Vidyasagar University: Midnapore - 721 102, West Bengal, India
Vidyasagar University: Midnapore - 721 102, West Bengal, India
Vidyasagar University: Midnapore - 721 102, West Bengal, India
Faculty of Science
15 5 16 525 275 30
MCA-205 Numerical 3 1 0 70 30 4
Methods and
MCA-302 Artificial 3 1 0 70 30 4
MCA-303 Internet and Web 3 1 0 70 30 3
MCA-304 Machine Learning 3 1 0 70 30 4
MCA-305 Elective-Paper 3 1 0 70 30 4
Program Outcome:
On completion of the MCA (Master of Computer Application) students are able to:
Course Outcome
At the completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:
Introduction: Concept & Overview of DBMS, Data Models, Database Languages, Database
Administrator, Database Users, Three Schema architecture of DBMS. [3L]
Relational Databases: Integrity Constraints revisited: Functional, Multi-valued and Join
Dependency, Template Algebraic, Inclusion and Generalized Functional Dependency, Chase
Algorithms and Synthesis of Relational Schemes. [2L]
Master of Computer Application (MCA) 6
Query Processing and Optimization: Evaluation of Relational Operations, Transformation
of Relational Expressions, Indexing and Query Optimization, Limitations of Relational Data
Model, Null Values and Partial Information. [3L]
Object-oriented Databases: Objects and Types, Specifying the behavior of objects,
Implementing Relationships, Inheritance. Sample Systems. New Database Applications.
Multimedia Database: Multimedia and Object Oriented Databases, Basic features of
Multimedia data management, Data Compression Techniques, Integrating conventional
DBMSs with IR and Hierarchical Storage Systems, Graph Oriented Data Model,
Management of Hypertext Data, Client Server Architectures for Multimedia Databases.
Deductive Databases:
Datalog and Recursion, Evaluation of Datalog program, Recursive queries with negation.
Objected Oriented and Object Relational Databases: Modeling Complex Data Semantics,
Specialization, Generalization, Aggregation and Association, Objects, Object Identity,
Equality and Object Reference, Architecture of Object Oriented and Object Relational
Databases. Case Studies: Gemstone, O2, Object Store, SQL3, Oracle xxi, DB2. [5L]
Parallel and Distributed Databases:
Distributed Data Storage: Fragmentation and Replication, Location and Fragment
Transparency, Distributed Query Processing and Optimization, Distributed Transaction
Modeling and Concurrency Control, Distributed Deadlock, Commit Protocols, Design of
Parallel Databases, Parallel Query Evaluation. [6L]
Advanced Transaction Processing:
Nested and Multilevel Transactions, Compensating Transactions and Saga, Long Duration
Transactions, Weak Levels of Consistency, Transaction Work Flows, Transaction Processing
Monitors. Active Databases: Triggers in SQL, Event Constraint and Action: ECA Rules,
Query Processing and Concurrency Control, Compensation and Databases Recovery. [6L]
WEB Databases:
Accessing Databases through WEB, WEB Servers, XML Databases, commercial Systems:
Oracle xxi, DB2. Data Mining: Knowledge Representation Using Rules, Association and
Classification Rules, Sequential Patterns, Algorithms for Rule Accessing. [4L]
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, and S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts,
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Database Management Systems, WCB/McGraw-Hill.
3. Bipin Desai, An Introduction to Database Systems, Galgotia.
4. J. D. Ullman, Principles of Database Systems, Galgotia.
5. R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems8, Addison-Wesley.
6. Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull and Victor Vianu, Foundations of Databases. Addison-
7. Khoshafian: Object Oriented Databases, John Wiley & Sons,1993.
8. S. Khoshafian & A.B. Baker, Multimedia and Imaging Databases,Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 1996.
9. Kemper & Moerkoette: Object-Oriented Database Management, PH, 1994.
Course Objective:
Course should provide a formal connection between algorithmic problem solving and the
theory of languages and automata and develop them into a mathematical (and less magical)
view towards algorithmic design and in general computation itself. The course should in
addition clarify the practical view towards the applications of these ideas in the theoretical
computer science.
Course Outcome:
Finite State Machines : Definition, concept of sequential circuits, state table & state
assignments, concept of synchronous, asynchronous and liner sequential machines. [3L]
Finite State Models : Basic definition, mathematical representation, Moore versus Mealy
m/c, capability & limitations of FSM, state equivalence & minimization, machine
equivalence, incompletely specified machines, merger graph & compatibility graph, merger
table, Finite memory, definite, information loss less & inverse machines : testing table &
testing graph. [6 L]
Structure of Sequential Machines : Concept of partitions, closed partitions, lattice of closed
partitions, decomposition : serial & parallel. [4L]
Finite Automation : Preliminaries (strings, alphabets & languages, graphs & trees, set &
relations), definition, recognition of a language by an automata - idea of grammar, DFA,
NFA, equivalence of DFA and NFA, NFA with e-moves, regular sets & regular expressions :
equivalence with finite automata, NFA from regular expressions, regular expressions from
DFA, two way finite automata equivalence with one way, equivalence of Moore & Mealy
machines, applications of finite automata. [5L]
Closure Properties of Regular Sets : Pumping lemma & its application, closure properties
minimization of finite automata : minimization by distinguishable pair, Myhill-Nerode
theorem. [4L]
Context Free Grammars : Introduction, definition, derivation trees, simplification, CNF &
GNF. [5L]
Books :
1. Hopcroft JE. and Ullman JD., “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages &
Computation”, Narosa.
2. K.L.P Mishra & N. Chandrasekharan – “Theory of Computer Science”, PHI
3. Ash & Ash – “Discrete Mathematics”,TMH
4. Martin—Introduction
5. Lewis H. R. and Papadimitrou C. H., “Elements of the theory of Computation”, P.H.I.
6. Kain, “Theory of Automata & Formal Language”, McGraw Hill.
7. Kohavi ZVI, “Switching & Finite Automata”, 2nd Edn., Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Linz Peter, “An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata”, Narosa
9. “Introduction to Formal Languages”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1983.
Introduction – Review of Data and Information, Array , Stack, Queue, Linked List [3L]
Searching and Sorting Algorithms – Linear and Binary Search – Sorting – Merge, Quick,
Heap, Bucket – Stable sorting , External Sorting [3L]
Trees – Binary Trees – Binary Search Tree – Balanced Trees – 2-3 Tree – B-Tree – B+-Tree
, Red-Black tree [6L]
Binomial Heap, Fibonacci Heap, Data structure for disjoint sets [4L]
Graphs – Adjacency Matrix and List – Graph Search Algorithms – Spanning Tree
Algorithms – Shortest Path Algorithms – Transitive Closure Matrix [2L]
Hashing – Terminologies – Hash functions – Collision Resolution Strategies – Types of
Hashing [2L]
The main objective of object oriented programming using Python is to understand the real
world problems into objects, inheritance, classes etc. The students will be able how to reuse
of code, how to model a problem for OOP.
Course Outcome:
At the end of this course students should:
Know the basics of Python
Know basic concepts of object oriented programming language.
Learn to create classes, modules and packages in Python.
Know the concept of constructor and destructor.
They will able to learn function overloading, operator overloading, and virtual
Able to learn different types of inheritance.
Know Operator Overloading.
Learn Python Object-Oriented Shortcuts, Strings and Serialization and The Iterator
Topic Covered:
Python basics: Getting started with Python, essentials of a Python program, data types,
variables, control statements, loops, empty objects, tuples and named tuples, data classes,
dictionaries, lists, sets, extending built-in functions, errors and exceptions, functions.
[6 L]
Object-Oriented Design: Introduction, why object orientation, history and development of
Object Oriented Programming language, concepts of object oriented programming language,
objects and classes, Attributes and behaviors, Hiding details and creating the public interface
[5 L]
Objects in Python: Creating Python classes, modules and packages, organizing module
content, data access, third-party libraries, treat objects as objects, adding behaviors to class
data with properties, manager objects. [5 L]
Constructor and Destructor: Constructors, parameterized constructors, multiple
constructors in class, dynamic initialization of objects, destructors. [5 L]
Inheritance: Basic inheritance, multiple inheritance, polymorphism, abstract base classes,
raising exceptions. [5 L]
Operator Overloading: Defining operator overloading, overloading - (unary, binary
operators), overloading operators using friends, rules for overloading operators. [5 L]
Python Object-Oriented Shortcuts: Python built-in functions, an alternative to method
overloading, functions as objects. [3 L]
Strings and Serialization: Strings, regular expressions, file system paths, serializing objects.
[3 L]
The Iterator Pattern: Design patterns in brief, Iterators, comprehensions, generators,
coroutines. [3 L]
Course Objective:
Course Outcome:
Manage the scope, cost, timing, and quality of the project, at all times focused on
project success as defined by project stakeholders.
Align the project to the organization's strategic plans and business justification
throughout its lifecycle.
Identify project goals, constraints, deliverables, performance criteria, control needs,
and resource requirements in consultation with stakeholders.
Implement project management knowledge, processes, lifecycle and the embodied
concepts, tools and techniques in order to achieve project success.
Adapt projects in response to issues that arise internally and externally.
Interact with team and stakeholders in a professional manner, respecting differences,
to ensure a collaborative project environment.
Utilize technology tools for communication, collaboration, information management,
and decision support.
Master of Computer Application (MCA) 13
Implement general business concepts, practices, and tools to facilitate project success.
Apply appropriate legal and ethical standards.
Adapt project management practices to meet the needs of stakeholders from multiple
sectors of the economy (i.e. consulting, government, arts, media, and charity
Apply project management practices to the launch of new programs, initiatives,
products, services, and events relative to the needs of stakeholders.
Appraise the role of project management in organization change.
1. Gilb, T., “Principles of Software Engineering Management”, Addison Weskey.
Reading. M.A 1988.
2. Putnam. L.H., Myers. W., “Industrial Sire: Software - Effective Management using
Measurement”. IEEE C.S. Press. 1997.
Master of Computer Application (MCA) 14
Course Objective:
The key goal of ADBMS Lab is to incorporate, by query language programming, the
theoretical principles of various topics of the database management system into reality. The
students should increase their knowledge and develop their programming skills through the
programming framework PL / SQL.
Course Outcome:
The students can implement databases, tables along with specifying data constraints.
They will able to perform different operations on tables like insertion, deletion and
Student can able to handle aggregate function along with JOIN operation.
They will able to write view for enhancing database security.
They can manipulate user permission of database access.
They also will able to create procedure using PL/SQL.
The student is also enabled to use of user interfaces and generating report using
PL/SQL utilities.
Course Objective: The main objective of OOPs Lab using Python is how to implement
theoretical concepts of OOP into practical using Python.
Course Outcome:
Course objective:
The main aim of data structure lab is to implement the theoretical concepts of different topics
of data structure into practically through programs. The students will grow more interest and
deep knowledge of different items in linear and non-linear data structure.
Course outcome:
The students can implement stack and queue using array and linked list in
They will able to perform different operations of stack and queue.
Student can implement sparse matrix.
They will able to write programs for implementing polynomial and their operations.
They can implement the traversal of binary tree.
They will able to write programs for different sorting and searching algorithms.
Stacks and Queues: adding, deleting elements Circular Queue: Adding & deleting elements
Merging Problem : Evaluation of expressions operations on Multiple stacks & queues :
Implementation of linked lists: inserting, deleting, inverting a linked list.
Implementation of stacks & queues using linked lists: Polynomial addition, Polynomial
multiplication Sparse Matrices : Multiplication, addition.
Recursive and Nonrecursive traversal of Trees
Threaded binary tree traversal.
AVL tree implementation Application of Trees.
Application of sorting and searching algorithms
Hash tables implementation: searching, inserting and deleting, searching & sorting
List of Experiments: Experiments should include but not limited to:
Data Structure:
1. Write a program in C to implement simple Stack and their operations using array and
Linked list
2. Write a program in C to implement Queue and their operations using array and linked
3. Write a program in C to implement Circular Queue and Priority Queue using array.
4. Write a menu driven program that implements singly linked list for the following
operations: Create, Display, Concate, merge, union, intersection
5. Write a menu driven program that implements singly linked list for the following
operations: a) Insert before first node, after last or any intermediate position. b) delete
first node, last or any intermediate node.
6. Write a program in C to insert a node in a sorted linked list.
Master of Computer Application (MCA) 17
7. Write a menu driven program that implements doubly linked list for the following
operations: Create, Display, Count, Insert, Delete, Search, Copy, Reverse, Sort
8. Write a menu driven program that implements doubly linked list for the following
operations: Create, Display, Concatenate, merge, union, intersection
9. Write a program in C to implement the deque opearions.
10. Write a menu driven program that implements Singly circular linked list for the
following operations: Create, Display, Count, Insert, Delete, Search, Copy, Reverse,
11. Write a program to implement Inorder, Preorder and Post Order traversal of a binary
tree both recursive and non-recursive way.
12. Write a menu driven program in C to Create a binary search tree, Traverse the tree in
Inorder, Preorder and Post Order , Search the tree for a given node and delete the node
13. Write a program in C to implement insertion and deletion in B tree.
14. Write a program in C to implement insertion and deletion in AVL tree ,
15. Write a menu driven program that implements Heap tree (Maximum and Minimum
Heap tree) for the following operations. (Using array) Insert, Delete .
16. Write a program in C to covert an infix to postfix expression.
17. Write a program in C to represent polynomial and also add and subtract two
18. Write a program to implement double hashing technique to map given key to the
address space.
19. Write a program to implement for the collision resolution (linear probing).
20. Write a program in C to represent KMP pattern matching algorithm.
1. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of data Structures”, Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
2. R. Kruse etal, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi-
3. A. M. Tenenbaum, “Data Structures using C & C++”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
4. K Loudon, “Mastering Algorithms with C”, Shroff Publisher & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
5. Bruno R Preiss, “Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Pattern in
C++”, Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc.
6. Adam Drozdek, “Data Structures and Algorithms in C++”, Thomson Asia Pvt.
An Industrial Visit would be organized by the department for not less than 3 days and not
more than one week and students should submit a report on that tour which will be examined
by a board of examiners to be nominated by the B.O.S.
B. Term Paper-I
Seminar topic will be assigned to individual student by the Head of the department at the
beginning of the semester.
Course Objective:
The course Advanced Computer Architecture reviews the basic concepts, explains efficient
performance improvement techniques of a computer system like pipelining, super pipeline
and super scalar design. Then, the hierarchical memory technology and performance of cache
memory with its mapping and virtual memory concept are also explained. After that, the
course explains vector and array processors principles, multiprocessor architecture. It guides
us design applications much efficient after knowledge of what’s inside a system and how it
Course Outcome:
Introduction: Von Neumann architecture: ISA; ALU, CU, Memory and I/O devices and
their interfacing to the CPU; Measuring and reporting performance; CISC and RISC
processors. [7L]
Pipelining: Pipelining concepts, Reservation Tables, Collision, Latency, Dynamic pipeline,
Instruction Pipelining, Hazards, Techniques for overcoming or reducing the effects of various
hazards. [15L]
Hierarchical Memory Technology: Inclusion, Coherence and locality properties; Cache
memory organizations, Techniques for reducing cache misses; Virtual memory organization,
mapping and management techniques, memory replacement policies.
Vector and Array Processors Principles: Instruction types, Compound, Vector loops,
Chaining, Array processor structure and algorithms, Case studies of contemporary
microprocessors. [2L]
Instruction-level parallelism: Concepts of instruction-level parallelism (ILP), Techniques
for increasing ILP; Superscalar, super-pipelined and VLIW processor architectures.
Course Objective:
It is hard for the computers to work with ease without an operating system. Therefore, every
computers are provides with some type of operating system to coordinate between the users
and hardware of the system. The objective is to grow a clear concept regarding the working
of the operating system, its policies, scheduling, synchronization, and memory storage
Course Outcome:
Understand the role, objectives, and policies with which an advanced operating system
works in a computer system
Gain knowledge to synchronize process and its coordination with all the processes
Describe and analyze the memory management and its allocation policies.
Understand the concepts and architecture of distributed, real time and mobile operating
Learn the different types of threats present in the computer system and security to
overcome them.
Course Objective:
The main emphasis of this section is on the organization and management of local area
networks (LANs). The course objectives include learning about computer network
organization and implementation, obtaining a theoretical understanding of data
communication and computer networks, and gaining practical experience in installation,
monitoring, and troubleshooting of current LAN systems. The course introduces computer
communication network design and its operations. The course includes the following topics:
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communication model; error detection and recovery;
local area networks; bridges, routers and gateways; network naming and addressing; and
local and remote procedures. On completion of the course, the student should be able in part
to design, implement and maintain a typical computer network (LAN).
Course Outcome:
1. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, by James F. Kurose
and Keith W. Ross, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010
2. Data communication and Networking, by Behrouz A. Forouzan, 4th Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2007
3. Computer Networks, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall India, 2003
4. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, by Larry L. Peterson and Peter S. Davie,4th
Edition, Morgan Kauffman Publishers, 2007
5. Data and Computer Communication, by William Stallings, 9th Edition, Pearson Education,
6. Unix Network Programming: Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI, (Volume 1) by W.
Richard Stevens, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall India, 1999
Course Objective:
The main objective of this course is to introduce the major concept areas of language
translation and compiler design and to develop an awareness of the function and complexity
of modern compilers. This course is a study of the theory and practice required for the design
and implementation of interpreters and compilers for programming languages.
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, the successful student will be able to do:
To realize basics of compiler design and apply for real time applications.
To introduce different translation languages
To understand the importance of code optimization
To know about compiler generation tools and techniques
To learn working of compiler and non compiler applications
Design a compiler for a simple programming language
To convert from source language to target language and should be recognize what
happens at each and every phase of a compiler.
1. Alfred Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D Ullman, “Compilers Principles,
Techniques and Tools”, Pearson Education Asia (2nd Ed. - 2009).
2. Leland L. Beck, “System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming”, 3/E,
Addison- Wesley, 1997.
3. Allen I. Holub “Compiler Design in C”, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
4. C. N. Fischer and R. J. LeBlanc, “Crafting a compiler with C”, Pearson Education.
5. J.P. Bennet, “Introduction to Compiler Techniques”, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
6. Henk Alblas and Albert Nymeyer, “Practice and Principles of Compiler Building with C”,
PHI, 2001.
7. Kenneth C. Louden, “Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice”, Thomson Learning.
8. Systems Programming and Operating Systems – D. M. Dhamdhere, TMH
9. John J. Donovan, “ Systems Programming”, 3rd edition, 1997, Addison Wesley.
In every sphere of life, people deal with optimization. Optimization techniques help to use the
available scarce resources to its optimality. The objective is to study the basic components of
an optimization problem and formulation of design problems as mathematical programming
Course Outcome:
1. Numerical Analysis, Shastri, PHI
2. Numerical Analysis, S. Ali Mollah
3. Numerical Analysis, James B. Scarbarough
4. Numerical Methods for Mathematics ,Science & Engg., Mathews, PHI
5. Numerical Methods in Computer Application,Wayse,EPH
6. Hadley G., “Linear Programming”, Narosa Publishers, 1987.
7. S. Fang et al: Linear optimizations and Extensions
8. Hadley: Linear programming, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1990.
9. K. Deb: Optimization for Engineering Design – Algorithms and Examples
Course Objective:
Java is the most popular platform, which is used to develop several applications for the
systems as well as embedded devices like mobile, laptops, tablets and many more. It is an
object oriented programming language and has a simple object model, as it has derived from
C and C++. It provides a virtual machine, which is accumulated with byte-code and can run
on any system. With time the importance and popularity of Java is on rise as it has the magic
in its remarkable abilities to innovate and morph as the technology landscape changes. It is
the language of choice for developing applications for the BlackBerry Smartphone. It is
important for information technology industry to develop and create multiple web-based or
server based applications to enhance the industrial competency. There is huge scope for this
programming language.
Course Outcome:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability
Able to understand the use of OOPs concepts.
Able to solve real world problems using OOP techniques.
Able to understand the use of abstraction.
Able to understand the use of Packages and Interface in java.
Able to develop and understand exception handling, multithreaded applications with
Able to understand the use of Collection Framework.
Able to design GUI based applications and develop applets for web applications.
Introduction to JAVA: Class and object, basic concepts of java programming , advantages
of java, byte-code & JVM. [2L]
Oops Concept: Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, abstraction etc. [2L]
Class, object and data types: data types, access specifiers, operators, control statements &
loops, array, creation of class, object, constructor, finalize and garbage collection. use of
method overloading, this keyword, use of objects as parameter & methods returning objects,
call by value & call by reference, static variables & methods, nested & inner classes, basic
String handling concepts, concept of mutable and immutable string, command line
arguments, [4L]
Java I/O: basics of I/O operations – keyboard input using Buffered Reader & Scanner
classes. [2L]
Course Objective:
Introduction: Overview and Historical Perspective, Turing test, Physical Symbol Systems
and the scope of Symbolic AI, Agents. [4L]
State Space Search: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, DFID. [4L]
Heuristic Search: Best First Search, Hill Climbing, Beam Search, Tabu Search. [6L]
Randomized Search: Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization.
Finding Optimal Paths: Branch and Bound, A*, IDA*, Divide and Conquer approaches,
Beam Stack Search. [4L]
Problem Decomposition: Goal Trees, AO*, Rule Based Systems, Rete Net. [4L]
Game Playing: Minimax Algorithm, AlphaBeta Algorithm, SSS*. [3L]
Planning and Constraint Satisfaction: Domains, Forward and Backward Search, Goal
Stack Planning, Plan Space Planning, Graphplan, Constraint Propagation. [5L]
Logic and Inferences: Propositional Logic, First Order Logic, Soundness and Completeness,
Forward and Backward chaining. [7L]
The objective of this paper is to develop an ability to design and implement static and
dynamic website.
Course Outcome:
On completion of this course, a student will be familiar with client server architecture and
able to develop a web application using java technologies. Students will gain the skills and
project-based experience needed for entry into web application and development careers.
Internet: Brief history, internet today, Protocols and standards; Reference models: OSI
reference model, TCP/IP reference model, their comparative study; Addressing: Internet
address, classful address; Internet Applications: HTML, XML, HTTP, Applets, Servlets, Web
services, SOAP, REST [5L]
Introduction to the Web Technologies: Concept of WWW, Internet and WWW, HTTP
Protocol: Request and Response, Web browser and Web servers. Web Security and
Firewalls, Web Protocols: TCP, IP and HTTP, SMTP, POP3, FTP [5L]
HTML: Basics of HTML, Structure of HTML code, formatting and fonts, color, hyperlink,
lists, tables, images, DOM (Programming Assignments based on above topics) [4L]
Style Sheets: Need for CSS, introduction to CSS, basic syntax and structure, Classes and
Pseudo Classes, CSS tags for setting background images, colors and properties, manipulating
Course Outcome
1. T. M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2. E. Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
3. C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
4. R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart, and D.G. Stork, Pattern Classification, John Wiley and
Sons, 2001.
5. Vladimir N. Vapnik, Statistical Learning Theory, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
6. Shawe-Taylor J. and Cristianini N., Cambridge, Introduction to Support Vector
Machines, University Press, 2000.
Course Outcome:
Review the fundamental concepts of a digital image processing system.
Analyze images in the frequency domain using various transforms.
Evaluate the techniques for image enhancement and image restoration.
Categorize various compression techniques.
Interpret Image compression standards.
Interpret image segmentation and representation techniques.
1. Mobile Computing, Raj Kamal, Oxford
2. Hansmann, Merk, Nicklous, Stober, “Principles of Mobile Computing”, Springer,
second edition, 2003.
Master of Computer Application (MCA) 37
3. Mobile Communications, Jochen Schiller, Pearson Education
4. Stojmenovic and Cacute, “Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing”,
Wiley, 2002, ISBN 0471419028.
Course outcome:
Ability to analyze and determine for any organization the security requirements and
appropriate solutions.
Ability to protect system from different types of threats, malicious software’s
vulnerabilities and attacks.
Ability to describe symmetric and public key encryption algorithms like DES, AES,
RSA etc.
Ability to identify ethical, professional responsibilities, risks and liabilities in
computer and network environment, and best practices to write security policy.
Ability to narrate the Authentication of digital certificates.
Ability to differentiate MAC and hashing techniques needed for authentication.
Ability to protect information from different types of threats, malicious software’s
vulnerabilities and attacks through Data hiding and Watermarking scheme.
1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principals and
Practice”, Prentice Hall, New Jersy.
2. Johannes A. Buchmann, “Introduction to Cryptography”, Springer-Verlag.
3. Bruce Schiener, “Applied Cryptography”.
4. Katzendbisser, Petitcolas, " Information Hiding Techniques for Steganography and Digital
Watermarking", Artech House.
5. Peter Wayner, "Disappearing Cryptography: Information Hiding, Steganography and
Watermarking 2/e", Elsevier
6. Bolle, Connell et. al., "Guide to Biometrics", Springer
Course Outcome:
The students will get acquainted with natural language processing and learn how to apply
basic algorithms in this field. They will understand the algorithmic description of the main
language levels: morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, as well as the resources of
natural language data - corpora. They will also grasp basics of knowledge representation,
inference, and relations to the artificial intelligence
Course Outcome:
The primary learning outcomes of this course are five-fold. Students will be able to:
Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and why this
paradigm shift came
about, the characteristics, advantages and challenges brought about by the various
models and services in cloud computing.
Apply fundamental concepts in cloud infrastructures to understand the tradeoffs in
power, efficiency and cost, and then study how to leverage and manage single and
multiple data centers to build and deploy cloud applications that are resilient, elastic
and cost-efficient.
Discuss system, network and storage virtualization and outline their role in enabling
the cloud computing system model.
Illustrate the fundamental concepts of cloud storage and demonstrate their use in
storage systems such as Amazon S3 and HDFS.
Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems on the
Introduction: Essentials, Benefits and need for Cloud Computing - Business and IT
Perspective - Cloud and Virtualization - Cloud Services Requirements - Cloud and Dynamic
Infrastructure - Cloud Computing Characteristics Cloud Adoption. [3L]
Cloud Models: Cloud Characteristics - Measured Service - Cloud Models - Security in a
Public Cloud Public versus Private Clouds - Cloud Infrastructure Self Service [3L]
Master of Computer Application (MCA) 40
Cloud as a Service: Gamut of Cloud Solutions - Principal Technologies - Cloud Strategy
Cloud Design and Implementation using SOA - Conceptual Cloud Model - Cloud Service
Defined [4L]
Cloud Solutions: Cloud Ecosystem - Cloud Business Process Management - Cloud Service
Management - Cloud Stack - Computing on Demand (CoD) – Cloud sourcing. [3L]
Cloud Offerings: Information Storage, Retrieval, Archive and Protection - Cloud Analytics
Testing under Cloud - Information Security - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure - Storage Cloud.
Cloud Management: Resiliency – Provisioning - Asset Management - Cloud Governance -
High Availability and Disaster Recovery - Charging Models, Usage Reporting, Billing and
Metering. [5L]
Cloud Virtualization Technology: Virtualization Defined - Virtualization Benefits - Server
Virtualization - Virtualization for x86 Architecture - Hypervisor Management Software -
Logical Partitioning (LPAR) - VIO Server - Virtual Infrastructure Requirements. [5L]
Cloud Virtualization: Storage virtualization - Storage Area Networks - Network-Attached
storage - Cloud Server Virtualization - Virtualized Data Center. [5L]
Cloud and SOA: SOA Journey to Infrastructure - SOA and Cloud - SOA Defined - SOA and
IaaS - SOA-based Cloud Infrastructure Steps - SOA Business and IT Services. [5L]
Cloud Infrastructure Benchmarking: OLTP Benchmark - Business Intelligence
Benchmark - e-Business Benchmark - ISV Benchmarks - Cloud Performance Data Collection
and Performance Monitoring Commands - Benchmark Tools. [4L]
1. Cloud Computing – Insight into New Era Infrastructure, Dr. Kumar Saurabh, Wiley India.
2. Cloud Computing Explained, John Rhoton, Recursive Press
3. Cloud Computing Bible, Barry Sosinsky, Wiley
4. Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Wiley
5. Cloud Computing for Dummies, Judith Hurwiz, Wiley Publishing.
6. The Cloud at your service, Rosenberg and Matheos, Manning Publications
Course Outcome:
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing:
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Discrete time signals & sequences, linear
shift invariant systems, stability, and causality, linear constant coefficient difference
equations. Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals and systems 4L
Discrete Time System Analysis:
Z-transform and its properties, inverse z-transforms; difference equation – Solution
by z-transform, application to discrete systems – Stability analysis, frequency
response – Convolution – Discrete Time Fourier transform , magnitude and phase
representation. 6L
Discrete-Fourier Transform & Fast Fourier Transform:
Representation of Periodic sequences: The discrete Fourier Series and its Properties
Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals, Sampling the Fourier Transform, The
Discrete-Fourier Transform, Properties of DFT, Linear Convolution using DFT.
FFT-Efficient Computation of DFT, Goertzel Algorithm, radix2 Decimation-in-
Time and Decimationin-Frequency FFT Algorithms. 10L
Realization of Digital Filters:
Applications of Z - transforms, solution of difference equations of digital filters,
System function. Stability criterion. Frequency response of stable systems,
Realization of digital filters - Direct, Canonic, Cascade and Parallel forms, Design
of IIR Digital filters, Design of FIR Filters 8L
Advance DSP Techniques:
Multirate Signal Processing: Decimation, Interpolation, Sampling rate conversion
by rational factor Adaptive filters: Introduction, Basic principles of Forward Linear
Predictive filter and applications such as system identification, echo cancellation,
equalization of channels, and beam forming using block diagram representation
study only. 7L
Architecture of DSP Processors & applications:
MCA-397 AI Lab
1. Study of PROLOG.
2. Write the following programs using PROLOG:
3. Write a program to solve 8-queens problem.
4. Solve any problem using depth first search.
Basic Syntax, Data type, Operator and Expression, Arrays, Capturing Form Data, Decisions
making and looping, Functions, Working with directories, Cookie, Session, Regular
Introduction to RDBMS, Connection with MySql Database, Performing database operation,
Setting query parameters, Executing query, Exception Handling, Basic of jQuery and Ajax
List of Assignments:
Problems and assignments based on Web Technology using PHP (HyperText Preprocessor)
Form creation, Simple CSS creation. Data insertion, updation, deletion through form into a
MySQL database. Data selection from MySQL Database and view on a web page. Data
Authentication using session, cookie.
Some Experiments:
1. Create a web page to validate an arithmetic captcha. Use session to validate a captcha.
Ca : 5+3 =
2. Create a web page to edit the following information and store the updated information
in database. Create the database.
Name: Text Box
Subject: Check Box
3. Write a simple PHP browser detection script.
4. Create a function called that validates email addresses. The function takes as a
parameter a string of email addresses delimited by commas. It should return an array
of valid email addresses.
5. Implement simple web-application that asks question from user and evaluates if the
answer is correct. Use radio-buttons to input user response.
6. Implement PHP-page which is refreshed after every 5 seconds and displays the
current date and time.
7. Design a web page to implement user registration process. User submits username,
password, phone no., email. Also, check the availability of the username. After
successful registration, print a success message.
8. Create a student database using MYSQL with name, roll, marks of three subjects
(MATH, SCIENCE, ENGLISH).Create a page in PHP to access the table against roll
and to generate the average marks of the student and display the average marks.
Master of Computer Application (MCA) 44
9. Design a login page for an administrator. If authentication is correct allow him to visit
any page (dummy) else send him to login page.
10. Implement a simple application that can be used to sent emails.
List of assignments:
1. Implementing KNN Algorithm with Iris data set or any other .csv data.
2. Implementing decision tree Algorithm with some existing or new data set in the .csv
3. Implementing random forest Algorithm with some existing or new data set in .csv
4. Implementing random forest Algorithm with some existing or new data set in .csv
5. Implementing Naïve Bayes classifier Algorithm with some existing or new data set in
.csv format.
6. Implementing Neural Network classifier Algorithm with some a data set in .csv
7. Implementing SVM classifier Algorithm with some data set in .csv format.
8. Implementing Linear Regression Algorithm with some data set in .csv format.
9. Implementing Logistic Regression Algorithm with some data set in .csv format.
10. Implementing spam and non-spam email filtering based on any classifier.
11. Implement and demonstrate the FIND-S algorithm for finding the most specific
hypothesis based on a given set of training data samples. Read the training data from a
.CSV file.
12. . Build an Artificial Neural Network by implementing the Back propagation
algorithm and test the same using appropriate data sets.
13. For a given set of training data examples stored in a .CSV file, implement and
demonstrate the Candidate-Elimination algorithm to output a description of the set of
all hypotheses consistent with the training examples.
14. Implementing K-Means Clustering with a data set.