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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 19, Issue 6 Ser. I (Nov. – Dec. 2022), PP 32-51

A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening

Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys
Víctor M. Alcántara Alza1
(Mechanics and Energy, Faculty of Engineering/ National university of Trujillo, Perú)

Aluminum alloys are used in various sectors of the industry, due to their excellent combination strength and
ductility, high strength/ weight ratio, corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, and high fracture toughness,
among others. But not all aluminum alloys present this set of properties simultaneously. The desired properties
in service conditions are achieved through many factors, such as the chemical composition, the manufacturing
method, plastic deformation and, above all, the thermal treatments, which allow strong precipitation
hardening.Butit should be noted that the so-called "aging" heat treatments are only applicable to certain series
of aluminum alloys, such as: 2xxx, 6xxx, 7000xxx and 9xxx.When the precipitation hardening treatment is
applied, the precipitated particles must be coherent and coplanar with the matrix.On the other hand, to achieve
precipitation hardening at high temperatures of aluminum alloys, it is necessary the hardening phases
(precipitates) must be thermodynamically stable and resist coursing, at temperature of interest.Precipitation
hardening is achieved by precipitation sequences, which are very complex and include several metastable
phases. It can also be said the way in which these phases nucleate in the presence of the preceding phase is
complex.The beginning of each sequence implies the presence of GP and GPB regions. The first is common to
almost all precipitation sequences. The GPB zone appears only in certain sequences, and in some of them, gives
rise the formation of the GPB2 zone.Still exists controversybetween researchers, regarding the stoichiometry
and requirements for the formation of the GPB and GPB2 zones.Despite numerous research papers; the
precipitation behavior of certain aluminum alloys remains poorly understood, and the same thing is happening
of many precipitated phases that are not yet well defined.The objective of this study focuses on reviewing the
hardening mechanisms that allow increasing the hardness and mechanical resistance of these aluminum alloys
and recommending the appropriate parameters so that the aging treatment leads to a sequence, where there are
no harmful phases or precipitates within the aged aluminum.
Key Word: Aluminium alloys, Aging treatment, Precipitation behavior, Coherent precipitates, GP zones
Date of Submission: 04-11-2022 Date of Acceptance: 16-11-2022

I. Introduction
Aluminum alloys have great advantages: a high specific modulus, good specific strength, higher
corrosion resistance and better workability. Due to this superior combination of properties compared to other
alloys; They are now widely applied in a number of industries, in aerospace, automotive, high-speed rail
engineering and so on. In recent decades, almost all advanced industrial countries have carried out projects to
plan, guide and support research and development of aluminum alloys[1 - 3].
The strength and hardness of some metal alloys can be increased by the formation of extremely small,
uniformly dispersed particles of a second phase within the matrix, which result from submit the part to a cycle
of heat treatment known as precipitation hardening or aged, because it develops over time [4-9].In aluminum
alloys, to improve their performance, these hardening phases (precipitates) must be thermodynamically stable
and resist the thickened at the temperature of interest. This is obtained if the hardening precipitates are coherent
and coplanar with the matrix, with which microstructural stability is achieved[10]. The resistance of aluminum
alloys is due to the fact that the impurity atoms in solution produce a deformation of the dislocation network and
of the impurity atoms, blocking the movement of these dislocations, thus greater hardness and mechanical
resistance isachieved[11].
For an alloy to be harden by precipitation, it must meet certain requirements: 1) That the phase diagram
has partial solubility; 2) That the maximum solubility of one component in another is considerable; 3) That the
solubility decreases with the decrease in temperature [12].
Not all aluminum alloys respond to "precipitation hardening" heat treatment. Those that can be
strengthened or hardened by precipitation are called "heat treatable aluminum alloys". When aluminum alloys of
this class are heated to a high temperature (solid solution temperature) and kept there for a sufficient period of

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

time, the alloying elements dissolve in the matrix in high concentration.When the alloy is rapidly cooled to low
temperature, the alloying
element atoms can "freeze" in the Al matrix to form a supersaturated solid solution (SSSS). When this
SSSS is heated to moderate temperature, the supersaturated alloying elements separate and combine with other
elements to form intermetallic compound particles in the Al matrix; this is called precipitation. Alloying
elements frequently used to generate precipitates in aluminum alloys include Cu, Zn, Mg, Si, and Li.
When the aging treatment is applied; it is usual to seek to maximize the amount solutes that participate
in the precipitation process. In this regard, a commonly used aging cycle for aluminum alloys is T4 (natural
aging) and T6 (artificial aging). In both cases, the alloy is first dissolved, and then rapidly cooled (quenching)
and aged in air (T4) or by bringing it to a suitable elevated temperature (~ 150°C) for a specified time (T6).
Recent results have shown that mechanical properties, such as creep and fatigue strength, are improved with
aging, and can be further improved by deliberately encouraging solute elements to partition homogeneously in
the solid solution. Matrix together with the fine precipitates, which are the ones that promote the strengthening.
[13, 14].
The main alloying elements of aluminum are: copper, magnesium, zinc and manganese. In smaller
quantities, as impurities or additives: iron, silicon, chromium and titanium. For special alloys, nickel, cobalt,
silver, lithium, vanadium, zirconium, tin, lead, cadmium and bismuth are added [15].Heat treatable aluminum
alloys can be classified according to the naming convention established by Alcoa, in series of the type: 2000,
6000 series, 7000 series and 9000 series respectively.
It has often been believed that an alloy that has been aged at a high temperature, its mechanical
properties remain stable during exposure for an indefinite time, at a significantly lower temperature; However,
Loeffler et al. [16],revealed that highly saturated Al-Zn alloys initially aged at 180 °C continued to harden by
so-called "secondary precipitation" when cooled and kept at room temperature. Similar behavior has since been
observed for highly saturated lithium-containing alloys aged first at 170 °C and then exposed for long periods at
60–130 °C.[17]. In this case, the strength and hardness increase with time, but the alloys tend to become brittle.
When different alloying elements are used, the precipitates are different. The basic necessary condition of these
precipitates, even if they have different morphology and structures, is to be effective in restricting the movement
of dislocations, both at room temperature and high temperatures [18].
The fundamental stage of aging process consists in acceleration of phenomenon of decomposition of
supersaturated solid solution (SSSS), which results in the precipitation of coarse intermetallic particles [19-
21];which are later refined with natural or artificial aging.
There are many studies regarding the phenomenon of precipitation in aluminum alloys. Some of them
will be mentioned. Regarding the AA7075 alloy, determined that the precipitation of second phases occurs from
the SSSS solid solution and that the number and size of these phases increase with the decrease in temperature
of the quenching medium[22]. The kinetic parameters of the alloy AA 7A09; can be obtained from the analysis
of the precipitation results, showing that for this alloy, the precipitation of the η phase is a diffusional
transformation that can be described by the Avram equation: f = 1 – exp (-ktn)[23].Dolan and
Robinson[24]investigated the behavior of three alloys AA 7175-T73, AA 6061-T6 and AA 2017A-T4, by
immersion and spray quenching using cold water. As a result, they generated time-temperature-property (TTP)
curves for each alloy. These curves were generated in the critical temperature range, where precipitation occurs
more quickly, and they found a very good relationship between the hardness measured and that predicted in the
curves.They concluded that although rapid cooling guarantees good mechanical properties, thermal gradients
can be large enough to produce high levels of residual stresses. Reducing cooling rates during quenching can
reduce the magnitude of residual stresses, however, it can also be detrimental to mechanical properties,
particularly for quench-sensitive aluminum alloys.
The aim of this paper is to make a critical review of the mechanisms of precipitation hardening
(aging) in aluminum alloys treatable by this procedure, without taking into account any intermediate process of
plastic deformation. The most focused topic is about sequences of precipitates of each alloy series that is
treatable by aging.To date have been described many particulars cases, but the phenomenon itself is notfully
understood; even generating interpretation controversies among researchers.

II. General Overview

2.1. Phase Transformation by Precipitation.

When a supersaturated SSSS solid solution is aged at a temperature within a biphasic field, particles of
the new phase appear in the matrix which increase in size with aging time. After the formation of the new phase;
the individual particles continue to grow with the solute atoms around them, because the solute atoms grow and
the degree of supersaturation decreases. The solute concentration in the matrix decreases until it reaches the

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

equilibrium concentration, that is, it reaches the solubility limit which corresponds to the maximum soluble
concentration of the matrix. Then, the formation of the new phase is said to be complete and its volume fraction
remains constant. [25-27].Figure 1(a) shows a solvus curve of phase 𝛼 that decreases with temperature.
Considering an alloy of composition Xm. This alloy is solubilized at a temperature Tq obtaining a homogeneous
phase. If this solubilized alloy is rapidly cooled from Tq to Ta, it is possible to retain the high temperature
phase in a supersaturated state. Keeping the alloy at Ta, it decomposes into a mixture of ―𝛼‖ of composition Xm
and ―𝛽‖ of composition Xe. In this way the nucleus of the phase 𝛽 appears and grows by absorption of solute
from the matrix. Thus, the solute content of the matrix is depleted from Xm to Xe. This phase transformation is
known as precipitation.[28], and is described by the equation:𝛼(𝑋𝑚)→𝛼(𝑋𝑒)+ 𝛽(𝑋𝛽) (1)

2.2. The Process Evolution and Precipitates.

With aging, the alloys harden and strengthen due to the precipitation of intermediate phases that depend
on the process parameters, (especially: time and temperature), which leads to a condition of maximum aging or
peak aging, where the properties mechanics reach a maximum value; but if the aging continues, a condition of
excessive growth (overaging) is reached, where the mechanical properties decrease. Figure 1(b) shows the
evolution of the hardness and mechanical resistance of an aluminum alloy throughout the aging process[29,
30].If the overaging is carried out at a higher temperature, or for a longer time than that required to reach
maximum aging (i.e., that required for the critical dispersion of particles), what causes is an agglomeration of
precipitated particles, giving rise to a loss of hardness and resistance, as indicated in graph 1(b).

Figure 1. (A)Schematic phase diagram of the precipitation reaction [31] (B) Evolution of the hardness and
mechanical strength as a function of time and temperature treatment [29, 30].

2.3. Types and Characteristics of Precipitates in the Aged.

In age hardening, the properties of the alloy depend directly on the precipitates formed throughout the
grain. Thus, for example, it has been found that approximately 10 16 of these precipitates can be present in each
cm3 of an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy [32]. Depending on the elastic mismatch and the interfacial energy, the
precipitates can take different forms. For example, going from low interfacial energy and elastic deformation
(coherence) to high interfacial energy and large mismatch (incoherence), the shape of the precipitate progresses
through the following morphologies: cubic, disc, and needle [33]. Table 1 shows the typical precipitates of
aluminum alloys that are age hardening and Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of the stages of
formation of these precipitates in an Al-Cu alloy.

Table 1. Precipitates that form in aluminum alloys according to the series that are heat treatable by aging.

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Figure 2. Schematic representation of the stages of equilibrium (θ) phase precipitate formation. (a)
Supersaturated α solid solution, (b) Precipitated transition phase (θ´´), (c) Equilibrium phase (θ)[34].

2.4. Requirements for Precipitation Hardening.

 The basic requirement for precipitation hardening of an alloy system is to decrease the solubility limit
(solvus line) with decreasing temperature [35].
 The metastability of the supersaturated phase after quenching is the necessary condition for it to be
hardened in the subsequent aging process. This hypothesis is true, as long as the size and shape of the
precipitated particles maintain continuity with the crystalline structure and are also consistent with it.
Coherence is the concept that involves the continuity of the crystalline planes of the alloy matrix, even
harboring a nucleus of the phase precipitated by supersaturation. If the discontinuity of the crystalline
planes occurs in the environment of a precipitated particle that is incoherent, the precipitate will behave as
a subgrain within the monocrystal and its action will be as if it were an inclusion defect.
 A coherent precipitateis a precipitate whose crystal structure and atomic arrangement have a continuous
relationship with the matrix from which it was formed. The coherent precipitate provides excellent
disruption of the atomic arrangement in the matrix and excellent hardening. Therefore; Precipitation
hardening is produced by the effect of precipitated particles that coherently deform the crystalline
planes of the matrix in their surroundings.(See Fig. 3).On the other hand, the characteristic that
determines whether a precipitated phase is coherent or not is the coincidence or the degree of deregistration
between the atomic spaces in the matrix lattice and in the precipitate lattice.[36] To achieve hardening at
high temperatures of an aluminum alloy, it is necessary that the hardening phases (precipitates) must be
thermodynamically stable and resist thickening at the temperature of interest. This is obtained if the
hardening precipitates are coherent and coplanar with the matrix [37]. This correspondence implies that the
matrix-precipitate interface has a low energy with little tendency to thicken or coalesce.

Figure3. Precipitated particle. a) Coherent. b) Incoherent with the crystal structure of the matrix. The coherent
precipitate is associated with high strain energy and low surface energy, while the incoherent precipitate is
associated with low strain energy and high surface energy..

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

2.5. Mechanisms of Hardening in the Aged

Current research directs its studies to the atomic mechanisms that control the formation of precipitates,
so that, due to their size, shape and structure, they are effective in the restriction movement of dislocations at
room temperature and at high temperatures [11]. The type of hardening depends on the type of precipitate,
taking into account the size, shape, chemical composition and coherence, characteristics that change drastically
with aging time. For very strong impenetrable precipitates, the most common mechanism is the so-called
Orowan mechanism, which is outlined in Figure 4(A). Strong deviations are observed in the dislocation lines
that stop their movement and hardening occurs. The obstacle is strong enough for the dislocation to tilt
completely around it. The parts of the dislocation line contract until in (b) the dislocation has passed the
obstacles leaving dislocation loops around the particle [38].
It is worth mentioning the Frank-Read mechanism; which is justified as the cause of the hardening, due
to the greater difficulty imposed by the precipitates on the movement of the dislocations in the internal matrix
phase. For this case of precipitation, the impediment of the movement of the dislocations can only be caused by
the coherent precipitated particles. In Figure 4A line (a). indicates the interaction that a precipitate alignment
can have with a dislocation line. The existence of the precipitate coherent with its stress field around the particle
forces the dislocation to bend (lines b and c), with successive inflections. The strong bending of the dislocation
can go as far as joining the ends around the dislocation, as seen in (d), until its cancellation, leaving a dislocation
ring around the particle.
It is evident that the dislocation has required an increase in shear stress, τ, to cross the precipitate line. And that
the slip resistance is increased by the interaction of the dislocation rings that surround the particles. This is the
Frank-Read mechanism of particle bond hardening.
It Has been shown by dislocation theory that the increase in shear stress Δτ to cross the row of separated
precipitates d and volumetric fraction f, fulfills the relationship given in equation (2).

Δτ = K1g f1/2 /r. ln KI. r/f1/2 (2)

Where: K1g and Kl are characteristic constants of the crystal.

Therefore: The coherent precipitate increases the shear stress required for sliding dislocations, traverse the rings
justified by Frank-Read, according equation (2).

(A) (B)

Figure4.Hardening mechanisms: (A) Orowan mechanism [38].; (B) Frank-Read mechanism

III. Precipitation Sequences in Aluminum Alloys.

Age-hardening aluminum alloys are characterized by very complex precipitation sequences that include
several metastable phases. During sequences, several of these phases appear sequentially. On the other hand, the
way in which these phases nucleate in the presence of the preceding phase is complicated. For example, in Al-
Zn-Mg alloys, the presence of GP zones promotes the nucleation of 𝜂´, while in Al-Mg-Si alloys, the presence
of GP zones or groups of solutes inhibits the precipitation of β´´. The most common technique for studying these
precipitation sequences is differential scanning calorimetry, which measures the heat exchange between a
sample and its surroundings during a thermal sequence. [39]. Generally, the aging of aluminum alloys includes
four stages, namely: [40].

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

 Formation of groups of atoms;

• formation of Guinier-Preston (GP) zones;
• formation/growth of metastable phases;
• formation/coarsing of equilibrium phase.

For example, (Chen et al., 2009) [41], revealed the precipitation sequence in the aging of aluminum
alloy 7055 shown in figures 5 and 6. It is obvious that in solid solution there are no precipitates. After aging for
5 min, nanometer-scale particles are observed within the grains, as shown in Figure 5(b). Selected Area Electron
Diffraction (SAED) patterns indicate that the particles at this stage are primarily GP zones. After aging for 30
minutes, the GP zones increase in size and some of them transform into the η′ phase, as suggested by figures
5(c) and 6(a). After aging for 5 h, most of the precipitates observed in Fig. 5(d) are still the η′ phase, as
suggested by the SAED pattern in Fig. 6(b). The η′ phase particles at this stage are much larger than those
observed in the earlier stages and most of them have lost coherence with the Al matrix. After aging for 44 h,
most of the η′ phase it transforms into coarse incoherent particles of the η-phase at equilibrium, as shown in
Figs. 5(e), 6(c). For the exposed; 7055 aluminum alloy aged at 160°C exhibits the typical sequence:

SSSS → GP → η′ → η. (3)

This sequence of phase transitions may vary slightly as the composition or aging process changes.

Figure. 5. TEM bright-fi eld images of precipitates in an AA7055 Al alloy aged at 160°C for different times: (a)
solid solution treated; (b) aged for 5 min; (c) aged for 30 min; (d) aged for 5 h; (e) aged for 48 h. [40]

Figure.6, SAED patterns of AA7055 Al alloy aged at 160°C for different times: (a) 30 min <001> (b)5 h <001>
(c) 48 h <001>. [40]

3.1. Precipitation in Aging Multicomponent Alloys.

The term "precipitation sequence" is based on the principle, for a given composition, the phase diagram
predicts a stable phase that represents the end point of the reaction. The succession of these metastable phases,
with the progressive loss of coherence, is usually called "precipitation sequence". In aluminum alloys, this
sequence is sometimes unique to a given alloy system/family. [42].However, the word "sequence" is misleading
because implies a fixed succession of reactions. More precisely it is to imagine a possible phase space in which
the system chooses a "precipitation trajectory" depending on the conditions: composition, temperature history,
mechanical processing and others. This is particularly true in complex multicomponent alloys, where the
trajectories may choose to shorten some of the metastable phases or apparently jump from one precipitation
sequence to another. Thus, for the Al-Cu-(Mg) system, it is proposed that the prototype precipitation sequence
be: (4)
SSSS → GP zones →θ´´→θ´→θ (Al2Cu).
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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

In this system, the GP zones are discs in the {100} planes, the precipitates θ´´ are coherent plates in the {100}
planes where θ´ is semi-coherent and θ is incoherent with the aluminum solid solution. This alloy system is the
basis for the 2xxx series family of alloys, which contain Cu and Mg [42]. In Fig.7, TEM image of the AA2196
alloy (high Li) is observed, after aging heat treatment (16 h at 155 °C). The diffraction patterns report that the
microstructure of precipitates consists of a mixture of δ (Al3Li), θ (Al2Cu) and T1 (Al2CuLi), as can be seen in
Fig. 2a and 2b.Another case of precipitation sequence is found in the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy which, according to
references [44–46], has been reported as follows:
(SSSS) → Guinier-Preston (GP) zones → η′ → η (5)

GP zones usually form during natural aging and the early stage of artificial aging. Berg et al. [47] characterized
the structure of two types of GP zones (GP-Ⅰ and GP-Ⅱ zones). GP-Ⅰ zones are fully consistent with the Al
matrix and form over a wide temperature range: from room temperature to 141–151 °C. The GP-Ⅱ zones are
considered layers rich in Zinc, according to the {111}Al planes and are formed by aging at temperatures above
71°C. It is generally believed that the GP-Ⅰ and GP-Ⅱ zones should be the precursors of the η′ precipitates.
However, early-stage precipitation remains controversial. Sha et al. [48] and Chen et al. [49] proposed that the
transformation of small GP-Ⅰ zones into η′ is the dominant mechanism.

Figure7. (a) and (b) Darkfield TEM images of the AA2196 alloy after aging, viewed along a matrix zone axis of

For the formation of precipitate η′. On the contrary, some investigations affirmed that the GP-Ⅱ zones are the
main particles, as nucleation sites for metastable η' precipitates. [46, 47, 50].

IV. Aluminum alloys hardened by Aging

4.1. Serie 6xxx (Al-Mg-Si)

4.1.1. Series 6xxxSolubilized.

In the 6xxx series the homogenization (solubilized) has three main purposes: 1) To reduce the
microsegregation of the alloying elements, with the aim of dissolving the coarse primary Mg2Si precipitates
formed at the grain boundaries in the molten state; therefore, Mg and Si are evenly distributed, which is
essential for subsequent artificial aging. [51,52]. 2) Secondly, the intermetallic compounds: β-Al5FeSi, which
appear as needles in the microstructure, must be transformed into multiple precipitates: α-Al12(Fe, Mn, Cr)3Si,
which appear in a more rounded shape with a variable stoichiometry [53].3) The third purpose is to allow the
formation of nanoscale dispersoids [54] that have a decisive influence; thus, they can suppress the formation of
coarse grains [55]. Dispersoids are particles whose size <1µm, and are incoherent precipitates that form during
heat treatment up to solubilized temperature, whichare favorable only at nanometer scales.
The process of dissolution and phase formation that takes place depends on the composition of the
alloy and is quite complex. Lodgarard et al. [54] found that during heating to the homogenization temperature,
β′ precipitates nucleate homogeneously with subsequent growth, coarsening, and partial dissolution over a
temperature range of approximately 100–350 °C. Upon reaching ~350 °C, intermediate u-phase precipitates
form as the β′-precipitates dissolve. In this u phase, the dispersoids prefer to nucleate [54]. In parallel, the
transformation of β-Al5FeSi into α-Al12(Fe, Mn, Cr)3Si begins. Mn has been found to have the greatest influence
on the β → α phase transformation during homogenization [53, 56, 57].
For the 6xxx series alloys, the homogenization temperatures are between 450 - 580 °C with different retention
times [58]. As the alloy cools from the homogenization temperature, Mg-Si precipitates form in dispersoids,

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

where sub-grain boundaries and dislocations act as heterogeneous nucleation sites [59]. Therefore, the amount
and size distribution of Mg-Si precipitates also depends on the number density of the dispersoids [60]. In Figure
8, the microstructure of the precipitates of an aluminum alloy AA6082 can be observed, identifying its
composition, morphology and size. [61].

Figure8.BSE micrographs of AA 6082 aluminum samples; (a) as-cast microstructure showing the precipitates;
(b) Microstructure homogenized at 540 °C for 4 h. Identification of the precipitated phases and the dispersoid
zone. [61]

IV.1.2. Aged 6xxx series.

After giving enough time to the homogenate, a quenching is done at room temperature. Rapid cooling
prevents the alloying elements from precipitating out, and also results in the formation of vacancies and solutes
in the Al matrix. Then the solid solution becomes supersaturated (SSSS); that is, it is a supersaturated solid
solution of magnesium, silicon and other elements in aluminum that forms at room temperature; but in a very
unstable state. For precipitation hardening, vacancies are required to form the precipitates; therefore, the solid
solution (SSSS) obtained after solubilization is a good option, since it gives rise to the formation of a large
number of vacancies. The presence of vacancies increases diffusion and results in the formation of thickened
solute clusters [62, 63] and dislocation loops [64-66].
During aging in these alloys; the Si forms initial groups, attracting slower Mg atoms, which causes co-
groups to form, which then grow to become Guinier-Preston (GP) zones [62]. The GP zones are groupings of
atoms in an orderly manner within the aluminum matrix that considerably strengthen the aluminum. GP zones
(called clusters) are believed to be spherical in shape with an uncertain structure. The precipitation sequence in
undeformed Al-Mg-Si alloys is as follows [67, 68]. The stoichiometric composition of this sequence of
precipitates can be seen in table 2.

(SSSS) → atomicclusters → G-P zones (pre β˝) →β˝ → β´/ U1/ U2 /B → β, Si (estable). (6)
Table 2: Overview of precipitate phases in the Al-Mg-Si system Ref.[69]

Aging beyond maximum hardness is known as over-aging. In Al-Mg-Si alloys, it results in the
transformation of β˝ into a series of metastable phases such as β´, B´, U1, U2. The β´ precipitates that grow from
the β˝ category have a negligible contribution to the strengthening of the alloy; despite being thermally more
stable and thicker than β˝ with a length of ~500 nm [67]. The hexagonal β´ structure also grows along one of the
<100> directions of the Al matrix [70, 71]. Subsequently, the β and Si phases are obtained in stable equilibrium,

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

after a sufficient aging time. The β phase is the intermetallic compound: Mg2Si, that is presented in the form of
platelets or in the form of cube and grows from the phasesβ´.

Figure9. Representative bright field TEM micrographs of 6063 alloy corresponds to 3 puntos de las zonas (a)
underaged (100°C, 8 h), (b) peak-aged (175°C, 8 h) and (c) overaged (523 K, 8 h) Ref. [72]

These phases, due to their large size, do not contribute to the hardening or mechanical properties of the alloy.
Figure 9 shows morphology corresponding to the three stages of aging.
In Al-Mg-Si alloys, the precipitation is complex and is influenced by the chemical composition and the
thermomechanical treatment. The structures are modified by small additions of different elements added to the
ternary structure generating another precipitation sequence. All the precipitates found under these conditions are
structurally connected with the Si lattice, except for the main hardening phase that exhibits a partially
discontinuous Si lattice. The added elements can be: (Li, Cu, Zn, Ge, Ag, Ni, Co and Au). If you add small
percentages or traces of Cu to the Al-Mg-Si system, the maximum hardness increases, which correlates with the
increase in the number density and volume fraction of the precipitates. The addition of Cu (0.4 wt%) alters the
precipitation sequence of the Al-Mg-Si system as follows[73, 74]:

(SSSS) → atomic clusters → G-P zones → β´´+ L + C + Q + QP + QC → β´ + Q´ → Q (7)

The stoichiometric composition of the precipitates of the previous sequence is shown in Table 3. This redistribution
of solute suppresses the formation of β” and forms different types of precipitates, L, C, QP and QC in maximum aging
conditions, and Q ' in over aging condition. These precipitates are less consistent than β” but can simultaneously be
observed under certain chemical compositions and aging conditions. The L phase has a ribbon morphology and is a
disordered structure [74],showing compositional variations. It has been shown that the L-phase has good thermal
stability, and a correspondingly slower over aging. Furthermore, the L phase is formed in Mg-rich alloys
containing Cu with high Mg/Si ratios (>2) [75].Phase C has a plate-like morphology with a monoclinic unit
cell.[76] Both the L and C phases are elongated along <001>Al and have ahabitual plane <100>Al and are
believed to be precursors to the Q' phase. It has been stated that the QP and QC phases are hexagonal and
structurally connected to the Q' phase.[77] The QP phase is believed to be ~0.4 nm and the QC ~0.7 nm [91].

Table 3. Precipitate phases encountered in Cu containing Al–Mg–Si alloys. [78]

IV.2. Serie 7xxx (Al-Zn-Mg (Cu))

The 7xxx series alloys contain two families, the Cu-free Al-Zn-Mg alloys and the Cu-containing Al-Zn-Mg-Cu
alloys. This last family is the one that provides the strongest hardening of all families of aluminum alloys. 𝜂´
precipitates rich in Mg and Zn provide maximum hardening, and higher strength can be achieved by maximizing
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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

the volume fraction of these precipitates [79]. It has been shown that in the cooled state there is an excess of Mg,
Zn and Cu at the grain boundaries by a factor of about 2-3 [80]. The precipitates that form are not stoichiometric
compounds, but contain Al, Mg, Zn and Cu.[80]. The precipitates also have a regular layered structure [81].
Only with excessive over aging the precipitates become enriched in Cu [82].

IV.2.1. Serie 7xxx: Solubilized and quenching.

Regarding the solubilization and homogenization of the aluminum alloys 7XXX series, information is
still lacking. Most research has focused on qualitative studies of microstructural evolution and phase
transformations during homogenization[83]. A.R. Eivani et al., [83], carried out a study on the evolution of the
phases in the homogenization treatment of the AA7020 alloy. The treatments were isothermal and were carried
out at 390 °C, 430 °C, 470 °C, 510 °C and °550 C for 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 hours. At 470 °C, the volume
fraction was almost constant, while at 510 °C and 550 °C decreased. Figure 10 shows images of the dominant
phases that formed during homogenization at low temperature of 390 °C.The morphology of these precipitates is
round and needle-shaped. The formation of these precipitates is attributed to the supersaturation of the structure
with alloying elements, due to microsegregation during solidification with high cooling rates applied during
casting. It was also found that, after homogenization at a high temperature, 550 °C, some of the particles did not
dissolve in the structure, because they were retained at the GB grain boundaries. It is concluded that at low
homogenization temperatures there is an increase in the fraction of precipitated particles of MgZn 2 (𝜂) and
Mg2Si (β). However, at high temperatures, the precipitates 𝜂 and β not form.

Figure 10.(a) Image FEG-SEM of homogenized AA720 aluminum at 390 °C, and (b) round, needle-shaped
MgZn2 (𝜂) and Mg2Si (β) particles together with large Al-Fe-Si particles [83]-

Regarding the quenching of 7XXX alloys, it has been reported when the quenching time is long or the
quenching speed is slow, 𝜂 phase easily precipitated at the grain boundaries of these alloys; effect that is
harmful to the hardening of the alloy and promotes a high sensitivity to intergranular corrosion [84]. Therefore,
the quenching time must be strictly controlled and the temperature does not must fall in the range of quenching
sensitivity of the alloy [84-86]. Figure 11 shows the precipitation of the 𝜂 phase at the grain boundaries,
showing that the more time is spent in the cooling rate, the more 𝜂 phase content precipitates at the grain

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

Figure 11. TEM images showing grain and sub-grain boundary precipitates in 7050-T6 alloys treated with different transfer
times (a,b) 2 s, (c,d) 45 s, (e,f) 120 s. [87].

4.2.2. Aged 7xxx serie.

The hardening and mechanical resistance of 7xxx series aluminum alloys is determined, mainly by the
precipitation of the matrix and the evolution of the microstructure according to the precipitates during the
natural or artificial aging treatment, after the solution treatment at 460- 490 °C and cooling with water. [88]. The
general sequence of precipitation in the 7xxx series aluminum alloy [89] is:

(SSS)→ zonas G.P.→metastable phase𝜂´ →equilibrium phase (phase 𝜂) (8)

The main strengthening phase is the 𝜂´´ phase. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that this treatment is capable
of modifying the size, volumetric fraction and distribution of the precipitates[90- 96].
If the particular case of the precipitation sequence of the 7A85 alloy is examined, it can be generalized that for
the Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy the precipitation sequence is that shown previously [97–99]. Berg et al. [100]
characterized the structure into two types of GP zones (GP-Ⅰ and GP-Ⅱ zones). GP-Ⅰ zones are fully consistent
with the Al matrix and form over a wide temperature range, from room temperature to (141–151) °C. The GP-Ⅱ
zones are considered zinc-rich layers in the {111}Al planes and are formed by aging at temperatures above
71°C. It is generally believed that the GP-Ⅰ and GP-Ⅱ zones should be the precursors of the η′ precipitates.
However, early-stage precipitation remains controversial. Sha et al. [101] and Chen et al. [102] proposed that
the transformation of small GP-Ⅰ zones into η′ is the dominant mechanism for the formation of η′ precipitate.
On the contrary, some investigations stated that GP-Ⅱ zones are the main particles as nucleation sites for
metastable η' precipitates [99, 100, 103].
Images of the 7A85 [104] alloy sample aged at 161°C for 1 h are presented in Figure 12. As seen in Figure
12(a), the distribution of precipitates is presented in the ( BF) image. From the insert graphs it can be known that
the width of most of the precipitates is between 3nm - 6nm and the average size is 4.79nm. These precipitates
were observed in detail in Figure 12(b) in different areas (C, D, E) and the corresponding diffraction patterns
were obtained (Fig. 2(c-e)). Showing that the area represents the Al matrix. That there is a round shaped
precipitate in zone D. The corresponding diffraction pattern shows a continuous line along the <111>Al
direction. The image and diffraction pattern corresponding to zone D is sufficient to confirm that the
precipitates are GP-Ⅱ zones[105, 106, 107].
The stable precipitate 𝜂 has a hexagonal lattice with a= 0.521 nm and c = 0.860 nm and a chemical composition
of MgZn2. The metastable 𝜂´ and GP zones are believed to be responsible for the maximum hardening effect of
these alloys. Crystal structure models for the metastable 𝜂´ phase have been proposed [108 - 110].

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Figure12. Aluminum sample 7A85 aged at 164°C for 1 h. (a) BF image taken in the [110]Al direction; (b)
HRTEM image obtained along the axis of the [110]Al zone in the Al matrix of the sample; (c-e) diffraction
patterns obtained from three different areas shown in (b). [104]

A hexagonal cell structure for 𝜂´ with: a= 0.496 nm and c = 1.402 nm has been commonly accepted, but there is
still controversy about its stoichiometry.[11,112]. Two types of GP zones have been reported in ternary Al
alloys, but our understanding of their structures and chemistry remains limited.[113]. Gang Sha et al., [114]
conducted a study on the characterization of precipitates in artificial aging applied to alloy 7050. They found
that early-stage precipitates present after a stabilization aging treatment at 121 °C for 4 h have a crystallographic
structure similar to 𝜂´, but probably rich in defects. After the T6 treatment, with double aging at 121 °C for 24 h
followed by 12 h at 154 °C, the 𝜂 and 𝜂´ phases coexist within the Al matrix. Figure 1 shows that for this
material that contains traces of Si, Zr and Fe; after doing a statistical analysis; it was observed that the
precipitates in Figure 1(b) have a wide size range: from 3 to 15 nm. They are small, thin, elongated precipitates
~3 nm long and 1–2 nm thick, randomly distributed. The analysis of the diffraction pattern indicated the
coexistence of the two types of precipitates 𝜂 and 𝜂´.

IV.3. Serie 2xxx (Al-Cu-Mg)

4.3.1. Serie 2xxx: Solubilized and Quenching.

Heat treatment of aluminum alloys includes (in sequence): solution treatment, quenching, and ageing. However,
non-homogeneous conditions in the first two processes affect precipitation behaviors during aging [115, 116]. A
low cooling rate during quenching leads to precipitation, and a decrease in the solid solubility of Cu in 2xxx
alloys [117]. The study [118] done on the Al-Cu-Li alloy reveals that a non-homogeneous distribution of the
chemical composition results in the formation of different phases and a non-uniform influence on corrosion.
Furthermore, studies [119-121] indicate that a low cooling rate leads to the formation and coarsening of cooled
precipitates and decreases the corrosion properties of Al-Cu-Mg alloy and the yield strength of Al-Cu-Mg alloy.
Cu-Cd. Therefore, the precipitation behaviors of Al-Cu alloys are affected; both by the segregation that occurs
during solubilization and

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

(A) (B)

Figure 13. Images TEM :(A)After the stabilization treatment, Al3Zr precipitates in the Al matrix. (B) TEM image of a
sample aged up to T6 observed in the axis of the <111> zone c); Selected-area diffraction patterns of the alloy under
stabilization treatment: (a) [110]; (b) [121]; (c) [111]; (d) [111] SAD from 𝜂 particles on grain boundary. Diffraction pattern
of selected areas. [114]

by the rate of cooling during quenching. Al-Cu alloys are usually solution treated in the solvus and eutectic
temperature range [122]. Figure 13 shows the microstructure of the AA7050 alloy after solution stabilization.

4.3.2. Artificial Aging.

For this series of aluminum alloys, the precipitation sequence is very diverse and includes many factors. The
predominant factor is the Cu/Mg ratio. Several experimented cases are presented: In the Al-Cu-Mg alloy
AA2519 with a Cu/Mg rate (≥ 5.6) it presents the following sequence of precipitation from the solubilized solid
solution (SSSS): [123,124] in the following way:

SSSS →GP zones (Al3Cu) → θ´´(Al3Cu) →θ´ (Al2Cu) → θ (Al2Cu) (9)

With this precipitation, the increase in mechanical resistance and ductility is achieved; effect that could be
partially attributed to the decrease in the volume fractions of the primary phase (θ) formed during solidification,
since the Cu content in the AA2519 alloy is close to the solubility limit of this element in the matrix and also to
the positive effect of Mg on the precipitation structure. However, despite numerous research works [126-132],
the precipitation behavior of the AA2519 alloy remains poorly understood.Figure 14(b) shows the inclusion of
the Ω phase, with a longer aging time. Only under certain circumstances, this Ω(Al 2Cu) phase can appear in the
second precipitation sequence [124, 126, 133]. This phase is totally coherent with the Al matrix, forming thin
hexagonal plates in the {111}α planes [124, 134]. The Ω phase is assumed to be the most effective reinforcing
phase in Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloys [135]. The Ω phase has an orthorhombic lattice (a = 0.496 nm, b = 0.859 nm, c =
0.848 nm) [124, 133] with very small differences in atomic coordinates from the equilibrium θ phase. The Ω
phase is a variant of the equilibrium phase θ (Al2Cu) and its nucleation mechanism occurs on a group of atoms
(called clusters) rich in magnesium. The role ofmagnesium on the structural evolution of this phase has not been
clearly understood, but it is believed to be an essential component for the formation of the Ω phase [136].

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A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys

Figure14.BF-TEM micrographs of aluminum alloy AA2519. SAED patterns recorded on artificially aged
samples are shown: (a, b) 0.5 h at 190 °C; (c, d) 3h, 190°C. Blue, green and red arrows indicate phase plates
θ´´ - θ´ - Ω respectively [125]

In Al-Cu-Mg AA2618 alloy with a Cu/Mg ratio = 2.2, presents the following conventional generalized
precipitation sequence, starting from solubilized solution (SSSS): [137 ,138]
SSSS → Zones → S´´ → S´ → S (10)

The zones, which are matrix-coherent and enriched with copper and magnesium, were named Guinier-Preston-
Bagaryatsky (GPB) zones by Silcock.[139] The ternary S phase (Al2CuMg) is the equilibrium intermetallic
phase, which has an orthorhombic structure with lattice parameters: a = 0.400 nm, b = 0.923 nm, c = 0.714
nm.[140]. The two intermediate phases, S´´ and S´, are considered to have a slightly distorted S structure with
different degrees of coherence with the Al matrix. [137, 138]The S´ phase precipitates with orientation
relationships [100]S´//[100]α [010]S´//[021]α, and [001]S´//[012]α. [137]. Silcock, however, found no evidence
of an S''-like phase in Al-Cu-Mg alloys.[139]; Instead, an intermediate phase between the GPB zones and the S´
phase was identified in the precipitation sequence. This phase, called GPB2 zones, can be developed in situ
from the GPB zones. Subsequently, Charai et al.[141] identified the S´´ phase in an Al-0.9% Cu-1.4% Mg (w%)
alloy by high resolution microscopy (HREM), while the GPB2 zones were identified in different Al-Cu-Mg
alloys.[142, 143]. Shih et al.[144] and Wang et al.[145] designated GPB2/S´´ as the intermediate phase between
GPB and S´. According to the experimental studies of H. Lu et al, [146], the structural changes during the
artificial aging of the Al-Cu-Mg alloy (AA2618) with Cu/Mg rate = 2.2 were better defined according to the
following sequence:
SSSS → clústers + GPB → GPB + GPB2 → GPB2 + S´ → S´ + S → S. (11)
Where: [(GPB)= Guinier–Preston–Bagaryatsky zones]

Figure 15(a) shows a -BFI TEM of an aging peak of alloy AA2618 (20 h, 200 °C). The diffraction pattern
confirms the existence of precipitate S'. Figure 15(b) shows the same overaged alloy (80h, 200°C) where the
precipitate S' disappears and gives rise to the stable phase S.
With the background shown, it is observed that the sequence of precipitates not only depends on the chemical
composition of the alloy but also on other aging parameters.

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(a) (b)

Figure 15. TEM micrographs of the AA2618 alloy: (a) aged (20 h -200C). Its diffraction (SADP) taken near the
[100]α axis is observed. Sheet-like precipitates were identified as the S' phase. (b) Image taken for an overaged
sample, (80 h - 200 °C), the SADP located near the [001]α axis. The existence of the S phase was
identifiedmoreover of the Al matrix [146]

4.4.4. GP and GPB Zones

GP zones are coherent groups rich in solutes. They have the same crystal structure and lattice orientation as the
matrix phase. Generally, the GP zones are not the equilibrium phase. GP zones are best known for their
appearance in cubic fcc lattices, they also appear in (bcc) arrays; For example, Fe-based aluminum alloys [147]
The formation of GP and GPB zones in Al-Cu-Mg alloys proceeds rapidly at room temperature immediately
after quenching. This evolution of the structure is well known for GP zones but not for GPB zones. The
formation of both zones, arefound in the α-θ (GP) and α-S (GPB) phase fields, respectively. However, these
zones that form so easily at room temperature are unstable upon aging at higher temperatures,in either θ phase
or S phase [148].
The sequence and structures of the precipitates that evolve in α-θ alloys, α→GP→θ″→θ′→θ, (where θ ≡Al2Cu),
are now undisputed [149]. However, the same does not happen with α-S alloys that have an α→GPB→S
evolution sequence, where the analogue of the (GP) zones are the Guinier-Preston-Bagaryatsky (GPB) zones
and S ≡Al2CuMg. These GPB zones have a recently described structure with some precision.[150, 151]. Its
morphology is rod or needle-shaped, but observed only after alloy treatment at temperatures > 180°C. However,
in some cases of natural aging, very soon after saturated solution quenching (STQ), GPB zones have also been
observed [152]. Figure 16(a) illustrates a photomicrograph of the GP zone and Figure 16(b) shows the distortion
of the lattice. Figure 17 shows an imagen TEM whereis observed GPB zone in aged alloy sample.

(a) (b)

Figure 16.(a)TEM micrograph of an Al-4.4% Ag alloy thin film, quenched with water at 525 °C and aged for 5 days at 160
°C, showing 85 Å diameter spherical GP zones; (b) Elastic distortion associated with the GP zone[153]

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Figure 17. Typical features of the microstructure after 96 h aging at 180 C. (a) Agglomerates of S-phase particles that
nucleated in dislocation loops; (b) small needle-shaped particles (GPB zones) [157]

According to Bagaryatsky, [154, 155], in Al-Cu-Mg alloys, the first phase to form (now called Guinier-
Preston-Bagaryatsky (GPB) zones) has an atomic arrangement, in which Cu and Mg populate the plane of the
matrix {100}Al, in a similar way to stable S phase that form in plane {100}S. Silcock [156] has provided a
different interpretation for GPB zones. GPB zones were predicted to be rod-shaped particles, 1 - 2 nm in
diameter and 4 - 8 nm in length. It was proposed that GPB zones can be interpreted as having a tetragonal lattice
with parameters a = 0.55 nm, c = 0.404 nm [156]. GPB zones [155] were found to form only with high-
temperature aging [156]. The structure of GPB [155] was proposed to be related to the cubic phase Mg2Al5Cu5.
Figure 1(a) shows the S phase that results from aging at 180°C for 96 h. In Fig. 1(B) needle-shaped particles
(GPB zones) are observed.

IV. Conclusion
Precipitation hardening is produced by the effect of precipitated particles, as long as they are coherent and
coplanar with the matrix. These precipitates deform the crystalline planes of the matrix in their surroundings and
produce hardening.
The “precipitation sequence”. in aluminum alloys, are sometimes reported as fixed for a given alloy system.
More precisely it is to imagine that the system chooses a "precipitation trajectory" depending on the conditions:
composition, temperature history, mechanical processing history and so on, as is the case of the Al-Mg-Si and
Al-Cu-Mg sequences shown below.

(SSSS) → clusters → GP zones (pre β˝) →β˝ → β´/ U1/ U2 /B → β, Si (stable).

(SSSS) → clústers + GPB → GPB + GPB2 → GPB2 + S´ → S´ + S → S

Despite numerous research papers; the precipitation behavior of certain alloys remains poorly understood. The
same happens with many precipitated phases that are not yet defined, such as the Ω phase, which is said to be a
variant of the equilibrium phase θ (Al2Cu) and its nucleation occurs on a group of atoms (called clusters) rich in
magnesium. The role of magnesium on the structural evolution of this Ω phase has not been clearly understood
to date.
Respect for the GP and GPB zones. First, they form in almost all precipitation sequences of age-hardenable
aluminum alloys. But; although, the GP zone is well defined for all sequences of precipitates in heat treatable
alloys; the GPB zone appears only in certain sequences, and in some of them it gives rise the formation of a
second GPB2 zone. There is still controversy among researchers regarding the stoichiometry and requirements
for the formation of the GPB and GPB2 zonesin the precipitate evolution sequence during the aging of
aluminum alloys.

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Víctor M. Alcántara Alza. ―A Critical Review of Age Treatment Hardening Mechanisms in

Aluminum Alloys‖. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 19(6),
2022, pp. 32-51.

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