Jump Programming - High Intensity, Moderate Volume
Jump Programming - High Intensity, Moderate Volume
Jump Programming - High Intensity, Moderate Volume
Mesocycle 1, Microcycle 1: Improve work capacity, concentric max strength, strength speed.
Monday: Concentric Power/Max Strength
1. Warm up: Closure OR choice warm up
2. Dynamic Flexibility: Jump Dynamic Flexibility x10 ea.
3. Isometrics: 4x45 seconds achilles or patella
4. Weight Room:
a. Barbell squat jump: 4x6 @ 95 lbs (Max intensity)
b. Superset
i. Barbell back squat OR BB split squat: 5x5; last 2 sets @ 70%
ii. Barbell bench press: 4x6 last 3 sets @ 60% w/ 3 second pause
c. RDL: 2x5 @ 35% of your deadlift w/ 3 second pause
d. Seated calf raise: 4x4 @ RPE 6/10
5. Cool down: Medball toss overhead back x 10 throws
Friday: Technical/Coordination
NOTE* If you have pain, please skip this session and see the free week of knee rehab. I
recommend consuming caffeine if possible.
1. Warm up: Closure OR choice warm up OR Pick up basketball x 20 minutes
2. Dynamic Flexibility: Jump Dynamic Flexibility x10 ea.
3. Isometrics: 4x45 seconds achilles or patella
4. Dunk Warm Up:
a. 10 x Standing jumps OR low effort short approach jumps
b. 10 x Full approach jumps at lower speeds
c. OPTIONAL 10-20 x Full approach jumps