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Sustainability: at Our Heart

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Sustainability at our heart

Sustainability Report

2 Our Business Portfolio

6 Message from the Chief Executive Officer

9 2021 Highlights

Sustainability at Power Assets

12 Sustainability Governance

14 Approach to Sustainability

18 Contribution to UNSDGs

20 Business Ethics

About Power Assets Environment

Combating Climate Change and
Power Assets Holdings Limited (“Power Assets” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, Opportunities for Clean Technology
the “Group”) is a global investor in energy and utility-related businesses with interests in the
44 Preserving the Natural Environment
transmission of electricity, gas and oil, the distribution of electricity and gas, as well as the
generation of energy from thermal, waste, and renewable sources. 50 Regulatory Compliance

From our origins in Hong Kong over a century ago, the Group also has a presence today in the Sustainability 51 Looking Forward

United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Mainland China, Thailand, the Netherlands, Canada
and the United States, bringing reliable, affordable energy to about 19 million homes and at our heart Social
businesses. The bulk of our business derives from our interests in 516,700 km of power, gas and
54 Human Capital Development
oil networks, supplemented by investments in around 10,000 MW of power generation facilities. At Power Assets, a deep commitment to
sustainable development lies at the heart 62 Occupational Health and Safety
of everything we do. Across our operating
Our investments comprise primarily regulated energy infrastructures. In 2021, around 80% of companies, every single initiative large or 69 Cybersecurity
our Group’s share of total fixed assets of joint ventures and associates (“the Assets”) comprise small integrates environmental, social, and
71 Supply Chain Management
transmission and distribution of gas and electricity infrastructures. Power generation assets ethical best practices at the strategic and
account for around 12% of the Assets with coal-fired generating facilities having been steadily operational levels. The heart and infinity sign 74 Community Engagement
reduced over the years and currently down to less than 5% of the Assets. on the cover of our 2021 Sustainability Report
represent these multifaceted efforts that 79 Regulatory Compliance
place sustainability at the very core of all our
We are delighted to share in this report our innovations and achievements to combat global activities.
warming in support of the decarbonisation efforts and COP26 commitments in the communities Appendices
that we operate in. We trust you will find the chapters on hydrogen, a replacement fuel for
80 About this Report
natural gas, the digitisation and automation of electricity networks as well as our systematic
power generation decarbonisation programme interesting – and exemplary. 81 Environmental Performance Indicators

83 ESG Guide Content Index

Listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong as a constituent share of the Hang Seng Index,
Power Assets has been a constituent of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index since 2010.
Sustainability at
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Power Assets

Our Business Portfolio

Power Assets Holdings Limited


Sustainability Report 2021

Netherlands Mainland China
United States
of America

Hong Kong

Generation Thailand


Electricity Transmission
& Distribution

Oil Pipelines & Storage


Gas Transmission &

New Zealand

Canada United Kingdom Mainland China Australia

Canadian Power Holdings UK Power Networks Jinwan Power Australian Gas Networks

Husky Midstream Limited Partnership Northern Gas Networks Dali Wind Power SA Power Networks
Victoria Power Networks
Energy Developments Pty Ltd Wales & West Utilities Laoting Wind Power
Australian Energy Operations
Seabank Power
United States of America Hong Kong United Energy
Energy Developments Pty Ltd
Energy Developments Pty Ltd HK Electric Dampier Bunbury Pipeline and AGI Development Group
Multinet Gas
New Zealand Netherlands Thailand Energy Developments Pty Ltd
Wellington Electricity Lines Dutch Enviro Energy Holdings B.V. Ratchaburi Power Company
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Power Assets

Our Business Portfolio

Generation Capacity Australia Australian Energy Operations

SA Power Networks (SAPN) Network Length 71 km

Renewable Energy /
Energy-from-waste Gas-fired Network Length 89,800 km Joined / Interest 2012 / 50%
Power Assets Holdings Limited

1,064 5,214 Customers 899,000

Sustainability Report 2021

MW MW Joined / Interest 2000 / 27.93%
Coal / Oil-fired New Zealand
Victoria Power Networks (VPN)

3,815 MW
(which owns Powercor and CitiPower)

Network Length
Wellington Electricity Lines
(Wellington Electricity)
Powercor 90,400 km Network Length 4,800 km
CitiPower 7,700 km Customers 172,000
Customers Employees

Customers Joined / Interest 2008 / 50%
19,344,000 17,600 Powercor 868,000
CitiPower 334,000
Joined / Interest Canada
Powercor 2000 / 27.93%
Canadian Power Holdings
Power and Gas / Oil Hong Kong CitiPower 2002 / 27.93%
(Canadian Power)
Network Length
HK Electric Australian Gas Networks (AGN) Installed Capacity
(a member of Australian Gas Meridian 220 MW
Power Network Network Length 6,700 km
Infrastructure Group (AGIG))
402,500 km
Installed Capacity
3,617 MW
Gas Pipeline Length
26,700 km
Okanagan Wind
1,064 MW
30 MW
Gas / Oil Pipeline
Established / Interest 1889 / 33.37% Joined / Interest

Joined / Interest 2014 / 27.51%
km Meridian 2007 / 50%
Dampier Bunbury Pipeline and
AGI Development Group TransAlta 2007 / 25%
Mainland China (collectively known as “DBP”) Okanagan Wind 2021 / 50%
(a member of AGIG)
Jinwan Power Gas Pipeline Length 4,100 km Husky Midstream Limited Partnership
United Kingdom Installed Capacity 1,200 MW
Joined / Interest 2017 / 20%
Joined / Interest 2009 / 45% Oil Pipeline Length 2,200 km
UK Power Networks (UKPN)
Dali and Laoting Wind Power Multinet Gas (MGN)
Network Length 189,500 km Oil Storage Capacity 5.9 million barrels
(a member of AGIG)
Customers 8,400,000 Installed Capacity Pipeline Gathering System 409,000 barrels/
Dali 48 MW Gas Pipeline Length 10,100 km
Joined / Interest 2010 / 40% Capacity day
Laoting 49.5 MW Customers 718,000
Northern Gas Networks (NGN) Joined / Interest 2016 / 48.75%
Joined / Interest Joined / Interest 2017 / 20%
Gas Pipeline Length 36,100 km
Dali 2007 / 45%
Customers 2,700,000 United Energy
Laoting 2008 / 45%
Joined / Interest 2005 / 41.29% Network Length 13,500 km Netherlands
Wales & West Utilities (WWU) Customers 702,000 Dutch Enviro Energy Holdings B.V.
(which owns AVR-Afvalverwerking B.V.
Gas Pipeline Length 35,000 km Thailand Joined / Interest 2017 / 20%
Customers 2,600,000 (AVR))
Joined / Interest 2012 / 36% Ratchaburi Power Company Energy Developments Pty Ltd Installed Capacity
(Ratchaburi Power) (EDL) Waste-to-Energy Units 138 MW
Seabank Power
Installed Capacity 1,400 MW Installed Capacity 1,156 MW Biomass-Fired Units 30 MW
Installed Capacity 1,140 MW
Joined / Interest 2010 / 25% Joined / Interest 2001 / 25% Joined / Interest 2017 / 20% Joined / Interest 2013 / 27%
Sustainability at
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Power Assets

Message from the Chief Executive Officer

I am pleased to present the Sustainability Report Throughout the year, we maintained and deepened To increase carbon offsetting opportunities, we are
of the Power Assets Group for the financial year our commitment to sustainable business practices. actively pursuing investment in renewables energy
Power Assets Holdings Limited

to 31 December 2021. Providing well-maintained, Our strategy is built on five pillars comprising in our key markets. Canadian Power acquired two
affordable, and clean energy, while placing our business, our people, the environment, the wind farms in Okanagan in June 2021, marking

Sustainability Report 2021

sustainability considerations at the heart of all our community, and our value chain. A board-level its entry into renewable energy generation.
activities, is the essence of the Group’s mission and Sustainability Committee ensures policies and HK Electric is planning for a large-scale offshore
investment proposition. targets are in place to integrate this ethos across all wind farm in Hong Kong waters. In Australia,
our operations. Energy Developments Pty Ltd is building a number
As a provider of energy infrastructure, our services of hybrid renewable projects to power remote off-
touch the lives of more than 19 million homes We have closely aligned with wider national and grid communities utilising at least 50% renewable
and businesses worldwide through our operating international sustainability aspirations, including the energy over the long term. In the Netherlands, AVR
companies, which spread across four continents. recent COP26 in Glasgow, and established concrete leads the production of energy-from-waste, with

targets to combat climate change and achieve commercial-scale carbon capture and utilisation
With around 80% of the Assets1 in regulated utilities carbon neutrality within the next two to three technologies in operation. In parallel, many of
– the transmission and distribution of electricity and decades. In several of our key markets – including our innovative technologies such as flue gas
gas in UK, Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand Hong Kong, the UK, Australia, and the Netherlands desulphurisation technology, catalytic converters,
– these widespread touchpoints position us well to – our operating companies have pledged to support and 4R recycling measures are helping to reduce
progress and deliver on our sustainability framework their government’s net zero commitments. Not only our facilities’ carbon footprint.
and goals, especially around combating climate do we proactively reduce carbon emissions from
change and supporting the vulnerable. every aspect of our business, we actively pursue Our operating companies in Hong Kong, the UK,
carbon offsetting opportunities, including energy- Australia and New Zealand have invested in digital
In the gas distribution sector, we are working with from-waste projects, investments that utilise landfill technology to make the automated network
the UK government to demonstrate the viability gas, and waste coal mine gas for heat and power more agile and dynamic, capable of receiving a
of blending up to 20% hydrogen with natural gas generation to abate the discharge of methane into massive influx of intermittent renewable energy
in private and public networks2. If rolled out to our atmosphere. and redistributing it across the grid. They are also
all homes in the UK, this initiative is equivalent to conducting research and trials to understand the
removing 2.5 million vehicles from the roads. We One of our Group’s top priorities to address climate impact on the grid of large-scale private and public
are also producing and blending green hydrogen change is to reduce carbon emission from our electric transportation. The insights from these
into the existing natural gas networks to leverage 10,093 MW of power generating facilities. projects will prove invaluable in reinforcing our
the networks’ transportation and energy storage transmission and distribution networks to support
capabilities. Our ultimate target is to replace natural
Our power generation facilities represent around zero-emissions transportation.
gas with 100% hydrogen for home heating – our
12% of the Assets, which includes various types
zero-emission ambition. In the electricity distribution
of power generating technologies – renewable in
sector, we are proactively digitising our distribution
wind and solar farms, energy from waste
network to make the automated system more agile
facilities, and gas and coal-fired facilities.
and flexible in order to accommodate a record
Power Assets has steadily relinquished
quantum of distributed renewable energy to supply
more green energy for the anticipated uptake of 2,890 MW of coal-fired facilities from our
electric vehicles. investment portfolio since 2016. Following
“Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050”,
These last 12 months were difficult for many of the we shall be phasing out the remaining
Group’s stakeholders, with unprecedented challenges coal-fired facilities in Hong Kong by the
continuing to affect daily endeavours as a result of early 2030s and shall collaborate with
COVID-19. Being an essential service provider, our the HKSAR Government on the best way
seamless delivery of affordable and reliable energy forward to realise carbon neutrality for
to communities throughout this pandemic-affected Hong Kong.
period entailed continued compliance with a number
of precautionary measures to keep our customers and
employees from harm’s way.
Sustainability at
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Power Assets

2021 Highlights

Another key aspect of our sustainability Sustainability remains paramount in our aspirations
commitment is the provision of highly efficient and to leave a greener, healthier planet for future
Power Assets Holdings Limited

affordable electricity. Our operating companies in generations. With this in mind, we will continue
the UK and Australia were in the forefront of the to strive for improvement and excellence in

Sustainability Report 2021

industry for efficiency and innovation, often winning sustainability performance and reporting. • Coal Phase Out:
incentives from regulators for their leadership in • Our businesses in the OECD countries have fully phased out coal-fired generation
this regard. HK Electric continued to provide highly In closing, I would like to thank my talented and in favour of cleaner-burning natural gas in 2021.
reliable power supply, reaching a record rating of committed colleagues across the world whose • Committed to reducing our coal-fired generation installed capacity from about
over 99.9999% for the second year in 2021. knowledge and efforts are responsible for all the 53% of our total generation portfolio in 2016 to about 24% by 2023 and
progress we have made. phasing out coal at all of our business operations by 2035.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continued to take a
heavy toll on communities and economies around I hope this report proves useful to you in
• Net Zero Commitment:

• HK Electric, SAPN, UKPN, NGN, AGIG and AVR have pledged to support net zero
the world, our operating companies maintained understanding our commitment to acting for a
their support for the vulnerable and needy. In the sustainable future. • UKPN: first distribution network operator in the UK to have its carbon reduction
UK, our gas and electricity distribution networks plan and targets externally verified by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).
have all extended assistance to the energy-poor.
In Hong Kong, HK Electric set aside HK$63 million Tsai Chao Chung, Charles • GHG Emission Reduction:
from its three existing funds to promote energy Chief Executive Officer • 10% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions intensity compared to
efficiency and to help alleviate the economic Hong Kong, March 2022 2020.
impact of the pandemic.

Our top priority is the welfare of our employees, Social

and all operating companies strive to be employers • Maintained zero work-related fatalities across all our employees.
of choice. UKPN was named sixth in the list of large
UK companies to work for, and HK Electric has • Total 553,168 hours of training provided.
consistently been placed among the top ten most
attractive employers to work for in the Randstad • 87.85% of our employees covered by collective bargaining and unionised at the end of
Hong Kong Employer Brand Research. 2021 in support of the Group’s joining the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

• UKPN – named sixth best large company to work for in the UK,
1 “the Assets” percentages are based on the Group’s share of total fixed assets of joint ventures and associates since revenue and has been in the top 25 for the previous seven years.
and profit related figures could be highly distorted by the volatility in fuel and power prices.
2 HyDeploy
• 19,000 stakeholders engagement activities held in 2021 engaging 223,000 stakeholders
among our major business operations.

• Commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and

identified 3 SDGs that are closely aligned with our corporate strategies and business
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Power Assets

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustainability at

Power Assets
We aspire to constantly enhance how energy is
being generated and delivered to all our markets of
operation to create a more sustainable planet for
future generations. We also aim to be a positive force
in people’s lives as a best-in-class employer, supportive
partner, and caring corporate citizen operating with
the highest ethics and values.
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Power Assets

Sustainability Governance

The Group’s sustainability governance structure The Group has formulated separate policies The Board

Power Assets Holdings Limited

provides a solid foundation for developing and on sustainability, environment, supply chain • Has ultimate accountability for the Group’s sustainability strategy, management, performance,

Sustainability Report 2021

delivering its commitment to sustainability. This management, and human rights. These policies are and reporting.
is embedded at all levels of the Group, including primarily intended to serve as the ultimate guiding • Examines and approves the Group ’s sustainability objectives, strategies, priorities, initiatives,
the Board, the Sustainability Committee and the principles for sustainability practices within the
goals, and targets as well as the corresponding policies and frameworks that support their
Sustainability Management Committee, comprising Group, putting its values into action across the
the CEO and elected management members. The businesses and detailing the Group’s commitments
Sustainability Committee and the Sustainability to business integrity, people, environment, and • Our directors or executives are appointed to the boards and management committees of all
Management Committee provide guidance to our communities in which the Group operates. material investments for overseeing and monitoring the sustainability performance of each
businesses to maintain consistency in implementing business.
their own sustainability strategies, managing goals,

targets, and reporting processes, strengthening
relations with internal and external stakeholders,
and ensuring overall accountability. Sustainability Committee
• Established as a Board committee.
• Chaired by Mr. TSAI Chao Chung, Charles, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director.
Its other members are Mr. CHAN Loi Shun, Executive Director, and Mr. IP Yuk-keung,
Albert, Independent Non-executive Director and Chairmen of the Audit Committee and the
Nomination Committee.
• Has an overarching role in supporting the Board on matters of sustainability; overseeing the
implementation of the sustainability initiatives of the Group, including reviewing the related
policies and practices and assessing and making recommendations on matters concerning
the Group’s sustainability governance, strategy, planning, and risks.
• In 2021, the Sustainability Committee met twice to review the Group’s sustainability plans
including the progress towards the UNSDGs and subsequently recommended the Board to
approve the Group’s joining UNGC in 2022.
• For more information, please refer to the Terms of Reference of the Sustainability

Sustainability Management Committee

• Composed of Chief Executive Officer, an Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Group
Legal Counsel and Company Secretary, and selected members of the Group’s management,
the Sustainability Management Committee focuses on addressing sustainability issues and


policies and driving strategic initiatives across the Group.
• Reports to, and receives feedback from, the Sustainability Committee on a regular basis.
• In 2021, the Sustainability Management Committee reviewed the Corporate Governance/
Sustainability Policies, and conducted materiality assessments and aligned the Group’s
sustainability practices with appropriate UNSDGs.

Management of Business Units

• Identifies operational-specific sustainability-related risks and opportunities.
• Monitors and tracks progress against agreed targets and initiatives.
• Provides feedback to the Sustainability Management Committee on sustainability-related
achievements and progress.
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Power Assets

Approach to Sustainability

The Group’s Sustainability Pillars

We operate our businesses in a responsible and
sustainable way whilst remaining transparent and
Power Assets Holdings Limited

accountable to our stakeholders. The Group is

committed not just to its shareholders, but also to

Sustainability Report 2021

a wide range of stakeholders including employees, The Group’s Sustainability Pillars
customers, suppliers, the local community,
professional institutions, non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), and related government

Sustainability Pillars and Policies

Value The
The Group’s overall sustainability approach and Value Chain

Chain Community
priorities are built on five pillars: the Business,
Human Capital, the Environment, the Community, • Run a management system to identify and mitigate
and the Value Chain. Each pillar is supported supply chain risk. The Community
Human The
by Group-wide policies, leadership at the Group • Have Supplier Code of Conduct in place, which covers
environmental standards for the suppliers’ processes,
Capital Business • Engage with local communities and undertake
level, and collective efforts across its businesses.
These five pillars guide the Group in integrating products, or services, child labour, fundamental human initiatives catered to the needs and benefits of the
sustainability across all our operations. The Group rights, working conditions, remuneration, occupational communities within which it operates, with a focus
has policies, procedures, and guidelines in place health and safety, and business ethics. The on the environment, education, medical, health
to support management in addressing material • Work with suppliers and business partners who can Environment and elderly care, arts and culture, sports, and
sustainability issues across the Group, as described demonstrate their commitments to uphold the principles disaster relief.
throughout this Report. These principles are under the Power Assets’ Supplier Code of Conduct. • Educate the public, particularly younger
adopted group-wide and implemented by each • Develop procedures to monitor suppliers’ products, The Environment generations, on the importance of energy efficiency
operating company based on local social, economic, services, and processes. and low-carbon lifestyles.
and environmental needs. The execution and • Invest in technologies and innovative solutions to enhance • Comply with or exceed the requirements of relevant • Implement internal guidelines and controls
compliance are monitored continually through customer experience, communication, health and safety, laws and regulations to control any greenhouse gas on donations and contributions to safeguard
regular management reviews and reporting. privacy, and protection in our business operations. emissions, discharges into water and land, and waste stakeholders’ and shareholders’ interests.
generation. • Encourage employees to play a positive and active
For more information on relevant policies and • Minimise the impact of business activities on the role in the community.
procedures in place, please refer to the Corporate Human Capital environment and natural resources.
Policies on the Group’s corporate website. • Develop climate strategy to identify and manage climate
• Uphold a high standard of business ethics and the risk and implement appropriate innovations and new The Business
personal conduct of employees. technologies to capture the opportunities arising from
• Adhere to non-discriminatory employment practices and this risk. • Enhance long-term return for shareholders.
procedures. • Set targets and review and assess the results regularly • Focus on sustainable development of its businesses
• Provide a safe workplace for all employees and a to ensure the effectiveness of emissions control and the communities in which it operates.
positive work environment that values the wide-ranging mechanisms. • Comply with all relevant and applicable laws and
perspectives inherent in a diverse workforce. • Monitor and manage the use of resources, including regulations within its operational frameworks.
• Foster individual growth and achievement of business energy, water, and other raw materials. • Conduct business with uncompromising integrity.
goals; offer a wide range of training and development • Develop and implement environmentally friendly • Safeguard against unfair business practices.
programmes, interest courses, and activities. products and processes with potential commercial • Achieve a high standard of corporate governance
• Maintain proper systems to ensure internal equity and applications. and emphasise a quality board, sound internal
external competitiveness of staff remuneration and • Encourage and provide support for conservation and control, transparency, and accountability to all
recognition. environmental protection programmes. stakeholders.
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Power Assets

Stakeholder Engagement Materiality Assessment

Effective stakeholder engagement and collaboration In response to the net zero transition initiative, To succeed and make a positive impact on We use outcomes of the materiality assessment
Power Assets Holdings Limited

are crucial to our ability to respond to sustainability UKPN regularly and intensively worked with all local society, we need to understand and respond to to inform our sustainability approach, strategy,

Sustainability Report 2021

challenges and opportunities. Given the diversity authorities in the development of their Distribution the changing world around us. Our materiality and reporting. This drives us to focus on the risks,
of the businesses, the Group and the operating Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) interactive data assessment identifies the sustainability issues that opportunities, issues, and impacts that matter most
companies deal with different stakeholder groups map, ensuring the tool is useful for all 126 local are perceived as being most important to our to our stakeholders and which we have the ability
including employees, customers, business partners, authorities in planning toward net zero in the UKPN stakeholders and our businesses. to influence.
suppliers, and investors, as well as with regulatory network area.
authorities, NGOs, and the community. We regularly Our most recent materiality assessment was carried
collect their views through various channels, such WWU conducted a research to understand out in 2020; the results continue to represent the
as meetings, workshops, seminars, interviews, and the relative importance of different customer main topics raised by stakeholders. For information

surveys. priorities. The findings showed that environmental on the process, please refer to our Sustainability
sustainability is especially important for 18-24 Report 2020.
As a multinational business, the challenges we year-olds. Acting on feedback, WWU continued
face are broad and complex. The Group and its to establish baseline environmental impacts
businesses use stakeholders’ inputs to understand while developing strategies and processes for
shifting market needs, which in turn helps to inform environmental performance improvement and keep
the Group’s decision-making in relation to its the Environmental Protection Plan at the heart of
sustainability practices, initiatives, and disclosures. WWU’s actions to protect the environment.

In particular, the Group and its businesses actively NGN worked with their new Young Innovators
co-operate with the governments and other industry Council and progressed 21 actions such as
associations to identify possible decarbonisation designing a new Education, Skills, and Careers
pathways and develop industry practices. And the Programme and running a co-designed #ICanBeMe The material sustainability issues identified were:
Group is going to join the UN Global Compact, apprenticeship recruitment campaign to improve
joining other signatories to drive improvements in and invest in projects that deliver benefits to
sustainability. stakeholders.

The figures of stakeholder engagements of in our major operating markets are given below: Environment Social Governance

Number of stakeholders Number of stakeholders

Major operating markets • Combating climate change • Human capital development
engagements held engaged
• Opportunities in clean • Occupational health and
Australia and New Zealand 1,600 65,000 technology safety (including emergency • Corporate governance
• Preserving the natural response) • Business ethics
UK 16,000 53,000
environment (including • Cybersecurity
Hong Kong 1,400 105,000 biodiversity, water, effluent • Supply chain management
and waste) • Community engagement
Total 19,000 223,000
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Power Assets

Contribution to UNSDGs Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

What Are the SDGs? • Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure with a focus on
The SDGs are a universal blueprint for prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. They affordable and equitable access for all
represent the collective actions the world can take to address the most pressing issues we face as a global • Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased
community – inequality, injustice, poverty, and climate change. resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally technologies

These global goals recognise the synergies between improving economic prosperity, health, education, and the
Power Assets Holdings Limited

environment to set society on a transformative path towards a more resilient and sustainable future. Commitments
• We are committed to making significant investments in sustainable and resilient infrastructure. We aspire

Sustainability Report 2021

Our Prioritisation Process to have transformative impacts on the community
While we recognise that our business impacts most of the 17 SDGs to varying degrees, we evaluate our Objectives
primary contribution by: Smart Cities:
• Roll out smart meters, provide EV charging facilities, and educate the community on sustainability, energy
• Connecting our long-term targets and annual progress to SDG targets
• Analysing the 169 SDGs underlying targets and connecting them to our material focus areas and future efficiency, and renewable energy
strategic direction Invest in technology and innovative solutions:
• Digitise electricity networks and develop advanced automated low-voltage distribution
The three goals and eight targets that resulted from this prioritisation represent where Power Assets has the

greatest capacity for impact and action. We will continuously review and incorporate additional SDGs relevant
to us in the future. Business Units' targets 2021 Status

HK Electric: Complete full-scale deployment of smart meters by 2025 In Progress

Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
UKPN: Develop solutions to accommodate an additional 2 GW of distributed
• Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services generation connected to the grid by 2028 On Track
• Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
• Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency

Goal 13 – Climate Action

Commitments • Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural
Power Assets is committed to providing modern forms of energy with environmentally sustainable and disasters
financially affordable options. We are committed to increasing our portfolio of cleaner energy assets. • Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning
• Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate
Objectives: change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
• Replace or convert coal-fired units to gas-fired units Commitments
• Expand renewable energy, waste to energy, renewable natural gas, and carbon capture capacity • We recognise the urgency to combat climate change and impacts by identifying specific actions for
Hydrogen economy: mitigation and adaptation. We are committed to reducing the GHG emissions of our operations.
• Blend hydrogen into existing gas distribution networks and ultimately replace natural gas with hydrogen to
achieve zero emission Objectives
• Expand renewable energy portfolio Climate impact assessment and climate strategy:
• Support communities by providing affordable electricity • Expand renewable energy in the grid and carbon capture, usage and storage
• Efficient operations and Demand-side management
Business Units' targets 2021 Status Decarbonisation of gas networks:
• Blending hydrogen into existing gas distribution networks and ultimately replacing natural gas with
Commission offshore LNG terminal in 2022 to secure another source hydrogen to achieve net zero targets
In Progress
of natural gas Modernising and digitising electricity networks
Subsidise 4,000 households for adopting energy-efficient appliances
In Progress
HK Electric: by 2023
Business Units’ targets 2021 Status
Increase renewable energy sources to over 6 GWh/year by 2023 In Progress
Commission two more new gas-fired generating units by 2023 In Progress
Complete 1,000 free energy audits and subsidise 500 buildings for
In Progress
implementing energy efficiency enhancement projects by 2023 Reduce CO2e per unit of electricity sold to not higher than 0.6kg/kWh in
In Progress
HK 2023 from 0.9kg/kWh in 2005
WWU: Net zero-ready gas grid by 2035 On Track Electric:
Engage stakeholders on combating climate change and adopting low-
AGIG: 10% renewable gas across its distribution networks by 2030 and achieve full carbon lifestyle to organise 1,000 education and promotion activities by In Progress
On Track
renewable gas conversion
Canadian Power: Acquire a 30-MW wind energy-generation portfolio in 2021 Achieved
UKPN: Reduce carbon emissions across scopes 1, 2, and 3 by 28% by 2028/29,
On Track
Ratchaburi Power: Construct a 980-kW solar photovoltaic project in 2021 Achieved against a 2018/19 baseline, exceeding a well-below 2-degree science-based target
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Power Assets

Business Ethics

Why It Matters Communication and Training Whistleblower Programmes

The Code forms part of the mandatory induction All directors, employees, and other relevant
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption are important The Code of Conduct (the “Code”) sets out the
Power Assets Holdings Limited

training which all employees attend upon joining stakeholders are expected to report any potential
topics for the industry. As providers of critical professional and ethical standards for its directors
the Group. It is the responsibility of every director violation of the Code or other Group policies.

Sustainability Report 2021

infrastructure, utilities have close relationships with and employees to observe in all business dealings, and employee to familiarise themselves and comply Escalation channels are set up to allow reporting of
government officials as well as suppliers, third-party including provisions dealing with conflict of interest, with the Code. During the year, the Group provided improprieties or business conduct concerns, with
contractors, and customers. There are potential risks fair dealing and integrity, corruption, political anti-corruption training to the Directors to help the option of anonymous reporting. All reported
of bribery and corruption in certain parts of the contributions, personal data protection and privacy, them keep abreast of current trends and issues incidents are treated confidentially, and informants
world. as well as requisite reporting of illegal and unethical facing the Group. Regularly, tailor-made training on are protected from any retaliation such as unfair
behaviour. The Code applies to all subsidiaries and specific topics such as anti-fraud and anti-corruption dismissal, victimisation, or unwarranted disciplinary
As utilities are heavily regulated, they are subject to controlled affiliates of the Group, where every is assigned to employees based on their role and action. All breaches are recorded, investigated, and
investigations and lawsuits by regulatory authorities. Director adheres strictly to the Code, including all area of responsibility. reported to the Board through the Audit Committee,

We believe it is important to take a proactive applicable laws, rules, and regulations within the and substantiated violations would result in
and holistic approach to avoid any incidents of jurisdictions in which the Group operates. For non- Each of our businesses also provides sufficient appropriate disciplinary actions, including termination
bribery and corruption, driven by our own ethos controlled affiliates, employees serving as directors training for its employees. For example, a WWU of employment.
and regulatory obligations. This requires operating should, to the extent possible, encourage those appointed external training provider to lead the
companies to develop well-rounded anti-corruption affiliates to adopt and follow the Code. instruction of modules on anti-bribery and anti- In addition to Group-level processes, each core
policies and whistleblower programmes as well as corruption, fraud, and other corrupt business business derives its own set of internal escalation
training their staff based on the requirements of the Business partners and suppliers of the Group are practices. In 2021, AGIG launched a Learning procedures to cater to its operational needs. Each
Group and local authorities. encouraged to maintain the highest standards of Management System that is accessible to all operating company has its own whistleblowing
ethical conduct and professionalism in accordance employees via its intranet system with modules such system and reports to the Group’s Head of Internal
with the Supplier Code of Conduct. They are required as cybersecurity, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, Audit. The Internal Audit Department manages
Our Commitment to implement appropriate anti-fraud and anti- fraud, and other corrupt business practices a the system and reports serious issues to senior
requisite for all new employees. Training modules management and the Audit Committee.
corruption policies as well as compliance programmes
The Group values and upholds the highest standards are available to colleagues on the e-learning
to verify their compliance with the policies.
of business integrity, honesty, and transparency in platform of our operating companies and are For example, United Energy provides an independent
Relevant anti-fraud and anti-corruption clauses are
its overall business activities. The Group has zero assigned as mandatory based on the role of the anonymous 24/7 free service line named Speak-up
incorporated into the contracts with business partners
tolerance on any form of fraud or bribery and is colleague. HK Electric and SAPN communicated Anonymous for employees to report on misconduct.
and suppliers to ensure that they are fully aware of
committed to the prevention, deterrence, detection, and provided trainings on anti-corruption policies To protect employees who report suspected
the Group’s requirements.
and investigation of all forms of fraud and bribery. and procedures to board members and employees. misconduct, United Energy implements a safe
In addition, anti-corruption is also covered as part reporting mechanism to ensure the confidentiality
The Anti-Fraud and Anti-Bribery Policy outlines the of the HK Electric, UKPN, WWU, SAPN and EDL of anonymous reports. It is available to suppliers,
The Board holds the overall responsibility for
Group’s zero-tolerance stance against bribery and induction process for new employees. customers, and other third parties. EDL has a
business ethics as an essential part of its corporate
corruption and assists employees in recognising the Whistleblower Policy, aimed at encouraging internal
governance responsibilities. On behalf of the
Board, the Audit Committee and the Executive
circumstance that may lead to or give the appearance Ongoing Assessment or external stakeholders to report any misconduct or
of corruption or unethical business conduct. It Business practices and controls for preventing and wrongdoing. Stakeholders can call the confidential,
Directors are responsible for ensuring the effective
includes provisions dealing with kickbacks, political combating corruption and other misconducts are independently managed hotline or approach the
implementation of internal controls for material
and charitable contributions, facilitation payments, continually assessed at both the Group and business Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer,
fraudulent or bribery activities committed within the
gifts and hospitality, and procurement of goods and unit levels. company secretary, directors, or other senior
Group on an ongoing basis.
services. It is the Group’s general policy to avoid managers to report questionable matters.
any form of donations to political associations or At the Group level, an anti-bribery and anti-
individual politicians. corruption control assessment is conducted
How We Work biannually to evaluate the effectiveness of controls
Governance Policies Other policies relevant to ethics and compliance for managing bribery risks.
We have formulated relevant policies for our include our:
At the business unit level, each operating company
stakeholders to outline our expectations and • Information Security Policy
conducts a risk-based audit to ensure the focus
requirements to ensure fair competition across our • Media, Public Engagement and Donation Policy
remains on key risk areas. These audits also consider
business operations. • Policy on Inside Information and Securities the design and operating effectiveness of processes
Dealing and controls. Deficiencies with potential for fraud
• Whistleblowing Procedure and other corruption would be covered during the
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Sustainability Report 2021

Green Energy for a

Sustainable Future
We are committed to protecting the environment and the Earth’s climate. We
live up to this commitment by transforming the businesses and promoting
the changes needed to achieve a low-carbon economy. We are aware that a
successful transformation to a low-carbon economy will require far-reaching and
permanent structural changes across society. Therefore, our operating companies
around the world are implementing initiatives to drive the energy transition and
making steady progress on the path towards net zero emissions.

In addition to our focus on climate change and energy transition, we continue our
work on other strategic environmental initiatives to protect biodiversity, promote
efficient and responsible use of natural resources, and prevent pollution through
continuous improvement of technologies and use of the latest clean technologies,
processes, and systems to control and minimise environmental impacts.
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Combating Climate Change and Opportunities for

Clean Technology

Why It Matters Our Commitment

Following the 26th UN Climate Change Conference Our operating companies are investing in green The Group is also committed to phasing out coal at
Power Assets Holdings Limited

of the Parties (COP26), which was held in Glasgow energy and innovative solutions to support the all of our business operations by 2035. Following

Sustainability Report 2021

from 31 October to 13 November 2021, the fight against climate change. Several of our the completion of the coal-to-natural gas transition
participating countries once again reaffirmed the operating companies such as HK Electric, UKPN, for the Sheerness Generating Station, one of the
Paris Agreement’s goals of limiting the increase in NGN, SAPN, AGIG, and AVR have pledged to net- facilities owned by Canadian Power, in November
the global average temperature to well below 2°C zero commitments. In particular, UKPN is the first 2021, our businesses in the OECD countries have
above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts distribution network operator in the UK to have its fully phased out coal-fired generation in favour of
to limit it to 1.5°C. During COP26, more than 40 carbon reduction plan and targets externally verified cleaner-burning natural gas.
countries committed to shift away from coal, which by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). At the
is the single biggest contributor to climate change, Group level, we are also taking ambitious climate In addition to the group-wide commitment, each

by phasing down coal-fired power generation and action by planning to set our own SBTi following operating company also has its own commitment
ending all investment in new coal-fired power the criteria. regarding decarbonisation. For example:
generation domestically and internationally. COP26 The solar power system at HK Electric’s Lamma Power Station.
also emphasised the need for further action to limit
the emissions of methane, one of the most potent As core participants in the energy sector, we
greenhouse gases. The Global Methane Pledge, understand that utilities play a key role in achieving
officially launched at COP26, aims to catalyse the targets adopted by the many governments
global action and strengthen support for existing that are parties to the Paris Agreement. Our core
international methane emission reduction initiatives businesses reflect the key emerging energy trends
to reduce global methane emissions by at least 30% and enable us to help our customers transition to a
from 2020 levels by 2030. low-carbon economy.
Business Unit Target 2021 Status

• Reduce CO2e per unit of electricity sold to not higher than

HK Electric In Progress
0.6 kg/kWh in 2023 from 0.9 kg/kWh in 2005
• Reduce 16% GHG emission by 2023 as compared to 2014/2015
for our Business Carbon Footprint on scopes 1 and 2 excluding Achieved
UKPN network losses and scope 3
• Reduce total carbon footprint by 28% by 2028/2029 from a
On Track
2018/2019 baseline covering scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions

NGN • Achieve net zero scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 2031 On Track

• Ambition to become a net zero-ready carbon emission network

by 2035
WWU On Track
• Ambition to reduce GHG emissions by 37.5% by 2035 versus

SAPN • Achieve net zero emissions by 2035 On Track

• 10% renewable gas by volume in distribution networks by 2030;

AGIG and 100% renewable gas by volume in distribution networks by On Track
2050 at the latest, and by 2040 as a stretch target

AVR • Achieve net zero in operations by 2050 On Track

The wind farm at Dali, in Yunnan province, forms part of our renewable energy portfolio in mainland China.
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To complement the Global Methane Pledge 2021 Performance

launched at COP26, EDL has been investing in Goals
In 2021, our carbon emissions consisted of 88% The Scope 2 emissions include the emissions from
Power Assets Holdings Limited

green gas or renewable natural gas (RNG). For

Scope 1 emissions and 12% Scope 2 emissions. purchased electricity of our businesses for their own
example, the Indy High BTU RNG Plant in Indiana,

Sustainability Report 2021

To address climate change risk and to capitalise use, and those associated with losses in transmission
US, converts landfill gas from the South Side Landfill
on those opportunities arising from it The Scope 1 emissions are direct emission from fuels and distribution networks for our electricity
into 680,000 mmBtu of pipeline-quality RNG each
processed in sources that were owned or controlled distribution companies. Our operating companies
year, reducing methane emissions by approximately
by our operating companies and fugitive emissions proactively drive a shift to use renewable energy to
17,000 tons per year. Two additional RNG projects,
resulted from gas shrinkage for our gas transmission power its facilities or purchase of certified renewable
Tessman Road and Wood Road RNG plants, are and distribution companies, which were equal to energy. These ongoing efforts have helped reduce
also underway to process waste gas collected from 7,317,255 tonnes CO2e in 2021, with a 2% increase our Scope 2 emissions by 2% to 977,578 tonnes
landfills and provide pipeline-quality RNG, which from 2020. This is mainly due to an increase in the CO2e when compared to 2020.
can be subsequently used in natural gas-fuelled • Decarbonising the generation portfolio
consumption of anthracite (approx. 46% increase

industries and vehicles. EDL also owns and operates by replacing or converting coal-fired
compared to 2020) at the Jinwan Power, which
a large portfolio of waste coal mine gas and landfill units to renewable and gas-fired units,
accounted for 32% of the total Scope 1 emissions.
gas-powered stations. EDL captures and extracts and expanding renewable energy, waste-
methane from waste gas generated from coal mines to-energy, RNG, and carbon capture and
and landfills, which would otherwise be released to utilisation capacity
GHG Scope 1 and 2 emissions (tCO2e) Air emissions (tonnes)
the atmosphere or vented. The extracted methane
is then used as a fuel source for heat and power • Accelerating and supporting decarbonisation
generations, avoiding significant methane emissions. by continually modernising and
digitising electricity networks to 2020 7,156,111 992,547 2020 4,789 656 136
Meanwhile, WWU has built the 2050 Energy accommodate the projected influx of
Pathfinder, a simulator for energy systems analysis distributed renewable energy sources as
that enables interchangeable forecast analysis well as the anticipated surge in the required 2021 7,317,255 977,578 2021 4,942 681 140
to assess the feasibility of how different energy charging networks for a massive uptake of
mixes would work in practice. For example, users electric vehicles
Scope 1 Scope 2 NOx SOx Particulate Matter
can input information about a region, including
population size and growth, and the simulator • Decarbonising our gas network by blending
would model the impact of new housing and hydrogen and biogas into existing gas
demographic growth on generation needs, allowing distribution networks and ultimately Energy Consumption (’000 MWh) Carbon Offset (tCO2e)1
users to anticipate and respond to changes in replacing natural gas with hydrogen and
energy efficiency scenarios and assess the impact on biogas to achieve the net zero targets set by 89,550
energy demand and carbon reduction. 5 226,530
local governments 2,099

Our operating companies are taking steps to 2020 10,970 12,386 2020 852,000
pursue carbon offset projects and deploy innovative
solutions to reduce carbon emissions. Other carbon 5 3,045
offset projects and reduction initiatives are detailed
in the following sections. 657 245,079
1,804 5

At the same time, we are boosting our commitment 2021 10,661 14,906 2021 808,000
to the fight against climate change with the aim of
becoming a major player in the energy transition 235
towards a circular, low-carbon, digital economy 0.2
Natural gas Gasoline/Petrol LPG EDL Dali and Laoting
model through the following strategies:
Coal and
Diesel Electricity Okanagan AVR
other fuels
Renewable fuel

1 The carbon offset data are derived from the emissions reduction/abatement provided by our projects. Relevant guidelines or
standards in international or local context were used for the estimation of carbon offset. For the carbon offset data that are not
submitted as part of a carbon trading scheme, those data are not verified or reviewed by an external party.
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How We Work Enabling Carbon Offsets and Reduction Carbon Capture and Utilisation
The transition to a low-carbon economy poses Reducing the environmental impacts associated In the circular economy space, AVR recovers the no longer have to use diesel and gasoline engines
Power Assets Holdings Limited

challenges, but also creates opportunities for us with our businesses is a strategic objective for us. CO2 from incineration and uses the captured CO2 to to produce the CO2 for growing crops. Building a

Sustainability Report 2021

to grow our business. By pursuing a corporate Our business units have been actively investing supply to nearby greenhouses for horticulture. AVR similar CO2 capture plant in Rozenburg is high on
strategy that takes climate change into account, we and engaging in projects that reduce and offset supplies these growers each year, meaning they AVR’s agenda.
are supporting the global effort to contain global carbon emissions. This includes projects on coal-to-
temperature rise and the transition to a low-carbon natural gas conversion, adopting carbon capture
economy by decarbonising the generation portfolio, and storage technologies, utilising design to handle
modernising and digitising electricity networks, and biogas, hydrogen and renewable natural gas, and How does the CO2 capture plant work?
blending hydrogen and biogas into existing gas expanding our renewable energy portfolio.
distribution networks. In addition, our operating
Clean flue gas released

companies implement various measures to help In coal-to-natural gas conversion, Power Assets
customers improve energy efficiency. is committed to further reducing our coal-fired during the incineration
generation by switching to natural gas in the interim process cools down and
towards net-zero. HK Electric has successfully passes through a special
synchronised a new 380-MW gas-fired unit in solvent, which recovers
November 2021, and Canadian Power has fully up to 85% of the CO2
phased out coal-fired generation by converting its from the flue gases. The
Sheerness 800-MW plant to natural gas, reducing remainder of the flue
up to half of the GHG emission intensity. gases, with most of the
Non-recyclable waste separated by our CO2 extracted, is released
consumers at home or in our waste separation through the chimney.
installation is used as the energy source in our
Why natural gas? waste-to-energy facility.

The CO2 rich solvent is then heated to extract the CO 2 in a gaseous

form. The CO2 gases can either go directly into the pipeline or be
further cooled to -20°C, allowing it to be stored in tanks as liquid
gas and transported by truck to the desired destinations.

Coal Diesel Biomass LPG Natural Gas Solar

In addition, EDL’s Clean Energy sites across the Our business units have been accelerating the use of
globe help its landfill and coal-mine customers hydrogen, which only emits water when burnt. Our
capture and convert methane into electricity or gas distribution companies such as NGN, WWU and
Compare Emissions
renewable natural gas and have collectively abated, AGIG have been investing heavily into the hydrogen
avoided and displaced over a further 4 million space which spans across the entire upstream of the
Coal-to-gas switching is an integral part of A gas-fired power generating unit also takes tCO2e. Instead of emitting the methane into the hydrogen value chain, including production, supply
the energy transition. Natural gas is a cleaner much less time to start and stop than a coal-fired atmosphere, which can be up to 25 times more to customers by pipelines and trailers. NGN and
alternative to traditional fuels. As the cleanest power generating unit, so its flexibility makes it a potent than CO2, EDL gives this methane a second WWU have also allowed for the injection of biogas
hydrocarbon, natural gas produces 90% less air good partner to intermittent renewable sources of life by converting them into renewable natural gas into their gas networks.
pollutants and 50% less CO2 compared to coal energy such as solar and wind. (RNG), which can be used in natural gas-fuelled
when used in electricity generation. industries and vehicles as compressed natural gas
(CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG).
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What is renewable gas? Finally, HK Electric owns and operates a 1.1-MW Decarbonising the Generation
solar power system and an 800-kW wind turbine. Portfolio
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Renewable Gas is a clean energy source which does not produce any additional emissions when you burn The company also facilitates the development of The Group is committed to reducing emissions of
them. distributed Renewable Energy (RE) power systems in

Sustainability Report 2021

GHG and other air pollutants within its operations
its supply areas through its Feed-in Tariff Scheme. and supporting the move to a low-carbon future
Its customers can contribute to combating climate through innovation and adoption of the latest
change by subscribing the RE generated from technology and processes alongside environmentally
these sources and will be presented RE Certificates friendly energy sources. Our business operations
accordingly. In 2021, HK Electric’s customers help tackle climate change through the following
Landfill Agriculture Waste water Organic
Renewable treatment waste fully subscribed the 5.8 GWh of green electricity initiatives:
electricity generated from the RE sources, avoiding about
4,000 tCO2e emissions. Replacing coal-fired generating units with

Anaerobic renewable and gas-fired units
digestion Our wind farms at Dali and Laoting generated a Switching from coal to natural gas provides a clean,
total of 213 GWh of renewable electricity in 2021. reliable, and cost-effective way to reduce carbon
The renewable energy generated by the two wind emissions. Power Assets is committed to reducing
farms has cumulatively reduced 207,000 tCO2e of its coal-fired generation installed capacity from
Water Electrolysis Oxygen Clean up carbon emissions. about 53% of its total generation portfolio in 2016
to about 24% by 2023. We are on track with our
decarbonisation plan and have reduced 2,890
MW of coal-fired power generation capacity since
2016. Following the coal-to-gas conversion of our
Carbon- Sheerness Generating Station in Canada in 2021, the
Renewable neutral
hydrogen Group has ended coal power generation in OECD
countries with non-OECD countries following suit by
2035. As at the end of 2021, coal-fired generating
facilities represented less than 5% of the Assets.

Gas networks
Coal-fired generation installed capacity
Tube trailer
and pipelines

7,000 60%
6,000 47%

5,000 39%
36% 40%

28% 30%
Homes and Industry 24%
Vehicle Power 3,000
businesses Export
refuelling generation 20%

Activities involving renewable gas focused on the meaning the process is carbon-free. Meanwhile, 10%
development of green hydrogen and biomethane. biomethane harnesses the energy potential from
Green hydrogen does not contain any carbon and organic materials such as agricultural waste and
0 0%
is produced using water and renewable electricity, sewage, supporting the circular economy.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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HK Electric: Moving one step closer to carbon neutrality with Expanding renewable energy portfolio
The Group has been actively looking into suitable The Group has also acquired its first renewable
synchronisation of L11
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investment opportunities in clean energy and energy project in Canada in the form of two
providing necessary support, including funding to wind power facilities located in the Okanagan

Sustainability Report 2021

our investments to expand our renewable energy region of British Columbia in 2021. The two wind
portfolio. Our operating companies have also farms, which consist of 10 wind turbines with
launched different initiatives to connect renewable a total capacity of 30 MW, sufficient to power
energy to the grid. approximately 9,000 homes, began operating and
generating clean, renewable electricity since 2017.
HK Electric purchases all electricity generated
by customers’ grid-connected renewable energy EDL is also growing our portfolio of world-class
power systems (REPS) at Feed-in Tariff (FiT) rates. wind and solar projects across Australia by investing
In 2021, about 5.8 GWh of zero-carbon electricity in hybrid renewable projects for off-grid locations.

was generated by REPS of FiT customers and HK Hybrid renewable projects utilise renewables such
Electric’s own REPS. They were fully subscribed as wind or solar, combined with battery storage
as Renewable Energy Certificates by HK Electric and enabling technologies, to minimise or replace
customers to offset their Scope 2 carbon emissions. traditional energy sources such as diesel or gas.

HK Electric has been migrating to a low-carbon gas-fired unit, L12, in 2023 to further boost the
operation through investments in cost-effective gas-fired generation and will gradually phase out
green technologies and related facilities. Following the remaining coal-fired units by the early 2030s.
the commissioning of gas-fired unit L10 in 2020,
it took a major step forward in its transition HK Electric is also developing an offshore wind
from coal-to-gas generation with the successful farm, with installed capacity of not less than
synchronisation of another new gas-fired unit, L11, 150 MW, located southwest of Lamma Island,
in November 2021. Full commissioning is expected targeting for commissioning by 2027, and which
in May 2022, allowing HK Electric to retire an has the potential to generate around 400 million
older gas-fired unit and two coal-fired units within kWh of zero-carbon electricity annually.
2022. HK Electric will also commission another new

Canadian Power: Advancing the off-coal conversion in Alberta

The 800-MW Sheerness Generating Station fully phased
The Okanagan wind farms, acquired in 2021, has a capacity of 30 MW.
out coal-fired generation in favour of cleaner burning
natural gas by end of 2021. The transition from coal to
natural gas is expected to reduce about 45% to 50%
of GHG emission intensity at the station. Emissions of
nitrous oxides will also be reduced, while emissions of
sulphur dioxide, particulate matter, and mercury will be
eliminated, resulting in additional air quality
improvements within Alberta.

Sheerness Generating Station’s gas receiving facilities

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EDL: Delivering sustainable energy for off-grid locations EDL: Delivering sustainable energy for remote township
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EDL owns and operates the Agnew Hybrid In addition, EDL was contracted in 2021 by the

Sustainability Report 2021

Renewable Microgrid, Australia’s largest hybrid Government of the Northern Territory of Australia
renewable energy microgrid and the first in the to deliver the Jabiru Hybrid Renewable Project to
country to utilise wind generation on a large scale power the remote, off-grid township of Jabiru.
at a mine site. This innovative hybrid renewable The project will integrate a solar farm and battery
power station consists of a 18-MW wind farm, a with a diesel power station to balance sustainability
4-MW solar farm, a 13-MW battery system, and with reliability. Upon completion in early 2022, the
an off-grid 21-MW gas/diesel engine power plant hybrid renewable power station will provide Jabiru
to deliver renewable energy to the mine without with at least 50% renewable energy over the long
compromising power quality and reliability. In term, helping the remote township transition to a

favourable conditions, the power station could tourism and services hub and contributing to the
deliver up to 85% of the mine ’s power requirements Northern Territory’s 2030 50% renewable energy
with renewable energy. target.

Jabiru Hybrid Renewable Energy Project's battery and diesel power


The Agnew Hybrid Renewable Microgrid comprises wind, solar, gas and diesel generation and battery storage.


Approximately 40,000
4MW 18MW 56MW tonnes of carbon dioxide 13MW Equivalent of removing Equivalent of powering
solar generation wind generation installed capacity equivalents avoided p.a. battery system 12,700 cars off the road p.a. 8,700 homes p.a.

3.9MW 11.4MW Approximately 6,000 3MW/ Equivalent of removing Equivalent of powering

solar generation of installed capacity tonnes of carbon dioxide 5MWh 1,600 cars off the road p.a. 2,000 homes p.a.
upon completion equivalents avoided p.a. battery system

Agnew Hybrid Renewable Microgrid Jabiru Hybrid Renewable Project

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Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) Modernising and Digitising Electricity Networks
In a circular economy, the use of products and materials is maximised and value destruction is minimised. Digital technologies and smart networks play a central role in facilitating more reliable, interconnected and
Utilising residual and unrecyclable waste is a key step towards enabling climate-neutral operations. Our group distributed power systems. Innovation solutions are needed to help connect more renewable energy and
continues to investigate ways to give these waste and carbon a second life. enable new technologies like battery storage and virtual power plants.
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Sustainability Report 2021

AVR: Enabling climate-neutral operations UKPN: Creating matrix-like simulation to enhance energy
through carbon capture and supply capacity and accommodate more low-carbon technologies
AVR’s purpose is to take residual, unrecyclable AVR’s Waste-to-Energy Plant in Duiven has included As more renewable energy sources connect to the
waste and, with its expertise in smart incineration a unique CO2 capture plant for recovering CO2 network, having exact data and forecasting tools
technology, use it to create electricity, heat, steam from the flue gases released during incineration of at all voltages allows us to plan ahead and invest
strategically to more efficiently manage the network
as well as new process raw materials. residual waste and using the captured CO2 as a raw

and connect more low-carbon technologies such
material for sustainable concrete or as a coolant
as EV chargers and heat pumps. UKPN’s Envision
AVR’s operations replace energy that would have in fire extinguishers. Currently, AVR supplies the project is developing a software-based machine
been generated through fossil fuels. AVR also captured CO2 to local greenhouse horticulture learning tool to model demand and analyse how,
avoids CO2 emissions by recovering raw materials companies. when and where power is flowing through the
such as the metals and minerals from bottom network when demand for electricity is high. This
ashes, TopCrete from paper sludge processing, and During 2021, 2,255 ktonnes of unrecyclable waste project is a key step to widening network flexibility
packaging material from the separation plant. was utilised. and building a smart grid that enables cleaner,
greener energy resources to connect quicker and
at a lower cost which can help release 70 MW of
electricity capacity by 2028, equivalent to providing
1,400 new rapid electric car chargers.
42 ktonnes CO2 captured for
horticulture sector

SAPN: Upgrading the voltage management systems to

Electricity for customers facilitate more solar generation
with solar systems capable of generating about
2,402 GWh 1,800 MW of energy, the deployment of new
voltage control measures helps regulate voltage
Process Steam levels throughout the day and year to facilitate
Produce process steam for
Incineration industry, district heating more solar generation on the electricity distribution
plant network. For example, during those periods of high
solar export in the middle of the day, the voltage
management systems can keep the volts down
Bottom Ash to ensure customers can continue to export their
Metal and paper pulp recovery excess power to the grid.
used as construction materials
476 ktonnes and TopCrete
SAPN will continue to develop and implement a
range of mitigation and adaptation initiatives to
As part of its ongoing Enhanced Voltage facilitate the uptake of renewable energy sources
Management programme, SAPN has completed within the network to reduce GHG emissions from
Avoided 907,770 tCO2e of emissions and waste, equivalent of 194,000 and 193,000 upgrading the voltage management systems at distribution losses. These initiatives also align with
households of gas and electricity consumption 138 major substations supporting about 790,000 SAPN’s goal of doubling the amount of solar power
(80%) of South Australia’s electricity customers. As on the network by 2025 and ultimately achieving
South Australia has more than 300,000 customers net zero emissions by 2035.
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Blending Renewable Gas into Existing AGIG: Taking active steps to sustainable gas delivery
Gas Distribution Networks
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Renewable and carbon-neutral gases such as In 2021 AGIG commenced operation of Hydrogen Hydrogen Park Murray Valley is the next step in

Sustainability Report 2021

hydrogen and biomethane are new energy solutions Park South Australia (HyP SA), Australia’s largest AGIG’s renewable gas journey, building on
that are key to the decarbonisation process. As a electrolyser and the first to deliver a renewable HyP SA and its plans for HyP Gladstone. The 10-MW
member of the Hydrogen Council, we are working hydrogen blend to customers on the existing electrolyser could use water from the treatment
actively with industry peers along the entire gas network. HyP SA is located in metropolitan plant and renewable electricity from the grid to
production chain and policymakers to demonstrate Adelaide, and produces renewable hydrogen using produce renewable hydrogen. The renewable
and promote hydrogen as a reliable, clean, and safe a 1.25-MW electrolyser which uses renewable hydrogen would then be blended with natural
fuel for achieving the net zero targets set by various electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. gas, at volumes of up to 10% for supply into the
jurisdictions. By blending and ultimately replacing The renewable hydrogen is blended with natural existing gas distribution networks across Albury
natural gas with renewable gas, the existing gas at volumes of up to 5% and supplied to and Wodonga, delivering a cleaner energy future

infrastructure can be used to supply renewable approximately 700 homes via the existing gas to more than 40,000 business and residential
gases, enabling a smooth transition to a low-carbon network. The project reduces the amount of connections. Industrial gas users would also receive
future. carbon in the local gas network, and has laid the the renewable gas blend.
foundation for much larger emission reductions
Since August 2021, NGN has started blending up target as they target 10% renewable gas by volume
to 20% of hydrogen into its existing natural gas WWU is reducing emissions by injecting hydrogen to its grid. across all of their distribution networks by 2030.
network at Winlaton as part of a trial project run
by HyDeploy, with approval from the Health and into the existing gas network will reduce the carbon Following the success of HyP SA, AGIG is
Safety Executive. The project is expected to last emissions by up to 5,000 tonnes. This is also an developing HyP Gladstone, which is planned to
around 10 months and is a vital step towards using important milestone in demonstrating the use of an deliver Australia’s first whole of gas network
hydrogen in the public gas networks. HyDeploy is existing safe and reliable gas network in the UK to decarbonisation project with volumes up to 10%
a pioneering hydrogen energy project designed to transport hydrogen. renewable hydrogen blended with natural gas.
help reduce carbon emissions in the UK and reach Work is currently focused on securing the site and
the government’s net zero target for 2050. Results As we move towards making networks hydrogen- development approvals, and appointing partners to
from the HyDeploy projects will be submitted to the ready, we are replacing the old ductile iron commence construction. Subject to timely approvals,
government to form policies about the future of pipelines of our gas distribution networks. NGN, AGIG plans to deliver blended gas to the network in
hydrogen gas blending. WWU, and AGIG have replaced 496 km, 329 km, the latter half of 2022.
and 415 km of old gas pipelines respectively during
Meanwhile, WWU has regulatory approval for 2021. Replacing old gas pipelines also helps reduce
injecting bio-substitute natural gas containing up fugitive emissions of methane from the networks,
to 1% hydrogen into its existing gas network in improve the reliability of gas supply, and lower the Stretch target: Distribution networks transitioning to renewable gas by 2040
Swindon. Injecting gas with up to 1% hydrogen public risk associated with gas leaks.

HyP SA HyP Full Renewable

Online Gladstone Gas Conversion
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2030 2040

HyP Murray HyP Murray 100% Renewable 10% Renewable Gas

Valley and CEIP Valley and Gas Available for Across our Networks
Approved CEIP Online New Subdivisions

Projects underway Proposed projects

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WWU: Encouraging entry of renewable gas EDL: Enabling the renewable natural gas energy cycle
Power Assets Holdings Limited

into existing gas network As part of a joint venture with Kinetrex Energy The Indy High BTU RNG Plant helps reduce

Sustainability Report 2021

and South Side Landfill, EDL is the operational approximately 41,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide
To promote the entry of renewable gases like partner of the Indy High BTU Renewable Natural emissions and 17,000 tonnes of methane emissions
hydrogen and biomethane into the gas network, Gas (RNG) Plant, the largest RNG plant in Indiana, per year – equivalent to removing up to 19,000
WWU encourages local developers who are USA. The plant converts the waste gas collected passenger cars from the roads each year. With the
considering building anaerobic digestion plants or from the landfill into pipeline-quality RNG with an recovery of waste gas from the landfill, the plant
other facilities to submit enquiries on connecting annual production capacity of 680,000 mmBtu. also enables a renewable natural gas energy cycle.
their gas facilities to WWU’s network. After When used in transport, this waste gas displaces
receiving enquiries and confirmation from the gas about eight million gallons of diesel. The RNG is
producers, WWU will carry out a capacity study to currently delivered to Kinetrex Energy, which turns

evaluate suitable network connection points and the RNG into LNG, and is subsequently used for
whether there is available capacity to take in the transportation fleets.
gas. If entry of renewable gas into the existing
gas network is feasible, the gas producers will be WWU storage tubes for renewable gas
required to submit a proposal to WWU and carry
out a series of assessments to ensure compliance WWU is committed to playing its part to help the
with industry regulations. After obtaining relevant UK get to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
approvals and completing the required testing Currently, WWU has 30 power stations connected
of the gas facilities, the gas producers will have to its network to support renewables like wind and
permission to inject gas into WWU’s network. solar power, while 19 green gas sites are injecting
renewable gas to power 130,000 homes. WWU is Carbon dioxide removal system
also participating in the industry-wide Hydrogen
Grid R&D Programme to plan the transition of UK
gas networks to transport hydrogen.


Used for
transport fleets

Waste gas
RNG injected from landfill
to pipeline

Waste gas
processed to remove
water, inerts,
sulphur & siloxanes
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Helping Customers with Energy Efficiency Understanding Climate-related Risks and Opportunities
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Investing in energy efficiency remains a cornerstone in Under HK Electric’s Smart Power Services, various Climate change is a priority and one of our strategic The following provides an overview of how we
energy transition, as it acts as a brake on peak demand drivers, as it can directly affect the sustainability of manage climate-related risks and opportunities

Sustainability Report 2021

programmes have been put in place to educate
and mitigates the need for additional infrastructure. customers about energy efficiency. In 2021, our business. Reflecting the Group’s commitment to referencing the four thematic areas of the TCFD
We continue to support governments in different HK Electric completed 210 free energy audits for climate-related disclosures, we are planning to align recommendations. We will continue to review and
jurisdictions to turn into smart cities by rolling out non-residential customers, subsidised 108 buildings our disclosures following the recommendations conduct studies on this matter to improve our
smart meters, providing adequate EV charging facilities, from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial management approach and disclosures.
for implementing energy efficiency enhancement
and educating the community on sustainability, energy Disclosure (TCFD) to develop, monitor, and disclose
projects, and organised 350 educational and
efficiency, and renewable energy. climate-related metrics and targets, financial
promotional activities on combating climate change
impacts, and strategies.
and adopting a low-carbon lifestyle.

Inadequate management of climate change and its associated risks can lead to substantial
UKPN: Supporting the transition to decarbonised heat by losses for the Group. To enhance our governance, the Sustainability Committee was
established as a Board committee, overseeing the Group’s sustainability issues, including
analysing energy efficiency trends climate-related issues. At the management level, there is a Sustainability Management
Governance Committee chaired by the CEO, which supports the Sustainability Committee in addressing
In order to reach net zero by 2050, major The project took a data-driven look into the future sustainability issues and policies and driving strategic initiatives across the Group, including
infrastructure decisions need to be made to support to help local authorities and community energy assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.
the uptake of low-carbon technologies. UKPN’s groups forecast and plan for the deployment of
Heat Street project is a first-of-its-kind research to energy-efficient and low-carbon heating solutions.
help communities map out their net zero carbon The findings from this project also provides an Action on climate change is embedded in our business strategy and reflected in our
future at street level. The project carried out a opportunity for UKPN to support the deployment Sustainability Policy and Environmental Policy. As detailed in the section “Combating
study reviewing a broad range of energy efficiency of energy efficiency measures to reduce the cost Climate Change and Opportunities in Clean Technology”, we have developed the following
measures, options for decarbonising heat, uptake of network reinforcement associated with the strategies to address climate-related risks and capitalise on those opportunities arising from
modelling, and the impact on the UKPN network. electrification of heat to 2050. it: decarbonising the generation portfolio, modernising and digitising the electricity networks,
blending renewable gas into existing gas distribution networks, and helping customers with
UKPN also hosted workshops with local councils,
energy efficiency.
businesses, academics, and consumer groups to
ensure the study accurately reflected the current
market and emerging trends regarding energy
The Group is exposed to risks related to extreme weather events, failure of the ecosystem
efficiency and low-carbon heating technologies. The to adapt to climate change, and natural catastrophes that can cause physical threats in
full report of the Heat Street project was released in specific countries and regions, as well as economic hazards associated with climate change
June 2021. transition. The countries and regions in which the Group has operations may be vulnerable
to water stress, prolonged periods of drought, heat waves leading to wildfires, or physical
effects of global warming such as severe tropical cyclones and flooding.
Management These climate-related risks are reviewed regularly by the Sustainability Committee and
Sustainability Management Committee. The identification, assessment, and management
of these risks are also incorporated in our Enterprise Risk Management framework. The
framework provides top-down and bottom-up approaches to identify and manage the
Group’s key risks in an effective manner, including material emerging risks at corporate
and business unit levels. More details are available in our Annual Report.

w The Group has a long-term plan in place to address climate change by decarbonising our
generation portfolio to reduce GHG emissions, help slow global warming, and reduce the
physical impacts of climate change. The Group is embracing the hydrogen economy with
Metrics and business plans in place in some of its operations for zero-carbon readiness in 2035 to
Targets achieve a carbon-free vision for 2050.
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Preserving the Natural Environment

Efficient Operation
Why It Matters Energy management
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Preserving biodiversity is extremely important to the As a player in an essential utility sector in numerous Since 2015, NGN has been undertaking a As part of UKPN’s Science-Based Target

Sustainability Report 2021

power industry. Increasingly, utilities around the markets around the world, we are also committed programme of refurbishing our portfolio of commitment, all of its purchased electricity used
world are subject to extensive environmental impact to supporting local governments in achieving offices and depots. As part of this refurbishment in office buildings and substations have been on
assessments and checking by local regulators for the goals set by the United Nations Framework programme, NGN has incorporated measures to 100% renewable tariff and NGN has purchased
project approval. Convention on Climate Change. For more improve property energy efficiency, including energy 100% certified renewable electricity since 2018.
information, please refer to “Combating Climate efficient lighting and lighting sensors and the
The possible negative impacts of existing assets Change and Opportunities for Clean Technology” provision of energy-efficient electrical equipment In addition, the Group had purchased a total of
and infrastructure projects such as power plants, on pages 24 to 43. such as monitors and refrigerators. For example, 26,784 MWh of renewable energy supported by
transmission towers and wires, and oil and NGN calculated the design for the refurbishment of green certificates, contributing to about 4% of the
gas pipelines and oil tanks on the surrounding its head office at Thorpe Park, Leeds to reduce the total electricity consumption. The renewable energy

ecosystem are subject to the scrutiny of regulators. How We Work building energy consumption by 28%. Its carbon purchases drive reductions in our emissions and
Therefore, careful project planning, design, and emissions associated with gas and electricity usage help protect us from rising energy costs.
Environmental Management System
operation are essential for the Group to minimise its in offices and depots has reduced from 2,304 tCO2e
Power Assets is implementing an Environmental
impact on the local ecosystem and biodiversity. in 2018 to 1,250 tCO2e in 2020/21 (-46%). The
Management System (EMS) with the aim of
renewable energy has been sourced from wind
contributing to the ‘environmental pillar’ of
farms and accounts for 90% of NGN’s total energy
the company’s sustainability development. This
Our Commitment consumption.
EMS serves to ensure continual environmental
We are committed to protecting the environment improvement, monitor compliance with
Jinwan Power has installed a second steam supply
and biodiversity, and supporting sustainable relevant laws and regulations, fulfil supply-
pipeline to Gaolan Industrial Estate. Its steam
development by conducting our business in an chain requirements, promote staff environmental
capacity will increase by 10% from 2022, whereby
environmentally responsible manner. awareness, and increase financial savings resulting
the thermal overall efficiency can be further
from resource saving and cost reduction. Most of
We aim to minimise the impact of our operations our operating companies have an EMS, and details
on the environment while addressing the global by company are provided below.
Use of renewable energy
concern about climate change. We comply fully with
Ratchaburi Power is facilitating the building of
all applicable laws and regulations and endeavour
rooftop solar panels and has fully commissioned
to integrate environmental considerations into all
a 980-kW-rooftop solar farm spreading over eight
aspects of our business operations.
ancillary buildings during the year. The renewable
energy supplied to the station’s auxiliary power
No. of facilities with No. of external
system can reduce about 2,000 MWh of power
Business Units ISO14001 or other environmental audit
input from the grid. Ratchaburi Power’s rooftop solar system supplies electricity to the
EMS certificates conducted during 2021 facility’s auxiliary power system.

HK Electric 3 3

NGN 13 1
Key targets and progress
WWU 1 2

Seabank Power 1 1 Business Unit Target 2021 Status

SAPN 1 1 • Reduce 5% energy consumption in key office premises by

HK Electric In Progress
2025 as compared to 2020
VPN 16 10
• Reduce 10% energy use in top six buildings by 2021 as
EDL 52 3 UKPN Achieved
compared to 2018/2019

Ratchaburi Power 1 1
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Protecting Biodiversity Water Management

It is part of our Environmental Policy to protect Water is a basic and irreplaceable natural resource Jinwan has also installed the flue gas duct bypass
Power Assets Holdings Limited

the biodiversity and habitats in the area around in many of our activities. Based on the water risk power rotary evaporator technology to deal

Sustainability Report 2021

our projects. We seek to minimise and mitigate framework of the World Resources Institute’s with the difficult wastewater collected from the
the impact of our developments before we begin publication on financial risks from water desulphurisation plant and demineralised water
a project, and continually monitor the potential constraints on power generation, we currently have treatment plant to attain wastewater zero discharge
impact of operating projects on biodiversity. no production plants/sites located in water-stressed target. The system not only can eliminate the
areas, and our operations are considered low risk. discharge of 20 m3 of wastewater per hour but
During the implementation phase of the projects, also enhance the efficiency of the electrostatic
HK Electric undertake environmental monitoring HK Electric has devised plans for the conservation of precipitator.
and audit programmes to ensure that recommended water, including reuse of wastewater and rainwater
mitigation and remedial measures are fully at its Lamma Power Station, adopting water- To save energy and reduce unnecessary withdrawal

implemented. HK Electric has also established efficient appliances in the premises, and preserving and discharge of sea water for condenser cooling
planting programmes at Lamma Power Station the water quality by reducing discharge. in wintertime, the circulating water pump discharge
which promote the cultivation of trees and shrubs, headers for power generating units have been
UKPN volunteers help sow wildflower seeds near a substation in their
and also benefit local wildlife. operating area.
As part of the wastewater zero discharge scheme, connected up so as to allow three pumps to
Jinwan Power has undergone retrofit for its coal support two units from November to March without
HK Electric, together with CLP Power have UKPN has formed a steering group of environmental pulveriser pyrite system, which utilises a dry sacrificing the overall thermal efficiency.
established a Marine Conservation Enhancement experts with members from National Parks and cleaning process to replace the original flushing
Fund and Fisheries Enhancement Fund under Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) in water system. With the new system in operation, Since 2020, AGIG has initiated a programme to
the Hong Kong Offshore LNG Terminal Project. its distribution area to assess and prioritise future the annual effluent discharge is reduced by 60,000 install flow meters on registered groundwater
This Fund supports scientific research, promotes schemes on the undergrounding of overhead power tonnes. extraction bores along the Dampier to Bunbury
environmental education, and supports the local lines. The committee reviews the impact of overhead Natural Gas Pipeline. The programme allows
fishing industry, amongst other biodiversity-related lines on landscape character, visual amenity, AGIG to monitor how and where groundwater is
activities. landscape features, and whether undergrounding consumed, and the data is used to inform water use
will improve the setting of a heritage asset or other efficiency.
WWU has a long-term ambition to achieve historical features and biodiversity. The assessments
biodiversity net gain (BNG) by 2039, with an allow UKPN to prioritise and invest in schemes to
interim goal of achieving no net loss on designated replace overhead power lines with underground
projects within 2021 and 2026. In conjunction cables. By removing overhead power lines from
with this, WWU has also embedded BNG Natural Parks and AONBs, UKPN helps restore the
principles into WWU’s policies, strategies, and natural environment in the British countryside.
everyday business activities. Additionally, WWU is
looking to implement biodiversity and ecosystem HMLP has replaced the protection of the main
enhancements into its long-term assets. pipelines crossing the Battle River. The selected
bioengineered design achieved an equivalent level
To ensure the integrity of the network, WWU is of scour protection while significantly increasing
sometimes required to remove trees that present the value of the aquatic habitat throughout the
risks to its pipelines and local communities. entire footprint of the crossing using natural
However, the company recognises that this has materials such as cobble, gravel, and boulders and
a negative impact on biodiversity and, therefore, utilised native vegetation to reclaim the banks
is committed to addressing this impact by and floodplains. In addition to providing scour
collaborating with stakeholders within Wales and protection, the objective was to create a micro-
the South West to support afforestation across the ecosystem that provided overwintering, spawning,
network in long-term managed schemes, in which and cover habitat for aquatic life and promoted
five trees will be planted for every tree cut down. increased biodiversity within the project footprint.
Wastewater is collected and reused at HK Electric’s Lamma Power Station.
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Waste Management • NGN implements an excavation spoil recycling NGN has also installed an on-site multi-stage 29,500m 3 of contaminated water was successfully
Another strategic objective of our Environmental programme and provides its contractors with wastewater treatment system to process the treated prior to discharge to the local sewer
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Policy is the sound management of waste and the necessary knowledge, advice, and training, contaminated water generated from dismantling network. The on-site wastewater treatment system
enabling almost 219,000 tonnes of excavation and decommissioning two gas holders in Leeds also avoided hundreds of road tanker journeys to

Sustainability Report 2021

effluent. We integrate circular thinking into
business strategies through responsible raw material spoils to be diverted from landfill. Recycling and Blyth. Across these two projects, a total of dispose of this contaminated water.
sourcing, efficient production processes, and excavation spoil also supports a circular
product design. economy by providing feedstock for the local
Key targets and progress
production of recycled aggregates, which are
Reduce, reuse and recycle purchased by NGN for reinstatement of its
To minimise the use of single-use plastic and excavations. Business Unit Target 2021 Status
other non-recyclable waste, UKPN has conducted
• AGIG has implemented the “Containers for • Reduce 37% of ash and gypsum production by 2024 compared
a thorough review of its suppliers’ plastic usage HK Electric On Track

Change Programme” which aims to minimise to 2019
pattern to better understand its overall supply
chain’s waste impact. As part of this process, UPKN the volume of waste sent to landfill. The • Recycle 98% of street works spoil by 2020/2021 as compared to
programme is an extension of its existing co- UKPN Achieved
also reviewed its personal protective equipment 2014/2015
(PPE) supplier to replace plastic packaging with mingled recycling programme and focuses on
the collection of eligible containers for a refund • Reduce 20% office and depot waste consumption of 2018 by
recycled alternatives, which eliminate the plastic NGN On Track
of AU$0.10. More than 10,000 plastic bottles 2026
wastes from over 7,300 PPE items per year.
were collected in 2021, and all money raised • 75% of total waste diverted from landfill (i.e. recycled or
was donated to local charities. SAPN On Track
Examples of our non-hazardous waste management recovered for beneficial re-use)
initiatives include:
• In 2021, a programme to re-classify odorant
• HK Electric has established a green purchasing waste (incinerated carbon pellets) from non- Reducing Air and Fugitive Emissions
policy and green purchasing guidelines, hazardous/non-toxic waste to general waste To reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2), UKPN has the lowest leakage rate of the DNO
which set out the principles to be followed in was undertaken in consultation with specialist nitrogen oxides (NOX), and respirable suspended Groups in the UK at 0.09% of total sulphur
conducting purchasing activities and selection waste contractors. Re-classification of this waste particulates from its operations, HK Electric hexafluoride (SF6) service. Examples of initiatives
of commodities from suppliers. stream represents a step change in the way we consumes cleaner fuels such as natural gas and low- adopted by UKPN include:
manage waste. sulphur coal and implements advanced emissions
• NGN promotes the use of recycled aggregates reduction systems such as flue gas desulphurisation • Collaborating with research organisations, such
as an alternative to virgin aggregate for NGN has completed an innovative land plants and low-nitrogen-oxide burner systems for its as the Electric Power Research Institute, and
reinstatement of the excavations in highways contamination remediation project at its high- remaining coal-fired units. industry partners to develop and implement
and private properties, and has set an annual pressure gas site in Keswick in 2021. The project a quick and easy leak-sealing technology that
target to use no more than 17,000 tonnes of recovered 7,500 litres of contaminated water and The new gas-fired units at Lamma Power Station is not dependent on manufacturer availability
virgin aggregate each year. Between 2013/14 coal tar from a buried tank located beneath live feature advanced emissions control technology and drastically reduces the time between leak
and 2020/21, annual virgin aggregate usage gas infrastructure on a small congested site by known as Selective Catalytic Reduction. Combined detection and repair.
by NGN and its supply chain reduced by 64%, utilising a bespoke down-hole pumping system, with other efficiency enhancements, this technology
from 37,862 tonnes to 14,740 tonnes, meaning which incorporated a heating system to mobilise will contribute to reducing the emissions of • Monitoring innovation space for the
NGN used only 11% virgin aggregate in its stubborn contaminants. The recovered waste was greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. development of rapid SF6 leak detection
reinstatement works during 2020/21. safely disposed of offsite by specialised contractors. technologies and adopting them once they are
The project has also won the Best Remediation of a NGN has implemented a rolling programme of proven to be safe and technically acceptable.
Smaller Site in the 2021 Brownfield Awards. replacement of its commercial vehicles such that
no vehicle in its fleet will exceed six years in age or • Researching the practicality and cost-
90,000 miles. In addition, each vehicle is fitted with effectiveness of installing SF6 leak detection
telematics to enable monitoring of driving habits to sensors on electrical equipment with smaller
promote safe and fuel-efficient driving. amounts of gas, such as Ring Main Units, to
facilitate faster responses to smaller leaks.
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Regulatory Compliance Looking Forward

We regard compliance with laws and regulations as We will continue our established sustainability
one of our top priorities and we follow established strategy by decarbonising our generation portfolio,
Power Assets Holdings Limited

policies and accountability mechanisms to ensure modernising and digitalising the electricity
regulatory compliance in various aspects of our networks, and blending renewable gas into

Sustainability Report 2021

operations. Group management is committed existing gas distribution networks. We will also
to staying abreast of the latest regulatory collaborate with industry peers and policymakers
developments and providing all necessary training to advance towards a low-carbon economy. By
for the relevant personnel. We also dedicate moving the Group to a net zero trajectory, we are
extensive efforts to ensure effective monitoring and committed to phasing out coal from all our business
detection measures to track regulatory compliance. operations by 2035. We are also planning to align
our climate-related disclosures following the TCFD
During the reporting period, we were not aware recommendations and set our own SBTi targets in

of any non-compliance with laws and regulations the coming years.
having a significant impact on the Group relating
to air and GHG emissions, discharge into water
and land, and generation of hazardous and non-
hazardous wastes.
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Sustainability Report 2021

We are a responsible
employer, business
partner, and

corporate citizen
Our aim is to positively influence the wellbeing of
everyone we come into contact with – including
our employees, customers, suppliers, contractors
and the wider community. We strive to be a partner
that achieves the best for ourselves and others, by
always behaving in a manner that embodies integrity,
responsibility, respect and empowerment.
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Human Capital Development

We believe that through revisiting the recruitment How We Work

process and focusing on diversity in the workplace,
Power Assets Holdings Limited

we can improve our recruitment and retention Recruit and Retain Diverse Talent Flexible working
strategies to attract the right talent. With the Our recruitment, hiring, and performance appraisal Maintaining flexible working arrangements to

Sustainability Report 2021

increasing participation of women in the utilities processes form the foundations of positive, long- ensure a productive and positive workplace is
sector, focusing on diversity is likely to improve the term employee relations. the core element of our business. A number
industry’s ability to meet its workforce needs. of our business units have implemented formal
Targeted recruitment frameworks to enable our employees’ flexible
EDL has sought to encourage female participation working arrangements in working hours and
Our Commitment and involvement through the implementation of location. These business units include Canadian
an apprenticeship programme. This programme is Power, SAPN, Seabank Power, United Energy, VPN,
The Group’s success through excellence depends
aimed at local female high school students and is and Wellington Electricity. HK Electric has flexible
on the performance of its employees at every level.

designed to increase awareness of different career working arrangements during the pandemic.
The values the Group inculcates in its employees are
options and encourage young females to consider
candour, courtesy, an ability to deal with change
non-traditional trade careers.
and respect for humanity, personal dignity, and Following this, various business units – AVR, AGN,
Why It Matters privacy. DBP, MGN, NGN, and HK Electric – have also
In conjunction with this, EDL has also established
The attraction, retention, and development of talent established work policies to provide employees with
a graduate programme aimed at females studying
is essential for the Group’s long-term development. As stated in our Sustainability Policy, we are flexibility in working hours and location.
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
The risk of increased turnover and associated costs committed to:
(STEM) subjects at universities. This programme
of rehiring and the attrition of intellectual and Flexible working arrangements include the need
offers post-study employment to female STEM
human capital may pose threats to our ability to • Being an equal opportunity employer for technology support. This has included the
graduates once they conclude their studies. Not
attract and retain talent. In recent years, the rapid implementation of enhanced remote access
only will this programme support individual women
evolution of the utilities businesses and the need to • Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace by software, as implemented at Canadian Power, AGN,
looking to pursue a career in EDL engineering, it
modernise the grid are leading to increased demand respecting the values, customs, and traditions of DBP, and MGN.
also promotes female participation in engineering
for employees with IT and data analytics skills. our employees in different operating markets
more broadly.
There are also risks of operational disruptions from NGN offers several generous family-friendly policies
strikes, which may negatively impact our service to • Caring for the wellbeing and health of our
United Energy and VPN also have graduate to encourage a positive and healthy work-life
customers. employees and aiming to achieve a workplace
engineer recruitment programmes aimed at those balance amongst its employees. These policies
free of injuries
who have completed and graduated from electrical consider the individual’s specific circumstances,
Decarbonisation through replacing coal-fired power
engineering university courses. Through this including but not limited to job duties, time
generation with a combination of renewables • Assisting staff to develop in an engaged
workplace and caring for them and their recruitment initiative, we have been able to secure a served with the company, personal circumstances,
and natural gas-fired power, along with the
families strong and substantial pipeline of future talent and family commitments, health, etc. Flexible leave
implementation of smarts meters, demands a shift
capability. entitlements include maternity and paternity leave,
in skillset for the existing workforce.
maternity and paternity adoption leave, career
• The Good MPF Employer breaks, dependents leave, parental leave, carers
HK Electric
Award leave, sick leave, etc.

• Named the sixth best large

UKPN company to work for in
the UK

United Energy recruitment and training strategies aim to develop a

diverse and inclusive workforce.
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Talent retention
To retain talent, we provide competitive Employee Profile1
Power Assets Holdings Limited

compensation packages, and eligible employees

are entitled to additional incentives for their

Sustainability Report 2021

By Full-time:16,777 Part-time:784
contributions to the company’s growth, profitability, employment 95.5%
and other goals. type

As an additional measure to reinforce employees’ Male:13,852 Female:2,925

sense of belonging and commitment, WWU has By gender2 82.6% 17.4%

introduced a flexible benefits scheme, allowing Manager grade

colleagues to choose additional benefits alongside General staff:15,491 or above:1,286
By employee
their standard benefits packages. For example, category2 92.3% 7.7%

employees can opt to take out private medical care,
gym membership, dental insurance, etc. Every year, Under 30:2,215 30-49:8,737 50 or above:5,825
WWU improves this offering with additional benefits CitiPower works with Yarra Trams to build Melbourne’s first fully
accessible tram route. By age group 2
13.2% 52.1% 34.7%
in response to colleagues’ feedback and seek to
protect the wellbeing of its staff by encouraging a 0.3%
1.9% 1% 0.1%
healthy work-life balance. outcomes, creating a win-win situation for the
By region2 10.9% 52.2% 30.3%
employee and the Group.
In 2021, AGIG published an Employee Benefits Hong Kong:1,832 United Kingdom:8,762 Europe:492 Australia:5,077
Handbook, which outlines the many benefits of HK Electric applies a robust, fair, and transparent Mainland China:327 New Zealand:68 Canada:14 United States:163
being a part of the AGIG team. The benefits include, annual performance review where all employees Asia (excluding Hong Kong and Mainland China):42
but are not limited to: competitive remuneration, are formally appraised as part of an annual
flexible working arrangements, attractive rosters, salary review progress. Employee performance is (1) Exclude Husky Midstream, as all the employees are outsourced from Husky Energy
additional leave days, employee assistance appraised regularly and remuneration is distributed (2) Full-time employees only
programmes and training and development in accordance with its pay-for-performance policy,
opportunities. which focuses on employee competencies and
contributions to its business. In order to stay Employee Turnover 1
Performance review and appraisal competitive, HK Electric conducts an annual review
Our employee performance review process connects of its remuneration packages with reference to
Overall 7.2% Asia 2.4%
employee compensation with individual goals and comparable organisations in relevant fields. (excluding Hong Kong
and Mainland China)
aligns performance with business objectives and
Male 6.8%
Strategic workforce planning United Kingdom 6.2%
We have implemented strong strategic workforce Female 9.2%
planning, which is a long-term method aimed at Europe 8.9%
the strategic alignment of an organisation’s human Under 30 7.7%
capital with its business direction. Australia 8.5%
30-49 5.9%
To maintain a positive and productive workforce,
Canada 0.0%
UKPN monitors trends in employee movements 50 or above 9.0%
monthly. Following this monitoring process, UKPN
6.0% United States 27.0%
produces a monthly report that includes employee Hong Kong
turnover, predicted retirements, and departures by
job category and employment type (i.e. permanent Mainland China 4.3% New Zealand 26.5%
and fixed-term workers) and tracks this against
overall manpower targets. These reports also include Note:
workforce targets based on the metrics from the (1) Turnover rate refers to full-time employees only, which is calculated based on the employee departure during the year, divided by
employee data discussed above and then predicted the average total number of employees as at 31 December 2021.
UKPN’s recruitment programmes offer career paths for electrical
by work volume. The executive management team
engineering graduates. reviews these monthly reports quarterly.
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Power Assets

Training and Development Succession planning

The professional growth of our people is essential Furthermore, the Group and most of its operating Employees at every level globally are provided with demonstrate equality and diversity credentials. We
Power Assets Holdings Limited

to the growth of our business. We invest heavily companies conduct various employee development opportunities to develop themselves as leaders. are working with contacts in our Leeds Network on
in training to keep our people abreast of the latest programmes to suit their specific business needs and

Sustainability Report 2021

attracting candidates from priority areas identified
developments in the industry and enhance their run rigorous leadership development programmes HK Electric has implemented a tailor-made learning in our social mobility pledge. Later in 2022, NGN
knowledge and performance. Training programmes for eligible employees to enhance succession workshop on leadership and coaching skills through aims to recruit a further 17 candidates.
are developed by respective business units to planning needs. its Young Talent Development Programme. This
provide the most relevant learning experience that
programme includes experiential learning, book United Energy and VPN have a 12-week
suits employees’ specific needs. Job-specific training
review sessions, experience sharing, and action- summer intern programme designed to provide
To continuously support the growth and
learning projects, in addition to mentoring and undergraduate students with the opportunity to
The Group ensures that all our skilled staff members engagement of its employees, AVR has expanded
are professionally trained and suitably qualified for the variety of refresher courses and coaching sharing by experienced managers within HK Electric. experience working in the business. The programme
their roles. All operating companies are required projects it offers to encourage its employees, with This programme will accelerate the advancement aims to promote women in engineering.

to submit annual training logs to ensure that the specific attention given to leadership skills. of young talent into successful first-line leaders.
requisite credentials for all skilled staff have been HK Electric has also a Leadership Development Support for degree programmes and
suitably attained and that refresher courses are In 2021, we provided 553,168 hours of training and Programme in place to prepare mid-level leaders to certification
conducted where needed. development for full-time employees. succeed within critical leadership roles. HK Electric has launched an education sponsorship
programme to encourage continuous learning
Following the launch of its First Line Manager’s and upskilling. These programmes are available to
traineeship in 2016, WWU has continued to employees undertaking a job-related Bachelor’s
Percentage of employees who received training1 and average hours of training per allow colleagues to apply for and partake in Degree or Master’s Degree.
employee by gender and by employee category this traineeship on a secondment basis. Those
colleagues who join this programme undergo a six- Moreover, to enable employees to keep abreast
month experience period before they return to their of the knowledge and skills related to their
original grade. The aim of this programme is to professional disciplines, there are sponsorships for
improve the skills, confidence, and knowledge of overseas and local training, as well as educational
the individual. programmes or professional examinations.

EDL has implemented a global training programme UKPN has initiated a Supported Studies programme,
99% 87% for emerging leaders within its organisation called which includes funding for professional
Male: 35.7 hrs Female: 20.1 hrs the IGNITE programme. Coupled with this is the qualifications, including electrical engineering and
establishment of the Breaking Ground programme, accounting. Around 300 employees have benefited
which is aimed at potential leaders within the from the programme so far.
Global Frontline leadership area, to support them in
developing key leadership skills. United Energy and VPN provide education assistance
for employees who are undertaking external study
Graduate traineeship/apprenticeship programmes, including MBA, diploma/Bachelor’s
programme degrees, CPA, etc.
In 2021, NGN recruited 27 new apprentices to
work within our operational teams across a variety
91% 100%
of functions. This campaign used a variety of
General Staff: Manager grade techniques to attract a wider range of candidates.
31.3 hrs or above: 52.6 hrs This resulted in the appointment of our first female
apprentices into operational roles. We removed the
requirement for driver’s licences as an additional
step, in line with our social mobility pledge. In
Note: (1) Full-time staff including terminated employees who left the Company during the reporting period. Percentage of 2022, NGN is recruiting a further seven Business
employees who received training = number of employees trained in the category/total workforce of the category at the Support apprentices, explicitly stating these roles
end of the reporting period x 100%. The percentage of employees trained may exceed 100%.
do not require educational qualifications to further
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Power Assets

Diversity and Equal Opportunity Training and guidance regarding diversity

Having a diverse and inclusive workforce can EDL has launched a Diversity and Inclusion training UKPN has established a Trade Union Working Group
Power Assets Holdings Limited

provide different perspectives on how we conduct for its Brisbane and Perth offices, which will be specifically focused on diversity and inclusion in
rolled out through an online training portal. In 2021. This working group holds forum meetings

Sustainability Report 2021

our business, and ultimately benefits our business
performance. We strive to provide an equal- addition, EDL undertook several initiatives under its once a quarter and works to engage and obtain
opportunity work environment that is free from Reconciliation Action Plan to support Aboriginal and feedback from relevant trade unions.
harassment and discrimination and promotes Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) individuals, communities,
unbiased decision-making. and businesses in Australia. This included To better understand the perspectives of its
procurement opportunities for ATSI businesses, employees, UKPN conducts an annual engagement
We enforce an anti-discrimination policy and partnership with Career Trackers and Career Seekers survey. This survey is deployed in September/
have zero tolerance for harassment in any form. to support ATSI students, and sponsorship of ATSI October of every year and requests that participants
All employees, irrespective of race, gender, or community organisations. provide a score out of 1,000 and a related

At Power Assets, we are proud of our diverse workforce, which gives us
religious beliefs, receive equal opportunities, and access to different skills and perspectives. satisfaction rating. The survey covers eight aspects,
our recruitment and promotion processes are based Diversity monitoring which are: My Manager, Leadership, My Company,
purely on performance. A Diversity Committee Promoting diversity in the workplace UKPN has established a Diversity and Inclusion Personal Growth, My Team, Wellbeing, Fair Deal,
comprising representatives from different business Measures to promote diversity continued in 2021. dashboard, which includes action plans to increase and Giving Something Back. In 2020, UKPN became
units has been established in many of our visibility and engagement on diversity and inclusion a three-star company for the first time – the highest
WWU includes unconscious bias training in its initiatives. rating from Best Companies.
operations around the world to raise awareness of
management induction for newly promoted
diversity among the workforce.
managers, and recruitment training for all recruiting
NGN is collaborating with The Equal Group, a UK- NGN has launched an Inclusion and Belonging
managers. We are evolving our management
based consultancy firm focusing on diversity and Steering Group, as well as establishing Colleague
induction to also include diversity and inclusion.
• Workplace Gender Equality Agency inclusion in the workplace, to ascertain and combat Communities aimed at bringing together colleagues
EDL who identify as women LGBTQ+, parents, ethnic
Pay Equity Ambassador SAPN launched a digital apprenticeship targeting NGN’s current diversity and inclusion challenges.
increased focus on females in STEM roles, especially To date, NGN has developed an Inclusion and minority or disabled. The steering group works
those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This Belonging Strategy document that outlines what with these communities and aims to identify areas
• National Equality Standard, Inclusive programme began recruitment in February 2021 short and long-term targets should be established of improvement for NGN in terms of diversity
top 50 UK employers, third place; and had its first intake in June 2021. for the NGN business. NGN is also working on plans and inclusion. This could be through supporting
Investors in People – Platinum to gather data in relation to our diversity statistics, colleagues who feel underrepresented and
• Maintained Accreditation under AVR contributed positively to society by its which will then enable a focus on improvement establishing policies to develop the diversity and
the UK National Equality Standard, workforce-for-refugees programme, which has with tangible and measurable changes. In the first inclusion elements of NGN further.
2020 enabled AVR to provide job vacancies to five Syrian
instance, this includes our gender pay reporting, as
well as the plans to gather more diversity data from
• Continued work with EU Skills and new starters as part of our onboarding processes.
the Energy Networks Association’s
equality, diversity and inclusion Two-way Communication
NGN (EDI) committee groups resulted in The Group always strives for effective, open,
working sessions and participation in two-way communication, and various effective
the EU Skills Inclusion and Belonging communication channels have been put in place.
working group.
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Occupational Health and Safety

Why It Matters
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Due to the nature of their operations, our • Adopting and maintaining safety management Well-established HMSs have been adopted in and Board as needed. SAPN has established a formal

Sustainability Report 2021

investments are exposed to a range of health systems and measures to monitor and manage different business units to ensure compliance process to monitor health and safety throughout
and safety risks. Any fatal or injurious accident the health and safety performance of our with local regulatory requirements. For example, its business. This includes an internal audit and an
involving members of the public or our employees business and its contractors and suppliers HK Electric, UKPN, WWU, Seabank Power, SAPN, OHS health check across all potential safety risks.
or contractors could have significant consequences, VPN, and AVR have safety management systems In this financial year, SAPN completed six OHS
resulting in widespread distress and harm or • Ensuring commitment from our stakeholders in in place that conform to international standards health checks and four detailed internal audits.
significant disruption to the operations, followed all our markets to share the same vision, values, ISO 45001 or OHSAS 18001 to protect their Coupled with these internal monitoring systems,
by possible regulatory action, legal liability, material and responsibilities for health and safety and employees, customers, contractors, and the public Return to Work South Australia conducts a periodic
costs, and damage to the Group’s reputation. meet the same standards by conducting their businesses in a safe and socially review of SAPN every three to five years, with
During the pandemic, we need to take necessary regular surveillance monitoring.

responsible manner.

measures to protect our employees and contractors
from being infected while maintaining a stable How We Work In addition, to identify improvement opportunities Other operating companies with Board or
operation, since utilities play an especially vital role of the HMSs, both internal and external audit management-led committees responsible for the
Health and Safety Management System
in keeping society running during emergencies. programmes are carried out in various scope and health and safety risks, mitigation and related issues
Power Assets is implementing a Health and Safety
frequency in different business units throughout include EDL, United Energy, UKPN, VPN, WWU, and
Management System (HMS) with the aim of
the year, including AVR, EDL, AGIG, HK Electric, Wellington Electricity.
contributing to the human capital “pillar” of the
SAPN, Seabank Power, UKPN, VPN and WWU.
Our Commitment company’s sustainability development.
Performance monitoring and measurement
The Group is committed to offering a safe and AGIG’s Health, Safety and Environment Policy HK Electric closely monitors its Lost Time Injury
secure environment for its employees, contractors, This HMS serves to ensure continual health and
and Safety Management System are designed to figures. As part of this process, all incidents
customers, and other stakeholders when they are safety improvements, monitors compliance with
endorse, enforce and adhere to its risk management are investigated thoroughly to determine their
at Group facilities and premises. Health and Safety relevant laws and regulations, fulfils supply-chain
tools to manage HSE risk through ongoing underlying causes and formulate remedies and
is the top priority of the company. We encourage a requirements, and promotes staff health and safety
identification, communication and control of related precautionary measures to prevent
company-wide safety culture where everyone from awareness to achieve a no-injury workplace.
workplace hazards. recurrence.
our top management and throughout the Group is
responsible for making every workday healthy and To ensure our operating companies have followed
The effectiveness of the management system UKPN regularly reports hazards and injuries through
safe. the guidance in the Health and Safety Policy of
and the health and safety performance of Power an internal monitoring system, the AIRline system.
the Group, our directors or executives that sit on
Assets and each of its businesses are subject to a This process includes a daily monitoring system and
The commitment of top management to health the Board of our material investments continually
biannual internal review in the Health and Safety is shared with the wider safety teams across the
and safety issues is formalised in the Health and exercise their influence. They encourage the
Management Meeting. business to identify trends to prevent recurrence.
Safety Policy, which is based on the following key businesses to adopt our Group’s principles in
principles: developing their own approach and practices
Health and safety committee Health and safety performance
that are most appropriate to their operations and
To ensure we maintain a safe working environment, The Group maintained zero work-related fatalities
• Complying fully with all applicable laws and geographic locations. Power Assets delegates its
we leverage safety board to review and address our across all our employees.
regulations and integrating health and safety directors to determine a high-level health and safety
work-related injury risks.
considerations into all aspects of our business strategy and policy, set corresponding targets,
and oversee the health and safety performance Emergency Preparedness and Crisis
of material investments. In addition, all operating
HK Electric has a Health and Safety Board chaired Management
by the Managing Director. The main mandate of the Our goal is to create a controlled work environment
• Nurturing and supporting a company culture companies are required to report to the Group
Board is to oversee the implementation of health where our people and assets are safe and our
that promotes employee wellness and enhances their training needs and the qualifications of
and safety policies. This includes any necessary operations have minimal impact on the environment
health and safety awareness among our their employees to ensure compliance with safety
contingency plans, which are regularly reviewed and project area communities. We have plans and
stakeholders by providing appropriate and guidelines and standards. Achievement of all
to ensure they are effective and aligned with processes in place to help prevent and prepare for,
timely information and training to identify training and refreshment courses are attached to
management’s expectations. respond to, and recover from potential emergencies
hazards and manage risks the operating companies’ management KPIs to
ensure compliance. such as fire, oil and chemical spills, typhoons,
SAPN has established an internal corporate Work flooding, emergency evacuations, rescues from
Health and Safety (WHS) Committee. This WHS confined spaces, and heat-stroke treatment.
Committee reports directly to the Audit Committee
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Emergency response plans Mechanisms for stakeholders to report Hazard Identification and Risk WWU has an effective approach to the identification
Emergency Response Plans (ERP) are in place for emergencies Assessment of hazards/risks and controls. We operate a number
Power Assets Holdings Limited

most of our operating companies, including AGIG, WWU has established a national hotline for We are committed to rigorously managing the risks of risk registers at high levels that filter down
AVR, EDL, United Energy, Wellington Electricity, to individuals, and specific task risk assessments

Sustainability Report 2021

all members of the public to report any gas associated with hazardous processes, such as those
HK Electric etc. emergencies should they arise. WWU monitors the with the potential to result in catastrophic fires, that support our teams to undertake a dynamic
success of this through the response time to answer explosions, and sudden release of toxic materials. risk assessment when they arrive on site. All risk
UKPN has implemented emergency preparedness calls, which is reported monthly. WWU aims to registers and assessments are reviewed annually/
procedures to establish a framework for command, answer 90% of calls within 30 seconds. Between Health and safety monitoring systems and formal quarterly, respectively, and adopt known best
control, coordination, and communications in January and December, 2021 WWU exceeded this audit programmes are established. Audits on the practices and technological advances at the time of
response to any business-related incidents. These goal and answered 91.39% of calls within 30 safety management system at the corporate level, review. All risk assessments are completed using a
incidents will be assessed and handled by managers seconds. Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Division-level collaborative approach with persons from all parts
or specific incident management teams. UKPN’s and Generation (GEN) Division-level are conducted of the business, including management, operational

procedure and incident management procedures VPN has established a similar 24/7 Contact Centre, not less than once every 12 months by Registered field staff and trade union safety representatives.
are reviewed by UKPN’s Organisational Resilience which is available to external stakeholders to report Safety Auditors to ensure all necessary safety SAPN has established a strict process to ensure
Leadership Team, which tests this process through or obtain information regarding any power-related regulations/requirements are strictly followed. hazardous risks are reported and addressed. This
example incidents with the aims of improving queries. Coupled with this, VPN’s website provides process includes OHS health checks (approximately
the process where gaps arise. UKPN invites the extensive and detailed information, with a real- EDL continues to improve its hazard identification six per year), as well as detailed internal audits,
UK’s Government Emergency Planning College to time interactive outage map to allow customers to and risk assessment system, which is managed which ensures all safety risks are observed on a
conduct a baseline review of UKPN organisation’s track any electricity outages. Following these two through various avenues. The first is the Shared periodic basis.
resilience process, an assessment of the maturity mechanisms, customers can also subscribe to VPN’s Analysis Management (SAM) System, which
of our planning and development in leadership and SMS service to receive individual-specific outage operates across its business to provide a hazard Following this, an insurance company conducts an
culture, strategy and governance, risk management advice, including outage notifications, outage and incident management recording and reporting external audit of the safety and injury management
processes, incident and crisis management, and progress, expected restoration times, and outage process. In conjunction with this, EDL has a systems every three to five years. A consultancy firm
business continuity planning. completion etc. requirement to record incidents, hazards, and is also engaged for certification and monitoring of
assurance events into the SAM system, which compliance with ISO 45001.
AGIG’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is designed Regular training supports EDL to identify trends and establish
to ensure everyone involved in emergency response EDL conducts emergency management and crisis mechanisms to control hazards and avoid safety Asset Integrity Management
is familiar with notification, mobilisation and management awareness training to ensure senior incidents. EDL has a Global Asset Management Strategy
escalation procedures, as well as individual roles managers are well-positioned to respond swiftly (GAMS) that defines how EDL manages its global
and responsibilities. The ERP defines and provides to emergencies and crises. The annual review of EDL’s Global Health and Safety Team completes a production assets through their lifecycle to achieve
guidance on the appropriate response to emergency the Crisis Management and Business Continuity range of desktop and site-based research on HSE various objectives, including maintaining the
events (unplanned events) across transmission Planning Programme updates materials and process audits. The scope includes auditing according to the integrity of the physical assets under its operational
and network operations, as well as the wider documents. Training scenarios and business-relevant HS Management Systems, which sets the minimum control; satisfying all relevant legal, regulatory,
energy sector. It provides a reference guide for emergency response scenarios are delivered to requirements to which individuals and sites must company and commercial obligations; and
AGIG’s comprehensive approach to emergency executives, senior leaders, and support workers to adhere. EDL also engages an external auditor to continually monitoring, reviewing, and improving
management and aligns with the requirements further build capability and resilience. conduct an internal audit of EDL’s Health and Safety the ongoing performance and reliability of EDL
outlined in applicable Australian Standards. Management Systems during the year. assets. GAMS also supports the establishment
Seabank Power regularly tests its emergency of associated risk and lifecycle management
VPN has established a crisis management team response plans and adjusts accordingly if needed. The sites EDL owns and controls are subject to and effective asset governance, and guides the
to respond to any unforeseen crisis. This includes Seabank achieves this through practising emergency several annual external audits. These audit sites development and implementation of site/equipment
responding effectively to minimise the consequence response plans for initiating site-wide emergency include the following: the Victoria LFG Pipeline, asset management plans and inspections, testing,
of the event, establish control and manage evacuation/roll call and site-wide toxic release/roll Victoria Power Station, Broome Pipeline, and and maintenance schedules. Further, there is
objectives while remaining flexible, scalable, and call alarms. These mock emergencies include all Maitland LNG Facility. EDL may commission external a fortnightly and monthly review process by
adaptable. VPN expects that its crisis management employees, contractors, and on-site visitors present specialist technical audits on various plants and operations leaders and the executive team.
team will be able to safeguard and care for its at the time of the drill. equipment as part of risk assessments or reviews
staff and customers whilst still upholding a strong, including hazardous area and grid compliance VPN has established an Asset Management system
positive reputation. audits. Further, beginning in 2021, a Global Health that aligns with ISO 55001 and underpins the
and Safety Systems Audit began; the results will be Energy Safe Victoria-approved asset inspection and
included in next year’s report. maintenance programme.
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Contractor Safety Programme Promotion of Occupational and HK Electric also conducts regular health and safety
We continue to collaborate with our contractors The results from these interviews are then scored; Psychosocial Health training to enhance health and safety awareness.
Power Assets Holdings Limited

to develop and implement innovative solutions those who do not meet the minimum threshold Our employees’ health and safety is our top priority. The training includes forums, health talks, webinars,
and safety quizzes.

Sustainability Report 2021

for improving health and safety performance to undergo further inspection. This is especially true in the face of the COVID-19
ensure we are prepared for the increase in work pandemic.
programmes associated with our growth projects. Prior to engagement, AGIG screens contractors Seabank Power conducts regular health and safety
using a robust pre-qualification process to ensure Regular health and safety training training through its intranet, which is compulsory
Pre-screening of contractors for safety adequate induction, training and supervision are With zero workplace accidents as its ultimate goal, for all employees. The training includes display
performance and risks provided to workers. Power Assets has organised an in-house Health and screen equipment use or specific courses for
HK Electric employs a number of mechanisms to Safety Conference with the operation companies individual employees, such as confined space
manage the safety performance of its contractors. Contractor training to share experiences and lessons learnt. working.
To this end, HK Electric requires contractors to EDL aims to ensure all contractors are aware of its

demonstrate a commitment to high standards of safety policy and system requirements by requiring
health and safety and take the necessary steps them to complete a suite of training courses before
to safeguard the health and safety of all their they begin any work.
employees and the public. For example, every
contractor should aim for zero fatal accidents, UKPN requires all contractors to complete the
dangerous occurrences, and reportable incidents. “Worker Accreditation Programme” (WAP) every
HK Electric requests all contractors to submit their three years to ensure their competency levels remain
safety plans within 28 days after contracting with up to date. This process is monitored through
HK Electric. refresher courses, training, knowledge tests, safety
visits, and operational audits. The latest WAP cycle
Seabank Power operates a stringent process to was completed in June 2021, with all operational
ensure all contractors engaged meet an adequate contractors passing the required threshold. Any
safety standard. All potential suppliers must submit contractor who fails to meet these requirements will
a Supplier Information Form, which includes be removed as a service provider.
statistics on their health and safety activities.
Seabank Power also requested a copy of their health
and safety policy to ascertain contractors’ suitability.
To this end, the returned forms are reviewed by the
Contract Officer, and only contractors with good
health and safety performance are approved.

UKPN requires all its external contractors to comply

with baseline health and safety policies. To verify
this, UKPN monitors the performance through
inspection, audit, and performance review meetings.

Monitoring contractor safety performance

Seabank Power’s priority is to ensure contractors
accept and apply comparable health and safety We run a series of programmes throughout the year to promote a safety-first mindset.
standards. To achieve this, Seabank Power carries
out eight job freeze audits on approved contractors’
companies working on site. This includes asking
these contractors a series of standard questions
that assist in determining the contractor’s safety
management knowledge.
Both employees and contractors at Ratchaburi Power receive regular fire
safety training.
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Power Assets


Why It Matters How We Work

Power Assets Holdings Limited

Cybersecurity risk is an increasingly common

business threat that can pose immense challenges We have established a framework to facilitate a

Sustainability Report 2021

to companies. Over the years, cyber-attacks have systematic approach in identifying, assessing, and
continued to proliferate, escalating in frequency, managing the cybersecurity risk within the Group.
severity, and impact. Organisations will face high
monetary and reputational risks in the absence
of appropriate cybersecurity plans. As the utilities
sector digitalises, it also becomes more vulnerable
to cybersecurity threats, increasing its exposure to Identify

Recover 1 Protect
Our Commitment 5 2
The Group seeks to protect its critical assets and 4 3
data from cyber-attacks and ensure adequate and
effective cybersecurity defences to protect corporate
information assets and critical infrastructure. Respond Detect

The Group has also set the following KPIs to assure

Cleaning and sanitation are implemented rigorously to keep HK Electric employees safe during COVID-19. the robustness of its cybersecurity measures:

Wellness and mental health COVID-19 response • Periodically perform security assessments of
Wellness and mental health are at the forefront of Following UK COVID-19 legislation and guidance, critical IT infrastructure and processes to identify
our employee engagement. We believe that this NGN monitors compliance through site-based security weaknesses and vulnerabilities
extends beyond mere awareness to include mental audits using checklists based on COVID-19 risk
• Periodically conduct penetration tests in the IT 1. Develop an organisational understanding to
toughness and resilience training to support our assessments. The senior management team
landscape to discover potential vulnerabilities manage cybersecurity risk to systems, people,
employees, especially during the various COVID- meet weekly and more frequently, if required to
assets, data, and capabilities.
19-enforced lockdowns. For example, we offered continually review government guidance and update
COVID working practices where appropriate. These • Complete web security enhancement project to
various virtual fitness sessions to our employees strengthen the security protection of Internet
working from home. In conjunction with virtual changes are always communicated to colleagues in
browsing activities 2. Develop and implement appropriate
programmes, we continued to offer regular health a timely manner.
safeguards to ensure the delivery of critical
checks through our medical insurance providers. • Perform security assessment and enhancement services.
Seabank Power has added a COVID-19 element to
Power Assets also promotes employee wellbeing of end-point device and server, ICS/OT, private
its emergency management system. This includes
and health through a wide range of activities, cloud, and application software
comprehensive COVID-19 procedures and risk
including organising online classes and providing 3. Develop and implement appropriate activities
assessments that have been established to safeguard • Continue to raise cybersecurity awareness
health tips to its employees on their own physical to identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity
against and minimise potential infections and among employees by running cybersecurity
and emotional health (i.e., work-life balance). event.
related risks that could arise because of COVID-19. awareness training programmes and carrying
The procedures are regularly reviewed. out phishing drills from time to time
4. Develop and implement appropriate activities
SAPN has implemented a dedicated COVID-19
internal communication mechanism to ensure to respond to a detected cybersecurity
employees are provided with up-to-date information incident.
regularly. This has included information regarding
working from home, health and wellbeing, and 5. Develop and implement appropriate
COVID-19 risk management. The information activities to maintain infrastructure resilience
provided through this internal website is in line with and restore any capabilities or services
directions provided by the health authority of South that were impaired due to a cybersecurity
Australia. incident.
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Supply Chain Management

Why It Matters
The Group organised an IT/OT Cybersecurity 800-53 and the Australian Energy Sector As a global investor in energy and utility-related Several other policies also support our commitment
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Colloquium to bring colleagues together, where Cybersecurity Framework. businesses with over 16,000 suppliers, the Group to promote supply chain sustainability, including:

Sustainability Report 2021

ideas and best practices can be shared. We is aware of the broader influence it has, and can
established frameworks to guide improvement, set This review provided EDL with a comprehensive use its purchasing power to encourage suppliers to • Human Rights Policy – Highlights the respect
key strategic pillars and direction, and agreed on understanding of the current cybersecurity controls make their operations more sustainable. for human rights as a fundamental value of the
insights to provide increased cybersecurity. in both the IT (Information Technology) and OT
Group and explains our expectation on business
(Operational Technology) environments. Further, this
We encourage all businesses in our supply chain to partners and suppliers to uphold the principles
Each of our investments has taken a risk-based review also provided key recommendations on how
share our commitment in respect of environmental in our Human Rights Policy and adopt similar
and integrated approach to combat cybersecurity best to improve EDL’s cybersecurity and information
risk. They have established their own cybersecurity systems. stewardship, products or services, child labour, policies within their own businesses.
management framework or processes to proactively fundamental human rights, working conditions,

identify, prevent, detect, respond to, and recover United Energy and VPN have completed an external remuneration, occupational health and safety, and • Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
from cybersecurity attacks. penetration test to better understand any potential business ethics. Statement – Reiterates the Group’s zero-
exposure or leakage of internal systems and tolerance against modern slavery, and our
confidential/sensitive information. This was executed During the pandemic, effective collaboration with commitment to preventing modern slavery and
Cybersecurity Measures as a part of their cyber assurance programme. all stakeholders in the supply chain is critical to our human trafficking. It is expected that business
We are committed to the protection of our people, growth and success. Any supply chain disruption partners and suppliers share the same values
assets, reputation, and brand through securely Employee Training resulting from COVID-19 may pose tremendous with the Group, complying with the relevant
enabled operations. UKPN operates a company-wide campaign branded pressure on our operational efficiency across all laws, regulations, and reporting requirements.
“Security Matters” to communicate awareness functions of supply chain management. In addition, Transparency in business partners ’ and suppliers’
HK Electric employs a System Operations Cyber material across multiple channels, such as the with the formation of more business collaborations approaches to tackling modern slavery is also
Security Incident Response Plan to characterise intranet, email, Yammer, digital noticeboards, and
and partnerships globally, the mode of operation expected to be maintained in all our business
and classify reportable cybersecurity events related user briefings, covering the cyber, physical, and
is required to change in response to the dynamic relationships.
to system operations. Continuing from this, personnel aspects. An online training cybersecurity
HK Electric has established a cybersecurity course is mandatory for all employees. industry environment.
management framework to address all technical, • Environmental Policy – States the Group’s
regulatory, and managerial aspects of cybersecurity AGIG has introduced a new Online Learning awareness of the direct and indirect
on an ongoing basis. This framework is based on a Management System that allows users to search, Our Commitment impact arising from its ability to influence
defence-in-depth strategy and focuses on ensuring self-nominate and request for training materials. environmental performance within its value
The Supplier Code of Conduct underpins our
the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all Such training includes technical and non-technical chain and in its investments, and how it
commitment, and serves as a guideline for all our
critical infrastructure and information assets. Within training that extends to AGIG service providers as endeavours to influence suppliers by raising
this framework, multiple technology security layers well. business partners and suppliers. We encourage
awareness on environmental issues, eco-friendly
have been deployed and integrated with different compliance with the Code to bring broader
practices, and professional environmental
cybersecurity processes to enable HK Electric SAPN offers vocational educational programmes sustainability improvements across our business
employees to identify, protect, detect, respond to, in cybersecurity. Training programmes are partners and suppliers and the communities the
and recover from cybersecurity incidents. delivered by registered training organisations, and Group serves.
nationally accredited qualifications are credited.
Further, HK Electric conducts regular audits for New employees are assigned mandatory e-learning Under the Code of Conduct, the Group works
its HK Electric Customer Information System to modules on cybersecurity information when they with suppliers and business partners who can
ensure the relevant information security control join the company, and are required to re-complete demonstrate their commitments to uphold the
and processes are continually monitored, reviewed, updated modules annually. The mandatory principles detailed in the Code. The content of
and improved, and that they conform to ISO e-learning is also supported by an ongoing phishing
this Code has been developed by taking into
27001 security standard. This standard is a leading campaign and regular awareness communications
consideration a number of international charters
cybersecurity standard globally for information to test and raise staff awareness.
security management systems. and conventions, such as the United Nation’s
Likewise, new hires from EDL, WWU, and VPN Declaration on Human Rights and the International
EDL engaged an external consultant to conduct a are assigned mandatory e-learning modules on Labour Organisation Core Conventions.
thorough review of its cybersecurity and information cybersecurity when they join the Group.
management systems, in which the current cyber
and information systems are reviewed against two Power Assets and HK Electric conducted regular
national security practices, the NIST framework phishing drills to test employee phishing awareness.
In 2021, five drills were carried out.
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How We Work
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Supplier Screening and Selection NGN is also currently re-tendering its stationery Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation Communication

Sustainability Report 2021

The Group is aware of the environmental and social contract, and environmental requirements have Regular monitoring, audits, and evaluations are In addition to enforcing our Supplier Code of
impacts that may ensue along the supply chain, been included in the scope. For example, this carried out to assess the performance of our Conduct, we actively communicate with our
and is committed to minimising such risks in its includes plastic-free packaging and recyclable suppliers. suppliers to help improve their sustainability
collaborations with suppliers. ESG-related factors material. performance.
form an important part of the assessment process WWU assesses high-risk activity suppliers via a
and have a due weighting in our consideration of To ensure that NGN’s suppliers and vendors share desktop assessment that audits and validates all UKPN believes supply chains have a critical role at
potential suppliers and contractors. its environmental values, NGN verify suppliers’ suppliers and requires a minimum threshold of the heart of the future energy landscape, enabling
Environmental Management Systems prior to safety. the transition to a net-zero carbon economy. To
entering into contract. NGN’s Environment Team

HK Electric requires its suppliers and contractors to this end, UKPN has created an e-book to further
register under the Company’s Recognised Tenderers will be involved in the tendering processes to ensure SAPN employs a centralised supplier onboarding enhance its relationship with its supply chain
Register (RTR) before tendering for the Company’s the vendor’s environmental specifications have been team to streamline the induction of new and vendors. The purpose of this book is to highlight
major contracts. Suppliers and contractors must considered and evaluated. existing suppliers. This team has established system future challenges which UKPN may face and turn
submit the required information in relation to their controls to segregate duties, and all suppliers’ them into opportunities for us all.The e-book also
environmental management systems, health and UKPN employs various mechanisms to assess its information is audited regularly. This allows outlines what RIIO-ED2 means for the supply chain
safety policies. HK Electric’s Code of Practice for suppliers through a pre-qualification platform, the elimination and mitigation of any actual or in the future and provides a forum for suppliers to
Suppliers includes provisions on ethical standards, Achilles Utilities Vendor Database. As an perceived risks in supply engagement, and a inform UKPN’s business strategy. In 2021, UKPN
human and labour rights, health and safety, and industry-recognised risk management framework, consistent onboarding practice of all SAPN suppliers. engaged with over 1,000 suppliers.
environmental protection for contractors and Achilles UVDB provides a fair, open, and transparent
suppliers to follow. means of supplier selection for potential tender United Energy monitors its network supplier
opportunities. New suppliers are granted access to performance through close and regular
In conjunction with RTR, HK Electric has also the questionnaire and audit protocols in the public engagement. United Energy has implemented
established additional practices for specific work. domain of Achilles UVDB and Verify Audits. performance improvement initiatives with 10
For example, the environmental, health, and safety suppliers since January 2020.
performance of trench work contractors is closely This platform includes a pre-qualification check for
monitored through a merit and demerit system. suppliers which ensures that suppliers of goods,
works, and services meet our required levels of
NGN has a long-term environmental strategy that health, safety, environment, quality, construction,
aims at delivering a decarbonised energy network design and management capability, ethics,
with reduced operational environmental impacts diversity and inclusiveness, and commercial and Number of suppliers by geographical region
by 2050. This environmental strategy encompasses financial stability standards.
five focus areas, which are each aligned to a UN
Australia Mainland China
Sustainable Development Goal. Further, each of All UKPN suppliers must be registered with Achilles 43% 7,125 2% 310
these focus areas contains long-term objectives as a minimum standard of pre-qualification. In
addition, suppliers undertaking high-risk
that should be achieved by 2050. These targets are
also aligned with our Environmental Action Plan activities on our behalf must comply with additional
27% United Kingdom
2% New Zealand
developed as part of NGN’s Business Plan for pre-qualification and approval procedures before
Europe Canada
RIIO-GD2 price controls. commencing any work. High risk activities include 6% 960 2% 316
working on electrical networks, working in confined
United States Asia (excluding Hong Kong
spaces, working on UKPN’s Assets, etc.
12% 1,963 <1% Mainland China)
Hong Kong Other Region
6% 915 <1% 5
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Community Engagement

Why It Matters
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Electricity and utility companies can have enormous may apply for a one-off subsidy up to HK$5,000

Sustainability Report 2021

impacts on surrounding communities through each for replacing household electrical appliances
their acquisition and development of large land with more energy-efficient models and appliances.
tracts for power plants and pipelines as well as
their use of water resources. Through effective UKPN believes it has a social responsibility to
community engagement, we can manage our socio- support the 980,000 households affected by fuel
environmental impact responsibly and positively poverty in London, the South East, and East of
influence the communities we serve. England, which have been exacerbated by the
COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Commitment UKPN expands its partnerships with local
organisations and charities every year. In 2021,
We are committed to respecting the rights of
UKPN worked with 32 fuel poverty partners on over
the communities and contributing towards their
39 projects and provided fuel poverty information
economic and social progress by interfacing with
and advice services to 841,000 customers, saving
a range of stakeholders on a regular basis. From
them an estimated total of £5.7 million in electricity
development through operations, we engage local
tariff payments. In addition, UKPN delivered in-
communities to share information and ensure our
depth, personalised support to 13,845 households
projects have a positive impact on the community.
in rural communities, saving them a total of
£2.7 million, with an additional £19.5 million to
MGN food bank orchestrates the distribution of groceries and staples for vulnerable households affected by the pandemic.
be realised over the coming years through income
How We Work
maximisation and reducing bills via tariff switching London to combat fuel poverty, support people in the core of their businesses. We respect customers’
Better Access to Affordable Energy and grant registrations. vulnerable circumstances, and make community views and suggestions and respond promptly,
Providing affordable electricity for customers is buildings warmer and cheaper to heat. The fund is using the latest technologies to reach out to them.
critical to supporting local economies. Many of these fuel poverty projects were funded administered in partnership with a leading energy We seek continuous improvement and engage
by UKPN’s Power Partners community fund, which justice charity, the Centre for Sustainable Energy. stakeholders in our pursuit of excellence to satisfy
HK Electric has established a Smart Power Care provides approximately £300,000 worth of grants customers’ needs and align our business processes
Fund to promote energy efficiency and subsidise each year to a total of 41 community projects NGN supports customers living in fuel poverty with best practices.
low-carbon living. For example, eligible households across the East, South East of England, and through various initiatives. NGN aims to assist
1,000 customers a year to become more financially The Group uses various mechanisms to measure
resilient to energy costs and provide them with customer satisfaction levels and monitor feedback
cheaper sources of energy. to understand customer perceptions and implement
the appropriate corrective actions.
Customer Relationship Management
As a global investor in companies in energy HK Electric continued to gather customer feedback
generation, transmission, and distribution, and systematically through regular satisfaction surveys
working with the spectrum of fuels including and the Customer Liaison Group. Its average
coal, gas, renewables, waste, and oil across four Customer Satisfaction Index (5-point scale)
continents, the Group currently serves a total of maintained at 4.7 in 2021 reflecting a very high
over 19 million customers. level of customer satisfaction.

The Group aims to achieve excellence in customer For our operating companies around the world,
satisfaction by continually improving our services customers have various channels available through
and achieving or even exceeding service targets. which to make a complaint or request information.
A Customer Services Policy is in place to guide During the year, we received 6,675 product and
our operating companies to deliver quality and service-related complaints, compared to 6,928 in
SAPN hosted the 2021 Solar Industry Reference Group at its Network Innovation Centre. professional services, putting customer needs at 2020.
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NGN supports relationships with customers through Community Consultation

a wide range of activities and measurements. We take community concerns about our activities
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Alongside its regulated Customer Satisfaction seriously. To better respond to the demands of the
Survey and benchmarking through the Institute

Sustainability Report 2021

communities we serve, we regularly engage with
for Customer Service, NGN actively monitors stakeholders to listen to their needs and gain insight
and improves the speed and quality of response into areas of concern. Our integrated approach
to customer complaints through its Complaints ensures that we can identify and address specific
Handling Standard, which is published on its issues, always taking into consideration the diversity
website. of economic, social, and cultural situations in which
we operate.
NGN is a member of the Considerate Constructors
Scheme, which is a UK-wide independently audited EDL has a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which

scheme to support construction organisations includes various diversity and inclusions aspects
deliver exceptional levels of customer service. to address the challenges of working in multiple
jurisdictions, communities, and areas. As a global
UKPN continues to be ranked in the top utility energy producer, EDL is committed to meaningful DBP employees prepare food packets for the underprivileged.
providers in the UK according to the Institute of relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Customer Service’s UK Customer Satisfaction Index. SAPN consults with a broad and diverse range The Hong Kong Council of Social Service awarded
Islander (Indigenous Australian) stakeholders,
UKPN was the first DNO to be featured in this of community groups and internal and external the 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo to the
both externally and within the business among
national customer service index and ranked in the stakeholders through various engagement Group, in recognition of our commitment to care
employees, particularly in the remote communities
top five companies in the UK for service. These top opportunities, including its Community Consultative for the community, employees, and the environment
where it operates. The RAP Committee was formed
rankings are supported by the 2,000 customers Advisory Board, which comprises 16 members with over the past years.
in mid-2019 and comprises EDL’s Australian
who rated UKPN’s services. UKPN has maintained diverse backgrounds representing various sectors of
personnel, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait
an “Excellent” Trust Pilot rating score of 4.9 out the community. Each of our businesses supported their local
Islander employees. It focuses on relationships with,
of 5, a UK distribution network first, which further communities in 2021, particularly towards fighting
respect for, and opportunities with Aboriginal and
solidifies its quality service. VPN undertook community engagements to support the pandemic.
Torres Strait Islander people.
the decommissioning of the Russell Place Zone
Substation, which was completed in 2021. This was In 2021, HK Electric expanded the scope of its
a complex process that required major equipment, Smart Power Care Fund to facilitate the purchase
including two 23-tonne transformers, control room of energy-efficient kitchen, laundry and water-
panels, a switchboard, and redundant cables to be heating equipment and appliances by small and
removed from a sub-basement location. To consult medium-sized enterprises in a range of sectors, as
the community, VPN visited local residents’ homes well as NGOs delivering educational and community
and businesses to obtain feedback. This process care services. Together with the distribution of
aimed to minimise impact and disruption to external another round of dining coupons, more than 300
stakeholders. small and medium-sized businesses and 40,000
underprivileged families benefited directly from
Wellington Electricity regularly engages with rural these relief measures.
communities on various issues, including vegetation
control. Wellington Electricity believes that NGN has partnered with another electricity company
enhanced cooperation with residents through direct to launch the Community Partnering Fund, which
communication is the most productive method to supports COVID-19 recovery schemes and other
resolve concerns and issues. essential projects. The fund has £50,000 available,
with grants ranging from £1,000 to £10,000.
Community Investment Eligible projects need to be not-for-profit and have
The Group supports the economic and social to focus on one or more of the following: COVID-19
growth of the local communities in which recovery, tackling fuel poverty, promoting energy
it operates, in accordance with the specific efficiency or gas safety in the home, or promoting
commitments specified in the Sustainability Policy. STEM-related subjects.
EDL employees give away free seedlings to encourage community members to take part in a consultation exercise.
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Regulatory Compliance

Previous projects have included an education Engaging the Community in Our During the reporting period, we were not aware
initiative in Yorkshire to support Black, Asian and Green Efforts of any incidents of non-compliance with laws and
Power Assets Holdings Limited

minority ethnic young women and a South Asian HK Electric injects HK$5 million annually into the regulations relating to (i) employment, labour
community radio station in Leeds, to name a few. practices, child and forced labour; (ii) occupational

Sustainability Report 2021

Smart Power Education Fund to promote energy
efficiency and conservation, renewable energy health and safety; and (iii) products and services
VPN has partnered with the Victorian State and low-carbon lifestyles. Supported by the Fund, provided and methods of redress, advertising,
Government to secure the future of Australia’s most HK Electric’s Happy Green Campaign organised labelling, and privacy, that have a significant impact
prestigious professional foot race held in a regional various education activities on the theme of on the Group.
community. The 139th running of the iconic Stawell “Decarbonisation: Our New Mission”, including the
Gift sprint event took place over the Easter weekend “Green TV” on social media, and online platforms
in April 2021 and attracted a total audience of to promote decarbonisation and related actions to
8,741. Importantly, it also generated greater than combat climate change, and contribute to Hong

AUD$4 million in direct economic impact from Kong’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
external visitors over the four days of events –
which is highly significant for a small regional town UKPN is working with local councils in Cambridge,
with a population of 6,000. Norwich and London to identify EV charge point
blackspots in their areas and considering wider
societal benefits from EVs such as improved air
quality. By sharing data and expertise, the local
authorities and UKPN will develop a blueprint for
collaborative working to identify charge point
blackspots and, eventually, those communities will
achieve the charging infrastructure they need. In
2021, we identified 283 potential locations, that
would bring charge points within five minutes’
walk of nearly 100,000 people and £2 million of
environmental benefits.

AVR holds annual community events where it

provides tours and information regarding the AVR
business and plans for the future. These events aim
to create a better understanding of environmental
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About this Report Environmental Performance Indicators

Reporting Period Reporting Principles Environmental KPIs1 Unit 2020 2021

This Sustainability Report provides an overview of The content of this Report follows the ESG Guide GHG emissions2
Power Assets Holdings Limited

the Group’s sustainability strategies, management reporting principles. Total GHG emissions3 8,148,658 8,294,833

Sustainability Report 2021

approach, progress, and highlights during the year Scope 1 emission 4
tonne CO2e 7,156,111 7,317,255 5
from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021, unless • Materiality – We focus on matters that impact
Scope 2 emission6,7 992,547 977,578 8
business growth and are of importance to our
otherwise specified. Total carbon intensity 0.338 0.303
stakeholders. For more information, please refer
tonne CO2e/
to “Materiality Assessment” on page 17. Scope 1 carbon intensity 0.297 0.267
HK$’000 revenue
Reporting Boundary Scope 2 carbon intensity 0.041 0.036
• Quantitative – Information regarding the Use of energy9
The information disclosed in this Sustainability standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/
Total energy consumption10 26,373,014 28,398,291
Report covers the key businesses of the Group, or calculation references, and sources of
Direct energy consumption 25,712,988 27,741,053

including the generation of thermal and renewable key conversion factors used for these key
power, the transmission of electricity, oil and gas, performance indicators (KPIs) is stated wherever i) Non-renewable energy consumed
as well as the distribution of electricity and gas in appropriate. Gasoline/Petrol 5,365 5,044
Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Diesel 247,167 234,972
Zealand, Mainland China, Thailand, the Netherlands, • Balance – This report discloses information Natural gas 10,970,402 10,660,988
in an objective manner, aiming to provide
Canada, and the United States. Liquified petroleum fuel (LPG) 5,043 204
stakeholders with an unbiased picture of the
Group’s overall sustainability performance. Coal and other fuels11 12,385,721 14,906,247
Reporting Framework ii) Renewable energy consumed
• Consistency – Consistent methodologies are Wind Not reported 1,605
This Report is prepared with reference to the adopted when calculating the quantitative Solar Not reported 361
requirements under the December 2019 updated KPIs, unless otherwise specified. Reasons would
Biomass 2,099,290 1,802,067
ESG Reporting Guide (ESG Guide) contained in be provided for any restating of information ‘000 kWh
published in the Report. iii) Self-generated energy
Appendix 27 to The Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Electricity Not reported 8,063,181
Limited. The ESG Guide Content Index set out on Heating Not reported 415,783
Language Cooling Not reported —
pages 83 to 88 contains information about the
extent to which the Group has applied the ESG In case of inconsistency or discrepancy between Steam Not reported 78,031
Guide and cross-references to the relevant section the Chinese and English versions of the Report, the iv) Sale of energy
in this Report. English version shall prevail.
Electricity Not reported 7,933,616
Heating Not reported 415,783
This Report should be read in conjunction with the Feedback Cooling Not reported —
Group’s Annual Report 2021, which contains a
The Group welcomes feedback on this Report, Steam Not reported 78,031
comprehensive review of its financial performance
its approach to sustainability, and performance. Indirect energy consumption 660,026 657,238
and corporate governance, and also key policies
Please share your views and email us at Electricity 660,026 657,238
published on the Group’s website. For more detailed
information on its operating companies’ efforts and Total energy intensity 1.094 1.037
achievements in sustainability, please refer to their Direct energy intensity 1.067 1.013
HK$ revenue
separate sustainability reports or websites. Indirect energy intensity 0.027 0.024
Air emissions
These, together with further information NOx emissions 4,789 4,942
about our approach to sustainability, policies, SOx emissions tonne 656 681
ESG ratings content index, can be found online at RSP emissions 136 140
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ESG Guide Content Index

Environmental KPIs1 Unit 2020 2021 Mandatory Disclosure Requirements Page Remarks
Use of water 12
Governance Structure A statement from the board containing 12-17
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Total water consumption13 964,277 1,127,920 the following elements:

Sustainability Report 2021

Surface water 33,638 35,009
Groundwater 39 41 (i) a disclosure of the board’s oversight of
‘000 m3 ESG issues;
Seawater 927,196 1,089,268
Third-party water 2,502 2,636
(ii) the board’s ESG management
Other sources 902 966
approach and strategy, including the
‘000 m3/ process used to evaluate, prioritise
Water consumption intensity 40.00 41.19
HK$’000 revenue
and manage material ESG-related
Waste production

issues (including risks to the issuer’s
Total hazardous waste produced 11,536 12,530 businesses); and
Total non-hazardous waste produced 286,665 248,570
Packaging material (iii) how the board reviews progress made
Total packaging material used for against ESG-related goals and targets
8.50 6.76
finished products tonne with an explanation of how they relate
Paper 8.50 6.76 to the issuer’s businesses.

1 Environmental KPIs in this data table are calculated using the equity method. We only include data in the report for 2021 that
Reporting Principles – (i) the process to identify and the criteria 16-17
were confirmed by end of March 2022. If significant changes occur after preparation of this report, they will be updated in the Materiality for the selection of material ESG
following year’s publication.
2 The 2020 data figures have been restated in line with update on the energy consumption data.
3 Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) comprise carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons,
sulphur hexafluoride. The data are calculated using local/market-based methodology where applicable under regulation. (ii) if a stakeholder engagement is
Otherwise, Scope 1 emissions are calculated using the latest available emission factors in line with the Greenhouse Gas
Protocol, IEA’s Energy Statistics Manual, USEPA’s Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Guidelines to Account conducted, a description of significant
for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for Buildings in Hong Kong (2010 Edition). Scope 2 emissions
include the emissions associated with electricity purchased and are calculated based on the IEA’s latest available emission stakeholders identified, and the
factors. process and results of the issuer’s
4 Scope 1 emission includes emission from fuels processed in sources that were owned or controlled by our businesses for its
own use. It also includes fugitive emissions resulted from gas shrinkage for our gas transmission and distribution companies, stakeholder engagement.
including AGN, DBP, MGN and NGN.
Reporting Principles Information on the standards, 80-82
5 The Group’s Scope 1 emission slightly increased by 2% year-on-year largely due to increase in the consumption of anthracite
for power generation at Jinwan Power. – Quantitative methodologies, assumptions, and/or
6 Scope 2 emission includes the emission from purchased electricity of our businesses for its own use. It also includes the calculation tools used, and source of
emission from energy losses from distribution grid and the electricity system transmission grid (“network losses”) for our
electricity distribution companies, including UKPN, SAPN, VPN, Wellington Electricity and United Energy. Network losses are conversion factors used, for the reporting
calculated as the difference between the electricity entering the network, and electricity which is used by customers, for which
the data are received from the industry taken from meter readings. of emissions/energy consumption (where
7 In 2021, we have updated our approach of calculating Scope 2 emission by adopting market-based approach where applicable, applicable).
which uses supplier-specific emission rate, to better reflect emissions from electricity purchased by our operating companies.
Otherwise, grid-average emission factors based on the IEA’s latest available emission factors are adopted. The 2020 data Reporting Principles The issuer should disclose in the ESG 80-82
figures have been restated to align with the calculation methodology of 2021 data figures to allow for meaningful comparison
of data over time. – Consistency report any changes to the methods or
8 Our operating companies proactively drive a shift to renewable energy through the use of solar panels on-site to power its KPIs used, or any other relevant factors
facilities or purchase of certified renewable energy. These ongoing efforts have led to decrease in Scope 2 emission.
affecting a meaningful comparison.
9 The 2020 data figures have been restated reflect update on the non-renewable energy consumed and also to report the
indirect energy consumption associated with electricity purchased only. Network losses are not considered as indirect energy Reporting Boundary A narrative explaining the reporting 80
10 Total energy consumption = Non-renewable energy consumed + renewable energy consumed + electricity purchased for boundaries of the ESG report and
consumption + self-generated energy which are not consumed – sales of energy. describing the process used to identify
11 Coal and other fuels include anthracite, residual fuel oil, jet kerosene, lubricants, municipal waste (non-biomass fraction), which entities or operations are included
industrial waste and waste oils. The 2020 data figure has been restated in line with re-categorisation of the direct energy
consumption by reporting biomass under renewable energy consumed. in the ESG report.
12 In 2021, we have recategorised the total water consumption by reporting water withdrawal from different sources including
surface water, groundwater, seawater, third-party water and other sources water. The 2020 data figures have been restated to
align with 2021 data figures to allow for meaningful comparison of data over time.
13 The total water consumption increased by 17% year-on-year largely due to increase in the consumption of seawater for unit
cooling at Jinwan Power.
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Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIs Page Remarks Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIs Page Remarks
A. Environmental KPI A2.5 Total packaging material used for finished 82
Power Assets Holdings Limited

Aspect A1: Emissions products (in tonnes) and, if applicable,

Sustainability Report 2021

with reference to per unit produced
General Disclosure Information on: 24-51 • Environmental
Policy Aspect A3: The Environment and Natural Resources
(a) the policies; and • Supplier Code of General Disclosure Policies on minimising the issuer’s 44-49 • Environmental
Conduct significant impact on the environment and Policy
(b) compliance with relevant laws and natural resources • Supplier Code of
regulations that have a significant Conduct
impact on the issuer relating to air and KPI A3.1 Description of the significant impacts of 44-49
greenhouse gas emissions, discharges activities on the environment and natural
into water and land, and generation of resources and the action taken to manage
hazardous and non-hazardous waste them

KPI A1.1 The types of emissions and respective 27; 81 Aspect A4: Climate Change
emissions data
General Disclosure Policies on identification and mitigation 24-26; 43 • Environmental
KPI A1.2 Greenhouse gas emissions in total (in 27; 81 of significant climate-related issues which Policy
tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity have impacted, and those which may
(e.g. per unit of production volume, per impact, the issuer.
KPI A4.1 Description of the significant climate- 24-43
KPI A1.3 Total hazardous waste produced (in 82 related issues which have impacted, and
tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity those which may impact, the issuer, and
(e.g., per unit of production volume, per the actions taken to manage them.
B. Social
KPI A1.4 Total non-hazardous waste produced (in 82
Aspect B1: Employment
tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity
(e.g., per unit of production volume, per General Disclosure Information on: 54-56; • Code of Conduct
facility) 59-61;
(a) the policies; and 79
KPIA1.5 Description of emission target(s) set and 18-19;
steps taken to achieve them 25-26
(b) compliance with relevant laws and
KPI A1.6 Description of how hazardous and non- 48-49 regulations that have a significant
hazardous wastes are handled, and a impact on the issuer relating
description of reduction target(s) set and to compensation and dismissal,
steps taken to achieve them recruitment and promotion, working
Aspect A2: Use of resources hours, rest periods, equal opportunity,
General Disclosure Policies on the efficient use of resources, 22-51 • Sustainability diversity, anti-discrimination, and other
including energy, water and other raw Policy benefits and welfare
materials • Environmental KPI B1.1 Total workforce by gender, employment 57
Policy type, age group and geographical region
• Supplier Code of KPI B1.2 Employee turnover rate by gender, age 57
Conduct group and geographical region.
KPI A2.1 Direct and/or indirect energy consumption 27; 81 Aspect B2: Health and Safety
by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total
General Disclosure Information on: (a) the policies; and 62; 79 • Health and Safety
(kWh in ’000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit
(b) compliance with relevant laws and Policy
of production volume, per facility)
regulations that have a significant impact
KPI A2.2 Water consumption in total and intensity 82 on the issuer relating to providing a safe
(e.g. per unit of production volume, per working environment and protecting
facility) employees from occupational hazards
KPI A2.3 Description of energy use efficiency 18-19; 45 KPI B2.1 Number and rate of work-related fatalities – 0 work-related
target(s) set and steps taken to achieve occurred in each of the past three years fatality during the
them including the reporting year. year; 0 for 2020;
KPI A2.4 Description of whether there is any issue 47 1 for 2019
in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, KPI B2.2 Lost days due to work injury – 1,213 lost days due
water efficiency target(s) set and steps to work injury
taken to achieve them
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Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIs Page Remarks Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIs Page Remarks
KPI B2.3 Description of occupational health and 62-68 Aspect B6: Product Responsibility
Power Assets Holdings Limited

safety measures adopted, how they are General Disclosure Product Responsibility 63-65; • Code of Conduct

Sustainability Report 2021

implemented and monitored Policies and compliance with relevant laws 69; 75; • Personal Data
Aspect B3: Development and Training and regulations on health and safety, 79 Privacy Policy
General Disclosure Policies on improving employees’ 58-59 advertising, labelling and privacy matters
knowledge and skills for discharging duties relating to products and services provided
at work. Description of training activities and methods of redress
KPI B3.1 The percentage of employees trained by 58 KPI B6.1 Percentage of total products sold or – This indicator is not
gender and employee category shipped subject to recalls for safety and considered material
health reasons. to the Group hence
KPI B3.2 The average training hours completed 58
such data are not
per employee by gender and employee

KPI B6.2 Number of products and service-related 75
Aspect B4: Labour Standards
complaints received and how they are
General Disclosure Information on: 79 • Human Rights dealt with.
KPI B6.3 Description of practices relating to – Our Code of
(a) the policies; and • Modern Slavery
observing and protecting intellectual Conduct outlines
and Human
property rights. our commitment to
(b) compliance with relevant laws and Trafficking
intellectual property
regulations that have a significant Statement
rights protection.
impact on the issuer relating to • Supplier Code of
preventing child and forced labour Conduct KPI B6.4 Description of quality assurance process 63-65
and recall procedures.
KPI B4.1 Description of measures to review –
employment practices to avoid child and KPI B6.5 Description of consumer data protection 69 • Information
forced labour and privacy policies, how they are Security Policy
implemented and monitored. • Personal Data
KPI B4.2 Description of steps taken to eliminate –
Privacy Policy
such practices when discovered
Aspect B7: Anti-corruption
Aspect B5: Supply Chain Management
General Disclosure Information on: 20-21 • Code of Conduct
General Disclosure Policies on managing environmental and 71 • Human Rights
• Anti-Fraud and
social risks of the supply chain Policy
(a) the policies; and Anti-Bribery
• Modern Slavery
and Human
(b) compliance with relevant laws and
regulations that have a significant No recorded cases of
impact on the issuer relating to non-compliance with
• Supplier Code of
bribery, extortion, fraud and money laws and regulations
laundering relating to anti-
KPI B5.1 Number of suppliers by geographical 73 corruption and
region bribery during the
KPI B5.2 Description of practices relating 72-73 reporting period.
to engaging suppliers, number of KPI B7.1 Number of concluded legal cases regarding – No such cases
suppliers where the practices are being corrupt practices brought against the recorded during the
implemented, how they are implemented issuer or its employees during the reporting period.
and monitored reporting period and the outcomes of the
KPI B5.3 Description of practices used to identify 72-73 cases
environmental and social risks along KPI B7.2 Description of preventive measures and 21 • Whistleblowing
the supply chain, and how they are whistleblowing procedures, how they are Procedure
implemented and monitored. implemented and monitored
KPI B5.4 Description of practices used to promote 72-73 KPI B7.3 Description of anti-corruption training 21
environmentally preferable products and provided to directors and staff.
services when selecting suppliers, and how
they are implemented and monitored.
Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIs Page Remarks
Aspect B8: Community Investment
Power Assets Holdings Limited

General Disclosure Policies on community engagement to 74 • Sustainability

understand the needs of the communities Policy
where the issuer operates and to ensure
its activities take into consideration the
communities’ interests
KPI B8.1 Focus areas of contribution (e.g. 74-78
education, environmental concerns, labour
needs, health, culture, sport)
KPI B8.2 Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) 74-78
to the focus area

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