Inventory Control System: Multi Technologies
Inventory Control System: Multi Technologies
Inventory Control System: Multi Technologies
(Technical Manual)
Developed By
Badar Uddin Zounr
Project Manager
Copyright By
Multi technologies
All rights are reserved by Multi Technologies and this manual is only property of Multi
Technologies and it’s extremely restricted to make any piracy of this document in regarding
with Govt. Of Pakistan Ordinance Act 1992 for Software Piracy Rule
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
Introduction ICS
Main Features of ICS
System Process Flow diagram
System Architecture of ICS
Primitive Diagram for High Level Process
MRIN (Material Receive & Issue Note) & Delivery Challan
MRN (Material Return Note)
Assembling Order & Daily Assembling
Material Damage Note
Gate Pass Entry
ICS Module Hierarchy
Entity Relationship Diagram
Logical ERD
Physical ERD
Data Dictionary
Database SQL Script
Database SQL Script (for MS SQL Server )
Database SQL Script (for Oracle 8 above)
Front-End GUI Environment (CHART)
Setup forms
Item Values
Item Category
Item Type
Item UOM
Vehicle & Transport
Ware House
Damage Causes
Users & Their Rights
Transaction Forms
MRIN (Material Receive & Issue Note)
MRN (Material Return Note)
Gate Pass Entry
Damager Material
Assembling Order
Daily Assembling ( with assembling & overheads entry)
Setup Reports
Item List
Item Hierarchy
Item Master List
Item Assemblies
Item Pricing
Inventory Journal
Item Accounts (Stock)
Stock Balances
Item Ledger (Stock & Non-Stock)
Cost Of Inventory
Daily Assembling
Warehouse Wise Stock
Assembling Overheads
Daily IN/OUT Stock
Items Damages
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Introduction to ICS (Inventory Control System)
Inventory control system is used to control all stock or materials in ware houses for
any business, ICS Empowers employees with advanced search capabilities that provide
quick, easy access to the inventory information they need, and one-time stock and pricing
entry that provides accurate and timely information throughout the system.
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System Process Flow Diagram
System Process Flow diagram is used to show the exact system processing in
Inventory Control System functionalities. See the Diagram-2 in which the process starts when
any items or material is received and issued in the MRIN (Material Receive and Issue Note)
Book with Item quantity checking and updating is processed to update the Stock Ledger for
generating stock reports i.e. Stock Balance etc, and also Item In-house Assembling, Gate
Pass Entry, MRN (Material Return Note), MDN (Material Delivery Note) and Material
Damaging note is given in briefly.
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System Architecture (Business Work Flow Diagram)
System architecture is structured and physical design of any Business work flow
process that makes the concept clear in describing the quite clear way of system processing
for technical and non-technical persons that how the system works in regarding the business
activities and performance.
Here is given the Inventory Control System (Stock Handling System) work flow
system architecture that gives the complete guidance for technical persons for clear
understanding of business system’s structure, process, flow and controls. Here ICS
Architecture Diagram is given bellow and also described the properties in details.
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Look at the above ICS diagram that clearly defines the Inventory Control System
process in simple way, first of all goods/material are received from supplier and un-packing
process is started, during this process if any material/item exists damaged then it is quickly
returned back to suppliers and information is registered and if item/material is in good
condition then it is transferred to the ware house as in stock form and the ware house
manager create the Material Receive Note to store the goods in the stock.
In the further process goes to the MIN (material Issue Note) that is used to keep
information of issuing materials to Assembling and Distribution department for Assembling
department, it’s in-house manufacturing process that produce the items and again issued to
the ware house as finished goods and for distribution department the process ends to
distribution of goods to the customers.
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Primitive Diagram for High Level Process
This level is used to define the system functionalities process with data flow in
detailed way, here are some main functionalities processes are described with theirs Flow
MRIN (Material Receive & Issue Note ) & Delivery Challan Note
This is the main functionality of ICS because this module gets in touch with all
material in / out entries through delivery challan note and update plus store the items
information in the stock. Look at the Diagram , in which first of all user create the delivery
challan for issuing material and Material Receive Note for updating stock, after that material
quantity is checked to verify the availability of material quantity in the stock and so with
Material Receive Note and in last it’s time to generate the receipt note i.e. delivery Challan,
MRIN notes receipt.
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MRN (Material Return Note)
MRN is used to return the material whether be damaged or other causes of items
return, however first user create request for checking of materials being returned then verifies
the returning materials from MRIN (Material Receive & Issue Note) list and after that update
the stock and generate return receipt.
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Daily Assembling and Assembling Order
Assembling is used to do in-house items manufacturing, so this starts from
assembling order process to assembling with daily production overheads and JV’s posting
GLS Ledger for maintaining the manufacturing expenses sheet. So this is clearly given
following diagram.
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Gate Pass Entry
Gate Pass is used to keep the material IN/OUT entry from gate of ware house , this is
compulsory for the company’s having this information. Here is given bellow diagram-4.5 that
indicates the Gate Pass entry with material issuing and receiving verification.
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Chart is used to display the all functionalities of system, in the chart setup option of
hierarchy is used to locate the functionalities those are used to store the information i.e. Items
Types, Ware House, MRIN, MRN, Material Damages and Assembling.
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ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)
ERD is used to show the database database entities diagram with it’s entities,
properties, constraints and relationships within entities, there are two type of ERD given
1. Logical (ERD): This ERD is always used to define the relationship between the
database entities (tables)
2. Physical (ERD): it is used to show the physical diagram of entities i.e. with it’s
column name, column constraints, column PK (Primary Key) & FK (foreign Key) and
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ICS ERD (Physical)
Diagram-B’s left side is connected with the above diagram’s-A right side
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Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Comp_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Comp_Name varchar 50 1
Comp_Address varchar 50 1
Comp_NTN varchar 50 1
Comp_ST_Reg varchar 50 1
Comp_City varchar 50 1
Comp_Phn varchar 50 1
Comp_Fax varchar 50 1
Comp_Web varchar 50 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Loc_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Short_name varchar 15 1
Loc_Name varchar 50 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Dept_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Dept_Name varchar 50 1
Dept_Location varchar 50 1
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
UOM_Id Varchar 10 0
UOM_Name varchar 100 0
UOM_Desc varchar 100 1
UOM_rate numeric 5 1
UOM_Con_Rate numeric 5 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 0
Itm_Type_Name varchar 100 1
Itm_Type_Desc varchar 100 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 0
Itm_Cat_Name varchar 100 1
Itm_Cat_Desc varchar 100 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
wharehouse_code varchar 10 0
w_desc varchar 100 1
Loc_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Vehicle_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Trans_Code varchar 10 1 FK
V_Desc varchar 100 1
V_No varchar 50 1
Availability_Type varchar 50 1
Availability varchar 900 1
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Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Damage_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Damage_Desc varchar 100 1
Damage_Rules varchar 500 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
itm_Id varchar 100 0 PK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
UOM_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_name varchar 100 1
Itm_desc varchar 100 1
Itm_Unit_Cost numeric 5 1
ST_Act_Id varchar 100 1
Itm_Bgn_Stock numeric 5 1
Itm_Sel_Cost numeric 5 1
Itm_Reorder_Level varchar 100 1
By_Act_Id varchar 100 1
Sel_Act_Id varchar 100 1
Inv_Act_Id varchar 100 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Trans_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Desc1 varchar 100 1
Contact varchar 16 1
Address varchar 300 1
Licence varchar 100 1
Route_details varchar 1500 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Machine_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Machine_Name varchar 100 1
Machine_No varchar 50 1
M_Type varchar 50 1
M_Functionalities varchar 1200 1
Production_Capacity varchar 300 1
Production_Rate varchar 100 1
Production_Time varchar 100 1
Comp_Id bigint 8 1
Used_By varchar 300 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Assembling_Order_No varchar 10 0 PK
Assembling_Order_Date datetime 8 1
Finished_Date datetime 8 1
Order_By varchar 100 1
issued_By varchar 100 1
Dept_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Assembling_Completed_Check varchar 1 1
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Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No int 4 0 PK
UOM_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
itm_Id varchar 100 1 FK
Assembling_Order_No varchar 10 1 FK
Comp_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Tot_Qty int 4 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Assembling_No varchar 10 0 PK
Assembling_Order_No varchar 10 1 FK
Machine_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Assembling_FromDateTime datetime 8 1
Assembling_To_Dattime datetime 8 1
Assembled_By varchar 100 1
Checked_By varchar 100 1
Item_Ready_Check varchar 1 1
Dept_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Voucher_Posted_Check varchar 1 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No int 4 0 PK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
itm_Id varchar 100 1 FK
Assembling_No varchar 10 1 FK
Expiry_Date datetime 8 1
Comp_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No int 4 0 PK
Assembling_No varchar 10 1 FK
Ov_id varchar 50 1 FK
Other_Charges numeric 5 1
Tot_Amount numeric 5 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Delivery_Chal_No varchar 10 0 PK
Issued_To varchar 100 1
Issued_By varchar 100 1
Del_Challan_Date datetime 8 1
Checked_By varchar 100 1
Dept_Id bigint 8 1 FK
verified_By varchar 100 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No int 4 0 PK
UOM_Id varchar 10 1 FK
wharehouse_code varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
itm_Id varchar 100 1 FK
Delivery_Chal_No varchar 10 1 FK
Comp_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Itm_Qty int 4 1
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Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Gate_Pass_No varchar 10 0 PK
wharehouse_code varchar 10 1 FK
Vehicle_Code varchar 10 1 FK
GP_Date datetime 8 1
Issued_To varchar 100 1
Issed_By varchar 100 1
Checked_By varchar 100 1
Verified_By varchar 100 1
PO_SO_CN_No varchar 50 1
MIN_MRN_Note_No char 10 1
Remarks varchar 200 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No int 4 0 PK
UOM_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
itm_Id varchar 100 1 FK
Gate_Pass_No varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Qty int 4 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Mrin_No varchar 10 0 PK
Vehicle_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Delivery_Chal_No varchar 10 1 FK
Mrin_Date datetime 8 1
Recieved_By varchar 100 1
Checked_By varchar 100 1
Dept_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Verified_By varchar 100 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No int 4 0 PK
wharehouse_code varchar 10 1 FK
UOM_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
itm_Id varchar 100 1 FK
Mrin_No varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Bgn_Stock int 4 1
Comp_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Expiry_Date datetime 8 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Mrn_No varchar 10 0 PK
Vehicle_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Mrn_Date datetime 8 1
Return_To varchar 100 1
Checked_By varchar 100 1
Verified_By varchar 100 1
PO_SO_No varchar 50 1
Return_Type varchar 50 1
Return_Reasons varchar 1200 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No int 4 0 PK
UOM_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
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itm_Id varchar 100 1 FK
Mrn_No varchar 10 1 FK
Expiry_Date datetime 8 1
Comp_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Itm_Qty int 4 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Damage_No varchar 10 0 PK
Damage_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Vehicle_Code varchar 10 1 FK
wharehouse_code varchar 10 1 FK
Damaged_Date datetime 8 1
Verified_By varchar 100 1
Damaged_By varchar 100 1
Checked_By varchar 100 1
PO_So_No varchar 100 1
Claim_To varchar 100 1
Damaged_Voucher_Posted varchar 1 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No int 4 0 PK
UOM_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
itm_Id varchar 100 1 FK
Damage_No varchar 10 1
Expiry_Date datetime 8 1
Damaged_Itm_Qty int 4 1
Item_Rate numeric 5 1
Other_Charges numeric 5 1
Comp_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Tot_Amount numeric 5 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Stock_Id varchar 10 0 PK
wharehouse_code varchar 10 1 FK
UOM_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Cat_Id varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_type_Id varchar 10 1 FK
itm_Id varchar 100 1 FK
Mrn_No varchar 10 1 FK
Mrin_No varchar 10 1 FK
Itm_Bgn_Stock int 4 1
Expiry_Date datetime 8 1
Comp_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Itm_Qty int 4 1
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Database Script
Database script is a wordy model of ERD and is used to implement the database in
rapid way by copy and paste to query analyzer windows.
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Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
[S_No] [int] NOT NULL ,
[UOM_Id] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Itm_Cat_Id] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Itm_type_Id] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[itm_Id] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Gate_Pass_No] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Itm_Qty] [int] NULL
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[Machine_No] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[M_Type] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[M_Functionalities] [varchar] (1200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Production_Capacity] [varchar] (300) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Production_Rate] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Production_Time] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Comp_Id] [bigint] NULL ,
[Used_By] [varchar] (300) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL
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Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Inv_Delivery_Detail] ADD
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ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Inv_Assembling_Order_Detail] ADD
([Assembling_Order_No]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Inv_Assembling_Order_Master] (
[Assembling_Order_No]),CONSTRAINT [FK__Inv_Assem__Itm_C__5A4F643B] FOREIGN KEY
([Itm_Cat_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[SETUP_Category] ([Itm_Cat_Id]),
([itm_Id] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[SETUP_Item] ([itm_Id] ),
CONSTRAINT [FK__Inv_Assem__Itm_t__5B438874] FOREIGN KEY
([Itm_type_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[SETUP_Itm_Type] ([Itm_type_Id]),
CONSTRAINT [FK_Inv_Assembling_Order_Detail_Company] FOREIGN KEY
([Comp_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Company] ( [Comp_ID])
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ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Inv_Delivery_Detail] ADD
CONSTRAINT [FK__Inv_Deliv__Deliv__731B1205] FOREIGN KEY
([Delivery_Chal_No]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Inv_Delivery_Challan] ([Delivery_Chal_No]),
([Itm_Cat_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[SETUP_Category] ( [Itm_Cat_Id]),
([itm_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[SETUP_Item] ([itm_Id]),
CONSTRAINT [FK__Inv_Deliv__Itm_t__7132C993] FOREIGN KEY
([Itm_type_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[SETUP_Itm_Type] ([Itm_type_Id]),
CONSTRAINT [FK__Inv_Deliv__whare__6E565CE8] FOREIGN KEY
([wharehouse_code]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Inv_Wharehouse_Info] ( [wharehouse_code] ),
CONSTRAINT [FK_Inv_Delivery_Detail_Company] FOREIGN KEY ([Comp_Id]) REFERENCES
[dbo].[Company] ( [Comp_ID])GO
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ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Inv_Machine_Info] ADD
CONSTRAINT [FK_Inv_Machine_Info_Company] FOREIGN KEY
([Comp_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Company] ( [Comp_ID])
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
Front End Forms (Graphic User Interface (GUI) Environment)
Front-end environment is a user interface handling that is used to input data or for
data entry operations purpose and also generates that data as reformed form (Reports), so
that’s why it is necessary to design the CRT Layouts for application users to input and output
data. There are three type of environment given bellow.
1. Setup: This option is used to control all GUI forms concerned with handling of pre-
transactional data or data used for as information for users i.e. company information,
location, types and so, these are pre-transacted information used at the time of
making any transaction.
2. Transaction: This option is used to control all GUIs used to make any transaction i.e.
Voucher Entry, Budget Entry etc. so through these interfaces user make any
transaction for calculating and generating reports.
3. Reports: Reports are always used to display the information stored in the database
tables and generating transactional data in reformed form on printers, as preview
form or any textual form.
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Setup Forms
Description: This window is used to enter the initial information for the company using the
application software or any other company information related with this application.
Company Code: Auto-generated code for Phone: Enter phone number with country
specific company. & City code.
Name: Enter the name of company. Fax: Enter fax number with country & City
Address: Enter the commercial address of code.
company. Web: Enter the Website address of
City: Enter city name. company.
Country: Entry country name. NTN No: Enter NTN (national tax Number)
of the company.
Item Type
Description: This form is used to input the item type values i.e. bottles, plastics.
Item Type ID: Auto-generated id.
Name: name of type.
Description: details of item type.
Item Category
Description: This is used to enter item category information.
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Item Category: Auto-generated id
Name: Name of category.
Description: Details of item category.
UOM Id: Auto-generated id.
Name: Enter name of measurement.
Description: details of measurements.
Rate: enter rate of.
Conversion Rate: Enter conversion rate of rate.
Item Information
Description: This is used to enter item’s complete information.
Item Code: Auto-generated code.
Name: name of item
Item Type: Select the type value from type list.
Item category: Select the category value from category list.
UOM: Select the UOM value from UOM list.
Stock Account ID: Select the Account value from Account list.
Beginning Stock: item’s initial stock value.
Selling Cost: Enter rate of sale.
Buying A/C Id: Select the Account value from account list.
Selling A/C Id: Select the Account value from account list.
Inventory A/C id: Select the Account value from account list.
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Transport ID: Auto-generated id. Address: enter address of transporter.
Name: enter name of transporter. Route Details: enter route details of
Contact: enter contact no. transporter’s vehicles.
License No: Enter license no of
Details Block: Vehicle no: auto input when enter vehicle
Vehicle Code: select vehicle code from code
vehicle list. Availability Type: select availability type.
Vehicle description: auto input when enter Availability: select yes or no.
vehicle code
Ware House
Description: this is used to input the ware house information and it’s location.
Ware house Id: Auto-generated id .
Name: input the name of ware house.
Description: details of ware house.
Location: select the location from location list.
Overheads Entry
Description: This is used to enter the overheads entry information.
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OV Id: Auto-generated overhead id.
Name: enter name of overheads.
Quantity: enter quantity.
Charges: enter charges in amount.
Remarks: details of overheads.
Machine Information
Description: this is used to input the machine information being used in the materials
assembling .
Machine Code: Auto-generated id.
Name: enter name of machine.
Machine No: enter machine no.
Functionalities: enter the functionalities and properties of machine used for materials
Production Capacity: enter the machine capacity of assembling the materials.
Production Time: enter the using time of machines.
Used By: enter name of person using the machine.
Type: enter machine type i.e. Packing Machine, generator etc.
Delivery Challan
Description: This is used to enter the materials delivery information for forwarding the
materials pre-issuing note.
Challan No: Auto-generated challan no. Issued to: enter the person to whom the
Challan No: current date. challan is issued.
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Department: select the department from Checked By: name of person challan is
list. issued checked by.
Issued By: name of person challan issued Verified By: name of person the challan is
by. verified.
Delivery Details:
Item: Select from list. Type: Select from list.
Description: auto-entered when selecting Category: Select from list.
the item code. Qty: enter quantity the items.
UOM: Select from list. Ware house: Select from list.
MRIN No: Auto-generate no. Challan No: select from list.
MRIN date: enter current date. Issued By: name of person being issued
MRIN Check: select the MRIN check i.e. by.
Issue or Receive Note. Check By: name of person being checked
Issued To: Name of person the MRIN note by.
is being issued. Verified By: name of person being verified
Department: select from list. by.
MRIN Details:
Item: Select from list. Category: Select from list.
Description: auto-entered when selecting Qty: enter quantity the items.
the item code. Ware house: Select from list.
UOM: Select from list. Expiry Date: enter the expiry date of item
Type: Select from list.
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MRN No: Auto-generate no. Check By: name of person being checked
MRN date: enter current date. by.
Return Type: select the MRN Type from Verified By: name of person being verified
damage causes list. by.
Department: select from list. Purchase and Sale Order No: enter the
Return to: name of person being returned no.
Item: Select from list. Category: Select from list.
Description: auto-entered when selecting Qty: enter quantity the items.
the item code. MRIN No: Select from list.
UOM: Select from list. Expiry Date: enter the expiry date of item.
Type: Select from list.
Gate Pass No: Auto-generate no. Verified By: name of person being verified
Gate Pass date: enter current date. by.
Ware House: select the from list. Purchase and Sale Order No: enter the
Vehicle: select from list. no.
Issued to: name of person being issued to. Challan No: Enter challan no.
Check By: name of person being checked Remarks: any comments.
Item: Select from list. Type: Select from list.
Description: auto-entered when selecting Category: Select from list.
the item code. Qty: enter quantity the items.
UOM: Select from list.
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Damage No: Auto-generate no. Claim to: name of person to whom being
Damage date: enter current date. claimed.
Damage Type: select from damage Challan No: enter challan no.
causes list. Ware House: select the from list.
Purchase and Sale Order No: enter the Vehicle: select from list.
no. Verified By: name of person being verified
Department: select from list. by.
Check By: name of person being checked
Item: Select from list. Qty: enter quantity the items.
Description: auto-entered when selecting Rate: enter damage rate.
the item code. Expiry Date: enter the expiry date of item.
UOM: Select from list. Other charges: enter other damage
Type: Select from list. charges.
Category: Select from list. Amount: auto-calculating total amount.
Assembling Order
Description: this is used to create assembling order for forwarding to assembling
Order No: Auto-generated id. Order By: name of person being ordered
Order Date: enter order date. by.
Finished date: Enter finished date. Department: select from list.
Item: Select from list. Type: Select from list.
Description: auto-entered when selecting Category: Select from list.
the item code. Qty: enter quantity the items.
UOM: Select from list.
Daily Assembling
Description: This is used to enter the daily materials assembling and overheads entry
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Assembling No: Auto-generate no. Check By: name of person being checked
Assembling date: enter current date. by.
Machine: select the from list. From Date: Enter assembling from date.
Department: select from list. To Date: Enter assembling to date.
Assembled By: name of person being
items assembled to.
Assembling Details:
Item: Select from list. Type: Select from list.
Description: auto-entered when selecting Category: Select from list.
the item code. Qty: enter quantity the items.
UOM: Select from list.
Overheads Details:
Overhead Code: select from list. Charges: Auto-entered on selecting the
Description: Auto-entered on selecting the overheads code of user can alter it.
overheads code. Amount: user input amount.
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Description: this is used to post the overheads expense charges amount to ledger system,
this is used to integrate the ICS with GLS.
Assembling No: Select from list.
Date: Current date
Total Amount: Auto-calculated total charges net amount.
Debit Account: select from accounts list.
Credit Account: select from accounts list.
Process: press this button to post the JV to ledger. In which voucher no will be auto-
generated, voucher date from above current voucher, Voucher type will be JV, Job ,
department, company, cards will be selected from above list.
Damage No: Select from list.
Date: Current date
Total Amount: Auto-calculated total charges net amount.
Debit Account: select from accounts list.
Credit Account: select from accounts list.
Process: press this button to post the JV to ledger. In which voucher no will be auto-
generated, voucher date from above current voucher , Voucher type will be JV, Job ,
department, company, cards will be selected from above list.
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Reports are used to generate daily activity of data entry as information in the form of
hard copy for management, this the main section of application software.
1. Printing Parameters.
File Formats: This option will be enables if user checks yes to File Destination then it is
necessary to give destination file format.
1. To MS Excel: to Microsoft Excel format.
2. To MS Word: to Microsoft Word format.
3. To Text: to text format.
1. Date Parameters: these parameters will be used for transactional reports where it will
be necessary to ask the from and to date for generating any report.
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
Setup Reports
Items Types
This is used to generate all Items type report.
Items category
This is used to generate all Items category report.
This is used to generate UOM report.
This is used to generate all vehicle and vehicles.
All vehicle
V. Code Name V. No
001 Mazda jh-40904
002 Truck 32-49004
This is used to generate all transport and vehicles.
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
This is used to generate all Items report.
All Item
Item Code Name Type category UOM unit Code
001 Bottles 1.5
Ware House
Ware House Code Name Location
001 Korangi Karachi
Machine Information
This generates all machines information.
All Machines
Machine Code Name No# Type capacity Rate Time
001 Packing 93883 1500
Overheads Information
This generates all overheads information.
All Overheads
OV. No Name Qty Charges remarks
001 Electricity 1200 50
001 Labor 5 200
Damages Information
This generates all damage information.
All Damages
Damage Code Description Rules
001 Transporting
002 In-House Breaking
003 Expiry Date
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
Transactional Reports
Type Category Item Unit Cost Buying Selling UOM Rate Conv:
Cost Cost Rate
Bottle 1.5 68.54 68.54 70.44 Cartons 350 5
Bottle 2.5 80.54 98.54 70.44 Cartons 500 5
In-House manufacturing
Type Category Item Unit Cost Buying Selling UOM Rate Conv:
Cost Cost Rate
Imported Plastics Bottle 1.5 68.54 68.54 70.44 Cartons 350 5
Imported Plastics Bottle 2.5 80.54 98.54 70.44 Cartons 500 5
Imported Glasses
Imported Caps
In-House manufacturing
Item Journal
This generates the items journal report from stock.
Item Journal
From Date 01/12/2005 To Date 30/12/2005
Item Description Type Category Date In Out
001 Bottle 1.5 Imported Plastics Opening Qty 1500
1/12/2005 1500 00
15/12/2005 1200 300
12/12/2005 1500 1000
Balance: 4200
002 Bottle 2.5 Local Plastics Opening Qty 5000
1/12/2005 6500 6000
15/12/2005 7000 4000
12/12/2005 6000 5000
Balance: 10500
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
Gate Pass Entry
This generates gate pass daily report with data wise parameters.
001 Bottle 1.5 Imported Plastics 01/12/2005 1500 00 Korangi
002 Bottle 2.5 Local Plastics 15/12/2005 1200 300 S.I.T.E
Delivery Challan
This generates the delivery challan receipt and reports.
Delivery Challan
From Date 01/12/2005 To Date 30/12/2005
Challan Date Issued By Item Description Type Category Qty Ware House
001 01/12/2005 Aftab Bottle 1.5 Imported Plastics 1500 Korangi
002 15/12/2005 Kaisar Bottle 2.5 Local Plastics 300 S.I.T.E
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
, Mrin_No, Vehicle_Code, wharehouse_code, w_desc, Issued_By, Mrin_Date
Join Setup_Item_Type.Itm_type_Id = Setup_Item .Itm_type_Id
Setup_Category.Itm_Cat_Id = Setup_Item .Itm_Cat_Id
Inv_MRIN_Master. Mrin_No = Inv_MRIN_Detail. Mrin_No
Inv_MRIN_Detail. wharehouse_code =Inv_Wharehouse_info.
Inv_MRIN_Master Vehicle_Code = setup_vehicle_info. Vehicle_Code
Order By Inv_MRIN_Master.Mrin_No, Inv_MRIN_Master .Mrin_Date
Group By Inv_MRIN_Master.mrin_type
Formulas Nil
Note: develop the report for particular ware house, item type, item category format same as above
particular item wise report as given bellow.
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
MRN (Material Return Note)
This generates the material returns notes information.
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
Join Setup_Item_Type.Itm_type_Id = Setup_Item .Itm_type_Id
Setup_Category.Itm_Cat_Id = Setup_Item .Itm_Cat_Id
Inv_MRN_Master. Mrn_No = Inv_MRN_Detail. Mrn_No
Inv_MRN_Detail. wharehouse_code =Inv_Wharehouse_info.
Inv_MRN_Master Vehicle_Code = setup_vehicle_info. Vehicle_Code
Inv_MRN_detail.mrin_no = Inv_MRIN_detail.mrin_no
Order By Inv_MRN_Master.Mrn_No, Inv_MRN_Master .Mrn_Date
Group By Inv_MRN_Detail.itm_id
Formulas Nil
Note: develop the report for particular ware house, item type, item category format same as above
particular item wise report as given bellow.
Cost Of Inventory
This generates the cost of inventory with warehouse wise.
Assembling Order
Item Assembling
Description: This generates the Items assembling order report.
Items Assembling
From Date 01/12/2005 To Date 30/12/2005
Date Asm: No# Item Type Category Qty Assembled By
01/12/2005 001 Bottle 1.5 Imported Plastics 1500
15/12/2005 001 Bottle 2.5 Local Plastics 300
Daily Assembling
Description: This generates the materials daily assembling report.
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0
Items Assembling (without overheads)
From Date 01/12/2005 To Date 30/12/2005
Date Asm: No# Item Type Category Qty Machine Assembled By
01/12/2005 001 Bottle 1.5 Imported Plastics 1500 Packing
15/12/2005 001 Bottle 2.5 Local Plastics 300 Mixing
Multi Technologies mtech financials 1.0