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A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction Survey On Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in The Philippine National Police Region X

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A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction Survey on Safety and Security,

Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X

Article · September 2022


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7 authors, including:

Francis Thaise Cimene Maria Eliza D Santander

The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines


Mary Ann E. Telen

The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines


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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction Survey

on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the
Philippine National Police Region X
Francis Thaise A. Cimene*, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, *Lailyne S. Onyot
Center for Inclusive Development Studies, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Cagayan de Oro City,

Abstract— The maintenance of public safety and order is one of the disaster security, energy security, maritime and airspace
essential facets of public service. This is in keeping with the security, international security, information and cyber security,
government's national security plans as laid forth in the National and transportation and port security are all on the agenda.
Security Policy (NSP) 2017–2022. As a feedback mechanism to gauge In addition, the National Economic and Development
public satisfaction with the PNP's community engagement in Region
X, this study then aims to assess the community's perception of safety
Authority’s (NEDA) Regional Development Plan 2017–2022
and security, respect, and trust in the organization. The findings are Midterm Update emphasizes that "police presence and
then used to support the recommendation of an intervention strategy visibility, intelligence and detection and investigation services,
meant to raise community approval of the PNP's community and operational readiness will significantly prevent crimes, and
engagement. 12,740 randomly chosen survey respondents and 117 thus reduce all forms of criminality." This objective can be
purposefully chosen key informants provided the data. The findings achieved if a safe, secure, and well-organized environment is
imply that the PNP's community engagement projects, programs, and maintained. In the same paper, NEDA Region X said that over
events have received very positive feedback from the local population. the first three years of plan implementation, a sizable drop in
This expressed positive opinion of the PNP in Region X shows that the crime was achieved.
police are carrying out their obligations to the community they vowed
to serve. In actuality, all 12,740 survey respondents agreed that they
In fact, from 22,702 crimes in 2017 to 14,419 crimes in
feel safe and comfortable in their neighborhood because the police are 2018, there was a 36.5 percent decline in annual crime.
performing their job. However, some of the key informants expressed Additionally, over the same period, the region's average
concerns over incidents of hold-ups in Cagayan de Oro City during monthly crime rate (AMCR) dropped from 39.2 per 100,000
the survey period. This suggests that the PNP must keep enhancing the people to 24.9. All Cagayan de Oro City and Misamis Oriental
police operations that guarantee the safety and security of the police stations observed these reductions, indicating a
community. Despite these findings, the community's scores for trust significant improvement. Accordingly, this is caused by, among
and respect have significantly increased compared to the poll from other things, enhanced police visibility and a reinforced anti-
2021. Therefore, it is safe to claim that in less than a year, the illegal drug campaign. Other significant findings are captured
community's satisfaction with the PNP's engagement has increased.
The study also finds that the peace and order situation has been
in the following excerpt of the reported update:
completely controlled to maintain the region's safety and security Index crimes, which comprised 25 percent of
thanks to the community, local government agencies, and the the total crime volume, declined by 51
Philippine National Police (PNP) Region X. percent from 7,257 cases to 3,566 cases in
2018. Crimes against persons and crimes
I. INTRODUCTION against property both decreased by 29.2
The maintenance of public safety and order is one of the percent and 65 percent, respectively. Crime
essential facets of public service. The peace and order situation solution efficiency and crime clearance
has been completely controlled to maintain the region's safety efficiency increased by 8.5 and 11.7
and security via the committed and coordinated efforts of the percentage points, respectively.
local government units and the Philippine National Police The PNP Region X is pushed to become more relevant to
(PNP) Region X. This is in keeping with the National Security society against the backdrop of a volatile, uncertain, complex,
Policy (NSP) 2017–2022, which sets forth the government's and ambiguous environment as it emerges from the COVID-19
national security policies based on a sobering and realistic pandemic and anticipates a new normal. It is also their task to
assessment of the dynamic and changing security environment. secure the community's satisfaction by gaining its confidence
It essentially offers a road map for achieving national security and respect, as well as to be responsive to the objective
goals and objectives. In order to effectively and efficiently attainment of security, public order, and safety.
implement the 12-point National Security Agenda, it also Objectives of the Study
attempts to promote resource allocation that is transparent,
coordinated, and balanced. Human and political security, health This study served as a feedback mechanism to assess the
security, financial security, food and water security, border and public's satisfaction with the PNP's community engagement in
military security, sociocultural security, environment and Region X. Its goal was to ascertain the perception of the
community on safety and security, respect, and trust in the PNP.


Francis Thaise A. Cimene, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, and Lailyne S. Onyot, “A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction
Survey on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 128-135, 2022.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

The findings are then used to support the recommendation of an Economic Development Authority (NEDA). Two of the four
intervention strategy intended to raise community approval of subsector outcomes identified at the national level are relevant
the PNP's community engagement. to the region: the first is the major reduction of all types of
criminality and illicit drug use; the second is to secure public
The Philippine News Agency reported that the PNP had
recently undergone positive advancements. Caliwan (2021)
wrote that 17,786 members of the PNP were subject to
sanctions as part of the organization's efforts to discipline,
reform, and purge its ranks. Administrative offenses include
involvement in the illegal drug trade, flagrant disregard of duty,
major misconduct, abuse of power, and even human rights
breaches are to blame for this. These infractions were
committed from July 2016 to March 2021. The sanctions were
as follows: dismissal from the service (4,974 personnel),
suspension (8,806 personnel), reprimand (1,973 personnel), and
demotion (943 personnel). As regards administrative cases, 716
were sanctioned with forfeiture of salaries; 132 restricted to
quarters; and 242 withheld privileges. Of the 617 rogue cops
involved in the illegal drug trade, 617 were dismissed, including
the 462 who tested positive for drug use. This demonstrates that
the PNP's internal cleansing program is active. The Counter-
Intelligence Task Force (CITF) was replaced by the PNP's
Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group (IMEG), which Source: Regional Development Plan 2017-2022 Midterm Update of NEDA
Fig. 1. Strategic Framework for Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety
was "created to conduct intelligence gathering and law
enforcement operations against PNP personnel who are IV. RESEARCH METHODS
involved in illegal activities, such as drug and human
Research Design. This study employed the descriptive research
trafficking, financial crimes, cybercrime, malversation, graft
design with both quantitative and qualitative techniques of data
and corrupt practices, and security violations" (Caliwan, 2019).
collection. The quantitative technique involved the online
Additionally, Tampan et al. (2018) conducted a survey in
survey, while the qualitative technique involved the key
Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, with 382 participants and an overall
informant interview (KII). According to Koh and Owen (2000),
population of 8,407. They sought to evaluate how satisfied the
this design is suitable for describing a specific situation, in this
locals were with the PNP services. The results showed a high
case, the community's satisfaction with the PNP's performance
degree of community satisfaction with the PNP's efforts to
in the area. This study is concerned with determining the
prevent crime, maintain peace and order, foster community ties,
conditions or relationships that exist, practices that are
enforce the law, and ensure safety and security. This is
followed, beliefs or points of view that are held, ongoing
consistent with the research by Deri et al. (2020), using a
processes that are being felt, or trends that are emerging. This
sample of 200 Albay Province respondents. The respondents
design is thought to be appropriate for use in studies of this type.
gave the PNP the greatest overall net rating for respect, then for
Moreover, the main goal of descriptive research is to
trust, and the lowest overall net rating for safety and security.
describe information and traits about a population. The
Additionally, the PNP's programs to combat illicit gambling,
objective is to gather real, precise, and organized data (Dulock,
illegal drug use, terrorism, and tandem riding all received high
1993) for use in averages, frequencies, and other statistical
net ratings for commitment to support.
analyses. Since they are more interested in naturally occurring
The 911 National Emergency Hotline was established and
events than in the observation of conditions, descriptive studies
made operational in 2016. All citizens should be able to receive
rarely include experimental. Additionally, this project is
assistance through the 911 platform in an emergency. However,
qualitative in nature, with data being gathered and evaluated
success factors are only possible in highly urbanized areas due
using a qualitative technique from the perspective of the
to the lack of or inadequate telecom/ICT infrastructure in rural
participant (Willis, 2007).
areas. Additionally, due to financial limitations, the majority of
Research Locale. This study covers Region X, which is an
law enforcement organizations rely only on outdated,
administrative region in the Philippines located in northern
frequently unsecured communications technology that can also
Mindanao. It is comprised of five provinces, namely: Misamis
be deemed insufficient.
Oriental, Bukidnon, Misamis Occidental, Camiguin, Lanao del
III. FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY Norte, Cagayan de Oro City, and Iligan City. Cagayan de Oro
City is the regional center. According to the 2020 Census
This study is based on the nation's strategic plan for
(PhilAtlas, 2020), the population of the region was 5,022,768—
maintaining national security, law and order, and regional
which comprised 19.13% of the population of Mindanao and
safety (see Figure 1). This framework "aims to build a unified,
4.61% of the Philippine population. Its population density is
secure, and progressive nation," according to the National

Francis Thaise A. Cimene, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, and Lailyne S. Onyot, “A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction
Survey on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 128-135, 2022.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

computed at 246 inhabitants per square kilometer. In addition, Table 1 shows the distribution of samples by area cluster,
the police to population ratio was reported to have improved and it also displays the number of target participants per cluster
from 1:691 in 2017 to 1:578. The hiring and training of new area when the 30% is multiplied by the 11 sectors. This is the
police officers to address criminality in the region resulted in an third stage, when the participants are clustered into sectors. This
increase in police strength from 7,808 in 2017 to 8,412 in 2018. means that the enumerators randomly selected one sector
Participants of the Study. The participants of the study are the representative from each sample barangay.
randomly selected survey participants and purposively selected The table further shows that the total number of survey
key informants who met the criteria set in this study. First, they participants (n = 12,740) exceeded the 6,672 target. Of this
must be of legal age or at least 18 years old, which does not number, only Camiguin Province did not meet the required
require the consent of their parents or guardians for them to target number of participants.
participate in the study. Second, they must be a resident of one Instrumentation. The main research instrument used in the
of the following areas in Region 10: Legislative Districts 1 and study is the survey questionnaire. It has three parts, and the first
2 of Cagayan de Oro City; Congressional Districts 1, 2, 3, and is the Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC), which stipulates
4 of the province of Bukidnon; Camiguin province; Lanao del the following: purpose of the research; type of research
Norte; Misamis Occidental; Legislative Districts 1 and 2 of intervention; participant selection; voluntary participation;
Misamis Oriental; and Iligan City. Third, they gave their free procedures; duration; risks; benefits; reimbursements; privacy
and prior informed consent to participate in the study. Fourth, and confidentiality; open data; right to refuse or withdraw; and
they belong to the following sectors: government, academe, who to contact. The second part is designed to obtain personal
private institutions/organizations, religious, business, information such as sex, age, location, and sector. Meanwhile,
agriculture, industrial, elderly/senior citizens, persons with the third part is designed to determine the satisfaction of the
disabilities (PWDs), media, and indigenous peoples (IPs). The participants on the following indexes: community perception of
IPs are included in this study because the PNP is duty-bound to safety and security; respect for the police; and trust in the police.
uphold and protect their welfare. They are considered a In this section, the participants were required to react to the
vulnerable group since they have been continuous "targets" of following items using the scale and description listed below:
recruitment by the Communist Terrorist Groups (CTGs). There
are a total of 12,740 survey participants and 117 key informants TABLE 2. Scale and Level of Satisfaction
(KIs). Mean
Scale Scale Level of Satisfaction
Sampling Technique. This study made use of the multi-stage 6 5.17-6.00 Strongly Agree Highly Satisfied
cluster simple random sampling technique for data collection. 5 4.33-5.16 Agree Satisfied
The first stage is to cluster the areas of Region X into seven 4 3.49-4.32 Somewhat Agree Somewhat Satisfied
clusters, as follows: Cagayan de Oro City covers two legislative 3 2.65-3.48 Disagree Dissatisfied
districts with a total of 80 barangays; the province of Bukidnon 2 1.81-2.64 Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Dissatisfied
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree Highly Dissatisfied
with four congressional districts and a total of 464 barangays;
Camiguin province with 58 barangays; Iligan City with 44
The open-ended interview questions for key informants are
barangays; Lanao del Norte with 462 barangays; Misamis
the second research tool (see Appendix B). It is intended to
Occidental with 490 barangays; and Misamis Oriental with 424
elicit data regarding the community's satisfaction with the
barangays. The second stage is to determine the 30% of the
PNP's efforts to uphold safety and security, as well as their faith
barangays included in the study using the simple random
in and respect for the law enforcement personnel.
sampling (SRS) design.
Sources of Data. The primary data and secondary data were two
TABLE 1. Distribution of Participants by Area Cluster types of data that were used in this investigation. The primary
30% of the data came from key informant interviews and survey
total questionnaires. The information from reliable sources like the
number of Actual Philippine News Agency, Manila Bulletin, 1 Numbeo, Rappler,
Cluster barangays number of
Number of
multiplied survey
Difference and other news organizations using the social media platform
Barangays was included in the secondary data that were investigated
by the participants
number of online. The spread of false and misleading material in social
sectors (11) media was taken into account when validating the secondary
Bukidnon 464 1,531 3,428 +1,897
Cagayan de
sources. It is well known that some people and organizations
80 264 359 +95 utilize social media to disparage the PNP for a variety of
Oro City
Camiguin 58 191 162 -29 reasons.
Iligan City 44 145 965 +820 To complement the poll results, important articles from
Lanao del reputable media outlets that were published online were also
462 1,525 1,749 +224
scrutinized critically and studied. The Philippine Information
490 1,617 2,119 +502 Agency (PIDS) and other pertinent databases were also used to
Misamis acquire reports on the community satisfaction survey. Each
424 1,399 3,958 +2,559
Oriental database produced a sizable number of results when the search
Total 2,022 6,672 12,740 terms "PNP community satisfaction survey," "community
satisfaction on safety and security," and "respect and trust for

Francis Thaise A. Cimene, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, and Lailyne S. Onyot, “A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction
Survey on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 128-135, 2022.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

the police" were used. Out of all of these documents, only the As to sectoral representation, 2,566 or 20.1% are from the
most pertinent ones that contained the essential words and were government sector, 1,667 or 13.1% are from the academe, 1,668
published between January and July 2022 were kept. or 13.0% are indigenous people, 1,563 or 12.3% are from
Data Gathering Procedure. Before the actual data gathering, private institutions/organizations, 1,402 or 11.0% are from the
the researchers conducted an orientation to the enumerators on agriculture sector, 1,117 or 8.8% are from the business sector,
June 14, 2022, at Camp Alagar to ensure the uniformity of the 916 or 7.2% are from the religious sector, 752 or 5.9% are from
data collection techniques. The data gathering started a week the senior citizens or elderly, 447 or 3.5% are from the
after the orientation, which lasted until July 16, 2022. Hence, it industrial sector, 389 or 3.1% are from the PWDs, or persons
is noted here that the community satisfaction survey was with disabilities, and 253 or 2.0% are from the media. This
conducted after the national election, when the PNP played a implies that the survey results captured the perceived
significant role in maintaining peace and order. Given this satisfaction of the various sectors of the community. The
context, the PNP’s active participation and visibility during the number of participants by sector is more than doubled as
election could possibly influence the community’s perception. compared to the survey conducted in 2021.
Additionally, the 165 enumerators were community members The Community’s Satisfaction on Safety and Security. Table 3
who were chosen by the PNP unit for each cluster area. This presents the perception of the community on safety and security
protects the integrity of the data collection process' objectivity. issues. The results revealed that more than half of the
The following methods were used for the key informant participants strongly agreed that: they feel safe and secure in
interviews (KIIs): in-person, phone, and messenger interviews. their community because the police are doing their job (56.6%);
Data Analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed using they can go around in the community without fear because the
descriptive statistics such as frequency and percent police are faithful in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities
distributions, and weighted means, whereas the key informant (53.6%); they believe their community experiences peace and
interview data were subjected to a qualitative data analysis to security because the police are visible in the area (52.9%); while
ensure objectivity. Objectivity in this respect refers to the only a few (0.8%) agreed to the statement; and that the police
degree to which the analysis is free from the researchers’ in the community conduct programs and activities that maintain
personal opinions, judgments, inclinations, convictions, or peace and order in the community (52.9%) while only a few
sentiments. (n=96, 0.8%) disagreed with the statement. A little over half of
Ethical Considerations. It must be noted that the study was the participants believed that their lives and properties in the
based on the participants’ freely volunteered informed consent. community are safe and secure because they know the police
This means that the research undertaking was fully explained, will always be there when they’re needed (51.0%), while 95, or
particularly as to what it was about, its intentions and aims, and 0.7%, of the participants disagreed with the statement. These
how it would be conducted. It was made clear what taking part results imply that the community is highly satisfied with safety
in the research would involve, who would have access to the and security in the region. In fact, none of the 12,740
data and how it would be used and stored. The participants were participants disagreed with the statement that they feel safe and
informed of their right to refuse participation as well as the secure in their community because the police are doing their
potential uses to which the data could be put. job.
Moreover, 51.0% of the participants strongly agree that
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION police officers are visible in the streets. Meanwhile, less than
Profile of the Participants. As regards the profile of the half feel safe staying at home and/or walking alone (45.1%), do
participants, majority are female (52.6% or 6,039 out of 12,740) not worry that a criminal might enter their house while sleeping
and distributed along various age groups from 18 years old and (40.2%), and do not worry that their children might be
above. The age distribution is characterized as follows: 930 or victimized by gangs or criminals (41.2%). The grand weighted
7.3% are 18 years old, 2,586 or 20.3% are 19 to 25 years old, mean of 5.39 suggests that the community is highly satisfied
2,230 or 17.5% are 26 to 30 years old, 3,083 or 24.2% are 31 to with the safety and security of the area. However, with the
40 years old, 2,013 or 15.8% are 41 to 50 years, 1,172 or 9.2% number of survey participants who answered “somewhat
are 51 to 60 years old, and 726 or 5.7% are 61 years old and agree,” the PNP needs to further improve police operations that
above. This means that the survey participants are mainly guarantee the protection and safety of the community.
between 19 to 60 years old which further implies that the cross The Community’s Respect for the Police. Table 4 displays the
section of the population along age groups is represented in the results of the community’s respect for the police, and data
study. shows that more than half of the survey participants perceived
Moreover, the frequency and percent distributions of the that: people in the community respect the police because they
participants are described as follows: 31.1% (n = 3,958) are conduct themselves in a professional manner and show pride
from Misamis Oriental; 26.9% (n = 3,428) from Bukidnon; and commitment to service (54.7% strongly agree); the police
16.6% (n = 2,119) from Misamis Occidental; 13.7% (n = 1,749) treat the community with respect and dignity, and so they are
from Lanao del Norte; 7.6% (n = 965) from Iligan City; 2.8% also accorded with support and due respect (55.0% strongly
(n = 359) from Cagayan de Oro City; and 1.3% (n = 162) from agree); people have high regard for the police in the community
Camiguin Province. This means that most of the participants are because they uphold the values important to them (52.6%
from Misamis Oriental, Bukidnon, and Misamis Occidental strongly agree); the police must be obeyed and respected
Provinces. because they put themselves on the line to protect the


Francis Thaise A. Cimene, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, and Lailyne S. Onyot, “A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction
Survey on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 128-135, 2022.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

community’s public order and safety (56.9% strongly agree); compared to the previous survey in 2021, the respect rating
and when the police wear their uniform, they embody law and given by the community to the police has significantly
authority and must be respected (55.7% strongly agree). This increased from 51.2% who strongly agree (average percentage)
implies that the police are well-respected in the community. As in 2021 to 55.0% (average percentage).
TABLE 3. Community Satisfaction on Safety and Security
Indicators Rating f % Level of Satisfaction
1. I feel safe and secure in our Strongly Agree 7,213 56.6
community because our police officers Agree 4,803 37.7
are doing their job. Somewhat Agree 724 5.7 Highly Satisfied
Disagree 0 0.0 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.51)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
No Answer 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
2. I can go around in our community Strongly Agree 6,832 53.6
without fear because our police Agree 5,020 39.4
officers are faithful to fulfill their Somewhat Agree 823 6.5 Highly Satisfied
duties and responsibilities. Disagree 65 0.5 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.46)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
No Answer 0 53.6
Total 12,740 100.0
3. I believe our community experiences Strongly Agree 6,744 52.9
peace and security because the police Agree 5,023 39.4
are visible in the area. Somewhat Agree 890 7.0 Highly Satisfied
Disagree 83 0.7 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.44)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
No Answer 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
4. The police in our community conducts Strongly Agree 6,740 52.9
programs and activities that maintain Agree 5,033 39.5
order and peace in the community. Somewhat Agree 871 6.8 Highly Satisfied
Disagree 96 0.8 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.92)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
No Answer 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
5. I believe our lives and properties in the Strongly Agree 6,502 51.0
community are safe and secure Agree 5,206 40.9
because we know the police will Somewhat Agree 937 7.4 Highly Satisfied
always be there when we need them. Disagree 95 0.7 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.42)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
No Answer 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
6. Police officers are visible in our Strongly Agree 6,492 51.0
streets/community and conduct regular Agree 5,090 40.0
patrol and/or security checks in Somewhat Agree 1,004 7.9 Highly Satisfied
various parts of the community. Disagree 105 0.8 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 49 0.4 5.40)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
7. I feel safe staying at home and/or Strongly Agree 5,746 45.1
walking alone in the streets during the Agree 5,323 41.8
day and after dark. Somewhat Agree 1,305 10.2 Satisfied
Disagree 212 1.7 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 102 0.8 5.28)
Strongly Disagree 52 0.4
Total 12,740 100.0
8. I do not worry that a criminal might Strongly Agree 5,116 40.2
enter in our house while we are Agree 4,966 39.0
sleeping. Somewhat Agree 1,568 12.3 Satisfied
Disagree 624 4.9 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 170 1.3 5.04)
Strongly Disagree 296 2.3
Total 12,740 100.0


Francis Thaise A. Cimene, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, and Lailyne S. Onyot, “A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction
Survey on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 128-135, 2022.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

9. I do not worry that my Strongly Agree 5,252 41.2

children/younger siblings might be Agree 4,865 38.2 Satisfied
part of or be victimized by gangs or Somewhat Agree 1,416 11.1 (Weighted Mean=
criminals. Disagree 631 5.0 5.03)
Somewhat Disagree 173 1.4
Strongly Disagree 403 3.2
Total 12,740 100.0
Highly Satisfied
Grand Weighted Mean (5.39)

TABLE 4. The Community’s Respect for the Police

Indicators Rating f % Level of Satisfaction
1. The people in the community respect Strongly Agree 6,964 54.7
the police because they conduct Agree 5,049 39.6
themselves in a professional manner Somewhat Agree 671 5.3 Highly Satisfied
and show pride and commitment to Disagree 33 0.3 (Weighted Mean=
service. Somewhat Disagree 23 0.2 5.48)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
2. The police treated the community with Strongly Agree 7,001 55.0
respect and dignity, and so they also Agree 5,010 39.3
deserve my support and respect. Somewhat Agree 708 5.6
Disagree 21 0.2 Highly Satisfied
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 (Weighted Mean=
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0 5.50)
Total 12,740 100.0
3. I believe the people have high regard Strongly Agree 6,697 52.6
for the police in the community because Agree 5,264 41.3
they uphold the values important to Somewhat Agree 753 5.9 Highly Satisfied
them. Disagree 26 0.2 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.46)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
4. The police must be obeyed and Strongly Agree 7,254 56.9
respected because they put themselves Agree 4,824 37.9
on the line to protect the community’s Somewhat Agree 641 5.0
public order and safety. Disagree 21 0.2
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 Highly Satisfied
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0 (Weighted Mean=
Total 12,740 100.0 5.51)
5. When the police wear their uniform, Strongly Agree 7,092 55.7
they embody law and authority. Agree 5,022 39.4
Therefore, people in the community Somewhat Agree 608 4.8 Highly Satisfied
respect them. Disagree 0 0.0 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 18 0.1 5.50)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
Highly Satisfied
Grand Weighted Mean (5.49)

The Community’s Trust in the Police. Table 5 exhibits the to where I live and work" (94.8% taken from 56.3% strongly
community’s trust in the police, and as can be gleaned from the agree and 38.5% agree). These findings reveal that the
table, the majority of the participants perceive that the police community has a high trust rating in the police’s performance
enforce the law without fear or reservation (53.7% strongly of their duties and responsibilities.
agree while 40.0% agree). Combining those who strongly agree Getting the average percentage of those who strongly agree
and agree on the trust index, the majority of the participants: among the three indices, the respect index registered the highest
know that the police do not yield to bribery and corruption rating of 55.0%, which is higher than that of 2021 (51.2%). This
(47.2% strongly agree while 40.8% agree); believe that the is closely followed by the trust index (52.5%), with a
police do what is right for the community (52.9% strongly agree percentage difference of 3.4% from the last year’s rating. The
while 40.6% agree); perceive that police officers are reliable safety and security index registered an average of 49.4%, the
whenever people in the community seek assistance (52.4% lowest this year but with an increase of 2.5% as compared to
strongly agree while 40.2% agree); and are confident that the last year’s rating. This implies that the safety and security,
police in the community do their job well and act accordingly respect, and trust indices have increased in less than a year, with
to the community’s best interest (52.7% strongly agree while the respect index registering the highest increase.
41.1% agree). The highest composite index is along the The improved safety and security, respect and trust rating
statement "I will definitely call the police if a crime occurs near indices of this independent study are a reflection of the

Francis Thaise A. Cimene, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, and Lailyne S. Onyot, “A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction
Survey on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 128-135, 2022.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

significant decrease in the crime rate in Northern Mindanao in anti-illegal drug operations and
from January to June 2022 as reported by the Police Regional confiscated 4,193.553 grams of suspected
Office (PRO)-10 (Rosete, 2022). More details were published shabu with an estimated standard drug
in the Manila Bulletin dated July 4, 2022 and highlighted as price of P28.5 million.
follows: The PRO-10 arrested 147 wanted persons
According to a statement, the Regional in their Simultaneous Anti-Criminality and
Investigation and Detective Management Law Enforcement Operation (SACLEO),
Division (RIDMD) recorded 7,280 several of whom were high-ranking
incidents in the first six months of the year, wanted persons.
which is 755 incidents or 9.40 percent less The PRO-10 held 1,848 operations against
than the 8,035 incidents recorded from loose firearms through the different city
January to June of 2021. and provincial police offices in the region.
From January to June this year, the 225 individuals were arrested, and 387
regional police arrested 1,147 individuals firearms were surrendered and recovered.

TABLE 5. The Community’s Trust in the Police

Indicators Rating f % Level of Satisfaction
1. Our police enforces the law without Strongly Agree 6,837 53.7
fear or reservation. Agree 5,101 40.0
Somewhat Agree 766 6.0 Highly Satisfied
Disagree 36 0.3 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.47)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
2. I know that the police in our Strongly Agree 6,010 47.2
community do not yield to bribery Agree 5,202 40.8
and corruption. Somewhat Agree 1,331 10.4 Satisfied
Disagree 130 1.0 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 67 0.5 5.33)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
3. I believe that the police do what is Strongly Agree 6,734 52.9
right for my community. Agree 5,170 40.6
Somewhat Agree 795 6.2 Highly Satisfied
Disagree 41 0.3 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.46)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
4. The police officers are reliable Strongly Agree 6,673 52.4
whenever people in the community Agree 5,118 40.2
seek assistance. Somewhat Agree 856 6.7 Highly Satisfied
Disagree 54 0.4 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 39 0.3 5.44)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
5. I am confident that the police in my Strongly Agree 6,720 52.7
community do their job well and act Agree 5,242 41.1
accordingly to the community’s best Somewhat Agree 746 5.9 Highly Satisfied
interest. Disagree 32 0.3 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.46)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
6. I will definitely call the police if a Strongly Agree 7,168 56.3
crime occurs near to where I live Agree 4,911 38.5
and work. Somewhat Agree 634 5.0 Highly Satisfied
Disagree 27 0.2 (Weighted Mean=
Somewhat Disagree 0 0.0 5.51)
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 12,740 100.0
Highly Satisfied
Grand Weighted Mean (5.45)

In the words of Police Brig. Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr., authorities. It is attributed to the PRO-10’s intensified and
PRO-10 Director,"... the decrease in the crime rate is a continuous conduct of Simultaneous Anti-Criminality Law
manifestation of effective law enforcement operations by the


Francis Thaise A. Cimene, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, and Lailyne S. Onyot, “A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction
Survey on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 128-135, 2022.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

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Francis Thaise A. Cimene, Ma. Eliza D. Santander, Mary Ann E. Telen, and Lailyne S. Onyot, “A 2022 Community Engagement Satisfaction
Survey on Safety and Security, Respect and Trust in the Philippine National Police Region X,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 128-135, 2022.

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