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Ga 224 08

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1.1 This specification describes the minimum 3.1 Predecorated Gypsum Board – gypsum board
requirements for the installation of predecorated with a decorative surface covering or coating
gypsum board. Other materials shall be permitted applied in-plant rather than on site.
to be used provided that their physical 3.2 Decorative sheet or film – a plastic film or
characteristics and durability under conditions of paper sheet, either backed or unbacked; or a
usage are at least equal in performance to those combination thereof that has been printed with or
described. otherwise bears a decorative pattern.
1.2 Where fire resistance or sound control is 3.3 Decorative coating – a paint or other liquid
required for predecorated gypsum board systems, material, with or without aggregate, that has been
the applicable building code regulations shall be applied to the paper surface of the gypsum board
followed. System details for fire and sound rated by spraying, rolling, or other mechanical methods.
systems are described in the Gypsum 3.4 Face – the side of the predecorated gypsum
Association’s Fire Resistance Design Manual board that is called the finish side.
(GA-600). 3.5 Color pin nails – specially prepared brads or
nails that color match predecorated finish.
C 557 Specification for Adhesives for Fastening HANDLING AND STORAGE
Gypsum Wallboard to Wood Framing 4.1 All materials shall be delivered in original
C 645 Specification for Nonstructural Steel packages or bundles bearing the brand name, if
Framing Members any; applicable standard designation; and the
C 754 Specification for Installation of Steel name of the manufacturer or the supplier for
Framing Members to Receive Screw-Attached whom the product is manufactured.
Gypsum Panel Products 4.1.1 The plastic packaging used to wrap
C 1002 Specification for Steel Self-Piercing predecorated gypsum board for rail and/or truck
Tapping Screws for the Application of Gypsum shipment is intended to provide temporary
Panel Products or Metal Plaster Bases to protection from moisture exposure during transit
Wood Studs or Steel Studs only and is not intended to provide protection
C 1396 Specification for Gypsum Board during storage after delivery. Such plastic
E 84 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of packaging shall be removed immediately upon
Building Materials receipt of the shipment.
2.2 OTHER STANDARDS NOTE 1: Failure to remove protective plastic
DOC Voluntary Product Standard PS 20, shipping covers can result in condensation which
American Softwood Lumber Standard can lead to damage, including mold.
4.2 All materials shall be kept dry. Predecorated
gypsum board shall be neatly stacked flat with

GA-224-08 Copyright © Gypsum Association 2008. All rights reserved.

Printed in U.S.A.
care being taken to prevent sagging or damage to to lot. When predecorated gypsum board from
edges, ends, and surfaces. two or more lots is to be mixed in the same room,
4.2.1 Predecorated gypsum board and accessories the joint between two different lots shall be
shall be properly supported on risers on a level located at a corner.
platform, and fully protected from weather, direct NOTE 2: All board used in a room should be from
sunlight exposure, and condensation. the same lot whenever possible.
4.3 Predecorated gypsum board shall be stacked 7.2 Substrate, Surface Preparation
flat rather than on edge or end. Predecorated 7.2.1 Framing members shall be spaced not to
gypsum board stacked on edge or end can be exceed 24 in. (610 mm) on center in such a
unstable and present a serious hazard in the work manner to allow a balanced layout of predecorated
place should they accidentally topple. gypsum board joints. Where predecorated
4.4 Refer to Handling and Storage of Gypsum gypsum boards are less than ½ in. (12.7 mm)
Panel Products, GA-801, for proper storage and thick, or are for ceiling application, framing shall
handling requirements. not exceed 16 in. (406 mm) on center.
NOTE 3: Contact predecorated gypsum board
5. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS manufacturer for alternate (systems) application
5.1 The room temperature shall be maintained at methods.
not less than 50°F (10°C) for adhesive application 7.2.2 Solid substrates shall be free from all
of predecorated gypsum board unless otherwise protrusions and any chemicals that prevent proper
specified by the manufacturer. adhesive bond.
7.2.3 All metal framing members shall be free
6. MATERIALS from oils that prevent proper adhesive bond.
6.1 Predecorated Gypsum Board – ASTM 7.3 Cutting
Specification C 1396, Type X and regular. 7.3.1 Edges and ends to be covered with trim
6.2 Nails – Shall be as specified by the (molding or battens) shall be cut with a saw or
predecorated gypsum board manufacturer. with a sharp knife through the face and into the
6.3 Staples – Shall be as specified by the core, snapping the board away from the cut and
predecorated gypsum board manufacturer. then snapping the board in the reverse direction.
6.4 Screws – ASTM Specification C1002, type W 7.3.2 When cut edge joints of sheet or film
or type S. covered board are to be left exposed, the face
6.5 Adhesives – Shall be either as specified by the material shall be cut not less than 1 in. (25 mm)
predecorated gypsum board manufacturer, wider than the gypsum core to form a flap not less
adhesive manufacturer, or ASTM Specification C than 1 in. (25 mm) wide. The core shall be scored
557 for application of gypsum board to wood and snapped from the back side to the
framing. predecorated gypsum board and removed from the
6.6 Framing Members flap -– not the sheet or film from the core.
6.6.1 Wood Framing Members – DOC Voluntary The core shall be trimmed straight and
Product Standard PS 20, American Softwood beveled on the face side edge under the flap, as
Lumber Standard, published by the U.S. necessary to match factory edges.
Department of Commerce. The paper left adhered to the flap shall be
6.6.2 Steel Studs, Runners, Framing or Furring removed and the flap shall be pulled around the
Members – ASTM Specification C 645. edges and fastened to the back of the board with
6.7 Corner, Edge and Other Trims – Shall be either adhesive or staples and adhesive.
made from protective coated steel, wood, 7.4 Nailing
aluminum, or plastic designed for its intended use. NOTE 4: For fire-rated or sound-rated assemblies,
application shall conform to construction tested.
7. APPLICATION 7.4.1 Nails used at edges or ends of the boards
7.1 General – Patterns or colors on same kind of shall be located not more than 1 in. (25 mm) and
predecorated gypsum board vary slightly from lot not less than ⅜ in. (10 mm) from those edges and

GA-224-08 Copyright © Gypsum Association 2008. All rights reserved.

Printed in U.S.A.
ends. While driving nails, the board shall be held 7.6 Lamination to Solid Backing
in firm contact with the underlying support. 7.6.1 Over a gypsum board or smooth plaster
Application of nails shall proceed from the center, surface, ⅜ in. (10 mm) diameter beads of adhesive
or field, of the board to the ends and edges. Heads shall be applied not less than 16 in. (400 mm) on
shall not be dimpled or set below surface of center to the predecorated gypsum board or
predecorated gypsum board. substrate with continuous beads approximately 1 Color pin nails shall be driven 8 in. (200 in. (25 mm) from edges.
mm) on center at edges and intermediate studs and 7.6.2 Over interior masonry or concrete, adhesive
shall penetrate framing not less than ⅞ in. (22 shall be applied either as specified in 7.6.1, with
mm). Color pin nails shall be driven using a beads spaced 12 in. (300 mm) on center
plastic or padded hammer to prevent chipping the throughout, or in daubs not less than 2 in. (50 mm)
paint from the nail head. in diameter, ½ in. (13 mm) thick, spaced 12 in.
7.5 Adhesive/Mechanical Attachment (300 mm) to 16 in. (400 mm) each way with a row
7.5.1 Predecorated gypsum board shall be located 1 in. (25 mm) from each edge of all
permitted to be pre-bowed lengthwise (concave vertical joint locations.
face) to aid in assuring continued contact with the 7.6.3 Predecorated gypsum board shall be
framing/backing while adhesive bond strength positioned not less than ¼ in. (6 mm) from the
develops. floor and shall provide a tight fit at abutting edges.
7.5.2 A bead of adhesive ⅜ in. (10 mm) in Predecorated gypsum board shall not be slid into
diameter shall be applied to the face of all wood place. Either pre-bowed board shall be used, or
framing members, except plates, that support the mechanical fasteners or temporary bracing shall be
gypsum board. With the application of the used as required to support the predecorated
gypsum board, the adhesive shall spread to an gypsum board until the adhesive sets.
average width of ¾ in. (19 mm) approximately
1/16 in. (1.5 mm) thick. ANNEXES
7.5.3 Where a joint occurs, two parallel beads of
adhesive ⅜ in. (10 mm) in diameter shall be A.1 GENERAL INFORMATION
applied, one near each edge of the framing A.1.1 When applying trim over joints, use only
members. enough pressure to assure firm contact and a neat
7.5.4 Fastener Spacing: appearance. For walls, if adhesive properties are such A.1.2 Scraps of the predecorated gypsum board
as to assure bridging between predecorated shall be saved for future use for patching damaged
gypsum board and framing, permanent fasteners areas.
16 in. (400 mm) on center maximum are required A.1.3 Most predecorated gypsum boards provide
only at the top and bottom. If adhesive properties a surface suitable to receive paint if desired.
are such that there is no positive bridging between Contact the predecorated gypsum board
board and framing, temporary bracing shall be manufacturer for specifications for suitable paints
required to ensure contact between board, and proper procedures.
adhesive, and stud face until adhesive bond
strength develops. Nails shall provide not less A.2 TECHNICAL INFORMATION
than ⅞ in. (22 mm) penetration into wood A.2.1 Limitations – Predecorated gypsum boards
framing. Screws shall provide not less than ⅝ in. are not intended for use in sustained high humidity
(16 mm) penetration into wood framing and ⅜ in. conditions or extreme temperatures, over vapor
(10 mm) penetration into steel framing. retarders, or over wet or damp exterior walls.
7.5.5 Staples shall be driven with crowns parallel A.2.2 Only adhesives formulated to be compatible
to the framing member and only where they will with predecorated gypsum board shall be
not be left exposed. Staples shall be spaced not to permitted. Some solvent base adhesives cause
exceed 8 in. (200 mm) on center and penetrate the delamination and blistering of the finished surface.
framing not less than ⅝ in. (16 mm). Consult adhesive manufacturer for specifications.

GA-224-08 Copyright © Gypsum Association 2008. All rights reserved.

Printed in U.S.A.
A.2.3 Application by adhesive only shall not be regarding the cleaning of specific finishes. If the
permitted for direct attachment to exterior suitability of any cleaning agent is unknown,
masonry or concrete walls. check its effect in a hidden area.


A.3.1 In general, most normal stains are A.4.1 Manufacturer shall be consulted for
removable by light scrubbing with mild soap or specifications for repairing damage surfaces of
detergent and wiping dry with a clean cloth. specific finishes.
Gypsum board manufacturer shall be consulted



CGC INC. a division of PABCO building products, LLC

6525 Belcrest Road, Ste 480
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Fax: 301-277-8747

GA-224-08 Copyright © Gypsum Association 2008. All rights reserved.

Printed in U.S.A.

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