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CMA Exam Tips

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Tips/Input for clearing CMA exams.

Before Planning of exams:

a) Can write any part of exams first be Part 1 and Part 2 at your convenience and comfort, it do
not matter which is attempted first.
b) Time- line for preparation of exams should be minimum of 5 to 6 months for each part.
c) Once you start preparing for exams first book your exam day on three available examination
d) Goal is to ensure that we do not miss the target exam date and be focus on the preparation.

Offline/Online class:

a) Be attentive on the class and make use of the class effectively and efficiently.
b) If you have any queries /clarifications kindly ask the trainer.
c) Attend the all the classes without fail and this will ensure that you get track of what
concepts have been trained.
d) If for unavoidable reasons could not attend the class and try to listen the lesson available on
the portal.

Study method:

a) If you are a working professional, make sure that you study 2 to 3 hours daily and in
weekend study 5 to 6 hours. However, for student’s study hours can be extended to their
b) Once one session is over go through the study guide provided by miles and then try for MCQ
in miles /Wiley portal on study mode to resolve the problem. It doesn’t matter if you score is
less initially. For the wrong one just go through the answers given which will clarify all
doubts and can know where went wrong.
c) Like this way try to ensure that all the section in either of part is completed on time without
any spill over.
d) Once you have completed with all the MCQ questions in study mode and have revised the
entire part, then start trying to answer in the exam mode section wise and chose 100 or 200
MCQ covering entire part start answering it. If you able to score more than 75% then you
can presume that you are right on track.
e) For remembering formula just understand the concept what should come in Numerator and
denominator respectively.
f) For concepts to be remember easily just create your own acronym or once given in session
and for lesson not easily understandable study that subject again and again to get grip. I
faced the issue in Part 2 on the Derivative which was tricky and took lot of time to
g) Once done with preparation before 15 days of exams try to attend mock exams provided in
the portal and if your able to score more than 85% then you are well poise to take the exams
h) Ensure that you write the mock exams simulating exam conditions, it will be good exercise
which will give immense confidence to write exams, and that you have prepared well.
i) Try to finish of your study before two days of your exam day. Do not prolong the study till
exam day.
Exam handling:

a) The exams are divided into two parts MCQ for 375 and Essay 125 Marks.
b) MCQ consists of 100 questions it will be mix of easy, medium and difficult.
c) There are no negative marks and hence attempt all questions.
d) For some questions having long story in such scenario, in order to answer it quickly just go to
last line of the question to understand the requirements.
e) For theory questions four answers provided will be mostly off a word play, just read all the
answers and then make a choice.
f) For theory part there will be two questions consisting of 6 to 7 sections which should be
answered in 60 minutes
g) Make sure that your answer in short, precise to question asked. Do not answer in elaborate
way which is not required.
h) For answer which requires calculation make it in the sheet provided in exams and then write
in the easy window.
i) For answers requiring theoretical explanation kindly make a bullet point and then answer in
line or two for each of them.
j) Kindly ensure that your answers are without grammatical error and sentence formation is
good and understandable
k) Kindly ensure that you do not spend more than 30 minutes for each of theoretical questions

Examination day:

a) Go on examination day well before the time say 30 minutes.

b) Verification process will be for 10 to 15 minutes.
c) Carry Passport which will suffice requirement or else carry any other two card one for
address and another for identity.
d) Once verification will be over you will be given two sheets of paper to make calculation
during exam.
e) You will be allowed to carry for your locker key and identity card only and even water bottle
is not allowed. Hence go to exams well hydrated and have food
f) Exam will be for 4 hours with no break ensure that you do not take break because you will
lose valuable time
g) First go thru the instruction given in the exams carefully which will give overview of the
navigational tool available.
h) Ensure that you write easy questions first, if you are not sure of the answer or it is difficult
kindly use the flag icon and make a choice.
i) Ensure that you answer 60 minutes in two hours and rest of it in one hour.
j) Since there is no negative marks ensure that you answer all the questions and there is
chance you may get marks
k) Once you completed the MCQ section, only if you have scored more than 50% marks you
can move into essay section or else better luck next time. It is imperative that you practice
MCQ number of times to ensure that there are no missteps during exams.

Finally, mantra of success in clearing CMA is perseverance, consistency and taking failure positively
and work hard for it. Enjoy the journey be it 12- or 18-months whichever time it take.

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