Test Cases For AI Implemented ATM Booth - Edited
Test Cases For AI Implemented ATM Booth - Edited
Test Cases For AI Implemented ATM Booth - Edited
Test Case Name: Verification of ATM users using the biometric method
System: AI implemented ATM Booth
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Short Description: Testing ATM service using Biometric verification of user
Subsystems: Iris scanner, face recognition, fingerprint scanner, PIN
The system has already stored individual users Iris data who has a bank account to determine if the
user is valid or not. A valid user can access the ATM booth, and the system will make sure the user is
not wearing any mask by checking the face recognition feature using the camera in front of the ATM
booth to prevent theft. The user has placed a fingerprint by placing his hand onto the fingerprint
scanner. After successful verification, the system will display the main menu.
TC_02 Test the Iris scanner An invalid or ATM booth door
system for invalid unauthorized will not be open
cases i.e., the person person or the for an
who is not authorized person using invalid/unauthori
or the authorized different eye zed person as the
person use different placed their Iris verification
eye which has not eyes into the failed.
gained access can’t camera
enter to the ATM position for
booth. checking.
TC_03 Test the performance Users should As Iris is unique
by checking the time place their eyes and it should
taken to allow an on the camera. take a few
authorized user and seconds to report
to reject an if the user is
unauthorized user. valid or not
TC_04 Test the tolerance An authorized ATM booth door
level of the system by user can wear will be open for
keeping the glasses or can this authorized
authorized Iris in a use lenses into person though
different form. their eyes. they wear
glasses or lens.
TC_05 Test accuracy rate by Test for 100 To get the ratio
testing for 100 users users to get the of authorized
to calculate the authorized and and unauthorized
percentage of false unauthorized attempts to the
recognition like how access lists. booth to find out
many unauthorized and prevent theft
persons are not attempts.
allowed to entry note
that an unauthorized
person is more
dangerous who can
attempt to theft.
TC_06 Test the overriding The authorized An authorized
features for an person tries to person can't get
authorized person if access the access to the
the system disallows ATM booth ATM booth and
the person. after iris disallowed by
verification. the system, and
the alternative
method will take
place like OTP
TC_07 Test the time of the The user is Time is recorded
entry of the user we validated and and saved into
recorded into the entered the the database
system after been ATM booth. after successful
authorized. verification and
entrance of the
ATM booth.
TC_08 Test that proper Users can't be Access denied
message has been validated. message will be
shown after the user shown for an
is not allowed to unauthorized
enter into the ATM person.
booth after been
unauthorized and
entry is not open.
TC_09 Test the authorized After the user A hidden camera
user’s face is clearly is entered to will capture the
visible. the ATM authorized user's
booth’s hidden face, and if there
camera will is no mask on
capture and the user's face,
recognize the then the buzzer
face of the will not alarm.
valid user.
TC_10 Test the authorized After the user The camera
user’s face is masked. is entered to could not capture
the ATM the authorized
booth’s hidden user's face as
camera will try he/she is
to capture and masked, and the
recognize the buzzer will make
face of the an alarm, and the
valid user. door will be
closed, and a
message will be
sent to the
nearest bank.
TC_11 Test the fingerprint User has to put The fingerprint
system for their finger in a is verified, and
transactions. A fingerprint the main menu is
person who is scanner to displayed on the
authorized can make verify. screen.
a transaction after
verification of their
finger recognition.
TC_12 Test the fingerprint User has to put The fingerprint
system for their finger in a could not be
unauthorized users. fingerprint verified; hence,
scanner to the main menu is
verify. not displayed,
and the user can't
make a
TC_13 Test the overriding User has to put An authorized
features for an their finger in a person can't
authorized person if fingerprint verify by
the person is failed to scanner to fingerprint and
verify fingerprint verify. rejected by the
authentication. system after 3
attempts then a
PIN option will
be displayed on
the screen only
TC_13 Test the tolerance Keep the finger The system can
level of the system by in different verify the user in
keeping the forms like a different form
authorized person’s dipped in ink and take users to
finger in a different or any liquid or the main menu
form. solid particle. display.
TC_13 Test that no options The user's The main menu
to continue after 3 fingerprint is not displayed,
incorrect fingerprint verification and the user
attempts and failure failed, and the cannot proceed
of the PIN PIN is further.
verification. incorrect.
TC_13 Verify that the user is The user is Choose language
presented with verified and options are
options to choose the can proceed to showing in the
language for further the menu. display.
TC_14 Test that users can Users can click The screen
show their account on the account should display
type like saving, and can get the user's
current account, etc. their account account type like
type. savings, current,
TC_15 Test that the user is User clicks on The screen
allowed to get available should display
account details like balance to the user's current
available balance. check their account balance.
TC_16 Test that the user is The user Users can only
allowed to do only makes a withdraw once
one cash withdrawal withdrawal per fingerprint.
transaction per request to the
fingerprint. system.
TC_17 Test that the machine Users will be User will be
logs out of the user logged out logged out after
session immediately after money is he/she withdraws
after a successful dispatched money.
transaction. from the
TC_18 Test the cash The user After entering a
withdrawal entered the valid amount, the
functionality by correct amount transaction will
entering the correct to withdraw. be successful.
amount of money.
TC_19 Test the cash The user Cash will be
withdrawal entered the dispatched from
functionality by amount, which the ATM
entering an amount is less than the machine, and the
higher than the total actual balance. transaction will
available balance in be successful.
the account.
TC_20 Verify the user is The user A proper error
allowed to enter the entered the message should
amount again in case incorrect be displayed to
the amount entered is amount to the user.
not valid. A proper withdraw.
message should be
TC_21 Test that the ATM The user places ATM will take
successfully takes out the withdraw out the money.
the money. request to the
TC_22 Test that the ATM Users place the ATM takes out
machine takes out the balance the balance
balance printout after printout printout after the
the withdrawal. request to the withdrawal.
TC_23 Verify the different Electricity loss The transaction
combinations of in the middle will be canceled,
operation and check of the and no balance
if there will be an transaction or will be deducted
electricity loss in the network error. from the user's
middle of the account.
operation. If there is
an electricity loss in
the middle of the
transaction, then the
transaction should be
marked as null, and
the amount shouldn't
be disclosed to
TC_24 Test how much time After Users should be
the system takes to successful logged out
log out. transaction immediately
user will be after the
logged out. transaction.
TC_25 Verify the message User place for The screen will
when there is no the withdrawal display a
money in the ATM but there is no message when
money. there is no
money in this
After the successful validation and verification, a valid and registered user can withdraw money from
their available balance and also print the receipt of their transactions. Users will log out immediately
after successful transactions. The Customer's account balance has been debited the requested amount;
the transaction log shows an entry corresponding to the transaction.