Steady-State Analysis of Four Effects Evaporation
Steady-State Analysis of Four Effects Evaporation
Steady-State Analysis of Four Effects Evaporation
2 2
Di G⁄ ⁄3 1 + (L⁄d )
ℎ𝑖⁄ ( µ) − 125
Sensible heat transfer inside i
For 2000< Re <10000 [3]
cG = 0,116 ( (di G⁄
) 2 (21)
tubes µ) cµ µ −0,14
( ⁄k)3 ( b⁄µw)
( )
ℎ𝑖⁄ di G⁄ −2⁄3 cµ −2⁄3 L −1⁄ µb
cG = 1,86 ( µ ) ( ⁄k) ( ⁄d
) 3 ( ⁄µw ) 0,14
(22) For Re < 2000
28 <T<100 °C and
Boiling- Falling film ℎ0 = 0,014𝜌𝐿0,66 𝑘𝐿0,35 𝐶𝑃𝐿
0,65 −0,41 0,4
𝜇𝐿 𝛤 (23) [4]
1600<Re< 21000.
𝜌𝐿2 𝑔𝑛𝜋𝐷𝑖𝑛⁄ 1/3
Condensation inside vertical ℎ𝑖 = 0,925( 𝜇𝐿 𝑊𝐿 ) (24)
Laminar theory [5]
It is obvious that when (Tos-Tis) decreases, the flow rate of
heating medium increases because the required thermal power
is maintained fixed.
2) First Effect Calculations
A steady-state analysis of MED pilot unit using four effects
and hot water as a heating medium from solar energy system
was performed using MATLAB programming. This model
includes the impact of the outside diameter d o, the length L of
tubes used for evaporators manufacturing, the top brine
temperature T1 and the heating medium temperature TS on the
design and performance of the system. In this paper only the
important parameters such as heat transfer coefficients for
evaporators are discussed.
It can be reported from “Table III” that for the first effect for
tube diameter do=2.54cm and for three different values of tube
length L (3, 3.5 and 4m) the overall heat transfer coefficient
increases when L increases due to the decrease of the number
Yes of tubes Nt1 shown in “Fig.6”. Therefore the overall flow area
of heating medium decreases and its velocity and Reynolds
number increase due to the specific mass flow rate increase as
given in “Fig.4”, thus the convective heat transfer inside tubes
increases as indicated in“Fig.5”. “Table III and IV” present
some design recommendations in terms of diameter, length of
tubes and shell for the first effect. All this results are obtained
for T1=74°C and TS=90°C.
L (m) U1 A1 Re V Nt1
(kW/m2/K) (m2) (104) (m/s)
3 1.39 11.00 1.318 0.20 46
3.5 1.40 10.88 1.535 0.24 39
Yes 4 1.41 10.52 1.752 0.28 33
Figure 7. Heat trasfert coefficient vs top brine Figure 8. Heat trasfert area vs top brine Figure 9. Log mean temperature difference vs
temperature and Ts at the first effect temperature and Ts at the first effect top brine temperature and Ts at the first effect
The second, the third and the fourth effects show similar
behavior towards the do and L variation and they have the
same heat transfer. But their behavior is very different from
the first effect. In this case when length of tubes increases, the
number of tubes needed for manufacturing of effect ‘2, 3and
4’ decreases, and then the specific flow rate of seawater
flowing as falling film outside tubes increase, thereby
increasing falling film thickness as indicated in “Fig.10”. As a
consequence, the heat transfer coefficient in the film is
decreased causing the decrease of the overall heat transfer
shown in“Fig.11”
Figure 10. 3rd effect falling film thickness of seawater flowing over Figure 12. Condensation heat transfer coefficient for third effect vs
tubes vs length and diameter length and diameter of tubes
Also when diameter of tubes increases, the film thickness temperature and lowest possible top brine temperature in order
increases but with very slight change as indicated in “Fig.10”. to decrease the heat transfer area of the first effect. The
On the inside of tubes the condensation heat transfer optimization of the pilot plant that was not studied yet is
coefficient given in “Fig.12” increases causing the overall heat recommended for future work.
transfer coefficient increase. In addition the overall heat The methodology of this study will be used for the MED pilot
transfer coefficient decreases slightly from effect two to the scale unit to optimize the system design and performance.
effect three and from effect three to effect four with about 3%, Also the same algorithm and methodology will be used for
and decreases from effect four to the last condenser with about falling film horizontal tubes evaporators. This analysis will be
28%. The table V and VI gives some design recommendations combined with energy integration using pinch analysis for
for the second, the third and the fourth effect, as well as for the heat recovery system optimization and minimization of heat
condenser: consumption.
TABLE V: NUMERICAL RESULTS FOR EFFECT 2, 3, 4 WITH (do= 1”1/4 (3.175cm) )
L Effect Ui Ai Nti D Acknowledgment
(m) (kW/m2/ (m2) shell i L The authors of this study acknowledge the financial support by
K) (m) shell “Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy IRESEN” of
(m) the “Seawater desalination using solar energy” project.
2 2.406
3 3 2.338 6.61 24 0.33 3.6
2 2.353 Ai Heat transfer area (m2) TS Heating medium temperature
3.5 3 2.282 6.76 21 0.31 4.2 (°C)
4 2.199 Bi Rejected brine mass flow for k Thermal conductivity
effect i (kg/s) (kW/mK)
2 2.307 Di Produced distillate mass flow Mf Total mass flow of feed
4 3 2.236 6.88 18 0.29 4.8 for effect i (kg/s) seawater (kg/s)
4 2.153 Fi Feed seawater mass flow for Mb Total mass flow of rejected
effect i (kg/s) brine (kg/s)
TABLE VI: NUMERICAL RESULTS FOR CONDENSER WITH (L=3METER ) do Outside tube diameter (m) Md Total mass flow of distillate
Diameter Number Uc Area Ac Cooling (kg/s)
(m) of tubes (kW/m2/K) (m2) water Dsh Shell inside diameter (m) Mcw Total mass flow of cooling
seawater (kg/s)
Mcw L Tube length (m) c Salt concentration (g/kg)
0.0254 33 1.600 8.00 λ, Li Latent heat of evaporation μ Dynamic viscosity (Pa.s)
(1”) 0.5032 (kj/kg)
0.0317 26 1.604 8.99 (kg/s) R Fouling thermal resistance ρ Density (kg/m3)
U Overall heat transfer Γ Specific flow rate (kg/m/s)
coefficient (kW/m2K)
4) The performance ratioPR h Convective heat transfer T Temperature of effect (°C)
The performance ratio defined as coefficient (m2K/kW)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑃𝑅 =
𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡
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