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Reinforced Concrete

Analysis of the structure and
Column Loading – Part 1
Action Flow Pattern (Action Path)

 The structure must carry the applied

actions from point of application to points
of resolution (reaction)
 A path taken by the actions through the
structure and the components of the
structure from point of application to
points of resolution (including the path
through individual members) is called a
action path
Action Path

 Most structural components can be categorized as beams,

columns, slabs and walls
 These components have one or two dimensions
considerably smaller than the others
 It is convenient to integrated stresses through the smaller
dimensions and talk in terms of stress resultants (axial
forces, shear forces and bending moments)
 A component (or member) carries action (load) applied in
the direction of the smaller dimension through shear force
(V) and bending moment (M)
Action Path

 A component carries action (load )applied normal to the

direction of the smaller dimension through axial force (N)
 Illustrations of action paths in typical concrete structures
Action Path
Action Path
Action Path
Load Path
Lesson Objective

 In this lesson students will learn:

 How is the load originate and distribute in
every member of a building structure?
 Pattern of imposed loads and its significance
 Review of analysis

 A reinforced concrete structure is a

combination of beams, columns, slabs
and walls, rigidly connected together to
form a monolithic frame.
 Each individual member must be capable
of resisting the forces acting on it, so
that the determination of these forces is
an essential part of the design process.

 The full analysis of a rigid concrete frame

is rarely simple; but simplified
calculations of adequate precision can
often be made if the basic action of the
structure is understood.
 The analysis must begin with an
evaluation of all the loads carried by the
structure, including its own weight.

 Many of the loads are variable in

magnitude and position, and all
possible critical arrangements of
loads must be considered.
 First, the structure itself is
rationalized into simplified forms
that represent the load-carrying
action of the prototype.

 The forces in each member can then

be determined by one of the
following methods:
 applying moment and shear coefficients
 manual calculations
 computer methods
First Step
 Establishment of Loading,
 Load distribution in various
components of a building
 Loads (actions) initiated from floor
 its distribution depends on the
type of slab.
Types of Slabs

 One Way Slab

Long Span, Lx
Short Span, Ly
 Two Way Slab
Load Distribution in One Way Slab


Short Span, Ly
One Way Slab

Long Span, Lx
Load Distribution in Two Way

Two Way Slab

Short Span, Ly
Long Span, Lx
Floor to Floor Section



Floor Finishes
Permanent Action; Dead Load, gk
 Based on volume of fixed or permanent
 Requirements
 Geometry and dimensions of
 Unit Weight of materials
 Concrete 25 kN/m3
 Masonry 18-20 kN/m3
 Floor Finishing 1.5 to 2 kN/m2
 As provided
LIVE Load: Variable action, qk
 Example on the next slides
will explain the load
distribution; which is
 Load Distribution Example and
 Next slide is showing the floor framing
plan of any storey of a multi-storey
building; following data is given:

 Slab thickness (all) = 200 mm

 Floor finishes = 2 kN/m2
 Live Load = 5 kN/m2
 Beam Size (typical) = 200 x 600 mm
 Density of concrete = 25 kN/m3
 Load Distribution Example and
 Calculate:
 Slab loading
 Beam loading, draw the beam loading
diagram and column reaction
1. Slab Loading

 Self weight of slab = (200/1000)*25

 = 5 kN/m2
 Floor finishes = 2.0 kN/m2
 Total dead load, gk = 7.0 kN/m2
 Live load, qk (given) = 5 kN/m2
2. Beam Loading
 Beam on Line-A
 Number of spans =4
Loading from the adjoining slabs
Loading from the adjoining slabs

gk = 7x 4 = 28 kN/m
qk = 5 x 4 = 20 kN/m

8/2 = 4 m
4m 4m 4m 8m
Self Weight of the beam

gk, beam = 0.6 x 0.2 x 25 = 3 kN/m

4m 4m 4m 8m
Beam loading diagram

gk = 7 x 4 = 28 kN/m
qk = 5 x 4 = 20 kN/m

gk, beam = 0.6 x 0.2 x 25 = 3 kN/m

4m 4m 4m 8m
Column Reactions

gk = 7 x 4 = 28 kN/m
qk = 5 x 4 = 20 kN/m

gk, beam = 0.6 x 0.2 x 25 = 3 kN/m

4m 4m 4m 8m

GK = 3*2
Gk = 1/2*[1/2*28*8]
GK = 3*2 GK = 3*2
=6 kN =6 kN + 4*3 = 68 kN
=6 kN
Qk = ½*[1/2*20*8]
= 40 KN
Beam on Line-4
Loading from slab
gk = 7 x 2 = 14 kN/m
qk = 5 x 2 = 10 kN/m

From One-way slab at the left side

gk = 7 x 4 = 28 kN/m
qk = 5 x 4 = 20 kN/m

From Two-way slab at the right side

8m 8m 8m 8m
Self weight of the beam

gk, beam = 3 kN/m

8m 8m 8m 8m
Beam loading diagram

gk = 7 x 2 = 14 kN/m
qk = 5 x 2 = 10 kN/m

gk = 7x 4 = 28 kN/m
qk = 5 x 4 = 20 kN/m

gk, beam = 3 kN/m

8m 8m 8m 8m
Calculate column reaction???

gk = 7 x 2 = 14 kN/m
qk = 5 x 2 = 10 kN/m

gk = 7 x 4 = 28 kN/m
qk = 5 x 4 = 20 kN/m

gk, beam = 3 kN/m

8m 8m 8m 8m

Gk = 124 kN Gk = 124 kN Gk = 124 kN Gk = 124 kN

Qk = 80 kN Qk = 80 kN Qk = 80 kN Qk = 80 kN
Column Loading
Col Total
Load B-L B-R B-U B-D Col
No. (kN)
Beam A/1-2 1/A-B - -

A1 Gk


Beam A/1-2 A/2-3 2/A-B -

A2 Gk


Beam A/2-3 3/A-B - -

A3 Gk

Example of 1-way slab Loads

 The Floor Plan on next slide is a one way

slab system, all beam will support 3-m
high wall and all the data is given.
 Determine the column load for every
 Consider the density of concrete as 24
Example of 1-way slab Loads



12.00m 12.00m 12.00m



Floor Thickness = 150mm (Typical)
All Beams = 200x600mm (Typ.)
Floor Finishes = 1.5kN/m2
Live Load, qk = 2 kN/m2
Wall load = 4 kN/m2
Wall Height = 3 m
Example of 1-way slab Loads
1. Slab Loading
Self Weight of Slab = 0.15x24 = 3.6 kN/m2
Finishes = 1.5 kN/m2
Total, gk = 5.1 kN/m2
Live load, qk = 2.0 kN/m2

2. Load on Beam on Line-1 (Line-3 is same)

Load from slab (slab at one side of the beam only, which is (1/2x4 =2 m)
gk = 5.1 x 2 = 10.2 kN/m
qk = 2 x 2 = 4 kN/m

Self weight of 3m high wall on beam = 4 x 3 = 12 kN/m

Self weight of Beam = 0.2x 0.6 x 24 = 2.9 kN/m

12.0 m 12.0 m 12.0 m

Gk = 150.6 kN

Gk = 150.6 kN

Gk = 150.6 kN

Gk = 150.6 kN

Gk = 150.6 kN
Gk =150.6 kN
Qk = 24 kN

Qk = 24 kN

Qk = 24 kN

Qk = 24 kN

Qk = 24 kN

Qk = 24 kN
Example of 1-way slab Loads
Gk = 10.2x(12/2) + 12x(12/2) + 2.9x(12/2) = 150.6kN
Qk = 4 x 6 = 24 kN

3. Load on Beam on Line-2

Load from slab (2m wide slab at both side of the beam)
gk = 5.1 x 2 x 2 = 20.4 kN/m
qk = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8kN/m

Self weight of 3m high wall on beam = 4 x 3 = 12 kN/m

Self weight of Beam = 0.2x 0.6 x 24 = 2.9 kN/m

12.0 m 12.0 m 12.0 m

Gk = 211.8 kN

Gk = 211.8 kN

Gk = 211.8 kN

Gk = 211.8 kN

Gk = 211.8 kN

Gk = 211.8 kN
Qk = 48 kN

Qk = 48 kN

Qk = 48 kN

Qk = 48 kN

Qk = 48 kN

Qk = 48 kN
Gk = 20.4x(12/2) + 12x(12/2) + 2.9x(12/2) = 211.8kN
Qk = 8 x 6 = 48 kN
Example of 1-way slab Loads

4. Beam on Line-A (Similar on Line-B, C, and D)

Shorter span beam in one-way slab does not carry load from slab, in this case it will be self
weight of beam plus the weight of 3.0m high wall on the beam

Self weight of 3m high wall on beam

= 4 x 3 = 12 kN/m

Self weight of Beam = 0.2x 0.6 x 24 = 2.9 kN/m

4.0m 4.0m
Gk = 29.8 kN

Gk = 29.8 kN

Gk = 29.8 kN

Gk = 29.8 kN
Example of 1-way slab Loads


Total Similar
Col Load Beam-R Beam-L Beam-U Beam-D
(kN) Columns
Gk (KN) 150.6 - 29.8 - 180.4 A-3, D-1, and
Qk (kN) 24 - - - 24 D-1
Gk (KN) 211.8 - 29.8 29.8 271.4
A-2 D-2
Qk (kN) 48 - - - 48
Gk (KN) 211.8 211.8 29.8 - 453.4 B-3, C-1, and
Qk (kN) 48 48 - - 96 C-3
Gk (KN) 211.8 211.8 29.8 29.8 483.2
B-2 C-2
Qk (kN) 48 48 - - 96

The analysis of the structure

 Idealisation of structural model,
for example, frame (full or partial
called sub frame), beam (single
span or continuous) etc.
Structure Idealization

(b) Sub Frame

(a) Full Frame

(c) Continuous Beam (d) Single Span Beam

 Evaluation of all loads including the self-
weight of structural element to be carried
by the structure, positioning of loads and
critical arrangement.
 Analysis of structure, determining the
forces in every element using appropriate
approach and method as:
 using moment and shear coefficient
 manual methods, e.g., moment
distribution method for continuous
beam and/or frame analysis
 computer methods, using computer
software, for example, ETABS, SAP,
STAD, CSC etc.
Load combinations and Patterns

 In the previous you have learnt the calculation

of load and load distribution in every structural
 Here you will learn the application of such
loads for structural analysis
 For analysis of continuous beam and/or slabs,
load is arranged in different manners, called
load patterns, in order to get the most
unfavourable response of the structure.
Load combinations and Patterns

 Various combinations of the

characteristic values of permanent Gk,

variable actions Qk, wind actions Wk,

and their partial factors of safety must be

considered for the loading of the

Moment and Shear Envelopes

 Moment and Shear Force Envelops are

the superimposed moment and shear
force diagrams obtained from different
possible load arrangements.
 Critical values from moment and shear
envelopes are chosen for design purpose.
Critical value of positive moment

Critical value of negative moment

Moment Envelope for Three Loading Arrangements

Bending Moment Calculation

 Calculate the maximum ultimate bending

moment in the short-span and long-span
beam as shown on next slide, which
connected to a 2-way slab.
 Slab is 200mm thick, finishes are
2kN/m2, live load is 3.0kN/m2, and beam
size is 200x600mm.
Bending Moment Calculation
Bending Moment Calculation
Short Span Beam

Beam Loading
a) From Slab (Triangular loading)
Beam loading = 14 x 2 = 28 kN/m
R1 = R2 = Area of Half of the Triangle
R1 = R2 = 1/2x(28 x 2) = 28kN
Maximum moment = M1 (at mid span)

M1 = 28x2 – 28x2/3 = 37.3 kN-m

Bending Moment Calculation
Short Span Beam

b) Self weigh of Beam

wu, beam = 1.35 x (0.2 x 0.6 x 25) = 4 kN/m
M2 = wL2/8 (only applicable to beam with UDL)

M2 = 4x42/8 = 8kN-m
C) Total Moment, M
M = M1 + M2

M = 37.3 + 8 = 45.3kN-m
Bending Moment Calculation
Short Span Beam
Bending Moment Calculation
Long Span Beam

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