Atio, Delli: Thiair
Atio, Delli: Thiair
Atio, Delli: Thiair
Delli Registratiun a C115/04103/0069
o h e Te f T C T Grde Sheet eum Certifcate of T'erformance
p e Rol Nio 2184823
of Spaking Latng (AL) CLASS IX-
2()(4) h uite s a ut- ce
Class K
im_Deserigtie n ldantifies personal strengtha and wesknesses, evaluates intomatuon snd
athe and weakness en and uses them to arive at
Eay a uestions, capable of independent thinking. has C h o o s e spproprnate a t a m a t v e s , a r i v e s at innovauve and c o s t r u c t v
courieous to teachers and eldern, adherus lo school rules, sincere and ery courteous to t a c n and o
very etus efectvey
halpful towards t o E n a al
y w n n e con a c h e n . , a p s e o b a c a a n i c r u c i s n poniuvel ith tnachers and takes feedback and criticism with positvity
Expresses ldeas and opinlons with clarity, is sensilve and supportive towards e n i t nd supporive towands peen and dierety-abied schoolimate
t s new
peers and different0y-abled schoolmates, recepthve to new ldeas and
presses eeas
opinians wh clarty
in a
group, receptve
opinions and suggstions, displays semithvity to diferences
suggestions, inspires others and manages diveraiby wel
Enthuslaste, shouiden rop hoen participant in varlous unctual and takes part in school programmes regularty, possesses
i s othars. concarned leadership qualitles and displays team spint motvates and inspirm other
ie m
iro nment. Participates in related events to participate. Raspects school proparty and takes oride in the school
Understands value systems, atbides by rules and rogulauons EIhical and alwaya Abides by rules and understanda valua systema Honest courteoun towarts
courtsous towards peers and lders, respects the natanal flag and symbols, peers and eldem, and has leadenhp quai A
patnue toards he
semidve to diversity and shows empathy Lowards ihe diaadvantaged y
vu S Gapan
ix Gero dan Demonatrales intarust and kowledgs of types of plants and use of fertilizers
ready to work with hands, brings in new ideas and shows creatlvity, vofuntearn A
Interestad and understands the techniquss, peatur u r a t
ctical d to dar activiues
day to day activitie
Or h a m a a n and s able to inspire others. praclical,
Principal /arard