PHY-II (Karim Sir Notes)
PHY-II (Karim Sir Notes)
PHY-II (Karim Sir Notes)
S.NO Name of Bravais Lattice
SYSTEM Lattices
Simple, Body centered and face
1 Cubic 3
2 Tetragonal 2 Simple, Body centered
Simple, Body Centered, face centered
3 Rhombic 4 Base Centered
Let the next plane A’B’C’ parallel to ABC be at a distance OM from the origin. Then
its intercepts are Therefore √
5. Derive Bragg’ s Law (3M)
Consider a set of parallel planes of a
crystal separated by a distance
‘d’ apart. Suppose a beam of
monochromatic X-rays incident at an
angle ‘θ’ on these planes. The beam PA
is reflected from atom ‘A’ in plane-1
whereas beam RB is reflected from atom
‘B’ in plane-2 as shown in figure. These
two reflected rays will be in phase or out of phase with each other depending on
their path difference. This path difference can be found by drawing perpendiculars
AM and AN. It is obvious that second ray travels an extra distance
Hence the path difference the two reflected beams
=MB+BN=d sinθ + d sinθ= 2d sinθ
Bragg’s law states that the two reflected beams will be in-phase to each other, if this
path difference equals to integral multiple of λ
i.e. 2d sinθ=nλ Where n=1,2,3 for the first order, second order and third order
maxima respectively.
The film is removed from the camera, processed and flattened. It shows the
diffraction lines and the holes for the incident and transmitted beams. The distance
between two successive arcs S is measured and using the relation ( ) a list
of θ values can be obtained.
Where ‘R’ is the radius of the camera. Since the wavelength λ is known, substituting
these θ values in Bragg’s formula, a list of inter-planar spacingd can be calculated.
From the ratio of interplanar spacing, the type of the lattice can be identified as well
as lattice constant a can be calculated.
1. Point Defects
(a) Vacancies: Vacancies also called Shottky defects
Schottky defect: Ion vacancies are called Shottky defects. A shottky defect is
the combination of one cation vacancy and one anion vacancy. A pair of one cation
and one anion missing from an ionic crystal(a schottky defect) is shown in figure.
These defects are normally generated in equal number of anion and cation
vacancies hence electrical neutrality is maintained in the crystal.
(b) Interstitialcies: Interstitial defect also called Frenkel defect
Frenkel defect:In the case of ionic crystal, an ion displaces from the lattice
into an interstitial site is called a Frenkel defect. A Frenkel defect is the combination
of one cation vacancy and one cation interstial defect.
(C)Impurities: Basically there are two types of impurity defects
Screw dislocation: Screw dislocation results from a displacement of the atoms in one
part of a crystal relative to the rest of the crystal, forming a spiral ramp around the
dislocation line. .
3. Surface defects The defects that occur along the surface of the crystal is said to
be surface defects. The surface defects are two dimensional defects. The
different types of surface defects are
Grain boundaries: Grain boundaries are those surface imperfections which
Separate crystals of different orientations in a polycrystalline aggregate.
Tilt boundaries: Tilt boundary is another type of surface imperfection and it may
be regarded as an array of edge dislocations. It is also a class of low angle
Twin boundaries: Surface imperfections which separate two orientations that
are mirror images of one another are called twin boundaries. Twin boundaries
occur in pairs, such that the orientaion change introduced by one boundary is
restored by the other as shown in figure.
Stacking faults:A stacking fault is a surface defect that results from the stacking
of one atomic plane out of sequence on another, while the lattice on either side
of the fault is perfect. The stacking fault is a discrepancy in the packing sequence
of the layers of atoms.
4. Volume Defects
Volume defects are 3-dimensional defects. These include pores, cracks, foreign
inclusions and other phases. These defects are normally introduced during
processing and fabrication steps. All these defects are capable of acting as stress
raisers, and thus deleterious to parent metal’s mechanical behavior. However, in
some cases foreign particles are added purposefully to strengthen the parent
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From the law of thermodynamics, the corresponding change in free energy is given
by (U = )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
From the law of thermodynamics, the corresponding change in free energy is given
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[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
From the law of thermodynamics, the corresponding change in free energy is given by
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
This gives the concentration of Frenkel defects in a crystal at temperature T. The number of
defects increases exponentially with the temperature.
1. What are point defects? Explain the Schottky and Frenkel defects.
2. The first order diffraction is found to occur at a glancing angle of 90. Calculate the
wavelength of X-rays and the glancing angle of second order diffraction if the spacing
between the adjacent planes is 2.51 A0. [June 2011, 3 marks]
3. i) The Miller indices of a set of parallel planes which make equal intercepts on three axes are
a) (1 2 1) b) (1 1 1) c) (1 0 0) d) (1 0 1) [Jan 2012, 1 marks]
ii) In a simple cubic lattice the ratio of d100 : d110 : d111 is
√ √ √ b) √ √ √ c) 6 √ √ d) 6 [Jan 2012, 2
4. Show that among S.C, B.C.C, and FCC, FCC has closed packed structure. [Jan 2012, 5 marks]
5. Obtain an expression for the concentration of Schottkey defects in ionic crystals. [Jan 2012,
5 marks]
6. Explain the types of point defects observed in crystals. [June 2012, 3 marks]
7. State and explain Bragg’s law in X-ray diffraction. [June 2012, 3 marks]
8. Describe the powder diffraction method for the determination of lattice constant of a cubic
unit cell. [June 2012, 5 marks]
9. Derive an expression for the equilibrium concentration of Frenkel defects in crystals. [Jan
2013, 6 marks]
10. Define the terms space lattice and unit cell. Explain the crystal systems and corresponding
Bravais lattices. [Jan 2013, 6 marks]
11. Write a short note on point defects in solids. [Jan 2013, 4 marks]
1. In a metal, the valence electrons of the atoms are assumed to be completely detached
from their ions forming an free electron gas.
2. The free electrons are treated equivalent to gas molecules, and thus are assumed to
obey the laws of kinetic theory of gases.
3. electron-electron interactions are completely neglected
4. A metal is imagined as a structure of 3-D array of ions in between which, there are freely
moving valence electrons confined to the body of the metal.
5. The potential inside the metal is considered constant. Hence, free electrons are moving
in a completely uniform potential field due to ions which are fixed in the lattice. But in a
particular direction the resultant velocity of the free electron is zero.
6. When we apply the potential difference across the metal, the free electrons slowly drift
towards the positive potential even though they continue to collide with each other and
positive ions.
1. It is used to verify ohm’s law
2. It is used to explain the electrical and thermal conductivities of metals
3. It is used to explain the optical properties of metals
4. It is used to explain Ductility and malleability of metals.
1. According to classical free electron theory, resistivity √ But from experiments
In order to simplify the computations, an assumption is made regarding the potential barrier
shown in figure. As V0 increases the width of the barrier w decreases so that the product
V0w remains constant. It turns out that solutions are possible only for energies given by the
relation, -----(3)
Where and (P is referred to as scattering power of the potential
The left hand side of eq.(3) imposes a limitation on the values that the right side function
can have, namely, a maximum value of +1 and a minimum value of -1. Hence only certain
range of values of are allowed. This means that energy E is restricted to lie within certain
ranges which form the allowed energy bands. This concept is best understood by
considering the plot of the right side of the equation against as in figure.
1. Allowed ranges of which permit a wave mechanical solution to exist are shown by
the shadow portions. The motion of electrons in a periodic lattice is characterized by the
bands of allowed energy bands separated by forbidden regions.
2. As the value of increases the width of the allowed energy bands also increases and
the width of the forbidden band decreases.
3. If the potential barrier strength P is large, the function described by
the right hand side of the equation crosses +1 and -1 region at a
The energy of the highest occupied level at 0K is called as Fermi energy and the
energy level is referred to as the Fermi level. Thus at T=0K, all the energy levels lying
above Fermi level are empty while those lying below are completely filled.
Where is the density of electron states in the energy interval E and E+dE
It’s expression is
The number of electrons per unit volume of the material n is obtained by integrating
equation (1)
∫ ∫
This is the expression for free electron density at any temperature in metals.
[ ( ) ]
This is the expression for Fermi energy of electrons at any non-zero temperature.
At absolute zero, the upper occupied level is EF and for all the levels below EF , F(E)=1.
Let . Then equation (2) can be written as
[ ]
( )
Magnetic Materials
1. Discuss classification of magnetic materials (5M)
Diamagnetic materials: The materials which when placed in a magnetic field acquire feeble
magnetism opposite to the direction of the magnetic field are known as diamagnetic
Bismuth (Bi), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Silver (Ag), Gold(Au), Salt(NaCl), Water(H2O),
Mercury(Hg), Hydrogen(H2) are the examples of diamagnetic materials.
1. When a bar of diamagnetic material is placed in a magnetic field, it tries to repel the
lines of force away from it as shown in figure. This shows the magnetic induction B in it
is less than the applied field H. So the permeability ( ) is less than one.
2. When a bar of diamagnetic material is suspended freely between two magnetic poles,
the axis of the bar becomes perpendicular to magnetic field.
3. The magnetic susceptibility is negative and is independent of temperature.
Paramagnetic materials: The materials which when placed in a magnetic field, acquire
feeble magnetism in the direction of magnetic field are known as paramagnetic materials.
Examples: Aluminium (Al), Platinum (Pt), Manganese (Mn), copper chloride (CuCl2), Oxygen
1. When a bar of paramagnetic material is placed in a magnetic field, it tries to attract the
lines of force towards it as shown in figure. This shows the magnetic induction B in it is
greater than the applied field H. so, the permeability is greater than one.
2. When a bar of paramagnetic material is suspended freely between two magnetic poles,
its axis becomes parallel to magnetic field as shown in figure. Moreover, the poles
produced at the ends of the bar are opposite to nearer magnetic poles.
3. The molecules of paramagnetic material possess permanent magnetic dipole moments.
In the absence of external magnetic field, the dipoles are randomly
oriented. Hence, the net magnetic moment is zero.In the presence
of magnetic field, the dipoles tend to align along the field direction.
This leads to magnetization in the direction of field. However, this
tendency is opposed by thermal agitation. Therefore, only partial
alignment takes place.
4. The paramagnetic susceptibility is positive and depends greatly on
temperatureas per Curie’s law ,where C is curie constant.
Dr. Kareem Ahmed 2017
Ferromagnetic materials:
The materials which when placed in a magnetic field become strongly magnetized in the
direction of field are known as ferromagnetic materials.
Examples: Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni), Cobalt (Co), Magnetite (Fe3O4), etc
1. When a ferromagnetic material is placed inside a magnetic field, it attracts the magnetic
lines of forces very strongly as shown in fig.
2. They acquire relatively high magnetization in a weak field. Further
even in the absence of applied field, the magnetic moments are
enormous. This is called spontaneous magnetization.
3. The magnitude of susceptibility is very large and positive.
4. The susceptibility of a ferromagnetic substance decreases steadily with
the rise of temperature in accordance with Curie-Weiss Law.
,where C is curie constant and is curie’s temperature.
5. Above certain temperature, called Curie temperature, ferromagnetic
material changes to paramagnetic.
In ferromagnetic material, spontaneous magnetization is due to internal molecular field and these
internal molecular fields tend to align the atomic dipoles in the same direction as its neighbours.
----- (1)
The eq(1) explains the Curie-Weiss lawby assuming that ferromagnetics are essentially paramagnetic
materials having a very large molecular field.
Let us consider a system with N spins per cubic meter, each giving rise to a magnetic moment of 1
Bohr magneton, which may be either parallel or antiparallel to an external applied magnetic field.
The magnetization of such a system is given by *( )( )+ ----- (2)
Even in the case of ferromagnetic materials, at very high temperatures (T>Tc), the thermal agitations
are so great that internal field is not sufficient to maintain alignment of magnetic dipole moments.
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The behavior becomes analogous to paramagnetism, except that the field acting on the dipole is the
internal field given by equation (1).
At sufficiently high temperatures, the term in square brackets in equation(2) will become small
compared to unity. Then since for we may approximate equation(2) by
( )
( )
( )
Thus ferromagnetic materials behave in the same fashion as paramagnetic material for T>>Tc.
When the magnetic field is applied, the magnetization occurs in the specimen by two ways.
(i) By the motion of domain walls and (ii) By rotation of domain walls
The motion of domain walls takes place in weak magnetic field. The volume of domains oriented in the
direction of magnetic field increases at the cost of those that are unfavorably oriented as shown in
The rotation of domain walls takes place in strong magnetic fields. When the external field is
high(strong) then the magnetization changes by means of rotation of the direction of magnetization
towards the direction of applied magnetic field as shown in figure(3).
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Initially OA the magnetization of the substance as whole proceeds by small reversible boundary
displacement but the steeper part AB of the magnetization curve is due to larger, irreversible
displacements. Above the knee of the curve BS magnetization proceeds by rotation of the direction
of magnetization of whole domains and such a process is rather difficult and the increase in
magnetization is relatively slow.
When the applied field is reduced, there is a little change in the domain structure so that the
magnetic induction or magnetization remains quite high, until high reverse fields are applied.
Further even when the external field is zero, there is a residual magnetization in the specimen and
that can be destroyed by applying a high reverse field. Thus the reversible and irreversible domain
wall movements give rise to hysteresis in the ferromagnetic materials.
Soft magnetic materials are easy to magnetize Hard magnetic materials are difficult to
and demagnetize. magnetize and demagnetize.
Hence these materials are used for making Hence these materials are used for making
temporary magnets. permanent magnets.
They have low hysteresis loss due to small They have large hysteresis loss due to large
hysteresis loop area. hysteresis loop area.
Susceptibility and permeability are high. Susceptibility and permeability are low.
Coercivity and retentivity values are less. Coercivity and retentivity values are large.
Magnetic energy stored is less. Magnetic energy stored is high.
The eddy current loss is less. The eddy current loss is high.
Examples:Iron, silicon alloys, Ferrites, Garnets Examples: Carbon steel, Tungsten steel, Cu-Ni-
etc. Fe(Cunife), Cu-Ni-Co(Cunico), Al-Ni-Co(Alnico)
Dr. Kareem Ahmed 2017
The susceptibility () is very large and positive. It is represented by,
These materials have low eddy current losses and low hysteresis
Applications of Ferrites
1. Ferrite is used in radio receivers to increase the sensitivity and
selectivity of the receiver.
2. Ferrites are used as cores in audio and TV transformers.
3. Ferrites are used in digital computers and data processing circuits.
4. Ferrites are used to produce low frequency ultrasonic waves by magnetostriction principle.
5. Ferrites are widely used in non-reciprocal microwave devices. Examples for non-reciprocal
microwave devices are Gyrator, Isolator and Circulator.
6. Ferrites are also used in power limiting and harmonic gyration devices.
7. Ferrites can also be used in the design of ferromagnetic amplifiers of microwave signals.
8. The rectangular shape ferrite cores can be used as a magnetic shift register.
9. Hard ferrites are used to make permanent magnets.
10. The permanent magnets (hard ferrites) are used in instruments like galvanometers,
ammeter, voltmeter, flex meters, speedometers, wattmeter, compasses and recorders.
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1. A paramagnetic material has a magnetic field intensity of 104 A/m. If the susceptibility at
room temperature is calculate the magnetization and flux density inthe material.
1. What is superconductivity explain (5M)
Before the discovery of superconductivity, it was thought that the electrical resistance of a
conductor becomes zero only at absolute zero. But, it is found that, in some materials the
electrical resistance becomes zero, when they are cooled to very low temperatures.
For example, the electrical resistance of pure mercury
suddenly drops to zero, when it is cooled below 4.2
kelvin. This phenomenon was first discovered by
H.K.Onnes in 1911. This phenomenon of losing the
resistivity absolutely, when cooled to sufficiently low
temperature is called superconductivity.The material
which shows this behavior is called superconductor. The
temperature at which a normal conductor loses its
resistivity ( ) and becomes a superconductor is known as transition or critical temperature
When the strength of the magnetic field applied reaches a critical value Hc the
superconductivity disappears. The dependence of the critical field upon the temperature is
given by
T 2
H c H 0 1
1. The BCS theory is based upon the formation of Cooper pairs, which is purely a quantum
mechanical concept. During the flow of current in a superconductor, when an electron
comes near a positive ion core of the lattice, it experiences an attractive force because of
the opposite charge polarity between electron and the ion core. The ion core will be
displaced from its position due to this interaction, which is called lattice distortion. Now,
Dr. Kareem Ahmed 2017
an electron which comes near that place will also interact with the distorted lattice,
which tends to reduce the energy of the electron. This process is looked upon as
equivalent to interaction between the two electrons via the lattice.
2. The lattice vibrations are quantized in terms of what are called phonons. Thus the
process is called “electron-lattice-electron interaction via the phonon field.
3. Cooper pair is a bound pair of electrons formed by the interaction between the electrons
with opposite spin and momenta in a phonon field.
4. When the electrons flow in the form of Cooper pairs in materials, they do not encounter
any scattering and the resistance factor vanishes or, in other words, conductivity
becomes infinity which is named as superconductivity. This is the essence of BCS theory
1. BaPb1-xBixO3
2. La2-xMxCuO4-x (M = Ba, Sr)
3. Ba2MCu3O7-x.(M = Y or rare earth metals such as Gd, Eu, etc.)
4. Ba2-xLa1+xCu3O
5. Bi2CaSr2Cu2O
It is difficult to state the mechanism of high T superconductivity. It has been realized that the role of
oxygen is essential for high TC oxide superconductors. The unit cell of high T superconductors has
complicated structure. If the cell contains one atom of rare earth metal, two barium atoms, three
copper atoms and seven oxygen atoms, then such compounds are named 1-2-3 superconductors.
Let us increase the dc current through the weak link until a finite voltage appears across the
Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDS) is a double junction quantum
interferometer. Two Josephson junctions mounted on a superconducting ring forms this
interferometer. The SQUIDs are based on the flux quantization in a superconducting ring.
The total magnetic flux passing through the ring is quantized. Very minute magnetic signals
are detected by these SQUID sensors. The SQUIDs are used to study tiny magnetic signals
from the brain and heart. SQUID magnetometers are used to detect the paramagnetic
response in the liver. This gives the information about the amount of iron held in the lever
of the body accurately.
1. Superconducting tin has a critical temperature of 3.7K at zero magnetic field and a critical
field of 0.0306 Tesla at 0K. find the critical field at 2K.
Critical Field ( ) ( )* += * +
2. Calculate the critical current for a wire of lead having a diameter of 1mm at 4.2K. Critical
temperature for leads is 7.18K and Hc(0)=
Critical Field ( ) ( )* += * +
Critical Current
3. The critical temperature for a metal with isotopic mass 199.5 is 4.185K. Calculate the
isotopic mass if the critical temperature falls to 4.133K.
We know that isotopic effect is given by
4. The critical temperature for Hg with isotopic mass 199.5 is 4.184K. Calculate the critical
temperature when its isotopic mass changes to 203.4K.
We know that isotopic effect is given by
4.1435 K
Dr. Kareem Ahmed 2017
Unit-III Semiconductors
1. Discuss creation of hole and electron Intrinsic semiconductors
Intrinsic semiconductors are those in which impurities are not present and are therefore are called
pure semiconductors. When a semiconductor is taken at 0K, then it behaves as an insulator and
conduction occurs at higher temperature due to thermal excitations of electrons from valence band
to the conduction band. The best examples of intrinsic semiconductors are Silicon and Germanium.
At 0K, all the valence electrons of Si atoms are participating in covalent bonding. So at 0k valence
band is full and conduction band is empty of electrons. The allowed band of energies above valence
band is called conduction band.
As the temperature increases, electrons will come out by breaking their covalent bonds and they
move freely inside the crystal. The emitted electrons participate in electrical conduction. As an
electron come out from valence band a vacancy is created in valence band called hole.
Thus at temperature T K, in an intrinsic semiconductor, if ‘n’covalent bonds are broken per unit
volume of the material, then there will be n electrons in the conduction band and same number of
holes in the valence
band. Usually the
number of electrons
present in the
conduction band
per unit volume of
the semiconductor
is called electron
concentration (n).
Similarly the number of holes present in the valence band per unit volume of the semiconductor is
called hole concentration (p). Both the free electrons and holes present in the material participate
in electrical conduction. The free electrons and holes present per unit volume of the semiconductor
is called carrier concentration (ni).
The energy level of penta-valent impurity lies just below the conduction band. Hence, fifth electron
of impurity atom excites into conduction band very easily. This electron is free to move any wherein
the crystal and is known as conduction electron, which is donated by penta-valent impurity. Hence
penta-valanet impurity is known as donor impurity.
At very low temperature, most of the donor level electrons are excited into conduction band and at
high temperature electrons from valence band also excited to conduction band leaving behind holes.
The semiconductor prepared in this way will have more electrons than holes. Since excess
charge(electrons) is negative, these are named as n-type semiconductors.
p-type semiconductors:when a trivalent impurity such as (B, Al, Ga, In)is doped into an intrinsic
semiconductor, three valence electrons of impurity atom make three covalent bonds with the
surrounding three intrinsic atoms. To attain stability it completes fourth covalent bond by accepting
an electron from silicon atom as the energy level of impurity atom lies just above the valence band
and the silicon atom acquires a hole.
Therefore trivalent impurity is called acceptor impurity. At very low temperatures, most of the
acceptor atoms get ionized by taking electrons from the valence band and thus giving rise to holes in
the valence band for conduction. At high temperature, in addition to above process, electron-hole
pairs are generated due to breaking of covalent bonds. Thus holes are more in number than
electrons. Thus these are called p-type semiconductors.
( ) ( ) ( )
Hole concentration (P) is given by
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( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
Let B be the magnetic field applied at right angles to the direction of current flow. If the
material is N-type, and ‘v’ is the velocity of electrons then the electrons experience a force
‘Bev’ due to magnetic field at right angles to both flow direction and B. This causes the
electron current to be deflected causing a negative charge to accumulate on the face(1) of
the slab as shown in figure. A potential difference is therefore established across the
faces(1) and (2) causing a field called Hall electric field
At equilibrium, eEH=Bev
If ‘t’ is the thickness of the sample, then its cross-section is wt and current density
When the P-N diode is in unbiased condition that is no voltage is applied across it, electrons
will defuse through the junction to p-side and holes will defuse through the junction to n-
side and they combine with each other. Thus the acceptor atom near the p-side and donor
atom near n-side are left unutilized. An electron field is generated by these uncovered
charges. This opposes further diffusion of carriers. So, no movement of region is known as
space charge or depletion region.
If, we apply forwards bias to the p-n junction diode. That means if positive side of the
battery is connected to the p – side, then the depletion regions width decreases and carriers
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flow across the junction. If the bias is reversed the depletion width increases and no charge
can flow across the junction.
Let's a voltage V is applied across a p-n junction and total current I, flows through the
( ) ( ) ( )
Hole concentration (P) is given by
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
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( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
1. The intrinsic carrier density at 300K in silicon is . If the electron and hole
Mobilities are 0.13 and 0.06 m2V-1S-1 respectively. Calculate the conductivity of intrinsic silicon.
[June-2013, 3marks]
Conductivity ( ) ( )
2. For an intrinsic semiconductor having band gap Eg= 0.7eV, calculate the density of holes and
electrons at room temperature (27 0C). Given K=1.38 X 10-23 J/K and h=6.62X10-34 J. [June 2011,
3 marks]
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
3. Mobilities of electrons and holes in a sample of intrinsic Ge at 300 K are 0.36 m2V-1S-1 and 0.17
m2V-1S-1 respectively. If the resistivity of the specimen is 2.12 ohm –m, compute the intrinsic
concentration of carriers for Ge. Where me*=0.5 m0 and mh*=0.37 m0. [Jan 2012, 3 marks]
Resistivity ( )
( ) ( )
8. Obtain an equation for carrier concentration in the case of intrinsic semiconductor [Dec-2008,
4marks] & [May/June-2008, 5marks] [Dec-2007, 6marks]
9. Explain Hall effect and deduce the expression for Hall coefficient, mobility and carrier
Dr. Kareem 2017
Electronic Polarization
Ionic Polarization
Orientational Polarization
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Ze 3 Ze
4 R 3
--------- (1)
4 / 3R 3
When an external field of intensity E is applied, the nucleus and the electrons experience Lorentz
forces of magnitude ZeE in opposite directions. Hence the nucleus and electron cloud are pulled
apart. When they are separated a coulomb force develops between them, which tend to oppose
the displacement. When these forces are equal and opposite, equilibrium is reached. Let x be the
displacement Since nucleus is much heavier than the electron cloud it is assumed that only the
electron cloud is displaced when external field is applied.
The charge enclosed in the sphere after applying the field is given by = density X Area
x 3 (substitue equ 1)
4 3 Ze
x3 3
= 3 4 R
Zex 3
Under equilibrium conditions, these two forces are equal and opposite. Therefore,
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Thus the displacement of the electron cloud is proportional to the applied field. Thus
the two electric charges +Ze and –Ze are separated by a distance x under the action of
the applied field thus constituting induced dipoles. Induced dipole moment is given
----- (3)
Thus at low frequencies, the value of total polarization is very high and at high
frequencies (optical frequencies) the value of total polarization is very small.
Above 1015 Hz, None of the polarization mechanisms are able to switch rapidly
enough to remain in step with the field. The material no longer possess the ability to
polarize, and the dielectric constant drops to 1, the same as that of vacuum.
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Temperature dependence of the dielectric Polarizations:
Electronic and Ionic polarizations do not depend on temperature and remains
constant at all temperatures. However Orientation polarization depends strongly on
temperature and it is inversely proportional to the temperature. Normal
temperatures oppose the permanent dipoles to align in the field direction. But
higher temperatures facilitates the movement of ions and molecules so that a given
polarization process which is not possible at higher frequencies at normal
temperature can occur at higher frequencies at high temperatures.
(i) First without inserting dielectric inside C1, the bridge is balanced by varying
C4 and R3. When current flowing through the detector becomes zero,
[ ]
Since R4 and C2 are fixed, the dial of R3 is calibrated to read the capacitance C1
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(ii) The dielectric specimen should be in the size of C1 (in its area) and inserted
between the plates C1. Now once again the bridge is balanced. Now the dial
reading in R3 will give the value of new capacitance C1’
Then the dielectric constant can be calculated using the formula
When E is reduced gradually such that E=0, the curve traces the path AB. It is
observed that certain amount of polarization called remnant polarization P r is still
present. This is the polarization that exists in the absence of external electric field.
Therefore this is called spontaneous polarization.
When the crystal is cooled below 120oC, one axis (axis C) stretches and the other axes
shrink and turn into a tetragonal crystal structure. In this case, polarization happens
as a result of the unit shift of axially elongated Ti- ion crystal. This polarization occurs
without applying an external electric field or pressure, and is known as "spontaneous
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polarization." This characteristic is called “ferroelctricity”. The displacements of
titanium ions create electric dipoles and all the dipoles of the adjacent unit cells get
aligned in the same c-direction. Similarly at 5oC spontaneous polarization direction
corresponds to the face diagonal direction and at -80oC the direction corresponds to
a body diagonal. At those temperatures there is an enormous value for dielectric
Dr. Kareem 2017
UNIT-IV Thin Films
Thin film: A thin film is a layer of material on a substrate ranging from fractions of a
nanometer to several micrometers (100 to 1000nm) in thickness.
When bulk material is heated to a high temperature, it vaporizes and the condensation of
the vapor onto a cold substrate yields thin films.
(a) Simple Thermal Evaporation: Thermal
evaporation technique requires vacuum up to
10-5 torr. Fix the boat with material which is
to be evaporated between two electrodes
and arrange and fix the substrates to
substrate holder over the boat at the
distance of 30 to 40 cm from the boat. Then
place the bell jar on these and create the
vacuum up to 10-5 torr. After achieving the
required vacuum, switch on the electrodes
and heat the boat slowly. Material in the boat
starts to evaporate and condense on the substrate resulting thin film formation on
substrate as shown in figure.
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Field Examples
Optics Antireflection coating; on lenses or solar cells,
Reflection coatings for mirrors.
Coatings to produce decorations (color, luster,
Interference filters.
CD's, DVD's and upcoming D's.
Chemistry Diffusion barriers.
Protection against corrosion / oxidation.
Sensors for liquid / gaseous chemicals.
Mechanics "Hard" layers (e.g. on drill bits).
Adhesion providers.
Friction reduction.
Magnetics "Hard" discs.
Video / Audio tape.
Electricity Insulating / conducting films; e.g. for resistors, capacitors.
(without Piezoelectric devices
Semiconductor high-speed transistors, solar cells, solid-state lighting, sensors, information
Technology storage devices, etc.
It is a p-n junction diode, which converts light energy into electrical energy. This effect is
called photovoltaic effect and the device is called photovoltaic cell or solar cell.
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Construction: It consists of heavily doped P-N junction, the top layer forming the
N-region usually made very thin to allow the solar radiation to fall onto the junction.
To avoid the electron hole recombination before reaching their end point, prepare a
comb shaped grid structure on the upper part.
The gap between successive vertical lines should
be less than the mean free path of the particle
generated between them. An anti reflecting
coating on the top is made to prevent light losses
due to reflection from the surface of the solar
cell. To get the desired voltage, several solar
cells are connected in series and to get desired
current, several solar cells are connected in
parallel. After completion of above all, finally the cell is encapsulated in a plastic material.
Working: When a solar cell is exposed to solar radiation a photon has energy less than
the band gap Eg makes no contribution to the cell output. A photon having energy
greater than Eg contributes an energy Eg to the cell output and energy greater Eg
is wasted as heat. The absorbed energy of photon excites valence electron to the
conduction band leaving holes in the valence band. So electrons are collected on N-side
and holes are collected on P-type of a P-N solar cell. An electric field within the
photovoltaic cell acts to force the electrons in a certain direction. A metal grid on either
side of the solar cell allows the electrons to collect and, if connected to an external
circuit, a current will flow.
I-V Characteristics:To draw I-V characteristics of solar cell, complete the circuit as shown
in figure.Switch on the light on cell and the maximum voltage measured between the two
ends of the cell is called open circuit voltage (VOC). If the minimum load is connected to
the cell, the charge carriers moves in the circuit
creating the maximum current called short circuit
Now increase the potentiometer, voltage increases
but current decreases. Note down these readings
upto maximum value of voltage where the current
will be minimum. Repeat the experiment for two or
three light intensities and draw the graph as shown.
Now select a point on each graph such that if the
perpendiculars are drawn on X-axis and Y-axis from this point, then the maximum area
formed by the rectangle. That indicates the maximum power extracting. Then note down
Vm on X-axis and Im on Y-axis.
Fill factor(FF):It is defined as the reliable and maximum extracting power of the cell and
is given by
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UNIT-IV Experimental Techniques
1. Explain priciple of X-ray Fluorescence
X-ray fluorescence is a non-destructive method for elemental analysis of solids and
liquids. The process of emission of characteristic X-rays is called X-ray fluorescence.
Raman scattering or the Raman effect is the inelastic scattering of a photon by molecules
which are excited to higher vibration or rotational energy levels. It was discovered by C.
V. Raman and K. S. Krishnan
When photons are scattered from an atom or molecule, most photons are elastically
scattered (Rayleigh scattering), such that the scattered photons have the same energy
(frequency and wavelength) as the incident photons. A small fraction of the scattered
photons (approximately 1 in 10 million) are scattered by an excitation, with the scattered
photons having a frequency different from, and usually lower than, that of the incident
photons. In a gas, Raman scattering can occur with a change in energy of a molecule due
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to a transition to another (usually higher) energy level. Chemists are primarily concerned
with the transitional Raman effect.
According to quantum theory, the Raman effect may be regarded as the outcome of the
collision between the light photons and molecules of the substance.
1. Raman spectroscopy is commonly used in chemistry, since vibration information
is specific to the chemical bonds and symmetry of molecules. Therefore, it
provides a fingerprint by which the molecule can be identified.
2. Raman gas analyzers have many practical applications. For instance, they are used
in medicine for real-time monitoring of anesthetic and respiratory gas mixtures
during surgery.
3. Raman spectroscopy has also been used to confirm the prediction of existence of
low-frequency phonons in proteins and DNA greatly stimulating the studies
of low-frequency collective motion in proteins and DNA and their biological
4. Raman scattering by an anisotropic crystal gives information on the crystal
orientation. The polarization of the Raman scattered light with respect to the
crystal and the polarization of the laser light can be used to find the orientation of
the crystal, if the crystal structure known.
3. Explain principle of Electron microscope (SEM) with neat diagram
Accelerated electrons in an SEM carry significant amounts of kinetic energy, and this
energy is dissipated as a variety of signals produced by electron-sample interactions
when the incident electrons are decelerated in the solid sample.
These signals include secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, diffracted
backscattered electrons, photons (characteristic X-rays that are used for elemental
analysis and continuum X-rays), visible light, and heat. Secondary electrons and
backscattered electrons are commonly used for imaging samples: secondary
electrons are most valuable for showing
morphology and topography on samples and
backscattered electrons are most valuable for
illustrating contrasts in composition in
multiphase samples (i.e. for rapid phase
X-ray generation is produced by inelastic
collisions of the incident electrons with
electrons in discrete orbital (shells) of atoms in
the sample. As the excited electrons return to
lower energy states, they yield X-rays that are of
a fixed wavelength (that is related to the
difference in energy levels of electrons in
different shells for a given element). Thus,
characteristic X-rays are produced for each
element in a mineral that is "excited" by the
electron beam.
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SEM analysis is considered to be "non-destructive"; that is, x rays generated by
electron interactions do not lead to volume loss of the sample, so it is possible to
analyze the same materials repeatedly.
1. The SEM is routinely used to generate high-resolution images of shapes of
objectss and to show spatial variations in chemical compositions:
2. Acquiring elemental maps or spot chemical analyses using EDS
3. Discrimination of phases based on mean atomic number (commonly related to
relative density) using Back scattered elections
4. Compositional maps based on differences in trace element "activitors" (typically
transition metal and Rare Earth elements) using CL.
5. The SEM is also widely used to identify phases based on qualitative chemical
analysis and/or crystalline structure. Precise measurement of very small features
and objects down to 50 nm in size is also accomplished using the SEM.
Backscattered electron images (BSE) can be used for rapid discrimination of
phases in multiphase samples. SEMs equipped with diffracted backscattered
electron detectors (EBSD) can be used to examine micro fabric and
crystallographic orientation in many materials.
4. Explain principle of AFM with neat diagram
The atomic force microscope (AFM) was
invented by Binning et al. in 1986. The AFM
measures the forces acting between a fine tip
and a sample. The tip is attached to the free end
of a cantilever and is brought very close to a
Attractive or repulsive forces resulting from
interactions between the tip and the surface will
cause a positive or negative bending of the
cantilever. The bending is detected by means of
a laser beam, which is reflected from the back
side of the cantilever. Figure shows the basic
concept of AFM. The working principle of AFM is Hooks law.
Contact mode imaging: cantilever’s tip is brought in contact with the surface of the
sample. The force between the tip and the sample causes the cantilever to deflect in
accordance with Hooke's Law.The amount of deflection is measured by reflecting light
from a laser diode off the back of the beam, and onto an array of position-sensitive
photo detectors.
Non-contact imaging employs a small piezo element mounted under the cantilever to
make it oscillate at its resonance frequency. When this oscillating cantilever is brought
down to within 10-100 nm from the sample surface, the oscillation gets modified
by interaction forces (Van der Waals, electrostatic, magnetic, or capillary
forces) between the tip and the sample.
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The advantages of AFM over electron microscopy include the following:
1) it generates true, 3-dimensional surface images;
2) it does not require special sample treatments that can result in the sample's
destruction or alteration; and
3) it does not require a vacuum environment in order to operate (it can operate in both
air and liquid).
On the other hand, itsdisadvantages include the following: 1) the image size that it
provides is much smaller than what electron microscopes can create; and 2) it is slow in
scanning an image, unlike an electron microscope which does it in almost real-time.
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UNIT-V Nanomaterials
If one dimension of the material is reduced to nano range while the other two
dimensions remain large, then the material or structure is called quantum well.
Quantum well is also called nanolayers.
If two dimensions are reduced to nano size while the third dimension remains large,
then the resulting structure is called quantum wire. A quantum wire is a one
dimensional nanostructure.
If all the three dimensions lie between ‘1’ to ‘100’ nm they are considered as zero
dimensional nano structures. These are also called as nano particles or nano
1. Physical properties
(a) Since the size of the particle is very less, the particles are very close to each other
and hence the inter-particle spacing is very less in nanomaterials.
(b) The melting point of nanomaterials will be very less.
2. Electrical properties
(a) The energy bands in these materials will be very narrow
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(b) In nano-ceramics the electrical conductivity increases with reduction in particle
size where as in metals electrical conductivity decreases.
3. Magnetic properties
(a) In nanomaterials a large number of atoms will be present at the surface. These
atoms will have less co-ordination number and hence possess local magnetic
moment within them.
(b) The nanomaterials show variation in their magnetic property, when they change
from bulk state to nano-particle state. Some of the examples are listed in table
S.No Material Bulk state Nano-Phase state
1 Iron, Ni, Cobalt Ferro-magnetic Super para-magnetic
2 Sodium, Potassium Para-magnetic Ferro-magnetic
3 Chromium Anti-ferromagnetic Frustrated para-magnetic
4. Mechanical properties
(a) The hardness of nano-phase materials varies from material to material. This may
be due to the phase transformation, stress relief, density and grain boundaries.
(b) They exhibit super plastic behavior
5. Chemical properties
(a) The ionization potential is found to be higher for nanomaterial.
(b) Nanomaterials are capable of storing hydrogen atoms.
Nanomaterials have a relatively larger surface area when compared to the larger form of
the material of same volume or mass.
Let us consider a sphere, its surface area=4πr2 ; Its volume =
Surface area to volume ratio =
Thus, when the radius of the sphere decreases, its surface area to volume ratio increases.
Let us consider another example: Cube
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Thus we find that when the given volume is divided into small pieces, the surface area
increases. Hence as material size decreases, a greater proportion of atoms are found at
the surface compared to those inside. This makes materials more chemically reactive.
This also effects strength and electrical properties.
In small nano-crystals the electronic energy levels are not continuous as in the bulk
but discrete, because of the confinement of the electronic wave-function to the
physical dimensions of the particles. This phenomenon is called quantum
Top down approach involves the breaking down of the bulk material into nano sized
structures or particles. An example of such a technique is high-energy ball milling.
The alternative approach, which has the potential of creating less waste and
hence the more economical, is the ‘bottom- up’. Bottom up approach refers to the
build up of a material from the bottom: atom-by-atom, molecule-by-molecule, or
cluster-by-cluster. Many of these techniques are still under
development or are just beginning to be used for commercial
production of nano powders
Sol-Gel method:
Sol-Gel is a chemical process
used to make ceramic and glass
materials in the form of thin
films, fibers or nano
powders.Sol-Gel process
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involves the formation of a colloidal suspension (Sol)and gelation of the sol to form
nano-powders in a continuous liquid phase (Gel).
A sol is a dispersion of the solid particles (20 to 100nm) in a liquid. The gel is a state
where both liquid and solid are dispersed in each other, which presents solid
networking containing liquid components. The transformation to a gel is often
achieved by changing the PH or the concentration of the solution. The following four
steps are involved in sol-gel method
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6. What are carbon nano tubes and explain its different types
Single-wall Nanotubes (SWNT): SWNT are tubes of graphite that are normally
capped at the ends. They have a single cylindrical wall. The structure of a SWNT can
be visualized as a layer of
graphite, a single atom thick,
called graphene, which is rolled
into a seamless cylinder.
Most SWNT typically have a
diameter of close to 1 nm. The
tube length, however, can be
many thousands of times
longer.SWNT are more pliable yet
harder to make than MWNT. They can be twisted, flattened, and bent into small
circles or around sharp bends without breaking.
SWNT have unique electronic and mechanical properties which can be used in
numerous applications, such as field-emission displays, nanocomposite materials,
nanosensors, and logic elements. These materials are on the leading-edge of
electronic fabrication, and are expected to play a major role in the next generation of
miniaturized electronics.
The diameters of MWNT are typically in the range of 5 nm to 50 nm. The interlayer
distance in MWNT is close to the distance between graphene layers in graphite.
MWNT are easier to produce in high volume quantities than SWNT. However, the
structure of MWNT is less well understood because of its greater complexity and
variety. Regions of structural imperfection may diminish its desirable material
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7. Write benefits and applications of nano technology.
Everyday materials and processes