BAB I (PERPAJAKAN) - Sopian Taufik
BAB I (PERPAJAKAN) - Sopian Taufik
BAB I (PERPAJAKAN) - Sopian Taufik
A. Latar Belakang
Tax amnesty is the elimination of taxes that should be owed, not subject to tax
administration sanctions and criminal sanctions in the field of taxation, by disclosing assets
and paying redemption money as stipulated in Law No. 11 of 2016. The history of Tax
Amnesty in Indonesia began in 1964. Policies The Indonesian government, which is related
to tax amnesty (Tax Amnesty), aims to return the revolution funds, through the Presidential
Decree of the Republic of Indonesia (Keppres). However, the History of the 1964 Tax
Amnesty was classified as a failure because of the September 30 PKI Movement or better
known as the G30S/PKI. In Indonesia, the 1984 Tax Amnesty was the implementation of the
second Tax Amnesty policy. Similar to 1964, in 1984 Indonesia recorded the History of Tax
Amnesty. However, not to return Revolution funds, but to change the tax system in Indonesia
from official assessment (the amount of tax is determined by the government) to self-
assessment (the amount of tax is determined by the taxpayer himself). The history of the Tax
Amnesty in Indonesia in 1984 failed because the tax system had not been fulfilled 2 indonesia.html
In 2016 the Indonesian government again held the Tax Amnesty program for the third
time, and the results were quite successful, because Indonesia broke the record as the
recipient of the highest tax amnesty ransom in the world.
Tax Amnesty subjects are Indonesian citizens, whether they have an NPWP or not, who
have assets other than those reported in the Annual Tax Return (citizens whose tax payments
so far have not been in accordance with the real conditions). After the Tax Amnesty subject
participates in the Tax Amnesty, it does not mean that the tax obligation is over. Instead,
they must report reports on the placement of additional assets for three consecutive years,
the first report is done no later than the end of March 2017, the second report is done at the
end of March 2018, and the third report is done at the end of March 2019. After that, the Tax
Amnesty obligation is completed.
Member of Commission XI DPR RI Kamrussamad assesses that the socialization of the
Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) or Tax Amnesty Volume II has not been carried out
massively. Because of that, according to him, many people and a number of businessmen he
met still did not know about Tax Amnesty Volume II.
"Including the benefits, what are the advantages of Tax Amnesty Volume II from Tax
Amnesty Volume I," Kamrussamad said in a press statement to the Parliament, Friday
(3/6/2022). The purpose of Tax Amnesty, he continued, is basically very positive, taxpayers
can get benefits such as being free from sanctions and fines.
This policy is part of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax
Regulations (HPH Law). "In my opinion, this socialization needs to be intensified. Don't look
at the public, and even entrepreneurs already understand Tax Amnesty and the purpose of
Tax Amnesty," said the Gerindra Party politician.
As of June 2, 57,072 taxpayers participated in the Tax Amnesty with 66,777
certificates. Income tax (PPh) received from the tax amnesty has reached IDR 11.61 trillion
of the total disclosure of net assets of IDR 115.40 trillion. It is known that the PPS or Tax
Amnesty Volume II deadline now has less than 30 days left, namely until June 30, 2022.
Through this program, taxpayers can get benefits such as being free from sanctions
and fines. An administrative fine of 200 percent is imposed when the Directorate General of
Taxes discovers assets that have not been or have not been reported in the Asset Disclosure
Notice (SPPH) by the PPS deadline. The 200 percent sanction is in accordance with Article
18 paragraph 3 of the Tax Amnesty Law (tax amnesty).
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the description of the background above, the formulation of the problem
taken in this study is "is the effect of the tax amnesty good and what concept is being carried
out by the government regarding current tax obligations?"
C. Research purposes
Based on the formulation of the problem above, this research is to be able to find
evidence with the data presented and also to better know the quality of tax obligations and
tax progress in participating in the tax amnesty.
D. benefits of research
The benefits of this research are as follows:
1. A source of reference for future researchers.
2. As a source of information or data related to the discussion presented.
3. As one of the reference materials for making better tax decisions.
A. Latar Belakang
Tax amnesty adalah penghapusan pajak yang seharusnya terutang, tidak dikenai
sanksi administrasi perpajakan dan sanksi pidana di bidang perpajakan, dengan cara
mengungkap Harta danmembayar Uang Tebusan sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang
no 11 tahun 2016. Sejarah Tax Amnesty di Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1964. Kebijakan
Pemerintah Indonesia yang terkait pengampunan pajak (Tax Amnesty) inibertujuan untuk
mengembalikan dana revolusi, melalui perangkat Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia
(Keppres). Namun, Sejarah Tax Amnesty Tahun 1964 ini tergolong gagal karena adanya
Gerakan 30 September PKI atau yang lebih dikenal dengan G30S/PKI. Di Indonesia Tax
Amnesty Tahun 1984 merupakan pelaksanaan kebijakan Tax Amnesty kedua. Sama halnya
dengan tahun 1964, pada tahun 1984 Indonesia mencatat Sejarah Tax Amnesty. Tetapi,
bukan untuk mengembalikan dana Revolusi, melainkan untuk mengubah sistem perpajakan
di Indonesia dari officialassesment(besarnya jumlah pajak ditentukan oleh pemerintah)
diubah ke self-assesment (besarnya pajak ditentukan oleh wajib pajak sendiri). Sejarah Tax
Amnesty di Indonesia tahun 1984 ini mengalami kegagalan karena memangsistem pajak
belum terpenuhi ( 2
Pada tahun 2016 pemerintah Indonesia kembali mengadakan program Tax Amnesty
yang ketiga kalinya, dan hasilnya tergolong berhasil, karena Indonesia memecahkan rekor
sebagai penerima uang tebusan amnesty pajak tertinggi di dunia
Subjek Tax Amnesty adalah warga negara Indonesia baik yang ber NPWP maupun
tidak yang memiliki harta lain selain yang telah dilaporkan dalam SPT Tahunan Pajak (warga
negara yang pembayaran pajaknya selama ini masih belum sesuai dengan kondisi nyata).
Setelah subjek Tax Amnesty mengikuti Tax Amnesty, maka bukan berarti kewajiban
perpajakannya selesai. Melainkan harus melaporkan laporan penempatan harta tambahan
selama tiga tahun berturut-turut, laporan pertama dilakukan paling lambat pada akhir maret
2017, laporan kedua dilakukan pada akhir maret 2018, dan laporan ketiga pada akhir maret
2019. Setelah itu kewajiban Tax Amnesty barulah selesai.
Kebijakan ini menjadi bagian dari Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2021 tentang
Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan (UU HPH). "Menurut saya sosialisasi ini perlu semakin
gencar. Jangan dipandang masyarakat, dan bahkan pengusaha sudah mengerti Tax Amnesty
dan tujuan Tax Amnesty," ucap politisi Partai Gerindra tersebut.
Hingga 2 Juni kemarin, Tax Amnesty telah diikuti 57.072 wajib pajak dengan 66.777
surat keterangan. Pajak penghasilan (PPh) yang diterima dari tax amnesty ini telah mencapai
Rp11,61 triliun dari total pengungkapan harta bersih sebesar Rp115,40 triliun. Diketahui
tenggat waktu PPS atau Tax Amnesty Jilid II kini menyisakan kurang dari 30 hari, yakni
hingga 30 Juni 2022.
Melalui program itu, wajib pajak bisa mendapatkan keuntungan seperti bebas dari sanksi
dan denda. Denda administrasi sebesar 200 persen dijatuhkan ketika Ditjen Pajak
menemukan harta yang tidak atau belum dilaporkan dalam Surat Pemberitahuan
Pengungkapan Harta (SPPH) hingga batas waktu terakhir PPS. Sanksi 200 persen itu sesuai
dengan Pasal 18 ayat 3 UU TaxAmnesty (pengampunanpajak).
B. Rumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan uraian dari latar belakang diatasa, maka rumusan masalah yang diambil
dalam penelitian ini “ apakah pengaruh dari tax amnesty baik dan konsep apa yang dilakukan
oleh pemerintahan tentang kewajiban pajak sekarang?”
C. Tujuan Penelitian
Berdasarkan rumusan masalah diatas, maka dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk supaya bisa
menemukan bukti dengan data yang disajikan dan juga untuk lebih mengetahui kualitas
kewajiban pajak dan progres pajak dalam mengikuti tax amnesty.
D. Manfaat Penelitian
b. Tax Sanctions
According to Oladipupo and Obazee (2016) in Listyowati (2018) tax sanctions
are an action to notify the penalties imposed in the tax law for actions that are violated,
and also failure to do what is needed, for example by not returning files on time. time
and fill in returns that have other errors.
Furthermore, according to Septarini et al. (2017) tax sanctions are a
consequence in the form of law given to violations of tax regulations both administrative
offenders and criminal offenders that have been applied to increase taxpayer
e. Tax Service
According to Arviana and Indrajati (2018) tax services are required to have a
friendly, assertive and fair attitude to taxpayers at all times. Aims to increase awareness
of taxpayers to fulfill their taxation. Meanwhile, according to Merry et al. (2017) tax
authorities are expected to have competency skills, as well as knowledge and experience
in tax policies, then tax administration and tax laws, services from officers at the bank
when providing services for payments by being obliged to provide an explanation to
WPOP in a friendly manner for taxpayers to understand what is expected.
f. Attitude of Taxpayers
According to Febriani and Kusmuriyanto (2015) WPOP supports or has a
positive attitude towards tax compliance actions that will tend to fulfill their tax
obligations. And also the opposite, namely if the taxpayer does not provide support (a
negative attitude) in fulfilling tax compliance, the tendency is not to fulfill the tax.
Therefore, the relationship between the attitude of the taxpayer and the compliance of the
taxpayer is an attitude taken by the taxpayer with the consideration and evaluation of the
taxpayer for the benefit or not of the actions and attitudes of supporting taxpayer
e. Pelayanan Pajak
Menurut Arviana dan Indrajati (2018) pelayanan pajak dituntut untuk memiliki
sikap yang ramah, tegas dan adil kepada wajib pajak setiap waktu. Bertujuan untuk
meningkatkan kesadaran wajib pajak untuk memenuhi perpajakannya. Sedangkan,
menurut Merry et al. (2017) fiskus diharapkan memiliki suatu skill kompetensi, serta
pengetahuan, dan pengalaman atas kebijakan didalam pajak, kemudian administrasi pajak
serta undang-undang perpajakan, pelayanan dari petugas di bank saat melakukan
pelayanan terhadap pembayaran dengan wajib memberikan suatu penjelasan kepada
WPOP dengan sikap yang ramah untuk wajib pajak dapat memahami sesuai dengan
apa yang sudah diharapkan.
f. Sikap Wajib Pajak
Menurut Febriani dan Kusmuriyanto (2015) WPOP melakukan dukungan atau
memiliki sikap positif atas tindakan kepatuhan dalam pajak akan cenderung memenuhi
kewajiban perpajakannya. Dan juga hal sebaliknya yaitu jika wajib pajak tidak
melakukan dukungan (bersikap negatif) dalam memenuhi kepatuhan pajak maka
kecenderungan untuk tidak mememenuhi perpajakannya. Oleh sebab itu, hubungan dari
sikap wajib pajak dengan kepatuhan wajib pajak adalah suatu sikap yang diambil oleh
wajib pajak dengan pertimbangan dan evaluasi wajib pajak untuk menguntungkan
atau tidak tindakan dan sikap dari mendukung kepatuhan wajib pajak.