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Mid semester Examination

MAT 111 Elemantary Mathematics (1+1)
Year : I B.Sc (Hons) Time: 1 hour
Semester : I Part A Total Marks : 40

1. What is mean by Permutation

a) Arr b) Sele c) Circ d) Factorial
ang ctio ular
em n
2. What is the value of (n+1) Cr ?
a) ncr+1 b) ncr-1 c) ncr d) ncr- ncr+1
3. ncr- ncr+1
a) ncr+1 b) (n+ c) ncr d) nc0
4. The number of permutation can be formed from the word “ MATHS”
a) 6! b) 5! c) 2! d) 4 !
5. How many ways can a team of 3 boys and 3 girls be selected from 5 boys nad 4 girls
a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 e) 40
6. The inverse matrix A-1
a) adj b) c) adj d) adj A+│A│
A adj Ax
│A A │A
│ │B │

7. A-1exits if and only if
a) │A b) │A│≠ 0 c)│A│= 1 d) │A│≠ 1
8. npr
a) n! b) nI c) nr d) n!
r! (n – (n –r)!
9. The value of 6C1 is
a) 6 b) 7 c) 9 d) 1
10. The number of permutation is the number of combinations
a) equ b) less c) gre d) none of the above
al than ater
11. Combination means
a) b)arran c) counting d) Collection
Sele gement
12. The relation between nCr and nPr is
a) nCr b) nCr c) nCr d) nCr = nPrxr1
= = =
nPr-1 nPr/r nPr/

13. The matrix is known as

a) Row b) d)Vector d) None

matrix Coloumn matrix
14. If the order of P is 2 x 3 and the order of Q is 3 x 4 then the order of PQ is
a) 2 x b) 3 x c) 2 x d) 4 x2
4 3 3

15. if A = is

a) │A b) │A c) │A d) │A│=4
│=0 │=1 │=
16. A straight line passing through the point (1,1) and parrellal to the line 2x +3 y -7 =0 is
a)2x+3y+5 b) 3x- c)3x+2y+8 d) 2x-3y-5=0
=0 2y+7=0 =0
17. Equation of the straight line passing through t he point (-1, 3) and (4,2) is
a)x-y=3 b) x+y =3 c) x-y= -2 d) x+y=2
18. The line 3x-7y =21 cuts the y axis at the point
a) (0, - b) (3,- c) (1,- d) (-3,0)
3) 1) 3)
19. The angle between the lines whose slopes all 3 and ½
a) 30o b) 450 c) 600 d) 90o
20. The slope of the line parallel to X axis is
a) 0 b) 2 c) 1 d) -1
21. A straight line makes a triangle of the area 5 units withs the axis of co-ordinates and its perpenticular to the
line is 5x – y =1 the equation of this line is
a) x+y b) x- c) d)5x+y±√2=0
+5= 5y±5√2=0 x+5y±5√2=
0 0
22. the point whose absciss a is -3 and co-ordinates is 5 , lies in
a) I b) II c) III d) IV Quadrant
Qua Quadr Quadrant
dran ant
23. The distance between (4, -3) and the origin is
a) 2 b) 3 C) 5 c) 6 units
unit unit units
s s
24. Equation of the circle is
a)3x2+2y2+4x+4y-1 = 0 b) 3x2+3y2+4x+4y-1 = 0 c) 3x2+2y2+2xy+4x-4y-1 = 0 d) 3x2+3y2+4x+9y+1 = 0
25. if two rows if a determinate are identical then the value of the determinate is
a) One b) Zer c) two d) three
26. the diameter of the circle x2+ y2-4x-6y=0 is
a)√52 b)√13 c)√26 d)√20
27. The distance between p(x1,y1) and Q (x2,y2) is
a) √(x2 b) √(x2 c) √(x2-x1)2 d) √(y2-y1)2
+1)2 -x1)2 + (y2-y1)2
28.The point Q which divides the line segment joining the point A (x1,y1) and b ( x2,y2) externally in the ratio
l:m is
a) lx2-mx1, b) ly2+my1, c) x1+x2, d) x1-x2, y1-y2
ly2-my1 y2+1 y1+y2
l- l+m 2 2 2
m l-m 2
29.The value of K if the straight line 3x+6y+7=0 and 2x+ky=5 are perpendicular is
a) 1 b) -1 c) 2 d) 1/2
30. if the varities of a parallelogram are (0,0), (2,1), (1,3) and (1,2) and aangle between the diagonals will be
a) π/4 b)3π/ c)π/2 d)π/3

Part B
Answer any 5 questions: 5 x 1 = 5Marks
1.Find 2 3 . 6 4
4 5 2 -3

2.If the matrix P 1 2 and Q -1 0

-3 0 2 3

3.Find the slope of the straight line passing through the points (3,-2) and (-1,4).

4.Show that the point A (2,3) ,B (4,0), C (6,-3) are collinear.

5.Find the equation of straight line whose angle of inclination is 450 and Y intercept is 2 /5.

6.Find the angle between the straight line 3x-2y+9=0 and 2x+y-9=0.


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