Stevedoring Liability Insurance Proposal Form
Stevedoring Liability Insurance Proposal Form
Stevedoring Liability Insurance Proposal Form
1. NAME & ADDRESS: Please list the name and also provide brochure / web site or other
marketing information.
3a. SERVICES: Types of operation performed by you (please tick those relevant to you):-
Only answer this part of the question if you provide warehousing or storage of any cargo (other
than containerized cargo):
● Please provide estimated maximum value of goods stored at any one time:
Standard contracts?; Y N Y N Y N Y N
Port tariff/act/bylaws? Y N Y N Y N Y N
No contracts?;
b) Other Contracts:
Have you indemnified another person for his negligence under any agreement (e.g. for
equipment, land or buildings)? Yes No
If yes, please give details separately.
c) Subcontractors:
Is there a requirement in your contract with subcontractors that they have adequate
liability and property insurance? Yes No
Do you check annually that all subcontractors maintain and renew their insurance?
Yes No
Note: There is a policy requirement that your Subcontractors purchase and maintain
adequate liability and property insurance, and that you review those policies annually
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5. Volumes – Please advise Cargo throughputs per Policy Year:
How many vessel calls per annum? Please provide figures broken down into size of vessel:-
Yes No
g) Is the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code applicable to you
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and if so are you compliant. Yes No
7. HANDLING EQUIPMENT – Please provide the aggregate value for the current year and
next year and attach a schedule showing against each item, description, value and
b) Please also attach a full schedule with description, values, age, location including details of
construction and details of fire extinguishing appliances / sprinklers;
c) Please itemize separately (together with the location) any single structure where the insured
value is in excess of USD 15,000,000;
d) Please itemize separately (together with location) any property outside the confines of the port;
9. CLAIMS HISTORY – Please attach separate Liability claims history (both paid and
outstanding and any related fees or expenses including legal fees) for the last 5
complete years net of any deductible and advise of any deductible applicable. Please
also attach details of any existing litigation.
Company Position…………………………
This questionnaire is to be completed and signed by the Assured and will form
part of the Insurance Policy.
The premium charged and the conditions of this Policy are based upon the
information provided in this questionnaire, any operations and/or physical
changes in the nature of the Assured’s Operations during the policy period which
materially changes or alters in any way the information contained in this
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questionnaire must immediately be advised to Underwriters. Any change advised
will be assessed by Underwriters to enable them to decide whether they are
prepared to continue to provide coverage and at what terms. Failure to comply
with this requirement could affect the validity of the Policy.
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