5. Self-compassion
EMOTIONAL SELF 6. Emotional support
Emotional Regulation
- The process by which individuals Science-Based Emotion Regulation Strategies
influence which emotions they have, Reappraisal
when they have them, and how they - Cognitive reappraisal ensures long-term
experience and express their feelings well-being and offers a permanent
three components: solution to emotional distress
1. Initiating actions triggered by Attentional Control
emotions - This starts with reappraisal. It aims to
2. Inhibiting triggered by emotions divert our attention away from the
3. Modulation responses by triggered negative emotion and allows us to look
emotions at it from a rewarding perspective
Types of Basic Emotions Self-soothing
1. Happiness - Can reduce the toxic effects of anger,
- A pleasant emotional state that is sadness, and agony that negative
characterized by feelings of experiences bring
contentment, joy, gratification, Self-soothing exercises: self-
satisfaction, and well-being compassion and loving-kindness
2. Sadness meditation, music meditation, reminisce
- A transient emotional state therapy, breathing exercises, simple
characterized by feelings of self-care
disappointment, grief, hopelessness,
disinterest, and dampened mood Emotional Intelligence
3. Fear - Refers to the ability to perceive, control,
- The emotional response to an and evaluate emotions.
immediate threat Components of Emotional Intelligence
- Fight or flight response – when you face 1. Perceiving emotions
some sort of danger and experience fear 2. Reasoning with emotions
- Anxiety – repeated exposure to fear 3. Understanding emotions
object or situation can lead to familiarity 4. Managing emotions
and acclimation Tips for Improving Emotional Intelligence
4. Disgust - Listen
- The sense of revulsion can originate - Empathize
from a number of things, including an - Reflect
unpleasant taste, sight, or smell
5. Anger
- A particularly powerful emotion
characterized by feelings of hostility,
agitation, frustration, and antagonism
towards others
6. Surprise
- Is usually quite brief and is
characterized by a psychological startle
response following something