I Nfluence of Pore Structure and Surface Chemistry On Electric Double Layer Capacitance in Non-Aqueous Electrolyte
I Nfluence of Pore Structure and Surface Chemistry On Electric Double Layer Capacitance in Non-Aqueous Electrolyte
I Nfluence of Pore Structure and Surface Chemistry On Electric Double Layer Capacitance in Non-Aqueous Electrolyte
The performance as electric double layer capacitors (EDLC) in non-aqueous electrolyte of a series of alkaline
agent-activated carbons with high surface area is presented in this work. The results obtained show that, in general,
capacitance increases with surface area. However, the results obtained in this study confirm that capacitance not only
depends on surface area, but also on two other parameters: pore size distribution and surface chemistry. It has been shown
that capacitance is higher for a sample with wider micropore size distribution than for a sample with higher surface area but
too narrow micropore size distribution. In addition, it has been observed that the sample with a very high amount of surface
groups presents very high capacitance values. In the present study, a KOH-activated carbon with a capacitance as high as
220 F / g was prepared. Finally, the results obtained with a mesoporous sample have shown that the presence of mesopores in
activated carbons with very high surface area (e.g. .2000 m 2 / g), do not seem to be effective for double layer capacitors.
2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0008-6223 / 03 / $ – see front matter 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016 / S0008-6223(03)00141-6
1766 D. Lozano-Castello´ et al. / Carbon 41 (2003) 1765–1775
Table 1
Properties of coals
Precursor Moisture Volatile matter Ash Fixed carbon
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Anthracite (UA) 2 7 6 86
Bituminous (UB) 2 27 19 52
Lignite 6 44 7 43
capacitors have a high degree of reversibility, which is window. Thus, the case in non-aqueous electrolyte has to
extremely important for this type of device. be clarified.
High energy and high power EDLC uses activated The first objective of the present work was to extend the
carbons or glassy carbons as electrodes. The intention of study of EDLC to alkaline agent-activated carbons with
using activated carbon in EDLC manufacture is attributed high surface area, especially in non-aqueous electrolyte.
to the recognized fact that the larger surface area that an The second objective was to try and understand the
EDLC can provide for adsorption of ions on electrodes, the relationship between carbon properties and capacitance. A
more energy can be stored in the EDLC [3,14–17]. series of activated carbons by using KOH as activating
Additionally, activated carbons are also interesting from an agent and different coals as raw material (anthracite,
economical point of view. bituminous coal and lignite) were prepared. For com-
One of the physical characteristics of activated carbons parison purposes, a commercial activated carbon (Max-
is the wide variety of pore size distribution, which is sorb-A) was also included in this study. The effect of
significant for penetration or mobility of ions in micropore surface area, pore size distribution and surface chemistry
structures. Thus, the double layer capacitance of activated on DLC was analyzed.
carbons has been investigated in terms of the correlation
between capacitance and pore structure [3–13]. On the
other hand, the preparation process of the activated carbon
and the resulting surface characteristics (such as surface 2. Experimental
functionality) can affect the performance of the EDLC, and
has rarely been discussed at length in the literature. All activated carbons were prepared by using the same
Recently, Teng et al. measured the amount of surface chemical activation process and the same activating agent
oxygen functional group on PAN-based activated carbon (KOH). Details of the preparation process are available in
electrode by using temperature-programmed desorption the literature [20]. Three different precursors were used for
(TPD) [18,19]. They revealed the enhancement of the the preparation of the activated carbons in the present
capacitance by the surface functionality. However, their study: (i) an anthracite (A); (ii) a bituminous coal (B); and
reports are limited only in the capacitance performance in (iii) a lignite coal (L). Table 1 includes the properties of
acid aqueous electrolyte. It is known that the energy these three coals used as raw materials and Table 2
density of EDLC in organic electrolytes (e.g. propylene displays the preparation conditions for each sample. The
carbonate, acrylonitrile solution) is several times as much activated carbon was a powdered material and the yield of
as that in the aqueous one because of the electrochemical the preparation process was around 60–70%. In addition to
Table 2
Preparation conditions for obtaining the activated carbons for this study
Sample Precursor KOH / carbon ratio Activation temp. N 2 flow rate
(8C) (ml / min)
A1 Anthracite 1/1 700 800
A2 Anthracite 2/1 700 80
A3 Anthracite 2/1 650 800
A4 Anthracite 3/1 700 800
A5 Anthracite 3/1 750 800
A6 Anthracite 3/1 850 800
A7 Anthracite 3/1 950 800
B1 Bituminous 2/1 700 800
B2 Bituminous 4/1 700 800
L Lignite 4/1 800 800
D. Lozano-Castello´ et al. / Carbon 41 (2003) 1765–1775 1767
these samples, a commercial activated carbon (Maxsorb-A) The specific gravimetric electric double layer capacitance
was also included. of the activated carbons was calculated by the amount of
Surface area characterization of all samples has been electricity passed during the positive process (2 to 4 V vs.
carried out by physical adsorption (N 2 at 77 K and CO 2 at Li / Li 1 ) on the choronopotentiograms. This capacitance
273 K) using an automatic adsorption system (Autosorb-6, corresponds to the average one derived from the cation
Quantachrome). The total micropore volume (pore size desorption and the anion adsorption since the initial
smaller than 2 nm) was calculated from the application of potential of all electrodes is around 3 V vs. Li / Li 1 . The
the Dubinin–Radushkevich (DR) equation to the N 2 details of the electrochemical measurement are described
adsorption at 77 K. The narrow micropore volume (pore in a previous paper [12,13].
size smaller than around 0.7 nm) has been assessed from
CO 2 adsorption at 273 K using the DR equation [21–24].
The adsorbate densities used were 0.808 and 1.023 g / ml, 3. Results and discussion
for N 2 at 77 K and CO 2 at 273 K, respectively [21–24].
The specific surface area was calculated by using the BET 3.1. Pore texture and surface chemistry characterization
Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experi- Fig. 1 displays the N 2 adsorption isotherms corre-
ments were done in a DSC-TGA (TA, SDT 2960 Simulta- sponding to all the samples of the present study: seven
neous) coupled to a mass spectrometer to characterize the activated carbons prepared from an anthracite (A1–A7),
surface chemistry of all the samples. In these experiments, two activated carbons prepared from a bituminous coal
20 mg of sample was heated to 950 8C (heating rate (B1, B2), an activated carbon prepared from a lignite coke
20 8C / min) under a helium flow rate of 100 ml / min. (L), and the commercial activated carbon with the highest
To measure the electric double layer capacitance, surface area (Maxsorb-A).
composite pellet electrodes were prepared from powder All the samples present type I isotherms [25], charac-
activated carbon, acetylene black (Denki Kagaku Kogyo teristic of microporous solids. However, the shape of the
Co., Japan) and binder (PTFE 6J, Du Pont-Mitsui Fluoro- isotherms corresponding to samples A7 and L is quite
chemicals Co. Ltd., Japan), in a ratio of 86:10:4 wt.%, different to the other samples. This type of isotherm is
respectively. The composite electrode was placed on characteristic of samples containing mesoporosity (con-
titanium mesh as current collector. The standard three- firmed by the existence of a hysteresis cycle in the
electrode cell in highly pure argon glove box was utilized adsorption / desorption process). These activated carbons
to measure the electric double layer capacitance of a single were prepared to study the effect of the mesoporosity in
activated carbon electrode. Propylene carbonate containing the double layer capacitance.
1.0 mol / dm 3 LiClO 4 electrolyte (1.0 M LiClO 4 / PC) was Table 3 contains the BET surface areas and the micro-
used as non-aqueous electrolyte. Measurement of the pore volumes calculated from N 2 adsorption data at 77 K
capacitance was performed by the galvanostatic method [VDR (N 2 )] and CO 2 adsorption data at 273 K [VDR (CO 2 )]
(40 mA / g, a potential range from 2 to 4 V vs. Li / Li 1 ). for each sample. The BET surface area values corre-
Table 3
Porous texture characterization results corresponding to the activated carbons
Sample SBET VDR (N 2 ) VDR (CO 2 ) VDR (N 2 )2VDR (CO 2 )
(m 2 / g) (cm 3 / g) (cm 3 / g) (cm 3 / g)
A1 726 0.33 0.37 20.04
A2 945 0.43 0.43 0
A3 1452 0.62 0.58 0.04
A4 2647 1.19 0.64 0.55
A5 3012 1.33 0.71 0.62
A6 3506 1.51 0.68 0.83
A7 2179 1.01 0.38 0.63
B1 2105 0.94 0.73 0.21
B2 2123 0.93 0.92 0.01
L 884 0.43 0.30 0.13
Maxsorb-A 3100 1.38 0.64 0.74
sponding to all the samples are plotted in Fig. 2. It can be Another way to observe the evolution of the micropore
observed that this series of samples covers a very wide size distribution in this series of activated carbons is by
range of surface areas (BET surface areas from 700 up to plotting the normalized nitrogen adsorption isotherms (see
more than 3000 m 2 / g). Fig. 3). These normalized curves were obtained by divid-
The comparison between the total micropore volume ing the amount of N 2 adsorbed at a given relative pressure
[VDR (N 2 )] and the narrow micropore volume [VDR (CO 2 )] by the amount of N 2 adsorbed at a relative pressure close
gives an idea of the micropore size distribution. It should to saturation pressure (0.99). In this type of graph, the
be noted that in most cases VDR (N 2 ).VDR (CO 2 ), which comparison of the width of the knee for the different
indicates that the mean pore size of these samples is higher samples is much easier than in the isotherms. As concluded
than approximately 0.8 nm [21–24]. However, sample A1 from the comparison of the micropore volumes, the
has a VDR (N 2 ),VDR (CO 2 ) due to the presence of a very narrowest micropore size distributions corresponds to
narrow microporosity (mean pore size lower than approxi- samples A1, A2, A3 and B2. On the other hand, the widest
mately 0.8 nm), where N 2 adsorption at 77 K presents micropore size distributions correspond to the mesoporous
diffusional problems [21–24]. In addition, three samples sample (A7), the most activated samples (A6 and Max-
(A2, A3, B2) with a very homogeneous microporosity [VDR sorb-A) and the sample prepared from lignite (L).
(N 2 )¯VDR (CO 2 )] and mean pore size around 0.8 nm As explained in the Experimental section, DTP experi-
[21–24] have been prepared. ments were carried out to characterize the surface chemis-
Fig. 2. BET surface area corresponding to all the activated carbons prepared.
D. Lozano-Castello´ et al. / Carbon 41 (2003) 1765–1775 1769
Fig. 3. Normalized nitrogen adsorption isotherms at 77 K for all the activated carbons.
try of the samples. Most of the complexes at the surface of contained a large amount of oxygenated groups. It can be
activated carbon are oxygenated so that the desorption of observed that, depending on the raw material and the
this complex evolved as CO and CO 2 ; this provides experimental conditions used for the preparation of the
information about the chemistry of the carbon surface. Fig. sample, the amount of oxygenated groups in the activated
4 includes, as an example, the DTP curves corresponding carbon is different.
to samples A4 and A7. It is known that CO 2 evolves at Fig. 5 shows the mmol of CO and CO 2 evolved in the
low temperatures as a consequence of the decomposition TPD experiments together with the BET surface area for
of the acidic surface groups, while CO comes from basic each sample. For the series of samples prepared from
or neutral groups [26,27], which are more thermally stable, anthracite, it can be observed that when the BET surface
so they require higher temperatures for decomposition. area increases, the amount of surface groups reaches a
Table 4 contains the quantification of the amount of CO maximum, which corresponds to sample A4. For this
and CO 2 desorbed in these experiments. Except for the series, the lowest amount of surface groups corresponds to
activated carbon prepared from lignite, all the samples sample A7 (see DTP curves in Fig. 4), which is probably
Fig. 5. Amount of CO and CO 2 evolved during the DTP experiments and BET surface area for all the activated carbons.
D. Lozano-Castello´ et al. / Carbon 41 (2003) 1765–1775 1771
Fig. 6. Chronopotentiograms (potential–time curves) for the activated carbons in 1.0 M LiClO 4 / PC (current density: 40 mA / g). (a) A
series, (b) B series, L, and Maxsorb.
Fig. 7. Capacitance versus BET surface area for the activated carbons.
tics of the porous carbon materials, probably on the pore their pore size distribution. As concluded from Figs. 1 and
size distribution and surface chemistry. 3, sample L shows the presence of mesopores and a wider
micropore size distribution than sample A2, even though
3.4. Deviation by ion-sieving effect both samples were prepared under similar preparation
conditions and with the same activation method. However,
In Fig. 7 it can be observed that the activated carbon the different type of precursor used determines the differ-
with the lowest surface area (A1) has a very low capaci- ent structure of the resulting carbon. The existence of
tance, much lower than the expected value according to the mesopores and a wider micropore size distribution causes
trend obtained with the rest of the activated carbons. There sample L to have a considerably higher capacitance, which
are a few reasons for the absence of proportionality fits the general trend obtained for the other activated
between specific capacitance and surface area. An im- carbons. These results show the importance of the acces-
portant factor must be the accessibility of micropores to sibility of narrow micropores to electrolytic solution.
the electrolytic medium. Thus, the very low value obtained Depending on the electrolytic medium, the convenient
for sample A1 must be due to its very small mean pore porous carbon material should be selected for a capacitor
size, which makes the entry of the electrolyte difficult. The electrode.
very narrow micropores (non-accessible pores) do not Another sample presenting a remarkable deviation from
contribute to the total double-layer capacitance of the the general trend is sample A7. As seen previously, this
material. This ion-sieving effect has also been observed by sample was selected to study the effect of mesoporosity in
other authors using other materials and electrolytes [4,7]. this type of material. In a previous study [12,13] where the
Sample A2 also presents the same type of deviation, EDLC performance of activated carbon fibers with BET
although it is not as important as for the sample A1, surface areas lower than 2000 m 2 / g were measured (using
because sample A2 has a higher mean pore size. the same experimental set-up as the present study), it was
To confirm that the deviations observed for these shown that mesoporosity is beneficial for EDLC. However,
samples are due to the difficulty of the electrolyte to enter according to the results obtained with sample A7, it seems
into the pores, the performance and the characteristics of that the presence of mesopores in materials with high
sample A2 is compared to those corresponding to sample surface area (.2000 m 2 / g) is not very effective for double
L. Both samples (A2 and L) have a similar BET surface layer capacitance.
area (see Table 3) and the amount of oxygenated groups in
sample L is lower than in sample A2. However, as can be 3.5. Deviation by surface functionalities
observed in Fig. 7 and Table 5, the capacitance of sample
L is higher than that of sample A2. This different According to the values presented in Table 5 the
performance of both samples can be explained considering maximum capacitance value corresponds to sample A4. In
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