Kou - 2002 - MS - A Jump-Diffusion Model For Option Pricing
Kou - 2002 - MS - A Jump-Diffusion Model For Option Pricing
Kou - 2002 - MS - A Jump-Diffusion Model For Option Pricing
Management Science
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A Jump-Diffusion Model
for Option Pricing
S. G. Kou
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, 312 Mudd Building,
Columbia University, New York, New York 10027
B rownian motion and normal distribution have been widely used in the Black–Scholes
option-pricing framework to model the return of assets. However, two puzzles emerge
from many empirical investigations: the leptokurtic feature that the return distribution of
assets may have a higher peak and two (asymmetric) heavier tails than those of the normal
distribution, and an empirical phenomenon called “volatility smile” in option markets. To
incorporate both of them and to strike a balance between reality and tractability, this paper
proposes, for the purpose of option pricing, a double exponential jump-diffusion model.
In particular, the model is simple enough to produce analytical solutions for a variety of
option-pricing problems, including call and put options, interest rate derivatives, and path-
dependent options. Equilibrium analysis and a psychological interpretation of the model are
also presented.
(Contingent Claims; High Peak; Heavy Tails; Interest Rate Models; Rational Expectations; Overre-
action and Underreaction)
for example, Cox and Ross (1976), and Davydov The “volatility smiles” phenomenon is illustrated in
and Linetsky (2001); (c) normal jump models pro- §5.3. The final section discusses some limitations of
posed by Merton (1976); (d) affine stochastic-volatility the model.
and affine jump-diffusion models; see, for example,
Heston (1993), and Duffie et al. (2000); (e) models
based on Lévy processes; see, for example, Geman 2. The Model
et al. (2001) and references therein; (f) a numerical 2.1. The Model Formulation
procedure called “implied binomial trees”; see, for The following dynamic is proposed to model the asset
example, Derman and Kani (1994) and Dupire (1994). price, St, under the physical probability measure P:
Aside from the problem that it might not be easy
to find analytical solutions for option pricing, espe- dSt N t
cially for path-dependent options (such as perpet- = dt + dW t + d Vi − 1 (1)
St− i=1
ual American options, barrier, and lookback options),
some of these models may not produce the asymmet- where W t is a standard Brownian motion, N t is
ric leptokurtic feature (see §2.3). a Poisson process with rate
, and Vi is a sequence
The current paper proposes a new model with of independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) nonneg-
the following properties: (a) It offers an explana- ative random variables such that Y = logV has an
tion for two empirical phenomena—the asymmetric asymmetric double exponential distribution2 3 with
leptokurtic feature, and the volatility smile (see §§3 the density
and 5.3). (b) It leads to analytical solutions to many
option-pricing problems, including European call and fY y = p · 1 e−1 y 1y≥0 + q · 2 e2 y 1y<0
put options (see §5); interest rate derivatives, such 1 > 1 2 > 0
as swaptions, caps, floors, and bond options (see
§5.3 and Glasserman and Kou 1999); path-dependent where p q ≥ 0, p + q = 1, represent the probabilities of
options, such as perpetual American options, bar- upward and downward jumps. In other words,
rier, and lookback options (see §2.3 and Kou and +
Wang 2000, 2001). (c) It can be embedded into a ratio- d , with probability p
logV = Y = (2)
nal expectations equilibrium framework (see §4). (d) It − − , with probability q
has a psychological interpretation (see §2.2).
where + and − are exponential random variables
The model is very simple. The logarithm of the
with means 1/1 and 1/2 , respectively, and the nota-
asset price is assumed to follow a Brownian motion d
tion = means equal in distribution. In the model,
plus a compound Poisson process with jump sizes
all sources of randomness, N t, W t, and Y s, are
double exponentially distributed. Because of its sim-
assumed to be independent, although this can be
plicity, the parameters in the model can be easily
relaxed, as will be suggested in §2.2. For notational
interpreted, and the analytical solutions for option
simplicity and in order to get analytical solutions
pricing can be obtained. The explicit calculation is
for various option-pricing problems, the drift and
made possible partly because of the memoryless
the volatility are assumed to be constants, and
property of the double exponential distribution.
the Brownian motion and jumps are assumed to be
The paper is organized as follows. In §2, the model
is proposed, is evaluated by four criteria, and is com-
pared with other alternative models. Section 3 studies If 1 = 2 and p = 1/2, then the double exponential distribution is
also called “the first law of Laplace” (proposed by Laplace in 1774),
the leptokurtic feature. A rational expectations equi-
while the “second law of Laplace” is the normal density.
librium justification of the model is given in §4. Some 3
Ramezani and Zeng (1999) independently propose the same jump-
preliminary results, including the Hh functions, are diffusion model from an econometric viewpoint as a way of
given in §5.1. Formulae for option-pricing problems, improving the empirical fit of Merton’s normal jump-diffusion
including options on futures, are provided in §5.2. model to stock price data.
one dimensional. These assumptions, however, can be have arbitrage opportunities, and thus are not self-
easily dropped to develop a general theory. consistent (to give an example, it is shown by Rogers
Solving the stochastic differential equation (1) gives 1997 that models using fractal Brownian motion may
the dynamics of the asset price: lead to arbitrage opportunities). The double exponen-
N t tial jump-diffusion model can be embedded in a ratio-
1 2 nal expectations equilibrium setting; see §4.
St = S0 exp − t + W t Vi (3)
2 i=1
2. A model should be able to capture some impor-
tant empirical phenomena. The double exponential
Note that EY = 1
− q , VarY = pq 1 + 1 2 + p2 + jump-diffusion model is able to reproduce the lep-
2 1 2 1
, and tokurtic feature of the return distribution (see §3)
and the “volatility smile” observed in option prices
EV = EeY (see §5.3). In addition, the empirical tests performed
2 1 in Ramezani and Zeng (1999) suggest that the double
=q +p 1 > 1 2 > 0 (4)
2 + 1 1 − 1 exponential jump-diffusion model fits stock data bet-
ter than the normal jump-diffusion model. Andersen
The requirement 1 > 1 is needed to ensure that
et al. (1999) demonstrate empirically that, for the S&P
EV < and ESt < ; it essentially means that
500 data from 1980–1996, the normal jump-diffusion
the average upward jump cannot exceed 100%, which model has a much higher p-value (0.0152) than those
is quite reasonable. of the stochastic volatility model (0.0008) and the
There are two interesting properties of the dou- Black–Scholes model <10−5 . Therefore, the combina-
ble exponential distribution that are crucial for the tion of results in the two papers gives some empiri-
model. First, it has the leptokurtic feature; see Johnson cal support of the double exponential jump-diffusion
et al. (1995). As will be shown in §3, the leptokur- model.4
tic feature of the jump size distribution is inherited 3. A model must be simple enough to be amenable
by the return distribution. Secondly, a unique fea- to computation. Like the Black–Scholes model, the
ture (also inherited from the exponential distribution) double exponential jump-diffusion model not only
of the double exponential distribution is the memo- yields closed-form solutions for standard call and
ryless property. This special property explains why put options (see §5), but also leads to a variety
the closed-form solutions for various option-pricing of closed-form solutions for path-dependent options,
problems, including barrier, lookback, and perpet- such as barrier options, lookback options, and perpet-
ual American options, are feasible under the dou- ual American options (see §2.3 and Kou and Wang
ble exponential jump-diffusion model while it seems 2000, 2001), as well as interest rate derivatives (see
impossible for many other models, including the nor- §5.3 and Glasserman and Kou 1999).
mal jump-diffusion model (Merton 1976); see §2.3 for 4. A model must have some (economical, physical,
details. psychological, etc.) interpretation. One motivation for
the double exponential jump-diffusion model comes
2.2. Evaluating the Model from behavioral finance. It has been suggested from
Because essentially all models are “wrong” and rough extensive empirical studies that markets tend to have
approximations of reality, instead of arguing the
“correctness” of the proposed model I shall evalu- 4
However, we should emphasize that empirical tests should not be
ate and justify the double exponential jump-diffusion used as the only criterion to judge a model good or bad. Empirical
model by four criteria. tests tend to favor models with more parameters. However, models
with many parameters tend to make calibration more difficult (the
1. A model must be internally self-consistent. In
calibration may involve high-dimensional numerical optimization
the finance context, it means that a model must be with many local optima), and tend to have less tractability. This is
arbitrage-free and can be embedded in an equilibrium a part of the reason why practitioners still like the simplicity of the
setting. Note that some of the alternative models may Black–Scholes model.
both overreaction and underreaction to various good or This makes it harder to persuade practitioners to
bad news (see, for example, Fama 1998 and Barberis switch from the Black–Scholes model to more realis-
et al. 1998, and references therein). One may interpret tic alternative models. The double exponential jump-
the jump part of the model as the market response diffusion model attempts to improve the empirical
to outside news. More precisely, in the absence of implications of the Black–Scholes model while still
outside news the asset price simply follows a geo- retaining its analytical tractability. Below is a more
metric Brownian motion. Good or bad news arrives detailed comparison between the proposed model
according to a Poisson process, and the asset price and some popular alternative models.
changes in response according to the jump size dis- (1) The CEV Model. Like the double exponential
tribution. Because the double exponential distribu- jump-diffusion model, analytical solutions for path-
tion5 has both a high peak and heavy tails, it can be dependent options (see Davydov and Linetsky 2001)
used to model both the overreaction (attributed to the and interest rate derivatives (e.g., Cox et al. 1985 and
heavy tails) and underreaction (attributed to the high Andersen and Andersen 2000) are available under the
peak) to outside news. Therefore, the double expo-
CEV model. However, the CEV model does not have
nential jump-diffusion model can be interpreted as an
the leptokurtic feature. More precisely, the return dis-
attempt to build a simple model, within the tradi-
tribution in the CEV model has a thinner right tail
tional random walk and efficient market framework,
than that of the normal distribution. This undesirable
to incorporate investors’ sentiment.
feature also has a consequence in terms of the implied
Incidently, as a by-product, the model also suggests
volatility in option pricing. Under the CEV model the
that the fact of markets having both overreaction and
implied volatility can only be a monotone function of
underreaction to outside news can lead to the lep-
tokurtic feature of asset return distribution. the strike price. Therefore, if the implied volatility is
a convex function (but not necessarily a decreasing
2.3. Comparison with Other Models function), as frequently observed in option markets,
There are many alternative models that can satisfy at the CEV model is unable to reproduce the implied
least some of the four criteria listed above. A main volatility curve.
attraction of the double exponential jump-diffusion (2) The Normal Jump-Diffusion Model. Merton
model is its simplicity, particularly its analytical tractabil- (1976) was the first to consider a jump-diffusion
ity for path-dependent options and interest rate derivatives. model similar to (1) and (3). In Merton’s paper
Unlike the original Black–Scholes model, many alter- Y s are normally distributed. Both the double expo-
native models can only compute prices for stan- nential and normal jump-diffusion models can lead
dard call and put options, and analytical solutions to the leptokurtic feature (although the kurtosis
for other equity derivatives (such as path-dependent from the double exponential jump-diffusion model
options) and some most liquid interest rate deriva- is significantly more pronounced), implied volatil-
tives (such as swaption, caps, and floors) are unlikely. ity smile, and analytical solutions for call and put
Even numerical methods for interest rate derivatives options, and interest rate derivatives (such as caps,
and path-dependent options are not easy, as the con- floors, and swaptions; see Glasserman and Kou 1999).
vergence rates of binomial trees and Monte Carlo The main difference between the double exponen-
simulation for path-dependent options are typically tial jump-diffusion model and the normal jump-
much slower than those for call and put options (for diffusion model is the analytical tractability for the
a survey, see Boyle et al. 1997). path-dependent options.
Here I provide some intuition to understand why
Interestingly enough, the double exponential distribution has been
the double exponential jump-diffusion model can lead
widely used in mathematical psychology literature, particularly in
vision cognitive studies; see, for example, the list of papers on the
to closed-form solutions for path-dependent options,
web page of David Mumford at the computer vision group, Brown while the normal jump-diffusion model cannot. To
University. price perpetual American options, barrier options,
and lookback options for general jump-diffusion pro- if the risk-neutral return also has a power-type right
cesses, it is crucial to study the first passage time of tail, then the call option price is also infinite:
a jump-diffusion process to a flat boundary. When a
E∗ At − K+ ≥ E∗ At − K =
jump-diffusion process crosses a boundary sometimes
it hits the boundary exactly and sometimes it incurs Therefore, the only relevant models with
an “overshoot” over the boundary. t-distributed returns are models with discretely com-
The overshoot presents several problems for option pounded returns. However, in models with discrete
pricing. First, one needs to get the exact distribution compounding, closed-form solutions are in general
of the overshoot. It is well known from stochastic impossible.6
renewal theory that this is only possible if the jump (4) Stochastic Volatility Models. The double expo-
size Y has an exponential-type distribution, thanks to nential jump-diffusion model and the stochastic
the special memoryless property of the exponential volatility model complement each other: The stochas-
distribution. Secondly, one needs to know the depen- tic volatility model can incorporate dependent struc-
dent structure between the overshoot and the first ture better, while the double exponential jump-
passage time. The two random variables are condi- diffusion model has better analytical tractability,
tionally independent, given that the overshoot is big- especially for path-dependent options and complex
ger than 0, if the jump size Y has an exponential-type interest rate derivatives. One empirical phenomenon
distribution, thanks to the memoryless property. This worth-mentioning is that the daily return distribu-
conditionally independent structure seems to be very tion tends to have more kurtosis than the distribution
special to the exponential-type distribution and does of monthly returns. As Das and Foresi (1996) point
not hold for other distributions, such as the normal out, this is consistent with models with jumps, but
distribution. inconsistent with stochastic volatility models. More
Consequently, analytical solutions for the perpet- precisely, in stochastic volatility models (or essentially
ual American, lookback, and barrier options can be any models in a pure diffusion setting) the kurtosis
derived for the double exponential jump-diffusion decreases as the sampling frequency increases, while
model. However, it seems impossible to get similar in jump models the instantaneous jumps are indepen-
results for other jump-diffusion processes, including dent of the sampling frequency.
the normal jump-diffusion model. (5) Affine Jump-Diffusion Models. Duffie et al.
(3) Models Based on t-Distribution. The (2000) propose a very general class of affine jump-
t-distribution is widely used in empirical studies diffusion models which can incorporate jumps,
of asset pricing. One problem with t-distribution stochastic volatility, and jumps in volatility. Both nor-
mal and double exponential jump-diffusion mod-
(or other distributions with power-type tails) as a
els can be viewed as special cases of their model.
return distribution is that it cannot be used in models
However, because of the special features of the
with continuous compounding. More precisely, sup-
exponential distribution, the double exponential
pose that at time 0 the daily return distribution X has
jump-diffusion model leads to analytical solutions
a power-type right tail. Then in models with continu-
for path-dependent options, which are difficult for
ous compounding, the asset price tomorrow At is
other affine jump-diffusion models (even numeri-
given by At = A0eX . Since X has a power-type
cal methods are not easy). Furthermore, the dou-
right tail, it is clear that EeX = . Consequently,
ble exponential model is simpler than general affine
EAt = EA0eX = A0EeX =
Another interesting point worth mentioning is that, for a sam-
ple size of 5,000 (20-years-daily data), it may be very difficult to
In other words, the asset price tomorrow has an infi-
distinguish empirically the double exponential distribution from
nite expectation. This paradox holds for t-distribution the power-type distributions, such as t-distribution (although it is
with any degrees of freedom, as long as one considers quite easy to detect the differences between them and the normal
models with continuous compounding. Furthermore, density).
jump-diffusion models: It has fewer parameters that in Figure 1 along with the normal density with the
makes calibration easier. The double exponential same mean and variance. The parameters are t =
jump-diffusion model attempts to strike a balance 1 day = 1/250 year, = 20% per year, = 15% per
between reality and tractability. year,
= 10 per year, p = 030, 1/1 = 2%, and 1/2 =
(6) Models Based on Lévy Processes (the pro- 4%. In this case, EY = −22%, and SDY = 447%. In
cesses with independent and stationary increments). other words, there are about 10 jumps per year with
Although the double exponential jump-diffusion the average jump size −22%, and the jump volatil-
model is a special case of Lévy processes, because of ity 447%. The jump parameters used here seem to
the special features of the exponential distribution it be quite reasonable, if not conservative, for the U.S.
has analytical tractability for path-dependent options stocks.
and interest rate derivatives, which are difficult for The leptokurtic feature is quite evident. The peak
other Lévy processes. of the density g is about 31, whereas that of the nor-
mal density is about 25. The density g has heav-
3. Leptokurtic Feature ier tails than the normal density, especially for the
Using (3), the return over a time interval t is given left tail, which could reach well below −10% while
by: the normal density is basically confined within −6%.
Additional numerical plots suggest that the feature of
St St + t having a higher peak and heavier tails becomes more
= −1
St St pronounced if either 1/i (the jump size expectations)
1 2 or
(the jump rate) increases.
= exp − t + W t + t − W t
N t+t
4. Equilibrium for General
+ Yi − 1
i=N t+1
Jump-Diffusion Models
Consider a typical rational expectations economy
where the summation over an empty set is taken to
(Lucas 1978) in which a representative investor
be zero. If the time interval t is small, as in the case
tries to solve a utility maximization problem
of daily observations, the return can be approximated
maxc E' 0 U ct t dt), where U ct t is the util-
in distribution, ignoring the terms with orders higher
ity function of the consumption process ct. There is
than t and using the expansion ex ≈ 1 + x + x2 /2, by
an exogenous endowment process, denoted by *t,
St √ available to the investor. Also given to the investor is
≈ t + Z t + B · Y (5)
St an opportunity to invest in a security (with a finite
where Z and B are standard normal and Bernoulli liquidation date T0 , although T0 can be very large)
random variables, respectively, with PB = 1 =
t which pays no dividends. If *t is Markovian, it can
and PB = 0 = 1 −
t, and Y is given by (2). be shown (see, for example, pp. 484–485 in Stokey
The density7 g of the right-hand side of (5), being and Lucas 1989) that, under mild conditions, the ratio-
an approximation for the return St/St, is plotted nal expectations equilibrium price (also called the
The density with
1 −
t x − t p q
gx = √ $ √ Eg G = t +
− t
t t 1 2
2 2 x − t − 2 1 t 1 1 p q
t p1 e 1 t/2 e−x−t1 % √ Varg G = 2 t + pq + + 2
+ 2
t 1 2 1 2
2 2 2
+ q2 e 2 t/2 ex−t2 p q
+ −
t1 −
1 2
x − t + 2 2 t
×% − √ where $· is the standard normal density function.
Figure 1
30 30
5 22
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
− 0.1 − 0.08 − 0.06 − 0.04 − 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Notes. The first panel compares the overall shapes of the density g and the normal density with the same mean and variance, the second one details the
shapes around the peak area, and the last two show the left and right tails. The dotted line is used for the normal density, and the solid line is used for the
“shadow” price) of the security, pt, must satisfy the Although it is intuitively clear that, generally
Euler equation speaking, the asset price pt should follow a similar
EUc *T T pT t jump-diffusion process as that of the dividend pro-
pt = ∀ T ∈ 't T0 ) (6) cess *t, a careful study of the connection between
Uc *t t
the two is needed. This is because pt and *t
where Uc is the partial derivative of U with respect may not have similar jump dynamics (see the remark
to c. At this price pt, the investor will never change after Corollary 1). Furthermore, deriving explicitly the
his/her current holdings to invest in (either long change of parameters from *t to pt also provides
or short) the security, even though he/she is given some valuable information about the risk premiums
the opportunity to do so. Instead, in equilibrium the embedded in jump-diffusion models.
investor finds it optimal to just consume the exoge- The work in this section builds upon and extends
nous endowment; i.e., ct = *t for all t ≥ 0. the previous work by Naik and Lee (1990), in which
In this section I shall derive explicitly the implica- the special case that V
i has a lognormal distribution
tions of the Euler equation (6) when the endowment is investigated. Another difference is that Naik and
process *t follows a general jump-diffusion process
Lee (1990) require that the asset pays continuous div-
under the physical measure P:
idends and there is no outside endowment process,
d*t N t
while here the asset pays no dividends and there is an
= 1 dt + 1 dW1 t + d
i − 1 (7)
*t− outside endowment process. Consequently, the pric-
ing formulae are different even in the case of lognor-
where the V
i ≥ 0 are any independent identically dis- mal jumps.
tributed, nonnegative random variables. In addition, For simplicity, as in Naik and Lee (1990), I shall
all three sources of randomness, the Poisson process only consider the utility function of the special forms
N t the standard Brownian motion W1 t, and the U c t = e−-t c. if 0 < . < 1 and U c t = e−-t logc if
jump sizes V
are assumed to be independent. . = 0, where - > 0 (although most of the results below
hold for more general utility functions). Under these Proof. See Appendix A.
types of utility functions, the rational expectations Given the endowment process *t, it must be
equilibrium price of (6) becomes decided what stochastic processes are suitable for the
asset price St to satisfy the equilibrium requirement
Ee−-T *T .−1 pT t (8) or (11). I now postulate a special jump-diffusion
pt = (8)
e−-t *t.−1 form for St,
a − 1).
where the notation /1 means /1 1= E'V
a where W2 t is a Brownian motion independent of
W1 t. In other words, the same Poisson process
As will be seen in Proposition 1, this assumption affects both the endowment *t and the asset price
guarantees that in equilibrium the term structure of St, and the jump sizes are related through a power
interest rates is positive. function, where the power 5 ∈ − is an arbitrary
constant. The diffusion coefficients and the Brownian
Proposition 1. Suppose /1 < . (1) Letting motion part of *t and St, though, are totally differ-
Bt T be the price of a zero coupon bond with maturity ent. It remains to determine what constraints should
T , the yield r 1= −1/T − tlogBt T is a constant be imposed on this model so that the jump-diffusion
independent of T , model can be embedded in the rational expectations
equilibrium requirement (8) or (11).
r = - + 1 − .1 − 12 1 − .2 − . Theorem 1. Suppose /1
< and /1 < . The
.−1 model (13) satisfies the equilibrium requirement (11) if and
/1 > 0 (9)
only if
(2) Let Zt 1= ert Uc *t t = er−-t *t.−1 . Then = r + 1 41 − . −
/1 − /1
St = e−rT −t E∗ ST t ∀ T ∈ 't T0 ) (11) Here, under P∗ , W ∗ t is a new Brownian motion, N t is
a new Poisson process with jump rate
∗ =
.−1 =
Furthermore, the rational expectations equilibrium price of
+ 1, and {V
i are independent identically dis-
a (possibly path-dependent) European option, with the pay- tributed random variables with a new density under P∗ :
off 3S T at the maturity T , is given by
∗ x = .−1
x.−1 fV
x (16)
3S t = e −rT −t ∗
E 3S T t ∀ t ∈ '0 T ) (12) /1 +1
Proof. See Appendix A. see Abramowitz and Stegun (1972, p. 691). The Hh
The following corollary gives a condition under function can be viewed as a generalization of the
which all three dynamics, *t and St under P and cumulative normal distribution function.
St under P∗ , have the same jump-diffusion form, The integral in (18) can be evaluated very fast by
which is very convenient for analytical calculation. many software packages (for example, Mathematica).8
Corollary 1. Suppose the family of distributions In addition,
of the jump size V
for the endowment process *t satisfies
√ 2
that, for any real numbers a ∈ '0 1 and b ∈ − , Hhn x = 2−n/2 8e−x /2
1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2
b ∈ and
V const · xa−1 fV
x ∈ (17) 1 F1 2 n+ 2 2 2 x 1 F1 2 n+1 2 2 x
× √ −x
2; 1+ 12 n ; 21 + 12 n
where the normalizing constant, const, is /1 + 1−1
(provided that /1 < ). Then the jump sizes for the where 1 F1 is the confluent hypergeometric function.
asset price St under P and the jump sizes for St under A three-term recursion is also available for the Hh
the rational expectations risk-neutral measure P∗ all belong function (see pp. 299–300 and p. 691 of Abramowitz
to the same family . and Stegun 1972):
Proof. Immediately follows from (7), (13), and
(16). nHhn x = Hhn−2 x − xHhn−1 x n ≥ 1 (19)
Condition (17) essentially requires that the jump
size distribution belongs to the exponential family. Therefore, one can compute all Hhn x n ≥ 1, by
It is satisfied if logV has a normal distribution or using the normal density function and normal dis-
a double exponential distribution. However, the log tribution function. The Hh function is illustrated in
power-type distributions, such as log t-distribution, Figure 2.
do not satisfy (17).
Figure 2 The Hh Function for n = 1 3 5 with the Steepest Curve for n = 5 and the Flattest Curve for n = 1
−4 −2 2 4
Theorem 2. From (12), the price of a European call The result (20) resembles the Black-Scholes for-
option 9 is given by mula for a call option under the geometric Brown-
ian motion model, with < taking the place of %. The
1 ˜ p̃ ˜ 1 ˜ 2 9
3c 0 = S0< r + 2 −
proof of Theorem 2 is similar to that of Theorem 3 in
Kou and Wang (2001), hence is omitted.
logK/S0 T Now I consider the problem of pricing options on
futures contracts. Assume, for now, that the term
1 structure of interest rate is flat, and r is a constant.
− Ke−rT · < r − 2 −
p 1 2 9
2 Then the futures price, F t T ∗ , with delivery date T ∗ ,
is given by F t T ∗ = E∗ ST ∗ t = erT −t St.
logK/S0 T (20)
Corollary 2. The price of the European call option on
where a futures contract is given by
p 1
p̃ = · ˜ 1 = 1 − 1 3cF D F 0 T ∗ T
1 + / 1 − 1
p1 q2 1 2
˜ 2 = 2 + 1
˜ =
/ + 1 / = + − 1 = D · F 0 T < ∗
˜ p̃ ˜ 1 ˜ 2 9
1 − 1 2 + 1 2
The price of the corresponding put option, 3p 0, can be K 1
log T − K< − 2 −
obtained by the put-call parity: F 0 T ∗ 2
3p 0 − 3c 0 = e−rT E∗ K − ST + − ST − K+
p 1 2 9 log T
F 0 T ∗
= e−rT E∗ K − ST = Ke−rT − S0
where D = e−rT . The put option can be priced according to
To give a numerical example, if 1 = 10 2 = 5
= 1 p = 04 = the put-call parity:
016 r = 5% S0 = 100 K = 98 T = 05 then (20) yields the call
price 9.14732. Although in the pricing formula < involves infinite 3p F D F 0 T ∗ T − 3c F D F 0 T ∗ T
series, my experience suggests that numerically only the first 10 to
15 terms in the series are needed for most applications. = e−rT K − F 0 T ∗
∗ −T
Proof. Since F T T ∗ − K+ = erT ST − Figure 3 Midmarket and Model-Implied Volatilities for Japanese
Ke−rT −T + , we have LIBOR Caplets in May 1998
E'e−rT F T T ∗ − K+ )
∗ 1 ˜ p̃ ˜ 1 ˜ 2 9
= erT −T S0< r + 2 −
−rT ∗ −T
logKe /S0 T
∗ −T 1
− Ke−rT e−rT < r − 2 −
−rT ∗ −T
1 2 9 logKe /S0 T
−rT 1 ˜ p̃ ˜ 1 ˜ 2 9
=e F 0 T < r + 2 −
logK/F 0 T ∗ + rT T Notes. The parameters used in the fitted model are: for the two-year caplet
1 = 37 2 = 18 p = 004 = 14
= 021; and for the nine-year caplet
1 = 23 2 = 18 p = 009 = 02
= 009.
− K< r − 2 −
p 1 2 9
logK/F 0 T ∗ + rT T 5.3. The “Volatility Smile”
To illustrate that the model can produce “implied
from which the conclusion follows by noting that volatility smile,” I consider a real data set used first
Pr + T + W T + i=1 Yi ≥ a + rT = PT + in Andersen and Andreasen (2000) for two-year and
W T + i=1 Yi ≥ a.
nine-year caplets in the Japanese LIBOR market as of
Using the fact that for every t ≥ 0, Zt converges in
late May 1998. Figure 3 shows both observed implied
distribution to t + W t as both 1 → and 2 →
volatility curves and calibrated implied volatility
, one easily gets the following corollary.
curves derived by using the futures option formula
Corollary 3. (1) As the jump size gets smaller and in Corollary 2, with the discount parameter D being
smaller, the pricing formulae in Theorem 2 and Corollary the corresponding bond prices and the underlying
2 degenerate to the Black–Scholes formula and Black’s asset being the LIBOR rate. For details of calibration
futures option formula. More precisely, as both 1 → and the theoretical justification of using the futures
and 2 → while all other parameters remain fixed, option formula for caplets; see Glasserman and Kou
3c 0 → S0%b+ − Ke−rT %b− (1999).
I should emphasize that this example is not meant
3c F 0 → e−rT F 0 T ∗ %b+
F − K%b− F to be an empirical test of the model; it only serves as
where an illustration to show that the model can produce a
logS0/K + r ± 2 /2T close fit even to a very sharp volatility skew.
b± 1= √
logF 0 T ∗ /K ± 2 T /2 6. Limitations of the Model
b± F 1= √
T There are several limitations of the model. First,
(2) If the jump rate is zero, i.e.,
= 0, then the pricing one disadvantage of the model is that the pricing
formulae again degenerate to the Black–Scholes and Black’s formulae, although analytical, appear quite compli-
futures option formulae, respectively. cated. This perhaps is not a major problem because
the Hh function can be computed easily, and what Appendix A: Derivation of the Rational
appears to be lengthy to human eyes might make lit- Expectations
Proof of Proposition 1.
tle difference in terms of computer programming, as
(1) Since BT T = 1, Equation (8) yields
long as it is a closed-form solution.
Secondly, a more serious criticism is the difficul- Bt T = e−-T −t
E*T .−1 t
ties with hedging. Due to the jump part, the mar- *t.−1
ket is incomplete, and the conventional riskless hedg- Using the facts that
ing arguments are not applicable here. However, it .−1
should be pointed out that the riskless hedging is *T 1
= exp . − 1 1 − 12 T − t
*t 2
really a special property of continuous-time Brownian N T
motion, and it does not hold for most of the alterna-
+ 1 . − 1W1 T − W1 t
tive models. Even within the Brownian motion frame- i=N t+1
work, the riskless hedging is impossible if one wants N T
T − t)j .−1
E Vi = e−
T −t /1 + 1j
to do it in discrete time. For some suggestions about i=N t+1 j=0
hedging with jump risk, see, for example, Grünewald = exp
T − t
and Trautmann (1996), Merton (1976), and Naik and
Lee (1990). Equation (A1) yields
Finally, just like all models based on Lévy processes,
one empirical observation that the double exponential Bt T = exp −T − t - − . − 1 1 − 12
jump-diffusion model cannot incorporate is the pos-
1 2 .−1
− 1 . − 12 −
sible dependence structure among asset returns (the 2
so-called “volatility clustering effect”), simply because
from which (9) follows.
the model assumes independent increments. Here a (2) Note that (A1) implies
possible way to incorporate the dependence is to use
some other point process, N
t with dependent incre- e−rT −t = EUc *T T /Uc *t t t (A2)
ments, to replace the Poisson process N t, while still
which shows that Zt is a martingale under P. Furthermore,
retaining the independence between the Brownian
(7) and (9) lead to
motion, the jump sizes, and N
t. The modified model
no longer has independent increments, yet is simple 1
Zt = *0.−1 er−-t exp . − 1 1 − 12 t
enough to produce closed-form solutions, at least for
N t
standard call and put options. However, it seems dif- .−1
+ 1 . − 1W1 t
ficult to get analytical solutions for path-dependent i=1
options by using the new process N
t instead 1 .−1
= *0.−1 exp − 12 . − 12 −
/1 t
of N t. 2
N t
+ 1 . − 1W1 t
density fV
∗ x = 1//1 + 1x.−1 fV
x Therefore, the dynamics of where Pnk and Qnk are given by
St is given by i−k n−i
n−k−1 n
1 2
dSt N t
Pnk = · pi q n−i
= dt + 4 dW1 t + 1 − 42 dW2 t +
5 − 1
V i=k
i−k i 1 + 2 1 + 2
St− i=1
1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1
= + 1 4. − 1 dt + 4 dW1 t + 1 − 42 dW2 t n−i i−k
n−k−1 n
1 2
Qn k = · pn−i q i
N t
5 i=k
i−k i 1 + 2 1 + 2
− 1
V i
i=1 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1 Pn n = pn Qn n = q n
and 00 is defined to be one. Here i+ and i− are i.i.d. exponential random
E∗ V
x5 x.−1 fV
x dx variables with rates 1 and 2 , respectively.
i .−1
0 /1 +1
As a key step in deriving closed-form solutions for call and
.+5−1 = /1 +1 put options, this proposition indicates that the sum of i.i.d. double
= .−1
EV .−1
/1 +1 /1 +1 exponential random variables can be written, in distribution, as a
− 1 =
5 .+5−1 .−1 (randomly) mixed gamma random variable.10 To prove Proposition
we have
∗ E∗ V i 1 −/ 1 . Therefore,
B.1, the following lemma is needed.
= + 1 4. − 1 +
/.+5−1 − /.−1 dt Lemma B.1.
∗ E∗ V
5 − 1 dt + 4 dW t + 1 − 42 dW2 t i+ − j−
i 1
i=1 j=1
N t
V − 1 k
i with prob.
n−k m n − k + m − 1
Hence, to satisfy the rational equilibrium requirement St =
1 2
e−rT −t E∗ ST t we must have + 1 4. − 1 +
/.+5−1 −
1 +2 1 +2
/.−1 = r from which (14) follows. If (14) is satisfied, under the d k = 1 n
measure P∗ , the dynamics of St is given by = (B3)
− i with prob.
5 − 1 dt + 4 dW t + 1 − 42 dW2 t
= r dt −
∗ E∗ V
n m−l n − l + m − 1
St− i 1
1 2
1 +2 1 +2
N t
V − 1 l = 1 m
Proof. Introduce the random variables An m = i=1 i −
from which (15) follows. m ˜
j=1 j . Then
An − 1 m − 1 + + 2 /1 + 2
An m =
An − 1 m − 1 − − 1 /1 + 2
B.1. Decomposition of the Sum of Double Exponential
the random walk stops once it reaches either the horizontal or ver- B.2. Results on Hh Functions
tical axis. For any path from n m to k 0 1 ≤ k ≤ n, it must reach First of all, note that Hhn x → 0, as x → , for n ≥ −1; and
k 1 first before it makes a final move to k 0. Furthermore, all the Hhn x → , as x → −, for n ≥ 1; and Hh0 x = 28%−x →
paths going from n m to k 1 must have exactly n − k lefts and 28, as x → −. Also, for every n ≥ −1, as x → ,
m − 1 downs, whence the total number of such paths is n−k+m−1 m−1
Similarly, the total number of paths from n m to 0 l, 1 ≤ l ≤ m, 1 2
lim Hhn x/ n+1 e−x /2 = 1 (B4)
is n−l+m−1 . Thus, x→ x
k and as x → −,
with prob.
n−k m n − k + m − 1
Hhn x = Oxn (B5)
1 2
1 + 2 1 + 2 m−1
Here (B4) follows from Equations (19.14.3) and (19.8.1) in
k = 1 n
An m = Abramowitz and Stegun (1972); and (B5) is clearly true for n = −1,
while for n ≥ 0 note that as x → −,
− with prob.
n m−l n − l + m − 1
1 2
Hhn x =
t − xn e−t /2 dt
n! x
1 + 2 1 + 2 n−1
l = 1 m
2n n −t2 /2 2n n −t2 /2
≤ t e dt + x e dt = Oxn
n! − n! −
and the lemma is proven.
For option pricing it is important to evaluate the integral
Proof of Proposition B.1. By the same analogy used in
In c9 . 5 *,
Lemma B.1 to compute probability Pn k , 1 ≤ k ≤ n, the probability
weight assigned to ki=1 i+ when we decompose ni=1 Yi , it is equiv-
In c9 . 5 * 1= e.x Hhn 5x − * dx n ≥ 0 (B6)
alent to consider the probability of the random walk ever reach c
k 0 starting from the point i n − i 0 ≤ i ≤ n, with probability
for arbitrary constants . c, and 5.
of starting from i n − i being ni pi q n−i . Note that the point k 0
can only be reached from points i n − i such that k ≤ i ≤ n − 1, Proposition11 B.2. (1) If 5 > 0 and . = 0, then for all n ≥ −1,
because the random walk can only go left or down, and stops
once it reaches the horizontal axis. Therefore, for 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1 n n−i
e.c 5
(B3) leads to In c9 . 5 * = − Hhi 5c − *
. i=0 .
n+1 √ 2
n−1 5 28 .* + . .
Pn k = Pgoing from i n − i to k 0 · Pstarting from i n − i + e 5 252 % −5c + * + (B7)
. 5 5
1 2 i + n − i − k − 1 n i n−i (2) If 5 < 0 and . < 0, then for all n ≥ −1
= · pq
1 + 2
1 + 2 n − i − 1 i
n n−i
i−k n−i e.c 5
n−k−1 n
1 2 In c9 . 5 * = − Hhi 5c − *
= pi q n−i . i=0 .
n−i−1 i 1 + 2 1 + 2 n+1 √
i−k n−i 5 28 .* + . .
n−k−1 n
1 2 − e 5 252 % 5c − * − (B8)
= pi q n−i . 5 5
i−k i 1 + 2 1 + 2
Proof. Case 1. 5 > 0 and . = 0. Since, for any constant . and
Of course, Pn n = pn . Similarly, we can compute Qn k : n ≥ 0 e.x Hhn 5x − * → 0 as x → thanks to (B4), integration by
parts leads to
Qnk = Pgoing from n−ii to 0k·Pstarting from n−ii 1
i=k In = Hhn 5x − * de.x
. c
5 .x
12 n−i+i −k−1 n 1
= · pn−i q i =− Hhn 5c − *e.c + e Hhn−1 5x − * dx
1 +2
1 +2 n−i−1 n−i . . c
n−i i−k
n−k−1 n
1 2
= pn−i q i
i −k i 1 +2 1 +2 11
If 5 > 0 and . = 0, then for all n ≥ 0 In c9 . 5 * = 51 Hhn+1 5c −
*. If 5 ≤ 0 and . ≥ 0, then for all n ≥ 0 In c9 . 5 * = . If 5 = 0
with Qn n = q n . Incidentally, we have also shown that k=1 Pnk + and . < 0, then for all n ≥ 0 In c9 . 5 * = c e.x Hhn −* dx =
Qnk = 1. Hhn −*e .
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Accepted by Paul Glasserman; received November 29, 2001. This paper was with the authors 2 months and 3 weeks for 2 revisions.