DJMB/19 .: M.D. Microbiology (PG Degree STD.)
DJMB/19 .: M.D. Microbiology (PG Degree STD.)
DJMB/19 .: M.D. Microbiology (PG Degree STD.)
(PG Degree Std.)
Time Allowed: 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks: 300
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I .
D.JMB/19 2
1. The side chain theory of antibody production was proposed by
"lfIl{ Paul Ehrlich (B) Elie Metchnikoff
(C) John Hunter (D) Edward Jenner
3. The biologicalcontrol for testing dry heat efficacy are spores of nontoxigenic
(A) 1% (B) 5%
f5. 3 DJMB/19
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7. .Gram negative bacilli may be cultured using
~ MacConkey's medium
(A) Conjugation
, ~ Transformation
(C) Transduction
DJMB/19 4
12. Which of the following HLA types is associated with rheumatoid arthritis?
13. Which of the following HLA t'ypes is associated with Ankylosing spondytitis?
14. All the following are examples ofT-cell sub population except
18. The following human diseases are associated with super antigens except
5 DJMB/19
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19. Which of the following Immunoglobulins is heat labile?
20. Which immunoglobulin class is the most efficient to produce agglutination reaction?
(B) P -Galactosidase
DJMB/19 6
24. The genes encoding proteins inhibiting excessive cell proliferation are called
25. Chadiak - Higashi syndrome is an immuno deficiency diseases which occurs due to
26. All of the following are diseases of combine immuno deficiencies except
27. The following are the Immunological complications,after blood transfusion except
29. All the following vaccines are to be stored cold but not froyen EXCEPT
7 DJMB/19
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30, All are zoonotic except
(A) Brucellosis
(B) Plague'
(C) Tularensis
(A) Cloxacillin
(B) Methiclin
(C) Teicoplanin
~ Linezolid
~ Staphylococcus epidermidis
(B) Staphylococcus haemolylicus
DJMB/19 8
35. Sensitivity tests for Mycobacterium tuberculosis are carried out by the following methods
(A) Absolute conce.ntration method
(B) Resistance Ratio method
(C) Proportion method
9 DJMB/19
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41. Botryomycosis caused by
DJMB/19 10
47. Terminal-Spined eggs are characteristic of
49. The following microfilaria are present both in Blood and Skin,
(C) Ileum
'" Caecum
(D) F. hepatica.
.11- DJMB/19
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54.. Which one of the following is called Dog tapeworm?
(C) Hepatitis A
~ Corona virus
DJMBI19 12
60. Cowdry type A inc~usionbodies are seen in
~ Brucella
(D) Salmonella
13 DJMBI19
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65. Which of the following serotypes of adenoviruses causes swimming pool conjunctivitis?
66. The most common mucosal site affected by Herpes simplex virus type 1 is?
67. The most common site affected by Herpes Zoster is area innervated by which of the
_-. ~
Spinal cord segments
Da to L2
La to Ls
68. A rare form of Herpes Zoster affecting facial nerve causing facial palsy with eruption on
tympanic membrane. and external auditory canal is known as?
69. Which of the following refers to benign warts caused by papilloma virus in young children?
DJMBI19 14
71. Hepatitis virus not transmitted by blood and blood products is
(A) Hepatitis B (B) Hepatitis C
(C) Hepatitis G 'tif!!f Hepatitis E
72. One of the following statements is false about Kyasanur Forest Disease
(A) It is a Tick borne haemorrhagic fever
(B) Principal vector is Haemaphysalis spinigera
(C) It is antigenically related to RSSE complex
~ pigs out as amplifier host
73. Which is the first human disease identified to be associated with a virus?
(A) Dengue
(B) Chihungunya
(~ Erythema infectiosum
'wIffJ Yellow fever
74. Which of the following viral diseases does not result in haemorrhagic fever?
'If(Iff Louping ill (B) Ebola
(C) Lassa fever (D) Yellow fever
15 . DJMB/19
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77. Dimorphic fungi grow as yeast forms at the following temperature
.£ Trichophyton verrucosum
82. - Which of the following genus of dermatophytes does not infect nails
vir Microsporum
(C) Epidermophyton
DJMBI19 16
83. Most commonly causative species of CNS Aspergillosis.
~ Aspergillus fumigatus
$ Corynebacterium minutissimum
(C) 1V!icrosporumgypseum
86. 50 year old male presents with hea'dache vomiting and neck rigidity. India Ink staining of
CSF reveals spherical budding yeast cells with clear halo surrounding. What is the
etiological agent?
.17 DJMBI19
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88. All are true about Helicobacter pylori infections except
-.JIG Less common in developing countries
(B) Highly motile
(C) Rapid urease test positive
(D) Adenocarcinoma of stomach ..
89. Incubation period in gastroenteritis due to salmonella is
6.12 hrs (B) 12.24 hrs
12-36hrs (D) 24-48 hrs
92. Biochemical analysis of Tubercular Meningitis reveals all of the following except
(A) CSF pressure: Moderately elevated
(B) CSF protein: Markedly increased
VII!f CSF glucose: Slightly increased
(D) Call count: Increased, lymphocytic
DJMB/19 18
94. The mechanism of action of Fluoroquinolone against bacteria is
95. Under the Bush - Jacoby -:-Medeioros Functional classification scheme for j3 -lactamase
(A) 1 (B) 2e
2f (D) 2a
98. How many maximum antimicrobial disks should be placed on a 100 mm Mueller Hinton
agar plate?
.~ upto 6 disks
19 DJMB/19
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99. Which one of the following is not a "nonsense codon"?
(A) UAA. ~ UGG
. (C) UAG (D) UGA
102. The foundations of immuno chemistry was laid by the pioneering work of
../> Karl Landsteiner . (B) Paul Ehrlich
(C) Frank Burnet (D) Roux and Yersin
105.. Which among the following provides ~ three dimensional view of the specimen?
(A) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
...A> Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
(C) Phase Contrast Microscope
(D) Darkfield Microscope
DJMBI19 20
106. Peptidoglycan layer of cell wall is thicker in
~ Actinomycetes naeslundii
(C). Rickettesiae
108. Nocardia species are stained by strong carbolfuchsin and resist decolorisation with
109. The bacteria which require higher level of carbon dioxide for their growth are known as
110. Bacteria which can grow at' temperature between 25°C and 40°C are known as
21 DJMBI19
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112. Secretory IgA contains
(A) Polypeptide
.J Glycine-rich polypeptide
. (C) Polysaccharide
(D) Glycine rich polysaccharide
115. The condition is which ~tructural of functional damage is produced by the action of
immunologically competent cells or antibodies against the normal components of the body is
called as.
(A) Acquired immunity (B) Adaptive immunity
~ Auto immunity (D) Innate immunity
DJMB/19 22 ~.
118. Which immunoglobulin class can pass through placenta?
(C) Aspergillus
pathway is
122. Which component of complement is present in the highest concentration in the serum?
(A) C1 (B) C2
~ C3 (D) C5
23 DJMB/19
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123. Autoantibodies to ribonucleoprotein (RNP) antigens SS-A (RO) and SS-B (La) are produced
. i~hich disease .
"") Sjogren syndrome (B) Systemic sclerosis
(C) Multiple sclerosis (D) Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE)
125. .Auto antibodies bind to basement membrane antigens on.kidney glomeruli and the alveoli.
This is the hallmark of
~ Good.Pasture syndrome (B) Myasthenia gravis
(C) Grave's disease (D) Hashimoto's thyroiditis
DJMB/19 24
130. Selective media for N. gonorohea is
134. Which of the following salmonella ferments glucose with acid but no gas
(A) S. Paratyphi A
(B) S:.Paratyphi B
S. Choleraesuis
~ S. Typhi
25 DJMB/19
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135. Clinical manifestations of enterococci are all except
(A) Urinary tract infections
(B) Neona tal sepsis
(C) Neonatal meningitis
.~ Neonatal conjunctivitis
"'" Immunomodulator
(C) Toxin production
(D) Adjuvant
~ Pulmonary anthrax
DJMBI19 26
140. Brazilian purpuric fever caused by
(A) Haemophilus aphnophilus ~ Haemophilus aegyphius
(C) Coxiella burnetii (D) Rickettsia prowazekii
141. Transport media used for isolation of vibro cholerae from stool specimen are all EXCEPT
(A) Alkaline salt medium (B) Autoclaved sea water
(C) Cary Blair medium "fI!> Stuarts medium
'f?> 27 DJMB/19
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147. Vector for African Trypanosomiasis
150. Pernicious malaria is caused by,
P. Falliparum (D) P. Malariae
(A) A lumbricoides
~ T. Saginata
(D) A duodenale
DJMB/19 28
153. The Distome of China is refers to
29 DJMBI19.
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158. Which of the following is the smallest virus?
(C) Exocytosis
DJMB/19 30
164. Which of the following vaccine is killed vaccine?
169. Which year did WHO announced global eradication of small pox?
31 DJMB/19
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170. The following are the strains of Poliovirus Except?
171. When passaged serially in eggs the progeny influenza virus show high haemagglutinin titres
but low infectivity which is called as?
DJMB/19 32
175. All are structural genes in the genome of HlV Except?
~ Yaba virus
""" Breastfeeding
(B) Blood transfusion
33 DJMBI19
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180. Black piedra is caused by one of the following fungi
J Microsporum gypseum
.."t!" Chromoblastomycosis
(C) Sporotrichosis
(D) Candidiasis
t:/ Coccidioidomycosis
.. (£) Histoplasmosis
(D) Blastomycosis
DJMBI19 34
185. According to Durack and street classification, classic Fever of unknown origin (Classic FUO).
is defined as the following except
(A) Temperatures of> 38.3°c Duration of> 1 wks
(C) Duration of > 3 wks (D) Three outpatient visits
187. A patient in an ICU is on a CVP line. His blood culture shows growth of gram positive Cocci
which is catalaes positive and coagulase negative. The most likely etiological agent.
(A) Staphylococcus aureUs ~ Staphylococcus epidermidis
(C) Streptococcus Pyogenes (D) Enterococcus faecalis
35 DJMBI19
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191. Chemoprophylaxis for high chloroquine resistance is
(C) Primaquine
(D) Piperaquine.
192. Both live attenuated and killed vaccine is NOT available for which of the following?
(A) Polio virus
. (B) Yellow fever
195. Whr one of the followingis a whole-cell recombinant B subunit cholera vaccine?
~ Dukoral
DJMB/19 36
196. In which method, an absorbent ship with a known gradient of antibiotic concentration along
its length is used for antibiotic sensitivity testing?
~ Epsilometer test
,. 197. The percentage of removal of the Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of sewage in primary
199. How many pairs of amplification .primers are used in nested PCR
200. What should be the minimum distance (center to center) between two adjacent antimicrobial
disks on the Mueller - Hinton agar plate?
~ 20mm (D) 30 mm
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