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Analysis and Detection of Simbox Fraud in Mobility Networks: Proceedings - Ieee Infocom April 2014

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Analysis and detection of SIMbox fraud in mobility networks

Conference Paper  in  Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM · April 2014

DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM.2014.6848087

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Roger Piqueras Jover

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Analysis and Detection of SIMbox Fraud in
Mobility Networks
Ilona Murynets∗ , Michael Zabarankin+ , Roger Piqueras Jover∗ and Adam Panagia‡
∗ AT&T Security Research Center, New York, NY
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
‡ AT&T Financial Billing Operations, Picataway, NJ
∗ {ilona,roger.jover}@att.com, + mzabaran@stevens.edu, ‡ adam.panagia@att.com

Abstract—Voice traffic termination fraud, often referred to as connected mobile devices make detecting call bypassing fraud
Subscriber Identity Module box (SIMbox) fraud, is a common extremely challenging. Moreover, traffic patterns and charac-
illegal practice on mobile networks. As a result, cellular operators teristics of fraudulent SIMboxes are very similar to those of
around the globe lose billions annually. Moreover, SIMboxes
compromise the cellular network infrastructure by overloading certain legitimate devices, such as cellular network probes. So,
local base stations serving these devices. This paper analyzes the detecting fraudulent SIMboxes resembles searching for a few
fraudulent traffic from SIMboxes operating with a large number needles in a huge haystack full of small objects that look like
of SIM cards. It processes hundreds of millions of anonymized needles. While operators of the intermediate and destination
voice call detail records (CDRs) from one of the main cellular networks have high financial incentives to understand the
operators in the United States. In addition to overloading voice
traffic, fraudulent SIMboxes are observed to have static physical problem, they do not have the data to analyze the international
locations and to generate disproportionately large volume of calls that are gone. Also, the absence of publicly available
outgoing calls. Based on these observations, novel classifiers for SIMbox-related data is a major obstacle for emerging of
fraudulent SIMbox detection in mobility networks are proposed. comprehensive studies on voice bypassing fraud analysis and
Their outputs are optimally fused to increase the detection rate. detection [5]. By contrast, most of the SIMbox traffic, analyzed
The operator’s fraud department confirmed that the algorithm
succeeds in detecting new fraudulent SIMboxes. in this paper, is on the originating end of the communication,
giving us insight on SIMbox fraud from a different perspective
I. I NTRODUCTION than most networks with a bypass problem.
Cellular network operators lose about 3% of the annual In this work, we analyze fraudulent SIMbox traffic based on
revenue due to fraudulent and illegal services. Juniper Re- anonymized communication data from one of the major tier-
search estimated the total losses from the underground mobile 1 network operators in the United States. SIMboxes operate
network industry to be $58 billion in 2011 [1], [2]. The with a large number of SIM cards from foreign and national
impact of voice traffic termination fraud, commonly known as operators. If an operator detects and shuts down a fraudulent
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)-box fraud or bypass fraud, account, the fraudsters deploy a set of new SIM cards as in the
on mobile networks is particularly severe in some parts of the Short Message Service (SMS) spam fraud [6]. Also, fraudulent
globe [2]. Recent highly publicized raids on fraudsters include SIMboxes have almost static physical locations and generate
those in Mauritius, Haiti, and El Salvador [3]. disproportionately large number of outgoing calls (100 times
Fraudulent SIMboxes hijack international voice calls and as many as incoming calls). Based on these observations,
transfer them over the Internet to a cellular device, which we introduce three classifiers for fraudulent SIMboxes and
injects them back into the cellular network. As a result, the combine their outputs into a classification rule, which has a
calls become local at the destination network [4], and the high detection rate and correctly filters out mobile network
cellular operators of the intermediate and destination networks probes with traffic patterns similar to those of SIMboxes.
do not receive payments for the call routing and termination. This paper is organized into five sections. Section II
Fraudulent SIMboxes also hijack domestic traffic in certain overviews voice termination fraud in mobility networks and
areas, e.g. in Alaska within the United States, where call illustrates it with some basic examples. Section III analyzes
termination costs are high. In some cases, the traffic is injected SIMbox related traffic, compares it to the legitimate traffic,
into a cellular network and is forwarded to the terminating and, based on the extracted features, presents a novel algo-
country. This increases the call routing cost for the operator rithm for SIMbox detection in mobility networks. Section
of the injected traffic. IV overviews the related work, and Section V concludes the
Besides causing the economic loss, SIMboxes degrade the paper.
local service where they operate. Often, cells are overloaded,
and voice calls routed over a SIMbox have poor quality, which II. VOICE FRAUD IN MOBILE NETWORKS
results in customer dissatisfaction. SIMbox voice fraud occurs when the cost of terminating
Although some vendors provide cellular anti-fraud services, domestic or international calls exceeds the cost of a lo-
the large amount of daily cellular traffic and the number of cal mobile-to-mobile call in a particular region or country.



Fig. 1. Two examples of one-hope SIM-box bypass fraud: (a) hijacking of an international call (b) hijacking and re-injecting of an international call.

Fraudsters make profit by offering low-cost international and in the area of call recipient to deliver the call as local.
sometimes domestic voice calls to other operators. To bypass As a result, the operators serving the called party do not
call routing fees, they buy or hijack large amounts of SIM receive the corresponding call termination fees. In other cases,
cards, install them into an off-the-shelf hardware1 to connect SIMboxes re-inject telecom voice traffic into the mobility
to the mobility network, which essentially becomes a SIMbox. network masked as mobile customer calls, and the operator
Then the fraudsters transfer a call via the Internet to a SIMbox pays for carrying the re-injected calls.

1 The
Figure 1 shows two examples of how SIMbox bypass fraud
hardware can be used for legitimate purposes, for example in machine-
to-machine (M2M) applications. It has been recently reported to transmit SMS occurs for international phone calls. For simplicity, the exam-
spam [7]. ples assume that there is only one intermediate hop connection

Fig. 2. Legitimate International calling card scheme

between two pairs of countries: country A to country B and (low priority traffic) through an LCR carrier and to pass the
country A to country C. The solid line marks a legitimate path traffic of operator A’s retail customers (high priority traffic)
for a phone call, whereas the dotted line indicates a fraudulent via foreign operators (high cost routes). Suppose a low priority
one when a SIMbox is in place. Actual SIMbox fraud is often call, originating in country A, is intended to reach Bob. In
more complex, involving multiple intermediate steps. the legitimate case, this call is routed over an LCR and is
In Figure 1(a), Alice, who lives in country A, calls Bob, who terminated in operator C’s network. In this stage, the fraud
lives in country B. In the legitimate case, once she dials Bob’s occurs when an illegitimate LCR routes the traffic over IP to
number, the call is routed through the cellular infrastructure the SIMbox in country A.
of operator A to a least cost route (LCR) carrier. Based Finally, in the third stage, the SIMbox injects the traffic
on an agreement between operator B and the LCR carrier, destined to Bob into the cellular network of operator A. At
the call is routed to operator B’s cellular core network. The this point, the communication becomes a wireless call from the
LCR carrier pays operator B a fee in order to have the call SIM card of retail customer Alice, so that the communication
terminated. Then the call is routed through the operator B’s is routed to country C over a high cost foreign provider. In
cellular infrastructure and is delivered to Bob. this case, operator C always receives the call termination fee
The fraud occurs when a fraudulent LCR carrier hijacks either from the legitimate LCR or from the foreign providers,
Alice’s call and forwards it to country B over the Internet, whereas when Alice reports her stolen identity, operator A
e.g. via VoIP. Then in country B, a SIMbox (an associate of becomes liable for the cost of the call.
the fraudulent LCR carrier) transforms the incoming VoIP flow The following example illustrates the difference between
into a local mobile call to Bob, and the operator B looses the legitimate international calling cards (PennyTalk [8], ZapTel
termination fee for the hijacked call. [9], Vonage [10], etc.) and SIMbox fraud that reroutes voice
Figure 1(b) shows a more elaborate SIMbox fraud scheme, calls via VoIP. Suppose that Alice, who is in country A, pur-
which consists of three stages. In the first stage, the fraudsters chased an international calling card to call Bob in country B
hijack legitimate SIM cards from customers of operator A (see Figure 2). She dials either a local or toll free number that
and put them into a SIMbox. For example, they call Alice and connects her to the calling card platform through operator A’s
trick her into providing her account information. Then they cellular network. The platform requests and verifies Alice’s
impersonate Alice and link her wireless account to their own card access code, and as soon as she enters Bob’s phone
SIM card. As a result, Alice’s phone will be unable to connect, number, it forwards her call over the PSTN to country B, and
whereas the SIMbox traffic will be charged to her account. Bob receives a local low cost call connecting him to Alice. A
In the second stage, suppose that Bob lives in country C portion of the call path might be routed over IP. When Alice
and has a SIM card from operator C. International roaming uses the international calling card, she is aware that her call
agreements and standard industry practices specific for country will be routed via VoIP, and so, she agrees to get a low call
C prescribe to pass call traffic from either other network quality. In this case, despite no termination fees, the operators
operators or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) of Alice’s and Bob’s providers make profit from the legitimate

CDR Field Description B. Data sample selection and labeling

Time date and time of a call
The data set contains CDRs of 500 IMEIs of fraudulent
Duration call duration SIMboxes and of about 93000 legitimate accounts. The fraud-
Originating number phone number of a caller ulent SIMbox accounts were investigated by the operator’s
Originating country code country of a caller fraud department and cancelled due to their malicious activity.
phone number of a called The legitimate accounts consist of fully anonymized post-paid
Terminating number
party family plans, unlikely to be involved in fraudulent activities
Terminating country code country of a called party [7], corporate accounts, and mobile network probing devices.
mobile originated/terminated It is a common practice that local and foreign cellular
Call type
call operators and device manufacturers probe the mobility net-
international mobile work to measure the quality of service in terms of latency,
IMEI equipment identity (device to test upcoming new cellular devices, etc. [11]. Probing
identifier) devices generate a rather large number of voice calls, most
international mobile of which are addressed to different recipients. This contrasts
IMSI subscriber identity (user with the communication pattern of regular users, who make
identifier) less phone calls to fewer contacts [12]. Also, probing devices
location area code and cell reuse the same IMSI for multiple physical devices as part of
LAC-CID ID (base station location the probing infrastructure. This results in CDRs from each
identifier) IMSI originating in multiple locations.
Account age time since account activation The data set is split into two parts: 66% and 34% of
prepaid/postpaid/corporate the labeled accounts are used for the training and testing,
Customer segment
account respectively.
C. Call traffic features
agreement between them and the calling card. CDR fields in Table I (collected during one week in 2013)
Yet another SIMbox fraud is bypassing interconnection are transformed into 48 features characterizing voice call
fees in a high cost domestic traffic, which uses the schemes communication patterns of legitimate and fraudulent IMEIs.
described in the above examples. Features such as average MO and MT call durations, account
age, customer segment are obtained from the corresponding
III. SIM BOX FRAUD ANALYSIS AND DETECTION CDR fields. The total number of outgoing and incoming
calls along with their corresponding destinations and origins
A. Data feeds and anonymization (international and domestic) are counted based on MO and MT
We analyze samples of fully anonymized call detail records time stamps and based on originating and terminating country
(CDRs) from a tier-1 cellular operator in the United States codes. Since SIMboxes typically use multiple SIMs, one of the
between February 2012 and June 2013. CDRs are logs of all features is the number of IMSIs operated per IMEI, counted
phone calls, text messages, and data exchanges in the network. for both one week in 2013 and the period of February 2012
If two communicating parties (caller and receiver) belong to – June 2013.
the same cellular provider, two records are stored. The mobile The geo-location feature is the number of base stations (MO
originated (MO) and mobile terminated (MT) records store and MT) that IMEI connected to during that week and is
data of the caller and receiver, respectively. obtained from the LAC-CID field. Some features are derived
At a CDR pre-processing step, all individual identifiers are from the others, e.g. the ratio of the number of destination to
removed: caller and receiver phone numbers are replaced by the total number of calls, the ratio of international calls to the
integer hashes (anonymized), the international mobile sub- total number of calls, etc.
scriber identity (IMSI) is parsed and hashed, and only the first
8 digits of the international mobile equipment identity (IMEI) D. SIMbox data analysis
are preserved and anonymized.2 Table I summarizes the CDR
fields used in the analysis. This sub-section analyzes the traffic characteristics of fraud-
All results are normalized and aggregated to obfuscate total ulent SIMboxes based on the features described in Section
counts of calls and the number of devices in the network. III-C. Figure 3(a) plots the number of MO calls versus the
number of locations from which these calls originate. Dots and
2 This first segment of the IMEI, known as the Type Allocation Code (TAC), triangles correspond to legitimate and fraudulent SIMbox ac-
determines the manufacturer and model of a wireless device. For a phone, the counts, respectively. To avoid disclosing sensitive information,
TAC identifies the phone manufacturer and model (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S4),
whereas for an M2M connected device, it identifies the embedded cellular the four plots are normalized with the same arbitrary positive
modem (e.g. Sierra Wireless Q2687). integer. Figure 3(a) shows that SIMboxes are physically static

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 3. Voice call traffic characteristics of SIMboxes (dots) and legitimate (triangles) accounts

and connect to a very small number of base stations.3 By

contrast, legitimate customers are highly mobile and connect to
multiple base stations. In particular, network probing devices
have a very large number of locations. Figure 3(b) plots the

number of MO calls versus the number of MT calls. SIMboxes

initiate thousand times as many calls as they receive and of
significantly longer duration. By contrast, legitimate accounts
have about the same number of initiated and received calls,
which are of about the same duration.
Figure 3(c) plots the total number of MO international calls
versus the number of IMSIs. Majority of legitimate customers
are clustered around low values of both IMSI and international
calls. Several network probing devices operate even more IMSIs per IMEI
SIMs than fraudulent SIMboxes, however, they make less
international calls. Fig. 4. The distribution of the number of IMSIs per IMEI
Figure 3(d) shows the number of IMSIs for the period

3 This number is not necessarily one because many cellular devices connect
February 2012 – June 2013 versus the average duration of
to the network by means of a third generation (3G) technology based on
wideband code multiple division access (WCDMA). In this technology, a MT calls. MT call durations of fraudulent SIMboxes are much
device can be physically connected to up to 6 sectors at the same time, shorter than those of legitimate customers. Also, in contrast to
combining the signal at the receiver [13]. Depending on the channel conditions some network probing devices, SIMboxes operate less IMSI
and fading, the serving base station might fluctuate throughout the set of 6
base station IDs. As a result, CDR records from the same static device will during longer periods due to frequent account cancellation by
come from up to 6 different sectors. the operator.

The distribution of the number of IMSIs per IMEI from the three classifiers:
February 2012 till June 2013 is obtained by parsing CDRs
ybi = w1 x1i + w2 x2i + w3 x3i , (1)
of all the operator’s active subscribers (see Figure 4, where
the actual values on each axis are omitted to hide sensitive where ybi is the prediction of data label yi and w1 +w2 +w3 =
information). As expected, the majority of devices, connected 1. The absence of the intercept in (1) and the constraint w1 +
to the mobile network, operate with one or just a few SIM w2 + w3 = 1 guarantee that the cases when all three classifier
cards (IMSIs). An IMEI operating two SIM cards can repre- predict either 0 or 1 will be classified as a legitimate customer
sent, for example, a used device which was bought on eBay. and a SIMbox, respectively. The regression coefficients w1 ,
Also, Figure 4 shows two big spikes of IMEIs operating with w2 , and w3 are found by the least squares method
many SIM cards. Further analysis identifies those IMEIs as n
legitimate cellular network probes. min yi − yi ) 2
(b s.t. w1 + w2 + w3 = 1, (2)
w1 ,w2 ,w3

which yields a system of four linear equations with respect to

E. Classification algorithm: training, testing, and implemen-
w1 , w2 , w3 , and the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to the
constraint w1 + w2 + w3 = 1. Now, the classification rule is
To detect fraudulent SIMboxes, we use three classifiers: (i) given by
alternating decision tree [14], [15], (ii) functional tree [16],
1, w1 x1i + w2 x2i + w3 x3i > α,
and (iii) random forest [17], each of which is, in fact, a yi∗ (x) =
combination of “simple” classifiers. A classification rule is 0, otherwise,
then presented as a linear combination of the three classifiers where the threshold α is found from minimizing the classifi-
with weight coefficients found from minimization of the total cation error n
prediction error on the training dataset. X
min (yi∗ − yi )2 . (3)
A boosting method combines “weak” classifiers into a α
“strong” classifier by repeatedly re-weighting training data.
Observe that the regression coefficients w1 , w2 , and w3 and the
It can focus not only on the majority of the training data,
threshold α can be found in “one shot” from the optimization
which is usually classified correctly, but also on the outlier
records, which are often misclassified. An alternating decision
tree is derived from a variant of the boosting method and X
combines decision stumps, i.e. single question decision trees. min (I{byi >α} − yi )2 s.t. w1 + w2 + w3 = 1, (4)
w1 ,w2 ,w3 ,α
It has two types of nodes: test nodes and predictor nodes and
alternates between them starting from the root node, which where I{·} is the indicator function equal to 1 if the condition
is a predictor node. In contrast to a standard decision tree, in curly brackets is true and zero otherwise. However, (4) is a
the alternating one allows a data record to follow multiple nonlinear problem of four variables, whereas (2) has a closed-
paths, whose weights (could be positive and negative) are then form solution, and the problem (3), though being similar to
summed up with the sign of that sum determining the predicted (4), has only a single variable.
value. The random forest uses a random subset of features to Algorithm 1 summarizes the suggested approach.
generate multiple decision trees from a sampled training set
with replacement. The prediction is then determined by the Algorithm 1 Classification rule
majority rule (common vote) of the generated decision trees. 1: τ = Time interval for collecting CDRs
At each node, a standard decision tree performs a simple value 2: S = Set of indices of IMEIs of all known fraudulent
test with a single feature, whereas to improve classification SIMboxes (investigated by the fraud department)
accuracy, a functional tree linearly combines several features 3: L = Set of indices of IMEIs of known legitimate devices
at both decision nodes and leaves, which is advantageous for 4: for all j ∈ S ∪ L do
large data sets. We use the Waikato environment for knowledge 5: Generate features for the period τ
analysis (WEKA) data mining tool [18], which implements 6: Generate alternating decision tree, functional tree, and
these decision trees. random forest and compute their optimal weights w1 ,
Let the alternating tree, functional tree, and random forest w2 , and w3 along with corresponding threshold α
be classifiers 1, 2, and 3, respectively, and let xki ∈ {0, 1} be 7: end for
the prediction of classifier k for testing record i ∈ {1, . . . , n},
where xki = 1 if classifier k predicts record i as a SIMbox, Alternatively, given the predictions (x1i , x2i , x3i ), i =
and xki = 0 if it predicts the record as a legitimate customer. 1, . . . , n, the data labels can be classified by the logistic
Let yi ∈ {0, 1} be an actual label of data record i (yi = 0 regression and a support vector machine (SVM) [19]. However,
and yi = 1 if record i is a legitimate account and a fraudulent the numerical experiments with the training data show that
SIMbox, respectively). To improve classification accuracy, the both these methods perform worse than the regression problem
data labels can be regressed with respect to the predictions of (2) with (3). This could be partially explained by the fact


Method False Positive False Negative Accuracy (%)

Alternating decision tree 0.0005 0.1 99.91
Functional tree 0.0007 0.07 99.90
Random forest 0.0001 0.16 99.93
Classification rule 0.0001 0.09 99.95

that the overwhelming majority of triplets (x1i , x2i , x3i ), being Algorithm 2 SIMbox detection
either (0, 0, 0) or (1, 1, 1), correspond to correct training data 1: loop
labels (0 or 1, respectively), so that they do not affect the 2: Run Algorithm 1 for the period τ
objective function in (2), whereas they skew the logistic 3: N = Set of indices of all IMEIs in the network
regression. For the training data, the hard margin SVM is not 4: Ω=Ø
separable, whereas the soft margin SVM requires to specify the 5: Θ = Set of indices of IMEIs corresponding to known
extent of misclassifications (through an additional parameter) network probing devices and corporate accounts
and involves n + 4 variables, which makes it less attractive 6: h = Filtering threshold
from the computational perspective. 7: for all i ∈ N \ Θ do
The three classifier were trained on the training dataset, 8: mi = number of IMSIs operated by IMEIi
for which their optimal weight coefficients are w1 = 0.31, 9: if mi > h then
w2 = 0.26, and w3 = 0.43 with the corresponding threshold 10: Ω = Ω ∪ {i}
to be α = 0.39. Table II shows predictions of the three 11: end if
classifiers and of their optimal linear combination on the test- 12: end for
ing dataset. The false positive is the proportion of legitimate 13: for all i ∈ Ω do
customers classified as SIMboxes, whereas false negative is 14: Generate features, then apply the alternating tree,
the proportion of SIMboxes classified as legitimate accounts. functional tree, and random forest obtained at step
The “accuracy” column in Table II shows the proportions of 2 to the features and compute the prediction yi∗
the total correct classifications. Among the three classifiers, 15: end for
the random forest has the lowest false positive and the highest 16: return Detected SIMboxes to the fraud department
false negative, whereas the functional tree has the lowest false 17: update S and L based on the feedback from the fraud
negative and the highest false positive. The optimal linear department
combination of the three classifiers improves both the false 18: end loop
positive and false negative and has the highest accuracy of
For a real mobility network, generating of the set of features attention from both industry and academy [20]. In this fraud,
for each account requires processing hundreds of millions mobile users are tricked to visit phishing urls and to provide
of CDRs, in which case, accounts with less than 10 IMSIs sensitive information. As SIMbox fraudsters, spammers also
per IMEI that are unlikely to be very active SIMboxes are operate large numbers of SIM cards from each IMEI [6]. The
filtered out.4 Additionally, all known legitimate accounts such volume of SMS spam is expected to grow at the annual rate of
as network probing and corporate accounts are also filtered 500% [21]. For a detailed analysis of SMS spam on mobility
out. Thus, after the pre-processing, only 0.02% of all active networks, see [7].
accounts remains for feature extraction and classification. Smart phone GGtracker malware [22] is yet another ex-
Algorithm 2 incorporates Algorithm 1 and presents a scheme ample of recent fraudulent activities. Being embedded into
for detecting new fraudulent SIMboxes in the real mobility a legitimately-looking app, it silently subscribes users to
network. The operator’s fraud department confirmed that Al- premium number services such as a horoscope for $10 per
gorithm 2 successfully identifies new SIMboxes. month and hides all communications with those premium
numbers. The users learn that they are victims of the fraud
only in the end of a billing cycle when they see excessive
The rise of the mobile communication technology for the charges on their bills. For an overview of other malware on
past decade is mirrored by the range and sophistication of Android platforms, see [23].
illegal activities on mobile networks. SMS spam is by far the Subscription fraud occurs when fraudsters steal customer’s
most prevailing illegal activity that has attracted considerable identification and use it to subscribe to a mobility network
4 Section III shows that fraudulent SIMboxes use a large number of SIM
[24], [25]. With a low cost technique, a fraudster can sniff
cards. Thus, first we calculate the total number of SIMs used by each active traffic from a GSM (Global System for Mobile Communi-
IMEI in the network within a week. The threshold of 10 IMSIs is arbitrary. cations) mobility network and break its encryption [26]. As a

result, he can obtain the IMSI and the secret key of any victim all active subscribers). The operator’s fraud department has
in his vicinity and then can use wireless service at the victim’s confirmed that the proposed algorithm detects new fraudulent
expense. As with the GGTracker malware, victims learn about SIMboxes with a low false positive.
the fraud only when their bills arrive. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Several security firms offer their services for detection and
prevention of SIMbox fraud [27], [28], however, details of We are grateful to Angus MacLellan and Richard Becker
their detection techniques are not disclosed. To the best of for their help, comments, and valuable suggestions.
our knowledge, there is only one publicly available work R EFERENCES
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