Easter Themed Quiz
Easter Themed Quiz
Easter Themed Quiz
3. Approximately how many chocolate Easter bunnies are made each year?
a. 90 million b. 60 million c. 30 million
6. Who delivers the Easter eggs in Australia instead of the Easter bunny?
a. Koala b. Bilby c. Kangaroo
8. Last Year Easter was when the shops sold the most chocolate and
sweets, when was the second highest time?
a. Summer holidays b. Valentines c. Halloween
9. How many crème eggs are made every day around Easter?
a. 600 b. 1.5 million c. 5,600
3. Approximately how many chocolate Easter bunnies are made each year?
a. 90 million b. 60 million c. 30 million
6. Who delivers the Easter eggs in Australia instead of the Easter bunny?
a. Koala b. Bilby c. Kangaroo
8. Last Year Easter was when the shops sold the most chocolate and sweets,
when was the second highest time?
a. Summer holidays b. Valentines c. Halloween
9. How many crème eggs are made every day around Easter?
a. 600 b. 1.5 million c. 5,600