Final Project 18bba86
Final Project 18bba86
Final Project 18bba86
Miss. Kajal Patel
(YEAR 2018-2021)
Vidyabharti Campus, At & Po.Umrakh, Ta. Bardoli, Dist: Surat, Pin: 394345,Gujarat-India
Ph.: +91 2622 220581, 224262. • Fax: +91 2622 225458
Website: • E-mail:
This is to certify that the Research Based Project report entitled “A STUDY ON
NAVSARI.As a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration (B.B.A.) during academic year 2020-2021.
1. Company Name:
Mohak Consultancy
2. Research Topic:
Primary Objective:
For the Project, Research Will Use Descriptive Research design Because
They provides simple summaries about the sample and the measures.
Primary Data means the data which is collected fresh and for first time,
and that hope in its original way/character. Such data collected in its origin
way. Under the primary method collection several methods are available. For
this project study Questionnaires method is used.
When an investigator Use the data, such data, have already collected is
called secondary data. This data is primary data for the agency researcher that
collects it become secondary data can be obtained from following source;
journal, reports, books, websites.
The researcher will use secondary source of data has been collected from
NSE & MONEY CONTROL. It comprises two different industries -top five
companies of each industry based on their market cap (01/01/2021). EPS,
DPS and PRICE MOVEMENT of share for year 2018-19, 2019 - 20 have been
collected from NSE.
6. Sampling:
Sample Size:
Researcher will take two different industries -top five companies of each
industry based on their market cap (01/01/2021).
1. Probability sampling
2. Non-probability sampling
Here, the selection period of data use is 2.2 year (01-04-2018 to 31-05-
2020) daily data.
Researcher has done a study to measure the impact of EPS & Dividend on
Share price of NSE. This Research has been done at MOHAK CONSULTANCY
EPS & DPS has been taken to measure their impact on share prices.
Researcher has used ONE SAMPLE T-TEST to measure the impact of EPS &
DPS on share prices. Based on highest market capital of private sector banks
and IT services & consultancy top 5 companies from each sector, before ten
days and after ten days of announcement of EPS & DPS, share prices has been
taken to measure the impact of EPS & DPS on respective firms share prices.
Researcher has concluded that both the factor EPS & DPS have a significant
impact on private sector banks and IT services & consultancy share prices.
EPS impacted 70% companies positively their share prices have been increased
and rest of the companies impacted negatively. DPS impacted 70% companies
positively their share prices have been increased and rest of the companies
impacted negatively.
Researcher found out that after announcement of EPS impacted share price of
INFOSYS in most positive way whereas KOTAK MAHINDRA has been impacted
most negatively. DPS, among all the companies INDUSIND BANK share gain
most whereas ICICI BANK loses its share prices.
Research has recommended that investor can invest in, HDFC BANK, ICICI
fulfilling the expectation of earning per share of investor. Research has
recommended that investor can invest in HDFC BANK, KOTAK MAHINDRA,
are fulfilling the expectation of dividend of investor.
5 FINDINGS 56-59
9 APPENDIX 66-70
Df = Degrees Of Freedom
The house officially began its operations on 07 th March 2016. As its name,
originated from the Sanskrit word Mohak means Seductive, describes the
fascinating magnetic pull to its client, as an attractive quality that tempts you
in Stock Market. When someone draws your attention aside from whatever
you’re doing, that is a seductive firm. Mohak Consultancy had the vision to
break possible barriers that various traders, investors and various other
aspiring money – makers face in the country’s economic scenario.
Apart from bringing a competitive pricing model that made it the first of its
kind, Mohak Consultancy is also acknowledged as a pioneer in technology for
trading in South Gujarat. PrabhudasLilladhar is one of the Mohak’s main
brokers among others.
The company typically keeps on boasting about their disruptive pricing and in
– house developed technologically sound solutions to India centric stock
As a matter of fact, they are recognized as the emerging stock broker in Gujarat
in regards with their active clients and also in terms of the firm’s total
contribution in terms of trading volume on the top most Indian stock
Quality Policy
They are efficient and committed to total quality by putting their best at their
resources and services at optimum cost and strive continually to improve their
selves, their team and their services to get total customer satisfaction.
They will achieve their objectives through creation of a strong, responsive, and
innovative organization by a total quality commitment and by emphasizing on
total customer satisfaction, wealth & Value creation of stakeholders through
profitable growth and providing best working environment to their employees.
The mission of the firm is to emerge as one of South Gujarat’s leading Stock
broker group. Ever since its inception, their strategy was been to align our
capabilities and market insights to the country’s rapidly changing business
environment. Mohak Consultancy growth trajectory has only served to
reinforce to focus on their domain of brokering.
Stock Broking
Mutual Fund ( Online & Offline )
IPO ( Initial Public Offering )
NFO ( New Fund Offer )
Bond and Debenture
Earnings per share or EPS are measure which indicates the profitability of a
company. Earnings per share (EPS) measures the portion of a company’s profit
allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. It is calculated by
dividing the company’s net income with its total number of outstanding shares.
Earnings per share (EPS) are a company's net profit divided by the number of
common shares it has outstanding.EPS indicates how much money a company
makes for each share of its stock, and is a widely used metric to estimate
company value. It is a tool that market participants use frequently to gauge the
profitability of a company before buying its shares.
Dividend per share is the sum of declared dividends issued by a company for
every ordinary share outstanding. The figure is calculated by dividing the total
dividends paid out by a business, including interim dividends, over a period of
time by the number of outstanding ordinary shares issued. A company's DPS is
often derived using the dividend paid in the most recent quarter, which is also
used to calculate the dividend yield.
DPS is an important metric to investors because the amount a firm pays out in
dividends directly translates to income for the shareholder, and the DPS is one
of the most straightforward figures an investor can use to calculate his or her
dividend payments from owning shares of a stock over time. Meanwhile,
a growing DPS over time can also be a sign that a company's management
believes that its earnings growth can be sustained.
Earnings per share (EPS) are calculated as a company's profit divided by the
outstanding shares of its common stock. The resulting number serves as an
indicator of a company's profitability.
Earnings per share (EPS) are a company's net profit divided by the
number of common shares it has outstanding.
EPS indicates how much money a company makes for each share of its
stock, and is a widely used metric to estimate corporate value.
A higher EPS indicates greater value because investors will pay more for
a company's shares if they think the company has higher profits relative
to its share price.
To calculate a company's EPS, the balance sheet and income statement are
used to find the period-end number of common shares, dividends paid on
preferred stock (if any), and the net income or earnings.
When EPS increases, the stock's price might or might not rise. Often, EPS is
compared to consensus EPS forecasts. Investment research websites consider
many analysts' forecasts to reach consensus EPS. In general, if a firm's actual
EPS does not rise to the level predicted by consensus, the share price falls.
Conversely, if actual EPS beats the consensus, the price rises. However,
sometimes even when forecasts are achieved, the price can slide if the overall
market declines.
The price of a share will not automatically rise or fall based on EPS gains.
Buybacks occur when a company repurchases its own shares. EPS then rises
because net income is being divided by fewer numbers of shares. But market
reaction to buybacks is often mixed. Investors might worry that management
is manipulating EPS to hit compensation incentives rather than investing the
cash in productive assets that could drive long-term growth in share price.
What A Negative EPS Means? Sometimes they lose money, in which case their
earnings are negative. When earnings are negative, then EPS will be negative,
too. A negative EPS tells you exactly how much money the company lost
per share of outstanding stock, which is why you'll also see it called "net
loss per share."
The term dividends per share (DPS) refer to the total dividend a company pays
out over a 12-month period, divided by the total number of outstanding shares.
A company uses this calculation to share profits with its shareholders. DPS
can indicate how profitable a company is over a fiscal period.
For example, suppose company ABC had a DPS of 60 per cents last year, but
this year, it doesn't pay a dividend to its shareholders. This can signal to
investors the company may be in poor financial health and cannot withstand
the current market conditions. A decrease in DPS can thus cause investors to
sell their stake in the company, driving the market value of ABC down further.
However, a decrease in dividend per share does not always signal a company is
not financially stable. For example, suppose ABC did not pay out a dividend to
its shareholders because it is using its profit to reinvest into the company to
create a new product. This reinvestment into the business can potentially
produce higher dividends in the long term.
Suppose company YXZ has been paying a steady dividend of 90 cents per
share. The next year, company YXZ raises its dividend to $1.10 per share. This
signals the company is financially stable and performing well in its current
market condition. An increase in DPS also signals the management team is
confident in the company's future profits.
Researchers have found that some of the biggest price deviations from random
walks result from seasonal and temporal patterns. In particular, returns in
January significantly exceed those in other months (January effect) and on
Monday’s stock prices go down more than on any other day. Observers have
noted these effects in many different markets for more than half a century, but
without succeeding in giving a completely satisfactory explanation for their
When viewed over long periods, the share price is related to expectations of
future earnings and dividends of the firm. Over short periods, especially for
younger or smaller firms, the relationship between share price and dividends
can be quite unmatched.
1. Marketplace:
The marketplace determines share prices. While seller supply and buyer
demand meet in the market, there is no perfect equation that lets investors
know exactly how share prices will behave. However, there a number of
factors that can move stocks up and down.
3. Interest Rate:
In case of lower interest rates, demand for funds is higher and the
subsequent demand for shares rises. On the other hand, high interest
lowers the demand for funds and the demand for shares is lower.
4. Investors:
Market players have an impact on share prices. With more bulls than bears,
the prices increase. With more bears than bulls, share prices decline.
5. Dividends:
Dividends indicate the movement of share prices. When companies make
dividend announcements, the share prices of such companies are likely to
increase. It is important to note that if the dividend rate announced is lower
than the investors’ expectations, share prices decline while if they are up to
more than expected, share prices increase.
6. Management:
Management profile has a significant effect on company success and stock
prices. If management consists of experienced professionals with a proven
track record, share prices are likely to be higher. If the management that
takes over a company lacks integrity, share prices tend to fall.
7. Political Climate:
Political factors that range from relations with other nations to government
policies can affect share prices.
Stock Market:
Stocks can be categorized by the country where the company is domiciled. For
example, Nestlé and Novartis are domiciled in Switzerland and traded on
the Six Swiss Exchange, so they may be considered as part of the Swiss stock
market, although the stocks may also be traded on exchanges in other
There are two kinds of hypotheses for a one sample t-test, the null hypothesis
and the alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis assumes that some
difference exists between the true mean (μ) and the comparison value (m0),
whereas the null hypothesis assumes that no difference exists. The purpose of
the one sample t-test is to determine if the null hypothesis should be rejected,
given the sample data.
The alternative hypothesis can assume one of three forms depending on the
question being asked. If the goal is to measure any difference, regardless of
direction, a two-tailed hypothesis is used.
The null hypothesis remains the same for each type of one sample t-test. The
hypotheses are formally defined below:
The null hypothesis (H0) assumes that the difference between the true mean
() and the comparison value (m0) is equal to zero.
The upper-tailed alternative hypothesis (H1) assumes that the true mean ()
of the sample is greater than the comparison value (m0).
The lower-tailed alternative hypothesis (H1) assumes that the true mean ()
of the sample is less than the comparison value (m0).
LR – 1
LR - 2
Aiyabei, J. C., Tobias, O., & Macharia, I. (2019) has been conducted research
on Influence of Dividend per Share on Idiosyncratic Volatility of Stock Returns
among Listed Firms in Kenya. The objective of research was to determine the
influence of DPS on idiosyncratic volatility of stock returns among listed firms
in Kenya. Total sample of size 39 companies were obtained from specific listed
company’s websites and NSE handbook. The panel data obtained was analyzed
using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and panel regression analysis.
It has been found that DPS has a positive and significant effect on Idiosyncratic
Volatility of listed firms in the NSE. DPS therefore affects the Idiosyncratic
Volatility of listed firms in the NSE.
Vutale, A. V., & Chen,(2018) has been conducted research on The Effects of
Dividend Policy on Market Share Price of the Listed Companies at the Nairobi
Securities Exchange (NSE) in Kenya. The aims of research were to examine the
relationship between dividend policy and market share price of the listed
companies at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. To establish the relationship
between selected control variables and market share price of the listed
companies at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Total sample of size 66
companies quoted at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). Data has been
analyzed by using. Regression analysis method it has been found that
regression model showed dividend per share (DPS) has a positive significant
relationship with market share price suggesting share price is affected
positively by a higher dividend per share. Regression model showed dividend
per share (DPS) has a positive significant relationship with market share price
suggesting share price is affected positively by a higher dividend per share.
LR – 4
Jain, N., & Bajaj, K. (2017) has been conducted research on Impact of Earnings
per Share on Market Price of Share with Special Reference to Selected
Companies Listed on NSE. The objective of research was to identify and
analyzes the impact of Earnings Per share on Market price of selected
Companies of NSE (NIFTY 50). To find out whether Earnings per share and
Market per share are associated and related. Total sample of size 5 were
selected from the companies listed on NSE India (NIFTY50). Data has been
analyzed by using coefficient of correlation and Analysis of Variance. It has
found that for the companies undertaken for study are: Infosys, State Bank of
India, Dr Reddy, Bharti Airtel and Maruti Suzuki. All the companies are listed
on NSE and exhibited a positive relationship between EPS and MPS except
Bharti Airtel, which accepted the null hypothesis i.e. the EPS, does not impact
LR – 6
Kumar, P. (2017) has been conducted research on Impact of earning per share
and price earnings ratio on market price of share: a study on auto sector in
India. the aims of research was to examine the impact of earning per share
and price earnings ratio on market price of share, therefore in this study
market price of share is dependent variable total sample of size 8 were selected
by using Non-probability sampling technique . Data has been analyzed by
using multiple regression analysis. It has been found that earning per share
has found to be a very strong forecaster of market price of share of select
companies, price earnings ratio impact significantly on the prediction of market
price of share.
LR – 8
Amyulianthy, R., & Ritonga, E. K. (2016) have been conducted research on The
Effect of Economic Value Added and Earning per Share to Stocks Return (Panel
Data Approachment). The aim of research was to examine the effect of
Economic Value Added (EVA) and Earning per Share (EPS) on stocks return.
Total sample of size 21 companies were selected by using purposive sampling
technique. Data has been analyzed by using multiple regressions with panel
data. It has been found that there is a positive significant relationship EVA and
stock returns. This proves the first hypothesis is accepted. That there is
significant effect between EVA to stock returns for the company. There is a
positive significant relationship EPS and stock returns. This proves the second
hypothesis of this study is accepted. That there is significant effect between
EPS to stock returns for the company.
Maharshi, N., & Malik, S. (2015) has been conducted research on The Impact
Of The Dividend Policy On The Market Price Of The Shares And Growth Of
Joint Stock Companies Covered In Sensex. The objective of research were To
find the impact of dividend announcement on shareholders’ wealth, To
empirically examine the determinants of dividend smoothing by firms and find
out its linkage with information content of dividends. Total sample of size 30
companies listed in the BSE. Data has been found that some variables have
their impact on the price volatility. In present study price volatility and
dividend yield have strong positive correlation but price volatility is highly
negatively correlated with growth in assets. Growth in assets has impact on the
price volatility for this time period.
LR – 10
LR – 12
Khan, T. R., Islam, M., Choudhury, T. T., & Adnan, A. M. (2014) has been
conducted research on how earning per share (EPS) affects on share price and
firm value. The aim of research was to know how EPS affect on share price and
firm value. Total sample of size 22 banks were selected randomly. Data has
been analyzed by using different perspectives like the help of excel to find the
graphs and other important issues. It has been found that the result bring an
opposite result. Although the EPS is increasing, the share price is not
increasing that much. So that the hypothesis we fixed it is also not working.
After that we found some reasons that why the share price is not increasing on
the trend of EPS or can say despite of EPS rising.
Ordu, M. M., Enekwe, C. I., & Anyanwaokoro, M. (2014) has been conducted
research on Effect of dividend payment on the market price of shares: A study
of quoted firms in Nigeria. The objective of research was to ascertain whether
dividend payment has any significant influence on the movement of the market
prices of shares. To ascertain the effect of dividend yield on the market prices
of shares of quoted firms. To determine the relationship between dividend
payout ratio and the market prices of shares of quoted firms. Total sample of
size 17 were selected by using Fact-books of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Data
has been analyzed by using Parsons Product Moment Correlation and Simple
Linear Regression (SLR) technique. It has been found that y first provides both
empirical and statistical evidence on the relationship between dividend
payment and firms‟ collective share prices. The result shows that there is a
positive relationship between dividend payment and market share prices.
Secondly, the study provides evidence of the aggregate effect of dividend
payment on share prices. The result confirms that the impact of dividend
payout on share prices is insignificant which is in line with the irrelevance
theory of Modigliani and Miller (1961). Thirdly, the result confirms that there
are some other exogenous and endogenous variables other than dividend
payout that are responsible for the movement of share prices on the NSE.
LR – 14
Ilaboya, O. J., & Aggreh, M. (2013) has been conducted research on Dividend
policy and share price volatility. The objective of research were ascertain the
relationship between dividend yield and share price volatility; determine the
effect of dividend payout on the volatility of share price; and examine the
relationship between firm’s debt and share price volatility. Total sample of size
twenty-six (26) firms were selected by using convenient random sampling
technique. Data has been analyzed by using regression analysis was conducted
using the pooled OLS and Panel EGLS. We also conducted various tests (i.e.
Multicollinearity, Heteroskedasticity, Autocorrelation and Model specification
tests). It has been found that mixed findings between the measures of dividend
policy (dividend yield and payout ratio) and their impact on share price
volatility. While dividend yield appeared positive and significant, payout ratio
appeared negative and insignificant. Of the control variables included in the
1. Problem Statement:
There are several factors which affect Share price. Researcher has to
analyze EPS, DPS effect on share price.
Secondary Objective :
To determine the relationship between EPS and stock
To determine the relationship between DPS and stock
3. Research Design:
1. Primary Data:
Primary Data means the data which is collected fresh and for first
time, and that hope in its original way/character.
2. Secondary Data:
The research has use secondary source of data has been collected
from NSE & MONEY CONTROL. It comprises two different industries -top
five companies of each industry based on their market cap
(01/01/2021). EPS, DPS and PRICE MOVEMENT of share for year 2018-
19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 have been collected from NSE.
5. Sampling:
Sample size:
Sampling Techniques:
1. Probability sampling
2. Non-probability sampling
Analysis tools:
Hypothesis 1:
Hypothesis 2:
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of HDFC BANK
-9 876.9 1 829.65
-8 895.55 2 813.85
-7 882.85 3 896.1
-6 771.55 4 888.9
-5 767.7 5 925.05
-4 856.75 6 895.35
-3 901.1 7 863.3
-2 904.45 8 879.75
-1 831.65 9 910.3
0 861.9 10 944.85
Table 2 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of HDFC
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
BEFORE AVERAGE 11 8.6595E 59.79559 18.02905
AFTER AVERAGE 11 8.8264E 38.94639 11.74278
From above Table 4 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of ICICI BANK
-9 355.05 1 311.15
-8 338.55 2 286.65
-7 345.7 3 326.1
-6 284 4 318.95
-5 296.5 5 342.7
-4 316.9 6 330.65
-3 330.25 7 327.35
-2 339.85 8 342
-1 313.4 9 375.55
0 323.75 10 361.3
Table 5 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of ICICI
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Lower Upper
BEFORE AVERAGE 43.998 10 .000 328.29091 311.6657 344.9161
AFTER AVERAGE 45.829 10 .000 331.46818 315.3526 347.5838
Table 7 One-Sample Test
From above Table 7 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 1171.95 1 1181.65
-8 1210.85 2 1140.85
-7 1262.35 3 1198.05
-6 1098.25 4 1187.65
-5 1152.9 5 1272.9
-4 1290.15 6 1250.9
-3 1372.95 7 1173.75
-2 1399.1 8 1130.85
-1 1293.7 9 1186.25
0 1296.05 10 1177.75
Table 8 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of KOTAK
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
1.2610E 93.36955 28.15198
AFTER AVERAGE 11 1.1997E 52.22689 15.74700
Table 9 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 10 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of AXIS BANK
-9 473.45 1 358.65
-8 428.25 2 325.45
-7 428.15 3 388.85
-6 308.65 4 391.35
-5 303.15 5 420.15
-4 326.8 6 418.95
-3 341.4 7 417.3
-2 359.75 8 422.55
-1 368.15 9 478.8
0 379 10 455.95
Table 11 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of AXIS
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Lower Upper
BEFORE AVERAGE 19.818 10 .000 382.28182 339.3016 425.2620
AFTER AVERAGE 31.222 10 .000 405.18182 376.2666 434.0970
Table 13 One-Sample Test
From above Table 13 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 460.8 1 342.25
-8 444.05 2 313.2
-7 440.35 3 383.85
-6 336.45 4 399.15
-5 312.35 5 395.4
-4 301.3 6 410.4
-3 435.9 7 424.1
-2 411.1 8 435.4
-1 413.4 9 474.45
0 351.3 10 456.7
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
4.1010E 85.58350 25.80440
AFTER AVERAGE 11 3.9875E 49.19980 14.83430
Table 15 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 16 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 1654.4 1 1708.75
-8 1636.35 2 1654.2
-7 1797.45 3 1775.2
-6 1669.7 4 1705.45
-5 1703.15 5 1766.15
-4 1750.3 6 1759.25
-3 1790.95 7 1735.15
-2 1824.5 8 1716.05
-1 1778.5 9 1806.2
0 1826.1 10 1818.65
Table 17 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of TCS
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Lower Upper
BEFORE AVERAGE 79.135 10 .000 1735.40000 1686.5377 1784.2623
AFTER AVERAGE 108.196 10 .000 1751.92273 1715.8445 1788.0010
Table 19 One-Sample Test
From above Table 19 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 534.3 1 602.8
-8 545.55 2 585.7
-7 585.2 3 639
-6 526.45 4 631.6
-5 589.8 5 636.25
-4 606.2 6 637.4
-3 643 7 639.05
-2 652.7 8 623.85
-1 626.7 9 628.75
0 641.5 10 653.3
Table 20 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of INFOSYS
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
5.9149E 46.20178 13.93036
AFTER AVERAGE 11 6.2902E 19.14559 5.77261
Table 21 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 22 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of HCL TECH
-9 434.25 1 413.55
-8 413.45 2 405.8
-7 444.9 3 451.15
-6 417.15 4 463.1
-5 442.05 5 469.05
-4 457.6 6 458.25
-3 447.7 7 478.75
-2 430.65 8 459.75
-1 419 9 455.25
0 436.4 10 470
Table 23 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of HCL
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
4.3580E 14.55375 4.38812
AFTER AVERAGE 11 4.5100E 23.25766 7.01245
Table 24 One-Sample Statistics
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df Sig. (2- Mean Lower Upper
tailed) Difference
BEFORE AVERAGE 99.314 10 .000 435.80000 426.0227 445.5773
AFTER AVERAGE 64.315 10 .000 451.00455 435.3798 466.6293
Table 25 One-Sample Test
From above Table 25 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 169.95 1 189.5
-8 162.35 2 180
-7 179.2 3 191.9
-6 170.15 4 192.9
-5 176.35 5 196.7
-4 174.65 6 189.2
-3 182.6 7 186.55
-2 183.5 8 187.85
-1 184.15 9 187
0 196.7 10 181.1
Table 26 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of WIPRO
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
1.7752E 9.20387 2.77507
AFTER AVERAGE 11 1.8904E 5.45170 1.64375
Table 27 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 28 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of TECH MAHINDRA
-9 579.65 1 511.2
-8 530 2 520.9
-7 576.35 3 549.85
-6 487.2 4 558.9
-5 503.5 5 545.25
-4 526.7 6 526.85
-3 515.2 7 538.65
-2 504.1 8 517.65
-1 526.8 9 509.85
0 565.5 10 524.85
Table 29 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of EPS Announcement of TECH
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
5.3731E 36.07504 10.87703
AFTER AVERAGE 11 5.3359E 19.20059 5.78919
Table 30 One-Sample Statistics
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df Sig. (2- Mean Difference Lower Upper
BEFORE AVERAGE 49.399 10 .000 537.31364 513.0781 561.5492
AFTER AVERAGE 92.169 10 .000 533.58636 520.6872 546.4855
Table 31 One-Sample Test
From above Table 31 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of EPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Earning per share has significant impact on price of share.
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of HDFC BANK
-9 2305.6 1 2245.3
-8 2289.4 2 2279.75
-7 2287.25 3 2263.45
-6 2237.35 4 2280.95
-5 2257.5 5 2317.45
-4 2265.25 6 2355.8
-3 2288.8 7 2367.95
-2 2305.05 8 2328.45
-1 2293.65 9 2322.35
0 2268.7 10 2307.25
Table 32 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
2.2802E 20.91197 6.30520
AFTER AVERAGE 11 2.3034E 39.17948 11.81306
Table 33 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 34 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of ICICI BANK
-9 404.4 1 386.5
-8 394.5 2 382.2
-7 396.5 3 381.4
-6 401.1 4 385.1
-5 395.4 5 376.3
-4 407.2 6 380.4
-3 407.5 7 377.05
-2 395.55 8 382.5
-1 401.8 9 389.7
0 401.3 10 407.7
Table 35 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t D Sig. (2- Mean Lower Upper
f tailed) Difference
BEFORE AVERAGE 264.795 10 .000 401.11364 397.7384 404.4888
AFTER AVERAGE 130.008 10 .000 386.37727 379.7554 392.9992
Table 37 One-Sample Test
From above Table 37 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 1343.45 1 1406.35
-8 1373.85 2 1417.8
-7 1386.4 3 1410.4
-6 1369.65 4 1408.15
-5 1356.7 5 1402.2
-4 1355.35 6 1385.5
-3 1366.75 7 1398.15
-2 1360.4 8 1389.35
-1 1379.25 9 1382.95
0 1386.55 10 1395.8
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
1.3656E 15.32106 4.61947
AFTER AVERAGE 11 1.3985E 11.52071 3.47362
Table 39 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 40 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of AXIS BANK
-9 760.85 1 759.9
-8 752.3 2 766.85
-7 764.35 3 752.35
-6 762.85 4 757.3
-5 771.1 5 747.45
-4 771.2 6 741.85
-3 755.5 7 735.5
-2 753.25 8 731
-1 752.85 9 735.05
0 740.9 10 732.1
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df Sig. (2- Mean Difference Lower Upper
BEFORE AVERAGE 278.470 10 .000 758.95909 752.8864 765.0318
AFTER AVERAGE 202.781 10 .000 745.47727 737.2861 753.6685
Table 43 One-Sample Test
From above Table 43 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 1476.55 1 1598.75
-8 1439.9 2 1648.9
-7 1393.3 3 1612.8
-6 1432.7 4 1619.65
-5 1379 5 1608.65
-4 1,358.20 6 1586.9
-3 1373.55 7 1605.35
-2 1494.65 8 1662.65
-1 1447.75 9 1638
0 1518.9 10 1522.65
Table 44 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
1.4367E 54.70248 16.49342
AFTER AVERAGE 11 1.6021E 45.93268 13.84923
Table 45 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 46 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 1778.5 1 1806.2
-8 1826.1 2 1818.65
-7 1708.75 3 1737.65
-6 1654.2 4 1769.5
-5 1775.2 5 1878.25
-4 1705.45 6 1818.55
-3 1766.15 7 1836.6
-2 1759.25 8 1859.05
-1 1735.15 9 1905.65
0 1716.05 10 2014.45
Table 47 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of TCS
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t df Sig. (2- Mean Lower Upper
tailed) Difference
BEFORE AVERAGE 110.934 10 .000 1749.93636 1714.7884 1785.0843
AFTER AVERAGE 73.245 10 .000 1832.78182 1777.0278 1888.5359
Table 49 One-Sample Test
From above Table 49 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 602.8 1 633.2
-8 585.7 2 641.85
-7 639 3 679.3
-6 631.6 4 658
-5 636.25 5 664.6
-4 637.4 6 660.7
-3 639.05 7 676.55
-2 623.85 8 715.5
-1 628.75 9 673.7
0 653.3 10 673.7
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
6.2902E 19.14559 5.77261
AFTER AVERAGE 11 6.6640E 21.83956 6.58488
Table 51 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 52 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of HCL TECH
-9 477.7 1 518.4
-8 468.1 2 527.55
-7 483.1 3 527.4
-6 471.1 4 528.75
-5 491.75 5 517.45
-4 543.55 6 511.25
-3 514.25 7 510.75
-2 520.4 8 518.25
-1 519.1 9 526.75
0 511.75 10 534.85
Table 53 Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of HCL
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df Sig. (2- Mean Difference Lower Upper
BEFORE AVERAGE 62.201 10 .000 496.65455 478.8635 514.4456
AFTER AVERAGE 209.470 10 .000 521.19545 515.6515 526.7394
Table 55 One-Sample Test
From above Table 55 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
-9 247.7 1 248.25
-8 248.3 2 250.45
-7 251.1 3 251.1
-6 252.15 4 248
-5 255.2 5 247.1
-4 254.8 6 245.85
-3 253.65 7 248.7
-2 251.75 8 247.6
-1 254.8 9 245.35
0 257.2 10 244.05
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
2.5204E 3.56622 1.07526
AFTER AVERAGE 11 2.4851E 3.55134 1.07077
Table 57 One-Sample Statistics
From above Table 58 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
Share Price Before & After 10 Days of Dividend Announcement of TECH MAHINDRA
-9 509.85 1 502.45
-8 524.85 2 499.95
-7 512.95 3 506.85
-6 518.3 4 516.35
-5 523.7 5 536.2
-4 503.45 6 530.2
-3 511.7 7 533.25
-2 520.4 8 544.75
-1 528.7 9 515.7
0 546.25 10 510.55
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df Sig. (2- Mean Difference Lower Upper
BEFORE AVERAGE 150.878 10 .000 519.80000 512.1237 527.4763
AFTER AVERAGE 103.442 10 .000 522.04545 510.8006 533.2904
Table 61 One-Sample Test
From above Table 61 indicates that null hypothesis has been rejected because
significant value of DPS is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, So It Is say that
Dividend per share has significant impact on price of share.
HDFC BANK has average shared price of Rs. 865.95 before 10 days of EPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 16.69 and reached to Rs.882.64 for
after 10 days average.
ICICI BANK has average shared price of Rs. 328.2909 before 10 days of EPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 3.1773 and reached to Rs. 331.4682
for after 10 days average.
KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK has average shared price of Rs. 1260.995 before 10
days of EPS announcement which has decreased by Rs. 61.3 and reached to Rs.
1199.695 for after 10 days average.
AXIS BANK has average shared price of Rs. 382.2818 before 10 days of EPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 22.9 and reached to Rs. 405.1818 for
after 10 days average.
INDUSIND BANK has average shared price of Rs. 410.1045 before 10 days of
EPS announcement which has decreased by Rs. 11.359 and reached to Rs.
398.7455 for after 10 days average.
TCS has average shared price of Rs. 1735.4 before 10 days of EPS announcement
which has increased by Rs. 16.523 and reached to Rs. 1751.923 for after 10 days
INFOSYS has average shared price of Rs. 591.4864 before 10 days of EPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 37.5318 and reached to Rs. 629.0182
for after 10 days average.
HCL TECH has average shared price of Rs. 435.8 before 10 days of EPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 15.2045 and reached to Rs. 451.0045
for after 10 days average.
TECH MAHINDRA has average shared price of Rs. 537.3136 before 10 days of
EPS announcement which has decreased by Rs. 3.7272 and reached to Rs.
533.5864 for after 10 days average.
HDFC BANK has average shared price of Rs. 2280.22 before 10 days of DPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 23.18 and reached to Rs. 2303.4 for
after 10 days average.
ICICI BANK has average shared price of Rs. 401.1136 before 10 days of DPS
announcement which has decreased by Rs. 14.7363 and reached to Rs. 386.3773
for after 10 days average.
KOTAK MAHINDRA has average shared price of Rs. 1365.595 before 10 days of
DPS announcement which has increased by Rs. 32.878 and reached to Rs.
1398.473 for after 10 days average.
AXIS BANK has average shared price of Rs. 758.9591 before 10 days of DPS
announcement which has decreased by Rs. 13.4818 and reached to Rs. 745.4773
for after 10 days average.
INDUSIND BANK has average shared price of Rs. 1436.659 before 10 days of
DPS announcement which has increased by Rs. 165.45 and reached to Rs.
1602.109 for after 10 days average.
TCS has average shared price of Rs. 1749.936 before 10 days of DPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 82.846 and reached to Rs. 1832.782
for after 10 days average.
INFOSYS has average shared price of Rs. 629.0182 before 10 days of DPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 37.3818 and reached to Rs. 666.4 for
after 10 days average.
HCL TECH has average shared price of Rs. 496.6545 before 10 days of DPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 24.541 and reached to Rs.
521.1955 for after 10 days average.
TECH MAHINDRA has average shared price of Rs. 519.8 before 10 days of DPS
announcement which has increased by Rs. 2.2455 and reached to Rs. 522.0455
for after 10 days average.
Based on the findings, the study concluded that EPS has a positive and
significant impact on Share price and also DPS has a positive and significant
impact on share price.
Research has recommended that investor can invest in HDFC BANK, ICICI
fulfilling the expectation of earnings per share of investor.
Research has recommended that investor can invest in HDFC BANK, KOTAK
because they are fulfilling the expectation of dividend of investor.
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