Docker 1
Docker 1
Docker 1
Summary: Row, row, row your boat... gently down the stream...
I Foreword 2
II Introduction 3
III Goals 4
III.1 Before we get started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
III.2 Your Hitchhicker’s guide to the containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
IV General instructions 6
V Mandatory part 7
V.1 How to Docker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
V.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
VI Dockerfiles 11
VI.1 Exercise 00: vim/emacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
VI.2 Exercise 01: BYOTSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
VI.3 Exercise 02: Dockerfile in a Dockerfile... in a Dockerfile ? . . . . . . . 13
VI.4 Exercise 03: ... and bacon strips ... and bacon strips ... . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter I
Baleen is a filter-feeder system inside the mouths of baleen whales. The baleen sys-
tem works by whale opening its mouth underwater and taking in water. The whale then
pushes the water out, and animals such as krill are filtered by the baleen and remain
as food source for the whale. Baleen is similar to bristles and is made of keratin, the
same substance found in human fingernails and hair. Baleen is a skin derivative. Some
whales, such as the bowhead whale, have longer baleen than others. Other whales, such
as the gray whale, only use one side of their baleen. These baleen bristles are arranged in
plates across the upper jaw of the whale. Baleen is often called whalebone, but that name
also can refer to the normal bones of whales, which have often been used as a material,
especially as a cheaper substitute for ivory in carving.
The word baleen derives from the Latin balaena, related to the Greek phalaina – both
of which mean "whale".
People formerly used baleen (usually referred to as "whalebone") for making numer-
ous items where flexibility and strength were required, including backscratchers, collar
stiffeners, buggy whips, parasol ribs, crinoline petticoats and corset stays. It was com-
monly used to crease paper; its flexibility kept it from damaging the paper. It was also
occasionally used in cable-backed bows. Synthetic materials are now usually used for
similar purposes, especially plastic and fibre glass. It is not to be confused with whale’s
bone meaning the bones of whales, used in carving, for cutlery handles and other uses
for the bones of various large species.
Chapter II
• You’re developing on a computer and you don’t have the admin rights to install a
• It took you five hours to install the latest version of you favorite DB but your boss
tells you the app will have to run on a previous version.
• It took you two weeks to build a perfectly clean application... that only works on
your machine.
• The SysOp in charge of all launches hates you because your app is undeployable.
Long story short, you already have or soon will spend, at some point in your life, as
much time setting up your work environment as actually developing your app.
Right now, you are probably developing a one-block app, with softwares and libraries
installed directly in your development environment, or maybe in a virtual environment...
Imagine if your application has to be deployed all over the world and you have to re-
develop it for all existing platforms and OSs...
Docker was created to satisfy this need for unification and normalisation: it makes it
possible to split an application into several microservices, light, adaptable, universal and
scalable, and it also gives the system administrators a great flexibility to deploy and scale
up the app.
This suite of projects on Docker will help you better understand this specific tool, but
also the various aspects of applications development using microservices.
Chapter III
few things:
• You will do the exercises on docker 1.12 at least. If you’re not sure what version
of docker you have, you can run docker version. Brew always provides the latest
version of docker... just saying.
• Take the time to read the documentation thoroughly. You will have to sooner or
later anyway.
Docker-1 (macOS flavored) All aboard the train!
In this perspective, here are some very useful links for your project:
Chapter IV
General instructions
• For the evaluation, the containers will be hosted on the correction dump and locally.
• You cannot correct your project with a container hosted on a remote machine,
please read the rule above if you don’t understand this one.
• There will be 2 folders on your repository (+1 if you did the bonuses):
◦ 00_how_to_docker
◦ 01_dockerfiles
◦ 02_bonus [BONUS]
There should be a specific tree structure in each file, defined in the corresponding
Chapter V
Mandatory part
If you don’t have it already, install docker, docker-machine and virtualbox. Docker
and docker-machine can be installed via Brew, and virtualbox via the Managed Soft-
ware Center.
Check that docker version prints out your current docker version, and that you have
at least the 1.12 docker (Editor’s Note: as I write, a new versionning notation is being
used, and the most recent version is 17.03.0-ce-mac2).
You might be tempted to use Docker for Mac, and I sympathize. Don’t worry, you’ll
use it for the next Docker projects. But for this project, you will need to implement
clustering locally, and that can be done quite easily with docker-machine!
You will push your work in the 00_how_to_docker folder: one file per exercise, named
after the exercise number, with the command(s) requested for this exercise.
$> ls 00_how_to_docker
01 02 03 04 05 06
31 32 33 34
$> cat 00_how_to_docker/01
docker-machine [...]
Docker-1 (macOS flavored) All aboard the train!
V.2 Exercises
For each exercise, we will ask you to give the shell command(s) to:
1. Create a virtual machine with docker-machine using the virtualbox driver, and
named Char.
3. Define the variables needed by your virtual machine Char in the general env of your
terminal, so that you can run the docker ps command without errors. You have
to fix all four environment variables with one command, and you are not allowed
to use your shell’s builtin to set these variables by hand.
4. Get the hello-world container from the Docker Hub, where it’s available.
5. Launch the hello-world container, and make sure that it prints its welcome mes-
sage, then leaves it.
7. Get the internal IP address of the overlord container without starting its shell and
in one command.
8. Launch a shell from an alpine container, and make sure that you can interact
directly with the container via your terminal, and that the container deletes itself
once the shell’s execution is done.
9. From the shell of a debian container, install via the container’s package manager
everything you need to compile C source code and push it onto a git repo (of
course, make sure before that the package manager and the packages already in the
container are updated). For this exercise, you should only specify the commands
to be run directly in the container.
11. List all the Docker volumes created on the machine. Remember. VOLUMES.
Docker-1 (macOS flavored) All aboard the train!
12. Launch a mysql container as a background task. It should be able to restart on its
own in case of error, and the root password of the database should be Kerrigan.
You will also make sure that the database is stored in the hatchery volume, that
the container directly creates a database named zerglings, and that the container
itself is named spawning-pool.
13. Print the environment variables of the spawning-pool container in one command,
to be sure that you have configured your container properly.
14. Launch a wordpress container as a background task, just for fun. The container
should be named lair, its 80 port should be bound to the 8080 port of the virtual
machine, and it should be able to use the spawning-pool container as a database
service. You can try to access lair on your machine via a web browser, with the
IP address of the virtual machine as a URL.
Congratulations, you just deployed a functional Wordpress website in two com-
16. Look up the spawning-pool container’s logs in real time without running its shell.
17. Display all the currently active containers on the Char virtual machine.
19. Launch a container name Abathur. It will be a Python container, 2-slim version,
its /root folder will be bound to a HOME folder on your host, and its 3000 port
will be bound to the 3000 port of your virtual machine.
You will personalize this container so that you can use the Flask micro-framework
in its latest version. You will make sure that an html page displaying "Hello World"
with <h1> tags can be served by Flask. You will test that your container is
properly set up by accessing, via curl or a web browser, the IP address of your
virtual machine on the 3000 port.
You will also list all the necessary commands in your repository.
20. Create a local swarm, the Char virtual machine should be its manager.
21. Create another virtual machine with docker-machine using the virtualbox driver,
and name it Aiur.
22. Add Aiur as a worker of the local swarm in which Char is leader (the command to
take control of Aiur is not requested).
23. Create an overlay-type internal network that you will name overmind.
Docker-1 (macOS flavored) All aboard the train!
24. Launch a rabbitmq SERVICE that will be named orbital-command. You should
define a specific user and password for the RabbitMQ service, they can be whatever
you want. This service will be on the overmind network.
26. Launch a 42school/engineering-bay service in two replicas and make sure that
the service works properly (see the documentation provided at
This service will be named engineering-bay and will be on the overmind network.
27. Get the real-time logs of one the tasks of the engineering-bay service.
28. ... Damn it, a group of zergs is attacking orbital-command, and shutting down
the engineering-bay service won’t help at all... You must send a troup of Marines
to eliminate the intruders. Launch a 42school/marine-squad in two replicas,
and make sure that the service works properly (see the documentation provided
at This service will be named... marines and will be on the
overmind network.
30. Increase the number of copies of the marines service up to twenty, because there’s
never enough Marines to eliminate Zergs. (Remember to take a look at the tasks
and logs of the service, you’ll see, it’s fun.)
31. Force quit and delete all the services on the local swarm, in one command.
32. Force quit and delete all the containers (whatever their status), in one command.
33. Delete all the container images stored on the Char virtual machine, in one command
as well.
Chapter VI
Now, it’s time get down to business. Docker makes it possible to create yourself
OWN containers for your OWN applications! That’s what this chapter is about. Luckily,
Docker lets you program Dockerfiles (aka a Makerfile for Docker... I think you get the
nuance). Dockerfiles use a specific syntax that reuses a base image or an existing con-
tainer to add your own dependencies and your own files.
You will also notice that every command built by your Dockerfiles generates a layer
that’s reusable in other Dockerfiles or other versions of the same Dockerfile, in order to
avoid data duplication. Awesome, isn’t it?
But before you start making your own containers, make sure that your virtual machine
is cleared of all images and residual active containers. We’ll start from the beginning and
build up more and more complex applications.
Create a 01_dockerfiles folder in which you’ll store all the Dockerfiles that you’ll need
later, in separate folders (ex00 / ex01 ...).
Check out this link to design high quality Dockerfiles: Dockerfile Best Practices
Docker-1 (macOS flavored) All aboard the train!
Exercise 00
From an alpine image you’ll add to your container your favorite text editor, vim or
emacs, that will launch along with your container.
Exercise 01
From a debian image you will add the appropriate sources to create a TeamSpeak
server, that will launch along with your container. It will be deemed valid if at least
one user can connect to it and engage in a normal discussion (no far-fetched setup), so
be sure to create your Dockerfile with the right options. Your program should get the
sources when it builds, they cannot be in your repository.
Docker-1 (macOS flavored) All aboard the train!
Exercise 02
You are going to create your first Dockerfile to containerize Rails applications. That’s
a special configuration: this particular Dockerfile will be generic, and called in another
Dockerfile, that will look something like this:
FROM ft-rails:5.0.2-on-build
Your generic container should install, via a ruby container, all the necessary depen-
dencies and gems, then copy your rails application in the /opt/app folder of your
container. Docker has to install the approtiate gems when it builds, but also launch
the migrations and the db population for your application. The child Dockerfile should
launch the rails server (see example below). If you don’t know what commands to use,
it’s high time to look at the Ruby on Rails documentation.
VI.4 Exercise 03: ... and bacon strips ... and bacon
strips ...
Exercise 03
Exercise 03: ... and bacon strips ... and bacon strips ...
Turn-in directory : ex03/
Files to turn in : Dockerfile
Allowed functions : -
Notes : n/a
Docker can be useful to test an application that’s still being developed without pol-
luting your libraries. You will have to design a Dockerfile that gets the development
version of Gogs, installs it with all the dependencies and the necessary configurations,
and launches the application, all as it builds. The container will be deemed valid if you
can access the web client, and if you can interact via GIT with this container.
Chapter VII
Bonus part
Now that you understand all the subtleties of Docker, you can enjoy yourself for the
• A developing environment to code in nodejs, but using yarn rather than npm
• etc.
Keep in mind that you have seen nothing yet of the full power of Docker. You could
for instance:
• Try to cluster several machines on different cloud services with Docker Swarm
• Start the construction of a base image, make your own debian or archlinux container.
• etc.
Whatever you decide to do, we expect you to store everything that’s relevant in the
02_bonus folder of your repository.
Have Fun!!
Chapter VIII
Turn in your work using your GiT repository, as usual. Only the work that’s in your
repository will be graded during the evaluation.