positions in which
an element appears. For the convenience of description in this book, it calls a pos-
ition in which the element appears a distribution of the element.
2 不无 (not without) is an exception.
How to classify parts of speech
according to distribution
(1) The overall functional frequency of a part of speech may differ greatly
from the functional frequency of some words in the part of speech.
Namely, the functions are out of balance. This is reflected in two
respects: first, there is a great difference in functional frequency among
the minor classes of words of the same major class; second, there may
also be a great difference in functional frequency among various members
of a class. Because of this unbalanced function, classifying parts of
speech according to major functions certainly brings about chaos in the
(2) The most fundamental problem is that the use of major functions to
classify parts of speech has the logical fault of a circular argument: on
the one hand, first parts of speech are classified and then their major
functions are determined; on the other hand, the classification must be
based on major functions. The classification of parts of speech according
to the major functions of a word actually means that parts of speech have
already been classified, thus leaving the classification not demonstrated.2
For example:
In Figure 6.1, 100 words have Function X and 40 words have Function Y,
among which 80 words have only Function X, 20 words have only Function Y
and 20 words have concurrently X and Y functions. The compatible degrees
are as follows:
20 y
Figure 6.1 Example 1
Figure 6.2 Example 2
Not|no ~ & noun 11790 14298 630 0.05 – – 0.04 – – 0.02 – – –
Predicate & adverbial~ 13261 13477 13122 0.99 ++ 0.87 ++ 0.96 ++ +
Predicate & bound 1573 506 53 0.03 – – 0.10 – 0.03 – – –
Very ~&~ 得很 (nicely) 2552 1607 1607 0.63 – 1.00 ++ 0.63 – +
Very ~&~ 极了 2552 2012 2012 0.79 + 1.00 ++ 0.79 + +
Very ~& 很不 (very 2552 1008 985 0.39 – 0.98 ++ 0.38 – +
not) ~
Very ~ & bound 2552 506 192 0.08 – – 0.38 – 0.07 – – +?
Very ~& group 2552 6494 1558 0.61 + 0.24 – 0.21 – +
Very ~& attributive 2552 23544 709 0.28 – 0.03 – – 0.03 – – –
Very ~& adverbial 2552 1592 273 0.11 – 0.17 – 0.07 – – –
Very ~&~ zhuo, le, guo 2552 10459 1888 0.74 + 0.18 – 0.17 – +
Very ~& predicate 2552 13261 2533 0.99 ++ 0.19 – 0.19 – +
Very ~&~ real object 2552 6163 203 0.08 – – 0.03 – – 0.02 – – +?
attributive & adverbial 23544 1592 296 0.01 – – 0.19 – 0.01 – – –
adverbial & group 1550 6494 240 0.15 – 0.04 – – 0.03 – –
number ~& attributive 24314 23544 17731 0.73 + 0.75 + 0.59 + –?
number ~ & adverbial 24314 1592 112 0.00 – – 0.07 – – 0.00 – – –
Table 6.2 (Cont.)
Notes: 1. The number of words that have the ※ function is calculated from the statistical sampling proportion. 2. The critical value of compatible degrees: high
compatible degree: (+)c>=0.5, including extremely high compatible degree (++): c>=0.9; low compatible degree (-):c<0.5, including extremely low compatible
degree (–): c<0.1. 3. The “x & y” denotes the number of words that have Functions X and Y. 4. In the “equivalent” column, “+” denotes equivalence; “-” denotes
unequivalence; “-?” indicates that the compatible degree is higher than 0.5, but according to relevant rules, 4j should be unequivalent; “+?” indicates that the
compatible degree is less than 0.5 but should be applied according to relevant rules.
Frequency level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Total Correlational Marked
coefficient ness
Number of 512 512 512 512 512 2560
Number Compati Number Compati Number Compati Number Compati Number Compati Number Compati
of words bility of words bility of words bility of words bility of words bility of words bility
很(very) ~ & 282 0.55 169 0.33 126 0.25 85 0.17 45 0.09 707 0.28 0.925 +
很(very) ~ & 459 0.90 474 0.93 487 0.95 484 0.95 482 0.94 2386 0.93 -0.946 +
不(not) ~
很(very) ~ & 着 399 0.78 397 0.78 404 0.79 360 0.70 307 0.60 1867 0.73 0.444 -
(zhuo), 了(le),
Number proportion Number pro Number pro Number pro Number pro Number Pro
of words of words portion of words portion of portion of portion of portion
words words words
很(very) ~ 498 97% 506 99% 508 99% 510 100% 504 98% 2526 99% -0.873 -
Attributive 292 57% 172 34% 126 25% 86 17% 46 9% 722 28% 0.931 +
Table 6.4 The correlation between number of conversional words and word frequency7
Conversional Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion
1308 17% 417 5.% 229 3.0% 136 1.8% 95 1.2% 2185 5.7% 0.996 ++
But an equivalent function cluster is not the criterion for classifying parts of
speech because some grammatical positions may allow several parts of speech
to enter. Therefore, although it has internal universality, it has no external
exclusivity. This can be demonstrated by the co-occurrence9 of unequivalent
functions such as 不 (not) ~ and〈subject〉; for instance, 不去是应该的 (not
going is obligatory). Then, how can we decide which position allows several
parts of speech to enter? This can be decided by the hierarchy of co-occurring
functions: the functions at the outer hierarchy do so. Under this circumstance,
the classification of parts of speech should give first priority to inner-layer
functions, for example, 不∥去/是应该的 (not //going/is obligatory). A deci-
sion can be made that the〈subject〉function in the outer layer allows several
parts of speech to enter. According to “不 (not) ~”, 去 (going) should be a
predicate word. For another example,〈predicate〉and 〈attributive〉~ are
not equivalent but can co-occur in the following: 小王/黄∥头发 (Little Wang/
yellow//hair). Its predicate function is at the outer layer. Therefore, we can
assume that the predicate position allows several parts of speech to enter.
According to its inner-layer function 〈attributive〉~, 头发 (hair) should be
Predicate words: 不 (not) ~│没 (no) ~│很 (very) ~│很不 (very not) ~│~
Substantive words: 〈subject〉│〈real object〉│〈attributive〉~ Λ
*〈predicate word〉
Modifiers: 〈modifier〉 Λ (*〈predicate word〉│〈substantive word〉)
Substantive modification words:〈attributive〉Λ(*〈predicate
word〉│〈substantive word〉)
Predicate modification words:〈adverbial〉Λ(*〈predicate
word〉│〈substantive word〉)
~ measure word & ~ x de (的) noun1 54 64 6 0.11 – 0.09 – – 0.05 – – –
~ measure word & ~ numeral, measure word, noun 54 11 5 0.09 – – 0.45 – 0.08 – – –
~ measure word&numeral, measure word ~ noun 54 449 0 0.00 – – 0.00 – – 0.00 – – –
~ numeral, measure word, noun & ~ x de (的) noun 11 64 3 0.27 – 0.05 – – 0.04 – – –
~ numeral, measure word, noun & numeral, measure 11 449 0 0.00 – – 0.00 – – 0.00 – – –
word ~ noun
~ x de (的) noun & numeral, measure word ~ noun 64 449 0 0.00 – – 0.00 – – 0.00 – – –
~ measure word & quasi-object 54 31 5 0.09 – – 0.16 – 0.06 – – –
quasi-object & ~ numeral, measure word, noun 31 11 0 0.00 – – 0.00 – – 0.00 – – –
quasi-object & numeral, measure word ~ noun 31 449 0 0.00 – – 0.00 – – 0.00 – – –
quasi-object & ~ x de (的) noun 31 64 13 0.42 – 0.20 – 0.16 – –
The criteria of the latter half for the four types of determiner use the negative
values of conjunctive criteria in order to eliminate other parts of speech that may
have the functions of the former half. Among criteria for numerals, adjectives
and demonstratives may also occur in the position of ~〈measure word〉. For
example, 大块 (big piece), 每台 (each set) and (* not ~│~〈numeral + measure
word + noun〉) need to be used to eliminate adjectives and demonstratives.
Among criteria for demonstratives, predicate words and notional words may also
occur in the position of ~〈numeral+ measure word + noun〉, for instance, 雪白
(snow-white) and 一双鞋 (a pair of shoes), and therefore should be eliminated
together. Moreover, classical Chinese demonstratives such as 本 (this) and 该
(these) cannot appear in the above-mentioned positions and are different from
the function of a colloquial modern Chinese demonstrative, thus requiring other
classification criteria. For detailed discussion, see Chapter 1.5.10 in Volume
2. Among criteria for numerals and measure words, a demonstrative may also
occur in the position of ~ X de (的)〈noun〉. We use *~〈numeral+measure
word+noun〉to eliminate them. Among criteria for distinctive words, notional
words and predicate words may also occur in the position of 〈numeral and
measure word〉~〈noun〉. We use *〈predicate word〉│〈notional word〉to
eliminate them.
In terms of grammatical meaning, numerals and measure words indi-
cate quantity and actually have the same integral function as a phrase
formed by “numeral + measure word”. Compare: 许多迟到的学生 (many
late students) – 十个迟到的学生 (ten late students); 来了三个 (three came) –
来了许多 (many came). This is the reason why we classify them into numerals
and measure words.
Actually, two types of modifiers can function as adverbials. One type
always functions as an adverbial before a modified constituent and is
<numeral> ~ & 在 (in) [notional word] ~ 509 1313 6 0.01 – – 0.00 – – 0.00 – – –
<numeral > ~& <numeral, measure word > ~ 509 21423 207 0.41 – 0.01 – – 0.01 – – –
<numeral> ~ & ~ <locative> 509 22683 250 0.49 – 0.01 – – 0.01 – – –
在 (in) [notional word] ~ & <numeral, measure 1313 21423 871 0.66 + 0.04 – – 0.04 – – –?
word> ~
在(in) [notional word] ~ & ~ <locative> 1313 22683 1018 0.78 + 0.04 – – 0.04 – – –?
<numeral, measure word> ~ & ~ <locative> 21423 22683 19553 0.91 ++ 0.86 + 0.80 + +
Table 6.7 The correlation between word frequency and compatible degree (substantive word)
Frequency level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Total Correlation Marked
coefficient ness
Number of words 5541 5542 5542 5542 5542 27709
在 (in) [notional 450 8.1% 164 3.0% 81 1.5% 36 0.6% 155 2.8% 886 3.2% 0.959 ++
word] ~ &
在 (in) [notional 554 10.0% 221 4.0% 110 2.0% 50 0.9% 160 2.9% 1095 4.0% 0.970 ++
word] ~ & ~
在 (in) [notional 558 10.6% 225 4.1% 111 2.0% 51 0.9% 162 2.9% 1137 4.1% 0.974 ++
<quantifier> ~ 4289 77.4& 4232 76.4% 4126 76.4% 4279 77.2% 4387 79.2% 21423 77.3% -0.037 -
~<locational word> 4766 86.0% 4616 83.3% 4711 85.0% 4711 85.0% 4655 84.0% 23459 84.7% 0.652 -
Hence, we classify measure words, locational words and nouns. The criteria
are as follows:
Criteria for measure words: some nouns can enter 一 (one)│几 (several)
~, for example, 这一地区 (this one region) and 几兄弟 (several brothers) can
be eliminated with *〈subject〉. Among criteria for locational words, some
nouns can also enter 在 (in)[〈notional word〉]~, for instance, 在教室 (in a
classroom), 在北京 (in Beijing) and 在操场 (at the sports ground). But these
words can also enter ~〈locality〉. We think that they have concurrently
the properties of nouns and locational words. Here we do not treat them as
conversional words with the homomorphic strategy but classify them into
nouns with * ~ 里 (inside) │ 以南 (to the south) in order to eliminate this
portion of nouns. The criteria for classifying nouns include the functions of
〈subject〉, 〈real object〉 and 〈attributive〉~, whose generalization level
is rather high, because 〈numeral and measure word〉~ and ~〈locality〉
have no internal universality. A noun is actually the residual class of substan-
tive words and so can be classified by eliminating measure words and loca-
tional words from substantive words.
Locational words can also be classified into locatives, place words and
time words; the classification can still be demonstrated with the previously
presented method. But due to space limitations here, the demonstration is
omitted and only classification criteria are listed as follows:
Quite a large number of adjectives that can enter 很 (very) ~ can enter
~ 〈real object〉. There are two scenarios: (1) the real object that denotes
degree comparison appears only in ~〈real object〉 (comparative object)
+〈quasi-object〉, for instance, 高他一头 (a head higher than him),
大他一岁 (one year older than him). Their degree just fits the degree of an
adjective. (2) The real object denotes a certain change on a part of a whole;
the subject and object have a relationship between part and whole, for
instance: (脸) 红了半边 ((face) gets red on its half side), (手上) 黑了一块
((hand) gets black a part), (你我)都白了头发 ((you and I) both have white
hair). At a rather low generalization level, 很 (very) ~ and ~〈real object〉
are not equivalent. But this phenomenon has its conditions and can be
properly reasoned by analogy. According to Rule 1, it should be regarded
as a syntactic phenomenon and still functions as adjective, which does not
change into a verb.
Most state words are the quantitative forms of adjectives. On these grounds,
a good many people think that they should be classified into adjectives. The
change from adjective into its corresponding quantitative form is a form of
word formation rather than a structural form, not being a syntactic phenom-
enon at all. Furthermore, a state word has prominently different syntactic
characteristics from an adjective; in particular it no longer has fundamental
functions of an adjective such as 很 (very) [不 (not)]~. Therefore, they should
be separated into another type of words.
The above discussion shows that the compatible degree of at least one
of the major functions determined as equivalent reaches the extremely high
critical value (c>=0.9), while the compatible degree among the functions
that cannot be determined as equivalent generally cannot reach this crit-
ical value. Put another way, all the functions whose compatible degree is
more than 0.9 are equivalent, with the only exception being 〈subject or
object〉&〈attributive〉. This shows the role of a compatible degree played
in determining an equivalent function.
Equivalent function clusters plus other part-of-speech exclusive restrictions
are the criteria for classifying parts of speech. The classification criteria are
both disjunctive and conjunctive. Disjunctive criteria refer to classification
criteria that play no distinctive role within the same equivalent function
1 ~ denotes the position in which a subject appears; │ denotes disjunctive relation; Λ
denotes a conjunctive relation; * means that a certain function does not exist; the
word inside〈〉is a part of speech or syntactic constituent.
2 See Chapter 2.4 in Volume 2 for detailed discussion.
3 According to the above-mentioned assumption, only functions that have extremely
high compatible degrees belong to equivalent functions. To be safe, here we use
the criterion that a heterovalent function should have a compatible degree of less
than 0.5.
4 Of course, the use of what substantive word as a vehicle of metaphor is related to
the typicalness of the substance and the social mentality and culture.
5 See Chapter 2 in Volume 2 for the correlation between word frequency and gram-
matical function
6 Many scholars have noticed a positive correlation between changes in lan-
guage form and in meaning and word frequency. This can be explained in this
way: changes always occur in use. The more frequently a linguistic element is
used, the more possibly it changes; the less frequently it is used, the less possibly it
changes. Elements that have the least possibility to change have not been in use.
Conversional words and nominalization
(1) Whether the word in two positions belongs to the same generalization
word (the identity problem).
(2) Whether a word belongs to several parts of speech or their
multifunctionality (whether they are transformed at the lexical level).
(3) What classification strategy is used.
If both the lexical meaning and the part of speech are different, then
different generalization words actually belong to different parts of speech.
Of course, they should be regarded as heteromorphic conversional words.
Therefore, Question (1) is not worth discussing. Provided that different gener-
alization words have different parts of speech, they should all be regarded as
conversional words. For example, 锁 (lock), 领导 (leader), 科学 (science) and
死 (death) should all be treated as conversional words. After determining the
identity, we should determine again whether the various functions of a word
differ in parts of speech. We do so according to the method for determining
equivalent functions presented in Chapter 6. This method proves that an
adjective that takes zhuo (着), le (了) and 过 (guo) does not function concur-
rently as a verb. It also proves that the transformation of parts of speech at the
syntactic level is not their conversion. For example, verbs such as 去 (going) in
去是应该的 (going is obligatory), which function as subjects, do not function
concurrently as nouns because they still have the basic functions of a verb,
such as taking objects and adverbials. In fact, a large number of verbs can
function as subjects. Moreover, we also prove that words such as 研究 (study)
and 调查 (investigate) that can be modified by 不 (not), be directly modified
by nouns and function as attributives actually have the properties of verbs,
a c b
Noun + verb→subject-predicate
Verb + noun → predicate-object
Verb + verb → combination, predicate-object, predicate-complement,
link-verb predicate
However, if the priority homomorphic strategy is used, then the same part-
of-speech sequence may produce various results and increase the ambiguity
of the syntactic analysis and its level of difficulty as a result. For example:
The more widely the priority homomorphic strategy is used, the more
ambiguous is the sentence thus made, and the less efficiently is the sentence
described and analyzed. It may even make the description of syntactic rules
with parts of speech meaningless. Therefore, use of the priority homomorphic
strategy should be limited.
There is no correspondence in meaning between Chinese parts of speech
and syntactic constituents, and a sentence described with parts of speech
may be certainly too ambiguous. You may wonder why the use of the priority
homomorphic strategy should still be limited. In fact, the lack of a one-to-one
correspondence between Chinese parts of speech and syntactic constituents
is largely due to the fact that the Chinese grammatical system uses the pri-
ority homomorphic strategy to classify parts of speech. If the priority homo-
morphic strategy were not used to classify parts of speech, then there might
be a very strict correspondence between Chinese parts of speech and syntactic
constituents. Therefore, lacking a one-to-one correspondence between parts
of speech and syntactic constituents cannot explain the reason why the use of
the priority homomorphic strategy should be limited.
In addition, under special circumstances, the following should be
(3) Mental acceptability: when one part of speech contains more than one
property, it should be in agreement with the human mentality. If the
Factors (1) and (2) are the most basic; Factor (3) is just supplementary. But
Factors (1) and (2) are contradictory. The simplicity of a part of speech tends
to ruin the simplicity of the syntactic rule. The simplicity of the syntactic
rule tends to ruin the simplicity of part of speech. Therefore, in selecting the
strategy for classifying parts of speech, we should consider both factors, redu-
cing their total cost to the lowest degree. Under any circumstances, the homo-
morphic strategy maximizes the total cost of the two factors (the number
of parts of speech increases; there is no correspondence between parts of
speech and grammatical properties). Therefore, we will not use it. We will only
choose the homogeneous strategy, the priority homomorphic strategy or the
consolidation strategy.
In fact, different strategies for classifying parts of speech cause a good
many controversies related to Chinese parts of speech. Strategies are not right
or wrong but only good or bad. Which strategy for classifying parts of speech
is the best depends on the specific circumstances.
Then, under what circumstance should the homogeneous strategy or the
priority homomorphic strategy be used? Our principles are as follows:
1. If overlapping members take the majority, then we should use the con-
solidation strategy.
2. If there are comparatively large numbers of words that have two parts
of speech or their conditions are identified (namely they can be con-
trolled by rules), then we use the priority homomorphic strategy; if not,
we use the homogeneous strategy. We do so because if the homogeneous
strategy is used for a large number of words that have two or more
parts of speech, a massive number of conversional words may appear.
Although the simplicity of the syntactic rule pays off, the part of speech
is complicated. Before the syntactic treatment, a massive number of
conversional words must be identified; once erroneous identification
of conversional words occurs, erroneous syntactic treatment may also
ensue. Therefore, when there is a large number of words that function
as two parts of speech, we would be better off using the priority homo-
morphic strategy.
3. If the priority homomorphic strategy is used for a small number of
words that function as two parts of speech, although the simplicity of
the part of speech pays off, that of the syntactic rule requires too heavy
a cost because more syntactic rules are needed to deal with the use of a
Properties of Properties of
Part of speech A Part of speech B
a c b
Properties of Properties of
Part of speech A Part of speech B
a c b
When the overlapping part accounts for 40% to 80% of the dominant part
of speech, it should be included in the dominant part of speech, and only
words that are in a weak part of speech should be classified into another inde-
pendent part of speech.
When the overlapping part takes the majority of the weak part of speech,
it should not be included in the weak part of speech.
a c b
Figure 7.4 The overlapping part accounts for 40% to 80% of the dominant part of
speech (Part of Speech A)
a c b
In fact, the third criterion shows the properties of not a substantive word but
a modification word. Therefore, the former two criteria are enough to identify
nominal verbs and nominal adjectives. Actually, there are only the former two
criteria for nominal verbs in Zhu Dexi’s Handouts on Grammar (1982b).
In Chinese, the proportion between a word that has concurrently the prop-
erties of a predicate word and one that has concurrently the properties of a
substantive word takes only 19% of the predicate words and 8% of the sub-
stantive words, far below the criteria for the consolidation strategy, which
should not be used. Neither should the predicate word be regarded as a sub-
class of substantive words. The overlapping proportion between predicate
words and substantive words should be treated as their conversional words
with the homogeneous strategy.
The above data are obtained with the joint investigation of verbs, adjectives
and state words within the predicate word. If the verbs, adjectives and state
words are investigated separately, then:
Table 7.1 The major overlapping parts of speech
predicate- substantive 2490 6.15% 19.08% 8.33% 37968 93.85% predicate+ 40458
predicate- distinctive 3895 12.13% 29.85% 16.97% 28207 87.87% predicate+ 32102
predicate- adverb 469 3.49% 3.59% 55.70% 12954 96.51% predicate+ 13423
substantive-distinctive 20081 63.18% 67.17% 87.51% 11702 36.82% substantive+ 31783
distinctive-adverb 106 0.88% 0.35% 12.59% 11965 99.12% distinctive+ 12071
distinctive-adverb 284 1.21% 1.24% 33.73% 23221 98.79% Distinctive 23505
Words that have concurrently the properties of verbs and nouns still take
a rather low proportion among verbs, existing in the critical range between
the priority homomorphic strategy and the homogeneous strategy. It is not at
all realistic to use the consolidation strategy to treat Chinese verbs as a sub-
class of nouns; instead, we can use the homogeneous strategy to treat them
as conversional words between verbs and nouns, for example, 研究 (research),
生产 (production), 管理 (management) and 学习 (study).
In particular, considering that some words are actually used as nouns far
more often than as verbs, it is unreasonable to classify them into verbs. For
example, the following table gives the data randomly retrieved from two pages
of language data in the Peking University CCL Corpus:
manage 23 55
sleep 2 49
The verbs and adjectives do not take a high total proportion or a high pro-
portion to dominant parts of speech, being in the critical range between the
homogeneous strategy and the priority homomorphic strategy. The homoge-
neous strategy should be used to treat them as conversional words between
verbs and distinctive words, for example, 成立 (found), 到达 (reach), 学习
(study) and 研究 (research), and conversional words between adjective and
distinctive words, for example, 新 (new), 红 (red), 干净 (clean) and 优秀 (excel-
lent). However, considering that they have a rather big absolute number, and
particularly that there are 285 adjectives among the 468 that have the highest
word frequency, this book still uses the priority homomorphic strategy to
treat them as adjectives.
The very high proportion of the overlapping parts to the weak parts
of speech indicates that the specialization degree of a distinctive word is
rather low.
The proportion of the overlapping part to the total number of words belonging
to distinctive words and adverbs and its proportion to distinctive words are
very low. It is, therefore, advisable to treat them as conversional words. The
proportion to properties of adverbs is on the high side but does not reach
the classification criteria for the priority homomorphic strategy. Moreover,
because a distinctive word and an adverb both belong to modification words
and have no superior or inferior distinction between parts of speech, thus
lacking the preconditions for using the priority homomorphic strategy, it is
advisable to use the homogeneous strategy. In other words, words such as
共同 (common), 临时 (temporary) and 长期 (long-term) that can function as
attributives and adverbials but cannot function as other constituents should
be treated as conversional words between distinctive words and adverbs.
subject or
and thus remains a verb. In Chinese, it is very common that constituents with
predicate word properties function as a subject or object. We should not think
that words that function as a subject or object have changed in their parts of
In the example that noun phrases such as 小王黄头发 (Little Wang yellow
hair) function as a predicate, 黄头发 (yellow hair) can still be modified by an
attributive 一头黄头发 (a head of yellow hair) and therefore remains a noun
In Chapter 4.3, we also mentioned that when constituents with predicate
word properties function as subjects, their parts of speech may not change
but their external expressional functions often have reference meanings. When
constituents with substantive word properties function as predicates, their
part of speech may remain a substantive word, but their external expressional
function often has statement meanings. That is to say, this kind of multifunc-
tion of a part of speech is actually caused by changes in its external expressional
function. The part of speech does not change; in other words, the selectional
restriction of the syntactic position is not strict. In English, the functioning of
a verb as a subject, object or attributive requires changes in form by adding
expressional function change markers such as “to, -ing, -ed” and so on. The
II. Classifying the parts of speech of a word that has concurrently two or
more parts of speech with the priority homomorphic strategy.
The multiple functions of some words are due to their different parts of
speech. For example, nominal verbs such as 检查 (examine), 管理 (manage)
and 调查 (investigate) have concurrently the properties of a verb and noun.
These words can function as predicates and have the properties of a predicate
word, but when they function as objects in such phrases as 进行检查 (conduct
examination), they show the properties of a noun (being able to be modified
by attributives or numerals and measure words) and have no characteristics
of a verb at all (not being able to take its object, adverbial, le (了), zhuo (着),
guo (过) or complement), therefore, having the properties of a noun. For
another example, 干净 (clean), 优秀 (excellent) and 好 (good) can function as
predicates and be modified by 很 (very), thus having the properties of a predi-
cate word and being adjectives, but when they function as attributives directly,
for example, 干净衣服 (clean clothes), 优秀学生 (excellent student) and 好人
(good person), they no longer have the characteristics of an adjective (not
being able to be modified by 很 (very) or 不 (not), and therefore having the
properties of a distinctive word. Words like 木头 (wood), 工人 (worker) and
手机 (cell phone) can freely function as a subject or object and be modified by
numerals and measure words, thus having the properties of a noun, but when
they function as attributives directly, they no longer have the characteristics
of a noun (not being able to be modified by numerals and measure words),
and actually have the properties of a distinctive word.
The multiple functions of a part of speech such as these are actually due to
these words originally having multiple parts of speech. Why should we regard
multiple parts of speech as the multiple functions of a part of speech? Other
languages such as English also have the phenomenon that one word has con-
currently multiple parts of speech, but why is this phenomenon not regarded
as multiple functions of a part of speech? This is because the current Chinese
part-of-speech classification system generally uses the priority homomorphic
7.5 Nominalization
Nominalization is related to conversional words and will be discussed here.
The debate over nominalization occurred from the 1950s to 1960s. It
means that changes take place in the properties of verbs or adjectives in the
positions of subject or object, or modified by an attributive. It has different
explanations: (1) use as a noun; (2) becoming a noun, or nominalized;
(3) already being a noun; (4) nominalization, transformed into an object.
The transformation into object at the three levels is not consistent, for
(3) a b
干净最重要 (To be clean is the most important). 干干净净的舒服
(To be very clean
is comfortable)
(5) 假若不幸而无论如何也不调谐,她会用她的气派压迫人们的眼睛,承
(老舍《四世同堂》) (Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried,
if she is not attractive, she may use her imposing manner to attract
folk’s eyes, letting them admit that she is courageous to dress herself
up heart-shockingly like the Great Wall. (Four Generations in One
House by Lao She)
1 High or low syntactic status mainly depends on the following: (1) after a word is
combined with another, with which its integral property is identical. For example,
the phrase formed by combining a noun with a distinctive word is a noun phrase
because the status of the noun is higher than that of a distinctive word. (2) The dir-
ection of change in a part of speech. For instance, most distinctive words change
from a noun or a verb; there are few changes in the opposite direction. Therefore,
the statuses of a noun and a verb are higher than those of a distinctive word. See
Chapter 4.3.3.
2 This refers to the two characteristics that there is no one-to-one correspondence
between a part of speech and a syntactic constituent, and that the sentential struc-
tural rule by and large agrees with the phrasal structural rule.
188 Conclusions
Expressional functions can be classified into the intrinsic expressional
function and the external expressional function. Correspondingly, we can
also classify parts of speech into those at the lexical and the syntactic level.
The lexical and syntactic levels often cause changes in a part of speech, indi-
cating that grammar is dynamic. One of the reasons why it is difficult to clas-
sify Chinese parts of speech is that Chinese has a predominantly dynamic
The classification of parts of speech according to the distribution of a
word is only a convenient theory. Strictly speaking, the parts of speech of a
word are inferred from its distributive characteristics and already exist before
“being classified into them”.
Although expressional functions are the intrinsic bases for classifying parts
of speech, they are not directly observable and therefore cannot be used as
criteria for classifying parts of speech. We still use word distribution as a cri-
terion for classifying parts of speech, but do so not purely according to the
distributional difference but rather through the “representation-expression”
relationship among distribution, expressional function and semantic type
(distribution reflects expressional function and semantic type, which are
represented as distribution). We use the distribution compatibility and the
correlation principle to analyze which distributional differences represent the
differences in a part of speech and which do not. In this way, grammatical
functions that have equal classification values are collected into clusters, with
each equivalent function cluster representing one part of speech. The classi-
fication criteria are selected from the equivalent function cluster of a part of
The relationship between a grammatical function and a part of speech
is intricate and complicated but has a prototypical connection: a substan-
tive word functions as a subject or object; a predicate word functions as a
predicate or complement; a modification word functions as a modifier. Other
connections are marked.
Conversional words are mainly concerned with the identity of a word, the
multiple functions of a part of speech and the classification strategy. Different
generalization words have different parts of speech and, of course, should be
treated as conversional words (or homographs with different parts of speech).
Whether a part of speech has multiple functions or not is mainly distinguished
through distribution compatibility and the correlation principle. If a gener-
alization word has the properties of different parts of speech, whether it is
treated as a conversional word or not has something to do with the classifica-
tion strategy. On the whole, there are four classification strategies: the homo-
geneity strategy, the homomorphical strategy, the priority homomorphical
strategy and the consolidation strategy. The strategy selection should be
considered in an all-around way. The principle is to minimize the total costs
of part-of-speech simplicity and syntactic simplicity.
Because a Chinese word commonly has multiple functions, Chinese scholars
more commonly use priority the homomorphical strategy to classify parts of
speech, lest there should be too many conversional words. The so-called “no
Conclusions 189
change in lexical meaning, no change in a part of speech” actually means
the use of the priority homomorphical strategy. However, this does not mean
that the priority homomorphical strategy has no shortcomings. Because
there is no one-to-one correspondence between a part of speech of a word
and its grammatical function, the parts of speech classified with the priority
homomorphical strategy are not so effective for syntactic analysis. Therefore,
in the areas of formal grammar and Chinese information processing, it is
advisable to use the homogeneity strategy to classify Chinese parts of speech.
In contrasting the Chinese part-of-speech system with that of another
language, the classification strategy should be taken into consideration. The
differences in a part-of-speech system, which are caused by using different
classification strategies, should not be regarded as the differences in the parts
of speech themselves of the two languages. For example, Chinese grammar
has the characteristic that “there is no one-to-one correspondence between a
Chinese part of speech and a syntactic constituent”. To a greater extent, this
is actually caused by using the priority homomorphical strategy to classify
Chinese parts of speech. As a matter of linguistic fact, if we use the homo-
geneity strategy to classify Chinese parts of speech, then Chinese will have
no such common correspondence between parts of speech and syntactic
A grammatical position has its selectional restriction on a word, and we
actually use it to classify parts of speech. We can say that a part of speech is
the basis for syntactic analysis. But because Chinese has no one-to-one corres-
pondence between parts of speech and syntactic constituents, a part of speech
may not play such a big role in syntactic analysis as in Western languages
such as English. We cannot use the category of a part of speech to write out
the quite complete and basically dis-ambiguous phrasal structural rules. How
should we look at this? The following are our opinions:
(1) There are two causes for no one-to-one correspondence between Chinese
parts of speech and syntactic constituents: (a) The selectional restriction
of Chinese syntactic positions such as subjects, objects and predicates on
the parts of speech of a word is rather loose. The positions for subjects
and objects allow words that have predicate word properties to enter.
The position for predicates also allows words that have substantive word
properties to enter. (b) Most modern Chinese grammatical systems use
the priority homomorphical strategy to classify parts of speech, and thus
classify words that function concurrently as several parts of speech into
dominant parts of speech. Both causes may make it difficult to describe
syntactic rules with a part-of-speech marker.
(2) We should not think that the reason why Chinese words have no part-of-
speech distinction is that there is no one-to-one correspondence between
parts of speech and syntactic constituents. The observation that a language
has no parts of speech actually means that its grammatical positions have
no selectional restriction on words, implying that a certain position allows
any words to enter. A syntactic constituent is only a grammatical position
190 Conclusions
that has a rather high generalization level. Although Chinese has no one-
to-one correspondence between parts of speech and syntactic constituents,
the grammatical position that has a rather low generalization level is quite
strict with the selectional restriction on words. We still have to admit that
the grammatical position has its selectional restriction on a word. So long
as there is selectional restriction, we have to admit that a Chinese word
has its part-of-speech distinction. In other words, the distinction may not
necessarily be shown in a syntactic constituent, but may well be shown in
the main in a rather specific grammatical position, not to mention that a
syntactic constituent can show part-of-speech distinctions. For example,
a distinctive word cannot function as a complement or a predicate and
cannot take an object, a complement or an adverbial, thus distinguishing
between a verb and an adjective.
(3) It is a fact that Chinese has no one-to-one correspondence between parts
of speech and syntactic constituents, but we cannot distort the fact for the
sake of yielding to syntactic analysis. Some people think that once a verb
or adjective functions as a subject or an object, it becomes a noun, but
this idea is not true to fact.
(4) We cannot count on Chinese to have a completely neat correspondence
between parts of speech and syntactic constituents. Even English does
not have a complete correspondence. For example, the + adj. can appear
in the position of a subject. But here it remains an adjective because it has
an adjective’s general properties. For instance, it can be modified by an
adverbial and have comparative and superlative degrees.
(5) To overcome the insufficiency of a part of speech for syntactic analysis,
we can separate syntactic constituents by attaching conditions. Although
different Chinese parts of speech may sometimes occupy the same
grammatical position, if looked at in detail, the two have very different
structures. For example, verbs and some nouns may function as predicates.
But nouns that function as predicates usually denote judgment and are
easily distinguished with language sense from verbs that function as
predicates. A noun predicate can well be called a quasi-predicate so as to
be distinguished from a verb predicate.
(6) Part-
speech classification can be combined with grammatical
characteristic description. Although a part of speech has its limitations
for syntactic analysis, we can describe the grammatical characteristics of
the words in a word bank in addition to tagging their parts of speech, for
example, whether a word can function as subject or be modified by 不
(not) or not, thus offsetting the limitations of parts of speech in syntactic
The fundamental reason why the four categories of parts of speech classified
according to the four positions of expressional functions are universal in the
world languages is that the basic work mechanisms of human languages com-
bine statements with references to express meaning and transmit information.
Conclusions 191
That is to say, a human language expresses its meaning by combining the
object-representation constituent with the assertion- representation con-
stituent. It has its division of labor for object-representation constituents and
assertion-representation constituents, there being consequently distinctions
between nouns and verbs. Furthermore, there is a division of labor among
modification constituents, object-representation constituents and assertion-
representation constituents. Then a modification word appears as a part of
speech. If there is division of labor for object-modification constituents and
assertion-modification constituents, then there is a distinction between sub-
stantive modification words (distinctive words or adjectives with the proper-
ties of a modification word) and predicate modification words (adverbs).
I abandoned the view that distribution is the essence of a part of speech,
which I had firmly held for many years, and then proposed the view that the
essence is the expressional function/semantic type because my long-time part-
of-speech research shows that the former is internally inconsistent and has
insoluble internal contradictions. Instead, the latter is internally consistent
and can be used as the starting point to determine the classification system
and select classification criteria according to the correspondence between dis-
tribution and a part of speech, thus making the part-of-speech classification
demonstrable and not relying on sense perception to do it. In this way, our
attention is focused not on identifying a single distributive characteristic that
is internally universal and externally exclusive but on clustering the grammat-
ical functions that have the same classification value through the “reflection-
representation” relationship between distribution and expressional function/
semantic type, thereby finding the classification criteria. This method is con-
sistent with the form and meaning mutual verification method persistently
proposed by Zhu Dexi. In other words, we seek the mutual agreement of form
and meaning to a maximal extent and think that only the things that have the
mutual agreement of form and meaning exist in language reality and are valu-
able. From this perspective, the view that distribution is the essence of a part
of speech actually holds that a part of speech has only a form, while things
that have only forms should be valueless. But a part of speech is valuable. This
means that we should change our view and regard the expressional function/
semantic type as the essence of a part of speech. The expressional function/
semantic type represents meaning, whereas distribution represents form. The
agreement between the two is a part of speech. Based on this methodological
view, this book strictly uses distributional criteria to classify parts of speech.
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in essence, scholars who adhere to the view that distribution is the essence of
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Note: Page numbers in bold refer to tables and page numbers in italics refer to figures.
204 Index
morphology as classification criteria major overlapping parts of speech
41–49, 95, 107–109; natural classification strategies 167–74, 168;
classification 52–53; need for both priority homomorphic classification
distribution and semantic bases for strategy for 159, 160–64, 188–89;
89–90; notional words compatibility priority homomorphic classification
degrees of main grammatical strategy selection criteria 164–65,
functions 136–38; notional words 165–166; real conversional
equivalent function clusters as words defined 158–59. See also
criteria for 143–53; noun and adverb nominalization
overlapping words and 171–72; nouns Croft, W. 104–105, 105
functioning concurrently as measure
words and 172; operational procedures de (的)/di (地): functions of in Chinese
for 12–13; overview of 19; predicate syntax 103–104; grammatical
and adverb overlapping words functions and classification and 37–38
and 171; predicate and distinctive discourse function, as part of speech
overlapping words and 170; predicate 91–92
and substantive overlapping words distribution as classification: clustering
and 167–69; priority homomorphic analysis 68–73, 69, 70, 70–72;
classification strategy for 159, distribution nature theory 73–74;
160–64, 188–89; purpose of as effectiveness of/limitations of 54–56,
reflection of attitude towards language 91–95, 123–27, 125–126, 130–32;
51–53; selectional restriction of external exclusivity and internal
grammatical position and 49–51, universality and 58–60, 63, 122,
94–95, 113, 187; semantic type and 128–29, 144; overall similarity
syntactic distribution and 88, 90, clustering view method 68–73, 69,
187; substantive and distinctive 70, 70–72; paradoxes of overall
overlapping words and 169–170; distribution 56–57; paradoxes of
substantive and predicate overlapping partial distribution view 57–63,
words and 167–69; word identity 61–62; paradoxes of prototype theory
determination and 13–14, 27–28. 63–68, 130; paradoxes of similarity
See also Chinese parts of speech; theory 63; paradoxes of the single-
distribution as classification; item distribution view 56; possible
expressional function; grammatical classifications obtained with the two
function as classification criteria; parts criteria of object and 很(very) 61–63,
of speech classification 62; scholar’s studies on distribution
Chinesische Grammatik (Gabelentz) 3 as not essence of parts of speech
clustering analysis 68–73, 69, 70, 70–72; 91–93; scholar’s study on 128–31, 129;
similarity theory 68–73, 69–72, 70 selectional restriction of grammatical
constituents: vacant constituents 99, 99 position and 49–51, 94–95, 113, 187;
continuity, between word and phrase 21 selectional restriction of syntactic
conversional words 1, 11–12, positions on words and 73–75
188; classification strategies for double-line system 4–6
159, 159–60, 188; classification
strategy selection 159, 161–64, English 33, 75, 85; correspondence
188; consolidation classification between part of speech and syntactic
strategy selection criteria 164, 165; constituent in Chinese.and 174–75, 175;
homogeneous classification strategy parts of speech classification in 112;
for 159, 159–164; homogeneous transfer reference of modification
classification strategy selection constituent by extraction in 100–103;
criteria 166–67; homomorphic transformation of expressional
classification strategy for 159, 160–62; functions in 96; unmarked or marked
homonymous (in its narrow sense) correlations in 105
and heteromorphic (in its broad expressional function 76–77, 187;
sense) conversional words 158–59; auxiliaries as 79–80; bases and criteria
Index 205
for classifying parts of speech 95–96; of functions and 132–33; compatible
Chinese parts of speech and 82–85; degrees among specific grammatical
correlations among part of speech, functions of modification words 146;
syntactic constituents and 104, compatible degrees among specific
104–106; discourse function and grammatical functions of substantive
91–92; external exclusivity and words 149; compatible degrees of
internal universality and 58–60, main grammatical functions of
63, 122, 128–29, 144; hierarchies Chinese notional words 136–38;
of expressional functions 81–82; correlation between compatible degree
intrinsic and extrinsic part of speech and function and word frequency
characteristics and classification 141; correlation between number
93–95, 188; lexical item differences of conversional words and word
and need for classification and 87–88; frequency 142; correlation between
modification as 78–81; part-of-speech word frequency and compatible degree
classification system of predicate, (substantive word) 150; de (的)/di
substantive, predicate modification (地) 37–38; effectiveness of 123–27,
and substantive modification words 125–126, 131; equivalent function
85–88; patterns of classification clusters as criteria for Chinese
87–88; possible classifications notional words classification 143–53;
obtained with the two criteria equivalent function determination
of object and 很(very) 61–63, 62; and compatibility with 132–34, 134;
relationships among expressional equivalent function determination
functions 80–81; selectional restriction methods and rules 134, 134–35,
of grammatical position and 94–95; 139–40, 143; equivalent functions
semantic bases of parts of speech 91; and 131–32; by generalized or specific
statement and reference as 77–78, distribution 119–22; grammatical
80–82, 100–103; transformation of function defined 114–18; grammatical
96–104; transformation of (de (的)/ meaning as reason for 123, 131;
di (地) functions in Chinese syntax) lexical meaning and 124; methods of
103–104; transformation of (lexical classification by 112–13; morphology
transformation of intrinsic) 97; and 108–109; selectional restriction of
transformation of (nominalization) grammatical position and 49–51,
100; transformation of (reference/self- 94–95, 113; specific function and
reference and transfer reference) general function and 118–19; word
100–103, 101; transformation of formation and distribution and
(syntactic transformation) 124–27, 125–126
97–99, 99; transformation of (vacant Guo Rui 139, 155, 181–82
constituents) 99, 99; universal and
rational grammar and 93 Harris, Z.S. 114–15
extraction 103 hierarchical classification method 13,
19; colloquial modern Chinese and
finite principle 23–24 classical Chinese hierarchies and 24–27
functions of a word: materials used to Hocuspocus group of linguists 51–52
investigate 38–39; words with special Hopper, Paul J. 91
uses and 39–40 Hungarian, transformation of
fuzzy clustering analysis method 11 expressional functions in 96
206 Index
Jin Zhaozi 9 syntactic constituent in English and
Chinese.and 174–75, 175; discourse
KoHpaд, H.И. 41–44 function and 91–92; generalization
words and 38; grammatical function
Langacker, R.W. 93 as criteria for 112–14; Hocuspocus
Latin 116–17 vs. God’s Truth School linguists on
layer-by-layer classification 12–13 51–52; intrinsic characteristics vs.
locative reduplication 37 extrinsic characteristics and 93–94;
Lu Jianming 1–2 intrinsic expressional function and 95,
Lu Jiawen 12–13; nominalization and 107, 113–14; lexical item differences
179–81 in expressional function and 87–88;
Lv Shuxiang 3, 5, 9, 24, 47–49, 128; major functions as classification
intermediate word level system of criteria 129–30; marker theory (Croft)
classification 7 and 104–105, 104–106; meaning
and 92, 109–11; morphology as
Ma Jianzhong 3, 9, 41, 109 classification criteria 95, 107–109;
Ma Zhen: nominalization and 179–81 natural classification, objective natural
Ma’s Grammar (Ma Jianzhong) 3, 5, 9, order and general reference system
41, 109 in 52–53; need for both distribution
Magnusson, R. 92 and semantic bases for 89–91, 91;
marker theory (Croft) 104–105, 104–106 observation and 107; scholar’s studies
Maspero, N. 41–42 on distribution as not essence of parts
measure word reduplication 36 of speech 91–93; selectional restriction
Mo Pengling 13, 130 of grammatical position and 94–95;
modification, as expressional function syntactic constituent and distribution
78–79 in narrow sense and 112–13; time
morphology 41–49; as classification stability and 93; word meaning (lexical
criteria 41–49, 95, 107–109; defined and grammatical) and 109–111, 113.
108; lack of morphological change in See also Chinese parts of speech
Chinese 2, 4, 9, 108–109 classification
predicate words classification 167–69
National Seventh Five-year Plan prototype theory 11, 63–68, 130
Research Project 1–2
natural classification 52–53 reduplication: AABB reduplication
neighbor linkage hierarchies 69, 69–70 34–36; ABAB reduplication 34;
New Chinese Grammar (Li Jinxi) 9 adjective reduplication 35–36;
nominalization 100, 178–86. See also adverb reduplication 37; locative
conversional words reduplication 37; measure word
Nootka 51, 103 reduplication 36; noun reduplication
noun reduplication 36 36; numeral reduplication 36;
numeral reduplication 36 state word reduplication 36; verb
reduplication 34–35
On Chinese Language (KoHpaд) 41 Russian 117
On Latin Language (Varro) 108
onomatopoeia 154 Saussure, Ferdinand de 54–55
selectional restriction: distribution
parts of speech classification 51; nature theory and 73–75; of
bases and criteria for 95–96; grammatical position 49–51, 94–95,
comprehensiveness and 107; 113, 187
conditions for criteria for 107; Shan Qing 13, 130
correlations among expressional Shi Youwei 11, 63–64
function, syntactic constituents and similarity theory 63–68; clustering
104, 104–106; correspondence between analysis 68–73, 69–72, 70
Index 207
Spanish, transformation of expressional and structural meaning and 28–30;
functions in 96 individual and generalization word
stand-by application word properties 21 grouping for classification and
state word reduplication 36 27–28; lexical transfer reference and
statement and reference, as expressional syntactic transfer reference 30–32;
function 77–78, 80–81 part of speech classification and
substantive words classification 167–69 generalization words and 38; word
syntactic constituents 4–9; double-line identity determination 27–28; word
system 4–6; one-line system 6–7; identity determination case studies
three-line system 7–8 28–33; word meaning and 28–33;
syntactic transfer reference 30–32, 39 word-formation, morphology and
syntax and 33–34, 34
Tagalog 51, 103 word parsing: standby application and
Thompson, S.A. 91 independent application and 13
time stability 93 word properties 21, 94–95; finite
transparency principle 22; functional principle and 23–24; independent
transparency criteria 23; structural application word property 21; stand-
transparency criteria 22–23; by application word properties 21;
transparent meaning criteria 23 transparency principle and 22–23