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I, Pronunciation:

1/ a. attract b. person c. signal d. instance

2/ a. verbal b. suppose c. even d. either

3/ a. example b. consider c. several d. attention

4/ a. situation b. appropriate c. informality d. entertainment

5/ a. across b. simply c. common d. brother

6/ a. social b. meter c. notice d. begin

7/ a. whistle b. table c. someone d. receive

8/ a. discuss b. waving c. airport d. often

9/ a. sentence b. pointing c. verbal d. attract

10/ a. problem b. minute c. suppose d. dinner

II, Vocabulary :

1/ The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to
________ her attention.

A. Attract B. Pull C. Follow D. Tempt

2/ If something _________ your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested
in it.

A. Pays B. Allow C. Catches D. Wave

3/ When you are in a restaurant, you can raise your hand slightly to show that you need

A. Bill B. Menu C. Help D. Food

4/ After a ________ hesitation, she bagen to speak with such a convincing noice.

A. Rude B. Slight C. Small D. Impolite

5/ He is one of the most ___________ bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves
rudely to not only me but also others in the staff.

A. Thoghtful C. Attentive
B. Impolite D. Communicative

6/ In many cultures, people signify their agreement by __________ their head.

A. Turning B. Raising C. Pointing D. Nodding

7/ There was a __________ tremble in her voice, which showed that she was very
nervous at that time.

A. Slight C. Slightly
B. Slighted D. Slightness

8/ If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his employees

A. Appropriate C. Appropriation
B. Appropriately D. Appropriating

9/ Mrs.Pike was so angry that she made a _________ gesture at the driver.

A. Rude B. Rudeness C. Rudely D. Rudest

10. Suppose you wanted to gou out during a lecture, what should you do ?

A. As B. If C. Though D. When

III, Reading Comprehension:

Endangered Species

No animal species can survive indefinitely on the Earth. Centuries ago, species went
extinct from natural causes, for example, they were unable to adapt to bad weather and
other difficult conditions. However, animals are now dying out faster than ever because
of human activity. It is estimated that, until the 18th century, one species disappeared
from the Earth every four years. By the 19th century, this had increased to one species
per year. By 1975, it was 1,000 species per year, and today animals are disappearing at
the alarming rate of more than 40,000 species per year.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ) has created a number
of categories that describe the danger level of animal species.
 Species that are completely gone are called extinct, for example dinosaurs and the
 Species that only live in zoos or on farms, etc. , fall into the category extinct in the
wild. One example is the Wyoming toad.
 A species is labeled critically endangered when its numbers are dangerously low.
This means it is in imminent danger of dying out completely and needs protection
in order to survive. The Siberian tiger and the snow leopard are two examples.
 Species that have a high, but not immediate, risk of dying out are simply labeled
endangered. The giant panda is a famous example.
 A vulnerable species is in less trouble than an endangered one, but its numbers are
still markedly declining. The cheetah and the African elephant are vulnerable
 Animal species that are considered of least concern aren't particularly endangered
and have high numbers of individuals .

There are many factors that can cause an animal or plant species to become
endangered , and one big one is the destruction of their habitats. Deforestation and soil,
air, and water pollution are usually the main culprits. For example, the population of
critically Sumatran orangutans is now less than 10,000 on their home island of Sumatra,
Indonesia, due to deforestation and farming.

Another cause of endangerment is from humans exploiting wild animals .

Uncontrolled hunting of whales in the last century, for example, resulted in many whale
species becoming critically endangered. The high demands for animal parts stems from
their use in foods or medicines or their values as decorative objects. For example , the
ivory tusks of elephants are used to make jewelry, and the price is high enough that
people risk being arrested and jailed to go after these animals.

Introducing a non - native species to an environment by humans, either

intentionally or by accident can also cause species endangerment. In Florida , large pet
snakes such as the anaconda and the python have been released into the large Everglades
swamp. The snakes have thrived in their new environment , and now compete with and
may soon overwhelm the swamp's alligators.

Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund ( WWF ) and the International
Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ) try to raise awareness of threatened animals
and plants. These organizations collaborate with government agencies to save threatened
or endangered species and to make new laws that will protect them . But to really protect
plant and animal species now and in the future , the public needs to be educated on the
value of keeping these species alive . ( 536 words )

1/ According to the passage, what happened between the 18th century and now ?

A. The amount of human activity increased.

B. Animals were less able to adapt to the weather.
C. More animals started dying from natural causes.
D. The weather conditions became more disadvantageous to animals.

2/ There were about 100.000 koalas in 2008, but their number have noticeably declined
due to environmental changes. The koala is ________.

A. Extinct C. Vulnerable
B. Endangered D. Of least concern

3/ The minke whales lives in almost all of the world’s ocean and is the most commonly
sighted species in whale-watching expeditions. The minke whale is ____.

A. Of least concern C. Critically endangered

B. Vulnerable D. Extinct in the wild

4/ Why have many whale species become endangered ?

A. Their habitat is being destroyed.

B. The high demand for decorative objects and jewelry.
C. They have been hunted in great numbers.
D. A non-native species has been introduced to their environment.

5/ Which is NOT mentioned as a cause of species endangerment ?

A. Introduction of non-native species C. Unrestricted hunting

B. Spread of diseases D. Habitat destruction

6/ Which animal is native to the Everglades swamp ?

A. Anacondas C. Large snakes

B. Pythons D. Alligators

7/ A non-native species introduced to an environment can also cause species

endangerment because _______.

A. It can make the native species unable to thrive in the environment

B. It might be introduced by humans either intentionally ot by accident
C. The high demand for food or medicines from native species
D. It can gradually kill off the native species

8/ What is the main idea of the final paragraph ?

A. Governments and organizations must work together to be effective.

B. The most important thing is to raise awareness and educate people.
C. Laws are needed to protect these endangered species.
D. The public should know the value of animal parts in foods, medicines, and

IV, Cloze text:

A lot of people are looking for work, but there are a lot of jobs around. Don’t worry. You
are not the (1) …… one. With careful planning, you can finally (2)………….. one. There
are four main (3) ………… of getting a job. Go to the CES, look around, ask around, and
read the job (4)……….. in the newspaper. They sell this newspaper on Saturday. You
should try all of these if you are hunting (5) a job.

How can the CES help you get a (6)………….. ? First, put your name down at the CES.
They (7)…………… put your details on their computer. The CES also has notice (8)
………….. They put up jobs and advertise job training courses there. Each job has a
number. If you get a job, you can write down the number and take it to the counter. If you
are not good (9) ………….. reading, or you don’t understand what’s on the card, ask for
help. Jobs are also advertised in shop windows. Keep your eyes (10)……………. You
can ask your friends or people around to find out about jobs.

1/ a. just b. few c. only d. many

2/ a. find b. catch c. make d. take

3/ a. paths b. ways c. roads d. lanes

4/ a. advice b. notices c. declaration d. adve rtisements

5/ a. with b. on c. for d. at

6/ a. job b. service c. guide d. plan

7/ a. after b. before c. then d. during

8/ a. marks b. boards c. signs d. tags

9/ a. to b. with c. on d. at

10/ a. awake b. open c. fresh d. clean

V, Error identification:

1/ Each number in (A) a binary system (B) are (C) formed from (D) only two symbols.

2/ Scientists at the medical center (A) is trying (B) to determine if there (C) is a
relationship between (D) saccharin and cancer.

3/ On (A) the rim of the Kilauea volcano in the (B) Hawaiian Islands (C) are a hotel (D)
called the Volcano Hotel.

4/ The (A) great digital advances of the electronic age, such as integrated (B) circuitry
and a microcomputer, (C) has been (D) planted in tiny ships.

5/ There are many (A) frequently (B) mentioned reasons why one out of (C) four arrests
(D) invlove a juvenile.

6/ (A) More than half (B) of the children in the 1356-member district (C) qualifies for (D)
reduced-price or free lunches.



Wyoming toad Wyoming

utans Cheetah

Anaconda Python
IUCN’s logo WWF’s logo

Level of endangered species

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