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The Effect of Some Addition Agents On Stress in Nickel Deposits

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Transactions of the IMF

The International Journal of Surface Engineering and Coatings

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The Effect of Some Addition Agents on Stress in

Nickel Deposits

S. A. Watson

To cite this article: S. A. Watson (1963) The Effect of Some Addition Agents on Stress in Nickel
Deposits, Transactions of the IMF, 40:1, 41-47, DOI: 10.1080/00202967.1963.11869851

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The Effect of Some Addition Agents on Stress
in Nickel Deposits
S. A. Watson*
International Nickel Co (Mond) Ltd

MS received 3 January 1963

SUMMARY-Twenty-two addition agents were used singly and several in pairs in a Watts solution and their effect
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on stress in the nickel deposit was determined. Stress was affected by every additive, demonstrating that it is a
more sensitive property than cathode potential. Addition agents either raise stress, lower it or lower it at low
concentrations and raise it at high concentrations. No relationship was found between the chemical properties of
an addition agent and its influence on stress, except that the effects produced by thiourea and by its derivatives
were similar. In general, mixtures of two additives were found to produce effects intermediate between those
exerted by the respective components, and closer to those of the addition agent present in the higher concentration.

INTRODUCfiON mate solutions without the use of addition agents,l 8 • 16 in

MEASUREMENfS of the stress in electrodeposits have most nickel plating the solutions are based on the Watts
been reported at least as far back as the end of the 1914- bath. For that reason, all the results now reported relate
1918 War, 1 and have involved many metals, including to work with a Watts-type solution.
copper,~ chromium, 3 and particularly nickel. '- 8 Stress in
nickel-plate is of importance both in decorative finishing
and in industrial deposition, and during electroforming it EXPERIMENTAL
is particularly important that stress be kept low. STANDARD PLATING CONDITIONS
The various theories advanced to explain the occurrence The nickel-plating solution used in this work was of the
of stress have been reviewed by Vagramyan and Tsareva.' same composition as that which has been employed in a
Kushners and Williams ;9 the Russian authors' conclusion study of levelling action.15
that none of the theories fully explains the facts, and that g/1
there are several factors contributory to stress, seems likely AnalaR nickel sulphate, NiSO,. 7H 2 0 250
to be correct. AnalaR nickel chloride, NiCl 2 . 6H 20 7·5
Stress is usually measured by utilizing the tendency of AnalaR boric acid, H 3 B08 • • • 25
a thin basis metal to bend when plated with a stressed Sixty gallons of stock solution were made up in a clean
deposit. Kushner8 measured the displacement of a column rubber-lined tank previously used as a container for a
of water caused by the bending of a disc cathode during similar dull-nickel solution. The standard plating con-
plating; Hoar and Arrowsmith10 measured the force ditions were: -
required to prevent flexing of a cathode strip during plat- Temperature 55"C
ing, thus providing a method for the continuous measure- Current density 4·0 Adm 2
ment of stress. Another instrument which enables stress to Agitation rate 90 rev /min
be measured continuously is the contractometer evolved Initial pH 4·0±0·05
by Brenner and Senderoff.1 1 This is a robust instrument Plating time . . . 16 min
which can be used under the conditions of vigorous To prevent pitting, the solutions were heated to 80"C, in
solution-agitation representative of commercial practice. most cases for 30 m, before cooling to the plating tem-
The instrument used in the work to be described was of perature.
this type and embodied the improvements introduced by
In modern nickel plating, low stress is usually achieved The helices for the improved Brenner-Senderoff contracto-
by adding certain organic substances to the solution, and meter12 were made from polished, hardened and tempered
the work described in this paper was undertaken with the En 56 D stainless steel, 0·0075 in thick. They were de-
aim of extending the knowledge of the action of organic greased with cold trichlorethylene followed by acetone,
addition agents on stress. Although low values of stress plated for 30 s at 5 A in Wood's nickel strike solution
have been reported for deposits made from nickel sulpha- (240 g/1 NiCl,. 6H 20, 125 ml/1 hydrochloric acid) at
• Dr Watson was formerly with the British Non-Ferrous Metals 55"C, rinsed, plated for 30 s at 2A in Rochelle copper
Research Association. solution at ss·c. rinsed, dried with acetone, and weighed.

Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 1963, Vol 40

60r-------------------,----------.--------~ the solution was readjusted and the concentration of ihe

addition agent was raised to the next required value.
The stress in the deposit at any instant is proportional
to the rate of change of contractometer-needle deflection
with time, and during most runs this was constant within
1 min of starting plating. Where this was not the case.
tangents were drawn to the graphs of deflection plotted
against time, to give the slopes at times of 3t min and
11 min after commencement of plating, and stress was
calculated for those plating times.
In order to study, much more quickly than was possible
by the extended method, the effect on stress of addition
...."'a: agents over a wide concentration range, a rapid method
"' ro was adopted using contractometer runs in which readings
were taken every 20 s and addition-agent concentration
E.xknd~d mt:thod was raised every 2 min. Deflection was plotted against
oft~r II min.
time. and stress was calculated from the slopes of the
Downloaded by [Purdue University Libraries] at 08:56 19 September 2017

short straight lines which made up the resultant curve.
l>tcndcd method RESULTS
aftn 3'/t min. plotintj
In some early tests in a separate batch of standard nickel
solution, the effects on stress of three Shell wetting agents.
Nonidet P42 (neutral, non-ionic), Teepol 514 and Teepol
I) 0·001 0·002 0·003 0004
II.!OLARITY 530 (both neutral, anionic) were determined at a concen-
tration of 2 mill. The wetting agent was added half-way
Fig 1. Stress versus thiourea concentration.
through a contractometer run in the standard nickel solu-
tion, and stress in deposits made before and after the
They were then lacquered inside with dilute Lacomit and addition was calculated. Nonidet P42 raised stress from
carefully wiped down on the outside with acetone on cot- 26,600 to 43,900 lblin" Teepol 514 lowered stress from
ton wool. When the Lacomit had dried, they were fixed 29,800 to 15,400 lblin" and Teepol 530 lowered stress from
to the contractometer. They were cathodically cleaned for 24,600 to 14,600 lblin".
20 s, rinsed, dipped in 5% sulphuric acid for 10 s and
thoroughly swilled before use. CONSUMPTION OF ADDITION AGENT DURING RUNS
The helices were plated along the axis of a cylindrical Some preliminary tests were conducted to see whether
nickel anode made, except in a few preliminary experi- consumption of addition agent during plating was suffici-
ments, from cobalt-free material. A Perspex agitator,
rotating between anode and cathode, was constructed from
two ! in thick rings 10 in apart, joined by four vanes
of t in square cross-section fixed on the slant so that the
bottom of each was 90° advanced with respect to the
direction of rotation of the paddle. The plating vessel was
a tall-form 2-litre Pyrex beaker immersed in a waterbath
fitted with a thermostat. ~

After each experiment, the nickel and copper deposits :;; i
were stripped from the helices by immersion in a solution
containing 80% nitric acid, 5% sulphuric acid and 15 ~~
0 20 J
water by volume.
Stress was calculated according to the equation given ro
by Brenner and Senderoff. 11
True stress=(] +d It) (2K I pt x DId)
where d is deposit thickness, t is helix thickness, p is pitch
of helix, D is angular deflection of dial needle, in degrees, •
'• Saccharin
and K is deflection constant of helix, determined by cali- ~---~-------~---~---------
bration with weights which twist the helix by means of
-I 0

thread wound round the bottom of the helix and passed
over a pulley. ·2
In tests with thiourea. saccharin and succinonitrile, the
effect on stress was determined by an extended method 0 0"()01 0·002 0·00) 0·004
involving a series of 15 min runs, in each of which a fixed
concentration of addition agent was used, and contracto-
Fig 2. Stress (determined by extended method) versus
meter readings were taken every minute. Between runs. concentration of saccharin and stress (determined by rapid
the plated helix was replaced by a fresh one, the pH of method) versus concentration of urea.

Watson: The Effect of Some Addition Agents on Stress in Nickel Deposits

160r-----~-------r------~----~ This is consistent with calculations, based on results from

a recent radiotracer study by Edwards, 18 which indicate
that the depletion of saccharin during a 15 min run was
ISO probably about 2% from a 0·00001 M solution and 0·3%
from a 0·001 M solution. With thiourea, the rate of deple-
140 tion is greater and it is likely that about 10% of the
thiourea in each solution was incorporated in the deposit
during a 15 min run.
The results obtained by the extended method of measuring
the variation of stress with addition agent concentration
are plotted for thiourea solutions in Fig 1. It will be
noted that initially tensile stress fell rapidly, to negative
0·001 m. saccharin values, then rose with increasing thiourea concentration.
until it was positive and almost as high as in the standard
nickel solution without addition agent. The curves for
plating times of 3t min and 11 min were not significantly
Downloaded by [Purdue University Libraries] at 08:56 19 September 2017

different, nor was there a significant variation when sac-

charin or succinonitrile was used as addition agent. For
these substances, therefore, only the results obtained after
a plating time of 3t min are reported.
With increasing concentrations of saccharin tensile
11.1 stress fell rapidly, to a negative value, and then remained
...I 0·005m saccharin
iii constant. This effect is illustrated in Fig 2. Increasing con-

z 30 centrations of succinonitrile caused tensile stress to rise
to an exceptionally high value, as shown in Fig 3.
20 To see whether the rapid method of measuring the vari-
ation of stress with addition agent concentration was
reliable, a run was carried out with thiourea. The values
10 of stress obtained, plotted against concentration (Fig 1),
agree well with those obtained by the extended method.

0 The rapid method was therefore adopted in subsequent
work with urea, acetone, glycine, sucrose, succinimide,
I adipic acid, p-toluene sulphonic acid, coumarin, chloral
hydrate, acetamide, thioacetamide, semicarbazide, and
thiosemicarbazide. The results of these determinations are
0 0·001 0.002 0003 0.004
shown in Figs 2 and 4-10.
A stress versus concentration curve was also determined
~OLAP.ItY for hexamine. As the concentration was increased, the
Fig 3. Stress (determined by extended method) versus curve first rose very steeply, reached a maximum of
concentration of succinonitrile, and stress (determined by
rapid method) versus concentration of succinonitrile for 125,000 lb/in 2 at 0·00012 M and then fell, though the stress
solutions containing fixed concentrations of saccharin. still remained very high. An additional stress run, carried
out with hexamine at a fixed concentration of 0'()()1 M,
ently rapid to be a significant source of error. Both with gave a cracked deposit, which suggests that stress-relief
saccharin (Oo()()()1M) and with selenic acid (0·0111 M), suc- by cracking may occur in deposits made from solutions
cessive runs gave a consistent value of stress, indicating containing hexamine at concentrations greater than
that addition-agent consumption could be neglected for 0-()()()12 M. It should be noted that hexamine also greatly
periods of plating as short as those involved in this work. reduced the ductility of the deposit ; values of Young's

"'Q ~4df
~ 30~
: 2J ~----.or-----o-------oI
0·003 0·004
10o 0·001 0·002
Fig 4. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus Fig 5. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus
concentration of acetone. concentration of glycine.

Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 1963, Vol 40

;-; 40r0,--------~--------~------~--------, SO•r-----r------~----~----~~----~-~

~ £. -A~,------6-------Ad_l~

~ ~0 -o
I ct
0-o-----o __



o, o-.___ 0
'o..... -
p-Toluenc sulphonic ocid

Fig 6. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus ·10

concentration of sucrose and succinimide.
0 0001 0002 0·003 0·00<4 ooos
.. Fig 7. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus concc:n·
Downloaded by [Purdue University Libraries] at 08:56 19 September 2017

tration of adipic acid, p-toluene sulphonic ac1d and coumann .






0001 0·002
()003 201 -~----O _A_c_ct_a_m_id_c_ _ _ _ _

r~,-o-o---- 0 ,.;. . . ;. ~
Fig 8. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus
concentration of chloral hydrate.

modulus for bright nickel reported by Brenner and others
indicate that an internal stress of 125,000 lb/in 2 will not
cause spontaneous cracking unless the deposit ductility falls
~ -10~ I~ I '
0 0~01 0·002 Qo003 0·004
to about 0·5 percentage elongation. This low value of
ductility is considerably below those of properly main-
tained modem bright nickel solutions.
Measurements were also made, in the standard nickel Fig 9. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus
concentration of acetamide and thioacetamide.
solution, with various ' paired ' additions. The concentra-
tion of one addition agent was kept constant, while that
of the second was varied.
In Fig 11, stress is plotted against concentration of
L-cysteine hydrochloride, both with and without 0'()()1 M
saccharin. With these results may be compared those
shown in Fig 3 for the variation of stress with concen-
tration of succinonitrile, with saccharin at concentrations
of zero, 0'()()1 M and 0·005 M. Fig 12 shows the effect of
saccharin at concentrations of 0·0002 M, 0'()()1 M, and
0·005 M and of L-cysteine hydrochloride at a concentra-
tion of 0'()()1 M, on the stress-concentration curve of allyl
thiourea. In Fig 13 stress is plotted against thiourea
<:oncentrations, for solutions containing saccharin at con-
centrations zero, Oo()()l M and o-oos M.

Each of the twenty-two substances examined, which 0001 0.002 0·003 0· 4
.included three wetting agents, produced a substantial MOLARITY
change in the stress in deposits made from a nickel solu-
tion. This effect contrasts with the influence of addition Fig 10. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus
agents on cathode potential, since in a study of potential concentration of semicarbazide and thiosemicarbazide.

Watson: The Effect of Some Addition Agents on Stress in Nickel Deposits




0·001 m saccharin


z --ll 0
:::B~A-ll~-A__..-6 ---
Downloaded by [Purdue University Libraries] at 08:56 19 September 2017

No saccharin

-20 0·004 0·005 0·006 0·007 0·008

0 0·001 0·002 0.003
Fig 11. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus concentration of L-cysteine hydrochloride, with and without a fixed
concentration of saccharin.
Allyl thiourea only

~ ~«ha<;o


0·0002m e 80

......... ~~ 70
0 Q 60
.:::::. 60 ·-hydrochloriilc
Ill II'

1 ~50
w 50 0"001ml.6)ond OQOSmCOl
v~ ··~"'""
400 e Ill
w ....J
3J 0
..... I
20 20


0003 . 04
0·001 0·002 O-Q03 0·004
Fig 12. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus concen- Fig 13. Stress (determined by rapid method) versus concen-
tration of allyl thiourea for solutions containing fixed tration of thiourea for solutions containing fixed concentra-
concentrations of saccharin and L-cysteine hydrochloride. tions of saccharin.

Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 1963, Vol 40

in which some sixty additiion agents were tested almost of molecular structure, or, at least, of certain atomic
half were without significant effect.'~ groupings.
The various addition agents can be classified into three The tests carried out with mixtures of addition agents
categories, depending on the nature of the variation in showed that saccharin~ at a concentration sufficient, in the
tensile stress produced as the concentration of additive is absence of other addition agents, to produce a compressive
increased. stress, produced a marked reduction in the tensile stresses
Substances of the first group cause stress to rise rapidly caused by allyl thiourea (Fig 12) and by succinonitrile
to a high value with increasing concentration of addition (Fig 3). L-cysteine hydrochloride, which reduced stress in
agent. Succinonitrile behaves in this way (Fig 3), and the a manner similar to that resulting from the use of sac-
curve appears to reach a maximum at a stress value of charin alone, also reduced the tensile stress produced by
150,000 lb/in 2 • A similar maximum was found, at 125,000 allyl thiourea.
lb/in 2 , with hexamine; with that substance, a deposit pre- The maximum reduction in tensile stress produced by
pared from a solution containing addition agent at a con- saccharin in deposits made from solutions containing allyl
centration more than sufficient to give maximum stress thiourea occurred at a saccharin concentration of about
was found to be cracked, suggesting that in this case at 0·001 M, which is the limit beyond which larger additions
least subsequent decrease in stress resulted from stress- of saccharin, when used alone, have no further effect on
relief by cracking. stress. Although stress versus concentration curves for
Downloaded by [Purdue University Libraries] at 08:56 19 September 2017

Substances of the second group caused stress to fall thiourea and allyl thiourea used separately were similar,
with increasing concentration ; there is at first a fairly saccharin was able to induce only a small reduction in the
sharp drop, after which the fall becomes progressively tensile stress produced by fairly high concentrations of
slower, until finally further additions have no effect. In thiourea (Fig 13), in contrast to the important effect which
these experiments, the steady stress was sometimes nega- it exerted in the presence of high concentrations of allyl
tive--that is, compressive-for example, with saccharin thiourea. This result indicates that the interaction of the
(Fig 2) or L-cysteine hydrochloride (Fig 11), but it was addition agents is highly specific.
more usually positive, ranging from 3,000 lb I in2 with In general, stress in deposits from solutions containing
coumarin to 25,000 lb/in2 with adipic acid (Fig 7). As two addition agents was intermediate between the values
this group was the largest and the substances in it were observed in those plated from solutions containing separate
chemically unrelated, it seems likely that the majority of additions of the respective constituents at the same con-
substances affect stress in this manner. centrations. The stress value observed in the experiments
Substances of the third group of substances cause tensile with paired addition agents was usually closer to that
stress to fall rapidly at first, then more and more slowly as appropriate to the constituent present in the higher con-
concentration is raised, until a minimum, compressive centration, although this finding did not apply in the case
stress is achieved. With further increases in concentration of solutions containing fairly high concentrations of
of additive, stress rises again, until tensile values, usually thiourea+ saccharin.
of a fairly high order, are attained. Thiourea (Fig 1),
allyl thiourea (Fig 12), thioacetamide (Fig 9), thiosernicar-
bide (Fig 10) and chloral hydrate (Fig 8) give relationships CONCLUSIONS
of this type, though with chloral hydrate the variation with In a nickel deposit, stress is more susceptible than
concentration is attenuated and the minimum stress value cathode potential to the influence of addition agents:
is +22,000 lb/in 2 • each of twenty-two compounds tested produced a sub-
In showing these minima, the curves of stress versus stantial change in stress.
concentration for thiourea and its derivatives are analo- 2 The molecular size, dipole moment and chemical pro-
gous to the curves of cathode potential versus concentra- perties of an addition agent are unrelated to its effect
tion reported for these compounds,'~ although in the on stress, except that compoundli of closely related
potential curves the point of inflexion occurs at a much structure, such as the thioureas, have a similar effect
lower concentration of addition agent than in the stress on stress.
curve. It has also been shown that the curves of experi- 3 The effects of addition agents on stress permit their
mental levelling power versus concentration exhibit a classification into three classes, depending upon whether
negative region at low concentrations of these substances.15 they:
Attempts to correlate the chemical structure and pro- (i) Continuously increase stress with increasing con-
perties of the addition agents used in this study with their centration.
respective effects on stress are not very rewarding: acetone (ii) Reduce stress to a fixed value which is then
acetamide and urea have low molecular weights, whereas unaffected by further increases in concentration.
sucrose has a high one, and the four substances are very (iii) First lower, then raise, stress as concentration is
different in chemical properties, yet they have almost increased.
identical effects on stress. Again, thiourea and urea have 4 Curves of stress versus concentration for thiourea and
similar dipole moments yet they affect stress differently, its derivatives are similar in shape to the curves of
while acetamide and glycine have very different dipole cathode potential versus concentration for the same
moments but exert a similar influence on stress. No simple substances.
connection is therefore apparent between stress and the 5 Saccharin and L-cysteine hydrochloride which, when
molecular size, dipole moment or chemical properties of used alone, produce similar effects on stress also pro-
an addition agent, though the similarity in the results duce similar results when acting as a component of a
with thiourea and its derivatives points to the importance mixture of two addition agents.

Watson: The Effect of Some Addition Agents on Stress in Nickel Deposits

6 In general, stress resulting from the use of two addition 15 Watson, S. A., Trans Inst Metal Finishing, 1960, 37,
agents is intermediate between the individual values 144-155.
for each of the constituents used singly, and lies closer 16 Edwards, J., Trans Inst Metal Finishing, 1962, 39, 33-35.
17 Brenner, A., Zentner, V., and Jenkins, C. W., Plating,
to that normally produced by the constituent which is 1952; 39 (8), 873.
present in higher concentration in the mixed additive.

For convenient reference, the organic addition agents
The author is indebted to the Director and Council of the
British Non·Ferrous Metals Research Association for per- used in this work are listed below, together with their
mission to publish this account of work carried out in the formulas and the concentration of each.
Association's Laboratories and made available to mem-
bers of the Association during the period 1958-1959. He Concen-
is also grateful for the help and encouragement of his Addition Agent Formula tration
colleagues during the execution of the experimental work. in gf l to
give0·001 M
1 Kohlschiitter, V., and Vuilleumier, E., Zeitsch Elektro-
chemie, 1918, 24, 300-321. Saccharin(sodium C 6H 4 S0 2 N Na. CO. 2Hp 0·24
Downloaded by [Purdue University Libraries] at 08:56 19 September 2017

2 Fischer, H., Huhse, P., and Pawlek, F., Zeitsch Meta/1- salt) p-Toluene I I
kunde, 1956, 47, 43-49. Sulphonic acid CH3 • C 6H 4 . S0 2 0H 0·17
3 Fry, H., Trans Inst Metal Finishing, 1955, 32, 107-127. Coumarin C 6H 4 • 0 . CO . CH: CH 0·15
4 Marchese, V. J., J Electrochem Soc, 1952, 99, 39-43.
5 Newell, I. L., Proc 43rd Ann M,eeting Amer Electroplaters' I I
Soc, 1956, 101-104. Thiourea NH2 CS NH 2 0·076
6 Metzger, W. H., Prasley, P. A., and Ogburn, F., Plating, Thioacetamide CH 3 CS.NH2 0·075
1960, 47, 285-287. Thiosemicarbazide NH2 . NH CS NH2
1 Vagramayan, A. T., and Tsareva, Yu. S., Zhur Fiz Khim, 0·091
1955, 29, 185-193. Urea NH2 CO.NH 2 0·060
8 Kusnner, J. B., Metal Finishing, 1958, 56 (Apr), 46-51; Acetamide CH 3 CO NH2 0·059
(May), 82-87; (June), 56-60; (July), 52-55, 59. Semicarbazide NH 2 . NH CO NH 2 0·075
9 Williams, C., Metal Finishing J, 1962, 8, 5-12. Succinonitrile CN . CH2 . CH 2 CN
10 Hoar, T. P., and Arrowsmith, D. J., Trans Inst Metal 0·080
Finishing, 1957, 34, 354-368. Succinimide (CH2 C0) 2 NH 0·099
11 Brenner, A., and Senderoff, S., Proc 35th Ann Conv Amer Glycine NH2 CH 2 COOH 0·075
Electroplaters' Soc, 1948, 53-76; Discussion 76-78. Adipic acid COOH (CH2)4 COOH 0·15
12 Fry, H., and Morris, F. G., Electroplating, 1959, 12, Sucrose
207-214. C12H 22 011 0·34
H Diggin, M. B., Trans Inst Metal Finishing, 1954, 31, Acetone CH 8 CO CH8 0·058
243-256; Discussion 257-258. Chloral hydrate CCl 3 CH(OH) 2 0·17
14 Fanner, D. A., and Hammond, R. A. F., Trans Inst Met Hexamine (CH2)6 N4 0·14
Finishing, 1958-59, 36, 32-42; Discussion 176-178.


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