LAF Forms
LAF Forms
LAF Forms
4. Summarize the findings on this reviewed set of studies as drawn by the author(s):
5. Were the findings, as reported, of practical/clinical importance? __ Yes __ No
6. Does the discussion proceed logically based on set of studies presented? ___ Yes ___ No
7. Does the author state that cause and effect is proven by this set of studies? __ Yes ___ No
8. In your opinion is this claim justified by: __ the data analysis.and/or __ the research methods
9. Do the author(s) avoid generalizing beyond the limitations of the project? __ Yes __ No
UTILITY of this article and its findings for your dental practice
10. What is the effect of the eligibility criteria used to select the set of original studies in this
report? (select one choice)
___ so restrictive that I cannot see any generalizability back to patients in my practice at all
___ somewhat restrictive so I would have be intelligently selective as to whom I generalize
these findings (write out details on to whom you could generalize these findings in #12 below)
___ given the eligibility criteria as stated, I could apply these findings to all patients in my practice
11. State specifically how (and for whom) you would incorporate these findings into your practice.