CMWSSB Sor 2020-21
CMWSSB Sor 2020-21
CMWSSB Sor 2020-21
PWD published Standard Schedule of Rates for the year 2020-21 with Basic Rate exclusive of
taxes and TWAD Board also prepared Schedule of Rates for the year 2020-21 with Basic Rate
exclusive of taxes.
In view of above, Standard Schedule of Rates for CMWSSB for the year 2020-21 has been
prepared based on the basic rates of PWD and TWAD Board., as follows
1. An extra 10% on Labour and Rates for work where human labour alone is involved and for
Head load has been allowed for the works in respect of Municipal Corporations viz. Chennai City
and 32 km belt around Chennai city limit as per the General note of PWD Schedule of
2. An extra 10% for Rates of labour and Rates for work where human labour alone is involved shall
be allowed for sewer works under unhygienic condition. The same shall be incorporated for the
O&M sewer works carried out under unhygienic condition.
3. Basic rates for labour of various categories and rates of works are adopted from PWD Schedule
of Rates. Rates of works includes the labour for earthwork,refilling foundation,dismantling,jungle
clearance,head load,etc., also where human labour alone is involved.
4.Rates for precast RCC/ cast in situ RCC manholes prepared by P&D wing is included.
5.Basic rates for civil works are provided with Crushed stone sand (commercially called M-sand).
6.Basic rates for RCC works including Design Mix are provided with River sand and Crushed stone
sand (commercially called M-sand)."Crushed stone sand (commercially called M-sand) could be
used in all components of water retaining structure except potable water container portion. For all
components of structures in sewage pumping station and sewage treatment plant Crushed stone
sand (M sand) may be used as per IS codes".
7.Basic rates for pipe laying works to be carried out during night odd hours as follows
a) An extra 30% over the laying rate of CI / DI pipes may be allowed for 0-2m depth only.
b)An extra 5% over the laying rate of DWC pipes may be allowed for 0-2m depth only.
NOTE: This extra percentage over the laying rate is applicable to works which could be necessarily
carried out only during night hours in Bus Route / National Higways / Arterial Roads certified by the
Engineer - in - charge not below the rank of Executive Engineer.
9. Basic rates for cost of building materials and conveyance charges of local materials are adopted
from PWD Schedule of Rates.
10.Rates for Corrosion Resistance Steel (CRS) as an alternative to reinforcement steel bars
provided with fusion bonded epoxy coating is included.Sulphate Resistant Cement has been used
in place of Ordinary Portland Cement for Construction of manholes.
11. Items for which rates are not available in CMWSS Board Schedule of Rates, the rates as
furnished by TWAD Board / PWD Schedule of Rates/ Government notified rates will be adopted.
12. For Electrical works,basic rates for labour of various categories and cost of electrical materials
are adopted from PWD Schedule of Rates. For road works, hire charges for various machineries
are adopted from Corporation of Chennai.
Additional Items
13. Basic rates for certain material and works are included in Annexure.
It is reiterated specifically that the Crushed stone sand should comply with all the provisions
furnished in the following lS Codes.
1. Proper mix design shall be made and adequate number of cubes tested for 28 days compressive
strength and the required strength ensured as per IS 456 / 2000
2. The Crushed stone sand to be used on concrete shall confirm to the gradation requirements as
per IS 383 / 1970 specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural source for concrete.
3. The Crushed stone sand to be used on mortar for plastering shall conform to the gradation
requirements as per IS 1542 /1992.
4. The Crushed stone sand to be used on masonary work shall conform to the gradation
requirements as per IS 2116 / 1980.
5. Suitable admixtures as recommended by the BIS conforming to IS: 4032-1985 shall be adopted
while using quarry rock fines (Crushed stone sand).
It is instructed to use Crushed stone sand manufactured only from the PWD approved quarrys by
vertical shaft impact (VSI) crusher.The Quality checks on Crushed stone sand, Field tests on
Crushed stone sand, shape test by visual observation and other details may be followed by the
Project Engineer at site.
Schedule of Rates for the year 2020-2021
S.No. Description Pages
i. Laying of C.I./D.I/G.I./P.V.C. Pipes 2-11
iv. Conveying and fixing specials, valves, collars, flanges, caps, fire 14-19
hydrants, stop cock, etc.
v. Disjointing and refixing specials, valves, collars, flanges, caps, fire 19-22
hydrant, surface boxes, covers for valves, stop cock, etc.
viii. Disjointing and removing C.I./G.I. pipes, lifting and removing C.I. pipes to 26-27
stores, disjointing and returning to stores old pipes
ix. Disjointing and returning to stores old specials, valves, collars, flanges, 27-30
airvalves, fire hydrants, surface boxes, fire hydrant covers, collars, stop
cock, etc.
xiii. Boring and tapping mains, threading of pipes, painting old pipes, cutting 33
asphaltic concrete road
xiv. Construction of valve chambers and thrust blocks for bends and tees. 33-39
ii. Supplying and fixing wheel valves check valves, gate valves, etc. 47
S.No. Description Pages
iii. Supplying and fixing taps, flush cock, etc. 48
iv. Supplying and fixing wash basin, sinks and urinals 48-49
ii. Cost of timbering and labour for timbering used in pipe laying works 53-57
ii. Wiring with 2.5 PVC unsheathed aluminium single core for 77
lighting with earth connection, etc.
iii. Supplying and fixing water tight bulkhead fitting box type and industrial 78
type tube light
iv. Supplying and fixing A.C. ceiling fan and exhaust fan, earthing, etc. 78-79
v. Supplying and fixing DP SFU switch with T.P. SFU switch, etc. 79
ix. Erection of pump sets and HT panel, vertical turbine pumpsets 81-84
ix. Wood works for Doors, windows, ventilators, partition, etc. 104-113
i Rates of Labour for Civil works 135-138
vi Water Meter 154
ix GI pipes 156
Schedule of Rates for the year 2020-2021 was approved by the competent authority on
Cost of Ordinary Portland Cement : Rs.5800.00 per Metric Tonne
(As per PWD schedule of rates)
Cost of Sulphate Resistant Cement : Rs.6000.00 per Metric Tonne
(As per TWAD Board SoR)
Cost of Mild Steel : Rs.45000.00 per Metric Tonne
(For steel rods of all sizes) (As per PWD schedule of rates)
Cost of Corrosion Resistance Steel bars (CRS)
8 mm dia rod (Fe-500 D Grade with CRS material) : Rs.47500.00 per Metric Tonne
(As per Market rate)
10 mm -32 mm dia rod (Fe-500 D Grade with CRS : Rs.46000.00 per Metric Tonne
material) (As per Market rate)
The Schedule of Rates worked out for preparation of estimates for the Chennai City may be adopted
for the belt areas of 32 Kilometres around Chennai City for the rates of labour and works involving
labour only.
Unit Rates for Adoption in Pipe Laying works
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
in Rupees
1 Disposal of surplus earth cu.m. 128.00
2 Refilling with excavated earth (other than cu.m. 32.20
1. Width of the trench or water supply pipeline works have been provided as per IS code No. 3114 -
2. Minimum number of days of manpower required for erecting and removing timbering have been
provided for water supply pipeline works on par with sewerage works.
3. The quantity of various struts have been provided based on the comments received from the senior
officers of Metrowater.
Laying C.I. pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, blackcotton, hard red
earth, shales, murams, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly
soil depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10 m and initial lift of 2m carting the pipes from any
of the Board’s Stores to the site of work lowering into the trenches, aligning, refilling the trenches with
excavated soil, watering and ramming to consolidation, etc., complete for the pipes of following
Schedule No.1.1.1 (Including backfilling)
Laying D.I. pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, blackcotton, hard red
earth, shales, murams, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly
soil depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10 m and initial lift of 2m carting the pipes from any
of the Board’s Stores to the site of work lowering into the trenches, aligning, refilling the trenches with
excavated soil, watering and ramming to consolidation, etc., complete for the pipes of following
Schedule No.1.2.(Including backfilling) Schedule No.1.3.(Including backfilling)
Conveying and laying G.I. pipes and specials Laying P.V.C. straight pipes and specials including
including earthwork excavation in hard stiff clay, carting, jointing, excavation and refilling as per
blackcotton, hard redearth, shales, murams, schedule 1.1. complete.
gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small
size boulders and hard gravelly soil depositing the
surplus earth on banks with initial lead of 10 m.
and initial lift of 2 m. including curing, laying in the
trench jointing and wraping* the pipe with tape
soaked in paint and refilling the trench, watering
and ramming to consolidation,etc., complete for
the pipes of following diametre.
DEPTH NOT EXCEEDING (Rate in Rupees & Paise)
Note:1.3.:- The above rates will not include the cost of barricading, provision of danger lights and
arranging for watch and ward where such arrangements are needed. Please refer to Schedule no12
Section No.4 Pipelaying works (Sewerage) for the rate to be adopted for barricading the trenches.
Laying of pipes – excluding backfilling
Schedule No.1.4.
Laying C.I. pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, blackcotton, hard red
earth, shales, murams, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly
soil depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10 m and initial lift of 2m carting the pipes from
any of the Board’s Stores to the site of work lowering into the trenches and aligning, etc., complete for
the pipes of following diametres.
Schedule No.1.4.1 (Excluding backfilling)
Laying D.I. pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, blackcotton, hard red
earth, shales, murams, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly
soil depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10 m and initial lift of 2m carting the pipes from
any of the Board’s Stores to the site of work lowering into the trenches, and aligning, etc., complete for
the pipes of following diametres.
Schedule No.1.5.(Excluding backfilling) Schedule No. 1.6.(Excluding backfilling)
Conveying and laying G.I. pipes and specials Laying P.V.C. straight pipes and specials including
including earthwork excavation in hard stiff clay, carting, jointing, excavation as per schedule 1.1.
blackcotton, hard redearth, shales, murams, complete.
gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small
size boulders and hard gravelly soil depositing the
surplus earth on banks with initial lead of 10 m.
and initial lift of 2 m. including curing, laying in the
trench jointing and wraping* the pipe with tape
soaked in paint, etc., complete for the pipes of
following diametre.
(Rate in Rupees & Paise) Paise)
Note:1.4.:- The above rates will not include the cost of barricading, provision of danger lights and
arranging for watch and ward where such arrangements are needed. Please refer to Schedule No12
Section No.4 Pipelaying works (Sewerage) for the rate to be adopted for barricading the trenches.
(Including Backfilling and Disposal of Surplus Earth)
diametre diametre
in Milli 2.50 3.00 3.50 in Milli 2.50 3.00 3.50
Metres metre metre metre Metres metre metre metre
(Rate in Rupees & Paise) per (Rate in Rupees & Paise) per
m m
1 1200 -- 10395.00 13254.00
Schedule No.1.8 Schedule No.1.8.1
Conveying C.I. pipes of diameter for 500mm dia Conveying D.I. pipes of diameter for 500mm dia
and above upto 1200mm dia from the site of and above upto 1200mm dia from the site of
stacking to the site of construction including stacking to the site of construction including
earthwork excavation in hard stiff clay, stiff black opencut earthwork excavation in hard stiff clay,
cotton, hard red earth and earth mixed with small stiff black cotton, hard red earth and earth mixed
size boulders and hard gravelly soil depositing the with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil
earth on banks with initial lead of 10 metres and depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10
initial lift of 2.00metres, pumping out subsoil water, metres and initial lift of 2.00metres, pumping out
lowering the pipes into the trenches, aligning and subsoil water, lowering the pipes into the trenches,
refilling the trenches with excavated earth, aligning and refilling the trenches with excavated
watering, ramming to consolidation and disposing earth, watering, ramming to consolidation and
the surplus earth, etc., complete, for 1.00metre. disposing the surplus earth, etc., complete, for
diametre diametre
in Milli in Milli
2.50 3.00 3.50 2.50 3.00 3.50
Metres Metres
metre metre metre metre metre metre
(Rate in Rupees & Paise) per (Rate in Rupees & Paise) per
m m
1 1200 -- 10084.00 12908.00
Schedule No.1.10 Schedule No.1.10.1
Conveying C.I. pipes of diameter for 500mm dia Conveying D.I. pipes of diameter for 500mm dia
and above upto 1200mm dia from the site of and above upto 1200mm dia from the site of
stacking to the site of construction including stacking to the site of construction including
opencut earthwork excavation in hard stiff clay, opencut earthwork excavation in hard stiff clay,
stiff black cotton, hard red earth and earth mixed stiff black cotton, hard red earth and earth mixed
with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil
depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of
10 metres and initial lift of 2.00metres, pumping 10 metres and initial lift of 2.00metres, pumping out
out subsoil water, lowering the pipes into the subsoil water, lowering the pipes into the trenches,
trenches, etc., complete, for 1.00metre. etc., complete, for 1.00metre.
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule.No.2.1. Rate/metre
1. Disjointing and relaying 110mm O.D. P.V.C. mains including jointing with PVC 46.00
Couplers excluding earth work excavation
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No.3. Rate/metre
1 Scrapping and cleaning mains excluding necessary earthwork 300 mm 395.00
excavation, cutting mains, disjointing and fixing collars.
Schedule.No.4.0 Rate/Each
1. Cutting C.I.mains (Labour only) 1200mm 2932.00
2. -DO- 1050mm 2475.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
15. -DO- 125mm 216.00
1. Cutting P.V.C (D.W.C) rigid pipes and specials true to axis and 300mm 25.08
finishing the ends complete.(Labour only))
2. -DO- 250mm 22.11
1. Conveying and fixing specials like “C.I.Tee” Branches, Bends 1200mm 8069.00
and tapers including earthwork excavation as per schedule
No.1.1. at any depth
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
8. -DO- 450mm 1480.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No. 6.0 Rate/Each
1. Conveying and fixing sluice valves with tail pieces including fixing 1200mm 42468.00
the surface boxes/valves, covers.
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No. 7.0. Rate/Each
1. Conveying and fixing the C.I. collars including earth work 1200mm 6228.00
excavation as per schedule No.1.1.
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No. 8.0. Rate/Each
1. Conveying and fixing double air valves (4” to 3”) 100mm to 80mm 971.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No. 13.0. Rate/Each
1. Conveying and fixing surface boxes, hydrant cover and manhole cover. 519.00
2. Conveying and fixing valve cover for valves upto 450mm diameter 182.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No. 15.0. Rate/Each
1. Disjointing and refixing valves with tail pieces, etc., excluding 450mm 1401.00
2 -DO- 400mm 1236.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
9. -DO- 150mm 359.00
1. Disjointing and refixing dummy flanges excluding earth work 450mm 966.00
2 -DO- 400mm 795.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No. 19.1. Rate/Each
1. Removing and refixing surface boxes, hydrant cover and manhole cover 182.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
14. -DO- 200mm 429.00
1. Making Rubber joints for C.I./D.I pipes – Labour only 1000mm 1451.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
15 -DO- 175mm 249.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No.22.1. Rate/metre
Testing of M.S./C.I./P.V.C./D.I pipes with hydraulic testing equipment by filling with water(including
cost of water @ Rs.73/KL) and testing to recommended pressure in convenient stetches and
attending the bursts if any occured during the test, excluding the cost of pipes, including other
incidental and operational charges, etc., complete for the following diametres of pipes.
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No.23.1. Rate/metre
1. Disjointing and removing C.I./ G.I. pipes to stores (excluding 450mm 1353.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No.23.2. Rate/metre
1. Lifting and removing C.I. pipes to stores (Excluding excavation) 450mm 551.00
1. Disjointing and returning to stores 110mm O.D. servicable PVC pipes excluding 46.00
earth work excavation
Schedule No.25 Rate/each
1. Disjointing and returning to stores old specials such as tee 450mm 1143.00
branches, tapers and bends (excluding excavation)
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
4. -DO- 300mm 735.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
12. -DO- 80mm 348.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No. 29. Rate/each
1. Disjointing and returning to stores double air valves, 100mm to 100mmto 486.00
80mm 80mm
Schedule No.30.2. Rate/each
1. Removing and returning to stores surface boxes, hydrant covers and manhole 342.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No.31. Rate/cum
Earthwork excavation and depositing on bank with initial lead of 10 metres and initial lift 2.00m in hard
stiff clay stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, Muram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with
small size boulders S.S. 20-B.(excluding timbering and bailing out sub-soil water) as per P.W.D.
standard schedule of rates for Chennai City.
* Double the relevant rate for S.S.20-B has been adopted for trenches for water supply and sewerage
works for laying pipes, pits, etc.
Schedule No.32.1. Rate/each
Connection work to existing main including cutting existing pipe, fixing branches, collars, lead jointing
and bailing out water, etc., excluding excavation.
1. Cutting 450mm to 300mm (18” to 12”) C.I. pipe and fixing 450mm to 50mm (18” 16281.00
to 2”)
2. Cutting 250mm to 175mm (10’’ to 7”) C.I. pipe and fixing 250mm to 50mm (10” 9245.00
to 2”) branch
3. Cutting 150mm to 100mm (6” to 4”) C.I. pipe and fixing 150mm to 50mm (6” to 4691.00
2”) branch
4. Cutting 80mm to 50mm (3” to 2”) C.I. pipe fixing 80mm to 50mm (3” to 2”) 3518.00
Connection work to existing PVC main including cutting existing pipes, fixing branches, couplers,
jointing and bailing out water etc.complete excluding excavation
1. 250mm to 200mm and 250mm to 50mm 6208.00
2. 150mm to 100mm and 150mm to 50mm 3296.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Sch, No. Sch, No.
33.1. 33.2.
Sl.No Size Cutting pipe Disjointing
and & refixing
conveying & old saddles
fixing saddle
1. 42” to 36” x20 to 12” (1050mm to 900mm x 500mm to 300mm) 10047.00 2390.00
2. (33”to 27” x12” to 2”) 825mm to 675mm x 300mm to 50mm) 6851.00 2049.00
8. (9”& belowx6” to 4”) 225mm & below x 150mm to 100mm 1435.00 574.00
Schedule No. 33.3.
Sl.No Size Disjointing & returning to
stores old saddles
1. 42” to 36” x20 to 12” (1050mm to 900mm x 500mm to 300mm) 971.00
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
Schedule No.34.1. Rate/each
Boring and Tapping mains or Re-boring and Tapping main and fixing brass screw plugs or ferrules of
Sl.No Description of work Diameter Rate
Rs. P.
5. Construction of chamber for 450mm to 600mm dia.sluice valve including 125000.00
providing and fixing FRC cover and frame of size 60 x 60cm for size 3 x 2.5 x 3
6. Construction of 80mm Double Air Valve chamber for 100mm to 350mm 44000.00
dia.pipeline including providing and fixing FRC cover and frame of size 60 x
60cm for size 1.2 x 0.9 x 1.8 m
7. Construction of 100mm Double Air Valve chamber for 400mm to 500mm 64000.00
dia.pipeline including providing and fixing FRC cover and frame of size 60 x
60cm for size 1.5 x 1.2 x 2.3 m
8. Construction of 150mm Double Air Valve chamber for above 600mm 64000.00
dia.pipeline including providing and fixing FRC cover and frame of size 60 x
60cm for size 1.5 x 1.2 x 2.3 m
NOTE: SI:No 5 to 8 are new items added in Schedule No:38
Schedule No.39
Construction of thrust blocks using Cement Concrete 1:3:6 ,40mm B.G.jelly for Plain Cement
Dia in Angle Size of Thrust Block in metres Invert Rate/Thrust Block in Rupees
mm depth
At 2.0m At 3.0m At 4.0m
G.L. in
depth depth depth
d a b c e f g
150 22 ½ 0.45 0.58 0.23 0.38 0.45 0.40 2.00 2858.00 2942.00 3026.00
150 45 0.75 0.63 0.23 0.38 0.75 0.40 2.00 3627.00 3721.00 3815.00
150 90 1.15 0.73 0.23 0.38 1.30 0.40 2.00 7467.00 7660.00 7853.00
200 22 ½ 0.50 0.60 0.25 0.40 0.50 0.40 2.00 3095.00 3188.00 3281.00
200 45 0.80 0.65 0.25 0.40 0.80 0.40 2.00 3901.00 4028.00 4157.00
200 90 1.20 0.75 0.25 0.40 1.35 0.40 2.00 8295.00 8507.00 8719.00
250 22 ½ 0.55 0.63 0.28 0.43 0.55 0.40 2.00 3471.00 3576.00 3681.00
250 45 0.85 0.68 0.28 0.43 0.85 0.40 2.00 4476.00 4631.00 4786.00
250 90 1.25 0.78 0.28 0.43 1.40 0.40 2.00 8903.00 9137.00 9371.00
300 22 ½ 0.60 0.65 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.40 2.00 3764.00 3880.00 3996.00
300 45 0.90 0.70 0.30 0.45 0.90 0.40 2.00 5356.00 5514.00 5672.00
300 90 1.30 0.80 0.30 0.45 1.45 0.40 2.00 9844.00 10107.00 10370.00
350 22 ½ 0.65 0.68 0.33 0.48 0.65 0.40 2.00 3978.00 4107.00 4236.00
350 45 0.95 0.73 0.33 0.48 0.95 0.40 2.00 5627.00 5785.00 5943.00
Schedule No.39
Construction of thrust blocks using Cement Concrete 1:3:6 ,40mm B.G.jelly for Plain Cement
Dia in Angle Size of Thrust Block in metres Invert Rate/Thrust Block in Rupees
mm depth
At 2.0m At 3.0m At 4.0m
G.L. in
depth depth depth
350 90 1.35 0.83 0.33 0.48 1.50 0.40 2.00 10361.00 10632.00 10903.00
400 22 ½ 0.70 0.70 0.35 0.50 0.70 0.40 2.00 4438.00 4579.00 4720.00
400 45 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.50 1.00 0.40 2.00 5880.00 6054.00 6228.00
400 90 1.40 0.85 0.35 0.50 1.55 0.40 2.00 11158.00 11430.00 11702.00
450 22 ½ 0.75 0.73 0.38 0.53 0.75 0.40 2.00 4791.00 4947.00 5103.00
450 45 1.05 0.78 0.38 0.53 1.05 0.40 2.00 6166.00 6367.00 6568.00
450 90 1.45 0.88 0.38 0.53 1.60 0.40 2.00 11836.00 12125.00 12414.00
500 22 ½ 0.80 0.75 0.40 0.30 0.80 0.40 2.00 5583.00 5750.00 5917.00
500 45 1.10 0.75 0.40 0.30 1.10 0.40 2.00 7034.00 7251.00 7468.00
500 90 1.50 0.80 0.40 0.30 1.65 0.40 2.00 12810.00 13132.00 13454.00
600 22 ½ 1.00 0.80 0.45 0.30 1.00 0.40 2.00 6628.00 6838.00 7048.00
600 45 1.40 0.90 0.45 0.30 1.40 0.40 2.00 10270.00 10564.00 10858.00
600 90 1.70 1.00 0.45 0.30 2.10 0.40 2.00 17050.00 17485.00 17920.00
750 22 ½ 1.20 0.90 0.55 0.30 1.30 0.40 2.00 8820.00 9118.00 9416.00
750 45 1.60 1.00 0.55 0.30 1.80 0.40 2.00 14722.00 15131.00 15540.00
750 90 2.00 1.10 0.55 0.40 3.00 0.40 2.00 27958.00 28636.00 29314.00
Schedule No.39
Construction of thrust blocks using Cement Concrete 1:3:6 ,40mm B.G.jelly for Plain Cement
Dia in Angle Size of Thrust Block in metres Invert Rate/Thrust Block in Rupees
mm depth
At 2.0m At 3.0m At 4.0m
G.L. in
depth depth depth
900 22 ½ 1.20 1.10 0.60 0.20 1.20 0.60 2.00 11385.00 --- 11751.00
900 45 1.60 1.20 0.60 0.20 1.65 0.60 2.00 17659.00 --- 18143.00
900 90 2.40 1.30 0.60 0.20 2.40 0.60 2.00 32312.00 --- 32992.00
1050 22 ½ 1.35 1.15 0.70 0.20 1.35 0.60 3.00 14414.00 --- 14844.00
1050 45 2.00 1.25 0.70 0.20 2.10 0.60 3.00 25192.00 --- 25819.00
1050 90 2.75 1.50 0.70 0.20 3.25 0.60 3.00 50891.00 --- 51902.00
1200 22 ½ 1.50 1.20 0.75 0.20 1.60 0.60 3.00 16249.00 --- 16762.00
1200 45 2.30 1.30 0.75 0.20 2.40 0.60 3.00 31420.00 --- 32155.00
1200 90 2.90 1.60 0.75 0.20 4.25 0.60 3.00 69404.00 --- 70763.00
Dia in mm d
a b c e f g t
500 1.30 0.70 0.60 0.90 1.30 0.80 0.20 2.00 12243.00 12459.00 12691.00
600 1.70 0.80 0.70 0.95 1.65 0.90 0.20 2.00 17251.00 17537.00 17844.00
750 2.40 0.95 0.85 1.05 1.90 1.05 0.20 2.00 26908.00 27331.00 27785.00
900 2.00 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.90 1.15 0.15 3.00 30191.00 --- 30631.00
1050 2.50 1.25 1.15 1.15 2.20 1.30 0.15 3.00 41267.00 --- 41823.00
1200 3.00 1.40 1.30 1.30 2.50 1.45 0.15 3.00 54062.00 --- 54741.00
Refer the drawing of thrust blocks for bends and tee branches enclosed.
Note 1.5.: Size of thrust block is designed for depth mentioned in the last columns. For other
depths, additional earthwork excavation and refilling are added in the estimate, without changing
the size of thrust block. The size of the thrust blocks for the bends and Tees are suitable for flow in
the velocities less than 0.75m/Sec.
Note 1.6:- As per suggestions received from various Superintending Engineers, the sizes of the
Thrust Blocks for various bends and Tees varying in sizes from 500mm to 1200mm have been
worked out and the rate and size of Thrust Blocks have been furnished in the drawing enclosed.
The size of the thrust blocks will be as per the design and any comments and modifications will be
incorporated in future.
Sl. Description Unit Rate
No Rs.P.
As per TWAD Schedule of Rates
Using Hand Bore Set
1 a Drilling of borewells of size 4" to 5" dia in Sedimentary formation using metre 829.53
hand boresets including insertion of casing pipes and removal of
casing pipes etc., including supplying and packing of pebbles and
conveyance of hand Boreset including loading and unloading.
1 b Drilling of borewells of size 6" to 8" dia in Sedimentary formation using metre 975.61
hand boresets including insertion of casing pipes supplying and
packing of pebbles and conveyance of hand Boreset including loading
and unloading.
1c Using calyx Drill metre 2565.38
Drilling of 4½" diameter borewell by using calyx Drill including
transporting charges and insertion of casing pipes (excluding cost of
casing pipe)
For plain area.
1d Labour charges for inserting casing pipes assembly (with slot or metre 326.65
without slot) in the drilled hole including welding the joint etc.,
complete and supplying and packing the annular space with pebbles of
size and quality as approved by the Executive Engineer.
2 Labour Charges for inserting 150mm/200mm/250mm dia (M.S.Casing pipes assembly with
slots or with out slots) in the drilled hole including welding the joints etc., complete and
supplying and packing the annular space with pebbles of size and quality as approved by
the Executive Engineer CMWSS Board
i 150mm dia Casing pipes assembly metre 336.25
3a Labour Charges for inserting PVC Casing pipes assembly (with slots or without slots) in the
drilled hole including jointing the pipes with PVC Couplers with Cement paste etc., complete
supply and packing the annular space with pebbles of size and quality as approved by the
Executive Engineers CMWSS Board
i 150mm dia Casing Pipes assembly metre 325.90
Sl. Description Unit Rate
No Rs.P.
3b Charges for developing the Borewell with air compressor of 600 CFM hour 2197.93
capacity (Minimum 8 Hours) including transportation, labour and fuel
charges for compressor as directed by CMWSSB Officers and
conducting yield test by 'V' notch method.
Note: i) For 150mm dia bore, reaming should be done upto 300mm dia.
ii) For 200mm dia bore, reaming should be done upto 300mm dia and thereafter 400,450
4 Drilling of borewell anywhere in Tamilnadu including transportation from one place to
another place within Tamilnadu in alluvial soil or sedimentary strata of clay and sand or
sand, stone, shale, pebbles, boulders etc., by first taking a pilot bore of 140mm/150mm dia
and then enlarging to required dia by direct or reverse rotatry mud and circulation method
using contractor's rig, fuel, labour, drilling, betonite mud and water required for drilling at the
site shown by the CMWSSB officers including construction of mud pit only calyx drills are to
be used.
a Drilling 140/150mm dia pilot Bore upto 60m depth ending below metre 1087.19
ground level.
b Reaming from 140/150mm dia pilot bore to 300mm dia bore as 306.86
directed by the CMWSS Board Officers upto 60m Depth ending from
ground level.
Sl. Description Unit Rate
No Rs.P.
5b Conveyance of power pumpset (centrifugal jet and submersible) and its accessories from
stores to site of works
Conveyance upto 10 kms Each 1364.35
conveyance 10 to 20 kms 1499.63
Conveyance 20 to 40 kms and its 2219.83
Conveyance 40 to 60 kms 2706.66
Conveyance 60 to 80 kms 3552.39
Conveyance above 80 kms 4073.71
Note: For item 5 (a)
i.For removal of centrifugal pumpset/jet pumps/submersible pumpsets and its accessories
from bore well/open well for attending repairs 50% of the rates mentioned under item 5 (a)
may be allowed for the respective Horse Power.
ii.For re-erection of centrifugal pumpsets, jet pumpsets and its accessories into the
borewell/open well after attending the repairs 50% of the rate mentioned under item 5 (a)
may be allowed for respective Horse Power.
6 Hire Charges :
Hire Charges for the following tools and plants will be as follows
c Rate for flusing of borewell of 6" dia requiring less than 4 hours operation using drill
rods/hose with required size of pipes for various capacity compressor including
transportation, labour, and fuel charges for compressors as directed by the CMWSSB
Officer and conducting yield tests by 'V'notch method if required.
Note: Minimum charges for 8 (eight) hours will be levied if the air compressor issued for
other departmental works or if the air compressor is hired to other departments.
Sl. Description Unit Rate
No Rs.P.
d Helmet Per 8.35
day /8
e Hand test pump hours 79.44
k Hire charges for diesel pumpset for 3 HP with fuel and crew charges Per 201.93
including transportation hour
l Hire charges for diesel pumpset for 5HP 254.60
7a Labour for tying barbed wire fencing horizontally through the holes in metre 8.55
RCC posts with required tension.
7b Labour for tying barbed wire fencing vertically with required tension. 8.55
8 Labour charges for putting bore holes of size 3" to 4" in river bed in metre 447.84
sandy and other loose soils using hand boring sets including the cost
of hire charges, conveyance charges of hand boring sets, collection of
soil sample at frequent intervals and as directed by CMWSS Board
9 Desilting light or sandysoil or silt from infiltration wells below water level cubic 1781.29
including the charges for special T&P and air compressor etc., metre
Sl. Description Unit Rate
No Rs.P.
A. Erection of Pump
1 Boring 150mm dia upto hard formation and boring 115mm dia below metre 1787.67
this in rock formation and inserting 125mm nominal dia PVC (140 mm
OD) as per IS 12818/1992 casing pipe upto hard formation. The entire
column to be cleaned at site as directed, including hire charges for the
power rig for drilling the bores as directed above both upto hard
formation and then in rock formation (including the cost of fuel charges,
transporting to and from the power rig, etc., complete.)including
flushing the bore using compressor,providing danger lights during night
time, etc., complete.
2 Supplying and lowering 125mm nominal dia PVC (140mm OD) casing metre 1746.27
pipe as per IS 12818/1992 for required depth including the cost of
cutting, threading and coupling, transporting charges, labour for
erection, etc. complete.
3 Conducting yield test as directed using `V’ Notch Each 1838.24
4 Labour charges for erection and fixing in position India Mark-II deep Each 7066.40
bore well pump with accessories and fitting 40mm dia G.I. riser pipe
upto 1metre above bottom of bore as directed, etc., complete. (India
Mark-II pump with accessories including 40mm G.I. riser pipe will be
supplied by department at free of cost)
Sl. Description Unit Rate
No Rs.P.
A. Erection of Pump
1 Drilling of bore well of dia 6" in alluvial formation using a straight rotary metre 1926.75
mud circulation type of rig upto hard clay formation including cost of
fuel consumables, labour etc. complete.Reaming pilot bore upto 10"
dia and drilling of 110mm dia bore where hard rock is found including
lowering 125mm nominal dia.(140 mm OD) PVC pipe as per IS
2 Supply of 125mm nominal dia.PVC pipe (140mm OD) as per IS metre 1746.27
3 Supply and lowering of 110mm nominal dia PVC as per IS 12818/1992 metre 1222.53
slotted pipe inclusive of overlapping
4 Flushing (developing) the bore well for 150 PSI 500 to 600 CFM with Hr 2758.64
air compressor including cost of hire charges for
compressor,labour,fuel,consumables,transportation and other items if
any required during the operation etc. complete as directed by the
Board's Engineer.
5 Conducting yield test as directed using `V’ Notch Each 1838.24
6 Labour charges for erection and fixing in position India Mark-II deep Each 7066.40
bore well pump with accessories and fitting 40mm dia G.I. riser pipe
upto 1metre above bottom of bore as directed, etc., complete. (India
Mark-II pump with accessories includng 40mm G.I. riser pipe will be
supplied by department at free of cost)
Sl. Description Unit Rate
No Rs.P.
3 Labour charges for erection and fixing in position India mark-II deep Each 6061.00
bore well pump with accessories and fitting 40mm dia G.I. riser pipe
upto 1m above bottom of bore as directed, etc., complete (India Mark-II
pump with accessories including 40mm dia G.I. riser pipe will be
supplied by department at free of cost)
S. No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P
1.Supplying G.I. pipes and specials of the following sizes including cutting threading and jointing with
necessary specials including carting the materials, fixing to wall with necessary clamps and screws,
making holes in roof, repacking the same with necessary brick work and plastering wherever
necessary with scaffolding, etc., complete for:
1.1. 50mm dia metre 588.00
1.2. 40mm dia metre 481.00
1.3. 25mm dia metre 382.00
1.4. 20mm dia metre 302.00
1.5. 15mm dia metre 268.00
2. Supplying and fixing wheel valve of the following sizes
2.1. 50mm dia Each 1059.00
2.2. 40mm dia Each 856.00
2.3. 32mm dia Each 719.00
2.4. 25mm dia Each 540.00
2.5. 20mm dia Each 348.00
2.6. 15mm dia Each 282.00
3.0. Supplying and fixing G.M. check valve of the following sizes
3.1. 50mm dia Each 1358.00
3.2. 40mm dia Each 1006.00
3.3. 32mm dia Each 860.00
3.4. 25mm dia Each 601.00
3.5. 20mm dia Each 414.00
3.6. 15mm dia Each 312.00
4.0. Supplying and fixing G.M. Gate valve of the following sizes
4.1. 50mm dia Each 1432.00
4.2. 40mm dia Each 1174.00
4.3. 32mm dia Each 963.00
4.4. 25mm dia Each 780.00
4.5. 20mm dia Each 456.00
4.6. 15mm dia Each 381.00
5.0. Supplying and fixing Poly propylene ball valve (with PVC ball) of the following sizes
5.1. 50mm dia Each 3592.00
5.2. 40mm dia Each 2345.00
5.3. 32mm dia Each 1547.00
5.4. 25mm dia Each 1030.00
5.5. 20mm dia Each 656.00
5.6. 15mm dia Each 517.00
6.0. Supplying and fixing G.M. foot valve of the following sizes
6.1. 50mm dia Each 758.00
6.2. 40mm dia Each 637.00
6.3. 32mm dia Each 515.00
S. No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P
6.4. 25mm dia Each 371.00
6.5. 20mm dia Each 298.00
6.6. 15mm dia Each 222.00
7.0. Supplying and fixing G.I. Union of the following sizes
7.1. 50mm dia Each 485.00
7.2. 40mm dia Each 417.00
7.3. 32mm dia Each 348.00
7.4. 25mm dia Each 299.00
7.5. 20mm dia Each 181.00
7.6. 15mm dia Each 173.00
8.1. Supplying and fixing brass screw downtap of size 20mm dia Each 141.00
8.2. Supplying and fixing brass screw downtap of size 15mm dia Each 90.00
9.1. Supplying and fixing C.P.Screw downtap of size 20mm dia Each 345.00
9.2. Supplying and fixing C.P.Screw downtap of size 15mm dia Each 236.00
10.0 Supplying and fixing 15mm dia C.P.pillar tap Each 378.00
11.1. Supplying and fixing P.V.C. Screw down tap of size 20mm dia Each 94.00
11.2. Supplying and fixing P.V.C. Screw down tap of size 15mm dia Each 77.00
12.0. Supplying and fixing C.P.Towel rails 45cm x 20mm Each 531.00
13.0 Supplying and fixing C.P. Shower raiser 15mm Each 214.00
14.1. Supplying and fixing C.P. flush cock of size 15mm Each 337.00
14.2. Supplying and fixing C.P. flush cock of size 20mm Each 368.00
14.3. Supplying and fixing C.P.flush cock of size 25mm Each 518.00
15.0 Supplying and fixing chromium plated brass soap dish Each 365.00
16.0 Supplying and fixing best mirror of size 60cmx45cm of 6mm thick with Each 677.00
plywood back including necessary fittings, etc., complete
17.1. Supplying and fixing 55cm x 40cm laboratory wash basin white Glazed Each 3276.00
with lead and brass connection C.P. pillar tap, lead waste pipe, C.P.
plug with single chain, etc., complete.
17.2. Supplying and fixing 55cm x 40cm colour glazed wash basin with lead Each 3829.00
and brass connections, C.P. Pillar Tap and other fittings, etc., complete
S. No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P
18.1. Supplying and fixing 750mm x 400mm x 250mm Kitchen sink white Each 5189.00
glazed with overflow arrangements with C.I. Brackets, one No. of 32mm
dia lead waste pipe (Bell mouth opening) for 75cm long, 15mm dia lead
and brass connections, 15mm dia wheel valve and necessary clamps,
bolts and nuts, etc., complete.
18.2. Supplying and fixing 600x450x250mm Kitchen sink white glazed with Each 4277.00
overflow arrangements with C.I.brackets, one No. of 32mm lead waste
pipe (Bell mouth opening) for 75cm long 15mm dia wheel valve nuts
etc., complete.
18.3. Supplying and fixing 45cmx30cmx15cm laboratory sink with C.I. Each 2971.00
brackets one pair, 32mm lead waste pipe (Bell mouth opening) for
75cm long, 15mm dia wheel valve and necessary clamps, bolts, nuts,
etc., complete lead brass connections 15mm
19.0 Supplying and fixing flat back white glazed tipped or tongued urinals of Each 2087.00
46.50x35.5x26.5cm with 32mm dia lead wastepipe with Bell mouth
opening of 75cm long 15mm dia wheel valve with lead and brass
connection, etc. complete.
20.1. Supplying and fixing 51cm white glazed water closet pan with P or S Each 3221.00
trap including W.G. foot rests and supplying and laying 100mm
S.W.P,.concrete encasing the pan and complete finishing of W.C
appurtenances, etc., complete.
20.2. Supplying and fixing 51cm colour glazed water closet pan with `P’ or `S’ Each 3545.00
trap including foot rests (colour glazed) and supplying, laying 100mm
dia S.W.P, concrete encasing the W.C. appurtenance, etc., complete
21.0 Removing the broken 51cm W.G. Water closet pan with `P’ or `S’ trap Each 2744.00
without damaging the existing sewer connections, renewing the same
with new one with W.G. foot rests including finishing the W.C.
appurtenances in all respects, etc., complete
22.1. Providing and fixing white glazed E.W.C. with rose wood seatings Each 3977.00
(black) low level flushing tank with fittings, etc., complete
22.2 Providing and fixing colour glazed European water closet with rose Each 4370.00
wood seatings (Black) low level flushing tank with fittings, etc.,
23.1 Supplying and fixing 630mmx450mm Orissa pattern water closet pan Each 3225.00
with trap, foot rests including concrete encasing of the pan complete
finishing the W.C. appurtenance – White
S. No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P
23.2. Supplying and fixing 630mmx450mm Orissa pattern water closet pan Each 3549.00
with trap, foot rests including concrete encasing of the pan complete
finishing the W.C. appurtenance – Colour
24.0 Providing and fixing 15X10cm S.W.gully trap with C.I. gratings in Each 2843.00
B.J.concrete in C.M. 1:4:10 with silt pit diaphragm
25.0 Providing and fixing 75mm dia Nahini trap (floor trap) with brass Each 929.00
26.0 Providing and fixing 100mm dia S.W. 1/4 or 1/8 bend for W.C. Each 117.00
27.0 Insertion of 100mmx100mm dia S.W. oblique or `Y’ junction in the Each 1283.00
existing sewer line including necessary earth work excavation, refilling,
ramming, clearing debris, carting materials, etc., complete upto 2m
deep for 1 no.
28.0 Providing and fixing 100mm dia A.C. soil or vent pipe metre 350.70
29.1. Providing and fixing 100mm dia A.C. soil or vent pipe bend without door Each 80.68
arrangements for 1 No.
29.2. Providing and fixing 100mm dia A.C. soil or vent pipe bend with door Each 130.00
30.0 Providing and fixing 100mm dia A.C. vent cowl (slotted type) Each 102.00
31.1 Providing and fixing 100mm dia C.I. soil or vent pipe metre 920.60
31.2. Providing and fixing 50mm dia C.I. soil or vent pipe metre 742.80
32.1. Providing and fixing 100mm dia C.I. soil or vent pipe bend with door Each 326.00
32.2. Providing and fixing 50mm dia C.I. soil or vent pipe bend with door Each 219.00
33.1. Providing and fixing 100mm dia C.I. soil or vent pipe bend without door Each 273.00
33.2. Providing and fixing 50mm dia C.I. soil pipe bend without door Each 165.00
34.0 Providing and fixing 100mm dia C.I. `Y’ junction with door Each 1048.85
arrangements including necessary clamps, etc., complete
35.1. Providing and fixing 100mm dia C.I. Tee branch Each 856.85
35.2. Providing and fixing 50mm dia. C.I. Tee branch Each 603.85
36.0 Supplying and fixing C.I. steps Each 420.00
S. No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P
37.Construction of inspection chambers of following sizes with earth work excavation for foundation
with 23cm thick brick jelly cement concrete bed in C.M. 1:4:10 using 40mm Brick jelly for foundation,
brick work in C.M. 1:6 for chambers, plastering with C.M. 1:3 12mm thick, benching, channelling,
75mm thick RCC loose slab covering in C.M. 1:2:4 mix using 20mm blue granite jelly including
necessary reinforcement, etc., complete for
37.1. 60 x 60 x 150cm Each 16917.00
37.2. 60 x 60 x 120cm Each 13845.00
37.3. 60 x 60 x 90cm Each 11302.00
37.4. 60 x 60 x 75cm Each 9777.00
37.5. 60 x 60 x 60cm Each 8681.00
38. Construction of inspection chambers of following sizes with earth work excavation for foundation,
23cm thick concrete bed using 40mm brick jelly concrete in C.M. 1:4:10 for foundation, brick work in
C.M. 1:6 for chamber, plastering with C.M. 1:3,12mm thick, benching, channelling, supplying and
fixing 45x45cm FRC cover and frame, etc., complete for
S. No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P
40.2. Construction of septic tank of standard size 2.3m x 1.10m x 1.80m for Each 125392.00
20 persons capable of cleaning once in 2 years with seepage pit of
size 2.5mx3.4m (including free board) including earth work excavation,
concrete 1:2:4 mix, brick work in C.M.1:5 baffle wall, R.C.C. removable
slab, plastering with C.M. 1:3, 12mm thick with necessary ventilating
column 75mm dia, stoneware pipe and Tees of 100mm dia, etc.,
41.0 Supplying and fixing bath tub (Fibre made) of size 1700 x 700 x 450mm Each 29063.00
with necessary fittings, etc., complete (excluding flooring)
Note:1.0.: The Schedule of Rates for the plumbing items for 2020-2021 have been worked out based
on the cost of materials obtained from PWD,Materials Department of Metro Water and Market Rates.
The Market Rates are obtained orally and on personal contact with various firms. Hence, the
schedule of rates arrived on this assumption for 2020-2021, will be nearest, 100% accuracy could not
be ensured.
S.No. Description of work Each/Rate/Rs.P.
Note: The Unit rates for disposal of surplus earth and refilling with excavated earth in the note of
pipelaying work (water supply) is applicable to this section also and it may be referred.
Schedule 1.1
(Including backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth)
1 Supplying, laying jointing and testing 100mm dia SW pipe 598.00
including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay,
stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murams, gravel,
stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard
gravelly soil, depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of
10m. lowering the pipes into the trenches, aligning, refilling the
trenches with excavated earth in layers of not more than 23cm
thick watering, ramming to consolidation and disposal of
surplus earth etc., complete at an average depth of 2.0m
(Excluding backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth)
1 Supplying, laying, jointing and testing 100mm dia, S.W. pipe 566.00
including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay,
stiff blackcotton, hard redearth, shales, murams, gravel, stoney
earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard
gravelly soil, depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of
10m. lowering the pipes into the trenches, aligning, etc.,
complete at an average depth of 2.0m.
Schedule.No. 2.
Cost of timbering and labour charges for timbering used in sewer laying works (C.I. pipes and
SW pipes) for 30 metres
S.No. Dia of pipe in mm Depth in metre Cost of Cost of labour
timbering for timbering
Rs.P Rs.P
S.No. Dia of pipe in mm Depth in metre Cost of Cost of labour
timbering for timbering
Rs.P Rs.P
5 250 3.50 57878.92 99583.90
6 250 4.00 61808.02 113810.17
7 250 4.50 86105.93 142262.71
8 250 5.00 104863.78 170715.24
9 250 5.50 111837.23 184941.53
10 250 6.00 119391.52 184941.53
11 250 6.50 119391.52 199167.80
12 300 2.50 39444.30 56905.09
13 300 3.00 43401.00 85357.63
14 300 3.50 58017.52 99583.90
15 300 4.00 61974.22 113810.17
16 300 4.50 86355.23 142262.71
17 300 5.00 105168.58 170715.26
18 300 5.50 112194.14 184941.53
19 300 6.00 119783.90 184941.53
20 300 6.50 119783.90 199167.80
21 300 7.00 116148.47 213394.07
22 350 2.50 39563.11 56905.09
23 350 3.00 43591.36 85357.63
24 350 3.50 58207.88 99583.90
25 350 4.00 62236.14 113810.17
26 350 4.50 86632.44 142262.71
27 350 5.00 105489.96 170715.26
28 350 5.50 112515.26 184941.53
29 350 6.00 120170.42 184941.53
30 350 6.50 120170.42 199167.80
31 350 7.00 116599.42 213394.07
32 375 2.50 39582.60 56905.09
33 375 3.00 43594.80 85357.63
34 375 3.50 58211.32 99583.90
35 375 4.00 62236.13 113810.17
36 375 4.50 86743.13 142262.71
37 375 5.00 105667.18 170715.26
38 375 5.50 112858.94 184941.53
39 400 2.50 39610.50 56905.09
40 400 3.00 43650.30 85357.63
41 400 3.50 58266.82 99583.90
42 400 4.00 62306.62 113810.17
43 400 4.50 86881.43 142262.71
44 400 5.00 105833.38 170715.26
45 400 5.50 112858.94 184941.53
46 400 6.00 120556.95 184941.53
47 400 6.50 120556.95 199167.80
48 400 7.00 117050.37 213394.07
49 400 7.50 117050.37 227620.34
S.No. Dia of pipe in mm Depth in metre Cost of Cost of labour
timbering for timbering
Rs.P Rs.P
50 400 8.00 124769.97 241846.61
51 400 8.50 158021.53 256072.88
52 450 2.50 39693.60 56905.09
53 450 3.00 43788.90 85357.63
54 450 3.50 58405.42 99583.90
55 450 4.00 62500.42 113810.17
56 450 4.50 87130.73 142262.71
57 450 5.00 106137.88 170715.26
58 450 5.50 112858.94 184941.53
59 450 6.00 120943.48 184941.53
60 450 6.50 120943.48 199167.80
61 450 7.00 117501.32 213394.07
62 450 7.50 117501.32 227620.34
63 450 8.00 125285.34 241846.61
64 450 8.50 158536.90 256072.88
65 500 2.50 39952.18 56905.09
66 500 3.00 44174.97 85357.63
67 500 3.50 58791.49 99583.90
68 500 4.00 63014.28 113810.17
69 500 4.50 87405.49 142262.71
70 500 5.00 106456.27 170715.26
71 500 5.50 113481.57 184941.53
72 500 6.00 121330.01 184941.53
73 500 6.50 121330.01 199167.80
74 500 7.00 117952.27 213394.07
75 500 7.50 117952.27 227620.34
76 500 8.00 125800.71 241846.61
77 500 8.50 159052.27 256072.88
78 600 2.50 40125.10 56905.09
79 600 3.00 44434.35 85357.63
80 600 3.50 59050.87 99583.90
81 600 4.00 63360.12 113810.17
82 600 4.50 87920.86 142262.71
83 600 5.00 107100.49 170715.26
84 600 5.50 114126.72 184941.53
85 600 6.00 122104.00 184941.53
86 600 6.50 122104.00 199167.80
87 600 7.00 118854.17 213394.07
88 600 7.50 118854.17 227620.34
89 600 8.00 126831.45 241846.61
90 600 8.50 160083.01 256072.88
91 700 2.50 40307.13 56905.09
92 700 3.00 44695.34 85357.63
93 700 3.50 59309.24 99583.90
94 700 4.00 63704.95 113810.17
S.No. Dia of pipe in mm Depth in metre Cost of Cost of labour
timbering for timbering
Rs.P Rs.P
95 700 4.50 88436.23 142262.71
96 700 5.00 107744.70 170715.26
97 700 5.50 114771.21 184941.53
98 700 6.00 122877.33 184941.53
99 700 6.50 122877.33 199167.80
100 700 7.00 119756.07 213394.07
101 700 7.50 119756.07 227620.34
102 700 8.00 127862.19 241846.61
103 700 8.50 161113.75 256072.88
104 750 2.50 40393.59 56905.09
105 750 3.00 44825.03 85357.63
106 750 3.50 59438.93 99583.90
107 750 4.00 63877.87 113810.17
108 750 4.50 88693.91 142262.71
109 750 5.00 108066.81 170715.26
110 750 5.50 115093.31 184941.53
111 750 6.00 123263.86 184941.53
112 750 6.50 123263.86 199167.80
113 750 7.00 120207.02 213394.07
114 750 7.50 120207.02 227620.34
115 750 8.00 128377.56 241846.61
116 750 8.50 161629.12 256072.88
117 800 2.50 40480.05 56905.09
118 800 3.00 44953.11 85357.63
119 800 3.50 59568.62 99583.90
120 800 4.00 64050.79 113810.17
121 800 4.50 88951.60 142262.71
122 800 5.00 108388.91 170715.26
123 800 5.50 115415.42 184941.53
124 800 6.00 123650.39 184941.53
125 800 6.50 123650.39 199167.80
126 800 7.00 120657.97 213394.07
127 800 7.50 120657.97 227620.34
128 800 8.00 128892.93 241846.61
129 800 8.50 162144.49 256072.88
130 900 2.50 40643.86 56905.09
131 900 3.00 45212.49 85357.63
132 900 3.50 59828.00 99583.90
133 900 4.00 64396.63 113810.17
134 900 4.50 89466.97 142262.71
135 900 5.00 109033.13 170715.26
136 900 5.50 116059.64 184941.53
137 900 6.00 124423.44 184941.53
138 900 6.50 124423.44 199167.80
139 900 7.00 121559.86 213394.07
S.No. Dia of pipe in mm Depth in metre Cost of Cost of labour
timbering for timbering
Rs.P Rs.P
140 900 7.50 121559.86 227620.34
141 900 8.00 129923.67 241846.61
142 900 8.50 163175.23 256072.88
143 1000 4.50 89982.34 142262.71
144 1000 5.00 109677.34 170715.26
145 1000 5.50 116703.85 184941.53
146 1000 6.00 125196.50 184941.53
147 1000 6.50 125196.50 199167.80
148 1000 7.00 122461.76 213394.07
149 1000 7.50 122461.76 227620.34
150 1000 8.00 130954.42 241846.61
151 1000 8.50 164205.98 256072.88
Schedule No.3.1
(Including backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth )
Construction of manholes using sulphate resistant cement at various depths to invert including
earthwork excavation as per SS 20B, laying cement concrete in C.M. 1:3:6 using Crushed stone sand
(M sand) and 40mm B.G.jelly for foundation, sinking well kerb below G.L. for 4.5m depth and above,
pumping, timbering charges for 2.5m depth and above, stock brick work in C.M. 1:3, for 23cm thick
wall and over 23cm thick wall, plastering interior with C.M. 1:3, 20mm thick and exterior with C.M. 1:3,
12mm thick, laying plain cement concrete 1:3:6 using 12.0mm to 20mm B.G.jelly fixing the frame,
providing C.I. steps, manhole cover and frame, benching and channelling including refilling the trench
with excavated earth and disposal of surplus earth etc. complete for the following sizes for each
manhole (As per the type design drawing for manholes).
Sl.No Depth in Metre Manhole Size Rate/Each (in Rs. P.)
(Excluding backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth )
Construction of manholes using sulphate resistant cement at various depths to invert including
earthwork excavation as per SS 20B, laying cement concrete in C.M.1:3:6 using Crushed stone sand
(M sand) and 40mm B.G.jelly for foundation, sinking well kerb below G.L. for 4.5m depth and above,
pumping, timbering charges for 2.5m depth and above, stock brick work in C.M. 1:3, for 23cm thick
wall and over 23cm thick wall, plastering interior with C.M. 1:3, 20mm thick and exterior with C.M. 1:3,
12mm thick, laying plain cement concrete 1:3:6 using 12.0mm to 20mm B.G.jelly for fixing the frame,
providing C.I. steps, manhole cover and frame, benching and channelling etc., complete for the
following sizes for each manhole (As per the type design drawing for manholes).
1 2.50 10200.22
2 3.00 16657.99
3 3.50 17589.56
4 4.00 18315.53
Schedule No.4
Precast circular RCC manholes using sulphate resistant cement by open excavation (From
2.00 m and upto 2.5 m average depth range)
Construction of Precast circular RCC manholes using sulphate resistant cement with M30 design
mix concrete using Crushed stone sand (M sand) including earthwork excavation as per SS20B
including timbering and pumping charges(for 2.5m depth and above),Providing Plain Cement
Concrete 1:1.5:3 using 20mm B.G. jelly for foundation,supplying and filling sand for bedding,
Providing base units of 1m height(base slab and sidewall),riser unit (without corbel) of varying
heights to suit the various depth requirements and roof slab including cost of steel reinforcement,
cost of fabricating the steel mould using MS sheet and ISA angles including material and labour
cost, Providing CI steps,fixing FRC manhole frame and door,benching and channelling ,refilling
with excavated earth and disposal of surplus earth, joining of precast units by grouting with CM1:1
and polyurethane based water proofing compound 1% (by weight of cement ) at shear key and
protruded bars- grout holes locations,Cost of conveyance and erection charges of precast
manholes at the required position as directed by the engineer at site including testing the manhole
with water for 48 hours to check water tightness and rectifying the defects if anyfor the following
sizes and depths.
Sl.N Size of sewer main Depth in Metre Manhole Size Rate/Each (in Rs. P.)
Note: Third party inspection for manufacture of Pre cast RCC manholes at factory or at site to be
Cast insitu circular RCC manholes using sulphate resistant cement by sinking
method/open excavation depending on site condition (From 3.00 m and above average
depth range)
Construction of RCC manholes using sulphate resistant cement with M30 design mix concrete
using Crushed stone sand (M sand) including earthwork excavation as per SS20B , providing point
edge to well kerb using ISA 150x75x10mm weighing at 16.9kg/m,sinking well kerb below 2m from
G.L.or by open excavation for various depth as per site condition with M30 mix for side wall, raft
and roof slab,including cost of steel reinforcement ,including bailing and pumping out water,
formwork, plugging the bottom with PCC 1:3:6 using 40mm hard broken granite jelly, laying plain
cement concrete 1:3:6 using 12mm to 20mm hard broken granite jelly for fixing frame, fixing FRC
manhole cover and frame, providing CI steps, ,benching and channelling including refilling the
trenches with excavated earth and disposal of earth etc. Including testing the manhole with water
for 48hours to check water tightness and rectifying the defects if any complete for the following size
of manholes.
Sl.N Size of sewer main Depth in Metre Manhole Size Rate/Each (in Rs. P.)
1 3.00 1.2 M Dia 84500.00
2 3.50 1.2 M Dia 119200.00
3 4.00 1.2 M Dia 132600.00
4 upto 450 mm dia 4.50 1.2 M Dia 146400.00
5 5.00 1.2 M Dia 160400.00
6 5.50 1.2 M Dia 190400.00
7 6.00 1.2 M Dia 206100.00
8 3.00 1.5 M Dia 103700.00
9 3.50 1.5 M Dia 145000.00
10 4.00 1.5 M Dia 160900.00
11 500 mm dia & above 4.50 1.5 M Dia 177300.00
12 5.00 1.5 M Dia 193600.00
13 5.50 1.5 M Dia 227800.00
14 6.00 1.5 M Dia 246000.00
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
( Rs.P.)
6. Sinking of 1.25m (4’-0”) dia well with 34cm (1’-1 ½”) thick wall
6.1. For 1st depth of 2.00m metre 1301.66
6.2. For 2nd depth of 2.00m metre 2609.93
8.1.Supplying and driving venteak wood bearing piles of 100mm x 100mm size (including
cost of venteak wood)
8.1.1. Below invert level of 1.00m deep one 2529.00
8.1.2. Below invert level of every additional 0.5m deep one 466.00
Supplying and driving venteak wood bearing piles o 150mm x 150mm size (including cost of
8.2.1. Below invert level upto 1.00m depth one 5621.00
8.2.2. Extra for every additional 0.5m deep beyond initial 1.0m one 919.00
depth below invert level.
9 Supplying and fixing 100mm dia. S.W.Pipe for standpipe metre 2309.00
upright junction with concrete encasing using c.c.1:3:6 for 1
10.1. Supplying and fixing 250mm S.W.P. for drop pipes with ‘U’ metre 1153.00
clamps etc. complete for 1 metre
10.2. Supplying and fixing 150mm S.W.P. drop pipes with ‘U’ metre 726.00
clamps etc. complete (inside manholes) for 1 metre
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
( Rs.P.)
10.3. Supplying and fixing 100mm S.W.P. drop pipes with ‘U’ metre 600.00
clamps etc. complete (inside manholes) for 1 metre
11 Raising or lowering 45 cm (18”) or 60 cm (24”) dia cast iron each 3743.00
manhole frame and door using brick work in C.M. 1:3, man
grouting with C.C.1:2:4 using 20mm B.G. jelly rendering the hole
top surface smooth with cement etc. complete for 1
12 Barrication work along one side of the trench for laying the metre 55.00
pipe line with casuarina post at 1.52m centre to centre (8 to
10 cm dia. and 1.52m height) verticals, painting the vertical
posts in different colours, tieing with coir rope, fixing danger
flags, danger lights, reflectors including watching during
night for 1 metre.
13.1. Removing sludge from clarifiers and other sewage handling m3 200.00
structure and disposing it with an initial lead of 10m and
initial life of 2m
13.2. Extra for every additional lm lift or part thereof over initial lift m3 10.95
13.3. Extra for every additional 10m lead or part there of over m3 10.65
initial lead
13.4. Providing Iron Barricading of size 2.50 m width and 1.75 m Rate/m 68.00
height using 40x40x4 mm angle for outer frame supports, 25
x 25 x 3 mm angle for inner frame supports and 20 gauge
thickness MS sheet for name board (as per drawing)
including cutting, welding, fabrication charges and one coat
of primer and 2 coats of enamel paint of approved quality,
writing "METRO WATER" & work detail/ caution sign,
providing necessary interlocking arrangements with
adjoining units, fixing danger flags, danger lights, reflectors,
fixing stickers etc, including watching during night and
placing the barricading units as directed at the sites
Note: The rates adopted for laying of C.I. pipes shall not be adopted for laying of pumping
Schedule No.14
Including backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth Excluding backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth
Laying, jointing SW pipes with cement joint, testing including earthwork Laying, jointing SW pipes with cement joint ,testing including
excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, stiff black
shales, murams, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders cotton, hard red earth, shales, murams, gravel, stoney earth and
and hard gravelly soil, depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10m. and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil,
carting of pipes from any of the Board’s stores to the site of work, lowering into depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10 metres and
trenches and aligning, refilling the trenches with excavated soil, watering and carting of pipes from any of the Board’s stores to the site of work,
ramming to consolidation,disposal of surplus earth etc., complete including the lowering into trenches and aligning, etc., complete including the
cost of cement and sand. (Timbering included for Depths cost of cement and sand (Timbering included for Depths
2.50m,3.0m,3.5m,..........upto 5.5m) 2.50m,3.0m,3.5m,..........upto 5.5m)
Sl. Depth in Cost/metre in Rupees -Size (dia) of pipe in mm Cost/metre in Rupees -Size (dia) of pipe in mm
No metres
150 200 250 300 350 375 150 200 250 300 350 375
1 1.00 344.00 425.00 463.00 622.00 --- --- 326.00 403.00 436.00 595.00 --- ---
2 1.50 404.00 490.00 534.00 698.00 867.00 985.00 375.00 458.00 496.00 657.00 821.00 936.00
3 2.00 489.00 555.00 605.00 917.00 981.00 1068.00 452.00 514.00 556.00 866.00 924.00 1009.00
4 2.50 4042.00 4141.00 4255.00 4473.00 4605.00 4728.00 3971.00 4064.00 4175.00 4385.00 4509.00 4630.00
5 3.00 5215.00 5353.00 5491.00 5682.00 5823.00 5948.00 5131.00 5262.00 5395.00 5578.00 5710.00 5834.00
6 3.50 --- --- 6707.00 6920.00 7067.00 7194.00 --- --- 6595.00 6800.00 6937.00 7064.00
7 4.00 --- --- 7501.00 7687.00 7843.00 7973.00 --- --- 7373.00 7551.00 7695.00 7824.00
8 4.50 --- --- 9629.00 9861.00 9967.00 10071.00 --- --- 9472.00 9694.00 9788.00 9891.00
9 5.00 --- --- --- 11613.00 11788.00 11902.00 --- --- --- 11429.00 11590.00 11701.00
10 5.50 --- --- --- --- --- 14604.00 --- --- --- --- --- 14385.00
Excluding backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth
Laying, jointing,testing C. I pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murams,
gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil, depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10 metres and
carting of pipes from any of the Board’s stores to the site of work, lowering into trenches and aligning, etc., complete (Timbering included for Depths
2.50m,3.0m,3.5m,..........upto 8.5m)
Sl. Laying and jointing Cast Iron pipes with Lead/Lead wool joints(Labour only) Cost / Metre (in Rupees)- Size of pipe in mm
No Depth in 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000
1 1.00 521.00 639.00 767.00 850.00
2 1.50 742.00 841.00 954.00 1086.00
3 2.00 802.00 980.00 1101.00 1282.00
4 2.50 4535.00 4786.00 4878.00 5067.00 5208.00 5320.00 5565.00 5933.00 6171.00 6529.00 6684.00
5 3.00 5774.00 6072.00 6190.00 6341.00 6510.00 6647.00 6921.00 7343.00 7583.00 7757.00 8050.00
6 3.50 7027.00 7358.00 7473.00 7663.00 7887.00 8029.00 8330.00 8611.00 8885.00 9094.00 9417.00
7 4.00 7911.00 8246.00 8350.00 8568.00 8790.00 8930.00 9244.00 9540.00 9821.00 10037.00 10374.00
8 4.50 10070.00 10422.00 10557.00 10761.00 10997.00 11155.00 11487.00 11801.00 12091.00 12316.00 12671.00 13043.00
9 5.00 11960.00 12337.00 12485.00 12722.00 12964.00 13132.00 13481.00 13811.00 14109.00 14342.00 14714.00 15103.00
10 5.50 14732.00 15109.00 15283.00 15502.00 15732.00 15945.00 16304.00 16645.00 16948.00 17186.00 17568.00 17967.00
11 6.00 15256.00 15640.00 15847.00 16098.00 16348.00 16560.00 16936.00 17293.00 17605.00 17852.00 18251.00 18667.00
12 6.50 16720.00 17111.00 17325.00 17583.00 17840.00 18058.00 18448.00 18819.00 19138.00 19392.00 19804.00 20234.00
13 7.00 17752.00 18095.00 18291.00 18557.00 18784.00 19192.00 19581.00 19909.00 20172.00 20602.00 21050.00
14 7.50 19127.00 19400.00 19634.00 20057.00 20460.00 20796.00 21066.00 21511.00 21973.00
15 8.00 20219.00 20502.00 20746.00 21187.00 21610.00 21955.00 22234.00 22698.00 23179.00
16 8.50 22174.00 22464.00 22716.00 23173.00 23611.00 23963.00 24250.00 24730.00 25227.00
Including backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth
Laying, jointing with Lead/Lead wool joints (Labour only),testing of C.I. pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, stiff black
cotton, hard red earth, shales, murams, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil, depositing the earth on
banks with initial lead of 10m. and carting of pipes from any of the Board’s stores to the site of work, lowering into trenches and aligning, refilling the
trenches with excavated soil, watering and ramming to consolidation, disposal of surplus earth etc., complete (Timbering included for Depths
2.50m,3.0m,3.5m,..........upto 8.5m)
Sl. Depth in Laying and jointing Cast Iron pipes with Lead/Lead wool joints(Labour only) Cost / Metre (in Rupees)- Size of pipe in mm
No metres 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000
1 1.00 546.00 670.00 804.00 895.00
2 1.50 781.00 882.00 1004.00 1141.00
3 2.00 851.00 1031.00 1164.00 1349.00
4 2.50 4615.00 4871.00 4974.00 5167.00 5315.00 5437.00 5699.00 6093.00 6336.00 6708.00 6876.00
5 3.00 5870.00 6176.00 6303.00 6460.00 6636.00 6784.00 7076.00 7528.00 7773.00 7953.00 8268.00
6 3.50 7139.00 7478.00 7603.00 7797.00 8031.00 8186.00 8506.00 8809.00 9094.00 9314.00 9661.00
7 4.00 8038.00 8382.00 8498.00 8721.00 8952.00 9107.00 9442.00 9761.00 10054.00 10282.00 10645.00
8 4.50 10227.00 10589.00 10736.00 10949.00 11192.00 11366.00 11721.00 12059.00 12362.00 12600.00 12983.00 13384.00
9 5.00 12133.00 12521.00 12683.00 12928.00 13183.00 13364.00 13738.00 14094.00 14406.00 14653.00 15054.00 15474.00
10 5.50 14923.00 15310.00 15496.00 15726.00 15969.00 16194.00 16579.00 16947.00 17265.00 17518.00 17930.00 18361.00
11 6.00 15463.00 15859.00 16079.00 16342.00 16605.00 16830.00 17233.00 17620.00 17947.00 18209.00 18640.00 19090.00
12 6.50 16944.00 17348.00 17575.00 17846.00 18117.00 18349.00 18768.00 19170.00 19505.00 19775.00 20221.00 20686.00
13 7.00 18007.00 18363.00 18573.00 18854.00 19096.00 19535.00 19956.00 20301.00 20580.00 21047.00 21531.00
14 7.50 19428.00 19717.00 19967.00 20422.00 20859.00 21212.00 21500.00 21982.00 22483.00
15 8.00 20541.00 20839.00 21100.00 21575.00 22033.00 22396.00 22694.00 23197.00 23718.00
16 8.50 22514.00 22822.00 23091.00 23583.00 24058.00 24430.00 24737.00 25256.00 25795.00
Excluding backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth
Laying, jointing ,testing R.C.C. pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murams,
gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil, depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10
metres , lowering into trenches and aligning, etc., complete (Timbering included for Depths 2.50m,3.0m,3.5m,..........upto 8.5m)
De Laying and jointing R.C.C pipes (Labour only) Cost / Metre (in Rupees)- Size of pipe in mm
pth 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000
1.0 475.00 487.00 587.00 650.00 704.00
1.5 691.00 708.00 789.00 837.00 940.00 1363.00
2.0 750.00 771.00 932.00 988.00 1139.00 1466.00 1583.00 1995.00
2.5 4439.00 4524.00 4757.00 4831.00 4975.00 5086.00 5174.00 5307.00 5533.00 5595.00 5937.00 6002.00
3.0 5659.00 5768.00 6049.00 6155.00 6255.00 6394.00 6509.00 6671.00 6942.00 6994.00 7223.00 7376.00
3.5 6861.00 7021.00 7335.00 7432.00 7577.00 7772.00 7893.00 8081.00 8269.00 8408.00 8561.00 8743.00
4.0 7744.00 7910.00 8229.00 8315.00 8488.00 8681.00 8801.00 9004.00 9207.00 9352.00 9513.00 9709.00
4.5 9850.00 10077.00 10411.00 10529.00 10688.00 10895.00 11035.00 11256.00 11477.00 11629.00 11801.00 12013.00 12234.00
5.0 11972.00 12333.00 12463.00 12656.00 12869.00 13009.00 13247.00 13485.00 13656.00 13827.00 14065.00 14304.00
5.5 14742.00 15102.00 15259.00 15433.00 15635.00 15821.00 16069.00 16317.00 16493.00 16668.00 16917.00 17165.00
6.0 15272.00 15639.00 15829.00 16036.00 16257.00 16442.00 16708.00 16973.00 17158.00 17342.00 17608.00 17874.00
6.5 16736.00 17111.00 17307.00 17521.00 17749.00 17941.00 18220.00 18499.00 18691.00 18882.00 19162.00 19441.00
7.0 17757.00 18083.00 18235.00 18473.00 18674.00 18972.00 19269.00 19470.00 19671.00 19969.00 20267.00
7.5 19071.00 19836.00 20149.00 20357.00 21190.00
8.0 20974.00 21306.00 22406.00
8.5 24453.00
Including backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth
Laying, jointing ,testing R.C.C. pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murams,
gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil, depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10
metres , lowering into trenches and aligning, refilling the trenches with excavated soil, watering and ramming to consolidation,disposal of surplus
earth etc., complete
(Timbering included for Depths 2.50m,3.0m,3.5m,..........upto 8.5m)
De Laying and jointing R.C.C pipes (Labour only) Cost / Metre (in Rupees)- Size of pipe in mm
pth 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000
1.0 520.00 537.00 643.00 719.00 779.00
1.5 746.00 769.00 856.00 919.00 1029.00 1477.00
2.0 814.00 843.00 1010.00 1083.00 1242.00 1578.00 1713.00 2166.00
2.5 4551.00 4643.00 4885.00 4967.00 5120.00 5241.00 5338.00 5491.00 5739.00 5810.00 6166.00 6255.00
3.0 5785.00 5903.00 6193.00 6308.00 6418.00 6568.00 6693.00 6877.00 7171.00 7232.00 7476.00 7656.00
3.5 7002.00 7171.00 7495.00 7602.00 7758.00 7964.00 8096.00 8308.00 8521.00 8673.00 8839.00 9049.00
4.0 7900.00 8076.00 8406.00 8502.00 8688.00 8892.00 9023.00 9252.00 9482.00 9641.00 9816.00 10041.00
4.5 10040.00 10277.00 10623.00 10752.00 10924.00 11144.00 11296.00 11544.00 11793.00 11960.00 12148.00 12390.00 12645.00
5.0 12190.00 12563.00 12705.00 12911.00 13138.00 13292.00 13558.00 13826.00 14013.00 14199.00 14471.00 14743.00
5.5 14973.00 15346.00 15516.00 15704.00 15920.00 16120.00 16398.00 16677.00 16869.00 17061.00 17344.00 17628.00
6.0 15520.00 15901.00 16105.00 16326.00 16562.00 16762.00 17059.00 17358.00 17559.00 17761.00 18063.00 18366.00
6.5 17001.00 17390.00 17601.00 17830.00 18074.00 18281.00 18594.00 18908.00 19117.00 19327.00 19644.00 19962.00
7.0 18054.00 18395.00 18564.00 18818.00 19035.00 19368.00 19702.00 19921.00 20141.00 20478.00 20817.00
7.5 19419.00 20255.00 20605.00 20833.00 21769.00
8.0 21416.00 21787.00 23014.00
8.5 25090.00
Excluding backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth
Laying, jointing,testing PSC pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murams,
gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil, depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10 metres ,
lowering into trenches and aligning, etc., complete (Timbering included for Depths 2.50m,3.0m,3.5m,..........upto 4.5m)
Laying and jointing PSC pipes (Labour only) Cost/Metre (in Rupees) - size of pipe in mm
S. Depth in metres 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 1000
Including backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth
Laying, jointing,testing PSC pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murams,
gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil, depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of 10 metres ,
lowering into trenches and aligning, refilling the trenches with excavated soil, watering and ramming to consolidation,disposal of surplus earth etc.,
complete (Timbering included for Depths 2.50m,3.0m,3.5m,..........upto 4.5m)
Laying and jointing PSC pipes (Labour only) Cost/Metre (in Rupees) - size of pipe in mm
S. Depth in metres 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 1000
I. Point Wiring:
1.1.Point wiring shall include all works necessary in complete wiring of a switch circuit of any length
from the tapping point on the distribution circuit to the following, viz., the switch:-
c)Any special and suitable round block for neatly housing the connector and covering the fan hook
in case of fan point.
d) Wooden box, bushed conduit, or porcelain tubing where cables pass through walls, etc.
e) Conduit or metalic covering upto 1.5 metre from floor
f)Earth wire from three-pin socket outlet point/fan regulator fan and lighting fitting to the common
earth including connections, to earth dolley, except the earth wire from first tapping point of live wire
to the sub-distribution board.
g) All wood or metal blocks, boards and boxes, sunk or surface type including those required for
mounting fan regulator but, excluding those under the main and distribution switch gear.
h)All fixing accessories such as clips, nails, screws, phil plugs, rawl plugs, wooden plugs, etc., as
i) In case of joint box system of wiring, if specified joint boxes with necessary connections as
j)Connections to ceiling rose, connector, socket outlet, lamp holder, switch, fan regulator, etc.
k) Loopings, in the same switch board and interconnection between points on the same circuit.
Separate measurements may be made where the switches and socket outlet points are located on
the same board.
In the case of call bell/buzzer points, the length shall meet the distance between the call bell and the
ceiling rose/socket outlet or bell push where ceiling rose/ socket outlet is not used.
1.4.The connection between bell push and socket outlet/ ceiling rose if wired by flexible cable shall
not be treated as part of call bell point wiring. Where the flexible cable is liable to mechanical
damage, the same shall be suitable protected by PVC sleeve or conduit as directed by Engineer
2. Measurement of Point Wiring:
2.1. Wiring points shall be classified as follows:-
a) Short points not exceeding 3m in length.
b) Long points exceeding 3m but not exceeding 6m in length
c) Long points exceeding 6m but not exceeding 10m in length
d) Special points of length exceeding 10m in length as required.
2.2. In the case of points with more than one light point controlled by the same switch, such points,
shall be measured in parts i.e., from the switch to the first point as one point and classified
according to clause 2.1. For the subsequent points, the distance from fitting to fitting shall be
measured along the run of wiring, treated as one point and classified according to Clause 2.1.
2.3. A light point controlled by two numbers of two way switches shall be measured as two points
from the fitting to the switches on either side and classified according to clause 2.1. Any extra light
point in the same switch circuit shall be measured according to Clause 2.2. i.e, first as two points
from switch on either side to the nearest fitting and classified according to Clause 2.1. The extra
light point is then measured from fitting to fitting treated as one point and classified according to
Clause 2.1.
2.4. In the case of call bell/ buzzer points with a single call bell/ buzzer controlled by more than one
place with a ceiling rose/ socket outlet or bell push where ceiling rose/socket outlet is not provided,
the points shall be measured in parts, i.e., from the call bell/buzzer to one of the nearest ceiling
rose/ socket outlet or bell push, treated as one point and classified according to Clause 2.1., for the
other ceiling rose/socket outlet or bell push to the next ceiling rose/socket outlet or bell push shall be
measured along the run of wiring, treated as one point and classified to Clause 2.1.
2.5. When more than one call bell/buzzer points are controlled by the same ceiling rose/socket
outlet or bell push, the points shall be measured according to Clause 2.2.
3. Circuit Wiring: Circuit wiring shall mean the length or wiring from the distribution board upto the
tapping point measured along the run of wiring. Such wiring shall be measured on linear basis.
4. Sub-main wiring: Sub-main wiring shall mean the length of wiring from one main distribution
switch gear to another main-distribution switch gear, measured along the run of wiring. Such wiring
shall be measured on linear basis.
5.Measurement of Circuit/Sub-main Wiring:
5.1. The length of sub-main/circuit wiring or any other type of wiring on linear basis shall include all
length from end to end of wood batten or conduit as the case may be exclusive of interconnections
inside the switch board, etc. The increase on account of diversion or slackness shall not be
included in the measurement. The earth wire from the distribution or sub distribution board upto the
tapping point shall be measured separately.
5.2.The length of circuit wiring with two wires shall be measured from the distribution board to the
switch in the circuit irrespective of whether the neutral conductor is taken to switch box or not.
5.3.When the wires of the different circuits are grouped in a single conduit/wood batten the same
shall be measured on linear basis depending on the actual number and sizes of wires run
conduit/wood batten.
5.4.When circuit wires and wires of point wiring are run in the same conduit/wood batten, circuit
wiring shall be measured on linear basis depending on the actual number and sizes of wires run in
the existing conduit/ wood batten.
Except as discussed previously for point wiring, circuit wiring and sub-main wiring, other different
types of wiring shall be measured separately on linear basis along the run of wiring depending on
the actual number and sizes of wires run.
Section-5 (Electrical works)
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P.
1.1. Wiring with 2.5 PVC unsheathed copper single core in Point 2759.00
suitable conduit pipe for lighting with joint box and switch box
with continuous earth connection by 14 SWG TC wire
1.2 Wiring with 2.5 PVC unsheathed copper single core Point 2790.00
cable in MS conduit pipe for lights with MS joint box and MS
switch box only in flush with wall and covered by PVC sheet of
3mm thick cover with continuous earth connection by 14 SWG
TC wire.
1.3. Wiring with 2.5 unsheathed copper single core Point 2974.00
cable in suitable conduit pipe for fans with 5 Amps SP
switches with MS joint box and MS switch box with continuous
earth connection by 14 SWG TC wire.
1.4. Wiring with 2.5 PVC unsheathed copper single core Point 3049.00
cable in suitable conduit pipe for fans with 5 amps single pole
switch MS joint box and MS switch box in flush with all and
covered with PVC sheet of 3mm thick with continuous earth
wire connection by 14 SWG Tinned copper wire.
1.5. Wiring with PVC unsheathed copper SC cable in Point 2357.00
suitable PVC rigid pipe concealed for lights TW box switches
and joint boxes with continuous earth connection by 14 SWG
TC wire.
1.6. Wiring with 2.5 PVC unsheathed SC copper cable on Point 635.00
suitable rigid PVC pipe for 5A 3 pin CS plug non interlocking
including S&F plug pin top in TW box with continuous earth
connection by 14 SWG TC wire
2.1. Run of 2 of 2.5 PVC unsheathed copper SC cable in Metre 117.00
conduit pipe for mains continuous earth connection by 14
SWG TC wire
2.2. Run of 2 of 2.5 PVC unsheathed copper SC cable in Metre 98.00
PVC pipe for mains with continuous earth connection by 14
SWG TC wire
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P.
3 Supplying and fixing of water tight bulk head fitting suitable for Each. 488.00
100V bulb with lamp guard and lamp
4.1.1. Supplying and fixing of box type 4’ 40W twin fluorescent tube Each. 1061.00
light fitting complete with 2 Nos. 40 W. fl. tube on suitable
conduit suspension with connection
4.1.2. Fixing charge inclusive of conduit pipe ¾” 1.5m length & Each. 420.00
necessary fastners.
4.2.1. Supplying and fixing of box type 4’ 40W single fluorescent Each. 590.00
fitting complete with TW round block and tube on ceiling or
wall with connection.
4.2.2. Fixing charge inclusive of T.W. Round blocks and necessary Each. 251.00
screws, etc.
4.3. Supplying and fixing of industrial type 4' 40W single FL. fitting Each. 1310.00
complete with 1 No. 4' 40W FL. tube on conduit pipe
suspension with connection.
4.4. Supplying and fixing of industrial type 4' 40W twin Fl. fitting Each. 1536.00
complete with tube in conduit pipe suspension with
5.1. Supplying and fixing of 48” sweep AC ceiling fan complete with Each 2158.00
regulator with 1m down rod (steam pipe) including supplying
and fixing of fan clamp with side plates and cross arm.
5.2. Erection charges inclusive of stem pipe and fan clamp Each 876.00
6 Supplying and fixing of 12” sweep AC exhaust fan complete Each 1834.00
including providing necessary opening in the wall
7.1. Earthing as per the ISI specification with necessary masonry Each 2629.00
7.2. Earthing as per PWD standard complete with necessary Each 1861.00
masonry work
8.1. Supplying and fixing of EL shade and 40W bulb for BH point Each 228.00
8.2. Supplying and fixing of S.L.pendant with twin core flux wire Each 371.00
with EL shade and 40W bulb only
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P.
9 Supplying and fixing of ceiling fixture with gallery complete Each 411.00
(Indian type) suitable for 60W bulb
10 Supply and erection of 1 No. 3” dia tubular lamp post with 2 Each 10753.00
Nos. 40Watts tube light fitting
11.1. Supplying and fixing of 16 amps, 1’0” DP SFU switch with fuse Each 2861.00
and neutral link on suitable TW board earthing
11.2. Supplying and Fixing of 15 amps DP SFU 1'0” switch with F&N Each 1042.00
on suitable TW board with earth connection only.
11.3. Supplying and fixing of 32 Amps 1'0” 415 V, DP SFU, switch Each 1394.00
on suitable TW Board with earth connection only.
12.1. Supplying and fixing of 16Amps triple pole SFU with rewirable Each 2978.00
fuse units on suitable angle iron frame with earth connection
12.2. -do-32 amps Each 2800.00
12.3. -do-63 amps Each 6938.00
12.4 Supplying and fixing of 100 Amps, Triple Pole FSU with HRC Each 9972.00
fuse on suitable angle iron frame with earth connection only
12.5 Supplying and fixing of 200 Amps, Triple Pole FSU with HRC Each 12374.00
fuse on suitable angle iron frame with earth connection only
13.1. Supplying and clamping of 2 core PVC LTUG cable Metre 161.00
by MS clamps on wall
13.2. Supplying and clamping of 2 core PVC LTUG cable Metre 180.00
by MS clamps on wall
13.3. Supplying and clamping of 2 core PVC LTUG cable Metre 199.00
by MS clamps on wall
13.4. Supplying and clamping of 2 core PVC LTUG cable Metre 207.00
by MS clamps on wall
13.5. Supplying and clamping of 2 core PVC LTUG cable Metre 223.00
by MS clamps on wall
14.1. Supplying and clamping of 4 core PVC LTUG cable Metre 205.00
by MS clamps on wall
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P.
14.2. Supplying and clamping of 4 core PVC LTUG cable Metre 216.00
by MS clamps on wall
14.3. Supplying and clamping of 4 core PVC LTUG cable Metre 255.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.1. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 25 PVC LTUG cable Metre 289.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.2. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 35 PVC LTUG cable Metre 339.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.3. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 50 PVC LTUG cable Metre 409.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.4. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 70 PVC LTUG cable Metre 493.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.5. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 95 PVC LTUG cable Metre 607.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.6. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 120 PVC LTUG cable Metre 728.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.7. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 150 PVC LTUG cable Metre 841.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.8. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 185 PVC LTUG cable Metre 1000.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.9. Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 240 PVC LTUG cable Metre 1236.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.10 Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 300 PVC LTUG cable Metre 1489.00
by MS clamps on wall
15.11 Supplying and clamping of 3 ½ 400 PVC LTUG cable Metre 1890.00
by MS clamps on wall
16.1. Supplying & laying of 2 core LTUG cable in a trench Metre 415.00
to be excavated at a depth of 2 ½ ' putting 6” layer of sand
and covering the cable with brick and sand refilling the earth to
make good
16.2. -DO- 2 core 6 Metre 434.00
16.3. -DO- 2 Core 10 Metre 452.00
16.4. -DO- 2 core 16 Metre 461.00
16.5. -DO- 2 core 25 Metre 477.00
17.1. -DO- 4 core 6 Metre 459.00
17.2. -DO- 4 core 10 Metre 470.00
17.3. -DO- 4 core 16 Metre 509.00
18.1. -DO- 3 ½ core 25 Metre 577.00
18.2 -DO- 3 ½ core 35 metre 612.00
18.3 -DO- 3 ½ core 50 Metre 682.00
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P.
18.4. -DO- 3 ½ core 70 metre 808.00
18.5. -DO- 3 ½ core 95 metre 921.00
18.6. -DO- 3 ½ core 120 metre 1031.00
18.7. -DO- 3 ½ core 150 metre 1143.00
18.8. -DO- 3 ½ core 185 metre 1302.00
18.9 -DO- 3 ½ core 240 metre 1538.00
18.10 -DO- 3 ½ core 300 metre 1832.00
18.11 -DO- 3 ½ core 400 metre 2208.00
19. Making one H.T. UG cable joint joint 16842.00
20.1. Supplying and fixing of cable gland and termination with Joint 576.00
Aluminium cable by 2 core 4 PVC UG cable and with
earth connection.
20.2. -DO- 2 Core 6 Joint 580.00
20.3. -DO- 2 core 10 Joint 585.00
21.1. Supplying and fixing of cable gland and termination with Joint 909.00
Aluminium cable by 3 ½ core 25 PVC UG cable and
with earth connection
21.2. -DO- 3 ½ core 35 Joint 939.00
21.3. -DO- 3 ½ Core 50 Joint 964.00
21.4. -DO- 3 ½ core 95 Joint 1362.00
21.5. -DO- 3 ½ core 120 Joint 1407.00
21.6. -DO- 3 ½ core 150 Joint 1488.00
21.7. -DO- 3 ½ core 180 Joint 1860.00
21.8. -DO- 3 ½ core 240 Joint 1905.00
21.9. -DO- 3 ½ core 300 Joint 2608.00
21.10 -DO- 3 ½ core 400 Joint 3175.00
21.11 -DO- 3 ½ core 500 Joint 5372.00
22.1. Erection of electrically driven clear water/ non-clog centrifugal Set 5606.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 220 Lpm to
482 Lpm; 9m to 22.5m respectively inclusive of foundation,
foundation bolts and nuts exclusive of suction and delivery
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P.
22.2 Erection of electrically driven clear water/ nonclog centrifugal Set 5695.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 550 to
1435 Lpm 9m to 20m respectively inclusive of foundation,
foundation bolts and works exclusive of suction and delivery
22.3 Erection of electrically driven clear water non-clog centrifugal Set 6143.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 780 to
1680 Lpm; 8m to 20m respectively inclusive of foundation,
foundation bolts & nuts and required allied materials and
works exclusive of suction and delivery connection
22.4 Erection of electrically driven clear water non-clog centrifugal Set 7574.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 1300 to
3250 Lpm; 10 to 25m respectively inclusive of foundation,
foundation bolts and nuts and required allied materials and
works exclusive of suction and delivery connection
22.5. Erection of electrically driven clear water non-clog centrifugal Set 9518.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 1900 to
4850 Lpm; 12.5 to 27.5m respectively inclusive of foundation,
foundation nuts and required allied materials and works
inclusive of suction and delivery connections.
22.6. Erection of electrically driven clear water non-clog centrifugal Set 10531.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 3100 to
7000 Lpm; 12 to 30m respectively inclusive of foundation,
foundation nuts and required allied materials and works
inclusive of suction and delivery connections.
22.7. Erection of electrically driven clear water non-clog centrifugal Set 22661.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 9000 to
24000 Lpm; 23 to 40m respectively inclusive of foundation,
foundation boltsand nuts and required allied materials and
works inclusive of suction and delivery connections.
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P.
23.1. Erection and commissioning of 11 K.V., 3 phase, 3 wire, 50 Set 64289.00
Hz. H.T. panels rated for 250 MVA, having one incoming panel
(HTP1) and two outgoing panels (HTP2 and HTP3) inclusive
of 100x45mm RSJ channel 12.75 Kg and necessary allied
materials such as cotton tapes, varnished empire tapes, slack
Bitumious compound, cable glands, lugs, etc., exclusive of
23.2. Erection and commissioning of 11 KV, 3 Phase, 3 wire, 50 Hx. Set 89732.00
H.T. panels rated for 250 MVA, having two incoming panels
(HTP1 & HTP2) and two outgoing panels (HTP3 & HTP4)
inclusive of 100x45mm RSJ channel 21.25 Kg. and necessary
allied materials such as cotton tapes, black bituminous
compound cable glands, luge, etc., exclusive of earthing.
24.1.2. Erection charges for the above pumpset over and above the Set 2193.00
depth of 25m for 1m
24.2.1. Erection of electrically driven water lubricated vertical turbine Set 86315.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 640 to 900
Lpm; 10m to 60m respectively to a depth of 25m inclusive of
necessary foundation, foundation bolts and allied petty works
exclusive of delivery connections for 1set
24.2.2. Erection charges for the above pumpset over and above the metre 3453.00
depth of 25m for 1m
S.No. Description of work Unit Rate
Rs. P.
24.3.1 Erection of electrically driven water lubricated vertical turbine Set 117789.00
pumpsets having discharge and head varying from 1200 to
1800 Lpm; 10 to 60m to a depth of 25m inclusive of necessary
foundation, foundation bolts and allied petty works exclusive of
delivery connections
24.3.2 Erection charges for the above pumpset over and above the metre 4712.00
depth of 25m for 1m
24.4.1 Erection of electrically driven water lubricated vertical turbine Set 141465.00
pumpset having discharge and head varying from 2000 to
3300 Lpm; 55m to 60m to a depth of 25m inclusive of
necessary foundation, foundation bolts and allied petty works,
etc.,exclusive of delivery connections for 1set
24.4.2 Erection charges for the above pumpset over and above the metre 5659.00
depth of 25m for 1m.
24.5.1 Erection of electrically driven water lubricated vertical turbine Set 165037.00
pumpset having discharge and head varying from 3800 to
4600 Lpm; 35 to 60m to a depth of 25m inclusive of necessary
foundation, foundation bolts and allied petty works, etc.,
exclusive of delivery connections for 1 set
24.5.2 Erection charges for the above pumpset over and above the metre 6601.00
depth of 25m for 1m.
24.6.1 Erection of electrically driven lubricated vertical turbine Set 165295.00
pumpset having discharge and head varying from 5000 to
6500 Lpm; 10 to 60m to a depth of 25m inclusive of necessary
foundation, foundation bolts and allied petty works, etc.,
exclusive of delivery connections for 1 set
24.6.2 Erection charges for the above pumpsets over and above the metre 6612.00
depth of 25m for 1m
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Dismantling the following, separating the different materials clearing away and carefully stacking the
materials for reuse.
1.1 Masonry work for any thickness of walls
1.1.1 Brick or stone in clay walls under 3.00m high m3 56.65
1.1.2. Brick or stone in clay walls ,add for every additonal 3.00m m3 18.81
or part thereof over the initial height of 3m
1.1.3. Brick or stone masonry in lime mortar walls under 3.00m m3 173.25
1.1.4. Brick or stone masonry in cement mortar walls under m3 212.30
3.00m high
1.1.5. Brick or stone masonry in lime mortar walls add for every m3 19.14
additional 3.00m or part thereof over the initial height of
1.1.6. Brick or stone masonry in cement mortar walls add for m3 22.44
every additional 3.00m or part thereof over the initial
height of 3m
1.2.Roof and Floor
1.2.1. Terrace work in roof or floor (Madras Terrace) m2 57.53
1.2.2. R.C.C. Work m3 5549.50
1.2.3. Flag stone in roof or floor including lifting m2 30.36
1.2.4. Pan tiled or Mangalore tiled roof without roof m2 14.96
1.2.5. Flat & Pan tiles or Mangalore tiles over flat tiles without m2 20.90
dismantling roof timber
1.2.6. Wrought and put up framed timbers in roof or floor m3 556.60
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
1.6.Quarrying ,Blasting and Drilling
1.6.1. Blasting and removing hard rock measured in solid m3 653.40
including stacking
1.6.2. Blasting and removing medium rock and dense medium m3 333.30
rock measured in solid including stacking
1.6.3 Extra for every additional ten metre lead (or) part thereof m3 7.81
over the initial lead for blasted materials
1.6.4. Extra for every additional one metre lift or part thereof m3 8.03
over the initial lift for blasted materials
1.6.5. Drilling holes in hard granite 45mm dia 1 m. 245.30
1.6.6. Drilling holes in hard granite 50mm dia 1 m. 293.70
1.6.7 Drilling holes in hard granite 75mm dia 1 m. 334.40
1.6.8 Removing hard rock by wedging, chiseling and trimming m3 1309.00
to proper shape where blasting is prohibited
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
1.7Removal of plaster from walls
1.7.1. Clean removal of lime plaster from walls m2 6.05
1.7.2. Clean removal of lime plaster from walls and racking out m2 7.81
joints 20mm deep or from terraced roof and racking out
joints 12mm deep
1.7.4. Clean removal of cement plaster from walls and racking m2 8.47
out joints 20mm deep
1.8. Repolishing old mosaic flooring polishing stone and hire m2 16.83
charge for polishing machine but excluding cost of
electric charges
1.9.2. Washing of plastered surface with soap, soda and water m2 4.40
or with sodalime, brush and water
1.10. Painting
1.10.1. Removing old paint from doors and windows by blow m2 28.49
lamp and scrapping including removal and refitting of
1.10.3. Removing paint from doors, windows and wood works by m2 8.14
manual labour.
1.11.Clearing site
1.11.1. Clearing heavy jungle m2 6.49
1.11.2. Clearing light jungle m 2 4.84
1.11.3. Clearing scrub jungle m 2 4.51
1.11.4. Cleaning Juliflora jungle with uprooting m2 7.37
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
1.11.5 Clearing Juli flora jungle without uprooting m2 5.61
1.11.6. Uprooting and removing large palmyrah /coconut stumps Each 132.77
ii Earth work in all soils except hard rock requiring blasting m3 3.96
and conveying for formation of bund with an extra lead of
every 100 m or part thereof deploying earth moving
machineries and tippers including benching, formation of
bunds, breaking clods, sectioning etc. complete.
Note SS No.20-A requires breaking clods, ramming and sectioning of soil bank and compacting by
6.2.1 watering and consolidation in accordance with TNBP.
Note SS No.20B does not require breaking clods, ramming and sectioning but require neat banking in
6.2.2 accordance with standard specifiction.
Note Double the relevant rate for SS No.20B will apply to excavation in all the soil and rock classification
6.2.3 given above for foundation for buildings for abutment, piers, wings and return of bridges, culverts,
sluices, regulators and cross masonry works, retaining walls, toe walls, cut off walls and body walls of
anicuts, weirs, retaining walls of cause way, bed dams, trenches for water supply and drainage works
for laying pipes and sewers, pits for avenue trees, trial pits and pits for poles and towers and toe wall
for revetment.
Note An extra 50% over the rate of ordinary excavation in all soil, the rock classification given above shall
6.2.4. be allowed for drains, channels and canals bed width 1.25m and below. The extra percentage is
applicable only for depth upto 2m; the depth being measured from the bottom of excavation.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
3.1. Refilling with excavated sand complying with the standard m3 28.27
specifications for filling in foundations and basement
3.2. Refilling with excavated soils (other than sand) complying m3 32.20
with standard specifications for filling in foundations and
3.3. Supplying and filling Crushed stone sand (M-sand) for m3 1594.00
foundations and basement including watering
consolidating ramming, etc., complete
4.0.Concrete works - above Ground level
Note 1 The rate for lime concrete/cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete worked out
based on the standard data will apply to foundation and basement only (basic rate)
2 Add to the basic rates for works upto 4.5m height in m3 98.89
ground floor (height is to be reckoned from floor level i.e.,
plinth level in ground floor)
3 Add for works in every upper floor over the rate of m3 194.70
proceeding floor.
4 For works above 4.5m height in individual floors, the rate of next upper floor may be taken.
5 The extra rates as allowed for building works are applicable to irrigation and Road works
also. The extra rates are applicable only for the structure beyond one metre above ground
For works in Ground Floor m3 98.89
For works in first floor m 3 293.59
For works in second floor m 3 488.29
For works in third floor m 3 682.99
For works in fourth floor m 3 877.69
4.0.Concrete works - below Ground level
Note 1 The rate for lime concrete/cement concrete worked out based on the standard data will apply
to foundation and basement to a depth of 1.50m from Ground level (basic rate)
2 Add to the basic rates for works above 1.50m and upto m3 97.35
4.5m depth below ground level
3 Add to the basic rate for works above 4.5m depth and m3 195.36
upto 9.0m depth below ground level
4 Add extra over the above item 3 for every additional m3 195.36
4.50m depth beyond 9.0m depth below ground level
5 The above extra rates are applicable for buildings, irrigation and road works
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Basic rate for Concrete Works
4.1. Cement concrete 1:4:8 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 4508.00
sand) and 40mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for Plain
cement concrete works including laying in layers of not
more than 15cm thick including ramming, curing, etc.
4.2. Cement concrete 1:4:10 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 4169.00
sand) and 40mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for plain
cement concrete works including laying in layers of not
more than 15cm thick including ramming curing, etc.
4.3. Cement concrete 1:4:10 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 3795.00
sand) and 40mm gauge brick jelly for plain cement
concrete works including laying in layers of not more than
15cm thick including ramming curing, etc. complete
4.4. Cement concrete 1:2:5 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 4920.00
sand) and 40mm gauge hardbroken stone jelly for plain
cement concrete works including laying in layers of not
more than 15cm thick including ramming, curing, etc.,
4.5. Cement concrete 1:3:6 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 4821.00
sand) and 40mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for plain
cement concrete works including laying in layers of not
more than 15cm thick including ramming curing, etc.,
4.6. Lime concrete 1:2:5 using Crushed stone sand (M-sand) m3 3438.00
and 40mm gauge brick jelly concrete including laying in
layers of not more than 15cm thick including ramming,
etc., complete.
4.7. Cement concrete 1:1 ½: 3 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 6428.00
sand) and 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for plain
concrete works including laying ramming curing, etc.,
4.8. Cement concrete 1:2:4 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 5802.00
sand) and 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for plain
concrete works including laying ramming curing, etc.,
4.9. Cement concrete 1:5:10 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 4320.00
sand) and 40mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for plain
concrete works, including laying in layers of not more
than 15cm thick, including ramming, curing, etc.,
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
4.10. Cement concrete 1:3:6 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 5130.00
sand) and 12 to 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for
plain cement concrete works including laying,
compacting, curing, etc., complete.
4.11 Cement concrete 1:1 ½:3 using 20mm gauge hard m3 7737.00
broken stone jelly for reinforced cement concrete works
excluding cost of steel, centering, shuttering and cost of
steel reinforcement but including laying in position,
compacting, curing, finishing, etc., complete
4.11a Cement concrete 1:1 ½:3 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 7717.00
sand) and 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for
reinforced cement concrete works excluding cost of steel,
centering, shuttering and cost of steel reinforcement but
including laying in position, compacting, curing, finishing,
etc., complete
4.12. Cement concrete 1:2:4 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 5757.00
sand) and 12 to 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for
plain concrete work including laying compacting curing,
etc., complete.
4.13 Cement concrete work 1:2:4 using 20mm gauge hard m3 7054.00
broken stone jelly for reinforced concrete works excluding
centering, shuttering and cost of steel reinforcement but
including laying in position, compacting, curing, finishing,
etc., complete
4.13a Cement concrete work 1:2:4 using Crushed stone sand m3 7033.00
(M-sand) and 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for
reinforced concrete works excluding centering, shuttering
and cost of steel reinforcement but including laying in
position, compacting, curing, finishing, etc., complete
4.14a. Cement concrete 1:2:4 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 6988.00
sand) and 12 to 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for
reinforced concrete works excluding centering shuttering
and cost of steel reinforcement but including laying in
position, compacting, curing, finishing, etc., complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
4.15. For Sewer works using Sulphate Resistant Cement m3 6515.00
Cement concrete 1:1 ½: 3 using Crushed stone sand (M-
sand) and 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly & SRC
for plain concrete works including laying ramming curing,
etc., complete.
4.15.a Cement concrete 1:3:6 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 4864.00
sand) and 40mm gauge hard broken stone jelly & SRC
for plain cement concrete works including laying in layers
of not more than 15cm thick including ramming curing,
etc., complete
4.16 Cement concrete 1:2:4 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 5867.00
sand) and 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly & SRC
for plain concrete works including laying ramming curing,
etc., complete.
4.17 Cement concrete 1:3:6 using Crushed stone sand (M- m3 5173.00
sand) and 12 to 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly &
SRC for plain cement concrete works including laying,
compacting, curing, etc., complete.
4.18 Cement concrete work 1:2:4 using 20mm gauge hard m3 7119.00
broken stone jelly & SRC for reinforced concrete works
excluding centering, shuttering and cost of steel
reinforcement but including laying in position,
compacting, curing, finishing, etc., complete
4.18a Cement concrete work 1:2:4 using Crushed stone sand m3 7098.00
(M-sand) and 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly &
SRC for reinforced concrete works excluding centering,
shuttering and cost of steel reinforcement but including
laying in position, compacting, curing, finishing, etc.,
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
4.19.1 Supplying, fabricating and laying in position MS rounds or RTS rods for RCC works including
cost of reinforcement, binding wire, cutting bending, cranking and tying in position with
binding wire assembly, etc.
For mild steel/RTS(all sizes) Kg. 72.00
4.19.2 Supplying and fabricating CRS/Thermo Mechanically Treated High Corrosion Resistance
bars manufactured by Primary steel producers/Integrated Steel Plants as per IS:1786-
2008,including fixing with binding wires, assembling and laying in position for all RCC works
as follows
i 8 mm dia rod (Fe-500 D Grade with CRS material) Kg. 74.00
ii 10mm -32 mm dia rod (Fe-500 D Grade with CRS Kg. 73.00
4.20. Providing form work with centering for soffits of reinforced m2 1073.00
cement concrete slabs or plain surfaces including
strutting upto 3m high
4.21. Strutting to centerings of reinforced cement concrete m2 96.00
slabs or plain surfaces upto 3m high
4.22. Strutting to centerings of reinforced cement concrete m2 32.00
slabs or plain surface for every additional 1m high or part
thereof but not less than 30cm over the initial 3m high
4.23. R.C.C. jolly work 50mm thick in cement concrete 1:2:4 m2 1523.00
excluding cost of reinforcement but including moulding
curing, etc., complete.
4.24. Laying C.C. 1:2:4 for RCC sunshade work using 20mm m. 1364.00
hard broken stone jelly 80mm thick at wall end and 50mm
thick at free end projecting 600mm from wall face
moulded along with RC lintels and tailed into the full
thickness of wall where there are no lintels excluding cost
of reinforcement but including centering, shuttering,
compacting, curing and finishing, etc., complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
4.25. Laying C.C. 1:2:4 for RCC sunshade work using 20mm m. 2188.00
BG jelly 100mm thick at wall end and 80mm thick at free
end projecting 900mm from the wall face moulded along
with RC lintels and tiled into the full thickness of wall
where there are no lintels excluding cost of reinforcement
but including centering, shuttering, compacting, curing
and finishing, etc., complete.
3 Add for works in every upper floor over the rate of m3 131.23
preceeding floor
4 For works above 4.5m height in individual floors the rate of next upper floor may be taken.
5 The extra rates as allowed for building works are applicable to irrigation and road works also.
The extra rates are applicable only for the structure beyond one metre above ground level.
5 The above extra rates are applicable for buildings, irrigation and road works
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
5.1. Stock brick work with II class bricks in lime mortar 1:2 m3 6702.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
etc. complete
5.2. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:3 m3 7164.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.3. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:4 m3 7025.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.4. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:5 m3 6941.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc complete
5.5. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:6 m3 6885.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.6. Stock brick work with II class bricks in lime mortar 1:2 m3 7818.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall etc.
5.7. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:3 m3 8461.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.8. Stock brick work with II class bricks in C.M. 1:4 m3 8313.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc.complete
5.9. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:5 m3 8225.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.10. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:6 m3 8166.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.11. Extra labour for 11 cm thick wall m3 2486.00
5.12. Country brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (Crushed stone m 3 910.00
sand (M-sand)) for side walls of box type for windows,
ventilators etc. including plastering with cement mortar
1:3 12mm thick and curing etc. complete
5.13 Brick work with fly ash bricks in lime mortar 1:2 (Crushed m3 6237.00
stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall including
curing etc. complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
5.14 Brick work with fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:3 m3 6683.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.15 Brick work with fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:4 m3 6544.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.16 Brick work with fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:5 m3 6460.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.17 Brick work with fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:6 m3 6405.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.18 Brick work with fly ash bricks in lime mortar 1:2 (Crushed m3 7353.00
stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall including
curing etc. complete
5.19 Brick work with fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:3 m3 7980.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.20 Brick work with fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:4 m3 7833.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.21 Brick work with fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:5 m3 7744.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
5.22 Brick work with fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:6 m3 7685.00
(Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick wall
including curing etc. complete
For Sewer works using Sulphate Resistant Cement
5.23. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:3 m3 7183.00
(SRC) (Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for over 23 cm
thick wall including curing etc. complete
5.24. Stock brick work with II class bricks in cement mortar 1:3 m3 8481.00
(SRC) (Crushed stone sand (M-sand)) for 23 cm thick
wall including curing etc. complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
6.1. Random Rubble masonry C.M. 1:3 using Crushed stone m3 9130.00
sand (M-sand) including curing etc. complete
6.2. Random rubble masonry in C.M. 1:6 using Crushed stone m3 8657.00
sand (M-sand) including curing, etc., complete
7.0. Damp proof course in cement mortar 1:3 (Crushed stone m2 460.00
sand (M-sand)) for 20mm thick using 5% crude oil
8.1. Finishing the floor with 20mm cement concrete (Ellis m2 402.00
pattern first sort, no sand to be used) in the ratio 1:3
stone chips 3 to 10mm gauge, including thread lining,
25mm dia, G.I. pipe of necessary length for water outlet,
curing, etc., complete
8.2. Flooring with 100mm thick base cement concrete 1:4:10 m2 380.00
using 40mm gauge brick jelly including laying ramming,
curing, etc., complete.
8.3. Flooring with 100mm thick base cement concrete 1:4:10 m2 417.00
using 40mm gauge, hard broken stone jelly including
laying ramming, curing, etc., complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
8.7. Flooring rendered smooth with 10Kg./10sqm of cement m2 131.00
including curing, etc., complete.
8.8. Flooring with Red cement plaster of superior quality m2 351.00
polished surface and thread lining etc.
9.2 Best tiled roofing with pan tiles and lime mortar borders m2 1175.00
23cmx5cm at 2m intervals including teak reapers
50x12mm at 10cm centres, etc.
9.3 Removing existing old tiles and refixing with new pan tiles m2 466.00
over existing teak reapers including new white washing
lime mortar borders 23cmx5cm at 2mts. intervals, etc.,
9.4 Shifting pan tile and forming new washed lime mortar m2 191.00
9.5 Shifting pan tiles (labour only) m2 131.00
9.6. Removing the existing broken square tiles (flat) and m2 705.00
broken pan tiles (not fit for reuse) from the pan tiled roof
and retiling with new square flat tiles in L.M. 1:2 and new
pan tiles over the existing reapers including lime mortar
borders, etc., complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
9.7. Removing the existing square flat tiles and pan tile from m2 590.00
the pan tiled roofing and retiling with available pan tiles
and flat tiles set in L.M. 1:2 over the existing reapers
including lime mortar borders, etc., complete.
9.8. Best tiled roofing with Mangalore tiles set in L.M. 1:2 over m2 1213.00
flat tiles and teak reapers 50x12mm, etc., complete.
9.9. Removing the existing square flat tiles and Mangalore m2 707.00
tiles from the Mangalore tiles roof and retiling with new
square flat tiles in L.M. 1:2 and new Mangalore tiles over
the existing reapers including lime mortar borders, etc.,
9.10 Removing the existing square flat tiles and Mangalore m2 504.00
tiles from Mangalore tiles and flat tiles set in L.M. 1:2 over
the existing reapers with lime mortar border, etc.,
9.11. Best tiles roofing with Mangalore tiles including teak wood m2 709.00
9.12. Removing and refitting with new Mangalore tiles m2 408.00
excluding teak reapers including lime mortar borders,
etc., complete.
9.13. Removing and refitting with available Mangalore tiles over m2 244.00
the existing reapers including lime mortar border, etc.,
9.14. Roofing with asbestos cement corrugated sheets 7mm m2 738.00
thick including fixing with `J’ bolts and nuts with
bituminuous washers, etc complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
10.1 Concrete with broken brick jelly 20mm gauge in pure m3 3522.00
slacked lime over R.C.C. roof slab in the proportion of
32:12 ½ (No sand to be used )well beaten with wooden
beaters to the required depth of 80mm thick and giving
required slope and thickness to roof as required, etc.,
11.2. Plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (Crushed stone sand m2 246.00
(M-sand)) for 15mm thick including curing, etc., complete
11.3. Plastering with cement mortar 1:4 (Crushed stone sand m2 223.00
(M-sand)) for 12mm thick including curing, etc., complete
11.4. Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (Crushed stone sand m2 217.00
(M-sand)) for 12mm thick including curing, etc., complete
11.5. Plastering with cement mortar 1:6 (Crushed stone sand m2 214.00
(M-sand)) for 12mm thick including curing, etc., complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
11.6. Plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (Crushed stone sand m2 457.00
(M-sand)) for 20mm thick including curing, etc., complete
11.7. Plastering wth cement mortar 1:4 (Crushed stone sand m2 442.00
(M-sand)) for 20mm thick including curing, etc., complete
11.8. Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (Crushed stone sand m2 432.00
(M-sand)) for 20mm thick including curing, etc., complete
11.9 Plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (SRC) (Crushed stone m2 234.00
sand (M-sand)) for 12mm thick including curing, etc.,
11.10 Plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (SRC) (Crushed stone m2 459.00
sand (M-sand)) for 20mm thick including curing, etc.,
11.11. Special ceiling plastering for RCC slabs, and beams in m2 248.00
CM 1:3 using Crushed stone sand (M-sand) – 10mm
thick including hacking and curing, etc., complete
11.12. Stucco plastering 12mm thick using blue granite chips of m2 497.00
10mm size and below over a base plastering with CM 1:5
using Crushed stone sand (M-sand) -12mm thick
including curing etc., complete
Note For Mogul plastering and mud plastering 6mm thick an extra 20% to be allowed for ceiling to
6.7.1. cover scaffolding charges. This applies only to repair works.
6.7.2. For plastering works for outside walls in ground floor i.e., over 4.50m height, add Rs.11.00
per one sq.m. to cover sufficient scaffolding charges. The lumpsum provision will apply for
each floor over ground floor outside plastering only. This applies to repair works only.
12.1. Pointing with cement mortar 1:3 using to full depth of tiles m2 276.00
(marble slabs pressed tiles,ornamental tiles))
12.2. Pointing with cm 1:3 flush pointing brick work white m2 231.00
washing colour washing & distembering Note: same rate
for walls and ceilings
12.3. Pointing to the RR masonry work in CM 1:3 m2 244.00
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
13.1 White washing one coat m2 24.00
13.2 White washing two coats m 2 33.00
13.3 White washing three coats m 2 43.00
13.4 Colour washing one coat m 2 36.00
13.5 Colour washing two coats m 2 50.00
13.6 Distembering two coats (aquatinta distember oil bound) m 2 109.00
new work
13.7. White washing one coat (old work) m2 14.00
13.8. White washing two coats (old work) m 2 23.00
13.9. Colour washing one coat (old work) m 2 22.00
13.10. Colour washing two coats (old work) m 2 35.00
13.11. Distembering (oil bound) two coats for old works as per m 2 108.00
standard specifications
13.12. Painting two coats with approved cement paint over m2 132.00
cement plastered wall surface, ceiling and other new
surfaces including cleaning preparing the surface and
curing, etc., complete
13.13. Painting one coat (priming coat) with approved cement m2 62.00
paint over cement plastered wall surface, ceiling including
cleaning preparing the surface and curing, etc., complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
14.2. Dadooing sides of walls with mosaic hydraulic pressed tiles 20x20cm and 20mm thick with
indian marble with necessary cover of the same materials laid instituate junction of walls with
10cm wide (approved colour border tiles) alround and set in cement mortar 1:3 20mm thick
and pointed with same colour cement including polishing to a high degree of polish so as to
be perfectly smooth and glossy, etc.
14.3. Dadooing walls with glazed tiles of sizes m2 893.00
15cmx15cmx6mm thick laid in CM 1;2, 10mm thick and
pointing with white cement using 0.4 Kg/m2 including
finishing the joint and pointing flush with tile surface, etc.,
15.1. Priming coat on new wood work with ready mixed primer m2 70.00
of approved quality
15.2. Painting primary coat on new plaster surface m2 75.00
15.3. Painting read lead, one coat (over priming coat not m2 78.00
15.4. Painting red lead two coats (over priming coat not m2 119.00
included in rate)
15.5. Painting priming coat on new wood work (white lead) m2 81.00
15.6. Painting with primary coat on new ironwork (red lead) m2 74.00
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
15.11 New wood work two coats m2 141.00
15.12 Old wood work two coats m2 134.00
15.13 New iron work two coats m2 127.00
15.14 Old iron work two coats m 2 120.00
15.15. Tarring with coal tar one coat m2 84.00
15.16. Tarring with coal tar two coats m2 149.00
15.17 Painting with two coats of ready mixed plastic emulsion m2 209.00
paint first class quality and of approved colour over a
priming coat including thorough scrapping clean removal
of dirt, etc., complete and including necessaary plaster of
paris, putty, etc., wherever required.
15.18 Painting with black board paint for black board purposed m2 90.00
on any surface (plastered surface/sheet) one coat for
new work)
15.19 Painting with black board paint for black board purposed m2 155.00
on any surface like plastering surface, AC sheet, etc., 2
coats for new works
16.1 Best varnishing wood work one coat m2 124.00
16.2 Best varnishing wood work two coats (sheenlac) m 2 178.00
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
All wooden door frames will be 100mmx75mm and windows frames will be 100mmx60mm unless
otherwise stated or specified.
17.3 Best Indian teak wood panelled door in single shutter with m2 7246.00
frames 100x75mm at side verticals and top. The shutter
shall be 40mm thick with moulded panels in 20mm thick
planks 6 Nos. of iron hold fasts fixed in C.C. 1:2:4 using
6 to 10mm chips 3 Nos. of butt hinges 125mm long
including wind appliances, furniture iron fittings, one No.
of iron pad lock 15cm long for locking arrangements and
fixed in position, etc., complete (0.9 x 2.0m)
17.4 Best Indian teak wood panelled door with weld mesh m2 7593.00
head in single shutter with frames 100x75mm at side
verticals, top, transom weld mesh head is 40cm and the
size of weld mesh is 75x25mm. The shutters shall be of
40mm thick with moulded panels in 20mm thick planks
including 6 Nos. of iron hold fasts fixed in c.c. 1:2:4 using
6 to 10mm chips 3 Nos. of butt hinges 20mm long
including wind appliance, furniture iron fittings 1 No. of
iron padlock 15cm long for locking arrangements and
fixing in position, etc., complete with 2 Nos. of 20mm dia
MS horizontal bars for the head portion, etc.,
17.5 Best Indian Teak wood panelled door in double shutters m2 6934.00
with frames 100x75mm at side verticals and top. The
shutters shall be of 40mm thick with moulded panels of
20mm thick planks, Iron hold fast fixed CC 1:2:4 6 Nos.
of butt hinges 125mm long including wind appliances,
furniture iron fittings, one No. of iron pad lock 15cm long
for locking arrangements and fixing in position etc.,
complete. (1.2 x 2.06)
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
17.6. Best Indian T.W. panelled glazed door in double shutters m2 7065.00
with weld meshhead. The size of frames shall be
100x75mm at side vertical, top transom and centre
vertical for head. The shutters shall be of 40mm thick
with moulded panels in 20mm thick planks 6 Nos. of
iron hold fasts fixed in C.C 1:2:4 6 Nos. Of butt hinges
125mm long including wind appliances, furniture iron
fittings 1 No. of padlock 15cm long for locking
arrangements and fixing in position with 2 Nos. of 20mm
dia M.S. horizontal bars for the head position, etc.,
complete. (1.2 x 2.4m)
17.7. Best Indian teak wood panelled door shutter with glazed m2 6928.00
head.The size of frames shall be 100x75mm at side
vertical,top,transom and centre vertical for head.The
height of glazed head is 40 cm using 595 gm glass panes
for head. The shutters shall be of 40 mm thick with
moulded panels in 20 mm thick planks for the panels in
20 mm thick panels for panelled portion and 595 gm
glass for the glazed portion, 6 Nos of Iron hold fast fixed
in c.c. 1:2:4 using 6 mm to 10 mm chips 6 nos. of butt
hinges 125 mm long including wind (1.2 x 2.4 m)
appliances, furniture iron fittings 1 no of padlock 15 cm
long for locking arrangements and fixing in position with
2 nos. of 20mm dia M.S.horizantal bars for the head
position etc. complete.
17.8. Best Indian teakwood panelled door shutter for single leaf m2 5250.00
door. The shutter shall be of 40mm thick with moulded
panels in 20mm thick planks inclusive of 3 Nos. of butt
hinges 125mm long furniture iron fittings 1No. of iron
padlock 15cm long for locking arrangements 1 No. of
Jappened cabin hooks and eyes 200mm long and 6mm
thick including fixing position, etc., complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
17.9. Best Indian T.W. panelled door shutter for double leaf m2 5149.00
door. The shutter shall be of 40mm thick with moulded
panels in 20mm thick inclusive of 6 Nos. of butt hinges
125mm long furniture iron fittings 1 No. of iron padlock
15cm long for locking arrangements 2 Nos. of Jappened
cabin hooks and eyes 200mm long and 6mm thick
including fixing position, etc., complete.
17.10. Furniture iron fittings for panelled door internal with top Each 489.00
tower bolt bottom bolt and lock rail tower bolt 3 Nos. butt door
hinges, etc., for single leaf door.
17.11 Furniture iron fittings for internal doors fully panelled top Each 732.00
tower bolt (average size) 2 bottom tower bolts 15cm long, door
6 Nos. of butt hinges including an allowance for the petty
difference in quantity of wood (double leaf)
17.12. Hold fasts 6 Nos. 50X6X225m and wind appliances for Each 752.00
fully panelled door (single leaf) 1 No. Jappened cabin door
hook and eye 1 No. wooden plug etc., complete.
17.13. Hold fasts 6 Nos. 50x6x20mm and wind appliances for Each 794.00
internal doors (doors opening inside fully panelled door, 2 door
Nos. Jappened cabin hooks and dyes 200mm long and
6mm thick each, 2 Nos. Wooden plugs, etc., complete
17.14. Best Indian teakwood panelled windows in double m2 7467.00
shutters frames 100x60mm alround centre full verticals.
The shutters shall be 40mm thick moulded panels in
20mm thick planks and 4 Nos. iron hold fasts fixed in c.c.
1:2:4 and 4 Nos. of butt hinges 100mm long including
wind appliances furniture iron fittings and fixing in
position, etc., complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
17.15. Best Indian T.W. glazed windows double shutters with m2 6545.00
frames 100x60mm alround and centre full shall be 40mm
thick with glass panels of 3mm thick (595 gm) and 4 Nos.
of iron hold fasts fixed in c.c.1:2:4, 4 Nos., of butt hinges
100mm long including wind appliances, furniture iron
fittings and fixing in position etc., including 20mmx30mm
teak fillets sashbar etc complete.
17.17. Best Indian T.W. window in double shutters with glazed m2 6325.00
head. The size of frame shall be100x60 mm alround,
centre full vertical including head and transom etc. The
height of glazed head is 40 cm and with 3mm thick (595
gms) glass panes for head. The shutters shall be 40mm
thick with glass panels with 3mm thick (595 gms) glass
panes and 4 Nos., of iron hold fasts fixed in c.c. 1:2:4 ,4
Nos., of butt hinges 100mm long including wind
appliances furniture iron fittings, etc., complete
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
17.18. Best Indian T.W. panelled window in four shutters with m2 7179.00
weld mesh head. The height of head is 40 cm and size
of mesh 75mmx25mm. The size of frame shall be
100x60mm alround centre full verticals and horizontal
etc., The shutters shall be 40mm thick with moulded
panels in 20mm thick planks and 4 nos., of iron hold
fasts fixed in c.c. 1:2:4, 8 Nos. of butt hinges 100mm
long including wind appliances furniture iron fittings and
fixing position etc., complete 1.2 x 1.8 = 2.16.
17.19. Best Indian T.W. glazed window in four shutters with m2 6605.00
glazed head. The size of frame shall be 100x60mm
alround centre full vertical including head, transom and
centre horizontal etc., The height of the glazed head is 40
cm with 3 mm thick glass panes for the head. The
shutters shall be 40mm thick glass panes and 4 Nos. of
iron hold fasts fixed in C.C. 1:2:4, 8 Nos., of butt hinges
100mm long, wind appliances furniture iron fittings,
including fixing in position etc., complete (2.2 x 1.4).
17.20 Providing and fixing best Indian teak wood panelled m2 5130.00
window, shutters for double leaf window. The shutters
shall be 40mm thick with moulded panels in 20mm thick
planks inclusive of furniture iron fittings 2 Nos., of
jappened cabin hooks and eyes 200mm long and 6mm
thick fixed in position, etc., complete.
17.21 Providing and fixing T.W. glazed window shutters for m2 4053.00
double leaf window. The shutters shall be 40mm thick
glazed panels in 3mm thick glass panes inclusive of
furniture iron fittings, 2 Nos. of jappened cabin hooks and
eyes 200mm long and 6mm thick fixed in position, etc.,
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
17.22. Providing and fixing T.W. panelled window shutters for m2 5372.00
four leaf window. The shutters shall be 40mm thick with
moulded panels in 20mm thick planks inclusive of
furniture iron fittings 4 Nos. jappened cabin hooks and
eyes 200mm long and 6mm thick fixed in position, etc.,
17.23. Providing and fixing T.W. glazed window shutters for four m2 4390.00
leaf window. the shutters shall be 40mm thick with
glazed panels in 3mm thick glass panels including of
furniture iron fittings, 4 Nos. of jappened cabin hooks and
eyes 200mm long and 6mm thick fixed in position, etc.,
17.24. Supply and fixing horizontal bars for the windows with m2 1241.00
20mm dia M.S. bars at 10cm centre to centre
17.25. Hold fasts and wind appliances for T.W. four leaf Each 631.00
panelled window (4 Nos. of iron hold fasts and 4 Nos. of window
jappened cabin hooks and eyes 200mm long and 6mm
thick, etc., complete).
17.26. Hold fasts and wind appliances for T.W. panelled Each 569.00
double shutter door (6 Nos. of iron hold fasts and 2 Nos. window
of jappened cabin hooks and eyes 200mm long and 6mm
thick etc., complete)
17.27. Furniture iron fittings for external T.W. panelled double Each 378.00
leaf window ( 4 Nos. of butt hinges 100mm long and 4 window
Nos. of hooks and eyes 50mm long, etc., complete)
17.28. Furniture iron fittings for external T.W. panelled four leaf Each 630.00
window (8 Nos. of butt hinges 100mm long and 4 Nos. of window
hooks and eyes 50mm long, etc., complete)
17.29. Supplying and fixing 4 Nos. of hooks and eyes 50mm Each 109.00
long and 2 Nos. of jappened cabin hooks and eyes window
200mm long and 6mm thick etc., complete for the
external two leaf window.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
17.30. Supplying and fixing 4 Nos. of hooks and eyes 50mm Each 178.00
long and 4 Nos. of jappened cabin hooks and eyes window
200mm long and 6mm thick etc., four leaf panelled
17.31. Supplying and fixing butt hinges 100mm long for the Each 95.00
existing window. window
17.32. Best Indian T.W.glazed swing ventilator with frame of 75 m2 5981.00
x 60mm around shutter shall be 40mm thick with 3mm
(595gm) glass panels including 20 x 20mm teak
fillets,sash centres,brass rings,iron leaf and window card
appliances including fixing in position etc.complete.
17.33. Best Indian T.W.glazed louvered ventilators with frames Each 7033.00
of 75 x 60mm alround centre etc. fixed with 4 nos. of iron ventilator
hold fasts. The glass panes of 595gms. louvers fixed to
the frames 45 Degree inclined and including fixing in
position etc. complete.
17.34. Best Indian T.W.glazed shutter for the swing ventilator Each 3254.00
the shutter shall be 40mm thick with glass panes of ventilator
595gms. with necessary horizontal and vertical sash bars
including teak fillets.The shutters shall be firmly fixed in
position with necessary screws etc.complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
17. 37 Best Indian T.W. cupboard with frames 100 x 60mm m2 7543.00
alround and shutters 40mm thick with moulded panels in
20mm thick planks and 4 Nos.of iron hold fasts fixed in
C.C.1:2:4 using 3 to 10mm chips 6 Nos.of butt hinges
100mm long including necessary fittings brass padlock
100mm long of suitable size and suitable brass handles,
screws etc. complete.The cupboard will have 4 Nos.of
R.C.C. precast slab 40mm thick and 40mm bearing at
sides neatly packed with C.M.etc. and firmly fixed in
position .The R.C.C. work will be 1:2:4 mix using stone
jelly 6 to 10mm gauge with necessary reinforcement and
rendered smooth with C.M.on all faces,curing
etc.complete.The rear face of the cupboard will be
50mm thick using country bricks in C.M.1:4.
17.38. Supplying and fixing T.W.partition with T.W.frames of m2 4781.00
75x50mm size of 0.75m c.c. and with 20mm thick T.W.
planks for panels including fixing in position with
necessary hold fasts, etc., complete.
17.39. Supply and fixing A.C. partition with T.W. frames of m2 1849.00
75x50mm size at 1.0m c.c. and with A.C. plain sheet
including fixing in position with necessary iron hold fasts,
etc., complete
17.40. Supplying and fixing B.R.C. weld mesh partition with best m2 2315.00
Indian T.W. frames 75x50mm at 1.0m c.c. cross wise
including fixing in position by drilling holes in the frame,
etc., complete. The partition shall be fixed with
necessary iron hold fasts. The size of weld mesh will be
17.41. Supplying and fixing BRC weld mesh partition without m2 868.00
T.W. frames including fixing in position in the existing
frames with teak wood fillets etc., complete. The size of
weld mesh will be 75x25mm
17.42. Supplying and fixing plywood partition with teakwood m2 2567.00
frames of 75 x 50mm and with 4mm thick BWP plywood
fixed with screws and nails including fixing in position with
4 nos. of iron hold fasts 50 x 6 x 230mm etc complete
one side.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
17.43. Supplying and fixing plywood partition with teakwood m2 3506.00
frames of 75 x 50mm and with 4 mm thick BWP plywood
fixed with screws and nails including fixing in position with
4 nos. of iron hold fasts 50 x 6 x 230mm etc complete
with plywood both side
18.1. Supplying and fixing 100mm dia A.C. down fall pipe m 383.00
including cost of 100mm dia A.C. pipe, shoe, bend
brackets and teak wood plugs gratings etc. complete with
door arrangements.
18.2. Supplying and fixing 100mm dia A.C. down fall pipe m 367.00
including cost of 100mm dia A.C. pipe, shoe bend,
brackets and teak wood plugs, gratings, etc., complete
without door arrangements
18.3. Supplying and fixing asbestos cement plain sheet for m2 1526.00
black boards with best indian teak wood reapers for
frame fixed with wooden plugs including painting with
black board paint and varnishing the wooden frames and
fixing in position, etc., complete.
18.4. Supplying and fixing 0.43 cu.m. of broken glass pieces on m2 299.00
the coping of the compound wall with C.M. 1:3, 20mm
thick including curing, etc., complete as directed
18.5. Band course work flat 10mm to 12mm thick and 50mm m 187.00
deep with C.M. 1:3 including curing, etc., complete as
18.6. Band course work flat 10mm to 12mm thick and 65mm m 218.00
deep with C.M. 1:3 including curing, etc., complete as
18.7. Band course work flat 12mm thick and 75mm deep with m 234.00
C.M. 1:3 including curing, etc., complete as directed
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
18.8. Sunk work 50mm wide 6mm to 12mm deep including m 176.00
finishing, etc., complete as directed
18.9. Sunk work 75mm wide 6mm to 12mm deep including m 214.00
finishing etc., complete as directed.
18.10. Providing band cornice work using 8 ¾ x 4 ¼ x 2” bricks m 225.00
in C.M. 1:4 including plastering with C.M. 1:4, 12mm thick
rendering smooth, etc., complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
18.13. Supplying & fixing M.S. grills for window and gate Kg 54.50
including one coat of primer with red lead etc. complete
as directed.
18.14. Supplying and fixing barbed wire fencing over the m 445.00
proposed compound wall with ‘L’ angle iron 50 x 50 x
6mm & 1.45m posts bent to shape at 2.5m centres with 6
rows of barbed wire and also in a zig zag manner at
25cm c.c. connecting all the rows with barbed wire will be
of 2 ply and 12 gauge or other approved size including
drilling hole in ‘L’ iron posts and fixing the posts in cement
concrete 1:2:4 of size 15x15x45cm etc as directed.
18.15. Supplying and fixing barbed wire fencing over the existing m 452.00
compound wall with ‘L’ angle iron posts 50 x 50 x 6mm
size and Length of 1.45m bent to shape at 2.5m centre
with 6 rows of barbed wire and also in zig zag manner at
25cm c.c. connecting all the rows with barbed wire will be
of 2 ply and 12 gauge or other approved size including
drilling holes in ‘L’ angle iron posts and fixing the posts in
cement concrete 1:2:4 of size 15x15x45cm including
dismantling the existing brick work for laying concrete
blocks and plastering with C.M. 1:4, 12mm thick, etc.,
complete as directed
18.16 Supplying and fixing barbed wire fencing with concrete m 581.00
posts. The concrete posts will be 2.2m height (1.75m
above ground level) 150mm square at bottom and 75mm
square at top embeded in stone jelly concrete 40mm
gauge in C.M. 1:4:8 of 45 x 45 x 60 cm with sand filling
15 cm height. The barbed wire fencing will be of 5 rows
horizontally and 7 rows vertically. The RCC post 2.5m
c.c. and the barbed wire will be of 2 ply and 12 gauge etc.
18.17. Supplying and fixing barbed wire fencing with R.C.C. m 531.00
posts. The c.c. posts will be 2.20m height (1.75m above
G.L.) 125mm square at bottom & 75mm square at top
2.5m c.c. fixed in stone jelly concrete in C.M. 1:4:8, 45cm
x 45cm x 60cm with sand filling 15cm thick. The barbed
wire will be of 2 ply and 12 gauge. The barbed fencing is
of 5 rows in horizontal and with diagonals etc.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
18.18. Supplying and providing chain link fence with RCC posts. m 900.00
The RCC posts will be of 2.5m c.c. and of 2.75m ht. The
posts will be 100mm square at top and 150mm square at
bottom 2.15m ht. above ground level and 0.60m below
ground level fixed in c.c. foundation in 1:4:8 of 40mm size
stone jelly used. The foundations is of size 45 x 45 x
90cm including sand and filling of 15cm ht. The fencing
will be of chain link 75mm size 10 gauge. The height of
fence is 2.0m after leaving 75mm gap from ground level
including fixing the fence with the posts using G.I. binding
wire etc. complete.
18.19. Supplying and fixing barbed wire fencing with the existing m 174.00
R.C.C. posts. The barbed fencing is of 5 rows
horizontally and 7 rows vertically. The barbed wire will be
of 2 ply 12 gauge including binding the wire with the posts
etc. complete as directed.
18.20. Supplying and fixing barbed wire fencing with the existing m 136.00
concrete posts. The barbed wire fencing is of 5 rows
horizontally and with diagonals. The barbed wire will be
of 2 ply 12 gauge including binding the wire with the posts
etc. complete as directed.
18.21. Providing and fixing RCC posts for fencing work. The Each 995.00
posts will be of 2.2m ht. 1.75m above G.L. 125mm
square at bottom and 75mm square at top embeded in
stone jelly concrete 40mm size in C.M. 1:4:8 for
45x45x60cm with sand filling of 15cm height etc.
complete as directed, for repair works.
18.22. Fixing the existing RCC posts in stone jelly concrete Each 664.00
blocks in C.M. 1:4:8 of 45x45x60cm size for the fencing
for repair works.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Manufacturing,supplying & fixing in position Steel m2 3518.00
windows glazed with openable shutter frame and
shutter frame made out of steel section confirming to IS
7452/ 1990.The outer frames of windows made of Z
section (F7D) of size 25 x 20 x 3 mm confirming
toIS7452/1992 mullions are made of (F4B) of sectionsize
46x25x3mm confirming to IS7452/1990.Theshutters are
individual and each of them can be operated separately.
Sash bars are made of 'T'section (T2) of size 25x22x3m,
2nos of sturdy hinges and one number of handle cum
slatch of special type are fixed for with openable shutter.
Suitable opening is left for its any operation. One number
of adjustable stay with locking bracket of sufficient length
shall be provided for each shutter 4 nos. of 40x40x3mm
angle hold fast 230mm length are welded to the outer
frame at appropriate point.M.S square bars of 12mm size
is welded to the inner face of the window at equal intervals
not excluding 10cm spacings ,3mm pin headed glass is
used for glazing and the glass panes shall be fixed with
good quality.T.W.beeding size 15x15mm
with screws for fixing.Grill members are painted with one
coat of primer.Also rate is inclusive of cost of all materials,
labour charges for fixing, one coat of primer,welding
charges transportations to the work site, loading unloading
and all other incidental charges etc.,complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Fabricating Supply and fixing and position of MS doors m2 3912.00
with single leave. The door outer frame will be
40x40x6mm MS angle, the shutter frame will be 35x35x6
mm, MS angle intermediate stiffner will be 35x35x6 mm
with cross stiffner 25x 25x5 mm flats covered with 18
gauge M.S. sheet with necessary hinges, tower bolts,
aldrop length 30mm and hold fast etc., complete with one
coat red oxide primer.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
4 Aluminium Door Single Leaf Size 2.1M X 1.0 M
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
(Specification as in item No 4 as above)
Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position of aluminium m2 6593.00
natural colour matt finish double leaf door half glazed
and half PLB board using 12 mm thick PLB board and
5.5 mm thick glazed door using rectangular Aluminium
box section of size (Frame : Section - 101.60 x 44.45 x
3.18 mm @ 2.399 Kg/m, Shutter : Top, Middle, Vertical
style- 50 x 44.45 x 2.5mm @ 1.292 Kg/m, Bottom - 100 x
44.45 x2.5mm @ 1.974 Kg/m) with necessary
accessories such as rubber beading, aluminium clips, best
double action Floor spring, handle on both sides,
locks,Tower bolt and glass including all materials labour
and power consumption charges required for fabrication if
necessary chipping dismantling making necessary holes in
RCC Coloums, Beams or Masonry wherever necessary
with power drill to the extent required and made good
to the,original conditions after fixing etc.complete. The
Alumi. surface must be anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled condition in accordance with IS
specification 1868 / 1962 of Anodic film thickness of not
less than 15 Microns (Fifteen) for all sections.All the
materials should be got approved by the Site Engineer
before fixing as directed.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Supplying and fabrication and fixing in position of anodised m2 4022.00
natural colour matt finish sliding window in three track in
all floors of size (Frame : Bottom Track with Gutter - 92 x
38mm @ 1.742 Kg/m, Side and top - 92 x 31.5mm @
0.981 Kg/m, Shutter: Bottom, Top and plain side vertical -
40x18mm @ 0.38 Kg/m, Interlocking vertical - 40 x 18mm
@ 0.632 Kg/m). All the three shutters with sliding
arrangements, the bottom section should have Gutter
arrangements so as to drain the water entering and made
with extruded aluminium section for outer frames with
necessary accessories such rubber beading. Aluminium
clips, rubber beading,handle and fixing 4mm thick clear
sheet glass including all required for fabrication etc.,
complete.Necessary dismantling making holes in RCC
columns, beams, masonry wherever necessary with power
drill to the extent required and made good to the original
conditions after fixing as directed by the Board officers.The
Al.Surfaces is to be anodised with matt finish under
electrically condition in accordance with ISI 1868/1962
specification for an average anodic film thick of not less
than 15 microns. (All materials should be got approved by
the Site Engineer before fixing in position)
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Suplly & fixing of Ano. Alu. Fixed window with three m2 4089.00
panels using 62x38x2 mm @ 1.174 kg/m thick extruded
box section as verticals and horizontal member and fixing
4 mm thick plain / frosted/ pin headed glass approved
quality with necessary glazing clips, rubber beading etc.,
complete.Necessary dismantling making holes in RCC
columns, beams, masonry wherever necessary with power
drill to the extent required and made good to the original
conditions after fixing as directed by the Board officers.The
Al.Surfaces is to be anodised with matt finish usder
electrically condition in accordance with ISI1868/1962
specification for an average anodic film thick of not less
than 15 microns. (All materials should be got approved by
the Site Engineer before fixing in position)
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Leaves) Size 1.30 x 1.80m Same Specification as item
No.10 (as above)
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Supplying and fixing in position of Alu. Anodised Partition m2 3376.00
with 62x38x2mm @ 1.174 Kg/m extruded box section at
bottom vertical and horizontal members. The vertical
member are spaced at 90 cm c/c and to horizontal
members are spaced at 1.2M, 2.1M and 2.4M height the
bottom panels should be covered with 12 mm thick PLB
exterior grade and the top and middle panels should be
fixed at 4mm thick glass thick glass with necessary
glassing clips,rubber beading, etc., including necessary
dismantling holes in RCC columns, beams masonry
wherever necessary with power drill till the extent required
and made good to the original conditions after fixing as
directed by the Board officers. All the Aluminium sections
should be anodised to 1.5microns as per ISI specification
1868/1962 and should be got approved by the Site
Engineer before use.
Supplying and fixing in position of FALSE CEILING m2 927.00
ARRANGEMENTS with aluminium anodised ' T' Section
and 'L' angle frame work of grid size 60x60cm with
aluminium T section 25x25x2.8 mm @ 0.37 Kg/m and 'L'
angle of size 25x25x2mm @ 0.272 Kg/m thick and the
same is supported @ suitable intervals by adjustable type
6mm dia MS rod with suitable threaded nuts suspended
rods hung from ceiling at 120cm c/c in both directions and
fixing 60x60cmx20mm thick thermocole in the grid so as to
give a seat to false ceiling including painting the 6mm dia
MS rod etc.,complete complying with standard
speifications. Necessary opening and arrangements for
fixing electrical fittings should be provided with suitable
frame work etc., complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Supplying & fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fiber m2 2291.00
Board of exterior grade 35 mm thick,single leaf conforming
to IS:12406/1989 with 35x12 mm T.W.Lipping on all edges
with necessary adhesives and CP screws complying with
standard specifications. The rate is inclusive of three
coats of best quality varnish but excluding cost of furniture
fittings.such as 300 mm tower bolt 2nos,200mm towerbolt I
no. 300mm Aldrop 1 No. Alu handle ornamental type 2
Nos,and 1 No. Door stopper etc complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
Flooring with Macrona Marble slabs, of size m2 4028.00
1200x1800x20mm free from all defects in all floors over a
base layer of CM 1:, 20 mm thick. The marble slab shall be
laid over the cement mortar by applying white cement
slurry in between base mortar and marble slab. The
marble slabs are to be laid that there shall be in line with
another joint and uniform by using marble cutting machine
without any damage to the sides of corners of the marble
slab. The entire area at themarble flooring so laid shall be
pointed with white cement neatly including apolishing with
polishing stone of grade 80 for rough,grade 200 for
medium, and grade 360 for nice using necessary oxalic
acid etc. so as to glassy and smooth and including hire
charges for polishing machine and power consumption
charges etc. The Macrona marble slabs,polishing stones,
oxolic acid, tin oxide etc., proposed for the work shall be
shown to the Board officers and got approved by them
before use in the work etc., complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
21 DESIGN MIX CONCRETE (using River Sand)
21.1 M20 GRADE
Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine m3 6039.00
mixed and machine vibrated design mix cement concrete
of M20 grade for reinforced cement concrete structural
elements under controlled water cement ratio with
plasticiser using 20mm and down graded machine broken
granite stone jelly excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering and reinforcement but including curing, fixing,
fan clamps etc., as per standard specification and as
directed by the Board officers complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
21.4 M30 GRADE (For Sewer works using Sulphate
Resistant Cement)
Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine m3 6638.00
mixed and machine vibrated design mix cement concrete
of M30 grade (using SRC) for reinforced cement concrete
structural elements under controlled water cement ratio
with plasticiser using 20mm and down graded machine
broken granite stone jelly excluding the cost of centering
and shuttering and reinforcement but including curing,
fixing, fan clamps etc., as per standard specification and
as directed by the Board officers complete.
Sl.No Description of work Unit Rate
(In Rupees & Paise)
22.3 M30 GRADE
Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine m3 6526.00
mixed and machine vibrated design mix cement concrete
of M30 grade for reinforced cement concrete structural
elements under controlled water cement ratio with
plasticiser using 20mm and down graded machine broken
granite stone jelly excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering and reinforcement but including curing, fixing,
fan clamps etc., as per standard specification and as
directed by the Board officers complete.
Sl.N Description of work Unit Rate
o (In Rupees & Paise)
1 Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with initial lead m3 196.90
of 10 mtrs. and initial lift of 2 mtrs. in hard stiff clay, stiff black
cotton hard earth, shales murams, gravel, stoney earth and
earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil
(S.S. 20A)
Sl.N Description of work Unit Rate
o (In Rupees & Paise)
Conveyance charges of materials for 2020-2021 (By Lorry)
(Excluding loading and un-loading charges for all materials which are given below
Sl.No Name of the material Average lead distance Average Conveyance
. in Km charges
in Rupees
1 Pressed tiles, flat tiles, square 12 137.04
tiles(2000Nos), .
2 Brick jelly(1Cum) 12 83.64
8 Gravel(1Cum) 18 175.20
Foot Notes:
S.No Name of Notes and description of the item
1 Bricks & Tile Sources of supply – Nerkundram, capacity for one lorry taken as 1500
Products Nos. stock bricks, 2300 Nos. country, 2000 Nos. platform moulded bricks,
6000 Nos. tiles, terrace bricks, etc., and brick jelly 2.83 cum. the number
of country bricks of other sizes per lorry load and other than the sizes
mentioned in the above conveyance table should be calculated in ratio to
the volume content of these bricks
2 River sand and Source of supply from Vaduganthangal (Vellore), Arasur(Villupuram)
Sand for filling
S.No Name of Notes and description of the item
4 Lime Source of supply – Korrukkupet – Capacity for one lorry is taken as 2.83
5 Gravel Source of supply from any source beyond 7 Kms. outside city limits now
fixed in Chennai – Nellore Road – capacity for one lorry is taken as 2.83
6 Blue Granite Source of supply – Pallavaram quarries – Capacity for one lorry is taken
stone jelly as 2.83 cu.m.
7 Bond stone and Source of supply – Nallambakkam quarry in Nallambakkam village in
rough stone Chengalpattu taluk – capacity of one lorry is taken on 2.83 cu.m.
8 Laterite Source of supply – Thanipoondi – Capacity for one lorry load is taken as
2.83 cu.m. The actual lead of individual works to be ascertained and
adopted by the concerned Departmental Officer
9 Earth For the purpose of conveyance of earth, wherever applicable, earth is to
be treated like sand, lime, broken stone, gravel.
10 Lead for May be adopted from the nearest available quarries mentioned in the
materials quarry chart. However, if there is a quarry of approved quality in the
neighbouring Taluk/District/State and if the source is found to be nearest
to work site that alone should be adopted.
11 Blasted rock For conveyance of blasted rock through lorries, the rates provided are for
the volume with VOIDS.
12 For conveyance of materials on unmetalled roads and cart tracks allow 20% extra over the
rates excluding loading, unloading and incidental charges.
Sl.No Materials Per Loading Un-Loading
. charges charges
Rs.P Rs.P
1 Lime stone,broken Laterite,brick m 3 55.50 55.50
jelly,wood work,pond ash,stone dust
2 Rough & bond stone,Broken stone,River m3 38.00 38.00
Sand, Crushed stone sand (M-sand),
Gravel,Surkhi earth
3 Country bricks 1000 Nos 54.60 54.60
4 Mangalore Tiles 1000 Nos 54.60 54.60
5 Machine pressed tiles 2000 Nos 54.60 54.60
6 Hydraulic Mosaic tiles 1500 Nos 54.60 54.60
1. Rates of Labour for Civil Works
Sl.No CATEGORY Rate per day
Inclusive of 10% extra
provision for labour
adopted for Chennai City
and 32 km belt around
Chennai city limit
1 Axe Mazdoor 515.90
2 Blacksmith - I Class 651.20
3 Blacksmith - II Class 625.90
4 Boat Mazdoor 546.70
5 Bullocks pair with driver (with Bandy) 1020.80
6 Bullocks single with driver (with Bandy) 733.70
7 Carpenter - I Class 827.20
8 Carpenter - II Class 789.80
9 Caulker 570.90
10 Cleaner - First Grade 440.00
11 Cleaner - Second Grade 435.60
12 Ferry Mazdoor 570.90
13 Fitter - I Class 746.90
14 Fitter - II Class 726.00
15 Fitter (pipe laying/Bar bending) I Class 733.70
16 Fitter (pipe laying/Bar bending ) II Class 711.70
17 Floor polisher 651.20
18 Gardener 515.90
19 Hammer Mazdoor 523.60
20 Head Mazdoor for well sinking 546.70
21 Driver (Light Duty) 651.20
22 Driver (Heavy Duty) 696.30
23 Jumper Mazdoor 515.90
24 Maistry, Road Inspector & Work Inspector 628.10
25 Maistry, Road Inspector & Work Inspector (Degree Holder) 696.30
26 Skilled Mason Class-I for Heritage Work 1193.50
27 Skilled Mason Class-II for Heritage Work 1043.90
28 Mason for Brick work - I Class 845.90
29 Mason for Brick work - II Class 789.80
30 Skilled Sthapati Brick Mason for Heritage Work 1492.70
31 Mason for stone work - I Class 845.90
32 Mason for stone work - II Class 789.80
Sl.No CATEGORY Rate per day
Rs. P.
Inclusive of 10% extra
provision for labour
adopted for Chennai City
and 32 km belt around
Chennai city limit
33 Skilled Sthapati Stone Mason for Heritage Work 1492.70
34 Mazdoor Category -I 552.20
35 Mazdoor Category-II 453.20
36 Head Mazdoor 570.90
37 Mechanic - I Class 651.20
38 Mechanic - II Class 625.90
39 Mopla - I Class 650.10
40 Mopla - II Class 625.90
41 Navagonies or Javali Man - I class 546.70
42 Painter/Varnisher - I Class 676.50
43 Painter/Varnisher - II Class 654.50
44 Pile Driver 600.60
45 Plumber - I Class 733.70
46 Plumber - II Class 711.70
47 Pump Driver 570.90
48 Sawyer 600.60
49 Smith - I Class 650.10
50 Smith - II Class 625.90
51 Sprayer Mazdoor (for bitumen, tar etc.) 515.90
52 Stone Cutter - I Class 650.10
53 Stone Cutter - II Class 625.90
54 Syrang - I Class 650.10
55 Syrang - II Class 625.90
56 Thatcher 546.70
57 Tinker - I Class 523.60
58 Tinker - II Class 515.90
59 Turner - I Class 600.60
60 Turner - II Class 570.90
61 Time Keeper - I Class 650.10
62 Time Keeper - II Class 625.90
63 Welder/Bracer - I Class 650.10
64 Welder/Bracer - II Class 625.90
65 Well Diver for removing silt - I Class 650.10
66 Well Diver for removing silt - II Class 625.90
67 Well Sinker - I Class 733.70
Sl.No CATEGORY Rate per day
Rs. P.
Inclusive of 10% extra
provision for labour
adopted for Chennai City
and 32 km belt around
Chennai city limit
68 Well Sinker - II Class 711.70
69 Well sinking Diver working with Helmet (above two metres depth of
water) 757.90
70 Wodder 546.70
Technical Assistant
71 Technical Assistant Grade - I (BE Passed)
72 Technical Assistant Grade-II (Diploma in Engineering Passed /
B.E. Failed/Degree in Geology for Ground Water Works) 928.40
73 Technical Assistant Grade-III (Diploma in Engineering Failed/I.T.I.
(Civil) Passed
74 Cinema Operator (I.T.I.) Passed 647.90
75 B.Sc. (Agriculture)Passed 928.40
76 Laboratory Assistant Grade-I (Post Graduate in Science)
77 Laboratory Assistant Grade-II (Degree in Science/Degree in
Geology for Ground water) 719.40
78 Laboratory Assistant Grade-III (With Degree Qualification to work
as works clerk) 647.90
79 Mazdoor employed for Geological mapping 552.20
80 Mazdoor employed for Pitting, Trenching, Sampling and Drilling
works 552.20
81 Mazdoor employed for Geophysical investigation works 552.20
82 Head Mazdoor to Supervise exploratory works 584.10
83 Mixer Operator (including concrete mixer) 600.60
84 Mixer Driver 570.90
85 Compressor Operator 574.20
86 Computer Operator Grade-I (B.E. (Computer Science)/M.Sc.
(Computer Science)) 1030.70
87 Computer Operator Grade-II (B.Sc. (Computer Science)/Diploma
in Computer Science)) 928.40
88 Irrigation Community Organiser - Grade-I (B.E.(Agri) Passed/B.Sc.
(Agri) Passed/P.G. (Geology) & Rural Development)
89 Irrigation Community Organiser - Grade-II (B.E. (Agri) Failed/B.Sc.
(Agri) Failed/Diploma in Agri Passed) 827.20
90 Heatmaster Operator 546.70
91 Raker 570.90
Sl.No CATEGORY Rate per day
Inclusive of 10% extra
provision for labour
adopted for Chennai City
and 32 km belt around
Chennai city limit
2 Bricks second class table moulded (Chamber 9”x4 3/8”x2 ¾” 1000 Nos. 7221.00
3 Third class country bricks (kiln burnt) 8¾”x4 ¼”x2" 1000 Nos. 4095.00
4 Fly Ash Bricks 23 X 11 x 7cm 1000 Nos. 6282.00
5 Terrace Bricks 15 cm 1000 Nos. 943.00
Sl.No Details Size Per Rate
28 Teakwood, Scantlings large in lengths over 3 metres for joists and m3 116600.00
rafters - Malabar
29 Teakwood Scantlings over 2 metres and below 3 metres in length - m3 111600.00
30 Teakwood scantlings below 2m in lengths - Malabar m3 99400.00
32 Teakwood Reepers:
i. 50mm x 25mm m 76.00
ii. 50mm x 12mm m 61.00
33 Countrywood Scantlings:
i. Upto 4 metre in 34300.00
length m3
ii. Over 4 metre in 36200.00
length m3
34 Countrywood planks
i. 40mm thick upto 39400.00
30cm width
ii. 40mm thick over 39400.00
30cm width
iii. 25mm thick over 39400.00
30cm width
35 Casurina poles above 10cm dia and upto 13cm dia m 25.20
36 Casurina poles above 8cm dia and upto 10cm dia m 19.20
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
Class K9
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
1 100mm Each 6734.75
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
6 800 mm Kg 182.00
7 900 mm Kg 188.00
8 1000 mm Kg 194.00
6 800 mm Kg 187.00
7 900 mm Kg 197.00
8 1000 mm Kg 199.00
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
3A. C.I.SPUN PIPES AS PER IS 1536/2001
LA Class
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
A Class
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
B Class
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
3B. C.I D/F PIPES AS PER IS 7181/1986 & IS 1537
1 80mm to 300mm Kg 92.00
5 1000mm Kg 211.86
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
1 50mm Each 3718.00
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
1 50 mm Each 3606.12
2 65 mm Each 4069.34
3 80 mm Each 5003.20
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Basic Rate in Rupees
1 40 mm Each 4906.00
2 50 mm Each 5775.00
3 80 mm Each 9218.00
1 15 mm Each 1375.00
2 25 mm Each 1925.00
3 40 mm Each 2750.00
4 50 mm Each 3388.00
5 80 mm Each 4625.50
PART 1 & 2
1 45 cm dia heavy duty Each 2360.00
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Rate in Rupees
Supply and delivery of Woltman model with removal mechanism water meters confirming to ISO
4064 part I, II,III class B with life cycle test certificate from FCRI or any Govt . Organisation . The
water meters shall have magnetic drivers or mechanical drivers and shall be versatile for installation
in any position . The meters shall be hydrodynamically, hydrostatically balanced. The runner, runner
chamber, pointers of the meter shall be as per ISO 4064 class B specification. Dry dial excavated
counter housing fully protected against flooding ensuring easy reading in all climates.
Water Erection
Sl.No. Description Dirt Box
meter charges
1 50mm/Each
9249.00 2918.00 3102.00
2 80mm/Each
11505.00 4726.00 3870.00
3 100mm/Each
12226.00 5795.00 6024.00
4 150mm/Each
17881.00 9635.00 7084.00
5 200mm/Each
22258.00 11651.00 8825.00
6 250mm/Each
48348.00 25041.00 10006.00
7 300mm/Each
103194.00 44609.00 10720.00
8 400mm/Each
183144.00 74255.00 10915.00
9 500mm/Each
213133.00 108006.00 10940.00
Note: 1.The rate is inclusive of transportation charges anywhere in Tamilnadu.
2.Erection charges includes earth work excavation,labour charges, cutting and threading, conveyance,welding
and hire charges for tools and plants ets., complete.
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Rate in Rupees
14. ALUM
The above prices are inclusive of freight charges for anywhere in Chennai
The above prices are inclusive of freight charges for anywhere in Chennai
1 Supply and delivery of Hydrated lime in dry M.T. 9263.00
powder conforming to IS 1540 Part-II Grade-C
1990 or its latest revision packed in polythene
The above prices are inclusive of freight charges for anywhere in Chennai
Sl.No. Size of pipes Unit Rate in Rupees
Section - 11
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
1 Quarry Rubbish cum. 93.90
2 Stone Dust cum. 120.10
3 i) Double charged Vitrified Tiles 600 x 600 x 8mm sqm 900.00
ii) Double charged Vitrified Tiles 800 x 800 x10mm sqm 1150.00
4 i) Weld Mesh 7.5 X 2.5cm 10 gauge sqm 295.00
ii) Weld Mesh 7.5 X 5cm 10 gauge sqm 264.00
iii) Weld Mesh 10 X 10cm 10 gauge sqm 143.00
5 i) Construction Joints of concrete - sqm. 304.00
GI Sheets 30cm wide and 1.6mm thick
ii) Construction Joints of concrete - metre 282.80
Construction Joints of PVC water bar - 150mm
6 Water proofing compound kg 41.90
7 HSC Connection for Water Supply Scheme
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
iii) Poly propylene 90 Degree Compression elbow
with compression joint at both ends as per
standards ISO 14236 and Tested as per BS 6920
in WRC-NSF LTD, UK suitable for 20mm, 25mm
and 32mm OD MDPE pipes
20mm (1/2”) 1 No. 66.00
25mm (3/4”) 1 No. 85.00
32mm (1”) 1 No. 135.00
iv) U PVC ball valve with one side compression end
and other side female end as per ISO 4422-4 and
Tested as per BS 6920 in WRC-NSF LTD,
UK,size : 20mm ODx1/2"ID, 25mm ODX1/2"ID
and 32mm OD X 3/4" ID
20mm (1/2”) 1 No. 117.00
25mm (3/4”) 1 No. 150.00
32mm (1”) 1 No. 178.00
v) MDPE PE 80 PN16 Blue pipe as per standards
ISO 4427 and Tested as per BS 6920 in WRC-
20mm (1/2”) 1M 19.00
vi) MDPE PE 80 PN12.5 Blue pipe as per standards
ISO 4427 and Tested as per BS 6920 in WRC-
NSF LTD, UK, suitable for 20mm, 25mm and
32mm OD MDPE pipes
25mm (3/4”) 1M 26.00
32mm (1”) 1M 29.00
vii) Valve hood (enclosure for ball valve)
20mm no 180.00
25mm no 180.00
32mm no 180.00
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
viii) Supply and delivery of protection box of size 1 No. 430.00
20cm x 30cm for fixing of Water Meter. The box
should be rectangular base in construction and
material of construction should be weather
resistant polyethylene (PE) blue /black
.Reinforcement rips should be provided at the
walls of the box. Box should be at two components
comprising body and lid. Lid should be press
fitted to the body. No hinges should be used for
opened /closed. Operation meter box should be
provided with built in lock. The body as inlet and
outlet windows to pass the pipe through suitable
for use with pipes of sizes up to 1" .Base of the
box should be designed in such a way .That the
box can be installed to the floor/wall using anchor
Bolts / screws without grouting the entire base of
the meter Box .Provision for fixing Name plate
showing the name of the Department etc.,
complete and as directed by the CMWSS Board
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
iii) 300mm Metre 759.00
10 Supply and delivery and fixing of HDPE tank as
per IS 12701 / 1996 including loading, unloading,
transportation and labour charges for fixing of the
GI pipes and specials for pipe connection works
including cutting, threading and fixing charges
i) 200 litres Each 1642.00
ii) 500 litres Each 3953.00
iii) 1000 litres Each 7905.00
iv) 2000 litres Each 18480.00
v) 5000 litres Each 43512.00
vi) 10000 litres Each 92400.00
Note : 1) The above rates are basic rates inclusive of transportation charges anywhere in Tamilnadu
2) GST extra applicable as per GO
Note : 1) The above rates are basic rates inclusive of transportation charges anywhere in Tamilnadu
2) GST extra applicable as per GO
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
12 Electromagnetic Flow Meter shall be a velocity sensing Electromagnetic type, microprocessor
based signal converter, sealed housing, flanged tube meter for 1.0 Mpa working pressure,
manufactured to highest standard available for mag-meters, equipped with minimum six digit
digital totalizers, reading in different units (Kiloliters / Cubic meter) and shall be accurate
within 0.5% of Measured value, shall operate within a range of 0.3 m/sec to 4 m/sec and be
constructed as follows: Meter tube (Sensor) shall be fabricated from stainless steel tube and
use class PN10 flat face carbon steel flanges in accordance with IS 1538. These flanges shall
be welded to the flow tube. The internal and external of the meter tube shall be blasted to near
white and lined with hard rubber preferably by SBR or EPDM. Meter tube shall have a constant
nominal inside diameter offering no obstruction to the flow. The accuracy should be inclusive
of linearity, hysteresis, repeatability, temperature and pressure effects. Coil Housing shall be
fabricated from stainless steel (SS304) for corrosion resistance and welded to the tube
providing a completely sealed environment for all coils, electrode connections and wiring
harness capable of submerged or buried operation with IP68 Protection. Signal Converter
shall be pulsed DC coil excitation type with auto zeroing. The signal converter shall be
remotely mounted away from the meter. The converter shall indicate direction of flow and
provide a flow rate indication and a total of flow volume for both forward and reverse
directions. The converter shall provide an isolated 4-20 mA output into minimum 500-ohm load
and a frequency output of a maximum of 0-10 KHZ and a scaled pulse output, Communication
interface is RS485, HART output. The microprocessor based signal converter shall have a self-
diagnostic test mode and a backlit display that continuously displays “Rate of Flow” and “Total
Volume”. Converter shall be supplied with a programmable low flow drop out, higher flow and
empty pipe zero return. The signal converter housing should be die-cast aluminum with glass
window. The converter cum transmitter should be fully programmable form the front facia.
The programming should be user friendly, self-prompting menu driven. Flow meter test
calibration certificate from FCRI, flow test lab / NABL accredited lab to be furnished.
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
xv) 600 mm 1 No. 458380.00
xvi) 700 mm 1 No. 535153.00
xvii) 800 mm 1 No. 599113.00
xviii) 900 mm 1 No. 673938.00
xix) 1000 mm 1 No. 851775.00
xx) 1200 mm 1 No. 1223526.00
xxi) 1400 mm 1 No. 1465545.00
xxii) 1600 mm 1 No. 1667675.00
xxiii) 1800 mm 1 No. 2214000.00
xxiv) 2000 mm 1 No. 3179550.00
xxv) 2200 mm 1 No. 3328175.00
xxvi) 2400 mm 1 No. 3662325.00
xxvii) 2600 mm 1 No. 4086163.00
xxviii) 2800 mm 1 No. 4536650.00
xxix) 3000 mm 1 No. 4882075.00
Note : 1) The above rates are basic rates with inclusive of transportation charges anywhere in
2) GST extra applicable as per GO
13 Supply, installation testing commissioning of AMR water meters with Data capture by wireless
system using Long Range Gateways. Transfer Billing System including all hardware &
software of various sizes in Chennai City
i) 15mm 1 No. 8253.00
ii) 20mm 1 No. 8926.00
iii) 25mm 1 No. 13195.00
iv) 32mm 1 No. 15135.00
v) 40mm 1 No. 16493.00
vi) 50mm 1 No. 29494.00
vii) 100mm 1 No. 35315.00
Note : 1) The above rates are basic rates with inclusive of transportation charges anywhere in
2) GST extra applicable as per GO
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
14 i) Stainless Steel (Grade SS304) per kg 225.00
ii) Stainless Steel (Grade SS316) per kg 260.00
Note : 1) The above rates are basic rates with inclusive of transportation charges anywhere in
2) GST extra applicable as per GO
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
viii 300mm Each 37842.00
ix) 350mm Each 57876.00
x) 400mm Each 78652.00
xi) 450mm Each 101654.00
xii) 500mm Each 114268.00
xiii) 600mm Each 142464.00
Note: The rate is inclusive of freight charges.
17 CI Butterfly Valve As Per IS 13095 PN 10
I Wafer Liner
i) 100mm Each 3309.32
ii) 150mm Each 4691.56
iii) 200mm Each 7956.36
iv) 250mm Each 14948.12
v) 300mm Each 17117.94
Note: The above prices are inclusive of freight charges for anywhere in Chennai
II Gear Operated -D/F
i) 400mm metre 68073.20
ii) 450mm metre 84095.10
iii) 500mm metre 96104.90
iv) 600mm metre 126802.50
Note: The rate is inclusive of freight charges.
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
18 DI Diaphragm type Flow Control Valve with the function to limit the flow rate to a set point. In
case the downstream demand increases beyond the set limit, the value closes down to bring
the flow back to set limit. The valve shall have orifice plate and the orifice diameter is designed
based on the set point as per the requirement and installed downstream of the control valve.
Manufacture supply and delivery of DI D/F Diaphragm type own medium controlled Flow
Control Valve with cast body of ductile iron grade GGG 40/or equivalent grade or as per IS
3896 part-2-1985 customized control cylinder for linear control behavior, performed diaphragm
and pull-out safe profile sealing ring of EPDM, threaded inserts (CORFIX) to prevent the
coating from coming off in the connections area as well as corrosion and incrustations in the
control circuit or equivalent. Flange connection dimensions according to EN 1092, part 2/ISO
7005 (DIN)/IS 1538, all parts (Epoxy coating and diaphragm) in contact with medium are as
per KTW and DVGW certified (harmless)/WRAS & NSF approved. The EPDM rubber & epoxy
coating (EP-P) should be approved by W270. (EP-P)/WRAS & NSF.
Pilot valve system having SS / brass fittings with spring of stainless steel 304 as per standard
parts according to DIN EN 12 266-1, orifice plate shall be as per the set point of flow rate and
all external tubing parts of SS 304/ Copper, reinforced plastic rated PN16, tightness to DIN
EN 12 266-1, leakage rate A or equivalent and the needle valve / speed control device should
be provided to vary opening speed of the main diaphragm with self-cleaning filter to avoid
possibility of dirt build up inside the control tubing.
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
19 DI Plunger type Flow Control Valve Manufacturing, supply and delivery of DI D/F plunger type
(Control valve) with one piece body of ductile cast iron of grade GGG-40 or equivalent grade,
all internal parts of stainless steel. Piston guides of bronze welded overlay & micro finished
and bearing bush of zink free bronze. Valve/profile sealing seat shall be in the no-flow zone.
Double sealing effect between the body and the plunger shall be by linear / quadring seal
(twist free operation). The valve shall be designed to operate smoothly throughout the
specified flow range without cavitations. Corrosion protected medium free bearing in the body
by way of double O-ring seal and encapsulated shaft seal. There shall be no obstacles in the
main flow passage except the plunger/seal disc and the attached control cylinders/seat.
Plunger/stem, seat shall be by means of stainless steal crank drive mechanism/pilot
controlled. Face-to-face dimensions EN558-1 basic series 15 and 1.5X DN from DN 500 and
flange connections as per EN1092-2/ISO 7005 (DIN).
Sl.No. Description Unit
(in Rupees)
Electrical items
20 LED Lamp & Tube Light Fixtures
i) 18W 4 Feet LED fitting with LED Each. 747.00
ii) 20W 4 Feet LED fitting with LED Each. 758.00
i) 24W LED 4000K 2 x 2 Square Type Recessed Each. 3474.00
Fitting with LED
ii) 18W LED 3000K Square Type Recessed Fitting Each. 1358.00
with LED
iii) 18W LED 3000K Round Type Recessed Fitting Each. 1234.00
with LED
22 LED Outdoor light Fittings (LIGHT EMITTING DIODE)
i) 30W LED Street Light Fitting with LED Each. 2478.00
ii) 48W LED Street Light Fitting with LED Each. 4895.00
iii) 80W LED Focus Light Fitting with LED Each. 11660.00
iv) 120W LED Street Light Fitting with LED Each. 13785.00
v) 150W LED Street Light Fitting with LED Each. 17180.00
23 Cable Tray
i) GI Hot dip/ Powder coated 16 SWG Cable tray Each. 322.00
with 150mm width and 50mm height
ii) GI Hot dip/ Powder coated 16 SWG Cable tray Each. 393.00
with 300mm width and 50mm height
Schedule 2.0 - Rate of Works
Sl.No. Description Unit Rate (in Rupees)
Supply and fixing of stainless steel ladder
consisting of side support and footrest at every
20mm all member of ladder made up of 18SWG, per m 1780.00
304 Grade stainless steet with stainless steel
welded joimts. The width of ladder is 500mm
Rate (in
Sl.No. Description Unit
15 Excluding backfilling of trenches and disposal of surplus earth
Laying DWC pipes including earthwork excavation for trenches in hard stiff clay,
blackcotton, hard red earth, shales, murams, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with
small size boulders and hard gravelly soil depositing the earth on banks with initial lead of
10 m and initial lift of 2m carting the pipes from any of the Board’s Stores to the site of
work lowering into the trenches, aligning, watering and ramming to consolidation, etc.,
complete for the pipes of following diametres. (Timbering included for Depths 2.50m,3.0m)
400MM 600MM 800MM 1000MM 1200MM
Sl.No. Description Unit
Width Width Width Width Width
17 Supply and delivery of Leak Arresting Flexible SS Clamps of Wrap Around Single
Section type upto 500 mm diameter and Maxi Range double section type beyond 500
mm od of all rigid pipe sections. The Clamps made of stainless steel SS304 metallic
body of 0.8 to 1.0mm maximum thickness pasted with Waffle gaskets of Natural / Nitrile /
EPDM grade ( BS EN681-1) and fitted with self stabilizing Finger type clamps of 200 mm
length SG grade malleable cast iron duly powder coated ( BS 2789 grade 400/12) and
connected through fasteners of EN8 material with Zinc Coating ( BS 970). Suitable
width of the clamps to be decided by the engineer incharge at site depending on the
nature of pipe crack.
Suitable for Cast Iron or Ductile Iron Pipes
a Suitable for MS/CI/DI Pipes - Single section SS Clamp
1 4" Dia 1No. 4620 7590 10120 12650 15180
2 6" Dia 1No. 5460 8970 11960 14950 17940
3 8" Dia 1No. 6458 10610 14150 17690 21220
4 10" Dia 1No. 7455 12250 16330 20420 24500
5 12" Dia 1No. 7980 13110 17480 21850 26220
6 14" Dia 1No. 8820 14490 19320 24150 28980
7 16" Dia 1No. 9398 15440 20590 25740 30880
8 18" Dia 1No. 10238 16820 22430 28040 33640
9 20" Dia 1No. 11235 18460 24610 30770 36920
b Suitable for MS/CI/DI Pipes - Double section SS Clamp
1 550 nb 1No. - 21840 33120 41400 49680
2 900 nb 1No. - 26220 34960 43700 52440
3 650 nb 1No. - 27140 36230 45260 54280
4 700 nb 1No. - 28520 38070 47560 57040
5 750 nb 1No. - 29440 39280 49110 58880
6 800 nb 1No. - 30480 40710 50830 60950
7 850 nb 1No. - 37950 50600 63250 75900
8 900 nb 1No. - 39100 52160 65210 78200
9 1000 nb 1No. - 42780 57040 71300 85560
10 1100 nb 1No. - 51750 69000 86250 103500
11 1200 nb 1No. - 57500 76710 95860 115000
Rate in Rupees & Paise)
Ordinary soil Silt (or) clay
SI.No Description of Work Unit (or) loose pocket
soil sandy
18 Sinking well below water level including all incidental charges using special tools and plants
such as air compressor, helmet etc., complete and including baling out water.
i For 1.0 metre dia (internal)
First depth of 2 metres metre 998.11 1440.24
Rate in Rupees & Paise)
Ordinary soil Silt (or) clay
SI.No Description of Work Unit (or) loose pocket
soil sandy
Seventh depth of 2 metres metre 75537.67 118652.56
Rate in Rupees & Paise)
Ordinary soil Silt (or) clay
SI.No Description of Work Unit (or) loose pocket
soil sandy
vi For 3.50 metre dia (internal)
First depth of 2 metres metre 4198.65 6737.63
Rate in Rupees & Paise)
Ordinary soil Silt (or) clay
SI.No Description of Work Unit (or) loose pocket
soil sandy
Eighth depth of 2 metres metre 243800.24 403525.28
Where water table is beyond 4.00m and upto 6.00m 20% extra
Schedule 3.0 - Rates of Hire charges
2 Dewatering using 10HP to 70HP diesel engine pumpset including Hire charges, cost of Diesel,
Engine oil, pump operator, labour charges, conveyance of pumpset and fuel to site and back,
loading, unloading and any other incidental charges etc., complete.
i) Hire charges for Diesel Pump set for 10 HP Per Hour 451.28
ii) Hire charges for Diesel Pump set for 12.5 HP Per Hour 517.12
iii) Hire charges for Diesel Pump set for 15 HP Per Hour 577.96
iv) Hire charges for Diesel Pump set for 20 HP Per Hour 699.64
v) Hire charges for Diesel Pump set for 40 HP Per Hour 1151.35
vi) Hire charges for Diesel Pump set for 50 HP Per Hour 1359.71
vii) Hire charges for Diesel Pump set for 60 HP Per Hour 1603.07
viii) Hire charges for Diesel Pump set for 70 HP Per Hour 1856.43