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Integrated Shield Plans For Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals pg1

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Integrated Shield Plans for Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals

Disclaimer: All material included in our web site is of a general nature. It is intended for education and informational purposes only. The information provided is based on what was
provided to us at the date of Publication. We are not responsible for the correctness of the information, or any third party contents which can be accessed through the web site. You are
strongly advised to seek the professional advice of insurance professionals before making any decision on any of the medical insurance schemes.

Integrated Shield Plans: Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) comprise two components: (i) A MediShield Life component run by the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) and (ii) additional
private insurance coverage run by the private insurer. The MediShield Life component provides coverage targeted at B2/C-wards in public hospitals, while the additional private insurance
coverage provides additional coverage beyond MediShield Life coverage. IPs therefore do not provide duplicate coverage with MediShield Life. This table provides a comparison
between MediShield Life, and IPs for Class B2/C wards in public hospitals.

Table: Comparison of MediShield Life and Private Integrated Shield Plans for Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals
Benefits MediShield Life Income IncomeShield Plan C * Income Enhanced IncomeShield C
Inpatient and Day Surgery:
Daily ward and treatment charges 700/day 700/day As Charged
Daily ward and treatment charges in ICU 1,200/day 1,200/day As Charged
Surgery 200 - 2,000 400 - 6,800 As Charged
Surgical Implants and approved medical
7,000/treatment 7000/admission As Charged
Gamma Knife 4,800/procedure 9,600/procedure As Charged
As charged (up to 45 days for each
Confinement in Community Hospital 350/day 550/day (up to 45 days for each admission)
Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment 5,000/yr As Charged, up to 5,000/yr
(up to 35 days per policy yr)

Outpatient Treatment:
Kidney Dialysis 1,000/mth 2,000/mth As Charged
Cancer treatment:
(i) External or Superficial: 140/session (i) External or Superficial: 250/session
(i) External or Superficial As Charged
(ii) Brachytherapy: 500/session (ii) Brachytherapy: 500/session
(ii) Brachytherapy
Chemotherapy 3.000/mth 3.000/mth As Charged
Immunotherapy - 400/mth As Charged
Stereotactic Radiotherapy 1,800/treatment 2,000/session As Charged
Immunosuppressants for organ transplant 200/mth 400/mth As Charged
Erythropoietin 200/mth 400/mth As Charged

Integrated Shield Plans for Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals pg1
Integrated Shield Plans: Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) comprise two components: (i) A MediShield Life component run by the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) and (ii) additional
private insurance coverage run by the private insurer. The MediShield Life component provides coverage targeted at B2/C-wards in public hospitals, while the additional private insurance
coverage provides additional coverage beyond MediShield Life coverage. IPs therefore do not provide duplicate coverage with MediShield Life. This table provides a comparison
between MediShield Life, and IPs for Class B2/C wards in public hospitals.

Table: Comparison of MediShield Life and Private Integrated Shield Plans for Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals

Benefits MediShield Life Income IncomeShield Plan C * Income Enhanced IncomeShield C

Additional Benefits Limits:

Limited to unused balance amount** of

Pre-Hospitalisation Treatment (number of days
room, board and medical-related services, As Charged (up to 90 days)
indicate maximum number of days covered prior -
intensive care unit (ICU) and medical-
related services benefits and staying in a
community hospital (Up to 90 days)

** If the inpatient claim is made under a third

Post-Hospitalisation Treatment (number of days party plan, Income will calculate the unused
indicate maximum number of days covered after - balance amount after assessing the inpatient bill As Charged (up to 90 days)
based on Income’s IP limits and deductibles. For
more information, please check with your
financial advisor or Income.

Covered under inpatient hospital Covered under Inpatient and Day surgery
Major Organ Transplant As Charged
treatment limits
Prosthesis benefit - 3,000/yr As Charged, up to 3,000/yr

Covered under Inpatient and Day surgery As Charged but limited to costs of ward class
Emergency overseas treatment -
limits B2 in Singapore restructured hospitals

Integrated Shield Plans for Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals pg2
Integrated Shield Plans: Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) comprise two components: (i) A MediShield Life component run by the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) and (ii) additional
private insurance coverage run by the private insurer. The MediShield Life component provides coverage targeted at B2/C-wards in public hospitals, while the additional private insurance
coverage provides additional coverage beyond MediShield Life coverage. IPs therefore do not provide duplicate coverage with MediShield Life. This table provides a comparison
between MediShield Life, and IPs for Class B2/C in public hospitals.

Table: Comparison of MediShield Life and Private Integrated Shield Plans for Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals

Benefits MediShield Life Income IncomeShield Plan C * Income Enhanced IncomeShield C

Other Policy Features
For Singapore Citizens:
Private hospitals and Class A - 35%,
Proration factors Class B1 - 43%, Class B2+ - 70%
(Pls check with your insurer for more For Permanent Residents: - Private hospitals - 15%
information on other applicable factors) Private hospitals and Class A - 35%, Class A - 20%,
Class B1 - 38%, Class B2+ - 47% Class B1 - 40%
Proration factors for Private Outpatient Clinics 50%
(Cancer and Dialysis Treatment) (Note (1)) 15%
Deductibles (Per Policy Year) (Note (2))
Class C 1,500 1,500 1,500
Class B2 and above 2,000 2,000 2,000
Day Surgery and Short Stay Ward 1,500 2,000 2,000
0 - 5,000: 10%,
Co-insurance >5,000-10,000: 5%
>10,000: 3% 10% 10%
Policy Year Limit 100,000 100,000 150,000
Lifetime Limit Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Final Expense Benefit (Note (3)) 1,500 1,500

Last Entry Age - 75 75

Maximum Coverage Age Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime

Integrated Shield Plans for Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals pg3
Information on Premiums: Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) comprise two components: (i) A MediShield Life component run by the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) and (ii) additional
private insurance coverage run by the private insurer. The MediShield Life component provides coverage targeted at B2/C-wards in public hospitals, while the additional private insurance
coverage provides additional coverage beyond MediShield Life coverage. Premiums for IPs shown below is the total premiums comprising both premiums for MediShield Life
and the additional private insurance coverage component for IPs for Class B2/C wards in public hospitals.

MediShield Life Premium (Before Integrated Shield Plan Premiums for Singapore Citizen (SC) and Permanent
subsidies) Income IncomeShield Plan C * Income Enhanced IncomeShield C
Age Next Birthday: SC PR SC PR
1 to 20 130 142-159 148-166 154-170 163-181
21 to 30 195 208 215 219 230
31 to 40 310 326 335-345 347 364
41 to 50 435 466-480 482-497 503-505 536-539
51 to 60 630 693-702 702-711 719-723 756-761
61 to 65 755 846 879 948 1,019
66 to 70 815 928 969 1,120 1,235
71 to 73 885 1,040 1,091 1,350 1,517
74 to 75 975 1,159 1,215 1,536 1,734
76 to 78 1,130 1,341 1,407 1,834 2,088
79 to 80 1,175 1,428 1,505 1,978 2,261
81 to 83 1,250 1,455 1,519 2,237 2,539
84 to 85 1,430 1,642 1,706 2,490 2,811
86 to 90 1,500 1,897-2,009 2184-2,314 2,620-2,705 3,314-3,424
Premiums above age 90 1,530 2,145-2,615 2,469-3,025 2,836-3,596 3,587-4,573

* This plan is no longer offered to new members. Existing members may continue to renew their policies.
Note (1): Bills for non-subsidised dialysis-related treatment and immunosuppressants will not be pro-rated.
Note (2): The deductible applicable for policyholders after the age of 80 (next birthday) is as follows:
(a) For Income's IncomeShield Plan C and Enhanced IncomeShield Enhanced C, Class C - $2,250, Class B2 and above - $3,000, Day Surgery and Short Stay Ward -
(b) For MediShield Life, Class C - $2,000, Class B2 and above - $3,000, Day Surgery and Short Stay Ward - $3,000.
Note (3): Final Expense Benefit refers to the waiver of the deductible and co-insurance up to the stipulated amounts in the event of the insured's death during hopsitalisation or within a
stipulated period after discharge from hospital subject to the conditions as stipulated by the insurer.

The premiums payable are based on your age next birthday and may increase as you enter into the next age band. MediShield Life can be fully payable by Medisave. The annual
Additional Withdrawal Limits for the Additional Private Insurance Premiums of Medisave-approved Integrated Shield Plan policies are:
(a) $300 per policy year, where the insured person is aged 40 or less at his/her next birthday on date of policy commencement/renewal
(b) $600 per policy year, where the insured person is aged between 41 to 70 years at his/her next birthday on date of policy commencement/renewal
(c) $900 per policy year, where the insured person is aged 71 or more years at his/her next birthday on date of policy commencement/renewal

Integrated Shield Plans for Ward Class B2/C in Public Hospitals pg4

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