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PROJECT REPORT ON TRANSFORMER PROTECTION AND MONITORING Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Requirement ‘for the Award of Diploma of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING © Submitted By® KUNAL E, KANNAKE AKSHAY P. PODEY KRUNAL P, RAJURKAR SHANTANU S. ZADE SHANTANU D.GOVARDHAN SUSHIL A. GAYKAWAD ©%eder the Guidance® Lect.M.M.Uparwat DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SHRI SAI POLYTECHNIC CHANDRAPUR A PROJECT REPORT ON TRANSFORMER PROTECTION AND MONITORING Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Requirement ‘for the Award of Diploma of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING © Submitted By® KUNAL E. KANNAKE AKSHAY P. PODEY KRUNAL P. RAJURKAR SHANTANU S. ZADE. SHANTANU D.GOVARDHAN SUSHIL A. GAYKAWAD Yuden the Guidance Lect.M.M.Uparwat (& FOL f; Ungapy ™ \ Ch eet 4 re DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SHRI SAI POLYTECHNIC CHANDRAPUR DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 4 SHRI SAI Po This is to certify that ‘project’ report entitled TRANSFORMER PROTECTION AND MONITORING © Submitted Bye KUNAL E. KANNAKE KRUNAL P. RAJURKAR AKSHAY P. PODEY SHANTANU S. ZADE. SHANTANU D. GOVARDHAN SUSHIL A. GAYKAWAD As a part of project described by Board of Technical Education, Mumbai for| partial Fulfillment of the Diploma in Electrical Engineering. This project work is the record of students own work carried out under| supervision and guidance. oe Power Electronics Anpliation PEA. [2526 [EIA _| Hlements of ndusrial Atomation Lect.M.M.Uparwat PROJECT GUIDE Deptof Electrical Engineering bt esi Profi \jumdar Prof-Mr.V.R.Nair HEhe‘OF THE OEP. vaiscira— O Dept.of Electrical Engineering Shri sai polytechnic, Shri sai polytechnic, Chandrapur ‘Chandrapur ___ We the student of third year of the courseof diploma in| Electrical Engineering humbly submit that we have completed from! time to time project work as described in this report by own skill and| study between the period as per the guidance of, Lect M.M.Uparwat As that we the following student were associated for this| work,however quantum contribute of each students has been approved by the lecturer, Submitted by® KUNAL E. KANNAKE, AKSHAY P. PODEY KRUNAL P. RAJURKAR SHANTANUS. ZADE SHANTANU D. GOVARDHAN SUSHIL A. GAYKAWAD iii DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SHRI SAI POLYTECHNIC CHANDRAPUR 2012-2013 Tenens of aun Avan Power Electronics Appleton Acknowledgement The goal was fixed, moves were calculated we are full of enthusiasm, vigour and keen interest. There were obstruction and it become an uphill task, the goal seem beyond our reach, but as work progressed our determination and will power grew stronger and it confirmed us that. “Try Try and you will succeed” The long term work of this project has been carried out under the guidance of Lect.M.M.Uparwat , who with her constant appreciation and affectionate encouragement of our effort has been our invaluable source of inspiration throughout the project. It is because of her that we could synchronized our effort in covering the manifold features of this project. We are also thankful to LectM.M.Uparwat for providing valuable guidance, We are also thankful to Prof.D.D.Majumdar, H.0.D of| Electrical Engg. Department. Last but not least we are thankful to all the teaching and nonteaching staff and friends who have directly or indirectly helped us in completing our project. Thanking you! STS SMITRT ST BO TIEN CHAPTER-1 es INTRODUCTION Moder Si al oealall ove anvescl measurs of tie tsp olf ersearatire are make avaliable to a SCADA system through standard protocols or, H neceseary, a current toop. From this information, a system operator ean monitor actual temperatures or the gauge can alarm andlor trip the unit at pre-determined points. Mechanical temperature devices are much lke the device pictured below. A robust weatherproof case with glass cover and mechanical set points to be used for fans andior relaying functions, To make adjustments, a technician opens the glass and moves the pointer to where they want the action to oceur, The contacts are generally configured as in the picture below This system has functioned well for many years, but does have drawbacks in that setting the temperature correctly depends on the accuracy of the thermometer as well as the skill of the technician, Water and contaminants can enter the case over time and may corrode the parts and contacts a using failure. Newer replacement mechanical gauges may have plastic windows that cloud and become unreadable over time. Also, these instruments have no E ability to provide an alarm if they become defective. The hottestspot temperature on a transformer is a “manufactured” measurement arrived at by the influence of a heating element around a thermometer well submersed in the transformer top oll. The way the fan guards are constructed, the fans can be an attractive location for birds to build nests or grass and vines can grow into the area around the blade. Obviously, with the power available in a microprocessor based controller, you can set the {ans to activate for a few minutes each day to clear out any such accumulation of debris that cooling when needed. Also, exercising fans is important to ensure that the fan motor bearings stay ubricated especially durin times of the year that are Colder and wetter, BLOCK DIAGRAM Temperature oon Serial port Dimension ey Voltage Regulator en CONTROL, | POWER ‘SENSOR, SUPPLY ‘his projects ean be made online and extend the to Human Machine Interface (HN!) the process will be very fast ut of station they can Access online data and which are from 0 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Fan Transformer Tes. Transistor BO547 oa8 i z a SCADA COMPUTER ~ = AIRE im CHAPTER-3 | | ee DISCRIPTION | — eC fea Ber mae | ETE TCA_| ery Consreation& Ait , tive (Any One) TEMPRATURE WORKING smiconductor's D$1621 temperature sensor. This The key component is the Dallas Se tiry 8 pin IC needs only #5 volts to measure the temperature and to send it out via its WC bus output, Since many IIC bus devices can be connected in parallel, three address inputs (AO, ‘addresses the device will respond on. This way, Up At, A2) are provided to select one out 8 J. | have set the internal temperature sensor to "© @ sensors can be connected In paral ‘éress 0 and the external one to address 4. {f you plan to use only one sensor connact K as Address 0 1e RS282 com portis a matier of adapting level. IC works Interfacing the IIC bus to thé although specified for - #12, The trick here is that, oa °.8V signals, RS282 uses -12V « a ee or work oc 'y well with 0. SV signals. This eliminates See R232 se, os ang data line connects directly to Be MEE wry, rz igney <—, damage the iC inputs, so | oss ts eer OZ21 82,01) on th acy ‘lock input and SDA data input. (note Ce = re and transmits to the CTS tine) Sepsegeie Guttcawalvery inte currery, thera is no neeg to add an external power See CUS TIEIEE2S2 les are conveyed to na Tegulator by diodes D1, 02, WORKING ‘The eircuit comprises sensor parts built using opamp IC LMS24. Opamn's are © ‘copper come in contact with the oil level configured here as a comparator. Two stift FP otnes tne ronstormer ie ary. The Computer wea used f= cowlrol ne whole Fe ore no nansora and wtyan more nan tae snraors renee eS SON then FE: ry cwtch cr te neater enc wi awit of tha homer when 9 297 Be he con ater dove tvs abovojob wrace|vor We sfanela (=m) a2 and this ‘Signals operated under the control of software TECA | Enerey Cocierton & ion & Ait lective (Any One) = WORKING OF POWER SUPPLY STEP DOWN TRANSFORMER ‘Transformers are static device which convert the electrical energy from one circuit to range in frequency and power, Step down transformer means another circuit without any ch ply voltage to the desired value, In our project we the transformer which reduces the SUF ject 12-0-12, 500A transformer is used ‘need 42 volt O¢ supply, therefore inthis proj eonifleR ciRCUIT Rectifier Is a circuit which cony, ers the AC electrical al energy Into De electrical soar. For operating Of semiconductor devices used Used in this project copoly. this project We USE Centre Lap ful way | ome © rectifier. Full wave rectifier circuit Is cqpable of converting sinusoidal Input ino a unidrecional E tional output. The cir rere put. The circuit diagram is a5 R CIRCUIT itis seen that the output of th 8 rectifier is not pure DC, be DO, because it contain some amount of AG Component which is called as ripple factor which gles the fhictustion and ence to minimize the ripple in the output the filter cireult is used. This circuit is connected after the rectifier circuit. In our project capacitor input iter is used. The circuits as shown inthe figure. The capacitor is connected in parallel to minimize the ripple factor. REGULATOR CIRCUIT In our project for the operation of IC we need +5 volt requiated supply is necessary therefore a voltage regulator circult Is used. A voltage regulator Is a clreit that supplies BES RE: cogarciess of crenge in the fond current. (C volnge regusizis (OR ercraiiy used, Tha) 7x series corals of three termine) positive voltage restore These ICs are designed as fred voltage Feuer at adequate heat sink. Itean 1s do not required external RARER current in access of 1. Tete S2Vce component, tection and internal short crcult and ‘These ICs has internal terminal overioat Pr ‘current limiting protection. CHAPTER-4 PLANNING PLANNING We all know “the best planning leads to the best results: go tne right one, THs wa starting the stop of ee te of our project, ‘the first ever nt we did was fas to 90 through igh many books, liscussion, meeting, suitaions & suggestions, satisfying the basic» 2 © needs of client. after hard working we gosgned our ciroult jow next task was procurement of m Ni prog tof material for that we listed first the required parts fed our team in four parts. The work was ‘divided our te parts. The work was equally divided, As our project is hardware & oftware based so two of US Were Worked for software & other two Were Worked fo hardware. hac Designing of actual material Procurement of material Layout of PCB. Preparation of PCB. ‘Assembling of components & their maintaining Software Implementation. Interfacing hardware with software. Testing.” CHAPTER-5 a DESIGNING In 1930's the technology for making a PC board wz ted 5 invented and name into use ng 1945. Before that time circuits were con suing 19! nstructed with point to point soldering eat on an insulating board, But this is tim ae "9 board. But this is time consuming and bard to troubleshoot pred circuit board is a piece of art. The performance of an electronics clruit depends json layout and sensing PCB, PB are used to route electrical urgent and signal through copper track while are ‘emt bonded to an insulating base, The base material used for PCB is paper phenalie, glass epoxy, polyester etc. paper phenolic is less costly and used to consumer electronic circuit is more resistance to moisture, but dificult to machine and drills compared to Paper phenol jass epoxy. for Layout PCB interconnects various electronics component by an interconnectivity pattern. Thegeneral considerations are: 1 PCB, etc Mechanical consideration: size, shape, mounting o laboratory or industry 2 User system consideration: that is whether for consumes oF tte, ectvical and electronics. paramete, SUCH as imp Impedance gain, electromacnetic Eaxy of maintonance: prt Works: Gaeheteare pileliesucllon pracexs the/ariwork|sheue) peoviae m rood cs aeeeh eve) ord oval belleeleavs ine art wore inca ve generated on white sheet with black ink faust es erste ¢an|sisc |be/ueed with sticking tape end prepare erawore but ie cosy, Tracking paper may be used butit snot stable with temperature Basic Methods of Preparina Artwork Ink the drawing. The method Is cheap. High quality water proof ink base is to be used. Using black tape and sticking pattern, ‘+ Using red and blue transparent tape Advantages of PCB: Advantages of PCB over normal wiring are as follows. Jer of electronics component in a + PCB is necessary for interconnection a large number of elect o very small area with minimum parasitic wiring affects. ances of wiring error. * PCBs stable for mass production with less chances 9 B. * Small component can be easily mounted on PCE wiring mero Phony is avoided, construction Is neat, smait ‘and truly a work IV AwWork or art By using PCB, the electronic equipment bo SOMES more reliable in size and leas costly + Artwork isa time consuming activity. + Art work requires skill and without designing a new bo dis not possible to make connection. Etching is the process of chemically attacking and removing the unprotected copper from the copper plate to yield the desired conductor pattern. The most common enchant used in the Industry is ferric chloride. The erotically anyone of the following solution can be used to make PCB, ammonium per sulphate 2. chromic acid ‘cupric acia ferric chloride pray etching. Out of there May Method of etching includes tray rocking tank etching and s lass, attached to a powered "ocking is the simplest one, This consist of the tray of Pyrex glass, attach Pr with etching solution and the plate can be "Peking table is not available , rocking of the tray ‘one manually also, \¢ chloride crystal of 500 gms are mi «In water to make suring tne ching Process the Connection weakens eee because th "Soluble cupric acid jos precptate out ofthe soliton inthe form of stage th coe Wudge that re ds to Sette on eile the bottom on Ideal etching condition required that the onch, separate of Between 60 to 70, fant be related to the .e copper plate Is immersed in enct ‘the copP: ant solution with copper side up in the tr fe up In the tray. Only ane board should be etched at one time, As the table is rocked the unprot "6 unprotected copper is assoWves. When etching is completed the resist material is remove by using thi by using lacquer thinner of ‘acetic acid or petrol. After the board is infected and proved. It is ready for whole driling, ‘component mounting and soldering. priling is performed with the help of driling machine, While doing driling neeclles was change according to the required diameter of the hole is tobe made. ‘Mounting: Fiparcelipoiremumgler iatcomronentis sone Cn POS|rasneeirs SOVEoTi iced imperfective holes and finally soldered. 1 respective relays and /afler soldering the PCB was ready #0 be connected tte (Fs al wire connection to areas draw which decide the external wire $2 Supply. Before than wiring diagram the Pos CHAPTER-G ae TESTING esting is the main event, which has ts own importan tance in the electronics field. Testing rocess to find the output performane isthe Put performance and fault of the circuit inthe various forms. The sanebective ofthe testing Is to check the output performance as per our assumption ‘he Jeast carelessness may lead to the major fault in case of electronics circuit and it opera upon the layout and design of the PCB. Printed circuit board are used to route jectrcal curcent and sighal through the copper tracks which are primarily hounded to an insulating core For the testing of any electronics circuit some common steps are performed, These stops are as follows, + Te check the main power source, + To tress out the circuit. In which following steps are followed. 4). The tracks are nat open, 2) the distances between two tracks are sufficient to avold capacitance: 3)he track linked with the other related tracks is proper or nok Bric anmparanich goes rom one tock ws another wack shoul! Nok short with the tracks hich ae in between required two: a eerste ie trace of to printed cro Po helps the project for making ; cent wore tested with the help of ee pyar tracks te) component “2 © insvument ike multimeter, CRO, signal generator <1° sunting the COMPENENE On the PCE the a POSsibilty ofthe ae lity of shorting thos Ary solder pe possiblity of SHortNg those racks 28 wel ag ne yan se naaS hacked a ot at! ks wer ere checked i nviduaty he possibility of opening those tracks, Th is testing ea WAS Carried out with the help of meter Feet ot eck the power Was supplied an. reratoheck the Bs Pplied and the operation ofthe circu, itwas observed _ cmekte suRPy voltage and voltages a he points where itis kno WM or expected to be of cern ek the output voltage and waveform ofthe circuit by the equipment such as CRO, signal eerator. ‘thus by checking the above aspects, it helps the project to become success elreul ‘of Power suy Tes The entire components are tested with the help of multimeter. After testing of camponent we fix the component on the wet board. Now we give the supply to the transformer and input waveform is to be checked. This procedure is simultaneously carried jeform but itis not according sutfor Rectifier, Filter and Regulator circult. We check the wav arted and then it goes to decreasing. Due to ‘cur assumption, because the waveform is st ‘hs the output voltage is also decreases: WAVEFORM OF FULL WAVE CENTER TAP RECTIFIER full wav i fier: or such a fault we test the power supply circult step by step and found that the reqlstor Ie not work as per our assumption (that moans itis faulty). Hence we replace the equator IC and check the output waveform and voltage that te a5 per Out assumption, At thetcondition we stop the testing of power supply Testing of Switching Gircuit:- se tat rer sould be feet THAN ly we check the trac put from PC and check the For switching circuit first erount the component and give the supply to ine cirouit and in as per our assumption. a Woutperformance of the circuit. The circus were Fig. Pin Diagram of we s47 go 5Att 0547 fs an NPN bipolar junction transistor. transi ansistor, stands for transfer of rssenoe fs commonly used f0 amply current. A smal current ata tits base controls a larger emeatatcollector & emitter terminals a 880647 is mainly used for amplification and switching purposes. it has srrertgain of 800. Its equivalent transistors are BCS48 and BC54o, The transistor terminals require a fixed DO voltage to operate in the desired region of \scharacteristic curves. This is known as the biasing. For amplification applications, the ‘resistors biased such that itis partly on for all input conditions, The input signal at base is ‘nlfed and taken at the emitter. BC547 is used in common emitter configuration for ‘molfiers. The voltage divider is the commonly used biasing made. An For switching *lcitlons, transistor is biased so that itremains fully on there is signal tits base Fig. Transformer 1RANSEORMER eee oe tn clea eneey (ong oe traigh inductively coupled conductors—the transformers calls, A varying errentin the ‘stor primary winding creates a varying magnetic fuxin the transformer’ core ang thus a \aning magnetic field through the secondary winding. This varying magnotic eld induces » \aning electromotive force (EMF), or “voltage”, in the secondary winding. This elect is «ale inductive coupling, Hf aloadis connected to the secondary, current wll low in the secondary winding, ‘ndelecrical energy will be transferred from the primary circu through the transformer to ‘lad, In an ideal transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary winding (¥) # portion to the primary voltage (V4) and is given by the ratio ofthe number of turns inthe ‘ttondary (1) to the number of turns in the primary (N,) a8 follows! Ny wus enables fo of tums, a transformer th 8 appropriate selection of the rati 1 making N,ereter th My oF Mater ed up" BS ating current (AC) voltage to be “stepped uP * *PEcldown" by making W, less than M fast majority of trans Be on tae estore atic e0Fe I-02 transformers be iG a not "8 re coi abe xc wound aroun pon a ig. Equivalent Cireuit of Tyansi sransformers range in size from a thumbnaitsized co upling transformer hidden inside son morophone to huge Units weighing hundreds of ons used tin to interconnect portions jqoue aris. All operate on the same basle principles, athough the range of designs ule new technologies have eliminated the need for transformers n some electron ruts, transformers are stil found in nearly all electronic devices designed or household mans" voltage. sds upon the application, but nal ‘he conducting material used for the windings depe ucts the individual turns must be electricelly insulated from each other to ensure tat ine axon travels throughout every tur! For smal power and signal ransformers. match erence between adjacent turns s smal, the coils are turrets are low and the potential di yower transformers 1s Formvar wire. Larger Ps Often wound from enameled, such 2 ular strip conductors insulated ‘rating at high voltages may be wound with copper rectandt Sotinpregnated paper and blocks of pressboard" Fig. Capacitor rcitor (formerly known as condenser) AcePs re passive bern octal ontused to store energy in an electric fil E, 1. The forms of practical capacitors vary putall contain atleast two elect cal conductors se E iductors separated by adielectric (sulator ‘common construction consists of ec exam, 078 al fols separated by a thin layer of rear tm. copactors aro widely used as parts of letra crits im mary eo cal devices. en there is a potential difference voltage) across the conductors, a state elstse marlops aross the delectle, causing positive charge to caect on one pate en eave charge on the other plate, Enargye stored in the elctrostato fl. Ay eel yoactr is characterized by 1 a single constant value, capacitance, measured Infarads. This Feared ine rectal enerus on each coveluctor fo tha potential cMissaice 5) en The capacitance la greatest when heres narrow separa. between large areas cIeaductor, hones capacitor conduotors are cfien calod plates referring to an ear sctrc between te plates passes 2ST amount "ans of construction. In practice, the di ing in abreakdow™ siaiage curentand algo has an electie Held strendi® limit, resulting tuce an undesired inductance and resist ‘atage, while the conductors and leads intro Fig . Ceramic Capacitor a are widely Used in electronic circuits sto y Ns for blocking rect curtenthie eating currontto pass, In filer networks, for smoothing the eu ot pore pore thal in the resonant circuits that tune radios to panciar frequencies and for mary a 0825 CHAPTER-7 OUTPUT ASNFORMER MONITORING AND PROTECTION Fan A me 1 ee = atm Pump ‘Level i High Stat Pane S| pie ie ec ‘ORING AND PROTECTION Fan “TRASNFORMER MONIT! “aa i pase «=O tomatic | CHAPTER: | | ea | ” User friendly, Menu driven option, * Vast Database, Online Help Available, High Security Options UAL BASIC I the SUPE Set of BASIC Lancing BASIC is windows, pcatuserinterface (GUN. Since it's GUL app provides, ston Bud V8 are more ai active. Ve a ra i base cor in tity is possi spication development, BY SUALI/bartirer|to the method to create the graphical weer or me al user interface (GU, Fees of wring various lines of code for creating the appearance and clo, we ean luguage VISUAL BASIC has evolved from the original BASIC language and now contains sereral hundred statements, functions and keyboards, may of which relate directly to the windows GUL. Any beginner can create the application by just learning a few of the eywords. One of the most significant change in visual basic. 6.0 are the Integrated Drvelopment Environment (IDE).IDE is @ term commonly used in the programming world to Sscrive the interface and environment that we use to create our application. It is called grated because we can access virtually all of the development tools that we from one Jn environment, “Sten called an interface. The IDE is also commonly referred to as the desiar “Me program. is are various things that Visual basie programs are builds around events. Events are rocedural 0 es in contrast t0 "29pen in a program. This will bocomes clearer when studs no ‘executed by checking forthe tanning. in procedural languages. a application writen executes bY ‘a temporary phase, m 1 another. For “= osically through tne program statoment, one aftr ane pe transferred to a may ® Ome other point in rogram, wy .e program statement is execu sation tne Prog ted only when a particu gone cose wats assioned 2 The Vent The coe ntared in yen eae press change Ne COMET of he text hog me change event San ee eclick event fires when the textbox controls eheked ‘The mouse move event fires When the mouse ien MOVe Over the textbox oa ote Sub TierTem. Timer) pimtAs Double lpmunitAs String ifeneck farenheit Then unit" mmperature(&H48) “current Temperature’ = t t= ERROR TEMPERATURE. NOT READ Then Error” NSgBox "Unable to read internal temperature", YbOKONY, Fi ImeTemp.Enabled = False temperature INdOOF-CApLON= 4 yap es pect toronvet TON etaronneitt) ell pai temperature. indoor Caption = Formalt, 00° + unit iit ateFunction update_com_port() Iriscomm1.PortOpen Then option comt Then Mscomm1.CommPort=1 TimerTemp.Enabled = True ket option_com2 Then MsCommt.commPort= 2 TinerTemp.Enabled NSComm1.commPort = 4 TinerTemp Enabled = False et! ipso" te sua Teer) puastemperatute Tet

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