When one plate is denser than the other, subduction occurs as the denser plate moves under the less dense plate. This can happen when an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate or when two oceanic plates converge. Convergence of two continental plates leads to the formation of mountain ranges as the plates uplift. Divergence of plates causes them to move apart, forming rift valleys filled by water or creating new crust along mid-ocean ridges with pillow lava. Transform boundaries form faults as the plates slide past each other, such as the San Andreas Fault.
When one plate is denser than the other, subduction occurs as the denser plate moves under the less dense plate. This can happen when an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate or when two oceanic plates converge. Convergence of two continental plates leads to the formation of mountain ranges as the plates uplift. Divergence of plates causes them to move apart, forming rift valleys filled by water or creating new crust along mid-ocean ridges with pillow lava. Transform boundaries form faults as the plates slide past each other, such as the San Andreas Fault.
When one plate is denser than the other, subduction occurs as the denser plate moves under the less dense plate. This can happen when an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate or when two oceanic plates converge. Convergence of two continental plates leads to the formation of mountain ranges as the plates uplift. Divergence of plates causes them to move apart, forming rift valleys filled by water or creating new crust along mid-ocean ridges with pillow lava. Transform boundaries form faults as the plates slide past each other, such as the San Andreas Fault.
When one plate is denser than the other, subduction occurs as the denser plate moves under the less dense plate. This can happen when an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate or when two oceanic plates converge. Convergence of two continental plates leads to the formation of mountain ranges as the plates uplift. Divergence of plates causes them to move apart, forming rift valleys filled by water or creating new crust along mid-ocean ridges with pillow lava. Transform boundaries form faults as the plates slide past each other, such as the San Andreas Fault.
• The oceanic plate is denser than the continental plate thus oceanic plate moves below the continental plate. This process is called subduction, where the denser plate tends to move below the other plate. As the denser plate moves down it creates a gap that runs deep in the sea called a trench. • Over millions of years, as the oceanic plates move down the mantle, it melts. The high temperature in the mantle causes the rocks to break and melt. This will eventually rise and cause volcanic activities on the continental plate above it. CONVERGENCE OF TWO OCEANIC PLATES • The older oceanic plate is denser than the young oceanic plate. The denser plates move below the plate. This also leads to the formation of deep ocean trench. • Marianas Trench is formed due to the subduction of Pacific Plate (oceanic plate) under the less dense Philippine Sea Plate (oceanic plate). In addition, these trenches become the source of underwater earthquake that has enough energy to generate tsunami. • When the subduction continues, undersea mountains will become undersea volcano. This undersea volcano will reach the surface of the sea, thus, creating a volcanic island arc. Philippines and Japan are examples of these volcanic island arc. CONVERGENCE OF TWO CONTINENTAL PLATES • when a less dense continental plate collides with another continental plate, the two uplifts and folded upwards. This leads to the formation of mountain ranges. An example is the convergence of the Eurasian Plate (continental plate) and Indian Plate (Continental plate) which formed the Himalayan mountain ranges. • As the plates continue to move towards each other, the mountain continue to rise, and this explains the current height of Mt. Everest. This kind of collision only produces shallow earthquakes. DIVERGENCE OF TWO PLATE • Causes two plates to move away from each other. This plate boundary is also the reason why new crusts are formed • When two continental plates diverge, they form a fault or rift valley • When rift valleys continue to move away from each other, water from different sources start to come in and fill it. One example of this is the RED SEA, Lake Baikal, Lake Superior, and the dead sea are examples of rift valley lakes. • When two oceanic plates diverge, crack starts to form and the magma fills this up and since it is under the ocean, this will cool and harden which is characterized as pillow lava, thus, creating new crust. This process will continue creating mountain system on the seafloor called a mid-ocean ridge. • Mid- Atlantic Ridge, which was developed as a result of the divergence of Eurasian and North American, and African and South American Plates. In addition, when these ridges reach the surface of the ocean, new volcanic island is formed and one example of this is Iceland. PROCESS ALONG TRANSFORM BOUNDARIES • If this movement will continue to occur, deformation of different land area may occur like breakage of river, movement of roads and rail. • faults are formed by transform boundary movement. • The most famous transform boundary is the San Andreas Fault. It is formed between North American plate and Pacific plate. What happens to oceanic plate when it moves toward a continental plate? - It moves under the continental plate. When does subduction occur in a convergent plate boundary movement? - When one plate is denser the other plate. Which is linked to mid ocean ridge? - Pillow lava Earthquake is characterized by shaking of the ground. Which boundary can produce earthquake once they move? - All of the Above Which is true about transform boundary movement? - It can cause shallow and deep earthquake. What happens to the surface of the ocean when oceanic plate moves towards another oceanic plate? - Nothing happens Which two plates formed San Andreas Fault? - North American Plate and Pacific Plate Which two plates formed the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? - African Plate and South American Plate Which of the following is formed when oceanic plate converges with another oceanic plate? - Island Arc What body of water is associated to divergent plate boundary movement? - Red Sea Which BEST explains plate movement? - Convection current in the mantle What do you call the crack on tectonic plates that is usually produced by transform boundary? - Faults Which best describes the rocks in the mid ocean ridge? - It is youngest at the middle of the ridge. Which is formed when continental plate converges with another continental plate? - Mountain Range What geologic feature is produced by the divergence of Eurasian plate and North American plate? - Iceland