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Coronation: Celebration!

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Coronation JUMPER!
me w

Choc Orange Mini

Covers London Bus

Knit fmths
ages 6 ars!
to 4 ye

Using craft to stay positive ★ Your pet knits gallery!
views on YOUTUBE

demos added
every week!

Join the always creative, ingenious, marvellous Corinne Bradd

on The Crafts Channel, your online masterclass for crafting
techniques. There are hundreds of video demonstrations
that are jam-packed with ideas for you to try – all from
the comfort of your own home! The video tutorials help you
master essential crafting skills including toymaking, plus
knitting, crochet, cardmaking, papercraft, stitching, wire
work, felting, origami, polymer clay and lots more. Phew!
Along the way, Corinne offers up plenty of insider tidbits and
handy advice, ensuring you come away armed with both
knowledge and inspiration. What’s not to enjoy?

Welcome to the latest joy-filled issue of
LGC. We’re delighted to bring you a yarn YOUR
kit that’s perfect for celebration makes in YARN
honour of the Coronation. Our designers have created some KIT
wonderful projects, kicking off with Amanda Berry’s regal
knitted lion, all the way through to Hannah Cooper’s patriotic
chocolate orange covers. These projects make marvellous
mementos and would be great for future royal occasions too! For
those not royalty-inclined we’ve also got some super-cute pet-
themed projects, including cats, dogs, hamsters and fish. I
absolutely love our cover stars, the little boy and his pet dog by Áine
Marriott. We’ve christened them Finn and Oscar - turn to page 38 to
find out why.
Would you believe this is the 150th issue of LGC! The mag first
launched in 2007, but it took a few issues before we settled on knitting CHARLES
and crochet as the theme. Over the last 15+ years we’ve brought you THE LION, P9
hundreds of kits and literally thousands of project ideas, and had
plenty of fun in the process. We’re very proud to have hit this great
milestone and we’d like to say thanks to all our amazing readers for
your wonderful support over the years – we couldn’t have done it
without you!






Discover how I’m using Find my majestic lion See what I crochet for
the latest kit on page 7 pattern on page 9 my dogs on page 41

Get in TOPCROCHETPATTERNS.COM facebook.com/knitandcrochet @letsgetcrafting

TOUCH letsgetcrafting@dcthomson.co.uk LGC Knitting & Crochet, 1 Phoenix Court,
Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8JY

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 3

The hottest products for your crafty P38
shopping list
Your lovely letters and
fabulous makes
Prices worth £1300 from your
favourite brands
Easy to follow knitting and
crochet guides 34 SUMMER WREATH
14 GRENADIER GUARD Discover how good for your
22 LONDON BUS BONUS PROJECTS wellbeing crafting can be
44 CAT & DOG PATCHES 53 7 MORE ANIMAL PATTERNS Crocheter Jani Laaksonen and her
56 STRIPY KITTENS 58 LION JUMPER adorable hat-modelling dogs
CROCHET RELAX & READ Your top pooches-in-knitwear pics
19 COLOURFUL CROWN Our tribute to this beautiful, Meet the author of Crocheted Cats,
26 CHOCOLATE ORANGE COVERS sustainable fibre Vanessa Mooncie



P19 P14
4 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet


Get started today on some
fun Coronation-themed crafting




“These six jolly colours are perfect for patriotic makes -

check out our royal-themed chocolate cosies on page 26 Get in
and you’ll see what I mean. They’re equally fab for toys TOUCH
and accessories, so if Coronation crafts don’t float your POST YOUR MAKES ON
boat we’ve got plenty more projects that will!” Facebook • Instagram • Twitter

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 5

Keeping you in-the-know
with the latest releases

Road trip!
Strap yourself in for a wild ride! Rico’s new CAL this spring
features whimsical vehicles straight from the imaginations of
six talented designers from across the world. The Ricorumi
Yummy Foodtrucks CAL runs for six weeks from 24th March, and all
the designs will be available until 30th June. From a burger hot-air
balloon to a flying hotdog, we’re sure you’ll delight in these quirky
designs. Keep an eye on @ricorumi on Instagram for more info!

Happy and you

know it
There are few things that bring us quite
as much happiness as knitting, and this
new gift set from KnitPro, Joy of Knitting,
Super kids!
shouts that fact from the rooftops! Use your own special power to whip up
Packaged up in two 60s-inspired these comic-book inspired outfits! This
punch-needle cases are a set of seven punchy kids’ collection from Sirdar
colourful pairs of needles, stitch markers, includes knitted jumpers, drawstring
holders, end caps, cables and more. Head bags, a cape, dress and crochet masks
to knitpro.eu for more info. too, all showing off colourful superhero
motifs. £3.35 each, sirdar.com

6 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

Head turner
It’s time to start getting
prepped for warmer
weather! We can’t think
of a better place to start
than this new sunhat
from Rowan. Part of the
Summertime Crochet
booklet, the Margarida
hat is simple to hook RATE THE CORONA ...
and can even be
packed away in
your suitcase
without fear of
misshaping it! £10.50, Stuart

ummer is coming and I’m even

S more excited than normal! Not only

do I have the usual garden and
outdoor craft projects planned, I also
have the king’s Coronation and a public
holiday to look forward to!
This issue the yarn pack is called ‘Erin’
and features a really pretty selection of
Fairy fun colours to play with! I can’t help but
If there’s a reluctant brusher in combine the Rosy Red, Agate Blue and
your home, this amigurumi Rich Papaya in some patriotic knits. I’m
tooth fairy is here to sprinkle thinking simple knitted or crocheted
a little magic and encourage mitred squares, which I can crochet
teeth cleaning efforts! This together to make a large placemat for the
winged wonder is part of celebration table. There are lots of other
Scheepjes’ Pretty Little Things patriotic projects in this issue which I’m
issue 36, which also includes definitely tempted by. The royal orb
a knitted tooth and chocolate orange cover looks wonderful
toothbrush plus a tooth fairy and who can resist a chocolate orange! I
door hanger. RRP: £1, visit wonder if the king will have one in his
scheepjes.com for stockists. pocket during the Coronation in case he
gets peckish?!
I thought I might also crochet a rosette
– basically a big spiral flower made up of
double crochets using the same patriotic
palette. I’ll add a few tails made by
crocheting dcs into about 20 chains. I’ll
wear my rosette with pride as I watch the
ceremony and of course wear it to the
street party afterwards!
Crowning There are some lovely pet-themed
projects in the issue too and that’s got me
glory in the mood to make something for my
If you’re as excited for the furry friend! My very elderly cat, Mrs
Coronation as we are, Mills, still loves to play with anything I
you’ll love this new care to dangle in front of her and when
collection from King Cole. the sun shines we love going out into the
Give your living room the garden for some fun.
royal treatment with this Whatever you are doing this month,
pair of cushions, fit for a whether you’re crocheting for cats or
king with a Fair Isle crown knitting a project fit for a
motif and pom-pom
jewels. RRP: £3, visit
kingcole.com for
king, have fun and
be bold and
S t u x
T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 7
Go on, enjoy a scroll on our
Instagram page this spring

Exclusive giveaways
to win fab crafty prizes

Project inspiration

Expert tips to improve

your makes

See what your fellow

crafters are making

Crafty giggles to
make you smile


8 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet


safety stuffing,
two 9mm
the lion
It’s time to celebrate – long live the king!
domed black
bobbins, black
4ply, tapestry

24cm tall

Take the
next step

Note: use cable
cast on
throughout (see
page 11)

Note: wind a
spare bobbin of
Warm Beige
before you begin
or use other yarn
tail for snout
Using 4mm
needles and
Sparkle cast on
nine sts KNOW?
(kfb) seven times, 1066, EXCEPT FOR TWO KINGS
Row 5: k1, (kfb, k1)
seven times, k1.
23 sts
Row 7: k1, (kfb, k2)
seven times, k1.
30 sts
Row 9: k1, (kfb, k3)
seven times, k1. CONTINUE

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 9

Rows 10-13: cont TOP TIP
in st st FOR THE LION’S
Rows 14-18: cont ALONG THE CAST-OFF
Row 19: k8, (k2,
k2tog tbl) twice,
k5, (k2tog, k2)
twice, k8. 33 sts
Row 20: p
Row 21: k5, (k1,
k2tog tbl) three k2tog tbl, k1, four times, k2.
times, k5, k2tog, k7) 12 sts
(k2tog, k1) three twice, k1. Rows 41-45: cont
times, k5. 27 sts 36 sts in rev st st
Cast off pwise to Rows 20-22: Row 46: (k2tog) to
last st. One st cont in st st end. Six sts
With RS facing Row 23: k1, (k6, Cut yarn leaving a
and Zingy Yellow, k2tog tbl, k1, tail, thread
pick up and k 26 k2tog, k6) twice, through rem sts,
sts along cast-off k1. 32 sts pull tight and
edge. 27 sts Rows 24-26: cont fasten off
Change to Warm in st st
Beige, and change Row 27: k1, (k5, leg
colour according k2tog tbl, k1, Make two
to instruction, k2tog, k5) twice, Using 4mm
twisting yarns tog k1. 28 sts needles and Agate
on WS to avoid a Rows 28-30: cont Blue cast on 14 sts
gap forming in st st Rows 1-22: beg
Row 22 (WS): p11 Row 31: k1, (k4, with a k (RS) row
Warm Beige, p5 k2tog tbl, k1, work in st st
Zingy Yellow, p11 To commemorate the Coronation of King k2tog, k4) twice, Cast off
Warm Beige Charles III, the talented AMANDA BERRY has k1. 24 sts
Row 23 (RS): k11 designed this fab lion, one of the national Rows 32-34: k foot
Warm Beige, k5 symbols of England, all dressed up in his smart Cast off Make two
Zingy Yellow, k11 military uniform. Amanda has captured all the Using 4mm
Warm Beige details, with everything from medals and a sash sleeve and needles and Zingy
Rows 24-25: rep to the traditional ornamental shoulder pieces arm Yellow cast on
Rows 22-23 known as epaulettes. Charles is the perfect Make two eight sts
Row 26: as Row 22 Note: beg with Row 1 (RS): k
piece of memorabilia for the occasion!
Row 27: k12 Warm cuff; in making up Row 2: p
Beige, k3 Zingy Sleeve folds back Row 3: k1, (kfb) six
Yellow, k12 Warm over Arm so cuff times, k1. 14 sts
Beige Cut yarn leaving a eight sts nine times, k1. sits above paw Row 4: p
Cont in Warm tail, thread Row 1 (RS): k 29 sts Using 4mm Row 5: (k1, kfb, k5)
Beige only through rem sts, Row 2: p Row 4: p needles and Rosy twice. 16 sts
Row 28: p pull tight and Row 3: (k2tog) to Row 5: k1, (kfb, k2) Red cast on 12 sts Rows 6-12: cont in
Row 29: k1, (k2tog, fasten off end. Four sts nine times, k1. Rows 1-18: beg st st
k3) five times, k1. Cut yarn leaving a 38 sts with a k (RS) row Row 13: (k2tog) to
22 sts ear tail, thread Row 6: p work in st st end. Eight sts
Rows 30-31: cont Make two through rem sts, Row 7: k9, kfb, k18, Row 19 (RS): p Cut yarn leaving a
in st st Using 4mm pull tight and kfb, k9. 40 sts Row 20: (p1, tail, thread
Row 32: (p2tog) to needles and Zingy fasten off Rows 8-9: cont in p2tog) four times. through rem sts,
end. 11 sts Yellow cast on st st Eight sts pull tight and
body Change to Change to fasten off
Using 4mm Rosy Red Zingy Yellow
needles and Agate Rows 10-12: p Rows 21-39: beg tail
SKILL UP! Blue cast on 20 sts Rows 13-18: beg with a p (RS) row Using 4mm
Reverse stocking Row 1 (RS): k with a k row cont work in rev st st needles and Zingy
stitch (rev st st): p on Row 2: p in st st (see Skill Up) Yellow cast on
RS row, k on WS row Row 3: k1, (kfb, k1) Row 19: k1, (k7, Row 40: k2, (kfb) five sts

10 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet


Rows 1-11: beg This gives a really strong, firm edge
with a k (RS) row and is a good method to use when
work in st st instructed to cast on in the middle
Change to Sparkle or at the beginning of a row.
Row 12: p
Row 13: k1, (kfb)
three times, k1.
Eight sts
Rows 14-16: cont
in st st
Row 17: (k2tog) to
end. Four sts
Cut yarn leaving a
tail, thread
through rem sts,
Step 1: Create a slip knot and cast on
pull tight and
a stitch as normal using the two-
fasten off
needle method, so there are two
stitches on your needle, where the
sash slip knot counts as one stitch
Using 4mm
needles and Rich
Papaya cast on
60 sts
Cast off

Make two
Using 4mm
needles and Zingy
Yellow cast on tog at back of ends of Legs, stuff top of Sleeve.
ten sts Head. Using (more lightly at Place Sash over Step 2: Insert your RH needle
Change to picture as a guide, cast-off edge top), Body with ends between the first two stitches on the
Agate Blue build up nose in and sew to Body crossing at belt at LH needle, wrap the working yarn
Row 1 (RS): k black 4ply using to cover seam. side and attach around the tip of the RH needle
Row 2 (WS): horizontal sts; Join row ends of ends to Body. Join
(p2tog) to end. attach buttons for Feet, stuff, and ends of Medal into
Five sts eyes. Embroider gather cast-on sts a circle, and sew
Cut yarn leaving a mouth in an arrow tog at heel. Sew to chest. Using
tail, thread shape and each Leg on top Rich Papaya,
through rem sts, eyebrows with of a Foot. Join row embroider an
pull tight and small straight sts. ends of Tail and upside-down V
fasten off Sew row ends of attach base just below Medal for
Ears to Head at below jacket hem ribbons. For mane,
medal first Sparkle row, at back of Body. cut 10cm lengths
Using 4mm in line behind Join row ends of of Sparkle, fold Step 3: Use the tip of the RH needle
needles and Warm eyes. Join row paws with p sides strands in half and to pull the strand through between
Beige cast on ends of Body, tog, stuff, then use crochet hook the stitches, slip this loop on to the
eight sts stuff, and close cont to join row to pull tails LH needle as before
Cut yarn leaving a cast-on edge tog ends of Arm and through middle
tail, thread along base. Using Sleeve; fold Sleeve over sts in Sparkle
through rem sts, Agate Blue and back over Arm so area of Head.
pull tight and chain st, cuff sits above Starting at hairline,
fasten off embroider Belt paw. Using Rich add a set of
around Body. Papaya, work strands two rows
to make up Using Zingy back st around behind first, and
Using mattress st, Yellow, embroider cuff. Sew top of cont to back of
join row ends of ten upside-down Sleeve to just Head. Cut further Finished edge
Head, stuffing as V-shaped buttons below garter st strands and fill in
you go, and to front. Sew Head collar. St any gaps. Trim Repeat Steps 2-3 until all
gather cast-on sts to Body. Join row epaulettes over mane to neaten stitches are cast on

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 11


Teddy bear

small amount
of white DK,
stitch markers,
jumper Dress up your favourite bear to
To fit a teddy
celebrate the Coronation!
with chest
22cm and back Create your very own commemorative plushie with this royal-themed
length 12cm jumper by SARAH LOUISE READ. Use your Erin kit with a little bit of
Actual chest: added white to fashion a Union flag and then discover how to add easy
30.5cm details with surface crochet. If you love the look of our cuddly bear you
Actual length: can make your own! See the panel for where to find the pattern.
11cm Take the
next step

UNION Row 5-6: 1ch, 1dc in Row 1: beg in next st, 6tr, join Rosy Red Rnd 5: 2ch, 1tr in
FLAG each st to end, second ch from with a sl st to first Rnd 4: 2ch, 8tr, 2tr each tr or ch to
Using 4mm hook turn hook, 1dc in each tr. 60 sts in next st, 6ch, miss end, join with a sl
and Agate Blue, Join in Agate Blue st to end, turn. Change to next 16 sts, 2tr in st to first st. 52 sts
make 15ch Rows 7-10: 1ch, Seven sts Rich Papaya next st, 16tr, 2tr in Change to
Note: colour after 6dc (Agate Blue), Rows 2-44: 1ch Rnd 3: 2ch, 7tr, (3tr next st, 6ch, miss Rosy Red
instruction 2dc (Rosy Red), 6dc (does not count as in next st, 14tr) next 16 sts, 2tr in Rnd 6: 2ch, 1tr in
indicates shade (Agate Blue), turn st throughout), 1dc three times, 3tr in next st, 8tr, join each st to end, join
Row 1: beg in Next row: 1ch, in BLO in each st next st, 7tr, join with a sl st to first with a sl st to
second ch from working all around to end, turn with a sl st to first tr. 40 sts and 12 ch first st
hook, 6dc (Agate edge, 1dc in each Next row: turn to tr. 68 sts Change to Change to
Blue), 2dc (Rosy st and row end to work into one Change to Rich Papaya Rich Papaya
Red), 6dc (Agate end, join with a sl long edge, 1ch, 1dc
Blue), turn. 14 sts st to first st in each row end to
Rows 2-4: 1ch Fasten off, leaving end, join with a sl
(does not count as a long tail st to first st. 44 sts
st throughout),
6dc (Agate Blue), JUMPER main body
2dc (Rosy Red), 6dc collar Change to Rich
(Agate Blue), turn Using 4mm hook Papaya
Change to Rosy and Agate Blue, Note: 2ch at beg
Red only make 8ch of rnd does not
count as st
throughout. First tr
is in same st as sl
GREAT ADVICE st from previous
SURFACE CROCHET rnd. Carry yarn
This embellishing technique involves not in use up
crocheting extra stitches on top in a inside of work
contrasting yarn of the same weight. Rnd 1: 2ch, 5tr, (3tr
Insert your hook into the stitch from in next st, 10tr)
the front of the work, make a slipknot three times, 3tr in
and place it on hook at back of work. next st, 5tr, join
Pull slipknot through to front of work. with a sl st to first
Insert hook into stitch nearby, yoh, pull tr. 52 sts
up a loop, pull this through loop on Change to
hook. Continue in this way to work Rosy Red
chain stitches on the surface of your Rnd 2: 2ch, 6tr, (3tr
crocheted area according to the design in next st, 12tr)
three times, 3tr in

12 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet


Rnd 7: as Rnd 6 “When you have finished the
Change to
union flag, block the piece so it
Rosy Red
Rnd 8: as Rnd 6 stays in a nice rectangle shape.”
Agate Blue
Rnd 9: 1ch, 1dc in st. 22 sts each st to end, join Advice) around
each st to end, join Rnd 2: 2ch (does with a sl st to each inner corner
with a sl st to not count as st first st of middle cross of
first st throughout), 1tr in Change to Union Flag, then
Fasten off each st to end, join Agate Blue from middle to
with a sl st to Rnd 5: 1ch, 1dc in corner. Using Rosy
sleeve first st each st to end, join Red, surface
Make two Change to with a sl st to crochet from
Using 4mm hook Rich Papaya first st middle to corner
attach Rosy Red Rnd 3: 2ch, 1tr in Fasten off beside white DK.
to third of 6ch each st to end, join Position Union
from Rnd 4 of with a sl st to to make up Flag onto front of
Main Body first st Using a 4mm hook Jumper and sew in VERSION! FIND THE PATTERN IN
Rnd 1: 1ch, 1dc in Change to and white DK, place using long THE CURRENT ISSUE OF MAKE &
each st to end, join Rosy Red work surface yarn tail. Weave in SEW TOYS. FIND OUT MORE AT
with a sl st to first Rnd 4: 2ch, 1tr in crochet (see Great all ends MAKEANDSEWTOYS.COM

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 13



5g black DK,
cosyWho knew the King’s Guard could
7cm x 19.5cm protect your sweet treats so well too?!
This creative design by DAWN FINNEY is the perfect way for youngsters to
mark the Coronation! Sporting the iconic Grenadier Guard red infantry
uniform with golden buttons and bearskin headpiece, this smart solder is
sure to defend a little one’s sweeties to the hilt! This one will fit a Jelly Tots
tube measuring 18.5cm tall and 13.5cm circumference, but check out our
Great Advice if you have different sized cylinders to cover.
Perfect for

Agate Blue
Rows 37-38: cont GREAT
in st st ADVICE
Change to Warm
Want to cover
Rows 39-43: cont
sweetie tubes of
in st st
different sizes?
Change to
Knit a tension
black DK
square before you
Rows 44-62: cont
begin to work out
in st st
the number of
Cast off kwise,
stitches needed to
leaving a long tail cover the
circumference of
to make up the tube and
Use long cast-off
adjust the
tail to join sides of
increase section
piece up to long
of the pattern
Agate Blue tail.
accordingly. To
Use Agate Blue tail
change the length
to join rem sides
of the cover,
tog, then seam
simply increase or
base. Work a
decrease the
gathering st
Agate Blue leg
through cast-on
section and/or the
sts, pull tight to
black DK hat
close and fasten
off. Use Zingy
Yellow to
embroider buttons
and a belt buckle using Rosy Red to
GRENADIER k1. 20 sts in st st black DK using satin st, create a duplicate
COSY Row 2: p Change to Rosy Row 24: p chain st as edging st mouth. Use
Using 4mm Row 3: k1, (kfb, k1) Red leaving a long Change to for jacket and Agate Blue to
needles and Agate nine times, k1. tail of Agate Blue Rosy Red black DK to embroider eyes
Blue cast on 11 sts 29 sts Rows 19-23: cont Rows 25-36: cont embroider a chain using satin st.
Row 1 (RS): k1, Rows 4-18: beg in st st in st st st chin strap. Secure and weave
(kfb) nine times, with a p row work Change to Change to Embroider face in rem ends

14 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet




“You could also use this

sweetie tube cover at
Christmas time when it
can be a nutcracker
from the ballet!”

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 15

ll a b out you
A Celebrating our
fabulous readers

You’re obsessed with ... Teddies

These were some early quick knits made using a Let’s
Knit magazine kit and I’ve made them a few times
since as gifts because they always bring a smile.
Mandy Roockley


I thought Jamie was a perfect last-minute This is my little Ted I made
gift for one of my many great-nephews. recently. I’ve been crocheting for
He was great fun to make using my own 15 months and this is the first time
(huge) stash of wool! I’ve used soft, chunky wool!
Amy Holley Tania Hart

16 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

I wanted to write to let
you know how much I
loved issue 148. There
were so many projects
I wanted to make but I
couldn’t resist using
What’s the longest
my Artsy yarn pack to
make the kitty
amount of time you’ve
doorstop. I also made ever crafted for?
the sunburst cushion
and knitted puppy
from my yarn stash. “20 hours – I get
The cushion nearly
stumped me on assembly but I got there in the end and even sewed on my
carried away
first ever zip so it can be removed! Thanks for a fabulous magazine. sometimes.”
Gemma Driscoll @crazypoppylady
It means the world that you value the mag
so much Gemma, thank you.
I made this for my “11 hours when I was
granddaughter Elodie for recovering from an
her third birthday – she had
a woodland bug party so
operation last year.
wore it proudly! I was so I took an essential
pleased it came together as break, but otherwise
it was a combination of
three patterns – she is tall
powered on
for her age. through.”
Isabel Riches Em Day
We’re going to need to throw our
own woodland bug party now, Isabel!
“I can make a 60-
inch square blanket
I live on the far Atlantic Coast of in 27 hours – I timed
Northern Ireland where I love myself!
walking on the beach. We have chilly Maria Rooney
winds and at this time of year lots of
seaweed is brought up by the sea. I
used a hand-dyed yarn and called my
shawl Palmaria Wrap. I think my “8 hours plus”
daughter-in-law looks beautiful in it. @handknitscarves_dublin
Christine Stringer
What a gorgeous photo,
Christine – your shawl and “I’ve been knitting
daughter-in-law both look jumpers and
stunning. cardigans for so
many hours I went
“I made this jumper for my granddaughter into double digits.”
Elodie for her third birthday.” Konstantina Xenou

Get in TOPCROCHETPATTERNS.COM facebook.com/knitandcrochet

TOUCH jodie.sheehan@dcthomson.co.uk LGC Knitting & Crochet, 1 Phoenix Court,
Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8JY @knitcrochet

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 17

❖ PRIZES WORTH £1,370 ❖ PRIZES WORTH £1,370 ❖
Dive into needle felting with the Crafty Kit
Seven Company! Five lucky readers will each win a bundle
prizes! that includes two kits – the Wild Scottish Hare and
the Highland Squirrel – to teach you how to make
needle felted animals with a wire armature base,
plus a Woodland Wool Pack containing 100g of pure
wool, perfect for spinning and weaving as well as
needle felting. Browse the collection at




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Seven lucky crafters will win a
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Win a whole heap of
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Did someone say luxury yarn? Our friends
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and three booklets. This yarn’s namesake,
Pebble Island, is in the Falkland Islands and
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ALL limited-quantity yarn and its shades are inspired by Worth
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1 2 3
If you love the kits and projects in LGC,
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exclusively for each kit. There are two topcrochetpatterns.com then click ‘Giveaways’ and enter details
of these mega-bundles up for grabs, so
don’t miss out – enter now! CLOSING DATE: 18TH MAY 2023
18 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

Crowning glory
This splendid sparkling headpiece is fit for
a mini king or queen


T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 19




safety stuffing, END EACH ROUND BY
and red thread,
needle, stitch AND START THE NEXT
markers, pins ROUND WITH ONE

Join in with the Coronation fun with a crocheted next ch sp, rep one Arch
crown for a little one that’s almost as fancy as the from * to last ch Rnd 13: 1ch,
real thing! CORINNE BRADD has used a variety of sp, (1tr, 1ch) in next (dc2tog, 17dc) to
ch sp. 43 sts, 43 end. 108 sts
techniques for lots of added interest, including
ch sps Rnds 14-15: 1ch, 1dc
clusters and foundation chains. Your Sparkle yarn Rnd 7: as Rnd 5 in each st to end
Take the
is perfect for adding that all-important bit of glitz! Rnd 8: 3ch, 1tr in Change to
next step
same ch sp, 1ch, Rosy Red
(1tr, 1ch) in each of Rnd 16: (2tr in next
CROWN next two ch sps, * st, miss one st)
arch Row 2: 1ch (does Rows 2-3 with a sl st to form (1tr, 1ch) twice in to end
Make four not count as a st Row 10: 1ch, a ring next ch sp, (1tr, 1ch) Change to Sparkle
Using 4mm hook throughout), working in FLO, Rnd 1: 3ch (counts in each of next Rnd 17: 1dc in each
and Sparkle working in FLO 1dc, dc2tog, 1dc, as one tr and one two ch sps, rep st to end
make 8ch only, 1dc in each st dc2tog, 1dc, turn. ch throughout), from * to last st, Change to Warm
Row 1: beg in to end, turn Five sts (1tr, 1ch) five times (1tr, 1ch) in next ch Beige
second ch from Row 3: 1ch, Rows 11, 13 and 15: into ring. Six sts, six sp. 57 sts, 57 Rnd 18: 2ch
hook, working in working in BLO 1ch, working in ch sps ch sps (counts as 1tr), 2tr
BLO only, 1dc in only, 1dc in each st BLO only, 1dc in Rnd 2: 3ch, 1tr in Rnds 9-10: as in same st, miss
each st to end, to end, turn each st to same ch sp, 1ch, Rnd 5 two sts, 2tr in next
turn. Seven sts Rows 4-9: rep end, turn (1tr, 1ch) twice in Rnd 11: 1dc in each st, miss two sts,
Rows 12, 14 and 16: each ch sp to end. st and ch sp to (3tr in next st, miss
1ch, working in FLO 12 sts, 12 ch sps end. 114 sts two sts, 2tr in next
SKILL UP! only, 1dc in each st Rnd 3: as Rnd 2. 24 Fasten off st, miss two sts) to
2tr cl: * yoh, insert hook in to end, turn sts, 24 ch sps Pm around base end. 90 sts
st or sp, pull through loop, Row 17: 1ch, Rnd 4: 3ch, 1tr in of Cap at st 28, 57, Rnd 19: 1tr in each
yoh, pull through first two loops, rep working in BLO, same ch sp, 1ch, 85 and 114 st to end
from * once more in next st or sp, yoh, dc2tog, 1dc, (1tr, 1ch) in each of Pin bottom edge Rnd 20: 2ch, 2tr cl
pull through rem loops dc2tog, turn. next two ch sps, * of each Arch to (counts as 3tr cl),
3tr cl: * yoh, insert hook in st or sp, pull Three sts (1tr, 1ch) twice in Cap to left of each 2ch, 2tr cl, 2ch, (3tr
through loop, yoh, pull through first Row 18: 1dc, next ch sp, (1tr, 1ch) st marker cl, 2ch, 2tr cl, 2ch)
two loops, rep from * twice more in working in FLO in each of next Change to Sparkle to end. 36 cl, 36
next st or sp, yoh, pull through rem only, 1dc in each st two ch sps, rep Rnd 12: 1dc in each 2-ch sp
loops to end, turn from * to end. 32 st to end working Change to
double crochet foundation ch: make Row 19: 1dc, miss sts, 32 ch sps through each Arch Zingy Yellow
2ch, insert hook into first ch, yoh and one st, 1dc in BLO. Rnd 5: 3ch, (1tr, 1ch) to base of Cap to Rnd 21: 1dc into
pull through (one ch loop made), yoh One st in each ch sp attach top of each cl, 2dc
and pull through both loops on hook Fasten off to end Fasten off in each 2-ch sp to
(one st made), * insert hook into ch loop Rnd 6: 3ch, 1tr in end. 108 sts
of last st, yoh and pull through (one ch cap same ch sp, 1ch, * band Change to Sparkle
loop made), yoh and pull through both Using 4mm hook (1tr, 1ch) in each of Change to Zingy Rnd 22: 1dc in each
loops, rep from * until foundation ch is and Agate Blue next two ch sps, Yellow, joining st to end
required length make 4ch, join (1tr, 1ch) twice in yarn to the left of Fasten off

20 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet


band ribbon Rnd 1: 1dc in each

Using 4mm hook st to end
and Rosy Red Sl st to last rnd of
work a double second Orb Piece
crochet Rnd 2: 18dc, stuff
foundation ch of firmly, 1dc in each
75 sts, turn st to end
Row: 1ch, 1dc in Fasten off, leaving
each st to end a long tail
Fasten off
orb cross
orb piece pieces
Make two Make two
Using 4mm hook Using 4mm hook
and Zingy Yellow, and Rosy Red
make 4ch, join work a double
with a sl st to form crochet
a ring foundation ch of
Rnd 1: 6dc into 24 sts
ring. Six sts Fasten off
Rnd 2: 2dc in each
st to end. 12 sts to make up
Rnd 3: (2dc, 2dc in Wrap Orb Cross
next st) to end. Pieces around Orb
16 sts to create cross
Rnd 4: (3dc, 2dc in shapes and secure
next st) to end. with red sewing
20 sts thread. Stitch Orb
Rnd 5: (4dc, 2dc in to top of Cap
next st) to end. using yarn tail.
24 sts Weave Band
Rnd 6: 1dc in each Ribbon through
st to end every second
Fasten off Warm Beige tr in
centre of Band
orb join and tie on inside
Using 4mm hook so Band can be
and Rosy Red join tightened to fit a
with a sl st to last smaller head if

rnd of first Orb necessary. Weave
Piece in all ends


The neatest way to join a new yarn is during the last movement
of the previous stitch, even if this is on the row before. To join a
new yarn in a double crochet stitch:


Step 1: insert the hook into the next Step 2: using the new colour, yoh and UP FUN WITH THIS PRINCESS
stitch, yoh and pull the loop through pull through both loops. Pull yarn tails TIARA. FIND THE FREE PATTERN
the stitch – two loops on hook. to tighten loops if needed. AT TOPCROCHETPATTERNS.COM

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 21


London bus

All aboard! It’s time for some sight-seeing
tapestry Is there anything more iconic than the bright red double decker on the
needle, four
four-hole 2cm streets of London? Surely not! Knit up one of your very own with this
black buttons, genius design by DAWN FINNEY. It’s made in two pieces, with the
safety stuffing larger one making up the sides and base of the bus, while the narrow
strip is the front, top and back. Take a look at our Great Advice to see
SIZE how to stitch them together at the end.
10.5cm long
7cm high
6cm wide

Take the
next step

When joining the
two pieces, curve
the top corners of
the bus slightly by
using mattress
stitch to sew into
a couple of the
edge stitches of
the strip whilst
working into the
same stitch on the
edge of the larger
piece of the sides
and base Row 2: p Row 5: k Change to Agate in st st Cont in Rosy Red
Colour foll Row 6: p7 Rosy Blue leaving long Rows 33-34: rep only
instruction Red, p9 Warm tail of Rosy Red Rows 3-4 Row 39: k
indicates shade, Beige, p7 Rosy Red Rows 18-26: cont Row 35: as Row 3 Row 40: as Row 4
carry both yarns Row 7: k7 Rosy in st st Cont in Rosy Red Row41: as Row 3
BUS along WS of work Red, k9 Warm Change to Rosy only Row 42-43: cont in
sides and Row 3: k2 Rosy Beige, k7 Rosy Red Red leaving long Row 36: p st st
base Red, (k3 Rich Cont in Rosy tail of Rosy Red Row 37: as Row 7 Cast off pwise,
Note: made all Papaya, k1 Rosy Red only Rows 27-32: cont Row 38: as Row 6 leaving a long tail
in one piece Red) five times, k1 Row 8: p
Using 4mm Rosy Red Rows 9-10: rep
needles and Rosy Row 4: p1 Rosy Rows 3-4 “This little bus is so sweet. Why not
Red cast on 23 sts Red, (p1 Rosy Red, Row 11: as Row 3 knit up a fleet using oddments from
Work from Chart p3 Rich Papaya) Cont in Rosy
or written five times, p2 Red only
previous kits? It’s a great way to
instructions Rosy Red Rows 12-17: beg practice intarsia and slightly more
as folls: Cont in Rosy with a p row work complicated finishing.”
Row 1 (RS): k Red only in st st DAWN FINNEY, DESIGNER

22 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet




T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 23

!"#$#%&%'%(")#(%*+)%,*(# !"#$#%-%'%#+)(%*+)%.//0

!" !! !# !$ #% #& #' #( #) #* #" #! ## #$ % & ' ( ) * " ! # 1#2

*! +,-./+01
*# +234/5676.6
*$ 869:/;02<0
"% =>?90/;@?0
ends and roof Red, k5 Rich Rows 15-16: rep ""
Note: made all in Papaya, k2 Rows 7-8 "#
one piece Rosy Red Cont in Rosy "$
Using 4mm Row 8: p2 Rosy Red only !&
needles and Rosy Red, p5 Rich Rows 17-43: beg !'
Red cast on nine Papaya, p2 with a k row !(
work !)
sts leaving a Rosy Red in st st !*
long tail Rows 9-10: rep Row 44: as Row
Work from Chart Rows 7-8 Row 45: as Row 7 !#

or written Cont in Rosy Red Cont in Rosy !$ #%

instructions only Red only #&
as folls: Row 11: k Row 46: p #(
Rows 1-6: beg with Row 12: p2 Rosy Row 47: k2 Rosy #)

a k (RS) row work Red, p5 Warm Red, k2 Warm#* #"

in st st Beige, p2 Rosy Red Beige, k5 Rosy
#! Red
Colour foll Row 13: k2 Rosy Row 48: p5 Rosy
Row 50: as Row 8 with a k row work Advice). Rep for
instruction Red, k5 Warm Red, p2 Warm Rows 51-52: rep in st st rem sides,
% joining
indicates shade, Beige, k2 Rosy Red Beige, p2 Rosy& Red Rows 7-8 Cast off pwise, cast-off
edge of
carry both yarns Cont in Rosy Cont in Rosy ( Cont in Rosy leaving a long tail Ends and Roof
along WS of work Red only Red only *
Red only piece) to Sides and
Row 7: k2 Rosy Row 14: p Rows 49: k Rows 53-59: beg to make up Base "piece; join
Weave in all short rem edges,
!" !! !# !$ #% #& #' #( #) #* #" #! ## #$ tails. Using
% & ' long
( ) * " stuffing
! # as you go.
CHARTS Piece B – ends Rosy Red tail and Using Zingy
Piece A – sides and !"#$#%&%'%(")#(%*+)%,*(#
base and roof
!"#$#%-%'%#+)(%*+)%.//0 mattress st, join Yellow, embroider
!" 22
23 !! 21
!# 20
!$ 19
#% 18
#& 17
#' 16
#( 15
#) 14
#* 13
#" 12
#! ## #$ 9% 8& 7' 6( 5) 4* 3" 2! 1#
11 10 9% 8&1#27' 6( 5) 4* 3" 2! 1# Pieces tog by first two headlights
43 )%
59 joining cast-on working over
42 )&
58 +,-./+01
41 +234/5676.6 )'
edge of Ends and same st a few
40 )(
56 869:/;02<0 Roof piece to times. Using Agate
39 =>?90/;@?0 ))
38 )*
Agate Blue section Blue attach a
37 )"
53 of Sides and Base button to each
36 )!
35 )#
piece, join one side base corner, then
34 )$
50 of Ends and Roof add a few running
33 *%
32 *&
piece to Sides and sts to each of
"# *'
47 Base piece so Warm Beige panel
30 46
45 windows and for writing, fasten
28 signage are off. Weave in
27 *!
aligned (see Great all ends
25 *$
!* "%

24 39
23 "&
22 "'
21 "(
!$ ")
19 34
18 "!
15 !%
14 !&
13 !'
12 !(
11## 25
#$ !*
9% !!
8& !#
7' !$
6( #%
5) #&
4* #'
3" #(
2! #)
1# 14
!" 22
23 !! 21
!# 20
!$ 19
#% 18
#& 17
#' 16
#( 15
#) 14
#* 13
#" 12
#! ## #$ 9% 8& 7' 6( 5) 4* 3" 2! 1#
11 10 #!
% & ' ( ) * " ! # 7'
)& 5)
)( 3"
)" 9% 8& 7' 6( 5) 4* 3" 2! 1#
24 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet
WOOL NAME: Jenny Watson
Pure Merino DK
The Campaign for Wool is all about sharing 100% pure merino
the many fantastic qualities of wool, and its wool
uses in all areas of life. Sustainable, SHADE COUNT: 14
biodegradable and boasting plenty of unique PRICE: £4.10 per 50g Shade
(124m) ball, WM12
natural properties, wool is pretty magical –
debswoolshop.com Dark Pink
it’s no wonder we crafters can’t get enough of
it! King Charles is the patron of the campaign
and has championed it for many years, so to
commemorate this passion of his, we’ve
pulled together a selection of sumptuous
pure wools that we just know will be a real
treat for your hooks and needles.


Natural NAME: Northern Yarn
Grey Methera
Shade FIBRE CONTENT: Cheviot,
Medium Shetland, Bluefaced
Grey Leicester, Zwartbles
PRICE: £15 per 100g (350m)
FACT FILE ball, northernyarn.co.uk
NAME: British Romney
Lambswool DK
100% pure British Passion FACT FILE
Romney lambswool NAME: McIntosh British
SHADE COUNT: 4 Bluefaced Leicester DK
PRICE: £10 per 100g YARN WEIGHT: DK
(209m) ball, FIBRE CONTENT: 100%
romneymarsh British Bluefaced Leicester
wools.co.uk SHADE COUNT: 24
PRICE: £25 per 100g
(225m) skein,


NAME: Uist Wool Astair 4ply
NAME: Rowan Big Wool FIBRE CONTENT: Black alpaca and
YARN WEIGHT: Super chunky white cheviot wool
Shade FIBRE CONTENT: 100% pure merino wool SHADE COUNT: 6
079 SHADE COUNT: 33 PRICE: £16 per 50g (175m) skein,
Pantomime PRICE: £11.95 per 100g (80m) ball, uistwool.com
T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 25


Treat a chocolate lover to a royal-themed gift
SIZE These clever designs by HANNAH COOPER take two familiar symbols
Flag: 11.5cm
wide x 9cm tall
– the Union flag and the Royal Orb - and transform them into a
Orb: 10cm brilliant pair of chocolate orange cosies! If you know a royal watcher
diameter x who loves snacking on chocolate then what could be a better gift? The
14cm tall Orb is the trickier of the two as it takes some assembling but we think
you’ll agree, the results are well worth the effort!

indicates shade 3dc (Warm Beige), Row 9: 1ch, and Warm Beige, Rnd 5: (4dc, 2dc in
Row 1: beg in 1dc (Agate Blue), turn 19dc (Rosy Red) place two Flags next st) to end.
second ch Row 3: 1ch, changing to Warm tog with WS facing 36 sts
from hook, 2dc (Agate Blue), Beige on last pull Row 1: working Rnds 6-9: 1dc in
Take the 3dc (Warm Beige), 3dc (Warm Beige), through, turn through both each st to end
next step 4dc (Agate Blue), 2dc (Agate Blue), Row 10: 1ch, layers and beg Rnd 10: working in
1dc (Warm Beige), 1dc (Warm Beige), 8dc (Warm Beige), from bottom, 15dc BLO, 1dc in each st
3dc (Rosy Red), 3dc (Rosy Red), 3dc (Rosy Red), up side edge, 3dc to end
UNION 1dc (Warm Beige), 1dc (Warm Beige), 8dc (Warm Beige) into top corner, Rnd 11-12: 1dc in
FLAG 4dc (Agate Blue), 2dc (Agate Blue), changing to Agate 17dc along top each st to end
Note: when 3dc (Warm Beige) 3dc (Warm Beige), Blue on last pull edge, 3dc into top Rnds 13-15: rep
changing colour, changing to Agate 2dc (Agate Blue), turn through, turn corner, 15dc down Rows 10-12
always pull new Blue on last pull Row 4: 1ch, Row 11: as Row 5 other side, do not Rnd 16: (4dc,
yarn through as through, turn. 19 sts 3dc (Agate Blue), Row 12: as Row 4 turn. 53 sts dc2tog) to end.
last yoh of Row 2: 1ch (does 3dc (Warm Beige), Row 13: as Row 3 Change to Agate 30 sts
previous st not count as st 1dc (Agate Blue), Row 14: as Row 2 Blue and work Rnd 17: (3dc,
throughout), 1dc (Warm Beige), Row 15: 1ch, back around dc2tog) to end.
flag 1dc (Agate Blue), 3dc (Rosy Red), 3dc (Warm Beige), Row 2: 1ch, 24 sts
Make two 3dc (Warm Beige), 1dc (Warm Beige), 4dc (Agate Blue), working in BLO, Fasten off
Using 4mm hook 3dc (Agate Blue), 1dc (Agate Blue), 1dc (Warm Beige), 1 crab st in each st
and Warm Beige 1dc (Warm Beige), 3dc (Warm Beige), 3dc (Rosy Red), to end circular band
make 20ch 3dc (Rosy Red), 3dc (Agate Blue), turn 1dc (Warm Beige), Fasten off Note: when
Colour foll 1dc (Warm Beige), Row 5: 1ch, 4dc (Agate Blue), changing colour,
instruction 3dc (Agate Blue), 4dc (Agate Blue), 3dc (Warm Beige) ORB always pull new
4dc (Warm Beige), Fasten off base yarn though as
3dc (Rosy Red), Using 4mm hook, Using 4mm hook last yoh of
SKILL UP! 4dc (Warm Beige), Rosy Red and and Sparkle make previous st
Crab st: insert hook into 4dc (Agate Blue) using photo as a a magic ring, work Using 4mm hook
next st to the right from changing to Warm guide, work 6dc into ring. and Zingy Yellow
front to back, with hook facing Beige on last pull surface crochet Six sts make 36ch, join
downwards. Pull working yarn back through, turn five sl sts across Rnd 1: 2dc in each with a sl st to
through st (two loops on hook). Wrap Row 6: 1ch, each Warm Beige st to end. 12 sts first st
yarn around hook and pull through 8dc (Warm Beige), diagonal to add Rnd 2: (1dc, 2dc in Rnd 1: 1ch (does
both loops on hook. One crab 3dc (Rosy Red), final stripes next st) to end. not count as st
stitch made 8dc (Warm Beige) 18 sts throughout), 1dc in
Make bobble (MB): working in same st changing to Rosy border Rnd 3: (2dc, 2dc in same st, 1dc in
each time (yoh, insert hook into st, yoh, Red on last pull Note: foundation next st) to end. each st to end, sl
draw yarn through, yoh, draw through through, turn row is bottom 24 sts st in first st, turn.
two loops on hook) four times. Five Row 7-8: 1ch, 1dc in edge of Flag and Rnd 4: (3dc, 2dc in 36 sts
loops on hook. Yoh, draw through all each st to is left open next st) to end. Colour foll
loops on hook. One bobble made end, turn Using 4mm hook 30 sts instruction

26 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet





T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 27

indicates shade changing to Zingy
Rnd 2: 1ch, Yellow on last yoh),
[1dc (Zingy Yellow), 10dc (Zingy Yellow),
MB (Rich Papaya MB (Rich Papaya
changing to Zingy changing to Zingy
Yellow on last yoh), Yellow on last yoh),
2dc (Zingy Yellow), 2dc (Zingy Yellow),
1dc (Rich Papaya), 1dc (Rich Papaya),
1dc (Zingy Yellow)] 1dc (Zingy Yellow),
six times, join with turn
a sl st to first Row 3: 1ch, 1dc in
st, turn each st to end
Rnd 3: 1ch, 1dc in Fasten off
each st to end
Fasten off join bands
Position Straight
straight band Band so row ends
Using 4mm hook are positioned
and Zingy Yellow above opposite
make 21ch, turn bobbles on
Row 1: beg in Circular Band,
second ch from sitting across
hook, 1dc in each middle of Circular
st to end, turn. Band. Sew ends
20 sts tog working
Colour foll through three end
instruction sts of Straight
indicates shade Band. Weave in all
“This Union flag design is a different
Row 2: 1ch (does the ends each st to end.
not count as st 12 sts shape to the average chocolate
throughout), vertical cross Rnd 11: (1dc, 2dc in orange cover making it a fun
1dc (Zingy Yellow), piece next st) to end. unique design, and the orb is the
1dc (Rich Papaya), Using 4mm hook 18 sts perfect make for any royal fan.”
2dc (Zingy Yellow), and Zingy Yellow Fasten off
MB (Rich Papaya make a magic ring,
work (1dc, 1htr, 1tr, horizontal
1htr) twice into cross piece front loop rows Straight Band, crab sts along
ring. Eight sts Make two with Straight Band fasten off. Rejoin edge, fasten off.
GREAT Rnd 1: working in Works as for over top of Orb. yarn to Orb front Sew Horizontal
ADVICE BLO, (2dc, dc2tog) vertical cross Join Sparkle to loop sts on other Cross Pieces to
The pieces of the to end. Six sts piece to Rnd 3. first row of front side of Straight either side of
Orb are made Rnds 2-7: 1dc in Six sts loops on Circular Band and work to Vertical Cross
separately then each st to end Fasten off Band and work match first side. Piece. Sew
sewn or crocheted Rnd 8: [1htr, (1tr, around inner edge Remove chocolate completed cross
together, so take 1htr) in next st, 1dc] to make up as folls: 1ch, 16 from Orb. Joining to centre top of
time to read the twice. Eight sts For seamless edge crab sts through Sparkle to any st Straight Band.
making up section Change to around Bands, both Circular Band of bottom row of Using Zingy
thoroughly before Rich Papaya place Orb over and Orb front loop Circular Band and Yellow, secure
starting to join Rnd 9: working in chocolate orange sts to edge of Orb work through centre of Straight
them together BLO, (2dc, dc2tog) and Circular Band Straight Band, turn band and second Band to Orb with
to end. Six sts over Orb to sit and work 20 crab front loops row of running st. Weave
Rnd 10: 2dc in between two sts along side of Orb as folls: 36 in all ends

Run out of yarn? TRY SIRDAR HAYFIELD BONUS DK, £2.19 PER


28 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet


Join the club to get your needles into our exclusive


Toblerone cover


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2,600+ Knitting Patterns   A Friendly Club Exclusive Knitalongs   Plus a FREE Gift

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Rico Ricorumi
Cotton DK,
shades (A) 046
Light Green, (B)
Lacey coasters Relax into the rhythm of these
068 Papaya, (C)
039 Turquoise,
(D) 012 Candy cheery knitted doilies
Pink, (E) 016
Orchid, one 25g Featuring a scalloped edge, the decorative border on these mood-
ball of each boosting mats by SNOO’s KNITS are created by casting off and on again
in a repeating pattern. The counting and concentration required will give
PLUS you the chance to really focus your mind, and forget any worries or
3mm needles,
3.25mm needles,
stresses for a while. Plus, your coffee table will never have looked better!
tapestry needle


24 sts x 28 rows
10cm x 10cm
Stocking stitch
3mm needles

If you’d like to
replicate these
coasters exactly,
here are the colours
that were used:
Style One: Main
colour yarn A,
contrast colour
yarn B
Style Two: Main
colour yarn B,
contrast colour
yarn C
Style Three: Main
colour yarn C,
contrast colour
yarn D
Style Four: Main
colour yarn D,
contrast colour
yarn E
Style Five: Main
colour yarn E,
COASTERS p6, turn, sl 4 pwise, turn, k1) to end. Row 12: p to end k1. Eight sts
Note: start at turn, p6) 12 times, 85 sts Row 13: k1, (k2tog, Cut yarn leaving a
contrast colour
outer edge and sl 1 pwise Row 6: p to end k2) to end. 37 sts tail, thread
yarn A
dec to centre Change to main Row 7: k1, (k2, Row 14: p to end through rem sts,
Using 3.25mm colour k2tog, k3) to end. Row 15: k1, (k2tog, pull tight and
needles and main Row 3: k to end 73 sts k1) to end. 25 sts fasten off
colour, cast on Row 4: p1, (cast off Row 8: p to end Row 16: p to end
109 sts eight sts pwise Row 9: k1, (k2tog, Row 17: k2, to make up
Row 1: k to end [one st left on RH k4) to end. 61 sts (k2tog) 11 times, Join side seam to
Change to 3mm needle]) to end. Row 10: p to end k1. 14 sts form a circle. If
needles and 13 sts Row 11: (k3, Row 18: p to end edge is curling up,
contrast colour Row 5: k1, (turn, k2tog) to last st, Row 19: k1, block or iron it to
Take the Row 2: (sl 1 pwise, cast on six sts, k1. 49 sts (k2tog) six times, keep it flat
next step

30 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

ake it positive

Who knew so much good

could come from crafting?
Aside from the obvious fact that it’s just plain fun,
we wondered what else knitting and crochet might
do for us all. And it turns out there’s a whole lot to be
thankful for! From helping to make our voices heard
and change the world for the better through craftivism,
to spreading cheer among our local communities, there
are so many corners of the world that yarn craft reaches
with its magic. We heard from people like dentist
Shafaq, who told us how crochet can slow down
disease progression for those with Parkinson’s, and
from the colourful Katie Jones who used crochet
to create her dream wedding dress. There’s
no end to the positivity that can come
from our favourite hobby – so let’s
celebrate it!

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 31

A beautiful life
Crochet kindness A few years ago, dentist Shafaq
Hussain-Ali was diagnosed with
We all know just how happy crochet makes
early-onset Parkinson’s, a life-changing
the person doing it, but it can bring so
condition that affects motor skills
much joy to others too. Random Acts of
among many other symptoms. One of
Crochet Kindness is a Facebook group
the things that has really helped Shafaq
dedicated to spreading cheer with crochet,
since her diagnosis is crochet, and it’s a
and we urge you to take a look and get
hobby that she treasures. “Physically it
involved! Now over 200,000 members
helps me maintain manual dexterity. It’s
strong, this group of crafters leave small
really important for people with
makes around their local areas with a kind
Parkinson’s to push our minds to do
note for others to find and enjoy. The
new things that stretch both our brain
Facebook group is also full of posts from
and body to increase neuroplasticity in
those who have happened upon the makes,
the brain, which in turn helps reduce
wanting to say thank you. It really is a
disease progression,” she explains.
lovely way to spread positivity, kindness
Crochet isn’t the only thing Shafaq has
and a bit of crochet fun.
discovered since her diagnosis, having
taken on advocacy work for
Parkinson’s, started volunteering at a
local food bank, partaken in research,
and become a Trustee for a dental

Make a charity – all while continuing her chosen

vocation as a dentist. As Shafaq points
difference out, having Parkinson’s doesn’t mean
life can’t still be rich, beautiful and full of
Crochet can change the world... opportunity. “Each person will have had
No, really! There’s a special type of plans and dreams, which may well need
activism known as ‘craftivism’ which modifying in the face of a diagnosis like
uses – you guessed it – crafts to try Parkinson’s – but that is just it,” she says.
and achieve political and social “They may only need modifying, and
change. It can take many forms, from sometimes we all need reminding that a
© Seeded Yarnstormers @seededyarnstormers

yarn-bombings to knit-ins, and aims life with Parkinson’s is still life.” Last year
to grab public attention, get people to Shafaq featured in a TV advert raising
reflect, and start conversations. The awareness of the charity Parkinson’s
display pictured was created by UK, putting out the message ‘I have
Seeded Yarnstormers, and comprises Parkinson’s, but it doesn’t have me’.
crochet hearts and pom-poms in the Shafaq is a key example of someone
colours of the Ukranian flag, acting as who embodies this message.
a powerful show of support for the “Parkinson’s has inspired me to get out
people of Ukraine. Craftivism is a great there and ‘do’ rather than think ‘one
form of gentle protest that anyone can day’,” she says. “Most of all I’ve learnt to
be a part of – whether that’s in a big open my mind and heart to new
way or a small way. Head over to possibilities,” she says. “Life may not
craftivist-collective.com for ideas follow the route I had planned, but so
on how to get involved. long as there is still life, I will do my best
to live it well.”

32 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

Pillars of
We don’t know about you, but
the sight of a yarn-bombed
post box fills us with total joy.
We love the sense of mystery
behind these unique forms of
street art, what with the crafter

Yarn for yarn’s sake Follow

responsible so often remaining
anonymous, and they add so much
You just can’t help but smile when looking at these shots character to the area. Plus, they
and #pigeonportrays are such a great way to mark
by Rebecca of The Pigeon’s Nest. This fibre artist and
on Instagram for public events and celebrations for
crochet designer recreates iconic figures using yarn for her
more! the community! There’s a great
Instagram series ‘Pigeon Portrays’ and it’s quite possibly our
favourite thing ever. “Pigeon Portrays was the biggest accident Facebook group you can join to
and the thing that brings me the most joy within my work!” Rebecca tells us. share and discover toppers across
“I incorporate yarn and crochet into selfie-style portraits of famous characters and the UK, called UK Post Box Toppers
people. I actually trained to be an actor, so this really does feed my soul!” It all and More Group – enjoy!
started when Rebecca needed to take a headshot for a craft retail brand to use for
publicity and she decided to have a bit of fun with it. “I settled on a crochet-vibed
Rosie the Riveter,” Rebecca laughs. “It went down really well when I shared it on
socials and my brain suddenly couldn’t turn off… so I had another go, and another,
and another.” We asked Rebecca if she could possibly pick out a favourite. “I can
only have one?!” she jokes. “Probably Freddie Mercury. Mainly because it takes
people a minute to realise it’s me. Also the fact that I had to have a full shower
afterwards to remove the glue! That is how you know it’s a good one,” she laughs.

I do!
There are few occasions more Helene Buttifant
joyful than the ultimate
celebration of love – come on,
who doesn’t love a wedding?!
Katie Jones, crochet designer
and author of Hip to be Square,
made her own special day even
more memorable by adding a
crochet touch to her dress. “My
veil was my mum’s that I added
a crochet trim to and my skirt
was a cut-up dress from a Kathleen Shannon & Jackie Monk
charity shop that I sewed
crochet flowers onto – some
were made on a 0.5mm hook!”
Katie tells us. “My top was
originally going to be a long
sleeve number, but I ran out of
time. I was still crocheting until
three in the morning the night
before and up again at six for
some champagne and ends-
sewing-in before the big day!”
she grins. “But as it was the
hottest day of the year, I think it
was fated.” Last-minute panic
aside, we can’t think of a better
way to incorporate your
favourite thing into such a
special day. And isn’t the
finished piece spectacular?! Laura Sutcliffe

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More embellishments
USE YOUR Using 4mm hook
and Agate Blue
make a magic ring,
work 6dc into ring.
Take the
Six sts
next step
Rnd 1: 2dc in each
YARN KIT st to end. 12 sts
BEEHIVE Rnd 2: (1dc, 2dc in
PLUS: DK yarn, shades Ombre, Cerise, Using 4mm hook Rnd 27: (1dc, Fasten off leaving next st) to end.
Pink, Jade, Purple, Orange; 3.5mm and Warm Beige dc2tog) to end. a long tail 18 sts
crochet hook, 25cm diameter and make a magic ring, 12 sts Rnds 3-9: 1dc in
4cm thick wreath base, stitch markers, work 6dc into ring. Rnd 28: (dc2tog) LADYBIRD each st to end
tapestry needle Six sts to end. Six sts wing Add Wings as folls:
Rnds 1-2: 2dc in Stuff Make two Rnd 10: 6dc, (3dc
SIZE: Beehive: 9cm tall, Bee: 3cm long, each st to end. Fasten off Using 4mm hook working through
Ladybird: 4cm x 5cm, Butterfly: 7cm x 24 sts and Rosy Red Wing and Body sts
5cm, Bunting: 14cm long (overall),
Finished Wreath: 25cm diameter
Rnds 3-5: 1dc in bee make a magic ring, together) twice,
each st to end Make two work 6dc into ring. 6dc. 18 sts
Rnd 6: (dc2tog) to Using 4mm hook Six sts Rnd 11: (1dc,
end. 12 sts and Zingy Yellow Rnd 1: 2dc in each dc2tog) to end.
Rnd 7: (1dc, 2dc in make a magic ring, st to end. 12 sts 12 sts
next st) to end. work 6dc into ring. Rnds 2-5: 1dc in Rnd 12: (dc2tog) to
18 sts Six sts each st to end end. Six sts
Rnd 8: 2dc in each Rnds 1-2: 1dc in Rnd 6: (2dc, Do not stuff
st to end. 36 sts each st to end dc2tog) to end. Fasten off, weave
Rnds 9-11: 1dc in * Change to Agate Nine sts yarn tail through
SARAH LOUISE READ, each st to end Blue Rnd 7: 1dc in each rem sts, pull tight
DESIGNER Rnd 12: (dc2tog) to Rnd 3: 1dc in each st to end to gather
“Welcome to the Summer end. 18 sts st to end Rnd 8: (1dc,
Wreath Crochet-along, and Rnd 13: (2dc, 2dc in Change to dc2tog) to end. BUTTERFLY
next st) to end. Zingy Yellow Six sts Using 4mm hook
have we got a treat for you! We
24 sts Rnd 4: 1dc in each Do not stuff and Agate Blue,
know you can’t wait to finish Rnd 14: 2dc in each st to end * Pinch top of wing make 5ch, join
this amazing make, so not only st to end. 48 sts Rep from * to in half with a sl st to first
are we bringing you part two, Rnds 15-17: 1dc in * once Next row: st. Five sts
but part three as well! Last each st to end Fasten off, weave working through Rnd 1: 2ch (counts
issue we brought you the Rnd 18: (dc2tog) to yarn tail through both layers, 1dc in as first st
flowers, and now it’s time to end. 24 sts rem sts, pull tight each st to end. throughout),
finish your collection of Rnd 19: (3dc, 2dc in to gather Three sts working into ring,
embellishments with some next st) to end. Fasten off 1dc, 2ch, (2dc, 2ch)
cute creatures. Use your Erin 30 sts door
kit to fashion the glorious Rnd 20: 2dc in Using 4mm hook
each st to end. and Agate Blue,
beehive and bees, the pretty
60 sts make 5ch
ladybird and butterfly, and the Rnds 21-23: 1dc in Row 1: beg in third
bunting flags that provide the each st to end ch from hook (first
crowning glory. Don’t they look Rnd 24: (dc2tog) 2ch counts as 1htr),
amazing when all assembled? to end. 30 sts 2htr, (1htr, 2ch, 1htr)
Then use oddments from your Rnd 25: (3dc, in next st, working
stash to crochet the wreath dc2tog) to end. along opposite
cover itself. I hope you enjoy 24 sts side of ch, 3htr,
making this wreath as much as Rnd 26: (2dc, 3ch, join with a sl
I enjoyed designing it!” dc2tog) to end. st to top of
18 sts first htr

34 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

for your stunning decoration SUMMER

with us a
Share your progressndcrochet
facebook.com/knita t


T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 35

Rows 25-32: 1ch, Change to Ombré to end
1dc in each st Rows 90-101: 1ch, Change to Purple
to end 1dc in each st Rows 162-167: 1ch,
Change to Cerise to end 1dc in each st
Rows 33-44: 1ch, Change to Jade to end
1dc in each st Rows 102-106: 1ch, Change to Cerise
to end 1dc in each st Rows 168-173: 1ch,
Change to Ombré to end 1dc in each st
Rows 45-48: 1ch, Change to Orange to end
1dc in each st Rows 107-112: 1ch, Fasten off
to end 1dc in each st
Change to Jade to end to make up
Rows 49-60: 1ch, Change to Purple Weave in all ends
1dc in each st Rows 113-124: 1ch, on Cover, then
to end 1dc in each st wrap around
Change to Pink to end wreath base and
seven times, join Six sts turn. 31 sts Rows 61-66: 1ch, Change to Cerise first sew long
with a sl st to top Row 2: 1ch (does Row 2: beg in 1dc in each st Rows 125-128: 1ch, sides tog with
of first st. 16 dc not count as st second ch from to end 1dc in each st seam at back,
and eight 2-ch sps throughout), 1dc in hook, 1dc in each Change to Orange to end then join short
Change to Rich each st to st to end. 30 sts Rows 67-76: 1ch, Change to Pink ends. Using photo
Papaya and join end, turn Fasten off 1dc in each st Rows 129-140: 1ch, as a guide,
to any 2-ch sp of Row 3: 1ch, miss to end 1dc in each st position Leaves
Rnd 1 one st, 3dc, miss to make up Change to Purple to end and Flowers onto
Rnd 2: 2ch, (1dc, one st, 1dc in last Weave in all ends. Rows 77-79: 1ch, Change to Jade Cover. Sew Bees
2ch, 2dc) in same st, turn. Four sts Using Agate Blue, 1dc in each st Rows 141-145: 1ch, and Door onto
space, * (2dc, 2ch, Row 4: 1ch, 1dc in embroider small to end 1dc in each st Beehive, then
2dc) in next 2-ch each st to spots onto Wings Change to Cerise to end position in middle
sp, rep from * to end, turn of Ladybird. Fold Rows 80-87: 1ch, Change to Ombré of wreath. Attach
end. Eight wings. Row 5: 1ch, miss Butterfly in half so 1dc in each st Rows 146-151: 1ch, Bunting securely
32 sts and eight one st, 1dc, miss wings are doubled to end 1dc in each st across top of
2-ch sps one st, 1dc in last and align, then st Change to Pink to end wreath, then add
Change to Sparkle st, turn. Two sts securely in middle Rows 88-89: 1ch, Change to Orange Butterfly and
and join to any Row 6: 1ch, 1dc in using Agate Blue 1dc in each st Rows 152-161: 1ch, Ladybird. Weave
2-ch sp of Rnd 2 each st to end, to end 1dc in each st in all ends
Rnd 3: 3ch (counts turn WREATH
as first 1tr), (3tr, Row 7: 1ch, miss COVER
2ch, 4tr) in same one st, 1dc in last Using 3.5mm hook
space, * sl st in st, turn. One st and Jade,
gap between Row 8: 1ch, 1dc. make 41ch
adjacent 2dc, (4tr, One st Row 1: beg in
2ch, 4tr) in next Work border second ch from
2-ch sp, rep from * around edge as hook, 1dc in each
to end, sl st in gap folls: st to end, turn.
between adjacent Next row: 1ch, 1dc 40 sts
2dc, join with a sl in each row end Rows 2-4: 1ch
st to top of first st. and st all around, (does not count as
72 sts and eight join with a sl st to st throughout), 1dc
2-ch sps first st in each st to end
Fasten off Fasten off Change to Ombré
Rows 5-11: 1ch, 1dc
BUNTING string in each st to end
flag Using 4mm hook Change to Pink
Make three and Rich Papaya, Rows 12-19: 1ch,
Using 4mm hook make 5ch 1dc in each st
and Sparkle, make Attach each Flag to end
7ch. Seven sts as folls: Change to Orange
Row 1: beg in Row 1: ** 1dc in Rows 20-24: 1ch,
second ch from each st of top of 1dc in each st
hook, 1dc in each Flag, 1ch, rep from to end
st to end, turn. ** twice more, 6ch, Change to Purple

36 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet


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Finn & Oscar

Grab the lead and treats, it’s time for walkies!
stuffing, stitch The companionship between a loyal dog and an adoring youngster is
holder, two second to none and this sweet design by ÁINE MARRIOTT celebrates
11mm safety that special bond. Our knitted dog-lover is wearing a cosy hoodie
eyes, tapestry
complete with a little front pocket, and the cute pooch is made in our
stunning sparkle yarn for a little extra pizazz!
Child: 22cm tall
Dog: 7.5cm tall,
9cm long
Rows 3-9: beg Rows 57-73: cont four sts
with a p row work in st st Row 1 (WS): p
in st st Row 74: (k2, Row 2: (kfb) to
Row 10: k5, (k3tog) k2tog) to end. end. Eight sts
three times, k2. 21 sts Rows 3-19: beg
Ten sts Row 75: p with a p row work
Row 11: p Row 76: (k1, k2tog) in st st
Change to to end. 14 sts Change to
Agate Blue Row 77: p Rosy Red
Perfect for Rows 12-15: k Row 78: (k2tog) to Rows 20-23: k
beginners Rows 16-27: beg end. Seven sts Change to
with a k row cont Cut yarn leaving a Warm Beige
FINN in st st tail, thread Rows 24-27: beg
right leg through rem sts, with a k row work
Using 4mm body and pull tight and in st st
needles and Rosy head fasten off Row 28: (k2tog) to
Red cast on Row 28: (k2, m1) end. Four sts
eight sts four times, k2 hood Cut yarn leaving a
Row 1 (WS): p across Left Leg, Using 4mm tail, thread
Row 2: (kfb) to (k2, m1) four times, needles and Rosy through rem sts,
end. 16 sts k2 across Right Red cast on 34 sts pull tight and
Rows 3-9: beg Leg. 28 sts Rows 1-4: k fasten off OUR CUTE CHARACTERS
with a p row work Rows 29-31: beg Change to
in st st with a p row work Rich Papaya pocket LONG-TIME LGC READER
Row 10: k2, (k3tog) in st st Rows 5-14: beg Using 4mm
three times, k5. Change to with a k (RS) row needles and SUSAN EVANS AFTER HER
Ten sts Rosy Red work in st st Rich Papaya cast GRANDSON FINN AND
Row 11: p Rows 32-35: k Row 15: k11, (k2tog) on 12 sts HIS DOG OSCAR!
Change to Change to six times, k11. 28 sts Row 1 (RS): k
Agate Blue Rich Papaya Row 16: p Row 2: p
Rows 12-15: k Rows 36-49: beg Row 17: k10, Row 3: k1, ssk, k6,
Rows 16-27: cont with a k row cont (k2tog) four times, k2tog, k1. Ten sts Sparkle cast on Row 20: (k2tog) to
in st st in st st k10. 24 sts Row 4: p six sts end. Six sts
Cut yarn and Row 50: (k2, Row 18: p Row 5: k1, ssk, k4, Row 1 (WS): p Cut yarn leaving a
place sts on k2tog) to end. Row 19: k10, k2tog, k1. Eight sts Row 2: (kfb) to tail, thread
holder 21 sts (k2tog) twice, k10. Row 6: p end. 12 sts through rem sts,
Rows 51-53: cont 22 sts Row 7: k1, ssk, k2, Row 3: p pull tight and
left leg in st st Row 20: p k2tog, k1. Six sts Row 4: (k1, kfb) to fasten off
Using 4mm Row 54: (k1, k2tog) Cast off Row 8: p end. 18 sts
needles and Rosy to end. 14 sts Cast off Rows 5-17: beg leg
Red cast on Change to arm with a p row work Make four
eight sts Warm Beige Make two OSCAR in st st Using 4mm
Row 1: p Row 55: p Using 4mm body Row 18: (k1, k2tog) needles and
Row 2: (kfb) to Row 56: (kfb) to needles and Rich Using 4mm to end. 12 sts Sparkle cast on
end. 16 sts end. 28 sts Papaya cast on needles and Row 19: p six sts

38 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet




T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 39

Rows 1-4: beg Row 6: k2, (kfb) Row 2: (k2tog) “If you don’t have a stitch
with k (RS) row four times, k2. twice. Two sts
work in st st 12 sts Cut yarn leaving a
holder you can leave your
Cut yarn leaving a Row 7: p tail, thread stitches on another needle or a
tail, thread Row 8: k3, (kfb) six through rem sts, spare piece of yarn.”
through rem sts, times, k3. 18 sts pull tight and JODIE SHEEHAN, CONTENT CREATOR
pull tight and Rows 9-15: cont in fasten off
fasten off st st
Row 16: (k1, k2tog) collar nose; add safety on Head. Join off. Seam row
tail to end. 12 sts Using 4mm eyes. Using Rosy front border at edges of each Leg,
Using 4mm Row 17: p needles and Red, embroider bottom edge, then stuff well and sew
needles and Row 18: (k2tog) to Zingy Yellow mouth below sew row edges of cast-on sts to
Sparkle cast on end. Six sts cast on 16 sts nose. Using Zingy Hood to Body, just underside of
four sts Cut yarn leaving a Rows 1-2: k Yellow, embroider below change to Body. Seam row
Rows 1-4: beg tail, thread Cast off fringe to poke out Warm Beige. Seam edges of Tail. Sew
with a k row work through rem sts, from under Hood. row edges of each to back of Body.
in st st pull tight and to make up Stuff Body and Arm. Stuff lightly. Seam row edges
Row 5: (k2tog) to fasten off For Finn, seam row Legs well, then Oversew across of Oscar’s Head,
end. Two sts edges of Body close rem seam. cast-on sts, then leaving a gap for
Cut yarn leaving a ear and each Leg, Using Warm Beige, sew Arms to side stuffing. Stuff well,
tail, thread Make two leaving a gap for run a gathering st of Body, just under and close rem
through rem sts, Using 4mm stuffing. Oversew along neck and neck. Sew cast-on seam. Sew to front
pull tight and needles and cast-on sts of pull up to enhance edge of Pocket to of Body. Use Rosy
fasten off Sparkle cast on each Leg, with side shape. Fold centre of Body, Red to embroider
four sts seam to inside of cast-off edge of just over lower nose and Agate
head Row 1: p Leg. Using Warm Hood in half and border of Jumper. Blue to embroider
Using 4mm Beige, embroider sew. Place Hood Sew cast-off edge eyes. Sew cast-on
needles and in place so Pocket edge of Ears to
Sparkle cast on is not stretched. top of Head and
four sts For Oscar, seam weave in any
Row 1 (WS): p TOP TIP row edges of loose ends. Place
Row 2: (kfb) to YOU COULD ALSO Body, leaving a Collar around
end. Eight sts MAKE A SIMPLE LEAD gap, stuff well, neck and seam
Rows 3-5: TO ADD TO THE SCENE close seam. Gather row edges. Secure
beg with a p WITH A CROCHET cast-on sts, pull with a few sts into
row work in CHAIN OR NARROW tight and fasten Head and Body





40 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

Picture paw-fect We chat to crocheter
Jani Laaksonen about
her adorable hat-
modelling dogs that
are taking the world
by storm

f you haven’t seen them
before, let us introduce
Sookie and Ivy, a pair of
pooches that just love getting
dressed up! From food-themed
hats to animal snoods, there’s
nothing that their talented owner
Jani Laaksonen can’t crochet
for them.

Finnish-born and Boston-bred Jani

adopted Sookie in 2011, skipping her
“Sookie and Ivy are college stats class that day and heading
to the animal shelter on a whim. 11
the sunshine of my years later, Sookie is an irreplaceable
member of the family. “Sookie is a
life and the videos quiet, calm sweetheart,” Jani says
fondly. “She is all love all the time, and I
I have of them in could speak endlessly on her
sweetness. My wish would be for
their sunflowers everyone to meet her because she will
steal anyone’s heart!” A couple of years
hold a special place later, Ivy was discovered as an
unnamed stray with an embedded
in my heart!” collar, an upper respiratory infection
and a skin infection – but she didn’t
have long to wait to find her forever
home. “The second I met her I knew
she was meant to be mine,” Jani
remembers. Although Ivy took a little
while to find herself, Jani says, she soon
transformed into the “sassy little
firecracker” you see today. “She is the
first to let you know what’s on her mind
and she is very outspoken and
opinionated. She is so funny and I
sometimes think there’s a comedian
trapped in her little body!”
As a result of a particularly stormy
winter with regular power outages, Jani
learnt to crochet as a way of occupying
her hands, and as soon as she’d
mastered the stitches, Sookie and Ivy
were in for a treat. “I started making the
girls snoods shortly after I learned how
to crochet,” Jani tells us. Beginning
with cute animal-themed headwear,
Jani quickly moved on to creating her

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 41

“They both love
taking pictures
because they first food-themed hats – carrots for

always get treats Easter 2021. "I then made the broccoli
hat set, which was the first time we

and praise, and went viral on TikTok. This snowballed

into making more food-themed hats (all

I love capturing of which are dog safe foods) and turned

into our ‘thing’. I don’t even know how

those memories many I have made at this point!”

As you can imagine with such unique
that will last me creations, it’s not so easy to find
patterns online for the types of projects
my lifetime.” Jani wants to create. “I take what I have
learned from making various
amigurumi projects and modify them
to work as dog hats,” Jani says, adding
that she often uses cartoon images to
help her emulate things in yarn form.
“I love figuring out new ways to bring
the projects I have in my mind’s eye to
life.” In terms of inspiration, Jani gets
new ideas from all over the place.
Whether a follower has commented a
great idea on one of her videos, or she
sees something in a film that has
potential, Jani is always finding
inspiration in unexpected places. “It’s a
fun hobby to have because I never
know where it will take me next or
when inspiration will strike. I love
being able to express myself through
crochet and I feel very blessed to have
this creative outlet!”
With so many adorable hats to
choose from it’s hard to pin down a
favourite, but Jani says she would have
to choose the sunflowers she made
Sookie and Ivy last year. “I think the
girls look so adorable as sunflowers and
I love hats that make them look pretty.
They are the sunshine of my life and the
videos I have of them in their
sunflowers hold a special place in my
heart!” she smiles. “I want to make
them more flower hats this spring
because they make the most perfect

42 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

little flower girls.”
Making these amazing hats is one
thing, but we're sure you’d agree it
would be a crime not to share them reliant on them. I go into filming with to take when you have your dog’s
with the world! Luckily for us, Jani has very little expectations and it’s a attention and that can be accomplished
a way with the camera too. Before surprise to me too to see how things as easily as holding a treat or a toy.
adopting Sookie and Ivy, Jani’s main end up.” When putting the videos Having a solid “sit” and “stay” command
interest was in landscape photography, together, Jani adds in captions for what definitely helps too!” she adds.
but since welcoming her two adorable the dogs look like they're saying from “Outdoor photography can be easier
subjects into the family, that interest their funny expressions and reactions. when first starting because of the
quickly turned to doggy portraits. “After years of ‘talking’ on their behalf, natural lighting. If you’re planning to
“I often want to expand the types of I have a pretty take photos indoors,
photos I take now, but whenever I have
my camera out, I end up taking photos
distinct voice and
speaking style for “My biggest tip a good flash or
lighting set up is
of the girls!” Jani laughs. “They both
love taking pictures because they
both girls that I try
to portray in their for taking pictures ideal for taking
sharp, high-quality
always get treats and praise, and I love
capturing those memories that will last
videos,” Jani tells
us. “Putting their and videos of dogs photos and videos.”
The most important
me my lifetime.” Nowadays, Jani takes
more videos than photos and shoots
reels together is a
very fun process is to keep it fun thing though, Jani
says, is to make
take anywhere between ten and 20
minutes, with Sookie and Ivy proving to
and I get to see
actions and hear and engaging!” photo shoots a
positive experience
be very keen models. "The girls love noises that I missed for your dogs. “Once
filming their little videos and get in the moment while filming. I get a your dog associates taking photos and
excited as soon as I start setting up. lot of good laughs watching their videos with a good time, they’ll be more
Sookie especially finds filming to be a footage back!” receptive to participate again in the
wonderful time and I often feel bad We don’t know about you, but we’re future,” she explains. “Some days they
when we’re finished!” always trying to capture the cuteness of may not be interested in being
Jani’s videos are full of humour, and our furry friends on camera – but it’s photographed or participating in a
she says it’s Sookie and Ivy who take definitely easier said than done! We video and that is perfectly ok, too!
the reins when it comes to the funny wondered if Jani had any tips for us. Always make sure your dog (and you!)
storylines. “I obviously come up with “My biggest tip for taking pictures and is having a good time above all else.”
the initial ideas, but their reactions and videos of dogs is to keep it fun and Noted, thanks Jani – now where’s
how the videos play out is entirely engaging! Pictures are so much easier the camera?!

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 43


Pet patches

The paw-fect way to pep up a little one’s clothes
four small
safety toy Cute, colourful and 3D, these knitted squares by NICOLA VALIJI
eyes, stuffing, are sure to be a hit with animal-loving youngsters, and they are
black DK, just so versatile! Use them in blankets, bags, on kids’ jumpers, the
needle back pocket on a pair of jeans... there’s no end to the different
places these cat and dog patches can be used.
10cm x 10cm

Row 10: p Row 4: p1, p2tog. collar Row 18: (k2tog) For both Squares,
Row 11: k2tog, k to Two sts Using 4mm twice. Two sts sew Ears to each
last two sts, k2tog. Row 5: k2tog. needles and Cast off side of Head.
11 sts One st Rosy Red cast on Attach eyes to
Row 12: p Fasten off nine sts collar Head. Using black
Rows 13-14: rep Row 1 (RS): k Using Aqua Blue DK, embroider a
Rows 11-12. Nine sts muzzle Row 2: p work as for Cat mouth and
Perfect for Row 15: as Row 11. Using 4mm Cast off Collar whiskers to Cat
beginners Seven sts needles and Warm and a nose and
Cast off Beige cast on DOG to make up mouth to Dog.
eight sts Using Warm Beige For Cat Square, Sew Head to
SQUARE ear Row 1: k work as for Cat gather fastened- Square, placing a
Make two Make two Row 2: (p2tog) Head off edge of small amount of
Using 4mm Using 4mm four times. muzzle tightly and stuffing behind
needles and Aqua needles and Four sts ear sew row edges to Head. Sew Collar
Blue (Zingy Yellow) Sparkle cast on Cut yarn leaving a Make two cast-on edge to to bottom of
cast on 24 sts five sts tail, thread Using 4mm form a circle. Sew Head. Using Zingy
Row 1 (WS): (k1, p1) Row 1 (RS): k through rem sts, needles and Warm Muzzle to Cat’s Yellow for Cat and
to end Row 2: p pull tight and Beige cast on face and using Sparkle for Dog,
Row 2: (p1, k1) Row 3: k2tog, k1, fasten off four sts Rosy Red embroider a tag
to end k2tog. Three sts Rows 1-17: k embroider a nose by oversewing a
Row 3: as Row 1 to Cat’s Muzzle. st in middle
Row 4: p1, k1, p1, bottom of Collar
k19, p1, k1
Row 5: k1, p1, k1,
p19, k1, p1
Rows 6-29: rep
Rows 4-5
“These cute cat
Row 30: as Row 2 and dog patches
Row 31: as Row 1 will brighten up
Row 32: as Row 2 any child’s
Cast off in patt outfit.”
Using 4mm
needles and
Sparkle cast on
five sts Run out of yarn? (290M) BALL FROM WOOLWAREHOUSE.CO.UK
Row 1: kfb, k to
last st, kfb.
Seven sts
Row 2: p
Rows 3-8: rep
Rows 1-2. 13 sts A C ID Y E L L O W BR IGHT P E A C H B RI G H T RE D L I G H T A Q UA B L U E O A T ME A L
Row 9: k

44 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet


way to


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friends This portable project is
fin-tastic playtime fun




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six 6mm black
safety eyes,
eight stitch
stuffing, lower fin
tapestry Make two
needle Using 4mm hook,
join Sparkle with sl
Fish bowl: st to body, two sts
8.5cm tall x below eye and
30cm one rnd back,
circumference make 2ch
Fish: 5cm long Row 1: beg in
x 3cm tall second ch from
Food: 4.5cm hook, 1dc, 1sl st in
wide x 5cm tall same body st as
x 2cm deep work 4dc into ring first sl st. One st
Instead of using a hook to catch fish, this
project uses one to make them! This clever Fasten off Fasten off
crocheted set by SARAH REED features a
fancy bowl complete with coral decorations FISH top fin
Make three Using 4mm hook
that doubles as both a home for your fish and Using 4mm hook and Sparkle join
a place to store them. The little fish are and Sparkle make Sparkle with sl st
super-quick to crochet, so why not make a a magic ring, work to centre top, two
few more to use in counting games. 6dc into ring. rnds back
Take the
next step Six sts from eyes
Rnd 1: (1dc, 2dc in Row 1: 1ch, 1dc in
next st) to end. same body st as sl
BOWL Rnd 8: working in Rnd 27: (7dc, 1ch, 2sl st, 3ch, miss Nine sts st, 3dc along top
Using 4mm hook BLO, 1dc in each st dc2tog) to end. 1ch, 4sl st Rnd 2: 1dc in each of body. Four sts
and Warm Beige to end 48 sts Branch 3: 5ch, miss st to end Fasten off
make a magic ring, Rnd 9: (7dc, 2dc in Rnd 28: (6dc, 1ch, 2sl st, 3ch, miss Rnd 3: (2dc, 2dc in
work 6dc into ring. next st) to end. dc2tog) to end. 1ch, 5sl st next st) to end. BOX
Six sts 54 sts 42 sts Branch 4: 5ch, miss 12 sts top / bottom
Rnd 1: 2dc in each Rnd 10: (8dc, 2dc Rnds 29-34: 1dc in 1ch, 2sl st, 3ch, miss Rnds 4-6: 1dc in Make two
st to end. 12 sts in next st) to end. each st to end 1ch, 6sl st each st to end Using 4mm hook
Rnd 2: (1dc, 2dc in 60 sts Fasten off Branch 5: 5ch, miss Insert eyes and Zingy Yellow
next st) to end. Change to 1ch, 2sl st, 3ch, miss between Rnds 2-3, make 9ch
18 sts Agate Blue coral  1ch, 7sl st three sts apart Rnd 1: beg in 2nd
Rnd 3: (2dc, 2dc in Rnds 11-23: 1dc in Make three (one Fasten off Rnd 7: (4dc, ch from hook, 7dc,
next st) to end. each st to end in each colour) dc2tog) to end. 3dc in last ch,
24 sts Change to Note: do not turn large bubble Ten sts working down
Rnd 4: (3dc, 2dc in Rich Papaya after each branch, Make three Rnd 8: (3dc, other side of ch ,
next st) to end. Rnd 24: * 5dc (Rich work as one Using 4mm hook dc2tog) to end. 6dc, 2dc in first ch
30 sts Papaya), change long row and Rich Papaya Eight sts of rnd. 18 sts
Rnd 5: (4dc, 2dc in to Agate Blue 5dc, Using 4mm hook make a magic ring, Rnd 9: (2dc, Rnd 2: 2dc in next
next st) to end. rep from * to end and Zingy Yellow work 6dc into ring dc2tog) to end. st, pm in second of
36 sts Change to (Sparkle, Rosy Fasten off Six sts these dc, 6dc, 2dc
Rnd 6: (5dc, 2dc in Rich Papaya Red) work 9ch Rnd 10: (2dc in in next st, pm in
next st) to end. Rnds 25: 1dc in Branch 1: beg in small bubble next st) to end. first of these dc,
42 sts each st to end second ch from Make three 12 sts 1dc, 2dc in next st,
Rnd 7: (6dc, 2dc in Rnd 26: (8dc, hook, 2sl st, 3ch, Using 4mm hook Rnds 11-12: 1dc in pm in second of
next st) to end. dc2tog) to end. miss 1ch, 4sl st and Rich Papaya each st to end these dc, 6dc, 2dc
48 sts 54 sts Branch 2: 7ch, miss make a magic ring, Fasten off in next st, pm in

48 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet



This is a useful stitch for
joining in yarn

When working
with two colours
on one round, as
on the top of the
Bowl, carry the
Step 1: insert hook into stitch or
unworked yarn
chain and wrap the yarn around
under the worked
the hook
dc so it can be
easily accessed for
the colour change

Step 2: pull yarn through stitch

and through loop that is already
on your hook

Slip stitch edge

first of these dc, of Top, 1dc in

1dc. 22 sts each st to end, of Top, 1dc in each to make up

Note: markers turn. Eight sts st to end, turn. For the Bowl, roll
indicate corners Rows 2-11: 1ch, Three sts back last six rnds
Fasten off 1dc in each st to Rows 2-11: 1ch, 1dc to form rim and st
end, turn in each st to down. Place
front/back Row 12: 1ch, end, turn Corals evenly THIS PATTERN?
Make two working in BLO Row 12: 1ch, around Bowl and
Note: these sts of Bottom, 1dc working in BLO sts sew to secure.
sections work into in each st to end. of Bottom, 1dc in Sew Large and
long side between Fasten off each st to end. Small Bubbles
marked sts of Top Fasten off between each
and Bottom pieces sides Coral using photo
in turn Make two appliqué fish as a guide. Sew up
Using 4mm hook, Using 4mm hook, Using 4mm hook three sides of Box,
join Zingy Yellow join Zingy Yellow and Sparkle make insert stuffing then
with a sl st to with a sl st to a magic ring, work close rem side. St
marked st at next st on short 6dc into ring. Appliqué Fish to
corner of Top to edge to work Six sts front of Box. Using
work eight sts to three rem Row 1: 8ch, sl st in Rosy Red,
next marked st unworked sts next dc, 8ch, sl st embroider the
Row 1: 1ch, Row 1: 1ch, in next dc word ‘FOOD’. DOWNLOAD FOR FREE AT
working in BLO sts working in BLO Fasten off Weave in all ends TOPCROCHETPATTERNS.COM

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 49


Stevie the

two 6mm black
safety eyes,
stitch markers,
Crochet your own small pet pal complete
stuffing, small
with home comforts!
amount of
black As pets go, hamsters are pretty easy to look after, but
embroidery HEATHER GIBBS has created one who is literally no effort at all. Stevie
thread comes complete with food bowl, food and a little home to curl up in, all
SIZE crocheted using your Erin kit and the easiest of stitches. Bobbles have
Hamster: 8cm been used to create his feet – these are just several stitches worked into
long the same stitch. See our Skill Up panel for a step-by-step guide.
House: 10cm
wide, 8cm tall

24 sts 3dc, MB, 1dc through rem sts, tail Rnd 8: (7dc, 2dc in
Rnds 6-7: 1dc in Rnd 15: (2dc, pull tight and Using 4mm hook next st) to end.
each st to end dc2tog) to end. fasten off and Warm Beige 54 sts
Insert safety eyes 18 sts make a magic ring, Rnds 9-10: 1dc in
between Rnds 4-5, Stuff as you go ear work 6dc into ring. each st to end
four sts apart Rnd 16: (1dc, Make two Six sts Cont in rows as
Create feet on dc2tog) to end. Using 4mm hook Rnd 1: 1dc in each folls:
next rnd as folls: 12 sts and Warm Beige st to end Row 1: 44dc, turn
Perfect for
Rnd 8: 16dc, MB, Rnd 17: (dc2tog) to make a magic ring, Fasten off leaving Rows 2-8: 1ch
3dc, MB, 3dc end. Six sts work 5dc into ring. a long tail (does not count as
Rnds 9-13: 1dc in Cut yarn leaving a Five sts st throughout),
each st to end tail, thread Fasten off leaving HOUSE 44dc, turn
HAMSTER Rnd 14: 18dc, MB, a long tail top Row 9: 1ch, 44dc,
Using 4mm hook Using 4mm hook do not turn, work
and Warm Beige and Agate Blue 1dc in each st
make a magic ring, make a magic ring, around doorway
work 6dc into ring. work 6dc into ring. Fasten off, leaving
Six sts Six sts a long tail
Rnd 1: 2dc in each Rnd 1: 2dc in each
st to end. 12 sts st to end. 12 sts
Rnd 2: (1dc, 2dc in Rnd 2: (1dc, 2dc in
next st) to end. next st) to end. GREAT
18 sts
Rnds 3-4: 1dc in
18 sts
Rnd 3: (2dc, 2dc in
each st to end next st) to end. Two-part safety
Rnd 5: (2dc in each 24 sts eyes need to be
st) six times, 1dc in Rnd 4: (3dc, 2dc in inserted so the
each st to end. next st) to end. back can be
30 sts clipped on before
Rnd 5: (4dc, 2dc in the hamster is
DID YOU KNOW? next st) to end. stuffed, but
SOME DWARF HAMSTERS 36 sts button eyes or
SKILL UP! ARE AS LITTLE AS 5CM Rnd 6: (5dc, 2dc in embroidering
Make Bobble (MB): LONG WHEN FULLY GROWN, next st) to end. eyes for small
working in same st each BUT THE LARGEST 42 sts children can be
time (yoh, insert hook through st, pull SPECIES OF HAMSTER Rnd 7: (6dc, 2dc in sewn on at the
up loop) four times. Nine loops on next st) to end. very end
hook. Yoh and pull through all nine 48 sts
loops. One bobble made

50 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet




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Search Guinea Pig Family

base Six sts 18 sts Ten sts

Using 4mm hook Rnd 1: 2dc in each Rnd 3: (2dc, 2dc Rnds 6-7: 1dc in
and Rich Papaya st to end, join with in next st) to end. each st to end
make a magic ring, a sl st to first st. 24 sts Rnd 8: (4dc, 2dc in
work 6dc into ring. 12 sts Rnd 4: 3tr in each next st) to end.
Six sts Rnd 2: 3ch (counts of next 17 sts, 12 sts
Rnds 1-8: work as as 1htr, 1ch), (1htr, 2htr, 3dc, 2htr. Rnds 9-10: 1dc in
for Top. 54 sts 1ch,) 12 times, join 58 sts each st to end
Rnd 9: (8dc, 2dc in with a sl st to top Fasten off Stuff Search Merry Mice
next st) to end. of first htr. 12htr, 12 Rnd 11: (dc2tog) to
60 sts 1-ch sps CARROT end. Six sts
Fasten off Rnd 3: 3dc in each Make two Cut yarn leaving a
ch-sp to end root tail, thread
FOOD Fasten off Using 4mm hook through rem sts,
BOWL and Sparkle pull tight and
Using 4mm hook LETTUCE make a magic fasten off
and Zingy Yellow LEAVES ring, work 6dc
make a magic ring, Make two into ring. Six sts tops
work 6dc into ring. Using 4mm hook Rnd 1: 1dc in each Using 4mm hook
Six sts and Rich Papaya st to end and Rich Papaya,
Rnds 1-6: work as make a magic ring, Rnd 2: (2dc, 2dc (make 6ch, sl st to
for Top of House. work 6dc into ring. in next st) to end. first ch) three Search Colourful Chameleon
42 sts Six sts Eight sts times
Rnd 7: working in Rnd 1: 2dc in each Rnds 3-4: 1dc in Fasten off leaving
BLO, 1dc in each st st to end. 12 sts each st to end a long tail
to end Rnd 2: (1dc, 2dc in Rnd 5: (3dc, 2dc
Rnds 8-10: 1dc in next st) to end. in next st) to end. to make up
each st to end Attach Ears to
Rnd 11: sl st loosely Hamster on Rnd 7
in each st to end in line with eyes
Fasten off approx five sts
apart. Attach Tail
TOMATO to back of
SLICES Hamster. Using
Make two yarn tail, attach
Using 4mm hook Top of House to
and Rosy Red Base. Sew Top of
make a magic ring, Carrot to Root.
work 6dc into ring. Weave in all ends

52 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

Search ‘bathtime elephant’ Search ‘cat-icorn toy’ Search ‘flamingo friends’

Search ‘rainbow peacock’

Search ‘mini giraffe’

If our pet special has whetted your

appetite for even more adorable
animal makes, boy do we have a treat
for you! Our website is home to cute
critters from all walks of life, including
a rainbow peacock, a bathing elephant,
a pair of jellyfish friends and, of course,
a magical cat-icorn... it’s LGC, what did
you expect?! Plus, there are tonnes
more available on our website too –
head to topcrochetpatterns.com for
Search ‘jellyfish friends’ Search ‘highland cow & pig’
these patterns and more.

Search for the names above,

Scan the QR code using the Or visit topcrochetpatterns.com hit download and start
camera on your smartphone crocheting!

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 53

Diva in her crochet
Dougal in stripes
posh collar
Helen Mason
Debbie Driscoll

My grand-doggy Jack with

his crochet blanket
Felicity Robson

This is Rex in a first

birthday bandana
Lesley Lennon
Pet galLery
We asked you to share your cutest pics of your
pups in knitwear... and boy did you deliver!

Cosy knit for my dog Izzy

Sandra Garden

Rosie in her crochet bunny snood

Emily Kendall

Paddy in his Grinch Christmas

jumper, he was the talk of play group!
Michelle Parker
My Snowie in her
stripy jumper
Dee Lawry

54 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

This is our fur baby, Dottie
Jayne Summers
I made this for a friend for her
sister’s dog. I thought I was
making it for a Jack Russell!
Marion Lindsey

Teddy and Gladys

Melanie Wilson

Poppy loves her knitted

and crocheted toys
Joyce Tansley
Made for my niece,
modelled by my dog!
Debbie Jackson

Millie modelling her Xmas

jumper! Keeping herself
warm in the energy crisis
by putting her layers on!
Leanne Carr

Here is Sally in a hat

Bailey loves his jackets! I crocheted for her
Pearl Wilson Paige Wassell

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 55



Allie & Oliver

These cute kittens are full of purr-sonality
stuffing, four Get your claws into this paw-some make by ÁINE MARRIOTT!
8mm safety The perfect size for lots of kitty cuddles, these cool cats are
eyes, small rocking stripy fur and have plenty of charm. Their characterful
amount of
white felt,
faces are created with the help of a small amount of white felt
sewing needle, around the safety eyes, plus some thin sewing thread is used to
sewing thread add subtle whiskers and a winning smile.
in black and
white, tapestry

30cm tall

56 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet



Perfect for COLOURS!

Make two (one in
each colourway)
body body only
Using 4mm Join in Zingy
needles and Agate Yellow
Blue (Sparkle) cast Work in four-row
on six sts stripe sequence
Row 1 and every of Zingy
odd-numbered Yellow, Rich
row: p Papaya, Rosy Thank
Row 2: kfb to end. Red and Sparkle,
Melani you to
on Fac Tolson
12 sts as folls:
Row 4: (k1, kfb) to Rows 10-37: beg
end. 18 sts with a k (RS) row for the ebook
Row 6: (k2, kfb) to work in st st
sugges name
end. 24 sts Cont in Sparkle tions!
Row 8: (k3, kfb) to only for Head to end. 20 sts
end. 30 sts Row 65: p through. Secure
Row 9: p head Row 66: (k2tog) to safety eyes just
Rows 38-41: beg end. Ten sts k2tog. Five sts above and either
blue body with a k row work Cut yarn leaving a Row 4: p tail side of Snout. Stuff
only in st st tail, thread Row 5: k2tog, k1, Using 4mm Body and Head
Join in Rich Row 42: (k1, k2tog) through rem sts, k2tog. Three sts needles and Rich well, close seam.
Papaya to end. 20 sts pull tight and Cut yarn leaving a Papaya (Sparkle) Run a gathering st
Work in four-row Row 43: p fasten off tail, thread cast on eight sts around neck, pull
stripe sequence of Row 44: (kfb) to through rem sts, Rows 1-42: beg tight to shape and
Rich Papaya, end. 40 sts snout pull tight and with a k (RS) row fasten off. Sew
Agate Blue, as Rows 45-61: cont Using 4mm fasten off work in st st cast-on edges of
folls: in st st needles and Warm Cut yarn leaving a Ears to Head.
Rows 10-37: beg Row 62: (k2, Beige cast on limb tail, thread Using Rosy Red,
with a k (RS) row k2tog) to end. six sts Make four through rem sts, embroider a nose
work in st st 30 sts Row 1: kfb, k3, kfb, Using 4mm pull tight and on Snout. Using
Cont in Agate Blue Row 63: p k1. Eight sts needles and Agate fasten off black thread,
only for Head Row 64: (k1, k2tog) Rows 2-4: beg Blue (Rosy Red) embroider a
with a p (WS) row cast on ten sts to make up mouth under nose,
work in st st Rows 1-12: beg For each Kitten, and white thread
Row 5: k2tog, k4, with k (RS) row seam row edges for whiskers either
k2tog. Six sts work in st st of Body and Head side of Snout.
TOP TIP Cast off pwise Change to Rich at centre back, Seam row edges
WHEN WORKING STRIPES, Papaya (Zingy leaving a gap for of Limbs, stuff,
YOU CAN CARRY A YARN NOT ear Yellow) stuffing. Using then sew two to
IN USE UP THE WRONG SIDE Make two Rows 13-34: cont photo as a guide, base of Body, two
OF YOUR WORK – NOT TOO Using 4mm in st st sew Snout to front just above top
LOOSE AND NOT TOO TIGHT needles and Agate Row 35: (k2tog) to of face. Cut circles stripe on Body.
Blue (Sparkle) cast end. Five sts of white felt Seam row edges
on seven sts Cut yarn leaving a slightly larger than of Tail, stuff lightly,
TWO-COLOUR COMBOS. Rows 1-2: beg with tail, thread safety eyes and then st cast-on
YOU’LL HAVE FEWER ENDS a k (RS) row work through rem sts, snip a hole in edge to back of
TO WEAVE IN LATER! in st st pull tight and centre to push Body. Weave in
Row 3: k2tog, k3, fasten off safety eyes all ends

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 57


Baby lion

Bergère de
France Ideal,

shade (A)
Vannerie, 3 (3, 3,
4, 4) 50g balls,
(B) Chocolat, (C)
Moutarde, (D)
Truffe, one 50g
ball of each

3.5mm needles, He’s gonna be a mighty king!
two 14mm
buttons, Let’s hear a roar of appreciation for this brilliant creation from
tapestry needle BERGÈRE DE FRANCE! This fierce feline is proudly donning a
golden crown, making it the perfect nod to the coronation if
SIZE you’ve got a little one who would love to wear something special
To fit: 6 (12, 18, on the day. The motif is embroidered on at the end using Swiss
24, 48) months
darning, a technique that emulates knitted stitches. Take a look
TENSION at our stitch panel to see how it’s done.
24 sts x 31 rows
10cm x 10cm
Stocking stitch
3.5mm needles work meas 26 (29, side, working With WS facing shape rows **
31, 33, 37) cm, shaping as folls: rejoin yarn to rem armholes With WS facing
ending after a Cast off 4 (5, 5, 5, 12 (13, 13, 14, 14) sts Cast off as for rejoin yarn to rem
WS row 6) sts at shoulder for second side, Back, then cont on 21 (23, 23, 24, 25)
edge, work to end. rep from ** to ** rem 51 (55, 57, 59, sts for second
shape 12 (13, 13, 14, 14) sts 63) sts until work side, rep from **
shoulders ** Cast off two sts front meas 22 (25, 27, 28, to **
and neck at neck edge, Using 3.5mm 32)cm
Cast off 4 (5, 5, 5, work to end. 10 (11, needles and yarn sleeves
Take the 6) sts, k12 (13, 13, 14, 11, 12, 12) sts A, cast on 61 (67, 71, shape neck Using 3.5mm
next step 14), cast off central Cast off 5 (5, 5, 6, 73, 81) sts K21 (23, 23, 24, 25), needles and yarn
19 (19, 21, 21, 23) sts, 6) sts at shoulder Work eight rows in cast off 9 (9, 11, 11,
BABY LION k to end edge of next row 1x1 Rib 13) centre sts, k
JUMPER Cont in st st on and 5 (6, 6, 6, 6) sts Cont in st st until to end
back rem 16 (18, 18, 19, at shoulder edge work meas 15 (17, Cont in st st on GREAT
Using 3.5mm 20) sts for first of foll alt row ** 19, 20, 23) cm rem 21 (23, 23, 24, ADVICE
needles and yarn 25) sts for first
Here’s how to
A, cast on 61 (67, 71, side, working
make your no-cut
73, 81) sts shaping as folls:
Work eight rows in Work one row
Using a sewing
1x1 Rib ** Cast off three
needle, pick up
Beg with a k row sts at neck edge
the horizontal
work in st st until of next row, two
strand of the
work meas 15 (17, sts at neck edge
stitch where you
19, 20, 23) cm, of next alt row,
want to place the
ending after a and one st at neck
buttonhole, pull it
WS row edge of next two
up and attach it
alt rows AT THE
two rows higher
shape SAME TIME when
with a few little
armholes work meas 25 (28,
stitches on the
At the beg of 30, 32, 36) cm
wrong side of the
every row cast off work shoulder
work. Repeat with
2 (2, 2, 2, 3) sts 2 (4, shaping as folls:
the horizontal
4, 4, 2) times, then 1 cast off 4 (5, 5, 5, 6)
strand below the
(1, 1, 1, 1, 2) sts 6 (4, sts at shoulder
first strand and
6, 6, 2) times, then edge of next 1 (2, 2,
attach it in the
0 (0, 0, 0, 1) st 1, 3) alt rows, then
same way two
eight times 5 (6, 6, 6, 0) sts at
rows down
Cont on rem 51 (55, shoulder edge of
57, 59, 63) sts until next 2 (1, 1, 2, 0) alt

58 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet




T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 59


A, cast on 37 (39, SWISS DARNING

39, 41, 43) sts Also known as duplicate stitch, this is
Work eight rows a useful technique that replicates the
in 1x1 Rib, but on shape of knitted stitches. This makes
last row inc one it a handy alternative to colourwork
st. 38 (40, 40, 42, for smaller areas, bearing in mind
44) sts that it adds an extra layer of stitches
Cont in st st and on your base fabric.
inc one st at each
end of row, two
sts in from edge,
on every 6th (6th,
6th, 6th, 8th) row 5
(6, 7, 8, 2) times,
and then on every
0 (0, 0, 0, 6th) row
0 (0, 0, 0, 7) times.
48 (52, 54, 58, Step 1: Thread your yarn onto a
62) sts tapestry needle and bring the yarn out
Cont in st st until through the knitted fabric at the
work meas 14 (16, bottom of a stitch from back to front.
19, 20, 23) cm

top of sleeve
Cast off three sts two rows. 14 sts in 1x1 Rib Place rem sts on
at beg of next 2 (2, Cast off Place rem sts on holder
2, 4, 4) rows, two holder Using Swiss
sts at beg of next shoulder darning technique
2 (4, 4, 4, 4) rows, button band collar (see Stitch Panel)
one st at beg of Make two Using 3.5mm work Chart for
next 14 (14, 12, 10, Using 3.5mm needles and yarn your size to
14) rows, two sts needles and yarn A, cast on 75 (75, embroider lion Step 2: Following the diagonal line of
at beg of next 2 (2, A, cast on 15 (17, 17, 79, 83, 87) sts the V of the stitch, insert the tapestry
4, 4, 4) rows, three 19, 19) sts Work five rows in to make up needle underneath the bottom two
sts at beg of next Work three rows 1x1 Rib Join right shoulder strands of the stitch above.
seam. Graft one
Shoulder Button
CHART Band to edge of
each left shoulder.
Graft Collar to
edge of neck,
from one end of
Button Band to
other. Sew top of
Sleeves to edge of Step 3: Take the yarn back
armholes, down through the fabric at the
overlapping front original point to complete your
Button Band over Swiss-darned stitch, ensuring it lies
back Button Band. flat but is not too tight.
Sew Sleeve seams
and sides of
sweater. On left
Front shoulder,
make two no-cut
buttonholes (see
panel) 0.5cm in
from edge, the
first one on Collar,
1cm away from
edge, second one Step 4: Work across the knitting
3cm further along. in rows where possible, keeping
Sew buttons in the Swiss-darned V stitches neat
KEY place to match. and even, in keeping with the
Vannerie (A) Chocolat (B) Moutarde (C) Truffe (D) Weave in ends main knitted piece.

60 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

STITCH SCHOOL New to knitting or crochet? You’ll get the hang
of it in no time with our at-a-glance guides
with two
Tapestry needle A blunt needle with
colours, try
a large eye, perfect for threading
to keep the
with yarn. It’s used for weaving in
Accent colour held below yarns in
ends, sewing seams and embroidery
the same
– a must-have!
Stitch marker Used to identify an position.
important place in your knitting or Not only
crochet to help guide you – there are does this
ring markers and locking stitch BEGINNER BUY keep the
If you’re new to knitting, a thick, Accent colour held above
markers available back of
chunky yarn like King Cole Super
Stuffing We’re all about the toys, so your work looking nice and neat, but
Yummy is perfect for your first
you’ll need stuffing to turn them you will find that the colour you carry
project, as it’s quick to knit up and
from 2D to 3D underneath will stand out slightly
makes it easy to spot and correct
Safety eyes Bring your toys to life more than the other shade. This is
any slip-ups. This extra thick chenille
with a pair of eyes, but don’t let the known as the dominant colour. It’s
yarn is fantastic for baby
name fool you – they’re not suitable usually best to make your accent
accessories, and leaflet 5972 features
for very young children colour the dominant one so that your
four easy baby sleeping bags to try.
pattern stands out.
Stitch holder Used by knitters to The yarn has an RRP of £4.49 - £5.35
hold live stitches when not being per 100g (40m) ball, and the leaflet
Turn over for our classic
worked on the needles costs £2.99 from King Cole stockists
stitch illustrations
such as woolwarehouse.co.uk

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 61

cast on knit stitch (k)
This method, also called Also known as garter
the ‘two-needle method’, stitch, the knit stitch is the
is great for beginners foundation of knitting

1 Make a slip knot on the

LH needle and pull it taut.
1 Once cast on, insert
COME Insert the RH needle into
the knot from front to the tip of the RH needle
JOIN US! back, passing under the LH upwards and from front
to back into the top stitch
needle. Wrap the ball end
Let’s Knit Together is the place This month’s of yarn anti-clockwise on the LH needle. The RH
to be for brand-new and highlights : needle should sit behind
around the point of the
exclusive patterns, a buzzy the LH one. Wrap the ball
v King Charles and RH needle.
online community of friendly end of yarn anti-
Queen Camilla Chocolate
knitters and all the tips and clockwise around the tip
Orange covers
advice you could need. Look of the RH needle.
out for our brand new v Spring Wildlife Collection
Coronation content and our vClementine the
fun springtime projects! Highland Cow

Join Now: letsknit.co.uk/lkt-join

ST A R T H E R E 2 Pull the loop that forms

back through the original
slip knot stitch and insert the tip of
You need to make a slip knot on your needle before the LH needle into the new
casting on. It counts as your first cast-on stitch stitch from underneath to 2 Using the RH needle, pull
transfer from the RH to LH a loop of the wrapped
1 2 needle. There should now yarn through the original
be two stitches on the stitch to create a new one
LH needle. on the RH needle.

1 Hold the yarn under your left thumb, wrap it twice

around your left index and middle fingers, with the 3 Repeat the above steps,
second loop closer to the base of the fingers. With the knitting into the top stitch
backs of the fingers uppermost, insert the tip of the on the LH needle and
needle beneath the first loop and over the second, then returning the new stitches
pull the second loop under the first. from the RH to the LH needle 3 Slide the original stitch
2 Remove your two fingers and gently tug on both ends until you have the required off the LH needle.
of yarn to tighten the slip knot around the needle. number of stitches. Repeat from step 1.

62 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

purl stitch (p) cast off
Most frequently seen knit two Once you have completed the number of rows needed
paired with the knit stitch together (k2tog) for your project, you’ll need to cast off. This fastens the
to create different stitch Decrease two stitches work and keeps it from unravelling
patterns like stocking to one by knitting
stitch and ribbing them together

Insert the RH needle into the

front loops of the next two
1 With the ball-end of stitches on the LH needle. tighten. There is now one
the yarn at the front Then wrap the yarn anti- stitch on the RH needle.
1 Knit two stitches as
(towards you), insert the tip clockwise around the tip normal. Insert the tip of the 2 Knit one more stitch and
of the RH needle into the and knit both stitches at the LH needle into the second repeat the process in step
front loop of the first stitch same time. stitch on the RH needle (the one. Continue until there is
from right to left, with the stitch closest to you). one stitch remaining. Cut
RH needle in front of the LH
one. Wrap the ball end of
make one (m1) Carefully lift it up and over the yarn, leaving a long tail.
Form a new stitch and the top stitch, dropping it Slip the loop off the needle
the yarn anti-clockwise off the tip of the RH needle
increase your stitch and pull the tail through,
around the RH needle. and pulling the yarn to
count by one pulling it tight.

beginning mattress stitch

a seam Join knitted pieces
How to start sewing together with this
up your project invisible method
1 Insert the LH needle into
2 Draw this needle the horizontal bar of yarn
backwards and upwards, lying between the stitch just
forming a new stitch on knitted and the next stitch
the RH needle. to be knitted. Hook and lift
it with the needle tip in a
backwards direction (away
from you).

Place the pieces next to

With the two pieces next
3 Once the new stitch has each other RS up, push a
to each other, hook the
been formed on the RH threaded tapestry needle horizontal bar of the first
needle you can let the loop 2 Push the RH needle into the through the fabric after the stitch with a needle. Move
from the LH needle slide off back part of the loop that first stitch, moving from to the other piece and
the end. Repeat until all the now lies over the LH needle front to back. Push hook the first horizontal
stitches have been purled and knit this stitch. You will through after the first bar of the stitch on that
and you have completed now have an additional stitch on the second piece, side. Repeat, moving from
the row. stitch on the RH needle. moving from back to front. one piece to the next.

ABBREVIATIONS m1: make one stitch

by picking up
p2tog: purl two
knitwise, put
left-hand needle
in back
wyif: with yarn in
Here’s a handy dec: decrease horizontal loop rem: remaining through front loops front
list of the most dtr: double treble before next stitch rep: repeat of both slipped yb: yarn back
common FLO: front loops only and knitting into rev: reverse stitches and knit yfwd: yarn forward
abbreviations foll: following back of it RH: right-hand them together (between knit
alt: alternate htr: half treble meas: measures RS: right side st(s): stitch(es) stitches)
approx: inc: increase p: purl skpo: slip one, knit st st: stocking stitch yoh: yarn over hook
approximately k: knit pfb: purl into front one, pass slipped (knit one row, purl yon: yarn over
beg: beginning kfb: knit into front and back of next stitch over one row) needle (between a
BLO: back loops only and back of next stitch sl 1: slip one stitch tbl: through purl and a knit stitch)
ch: chain stitch pm: place stitch sl st: slip stitch back loop yrn: yarn round
ch sp: chain space kwise: knitwise marker sm: slip stitch marker tog: together needle (between
cn: cable needle k2tog: knit two psso: pass slipped sp(s): space(s) tr: treble purl stitches and
cont: continue together stitch over ssk: one by one, slip WS: wrong side between a knit and
dc: double crochet LH: left-hand pwise: purlwise next two stitches wyib: with yarn a purl stitch)

T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 63


slip knot & chain (ch) THE BASIC STITCHES
Many projects start with a series of chain stitches.
To begin you need to make a slip knot on your
hook (see page 62)
double half treble (htr)
crochet (dc) This stitch is longer than
1 2 Double crochet is the a double crochet and
involves one extra step
shortest and most
crochet stitch

1 Make a slip knot and put it on 2 Catch the yarn and use
the neck of the hook – don’t the hook to pull it down
pull it too tight or it will be through the slip knot. You
difficult to stitch with. Coming have now made one chain
from behind, wrap the yarn (ch). Continue to make 1 (You will need a turning
around the hook from right to more chains, as directed in 1 Insert hook through
chain of two stitches.)
left, across the ‘neck’. the pattern. both strands of the
Yarn over the hook and
next stitch.
insert though the stitch.

magic ring
The magic ring is an easy way of beginning to work in
the round. It is often used when making amigurumi toys
1 2

2 Yarn over the hook and

2 Yarn over the hook and
draw back through the
draw back though the
1 Make a large loop by 2 With your hook, draw the work. There will be two
work. There will be three
putting the yarn tail working yarn through the loops of yarn on the hook.
loops of yarn on the hook.
behind the working yarn. loop, so you have one loop
on the hook.
3 4

3 Make three chain stitches 4 Continue to work as many

(counts as first treble), work stitches as needed into the
a treble into the loop, loop. Once finished, untwist 3 Yarn over the hook 3 Yarn over the hook
crocheting over the tail. the tail if necessary and then again and draw through and draw through all
pull to close the loop. both loops. three loops.

64 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

treble (tr) WH O DO ES WH AT?
Treble crochet is slightly double crochet treble two EDITORIAL
taller than half treble two together together EDITOR & VERTICAL LEAD:
crochet but is made in a (dc2tog) (tr2tog) sarah.neal@dcthomson.co.uk
similar way Turn two crochet stitches This is similar to ‘dc2tog’ CONTENT CREATOR: Jodie Sheehan
into one with this but is worked with ART DIRECTOR: Sarah Barajas
simple method treble stitches DESIGNER: Louise Warner
Coral Mula
Samantha Dean (01206) 505114,
1 (You will need a turning 1 Yarn over the hook. Insert & CUSTOMER SERVICE
chain of three stitches). the hook through the stitch. 0800 904 7000,
1 Insert hook through hello@dcthomson.co.uk
Yarn over the hook. Insert Yarn over the hook and
next stitch, yarn over
the hook through the stitch. draw back through the
hook, draw back SAFETY NOTICE: Ensure all elements
through work. Two work. There will be three included in the soft toy making process
are sewn on securely, including eyes,
loops on hook. Insert loops of yarn on the hook. buttons and embellishments. If in doubt,
hook into next stitch, Yarn over the hook and please omit them. Toys with small parts
yarn over hook, draw draw through the first two are not suitable for children under 36
months. If making a toy for a very
back through. Three loops. This will leave two young child, omit fastenings and
loops on hook. loops on the hook. Yarn embroider the details instead. Never
over the hook and insert leave your child unattended with toys.
The publishers are not responsible for
through the next stitch, any safety issues arising from any items
yarn over the hook and made using the patterns and
instructions contained within LGC
draw through the work. Knitting & Crochet. Your covermounted
2 Yarn over the hook and There will be four loops of gift is not a toy. Warning – choking
draw back through the yarn on the hook. Yarn over hazard. Not suitable for children under
36 months due to small parts.
work, there will be three hook and draw through
loops of yarn on the hook. two loops. This will leave
three loops on the hook.
Published by DC Thomson & Co Ltd.
© DC Thomson & Co Ltd 2022. 21/23
Phoenix Court, Hawkins Road,
2 Yarn over hook, draw Colchester, Essex, CO2 8JY. Printed in the
through all three loops. UK by William Gibbons. All rights
reserved. Items made from patterns
One loop on hook. published by LGC Knitting & Crochet are
for personal use only and cannot be
sold. Multiple copies of any part of this

VIDEO 2 Yarn over hook and draw

through all three loops on
publication may not be made, and no
part of this publication whether in its
original form or a reproduction thereof

3 Yarn over the hook and

draw through the first two
OF THE the hook. This will leave
one loop on the hook.
may be sold. All projects featured within
LGC Knitting & Crochet are reproduced in
good faith that they do not infringe any

loops. This will leave two

loops on the hook.
MONTH copyright. All published prices and
product details are correct at time of
going to press but are subject to change.

We are committed to journalism of the highest

standards and abide by the Editors’ Code of
Practice which is enforced by the Independent
Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). If you
have a complaint, you can email us at
readerseditor@dcthomson.co.uk or write to
the Readers’ Editor at Let’s Get Crafting, DC
Thomson & Co Ltd, 21/23 Phoenix Court,
Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8JY.

Distributed by Frontline Ltd, Stuart House,

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PE1 5DD. Tel: +44 (0)1733555161.
www.frontlinedistribution.co.uk. Export
Distribution (excluding AU & NZ) – Seymour
4 Yarn over the hook and Distribution Ltd, 2 East Poultry Avenue, London
draw through all the loops. EC1A 9PT. Tel: +44 (0) 20 7429 4000.
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This will leave one loop on DC Thomson & Co Ltd, c/o Findmypast Ireland,
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T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet 65

“The sleeping cats are my favourite. They
were a last-minute addition to the book,
but I really enjoyed making them”

Calico, Bengal and Siamese cats


Mooncie From Crocheted Birds by
Vanessa Mooncie (GMC, £14.99)
Ever wanted to create a beloved pet they keep their shape, but are soft
in miniature? Read on... and cuddly.”
As well as creating magnificent

nly pet owners can truly Bengal, Maine Coon and Siamese, “are life-like animals with yarn, Vanessa also
understand the special place worked mainly in rounds and rows of produces vibrant prints, often depicting
that our furry friends have in double crochet, but other stitches are circus scenes and street artisans of the
our homes and our hearts. used to create distinguishing features,” first half of the twentieth century. “The
Vanessa Mooncie is one such animal- Vanessa tells us. “The fluffy coat of the imagery of the traditional circus is very
lover, having had many over the years, Ragdoll cat is crocheted in loop stitch, inspirational to me,” she says. “There are
including rabbits, guinea pigs and cats. and the shaping at the front of the so many interesting aspects of a circus
“We currently have ducks and chickens, Exotic Shorthair cat’s face is formed by scene. The colours, the amazing
two cats and a tortoise,” she tells us, working half treble and treble stitches.” costumes and the daredevil acts have
noting that cats in particular have Vanessa has created many other all sparked an idea for a print.”
always been a big part of her family. crochet animals in her career, including Vanessa’s work is also influenced by the
“A few years ago, our youngest daughter dogs, birds and insects, and stylistically, children’s fiction of the 70s. “I am
went to our neighbour’s house to see they all stick close to their subjects, inspired by the colours and the style of
some kittens and brought one home! Her prioritising realism over exaggerated artwork that appeared in a lot of books
name is Mavis and she had her kittens cuteness. This makes them perfect for I used to read as a child,” she tells us.
behind an open drawer in our daughter’s capturing your own pet’s likeness! To Not only have fashion illustrators and
bedroom,” she smiles. “Mavis’ daughter, make them so life-like, Vanessa says, photographers like René Gruau and Lee
Birdie, lives with us, and her son, Brian, “I study photographs of the animals Miller influenced Vanessa’s screen
lives with our eldest daughter a few I am making and look at the contours, prints, but elements also find their way
doors down the road. He’s like a big especially of the face. I search for yarn into Vanessa’s textile work. “My style of
teddy bear and flops in front of our that has a texture and colour which crochet is influenced by illustrations in
feet for a tummy rub,” she says fondly. looks as close to the skin or fur as I can vintage children’s books, especially in
Incidentally, Brian was the inspiration find.” In order to achieve the same level the animals I make,” she says, “such as
behind the black and white cat pattern of realism she does, Vanessa the shape of an animal in a children’s
in Vanessa’s new book, Crocheted Cats, recommends that crafters take time book or the pattern and details of the
a collection of ten patterns to make with the finishing touches in particular. fabric in a fashion photograph.” The
pedigree and domestic cats, some in “The position of the eyes can intriguing combination of these
standing positions, some sitting, and dramatically change the expression,” different influences is clearly working
some (our personal favourites) curled she explains. “Try not to overstuff the – we can’t get enough of Vanessa’s
up asleep. The projects, which include a pieces. Just add enough stuffing so fab designs!


66 T O P C R O C H E T P A T T E R N S . C O M | LGC Knitting & Crochet

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