Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 498 – 503
13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing - Decoupling Growth from Resource Use
Current machining practice in a South-East England SME was studied over a 6 month period. This was preceded by exploratory academic research
in sustainable machining and a set of short industrial observations/interviews. Preliminary machining tests conducted in the industry on Delrin,
aluminium, carbon steel, stainless steel and Inconel 718 indicated more energy savings would be desirable with Inconel. New cutting tools were
developed with potential to reduce energy consumption and tested on various features. The effect of using a trochoidal toolpath was also
investigated. The results show that energy reduction was obtained for some of the features. Surface finish and tool wear and quality of type of
chip produced were not impaired. The results have raised awareness of the potential for energy reduction in the SME and a major tool
manufacturer involved in the study. The study has acted as exploration of factors important in the dissemination of sustainable machining in
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing.
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing
Keywords: Sustainability performance improvement; sustainable machining; energy efficient tool design; dissemination of sustainability results
2212-8271 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing
O.O. Owodunni and D. Pinder / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 498 – 503 499
reduced with a material removal rate increase of up to 333%; With the definition of equation 1, it is seen that even if the
Newman et al. [7] conducted experiments in which power Auxiliary Energy (AE) becomes zero, since the Theoretical
consumption for end milling. showed that with a constant Energy (TE) cannot be less that the Theoretical Minimum
material removal rate, high feed rate and low depth of cut Energy (TME), the limiting energy efficiency of a machining
consumed less power than high depth of cut and low feedrate. operation would still be much less than 100%. This definition
The result shows that up to 6% of power could be saved when contrasts with current definition which when the auxiliary
slotting aluminum workpiece. A general trend in the energy (AE) tends to zero, gives the impression that the energy
contributions of the various researchers is that higher cutting efficiency of the machining operation could be 100%.
conditions resulted in lower energy consumption. There are
still however wide variations in the reductions reported to be A method for measuring energy consumption without
obtainable. Another observation is that most of these research disrupting machining operation has been investigated through
findings were carried out in academic settings and often by the use of a 3-phase power meter. The results from it were
individual research groups. In exceptions such as the verified by using a force measurement system from Kistler
contributions of Mori et al. [6], there is no indication whether Instruments.
the industry involved has adopted the sustainable practice. This
paper is a preliminary exploration of how the issues mentioned A predictive model for energy consumption, E, has been
above could be addressed. obtained from machining science literature as shown in
equation 2 (where Vm is machined volume, ap: depth of cut; ae:
1.1 Research questions, Research methodology and outline of width of cut; d:diameter of end mill; z:number of teeth; f:feed
the paper rate; n:spindle speed; c0-c6 are constants depending on material
being machined) which has been shown to have close to 90%
The specific research question being addressed is: accuracy when compared to experimental results.
2.1 Definition, measurement and predictive models for Band of results for Steels [9]
performance measures of sustainable machining
Greenwich results on Aluminium 7075-T6
Important performance measures have been identified such as
energy consumption, energy consumption/volume removed,
energy efficiency, cost for unit volume, time for unit volume, Band of results for Aluminium [9]
tool life and surface finish. One new definition for energy
efficiency was developed with a potential to uncover inherent Diaz et al. for AISI 1018 [10]
inefficiency that previous energy efficiency measures could not
address. This definition defines energy efficiency, EE, as:
2.2 Analysis or characterization of factors and performance of coolant and through tool coolant. Other example include
measures of sustainable machining new cutting method/tool design.
The predictive models for energy, cost, time, and surface finish 2. Adoption of sustainable machining in SMEs in the south
have been characterized and shows the relationship in figure 2, of England
indicating that energy consumption, cost and time all decrease
with increase in the cutting conditions. It was also identified This section reports the results of industrial observations and
that for minimising energy, feed rate was found to have the informal interviews conducted with industrial practitioners for
most significant effect, followed by depth of cut, then spindle the purpose of exploring how sustainable machining could be
speed and lastly width of cut. This is similar to results obtained disseminated to industries. The companies considered include
by Newman et al [7] who reported that high feed rate and low 4 SMEs and 2 Medium to large enterprises. Machine tool and
depth of cut consumed less power than high depth of cut and cutting tool manufacturers were also considered though not
low feed rate.
visited. Over 40 practitioners related to machining were
interviewed and these included experienced shop floor
practitioners, apprentices, sales managers, line managers,
managing directors with machining experience, facility
managers and design engineers. Though the interviews and
observations were informal and so did not use a formal
questionnaire/observation sheet, there were questions designed
to direct the informal investigations. These questions were
drawn up by being roughly informed by the results of the
findings of our research as reported in section 2.
3.2 Characterisation of factors and performance measures implemented on the shop floor was obtained from that section.
in sustainable machining In this type of case, it is not clear how the interaction between
the shop floor staff especially the experienced machinist and
There was general awareness on how process parameters the planning department works to arrive at cutting parameters.
affected the performance of machining such as surface finish, Though it was noticed that there were input from representative
stability of cutting (e.g. not resulting in chatter), chip type, of tool suppliers who even gave advice such as using new
temperature at tool-workpiece interface, most of which are toolpath type that was not a feature of the CAM system
experiential, not codified and formalised knowledge. As employed and this advice has been adopted. The role of the
practitioners were interviewed phrases like “the machine does representative of tool suppliers shows an example of how
not like it” was often used. However in this understanding of improvement were observed to be introduced, including
effects there was not a sense of the relative significance of each improvement that goes beyond improving process parameters
of the cutting parameters on the machining performance. Since but to design new processes, methods or technology.
there is little awareness of machining energy, the influence of
the cutting parameters on energy consumption could not be 3.3.1 Incentive to adopting sustainable machining
established/raised during the interview. In the industrial One of the problem of considering adoption of energy
observations and interviews some questions were asked to raise efficiency seem to be the fact that the financial incentive seem
some issues of analysis and characterisation of the parameters. to be low. The energy bill in machine shops as identified by
In all cases, practitioners, even very experienced and Anderberg [11] as discussions were held with managers, who
university-level educated ones, were surprised when they were it seems, knowing their current electricity bill could more
informed that the lighting bulb on the machine tool (especially sharply see that there was little margin for gain in that direction
if it is not an energy efficient bulb) or the coolant pump of improvement.
consumed more energy than the material removal process An energy improvement that seem to have been adopted or
itself. This is expected since until the results such as reported in the process of being adopted in the factories is that of factory
by Gutowski and his MIT team [1], even the machine tool lighting. One of the SMEs had already adopted energy efficient
manufacturers seem not to have noticed this. lighting and another was in the process, having received quote
from energy consultants including very detailed return on
3.3 Sustainability Improvement and Control in machining investment. It seems there were government incentive or
subsidy to adopting this type of measure and it appears it is one
The issues of how the cutting parameters are determined and of the easily reached low hanging fruits on the way to
hence improved, if need be, are considered here. In most of the sustainability improvement and even attain ISO 14000
cases asked, the determination of cutting parameters were by certification.
experience. There were mention of “feeling” and the individual It was noticed as we discussed with one of the managers, that
way in which each machinist feels it. A practitioner in training there was interest when the issue of the possibility of future
for example, would say he does not go above a certain depth of regulation was brought up. It seem clear to them that while
cut (i.e. knowing which cutting parameter he is comfortable to there may not be substantial financial benefit, preparedness for
be able to react to). When pressed more, the practitioners future regulation or demand from customers such as OEM who
referred to cutting tool manufacturers handbooks as starting require their suppliers to align with their sustainability policy
points or advice from tool suppliers especially if new materials as part of their social corporate responsibility reporting may
are machined. Even in these cases the mention of then make consideration of energy efficiency of manufacturing
modifying those parameters to suit the specific machine tool processes of interest.
were raised. We could not establish whether some systematic
method of experimentation was carried out or whether there 4. In-depth study in an SME
was time set apart to carry out formal process improvement,
though in one of the instances the practitioners mentioned that The purpose of the in-depth study is not a study in machining
there is always improvement and learning and that when tool science per se, but a study for identifying important factors that
suppliers suggest improvements, he has to experiment on his may be required for industries to adopt sustainable machining.
own. In one of the SMEs, there was being developed by the Details given are only approximate.
lead person on the shop floor, some measure of formal
documentation of the parameters including CNC codes to use 4.1 The case study company and the team involved in the
for different type of tools/material combination. While this study
standardised the process, it was not clear how empowering it
was to the machinists who were to implement it. The large The case study company, established over 50 years ago, is a
companies observed were noticed to have a practice of sub-contract precision manufacturing organisation, supplying
outsourcing the generation of the CNC code. In 3 of the 4 SME precision components to customers in sectors such as
cases, there was still a large measure of on-machine Aerospace, Defense, Oil & Gas. The factory studied has about
programming and hardly any extensive use of off-line 20 CNC machines. The case study was primarily carried out by
programming using CAM systems. The 4th SME (which is the an employee of the company in the planning department over a
case for the longer in-depth study) however used a CAM period of 6 months. Others involved in the study through giving
system run by the planning section and the CNC program information and advice included the managing director, heads
502 O.O. Owodunni and D. Pinder / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 498 – 503
of the turning and milling sections, CNC machine operators 3 tool design concepts were generated and using an evaluation
and representatives of a major cutting tool manufacturer. matrix on various requirements (including cost and versatility
to cut several features and potential for improved cutting), one
4.2The case study of the tool was selected as the most suitable to be employed for
the test and manufactured by the collaborating tool
The study examined the effect of improving the tool and design manufacturer. The tool was made in carbide with a coating of
and toolpath type on the energy consumption during end Titanium Aluminium Nitride, TiAlN (see figure 5). Using this
milling of Inconel 718. Before choosing to carry out the test on improved tool design, tests were carried out on features such as
Inconel 718, preliminary tests were carried out on a range of profile, slot, counterbore and shoulder. The test used
conventional end mills and the improved tool design and
materials employed in the company, namely Delrin, aluminium,
toolpath. The results are shown in figures 6 and 7 for time taken
carbon steel, stainless steel and Inconel 718. The pre-test were
carried out on the slot shown in figure 3 (having a volume of and energy consumed.
13.885 cm3) on a DOOSAN MYNX 750 Machining Centre.
Energy measurement was roughly estimated using the load %
displayed on the machine tool. This is a very rough
approximation and the results shown in figure 4 needs to be
interpreted with this in mind. Even with this rough
approximation, the specific energy consumptions (SEC) at 0.99,
3.17, 5.63, 4.54 and 7.73 KJ/cm3 respectively for delrin,
aluminium, carbon steel, stainless steel and Inconel 718
respectively, while not exact values, are of the order of
magnitude expected when compared to the predicted values
shown in the literature where for example for high temperature
alloys, values of SEC are indicated to be between 2 and 8.5
kJ/cm3 [9]. As shown in in figure 4, Inconel 718 (referred to in
figure 4 as high temperature alloy) had more indication of
offering more possibility for improvement in energy consumed
Fig. 5. New tool design.
and time taken.
Fig. 3. Slot feature employed for the pre-testing. Fig. 6. Time for machining different features using conventional and new
Fig. 7. Energy for machining different features using conventional and new
Fig. 4. Time and Energy consumption for different materials. tools.
O.O. Owodunni and D. Pinder / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 498 – 503 503
From figure 6, all other features other than the counterbore had result in initiatives for adopting energy efficient
faster processing time. However, the new milling method and machining.
tool had improved energy consumption only for machining slot
and shoulder features (figure 7). The 2 features with improved x Adoption may be easier if embedded into existing process
processing time and energy consumption were able to employ improvement methods, most of which currently is driven
trochoidal toolpath type, while the others could not. It may be by tool manufacturers suggestion, especially when new
concluded that the improvement were more likely to be due to materials are to be machined;
the toolpath type than to the tool design. The chip formation,
however seem to have benefitted from the new tool design as x The conclusions from the in-depth case study seems to
shown in figure 8. Dimensional accuracy and surface finish indicate that at least in financial terms, the gains are not
were also found not to be impaired by the new tool design and enough to be an incentive for industries, though the
toolpath type as they still satisfied typical design requirements. promise of higher production rate may be an attraction.
The gains may be more in better use of advanced
manufacturing technology, better resource accounting
(which just happens to include energy consumption) or
general empowering of shop floor staff. The role of
technology providers such as tool manufacturers was