English Language & Literature 184: Indian School Muscat Half Yearly Examination 2022
English Language & Literature 184: Indian School Muscat Half Yearly Examination 2022
English Language & Literature 184: Indian School Muscat Half Yearly Examination 2022
f) Discipline stands for training, especially of the mind and character, to develop obedience
and control, in the face of temptation or provocation.
g) The remedy of so many ills that afflict us today lies not in tall talks but in the restoration
of discipline in public life.
i) sadistic
j) ii) goddess
k) i) provocation
l) ii) motivation
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f) i) Disease regularly found in people of a certain area
g) iv) Increased 8 times in the last twenty years
h) i) In a country where dengue is wide-spread
i) It highlights the spread of dengue, cases around the world, and directions on the use
and effectiveness of the vaccine. ( accept any other valid answer)
j) Sanofi Pasteur
k) Efficacious
l) …have had a previous dengue virus infection.
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5.B. a) ii) because hatred among people is increasing fast. 5
b) i) abaa
c) ii) desire and hate
d) iii) Alliteration
e) iii) die
a) i) Independence and captivity
b) iii) to lay more stress on the brightness of the eyes and the stars.
c) iii) Despair and longing
d) Leslie Norris
e) Abcb
6. I. a) The young seagull dived at the fish due to hunger and fell outwards and downwards 4x3
into space. He moved downwards and outwards and landed safely on the sea and floated on =12
it without any fear. When the young seagull started flying and got over his fear, his family
screamed around him out of joy. They praised him and offered him scraps of dog-fish out of
delight as he made a successful attempt.
b) By ‘an extra ordinary human disaster’ he referred to the discrimination that the coloured
people suffered at the hands of the whites. While the ‘glorious human achievement’ refers
to the installation of the first non-racial democratic government with equality where a black
had become the president of the country.
c) Lencho was a hardworking farmer who had great faith in God. His crop was completely
ruined yet he had immense faith that God would help him. He was a religious, simple and
an innocent farmer who was optimistic even in the face of adversity.
d) The poet talks about wild animals in a funny manner. All the dangerous, wild animals
like lions, tigers, leopards, bears, crocodile and chameleon have been portrayed humorously.
The poet describes the dangerous activities in a way that produces laughter.
e) The people of Coorg are independent and brave. They are possibly of Greek or Arabic
descent. There are two stories about their descent. According to one story, these people are
the descendants of Greek. It is believed that a part of Alexander’s army moved south along
the coast. When they found it difficult to return they settled there. According to another
story, these people originated from Arabic people. This theory is supported by their dress
which is known as kuppia. It resembles the kuffia worn by the Arabs .
6 II. a) Initially dull and listless Tricki was ignored by the dogs. But after two three days, 2x3
with a controlled diet Tricki’s health began to improve rapidly. He started mixing up with =6
other dogs and enjoyed playing different games with them. In this was he became an
accepted member of the gang.
b) Though Max was very cunning and he came prepared with a gun but he was indeed no
match to Ausable. He was easily misled by Ausable into believing that there was a balcony
attached to the room. He got tricked by the knock on the door and believed that it was the
cops. Without thinking twice , he jumped out from the window and fell to his fate. So we
can say that Max was a little spy before Ausable and he was also unprepared for his
c) The thief had robbed all kinds of people. According to him, the greedy men were scared
of being robbed. The rich men showed anger. The poor men accepted their fate after being
robbed. He thought that Anil would show only a touch of sadness. He would not be sad for
the loss of money, but for the loss of trust.
6 III. The story is about a young seagull who is yet to learn to fly. Unlike his younger 6
brothers and sisters he is unable to overcome the fear of falling down to the sea, hence
remained sitting on the cliff. His younger siblings despite having shorter wings overcame
fear and took a plunge as directed by their parents.
The seagull continues to be left in isolation without any sympathy from his parents. No
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amount of his cries, arising out of starvation, is able to melt his parents’ hearts. Finally he
undergoes a mental transformation which helps him to muster courage. By flapping his
wings and overcoming his fear he takes a plunge. In the process he discovers his inner
strength and instinctive flying skills which till now was not known to him. Hence the
seagull proved that overcoming fear the important key to success.
Coorg is situated midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. It is the
smallest district of the state of Karnataka. It is a piece of heaven fallen from the kingdom of
God. We can find hills lull of greenery here. It has evergreen rainforests, spices and coffee
plantations. It rains heavily here during the rainy season. There is the smell of coffee in the
air. The people of Coorg are martial men. These people are of Greek or Arabic descent.
According to a legend, a part of Alexander’s army stopped and settled here. They married
amongst the locals.
Their culture is seen in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites, they are different
from the Hindu mainstream. These people wear a long black coat with an embroidered
waist-belt. This is known as Kuppia and it resembles Kuffia that is worn by the Arabs and
the Kurds. They love traditions of hospitality and this quality makes them unique.
6 IVA good spy need not be handsome, attractive and smart. Physical strength can be an 6
additional advantage but certainly not the essential one. Secret agents have to face critical
situations at every step. One night, Ausable found Max in his room. There was an automatic
pistol in his hand. He had come there to take the report from Ausable. Max was also a secret
agent of another organisation. Ausable was not the least afraid of Max's presence. He
thought of a clever trick. He convinced Max about a balcony outside the window. Just then
there was a knock at the door. Ausable told Max that it was police to provide him security.
Max had no time to think. Max rushed towards the window and dropped to the non-existent
balcony met his tragic end. Ausable did not use physical strength. Ausable won over the
critical situation by his sheer presence of mind proving the fact that presence of mind and
intelligence is more powerful than a gun.
Ans. -Hari Singh was a thief and he had stolen Anil’s money. After the theft, he realised
that he had robbed not only Anil but also himself of the chance of being literate and having
a bright future. His conscience pricked him to think what all he could have got had he not
done this.
-It was difficult for him to rob Anil but it was tougher for him not to back. His inner self
did not agree to bypass this and forced him to return. Hari’s return to Anil shows that
despite indulging in criminal acts, he still had a practical and positive attitude towards life.
-It is the awakening of Hari’s conscience and Anil’s love and care that reformed Hari’s
character. It teaches us that love alone can change a person. Anil’s understanding nature,
trust and care changed Hari’s thinking to mend his ways for good.
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