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CSTP 4 Rogosic 4

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CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Plans daily lessons using Plans single lessons or Plans differentiated Plans differentiated Plans differentiated
available curriculum and sequence of lessons using instruction based on instruction, which is instruction that provides
information from district additional assessment knowledge of students’ based on broad systematic opportunities
and state required information on student academic readiness, knowledge of students. for supporting and
assessments. academic readiness, academic language, Matches resources and extending student
language, cultural diverse cultural specific strategies to learning based on
background, and backgrounds, and students’ diverse learning comprehensive
4.1 Using knowledge
individual development. individual cognitive, needs and cultural information on students.
of students’
9/17/21 social, emotional, and backgrounds. 4.1.23
academic readiness,
physical development to
language proficiency,
meet their individual
cultural background,
needs. 5/03/2022
and individual
Is aware of impact of bias Planning addresses bias, Engages students in the
development to plan
on learning. Examines potential stereotyping, and analysis of bias,
Becomes aware of sources of bias and assumptions about stereotyping, and
potential areas of bias stereotyping when cultures an members of assumptions.
and seeks to learn about planning lessons. Uses cultures. 4.1.23
culturally responsive culturally responsive
pedagogy. 9/17/21 pedagogy in
I am exploring to use Teacher plans Domain 4. Facilitating
knowledge of students’ differentiated instruction Improvements in
academic readiness, with other TK teacher Instruction and
language proficiency, and levels teachers K-3rd Student Learning
cultural background, and grade about units,
individual development lessons, and behavioral.
Teacher uses Common
to plan for instruction. I 5/03/2022
Sense education app for
strategically incorporate
students’ cultures, Teacher uses Poll global perspective and
background knowledge, Everywhere for student cross-cultural education
and interests into my progress monitoring anc tools to raise the stakes
lesson plans and checking for of learning, creating
instruction. I use my understanding. authentic learning
beginning of the year opportunities that build
assessment for student 10/2022 empathy and broaden
academic readiness, students'
language, and individual perspectives. 4.1.23
I use circle time for
students to have the
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
opportunity to express
their cultures,
background knowledge,
or interests. I review
assessment data from the
beginning of the year
assessment to determine
students’ knowledge and
skills needed to be
successful in any task or
activity. I notice and
encourage all students to
work with others, have
procedural knowledge,
and writing ability.

Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and
objectives for a single learning goals for skill communicates to articulates learning goals articulates
lesson to students based development with students clear learning to students that integrate comprehensive short-
on content standards and students in single lessons goals for content that are content standards with term and long-term
4.2 Establishing and available curriculum. and sequence of lessons. accessible, challenging, students’ strengths, learning goals for
articulating goals for and differentiated to interests, and learning students. Assists students
student learning address students’ diverse needs. 4.1.23 to articulate and monitor
learning needs. learning goals.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am applying to establish Domain 1.  Fostering a
and articulate goals for Collaborative Culture to
student learning. I Support Educator
establish and clearly state Development and
with all students their Student Learning
learning goals or
objectives. I verbally state
Teacher creates learning
the learning goals for the
lesson. I give students the goals with class and self-
high expectations at the assessments for those
beginning of the lesson. learning goals. 4.1.23
This is orally. In my
lesson plan book, I break
down larger goals into
“chunks” or manageable
goals. These learning
goals are appropriate
level of challenge and
achievable goals.

Teacher prepares clear

learning goals for all
students in the beginning
and throughout the

Teacher prepares
learning objectives
through the digital tool,
Objective Builder Tool.
4.3 Developing and Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of long- Utilizes extensive
sequencing long- for daily, short- and long- units that include a series long-term curriculum term plans to reflect knowledge of curriculum,
term and short-term term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter integrations of content standards, and
instructional plans to are linked to long-term concepts and essential curriculum guidelines, assess learning needs to
support student planning to support related academic frameworks, and design cohesive and
learning student learning. language and formats assessed instructional comprehensive long- and
that support student needs to ensure student short-term instructional
learning. 5/03/2022 learning. 4.1.23 plans that ensure high
9/17/21 levels of learning.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I am applying to develop Domain 1.  Fostering a

and sequence long-term Collaborative Culture
and short-term to Support Educator
instructional plans for Development and
student support. I Student Learning
establish and apply short-
and long-term curriculum
plans and goals through
Collaborates with
subject matter concepts. I colleagues from
clearly state and address Kindergarten through
all goals clearly and second grade with
appropriately. I sequence Wonders curriculum
and appropriately plan for reading and
activities for all students writing. 4.1.23
to achieve larger goals. I
have developed a year-
long curricular calendar
throughout the entire
academic year. 9/17/21

Teacher prepares and

explains clear learning
goals for all students in
the beginning and
throughout the lesson.

Teacher uses PBLworks

to enrich subject matter
and/or lesson planning
through online database.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Plans instruction that Selects strategies for Incorporates Plans instruction using a Plans instruction
incorporates strategies single lessons or differentiated wide range of strategies incorporating a
suggested by curriculum sequence of lessons that instructional strategies to address learning styles repertoire of strategies
guidelines. respond to students’ into ongoing planning and meet students’ specifically meet
diverse learning needs. that addresses culturally assessed language and students’ diverse
responsive pedagogy, learning needs. Provides language and learning
students’ diverse appropriate support and needs and styles to
4.4 Planning language, and learning challenges for students. advance learning for all.
instruction that Is aware of student Seeks to learn about needs and styles. 4.1.23
incorporates content, learning, and students’ diverse learning 5/03/2022 Facilitates opportunities
appropriate language needs through and language needs 9/17/21 Integrates results from a for students to reflect on
strategies to meet data provided by the site beyond basic data. 10/2022 broad range of their learning and the
the learning needs of and district. assessments into impact of instructional
all students Uses assessments of planning to meet strategies to meet their
students’ learning and students’ diverse learning learning and language
language needs to inform and language needs. needs.
planning differentiated 4.1.23
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I do apply and Domain 7.
incorporate differentiated Advocating for
instructional strategies. I
Student Learning
appropriately scaffold
and extend instruction if and the Profession
needed. I give the
appropriate instruction if Collaborates with
background or prior primary grade
knowledge are lacking. teachers,
My lesson plans already
incorporate instructional
administrators, and
strategies for each parents regarding
learner to improve their planning to meet
own needs. My beginning student needs’ and
of the year assessments their target areas for
are used to determine growth. 4.1.23
planning and organizing
for differentiated
instruction within a small
group, individual setting,
or whole-group setting.

Teacher creates ongoing

informal and formal
assessments to determine
differentiated instruction
in whole group, small
group, and individual

Teacher can create a

Webquest to plan
instruction. 10/2022

4.5 Adapting Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing Anticipates and plans for
instructional plans uses materials from materials in single adaptations to adjustments to a wide range of
and curricular curriculum provided. lessons or sequences of differentiate instructional instructional plans and adaptations to lessons
materials to meet the lessons to address plans. Uses culturally uses a variety of based on in depth
assessed learning students’ learning needs. responsive pedagogy and materials as the analysis of individual
needs of all students. additional materials to instructional needs arises student needs.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
support students’ diverse to support student
learning needs. learning. 4.1.23 Engages with students to
5/03/2022 identify types of
9/17/21 adjustments in
10/2022 instruction that best meet
their learning goals.

I am applying to adapt Domain 5. Promoting

instructional plans and the Use of Assessments
curricular materials to and Data for School
meet the assessed and District
learning needs of all Improvement
students. I make
adjustments and
adaptations to
Make ongoing STEP
differentiated assessments and
instructional plans student interview with
throughout or within my parent meetings for
lesson. I give students student support
extended time to answer, education plan. 4.1.23
finish a task, or lesson. I
always have to scaffold an
activity so that students
can accomplish and
understand. I am flexible
during instruction, and
when I see students not
grasping a discussion or
task, then I approach the
concept through a
different method. This
may include more
scaffolding, modeling,
graphic organizers, visual
aids, or body movement.

Teacher makes
appropriate adjustments
for instructional plans
with extending time,
speaking slower, more
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
hands-on, reteaching,
realia, etc.

Teacher uses checklist

resource from CDE
website for writing of
mechanics checklist and
reading. 10/2022

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