12 Faith Group 3
12 Faith Group 3
12 Faith Group 3
A Thesis Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of
Southern Luzon State University
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Research in Daily Life 2
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the global lockdown, distance education
government has chosen to make online learning the new educational norm. As a result,
having internet connectivity is critical to maintaining one's education. Students may now
simply use the internet to find online educational sites that will help them improve their
increase students' learning are beneficial for students to adopt in order to complete school
requirements. Thus, online educational tools assist learners to cope with the Online
learning system.
technology that allows students to access knowledge more conveniently over the internet.
One of the best characteristics of online learning tools is their ability to help students with
tools available online. Grammarly can recognize evidence and provide guidance on verb
form, and explanations were complex (Daniels & Leslie, 2013). It is a complete writing
tool that allows anyone to write captivating writings. Hence, Grammarly as academic
writing software is one of the factors affecting the student's language development.
The use of accurate grammar is essential to the success of every piece of writing
(Baleghizadeh and Gordani, 2012). Students from primary through college continue to
practice writing in order to improve academic performance and help them to learn the
proper use of sentence structure. Admin (2017) stated that Grammar rules can assist
learners in developing a habit of logical and accurate thinking, which will result in
Due to pandemics, online learning has been the only way created for the
education and learning of students. It is an in-control arrangement that will allow students
Relying upon this, the interaction between students and children is convenient. Students
used to communicate by using different text ideas dealing through forums, blogs, online
reading material, any emails and newsletters, social media, and even chats or SMS text
messaging in order for them to communicate to their teacher and classmates. Exchanging
thoughts from the teacher and another learner motivates a student to rebuild their abilities
and confidence behind the said pandemic. It is also one reason that encourages the
students to work actively. Communicating with teachers to her students either verbal or
and academic — via usage and intentional, a deliberate discussion between instructor and
students, rather than drills and decontextualized norms (Crede National. n. d.). Typically,
students who are reading and writing on a specific curriculum are enhanced in using
grammar mistakes while speaking and sending English presentations and assignments.
They are having trouble whether they did accurate grammar satisfactorily or not. Every
correct grammar is required because it helps to enhance the accuracy and goodness of a
paper. It means grammar rules develop a habit of students thinking clearly, and practicing
communication. Proper use of grammar has a satisfying ambiance for both speakers and
This application checks this text and contributes writing suggestions. The application's
objective was to assist students in their writing by teaching them the fundamental
building blocks of the English language. Grammarly has also worked to enhance its
functionality with sites that support a variety of writing styles, such as informal work on
Google Docs or business-related writing on LinkedIn. The program notifies you when
you need to make changes to your work and delivers automatic ideas while you type
(Nicole H. n. d.).
assessing students and academies on their writing by checking for spelling, grammar, and
(Cavaleri & Dianati, 2016), the application's effect on students' language development in
In the light of the study, researching the effect of Grammarly in the student's
to provide broader knowledge and understanding about how helpful educational tools
such as Grammarly are in utilized methods of distance education today. Such situations
motivate the researchers to conduct a study that aims to assist the students, particularly
the senior high school students of SLSU Laboratory School, to bring awareness of using
Grammarly in assisting them with the development and accuracy of their language and
This study will aim to determine the effect of Grammarly on Students of Southern
1.1 Sex
1.2 Age
1.3 Track
2. To perceive the effect of Grammarly on senior high school students of SLSU
Distance learning.
3. To identify and interpret the relation between senior high school students’ track
and gender in adapting and using Grammarly as a tool for their language
The study was conducted to determine and analyze the perceived effect of
Grammarly on senior high school students at SLSU Lab School on Online Learning.
Grammatical accuracy is one of the factors why some students are afraid to speak and
write in English. Students, particularly in SLSU use Grammarly to correct and enhance
the form of their sentences. That is why the researchers decided to conduct this study.
The data collection will be conducted on all senior high school students of SLSU Lab
School. The other students which do not fall as part of the senior high school are not
within the scope of this research. Due to the limited time given, we are expecting to
Questionnaires will be conducted online using Google forms and other online
grammatical accuracy, with each senior high school student being subjected to a test on
recipients which are Senior High School Students of SLSU Lab School because it will
help them to recognize the effects of Grammarly in their grammatical accuracy. Students
To the Teachers, this research would help the teachers, especially the English
teachers, to enhance their language and grammar teaching styles and skills and also to
provide them with information to focus on their students' grammatical accuracy. Teachers
will have different ideas on how to give better and more effective explanations about
To the School, this research would give the SLSU Lab School an idea to conduct
different programs and training to enlarge the grammar knowledge and develop the
To the Future researchers, the concept offered could be used as a starting point
for new research or to assess the validity of existing related findings. This research will
The following terms are hereby defined operationally and/or conceptually for
Oxford Living Dictionary as "the state of being aware of and receptive to one's
Grammar is a term that relates to a language's organization and structure. Its rules aid us
in establishing the sequence of our words and the proper form to use. In this
research, Grammar refers to the issue of most students when developing language
Language development refers to the process by which children come to understand and
online learning tools that most Senior High School students use to enhance their
Students refer to those who are enrolled in a school or other educational institution to
acquire information, develop vocations, and obtain work in a certain field. In this
study, it refers to the selected grade senior high school students of SLSU
This chapter summarizes the pertinent literature and studies that the researchers
Grammatical Development
adhere to grammatical standards (Cavaleri & Dianati, 2016). On the other hand, without
input, students are unable to enhance their linguistic skills. International students require
external assistance to develop their linguistic abilities (Murray, 2011), including the
formal grammar instruction required for academic writing (Knoch, Rouhshad, & Storch,
grammar, and spelling (McNaught & Shaw, 2016). These groups include indigenous
students (those born in Australia) who did not receive formal grammar instruction as part
enabling programs (Cocks & Stokes, 2013). Domestic students from non-English
speaking backgrounds are also included, according to the Department of Education and
Training (n.d.), as domestic students who arrived in Australia less than ten years before
Automatic writing evaluation can assist both low and high-achieving students to
increase their accuracy while also saving educators time. According to the current study,
automatic writing assessment applications such as Grammarly are beneficial writing tools
that can assist educators in grading, writing, and assisting students with rewriting their
written compositions. The following literature review examines the state of the research
According to Daniels and Leslie (2013), Grammarly is a tool that can be used in
feature is beneficial because it enables students to immediately identify and correct their
writing errors (Qassemzadeh & Soleimani, 2016). Saadi and Saadat (2015) assert that
environment for students. Additionally, they argue that electronic feedback fosters a
capacity to reconcile divergent views on written corrective input. The benefits and costs
principles (2016). Students preferred Grammarly over the alternative feedback system
Marking Mate in a study conducted by Reis and Huijser (2016). Caveleri and Dianati's
beneficial and straightforward to use. Moreover, they claimed that it aided in the
grammatical conventions.
Proponents of indirect feedback (Jamalinesari et al., 2015) believe that the error
should be indicated for the student to review and correct independently, whereas
advocates of direct feedback (Bitchener, 2008) believe that the teacher must offer specific
provided. Students value a one-size-fits-all approach (Salehfard & Bagheri, 2014) and
may become dissatisfied if their objectives for line-by-line editing are not met (Linville,
students who arrived in Australia less than ten years before enrolling in a university and
The finding of the application's definition for most of the research relies on it as a
benefit to most students and writers. It is synthesized here as our guide for improving our
writing and automatic writing assessments of students. Different studies also vary with
the effect of the said application. Most writers found out the beneficiary tool as a part of
their writing and some researchers found out the disadvantage of this tool merely as
writing has been one of the language skills that students must develop as it is considered
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has offered various benefits
for STEM students. However, writing has always been a difficult skill for every learner to
master because it requires the ability to write a compelling piece of writing and the
capacity to possess accurate grammar. The students must engage in higher-level planning
and organizing abilities, including lower-level spelling, punctuation, and word choice.
Since most students are not skilled in utilizing grammatical structures, punctuation, word
choice, and proper spelling, students make grammatical errors during the writing process.
meeting the demands of higher education due to language difficulties (Harris, 2016). This
challenge has been well documented among students, who frequently make more errors
in proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling (Tynan & Johns, 2015). Learners need to
writing. Students, however, cannot enhance their language skills in the absence of
feedback. Thus, practice and evaluation in writing are necessary to ensure that students
are proficient in using words in developing ideas and thoughts; that are clear and
Evaluation programs in the 21st century. It has been claimed as an easy tool in assessing
students and academies on their writing by checking the spelling, grammar, and
Including corrections and suggestions to make the writing more readable, clear, precise,
effective, mistake-free, and impactful with high accuracy and evaluation speed (Cavaleri
Grammarly claims to have 15 million daily users (Grammarly, 2018) and offers a
free online text editor and a paid upgrade — Grammarly Premium. Both versions use
algorithms to identify problems in an uploaded text, with Grammarly Premium providing
sentence structure, style, and vocabulary enhancement. Research into Grammarly has
identified some positive aspects of the program. A study from CQUniversity concluded
that Grammarly improved the written accuracy of undergraduate students and claimed
that they believed that Grammarly provided more in-depth feedback and more helpful
relating them to best practices in writing corrective feedback (CF). Firstly, the study
revealed how Grammarly provided direct, indirect, and meta-linguistic feedback. Direct
feedback provides a correction, indirect feedback locates but does not correct the error,
and meta-linguistic feedback provides explanations, rules, and examples of correct usage
to assist the student in correcting the error (Bitchener & Storch, 2016). As Grammarly
offers all three types of corrective feedback, the study found the program to be an
effective tool as students could determine the preferred feedback strategy (O'Neill and
Russell, 2019).
However, while students were generally satisfied with the feedback, they
were the accuracy of the Grammarly feedback—its tendency to miss errors and correct,
accurate constructions. Students in Cavaleri's and Dianati's (2016) and the O'Neill and
Russell (2019) studies had technical issues and problems understanding information.
Researchers attributed the difficulty of understanding the suggestions to the fact that
some students did not have the metalanguage (language that describes language)
necessary to understand them or the level of conceptual thinking to interpret them. Thus,
it was suggested that a teacher should still work with the student, at least initially, to help
As the global lingua franca is used in writing and speaking, the quality of the use
of English is essential in every aspect of education around the world. In the article,
standard corporate communication. Most of the research papers around the globe are
written in English, and in the Philippines, education from the primary level introduces
Philippine constitution, laws, and court decisions are written in English, proving
the language's significance. It is also used in higher education, such as business and
schools. Because of this adaptation in the language, Filipinos could speak and write
fluent English, although there is a difference between diction and pronunciation. Thus,
the use of the English language in the Philippines is practiced in society and government,
However, Filipino students' writing is often replete with grammatical errors, less
familiarity with unique words and mechanics of writing formal essays, and limited
vocabulary, making their written outputs less comprehensive, lacking depth of ideas, and
speaking considering their vocabulary and natural set of grammar resulted in incoherency
of their thoughts. This proves that students' content knowledge, elaboration, and
vocabulary fail to reach within the text production process, the school writing experience,
and confidence in writing educational materials and further deteriorate the quality of
With today's technology accessible by most people and with online freely
accessible sources within reach by the click of a mouse, it becomes imperative that
schools resort to software technology in identifying errors and correcting them before
manuscripts are considered for publication. Grammar checkers and plagiarism detection
software are critical tools for researchers to use in identifying and correcting their errors
(Japos, 2013).
proved to have the ability to detect 250 grammatical errors and provides superscript
numbers to guide the reader in finding the error annotations after the paragraph. It
provides suggestions, data on the overall grammatical competence score, and counts of
occurrences of each grammatical error detected. After corrections are entered, another
testing is required to show an increase in the grammar score and decreases in error counts
as detected, wherein users may identify faulty parts and improve their writing (Japos,
In the study of Qamariah et al. (2020), it was discovered that writing skill in the
benefits for STEM students. However, it has been a challenging strength for all students
wherein it was revealed that challenges in writing had been well documented among
students, who frequently make more errors in proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Considering that the English language has been practiced in the Philippines' society and
every aspect worldwide. Avila et al. (2021) showed that Filipino students' writing is often
replete with grammatical errors, less familiarity with unique words and mechanics of
writing formal essays, and limited vocabulary—making their written outputs less
this, Caveleri & Dianati (2016) found Grammarly, a developed Automated Writing
Evaluation program, as an easy tool in assessing students and academies on their writing
by checking the spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors and providing comprehensive
(2013) concluded that Grammarly also improved the written accuracy of undergraduate
students and believed that Grammarly provided more in-depth feedback and more helpful
functionality. Likewise, O'Neill and Russell (2019) agreed that Grammarly implemented
direct, indirect, and meta-linguistic feedback vital for students. However, While
proved some problems within the program where it tends to miss errors and correct,
accurate constructions. Thus, studies from Cavaleri and Dianati (2016) and O'Neill and
Russell (2019) suggested that a teacher should still work with the students' capability to
help them understand the feedback and develop their language, such as grammatical
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1. Research Paradigm of The Effect of Grammarly on Senior high school students
of Southern Luzon State University Laboratory School's Language Development in terms
of Grammatical Accuracy in Online Learning.
The figure above depicts the study's conceptual framework, guiding the
researchers and showing what we expect to find from our research. The independent
variable, dependent variable, and moderating variable for determining and identifying the
online learning are shown in the figure. Grammarly usage by the students is the
independent variable. Depending on how many hours they use Grammarly and how often
they use it. Next, the dependent variable is the students' language development in
grammatical accuracy. The students' vocabulary is the moderating variable that serves as
a link between the usage of Grammarly and students' language development, such as
grammatical accuracy.
Null Hypothesis
This chapter discusses the research methods and processes followed by the
instrumentation, data gathering processes, and statistical treatment of the data utilized for
the accurate data analysis and interpretation were discussed in this chapter.
Research Locale
The research paper will be conducted virtually with the participation of Senior
high school students at SLSU Laboratory School in Lucban Quezon, where the
researchers will send questionnaires to the respondents to conduct the research ( pre and
final surveys). The researchers chose the place of completion of the study due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, which limits both researchers and respondents to achieve face-to-
face interaction.
Research Design
The research design serves as the overall framework for combining conceptual
uses correlational statistics to assess and characterize the extent of the relationship
between variables or sets of scores (Creswell., 2012). They try to find links between the
respondents' attributes and their reported behaviors and opinions (Marczyk et al., 2005).
The data will be collected from respondents using a correlational research design
because the design establishes the relationship between the two variables. The goal of this
study is to discern the effect of Grammarly on students' grammatical accuracy and the
The respondents for this study will be the students of Southern Luzon State
University, preferably the senior high school students in senior high school level. It will
come up to at least 240 students in the STEM strand, 140 students in ABM, and 76
students in HUMSS. All the respondents will first come up with a survey from those
learners using Grammarly. Researchers will set aside those respondents using the
program and will give the subsequent survey about the frequency of the learner's usage in
the application. The final survey will also be participated by the previous respondents.
The respondents who will proceed to the virtual interview will be filtered and selected
through the conducted surveys. The researchers will be using purposive sampling in
choosing the respondents. The sampling design's objective is to obtain as much
The following are the instrumentations that the researchers will use in conducting
Forms. The results will be used to collect data for the study, with the questions
students who use Grammarly will take the final survey, which determines how
often they use the program and its effect on their language development.
data. It can be used to initiate a formal investigation into the collection of data in
answers, the researchers will create their questions, profoundly different from
those used in the previous study. Additionally, if the researchers ask the questions
directly, the respondents' responses will be more beneficial. In our study, adopted
questionnaire is approved, the researchers will send a letter to the principal's office and
conduct a pre and final survey. The first survey identifies and investigates Grammarly
users among senior high school students at Southern Luzon State University Laboratory
school. The final survey will be conducted and analyzed based on the pre-survey data.
The researchers will select students who frequently used Grammarly and perceived
effects with their language development, such as grammatical accuracy while using the
program. The pre-survey and final survey data will be analyzed and interpreted by the
researchers and applied to the research. The study will also use the internet to find
additional sources since visiting libraries are not fully allowed due to the pandemic and
Statistical Treatment
This part discusses the statistical treatment that will be used in the analysis of the
data that will be gathered in this study. The formula for the weighted mean, Likert scale,
1. Weighted Mean. During the actual data collection operation, this statistical
method will be used to compute the weight of the responses in the questionnaire
provided by the respondents. The formula for the weighted mean is as follows:
WM = Weighted mean
Σ = Summation symbol
F = Frequency
W = Assigned Weight
2. Likert Scale. The following Likert Scale will serve as the guide for interpreting
N = number of pairs
Σ = Summation symbol
4. t-Test. This was utilized to test the null hypothesis stated in this study using the
t = student’s t-test
m = mean
μ = theoretical value
s = standard deviation
Avila, Ernie. (2021). Readability Analysis of College Student’s Written Outputs using
Ishtiaq, M. (2019). Book Review Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative,
Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:
ONeill, R., & Russell, A. (2019). Stop! Grammar time: University students’ perceptions
Study.com (n.d.). What Are Online Learning Tools? - Definition, Types &
Example. https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-online-learning-tools-