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Tobis Ed 327 Lesson Plan 1

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Date: Teacher Name & CMT: Ms.

Milligan Class: Social Studies

Grade Level: 5 Unit Name/Topic: Life as an Enslaved Person Lesson Number: 1 Length: 40 minutes

Note: Only list the desired results that are relevant for THIS lesson plan, not the entire unit.

Academic Content Standard(s):

Using secondary sources to examine an historical account about an issue of the time, reconstruct the literal
meaning of the passages by identifying who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to
these developments, and what consequences or outcomes followed.

Example: Issues regarding slavery in the colonies

Enduring Understandings / Goals (Why): Essential Questions:

Students will understand that . . . Students will keep considering . . .
- Students will understand that life as an enslaved - How is slavery significant today?
person was extremely difficult. - What are the long term and short term
- Students will understand that historical accounts and effects of slavery?
stories shaped the way slavery was documented.

Student (SMART) Objectives(s):

Outcome(s) students will be able to demonstrate . . .
Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of life as an enslaved person by identifying six important
components from the text and writing a summary.

SMART objectives are:

● Specific: Concrete, detailed, and well defined so that you know where you are going and what to expect when you arrive
● Measureable: Numbers and quantities provide means of measurement and comparison
● Achievable: feasible and easy to put into action
● Realistic: Considers constraints such as resources, personnel, cost, and time frame
● Time-Bound: A time frame helps to set boundaries around the objective

Stage 2: Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Performance Task(s) tied to: Other Evidence

Students will show their learning by . . . Formative:
- Highlighting important components from the text Students discuss the important components from the
- Filling out the bubble map worksheet AND text
- Writing a summary (3-5 sentences)
Summative (if any beyond the performance task):
Evaluative Criteria:
Students success would look like. . .
Being able to summarize the important pieces of the text on
the worksheet
My Example: Life as an Enslaved Person Text and bubble map worksheet

Stage 3: Learning Plan

General Methods for Instruction:

(Highlight all that apply)
Group Discussion Guided Practice Question/Answer Teacher Modeling Problem-based Simulation Cooperative Learning Lab Learning

Stations Writing to Learn Inquiry Learning Independent Learning Small Group Direct Instruction Workshop Role Play Game


Where will this lesson take place? General Education Classroom Resource Room or Other:
Targeted Support(s) for Diverse Learners Technology Integration (purpose):

Specific Support and Who will provide that No technology was used for this lesson besides the
Why? What’s the intention projector to display the Text.
Needed (Special support?
Education Support (support be provided? and/or accommodations
and modifications):

Intentional Co-Teaching or Grouping Strategies:

❏ 1 Teach 1 Observe (gather specific data)

❏ 1 Teach 1 Assist (float to support/engage)
❏ Parallel Teaching (same material/smaller groupings)
❏ Station Teaching (divide content, repeat to groups)
❏ Alternative Teaching (grouping specialized
❏ Team Teaching (delivering lesson together)

Lesson Agenda with Discipline-Specific Learning Activities

Time: Teacher Will Be (Planned Supports tied to objectives Students Will Be (Learning Tasks connect to Rationale: (Based
& build in checks for understanding) prior knowledge & assets): on Research/theory)

2:00 PM I will be introducing slavery as a concept and Students will be getting textbook (fit the To be prepared for the
(5 minutes) getting everything set up for the notes text) AND listening notes and to be
prepared to learn about

2:15 PM I will be highlighting important things on the Students will be following along and So they fully
(15 minutes) projector and engaging in conversation about highlighting relevant passages in their understand the scope
the text textbooks. They will also be reading of the text. So they are
paragraphs in the text out loud to the prepared for the
class (when they are called on to do so). activity coming up.
They will also be asking
questions/making connections to the real

2:30 PM I will be introducing the activity and walking Students will be working on bubble map So they get some
(15 minutes) around and checking on progress. worksheet and asking their peers or me independent and group
for help. time work to process
the readings.

2:35 I will be wrapping up the lesson and answering Students will be cleaning up and asking So they are preparing
(5 minutes) any questions that came up. any lingering questions. for the next class and
aren’t left confused
from the lesson.
Data-Driven Reflection and Decisions
Based on the specific objective(s), Performance Task(s), and Evaluative Criteria set for today’s lesson, what was the result? How well did the class
do collectively on meeting the objective at the level you expected? Were there any patterns, collective misconceptions/gaps? Who needs specific
support/reteach? Now, justify your next step in planning. What will you do next? Why (research-based)? What do you anticipate the result to
The performance task and the learning objectives were met because the students were able to completely fill out the worksheet with
little struggle. The class participated heavily in the discussion, which helped meet the learning objectives. For next time, I could change
the way I approach displaying the text. I want to work on a way for them to internalize the text, maybe through technology. Through
technology, they can easily review the text and share it, which was a big component I was missing from the lesson. I anticipate this will
spark more interest in the text.

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