EDUC 302: The Teacher and The Community, School, Culture, and Organizational Leadership
EDUC 302: The Teacher and The Community, School, Culture, and Organizational Leadership
EDUC 302: The Teacher and The Community, School, Culture, and Organizational Leadership
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and
Organizational Leadership
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Academic Department: DASTE
Consultation Schedule: MWF, 3:00-5:00pm
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Contact Number: 09175892582
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and
Organizational Leadership
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and
Organizational Leadership
Lesson Objectives:
In this lesson, you are expected to meet the following outcomes:
• Identify the requisite skills of a 21st century teacher;
• Describe a relevant teacher in today’s time; and
• Cite situations where the 21st century skills are demonstrated.
Getting Started:
Think about your previous teachers and recall their characteristics/attributes. Which do you
think of these characteristics/attributes made an impact on you as a student? Why?
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
The 21st Century Skills
The 21st century skills can be categorized into four (4), namely:
1. Communication skills
2. Learning and innovation skills
3. Life and career skills
4. Information, media and technology skills
A teacher must possess them in order to survive in this 21st century and be able to
contribute to the development of 21st century learners.
Under each of these four clusters of 21st century skills are specific skills:
Communication Skills
1. Teaming
2. Collaboration
3. Interpersonal skills
4. Local, National and Global Orientedness
5. Interactive communication
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
The first three (3) categories of skills are self-explanatory. The last category (information,
media and technology skills) needs further explanation.
Visual literacy is the ability to interpret, making meaning from information presented in the
form of an image. It is also the ability to evaluate, apply, or create conceptual visual
Information literacy is the ability to identify what information is needed, identify the best
sources of information for a given need, locate those sources, evaluate the sources critically,
and share that information. Information literacy is mot essential in the conduct of research.
Media literacy is the ability to critically analyze the messages that inform, entertain and
sell to us every day. It is the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all forms of media
asking pertinent questions about what’s there and noticing what’s not there. It is the ability
to question what lies behind media productions---the motives, the money, the values and
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Are all the 21st century skills reflected by the characteristics of the 21st century
teacher? If not, add to the graphic organizer.
21st Century
The 21st century teacher is highly collaborative, a lifelong learner, is accountable for
results and is information, media and technology literate.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
1. By means of a graphic organizer, describe the 21st century teacher by completely
presenting the 21st century skills
2. Reflect on John Dewey’s words below and share how such poses a challenge to you
as a future teacher
“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Lesson Objectives:
In this lesson, you should be able to:
• Deduce the relationship between a school and the community, and
• State situations where school and community relations are emphasized.
Getting Started:
Recall any school activity (classroom or school-wide) held outside the campus. Answer
the following questions:
1. What was the activity?
2. What was your participation in it?
A. The Teachers, Parents and the Community
Parents are the first teachers in the home. They are responsible for the development
of values, attitudes and habits that will be needed as their children associate with
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
classmates in school. Such inculcations are likewise beneficial when they work and
play with neighbors and the community at large.
Teachers in the school continue to enrich the students’ experiences at home, thus
strengthening the valuable, personal traits and characteristics initially developed. In
the end, the contrived attention and efforts of both “custodians” are accorded
acknowledgment and recognition by members of the community.
The members of the community, in addition to the parents, include the local
government units, the non-government agencies, civic organizations and all the
residents. They highly motivated to participate in the school activities and projects
that will likewise redound to the uplifting of the moral and quality of life in their own
1. Difficulties
Teachers are endowed with a caring and compassionate attitude that is expressed
in their love and unending sacrifice in guiding the young. Despite conscious effort,
children experience difficulties and problems regarding:
§ ability to accomplish assignments,
§ irregular attendance,
§ study habits in school,
§ negative attitudes, and
§ problem with self-discipline
2. Solutions
The best way to thresh out causes and come up with solutions is to conduct a
dialogue wherein parents may be invited to drop by the school or the teacher may
pay a visit to their home.
§ A calm and friendly face to-face exchange of observations could straighten
some disturbing interactions ending with a promise of undertaking
remediation in both quarters.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
3. Values Developed
Values and strong inclinations are instilled starting from the home are developed
further in the school. Some of the most describable are:
Ø Respect for elders and for the rights of others
Ø Cooperation
Ø Willingness to share
Ø Deep sense of responsibility
Ø Persistence
4. Interests
Special interest and innate talents noticed at a young age such as heightened
propensity for music and drama, athletics and the arts must be attended to by
sensitive mentors and guardians in order to provide them with continued
opportunities to attain full realizations of their natural gifts.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Imagine yourself as classroom teacher already. Give your answer and decision on the
1. Will you request a dialogue with the parents? When and how will you do it?
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
a. receptive parents
b. unreceptive parents
3. Choose the most desirable value that must be developed among our children in
school and at home?
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
1. Name some problems originating from the community that are experienced by
teachers in the school, regarding:
a. traffic and transportation
b. availability of water and lighting system
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
2. Describe how school and community officials work together in each of the
following events:
a. socio-cultural events
b. peace and order situation (in school and outside the school)
c. projects
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Lesson Objectives:
• Discuss the concepts of multiculturalism and multicultural education
• Assimilate the cultural dimensions of learning and teaching processes
• Describe the effects of culturally-responsive teaching on diversified learners
Getting Started:
Give your thoughts on the widespread discrimination against Asians today.
ü How are schools looked at as a powerful institution to fight against
ü What will happen when learners do not respect cultural difference?
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
What is Multiculturalism?
Multiculturalism is a policy that emphasizes the unique characteristics of different
culture, especially as they relate to one another in receiving nations.
Looked at broadly, multiculturalism is a term often used to describe societies which
have many distinct cultural groups, usually as a result of immigration. This can lead to anxiety
about the stability of national identity, yet can also lead to cultural exchanges that benefit
the cultural groups. Such exchanges range from major accomplishments in literature, art
and philosophy, to relatively token appreciation of variations in music, dress, and new foods.
Multiculturalism is a systematic and comprehensive response to cultural and ethnic
diversity, with educational, linguistic, economic and social components, and specific
institutional mechanisms.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Cultural and ethnic diversity are not new phenomena and, indeed, social theorists
have developed many schema illustrating different contact situations and/or explanations
for the presence or absence of conflict between different ethnic groups. Multiculturalism n
less than three decades has become a word immediately recognized by policy makers,
social commentators, academics and the general public in certain countries. The term,
however, does not necessarily enjoy such recognition in all parts of the world and
furthermore, even where it is recognized, its connotations are not necessarily shared. The
reasons for the different recognition and understanding of the term are critical to the
attempt to assess the significance, operation, and future of multiculturalism.
Referents of Multiculturalism
1. Demographic-descriptive. This usage occurs where the word multicultural refers to
the existence of linguistically, culturally, and ethnically diverse segments in the
population of a society or state.
2. Ideological-normative. This usage is one where the limited implementation of
explicit multicultural programs and policies means that there is a limited range of
empirical evidence available on their operation and outcome. It constitutes a
specific focus towards the management and organization of governmental
responses to ethnic diversity.
3. Programmatic-political. This usage refers to the specific policies developed to
respond and manage ethnic diversity.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
List down at least three (3) school activities that promote cultural awareness and
identify the approach to multicultural education it falls under.
Education has to play its vital role in promoting this culture in schools.
Answer the following questions:
1. Explain cultural change and its effects on the life of the people.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
2. How can teachers meet the diverse needs of an increasingly multicultural student
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Lesson Objectives:
In this lesson, you should be able to:
• Draw concrete relations between teaching and culture
• Provide ways and means to make teaching and learning culturally sensitive and
Getting Started:
What do you make of the picture below? Relate this to a classroom situation where the
learners are of different backgrounds.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Any discussion of social-cultural influences on development stress that cultures differ in
their views of acceptable child-rearing practices. As a result of these differing beliefs,
children of various cultures may think and act differently and carry these differences into the
Increasingly, children from different cultures are interacting with each other, thus
presenting parents and educators with unique opportunities for further understanding across
cultures. Given these circumstances, is it any wonder that our classrooms have become the
focus of efforts to achieve such understanding? The old cliché that the school reaches all
children of all people is as true today as it ever was. Helping children of various cultures to
achieve as fully as possible, while simultaneously adapting to each other, demands
innovative strategies on the part of the parents, teachers, and administrators.
Culturally-Responsive Teaching
Culturally-responsive teaching covers areas related to:
Ø Inclusive content in the curriculum that reflects the diversity of society. In effect,
students from diverse backgrounds see themselves and their experiences in the
Ø Students’ prior knowledge, including their culture and language.
Ø The idea that culture is central to student learning, because there is strong evidence
that culture practices affect the thinking process.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
3. teacher as facilitator
4. positive perspectives on parents and families of culturally and linguistically diverse
5. cultural sensitivity
6. reshaping the curriculum so that it is culturally responsive to the background of
7. culturally-mediated instruction that is characterized by the use of culturally-mediated
cognition, culturally appropriate social situations for learning, and culturally valued
knowledge in curriculum content.
8. Small group instruction and academically-related discourse.
Culture is central to learning. It plays a role not only in communicating and receiving
information, but also in shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals. A pedagogy
that acknowledges, responds to, and celebrates fundamental cultures offers full, equitable
access to education for students from all cultures.
Culturally-responsive acknowledges cultural diversity in classroom and accommodates
this diversity in instruction. It does this in three important ways:
1. By recognizing and accepting student diversity, it communicates that all students are
welcome and valued as human beings.
2. By building on students’ cultural backgrounds, culturally-responsive teaching
communicates positive images about the students’ home cultures.
3. By being responsive to different student learning styles, culturally-responsive teaching
builds on students’ strengths and uses these to help students learn.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
List down some ‘common’ cultural differences exhibited by the students in class.
Identify which of them appears to be challenging to manage/deal with on the part of a
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
1. Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the relationship between teaching and culture.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Lesson Objectives:
At end of the lesson, you shall have met the following outcomes:
• Define teacher leadership
• Give the fundamental skills and attributes of teacher leaders
Getting Started:
Where do you think the influence of a teacher ends?
What is Teacher Leadership?
The term teacher leadership refers to that set of skills demonstrated by teachers who
continue to teach students but also have an influence that extends beyond their own
classrooms to others within their own school and elsewhere. It entails mobilizing and
energizing others with the goal of improving school performance of its critical responsibilities
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
related to teaching and learning. Mobilizing and energizing does not occur because of the
role of the leader as boss, but rather because the individual is informed and persuasive.
Therefore, an important characteristic of a teacher leader is expertise and skill in engaging
others in complex work. It also entails an unwavering passion or the core mission of the
school and the courage o confront obstacles to achieving that mission.
Opportunities for teacher leadership came in the “form of career ladder and mentor
teacher programs.” The appointment of a master teacher was seen as an instrument of
school improvement and student academic learning. Teacher leaders would breakdown
“an educational bureaucracy that impeded reform and restricted teachers’ ability to work
according to their notions of best practices.”
In relation to this, there are clarion calls for the need to clarify the Career Path of
Teachers, especially teachers who opt to remain teachers and are not aspiring to become
school heads.
What is the Teacher’s Career Path? The Department of Education sets the
qualification standards for Master Teachers I, II, III and IV. When do they become Master
III?Master IV? Is there a need to amend Republic Act 4760 on the Magna Carta for Public
School Teachers to clarify the teacher’s career path and institutionalize teacher leadership?
A school’s culture of professional inquiry established the ethos within which teacher
leaders can emerge and initiate efforts regarding the school’s program. But it is the other
aspects of culture, including and environment of respect, a vision of learning, and a culture
of hard work and opportunity, that helps the projects undertaken by teacher leaders to
actually improve that program.
Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution on Education, Science and Technology,
Arts, Culture, and Sports mandates, to wit:
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible
to all.
The Constitution mandates, further in Section 5 (nos. 4 and 5):
(4) The State shall enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement. Non-
teaching academic and non-academic personnel shall enjoy the protection of the state.
(5) The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensure that
teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talent through
adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
The leadership role is exercised not only in the teacher’s school or department but it
goes across and beyond the school. Education in the 21st century calls for transformation in
school leadership and instructional leadership.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Your previous teachers are considered teacher leaders. How do you characterize them?
Reflect on the patterns of teacher leadership and how they can help you become teacher
a. Teacher research
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
b. Distributive leadership
c. Self-managed teams
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
“Teacher leaders are those or whose dreams of making a difference have either been kept
alive or have been reawakened by engaging with colleagues and working within a
professional culture.”
----L. Lambert
Lesson Objectives:
Getting Started:
As an education student or a pre-service teacher yourself, you go through “a teacher-in-the-
making” process. This means that you have to learn and experience what is prescribed and
expected of you while under the program. As such, you have to be an active student at
What does it take you to be an active student?
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
While it is true that pre-service education is concerned with the basics of teacher
preparation, pre-service education can already lay the foundation of teacher leadership.
This can be done first by introducing to pre-service teachers the competencies and qualities
they are expected to possess in order to perform their roles as teacher leaders and model
standards for teacher leaders.
Pre-service education, as the name implies, is concerned with the educational
preparation of teachers before they become full-fledged teachers in basic schools. If it is
primarily concerned with the basic preparation of teachers for the elementary and
secondary schools, you may doubt if we can talk about and even have time for education
for teacher leadership in pre-service education.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
1. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
3. Positive use of ICT
4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
5. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
7. Classroom communication strategies
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
1. Philosophy of teaching
2. Dignity of teaching as a profession
3. Professional links with colleagues
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
5. Professional development goals
Career stages
The following statements, which define the work of teachers at different career stages, make
explicit the elements of high-quality teaching for the 21st century. They comprise descriptors
that have been informed by teachers’ understandings of what is required at each of the four
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Career Stages. The descriptors represent a continuum of development within the profession
by providing a basis for attracting, preparing, developing and supporting teachers.
Ø Career Stage 1 or Beginning Teachers have gained the qualifications recognized for
entry into the teaching profession. They have a strong understanding of the
subjects/areas in which they are trained in terms of content knowledge and
pedagogy. They possess the requisite knowledge, skills and values that support the
teaching and learning process. They manage learning programs and have strategies
that promote learning based on the learning needs of their students. They seek advice
from experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching practice.
Ø Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers embody the highest standard for teaching
grounded in global best practices. They exhibit exceptional capacity to improve their
own teaching practice and that of others. They are recognized as leaders in
education, contributors to the profession and initiators of collaborations and
partnerships. They create lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues, students and
others. They consistently seek professional advancement and relevance in pursuit of
teaching quality and excellence. They exhibit commitment to inspire the education
community and stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Does each teacher leader standard correspond to one or more PPST of Career Stage
4? Or are there teacher leader standards that do not have PPST Career Stage 4
counterparts? Explain your answer.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Answer the following Reflection question:
1. As you are engaged in pre-service education, who is your model for teacher
leadership? How can you emulate him/her?
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
2. Does your pre-service education inspire you to become a teacher leader? Why or why
3. Which experiences in your pre-service education instill in you the desire to become a
teacher leader? Which ones do not?
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership
Bilbao, Purita, et al. (2015). The Teaching Profession, 3rd Ed. Lorimar Publishing, Quezon City
Llagas, A. and Corpuz B. (2018). Essentials of Teacher Leadership. Lorimar Publishing, Quezon
Llagas, A., Corpuz B. and Bilbao, P. (2016). Becoming a 21st Century Educational Leader.
Vega, V., Prieto N., and Carreon, M. (2015). Social Dimensions of Education.
Learning Module on The Teacher and the Community, School, Culture and Organizational Leadership