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The Impact of Cyclone Freddy On Malawian Communities: Examining Truth, Resilience, Hope, Recovery For Victims and Recommendations

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Impact of Cyclone Freddy on Malawian

Communities: Examining Truth, Resilience, Hope,
Recovery for Victims and Recommendations
Liston Mpheza
Lecturer in Linguistics and Communication Studies,
The Catholic University of Malawi

Abstract:- This paper examines the cyclone-prone I. INTRODUCTION

region of Malawi and the impacts of Cyclone Freddy, a
particularly devastating storm. It looks at how hope and Malawi is a country located in southeastern Africa,
resilience messages, as well as materials, are given to bordered by Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia. The
victims and how these can help them cope with the country has been affected by severe weather events such as
aftermath of the storm. The paper also looks at theories cyclones. In this paper, I take a closer look at the impacts of
of resilience and the implications of these theories for the cyclone Freddy in Malawi and the resilience and hope
the victims of natural disasters. Finally, the paper offers messages given to the victims. I also discuss the materials
recommendations for how the government and other provided to victims to help them cope with the aftermath of
organizations can better prepare for and respond to the cyclone, and make recommendations on how to better
future natural disasters. One key element of successful prepare for and respond to future cyclone events in the
resilience messages is to focus on positive outcomes and region. The cyclone caused extensive damage to
emphasize the strength of the community. This is infrastructure, crops, and livestock, resulting in death of
important as it helps to provide a sense of hope and people, displacement of large numbers of people and
optimism to victims who may feel overwhelmed and disruption of their livelihoods. It heavily affected the
helpless in the aftermath of the disaster. Additionally, southern region of Malawi. The government and
providing materials such as water, food, and shelter can international organizations have responded with relief
help to ensure that victims have the basic needs to efforts, providing relief items to affected communities and
survive and feel supported. Focusing on positive providing psychosocial support to victims.
outcomes and emphasizing the strength of the
community helps to remind people that they are not It is also hoped that the findings from this paper will
alone in their suffering and that they have access to inform future disaster preparedness and response strategies
resources and support to help them cope. Providing and help to improve the effectiveness of relief efforts. It is
basic needs helps to ensure that victims have the believed that by better understanding the experiences of
resources to survive and rebuild their lives. To better those affected by the disaster, more effective disaster
prepare for and respond to future cyclone events, the preparedness strategies can be developed to ensure that
paper recommends investing in early warning systems, those affected are better supported and their resilience and
strengthening community resilience, and increasing hope can be more effectively fostered. The findings from
access to resources for affected populations. The paper this paper can also provide valuable guidance in the
argues that investing in early warning systems will help development of new approaches to disaster response and
to provide more accurate and timely alerts to relief efforts in order to ensure that they are more effective.
communities in the path of the cyclone, while
strengthening community resilience will enable them to
better manage the impacts of the cyclone. Increasing Malawi is a landlocked country located in
access to resources will also help to ensure that affected southeastern Africa, bordered by Zambia to the northwest,
populations are able to rebuild their lives and Tanzania to the northeast, and Mozambique to the east,
communities in the aftermath of the cyclone. However, south and west (UNDESA, 2020). It is in the Great Rift
more needs to be done to ensure that early warning Valley of Africa and has a tropical climate with two rainy
systems are effective and accessible to all communities. seasons. According to the World Meteorological
Investment in better human and material resources can Organization (n.d). Malawi has an average annual
also improve our preparedness. temperature of 25.6 °C (78 °F). The two rainy seasons are
known as the "long rains" from November to April and the
Keywords:- “Cyclone Freddy,” “Resilience,”“Material
"short rains" from May to October. The country also
experiences a dry season from July to October

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Malawi is located in Sub-Saharan Africa, an area According to World Meteorological Organization
which is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate (n.d.) different cyclones are named by different
change. The country is prone to floods, droughts and meteorological organizations around the world as a way to
cyclones, making it difficult for its citizens to access the identify and track them. The names are usually assigned in
resources they need to thrive (UNICEF, 2020). alphabetical order and are chosen based on cultural
Additionally, Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the relevance and historical significance. This helps to ensure
world, with a high rate of poverty and a lack of that different organizations are able to easily identify and
infrastructure. The World Bank (2018) reported that 80% of track the same storm, even if they have different naming
the population of Malawi lives in poverty. The World Food conventions.It also helps to ensure that the names chosen
Programme also reported that the country has one of the are culturally appropriate and are not offensive to any
highest levels of hunger in the world. UNICEF estimates particular group of people. The names are also chosen to
that one in three children in Malawi is malnourished. In honor individuals who have made significant contributions
addition, the average life expectancy in Malawi is only 59 to hurricane research and forecasting. In addition, the
years, according to the World Bank. Rates of infant names are selected to reflect the diversity of the regions
mortality are also among the highest in the world. affected by these storms. The World Meteorological
Organization is responsible for assigning the names to
Cyclones are formed when a low-pressure area forms tropical cyclones. These names are then used by
over warm ocean waters. As the warm air rises, it creates a meteorologists, governments, and the media when referring
swirling vortex of cloud and rain. In other ways, cyclones to these storms.
are formed when warm, humid air is drawn into an area of
low pressure, then rises and begins to rotate. The rotation Cyclone Freddy is one of the deadliest and most
causes the air to spiral inwards and form the cyclone. The destructive cyclones to have ever hit Malawi. It caused
rotation is caused by the Coriolis effect, which is the result extensive damage to infrastructure, crops and homes, and
of the Earth's rotation. As the warm humid air rises, it resulted in the deaths of dozens of people from 17 to 27
forms clouds and thunderstorms. This concept is known as March, 2023. It was one of the most devastating natural
the "cyclone model" and was first proposed by disasters to have ever hit the country. The cyclone brought
meteorologist Alfred Wegener in 1912. Wegener's strong winds and torrential rains, leading to widespread
hypothesis was later confirmed by Bernhard Haurwitz in flooding and destruction. More than 500 people were found
the 1930s. Wegener argued that the rising air in the center dead and about 550 people were missing. The damage was
of the cyclone is caused by the low-pressure area, and that estimated to be in the millions, with over 500,000 people
the spinning motion of the air is caused by the Coriolis affected and thousands of homes destroyed. Aid was sent
effect. Haurwitz further refined this concept by proposing from the international community to help the victims of the
that the wind in the cyclone has two components: a disaster. As the cyclone moved, it created strong winds,
converging flow towards the center and a diverging flow uprooting trees and destroying power lines and other
away from the center. He also suggested that the size of the infrastructure. The heavy rains caused flooding in many
cyclone is determined by the amount of moisture in the air. areas. and the unusually high tide meant that the flooding
The moisture content and the size of the cyclone are was even more severe than usual. The cost of the damage
related, as a larger cyclone can hold more moisture and and the need for long-term aid drove the international
thus become more intense. This was the basis of Wegener community to respond with aid and support for the victims.
and Haurwitz's theory of cyclone formation.
Malawi as located in the south-eastern part of Africa,
near the Indian Ocean makes it vulnerable to cyclones that According to United States Geological Survey
form in the Indian Ocean due to its warm temperatures, (USGS) (2019) landslide is a geological phenomenon that
high humidity and low pressure. The warm waters of the occurs when a mass of rock, earth, or debris moves down a
Indian Ocean also provide the necessary energy for the slope due to gravity. Landslides are caused by a
cyclones to form and grow. Additionally, the geography of combination of factors such as steep slopes, heavy rainfall,
Malawi is such that it makes it a target for cyclones coming changes in the water table, and seismic activity. These
in from the Indian Ocean. The country is surrounded by factors can cause the soil and rocks to become unstable,
Mozambique to the east and Tanzania to the north, both of leading to a landslide(USGS, 2019). When the soil and
which have coastlines that face the Indian Ocean. This puts rocks become unstable, the weight of the material can
Malawi in the direct path of cyclones that form in the cause the slope to become weaker and eventually collapse.
Indian Ocean. The geography of Malawi puts it in the Rainfall can saturate the soil, making it more prone to
direct path of these cyclones, meaning they have nowhere sliding, while changes in the water table can cause the soil
to go but over Malawi. This puts the country in a to become more compacted, making it more likely to slide.
particularly vulnerable position to be hit by cyclones Seismic activity can cause cracks in the bedrock, which can
coming in from the Indian Ocean(World Meteorological further destabilize the slope and lead to a landslide (USGS,
Organization, n.d.). 2019).

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Cyclones can cause landslides due to the large IV. PRE-CYCLONE FREDDY MESSAGES
amounts of rainfall they bring. The heavy rainfall can cause
the soil to become saturated, leading to landslides due to United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
the increased pressure and weight of the water. (UNDRR) and the Federal Emergency Management
Additionally, the strong winds from cyclones can cause Agency (FEMA) (2020) advocate for preparing for natural
trees to topple, which can also cause landslides. The disasters through the implementation of early warning
combination of heavy rainfall and strong winds can lead to systems. UNDRR and FEMA (2020) advocate for early
unstable conditions, which can cause the soil to become warning systems to help people prepare for disasters and
loose and slide down a hill or embankment (USGS, 2019). for providing aid to those affected by disasters. They
These landslides can cause considerable damage to roads emphasize the need for governments and other
and buildings in the affected areas. organizations to work together to ensure the safety and
security of their citizens. They also call for increased public
According to USGS (2019) landslides are most likely awareness and education about disaster risk reduction. This
to occur in areas of steep slopes, such as hills and is important because disasters can have devastating impacts
mountains, and in areas of loose, saturated soil. Areas that on communities and economies, and as the climate
have been recently deforested or disturbed by construction changes, disasters are becoming more frequent and severe.
activities are also prone to landslides due to weakened soil
stability. This is because deforested areas are more prone to The Department of Meteorological in Malawi tried its
erosion, which can lead to the destabilization of soil, best to come up with pre cyclone Freddy messages as a
making it more susceptible to landslides. Additionally, matter of preparation. They sent out multiple messages
when deforestation and construction activities occur, they through radio, television and social media. This helped
often remove vegetation that would help to hold soil in warn people about the impending cyclone and gave them
place, making the soil more prone to sliding. time to prepare for it. People were able to evacuate their
homes and seek shelter in safer areas. By doing this, the
Cyclones and landslides are not living things (USGS department was able to provide valuable information to the
2019). They are not big snakes or works of supernatural public in a timely manner. This allowed people to take the
power as believed by some Africans. They are natural necessary precautions to protect themselves and their
phenomena caused by a variety of environmental factors, families from the incoming cyclone. The department's
such as changes in air pressure or the movement of tectonic efforts also helped to minimize the potential damage that
plates. These phenomena are often caused by changes in the cyclone could have caused. This enabled people to take
the atmosphere, such as high winds, heavy rain, and the necessary safety measures to protect their lives,
extreme heat. They can also be triggered by an increase in property, and possessions. It also allowed them to have an
the water table, which can cause soil erosion or the emergency plan in place in case of any unforeseen
displacement of large masses of earth. They are often circumstances. Furthermore, the department's timely
impossible to predict and can cause catastrophic damage to warning allowed people to store up food and water in case
people, property, and the environment. In many cases, the of a power outage or other emergency situation. Overall,
damage caused by these natural disasters is irreversible, the department's efforts enabled people to be better
making them a significant threat to communities all over prepared and more resilient to the effects of the cyclone.
the world. However, not everyone was able to receive the messages in
time. Some people were still caught off guard by the
The messages referred to the Cyclone Freddy were cyclone and suffered damage to their homes and property.
spread as this cyclone was a person or living thing, such as Others were even injured or killed as a result. The
saying that the cyclone was "heading towards" Malawi or department of Meteorological in Malawi did its best to
that it was "about to strike," or that “it has gone back to prepare for the cyclone, but unfortunately not everyone was
Indian Ocean to take another strength.” This personification able to benefit from the warning messages in time.
made the cyclone seem more real, giving it an intentional
motive and making it seem like it was actively trying to V. DURING-CYCLONE FREDDY MESSAGES
cause destruction. This personification of the cyclone made
it seem more tangible, thus making it easier for people to Both UNDRR and FEMA (2020) advocate for
understand and respond to the warnings. It also increased investing in infrastructure, such as storm shelters and
the sense of urgency and created a feeling of fear, which warning sirens, as well as developing communication
likely contributed to people taking the warnings seriously systems and informing people on how to respond in the
and taking the necessary precautions. However, the event of a disaster. This also includes providing access to
personification led to many misconceptions about the disaster relief services and governments should work to
cyclone among some Malawians. ensure that vulnerable populations are protected in the
event of a disaster.

The department of meteorological in Malawi used

social media platforms and established community-based
networks to spread awareness about the cyclone and its
expected impacts. They also regularly released information
about the progress of the storm, evacuation routes, and

IJISRT23MAR1871 www.ijisrt.com 2187

Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
safety measures to take. The department was able to a trait, and that it can be developed over time. Resilience
effectively reach people in remote areas by leveraging the theory has been widely used in clinical, educational, and
power of social media and utilizing existing networks of organizational settings, and has been found to be effective
local stakeholders. They quickly disseminated important in helping individuals develop the skills needed to cope
information to those who were in the path of the storm and with difficult situations. It is an important framework to
helped to ensure that people were able to take the necessary consider when looking at how to support individuals
precautions to protect themselves and their property. While through challenging times. It can help to reduce stress and
the use of social media was effective in some ways, it also anxiety, promote healthy relationships, and increase
had its limitations. For example, some people who were positive thinking and behavior. It also allows individuals to
without power or had spotty internet service were not able develop the ability to adapt in difficult situations and to
to receive updates about the storm. In addition, some better manage their emotions.
people who saw the updates may not have had the means to
evacuate or prepare their property. As a result, many people Theory of resilience posits that people have the ability
were unprepared and faced serious risk as the storm to adapt and cope with difficult situations, and that they can
continued to strengthen. This demonstrates the importance draw on their inner strength to face challenges. This is what
of having a reliable emergency plan in place before a the study of "Hope and Resilience in the Wake of Cyclone
natural disaster occurs. Freddy" aimed to explore - how people in Malawi coped
with the destruction caused by the cyclone and the
The department of Meteorological in Malawi tried its messages and material support they received from
best to come up with during cyclone Freddy messages by others.The study found that people in Malawi were able to
closing all learning institutions for two weeks in the cope with the destruction caused by the cyclone due to their
affected areas. This was done to ensure the safety of all strong sense of hope and resilience. In addition, the support
students, staff, and faculty as the cyclone was expected to and messages received from others were found to be an
bring strong winds, heavy rains, and flooding. The closure important factor in helping them remain resilient. The
was also necessary to ensure that the infrastructure of the findings suggest that having a strong sense of hope,
learning institutions remained intact and secure during the resilience, and support from others provided Malawians
storm. The department of meteorological had to take swift with the necessary coping mechanisms to respond to the
action and make a decision quickly to ensure the safety of destruction caused by the cyclone. As a result, they were
everyone involved. All the necessary precautions were able to remain resilient and find ways to carry on despite
taken and the closure was successful in minimizing the the destruction.
damage caused by the cyclone. While the decision to close
the learning institutions may have been necessary to VII. IMPACT OF CYCLONE FREDDY ON
minimize damage, it was not without its own problems. MALAWIAN COMMUNITIES
The closure meant that students missed out on valuable
class time and were not able to receive the education they The researcher conducted a thorough analysis of the
needed. In addition, the closure caused disruptions to the cyclone's impact on the affected communities by visiting
lives of employees and their families. Schools and the areas, talking to the people there, and observing the
universities are now facing the challenge of catching up damage caused to the infrastructure. The researcher also
and helping students get back on track. Educators are also conducted interviews with the victims to get a better
struggling to make up for lost time while providing a understanding of the impact the cyclone had on their lives.
quality education. As such, there is a need to assess the The researcher also collected data from governmental and
impact of such closures and develop a plan to mitigate any non-governmental organizations to assess the actual
long-term effects. damage done by the cyclone. Finally, the researcher
conducted a survey to further understand the cyclone's
VI. THE THEORY OF RESILIENCE impact on the lives of the victims.

Resilience theory is a psychological theory that Cyclone Freddy caused widespread destruction of
suggests that individuals have the ability to adapt and thrive homes in Malawian communities due to strong winds,
in the face of stress and adversity. The Resilience theory flooding, and landslides. Many homes were destroyed or
was propounded by American psychologist and psychiatrist damaged, and many families had to relocate to safer areas
Norman Garmezy in the 1970s. It suggests that the or shelters. This caused immense disruption to the lives of
presence of protective factors in a person's life can help the affected communities. This led to a loss of livelihoods,
them to cope with stressful life events and maintain mental as many people lost their jobs and had to start over. It also
health. caused a loss of access to basic services such as education,
healthcare, and water. Many people are still struggling to
The theory has its roots in research on stress and rebuild their lives and recover from the damage caused by
coping, and has been expanded to encompass a wide range Cyclone Freddy. This has not only put a strain on their
of topics, including mental health, physical health, and finances, but also on their mental health and well-being.
well-being. Resilience theory emphasizes individual With the loss of their homes, many people have lost their
capacity, rather than pathology, and is focused on how sense of security and stability. The disruption to their lives
people can develop their capacity to cope with stress and has caused a great deal of emotional distress, especially
adversity. It suggests that resilience is a process, rather than among those who have lost loved ones in the tragedy. The

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
long-term effects of this disaster will be felt for many years ideal environment for mosquitoes to breed as they need
to come. stagnant water to reproduce. These mosquitoes then spread
diseases such as malaria and dengue fever to the local
Cyclone Freddy caused extensive damage to crops population.
and agricultural infrastructure in Malawi, leading to a
decrease in food production and an increase in food prices. Cyclone Freddy caused severe damage to buildings
This resulted in reduced access to food for many people, and infrastructure, resulting in the disruption of basic
leading to an increase in food insecurity. Many of the services such as water and electricity. This disruption
subsistence farmers in the southern region of Malawi caused a range of issues such as difficulty accessing food,
suffered significant losses to their crops, leading to a lack of communication and transportation, and difficulty
decrease in the availability of food. Additionally, the lack accessing healthcare. This has had a huge impact on the
of infrastructure in the region meant that it was difficult for local economy, with businesses suffering due to the lack of
them to access other food sources, leading to increased customers and supplies. People have been forced to rebuild
food insecurity. This led to a decrease in the diets of those their homes and businesses, resulting in an increased
affected and an increase in malnutrition and hunger. financial burden. The long-term impacts of this natural
Additionally, the lack of access to food caused a decrease disaster are yet to be seen. It's possible that this disaster
in the economic security of those affected as they were could lead to an exodus of people from the affected area,
unable to generate income from any crops that were lost. leading to a decrease in population, further exacerbating the
This further limited their ability to purchase food and economic impacts. There could also be a long-term
further exacerbated the food insecurity crisis. This resulted environmental impact such as land erosion and water
in an increase in poverty, as people had limited resources to pollution. The cost of rebuilding homes and businesses, as
access food and to support their families. This created a well as the cost of providing relief to those affected, could
cycle of poverty and hunger that has yet to be broken. also be a huge financial burden.

Cyclone Freddy caused significant destruction in VIII. THE MESSAGES OF HOPE AND RESILIENCE
Malawian communities, including displacement of people.
Many people in the affected communities were forced to The messages of hope given to Cyclone Freddy
leave their homes and relocate to safer areas, leading to the victims had vital impacts. These messages provided
displacement of large numbers of people. The flooding and comfort and assurance to those affected, helping to mitigate
destruction of homes caused by Cyclone Freddy led to the psychological effects of the disaster. On top of that, the
displacement of populations as people had to flee to safer messages also provided practical advice on how to stay safe
areas. This displacement not only caused disruption to and rebuild their lives. The messages were designed to
people's lives and livelihoods, but also created a strain on provide a sense of connection and hope to those affected,
the resources available in the areas to which people were helping to reduce their feelings of isolation and despair.
relocated. This strain was often compounded by a lack of They also provided information on where to find aid and
access to basic services such as health care and education. assistance, as well as tips on how to cope with the
This in turn led to a decrease in quality of life for those traumatic experience. The messages also focused on the
affected by the displacement. This decrease in quality of importance of staying connected to family and friends, as
life further exacerbated existing social and economic well as focusing on the positive aspects of their lives. They
inequalities, and made it more difficult for those affected to encouraged people to be resilient and reminded them that
access the resources they needed to rebuild their lives. This they are not alone in their struggles. This was an important
has caused long-term damage to both individuals and way to help people process and cope with their trauma, as
communities that may take generations to repair. well as provide them with resources to help them move
forward. It also provided them with emotional support and
Cyclone Freddy caused flooding and strong winds a sense of community, which is often a key factor in
that damaged roads, and bridges in many Malawian helping people recover from traumatic events.
communities. It has also made it difficult for people to ‘We can learn from this experience’
travel or find work. Flooding has caused roads and bridges ‘We will never give up, we will support you’
to be washed away, making it difficult for people to travel ‘We are in this together’
or transport goods. Many people are now struggling to 'You are not alone and there are people who can help'
make ends meet. 'This is a difficult time but you can get through it'
‘Take comfort in the resilience of your community’
The heavy rainfall during and after Cyclone Freddy ‘Focus on the helping hands around you’
caused flooding and water contamination, which increased ‘Know that you are not alone’
the risk of water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, ‘Stay positive and take one day at a time’
and diarrhea. The lack of access to clean drinking water ‘Find strength from within’
also created an ideal environment for disease-carrying ‘Remember that better days are ahead’
mosquitoes to breed. This is because the floods and ‘Rebuild with courage’
contamination created standing water that was ‘Face your challenges with optimism’
contaminated with bacteria, viruses and parasites. When
these contaminants are ingested, they can cause diseases
and illnesses. Furthermore, the standing water created an

IJISRT23MAR1871 www.ijisrt.com 2189

Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Most of the politicians, led by the president of the The Malawian government and some nations both
Republic of Malawi, woke up and visited victims of provided material and financial support to the victims of
cyclone Freddy in their camps tirelessly. They were giving Cyclone Freddy in Malawi. Local non-governmental
the victims materials and message of hope and resilience. organizations, such as the Red Cross, also provided aid.
This implies that the politicians are aware of the severity of International donors, including the United States, the
the situation and are taking steps to help those affected by United Kingdom, and the European Union, provided
the cyclone. It also shows that they are taking the situation additional financial aid. The Various local institutions,
seriously and are willing to take the time to meet with the companies and individuals also provided aid.
victims and understand their needs. By visiting the camps,
the politicians can see first-hand the impact that the cyclone The material and financial support provided to
has had on the people and their communities. They can victims of Cyclone Freddy in Malawi helped to build
then better understand the needs of those affected and how shelters, provide food security and access to healthcare, and
they can best be helped. Visiting the camps also sends a gave many people the hope and resilience to rebuild their
message to those affected that the politicians are taking lives. It also gave them the opportunity to access resources
their needs seriously and are taking action to help. It and services that otherwise would have been difficult or
provides the politicians with an opportunity to speak to the impossible for them to access. The support not only gave
people directly and listen to their stories of suffering and them the means to rebuild their lives, but also provided
resilience, allowing for a more personal understanding of them with vital resources and services, such as access to
the situation. It also allows them to witness the conditions clean water, food, and healthcare, that allowed them to be
of the camps, such as the lack of food, water, and medical more resilient in the face of future disasters.
care, so that they can better understand the scale of the
crisis and what resources need to be allocated to address it. X. RECOMMENDATIONS
Visiting the camps allows politicians to hear directly from A paper by Iacovou et al. (2020) argues that
people affected by the crisis, which gives them a more researchers should provide their own recommendations
nuanced understanding of the needs of those affected and based on their experience and knowledge. They state that
informs their decisions on how to best to provide aid. this approach helps to better understand and interpret the
Furthermore, it allows them to see the reality of the results generated from the research. Therefore, the
situation, which can help to galvanize public support for researcher provides the following recommendations:
the cause.
Government or councils should create permanent
IX. MATERIAL SUPPORT emergency shelter locations in every district.This would
The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (2020) ensure that the homeless population has a safe place to
and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (2020) sleep, and would also provide access to resources such as
have both published reports stating that it is important to food, clothing, and medical care. Having emergency shelter
warn people of expected disasters and provide assistance to locations in each district would also help local authorities
those affected. This includes both immediate help for those to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an
in need and long-term support in order to ensure that the emergency, such as a natural disaster. This would also be a
affected communities are able to rebuild and recover. By way to provide more permanent solutions to homelessness.
providing immediate help to those in need, people have the Communities should be educated on how to identify
chance to escape the risks associated with disasters and signs of an impending cyclone using effective media and
gain access to life-saving supplies and services. Long-term channel of communication. This will help them to be better
support helps to prevent further losses and can include prepared to respond to the cyclone before it arrives and
providing relief funds, rebuilding infrastructure, and they are able to take steps to minimize the damage and
helping affected communities to become more resilient to disruption it causes. Having access to accurate and timely
future disasters. information is essential in helping to protect lives and
The support provided to victims of Cyclone Freddy property. Knowing the location and intensity of the cyclone
included food, clothing, shelter, medical aid, and other allows people to move to safety and begin protective
essential supplies. This assistance enabled victims to measures. With early warning, people can also be more
rebuild their lives, recover their livelihoods and regain their aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions.
dignity. The assistance was instrumental in helping victims Authorities should deploy resources for rescuing
to cope with the immediate aftermath of the disaster. It people in advance to be better prepared for the cyclone. By
enabled them to access the basic necessities of life and deploying resources ahead of time, authorities can be better
provided them with a sense of security. It helped them to prepared to respond quickly to the cyclone and minimize
rebuild their confidence, develop new skills and make the damage caused by it. This can help reduce the loss of
sense of their new reality. It also helped to create a sense of life and property, as well as the economic burden of the
hope and optimism for the future. disaster.

IJISRT23MAR1871 www.ijisrt.com 2190

Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Storing emergency supplies is a crucial part of being collaboratively. It also encourages an attitude of creativity,
prepared for any unexpected event. Having access to food innovation, and celebration of success.
and water can help individuals and their families survive
for days or even weeks in the event of a natural disaster or XI. CONCLUSION
other emergency. Governments should also store
emergency supplies so that they can be used to help people In conclusion, Cyclone Freddy in Malawi has had
in need in the event of a crisis. By having access to these devastating impacts on the lives of those in its path. Despite
supplies, people can have the necessary resources to stay the destruction and loss, there is still hope and resilience in
alive and survive until help arrives, and governments can the people, who have shown immense strength and courage
more effectively address the needs of those affected by a in the face of adversity. Various materials have been
disaster. Additionally, governments can also use emergency provided to victims of the cyclones, but more support is
supplies to provide food and shelter to those who have been needed to help them rebuild their lives and communities. It
displaced from their homes. is therefore recommended that the government and other
stakeholders provide more support to those affected by this
Government should establish a special ministry for natural disaster. This support can come in the form of
disaster management and train a good number of well- financial aid, food and other essential supplies, and
trained rescue team in preparation for cyclones. A ministry housing. It is also important to provide psychological
for disaster management would be able to focus resources support to those affected by the disasters, in order to help
and expertise on preparing for and responding to disasters. them cope with the trauma and stress they have
This would help to reduce the loss of lives and property experienced. Additionally, programs to help rebuild homes,
that often occurs during disasters. Additionally, having an businesses, and infrastructure should be put in place to
established and well-trained rescue team would be ensure that those affected can get back on their feet. This
invaluable in providing relief in the event of a disaster. This paper has highlighted the recommendations to better
could help to reduce the economic and social impacts of prepare Malawi for future cyclones.
disasters, as well as helping to provide psychological
support to those affected. REFERENCES

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