Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide - March 2023
Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide - March 2023
Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide - March 2023
Licensing Guide
March 2023
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Guide by submitting the Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide feedback form.
Assigned Licenses
User access Device access
The functionality of a single Dynamics 365
application. May be full access or additional user Via shared or assigned logins
access, such as with the Team Members license.
Unassigned Licenses
Full product access Cross-application access Additional capacity
Assigned licenses
Assigned licenses give a named user or dedicated shared device access to specific products. Full-access user
licenses are the most common, but assigned licenses include several options for additional users, usually with
limited functionality.
Full user access licenses
Full users are those whose work requires the full, feature-rich functionality of Dynamics 365, whether in a large
organization with Enterprise licenses or a small company with a Professional license. Enterprise and
Professional licenses may not be mixed.
Several products are also available with standard and enhanced levels of functionality, such as Sales Enterprise
and Sales Premium. The licenses for these products indicate which functionality level has been purchased.
Note that Business Central (Essentials or Premium) stands alone. Reference the Business Central section for
Base licenses and cost savings opportunities for “attach” licenses
Microsoft provides a cost-effective way for a single Dynamics 365 user to obtain full user licensing for multiple
products. Licenses for products that provide core business functionality qualify as base licenses. (See the table
below.) Each has one or more additional applications that are frequently used by people in the same roles and
that qualify as attach licenses for that user. (These are sometimes referred to as subsequent qualifying
applications.) To take advantage of the special attach license pricing:
1. Buy the first base user license at standard pricing.
2. Review which attach licenses are available for that base. (See the qualifying products for each base
license below.)
3. Buy attach licenses for the same user at an attach license price. You may buy as many attach licenses as
are available for that base license.
Every full user must have a base license, though the base licenses don’t need to be for the same product. (For
instance, an attach license for Customer Service Professional is available both for a user with a Finance base
and another with a Commerce base.)
Base applications and their qualifying products for attach licensing
Dynamics 365 attach licenses per user1
CS Ent
CS Pro
Field Svc
Proj Oper.
Sales Ent
Sales Pro
Commerce ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Finance ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
CS Ent
CS Pro
Field Svc
Proj Oper.
Sales Ent
Sales Pro
Dynamics 365 base licenses per user
Sales Premium ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Sales Professional ⚫
See Product Terms for more information on Marketing Attach and Customer Insights Attach eligibility.
If you require multiple products on the base licenses list, you may buy as many qualifying attach licenses as
you need at an attach license price.
Attach licensing details
Only assigned user licenses (not device licenses or unassigned licenses) may be bought as an attach license.
Tenant-based licenses (for Fraud Protection, for instance), additional access licensing, and capacity licensing do
not qualify for attach licensing pricing but may be licensed separately. Some specialized Dynamics 365
products (such as Guides) also are not eligible.
Base and attach licenses are identical in their core capabilities and are only differentiated in price. Attach
licenses do not include additional platform entitlements. They are licensed to access the platform entitlements
included with the assigned base license.
Note: System administrator will not be able to assign an attach license to a user who does not have the
required base license.
Customers who obtain licensing through an Enterprise Agreement and who accidentally buy an attach
license—when a base license is required—may step-up to the appropriate base license as needed. Customers
with licensing through the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) or MPSA programs would need to return the attach
license and buy the appropriate base license instead.
Additional user access licenses
Additional users often represent a large percentage of the total users in an organization. They may consume
data or reports from line of business systems; complete light tasks like time or expense entry and HR record
updates; or use the system more heavily without requiring full user capabilities. Additional users may access all
the functionality of the respective Dynamics 365 product within the constraints described below.
Several different types of additional user license are available, all priced per month. The minimum duration
requirement for each (such as a minimum 12-month commitment, for example) is determined by the licensing
program. You must buy at least one full user license to buy additional user licenses.
• Device license: With a device license for a specific Dynamics 365 application, any number of unlicensed
users can access the product through the licensed device. Device licenses may use shared logins (such
as “Warehouse Computer” and a shared password) or individual logins (each user’s personal
credentials), depending on the application and license:
o Shared logins are available for Sales Device, Customer Service Device, Field Service Device,
Operations – Device, and Business Central Device licenses. Note that when individual users share
a login, their individual usage cannot be tracked.
o Individual logins are available for Operations – Device and Business Central Device licenses (with
no separate user license required).
Unassigned Licenses
Unassigned licenses provide tenant level access to Dynamics 365 applications and resources. They are not
assigned to specific users or devices.
Full application access licenses
These licenses are the primary licensing mechanism for certain products, such as Dynamics 365 Marketing,
Fraud Protection, and Customer Insights, which are only licensed per tenant.
Cross-application access licenses
Cross-application licenses, such as the Operations – Order Lines license, may be used to provide access to
some Dynamics 365 applications in some situations as a supplement or alternative to assigned user access.
Capacity licenses
The subscriptions for many Dynamics 365 products come with capacity entitlements or allowances, such as for
data storage, transaction volume, case routing requests, or customer profiles, for instance. The exact
entitlement depends on the specific product and licensing agreement. Capacity add-on licenses provide more
flexibility for those components subject to capacity limits but needed to support a product.
• Default subscription capacities leverage the same tenant and infrastructure and accrue across the
single tenant. Dataverse (formerly Common Data Service) capacities are shared between the following
products: Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, Finance, Supply Chain Management, Commerce,
Human Resources, Project Operations, Remote Assist, Guides, Business Central Essentials, and Business
Central Premium. Database and file storage capacities (as distinct from the Dataverse capacities) are
shared between only a few products: Finance, Supply Chain Management, Commerce, Human
Resources, and Project Operations. See Appendix D for more details.
• Capacity licenses require a minimum of a one-year subscription commitment with annual allowances
for the entitlements (such as the number of allowed transactions). The annual allowance, which is
pooled across a single tenant, applies even for capacities that are allotted per month. For instance, an
annual subscription that provides a total of 36K transactions is licensed at 3,000 transactions per
month for 12 months, but those transactions can be consumed at any point in the year, including all in
one month. For instance, a seasonal business would be able to use its allowance in six months at a rate
of 6,000 transactions per month.
Business Central connects teams across your organization with tools to help them work more efficiently,
collaborate better, and respond more quickly to changes to meet your business goals. Business Central is a
complete standalone solution that is designed to operate with some of the other Dynamics 365 products. You
may purchase Customer Service Professional attach and/or Sales Professional attach user licenses. Marketing
and Fraud Protection, tenant-based licenses, are also available for Business Central users.
Note: Internal users licensed with Microsoft 365 Business, Enterprise, and select other plans, whose
organization has one or more Business Central licenses, are granted read-only access to Business Central data
from within Microsoft Teams, at no additional cost. See here for full details.
Business Central, licensed by assigned user, is available with Essentials or Premium levels of capabilities.
Customers may deploy Business Central Essentials and Business Central Premium in separate environments, on
the same tenant. However, licensed users can only access the environment for which they are entitled. See
Microsoft Product Terms for service specific terms.
Configuration components
Business Central licenses include the following configuration components. Customers choosing to exercise
their dual use rights receive the full custom objects range numbered 50,000 – 99,999.
Configuration and Development
Codeunits Pages Queries Reports Tables XML Port
Commerce, which is licensed per user, helps retailers manage their operations, connect employees with data,
and offer exceptional shopping experiences. Dynamics 365 Commerce helps unify the customer shopping
experience by bringing in-store, back office, and call center functionality together in one end-to-end platform.
E-commerce may be added as an option. Commerce also eases integration to emerging channels (such as new
social media platforms) through an API-driven, headless commerce engine. Intelligent forecasting and product
recommendations enable retailers to:
• Improve in-store and e-commerce profitability.
• Drive intelligent business insights to optimize strategy and cost.
• Accelerate buying behavior through customer experiences that are unified and consistent across
buying channels.
➢ Digital Messaging and Voice Channel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Digital Messaging and Voice Channel is an add-in application for Customer Service Enterprise licenses. It
includes Digital Messaging (Chat for Dynamics 365 Customer Service, third-party SMS) and Voice Channel.
Digital Messaging and Voice Channel is licensed per user.
Assist calls.
You can access additional capabilities through Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, if you have additional software
licenses such as OneDrive for Business, Exchange Online, Dynamics 365 Field Service, Power BI, or Microsoft
Stream. See this help documentation to learn more.
Unused capacity will roll over for up to 12 months. Learn more
Note: Active and inactive assets carry historical data and count against the capacity limits.
➢ Purchase Protection
Fraud Protection purchase protection helps merchants to protect online transactions by detecting and
preventing fraudulent activities. Note that the initial capacity license includes capacities for account protection
and loss prevention.
Purchase Protection capacities
Application/Capacity Included Capacity Add-On Capacity
Tier 1 (< 500K transactions):
• 10K PP transactions/tenant/month
Purchase Protection • 2K PP transactions/tenant/month
• 20K AP transactions/tenant/month
• Assessments Tier 2 (>= 500K transactions):
• 4K LP transactions/tenant/month
• 2K PP transactions/tenant/month
➢ Loss Prevention
Fraud Protection loss prevention helps retailers reduce shrinkage in their stores. Note that the initial capacity
license includes capacities for account protection and purchase protection.
Loss Prevention capacities
Application/Capacity Included Capacity Add-On Capacity
Tier 1 (< 250K transactions/month):
• 20K LP transactions/tenant/month
Loss Prevention • 4K LP transactions/tenant/month
• 20K AP transactions/tenant/month
• Assessments Tier 2 (>= 250 K transactions/month):
• 2K PP transactions/tenant/month
• 4K LP transactions/tenant/month
Pay-as-you-go model
You can enable pay-as-you-go billing for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection services via dynamics.microsoft.com.
With pay-as-you-go model you will pay based on your actual monthly consumption for each Fraud Protection
service. In order to enable Fraud Protection pay-as-you-go billing, you need to have Azure subscription and
you need to purchase the Web Direct capacity license first. After that you can link your Azure subscription with
the Fraud Protection meters. See this documentation to learn more.
Note: Customers may install, use, and configure one Marketing license with only one Dynamics 365
➢ Marketing (attach)
If you have 10 or more licenses of ONE the following: Customer Service Professional, Customer Service
Enterprise, Sales Professional, Sales Enterprise, Sales Premium, Field Service, Finance, Supply Chain
Management, or Commerce, you are eligible for the Marketing attach pricing. For more information on
Dynamics 365 licensing pre-requisites see the Product Terms.
Cross-Application Licensing
Assigned licenses
Device licenses
• Business Central Device licenses provide limited access to a subset of Business Central capabilities.
• Sales Device, Customer Service Device, and Field Service Device licenses are full access licenses. They
include the same rights as the equivalent Enterprise user license, except that access is limited to only
the licensed device.
• Guides Device licenses enable a shared user experience and only one username and password will be
provided with each device license. This license enables users to operate a guide, device licenses cannot
author a guide.
You cannot use the same device license across multiple devices, a device license must be linked to one
device. There are no limitations on the number of users that can access the application via a device
license. For details on device licensing, see Device and licensing requirements for Dynamics 365
Role Use Rights Guides Device
Manager Viewing Guides analytics using Microsoft Power BI dashboards. Viewing Power
BI reports does not require Microsoft Power BI license but sharing does.
Incorporate workflows using Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate to
view and save data
Assign Guides to technicians using Dynamics 365 Field Service1 ⚫
Assign Guides to work orders within Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management1 ⚫
Author Create guides and use 3D toolkit in the PC app or HoloLens app
Import converted 3D models and import them into guides
Operator Use the guides to perform tasks ⚫
• Operations – Device licenses provide limited access to a subset of Finance, Supply Chain Management,
Commerce, and Project Operations capabilities.
These device licenses allow multiple users to operate a licensed point-of-sale device, shop floor device,
warehouse device, or store manager device. If multiple users, who only require these limited use rights,
work exclusively on shared devices, it will generally be more cost effective to license those devices than
the users themselves.
Operations – Device license use rights are also available to Operations – Activity users. However, an
Operations – Device license does not include all the capabilities of the Operations – Activity user
license. When a single user needs to work on one or more dedicated personal devices, it will be more
cost effective to license that user with an Operations – Activity user license.
A single device can provide any of the following functionality in any combination. Operations – Device
or Business Central Device licenses do not include full user capabilities.
• Remote Assist Device licenses enable a shared user experience and only one username and password
will be provided with each device license. Individual usage cannot be tracked for shared logins.
The Human Resources Self Service user licenses enable access to employee and manager self-serve capabilities,
such as:
• Update personal employee information
• Manage the human resources activities of direct employees or those reporting up through the user’s
reporting chain
• Report sick leave
• Submit vacation requests
• View employee benefits
• Approve employee leave as a manager
• View employee information as a manager
The HR Self Service license only grants access to Human Resources, not any other Dynamics 365 product. It
does not include full user rights for Human Resources but does provide access to functionality employees
often need to manage themselves.
Operations – Activity license
The Operations – Activity user license provides limited access to the Commerce, Finance, Human Resources,
Project Operations, and Supply Chain Management applications. Operations – Activity use rights include all
Team Members use rights as well as the right to:
• Approve all Operations – Activity related transactions (see Appendix F for details).
• Create or edit items related to warehousing, receiving, shipping, orders, vendor maintenance, and all
• Operate a point-of-sale (POS) device, store manager device, shop floor device, or warehouse device.
Team Members licenses
The Dynamics 365 Team Members user license grants a named user the following rights for Customer Service
Team Members, Sales Team Members and Project Operations Team Members application modules. These
rights are for their own use and not for activities for, or on behalf of, other people. (For instance, the license
doesn’t grant managers the right to perform the same actions for direct reports.)
Unassigned licenses
Operations – Order Lines license
Operations – Order Lines allows you to extend the use of the Commerce, Finance, Project Operations, or Supply
Chain Management applications with an alternative to user and device-based licensing. The Operations – Order
Lines license enables internal users, partners, customers, connected automated systems, loT devices and bots
If a Commerce or Manufacturing transaction includes a qualifying order line type and utilizes OData or DIXF for
integration, then use of Operations – Order Lines is permitted. Additional support for Commerce and
Manufacturing scenarios beyond those limitations is not currently supported.
The following scenarios require a user or device license:
• Direct access to the Commerce, Finance, Project Operations, or Supply Chain Management applications
• Indirect access to these applications with a transaction type or action that is not covered by the
qualifying order line types
The Operations – Order Lines license does not apply for outbound integration.
While order line licensing is restricted to designated order line types, additional entity records that are required
to support and are directly referenced by an order line, may be created, or updated with the order line without
a user or device license. Those additional entity records will not be counted as extra order lines unless they are
a designated order line record type (see table above).
Operations – Order Lines capacity details
Operations – Order Lines is licensed by tenant per month, with an annual commitment, and includes an
allowance of 100K order lines per month, enforced annually for a total of 1.2 million order lines. The creation of
new order lines and updates to existing order lines count against the 100K order line allowance. Deletions do
not count. If you reach the order line limit before the subscription year is complete, orders will not be blocked,
but you’ll receive warnings and can address the difference on your subscription anniversary by purchasing
additional capacity.
Capacity licenses
BC Essentials
BC Premium
BC Device
Project Oper
Finance, SCM,
Order Mgmt.
Remote Assist
Field Svc
Cust Svc Ent,
Sales Ent,
Operations –
Operations –
Dataverse Database:
- - - 15 GB 10 GB 10 GB 10 GB 10 GB 10 GB 10 GB 10 GB 10 GB - -
Included/Tenant Max
Dataverse Database:
- - - 15 GB1 250 MB - 250 MB - - - 250 MB - 64 MB 102 MB
Dataverse File:
- - - 20 GB 20 GB 20 GB 20 GB 20 GB 20 GB 20 GB 20 GB 20 GB - -
Dataverse File: Accrued/USL - - - 20 GB 1
2 GB - 2 GB - - - 2 GB - 512 MB 819 MB
Dataverse Log:
- - - 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB - -
Dataverse Log: Accrued/USL - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Operations Database Capacity:
- - - - 60 GB - 60 GB - - - - - - -
Operations Database Capacity:
- - - - 1.5 GB - - - - - - - 375 MB 600 MB
Operations File Capacity:
- - - - 40 GB - 40 GB - - - - - - -
Operations File Capacity:
- - - - 4 GB - - - - - - - 1 GB 1.6 GB
Business Central Database
80 GB 80 GB - - - - - - - - - - - -
capacity: Included/AAD tenant
Business Central Database 1 GB/
Capacity: Accrued/USL 2 GB 3 GB - - - - - - - - - - -
Production: Dataverse
1 BC 1 BC - - 1 AOS - Database - - - - - - -
Environment/Tenant +
2 AOS3
Nonproduction: 1 Sandbox
3 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
Environment/Tenant Tier 2
Per additional 100K Profiles or 10K Accounts add-on pack.
See here for information on the finance and operations storage capacity report.
At any given time, only one of the environments may be in production, but both environments may be in nonproduction.
BC Premium
BC Essentials
Project Oper.
Finance, SCM,
Order Mgmt.
Remote Assist
Dataverse Database 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
Dataverse File 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
Dataverse Log 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
Operations Add’l Database Capacity - - 1 GB - 1 GB - - - -
Operations Add’l File Capacity - - 1 GB - 1 GB - - - -
Operations Sandbox Tiers 2 - 5 - - 10 GB - - - - - -
Human Resources Sandbox1 - - - - 10 GB - - - -
Business Central Database Capacity 1 GB 1 GB - - - - - - -
Business Central Database Capacity 100GB 100 GB 100 GB - - - - - - -
Business Central Database Capacity - - - - -
1GB 1GB - -
Business Central Additional Environment2 4 GB 4 GB - - - - - - -
The Human Resources sandbox is a nonproduction, test environment available for Human Resources users only.
Each additional production environment comes with 3 additional sandbox environments and 4 GB of database capacity.
10 GB/
Standard performance testing: Performance, load, and staging with user Small to
Tier 4 Environment +
multi box acceptance testing medium load
128 MB/USL
10 GB/
Premium performance testing: Performance, load, and staging with user Large/
Tier 5 Environment +
multi box acceptance testing heavy load
128 MB/USL
Additional licensing information and requirements for external users can be found on Product Terms and
Commercial Licensing Terms. Note that for qualifying indirect transaction types, the Operations – Order Lines
license may be used by internal or external users for indirect access scenarios where a user or device license is
not required. Please see the Operations – Order Lines license section for more details.
Multiplexing refers to your use of hardware or software to pool connections, reroute information, or reduce the
number of devices or users that directly access Dynamics 365. Multiplexing does NOT reduce the required
number of licenses of any type. Any user or device that accesses Dynamics 365—whether directly or
indirectly—must be properly licensed or otherwise granted access (such as for external users) in one of the
manners already discussed.
Dynamics 365 licenses are required for users or devices that directly input, query, or view data from Dynamics
365. Similarly, licenses are required for users or devices that input, query, or view data from Dynamics 365
Dynamics 365 applications use Dataverse capacity and features to store and secure data. Power Apps users
who have a Power Apps license may use custom applications to access (that is, create, read, update or delete)
any Dynamics 365 non-restricted table in the Dataverse. However, Power Apps users and devices that need to
create, update, or delete data in Dynamics 365 restricted tables must be properly licensed for Dynamics 365.
For more details on Dynamics 365 restricted tables, see Restricted tables requiring Dynamics 365 licenses -
Power Apps | Microsoft Docs.
Note that if a licensed user receives data from an unlicensed user, the licensed user may manually enter this
information into Dynamics 365. This scenario is not considered multiplexing because the manual action of
moving and entering the data is performed by a licensed user.
For qualifying indirect transaction types, the Operations – Order Lines license may also be used for indirect
access without a user or device license. Please see the Operations – Order Lines license section for details.
For additional information about multiplexing, see the Microsoft Multiplexing Overview.
Dual write
Dual write enables customers to synchronize data from the AOS applications Commerce, Finance, Supply Chain
Management, and Project Operations into Dataverse. The dual write capability is configured at the table level,
enabling you to designate the specific tables to synchronize with Dataverse. Find more details here.
A specific license is not required to enable dual write, nor is additional licensing required if you want to
configure dual write against unrestricted tables. When dual write is configured against a restricted table,
however, users making updates in Dynamics 365 that result in updates to those restricted tables must be
appropriately licensed. For example, if Finance users are leveraging dual write to integrate the Invoice Process
(a Dataverse restricted table), these users need to be appropriately licensed.
For a list of restricted tables, please check here.
You can add up to 15 tables (standard and/or custom) per Team Members application module. If you want to view (read only) more than
15 tables, you can do so by creating dashboards and sub-grids. See more information on Team Members license documentation.
To make it easier to understand the licenses required, each Commerce, Finance, Human Resources, Project
Operations, and Supply Chain Management security role has a predetermined user type. By assigning security
roles to users, you can identify what user license those users require.
For example, in a manufacturing organization, the accountants and field service technicians require different
use rights. By assigning those user groups to the appropriate security role, you can ensure they get the
functionality they need and determine the user license type that is required.
• You can assign multiple security roles to one user. In that case, the highest user license type required
will cover all the user’s needed rights. Full user licensing is the highest type.
• You can also configure or customize security roles. This may impact the license required for the new or
modified roles. Please refer to Customization/Licensing Requirements for more information about how
such customization can impact licensing requirements.
• Financial reporting functionality is included in select Dynamics 365 products. To get use rights for this
functionality, financial report designers need a Finance user license, and financial report viewers need a
Team Members license.
• Admin rights apply across Commerce, Finance, and Supply Chain Management. For example, if you
have a Finance license, you have admin rights not only for Finance but also Supply Chain Management
and Commerce.
• Operations – Activity and Team Members use rights are included in full user licenses, and those rights
apply across products. For instance, a Finance user has use rights to Operations – Activity level access
to Commerce and Supply Chain Management, as well as the use rights for Team Members level access
to those workloads and to Customer Service, Field Service, Project Operations, and Sales.
• Human Resources Self Service use rights are included in the Team Members and full user licenses.
Those use rights apply across Commerce, Customer Service, Field Service, Finance, Human Resources,
Supply Chain Management, and Sales.
Select Dynamics 365 applications include limited Power Apps, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents use
rights. The tables below provide a summary of these limited use rights. See the Power Platform Licensing Guide
for full details.
Dynamics 365
Dynamics 365
Capabilities Enterprise
Within same
environment(s) as
Run custom apps3 Run standalone apps (canvas/model driven)
licensed Dynamics
365 application(s)3
Within same
environment(s) as
Power Pages use rights Standalone Power Pages use rights
licensed Dynamics
365 application(s)3
Standard connectors ⚫ ⚫
Connect to your data Premium and custom connectors ⚫ ⚫
On premises data gateway ⚫ ⚫
Utilize Dataverse (formerly Common Data
⚫ ⚫
15 per
Create and access custom tables ⚫
Store and manage data application
Create, read,
Dynamics 365 restricted tables use rights update, delete CRUD
Run apps in a Managed Environment. Manage Within app
Managed Environments
Power Platform at scale4 context
Cloud flows (Automated, instant, and scheduled
flows) Within app
Execute flows Within app context
Business process flows
Infuse AI AI Builder capacity add-on $ $
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, Dynamics 365 Team Members, Dynamics 365 Operations –
Activity, Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self-Service, Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members.
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise, Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, Dynamics 365 Field Service, Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics
365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, Dynamics 365 Commerce, Dynamics 365 Human Resources, Dynamics
365 Business Central, Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management.
For Finance, Supply Chain Management, and Commerce, the Dynamics 365 environment is defined as the environment that the dual write
feature is configured against. For Business Central the Dynamics 365 environment is defined as an environment that includes one or more
Power Apps that integrate with Business Central.
When Managed Environments is activated in a specific environment, all Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, and Power
Pages usage in that environment requires standalone licenses. Please see Power Platform Managed Environments for more details.
Please review http://aka.ms/platformlimits for more details.
Dynamics 365
Dynamics 365
Capabilities Enterprise
Cloud flows (Automated, instant, and scheduled
flows) Within app
Execute flows1 Within app context
Business process flows
Connect to your data Standard connectors ⚫ ⚫
Premium and custom connectors ⚫ ⚫
Connect to your data
On premises data gateway ⚫ ⚫
Utilize Dataverse (formerly Common Data
⚫ ⚫
15 per
Create and access custom tables ⚫
Store and manage data application
Create, read,
Dynamics 365 restricted tables use rights update, delete CRUD
Infuse AI AI Builder capacity add-on $ $
Power Automate use needs to map to the context of the embedding Dynamics 365 applications.
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, Dynamics 365 Team Members, Dynamics 365 Operations –
Activity, Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self-Service, Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members.
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise, Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, Dynamics 365 Field Service, Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics
365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, Dynamics 365 Commerce, Dynamics 365 Human Resources, Dynamics
365 Business Central, Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management. Please review http://aka.ms/platformlimits for more details.
You can learn about Dynamics 365 trial criteria and agreement period, and sign up for trials at these links:
• Sales
• Customer Service
• Field Service
• Marketing
• Finance
• Supply Chain Management
• Commerce
• Human Resources
• Remote Assist
• Guides
• Business Central
At any time during your trial, you can activate a subscription and keep your data and customizations. Trial
support is the same as what customers receive when purchasing Dynamics 365. Premium level support options
are not available during the trial period, however.
Service support
The support benefits included in subscription licenses are applicable if you license Dynamics 365 or Power
Platform via an Enterprise Agreement (EA), Enterprise Subscription Agreement (ESA), Enrollment for Education
Solutions (EES), Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement (MOSA), or Microsoft Products and Services
Agreement (MPSA). Learn more about support options, which include:
• Professional Direct Support
• Unified Support (for enterprise solutions)
The Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program enables partners to manage their customers’ success.
Support for Business Central is available solely through CSP partners.