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Details of Quantity Estimate S.N. Description Unit No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks

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Details of Quantity estimate

S.N. Description Unit No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks

1 Site clearance Sq.ft./LS 1 1608.98 1608.98 taken as sq.ft.

A. Structural works
a. E/W in excavation Cu.m./Cu.ft.
F1(6'-0''x6'-0'') 2 7 7 5 490
F2(5'-6''X5'-6'') 4 6.5 6.5 5 845
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type I 4 6 6.5 5 780
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type II 1 6 6 5 180
Strap beam:
Along grid A-A 1 5.5 2 5 55
Along grid B-B 1 5.416 2 5 54.16
Along grid C-C 1 5.33 2 5 53.3
Along grid D-D 1 5.66 1.5 5 42.45
Along grid 1-1 1 2.167 1.5 5 16.253
Along grid 2-2 1 1.5 2 5 15
Lower tie beam
Along grid A-A 1 5 1.75 3 26.25
Along grid B-B 1 4.66 1.75 3 24.465
Along grid C-C 1 4.66 1.75 3 24.465
Along grid 1-1 1 13.413 1.25 3 50.299
Along grid 2-2 1 12.66 1.75 3 66.465
Along grid 3-3 1 13.413 1.75 3 70.418
Total 2793.525 Cu.ft.
b. Soling works:
i. Brick soling(2.5'' minm Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. Stone soling(5'' minm) Cu.m./Cu.ft.
F1(6'-0''x6'-0'') 2 7 7 0.416 40.768
F2(5'-6''X5'-6'') 4 6.5 6.5 0.416 70.304
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type I 4 6 6.5 0.416 64.896
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type II 1 6 6 0.416 14.976
Strap beam:
Along grid A-A 1 5.5 2 0.416 4.576
Along grid B-B 1 5.416 2 0.416 4.506
Along grid C-C 1 5.33 2 0.416 4.435
Along grid D-D 1 5.66 1.5 0.416 3.532
Along grid 1-1 1 2.167 1.5 0.416 1.352
Along grid 2-2 1 1.5 2 0.416 1.248
Lower tie beam
Along grid A-A 1 5 1.75 0.416 3.64
Along grid B-B 1 4.66 1.75 0.416 3.392
Along grid C-C 1 4.66 1.75 0.416 3.392
Along grid 1-1 1 13.413 1.25 0.416 6.975
Along grid 2-2 1 12.66 1.75 0.416 9.216
Along grid 3-3 1 13.413 1.75 0.416 9.765
Total 246.973 Cu.ft.
c. PCC works (3'' minm) Cu.m./Cu.ft.
F1(6'-0''x6'-0'') 2 7 7 0.25 24.5
F2(5'-6''X5'-6'') 4 6.5 6.5 0.25 42.25
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type I 4 6 6.5 0.25 39
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type II 1 6 6 0.25 9
Strap beam:
Along grid A-A 1 5.5 2 0.25 2.75
Along grid B-B 1 5.416 2 0.25 2.708
Along grid C-C 1 5.33 2 0.25 2.665
Along grid D-D 1 5.66 1.5 0.25 2.123
Along grid 1-1 1 2.167 1.5 0.25 0.813
Along grid 2-2 1 1.5 2 0.25 0.75
Lower tie beam
Along grid A-A 1 5 1.75 0.25 2.188
Along grid B-B 1 4.66 1.75 0.25 2.039
Along grid C-C 1 4.66 1.75 0.25 2.039
Along grid 1-1 1 13.413 1.25 0.25 4.192
Along grid 2-2 1 12.66 1.75 0.25 5.539
Along grid 3-3 1 13.413 1.75 0.25 5.868
Total 148.424 Cu.ft.
d. Formworks Sq.m./Sq.ft.
Up to Plinth level:
F1(6'-0''x6'-0'') 8 6 1 48
F2(5'-6''X5'-6'') 16 5.5 1 88
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type I 16 5.5 1 88
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type II 4 5.5 1 22
Strap beam:
Along grid A-A 2 13.33 2 53.32
Along grid B-B 2 13.33 2 53.32
Along grid C-C 2 13.33 2 53.32
Along grid D-D 2 13.416 2 53.664
Along grid 1-1 2 9.916 2 39.664
Along grid 2-2 2 9.5 2 38
Lower tie beam
Along grid A-A 2 10.5 0.75 15.75
Along grid B-B 2 10.5 0.75 15.75
Along grid C-C 2 10.5 0.75 15.75
Along grid 1-1 2 24.333 0.75 36.5
Along grid 2-2 2 24.333 0.75 36.5
Along grid 3-3 2 24.333 0.75 36.5
Plinth level Beam
Along grid A-A,B-B,C-C 6 23.83 0.75 107.235
Along grid 1-1 2 34.249 0.75 51.374
Along grid 2-2 2 33.833 0.75 50.75
Along grid 3-3 2 24.333 0.75 36.5
Along grid D-D 2 13.416 0.75 20.124

taken as r.ft.
(at connection
A1,A2,A3……. 44 1 4 176 of beam)
Above plinth level:
A1,A2,A3……. 44 1 8.914 392.216
Flight 1 & 3 2 5.416 3.83 41.487
side 4 5.416 21.664 taken as r.ft.
Landing 1 & 2 2 3.83 3.83 29.338
side 4 3.83 15.32 taken as r.ft.
Flight 2 1 4.083 3.83 15.638
side 2 4.083 8.166 taken as r.ft.
Step 32 0.241945 7.742
Riser 16 3.83 61.28 taken as r.ft.
First floor Beam
Along grid A-A,B-B,C-C 6 23.83 0.75 107.235
Along grid 1-1 2 34.249 0.75 51.374
Along grid 2-2 2 33.833 0.75 50.75
Along grid 3-3 2 24.333 0.75 36.5
Along grid D-D 2 13.416 0.75 20.124
First floor slab 1 1001.65 1001.65 taken as sq.ft.
side 1 142.167 142.167 taken as r.ft.
deduct staircase void -1 76.76 -76.76
side 1 35.416 35.416 taken as r.ft.
deduct void -1 20.58 -20.58
side 1 18.416 18.416 taken as r.ft.
Total 3095.164 Sq.ft.
e. Reinforcement works Kg/ton
f. RCC works Cu.m./Cu.ft.
Up to Plinth level:
F1(6'-0''x6'-0'') 2 6 6 2 144
deduct slope -8 4 -32 taken as cu.ft.
F2(5'-6''X5'-6'') 4 5.5 5.5 2 242
deduct slope -16 3.28125 -52.5 taken as cu.ft.
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type I 4 5.5 5.5 2 242
deduct slope
F3 (5'-6''X5'-6'') type II 1 5.5 5.5 2 60.5
deduct slope
Strap beam:
Along grid A-A 1 13.33 1 2 26.66
Along grid B-B 1 13.33 1 2 26.66
Along grid C-C 1 13.33 1 2 26.66
Along grid D-D 1 13.416 1 2 26.832
Along grid 1-1 1 9.916 1 2 19.832
Along grid 2-2 1 9.5 1 2 19
Lower tie beam
Along grid A-A 1 10.5 0.75 0.75 5.906
Along grid B-B 1 10.5 0.75 0.75 5.906
Along grid C-C 1 10.5 0.75 0.75 5.906
Along grid 1-1 1 24.333 0.75 0.75 13.687
Along grid 2-2 1 24.333 0.75 0.75 13.687
Along grid 3-3 1 24.333 0.75 0.75 13.687
Plinth level Beam
Along grid A-A,B-B,C-C 3 23.83 0.75 0.75 40.213
Along grid 1-1 1 34.249 0.75 0.75 19.265
Along grid 2-2 1 33.833 0.75 0.75 19.031
Along grid 3-3 1 24.333 0.75 0.75 13.687
Along grid D-D 1 13.416 0.75 0.75 7.547
A1,A2,A3……. 11 1 1 4 44
Above plinth level:
A1,A2,A3……. 11 1 1 8.914 98.054
Flight 1 & 3 2 5.416 3.83 0.416 17.258
Landing 1 & 2 2 3.83 3.83 0.416 12.205
Flight 2 1 4.083 3.83 0.416 6.505
Step 16 0.9266494 14.826 taken as cu.ft.
First floor Beam
Along grid A-A,B-B,C-C 3 23.83 0.75 0.75 40.213
Along grid 1-1 1 34.249 0.75 0.75 19.265
Along grid 2-2 1 33.833 0.75 0.75 19.031
Along grid 3-3 1 24.333 0.75 0.75 13.687
Along grid D-D 1 13.416 0.75 0.75 7.547
First floor slab 1 1001.26 0.416 416.524 taken as sq.ft.
deduct staircase void -1 76.76 0.416 -31.932
deduct void -1 20.58 0.416 -8.561
Total 1576.788 Cu.ft.
g. E/w in filling Cu.m./Cu.ft.
Excavatin qty 1 2793.525 2793.525
soling qty (deduct) -1 246.973 -246.973
PCC qquantity (deduct) -1 148.424 -148.424
RCC quantity (deduct) -1 835.92 -835.92
Filling Up to DPC level
Total 1562.208 Cu.ft.
B. Architectural works
a. Wall works:
i. Brick wall
i. 9'' brick wall Cu.m./Cu.ft.
Up to plinth level:
Strap beam wall:
Along grid A-A,B-B,C-C 3 13.33 0.75 3.25 97.476
Along grid D-D 1 13.416 0.75 3.25 32.702
Along grid 1-1 1 0.75 3.25 2.438
Along grid 2-2 1 0.75 3.25 2.438
Lower tie beam wall:
Along grid A-A,B-B,C-C 3 10.5 0.75 2.5 59.063
Along grid 1-1 1 0.75 2.5 1.875
Along grid 2-2 1 0.75 2.5 1.875
Along grid 3-3 1 0.75 2.5 1.875
Above plinth level:
Along grid A-A 1 23.83 0.75 8.163 145.893
Deduct W1 -2 6 0.75 4.5 -40.5
Along grid C-C 1 10.5 0.75 8.163 64.284
Deduct W1 -1 6 0.75 4.5 -20.25
Along grid D-D 1 13.416 0.75 8.163 82.136
Along grid 1-1 1 34.249 0.75 8.163 209.681
deduct void
Along grid 3-3 1 24.333 1.75 8.163 347.603
deduct MDW,W1
Total 988.589 Cu.ft.

ii. 7'' brick wall Cu.m./Cu.ft.

iii. 4'' brick wall Sq.m./Sq.ft.
GF to FF
along grid B-B 1 10.5 8.163 85.712
deduct D1 -1 3 7 -21
along grid betwn A-A & B-B 1 13.33 8.914 118.824
deduct D1 -1 3 7 -21
along grid betwn B-B & C-C 1 10.583 8.914 94.337
deduct W2 -1 4 5 -20
Along grid betwn 1-1 & 2-2 1 15.66 8.914 139.593
deduct W2 -1 4 5 -20
Along grid 2-2 1 10.83 8.914 96.539
Total 453.005 Sq.ft.
ii. Concrete /AAC block Cu.m./Cu.ft.
b. Plaster works
i. Internal plaster(15mm) Sq.m./Sq.ft.
NW bed room 1 50.25 8.914 447.929
Deduct W1 -1 6 4.5 -27
Deduct D1 -1 3 7 -21
NE bed room 1 46.5 8.914 414.501
Deduct W1 -2 6 4.5 -54
Deduct D1 -1 3 7 -21
Living room
Flight 1 & 3 2 5.416 3.83 41.487
side 4 5.416 21.664 taken as r.ft.
Landing 1 & 2 2 3.83 3.83 29.338
side 4 3.83 15.32 taken as r.ft.
Flight 2 1 4.083 3.83 15.638
side 2 4.083 8.166
Step 16 0.241945 3.871 taken as sq.ft.
Staircase wall 1 39.66 9.33 370.028
Total 1244.942 Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20mm) Sq.m./Sq.ft.
South Elevation 1 847.63 847.63 taken as sq.ft.
deduct W1
deduct D1
North Elevation
East elevation
West elevation
NW cantiliver
SE cantiliver (curve)
East cantiliver
Total 847.63 Sq.ft.

c. Painting works
i. Wall putti works(internal) Sq.m./Sq.ft.
i. Internal plaster(15mm) Sq.m./Sq.ft.
NW bed room 1 50.25 8.914 447.929
Deduct W1 -1 6 4.5 -27
Deduct D1 -1 3 7 -21
NE bed room 1 46.5 8.914 414.501
Deduct W1 -2 6 4.5 -54
Deduct D1 -1 3 7 -21
Living room
Flight 1 & 3 2 5.416 3.83 41.487
side 4 5.416 21.664 taken as r.ft.
Landing 1 & 2 2 3.83 3.83 29.338
side 4 3.83 15.32 taken as r.ft.
Flight 2 1 4.083 3.83 15.638
side 2 4.083 8.166
Step 16 0.241945 3.871 taken as sq.ft.
Staircase wall 1 39.66 9.33 370.028
NW bed room
NE bed room
Living room

Total 1244.942 Sq.ft.

ii. Wall putti works( external) Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20mm) Sq.m./Sq.ft.
South Elevation 1 847.63 847.63 taken as sq.ft.
deduct W1
deduct D1
North Elevation
East elevation
West elevation
NW cantiliver
SE cantiliver (curve)
East cantiliver
Total 847.63 Sq.ft.
iii. Emulsion paint Sq.m./Sq.ft.
NW bed room 1 50.25 8.914 447.929
Deduct W1 -1 6 4.5 -27
Deduct D1 -1 3 7 -21
NE bed room 1 46.5 8.914 414.501
Deduct W1 -2 6 4.5 -54
Deduct D1 -1 3 7 -21
Living room
Flight 1 & 3 2 5.416 3.83 41.487
side 4 5.416 21.664 taken as r.ft.
Landing 1 & 2 2 3.83 3.83 29.338
side 4 3.83 15.32 taken as r.ft.
Flight 2 1 4.083 3.83 15.638
side 2 4.083 8.166
Step 16 0.241945 3.871 taken as sq.ft.
Staircase wall 1 39.66 9.33 370.028
NW bed room
NE bed room
Living room

Total 1244.942 Sq.ft.

iv. Distember paint Sq.m./Sq.ft.
v. Weather coat Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20mm) Sq.m./Sq.ft.
South Elevation 1 847.63 847.63 taken as sq.ft.
deduct W1
deduct D1
North Elevation
East elevation
West elevation
NW cantiliver
SE cantiliver (curve)
East cantiliver
Total 847.63 Sq.ft.
d. Flooring works:
i. Tile works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
Ground floor:
NW bed room
NE bed room
Living room
upper terrace
lower terrace
ii. Marble Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iii. Granite Sq.m./Sq.ft.

iv. Skirting works R.ft.

v. Parketting works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
vii. Punning works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
e. Door & window works Sq.m./Sq.ft.

f. Wood works Cu.ft/Cu.m.

c. Electrical works:
Electrical points
Electrical pipe
metal box/galvanized/
Electrical lights
Electrical appliances

D Sanitary works:
drinking water pipe
cold water pipe
hot water pipe
sullage pipe
rain water pipe
waste water pipe
Details of Quantity estimate
S.N. Description Unit No. Quantity SI unit Remarks
1 Site clearance Sq.ft./LS 1 1608.98 149.5335 taken as sq.ft.

A. Structural works
a. E/W in excavation Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1 2793.525 79.11427
b. Soling works:
i. Brick soling(2.5'' minmSq.m./Sq.ft. 1
ii. Stone soling(5'' minm) Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1 246.973
c. PCC works (3'' minm) Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1 148.424
d. Formworks Sq.m./Sq.ft. 1 3095.164
e. Reinforcement works Kg/ton 1
f. RCC works Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1
g. E/w in filling Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1
B. Architectural works
a. Wall works:
i. Brick wall
i. 9'' brick wall Cu.m./Cu.ft.
ii. 7'' brick wall Cu.m./Cu.ft.
iii. 4'' brick wall Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. Concrete /AAC block Cu.m./Cu.ft.
b. Plaster works
i. Internal plaster(15m Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20 Sq.m./Sq.ft.
c. Painting works
i. Wall putti works(inteSq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. Wall putti works( ex Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20 Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iii. Emulsion paint Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iv. Distember paint Sq.m./Sq.ft.
v. Weather coat Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20 Sq.m./Sq.ft.
d. Flooring works:
i. Tile works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. Marble Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iii. Granite Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iv. Skirting works R.ft.
v. Parketting works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
vii. Punning works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
e. Door & window works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
f. Wood works Cu.ft/Cu.m.
c. Electrical works:
D Sanitary works:
Details of Quantity estimate
S.N. Description Unit No. SI unit Rate Amount Remarks
1 Site clearance Sq.ft./LS/Sq.m. 1 149.5335 21.1692 3165.504 taken as sq.ft.

A. Structural works
a. E/W in excavation Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1 79.11427 644.28 50971.74
b. Soling works:
i. Brick soling(2.5'' minmSq.m./Sq.ft. 1
ii. Stone soling(5'' minm) Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1
c. PCC works (3'' minm) Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1
d. Formworks Sq.m./Sq.ft. 1
e. Reinforcement works Kg/ton 1
f. RCC works Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1
g. E/w in filling Cu.m./Cu.ft. 1
B. Architectural works
a. Wall works:
i. Brick wall
i. 9'' brick wall Cu.m./Cu.ft.
ii. 7'' brick wall Cu.m./Cu.ft.
iii. 4'' brick wall Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. Concrete /AAC block Cu.m./Cu.ft.
b. Plaster works
i. Internal plaster(15m Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20 Sq.m./Sq.ft.
c. Painting works
i. Wall putti works(inteSq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. Wall putti works( ex Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20 Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iii. Emulsion paint Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iv. Distember paint Sq.m./Sq.ft.
v. Weather coat Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. External plaster(20 Sq.m./Sq.ft.
d. Flooring works:
i. Tile works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
ii. Marble Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iii. Granite Sq.m./Sq.ft.
iv. Skirting works R.ft.
v. Parketting works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
vii. Punning works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
e. Door & window works Sq.m./Sq.ft.
f. Wood works Cu.ft/Cu.m.
c. Electrical works:
D Sanitary works:
Summary rates
S.N. Description Rate Unit Remarks
1 Site clearance(Cutting grass,removing roots,leveling surface) 21.1692 Sq.m.
E/W in excavation (Soft soil,silty soil)(carry & disposal up to
2 10m and lift 1.5m) 644.28
3 Soling works:
4 Brick soling(2.5'' minm
5 Stone soling(5'' minm)
6 PCC works (3'' minm)
7 Formworks
8 Reinforcement works
9 RCC works
10 E/w in filling
11 Architectural works
12 Wall works:
13 Brick wall
14 i. 9'' brick wall
15 ii. 7'' brick wall
16 iii. 4'' brick wall
17 Concrete /AAC block
18 Plaster works
19 i. Internal plaster(15mm)
20 ii. External plaster(20mm)
21 Painting works
22 i. Wall putti works(internal)
23 ii. Wall putti works( external)
24 ii. External plaster(20mm)
25 iii. Emulsion paint
26 iv. Distember paint
27 v. Weather coat
28 ii. External plaster(20mm)
29 Flooring works:
30 i. Tile works
31 ii. Marble
32 iii. Granite
33 iv. Skirting works
34 v. Parketting works
35 vii. Punning works
36 Door & window works
37 Wood works
Details of Rate analysis
Rate analysis for 1 sq.m. area
Site clearance(cutting grass,removing roots, leveling)
Equipmen Rate per
S.N. t Type Quantity Unit unit Amount Remarks
Manpowerlabour 0.023 No. 780 17.94
Tools & plant (3%) 0.5382
Contractor overhead charge (15%) 2.691
Rate per Sq.m. Total (Nrs.) 21.1692

Rate analysis for 1 cu.m. volume

E/W in excavation (1.5m lift and 10m carry for disposal)
Equipmen Rate per
S.N. t Type Quantity Unit unit Amount Remarks
Manpowerlabour 0.7 No. 780 546
Tools & plant (3%) 16.38
Contractor overhead charge (15%) 81.9
Rate per Cu.m. Total (Nrs.) 644.28

Rate analysis for 1 cu.m. volume

E/W in filling (Leveling and filling 15cm and 10m carry for filling)
Equipmen Rate per
S.N. t Type Quantity Unit unit Amount Remarks
Manpowerlabour 0.5 No. 1000 500
soil 1.5 Cu.m. 1057 1585.5
water 5 litre 25 125
Tools & plant (3%) 66.315
Contractor overhead charge (15%) 331.575
Rate per Cu.m. Total (Nrs.) 2608.39

Rate analysis for 1 cu.m. volume

Stone soling(Leveling )
Equipmen Rate per
S.N. t Type Quantity Unit unit Amount Remarks
Manpowerlabour 1.5 No. 1000 1500
block stone 1 Cu.m. 2800 2800
bond stone 0.2 Cu.m. 2800 560
Tools & plant (3%) 145.8
Contractor overhead charge (15%) 729
Rate per Cu.m. Total (Nrs.) 5734.8
Rate analysis for 1 cu.m. volume
RCC works (1:!.5:3) : Machine mixing and carry up to 30m
Equipmen Rate per
S.N. t Type Quantity Unit unit Amount Remarks
Skilled labour 0.5 No. 780 390
Unskilled 3.5 No. 1070 3745
cement 0.4 MT 14300 5720
40mm agg. 0.57 Cu.m. 2090 1191.3
20mm agg. 0.29 Cu.m. 2200 638
sand 0.425 Cu.m. 1562 663.85
water 200 Litre 0.33 66
diesel 3 Litre 170 510
Tools & plant (3%) 124.05
Contractor overhead charge (15%) 1938.623
Rate per Cu.m. Total (Nrs.) 14986.82

Rate analysis for 10 sq.m. area

Formworks for column only carry up to 30m
Equipmen Rate per
S.N. t Type Quantity Unit unit Amount Remarks
Skilled labour 1.574 No. 1070 1684.18
Unskilled 2.361 No. 780 1841.58
Ply board 0.693 sq.m. 1119.04 775.4947
local wood 0.019 Cu.m. 17659 335.521
metal props 0.53 No. 1300 689
nails 2.5 Kg 150 375
metal circular pipe 20
Tools & plant (3%) 105.7728
Contractor overhead charge (15%) 855.1164
Rate per Sq.m. Total (Nrs.) 6661.665

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