Indemnis Facere Affidavit - Chris
Indemnis Facere Affidavit - Chris
Indemnis Facere Affidavit - Chris
eache evvente governed by the unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente living articlle iii al
moroccan moorishe amerikan kourtes for the empire state ov morocco is herebye inndemnified where harm may
occurre for one hundrede millione gold united states dollars in gold backed moorishe sovereigne dollarium
reegardlesses ov the cause ov the evvente, the typpe ov evvente, the nature ov the evvente, nor any uther state ov the
evvente. this inndemnis facere does kover all land, all naturall reesources ande all kommerse. this ammounte is
subbjecte to origeneall jurisdictione ande is at the lawfulle deescretione thereov nunq pro tunq.
ego sum