Clause No. IATF Clause 4: Context of The Organization
Clause No. IATF Clause 4: Context of The Organization
Clause No. IATF Clause 4: Context of The Organization
4.3.2 Customer-specific-requirements.
5.1.1 General
5.2 Policy
5.3.2 Responsibilities and authorities for product requirements and corrective actions.
IATF Clause 6: Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
JET TECHNOLOGIES had identified internal and external issue in Quality Manual under section 4.1
QM - JET/QM/001
Version No - 01
Dated - 01.10.2022
Approved by - Deepesh Patel (Proprietor)
Internal Issues - Involvement of Top Management, Organizational Development, Organizational Culture, Employees, etc.
External Issues - Fluctuation in Rupee exchange rate, Technological changes, market competition, legal issues, etc.
As per auditee interview, Internal and External Issues was last reviewed on MRM dated 29.09.2022, No changes was
JET TECHNOLOGIES had identified the needs and expectations of various stackholders in Quality Manual under section 4.2,
found evident and OK
QM - JET/QM/001
Version No - 01
Dated - 01.10.2022
Approved by - Deepesh Patel (Proprietor)
Interested Parties - Proprietor, Employees, Customer, Supplier, Regulatory authorities, Local Communities, etc.
As per auditee interview, needs and expectations of all interested parties was reviewed during last MRM dated 29.09.2022, no
new needs were identified.
Verified the Scope of JET TECHNOLOGIES Quality Management System, found identified in Quality Manual under section 4.3,
found evident and OK
QM - JET/QM/001
Version No - 01
Dated - 01.10.2022
Approved by - Deepesh Patel (Proprietor)
Exclusion Clauses
Clause No 8.3 as No product design in done @ Jet Technologies
Clause No & as No Design Input and No No Design Output is carried @ Jet Technologies
As per auditee Interview and Quality Manual review, no external site is used for support functions
Verified the CSR Matrix of Denso and its compliance, found well established and evident with the auditee.
JET TECHNOLOGIES had identified all the processes in the Quality Manual under section 4.4, Total Function Identified - 09 Nos
(Top Management & QMS Co-Ordinator, Sales & Marketing, Development, Purchase, Production, Maintenance, Quality
Control, Store, Packing & Dispatch, HR & Admin )
QM - JET/QM/001
Version No - 01
Dated - 01.10.2022
Approved by - Deepesh Patel (Proprietor)
Also, verified the sequence & process interaction chart, found OK and explained in brief.
Doc No. -
Version No - 00
Dated - 02.03.2022
Prepared by - Aniket Singh
Reviewed by - Deepesh Patel (Proprietor)
As per Quality Manual section, JET TECHNOLOGIES ensures the conformance of product & processes by reviewing all
the customer requirment identified under CSR Matrix and also as legal requirments JET needs to get their product tested for
ROHS & REACH complaince.
Also, JET TECHNOLOGIES has done REACH and ROHS certification of their products from SGS, found OK.
REACH Certificate No - Valid till -
ROHS Certificate No - Valid till -
JET has identified Product Safety procedure, found evident and OK
JET TECHNOLOGIES had identified all the processes and documented in the Quality Manual under section 4.4.
QM - JET/QM/001
Version No - 01
Dated - 01.10.2022
Approved by - Deepesh Patel (Proprietor)
Also, JET TECHNOLOGIES has documented the sequence & process interaction chart
Doc No. -
Version No - 00
Dated - 02.03.2022
Prepared by - Aniket Singh
Reviewed by - Deepesh Patel (Proprietor)
On discussion with Mr. Deepesh Patel (Proprietor), found that Top Management is carrying the following below mentioned
1. Take accountability
Veriifed the Ethics & Whistle blower policy Doc No. , Versio No. , Dated - , found defined and Communicated with all the
Veriifed the Anti-bribery Policy Doc No. , Versio No. , Dated - , found defined and Communicated with all the employees
Veriifed the Employee Code of Conduct Doc No. , Versio No. , Dated - , found defined and Communicated with all the
Veriifed the Child Labour Policy Doc No. , Versio No. , Dated - , found defined and Communicated with all the employees
Veriifed the Grievance & Complaint Policy Doc No. , Versio No. , Dated - , found defined and Communicated with all the
Veriifed the Non-Discriminating Policy Doc No. , Versio No. , Dated - , found defined and Communicated with all the
JET TECHNOLOGIES has documented procedure for process review in the Internal Audit procedure
The frequency of process audit is once in bimonthly defined in the Quality manual under section
Top Management has identified the process owner for each processes in Skill Matrix doc No. , Versio No. , Dated - ,
Verified the role and responsibilities found defined in the Quality Manual under section 5.3. Checked the roles of Auditee,
found available and OK
Verified the CSR Matrix of Denso and its compliance, found well established and evident with the auditee.
JET carry risk and opportunity assessment for conformity of products and services. Verified the Risk and oppotunity sheet doc
no. JET/QMS/RNO/01, version no. - , dated, last reviewed on - , found control measures effective.
JET TECHNOLOGIES monitor the customer satisfaction by doing customer satisfaction survey once in year.
Customer Satisfaction Survey was last done on - , Average rating recieved was
Quality Policy is appropriate to the purpose and the context of the organization, provides framework for setting quality
objectives, incudes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirments and continual improvement
JET TECHNOLOGIES communicate the Quality Policy by dispalying it in th e facility, training the employee at th time of Joining
and during QMS awareness training
Verified the role and responsibilities found defined in the Quality Manual under section 5.3. Checked the roles of Auditee,
found available and OK
JET TECHNOLOGIES Top Managemnt has assigned roles and responsibities for requirements and corrective action to Quality
Department. Aniket Singh is responsible for the same.
JET TECHNOLOGIES has defined the procedure for risk and opportunity assessment
Doc No. -
Version No -
Dated -
Checked the Risk and Opportunity sheet doc No. Version no. - dated - for department -.
Total of Risk identified - Nos.
Total No. of Opportunity identified -
Verified the preventive action or risk mitigation action specified in the the procedure for risk and opportunity assessment
under section 4.1.4, found OK
Doc No. -
Version No -
Dated -
Verified the preventive action mentioned in the risk and opportunity sheet found effective
1. Risk -
2. Risk Rating -
3. Preventive Action -
4. Residual Risk -
Checked the contingency plan testing record for Manpower shortage, found OK
Contingency Situation -
Impact -
How long we can fulfill customer requirment in such situation -
Proposed Action -
Further Action -
Responsibility -
Verification Frequency -
Verification Method -
Verification Result -
Reviewed by -
JET TECHNOLOGIES has established the Quality Objectives for ….. Department/process name.
Verified the Quality Objective Sheet, doc no. - Version no. dated -
Quality Objective 1
Target -
Frequency -
Achieved till date -
Status - Achieved / Not achieved
Action Plan for not achieved objective - Available / not available
Verified the Quality Objective monitoring sheet and action plan evident and OK
JET TECHNOLOGIES has determine below mentioned points in the Quality Objetive monitoring sheet
1. What will be done - Defined
2. What resources will be required - Not defined
3. Who will be responsible - Defined (process owner / head)
4. When it will be completed - Frequency Defined
5. How the result will be evaluated - Defined
JET TECHNOLOGIES has established a procedure for change management made in the QMS
Doc No.
Version No.
Dated -
Verified the last changes made in QMS , found evident in the Change Management Format
Doc No.
Version No.
Dated -
Material Requisition is done by the required person through mail or verbally initimating the Purchase dept.
List of Tools