Guided Tour Through Resurgence Theory
Guided Tour Through Resurgence Theory
Guided Tour Through Resurgence Theory
Jean Ecalle
(Paris-Saclay, January 2022)
I knew that others had already pondered the question and established such basic
facts as the generic divergence of (2); the impossibility for entire functions to
admit a full set of analytic iterates (I.N.Baker); also this interesting, vaguely
1 As far as I was concerned, that is. I am telling here my side of the story, and in no way
‘Tauberian’ dichotomy: for any given f , the set Wf of all iteration powers t
that keep f ˝t analytic is either C or p1 Z for some p P N (E.Jabotinsky).
To get beyond that, given the Gevrey-type behaviour lim sup n1 |an ptq| n ą 0
clearly displayed by the coefficients of divergent iterates, it was tempting to
consider the Borel transform of f ˝0 :
ÿ ζ n´1
fp˝t pζq “ δ1 ` t δ ` an ptq pδ “ dirac at 0q (3)
From there it was but a small step to show that fp˝t pσq was not only convergent at
0, but analytically continuable to the entire universal covering of C ´ 2πiZ, with
at most exponential growth along each non-vertical axis. This automatically
allowed Laplace integration on the two real half-axes, and yielded two distinct
˝t ˝t
germs, f` pzq and f´ pzq, respectively defined on tC1 ă ˘<zu Y tC2 ă |=z|u,
and commuting there with f . This made them bona fide iterates of f , albeit only
‘sectorial’ ones. But on closer examination, it also became clear that, for f` pzq
and f´ pzq to relate the way they should on their common domains of definition
tC2 ă |=z|u, the singularities of fppζq at the points ω :“ 2πim pm P Z˚ q had to
be of a very specific type, namely closely related to each other and to fppζq itself,
viewed as a germ at the origin. To illuminate these elusive relations, it became
imperative to have linear operators ∆ p ω capable of measuring singularities at ω
or rather, due to multivaluedness, over ω. Moreover, in view of the non-linear
nature of the problem at hand, these ∆ p ω had to act as derivations:
p ω pϕ
∆ p1 ˚ ϕ p ω pϕ
p2 q ” ∆ p1 q ˚ ϕ
p2 ` ϕ p ω pϕ
p1 ˚ ∆ p2 q (4)
relative to the natural product in the Borel plane. That product, of course, is
the convolution ˚, which is first defined locally at the origin:
p1 ˚ ϕ
p2 qpζq :“ ϕ p1 pζ1 q ˚ ϕ
p2 pζ ´ζ1 q dζ1 (5)
with the ωi ’s denoting the singular points successively encountered when moving
from 0 to ω; with the i ’s indicating the mode of circumvention, right or left;
1 ,..., r
and with ϕ pp ω1 ,..., ωr q standing for the corresponding branch of ϕ.p We first take
ζ on the interval r0, ωs but close to 0, then extend the definition in the large by
analytic continuation.
For ∆p ω to be an actual derivation, the scalar weights must verify certain
algebraic relations, and if we want them to depend only on the signs i (and not
on the points ωi ), these weights are unambiguously determined: we then get
the so-called standard system of alien derivations t∆ p ω u, with indices ω running
through C‚ “ C´t0u rather than C´t0u to account for possible ramifications
at the origin.
This bounty of free3 alien derivations4 arising ex nihilo from a one variable
context immediately opens exhilarating vistas, conjuring up as it does an alien
calculus of extreme richness, and naturally endowed with two faces: differential
and integral. We shall in due course encounter applications galore, but here let
us give right away, as a first appetizer, three examples that stand on their own.
Resurgence monomials.
To deserve that name, resurgence monomials W x‚ should be defined for ω-strings
‚ of any length, and behave as simply as possible under convolution and alien
differentiation. Concretely, that means:5
x ω1 ˚ W
x ω2 qpζq ”
pW x ω pζq
W p@ ω 1 , ω 2 q (7)
ωPshapω 1 ,ω 2 q
x ω1 ,...,ωr
∆ ω0 W x ω2 ,...,ωr
” δωω01 W pδ “ Kronecker symbol q (8)
Assuming convergence, the relation:
E W pϕq
p :“ ϕ p´1qr W
x ω1 ,...,ωr ˚ p∆ω . . . ∆ω ϕq (9)
p` 1 r
1ďr ωi
EW EW EW (10)
x x x
E pϕ
p1 ˚ ϕ E pϕ1 q ˚ E pϕ2 q (11)
x x x
p2 q ”
∆ω0 E pϕq 0 (12)
p ” @ω0
3 The ∆ω are mutually independent.
4 Together with another system of operators ∇ω also acting as derivations, but relative to
ordinary multiplication and with a much more restricted domain of definition, the ∆ω are the
only natural instance of an infinite Lie algebra acting in complex Analysis.
5 In (7) ω 1 and ω 2 are two ω-strings, and ω runs through all their shuffle products.
Alien Taylor expansions.
Much like the classical Taylor formula, which expresses a function f pzq in terms
of simple universtal monomials z n {n! and f -dependent constants f pnq p0q, the
following formula:
ÿÿ ` x
p ” E W pϕq E W p∆ωr . . . ∆ω1 ϕq
p ` p ˚W x ω1 ,...,ωr (13)
1ďr ωi
r .... ϕθ pzq z-plane pmultiplicationq
Fig 1 B Œ Õ Lθ
p ζ-plane pconvolutionq
The second arrow denotes the Laplace transform L or, for distinctiveness, Lθ :
ż eiθ 8
Lθ : ϕpζq
p ÞÑ ϕθ pzq “ p e´z ζ dζ
ϕpζq parg ζ ” θq (15)
6 formally and, under suitable conditions, actually.
7 under avoidance of a discrete configuration of singular points (their projections on C,
however, may well be dense – somewhere or everywhere).
8 or, strictly speaking, models, since they depend on a polarisation angle θ.
The magic of resurgence equations.
The signature, name-giving property of resurgent functions – namely, the self-
replication, echo-like, of ϕpζq’s
p singularities – is too protean, too elusive a feature
to be made part of the formal definition. Yet it is something that we should al-
ways keep at the back of our minds. In any case, the alien derivations ∆ p ω , along
with their pull-backs ∆ω in the multiplicative models (formal or geometric) are
the pliant tools that, in each particular instance, allow an accurate description
of the phenomenon, by means of so-called resurgence equations :
Rω pϕ, ∆ω ϕq “ 0 pmultiplicative modelsq (16)
pω pϕ,
p ∆p ω ϕq
p “0 pconvolutive model q (17)
The form (16), being the simpler one, is often given preference in statements,
although it is the form (17) that makes concrete, tangible analytic sense.
Nonetheless – and we are touching here on the magic of resurgence – we
can often work directly at the level of (16), with a minimum of Analysis or
sometimes none at all. Indeed, suppose we are dealing with some differential
or functional equation9 Rpϕq “ 0, linear or not, but with divergent, formal
power series solutions. If these are resurgent (there exist simple criteria for
deciding that) and if the singularity locus in the Borel plane is a certain point
set Ω (again, there exist simple methods for determining Ω), we can find, for
ω P Ω and by purely formal means, the equation Rω pϕ, ∆ω ϕq “ 0 verified by
∆ω ϕ, just as we would form the equation R1 pϕ, ϕ1 q “ 0 verified by ϕ1 . Now,
since Rω is automatically linear homogeneous in ∆ω ϕ, we can calculate the
general solution, usually of the form ∆ω ϕ “ Aω ϕω , with Aω scalar and ϕω
some normalized power series. Here, the substantive factor ϕω results from a
strictly formal calculation. It is only to calculate the scalar Aω (for the actual
∆ω ϕ, that scalar is a well-defined, usually transcendental number – essentially
a Stokes constant) that some Analysis may be called for, though not always:
even Aω can sometimes be had ‘on the cheap’. Needless to say, the procedure
can be repeated to calculate all multiple alien derivatives ∆ωn ...∆ω1 ϕ.
Borel singularities: a hindrance and a mine of information.
Being responsible for the divergence of ϕpzq,
r the singularities of ϕpζq
p may seem
a nuisance, something that impedes the direct passage from formal solutions to
actual ones. But they are also, and above all, a valuable source of imformation,
because their leading terms (their residues, in the case of simple poles) carry
crucial ‘invariants’ pertaining to ϕpzq.
r These invariants manifest as Stokes con-
stants in the geometric model, where they govern the correspondence between
neighbouring sectorial germs ϕθ pzq.
p1 ˚ ϕ
p2 q ” pµϕ
p1 q ˚ pµϕ
p2 q pfirst ˚ local , second ˚ global q (20)
pω q
This imposes simple algebraic conditions on its weights µ . In presence of
infinitely many ωi , an additionnal, subtler condition (non-algebraic in nature)
must be added, to ensure exponential bounds on the growth of µ ϕpζq. p Such
averages will be referred to as well-behaved.
• We should order our ‘critical variables’ zi , also called ‘critical times’, from
slow- to fast-flowing: z1 ăă z2 ăă ... ăă zr .
10 µϕpζq
p must be real on the whole axis arg ζ “ 0 if ϕpζq
p itself is real there, for ζ small.
• We should take the Borel transform ϕ p1 pζ1 q of ϕr1 pz1 q, since it is the only
one that converges at 0‚ . The ramified germ ϕ p1 pζ1 q duly retains the prop-
erty of endless continuation, but loses exponential boundedness at infinity.
This prohibits Laplace integration. Instead, we should apply, as in (21)
infra, a so-called acceleration transform, whose integral kernel has exactly
the right rate of decrease at infinity to accommodate the superexponential
growth rate of ϕ p1 pζ1 q.
• Only at the last stage do we get a function ϕpr pζr q with (at most) expo-
nential growth at infinity. This allows Laplace integration and produces
at last a geometric germ ϕr pzr q ” ϕp zq.
• Since each of the steps we went through is an algebra isomorphism11 , our
hard-won germ ϕpzq is automatically a proper solution of whatever equa-
tion Rpϕq “ 0, linear or non-linear, the initial formal series ϕpzq
r happened
to be a solution.
• But since each Borel plane ζi is saddled with its own singular locus Ωi ,
the end result ϕpzq is also highly polarized: it depends on the choice of r
integration axes argpζi q “ θi .
r1 pz1 q Ð ϕpzq
r ϕpzq Ð ϕr pzr q
Fig 2 ÓB LÒ
p1 pζ1 q Ñ ϕ
p2 pζ2 q Ñ ¨¨¨ Ñ ϕ
pr´1 pζr´1 q Ñ ϕ
pr pζr q
C1 , 2 Cr´1 , r
11 First from multiplicative to convolutive, then from convolutive to convolutive over and
Acceleration/deceleration kernels.
Time now to construct the acceleration operators and their inverses, and to
describe their action on both minors and majors.
A single pair CF , C F of integral kernels does duty for the four combinations
of minor and major, acceleration and decelerations, but with a characteristic
diagonal ‘flip’:
acceleration deceleration
« ff
´ ¯
Fig 3 minor CF CF z1 ă z2 , z1 “ F pz2 q
major CF CF
These kernels depend on the germ F that expresses the slower ‘time’ z1 in terms
of the faster z2 .
ż c`i8
CF pζ2 , ζ1 q :“ ez2 ζ2 ´z1 ζ1 dz2 with z1 ” F pz2 q (21)
2πi c´i8
ż `8
C F pζ2 , ζ1 q :“ e´z2 ζ2 `z1 ζ1 dz2 with z1 ” F pz2 q and 1 ă u (22)
lim zi {zi1 “ c ą 0, so that one should properly speak of critical time classes rzi s.
The next section is devoted to the corresponding transformations ζi Ñ ζi1 on
the Borel side, known as pseudo-accelerations and pseudo-deceleration.
Here, the change is between two equivalent ‘times’, denoted for distinction by
z1´ and z1 with z1 “ z1´ `F pz1´ q and 1 ă F pxq ă x as above.14 The new trans-
forms serve a totally different purpose, but their integral kernels Cid`F , C id`F
are closely related to the old ones:
Cid`F pζ1´ , ζ1 q “ CF pζ1´ ´ ζ1 , ζ1 q (29)
Pseudoacceleration from ζ1´ to ζ1 goes like this:
ż 02
ζ1 ϕ
p1 pζ1 q “ ζ1 ϕp1 pζ1 q C id`F pζ1´ , ζ1 q dζ1´ (33)
2πi 01 ´ ´ ´
ζ1 ϕ
q1 pζ1 q “ ζ1´ ϕ
q1´ pζ1´ q Cid`F pζ1´ , ζ1 q dζ1´ (34)
The most useful transforms are, paradoxically, the accelerations and pseudo-
decelerations. Despite going ‘in opposite directions’, both share a common reg-
ularising effect, albeit of crucially different force. To adequately describe that
common effect together with the discrepancy in regularising potency, we must
distinguish three sub-classes for each :
strong accelerations log z1 { log z2 Ñ 0 e.g. z1 “ log z2
medium accelerations log z1 { log z2 Ñ α Ps0, 1r e.g. z1 “ pz2 qα
weak accelerations log z1 { log z2 Ñ 1 e.g z1 “ logz2z2
strong pseudodeceler . log z1 { logpz1´ ´z1 q Ñ 1 e.g. z1 “ z1´ ` log z´1
medium pseudodeceler . log z1 { logpz1´ ´z1 q Ñ α e.g. z1 “ z1´ `pz1´ qα
weak pseudodeceler . log z1 { logpz1´ ´z1 q Ñ 0 e.g. z1 “ z1´ `log z1´
Whatever the nature of the accelerand ϕp1 (provided it has the proper accelerable
growth at infinity), the corresponding accelerate ϕ
p2 is automatically guaranteed
a minimum of quasi-analytic smoothness – the weaker the accelaration, the less
the smoothness.
• Strong accelerates are always analytic in a spiralling neighbourhood of 0‚
with infinite aperture.
• Medium accelerates are always analytic in a neighbourhood of 0‚ with at
least finite aperture.
• Weak accelerates are always cohesive in a real right-neighbourhood s0, ...r
of 0‚ , but may lack an extension to the complex domain.
With pseudo-decelerations, the picture is the same, but on the other side of
the Great Divide — on the side of looseness: whatever the nature of the
pseudo-decelerand ϕ p1 , one can always, by suitably strenghtening the pseudo-
deceleration, ensure in the pseudo-decelerate ϕ
p1´ any given degree of smooth-
ness, short of cohesive.
Another difference is this : accelerations completely upset the singularity
landscape (they remove the old singular points and may create new ones)
whereas pseudo-decelerations keep all singular points ω in place and merely
smoothen the singularities there.
Cohesive continuation.
Any cohesive function given on an interval s0, ζr (viewed for the circumstance as
part of the axis argζ “ 0 in some Borel plane) can be constructively continued
to its maximal interval of cohesiveness s0, ζ˚ r by a suitably weak deceleration
followed by the reverse weak acceleration.
• Y pz, uq is the full (i.e. parameter-saturated) formal solution of, say, some
singular functional equation RpY q “ 0. To unclutter the notations, we
drop the tildas indicative of formalness. Here u :“ pu1 , .., ud q denotes a
maximal system of independent parameters, and z denotes the ‘critical
time’ of the problem or, if there be several, any one of them.
• ∆ω is an alien derivation taken in invariant form, i.e. with an exponential
factor that ensures commutation with Bz :
• Aω is an ordinary, first order differential operator in z and in the pa-
rameters u1 , ..., ud . We may refer to it as the Stokes operator, because
its coefficients are indeed Stokes constants. They are also ‘holomorphic’
and ‘analytic’ invariants, since they depend holomorphically on the Taylor
coefficients of the equation R and remain unchanged when R undergoes
an analytic change affecting both the unknown and the variable.
• The outward shape of the differential operators Aω is quite simply the
most general of all possible shapes that makes formal sense. This means
that, when identifying the terms in front of any given monomial un on
both sides of (36), the exponential factors e´ωz should match.
effect. As a result, convergence outside the singularity locus Ω is not overly
difficult to establish.
The second point to make is the unexpected unity that ř resurgence tends to
impart upon divergent objects. Let for instance Y pz, uq “ n un Yn pzq be the
formal solution of a singular differential equation RpY q “ 0, expressed in terms
of its critical time z and expanded as a power series of the parameters u. In
the generic case, i.e. if none of the Aω vanishes, the Bridge equation allows one
to recover (constructively so!) all components Yn from any one of them. This
would be clearly impossible in case of convergence, i.e. when all Aω vanish. A
rather apt simile may help bring the phenomenon into perspective. Let P pxq
be a polynomial with integer coefficients. If P is totally irreducible on Q, then
each root xi contains in spe all the others, but if P is fully reducible, these roots
become strangers to one another.
7 Co-equational resurgence.
The WKB or semi-classical approach.
My involvement with coequational resurgence dates back to my personal en-
counter with Yasutaka Sibuya and Andre Voros in the early 80s, and their work
on the one-dimensional, time-independent Schr:odinger equation with polyno-
mial potential:
2 x2 W pqq “ q ν `α1 q v´1 `...`αν
Bq ψpq, xq “ W pqqψpq, xq with 2
4 x “ hb ; α “ ´E penergyq
Sibuya had studied the q-dependence of the solutions in the spirit of Stir-
ling analysis, while Voros had tackled the x-dependence along the WKB ap-
proach and formulated remarkable conjectures regarding what he called a ‘boot-
strap’ phenomenon in the conjugate Borel plane – essentially a resurgence phe-
nomenon. On my part, I interpreted
şq a Sibuya’s result as a case of resurgence in the
‘critical variable’ z “ zpqq “ 0 W pq 1 q dq 1 ; proved the missing link in Voros’
conjectures; and observed an intriguing interplay between the two patterns of
resurgence, in z and in x, that seemed to point to a much wider phenomenon
— a duality of sorts between what I came to call equational and coequational
equation of familiar form:18
∆ω ψpx, uq “ Bω pxq ψpx, uq pω P Ω2 q (40)
except that now x reappears in the differential operators Bω pxq, so that a third
Bridge equation is needed to describe their resurgent behaviour:
∆ω Bω0 pxq “ hω,ω0 pBω1 , Bω2 , ...q pω P Ω3 q (41)
The exact shape of the right-hand side in (41) varies from case to case, but
essentially comprises two things:
(i) multiple Lie brackets of the Bωi ’s.
u1 ,..., u1
(ii) universal scalars tes p v1 ,..., v1 q – the so-called tesselation coefficients – that
depend only on two strings u anf v of complex numbers.
Tesselation coefficients.
Let us just mention two of their many fascinating properties:
(i) although they are piece-wise constant in each ui and vi , the only way of
expressing them without breaking their natural symmetries is as finite sums of
r!! hyperlogarithms, with r!! :“ 1.3.5...p2r´1q.
(ii) they are the most basic object exhibiting the important double symmetry
technically known as bialternality: see §12 towards the end.
8 Object synthesis.
In the Bridge equation (35) of §6, we start from a singular equation RpY q “ 0
and derive its complete system tAω u of holomorphic invariants. But what about
18 Aswith the earlier Bridge equation, we drop the tildas indicative of formalness.
19 e.g.
the Stokes constants attached to singular ODE’s, when viewed as functions of one of
the ODE’s coefficients.
the reverse problem: starting from an admissible collection20 of differential op-
erators tAω u, search for an equation RpY q “ 0 admitting that collection as its
system of invariants? This is a problem of ‘object synthesis’, and solving it
is clearly a matter for ‘alien integration’. On the formal side, it reduces to a
rather mechanical exercise, over which there is no need to detain ourselves. It
is simply a question of iterating the Bridge equation by taking advantage of
the commutation r∆ω1 , Aω2 s “ 0 and of expanding Y pz, uq into highly multiple
series whose general term is of the form U ω1 ,...,ωr pzq Aω1 ...Aωr for some system
tU ‚ pzqu of resurgence monomials. The crux, of course, is to get these expansions
to converge in the space of resurgent functions.
Here, run-of-the-mill monomials won’t do. What is called for is a very spe-
cial type, the so-called paralogarithmic or spherical monomials. They are best
defined in the geometric model by means of the integrals:
ż 8 řj ωj pz´yj q`c2 řj ω̄j pz´1 ´yj´1 q
e dy1 ...dyr
1 ,..,ωr
pzq :“ SPA (42)
0 py r ´ yr´1 q . . . py 2 ´ y1 q py 1 ´ zq
The acronym SPA stands for ‘standard path averaging’ (a way of specifying how
the integration variables yi bypass each other). The crucial ingredient, however,
is the real parameter c which, if taken large enough21 , enforces convergence in
the ‘synthesis expansions’.
Another peculiarity of these monomials, which is almost obvious on their
definition and justifies the label spherical, is their broadly similar behaviour at
the antipodes z “ 8 and z “ 0 of the Riemann sphere. It is indeed a strange
feature of ‘spherical object synthesis’ that, while the avowed aim is to produce a
local object at z “ 8, it automatically creates an ‘antipodal shadow’ at z “ 0.
Consider for example a local analytic vector field on R2 , of the form:
ÿ λ1
X“ pλi xi ` . . . q Bxi with negative Liouvillian (43)
X is formally conjugate to its linear part Xlin “ 1ďiď2 λi xi Bxi , but the cor-
responding change of coordinates, having no geometric reality at its back, is
fated to remain formal. By contrast, fix two small numbers a1 , a2 ą 0 and
consider the well-defined geometric correspondence x1 Ø x2 such that pa1 , x2 q
and px1 , a2 q lie on the same ‘hyperbolic’ branch of X. The formal power series
that express x1 in terms or x2 (or x2 in terms of x1 ) are again clear cases of
Liouvillian divergence, but underwritten this time by geometric warranty, and
therefore resummable. How so?
The answer is that all abnormally large terms in these expansions can be ag-
gregated into clusters that guarantee mutual sign compensation. These clusters,
the so-called compensators, are of the form:22
ÿ ź
z ´tσ0 ,σ1 ,...,σr u :“ z ´σi pσi ´ σj q´1 pz P C‚ , σi P R` q (44)
0ďiďr j“i
No matter how close the σi get to each other, the bound holds:
ˇ ˇ
ˇ ´tσ0 ,σ1 ,...,σr u ˇ 1 ˇˇ 1 ˇˇr ˇˇ 1 ˇˇσ˚
ˇz ˇ ă ˇ log ˇ ˇ ˇ pσ˚ :“ inf σi q (45)
r! z z
Now, the beauty is that this second type of Liouvillian divergence can amica-
bly coexist with resurgent divergence, and naturally fits into the general scheme
of accelero-summation, but with three essential nuances:
• Instead of the narrow critical time classes rzi s associated with resurgence
and corresponding to the equivalence relation lim zi1 {zi “ c ą 0, Liouvil-
lian divergence gives rise to much wider critical classes rrzi ss, corresponding
to the looser equivalence lim logzi1 {logzi “ c ą 0.
• On its own, Liouvillian divergence produces no singularities in the Borel
plane, and begets only analytic (as opposed to holomorphic) invariants.23
• In the geometric model, i.e. after resummation, Liouvillian divergence
leads to spiral-like neighbourhoods of 8‚ instead of sectorial ones.
conditions, sometimes convergent, sometimes divergent. In either case, there
is nothing to ‘compensate’. The confusion arises from the fact that even in
the convergent case, the coefficients cω of the L-P series that emerge from the
calculations involve finite sums of the form:
ÿ aω,k &r “ rpωq , K “ Kpωq
cω,r “ with λ1 , . . . , λν fixed (46)
ω ω . . . ωk,r
1ďkďK k,1 k,2
ωk,i “ ni , λ with ni P Zν
which may carry prohibitively small denominators, and therefore call for some
‘compensation’ mechanism. However, the finite expansion (46) for cω,r is by
no means unique, and if we conduct the calculations (inductively on r) with
deftness, by observing a neat set of rules, we can keep these abnormally small
denominators at bay.
More interesting is the case of Hamiltonian vector fields that, on top of the
ř resonance λi ` λi`ν “ 0, exhibit some extrinsic resonance, say λ1 “ 0
or ni λi “ 0. Attached to this extrinsic resonance, we have resurgence, carried
by a critical variable z and described as usual by the Bridge equation (35), but
with two eye-catching peculiarities:
• Each differential operator Aω now derives from a potential Aω – an ‘alien
potential’, so to speak.
• The shortest cut for calculating the potentials Aω involves writing the
original Hamiltonian H as H2 ` H, with a quadradic part H2 and a ‘per-
turbation’ H, and subjecting H to a remarkable involution H ÞÑ K :
1 1 1
K “ ´H´ tz, HuP ´ tz, tz, HuP uP ´ tz, tz, tz, HuP uP uP . . . (47)
2! 3! 4!
where t., .uP denotes the Poisson bracket, expressed in any map that iso-
lates the critical variable z.
Sources of resurgence.
By no means do equational and coequational exhaust the types of resurgence that
nature — physical nature or mathematical nature — may force on us. To keep
with mathematics for the moment,24 there is the wealth of power series whose
Taylor coefficients an have a pre-assigned form. Given sufficient regularity in
the make up of these an , resurgence is as good as guaranteed. To name but one
example, here is the case of coefficients with a so-called sum-product syntax:
ÿ ÿ ź k
p :“ an ζ n with an :“ Fp q pF meromorphicq (48)
0ămăn 0ăkăm
10 Transseries and analyzable germs.
Very roughly, the algebra T r of transseries can be thought of as the natural
closure of Rrxs under t`, ˆ, B, ˝u and the inverse operations, with x living in
the real neighbourhood of `8. T r obviously contains E :“ exp, L :“ log and
the finite iterates En , Ln . After expulsion of all formal infinitesimals from the
exponentials, and of all terms other than x from Ln , each transseries Trpxq
decomposes into a sum of irreducible transmonomials, ordered from larger to
smaller. We crucially impose well-orderedness (each subseries of each T pxq
should have a first element), plus bounded logarithmic depth, plus, depending
on the context, various simplifying assumptions.
Analyzable germs.
r possesses a subsalgebra T
T r cv of directly convergent transseries (for x large
enough) but T is radically unstable under integration, since even the simplest
transmonomials (think of Lα pxq or xα {Epxq for α R Z) have primitives that
are divergent (and resurgent). If we want both summability and stability, the
proper framework is Tr as , defined as the algebra of all transseries Trpxq that may
be resummed by accelero-synthesis. The corresponding sums T pxq, analytic or
cohesive on a real neighbourhood of `8, are dubbed analyzable germs.
Accelero-synthesis is closely patterned on accelero-summation (see Fig 2 in §4),
but with four significant differences:
• In the early stages of the process, it is only the subexponential parts of
the transseries Tri pxi q ” Trpxq and of their individual transmonomials that
incarnate as analytic or cohesive germs in the Borel planes ξi . The other
parts provisionally retain their status as formal transseries.
• Since realness has to be preserved, integration must always take place
on the real axis arg ξi “ 0 of each critical Borel plane. When that axis
contains singular points, one must therefore resort to a well-behaved con-
volution average µi .
• Whenever two consecutive critical times xi´1 ăă xi are ‘close’25 , the germ
Tpi pξi q is liable to be non-analytic and merely cohesive. In the presence
of singularities on the real axis arg ξi “ 0, we therefore face the chal-
lenge, in order to calculate the average µi Tpi pξi q, of having to bypass these
singularities, to the right and to the left, without leaving the real axis!
Fortunately, that seeming impossibility can be overcome through some
delicate ‘cohesive acrobatics’.
25 e.g. when lim log xi { log xi´1 “ 1.
• The final sum T pxq is always cohesive26 though not necessarily analytic.27
Being of the nature of construction, accelero-synthesis is a slow, arduous, step-
wise process, with mandatory passage through each critical Borel plane – or
Borel line, as the case may be. The reverse process, decelero-analysis, being
of the nature of destruction, is faster and easier, though not instantaneous: it
too may necessitate the passage through some critical Borel planes, and bypass
others. Nor need we always resort to the deceleration integrals: there exist
faster alternatives.
The expansion (53) being formal in nature, the question of convergence does not
arise. The display has a double character ´ both local, via its z-dependence, and
global, via its Z-dependence. It encodes (displays, as it were) in ultra-compact
and user-friendly form, a huge amount of information about the function ϕpζq,
describing as it does the behaviour of ϕpζq
p at each ω and on each of its various
Riemann sheets.
What is more, thanks to the rules (50)-(52), any relation R between resur-
gent functions automatically extends to their displays :
t Rpϕ
r1 , . . . , ϕ
rs q ” 0 u ùñ t RpDpl ϕ
r1 , . . . , Dpl ϕ
rs q ” 0 u (54)
Any operation on the displays, like applying some alien derivation ∆$0 or going
from one multipolarised sum29
ÿ ÿ
pDpl.ϕqτ “ Sτ ` Z$1 ,...,$r p∆$r . . . ∆$1 ϕqτ (56)
1ďr $1 ,...,$r
by scalar sequences of any length), which later found many applications outside
its native context, in such fields as differential geometry, Lie or pre-Lie algebra,
etc. While at one level moulds with all their wherewithal may be dismissed as
just a glorified system of notations, the fact is that they often allow us to make
fully explicit what would otherwise remain implicit, and to go beyond mere ‘ex-
istence theorems’ (that all too often are sterile dead-ends) by illuminating the
innards of the object whose bare ‘existence’ has been proved.
one of the pioneers of asymptotics. Other emblematic figures of that select club were Leonhard
Euler, James Stirling, and (somewhat controversially) Henri Poincare.
these expansions ought somehow to be resummable, this time to reflect the
physical relevance of the transition.
The Planck constant is an obvious case in point. We saw in §7 examples of
this with the so-called WKB method, A.Voros’ semi-classical treatment of the
harmonic oscillator, and the whole sprawling field of co-equational resurgence.
There exist other candidates than h for serving as ‘variable’ in formal expan-
sions, such as coupling constants. The trouble here is that only the very first
terms are accessible to experimental verification, and that anything beyond the
dominant effects (read: the closest singularities in the Borel plane) seems to lie
hopelessly beyond its reach.
Front-line physics.
In somewhat different directions, I hear of resummation methods being brought
to bear on such questions as tunneling effects in quantum mechanics, renor-
malons in quantum field theory, even some toy models in string theory, by
authors such as Mithat Unsal, Ricardo Schiappa, Ines Aniceto, and others. The
line of research I am most familiar with is Ovidiu Costin’s and Gerald Dunne’s.
I know of their attempts to squeeze the maximum of information out of scant
data, and I am greatly impressed by the odd-defying numerical accuracy their
methods often achieve. In the nature of things, however, the overall resurgence
picture seems to elude the current approaches. Missing, too, is the algebraic
side (crucial, from my viewpoint) of resurgence theory. I am told, however, that
efforts are afoot to fill this lacuna, and one certainly cannot rule out a concep-
tual breakthrough that would turn things around for good, and allow theory to
outpace experiment.
motivations, or to explain candidly what exactly it is that they cherish in their
brainchildren. Such reticence seems misplaced, for what merit can there be in
hiding the vital part of the creative process under the bushel, and what profit
in keeping the allure of a mathematical structure under burqa? Anyway, the
reticent are welcome to their reticence, but here I feel free to deliver myself of
a few thoughts about resurgence.
First to come to mind is the theory’s breadth of application along with its
unifying power – two traits best in evidence in the Bridge equation, which covers
huge ground and corrals seemingly disparate phenomena into a single framework
of compelling simplicity.
Next comes what we might call the analytical bent of the theory, which
culminates in the twin notions of transseries and analyzable germ. It is here or
nowhere that the dream of full formalization comes true – the dream of reducing
opaque, seemingly intractable geometric entities (and the operations on them)
to transparent formal objects (themselves subject to transparent operations).
Third (or should I say first ?) comes the wonder of a precise, sharp-contoured
structure – alien calculus – spontaneously arising from what would seem to be
the most unpromising and amorphous of contexts: divergence. Here lies, at
least to my subjective feeling, the core attraction of resurgence. It is indeed
often the case that mathematicians harbour secret preferences, centered on quite
concrete notions. Some, for instance, are in thrall to the identity d2 “ 0 and the
cohomological marvels that flow from it. I for one confess to an innate liking
for derivations, i.e. for operators that obey the Leibniz rule. I distinctly recall
how, aged 17, one fine day during the summer recess I found myself sitting
on the bank of a mountain stream, wondering: “Might there not exist a class
of smooth functions on which there operate deep derivations?” By which I
meant derivations that would somehow involve, all at once, the infinite string
of ordinary derivatives at a given point. When a few years later, as a result
of pursuing a seemingly unconnected line of investigation, it dawned on me
that such critters actually existed, in superabundant quantity and with no taint
of pathology about them, there was an immediate click of recognition, which
comforted me in my sense of being on the right track, and kept me hooked to
the subject for the next fifteen years.
Then there is – rarely acknowledged, but nonetheless essential – the symbolic
charge, or if you prefer the aura of associations, which nearly all key mathemat-
ical notions carry with them, not just in the eye of the beholder, but also, I
venture, in an almost objective sense. This is, however, a point that people are
apt to misconstrue, so let us clarify it on a striking example: analytic functions.
These functions31 have the fantastic property of being ‘of one piece’ – if you
know a little chunk, you know the whole thing. A truly magic quality, that in-
fuses them with life, and turns them into natural similes for this eternal theme:
the Whole in each of its Parts; the Macrocosm in the Microcosm; etc. We can
find echoes of this everywhere – in Oriental or Hermetic Philosophy; in Biology
(the full genome is encoded in each cell of a living organism); and, at an almost
31 Together with the cohesive functions which we encountered in §5.
literal level, in Newtonian physics: if space were truly analytic, then by knowing
the gravitational potential in a cubic inch of space to infinite accuracy, we could
in theory infer the position of all massive particles in the world, and to that
extent “know everything”. Taken literally, this is nonsense, of course, and we
should carefully avoid mistaking symbols for explanatory mechanisms. But this
in no way detracts from their evocative power or their vivifying potency for the
soul, not least the creative scientific soul.
So let me conclude by pointing to two such aspects in resurgence theory,
both highly loaded, and both arresting.
There is this hierarchy of ‘emergent’ levels of organization in the universe
– microphysics, chemistry, biology, history – each with its own laws and its
own patterns of ‘causality’, the higher the looser. Resurgence to me is strongly
evocative of these multi-track causalities (and others we are free to imagine).
Indeed, here we have in the Borel plane, riding piggyback on a local causality
(the step-by-step analytical continuation from one Weierstrass element to the
next), a long-range causality that ‘miraculously’ transports the situation at
the origin to distant singular points.32 I am not suggesting, heaven forbid, that
physical space-time might serve as a medium for such non-local transportation,33
or even that resurgence might model some real-world mechanism. I am just
saying that it provides a simile – nothing more, nothing less – for the peaceable
coexistence of quite distinct levels of causation.
Then we have the grand scheme of accelero-synthesis and decelero-analysis,
as sketched in §10, with its majestic double movement between a state of max-
imal dispersal (– the formal transseries Trpxq, with its disparate collection of
isolated coefficients hanging forlornly on a sprawling tree-like structure –) and
a state of maximal compactness-cum-cohesion (–the infrangible geometric germ
T pxq, of one piece on account of its analyticity or quasi-analyticity–). That dou-
ble movement – one of slow, arduous ascent; the other of sudden, precipitous
fall – to me carries a compelling, almost self-evident symbolic charge.
32 Meromorphic periodic functions also have that quality, but to a lesser degree, because
here the singularities merely repeat. And if we quotient the underlying space by the period,
the repetition disappears altogether. Not so with genuine resurgence: here we have creative
innovation on top of repetition, and no artifice of definition or change of framework can whisk
that aspect away.
33 For one thing, the consensus at the moment, or should we say the general suspicion, seems
to be that physical space-time is an emergent rather than a primary reality. In any case it is
certainly not, at the finest resolution, a ‘real analytic manifold’ in the mathematical sense.